MEDIA CONTENT 2020 - Innovation Sirasa Chalainanont A Dissertation Submitted in Partial WITH CROSS Philosophy (CommunicationArts and Innovation) Fulfillment of the Requirements fortheDegree of Nationalof Institute Development Administration OF MEANINGS OF THAI TELEVISION DRAMA NEW PARADIGM NARRATIVE AND CONSTRUCTION Doctor ofDoctor The Graduate School of Communication and Arts Management

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

CONSTRUCTION Committee Committee Committee Dean Major Advisor ChairpersonCommittee




Sirasa Chalainanont WITH CROSS ______/______/______Examining Committee Approved This Dissertation in Partial Submitted This Approved Committee Examining OF MEANINGS OF THAI TELEVISION DRAMA Ph.D.) (Wichian Lattipongpun, Ph.D.) Nedpogaeo, (Associate Asawin Professor Benjarongkij, Ph.D.) (Professor Yubol Biggins, (Associate Ousa Professor Ph.D.) Hinviman, (Associate Somsuk Professor

(Associate Professor Asawin Nedpogaeo, Ph.D.) Nedpogaeo, (Associate Asawin Professor The NEW PARADIGM NARRATIVE AND

The Graduate School of Communication and Arts Management

(Communication Arts and Innovation). (Communication Arts Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy the Degree of Doctor of of the for Fulfillment Requirements

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

iii mentioned -


theme is morality), point of view (the -

Philosophy (Communication Arts and (Communication Arts and Philosophy

g. One, the intertextuality between the Taiwanese ABSTRACT nts of view, and special symbols), including values NEW PARADIGM NARRATIVE PARADIGM AND NEW OF THAI MEANINGS CONSTRUCTIONOF CROSS DRAMAWITH TELEVISION CONTENT Sirasa Chalainanont Doctor of Innovation) 2020 girlfriend)). With regard to feminism, the dramas present lict (family conflict) are transferred via convention. Two, - eminism. In terms of authoritarianism, the dramas present the radical feminism through the wife. In terms of the perception and

intercultural communication, values, ideology, and construction of the on of the meanings of the “wife” of “Mia (Wife) 2018”. The research is depth interviews with the audience of “Mia (Wife) 2018.” -

The findings are the followin This research aims (1) to study the intertextuality between a Taiwanese television

social manner; that is, monogamy. The intertextuality also transfers the concepts of -

interpretation by the audience, they accept that values and ideology presented in the authoritarianism and f man’s power, represented by the husband’s influence on the female characters (wife, mistress, and colleague (his ex liberal feminism and the themes (the main theme is love, and the sub wife’s point of view), and conf both dramas communicate the values and ideology related to women and the family in a pro television drama “The Fierce Wife” and the Thai television drama “Mia (Wife) 2018” transfers all of the components of the new paradigm narrative (plot, theme, conflicts, characters, settings, dialogues, poi and ideology in all forms of convention, extension, reduction, and modification. Only qualitative, and the main methodologies are textual analysis of the dramas and in above (2) to study the meanings of the “wife” of the television drama called “Mia (Wife) 2018” through the components of the new paradigm narrative; and (3) to study the audience’s perception and interpretati Year drama called “The Fierce Wife” and a Thai television drama called “Mia (Wife) 2018”; Author Degree ABSTRACT DissertationTitle of

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In ys

iv re of ties with e entire burden design wife is independent who and pla - s that knowledge to their real life in the same way or better ways than

rast with the traditional archetype of a wife in Thai society, which values the roles same way as the wife presented in “Mia herself. (Wife) 2018” but also take good ca their husbands to earn a living. They also believe that husbands should help them with than leavingratherchores,doing household th and of childrencaretaking for their wives to bear. Meanwhile, the married) and single women believe that a wife should not only perform her audiences duties in the who are men (both single and the roles of wife and motherof wifethe roles perfectly while freely choosing her way of living. Audience members who are Thai wives in real life feel that wives in Thai society should be the same as the wife presented in “Mia (Wife) 2018” in terms of their roles and du regard to their families. However, at present, most of wives also work together with cont and duties of the wives in serving their family and being dependent on their husband, by a 2018” represents(Wife) in “Miathe wife drama are true in Thai society but they are not passive. The audience learns from the dramas and applie the wife in the drama. Three, the construction of the meanings of “wife” in “Mia (Wife) 2018” represents the wife in the digital era of 2018, which is different from the past.

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v .D., my

August 2020

Sirasa Chalainanont

dedicated to them.

oducers, directors, screenwriters, actors and actresses, a lot about aspects in narratives and the construction of e GSCM staff for their excellent support throughout my ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS thank my editors, Mr. Kent Dale Hamilton and Bruce Leeds, . In addition to my advisor and the dissertation examining committees, I This dissertation could not have been completed without the assistance of the Firstly, I would like to thank my parents for their love and support they have

ommittee chairperson, Associate Professor Ousa Biggins, Ph.D., and examining

studies.This dissertation could not have been be completed without them. two dramas allowed me to learn meanings; especially the meaning of wife. I also would like to thank all of the research participants who provided me with useful information and dedicated their time to interviewed be and all of th know personally. They are the pr and all persons related to the production teams of the highest “The quality Fierce Wife” dramas and named “Mia (Wife) 2018” which are the subjects of this study. These Management Innovation who have Secondly, provided I would like to me knowledge during Ph.D., and Miss Thanwadee Namsang who has helped me my some parts of the translation. studies. Apart from my parents and my teachers, I wish to thank some persons whom I do not committee members, Wichian Lattipongpun, Ph.D., and Associate Professor Somsuk Hinviman, Ph.D., for providing valuable guidance to which has helped me complete this dissertation would like to thank all of my teachers at Graduate School of Communication Arts and greatest advisor, who has always provided me valuable time to good all of the meetings advice and discussions with and me throughout the process has of dedicated his doing my dissertation. Moreover, I would like to c thank my dissertation examining given me throughout my life; especially regarding express education. my sincere appreciation I to Associate Professor also Asawin Nedpogaeo, Ph would like to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS following persons. Any value or benefits arising from it are

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v 1 1

vi ix

iii 51 54 58 63 11 12 12 13 13 15 16 16 27 29 39 42 45

Page viii






















Related Literature ope of Research

Theory of Social Construction of Reality of Theory of Construction Social Semiology CommunicationConcept of Intercultural Audience TV of Interactivity the Social and Decoding Network Concept of Wife the FeminismConcept of Contributions of the Research Contributions Operational Definitions FrameworkConceptual Concept of Intertextuality ParadigmNew Concept of Narrative Background and of Importance Problems Research Questions Research Objectives Sc

2.9 2.10 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.2 2.3 2.4 1.7 Dramaof Television 2.1 Concept 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.2


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73 73 75 79 80 80 82 82 vii

. 153 156 157 165 186 186 197 220 225 234 238 142

. .



...... 2018”


...... Mia (Wife) ...... “ ......

(Wife) 2018” (Wife)

the Taiwanese TV Drama Called the Taiwanese ......

...... 2018”


Drama Called Drama Called ......

Depth Interviews on the Perception and on the Perception and Interviews Depth “Wife” by the Audience of “Mia (Wife) of “Mia the Audience (Wife) “Wife” by - ......

...... 2018” ......

Mia (Wife) SCUSSION, SCUSSION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS “ ...... the Thai TV Thai TV the ......



Mia (Wife)Mia “ ......

of the Meanings of of the Meanings ......






depth Interviews - Drama Engagement of the Audience of “Mia Audience the Drama of Engagement In theObtained The Results from Interpretation 2018” Conclusion Discussion Recommendations the Thai TV Drama called Drama called the Thai TV the Narrative “Wife” through Meanings the of The Construction of in Components Analysis of the Narrative Components of Components Narrative Analysisthe of Wife” and “The Fierce

6.2 6.3 6.1 5.1 5.2 4.3 4.1 Wife” and “The Fierce Drama the TV Called between Taiwanese 4.2 Intertextuality 3.3 Audience Sampling 3.4 In Results 3.5 Presentationthe Research of 3.1 Sampling of the3.1 Sampling of TV Dramas Analysis3.2 Textual APPENDIX BIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY ......

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41 76


Page ......


2011) Mia 2018” (Wife) Mia 2018” (Wife) “ “

Fiske, Fiske, (

LIST OF TABLES and the Thai TV Drama and the Thai TV Drama and the Thai

FierceWife” FierceWife” Characteristics of Intertextuality between the Taiwanese TV Drama the TV “The between Taiwanese of Intertextuality Characteristics

Table 4.1 Characteristics of Intertextuality between the Taiwanese TV Drama the TV “The between Taiwanese ofTable Intertextuality 4.1 Characteristics Table 2.1 Encoding Levels in TV Dramas Levels in TV Table 2.1 Encoding Table 3.1

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21 31 74 83 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 10 15 18 19

124 125 126

... Page ......





...... 2018”

...... Bang Khunphrom


...... Broadcasted on Broadcasted on Channel ” Mia (Wife) “ ......

Mia (Wife) 2018” During 28 Episodes of (Wife) 28 Episodes Mia 2018” During ...... “ ......


Prachachonchaoflat LIST OF FIGURES “






...... en

- ......

Broadcasting PeriodBroadcasting Lan Tianwei Wife” and the Thai TV Drama Called Wife” Called and the Thai TV Drama Figure 4.10 Thada Figure 4.10 Kanya Figure 4.11 Figure 4.7 He Ailin Figure 4.7 Figure 4.8 Aruna Figure 4.9 Figure 4.3 Wen RuifanFigure 4.3 Li WeiFigure 4.4 Wen Ruixian Figure 4.5 Hao Kangde Figure 4.6 Figure 4.1 Advertisement Pictures of the Taiwanese TV drama Called “The Fierce drama Called “The the Pictures TV Advertisement of Taiwanese Figure 4.1 Xie Anzhen Figure 4.2 Figure 2.4 The Structure of TV Dramas of TV The Structure Figure 2.4 of and RatingsViewership Figure 3.1 Figure 2.1 The First TV Station in Thailand (Channel 4, Bang Khunphrom) (ChannelThailand Station 4, Bang The First in Figure TV 2.1 Channel 4, TV DramaBroadcastedSample Figure on of 2.2 ofAdvertisement Figure 2.3 Figure 1.1 Advertisement Picture of TV Drama CalledFierceWife” PictureAdvertisement of TV “The Figure 1.1 (Wife) Drama Called 2018” PictureAdvertisement of TV “Mia Figure 1.2 FrameworkConceptualFigure 1.3

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x 127 128 129 130 131 163 164








Engagement of the Audience Through Pantip’sEngagement the Audience Through of Thread Fan Page Figure 4.15 MuninFigure 4.15 Suchat Figure 4.16 Figure 5.1 Lakorn’s ONE Engagement Facebook of the AudienceThrough Figure 5.2 Figure 4.12 Wasin Figure4.12 ThareeFigure 4.13 Chatchai Figure 4.14

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of of digital

” Group M (2015) content “ . 5 GMM 25, , and

of Thai people can access the

times. Ratings for digital TV dramas to the audience’s real lives. However, 50%

resent, television dramas are not only

similar move to the new channels easily and they were INTRODUCTION

2 hours per day, on average, while use of social media million people use digital platforms and social media. -

. It was found that both increased. Time spent watching ular among audiences, so they try to update the contents of their . Highlighted content, like “drama”, can reach an audience of up to ves ves in that life and temporarily escape from their real lives while the 4 hours per day. The reasons were an increase in the - Digital Digital TV originated and expanded in 2014 and 201 Television dramas are popular among audience because they can entertain with with a variety of contents and different air penetration

million million people at the same time. At p 10 - is continually increasing because more than internet. Thirty to forty 5 broadcast through the main free TV channels, like Channel 3 and , but they are also broadcasted on digital TV channels, like ONE 31, others increased 3 TV and the audience could easily more widely distributed. TV is the media which has the highest audience reach, with 100% conducted a survey of the amount of time spent by Thai people watching television and using social media television increased by 1 and there are many platforms to present contents. Producers dramas definitely to be want pop their an audience. dramasto attract audiences and most of their contents are some of them are completely different from real life, but imagine themsel they make the audience audience watches them. Currently, the television drama industry is highly competitive Background and Importance of Problems and Importance Background


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2 while . . The udience udience

, , so the ”, with the

because because a

” media media usage - defines defines the meanings l important tools for the “old” medium, or

of screen “ media content. - on every

ne story, many channels) o displacement hypothesis ( (2016)

content means means one episode of the content is presented

” ommunication which can optimally satisfy a 1962) Filmnew . they like.

” tforms tforms are effective at creating viral marketing and Crossmedia “ McLuhan McLuhan ( of of the dramas cannot guarantee the popularity among audience

platform platform presentations are beneficial for TV stations to penetrate Transmedia - “ means means one story is retold through multiple media avenues, where it and

ne story world, many stories, many forms, many channels) ” ” online platforms and social media” are additiona o “ ( edia However, However, whether TV dramas are presented through television or other According According to In the age of digital convergence, many platforms are used to present content ularity of the content. Therefore, other platforms should be taken into Transmedia Crossm platforms, the quality by itself. The way the “content” is presented is the key. There are many dimensions to by the other media. They advantages of multi are interchangeable due to cross creating cross Niche Audience, especially in terms of appearance of a new medium of particular c social need, there may be a decline in the usage even its complete displacement, by the “new” continue to exist one. separately if each one partially fulfils However, needs not completely fulfilled each medium can platforms freely choose what audiencecan of both terms as follows: through many channels “ simultaneously becomes many different stories and these new stories are presented through many predicting the popularity of TV contents. of TV contents. popularitythe predicting and immediately access large “ audiences. Two technical terms have emerged: pop consideration in order to fully cover penetration. Digital platforms which have many channels have an “advantage” Furthermore, the for online pla penetration with many audience groups. behaviors vary from age to age. Looking watching on at online the platforms, same while content, their teenagers parents prefer Therefore, only like assessing television watching ratings cannot on accurately identify a the degree television. of Therefore, digital TV channels to present content in generations who order watch to television through reach online teenagers platforms, or and audience younger who multiscreen behavior. have TV should present

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. 3 Law “The . r among

achieved Thai (Fisher, (Fisher, 1987) and the EnterpriseONE

The mentioned drama is “The Fierce Wife” (Propp, 1968) .

depth depth interviews in order to - . The objective of this plan is to in Television - 2559) - pared pared the construction of the meanings of the content for broadcast in Thailand under

2555 Sanlih Sanlih E and 28 August 2018. The researcher studied the

implied implied and must be interpreted. New Paradigm

n of meaning and how to narrate is mplicated mplicated components in their story, which can be (Diao Woratangtrakul, 2018) mentioned mentioned reasons, the researcher was interested in studying the - opment Plan Vol. 11 (B.E. was produced in by Taiwan

, and the second one is Law of Combination. one the and the second , cess of the construction of meaning applies two rules. The first one is the Moreover, the importance of this study is the continued implementation of the For the above media media content. The case study for this research was the most - increase the acceptance of women roles equitably, in various by social contexts, supporting equally and related agencies to produce appropriate media to understand how they perceived and interpreted the meanings of by the drama. conveyed the meanings withcompared them “Wife”, and then Women Devel ideologies implied in the drama, then com “Wife” in both dramas. Finally, the researcher did a purposive sampling of the “Mia (Wife) 2018” audience by analyzing the content they engage in the drama through digital platforms, then contacted them to conduct Co., Ltd. bought its copyright and adapted the title of “Mia (Wife) 2018”. The researcher studied the intertextuality in terms of the new paradigm narrative, including the intercultural communication, values, and called “Mia (Wife) 2018”. It had 28 episodes which were broadcasted through digital TV channel 31ONE between 28 May intertextuality between this drama and another drama called Fierce Wife” higher than the ratings for Channel 7 and Channel 3, which held the first and second highest ratings for TV stations for a long time and audience were on every platform (as of 21 August 2018) and the is the highest in the history of most popula digital TV channel ONE 31. New New Paradigm Narrative and construction of meanings in Thai television dramas with cross television drama with the highest TV rating. It reached a 6.1 rating. This rating is Narratives focus on the constructio The pro of Selection present content, including the stories themselves Paradigm Narratives and have how co the stories are way the is told.story storythe andthe implied inobviously in the and are seen dramas told. The construction of the meanings

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4 social or elevision elevision - T , and National . In compliance which are focused of of both television


r example, “Ban Sai - tudies tudies in s 2013) S

research. research. For example,

2564) - 2560 (Department (Department of Women's ens a new space for women, 2560

, of the Women Development ” which is the fundamental institute

, novels and the producers used the ntertextuality 2018” are women. Their stories are I narrative components of the mentioned family

, the main character the

arrative egarding egarding women with people in the society N Mia (Wife) wife relationship, in the family. relationship, in the wife - year National Strategy B.E. - and “

lopment Plan Vol. 11 (B.E. s of both dramas are women who act as good “wives” for inclusive inclusive development, participation, and access to Paradigm Shift Measure - , 20 “

2564 evelopment of - amily, amily, values, feminism, and power ideologies. The dramas also D ramas 2560

D rights, rights, narrowing social and economic gaps The The centered, all related values and ideologies the media communicates to people and main character

- - with the roles of women and


1.1.1 In the past, narrative studies began with Furthermore, textual analysis of the T partment partment of Women's Affairs and Family Development, society. society.

ffairs and Family Development, 2017) De Thong”, “Cham Loey Rak”, “Khu Kam”. The between studies novels of and narrative television dramas intertextuality can be seen in prior novel’s contents to produce television dramas, with some adaptations. If the dramas were popular, they would be components according to the remade changing times or other factors, by fo changing plots, characters, or other challenging it.challenging and family whether it still emphasizes the existing ideology, or op and how the audience perceives and interprets the meanings as being pro reflect the related economic, social, and cultural contexts especiallysociety, the husband in Thai and Taiwanese dramas, according to the new paradigm narrative, can predict the direction of women their husbands and good “mothers” of their daughters. The dramas reflect family life and gender issues in the contexts of Thailand and relations within Taiwan, a f as well as the power A dramas “The Fierce Wife” connected of Economic and Social Deve on people fundamental communicate the paradigm shift r ( with the first strategy, Strategy B.E.

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5 the the

, in Siam

True Love . Then the es, setting, “ e topic could ce ce during the The The researcher secret love, true

Club Club Friday The audience could

, and other audience . (DJ Chod) and Miss 2015)

hrs ain actress in Thai TV .00 .00 Royal Paragon Hall 23

to 21.00 21.00 Linin Linin Sangpattana, Radio Radio Program which was broadcasted on (

, narrative did not originate from novels, the . related stories from their own experiences. The - August 2012 at the “Green “Green Concert #15 Club Friday Based on True 26 26 - on Fridays from to tell their stories during the live program. During the 25

life love DJ Aoy), would give advice to the audien Saithip Saithip Montrikul na Ayudhaya - ( studied studied “Intertextuality of the m

age of media “Club Friday” ” was broadcasted in October 2012 and the series was very

new , audience members who had experiences related to th 106.5 MHz ” rtain and give some advice to the audience. The first episode of the Trivitwareegune

Later, in the was organized during

” to ente agon. Then, the GMM 25 Digital TV Channel, owned by GMM Media Co., Ltd., Club Friday the Series “ popular for 4 years. Then the producer developed it to be a long series in Season 9, in Par chose the contents of the stories which were most dramatic, such as love, getting played love, to produce a TV Series short series called “ board related to the topic and collect program the would organize a concert to theme present the stories told by songs the audience through for each topic these theme songs. For example, Story” program, the two moderators would give advice to the story teller who were listening to the program, and they could learn how to solve problems and apply the advice to their real lives. Later, the program would open chat on the web next, so the audience could prepare in advance. For example, for the topic Loses to Intimacy share their stories on a web board. If their stories were interesting, the program staff would contact them to call in phone in and share their real program moderators, Mrs. Napaporn program. After that, the program hosts would inform the audience of the topic for the story could have previously been told by people who concrete are example is not the novel writers. One Green Wave F.M. special symbols, and conflict, to find the main actress character’s intertextuality. In addition, the researcher used the following concepts: Intertextuality, Semiology, and it.Feminism analyze to Linin Sangpattana (2015) drama: Case study of Reang Ngao” employed textual analysis as a research tool to analyze the content of the TV drama according to the narrative’s conceptual factors: characters, plot, them

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, , 6 to as

Club “

as (Yutthana

To be continued , Cannot Love or


Club Friday To be Prakaikavin Srijinda

ve ve War series has been reflected in f content for 4 consecutive

, Best Friend, Bad Friend”,

problems problems of love told by Khun

, Love itself is not wrong….but mail mail by Khun Chomphoo, which - 108

hrs. hrs. in 2015 and 2016. The contents of Series Series 6 , Cannot Love or Not Love” Club Club Friday the Series 20:00 as “

the story of 4) a story told via e ( is one of the highest achieving TV series in terms of

” ” with each episode presenting 4 consecutive stories. (2)

Club Friday the To be continued Club Friday To be Continued , Secret of Mint and Miew” and “


as “ Secrets told by Khun Miew, which was then was produced

mail by Khun Boss, which was then was produced Intertextuality of the Narrative Love Story in Club Friday”, - Moreover, there was communication via Facebook where the Continued , Unreal Secret of the Heart” and Lo

. 5

ugh online media and activity media. activityugh online media and ese aspects of the series extended the experiences of the audience, To be , Mint and Miew”, “Club Friday the Series” ’s research on “ a story told via e a story of Love and Club Friday the Series 3) 1) (2017) present the different perspectives and approaches in the new paradigm of linking one text to another in an interesting perspective on communication. years. The series encouragedthe audience The seriesyears. to engage in online platforms. For example, on the series’ Facebook page, there were 1,665,935 likes and 1,886,917 followers (as of 19 September 2018). Furthermore, the popularity of the a good amount of research on Club Friday storytelling, such as content. The series was awarded Nataraja Awards (Award for Radio and Television Professionals) for this type of TV series for the quality o on Line TV. Th who were willing to tell their stories to the public, added value to the radio program, expanded the radio audience to also be a TV audience, and created interaction with the audience thro Hack, which was then was produced Not Love” and “Love War Suwannarat, 2015) audience could share captions in the drama and the drama contents were broadcasted best friend is wrong” and “ ( Friday the Series Unreal Secret of the Heart”, and “ Continued was then was produced the form of “ They were broadcasted on Saturdays at this series that was drawn from sources outside of novels and their authors included (

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(Thairath, lusive movie ontents of C Asian Series (Korean, added features and other ThanDorn”, organized an

ent with the ent with the was the exc hep Palace”, and have lunch with the ngagem to increase engagement by audience E

nel 3 launched its own online platform “Meet & Greet”. Producers allowed the lucky he contents of the teasers on websites were the udience udience who were leading actors of the drama

writing comments on contents, characters, and the A

Thailand, 2018) tchat with KhamSee ThanDorn” on twitter, gave the lucky

ramas D (Mello evelopment of . was created for viewing the contents of various D Notification”, “Love Lie Hide Fake”, and variety programs, like elevision The The T

ich broadcasted dramas created audience engagement through various website” In the past, when social media was not available, the engagement of the 1.1.2

“ Apart from organizing activity to increase audience engagement, TV stations

screen audiences. For example, Chan

. - Suphapburut Juthathep”, which was a 2013) members. Another example in an “ activity organized by the TV audience members to visit drama the location, “Juthat called five gentlemen of Jathathep Palace the activity. For example, the TV drama called “KhamSee activity called “#Mello Chi participants some gifts, and announced the names of the lucky participants on “Wrong Say Do” by Jennie Panhan, “Healthy Recipe” by Nokky, stations and wh others. additional channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Line, and connected them with Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese series) such as “I can garden” hear and you “My voice”, girl”. “Secret The unique feature of contents which were produced to meet the demand of new series generations, such called as a “ called programs produced by Channel 3. Audiences could replay the contents of TV dramas in case they missed the live program. After that, kinds of contents, such as applications on smartphones, popular launching teasers on their websites. T same as on television. Later, in the age of media convergence, TV stations began to present the drama contents through various channels in order to meet the demand of multi engage in the television dramas by like on the TV station’s website. Additionally, the main channel to actually watch the dramas was television. TV stations which broadcasted the dramas promoted them by audience with the contents of television dramas was not clearly seen. Audiences could

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8 just just The The

or even

no longer ” which which was called many many channels and were

, s , audience “The Fierce Wife “The

alledFierceWife” “The C alled drama, drama, and writing captions; C

rama the on on Facebook; giving comments; chatting on more more popular


rama create content themselves

ing D to to

became 2010) ( icture of TV icture of TV P . They could watch TV dramas through various channels, were able

Background of the TV Background Advertisement Advertisement

1 Flickriver and Settvtw and Settvtw Flickriver .

1.1.3 Later, when social media 1 : generated generated content” - User Figure Source and interpretations of the meanings which the audience decoded and to what extent they interpret them differently from the meanings constructed and encoded drama producers. by the win prizes; following, liking, and shar web boards’ capturing some scenes in writing new scripts from their imaginations in the analysis of the forms and contents of audience form engagement can reflect the perceptions of online novels. “ including both TV and other platforms. They could then engage in many voluntarily.forms For example, sending SMS messages; answering questions to also cooperated with Line TV to broadcast contents for audiences who would like to watch some scenes they liked from drama, the again. passive receivers, they

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9 in Xu , The

r was very

titles. Golden Bell The film was

in cooperation

th TTV TTV Television Television (SET) - at the 47

nd supporting her. However, with Japanesewith sub “The “The Fierce Wife” Sanlih Sanlih E ake it into a feature movie set

” ? was nominated for awards in many

was produced by

with Thai dubbing for the first time in

al TV channel. al TV er husband had a love affair with her cousin, Li hu). Anzhen was going through depression and TV TV Stations in Taiwan, and was directed by Z “The Fierce Wife”

“The “The Fierce Wife” was was broadcasted

Series Channel (Channel 64) on 10 May 2012. Late Best Best Television Series, Best Leading Actor, Best Leading called Marriage Guarantee Happiness Marriage Guarantee

acter acter was Xie Anzhen (portrayed by Sonia Sui). She dedicated Does “ Television Television (SET)

- during between November 2010 and 15 April 2011. It reached the highest

Later, Later, the producer, Wang Peihua, decided to m “The Fierce Wife”

The TV drama ies, ies, including . It had 23 episodes which were broadcasted on Sanlih Sanlih E en (portrayed by Amanda

- (Wife) 2018”. “Mia (Wife) 2018” had 28 episodes which were broadcasted from 28 31 digiton theMay to ONE 28 August 2018 Awards. Thailand on True Asian ONE Enterprise Co., Ltd. bought the copyright to produce the TV drama named “Mia released on 17 August 2012. categor Actress, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Screenplay, successful both in Taiwan and abroad. It was broadcasted in Japan as under the name 34 episodes four years after the main female character, Xie Anzhen, got divorced. Wei finding herself learning how to live again from Lan Wang), who Tianwei acted as a (portrayed mentor giving her by good advice a Chris Lan Tian Wei ended up falling in love with Anzhen. The leading char herself to love and dreamed of having a happy family life. She was married to Wen Ruifan (portrayed by Wen Shenghao). She and her husband loved and each other. understood Then, she learned that h Taiwan rating in history the of programs Taiwanese andTV was described as “the most talked about TV show in Taiwan”. Its story was about the complicated love within a family. with Fujun

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ing ing characters The screenwriter

Sant Srikaewlaw and

alled (Wife) 2018” “Mia C

rama D elodrama elodrama directed by 2018” Nawat Nawat Kulrattanarak, Marie Broenner, Pete

icture of TV icture of TV Mia (Wife) Mia P

“ Synopsis of Advertisement Advertisement

2 Dooracon (2018) Dooracon .

“Mia (Wife) 2018” was a m 1.1.4 1 : Namthip Jongrachatawiboon,

were produced by The ONE Enterprise Co., Ltd. and Remind K Co., Ltd. was Wattana Weerayawattana and the Tuesdays drama’s at air 21.30 hours time on was ONE 31 on digital Mondays TV and Channel. The lead Figure Source

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portrayed by ( was married to ) “Mia “Mia (Wife) 2018”

portrayed by (

The Fierce Wife” to “Mia (Wife) “ could could help her. Wasin was the young

) . After her marriage, she decided to quit ) The Fierce Wife” and a and he helped Aruna by offering to let her “ Namthip Jongrachatawiboon

Kanya had gotten sexually involved with Thada. She rama?

should build with care. When Aruna was in trouble, she

Thanapat Kawila

portrayed portrayed by (

ed ed from TV drama called Nawat Nawat Kulrattanarak

had had to decide how to cope with the problem. She was reminded Aruna returned returned from abroad to live with her. Her perfect life was changed . Her family was very happy until her cousin, Kanya,

) ) does the audience of the TV drama called “Mia (Wife) 2018” perceive producer of the d

portrayed by ( To what extent are convention, extension, reduction, and modification of How How do the TV drama called How

) portrayed portrayed by 3) 1 2) Synopsis: ( Research Questions Research

constructed by similarities and differences, if any, between the two TV dramas? TV thetwo and differences,any, between similarities if and interpret the meaning of “wife”? Are between there the any similarities meaning and of differences “wife” interpreted by the audience and the meaning 2018”, and what are the reasons behind the transfer? the2018”, and whatthe reasons are behind communicate intercultural communication, values, ideologies, and the construction of the meaning of the word “wife” through the new paradigm narrative? What are the the contents transferr to work for him in the company. Aruna had to decide whether to accept this offer or not. 1.2 which the husband and wife knew Wasin CEO of a super car company. He had just graduated from abroad and come back to run the business. He fell in love with Arun and fell apart after learning that was very upset and her mother’s words what they had taught her. Her mother compared family life with a “wonton”. When we make wonton, we should fold and boil it neatly. Like family life, her job and become a housewife. had She one daughter, Nuda Runglikitjarearn Marie Broenner Thongchua, Thongchua, Thanapat Kawila, Rungrada Runglikitjarearn.and Charivsakul Paweena Rakcheep, Chanokwanun Pitchanart Sakakorn, Wattana Gamtornthip, Thada

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12 The Fierce The The Fierce “ “

class class family, which is The The Fierce Wife” and - “ interviews interviews of the audience were

rtextuality rtextuality and analyze the contents rpretations rpretations of the meaning of “wife” depth - d and interpreted the meaning of “wife”

wife relationship in a middle -

to study the TV dramas called ultural ultural communication, values, ideologies, and the

s shows shows among audiences who watch dramas on television and other reflect the husband

To study the perceptions and inte To study the intercultural communication, values, ideologies, and the “Mia (Wife) 2018” 2018” (Wife) “Mia the through narrative.2018” new paradigm (Wife) “Mia To study the intertextuality between the TV dramas called

) Researcher choose 1 2) 3) Scope of Research Scope Research Objectives Research

performed in order to learn in detail how they decoded the meanings and find out the that the audience with related engaged to the the online platformsdrama on in order to learn how the audience of “Mia (Wife) 2018” perceived and interpreted the meaning of “wife” in general. Then, sampling and in the audience of “Mia (Wife) 2018” perceive and the similarities and differences between the meaning of “wife” as interpreted by the audience and as constructed by producer of the drama. The methodology applied textual analysis of both dramas to study the inte both dramas in terms of convention, extension, reduction, and modification contents of the including interc construction of the meaning of the word “wife” through the components of the new paradigm narrative, which focuses on the construction of meaning; 2) to study how quite vulnerable. 2) They are digital TV dramas which through television, present but other contents online not platforms, as only well. 3) They are most successful and most popular platforms. The objectives of the study were 1) to analyze the intertextuality between “Mia (Wife) 2018” based on the following criteria: 1) They are husband dramas that and wife among the “Mia (Wife) 2018” audience. (Wife) among the“Mia 1.4 construction of the meaning of the word “wife” in the TV dramas called Wife” and 1.3 Wife” and

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, 13 air air

The rs in rs in

. e Thai in in this ication,

Their or source The Fierce

, “ 2018”) broadcast broadcast on

for ginal i “Mia (Wife) 2018”,

Mia (Wife) “ “Mia (Wife) 2018”

the same characters.

and between between the or They can be broadcasted through drama (

n Taiwan, and s . have i

but but class family life and gender in th time

- , remade, or

, day and entertainment entertainment program produced

The Fierce Wife” “ textual reference


Television (SET)

fixed fixed -

the the

to the new

on a ) means

Sanlih E means

presented in many forms

utions of the Research of the utions between Taiwanese dramas and Thai dramas. and Thai between Taiwanese dramas

They are The TV dramas called The results of this study are not only beneficial for mass commun Drama producers can adjust the way they present images, roles, and sexual on on weekly basis

“The “The Fierce Wife” Intertextuality Television Drama 2) 3) 1) broadcasted on (

, Definitions Operational Contrib

s are

drama Wife” 31 digital Channel inon ONE broadcasted TV Thailand. television. television. time free TV or digital TV channels according to the presented program on online schedule platforms. and The may television dramas also in this study are 1.6 media, and the audience, but also extend the study of mass communication related to social issue communications; especially family and gender issues, in order to shift the paradigms related to women, who especially arewomen wives and family membe the society. intertextuality intertextuality society. abe more for changing mediasuitable through to values and Taiwanese contexts in the digital age. Studying these two dramas researcher enabled understand the the images of the main characters (husband, wife, which mistress) the producer communicated with the audience and learn about the study are the most successful and the most popular shows among drama audiences in Taiwan and Thailand. They reflect the middle similarities and differences between the meanings drama. by producer of the as encoded audienceand of “wife” as decoded by the 1.5

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14 “The “The

. s world of “ h regard to

Decoding can

. . In the communication y and meaning in

presenting or telling a story , although we cannot explain meaning

” , which is in the arena of coding. drama retains content or other drama modifies some contents or

oppositional reading oppositional

drama cuts some content or other drama adds some content or other text

the process of constructing shared

, or an , or an remade remade

remade remade means


world of reality the “

means means the form of

plot, plot, theme, conflict, character, setting, dialogue, point means 2018” rocess of reading f Reality

something to have only one meaning. It is not necessary means

the p negotiated reading

, a ,

the role of a woman who lives together with a man and they have

Mia (Wife) Mia (Wife) means “

Modification Reduction Convention means the Extension means the

and 4) 1) 2) 3) means

ains some parts of the original drama and the process of new text creation which is how people in the real world explain, define, and systemize t wife relationship. Performance of that role is constructed under different

- ” Decoding Wife Social Construction o New New Paradigm Narrative text re preferred reading preferred be a Decoding does not exist in the text itself, but comes from the interaction between the encoders and the decoders who have created a process, is not necessary for for the coding systems of the encoders and the decoders to be the same. meanings things in order to explain their eveythingaccurately. a husband values, traditions. to the economy, society, culture, and contexts related beliefs, of view, and special symbols. The New narrate and Paradigm construct meanings in order to Narrative understand the stor emphasizes how to FierceWife” components exist in the original drama and what the retained content represent through narrative components: meanings of the content. other components which do not exist in the original drama to update it wit the changing contexts of society, age, culture, and so on. the overall meanings of the content. components that exist in the original drama and how the reductions affect the overall new follows: as originalcan adjust the drama components which do not exist in the original drama and how the extensions affect

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Mia (Wife) 2018” Mia (Wife)

“ Mia (Wife) 2018” Mia (Wife) “ The Fierce Wife” and The Fierce “ television dramas called television dramas Intertextuality between the betweenIntertextuality

(Wife) audience 2018”

the television dramasthe television called meanings of “Wife” of the meanings of “Wife” of the Construction of meanings of “Wife” of meanings Construction in and FierceWife”

Perceptions and Interpretations of the and InterpretationsPerceptions of the

The FierceWife” “ the the image which defines/constructs a meaning in a



broadcasted on television broadcasted television New Paradigm ofNew the Narrative Feminism and Authoritarianism Conceptual FrameworkConceptual Intercultural Intercultural

Communication 3 .

television drama called television drama Values and of Ideologies Representation Concept of WifeConcept of 1 Conceptual Framework Conceptual television drama called television drama (Wife) 2018” broadcasted on broadcasted (Wife) 2018” New Paradigm Narrative of the Paradigm Narrative New

Figure 1.7 system of language, which then becomes the representation of that phenomenon based on the belief that reality does not merely exist, but that it is constructed by people and society.

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historical From the conceptual a TV TV Drama .

. They are the the the the e.g s same same as other TV

high rating and be a the get

entertainment entertainment genre true true story; a will Construction Construction of Meanings of an


production is


or based on ontent, ontent, researcher applies lead lead to advertising sponsors.

their their dramas



media C

- imaginary contents of TV dramas are message which which

, the

Wife ive, udience the

the a The key factor of television drama elated Research elated theories, and literature review of related research as follows: researchreview of related literaturetheories, and

R Audience

Concept of Social Media Engagement and Decoding of Intercultural Communication of Concept Feminism Concept of Television Dramaof Television Concept of Intertextuality Concept of New ParadigmConcept Narrative Reali of Theory of Social Construction Semiology )

various various contents. Television drama content may be written by the novel ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

In general, television dramas are defined as 6 7 8 9 10 1) 2 3 4 5 The study of the New Paradigm Narratives s CONCEPTS, THEORIES, AND LITERATURE REVIEW Concept of Television Drama Television of Concept

popular among communication perspect present writer or screenwriter and can be period drama. programs; that is, the producers hope 2.1 Thai Television Drama with Cross framework,

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a 17 the and ders ders people

sen and and one For the January, January,

advanced with local —

of a producer. a producer.

the the

th ed . . At present, d blend thoughts, emotions,

, script, so there was a the the the Bang Khunphrom, run by

contents in way the required and and other components while the historical background of personal experience. experience. personal dcasting dcasting began 1 year before

the s, audience audience engage

their However, However, radio has only sound, the

scene g. g. . . In practice, the interpretation of depending depending on various factors. the , and this is increased by new

, owned owned TV station under the policy of the in the globalization era - has has discussed programs programs and short stories that ended in one

at at home.


s depending on depending on

Television dramas convey

1992) . ( characters, characters,

Thanatsri Sawatdiwat and Chotirot Samosorn and Chotirot Sawatdiwat Thanatsri — he he audience can watch dramas through various channels the will vary such as feudalism, capitalism, gender, patriotism, violence,

entertainment ofentertainment Thai people from out to shifted going see he age of stage drama was very popular among Thai Thongnueadee. It was first broadcasted on It the was 5 first broadcasted Thongnueadee. ,

their homes.

T to to radio drama

or in - are are more complicated ing Further, Further, t Rattanasaengsri (Kasidet (Kasidet Suwanmalee, 2017)


ir televisions behaviors

he ’ s ; t (Kanjana Kaewthep, 1996) , and after that the The first TV station in Thailand was Channel 4, 2.1.1 Historical Background of TV Dramas in Thailand Dramas in of TV 2.1.1 Historical Background Kritsada audience audience must imagine Furthermore, the actors and actresses could not remember were actin the scripts while they person voicing There were two leading actors were two There leading Nuanla actress, leading live were dramas period, that During 1956. episode because of the limited space of the studio and the number of screens. Government Public Relations Department. Radio broa television broadcasting. The first Thai television drama was called “Suriyanee Mai Yom Taeng Ngan (Suriyanee would not be married)” and was as novel of Prongmanee produced with Pojanee So. Mr. (Prayat Nakhanat) Ramkhan from the listening Thai Television Co., Ltd. It was a stated TV TV dramas in Thailand. in 1953 stage drama to listen the besidesthe audience to perceive and interpret in the way required by the must senders, analyze the audience in order audience to make media technology. expect them to perceive and theinterpret meanings of by the senders contents by the audience is complicated molds of many ideologies etc. which send global cultural message culture and feelings of the senders (screenwriters, directors, producers) to the audience and

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, th 18 29


1956), “Duek

, th 25

1956), and “Ngai Niddiao” March ,

Bang Khunphrom) Bang th

, 10 1956), “Nam Saban” (broadcasted on

, th

. 24


May tation(ChannelThailand in 4 ,

S th 14

: “Krasun Akhat” (broadcasted on irst TV F The

broadcasted on 1 UndubZapp (2018) UndubZapp .

During the first few years, there were only 6 television dramas. The other five 2 : Sialaeo” ( 1956), Sattrulap Khong Salaya” (broadcasted on June (broadcasted on June Source were the following Figure

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, 19

but some of

, as ctors ctors and actresses of Bang Khunphrom

, , and the a 1967, 1967, both TV stations were competitors - TV TV dramas of Channel 4 were very popular The roadcasted on Channel 4 roadcasted on B . During 1962

rama s D very prosperous around 1958

to to produce TV dramas by remaking stage dram


s began Sample of TV Sample of

2 UndubZapp (2018) UndubZapp .

TV TV drama 2 : while Channel 7 them were new production Source stage dramas turned to TV dramas. Figure

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

,” ,” 20 very were more more made made

s s in this that

s the form of became popular popular again.

voicing the scripts TV TV drama called “38 a ed ed TV drama programs TV TV drama business was TV TV drama called “Thatdao had had become the the

” but they were not a , s 20.00 hrs. in order to save electrical

to at at 20.00 hrs. For this reason, Thai TV

d Television Broadcasting Commission

scripts themselves.scripts The drama with family life content. familywith life , there was not anyone “Saphai Jao s

broadcasting. Its first TV drama is levision Broadcasting Commission ordered

18.30 18.30 downturn downturn while Chinese series the

TV TV dramas than other channels. These dramas a and because film serial

began ” from , s was very popular. After that, more drama

, remember

situation comedy National Radio an had to had some some period the the

, which had more ” “Mae Ying

, . National Radio and Te s they — the during s Inthira - broadcasted in 1976 ” , production production of many good TV dramas. However, Then in 1970, Channel 3 In 1980 were were produced. Next, during 1979, produced character ” which was the first was the first ” which

downturn ,

the a ter, TV dramas became popular again because of video recording. Channel 4 was the

“Songkhramprasart,” “Nanajittang,” “Prachachonchaoflat,” “Srithanonchai,” and two TV “Srithanonchai,” “Prachachonchaoflat,” “Nanajittang,” “Songkhramprasart,” Pakarangsidam.” and “Khwamrak” called series TV TV dramas to be like foreign dramas; that to Channel 3 outstanding were called “Khabuankankhonchai,” “Tukkata Siakaban after news program “Khemmarin successful. After that, Pattarawadee Meechuthon (Teacher Lek) changed popular. Since 1981, has asked all TV stations for cooperation to international programs broadcast after Thai news program programs instead of dramas became popular again and all TV stations broadcast Soi 2 all TV stations to stop broadcasting energy. As a result, TV dramas were in were broadcasted on Mondays to Fridays; for example, Bussaya genre for on La changed to Channel 9

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” ” , , 21 and

anan to be a - ” Ngueaknoi , Channel 3 Channel of of Channel 7 ” The most popular

. TV TV dramas produced The The executive Wanit Jarungkit

roadcasted on roadcasted fully prosperous. The success of

company called “Prommit Film B an

a ” ” ” “Hong Sichomphu , ” and “Khao Nokna , has been establishing establishing and film production.

, s . Channel 3 and Channel 7 were very competitive. s Prachachonchaoflat “

” Then, Channel 7 invited of .

TV TV drama business ” “Huangrakhewluek , the marketing, marketing, programming, and personnel. She invited Mom Chao

. the the called “Mophi Advertisement

3 UndubZapp (2018) UndubZapp .

Since 1987, Then in 1981, Surang Prempree became 2 : was dramas dramas was rated by rating ring that period were “Yingkormehuajai the “Jotmaijakmueangthai series screenwriter supervised Chatrichalerm Yukol to be a partner running the business on TV drama du Figure Source

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, s s at at 22 5)

The with with (Ath (Ath love. some some

2005, . heme


es of , etc.

as well 8)

ed general general public of melodrama value

. For example, s s e Heart” hemes and main 013, 013, Channel which ends with the be divided be


and and broadcasted me the

s once a week or he t illains are completely

can the

and actresses. In 2014, 015, Channel


days days weekly air time. (2 “Chocolat

s can be the same or not. can be thesame s 3 r

- 2 , etc. , 3) “Khukham” , and the v

with haracte

and and are aired were produced

weekly basis. T

, as in but reruns were broadcast a The c The eries, their contents have similar t s episodes,

stated that TV dramas stated episodes present happiness and

characters and feel that they can escape from

013, Channel

8 as for example in 20 “Waen Thongluang” - (2

- the , 2

12 3)

people, people, Channel ONE focused on nthology nthology

dramas s has characters are the same from beginning to end. to the same from are beginning characters

screenwriters, screenwriters, directors, actors hannel hannel focused on teenagers. The main players of TV

ramas c the D are not connected. are not erial for

eries are aired on s s ragedy presents the torture of human elodrama is an emotional drama. The s t means the number of episodes and continuity of time the and air continuity means number of episodes Channel 3 and Channel 7. Channel 3 and Channel

jealousy. Characters are typed

TV TV 013, Channel 013, Romantic A GMM GMM A m TV TV In terms of a Miniseries Miniseries have a

(2 and ) ) ) :

ailand ailand began and TV dramas ) ) ) ) es of TV 2 3 1 4 1 2 3 not only during prime time the TV TV dramas can be divided according to their genre as follows ( ( ( Format p

( ( ( (

. Different channels focused on different audience ) ) or episode s,

2 1 Suphapburut Juthathep” Suphapburut no longer “ cannot the whole story. understand

ies are really into the roles of ), it


Thiranan Anawatsiriwong (2012) Thiranan Anawatsiriwong 2.1.2 Ty unhappiness unhappiness in their real lives, ontents are continued and continuedand ontents are are love, conflict, Audience the Channel Kupongsak, 2010) catastrophe or loss of the leading characters “Thong Nueakhao but the stor characters are the same but sometimes there are guest stars. but sometimes characters are the same everyday air time. The stories are run very episodes, fast, so if the audience miss c according to format and genre formatfollows: as to according and Channel 8 focused on grassroot audience while dramas were There was high demand digital TV in Th different time different times

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, , ) 23 nd 5) etc. and

015, 015, 015, 015, , ) “Chat “Chat (2 (2 ONE “Banni “Banni family,

“Bangrak 7), “Hak

the the stories ONE , the the

) 7 , for example

or or example in

how how to solve “Dok “Dok Sonchu” “Banni Mirak” , f

, , l life, 009, 009, Channel ) 5) , as can be seen in (2 etc. etc.

ke Matsang”

, - 2016, Channel 7) ONE Lunrakkhamrua (


2016, Channel 2016, , - demonstrate 3) 2016, 2016, Channel (

d on superstition, spirits, 2015 (

etc. 012, Channel

essed in such dramas as , (2 7)

and Channel , , as seen in heroine heroine are in trouble because of the

, as can be seen for example in - itcom, the story is made specifically for 3 s etc. story story base

“Phrungnikorakther” ,

etc. ) 012, Channel ) hero from the villains. Most of the settings are killing (2


is a presented presented in comedy style s

, most of the leading characters are males. They “Ama Apartment” ONE the “Dok Sok”



omedy omedy focuses on entertainment with lovely and “Rakthae Maemaipluem , Nueamek” (2017, Channel (2017, Nueamek” )

c omedy, omedy, the story is based on rea omedy omedy or ), “Khamakhondiao” (2016, Channel

, all lover 2017, omedy, omedy, the story is based on action, but , a c c 3) 3 ( ) comedy comedy style c

are are not the same. The story is based on comedy a

, as can be witn drama heroes heroes and villains and omedy

a “Mueprab Kukkukku” “Mueprab c 016, Channel ONE


2 ) their - ONE that 3 7), “M the amily amily ction ction

ction ituation 002 orror orror and Channel and entimental entimental m Sosai” 2016, Channel 2016, (2 3 (

and and do not include A h For a f A s In an a In a s In an a “Na

Panyachonkhonkrua 012, Channel , ) ) ) ) ) ) presented presented in between

9 7 8 5 6 4 (2 8) ( ( ( ( ( (

as 2015, Channel (

it is 2015, Channel etc. etc.

( 2016, 2016, Channel , ,

( scenes 8) 8)

Chunlamun” 016, Channel 016, , as can be seen for example in 2 1” / - 9 not so serious

“Pen Tor” 006 015, Channel

Linchang” (2017, Channel fight to protect society or fighting problems or beat the villains Chaophraya” (2013, Channel mystery but Phimaipop father, mother, children, relatives “Heng Heng Heng” (2 are Channel ends within one episode. The main characters are the same in each week in Soi “Sutrak dramas such Channel characters in each episode sulky leading characters. The story is based on teasing and making fun of each other. The comedy is made by friends or relatives of the leading characters bad throughout the whole story or villains “Raeng Ngao” (2

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in 24 7), the the and and

such plots appy

2016, itional ( s, family, , as in



rad make the

and 6 new nd women, the writers and

, The The t etc.

, related to devils, story comes from



), “Pitsawat” is

, love in falling falling action to . 3 “Kaeo “Kaeo Nama” (2015,


This contains a h es V dramas compares love of men a 1) those of the 9) 9) and and .

the around 30 episodes and s.


at present) create different formats

1997) - , as can be seen for example in - and exotic, challenging,

, form 7), 7), “Uthaithewi” (2017, Channel

of of view

ability ontents ontents are

lat character and and legends, as in s about travelling to many myster ritings are newly composed, so

horror, crime series, detective series, fancy,

which which are series and miniseries

oint The c

e w revenge between spirits and humans , ), “Ankor” (2017, Channel ), “Ankor” and dramas (1998 tales, 3 7)


lots are newly created with outcast theme . . and and s exciting, exciting, new 5), “Buang” (2012, Channel 7), etc. The The p

most of the analog TV dramas are love, morality, tory is puzzling, exciting, and

s s stories are ne screenwriter. ne 4) The p

This contains f . resented resented in serial nalog TV dramas (1987 scary, related to human s of ies are 8) exposition, exposition, rising action, crisis, creenplays creenplays are adapted from novels new. orror

. olktale, olktale, fairy are are and and miracle It It is p heme A h A f Adventure also also

) ) ) The s 2) 2) and

The stor , . enre types are melodrama, antinovel, comedy, action, horror, period, 11 12 10 The t something something etc. ( ( ( stories

5) on the transition from analog to digital Thai T concerning a



. 3) begins with

And this contains o ied The g curious 7), “Si Yotkuman” (2016, Channel ONE which which are adventure, mystery ies.

6) 10) , On the other hand, digital TV 2.1.3 The Transition Dramas to Digitalfrom Analog 2.1.3 The TV Tipphasiri Kaewthet, Nattawat Suttiyotin, and Paiboon Kachentaraphan stud

. .

imaginary imaginary love of men and women who come from different class and and screenplays are ending and contents. There are 2 new formats formats ending historical period, folktale, and music the jealousy, and patriotism idealism, power, and career screenwriters storytelling content and storytelling of TV dramas between analog and digital ones. The results are as follows original writings antholog (2018) Channel Channel Channel “Thep Samruedu” (2017, ghosts, spirits, “Phleng Phibok” (2000, Channel amazing amazing places. audience Channel (2015, “Thepphabutsutveha”

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, h se 25 led the and that then with (1997 where

has has , are not and and

to create the same,

s , such as s the new media contents of oints oints of view are ience interpret ience interpret the attempt eterminism the Furthermore, the d all of whom can be

of globalization

— The p

ndings of the dramas are life.

not like to thoughts, emotions, and udience udience can watch the rerun period period

followed followed by exposition, rising

es The e crisis to the beginning is social social system to shape changing Sorarat Sorarat Jirabovornwisut (2011) up the rhythm of storytelling. It the echnological

The a the haracters haracters are rounded and real in related ”

media are the main mechanism in . ing s in in the called called t the The The c many many details in the dialogues - the Thai society. arrative in each episode remain

so by speed and

s e is motivated by passion. and more close to real and moreclose to channels for watching dramas on

digital age, drama producers mental mental system the

, persons with mental disabilities, persons wit the explains explains that ending. The n

contents contents immediately without too many dialogues. This the newly created by presenting outcast theme ,

ism screenwriters’ screenwriters’ points of view. Another change is the the rapid chang by advanced technology which competing with speed. The

the the xample esbian that are l is in accordance with This attracted attracted audience

can also be tragic

. easily easily watch new ones on other channels. Thus, producers try to especially risis risis is moved to the beginning and time time and everywhere watching

for e , communication communication and guidance ity has , can the The c

life life of some specific groups in sent) sent) up the in storytelling actionrising in order to make the aud .

and contents should should be easily understood,

To be competitive in Moreover, an increase in falling falling action, and the pre


are in accordance with the study results of ing s

led to “every homosexual leading characters. format of hyperactivity disorder, persons with major depressive disorder to the has been brought about scene provided expressions inside. ideas which found that the creation of television script method of narration Toffler (1980) determining human behavior dramas, they them “attract” with quick storytelling by switching speed meanings and understand has dramas on the new media instead of the live ones broadcast on television. This to “likely to change” behavior. When the audience do action, but continues more quickly from exposition to crisis. but not only happy as homosexual love and love of disabilities. reflect original writings and storytelling.

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

, - of 26 to for are

- that

from from s

social social d formats formats

such as

, and and up the rrent social & Nikhom in in accordance change media content - mass media by social media Michel Michel Foucault the cu representatives it is are are full of pictures, have the (Thitinan (Thitinan Boonpap

cross the

through the and

that ; and

that that are novel have have strategic plan s using heory heory

terms of t s which which found that for digital

the new media in response to ,

and in tudies (Kanjana (Kanjana Kaewthep s

producers producers can create characters which found that

in the digital age. the digital in ,

s contents, contents, the ocial ocial media are areas leads the characters to be the

. Cultural s s of digital TV drama

to see the characteristics of the drama (analog, demand

s mass media The s

“materials” “materials” available in the social context to create s’

” the the

in the digital age. in self. modern modern period. This is in accordance with the research Sukollawat Sukollawat Kanarot (2015) - “ in order or situation by the society, oose

outcast outcast theme s n n order to present the content i

and and concept of the transition from analog to digital TV dramas In the digital age, the public can have media power and disclose s

esearcher will apply the concept of television dramas, , . ats ats and narrative behaviors behaviors must ch explains that self and identity can be created depending on social person

in the society. The characters are real in s accepted identity identity and

for presenting self and identity in many aspects form control the quality of s

s easily by presenting their stories through the new media are are

the the their their those Thitinan Thitinan Boonpap Common (2017)

s” The present r The creation of st should outca digital, or mixed) and how the theme, narrative, and storytelling traditional TV drama changing audience of television dramas to analyze called “Mia (Wife) 2018” TV TV drama management, producers should create contents date, audienceto responseproduction in identity and self in the post results of the main area with the research results of Common, 2013) context. Human and shape motion pictures, messages, and contents. They are important materials for shaping themselves presenting homosexual love to be seen “ and accepted by the society. When represent the creating representation and construction identity of for reality communication by Chaikhunpol, 2012) specific specific group context. This is in accordance with the representation theory which explains of that reality is the works of social institute

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

, ” in of of 27 M.

still ges, s were

mass a ), and

s such as

, the historical Bulgarian - television. iddle a m revolution pre

happened and . Like movie

a s and the

that arts and literature wider area but the viewpoint a

fundamental sign radio, the during

reproduction process.

ed, during the this age, new mass media are Law of Combination

the inspired by poems to write

the s Later, true stories


revolution led to ”

. was area cover

were raised. TV dramas produced During the

, concepts of F. de Saussure and scope of intertextuality to

that , etc. quotation of God’s speech, religious s

that word the the scientific the

the linked

mass media). - nication value not complicated. The concept of “intertextuality

such as

eva arts and literature. For example, the writers eriod,

p , magazines, movies, ” eriod, which is the age of was s , Law of Selection and p negative way. The questions of loyalty and value the

ers produced dramas based on novel contents. Thus, the the . Due to the fact odern Bakhtin analyzed the intertextuality in linguistics and s in a m

uotation q lassical concept of intertextuality originated the

and “

ntertextuality” was defined in 1960 by Julia Kristeva,

i the


term during

or the original texts may be devalued during the newspapers. Television was invented after movie


such as newspaper the , the in

ng intertextuality, movie producers produced movies based on novel , During the c as Later, Actually, The term cultural structure (urbanization ConceptIntertextuality of - mutual support between

the novelists viewpoints of “mutual support” of intertextuality still exist intertextuality changed especially, aesthetic value or commu based on novel contents may be adapted too much and misinterpret the intention of Concerni contents while the novelists wrote novels based on appeared producers, TV drama produc economic structure (industry/capitalism), political structure (democratic regime socio emerged songs. This is a positive viewpoint on “intertextuality there w scriptures, etc. period. production is a inspired by drawings to write poems, the musician linguistics and literature, Kristeva extended communication area. The fundamental signs in characters, ways of storytelling, pictures, sound Bakhtin. Saussure literature. In these areas, mostly focused on word 2.2 scholar who lived in France. Krist

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

a A

he 28 the and . new


a of in order Thai Thai TV

, below the extent new contents, the forms of

and and

the . For example, , the

from the advanced . . The importance of to


ing to was the mainstream of remained the same,

s re added or reduced, etc. 2010) take place accord according n novel form and movie form or ative novelty in intertextuality. In and relation

, which will be discussed composition as as the characters or the characteristics

should should have more than one storytelling , ,

lity concept of intertexuality to analyze t eriod, eriod, intertextuality p

other characters we Television Television (SET) in Taiwan p Kanjana Kaewthep, - means means the relations between texts or the gap ( Taiwanese TV drama called Fierce “The Wife”

This might have resulted the and the the ” broadcasted on Channel ONE in Thailand modern , - modern -

which made reproduction more convenient. In the ost

, p such as audience taste, social values, etc. social taste, such as audience ost

, p the


which can be partially hidden, or completely hidden. Producers

, reinterpret the texts

the storytelling between “Khu Kam” in TV drama form produced in during

or the storytelling between “Khu Kam” i during of esearcher will apply of focus on creating quantitative and qualit d “Wife (Mia) 2018 “meaning” “meaning” from the existing original text to use as material for

construction. construction. Therefore, intertextua The r To summarize, intertextuality Later, leading leading characters changed,

inventors ntertextuality concept concept thatntertextuality proposes the in storytelling each version might change were to ual the comparison comparison to analyze how the contents and storytelling composition changed. changed. and composition the contents storytelling to analyze how composition composition of the new paradigm narrative comparison will be made between (original text), broadcasted on Sanlih E drama calle of The i factors variousbecause of comparison a different time. The composition would change borrowing text and comparative study between the compositions of the original story and the new story on how the reduction, addition, or modification completely, partially, or unintentionally to do reproduction. In some cases they intend to hide, modify between texts during the process of meaning construction in new texts by quotation or terms of quantitative novelty, it can be measured addition, reduction, or modification between the original text and the terms new one. In of qualitative novelty, intertextuality it line can be measured the novelty should be hybridization, organization producers was reduced because they were not necessary to produce but cultural production in the society. communication technology of the

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a a an an 29 are and and that

or or


levels to the

through that two for a long sent

narrative by dividing

narrative narrative must logic logic of causes a arrative means contents contents specific specific time concept relation in delivered delivered


a , pictures A n (Pearson & Simpson, narrative narrative is an ancient s carried out the

divided into

a narrative components. that ctions are linked with each refers to

can be narrative narrative This This refers to a a ories may be told by storytellers structure of under the plot, , and a which (Pramaggiore (Pramaggiore & Wallis, 2008)

while the narrative in TV dramas or heory.


, t

the imaginary world. arrative is a consequence with time and forms. St level

heory A n

t story and reflects on media such as novels, iegetic .

discussed the idea d a

ual form of dialogue, message which means stated that narrative


this level will focus on level will this

iegetic , compared the old and new paradigm narratives which which means 2015) d

at the


2000) heory. heory. heory t t ontent ontent or text logic logic of causes and effects imic imic tory tory level a imic imic m to the ancient period, Aristotle explained narrative the story in


which is the important event in each setting The c

, The s for

parts. The first part is ) )

1 2 o are readers, listeners, or viewers.o are listeners, readers,

arrative is the creation of two music, photos, movies with the theme theme wh such as novelcontent such

, , a 2.3.1 New Paradigm2.3.1 New Narrative As mentioned earlier, the study of narrative has been Nopporn Prachakun ( Going back Raksarn Wiwatsinudom ( Kanjana Kanjana Kaewthep (2010) . A n ConceptNew Paradigm of Narrative

form of humans for the creation of an

time. the story. The study of narrative the story. The as follows: concrete actors/actresses actors/actresses or characters. Therefore, narrative according in novels conforms to to Aristotle’s concept, moviesconforms to the story into represents meaning in speech and themselves or by other persons but remain the original dialogue and message. second The part is and effects, characters, consequences linked with each other in media suitable receivers explanation of consequence throughout the whole story. Moreover, contain 2001) drawings, storytelling of events that are linked like a chain other with many characters in the story place continuity and 2.3 art

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

. s a ” ” ,

y on 30 ; the and The The

ocial story story exist, exist, s Fisher, a ” ( or not ” thing thing and story story can the s

as they are s

a presented presented by


construction construction of is onstructionism objective objective realit c the “ “ the the

arrative. arrative. During the where in some case of heory heory of

n omponents of , a particular which which ower of ow to narrate

constructed constructed be “constructed reality” , objective reality h

“ “ ” which implies that there , ma applies applies are The The c a can manner ” The The p related to construction construction of meanings and arrative arrative usually ask question on the t

aradigm n ” p is . mirror the

the 2.4 in ew meanings meanings of that reality?” including in in a arrative can construct the meanings. the the original reality exist n of TV dr

meanings of many signs. meanings of

which will be discussed later in 2.5

arratology ” , which are constructed meanings. When aradigm aradigm n arrative arrative the they they can be reflected in the story. On the

A n , p “ the n section section that ew construction of meaning whether whether content n “


the the s aradigm which which can be seen and implied in the story and the p

, especially, especially, the story and narrative concept of concept of “power” according to the new paradigm of questioned why meanings

“picture “picture reflected “reconstruct” “reconstruct” ew

a the on, n the

or ” ,

is is related to

has has been dimension of the story and to to construct reality or

ing construction analysis, it focuses on the from its content eality.

“power “power of r which focus power mean an important tool for

principle principle concept of the old paradigm narrative according to Aristotle’s


combined with

arratology narrative is like narrative can be analyzed by analyzing the n the

is ” “deconstruct ” both in are a ,

s s Foucault. Foucault. The study area of the This research focuses on Therefore, it does not matter Due to the fact that

that logy. Semiology is a science of signs

of ,

bjective reality” does not exist. reality” doesbjective arrative paradigm consists of complicated components. onstruction of onstruction emiology emiology emio process of n can be analyzed type interpretation analyzing analyzing the “construct narrative s Michel “Who has meaning for things, it Therefore, s narrative can “construct” it. The results of construction whether the objective reality exists or not. The details will be discussed later c in then it becomes subjective reality. Subjective reality makes sense for narrative human “o which states that although objects/real objects/reality” or humans in different ages and societies “interpret the meanings” of differently depending on “the construction of meanings” for discussed the view must be “objects/real objects/reality” so other hand, in the new paradigm narrative,

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31 hat is, aw of ; t characters the l hostility hostility or

: is the the


ining ining the main idea of the story has has logic and destination

that that the structure of TV dramas heme can be divided into 6 types:

. creates problems and

A t that the elements of storytelling in TV

Introduction, Conflict, Rising Action, onflict onflict among characters that

mentioned The c

heme, discussed (Propp, 1968)

2015) sequence sequence of events is the main element conta a

rules rules controlling the construction of meaning Premise or T

ombination ombination is the main element


: two theme means means

aw of . The

the l 2) 3) Conflict 1) Plot The Structure of TV Dramas of TV The Structure

4 Oranuch Lerdchanyarak ( Lerdchanyarak Oranuch .

Oranuch Lerdchanyarak (2015) Dramas Storytelling2.3.2 Elements of in TV Ubonwan Premsrirat (2015) 2 Climax, Falling Action, Solution and Resolution, at the end. at the Action, Solution Resolution, and Falling Climax, : and there are

election and election and have to find solutions to the problems. which the sender would like to tell the receivers. theme and outcast power, career, idealism,love, morality, Figure Source includes the following Crisis, the beginning, the middle, and the end. Plot likes planning or defining the characters lines which have of problems, obstacles, actions, alternatives, and the end of each character. dramasas follows 1987) s

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, A of of he — 32

the The The s time time ) . 4 onflicts onflicts form of the c unpleasant and the 3) first person

characteristic characteristic an an

actions. actions. Good means means characters. characters. T


intention intention of the

consciousness thoughts, thoughts, habits, conflict conflict with the and ) one of 1 ime in

ound character etting can represent t the ) who is the supporting their a r

, A s ypes: t stream stream of are are repeatedly presented.

receivers receivers is the storyteller; two

onflicts onflicts between one character that c using first person 1)

n the story. he he place where the event happened the such as conflicts with ) parts as follows: 1 , but he/she only focuses on what he/she

, s the point of view of the actors actors and his kind of storytelling the author does not thoughts and actions of the characters. divided divided into found found in movies and dramas can be divided


s means t the (in t the be

omniscient author his/her story by himself/herself through his/her is a symbol for conveying meanings in

and and these changes must not be and and feeling s


by having positive changes in , s surroundings means means ocation ) l is the tactics of the storyteller. It means that the story is many characteristics character or character many characteristics

ed ) onflicts within one character’s mind, is the storyteller; 2 c thoughts, emotions, feelings, habits, and characteristic continues the events in the story as required. Apart from

first person tells the story pecial symbol the the event that occurs i , their


icture icture symbol is the elements

is one of the of elements of every nearly kind storytelling.

the the

behaviors, behaviors, actions, thoughts, wishes, or is the storyteller .


) The The s s the character point point of view or from

special symbol ; 5 be

) A their A Setting

location of . First, a p 8) 7) Point of view 5) 6) Dialogue 4) lat character and lat character f is the storyteller; 3 a a certain the

or memory. the character’s thought , types

s two etting is etting in storytelling can be divided into actics of storytelling can be divided into many ways as follows: speech and pictures. into has seen or heard that is, the main character tell thought who is the main characte character author as an observer focus on told from t continuing from time.continuing this, dialogue reflect the characters. s some meanings in the story and affect s that the event happened; 2 as well as attitudes and actions rationale and reality. Characters can character or environment or natureenvironment characters should discrepancy discrepancy in characters. Conflicts can be divided into 3 types: and other characters, 2) between characters and

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” , 33 For

there ound ” ime n and . t , Burton Law of difference difference

to compare the is the actual

reason reason or any ” way way to present - as as arrative event event is cut or

there there is a pause

the same as the n a Second, Second, a s

“ ime t the ways. On the other Propp (1968)

there is a

“internal logic characteristics characteristics of the on the plot of the story.

Law of Selectio as mentioned earlier. characters characters and other , the story time is equal

, s tory tory plot is

s the the the “ many the , that that

esent esent the different ways of is to narrate. There are many


er hand, a means o narrate in the new paradigm

what is not necessarily

this research focuses on TV drama that it define ” that

Todorov Todorov (1977) cene S ime

can be done in t

Law Law of Selection to select many kinds of 1)

On the oth story story is the raw materials of the story. It can

. He proposed that This story time is zero because the the story time is zero because

course course of actions is referred to , indicating storytelling, arrative arrative narrative narrative of n that

“ the content” analysis of TV drama in the new paradigm t contain “internal elements” and where where the “ the focus on how t s paradigmatic paradigmatic structure of narrative of to narrate rather than the

plot single picture or edited groups of pictures. the the Chatman (1980) elements of a construct different meanings for structure structure of the the how

functions of the the on are not required to be in chronological order. Moreover, that that Law of Combination.

rules to control these two structures; that the

es sound used to convey meanings to emphasize pictures or that may convey different meanings. different may convey The storyteller can apply story story and

that that each story mu as as the while while how to construct the sequence of the story and order functions is According According to the the

is the

that have clarified , the the — that explained explained the narrative mode Furthermore, the new paradigm narrative also focuses Apart from

according according to various various dimensions and distributed. , story in a linear and sequential relation. The relation can be cause sets sets of characters and courses of action structure and logic for construct narrative. Law of Combination. To clarify these laws, how to select

of icture icture symbol can be to narrative time; 2) Pause means for explanation; 3) Ellipsis means the which is the concept of time of the events in reality but story time. time structure to tell the story as follows: other forms (1997) narrativedifferent modes. of storytelling have Different kinds hand between be the characters and Selection referred to elements. are The logic the narrative example, storytelling must consist of characters and conflicts These elements must have sequential relations storytelling and narrative. narrative. The concept of narrative focus scholars p symbol is pictures

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

is is is 34 for for the

plot. plot. plot and and the

indicated the particular the the emiology,

s a for example of meanings. thoughts and dimension or

- s of



( s in general. They gns but

“new meaning” s ed

of the society, the characterization a theme, if the goal of

s Propp the

attach in the dialogues to disclose belief for many days

are are cultural cultural code and says names. names. oncept of characterization means

the and concept of passing

The c the the story time is shorter than narrative with constructionist . that the the time

objects but they (2003) meaning meaning related to ideology, values, can can lead to various construction

the characters’ different meanings mainly depends on mainly depends meanings different

to the ideology, ideology, values, paradigmatic paradigmatic structure of Forster Forster (2005) , , through external and internal actions, through that story is the focal point of many si in common a the story time is longer than narrative time by using the the

view that core core of a element element

- the has emiology, emiology, and and so on, through what he/she Boggs and Petrie

s , concept concept of the construction of presentation, including symbolic news individuals/groups of is a sub

means means the

few scenes.

and Thus, a particular society. To construct meanings through

a Theme According to Character 2.3.3 Construction of Meaning through Narrative Elements Meaning through 2.3.3 Construction of Fisher (1987) of

dimension dimension of characters of s motion motion pictures; 5) Summary means - vers. - theme is consistent with understanding understanding of the receivers depending on construction of meaning may not be difficult. On the other hand, if the construction of belief the through repeated actions, and through and through actions, through repeated a set of signs linking each other with logical relations and then constructed. to characterize through the outside figures of the dressing, personality characters such as body, face, him/herself, through the storyteller actions of other characters, through binary opposition according to heroine, villain, and so on), concept of dividing characters multi into one required meanings of recei For example, what kind of sex, nationality, class, age, and so on can be what character (hero, believe that meanings do not attach the society. This conceptual framework will adaptation, explain the construction of meanings,

skipped; 4) Stretch means slow time by using many scenes to represent within only

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a ” . 35 the the the the and and that oral


” m s, , as nternal nternal me and etting and the i emporal emporal s genre. t there are “ behaviors

analysis analysis of took place narrative is , setting he t

the “story” from the First, i a genre ” T ocomotion ocomotion and the the of a .

Gripsrud (2002)

story story

Boggs and Petrie . the eographical eographical factors , g ntiate ntiate climate climate setting, or The l types.

a defined “story”

including including setting four to to the internal logic of


“alternative “alternative meanings physical physical dimension and s

in which the

s types as follows: 1) cultural cultural aspect. The story, the storyteller can s can differe

” -

the s. a Law of Selection and Law of four that elements socio lot is a sequence of phenomena or the natural natural setting, the a A p in continuing to live. Second of the the story happened; 2)

“story” “story” in the society and and weaponry are also supporting elements. or accident

s , a racters. These three supporting elements will s meaning meaning of characters. dimensions: dimensions: all

theme might be more be more difficult theme might the the which are and and two the the

, decision in which behaviors

minds minds of the characters which make them confused or Muller Muller and Williams (1985) which which can be .

Conflicts can be divided into s , , locomotion , the to direct the meaning to be in accordance with with to be in accordance to direct the meaning

factors related to s . s ” revailing social structure and economic factors; 4) the the p ume courses courses of action/logical relations. Those events or

in making ’ are not “coincidence are are

cost , and and codes of conflict

s. a “sign” to define in set of signs

a as as mentioned earlier are conflict conflict is a characteristic of

physical physical location

behaviors behaviors s , In terms of the construction of meanings through conflicts, Moreover, In terms of the construction of meanings through proposed proposed that each event must consist of “time” and “location in the storyin the

the cultural cultural aspect. They can be divided into etting can be divided into revailing revailing social structure and economic factors and moral attitude, custom - ude, custom conflicts mean conflicts in feel uncomfortable other kinds of verbal text connection of events based on conflicts. behaviors/characters are developed profession, status, and so on of the cha function as stated that appear Costume weaponry used by the characters must be in accordance with Combination. Combination. Although there are many settings in and focus on different settings to serve differenct purposes. The goal one exact meaning construction, The p codes of setting related to the construction of meanings still refer narrative factors mean the period of time mean decorated setting; 3) attit location dimensions (including decoration) in the narrative are called The s socio meaning meaning changes the traditional meanings or present throughconstruction of meanings (2003)

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

, a 36 are are are are the the

that wife This - ” For . or the of view that become

benefits, benefits, The new s

emiology, emiology, number two. s from from hero hero comes to

which consists can can begin with

heroine heroine , the

. the always begins with ifferent ifferent point then such as conflicts within

structure of the society ng with conflicts and

struction which may be natural or , of the society,


patterns of husband the and and owers of the storyteller s The d

“power” related to the story in then some events lead to The p belief raped raped the three

and . The binary opposition of these s storyteller’s storyteller’s position is a “first gate” is an construct “some meanings of meanings for the story. wife” genre

- conflicts conflicts may originate s

the se onflicts between people and society. methods methods of deali techniques of using signs narrative through techniques of using eroine eroine

and and outside power

. he sexual relations and then (Kanjana Kaewthep, 2010) Kaewthep, (Kanjana s t

the summarized the h ve ety

groups. groups. The

Third are c raditions raditions and ng as follows wife Relationship Genre Storytelling “before “before being husband - power power to construct meaning.

story and the storyteller’s position, according to inally, inally, analyzing he types of conflict issues such as struggling for money or property T

s the hero and heroine ha onflicts onflicts between human the

the power structurein soci conflict have conflict high have competency. The he 1) conflicts between people and rules, order, or t the the or the the 2.3.4 Husband Somsuk Hinviman (2015) In terms of the construction of meaings through internal logic onflicts onflicts between two persons or or example, to challenge t resolution of conflicts. For example, save her, relationship genre storytelli misunderstandings between the main characters, terms of who ha related to open to meaning construction for everything in the story. of the storytellers lead to different construction paradigm not only focuseson narrative elements constructto meanings, but also focuses on example, if the period of time from climax to resolution is short, it conflict means is not so complicated and not so difficult to be solved or the characters deal with resolutions at the end. at resolutions of developing short/long period of time continuing the story c supernatural supernatural powers. An analysis of conflict for meaning con analyzing which type of conflicts the story mostly focuses on family. Then, considered, and f economic/political economic/political structures or religious belief people might have stronger power than the conflict Fourth are the c counterparts in c different opinions, and so on. refers to the f

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

- 37 the that that that

happy wrong family.

such as

ero and a

, the such as the

new family

their ,

husband and The h characters meanings of this emerge , suggesting meanings of this the drama shapes

the family , the the hero hero and heroine can there are fewer types that with the the , class audience to think

society - ending such as divorce,

the t

always begins with wrong wrong doing.

middle a tragic ing and beginning a capitalis wife” genre

the end. According to the above the - a


his/her in happy ending, a ing

ome female villains repent , or leav happy happy ending. The reproduction of The reproduction of wife” genre - . a ness . It always begins with obstacles and conflicts monogamy. In the meantime power of love between class class people in Further, Further, s deserves the the - “not being husband

imaginary world for

moral and social regulations. The scenes in the drama the

the idea of to happy family again. The reproduction of minds of the characters, conflicts between irms monogamy and emphasizes the importance of love, dignity, reputation, and so on, and conflicts between a “after being husband what he/she the

class, vulnerable family in the real world. This genre type may be

that if the characters do not comply with moral and social

to mess around then lead -

illain is punished or repents The Regarding gets

feelings of middle death. In contrast, some have to have

otion 3) 2) hero and heroine. Then there are many conflicts terms of then conflicts are developed and bring problems to coming ing the the The The v hemselves without any reason. without any reason. hemselves the the n and and choose their way of life if they have to face unexpected family problems. ch character reflect regulations, they will receive negative effects characters and social values. These conficts are not resoluted and end with tragedy. Ea genre type also confirms the audience to adhere of this genre than the first two types between internal conflicts in compete in The solutions may be divorce, forgive with other persons. The family scene presented in the drama may not be an presents the ideal middle happy family but it a trial and error space in the about intervenor separation, or wife return genre type usually conf themselves without any reason. doing by t family, although the real world is full of conflicts, conflicts in the imaginary world can solved in be any way. For example, solve the problems, social rules punish the villains, or problems can be solved by pregnant. heroine get married and finally have meanings of this genre type usually confirms heterosexualism. In the meantime, represents it

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

” , of 38 the

wife three - wife” - 2018 those of

audience drama as fter being a “ the audience

the and tragedy.


to social taboo same as

Mia (Wife) the “ the

ending scene. On the

the same experience or couples in the

not in accordance with


s especially belong to the ing

efore being husband , b e tragic “


reflects that this type of family of relations in order to reduce

s the they are fate of the

that type

storytelling, the forms of relationships of although these usually end with appear in the drama and see

leading characters can be divided into happy family, then conflicts are developed hese relations may be

T drama. Drama contents can give explanations a es same as the

the because both of them explanations and social outlets derived from the

the the


the relations

to analyze the narrative of the original Taiwanese TV

audience. Therefore, the audience can use ,

can be real world.

family because the intervenor comes to mess around. The relations, he is not condemned or punished by society like , appear in many dramas

understand man who are s the ous husband and wife in real life because it explains problems they are facing in their real life.

wife relationship genre - ife must be honest with her husband. On the other hand, when the the

enre. They begin with

3) Polyandrous 1) Monogamous relations 2) Polygamous relations, . ( ( ( g The Fierce Wife” and the Thai TV drama called “ will really

man and wo accordance with present Thai social values. or even worse.

have a happy ending scene. The drama confirms the value of monogamy, ,

they wife the - Researcher will apply the concept of narrativ TV TV dramas present various relations because they reflect various and her will analyze the elements of storytelling as mentioned earlier. enre and and bring problems to researc relationship genre storytelling drama called which will be presented in Chapter husband and find social outlets for the a trial and error space and apply drama content to complicated relations in the the audience. When the audience watch feelings, monogamy. The w husband has polygam the wife. that the fate of other couples in real life The female character is condemned for her challeng present Thai social value relations exists in the real world. Most of them have other side points of view, dramas present conflicts between g which is in mentioned husband between types as follows

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; of

39 the the hat the are yes,

mass mass world world eality , e

. s different different the the stated that

them only. at

which means

, is not given or to structure ” studies on w


different in each area reality

“ is surrounding

everyday life interaction ” means nature such as land, have have been . which which is constructed by the


to interpret the meanings or ,

the This world of meanings argument argument that although contents contents

the construction of reality by ndividuals ndividuals might be the same but (Kanjana Kaewthep, 2013) (Kanjana

the main institute choose

the frame people. For example, if we use of meanings the the the

s social contents to construct the r are - social social world as empirical studies believe. On the other

, use use to the . The world is divided into 2 parts. The first s (cited in Kwanfa Sripraphan, 2008)

physical world. social social contents of mass media, the results always - the mass media means the world we can touch with our sense

physical physical world for i

1966) social world through different. The construction of reality for individuals is and interpretation the

the a

This s provided some space for social social or anti for scholars to find it -

s might might be social social contents, receivers can - pro etc. The second level is ro and use the media content to surround themselves. themselves. to surround media content the and use social contents to frame themselves to frame contents social , - the mass media mostly present pro ocial world has different meanings in different locals and and wait

the the world of reality. ” The The s Berger and Luckmann ( ” This is why our society can exist further. However, theorists

It was believed that The common concept of cultural studies theory is Initially, this concept explained that humans have two levels of . the Theory of Social Construction of Reality of Reality Construction of Social Theory

out there ears, tongue, body, and mind. The second one is of reality. world in somepartsthe fromof meaningsthe world receive knowledge. We everyone constructs meanings for the world between humans and from social institution one is society phenomenology have media present p select only anti the criteria of show that that “although there are disadvantages or problems, they are acceptable by our mass media even they never touch the real “physical real worldmasseven they the touch media never social reality surrounding us. Following this belief, there kind of reality framework the mass media periods of time. Therefore, their social worlds different. Giving definition and age. Persons can have surrounding them. The firs one is sky, river, trees society. hand, cultural studies scholars believe that reality is constructed and the receivers not passive and let the mass media construct They are active 2.4 “

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l ” , or ed 40 are stock in an social “ not the the which can and but not the


, by particular

Codes can be

ed codes related to codes related to the behaviors codes related to exact reality from the the stock of knowledge an also stated that socia the “

experiences of people in other people in the form a encoding and decoding to means the




, which codes related to objects emiology, senders and receivers through s , which social process accumulate to be social interaction between people or the or society. In this regard, , which

governed codes are accept the - the means

by ultural codes

c d orld of meanings is necessary because it secures orld of meanings is the knowledge partially deriv ersonal codes ocial codes p Berger and Luckmann (1966) s an individual e, , which r define l with things. These rules can define xperiences in The w The w is stated that the misinterpreted decoding is the rule

The e fic for . called “the part of the world which we can explain, define, and the reality constructed by humans is social reality. However,

s roduct codes p ” Although we cannot explain the world of reality exactly, we can get that . can be ary to share the common codes during Eco (1979) our questions. through their daily lives. Then, they pass it on ns

s to but communication succeeds because they share similar codes

, s feelings and people can adhere to it. Data gradually change, not abruptly necess change. According to the assumptions of which generations. Furthermo

, cover different meanings; 2) relationships between persons; 3) cultures and traditions; and 4) persons. same ones. exception of communication. Due to the fact that the different references senders between and receivers, there is not error decoding but different divided one. into 1) social never process institution accept and learn “the way to do thing” older reality may change from the original context depending on pheonomena are how passed on the and how meanings rule of construction of reality institution of rules or methods to dea actions of people in that society or institution. Finally, people in society or which mea humans in different societies perceive reality in different ways because different worldview they have of knowledge” speci people’ contrast to things we know. from world of reality and then it is constructed and becomes Due to the fact that many realities exist, humans cannot find them draw a pattern answers

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2.1) television


applied to the Table Example

different contexts

s according to social (see

s Narrative, conflict, action, character, dialogue,setting, so casting, and forth Values, believes, and materialism, capitalism Appearance, Appearance, behavior, speech, sound, and setting lighting,Camera, sound, music, and editing media contents called - can be television codes into three 2016)

meaning of “Wife” through , and traditions. Importantly,

of the economical context; for example, beliefs 2011)

in an Fiske, Fiske,


nally categorized s social speech acts during a certain period. certain origi a

the ife” in this research. It might be stated that “Wife” w

conventional conventional code code

social construction of reality

the Encoding ProcessEncoding Fiske (2011) Ideology acceptable by society Encoded by technical on codes presented television Transmit codes representation Encoded by social codes . The research aims to study how the drama use

meanings of “

mentioned categories of codes can be connected with ”

- ” naturally when a man and a woman are married. On the other hand,

ory of the

” ” family living, social context, values, 2018.

the a

Encoding Levels in TV Drama Levels in TV Encoding

vel , the meanings of “Wife” is not definite, but change

Fiske (2011) 1 . The The above Le Reality (cited in Jithiwadee Wilailoy & Nedpogaeo, Asawin 2 Ideology “ First Level “ ing for Third Level Second Level n Representation “ the new paradigm narrative of digital TV drama with cross “Mia (Wife) ear how “Wife” will be depends on Therefore contexts. This research focuses on the construction construction of did not originate the meanings of “Wife” are constructed

Table codes of levels

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42 the the each sign.

Swiss a (1976) certain certain

French at

a a , a receiving receiving Culler

1913) ” Relations can

Roland Barthes - 2009), , -

; . This concept is in Further, Further, Strauss (1908 - how the meanings embedded in context relations. What

- in themselves when they are related

on content field, on can be compared with concerning concerning the process of linguistic philosopher certain certain text may convey different meanings concerning stated that context is important for defining

(Kanjana Kaewthep, 2009) and Claude Lévi who mass media applies semiology concepts to raise

; , and a American the the

an : are there any signs in radio/television (e.g. scene, mass communicati the how the sign creators convey meanings to the receivers. In Eco (1976) cultural context is the most important.

choose signs to convey meanings efficiently. signs to convey meaningschoose efficiently. - 1914), scholars of semiology: F. de Saussure (1857


as follows mass mass media, socio four semiology concept mostly focuses on is “relations that of

French semiologist

ons ons the the a how the receivers encode the meanings. Therefore, understanding the or example, binary opposition and text

depends on its contexts , f

s Peirce (1839

; There are What Semiology focuses on the construction and adaptation of meanings embedded case of 1980), -

Semiology ; that is,

the anthropologist. encodes the meanings in them. encodes the linguist (1915 actions, etc. also convey meanings accordance with meanings and stated that the objects themselves do not convey meaning until the cultural context text mean if its context changes. In text and form/format can be compared with context. Settings, costumes, dialogues, explain “meanings” due to the fact that nothing embeds meanings in itself and content cannot define meanings. Things have meanings with others signs are generated and terms of the receivers, questions can be raised sign helpsnature signs to of In research questi sound, camera, etc.) and how do these signs work to convey meanings? In terms of the sign creators, questions can be raised in signs. Everything surrounding us which can be constructed meanings can be to construct the meanings of “Wife” and how the drama encodes the meaning level. 2.5

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a 43 the ning) or the

, n n causal levels of

“the life of

can construct

two classified classified as is combine combine signifiers phrase , which is related to was the first to apply , which resembles its to , of things

icon symbol cars cars or motorcycles, or even

sign is composed of a signifier, Peirce also demonstrated that a a

hat rules and how they change in es: 1) an gnifiers. The meanings of signifiers ontext, ontext, as indicated as above indicated

ted.” To clarify the resembling ical. ical. The construction and conveying of , for the meaning must be continuously by by social convention and sign is constructed to contain meaning and

emiology” as the study of “the life of signs concept, concept, signification is a combination of s a rules behind its life. Semiology makes us

illog ,


circumstances. or the meaning accepted origin, growth, change, and disruption of a particular or not and the combination

enotation, enotation, which is the direct meaning (literal mea the French semiologist smoke is a sign of fire); and 3) a ne meaning ends and then varies to another meaning)

a o Peirce Peirce (1935)

Saussure (1974) . ); 2) an index, which is associated with its referent i something cultural cultural studies. His main concept is that there are . First is d

relations relations between one signifier and other signifiers in the same to

or its graphical equivalent, and its signified, the concept .

ng to , the n change depending on real In object. a certain text and c for example

He categorized signs into three main typ a

image - According to Roland Barthes,

Accordi Ferdinand de Saussure defined “ ” it means the study of , sound

signifier’s meanings with objective construction. It is its referent without resemblance but only by social convention (such as language and mathematic symbols) semiotic analysis qualified. referent (such as photos, maps, road signs onomatopoeic words connection ( experiences in the real world and mind. They interact to construct meanings and the meanings ca sign can never have a definite derive from structure. Choosing meanings. relation is not natural, arbitrary, meanings according to Saussure are to use or choose codes and systematically and traditionally in accordance with social rules. The chosen signifier conveys meanings because of other unchosen si represents a meaning. The combination of signifier and its signified is a cultural convention. Its understand how signs are constructed and under w conveying meanings ( (Saussure, 1974) within society where the signs are origina signs sign, including the analysis of

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) as as 2 44

are are


signifier signifier signifier and )

dimensions. dimensions. It beliefs the are are in accordance social social and cultural

constructed to convey meaning meaning derives from

is elements: elements: 1 beliefs in several

(Chairat (Chairat Charoensinolarn, the signs signs in language becomes interpretation, and the implied

and implies implies that levels and is interested in the study of the deep -

that multi function. We see them as natural and

- at things things surrounding us in society are signifiers

which are one of the focal points of study in the

, the which is a combination of signifier and signified. As

, onnotation, onnotation, which certain certain period of the society

perception, perception, decoding, another scholar do not think that they are constructed by culture and do

a sign that textual analysis should be classified between manifest


vey meanings the their viewed that Barthes called the process of change, reduction, disclosure,

background. background. The concept of semiology leads to signification or or thoughts/believes which are undoubtful acceptable by most of

indicated ” . Second is c sign. sign. In our daily life experiences, we can see only cultivate cultivate some ideologies naturally. People in a certain society are ) signifier signifier status of things in the society to be natural or normal or only to to their Strauss Strauss (1963) - doxa / e in the society. They convey meanings with cultural and and 3

Lévi However, However, rules exist but the meanings are dynamic depending on their Barthes (1967) alibi / . The meanings in language are constructed from ltural intimacy, we overlook or cannot see the meanings in things which are modern period. modern - myth structure of texts, familiar with them, so they not question representation of the world of reality post contexts. A sign can con has been found in an analysis of deep structure that “myth” meanings or well as in the myth, they signifiers interact in in the 3 myth; that dimensions, is, they can convey as inand signified of signifier language. combination meanings independently from the with the power existing in 2002) signified signified but cannot see serve for use as “myth construction process” and the outcome of this process is called “ the peopl distorted to be perceived as natural and these thoughts and or cu signifiers or are signified and their sign things for use only. distortion the meaning can vary broadly. vary broadly. meaningcan and they are encoded by culture or rules of meaning construction. Due to familiarity descriptive descriptive level subjective construction. It depends on individuals’ experiences and contexts. Semiologists focus on implied individuals in terms of meaning because it is important for

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, , - of of he he on 45 t the are

ing The The The

what . For d

1) s

defined types

ascertain tells in 2.4.

, perceiv

nication. nication. appeared appeared in the der der to ting that in or discussed

plies plies semiology as a mediated mediated culture ” , - the storyteller

, , transmit signs signs in the construction of

2018 leading characters (husband, ing that

the ns ave more than one meaning. ommunication ommunication only focuse c

ow implied meanings reflect h ind the change of female leading he he meanings implied in the Strauss’s areas of interests are: t ai” but Americans greet with hand -


Mia (Wife) “ 2) “

a face and interactive commu - to ntercultural ntercultural - while the latent meaning while the latent meaning tells what the texts i

, above, above, the researcher ap with (cited in Metta Wiwattananukul, 2016) social construction of reality construction of social together with other elements

, the the representation of the as the process of exchang

other other ” discussed discussed such such as the reasons beh theory of theory the above concept of semiology, the meanings of signs are

, The The Fierce Wife” and “ the the meanings of the interactions and symbols in a particular different to cause different interpretation and expected behaviour and

ommunication c ing the reasons

In the past, the meaning of Lustig and Koester (1996) For According to ultural ultural are are so much Concept of Intercultural Communication Concept of Intercultural

nterc ersons in the communication process are from different non i example, Thai people greet shaking, so how people with different communication behaviors can get along. then lead to different perception of meanings. perceptionthen lead to different of interpersonal communication or face p “ and interpret communication context. The persons in the communication process are from cultures that 2.6 TV TV dramas called how they convey meanings, to understand the roles of in the dramas. of meaings of “wife” the construction well asas character, which is related towhich is related framework for the analysis of wife, mistress) and their relations interests is the relations among characters. among characters. relations the interests is dynamic depending on their contexts. One sign can h concept of semiology leads to signification or representation of the world of reality characters from the beginning till the end; storytelling or character construction; and 3) thought structures of people in different kinds of groups. The unit of analysis in his meaning and latent meaning. Manifest meaning mea the did characters and what happened related to and what meaning they convey. Lévi system of narrative

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, s in 7) 46 ies

the the s

mail, - to (Jandt, ication

focuses focuses on

anguage, pportunit l O then then compare the definitions is high ommunication

6) . perceptions perceptions and c s

and ssuming ssuming similarity

other other and her child the a , m where

2) focuses focuses on mediated cultural commun

- cultural rejudice, -

p Wonghatai Wonghatai Tunshevavong comparison comparison between the

5) when a ross ommunication

or example, the difference nxiety, c the a : c , f are superior or inferior are parts of culture. nication

mail. mail. The communication partners ass , 1)


m be: icate ommu

the differences in definitions and c are from different culture or example, is similar to cross

thnocentrism, can

, f e that they ” similar to cultural studies

, that On the other hand, ommunication live in different countries. For example, Thai 4) c omparative

c “ lture

that concerns by telephone or e

s nternational nternational i ” and , NHK (Japan) (England). NHK and BBC

because because senders and receivers are from different cultures. ommunication tereotypes, communication communication s c ntercultural ntercultural the

ommunication ommunication focuses on i cultural cultural communication as the comparative study between two on on understandings between senders and receivers, they should c - to 3)

ass ass cultural cultural studies). why and how to commun

- mass mass media in different cultures verbal verbal language misinterpretation. Therefore, the main problem of m

- and behaviors behaviors on the between

n ommunication also covers mediated communication such as e ommunication s cultural cultural distance call across countries. However, the academic area c c - - on 8)

of of people in the same cu r, with advanced technology and communication devices, the definition of and omparative Culture and communication are closely related. The way to define In the meantime, Apart from the above mentioned, there are some terms Cross explained cross


c . The obstacles focuses misunderstanding misunderstanding between people acebook,etc. Line, acism nternational ntercultural ntercultural In order to build comm have positive attitudes and not feel instead of difference, r intercultural communication communication communication, for 1998) hand, but news program people contact American client may be in the same or different cultures make a long the international communication among people in different cultures. On the other (2011) mentioned. than the above areas more covers cultures or more. This definition communication between people communication of people in one culture and another. The communication partners are not necessary to be in different cultures, but the study focuses on behaviors both cultures (cross are closely related to i Howeve i F

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, , , . s 2) 47 they

. . First stages

. There . There that response

meet their two

’s aspects that interested in the

two stimulants stimulants image, acculturation cial communication ognitive ognitive component - individual

take action explicitly. factors that should be the

which are individuals or the

ed into

, the positive positive or negative views individual’s background. In news news and information they

ivid (Chen & Starosta, 2008) (Chen the means

elect only Second is so especially especially among ethnic groups environment. environment. There are personal personal adaptation process caused

The main reason for different host nature and directions of adaptation.

, . First is the c

s and . about about the the , , which mass communication and interpersonal the refers refers to the

: his/her 2012) unsatisfied unsatisfied with, not interested in, and avoid nature nature and directions of the persons’ views

ompetence. means means

interaction c

is , which the component an an

communication comes from selective perception directions comes comes after persons select stimulants because because communication is a channel for strangers to

ommunication can be d

person person and C

is positive positive views are satisfied with and



the se ting news and information they have learned before; and person’s senses, so persons s stated that a ersons ersons make judgments satisfied with, interested in, and ready to


knowledge knowledge of persons toward stimulants

is the exis

2) Organization fective fective component ral ral adaptation theory 1) 1)

divided divided into via communication communication sideration are cognitive structure, knowledge, self Triandis, 1971) Triandis,

( Cultural Perception

the host’s society. in components components of adaptation as follows . Third is the behavioral

ity ity 2.6.1 Jandt (1998) Intercultu action action refers to the

into into con


three ersonal communication. In personal communication, daptive personality outcomedaptive is the after the judgment Samovar, Porter, R.McDaniel, & Roy, with the limitation of are interested in. which is a part of culture besides the five sense general, there are different stages perception process: that selection, organization, people and interpretation. 1) go Selection through comes within the cultural On the other hand, negative behavior taking stimulants to a particular thing. This behavior reflects Positive behavior which groups or any conditions shaping Second is the af toward the stimulants. The in this process: newly receive a are which can be communication. by the interaction between is p taken motivation, and host communication communication partners during ( conform learn

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- or or of or 48 are are and


that , , f s h . For s people that proof Value

in the world while strong

alues of each

, Yang and . People - s ” Religious belief . The v nothing

“message” and direct can construct meanings. a

doing doing wrong. going going values - as nature nature of sending and receiving ses on impact or elements of culture of or culture impact elements

scientific scientific worldview believes in the - peaceful society and are not always in intercultural communication in at

ts a with with which they nd nd forgiveness. There are many levels of define define what is right and what is wrong in a

results s cultural cultural cultivation of a particular group. For discussed thediscussed w we perceive our surroundings and our world. spiritual/non the

ther such as the concept of Yin der der persons have more experiences than younger a el

s do not create holistic holistic worldview perceives that

scientific scientific worldview focuses on empirical

. that a

means ho fer postponement and easy

a segmented worldview believes that in order to understand is credible. They have gratitude and are respected. These

defines defines how persons decide to choose. a

say relates to each o

the belief context context culture which mainly focu while while -

, 2) Value 1) Worldview Studies on Cultural Influence and ElementsStudies Influence on Cultural and low

a there is

closely relate to each other. Values are based on groups of belief become become “the value of paying respect to the elder persons 2.6.2 (2016) Metta Wiwattananukul ut ut whoever does not adhere to them is perceived

s , b be separated. It meanings meanings and feelings of people toward stimulants and situation understanding understanding of people in each group. 3) Interpretation means the combination

beliefs also creates many values such as sacrifice a right belief example ones, so what they example, Thai people pre relations in Thai society teach them to be generous. In the western cultures, prefer punctuality and competition. Value particular society. Some value superstition, sin, and superstition, karma. group and society vary depending on things accurately for analysis and communication, they should example, be segmented communication. Second, visible/tangible evidence while In general, the difference in worldviews least two dimensions. First, can context culture are widely studied areas follows widely the differently. meanings interpret may cultures exposed to different interests. They organize stimulants in a form Language can define understanding which affec messages. Language defines symbols to organize understanding and culture defines the

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030 ” . - a

49 . the the the

and and

. loves parents, are different ndividualism ndividualism

i developed developed ommunication social group we c a main element that It is believed that

(Olsen, 1978)

and and future future change. It is

his/her the are that the person ules of r about rms rms flexible. flexible. but does not accept the new no pt pt opinions


are are tainty tainty dimensions. dimensions. First,

man man and woman must be married Chinese Chinese culture ” such as fashion and materialism and fashion ” such as perience. Information and planning child must obey ile low power distance believes that s ” such as the value of paying respect a s four a the oriented oriented and success is measured by , wh - separated but


better life. As a result, society has strict rules, s ariant value a v while collectivism focuses on

, to discover additional dimensions from Hofstede’s to “

, uncertainty avoidance means - Life Life is work reat tradition value cultural norms and rules,

g ow L divided divided culture into

. had work experience in For For example, in Thailand,

and women’s roles are clearly separated while femininity is more

’s t follow their boss’ Regarding Regarding redominant/

p for work

3) qualified persons and seniority or experts “

- ses on self and family . Some of these dimensions concern Confucian dynamics. He conducted high s from from Bond (1992) Hofstede (1980)

and women’s roles are not clearly

, in ’s Chinese Values Survey (CVS) concept challenges and does not strictly adhere to rules. Life is flexible and open to the new generation. It focuses on liberalism. People tend to acce fromtheirs. not assured that change will bring trust generation’s opinions because they have less ex are required men and women have equal masculinity or low femininity and power. low masculinity or high Moreover, femininity. Fourth, high Hofstede also uncertainty avoidance means thoughts based on uncer classified high leadership, and challenge. materialism. Men harmonized. It focuses more on quality of life and relationships Men than materialism. individual’s roles and positions. For example, subordinates mus power should be exercised appropriately. Personal rights should be respected equality with and freedom in our society. Third, masculinity focuses on competition, of acceptable behavior related to morality or ethics but rules areethics butof acceptable not morality or rules behavior related to mainly focu are in. Second, high power distance means separate power in accordance with particular situation. before being husband and wife. Cultural norms also include “ Norms are different from rules in terms of morality or ethics. Norms are the standard values society in Thai to elder persons derived from culture. Cultural norms are the expected standard behaviors in a

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

, t - 50 tha tion tion term term have , for were - one’s lead to to to study in a main types.

and and tolerance cultural cultural media overall picture

to fulfill - , values tradi

four erent erent cultures in . an

needs and

term or short - that ” . and and the movement of between eastern and focuses focuses on virtues


s one’s l in order nderstanding nderstanding these three U scope and attitude toward that Confucian’s teachings society society

saving saving and dignity. It focuses - which which leads to selection/new and values. It tends to the called “

, ,

success success or economic progress or face (Matthews, 2000) (Matthews, society society social social responsibility and humanity.

was s and and exists in a related to about about


which can be divided into

such as honesty and tolerance. CVS Second, , studied studied overseas in 23 countries. There


lineage, lineage,

III concern o control and tolerate such as money saving, diligence World World Values Survey Data to conduct -

increase efficiency in communication. Moreover, which , that

called “indulgence or restraint ,

to CVS can can be applied to a was

applied term orientation

- nation and development sufficiency and morality and morality sufficiency - s hort the the s when communicating with people from diff 2010) “ self

consider social norms personalneeds. beyond social consider s to iority. iority. Third, hile Chinese Values Survey as as well as students

, w , term orientation Minkov ( IV concern - the

relations with others - 93 countries. This study showed the difference

I concern ” and the sixth one and the sixth ” s , - are are required , values, and following social rules. following social and , values, parents parents and children relations value love, ruler and subordinate relations s rn

Long Indulgence means freedom in doing anything to fulfill These three elements connectedare with each other and give Then, than CVS culture. culture. Each society has different norms, rules changing changing society, it is necessary to understand the power of cross Singapore

a a happy life while restraint means t people from one place to another in each society elements order to choose the right way and in more than in the past. In the meantime, it is necessary to underst of misunderstandings in communication easily because one form of behavior of people vary from area to area. a but personal needs including including flexibility. Finally, these can bring expected goals and modernity, pride in on belief western cultures. The additional fifth dimension orientation make the expected future come true relations value sen Fourth, CVS more II conce example value justice, husband and wife relations value harmony, siblings and relatives survey in Chinese culture countries such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and 40 values in First,

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

- to ly 51 the the the The The

Mia — “ “ d which Sirinat

culture. , cultural between

the change s, which can which is two

s, book can change roducers roducers and have have (Porntip (Porntip Yenjabok, of Thai TV drama o study the encoding

The p s ” . In this study, TV drama . which are economic and

The The Fierce Wife” to , “ which which is in accordance with

It aims t , and the Thai TV drama called that the interaction between 2001) meanings of TV drama , — for the communication of dominant dominant mechanism the the

way mass communication” - , and cultural norms and rules ly s explained the concept of Thai TV drama medium medium Everett Rogers and the study of

digital digital era

tudies, tudies, modern mass media that watching dramas on Face the

s to “mass engagement ” in the media differently narrative of the drama and the decoding of the the

s change the characteristic Kanjana Kanjana Kaewthep, ( the the

. ” heory of s has has ultural ultural t worldview, worldview, value concept concept of intercultural communication and c values in Chinese culture

— ew media create “two acebook, LINE TV, YouTube, and website passive to active because Facebook is a social space for nce nce the F analog to the well as the intertextuality from

to to economic and cultural

digital digital Thai TV drama producers The n s audie mperialism the i being ” as where it was found ,

eterminism the the , d the especially 2018

” In this study, drama is ultural

” . , c “ dominant mechanism dominant mentioned above

ly 2018 This study focuses on the construction of Tipphasiri Kaewthet et al. (2018) This study applies

. Social Network Interactivity andTV Audience Decoding of the Social Network Interactivity echnology echnology

t audience audience and

Mia (Wife) of the senders reflected through on socialinteractivity reflectedreceivers network. the audience the audience from freely. expressing feelings presents its contents on television and other platforms. way communication. the the Sodprasert (2015) producers and production from mass entertainment audience can chat on live 2.7 transmission from be termed is one of the media transmitting values and cultural ideologies (Wife) According to the concept of values and ideologies of capitalism to dominant cultural mechanism products by changing political analyze the new paradigm narrative elements of the Taiwanese TV drama called Fierce Wife “ meaning construction for “message 2016) elements

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, : s. s. ” 52 the The The also


hep, 2013) mass media codes shared the “message” “message” is a the naturalized naturalized form the institutions to a a

as production formula ” they send

, on television, but “ TV TV production proces s

s explained explained that when the ncoded ncoded message includes es. Receivers can share (Kanjana (Kanjana Kaewt the the see

eti called called it

message The The e oci is s ways. a



s work for mass media organizations, that senders do not act as transmitters three

” Hall viewed that — in

s, , or wha s that easily easily without learning. Therefore, Hall s have have the same idea

the the encoding of senders and the decoding of the the broadcasting code means


is popular and adapt it to be in accordance with noted Stuart Hall one one of the ways senders send message to mass


s mass mass media message is not originated naturally, but : of of message not only interpret a


one of the institutions in our society, s ployees ployees

it or radio and television broadcasting codes are shared

s are indicated indicated that content s share content through structural explanations. Due to the “encoded message” together. form

the the ideas of can can be interpreted

the ing ing

they are connected with their television, television,

Shar Receiver Shar es

) ) ) (Kanjana Kaewthep, 2001) (Kanjana mass media 3 1 2 meaning

the Apart from Hall’s explanations in terms of the relations among social structure, In terms of “mass media message Furthermore, Hall Kwanfa Kwanfa Sripraphan (2008) encoders encoders of the message. When they “send due due to the fact that receivers expect to see a particular form of message varying or are encoded. Apart from this, some codes are presented in

s as haracteristics haracteristics of message mass media institutions, and the senders fact that codes should be similar to the social ones. The similarities continue media because institutions mass recruit em work for them. this is from one kind of program to another. The senders must encode the message to be in with their expectation accordance receivers is to create content values. social feelings,emotions attitudes, and and c among them and broadcasting codes as the origin of message is constructed both through the interpretation. sender’s production process and the reciever’s by the mass receivers. The group of receivers covers many kinds of people. where the observed that the receivers can direct the decoding through constructed reality. Therefore, language, pictures, sound, or other kinds of media. audience Hall watch learn receivers according to but “message itself” and

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, s, by 53 the

s some

work for generated generated

subjective subjective - structure of


” ” that it may that , the to the code code systems of

according according to the content content creation or behind the receivers’ behind the receivers’ ,

tructure s

the ing, and cod remain ocial ocial s “ media personnel Stuart Stuart Hall the meanings

the the receivers interpret meanings by the the receivers respond structure structure of thoughts, emotions, and ing divided the decoding position into the message en should should adjust that that

that , unpredictable. unpredictable. Hence, the senders in this the same. In this regard, there are many far or beyond the the idea of and

the receivers of

are ily are different from the encoded ones by the of

connected with elite views. elite views. with connected that are structure structure of and do not go and do ama producers

also explained thoughts, thoughts, emotions, and feelings of the receivers. There

the the the

ions ions tend to create contents in accordance with the structure of TV TV dr rs in digital age are more unique and can be user

gender, gender, ideology, and so on. He focused on society and society

the Preferred Preferred reading means the meaning codes dominate thoughts of Negotiated reading means Oppositional Oppositional reading means

e vague relations between to their experiences or interpret ) ) ) eceivers are not necessar 2 3 1 research applies the concept of social network interactivity and

who alternative alternative meanings

structure structure of


them This Apart from the subjective interpretation of the receivers according to Hall’s According to the new concept the thoughts of the receivers, thoughts decoding of the TV audience which reflect on social media to support the data which are different from the past and study are encoding method in response to 2001) (Kanjana Kaewthep, the changing characteristics of the receivers. senders. concept, the receive content. As a result, the decoding of the receivers can be affected by various factors conditions. providing people in a certain peoplea certain in relating depending on background, experience, education, profession, political economic position, interests, interpretation or decoding of the receivers followingthree types. thoughts. senders and r reasons for inconsistent code systems of senders and receivers or even contradiction the mass media organizations (senders). That is, mass media organizat the Kanjana Kanjana Kaewthep (2013) mean might be som feelings of the audience,

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a 54 the the can that “Mia” woman man outside

such as “Mia a

hile hile mother or the the meaning of

, s w s

, Irapatra Suriyapan the meaning of of

” s of oman marrie ouse ouse of a man who is an elite. preferred preferred reading, negotiated w that she has her own family or legal marriage accepted by

a ” ( . a various meanings ife” (“Phanraya” or “Phariya”), in

w lite way of referring to a has indicates

is a po ” or “Wife” (“Phanraya” or “Phariya”) ife” in detail is much different from daughter

which w

wife relationship can change , - different different implied meanings. “Phariya” is a legal d d “Phariya” is that “Phanraya” is a Sanskrit word

s status ha

usband ’s

Concept of Mia in Thai Society in Thai society. in Thai society.

“ s

The h depth depth interview of the receivers who interact with the drama - that the mentioned woman has

s the the TV drama called “Mia (Wife) 2018 indicate wife), wife), and so on. These represent the explanation - The Thai Dictionary of the Royal Institute Edition, B. E. 2542 (1999) defines At present, when we mention “Mia” or “ According to the husband. “Mia” is more informal and , the given status of “Mia” or “ “Phanraya” “Phanraya” formally and generally that that Concept of the Wife Concept of the


ife” in w commoner, while “Phariya” means a woman who is a sp Actually, whether “Phanraya” or “Phariya”, means wife, a woman who is a spouse of “Phanraya” as wife, a woman who is a spouse of a man difference who between is “Phanraya” an her husband. The for “Pharaya” but “Phariya” is a misunderstand that “Phanraya” Palit means a woman word who is a for spouse of a “Phariya.” man who is Thus, a most people Luang” (the first wife), “Mia Noi” (mistress), “Mia Khonchai” (servant wife), “Mia Kao” (ex way in more complicated term state. has general, general, it means the woman husband. Actually, the dimension of “Mia be viewed in many ways and her family or relatives while daughter descendant. Hence, or the status of “Mia” mother is really constructed by the status society and has is derived from complicated family meaning. undeniable. and isfixeddaughter status (2009) and mother. The status of “Mia” is constructed after diversity of the audience and their behaviors are unpredictable. and their are behaviors the audience diversity of 2.8 collecting from the in content on social media. It aims to analyze how the audience decode “ reading, or oppositional reading or these three forms in combination) because the

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) 55 on (3

that that nd). laws G, - by her through the the her hand, media of of “

ctions that all like like his wife but ouse” ouse” who helps calls attainment

s –

Sp a l Code (Volume 5), B. stated stated that any social Goal “Mia” also means wife,

defines the roles or the . ) registered marriage with a in the modern democratic

a husband husband and wife must live L. These four basic functions that – a A, (2 marriage, royal grant, or which Parsons – which is one of the social systems.

she must be taken care , in ” is a “Leader of


care of and support —

after the administrative regime change

es by a man who is her ‘Phua” (husba maintenance of of Adaptaion outputs, – whether began “


) caretaker. prescribes prescribes that A husband 1

” She does not have ( , .


the ” family or society. or family (Pornthip Dejtipprapab, n.d.n.d.) , according to the Civil and Crimina inputs who is elationship “ the

(cited in Chindarat Phonok, 2009) r ,

Latency Latency or pattern ) ife 4 ( w

which is the first modern state Family Law in Thailand. Chapter 3 husband

roles are related to external functions while the wife’s roles are related , in Thailand

The balance of social system depends on the complicated exchange I, and her

– ” . “Mia” can be in many forms Parsons (1951) According to the meaning of “Mia” in Thai dictionaries and Studying the meaning of “Mia”

a a woman and must be taken care

usband usband and lower status than “Mia Luang band according to Law. Family of traditional traditional roles of husband and wife in the family The husband’s Integration connect the flows of exchange among these four basic functions. This concept can be applied to the analysis of the systems must face two main problems: external problems related to production and rare resource allocation and internal problems related to social order and solidarity. Parsons developed the AGIL Model, which indicates four basic social fun systems must perform: caretaking, but there is not any importanceof “Mia” for dictionary or law mentioned above, it has been found that the common characteristic of “Mia” is she is Being and takes care of his wife. In the past depend on the traditional “Mia” or “Phanraya” must state, “Mia” or “Phanraya” remains the same hus to democracy E. 2478 (1935) the h together and take care of each other. man. “Mia Luang” is a wife who is honored by her husband to be the highest status of wife. a man who is her husband a woman who is a spouse of a man who is her “Phua” (husband). On the ot “Mia Noi” means a woman whom a man tak is

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a ” , 56 ted the this title high with

, and us on a man attains attains wealth

ccep the the the at first time

th taught tion tion to King in the future. marry

odernity” odernity” from m were were in many areas. In of of gender equity.

” “Sawatdiraksa mate , s

woman woman patriarchy patriarchy and s


was initially a hope hope to get promoted. The

like like men. In addition, the

, married married couple in adversity husband. husband. Aristocrats usually offer national reform national tsana Sorn Nong the the of monogamy controversial controversial issue states that during the reigns of King were were 1860’s), 1860’s), the impact of “ . Although it is not a fixed social rule, it

the to women in other classes apart from ideology

such as “Kri

j (2017) , ed aughters of the aristocrats usually the the her her body and can choose her own

close close to monks. Then, organizing education outside the

The d it was not fair that her father forced her to the colonial period changed gender practice; that is, the

from men to women

that that prohibited. prohibited. The law was revised allowing regarding concubine concubine of the King because they

wife wife should try to please

a is during from being erbs for Women” by Sunthorn Phu. The main teaching in King Rama VI (around varied

to women’s image v opportunity opportunity extend

ed al he wife’s roles are giving love, being a was that the through

the courtiers and unavoidably caused Duanghathai Buranajaroenki


traditional traditional education system was organized in the prohibited women temples because the traditions that society class. Initially, most of the courses focused on the preparation good for mother being and wife. The first stage of the educational developing reform did women’s not foc potential to be ready for work daughters and wives her majority has rights Later, the during reign of King Rama V, there response to this, human resources development was required and it was the of “Miss” in ancient Thai society) Muean, a commoner, submitted a peti Rama IV. She thought whom she did not love. After that, there was an announcement that buying and selling literature their daughters to be controversial issue of woman is not originated in a the Thai society during the belonging reign of King Rama of IV. Amdaeng ( man but both are humans The traditional value of polygamy stated that having many wives represents and power among the elites. literature relat as well as “Pro behavior patterns is a norm acceptable by people in traditional family. the For society. example, It challenges among Rama IV western countries to internal functions. Their roles are separated by inside and outside the family and exchange benefits between each other. The husband’s role is living to while t earn the family’s responsibilities. exchange of household chores. They taking care

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

” , 57 was their their Akhin had had to but but the

, they earn a

from ; wives have to were educated ” “Kraithong

, of these works ” husband’s status


the husband (Surachet (Surachet Suklarpkit, 3 times a month. The - modern modern woman” content

. the the

esses esses is commonly found in The common common girls 2016) “ date. date. However, - mistr to

- the real world. the real world. up . Although her Although husband still works in. in in is combined in one part of the Modern

be be having discussed discussed the roles of Taiwanese wives,

to help her husband in the field

” and so on. point point of view, although ,

roperly. In the meantime, women should have ’s had Pranee Wongthet, Wongthet, Pranee onogamy t completely be rejected. ( wife in terms of staying at home and serving her

m the representation of the no nd nd leave her children and parents in Taiwan. She

the wives wives in Taiwanese society are expected to serve was the wife’s status does not depend on ” development, development, and eign of King Rama VI. Women in his point of view ” “Maneepichai - , not have to) good good reputation and diginity, be responsible for household

the the a k home once a week, once a month, or 2 did

more more opportunity for women. Later,


d p

“ represented both in the mediaand represented both in the

” “Khawee , , roles and duties of

ckson, ckson, Jieyu, and Juhyun (2013) perfect qualifications of traditional Thai women. Women should have good provide , , maintain Ja s In comparison with the wife’s roles in Taiwanese and Thai societies, like the Although the principle of In the social context, “ which which then were produced in drama forms such as “Chaiyachet

, . Currently, the situation of husbands the a family leader, society

as as good education, self husband, so she must travel between her home and other cities. involved husband is there some away, are affairs Mostly, when her wife acts like a “single mom” while her husband is away from home and she begins worrying about the unfaithful behavior of her husband. She has to decide whether she should stay with her husband a cannot make a decision about which should be her priority, her children or her family. stating that when husbands must travel on business to other places, work alone both at home and at the workplace.burdens and The go bac husbands do not bear these Thai wives in the Thai society, livingtogether. Family Law, 2018) chores, be good at cooking, and dress p a Rapeepat and Nithi Iaosriwong (2015) is emphasized during the r have manner valued the family (though the common women women aristocratic temples and transmitted the image of women in the aristocratic society through literature and fables “Sangthong

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, s ’s ’s 58 may not anatomy anatomy types: 1)

m narrative two with The researcher his/her into into according to four ” Furthermore, the Beauvoir Beauvoir (2009)

. and attributes based they think about “Mia” both from the media

eminism concept studies y is a personal, internal

d “woman “woman is not a woman at

classified what


The f , ominate him and protect her

” someone someone identifies they are important for the family.

can be that this this through the new paradig that women are inferior and badly treated

patriarchy. and how s believes believes that

called called “Mia (Wife) 2018

and and relates to behaviors

hand experiences. experiences. hand what they perceive are -

that asserts who are Thai people

, Mia” is constructed in the context of Thai society at

eminism eminism concept aims to change, modify, improve, and concerning

at birth. This concept corresponds with

ied The The f had the concept of wife to design the interview questions. The in the Thai TV drama

d the the interviewees


. ender is socially constructed g

labels labels of masculinity and femininity. Gender identit Feminism focuses on gender studies. Gender can be divided

As mentioned above are concepts of wife from the past to present and unfair unfair society.

Concept of Feminism

s. Beauvoir is a French feminist the an

ex, refers to the biological aspects of an individual as determined by fight against the mentioned situation. Feminism birth, but is constructed to be a woman later by social various circumstances, institutions in the social culture, context of and the subordinated status of women. It by on perception of oneself and so the gender category match the sex they view s at birth; 2) construction of meanings and their first construction of meanings 2.9 researcher researcher applie researcher ask in general and what the roles of “Mia” The interviewees repl focuses on how the meaning of “ present. How do the media construct the meaning of values, and “Mia” so on? from The researcher analyze reality, belief elements presented comparison between Thai and Taiwanese societies because Taiwan is where the the country original TV drama of “Mia (Wife) 2018” was produced. Taiwan, Taiwan, he always finds some excuses to travel on business to see other his places. mistress It in is the right decision if the wife relocates because to stay the with her wife husband can then exercise her marriagelife power to d

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s a ts 59 the the the that The

s request request

ng ng good eminis f ts love with

still inferior

Occupational Occupational “

erformi are find only only supporting eminis overthrown, the and and punishment his theory state


eminism eminism believes , , p s the occupations of f more more opportunities re unequal to men

. T of women similarly, his theory state were fore, . T quality can be explained reward this group of , , they are Liberal Liberal

. the of ine

women’s women’s roles odeling revealed revealed that einforcement

life. There r

good society must have equality, m the inferiority in did a study entitled a managers

free, on inequality want them to have and and and based

earning earning by l her good deeds. On the other hand, the villain ” The findings socialist feminism, . - cial women have limitations and a advanced advanced and studies the representation of women and men in earning earning

who always helps her. Finally, they



of of women , that that Marxist bad deeds. bad deeds.

, etc. Though there are female characters occupying the ocial reality of the consequences ist presented in TV dramas. For example, the heroine must be a etting married is their goal . Second is so Jarin Lertjeraprasert (1992) as his or her his problems of women come from patriarchy and capitalism. Concerning equal to men. It is believed that Liberal Liberal feminism

and she is rewarded for the

2) 1)

. The first is s the roles and rights are are limited with men’s. The representation of women in the media also confirms this

in s ways ed

punished from punished

s two change conomic structure promotes men’s advantages. If capitalism

believes that e deeds leads her to meet the hero happy ending get that individuals can learn appropriate behaviors from given by the society good woman and behave following social norms. Although she has to deal with problems and obstacles caused by the villain or by her own destiny programs. Girls can perceive through the female characters presented in the TV dramas, so they learn that the roles of female so that they are liberty, and fraternity. The in individuals can learn from observing the social role models presented in television roles with no importance to the plot. The marital status of female characters is more important than their occupations. Most of settingsthe portray love marriage.and far The female characters g a Roles of Women in Television D women in television dramas are mostly secretary, service hotel reception jobs, such as housewife, maid, positions of executives, managing directors, that although our society is more compar belief. For example, groups. Each group explains gender inequality and but proposes solutions. different mass media and explains the consequences of

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, t 60 no and and

s ultural Michel modern modern c

- eminism during a dynamic f

have more ost women in a es is p still support

of of females is

but but ity modern modern

would would - that women are that men should experience on ideological problems inferior


ur societies

social social process media usually portraymedia usually male o to not only understanding nature the the the

ntity as it should be. Therefore, accepts accepts the concept of mass media portray power to create sexuality in the supposed emotion, etc. Regarding male the - Authoritarianism Concept of most of that

. the the the the overthrown, overthrown, females why eminism eminism was influenced by

f group This group focuses

s of actions of the actors. Post were and that also better than them in all aspects, whether male, reason the the , - are are a modern modern s

- are female is a desirable behaviour and behaviour isa desirable female ost

with women in the real world. the analysi atriarchy atriarchy be resolved. but p


(Phoca & Wright, 1999) various various social operations. It is not static, men modern Feminism and the would

- such such as female

including that women are universal but are unique. Moreover, it also refuses happier. happier. In the real world,

s, ,

Radical feminists Post people still believe that males are superior superior malesthat are people believe still

be smarter smarter than female modern feminism emerged to fulfill this requirement. This group sought The concept of p 4) 3)

- through wisdom or morality. This group focuses on analyzing the relationship and compare and and as which proposes that which proposes Feminism during this period believed that the freedom of woman was

, . which which believes that discourses have the the notion

, eminism heory binary opposition particular historical period. Social constructed identity is very complicated depending because on time, relations, it and is refuses t society. Understanding social sexual identity requires or psychological conditions but also understanding to increase the power of women but did not identify how wo their own sexuality. This concept evolved from complicated discourses which tried to return power to women Foucault limited. The woman should experience her sexual ide the woman tries to find some ideologies with identity. Post which she can present her sexual because of patriarchy. If freedom and patriarchy, only different from concerning between male and characters. They female believe that characters certain way f problems of women rather than economic structure. The research question is constructed through how language and gender media. They study ideology and analyze is the representation of women on TV

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- a A of 61

ice ed v space space are Michel Michel

the the (Chongchit (Chongchit the concept of , 2000 mark s

binary opposite sex, chain or network. that a social social relations. Foucault as as individuals

and and male d

s objects objects of it interchangeably.

always always dynamic. Everyone is where where it comes from, but he form of ses. ses. The novels’ texts largely leading leading position in politics, but

, stating is are (Kanjana (Kanjana Kaewthep & Somsuk or the combine authoritarianism concept of had a the reflection of which are constructed to be a person. resident and Annette Lu was the

in in the ofpossession anyone, but power it and , p 2006 2006 by Khunying Wimol Siripaiboon

are - the ory. In the presidential election that year, but but and women’s identity distortion, following to be

s s the complicated identity of a person. Power is analyzed Thai women’s status and roles as passion

a a woman

. Foucault explained that power is dynamic, not of patriarchal context.patriarchal for the construction of

is, where it is, ” in what ways, and what the consequences

and and , that that subjected subjected to it eminism in Taiwan 2014) (2009) in the in sexual sexual inequality, in the social body in


. Khunying Khunying Wimol’s feminism discourse is under discussed f females’ stereotype

We We are constantly bian bian won the election to be the

- Feminism in Taiwan Regarding the relationship between female

concept until it has been realized as mainstream discourse and integrated

t wer. Theerayut Theerayut Boonmee, (

ed “how the power is used the representation of s not an agent of power but is constructed by power. The ultimate outcomes of The ultimate an agent but by power. is constructed of power s not ower ower is tangible, not an object, or , sex and gender are not opposite 2.9.1 Kuo (2014) Wasinee Sutiwipakorn s modern modern feminism can be related to technique and strategy applied - feminis a resident. It was not the first time erson i Mr. Chen Shui p significant turning point in Taiwanese hist the reproduction of the into the social fabric. However, the author reflected female restrictions and repeatedly women’s ideology reproduced (“Thommayantee”). usurpation between patriarchal and feminism discour contain Power exists in every relationship in our society. Hinviman, 2010) represented in 16 novels written during 1967 p power are body, action, discourse, Power does not adhere to anything or anywhere but close to po did not focus on whose power question using power. For example, the study not a static object, but Foucault static. P is female 2011)Soponkanaporn, post

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

a ’s 62 the that

on and resident resident wealthy public century, century, p

- to find the the for ice

eminism” eminism” and s V f

something that ew in order twentieth n - Ms. Lu’s legacy in “

resident. Ms. Lu was among the

p - more diverse and liberal. modern modern feminism and

- ice v sense of accomplishment and the idea of Further, as laborers in industrial factories. one of the narrative elements. The

became multiple forms of social oppressions as ed a housewife. a

to address those issues in the public. As the the

feminist movements in Taiwanese history. history. in Taiwanese feminist movements

work to be and

tern tern became less and less favorable among , Lu proposed

characters characters of the have

rved as Taiwan’s the concept of post to to analyze character relations

of even even the abortion, which is a taboo topic in to work outside as domestic helper

here resident

the promotion of women’s rights, including domestic p -

ice a woman se , but mostly V to get married and get married to

to be critical issues of public attention and discussion in es

that that were brave enough that that have begun was regarding

came or sexual ideology

s income for the family. The typical and ideal path of a woman’s life in the the rianism of Michel Foucault se women had higher education The researcher applies Soon, however, such a life pat Ms. Lu’s life and career can be seen as the rise of women as independent . Even though her publishing house no longer exists, nese woman would be proud of, since it meant that she had to share the burden authorita hidden concept Taiwane against women Taiwanese society. to the promotion of their employment, equal social payment, and and domestic abuse. political rights, very first few women including educati a result, the life pattern of women in Taiwan they earned gave them economic independence, a empowerment. Inspired by the feminist opportunity for women in politics, Taiwanese discourses women began to discuss issues related from the West, and more Taiwan at time that Taiwanese women. Even though they had to work hard to support themselves as well as their families, more Taiwanese women began to find values in their jobs; the wages families or as waitress By that time, to work outside the household for Taiwa wages was not of earning feminism still exists in Taiwan. still exists feminism social agents in modern Taiwanese Taiwanese women history. Since the mid attention to issues violence, equal employment, and period it was the first time alsoLu was of one advocates the first During the early 1970s, founded a publishing house exclusively for feminist purposes. This drew

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63 the the the the

in concept guide for nalysis of researcher researcher the who are to which

, the the a the the Construction of , The perspective of extent

the of the dramas in the ”

. s leading leading characters and authoritarianism to the the the original version of the the 2018

eristic was media Content leading leading characters - odied in the dramas can lead the

some knowledge gaps as a the

s Mia Mia (Wife) to communicate ” which “ , texuality the vertical power expressed through the work for analyzing . In addition, the researcher applies

nter is studied studied and analyzed the intertextuality of I verbal language (such as facial expression, eye in in which -

” reflects the concept. The results of , ower ower expressed through the relationships between and the relations between New New Paradigm Narratives and


be expressed through the relationships of the and characters elated to

R onee onee (2008) attributes. First

to propose proper solutions to social problems. social propersolutions to problems. to propose the horizontal p characteristic of exercising power by the characters can be done study of the


two is .1

(Kusuma (Kusuma Teppharak, 2017) 10 in order In the 2. Umaporn Mar Related Literature

values of feminism and authoritarianism emb narrative in comics, television dramas, and novels broadcasted and published in reviews the following related research and find this research. 2.10 Meanings of Thai Television Drama with Cross digital age encourage audience engagement, the audience can also participate dramas the actors and actresses as well as other involved persons in the drama production reflect these values to shape the audience in the ways preferred by society recognize or social make problems them at present. Since the charact colleagues of feminism in Taiwan to be a frame Taiwanese drama called “The Fierce Wife Thai TV drama “Mia (Wife) 2018 from language, power can consists of relationships between father and son, husband and wife, boss and subordinates, and so on. Second audience. The through verbal language and non contact, body language, areas of positions and levels, distances, voices, etc.). Apart analysis analysis focuses on exercising power between husband, wife, and mistress other characters in the TV drama called analysis is that drama is a space

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, ” s . 64 was main

, film talent of s that the animated animated conflicts, conflicts,

of the the

included the

“Crossmedia “Crossmedia and of of four showed

in order to serve the ity television television drama was ing” in novel he producer paid more

character, character, plot, themes, R

“ the Intertextuality Intertextuality of the Main of

that that t

the The

“ Then intertextual

from comics to television dramas

factors — indicated including including adapted social and cultural to to find the intersexuality . On the other hand, the transcultural Thai or You are Like My Sweetheart"

, - text Ru - TV TV news talk show hosts’ personality than nducted a study entitled

studied the intertextual narrative in American

Ha co conceptual conceptual in order analyzed analyzed the - in Novel, Film, Television Drama and Manga the

in the primary text, to the secondary text. secondary the text, to primary in the

’ ze ze the factors influencing the intertextuality among original The research flict did a study entitled

created from novels. from novels. created .

and and TV series. The research exist Ring s Duang ‘ -

the s Case Study of Reang Ngao” by analyzing the content of novels. novels. Furthermore, from book to manga and film to that the Intertextuality of a that the intertextuality


and con

, plot plot and genre are modified. convention, extension, reduction, and adaptation in narrative ing” in Japanese film, Korean film, and Hollywood film

and Manga was maintained, extended, reduced, and modified. books books of R contents revealed

’ s, nts: characteristics the of and characteristics characters, most the of becausesettings most demonstrated especially, plot, characters, and setting. and setting. especially,plot, characters, was maintained, extended, deducted, and modified plot, theme, navin Chullabrahm (2011)

the intertextualization of - ,


Linin Sangpattana (2015) Wichayut Wichayut Puchitakorn (2013) Nich Nisara Boonpotikaew (2008) The results

TV TV hosts through convention, reduction, and modification outstanding outstanding

TV TV drama according to the narrative setting, special symbols maintained, maintained, extended, reduced, and modified contexts. Actress in Thai TV Drama: From book to film, adapted from two manga were maintained like intertextuality of “ Transcultural Intertextuality of The research television drama intertextuality intertextuality from traditional vampires to contemporary following vampries eleme components cartoon text (secondary text). In addition, it was found that the producer extended the did not narration, which logic of contemporary vampire film Angies from TV talk show host attention their image. The producer intertextualized outstanding personalities and the the of the TV dramas Thailand under the title "Dung and "Full House" in order to analy them. and novels

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, a

65 had was

” based ” are building in - that added (Jewel in the

social and value Four Reigns . The distinctive Four Reigns “ s “ it is quite important theory geum” of the narrative. The

and - ology films ramas

— a s D , are reinterpreted. Few s from Greek mythology can

s that the intertextuality of the actress, actress,

Dae Jang elevision the T narrative and character

ordance with and and modified. The factors influencing showed eries “

nd different script based on different versions of Greek s , a

, the creation of the story and the formation

are studied of the narrative all tied up perfectly. The

elaborate and beautiful

s first group is heroine protagonists. The second purpose of recalling history. arratives in maintain narrative elements. Second, Greek were

told in acc a comparative study of Korean and Thai popular


were the

The Korean did and

ss and marketing, were the structure and characteristic elated to busine R ,2010 Thailand) Medea (Theo Van Gogh,2005 Netherland)

were Was (M.L. Pundhevanop Dhewakul,1984 Thailand) Eternity (M.L. focusing on conventional, new, extended - new interpretation. Third, Greek mythology films and television

adapted script, innovation Sa - Research

was 2 with an . Pid that the narrative strategy in films and television dramas from Greek - character. character. The result of the research 10

Nuttaporn Limprasitwong (2011) 2. Tinna Simapaisal (2010)

’s female protagonists in films and television drama as, which are influenced by Greek mythology plot s and purposes of creation. e the of be categorized into four groups. The narrative elements of the mythology are retained. Such films and television dramas are Plerng Pundhevanop Dhewakul and Mourning Becomes Electra (Nick Havinga ,1978 USA) Second, the characteristic on Greek mythology drama mythology films and television dramas mythology dram film and television with female protagonists from indicated Greek mythology. The results mythology can be divided into three groups. First, Greek myth overall plot and its narrative universal quality to it. The scenes to have interesting details in scenes. created from the literary form for scenes of characteristics of Jewel in the Palace of its components. The characteristic television serials study found that the two dramas had different narrative characteristics due to different bas Palace) was created in order to promote Korean culture while actress main actress the intertextuality factors.

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. s, ar 66 the the w (1956)

morality roblem which in

conflicts, (1) social p Pradthana


, : and Helen

on, the researcher verbal verbal truth which “Reflection “Reflection on Thai am’s plot main main characters are ” The results of . which leads to happy,

, that nine contemporary “Cultural Transmission ative combine

ai people affected by a

the the

or example ” Helen (1971), victim of family s, f


work of Thai people, health, ation; Medea (1988) and Helen revealed the

the theme of ural ural people, sexual deviance, social 2)

Medea(1969) and Medea (2005). The ; , three three main issues as follows ilms ilms of Suphannahong National Film in in the bstacles to love continually appear until

did a study entitled

such such as faith in God, the cycle of birth and which can be divided as follows: 1)


, The o did a study entitled

terms of studied studied the narratives in Korean romantic drama values of the r

as you sow, so you reap. “ the ” The study results . mixed with love and victim of gender orient

superior female protagonists 2016 - and love themes; at exposition, the was

, 3) endings. endings. The narrative techniques used are narrative sequence,


victim of men’s deception

ing problems are resolved during the falling action the

comprised of 4) art Singlumpong (2018) - the practical method of method practical of the , and Hecuba Andromache and Cassandra and

Narisorn Termchaithanachot (2018) Ong Siwinee Chaiyapong (2011) ,

and ; ictims sanitation and disease, as well as the influence of economic Buddhism on issues, Thai such society; as (2) the reflection of the lives of Th Awards Awards of the Year 2007 Thai films reflected Thai society in issues, such as family, morality, stratification, Thai labor and competition also found the inclusion of cultural beliefs death, Society Presented in Contemporary Thai F internal conflicts, social conflicts and environmental conflicts within the time factors, geographic factors, social structure, economic factors, custom, morality, attitude and code of behaviors which used the symbolic interpretation. In additi research were as follows: there were 7 elements of Siya Ke order from exposition, R rising action, climax, resolution and closure completely follow through. The storyline basically the most important aspect of being human underneath personal tragic, tragic, or surpris suspense. and frequency, conflict, soliloquy, through the Narration of Indian Drama Series: Siya Ke Ram TV TV series. The outcome revealed that the elements of the narr themes, career themes introduced and integrated into the plot. the climax third group is lastand Yoopadee. The group is ideal female protagonist group is victimized female protagonists v Electra and Lavinia (2003)

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67 the two

were were

s naratna narrative narrative

and applied explore the novel called

, specially omen in Thai a to female leading E location, time, w of the

, the the point of view and the power of according according to

of the dimensions dimensions of love

ociety 67 main events “Fight S of view and mostly told in order of narrative he study


ed ed the rmore, most of the scenes

the Regarding and perseverance. She was

types and political aspects. Moreover, ce

ied narrative theory and focused concern , and

eflect Thai eflect Thai , Regarding R

relian - studied women’s power instudiedwomen’s

narrative components that self (3) political issues, such as the reflection of

the 2015) edia and M

rounded rounded characters. Furthe - ” The researcher appl . omen communicated W elated to and underpriviledged. Among women’s power. Then to find out how the power is


s most of the endings, the characters often suffered sadness and divided into 2 periods: the power of women language and representation of violence against

for was

the , amily and sequences of events, point of view “Bunrood”

Research F

3 character traits, the studied films presented characters .

the who reflect the most unique incident. The role of the protagonist, a woman by the


studied theory to study woman’s behavior through text and context. The results

10 ,

t Rodsarin Dittabanjong, Siriwan Nantachantoon, and Pratuang Din 2. Usomboon ( Pornchok Pechaya storytelling, storytelling, the films usually had an omniscient point was

wife. the

The woman named Bunrood 2 0 1 6 ) family novels. The researcher studied semantic strategies language strategies employed in the representation of violence against women in 37 events in the life the ( feminis revealed constructed from poverty Life” character constructed. The researcher studied characters, “ on event functions to analyze the relationship between events and in of view. the story fromfirst point the person in terms of types, typed characters and well in the films were in natural environments designed according to the period of the and story in the film. scenes in artificial setting the story usually ended without a clear resolution. In addition, the themes films aimed to communicate to the audience mostly that the and human relationships regarding social, economic capitalist capitalist economy and consumerism; Thai political history in terms of political change in the past and the change in movement Thai politics of in the contemporary era. strategies of films,

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In 68 the and their most

were, ,

female threat of ed status and daughters’

the ” and “Ai” . In addition, , s the the of of the

appear . They are used s

while the nonverbal that

” “Yai , , tegies refer to verbal received the National

expressions manifesting requiring high skills and to women. Moreover, ical assaults, Regarding

s ” modifying units to address


that had ” “Nung , ons manifesting psychological second, Thai family novels can be divided “Ee

manifest physical one studied studied the status and roles of female


cism or insult that the semantic strategies adopted were that

noble professions female characters in Nara’s novels portrayed ed 2016) the legal or de facto wives’ role, they showed

the hateful tone of voice, and gesture and and “ a arsh expressions include status and role in the society, most while raising their children. denigrating the status of women been awarded by the National Book Development

In terms of and The h role, they were modern mothers who raised and supported en.

the home ’ Thai family novels that had manifest physical violence refer to phys

In terms of that the , disrespect, Western Western style. The findings revealed that the number of single mothers Nara’s novels. s a of the mothers

ttee: Krisana Asoksin, Srifa Ladawan, V. Vinichaikul, Tamayanti Saowakon Wongsupachainimit ( harsh expressions used to address women and ability. All showed that women had more important roles. Regarding the strategies for creating characters, it was found that terms of children in was increasing. characters had a university degree respect and looked after their husband, managed home expenses, did family planning, and worked outside role, they were modern and decisive girls. They acted as the family’s head and were expected to be the family business successor and were grateful to their parents. characters in Nara’s novels. The researcher analyzed the female characters’ role in 10 abuse, insult strategies include eye expression, the expressions physical assaults, and sexual assault in the form of rape. manifesting psychological violence. The violence have expressi been found more than those to address all age groups of women. Psychological violence has been demonstrated through both verbal and nonverbal strategies. The verbal stra frequently in respectively. These expressions manifest criti harsh expressions used to address women in into two categories: (1) expressions manifesting physical violence and (2) expressions first, violence against wom the elderly, adult women, and girls. The modifying units Thai family novels written by five popular novelists Artist Award and Commi Piyaporn Sakkasem. The findings reveal

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. s to to 69

s when

s that s physical physical analyzed analyzed four Thai inner self narratives

not having “Sin Sawat” the

the the , that family. These ) their authored by Chi

the prevention of . The third is an the results using

the the

unfaithful unfaithful husband

Botan), and “Tam

n ed members a work

included included revealed

from both insufficient insufficient income lead four main family problems family not shameful, and having sex pregnancy pregnancy precaution influences of western value


no time for is ed and and

shown Krissana Krissana Asokesin clear understanding, and senseless which were which were chosen based on social

), a Chinese

, for example , “Family “Family Problems in Thai Society: composed composed by , these female characters were more ” The results

. since since reflect leaves

sexual sexual behavior with women ,


, a 她的城 2014 relationship between men and women. The - and confidence confidence common common in today's society - the . Second are the (composed (composed by Additionally ith ith another woman, in order to create a n female characters and present remarriage of did did a study entitled

W. Winitchaikul)

the . s characters characters in three aspects. causing causing a family problem the

, ale and female characters novel “Naree Nakhara” ( common, common, Roselaren), “Preng Karma” (

additional additional time to work, and called “Mia Luang”


translated by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn according to the concept , physical physical appearance. They led their lives in urban consumerism with composed by The m through through and and d d by ) the the improper behavior of family members Pornsawan Chalermyanont and Jomkwan Sudhinont (2018) Lingfen Mo (2017) requires divorce divorce

people other than your spouse is in their 池莉 women’s women’s roles based on cultural feminism. The researcher analyzed

nd compose of and conversations of the mai family background caused problems for adjusting to married life. to married for problems family caused adjusting background femininity in the Li ( with insufficient income stress, marriage and financial problems would end with selfishness, and 4) differences of conversations conversations over the problem behavior caused by alcohol drinking where ( Lompliew” ( First is having an intimate relationship w having sexual relationship having sexual Reflection from Thai Novels during 1965 family novels appropriateness appropriateness and personal preference, showing the relationship of monogamous spouses. The final aspect demonstrated sexual desire and pleasure, was the presentation pregnancy. of sexual relationship presented presentations of men and women and second was the relationshipaspect between lovers themselves themselves as modern women with self a western eating and drinking styles. likely to present themselves comfortably in public. Considering sexuality, it was

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70 ied the . . In plot plot

who their


giving giving ing it in the point of the

t TV soap with s dramatic ’ ramas

should be D concern n yth yth to critically and and the a “Mae Nak: Myth

” This myth frames . protagonist wife. In addition, the Social Construction of

husband. husband. The objective of protagonist protagonist that identif characteristics characteristics of the main

eality in TV TV eality in the the

the The R concept concept of m he plots and dramatic actions “ the the



d und to link traditional values and fo

dependent and to have freedom in pations of the main characters - disseminated disseminated norms of Thai women was actions actions of embedded in the the attempted attempted to set as a “reality” that

onstruction of onstruction conducted a study entitled the

” The research findings indicate tha

C has was . protagonist’s dramatic action, Roland Barthes’s

d did a study called the the the

women’s women’s development in changing their status to be children, children, and the roles of

to find out the standards of what a good Thai wom found that the author use

elated to the propagation of ideology and prejudice reflected from the occu R

e e passive under the authority of negative negative way because stereotypical second wives have was emininity emininity in the novel researcher use ed up her a was to b in order

to study the process of the

s ,

The The f ing structures of the plots of Mae Nak. The researcher found that the myth demonstrate demonstrated income for their families. Femininity seen in occupations is a result of

Research was

“frame of meaning” that 4 quality the . E 10 ed an the Nattaporn Artharn (2012) 2. Pornpitcha Boonbunjong (2011) second wives in characteristics and natures that contradict social norms, which are reflected through believe system of Thai society structure. believe system of Thai society Reality of Second Wife in Soap Operas operas portray the lives of some second wives in order to construct the stereoptype of of “wifehood” reveal roles and practices of women and men in Thai society. of “Mae Nak” fact, it is only an “illusion” that society “wifehood.” “wifehood.” Then analyze actions and this research under Thai patriarchal society through the plot of analysis, the researcher focused on “Mae Nak.” Through attack and climax of “wifehood” constructed in television series, film and theatre Thai women norm good education that enables women to be self living their lives. strong. mentally women gentle make but that ones modern with traditions equal to that of men, and husbands. praising women for their companionship also earn descriptive descriptive analysis. It characters to construct different roles of their femininity: the roles of a mother birth and bring characteristics

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s st to do 71 the the


on dramas survival survival is of decoded

maintain, maintain, s ones and the — in different

follow social

udience’s udience’s watched only watched the and contexts. For that A

from from their earlier

tactics tactics for s remade s that the rama he studies focus on the D TV example example is the image of violent th groups of audience second second wives

ings revealed that there were four the the whilst the negotiated role

, the their narrative components. On the TV. TV. For example, second wives

Another on in order to negotiate for acceptance from nalysis of nalysis of

in order to modernize the s A — studied studied the intertextuality between the remake

fight fight for their rights are portrayed as villains and mu

between the remake and the earlier versions

s that elated to the R

respect the first wives. These are called

t the reasons of difference in “negotiated reading” way but based on different aspects. The annoy annoy the first wives which, in reality, is changed to the image of that

es es and violent behaviors. While a l ecoding rely only on their husbands’ money watched both the remake and the earlier versions of

that Research D

second wives or 5 . that the the 10

According to the above related literature, most of t Ployphun Makaphol (2015) 2. second wives eir dressing sty versions, the comparative study between two countries and find ou TV dramas produced dramas and personalexperiences. dramasand intertextuality of the same media reproduction but in different time example, the remake TV dramas are produced in different time the meaning in audience compared the remake toversions the earlier whereas ones, those remake versions made a comparison based on their mediated experience of other types of intertextual relation extension, reduction and modification make them correspond with current social context. Bo and the earlier versions of Thai TV dramas. findThe the that the subordinate in the society use society. images that are different from those shown do not work second wives that work and earn their living. second wives second wives decode the stereotype that is portrayed by TV soap operas in order to differentiate their images from those portrayed by TV soap operas. However, they not directly oppose the stereotypical images that TV sopa operas construct but create th norms and rules themselves to allowing by be abused and exploited are portrayed with empathy, be eliminated. This reflects social control in the paternal context. However, in reality,

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, s s’ 72 the the and that that

s riginal riginal ife” ife” with meaning w nalyzing the the through digital such such as giving s buy the text

, depth depth interview and and the Thai TV - media media (husbands, the second is the ways, wife relationship with and platforms of TV and -

, , in many husband ebsites e jure)

is broadcasted through different w d

similarities similarities and differences. The

that had a the to engage in Thailand. Thai producer the texts represent different language

s never never occur occur in the intertextuality by a their imagination, and so on

to see e audience by conducting in e facto and d which focus on the construction of

that , where

The The Fierce Wife” (original text) , using “ audience audience that that had both both cultural cultural elements embedded in the drama contents as

, in order the research research on the intertextuality between the original text the Mia (Wife) 2018” encoded by the producer. Due to the fact divided into two groups. The first group is the audience “

audience indirect experience but experience through new new dialogues is little was

ed ife” in Mia (Wife) 2018” (secondary text). Both of them are the most popular “ w ideology, and

that that had audience . Hence, the researcher also compares the encoded meanings of “ and . Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying the intertextuality between s n). s a ed Mia Mia (Wife) 2018” is a digital TV drama the engag direct direct experience (wives “

any m sampl had audience single men, and single women channel the decoded meanings perceived by th with platforms. It can encourage comments, chatting with other dialogues, viewers, writing inserting pictures, quoting media characters’ such as LINE TV, YouTube, Facebook, text was produced in the Chinese culture but the secondary text was remade in Thai the culture. Furthermore, this research also focuses meaning of “ on the construction of that reduction, addition, or modification new paradigm narrative components values, well. In this regard, the intercultural communication is applied because the o the Taiwanese TV drama called drama called TV dramas in Taiwan and Thailand. The objectives of the study are to find out the other hand, there produced in foreign countries and remake copyrights from foreign producers culture

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001 Mia 2 “ has 23


Mia (Wife) 2018” “

28 August 2018 on the

– “The Fierce Wife” in Taiwan in August

“The Fierce Wife” depth depth interviews based on the -

Mia (Wife) 2018”. “

Television (SET) - broke the record for the highest rating in the METHODOLOGY

media Content” is qualitative research and the


e characters in the drama. However, experts also to produce Sanlih E e Wife”

SET) SET) TV Dramas TV RESEARCH dcasted on “The “The Fierc the Television ( - tails about sampling and data and collection. tails aboutsampling

The researcher chose these two dramas because both of them are very In this study, the researcher chose the TV dramas The study of “the New Paradigm Narratives and Construction of Meanings of Sanlih E love husbands so much that they forget to love themselves. to so muchlove husbands forget that they drama which female and male viewers must not miss if they wished to have a love that was real and beautiful like th warned the female viewers that they should not be enchanted by their husbands and ONE 31 Channel, Thailand.ONE successful dramas. history of dramas. Taiwanese TV Experts on family declaredaffairs that it was a good and a Thai dubbed version was rebroadcasted on True Asian Series Channel (Channel 10 May 2012. Later,startingThailand64) in the One Enterprise bought the copyrights from has 28 episodes, which were broadcasted between 28 May (Wife) 2018” for comparison based on purposive sampling. episodes. It was broa following de of Sampling 3.1 Thai Television Drama with Cross main methodologies were textual analysis and in

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ts the pisodes of pisodes E uring 28 D ama, or related, contents over online media. media. over related, contents online ama, or Mia (Wife) 2018” (Wife) Mia “

Mia (Wife) 2018” was also popular in Thailand and

. It is a digital TV drama which was broadcasted across l (2018) is a melodrama with a love theme which represen

eriod P

and had the highest rating in the history of ONE Channel’s dramas.

ed roadcasting Viewership and Ratings of and RatingsViewership B

1 Diao Woratangtraku Diao .

“The Fierce Wife” 3

Figure Source: multiple platforms, such as LINE TV, YouTube, Facebook, and the channel’s own online media. It also encouraged high audience engagement through many channels, dr and sharing such as creating hash tags for a long time. It was also the most popular drama on every platform over which it was broadcast (Diao Woratangtrakul, 2018) complicated complicated love of a couple. had rating 6.1 nationwide. During the same air time, its rating was higher than ratings for the TV the 7 and TV 3 channels, which had held the first and second rankings

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75 Mia Mia Mia “ rama “ theme D

Mia Mia (Wife) alled

C rama


on ONE 31 Channel,

ed onflicts onflicts between a specific two ways. two

ets. The coding sheets were designed Television (SET) in Taiwan, and

- . )

on Sanlih E ntertextuality ntertextuality between the Taiwanese TV

I analyzing analyzing the habits and attitudes of characters by ed ound character as follows: as follows:

, analyzing analyzing the different types of settings and how they analyzing analyzing 3 kinds of conflicts: c their surroundings, such as conflicts with an unpleasant

, analyzing the main ideas of the story which reflect the or r ,

pplied textual analysis in the textualanalysis in pplied


. “The “The Fierce Wife” and the Thai TV 2018” , analyzing the event sequences and how they conveyed

Setting he secondary text), which was broadcast alled

character C (Wife) Study of the 4) Character 5) 1) Plot 2) Theme 3) Conflict ing the concept of new paradigm narrative as the framework to analyze

objective of doing textual analysis in this part was to study intertextuality lat

f The researcher applied textual analysis to “The Fierce Wife” and The researcher a 3.2.1 The Textual Analysis Textual 8 narrative components 8 narrative conveyed meanings or affected the thoughts and actions of the characters. actions of the thoughts and the affected conveyed meanings or environment or natureenvironment interpreting their speech, dialogues, expressions, personalities, dress, and the type of ( character using concepts of feminism and authoritarianism as a framework. character and other characters: conflicts within a between character’s characters mind: and and conflicts meanings. described in sections 2.3 in 2.2 and Chapter 2. 2018” by us the Thailand, to explore how the new paradigm researcher narrative watched components both changed. dramas The from the beginning to results the end of and the recorded the analysis in the according to coding the concept she of intertextuality and concept of new paradigm narrative in terms of the new paradigm narrative components in “The Fierce Wife” (the original text), which was broadcast (Wife) 2018” (t 3.2

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an 76


from view,


rama “The Modification D

between between the two

contents are told

first person point of ’s


intertextuality In a


Mia (Wife) 2018” (Wife) Mia “ the drama

rama how Extension Characteristics of Intertextuality

D ing how special symbols (both pictures and

the dialogues to support character analysis ing TV TV

who shares the narrative. , analyz

, analyz

the Thai the Thai

analyzing narrative components, including the values and ideology

Convention ,


, and in what form of narrative an observer


The storyteller may be either the main character or a supporting Special symbols ues can reflect the thoughts, emotions and feelings, habits, and


8) 7) Point of view 6) Dialogue

FierceWife” Characteristics of Intertextuality between the Taiwanese TV the TV between of Taiwanese Intertextuality Characteristics


Components 1 . In addition to the analysis of the above mentioned narrative components, After analyzing the points of view

3 Plot Theme Conflict Character Setting Dialogue Point of View se

mniscient author

6 7 3 4 5 No. 1 2 Table meanings. embedded in both dramas, the researcher analyzed the below. the table findingsin recorded the dramasand researcher also analyzed the intertextuality of the dramas because values the new and paradigm narrative ideologies concept focuses of on the both construction of meanings, and values and ideology are important elements in the construction of character. In a story told from a third person o point of view, the storyteller is sounds) presented in the dramas convey meanings. who the storyteller tells the story from their point of view in a stream style of consciousness narrative because dialog of thepersonalities characters.

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onveyed in

C Drama he he descriptive Modification


mentioned in Part 1. W to to analyze “meanings

Thai TV

Reduction and reported t

2018” Linin Sangpattana, Linin


eanings eanings of “ Fiske (2011) Fiske 2018” M

Mia (Wife) Mia Extension narrative narrative components Characteristics of Intertextuality “

. of dress).

Mia (Wife) alled “ C the intertextuality of each component. component. each intertextuality of the

onstruction of the rama C Convention D

Fiske (2011) 3 are comparable with the first level (reality) of the encoding - related to the eight ” broadcasted in 2001 and 2012 ” broadcasted

Characteristics of Intertextuality between the Intertextuality of Characteristics 2018”

3) The social construction of reality of the “wife” in terms of habits and Aspects 1 4) The social construction of reality in terms of the wife’s roles in her 1) The social construction of reality of the 2) “wife” The social construction of in reality of the “wife” in terms terms of physical of Study of the the Thai TV

Reang Ngao Narrative “ Table of Table Components

m, and encoding levels in TV the drama of Next, the researcher recorded the characteristics of intertextuality of the 3.2.2 The objective of this phase of the textual analysis was to analyze the content in relation to the following aspects of the relevant constructs. following aspectsto therelation of the in

Special Symbols Values Ideology Mia (Wife)

family. emotional maturity. emotional drama of TV levels in the demographics (e.g. age, occupation, education, and economic and social status). education, and economic and social status). occupation, demographics (e.g. age, and style appearance (e.g. personality and social reality” constructed by results of The researcher applied the theory of social construction of reality, concept of wife, feminis reported the descriptive results for resultsreported the descriptive narrative components (convention, extension, reduction, and modification) and 10 Source: No. 8 9

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

. 78 ontent c

smooth as ” of the generated generated ife other other factors which -

W ser of “


. .






Fiske (2011) Fiske (2011)

individuals and there can be u

eading eading

which divides the decoding positions of an audience into Mia (Wife)


“ , P of 6 are comparable with the second level (representation) of the the other characters. othercharacters. the

- s the aspect is comparable with the third level (ideology) of the

of th egotiated reading ppositional r referred readingreferred Stuart Hall P N O

udience ) ) ) 1 2 3 The 7 6) The social construction of reality regarding other dimensions of the Aspects 4 7) The social construction of reality to communicate the values of 5) The social construction of reality in terms of the relationships Study A

As mentioned above, according to Stuart hall, apart from the subjective factors 3.2.3 In this part, the researcher applied the concept of decoding of TV dramas by mentioned concepts and arementioned and unpredictable. concepts of the audience in interpreting or decoding, the receivers in the digital homogenous age mass, are but not unique The decoding of modern day receivers can be affected by various are different from those seen in the past which cannot be explained by the above the audience of threecategories, as follows: encoding levels in the TV drama ofthe TV in encoding levels encoding levels in the TV drama ofthe TV in encoding levels “wife”. of both), the final decisions of the wife when her the outcomes of the decisions). expectedand family life is not as between the“wife” and “wife” (e.g.character positioning of the “wife” character (good, bad, or a combination

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79 and and

of the two . Next, the contents of Mia (Wife)

“ 2018” (husbands, (husbands, single


in in terms of physical engagement

in in terms of habits

in terms of demographics

Mia Mia (Wife) “ Mia (Wife) “ total, to explore how the audience ond ond audience group Facebook Pantip Webboard). and

facto and De jure) and the second group were

married) by interpreting the by interpreting the married) nalyzed nalyzed the characteristics of these audience members in ONE LAKORN ONE and points of view toward

decoding decoding of meanings of “wife”

The researcher interviewed 15 viewers from the first group and


The decoding of meanings of “wife” The decoding of meanings of “wife” 2) 3) 4) The decoding of meanings in terms of the wife’s roles in her 1) Demographic Demographic data of the sec The decoded meaning of “Wife” in Demographic Demographic data of the first audience group (wives, both De facto ( ( ( ( Sampling Sampling 1) 2) 3)

The researcher performed audience sampling using purposive sampling. The Then, the researcher a through online media ( media onlinethrough

ral (e.g. male, female, single, male,ral (e.g. female, family. appearance (e.g. personality, dressing style). dressing appearance (e.g. personality, maturity. emotional audience groups based on the following points mentioned in Partmentioned points in 2. on the following audience based groups status). social economic and (, age, occupation, men, and single women) men, and single decoded and interpreted the meanings of “wife”. The researcher analyzed data based points.on the following and De jure) had direct experience (wives both De those who had indirect experience or experience through media men, single (husbands, women). single 5 viewers from the second group, 20 viewers in the audience members. This analysis allowed the researcher to get an overall idea of the audience’s perceptions researcher contacted the audience members through online media. classified the audience into 2 groups: The The first group included audience members who researcher 2018” gene 3.3 Audience Audience 3.3 researcher surveyed a number of audience members who engaged with

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

- 80 Mia “ ions (e.g.

“wife” “wife” in the The researcher

or any differences. om the second group, 20

and the Thai TV drama called

in terms of the relationships between

experience (wives both De facto and De s of the research on “the New Paradigm

“The Fierce Wife”

presents the research results related to intertextuality and the 4 6) The decoding of meanings of “wife” in other dimens 7) The decoding of the communication of the values of 5) The decoding of meanings ( ( (

on of meanings in two parts. Part 1 addresses the intertextuality between the depth Interviews depth The researcher presents the finding Chapter The researcher interviewed two groups of the viewers that were engaged with


Taiwanese TV drama called Narratives and Construction of Meanings of Thai Television Dramasmedia Content in the following 3 chapters as follows: with Cross constructi Results Research of the Presentation 3.5 “wife” constructed by the drama producer, as well as the reasons f The researcher designed interview questions to elicit this information in accordance with the seven points related to encoding and decoding mentioned above. experience through media (husbands, single men, single women). interviewed 15 viewers from the first group and 5 viewers fr viewers in total, to explore how the audiences decoded and interpreted the meanings of “wife” in the drama and the similarities, or differences, from the meanings of on the online media. The researcher classified the audience into 2 groups: The first group was audience members who had direct jure) and the second group was audience members who had indirect experience or drama. 3.4 In decisions decisions of the wife when her family life was not as smooth decisions). outcomes of the as expected and the the “wife” and other characters. other characters. the “wife” and positioning of the “wife” character (good, bad, or combination of both), final

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

81 and

s recommendations the perception

. 2018”

. Mia (Wife) 2018” “

Mia (Wife) “ discussions on the research results and

ife” of the audience of presents the research results related to

w presents 5 6

of “

e components in and Part 2 looks at the constructed meanings of “wife” through the lens s

Chapter Chapter 2018”

for future inquiries. (Wife) of the narrativ interpretation

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030 Mia “ which

, 1 ” and Part , 2. alled alled “How “How do the 1.

C , 2018

.2 ” the researcher , 2 1.

Mia (Wife) and and no. “

the Taiwanese TV Drama ;

media Content -

The Fierce Wife” to “Mia (Wife) “

“Mia (Wife) 2018” communicate

to research question no.

se the Thai TV Drama and

“the New Paradigm Narratives and Construction of

TV TV drama called 1: 1: the intertextuality between the Taiwanese TV drama convention, extension, reduction, and modification of the

FINDINGS DRAMA ON meanings meanings of “wife” through the narrative components in the the Narrative Components of entitled the the The The Fierce Wife” “

” . “The Fierce Wife” and hat are the reasons behind the transfer?” called 2018”


W s

alled The findings of this part is in respon

In the research

C (Wife) Analysis Analysis of the

” and , “To what extent are

Mia (Wife) differences, if any, between the two TV dramas? two TV if the differences, any, between 2018 TV drama intercultural communication, values, ideologies, and the construction of the meaning of the word “wife” through the new paradigm narrative? What are the similarities and asks contents transferred from 4.1 called “The Fierce Wife” and the Thai TV drama called 2: the construction of “ Meanings of Thai Television Drama with presents the Cross findings of Part

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2012 on hu, Chris

Xi Li Ren , the first . Z (

10 May

alled “The Fiercealled “The 20.00 hrs 犀利人妻 C

, Amanda - 2018”

19.00 19.00

Mia (Wife) “


alled alled C

Fridays rama

Sonia Sui, Wen Shenghao


- D


Television (SET), Taiwan (SET), Television

(Chinese name) name) (Chinese -

Qi) The Fierce Wife (English name) / ictures of the Taiwanese TV drama drama the TV ictures Taiwanese of Yang

P : : episode was broadcasted on Thursday Asian Series(ChannelTRUE 64), Thailand Mondays Sanlih E Sanlih 23 episodes 23 Qi Fujun Qi


: : family, drama family,

: ext Star (2018) Star - T Producer Air time: Leading characters: Genre Duration Director Screenwriter Drama name Advertisement Advertisement Wife” and the Thai TV

1 Campus .

Original Original 4 : Source Figure

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

of of en 84 -

This This is

Rungrada Li Wei

Ltd. Wen Ruifan how to live

portrayed by

( neatly. neatly.

to Kulrattanarak,

ed Channel,

was married to

named named

) , them ei ends up falling in Kanya portrayed by who acts as her mentor (

ONE 31 ONE , . Nuda

Thanapat Kawila Thanapat fold fold and boil ,

21.30 hrs

depressed. She learn air with her cousin at then then Lan Tian W Jongrachatawiboon

(portrayed by Sonia Sui). She dedicates

is about the complicated love within the

. After her marriage, she decided to quit

and ) Jongrachatawiboon, Nawat Jongrachatawiboon, her. her. Her mother compared family life with have have to


love aff to

became her, a , we d wife should build with care. When Aruna was happy family life. She is married s ght Namthip to a

Marie Namthip (portrayed (portrayed by Chris Wang)

Xie Anzhen

Kanya had gotten sexually involved with Thada. She


Anzhen de how to cope with the problem. She was reminded , Mia (Wife) 2018 Mia (Wife) Wattana Weerayawattana y was very happy until her cousin,

: : hu)

C Thailand The ONE Enterprise ONE Remind Co., Ltd. and K Co., The Mondays and Tuesdays Mondays and 28 episodes 28

Sant Srikaewlaw Sant


: portrayed by : Nawat Nawat Kulrattanarak : melodrama (

Lan Lan Tianwei

that had been tau


returned returned from abroad to live with her. Her perfect life was changed

. Her famil , ) ) Air time Leading characters Synopsis: Aruna Drama name Genre Duration Director Screenwriter Producer Synopsis: The plot of “The Fierce Wife” ” ” When we make wonton . portrayed portrayed by Secondary text ( ike family life, which the husband an a “wonton l Marie Broenner and fell apart after learning that was very upset and had to deci her mother’s words Thada her job and become a housewife. had She one daughter, Runglikitjarearn independently independently from giving her good advice and support love with Anzhen. (portrayed by Wen Shenghao). She and her husband love and understand each other. Once she learned that her husband had (portrayed by Amanda family. The leading character is herself to love and dreamed to have

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85 the her her that

in in his

and looks mainly in

s essful mbers are could could help her.

) company. He is a is succ can light an incense

s took took place that does does her best to serve her n love with Aruna and he

and plot, plot, theme, conflict, characters,

: Xie Anzhen introduces herself to that she simply dresse Thanapat Thanapat Kawila happened in the past. The narrative her husband more than herself.moreher husband

— values values and ideology embedded in the

en where where for that she made will come true. viewers The can

the anager anager of a cosmetic “The “The Fierce Wife” d m that things the

Wen Wen Ruixian and Hao Kangde. Wen Ruixian is a portrayed portrayed by ales ales

( s

is the concept of new paradigm narrative to be

d . she is Ruifan’s sister. Hao Kangde is her husband and story story of Wasin


anager. He and Anzhen have one daughter named Mengmeng. Anzhen have one daughter named He and anager. that m

come back to run the business. He fell i incense stick, the wish

eneral 2) Anzhen has a perfect family life. Her family me 3) Another couple 1) The first scene is a temple,

g ( ( Exposition ( Analysis of the Narrative Components of “The Fierce Wife” “The Fierce Components of the Narrative Analysis of events events in the had

by by offering to let her to work for him in the company. Aruna had to decide


light thelight especially her husband. Her husband, Wen Ruifan, is also a perfect man with 1) The 4.1.1 The researcher applie her

, good image. He loves his family and is honest to his wife. He close friend of Anzhen, family a work and is in the position of for candidate see the appearance and personality of Anzh cares clumsy. is patient,and determined, She husband, daughter, and parents. She is a perfect wife, the viewers. She runs into the temple to be the first person stick and put it in the incense burner. She believes that if she is the first person can put when the characters think about the follows is asplot of the drama drama. chronological sequence from the beginning to the end. There are some flashbacks framework for analyzing the 8 narrative components settings, dialogues, points of view, components, the and researcher also analyze special symbols. In addition to these whether to accept this offer or not. orthis not. offer whetheraccept to in trouble, she knew Wasin was the young CEO of a super car abroad company. and He had just graduated from helped

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86 oubts they are . She is o o do. He t she loves the the relationship at work

en are dating. He is - anager. She is also a about what t m their relationship but he girlfriend. Kangde also

- with with Ruifan

s in order to hide his company. She gets a job and her. her. Unfortunately, Anzhen is so

with Anzhen temporarily until she en are together in the workplace at

- at evelopment d learned about with with job job

is living for a usiness en. already bought. She asks him to sell it to her

- wind of her husband’s dishonesty. She d b Anzhen for the first time in an antique shop.

s ks that Tianwei is a sales representative for an had

Ruifan and Wei working at the same company as Ruifan’s, so

e he that ilin is the her sister. Finally, she confesses to Ruifan tha

begins to get sees anager and always compete en en is a younger cousin of Anzhen. Her parents are divorced. begins

he should tell Anzhen or not. he should Anzhen or tell -

m en feels good when she stays close to Ruifan. She loves him en - - about

buy buy the vas both Anzhen and Wei both

eneral eneral g 4) Kangde 5) Anzhen 2) Wei 3) Ruifan always tells a lie to Anzhen 1) Wei 4) Li Wei 5) Lan Tianwei meet en and him. Kangde accidentally Kangde’s dishonesty. ( ( ( ( Rising action ( ( (

- girlfriend. girlfriend. about her to bring lunch to her husband at the office to show that she is Ruifan’s - job. job. Ruifan tells her to apply about whether about to a wanted to about Ailin because Ruixian tells her that Ailin suggests is Ruifan’s ex night. He does not tell Anzhen. Tianwei also sees Ruifan and Wei confused between Wei does not tell anyone. He warns Ruifan and Ruifan is confused feels guilty while feeling guilty himdoes Ruifan. and so getting closer. Ruifan starts falling in love with her and always feels angry with Anzhen. annoyed and clumsy that she breaks the vase in front of the shop. After that, she meets again Tianwei at a condominium. She thin insurance company. Tianwei offers her to borrow his vase, so they know each other, status. does not herbut Tianwei real his tell Ruifan’s ex Anzhen and finally he sells it because he is annoyed can find works with He Ailin. He A candidate for always behaves like a playboy, so Ruixian does not trust him. They always have quarrel a She has just come back from America and

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is of en 87 - s and knew use use he goes to

thinking n might have a en falls down. en falls about about - her mother’s words: his looks as Wei

new lover of Ruifan is should should not because it is

g other woman. At that

he he the what what really is. reading the letter, she cries and is reminded of and

en deceived her. Then, she Ruifan datin - ing . . Ruifan changes — eat, eat, s

” ” so she believes that Ruifa , he does not like what she does. If she the lobby in public and Wei in public and the lobby Ruifan is dating a woman by chance, but he

the person

in what to

that . that that Anzhen Anzhen observe the changed behaviour of Ruifan Ruifan Ruifan and Wei

en face en face - that Ruifan and Anzhen talk to each other less. Ruifan reminds

when decides to find some jobs in order to forget

; ever ever told her what she does en changes Ruifan’s looks. She suggests him to change his -

ways ways tells Ruifan wear wear more colorful necktie Ruifan Ruifan is always crabby, and quarrels with Anzhen. The atmosphere en in the pocket. After finish

not do -

to 8) Anzhen 1) When Anzhen picks up Ruifan’s shirt to wash, she sees a letter 7) 6) Wei what Tianwei warned her about ( Climax ( ( (

would . Ruixian suggests s time, she does not believe what Tianwei said. console Now herself she and is forget very all sad of and this for tries her to daughter and reviews for the her past family. events Anzhen Wei Ruifan’s and slaps office written by Wei reminded of Ruifan. She works as a sales representative at the company where Ruixian work is Tianwei. the CEO of the company harmful to his health, but he does not like what Anzhen does. He loves to do what he wants without concern too much. Anzhen does not understand his feelings. Anzhen tells him why he has n that, she in the family is changed Anzhen that since they have been married, Anzhen likes to fix everything in his life. For example, she al “Life “Life is sweet and our future is also sweet new lover but she still trusts him. She asks Kangde who because she still thinks that his new lover might be Ailin, but Kangde tells her that it who not tellbut he her is not does Ailin hairstyle hairstyle and suggest which indicates that he has a new lover. Anzhen wife. Moreover, Tianwei calls to Anzhen herinvite to lunch have together beca would like to tell her that he sees woman is. the who cannot clearly see

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- a en 88 but but - that very very en to it good - a


dressing dressing in

is reminded her.

downturn. His

left taste

his wife. Finally, a

ed her apologize, apologize, but Anzhen if he brings Wei en again, she will forget en is condemned by the - - to them ” ” so she is ready to forgive , en to live with her because she test drive. When she is in the - expert. Her program gets

en goes back to America. Before - a rtificate with tears. an sclosed. sclosed. Wei learn learn more, change up. Wei en but his life is in

- to

divorce instead of returning to her. instead of returning divorce new job because his relationship with Wei Anzhen again and again. Anzhen makes mistakes


a break which she is to en is jealous of her, so she releases fake news

- en at


, confidence, confidence, and learn to socialize to become her Everybody faith in him anymore because he betray

wever, Anzhen wishes her a bright future. wever, Anzhen wishes a future. bright her

build build

have have

1) Ruifan and Wei 1) Anzhen decides to get Ruifan back by following Tianwei’s advice. 2) Anzhen is invited to be a TV program moderator. Her program is 5) Ruifan lives with Wei 3) Ruifan apologizes 4) Anzhen has an accident during 2) Ruifan decides to be separated from Anzhen for a while. Anzhen Ending ( Resolution ( ( ( ( ( ( belongings, ppened, for her daughter. for her daughter. ppened, her her mother’s words: “ eds someone to take care of her daughter while she goes out to she goes out work. while eds someone care of her daughter to take

she leaves, she comes to see Anzhen to say goodbye and her. does not Ho forgive ruins her reputation. However, the truth is di Anzhen gets public more but sympathy. cooking demonstration program high rating, so she becomes popular. Her fans encourage her to fight for her life. He Ailin is her personal manager. Wei Tianwei advises her to change her looks, and regrets that Her new looks he looking, make modern woman. Ruifran their house. Finally, Anzhen allows Ruifan and Wei ne subordinates subordinates do not he resigns and it is not easy to find violates social norms. As he is unemployed, he must sell his car and house to earn a living. Even his parents do not allow him to live with hospital, she hospital, misses Ruifan she but Tianwei takes care comes to see of her. her Ruifan and brings the divorce certificate for her to sign. Anzhen is ce she signs her. the divorce Ruifan forces Finally, not willing to sign of Ruifan asksfor Ruifan. However, her thinks that if Ruifan comes back and does not go to see Wei what ha

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89 the not

are they do


what kind of , new new love with

e Anzhen gets in the bookstore a

s about

of his articles. After all love of husband and which is in the south of

mind ip. ip.

, the his

something but they

year. He writes articles in the anizes anizes event

in on on behind the name “Minus 1”

supervisor whil s ove presented in the drama is so

one a about

s The l ” Anzhen keeps . the the book for his fans. Anzhen comes to

in nnot go back to have the same life as in the “plus supporting characters. The couple of Ruixian a book. He org taking taking care of her and her daughter. Anzhen

a by because Ruixian never trusts Kangde characters are implicit and present love in many

job. job. He says goodbye to Anzhen, his daughter, and writes s during his backpack trip. In his article, he uses the car showroom. car

his name that are


a the s

saw husband and wife is explicit while because of disagreement

her relation with Tianwei as a friendsh relation her

s the “minus” “minus” instead of

other couples a

retains 6) Tianwei travels around China for 3) Ruifan can find a job in Kaosong District 4) Ruixian gets promoted to be 5) Ruifan repents but does not ask Anzhen to forgive him. He offers to 2) Tianwei and Anzhen are close friends. Tianwei confesses love to ( ( ( ( ( ove of

e does not love anyone except Ruixian. The couple of Ruifan’s parents Theme ) 2 The main theme of the drama is love. ; h The l

women always have quarrel love he should choose, what kind of love makes him really happy. Furthermore, there is the love of the and Kangde always have quarrel not hate each other. Actually, Kangde is not dishonest but just enchanted by other complicated. The feelings of forms. new lover is secret. The husband himself has conflict greet and congratulate him. However, Anzhen is not ready to start anyone, so she is that when Anzhen was a new sales representative, she could target, so she not got meet the sales his trip, he returns to Taipei and to promote his book and sign past. newspapers about what he name “Minus 1” when he mentions Anzhen. The reas promoted to be the manager of promoted to be the manager compensate Anzhen with love and refuses his offer and tells him that she ca choice because he cannot find everyone. Anzhen, but Anzhen refuses. She would like to be just a friend of Tianwei. a friend refuses.Anzhen, but Anzhen be just to She would like Taiwan. His position is lower and he has to harder work in than butthe past, he has no

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- in 90 ex with good a the that her Ruixian


en, so they and cannot - en. He does

, says - disappointed the the worth of

when a s While

ut finally they are ” s. Tianwei falls in even Ailin, , b

but her life is better ;

en are dishonest hen. , - nfused. He cannot leave because Ruixian is angry

e does not know why he because of Wei s

nning en’s story. She s - ; h family family problem an and Wei both Anzhen and Wei the new Anz

“ her


his feelings make Ruifan co

en. - to ove of this couple represents

her. The situation gets worse en’s parents do not appear in the drama scene, about

- on The l Anzhen. She is a good wife and mother, although perfect perfect family as at the begi Anzhen. He must be a good father while keeping character’s mind a

en. He feels guilty - those those of about about Anzhen to love Wei

Wei divorce and Kangde challenges her to do that but but Anzhen is never angry with him. In contrast, she thanks him

like like ,

, left theme of the drama is morality. The drama script represents immoral - 1) Ruifan is confused 2) Many things happened 1) Ruifan and Anzhen have serious conflict 2) Kangde and Ruixian always have quarrel with a ( ( ( ( will bring suffering. For example, Ruif divorced and left her.

Conflicts work to compete with Ailin. with to Ailin. compete work

divorced. are that

Conflicts within the 3) Conflict between husband wife and The sub ly angry with each other. Wei at he main theme which the producer would like to emphasize is the definition of so much about en but still cares - , Tianwei is upset and blames her because she is so clumsy, tasteless Wei image cares not know why he with him. Kangde tends to cheat threatens him not divorced because they love each other. became for coaching and giving her advice to deal with herlove with because goodness. of her girlfriend girlfriend of Ruifan, also supports her. Tianwei helps her to change teaches her her many things looks to improve herself and to be her do what he teaches Anzhen. Finally, their lives are not happy. The drama script present doing good deeds the end she does not have than in the past. She has good friends who always support her love and real love seeking of each character. actions serious but the viewers can perceive their existence through Wei parents life. T

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t en 91 the - warned used to law. She - that love is therwise, i in

whether whether she en is patient , - - the individual ; o about about whether

second second wife or , each character s bout bout a thin thin the guy. It is impossible

husband because the whether he still loves mind what Kangde

’ husband husband (Ruifan) and wife about about careful that her husband has whether whether she still loves Ruifan the

characters en is confused - what Tianwei told her

about the the Wei another person’s job. job. Anzhen is confused

about being

whether whether she really would like Ruifan to a is reminded about remembers Further, Further, law and would like to own him. She needs his gap between you and your lover

about - conflict conflict between



in - the the him.

her sister’s family and makes her sad, but she cannot Anzhen Anzhen is confused

for in in a pet, a lover. not

what others tell her

, and en tries to tell herself that Ruifan is her brother en is confused. She en ing she should believe in her husband’s goodness as she - - people surrounding her. surrounding people - forgive forgive him or not the to having that believ

she 2) According to social norms, people perceive that 7) Anzhen is confused 1) In everyone’s points of view, Ruifan is a perfect 4) Anzhen’s confidence in the fidelity of her husband is insecure. She is 5) Ailin tells Anzhen to find 6) Wei 3) Wei ( ( ( ( ( ( ( use use she needs love from her parents but never receives it. Wei about

hould hould In summary, “The Fierce Wife” constructs meanings mostly through Conflicts between characters and surroundings S insulted by insulted that she should not have an affair with

tress tress is a bad woman who destroys other’s family and devalues herself. Wei — r Anzhen or loves Wei or not. conflict between husband and wife and through some conflicts wi character’s mind. The solution to (Anzhen) is divorce. In terms of conflicts within has conflicts within his/her own mind. Ruifan is confused deter herself. She loves her brother lover beca when mis knows that she intervenes for him to do bad things, but he has conflicts with this. He has the burden to disguise as everyone’s expectation. He needs freedom to do anything he wants. not a possession. You should leave can be compared return feels sympathy just or she will stay at home as a housewife or go to work. or go toa housewife work. at homeas she will stay he love she gets is not true love. She also a new lover or believe. should not love him, but she cannot. him,love but should not confused

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in ve on 92 his his

while while

Anzhen. Anzhen. ed when t dresses

it handbag. Every

simply simple life. She is a a not know and so much about

es happy as she expect who has affect the narrative are: the narrative affect simple life. She spends money

she was young, so she lives with as ,

a and does not use a that why he cares when

about about he loves Anzhen but do

. She wears her hair in a bun and does not put annel (2012) why She is optimistic and has


ighting f Xie Anzhen “

Characters 2 True Asian SeriesTrue Ch .

with colors of soft tones

Xie Anzhen is a beautiful and gentle woman 4) FierceWife” in “The The main characters Xie Anzhen 4

day she drives her husband to the workplace and encourages him to work. Her catch phrase is one daughter named Mengmeng. Anzhen is a clothes housewife, She goes tomakeup. the market holding a tote bag, good wife and mother. Her father passed away mother.She has been marriedher with Wen Ruifan for more than 10 years. They ha Figure Source: loves Ruifan or just wants him because she is not living with him. Tianwei is also confused Then he can find the reason feeling occurs.

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

, 93 work. He , and she is he serves her working man. in -

, s husband and wife

a never been dishonest. she has only a good side. has is successful he always does her best for that , s company and

which means s

, intentioned. She believes that marriage life should her husband is good and -


” annel (2012) that flat “

is a anager of a cosmetic a quarrel. She likes whistling while washing dishes believes m

he believes that if she is a good wife, her husband will not find a dramas and adapts what she sees in the dramas to her real life. She ales

s , and s Wen Ruifan

. She also , when she buys things, she will bargain as much as possible r 3 True Asian SeriesTrue Ch .

Wen Ruifan is Anzhen’s husband. He is a handsome and hard Wen Ruifan 4 he supports her husband in his work. She believes that He works as a Figure Source: loves watching looks like a grouch but she is well be based on trust. She She is good at cooking and always brings lunch to her husband and his colleagues and s sometimes can have sparingly family perfectly and is loved by her husband’s parents her husband new love

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

of 94 good a ence on all ce, not because

he has both good and that en) behaviors. - e can be enchanted by him. Ruifan which means

, to his wife. He has an influ

. He always warns Kangde to adhere to character

” wife relationship for more than 10 years. He is - he was a university student. After graduation, they unfaithful

annel (2012) round “ when finally unfaithful working suit and necktie. He is a role model of a (Xie Anzhen, He Ailin, Li Wei

’ never been en -

en is a beautiful and lovely woman. She has bright eyes like a child. en has - - Li Wei

4 True Asian SeriesTrue Ch .

Li Wei Li Wei 4 connections. He is a female characters his She is Anzhen’s cousin. In physical appearance, she looks innocent but deep down Figure Source: of bad sides. He is good at the beginning of the story negative but behavior. gradually He is changes to have the dresses neatly, wears husband who morality. He believes that he gets promoted because of his competen fell in love with Anzhen married and have had husband attractive to women. He is like a perfect advertising model of the company. For this reason, many women approach him but no on

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in 95

kinds of and looks

Taiwanese. all

the the

introduces her to

but she changes her

, heeled shoes - , , who rents her. her. She does not want to get divorced divorced and left her. She lived

good character. good character. for a are hoped to have a happy family. But care care bad to bad to has a


s bad example of her pa

annel (2012) law. law. She lives with Anzhen temporarily until she gets a - in - which turn

. . Everyone calls her “devil” because she makes , s has has seen the ian

modern style. She loves to wear red high Ruix

a he has a cat and always talks with her cat to express her feelings. She is Wen

5 True Asian SeriesTrue Ch .

who is her brother

Wen Ruixian

4 , not. Since she was in childhood, she

dresses in is b. Then she gets a job in the company where Ruifan works. She has a the company hair bob, Ruifanb. Then she gets short works. She in where a job Figure Source: trouble. At the end of the story, she feels guilty about what she has done with Anzhen. character She is a round married because she mind when she sees Anzhen’s family. She believes that men always have more than one lover. She is vindictive. She has psychological problem a lot of pressures in her life, so she has Anzhen’s. S disappointed with her destiny because her parents in America before coming to Taiwan, so her mindset is different from She is independent but wants other people jo and sexy. She is jealous of Anzhen’s happy family. She dreams to have a family like she her real life, her parents were divorced and left her, so she always needs love. Then, she leaves America for Thailand and lives Ruifan with Anzhen

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, in in 96 the style. up ion is

Ruifan. she has ’s She is a

that . . His posit ’s

law. law. His roles are en flirting with - - in - which means

related matters. She always , - modern working woman a usband

regarding h infidelity. Anzhen follows her advice.

’ annel (2012) especially some English words in his speech. He is a flat character

, s

never never dishonest. He loves his wife very much. He grew he only has a good side. only has a good he

is that Hao Kangde

ead. ead. He is so playful and flirtatious. He always makes Ruixian get jealous 6 h True Asian SeriesTrue Ch .

He is Ruixian’s husband, so he is Ruifan’s brother Hao Kangde Wen Ruixian is Ruifan’s sister. She has been a close friend of Anzhen since 4 easily angry but she is kind. She is a flat character is ivision which means which means the same company as Ruifan but his position is lower than Ruifan d easily, but he America, so he usually use Source: friend and brother of Ruifan, so he can be a good consultant for Ruifan. He works at Figure and only a good side. good consultant for Anzhen for good consultant warns Anzhen to beware of husbands friend who shares is a friend who cares of Anzhen. She is very frank, loves shouting, she was a student. She has long hair and dresses in She works as a car sales representative. She does not like Wei She gets jealous easily because her husband (Hao Kangde) is very flirtatious. She is a

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97 the

in anager. m ” At the . anager, anager, so Mr. looks looks cold and in work. She is eneral anager. anager. She is a m g to be good m and

out eneral eneral eputy d especially

, the g evelopment d she has both good and bad sides. has bothshe usiness b that

work. She believes that she cannot count on her her dependent. dependent. She is a perfectionist, - annel (2012) which means which

, anager. anager. Normally, she never gives up girlfriend of Ruifan and loves him until now. She works at the -

m istant calls her “Shark” but Kangde calls her “Witch She has a secret affair with Mr. Zhuang,

” she must be self eneral eneral He Ailin g

red red by the company. She is Ruifan’s candidate for

glove. 7 True Asian SeriesTrue Ch and and .

She is an ex He Ailin 4 eputy d

velvet “ heartless. Her ass beginning of the story, she looks like a bad character but turns round character end. She is a the a Zhuang always supports her in anyone, same company as Ruifan in the position of beautiful modern working woman. manufactu She is also a If Ruifan presenter returns to love her, she will give up and allow Ruifan to get of promoted to be the cosmetics Source: Figure

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is to to 98 his

; for s CEO

which which

, is the change

, who

more flexible and

a a round character rich family and

a He is

even the spaghetti sauce he has

” His nickname is “Wonderful guy ,

man to be

educated and usually insults others. -

not not do it.

divorced. divorced. He loves and adores his mother

will are en because he thinks that women are unreasonable. and unsympathetic boyfriend. He looks cold and quiet. He loves to be alone - bark is worse than his bite. , no one can attract him. He lives with his mother in a new “



” His en . - others. others. He believes that everything cold, strict,

a with Lan Tianwei he has both good and bad sides.has both good he

8 True Asian SeriesTrue Channel (2012) .

He is Wei Lan Tianwei 4 that must be perfect; otherwise, he

business business selling luxury cars. He is well she is a perfect woman. He always talks to his mother and consults her. He

in the car business means habit from sympathize made, him never interested in any wom However, his mother argues that there themselves for love. are He changes his mind a when he meets numberAnzhen of women who dedicate rather than socialize. He is smart and handsome. He is in of a Although he is attractive house because his father and mother Figure Source:

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, or 99 en’s , f three to the for her close to


night club . After work, the that that Ruifan is capital city of


driving s her new job, the es

the of work family members talk

from getting wish , playing games, and which consist of s begins divorced, she plays the

such as


s , family members is strong. before going back home to of the after the car accident, her

minor setting is the company the who is a leader of the family

date ted , n’s office show importance

antique shop where Anzhen and the admit , and the was ily within the house such as cooking and department store where Ruifan’s company an accident falling down the stairs, on the

to work. Ruifan plays the roles of father and y for Ruifan d and the

the d , , s lunch to her husband and also atthe to herhusband and his colleagues lunch en ha

- rm and happy place. All especiall

dedicate , en always have a secret - is serving her fam bringing meaning of family and and Ruifan’s house


’s s his customers the few settings in the rural area where Anzhen’s mother lives. The amily is a wa a back home to see their family members vey

go The f from the grandfather and grandmother, father and mother an operation, and Wei


Setting who is single and d


Apart from the above settings, there are many settings in the drama Work is also important Almost all of the events in the drama happened in Taipei, 5) setting is Anzhen ead supervising his subordinates. Before Anzhen get h mother ha riverside where the characters want to escape from others to stay alone or talk with organizes cosmetic sales promotion Tianwei met for the first time. Mengmeng’s school, the playground near Anzh house where Ruifan and Wei see Anzhen, the hospital where Anzhen Ruifan. example, the temple where Anzhen always goes to pray for her where Ruifan entertain husband and daughter husband and and workplace. Everyone loves Anzhen. Going to Ruifa married and Anzhen is his wife. It can prevent other women and Ailin the roles of mother and wife doing household chores and extends her roles to outside while having dinner together. The relationship among They have activities together such as singing. celebrating birthday These settings con the characters generations grandchildren. main where Ruifan works. When Ruifan quits his job and Anzhen minor setting is the car showroom where Anzhen works as a sales representative. Taiwan. There are

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- s the can 100

her and that that flirtatious of

en and Ruifan the - er er reads gossip en also usually TV TV program is - gossip gossip magazine not not widely used. , and magazine

uses the theme uses the theme


the in a are appeared appeared in the scene e story, when Anzhen

s and metaphors know. Wei that to newspaper Kangde to Anzhen. She mentions in the about d him. Ruifan and Wei MS. MS. Social media to the riverside to talk and discuss secret

en an go -

. ecause she does not trust her. Ruixian thinks that Wei there

smartphone. The main communication channel of the of the dialogues, whether they are spoken by the good or ollowing are some examples of these dialogues. en a - because they do not want Anzhen

gs. The communication devices show the period of time in the , not viewers or likes on social media. In th

aspect not not The f s

there one of the setting components. “The Fierce Wife” Fierce “The of the setting components. one

is mobile mobile phone and sending S ” It means that they love each other very much. On the other hand, .

are a relationship between Wei

use , so he does not know the news until his subordinate brings the magazine to Dialogues

the s s news news is not spread as quickly as on social media. Tianwei nev which which is not in the digital age. For example, the mobile phone The unique Songs Songs 6) Anzhen and Ruifan talk politely to each other. Both of them always call each Apart from the location, the communication devices

, en with sarcastic words b - en stays too close to Ruifan and tells Anzhen to beware of her. bad characters in this drama, is that they are full of simile teach the audience. other “Darling Ruixian always shouts at Kangde to show behaviour of Kangde. She usually complains that she does not like Wei song in the setting depending on the appropriate events in the the song inevents the setting depending on the appropriate magazine himread. to measured by rating has her own TV program and becomes more popular. Someone is jealous releases fake news to discredit her. After that, the news appears and the character characters is People mainly watch the news on television, instead of from smartphones and tablets. The popularity of also convey meanin drama someone. Ruifan and Kangde usually issues of talk to each other also breaks with up Wei

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and and 101 was

other en and an - she en has a - en. Ruifan - en, so he

- not not used to this,

is accumulated for 10

en as in the past. He - en. The finished picture -

. en argues that sometimes - en should not have an affair

it is impossible to be to is impossibleit - ” so tired. Anzhen tells him that — inside

ed. car car is a like home, but it is smaller. to be en argues that Ruifan does not know -

them them completely as delete the board. the the

en en that we forget the time when we are ” ” - . get burn get her that Wei

a thousand pieces have

en. Wei will - puzzle played by Wei delete

“ our future our puzzle;

en that he cannot return to Wei - is

it might be the picture of Ruifan and Wei only Ruifan and Anzhen only Ruifan

Ruifan tells Wei she will not get real love. Wei jigsaw

not afraid of love. She thinks that our love (Wei

; a is with of of

en tells Ruifan that a candle burns as fast as a few days pass en en en compares love with infected disease. One does not know he and and that - - -

husband and wife get divorced. She just wants love. ed in advance by Wei a Normally, Anzhen drives for Ruifan but during the second Anzhen Anzhen teaches her daughter that when you like or dislike Anzhen’s Anzhen’s mother is optimistic. She taught Anzhen since Wei Wei During the second honeymoon of Ruifan and Anzhen, Wei Ruifan tells Wei Kangde knows the relationshipknows the Wei between Ruifan and Kangde is married rmful to rmful

4) (8) (7) (5) (6) (2) (3) ( (1) en asks Ruifan whether we will forget love when the time passes or the time not. we will forget passes love when en asks whether Ruifan that - antages. antages.

man wife wife and daughter. He cannot jigsaw jigsaw is fix

ar is a small house ar is a a s s not tired. When she drives, she feels that a the when she lives with Ruifan. in love. Wei each day is like a piece must be Ruifanyears. picture and Anzhen The finished picture. Ruifan compares himself with a jigsaw of the finished picture, argues that it is impossible. He has lived with Anzhen for more than 10 years, she does not want had The c chance to talk with Kangde. Kangde warns with honeymoon, Ruifan drives for Anzhen. Anzhen tells him that she but Ruifan tells her that he does not want Anzhen she i or she falls in love until he or she has a symptom. Although love makes us suffer like catching a cold, Wei is not ha Ruifan) warns Ruifan “If you play with fire, you with fire, “Ifwarns Ruifan you play and so young that is sweet, “Life something, it should be based on reasons rather than feelings because everything has its own adv

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, it we

102 y ; dut our life

a progress in

en, en, he can be - . . He should be made made which which states that

, for making burden burden and a when we have diarrhea,

; hesitating right to choose what to eat. what to eat. to right choose only only


if she forgives him, he will is

he he has a new life of living tree, to love each other, life is lively ”


en en should not choose to love her - them that person’s

begin her daughter. She has

the the Buddhist teaching

en on e Ruifan is so - good profile, so it is not difficult for her to it is a it is seems

; a en that Wei - himself. Anzhen asks him whether family is the ein argues that love chooses her, she does not becaus o err is human ishes

t -

, “

This This is like should be generous and forgive others.” and forgive be generous should

s family. On the other hand, when she lives with Anzhen,

and is not proverb the which is not tasty but is necessary for our life. Ruifan argues

, en tells Ruifan that when she lives with Ruifan, it is like she is - r that if something between en is lovely and has nzhen nzhen does not give up - Anzhen’s Anzhen’s mother tells her that too perfect is not good. Like a Anzhen’s mother tells her that if she loves Ruifan, she should Ruifan Ruifan tells Kangde that when he stays with Wei Kangde Kangde warns Wei Ruifan tells Anzhen that when he lives with her, he feels like he is Anzhen Anzhen tells Ruifan that telling a lie is worse than having a second A Wei d treat her well. what he wants, living with Anzhen or her.wants, living what he As in the (15) (16) (14) (12) (13) (10) (11) (9) an

it law. law. Wei she can sell the most expensive car in the company. Sometimes a bitter life - about about in - and swing, swing, going up and down

a o get rid of suffering,human o get rid of t has some sweet taste. We do not have to wait for someone to give you sweet taste just a part of the family, life or part not. most of important work, like eating spicy sukiyaki. But we cannot eat chili every we will think about rice to eat different loves d that everyone not a machine living for he feels like he and Anzhen are machines. They have duties but do not have freedom. Kangde argues that when Ruifan and Wei appreciate “ himself. He can do anything he wants. It wife. Ruifan tells he love anymore.might not be forgive him. couple of Ruifan and Anzhen’s life, Anzhen should thank Ruifan not perfect. brother find someone who loves her. Wei choose love. on decisive

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get and and one 103 hate hate

f you I to “


have have vision and is not interested

plan to get Ruifan owner dies. No success success is far away nothing nothing we cannot

a peaceful and simple

that d whose

these these questions, why Ruifan

; there is

to has given up the Whenever someone a lonely dog

to like this does not help. The best way to

Anzhen Anzhen because she is quite stupid. Ailin is en. Actually, getting Ruifan back is Anzhen’s

- . Anzhen tells him that the word “success” is "You can't make an omelette without breaking of her family. ful s at at says, says, and acting easily. Now, god a lesson. Now, teaches him easily.


mpares himself n, you will also miss stars.”n, you will the also idiom

selves. Nothing is impossible the to become like Wei

Anzhen’s Anzhen’s mother tells her that sometimes there are unexpected Tianwei teaches Anzhen that she must change her mindset Anzhen Anzhen feels hopeless. Tianwei comforts her by telling her that Anzhen Anzhen tries to find the answers As Anzhen Anzhen tells Ruifan that while reading, she finds a quote Anzhen Anzhen tells Tianwei that she Ruifan co (24) (22) (23) (19) (20) (21) (17) (18) anythingwant he happen in our life. It is normal because we cannot control everything in

got hat hat t others others always take advantage

which is her daughter. "

, , because you missthe su because

smarter than Anzhen butfriends. have she doessmarterthan Anzhen any not target, but while Anzhen stares at the target, she ignores the important thing on the way eggs back because Mengmeng tells her that she hates her father. The word “hate” is too strong for a little girl. Anzhen feels guilty, so she does not want her daughter her father too much welcomes him. Kangde tells him that in the past Ruifan ha life. He cry does not love her, why Ruifan wants to get divorced, why and why…., but Anzhen or not. never loves Ruifan she still asks whether herself should see the good points in herself. Women in the modern age must knowledge but Anzhen looks only in him/her. interested others are notin the also world, events not fear. we must happens, our life. Whatever revenge is to make yourself succes too far away from her. Tianwei argues that Anzhen thinks find toto it. go out does not want because she can create it by our overcome. divorce is common for women,

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that that you you 104 into

always usually do ” She is must be .

anger and


, one ing “Anger Line and Ruifan’s family revenge

a new leaf, he actually

’s the the rry that she did not slap en en cannot be molded - over about bad bad dream but for Anzhen, it a just just walk carefully and he can ng

; which makes him which makes lose.

over it. Tianwei tells that if Anzhen , en en for slapping her. Anzhen loves - must must be braver (suppress that the way to overcome suffering is to

that thinki

Wei one bad one says to

says , a s father that he does not need to worry,

en that she usually thinks that others treat her e -

en en in the past may be - afraid afraid of a new start porcelain. porcelain. Ruifan and Wei

revenge s

mpares love with clay molding. The clay must be heated about become en is bad clay. is bad clay. en en en tells Tianwei that everyone has different requirements. The - - . . The new one is nicer and comfortable. Which one


is hidden in sincerity. Love has no reason but feelings from your

Tianwei Tianwei asks Anzhen that now she has 2 cars. The old one is nice ies Anzhen Anzhen apologizes

Tianwei’s mother tells him that very smart people Tianwei Tianwei buys Mibao, the car of Anzhen Ailin compares Ruifan’s life with playing cards. He has Anzhen Anzhen tells Wei Wei Kangde Kangde co . Ruifan’s Ruifan’s father tells him that if he turns Anzhen Anzhen feels that there is a thin line called iness (32) (33) (29) (30) (31) (27) (28) (26) (25) . He should not be ever thinks that she herself also treats others badly. also treats others she badly. that herself thinks ever to forgive).to

ing see beautiful scenery. Ruifan tells hi is careful. he is hurt, the more hurt The more he Ruifan just fell himself. down and badly but n has a chance porcelain because Wei relation Ruifan andbetween Wei one. might be a good heart. for a long time until and full of memor the himself new car). and with old car the compareschoose? Ruifan with (He unhappy. Happ held the good card but it changesheld the cardit to b but good named by Anzhen Ruifan so much that she overlooks his fault. She is so Ruifan. It is so not a battle between Anzhen and Ruifan but it is a battle between Ruifan in the and Ruifan at present. past forgive the one who hurts us. Tianwei brave, but not thinking learn stepping over it. Now she chooses not to step steps over it, Anzhen will overcome others, but if Anzhen will overcome Anzhen herself. Anzhen does not step over it,

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- - et l ne, ( 105 will ” “I en’s who ,


, close


the first sce

In husband and wife a en does not feel their - en. Her mindset on love - such as “I want you


her questions. Actually, it is

firmly; otherwise, Wei

to y can be broken. so does Ruifan. But Wei and Anzhen’s house. There are

’s rried life. It means when wrapping and In this scene, the camera has

. ma en, - a then discloses the face of the wearer

the material communicate that the woman who wears


sex appeal expressions ith the red lipstick lips. is a medium object leading Tianwei to meet Tianwei to leading object is a medium

loved Wei

and and the same is true of ,” w with are in many gift boxes. The woman who wears red high

heeled shoes them in front of Ruifan -

is compared with always s

r that she has never been loved, so Wei ceramic vase ceramic

ly put s right or Itwrong. is not tonecessary find the answers. We do not i a married life because a married life is just a part of our life Anzhen gives an interview to the reporter about the suicide of a Tianwei’s Tianwei’s mother tells Tianwei that one’s feeling is framed by his

Red high Wonton

Chocolates The .

to ) wonton sheet should wrap (3) (4) (1) (2) (35) (34)

the Special symbols Points of view Points of

” “You look very nice

indset and experiences, ,

8) 7) The story is narrated by the leading character, Xie Anzhen. en. the shoes rather than the wearer, -


s Anzhen. heeled shoes sneak notes on these boxes written love you wontons, separate from each other when it is boiled. Like a married life, should strengthen their relations; otherwise, their famil them is a mistress (Ruixian calls her “a bitch”) up is Wei Xie Anzhen introduces herself to the audience while other characters do not. It means that the whole story is narrated through her point of view. loves. Do not let this kind of feeling press yourself. You must be happy to love and to be loved. or her m is framed by her experiences during childhood. She always receives needs it. love Tianwei but has never subconscious orders he need to adhere on ourselves go woman. Anzhen tells the reporter that she understands her feelings very herself has well. been like that. She cannot find She the answers not important who i

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- - ut in the - 106 en’s

, b -


to Wei

frozen love. it in his and and Wei

her. Then, he


’s The same is true it at the same place

s prepared by Anzhen by prepared she is very angry and

process or methods or



the were on the computer desktop

he will en, but Ruifan put

clothes. - ,

nothing. not committed with true with not committed bedroom,

for Ruifan because she wants him to

ed throwing darts, we must stare ing model for Ruifan because she wants him to because for Ruifan is compared with Ruifan

are en and Ruifan -

en loves Ruifan as a lover, not a brother en is jealous of Anzhen’s happy family. She

- - shaped pendant with the date endorsed

- cool color target but overlook

and they are and they are but achiev

he picks up the model and put the red robot model pink necktie a heart when we

a a and

is a private place for Ruifan and Anzhen. It means that shaped carrots in the lunch box lunch carrots in the shaped

- normally we eat curry with rice and put it on the rice

picture of Wei ceaselessly : means that Wei means that Wei jigsaw family photo of Ruifan and Anzhen with a picture of en to his family, so is angry. Anzhen

- en buys en buys en buys etimes, it might be better than living together. heart - - which


- , The Dartboard; The Curry Ruifan gives

Mice on a pedal machine Wei Anzhen compares love between Ruixian and Kangde with Kangde Ruixian and between compares love Anzhen Wei The

(13) (14) (11) (12) (9) (10) (6) (7) (8) (5) colorful life and when he sees the it to the floor. The model represents Wei

s a en’s face inserted which is struggling . It means their relation ismeans their bleak, . It relation -

, on the rice. In comparison with married life, it does not mean that a married couple cannot separate. Som something, we usually focus on anything on the way to reach the target. Ruifan likes to eat them separately. He thinks that it is not necessary to put the curry en as her birthday present and the date endorsed is her birthday. dartboard only because the dart target is on the dartboard. It means that when we do Wei wants to have a family like this, so she inserts her face’s picture in Anzhen’s. life background of Wei law. She wants Ruifan to be with her. throw Anzhen’s bedroom Ruifan welcomes Wei have decides to break up with her, instead of throwing it away. It means that he cannot leave her. And then Anzhen sees the model on the headboard in her and Ruifan’s change his looks. Ruifan always wear Ruifan change hislooks. for Ruifan. It communicates her love for love communicates Ruifan. her for Ruifan. It food

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, , up - 107 eople heeled heeled - en pays negative negative -

this issue.

en rents her - heeled shoes -

person who person can about


, is also insulted by

, amera has a close the first The c Anzhen looks at her finger after Anzhen and Ruifan get

: :

ve his behavior. Like Ruifan,

which is challenged by a man

that for other family is immoral. P

the wall in the bedroom. The ,

the social norms

an off ut finally, they can. Anzhen en’s face. This kind of camera angle is , b - and and Ruifan’s family

it looks like they cannot separate because monogamy ’s

heeled shoes. heeled ; is a binary opposition to the red high -

already ended. already ended. this


has has in the value of but wears white sneakers instead.

, who behave in contradiction to

wedding ring. She closes her eyes, and smiles with tears. It means , en wears the red high CEO of his company is a woman who is sensitive en breaks up with Ruifan, she takes off her red high White sneakers: Wedding Wedding rings of Ruifan and Wedding Wedding photo of Ruifan and Anzhen - - a . . However, the social norms shape the result for the challengers.

en - The 1) The belief in superstition and fortune 1) The belief in superstition Wei ( The belief of praying one’sfor and wish (15) (16) (17)

and Anzhen’s relationships

Values ’s who is an intervener

Apart from the above 8 narrative components, the drama also communicates 9) The drama presents , en - Ruifan the white sneakers and then moves to Wei

light an incense stick and put it in the incense burner the wish he/she made will come cannot forgive him or her easily. himcannot forgive or values beliefs. the following and disgusted by people. For example, the apartment landlady where Wei room does not allow her to live in her apartment anymore even though Wei her a rental fee. Ruifan is unemployed and cannot find a new job. No one welcomes them. For whatever reasons, being an intervener of She cannot promote Ruifan if he still does not impro Wei other people in the society. She is condemned as a mistress. Both of them are that is unfaithful Ruifan and Wei effects. Ruifan has to quit his job and cannot find a new one because his behavior is unacceptable. of Wei applied when wedding photo and everything in this room fills her with roomthis nostalgia. fills wedding photo in and everything shoes. When which she always wears that her married life with Ruifan life with that married her divorced, Anzhen takes their wedding photo of they have married been for more10 years than which is without

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a a the the

108 with with

as the


, If you do other place

d d things will an or quarrel to

e a new lover, she guy but maybe anger

the influence of western children


one’s clothes to make together together with other dishes such including including Chinese and western adults give red envelopes to en and Anzhen also owed him.

take the , -

a knot on

it is true or not. She starts to doubt her want to have many grandchildren in an tie and and the

s it is eaten , s celebration meal. celebration . When she is in trouble, she will go to see

s whether ked by yourself embed our story and feelings. and our storyked by yourself embed ternational foods quarrel, they will

wrap wrap wontons and eat them as a main course while fry, fry, steamed fish with soy sauce in Anzhen’s family,

- ies

New Year’s New married married life. Onsen can wash bad luck off. While seeing

and grandmother begin to

bad example. bad example. s of

aiwanese family members celebrate Chinese New Year Festival odern odern Taiwanese family drinks tea from glasses, not tea cups. In the ieved that during New Year, there must not be The suppression of anger, forgive and forget The suppression anger, forgive of Making a wish while blowing out birthday cake candles. candles. blowing out birthday cake a wish while Making

. he T Taiwanese. Foods coo 5) The value of taking care of children, who are vulnerable groups who are vulnerable of of children, taking care 5) The value the family in harmony of love and 6) The value 4) The belief in festival celebrations 3) Food culture 2) The belief in this world, the next world, the law of karma, and other fortune teller to tell her ( When adults ( Grandfather ( T ( Taiwanese famil ( Anzhen’s mother tells her that Ruifan is not a bad

a The m

trust is a basis

especially during the during especially

that , Anzhen Anzhen believes in fortune teller

spaghetti and wine in Tianwei’s family. This represents

extended family while they think that it does not matter how many family members, so that they will not see a willso that not see they together. They have family reunion dinner children. It is bel others and culture on the Thai people eat wontons as an appetizer or as noodles. drama, there are many kinds of in foods such as sweet and sour stir good things, good things will happen to you. If you do bad things, ba happen to you” beliefs related to Buddhism beliefs related fortune teller said, in the last world, he owed Wei Therefore, in this world Ruifan and Anzhen must repay. The Truth of Life “ meteor, one must make a wish quickly and true. wish come true. fortune teller. For example, when she suspects that Ruifan may hav goes to see belief

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r. r.

e rve 109 The The working, working,

interven wife drives child policy - ing

a an an

contained to prese -

Ruifan’s mother expects

Chinese one

ess ess is not allowed during nge nge opinions. For example, day day before start the the

The organization culture of the

. husband husband has a new lover. 1)

Don’t drinkand drive a ies . contained contained to preserve the virginity of car car crash, ghosts, and - d at cooking. : 1) Every a whether whether the men they are flirting with are are

personal personal busin

It is not commonly found that

about enior employee who have more experience coach the new s tote bag while go shoppingbag while go tote 2) Anzhen Anzhen how to notice that law must at cooking. law be good

ife is afraid of 3 things: a ; - to Anzhen serves everyone in her family including Ruifan’s parents. in alking alking on phone


t 11) Social accountability 11) Social and wife husband between 12) Trust 10) Organization culture culture 10) Organization 8) The value of the wife serving of husband the wife 8) The value family in the of Chinese one child 9) The value 7) The sexual value of being self

( Using ( The w ( In Ruifan’s workplace, the competition for promotion is strong. ( Anzhen drives for Ruifan. ( Anzhen’s mother wants Anzhen to have more than one child. It ( In the modern age, the sexual value of being self


s; husband.

her daughter her her

virginity of virginity women is changed in negative fromway the past. Women flirting with wife enchanted by her husband must be goo Ruixian suggests working hours. company where Ruixian and Anzhen work employees must line up and shout the company’s motto. This can motivate employees to work effectively employee Someone tries to be low profile to avoid enem represents that modern Taiwanese families do not follow as in past. the for The ancestors said that “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Therefore, a that men is commonly found. They do not care single not. or women the love, harmony, and respect each other matter. The strong relationships among family members allow them to discuss many issues and excha always discussesRuixian. with Kangde and Anzhen with discusses Ruifan always

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you you 110

kind kind ; strong strong usband

husband husband s if we can first step,

more Taiwanese Taiwanese husband is the The h the the the the brave brave person In the usband is worth worth living he does not need to do usband’s side, Kangde third step,

entertaining entertaining customers.


The h or it it is will not do anything much

the h othing othing is impossible in the 2) In the n

“ that s. ourselves still live and continue people


husband to his wife. we a husband’s guilt is developed step by trust trust him. the

in public is common but the the

ing American culture since she has studied there.

husband husband holds his new lover’s hands.

and kiss

And she believes that

the traditional ways of life and someone ha ” .

ging which states that

, their ways. Anyway, most has

is familiar with en the one we love. Only the weak persons perceive that the world is - fe. The destiny just teaches us a new lesson. The real

second step, his mistakes. 3) The most important indicator is that husband does something wrong, he cannot be trusted by his wife. cannot wrong, he trusted by his bedoes something husband der to achieve success, the combination of strength and weakness is

regarding 15) Concept and expression of love and expression 15) Concept 13) The influence of western culture of culture 13) The influence western of life 14) Wisdom

( Someone ( Wei ( the for . . He buys an expensive gift for you without any reason because he tries to In the Tianwei’s Tianwei’s mother believes that “money and property are just materials

Once ps his own theory

. husband just thinks about his new lover. It does not matter something for

mpensate mpensate usband changes his looks, his behavior, and his habit nything. world.” always hurt by others because she is afraid of conflict. She must be brave to speak for her rights. In or required. cannot take them with you unfair. Too good persons usually are oppressed. Anzhen is optimistic. She thinks that although our love possession (husband) is lost, fighting for our li the one who is brave to be himself/herself. Tianwei tells Anzhen that Anzhen is different different from traditional ways of life. During the second honeymoon trip, Anzhen and Ruifan discuss the meaning of life. Anzhen thinks do perceive that it is not suitable. that itis notperceive determination home She thinks that lovers hug the a should flatter his wife to make her happy and kisses his new lover. He should buy a special gift for his wife when he goes back He does not let his wife track him. On the other hand, on develo step measured by objects and can be given by h than before co usually not at home and has some excuses like

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en en the - 111

cissors” is s second and

aper other other lover loves p an between between two lovers; Normally, men are so ock

r ” “ . r is a solution. Some men d western cultures. People e m direct to indirect. Flirting while while people from eastern risis


r. It does not matter who comes ing reason. no supporting e al love and romantic feeling. love romantic The and al age n - should be left The game interven meal. with

the the iddle

and kiss m which which others cannot understand. Wei

, a being an

some space ging

; mind r makes dirty cannot be cleanly washed. In the and . . No one achieves success without obstacles, but

e of expression vary fro


that lovers must miss each other every their their , types pressure pressure of he deceives himself. The dirty clothes can be washed, buthe deceives himself. dirty can be washed, The clothes

so boring, so they would like to find something exciting. ;

is not loved is an interve

the is focus on hug

that competition competition and exercising. s

s obbies and play in the drama are playing sports and taking 20) Debt of gratitude 19) Concept of intervener 19) Concept the 17) Points of view about malesof view about 17) Points females of view about 18) Points 16) Hobbies and play ( ( It does not mean that a married man who still finds ( Men must have responsibility. Men tend to love women who look weak ( Waltz dancing makes females look charming. Tianwei’s mother believes ( The h Love is not a possession because because they look lovely

separate from each other. Love is love, Love is each other. love, from separate modern modern working woman might not good at cooking and doing household keep keep their feelings in



the pitiful

res. man himself does not man himself know the married life which the interven world of love, the one first. playful playful and flirtatious but the is the way to escape from problem think that their daily life These women are poor they think because that it is re the new lover, but he has that cho and men must be flexible. children to see sport dishes after who must wash the used to decide culture perceives the meaning of love never otherwise, it is like keeping a pet. One who falls in love is both crazy and silly. The expression of love is different between people in eastern an from western culture

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, , - the her left 112

grateful about about society in

al even even though

working, working, , - patriarch female characters; for to prevent Ruifan from a the the en en loves sad and lonely - he does not care and expressing her power. She en is an administration officer - and and husb the the conflict among hange hange herself. Good things start coming to

creates ho succeeds in work will support his family life other’s home, you must be hard n ife dominates an woman woman is an object,

a ivorced from Ruifan, she goes to work. She is promoted to The w other women. other women.


indicates 21) Other values Nevertheless, Nevertheless, the story presents a man who is married but he still finds a Ailin is a working woman. She works as a Division Head. She is self ( Music represents the listener’s self. Wei Ruifan has more power than Anzhen while Anzhen is his wife. Anzhen When you live in

t Ideology while it is full of exquisite. of it full is while

Feminism 10) Authoritarianism ies new lover. I feelings. He can easily love and leaves her whenever he wants. However, social lover. In terms of work, a man w while a woman who succeeds in work will be perceived as tough needs to woman also in work. succeed many aspects. Ruifan is the Division Head but Wei which is a lower position. Ruifa example, Anzhen slaps her sister. Ruifan forces Anzhen to sign the divorce certificate while Anzhen is in the hospital. Ruifan is Anzhen’s husband, but he also finds a new confident and independent. She is a candidate of Ruifan for Deputy General Manager. For Anzhen, after d getting be a car showroom manager. However, the content reflects his colleagues. She presents that she is Ruifan’s wife in order receiving the attention of Anzhen. He asks Anzhen to return but Anzhen refuses. During this time, Anzhen has more power than Ruifan. goes to the nightclub where her husband usually goes to entertains her husband’s workplace and brings lunch customers. boxes for her husband and Furthermore, she can do everything for Ruifan. When they get divorced, it is like Anzhen’s world is broken. She is very sad but then she can c her. She succeeds in her work and becomes popular. Ruifan regrets that he melod and patient. and patient.

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r e the 113

: ” ” The aw of .

terns. 1)

childhood ime ” the the l t ification or

when Ruifan her her en en is perceived 2018 - en was Tianwei’s

arrative - n “ broadcasting the first

narrative according to its its narrative to according the period of time in the the the began

: wontons, wontons, water, eggs, boiled and

” the narrator applies , is turned back to the past equal to the real period of time of the

narrative narrative in the following pat is which which

, the the her mother’s teaching her during

necessarily the the period of time in the narrative is zero because The Fierce Wife econd wife or mistress is perceived an as interven

d “Mia (Wife) 2018” : named named Thada. He likes spicy and salty food. Aruna “ 2018. The sequences of

, at at breakfast A s is

s our our future” and

May up

- band

lthough Ruifan and Anzhen get divorced, Wei is reminded of contents contents in the drama are narrated in this pattern. 2) Pause for 1 year but it is narrated only in one scene. only in one is narrated yearitfor but 1 and so is

. the trip r. She cannot disclose her status. discloser. She cannot 1) The first scene is Aruna’s house. The drama introduces Aruna and

e Exposition (

Analysis of the Narrative Components of “Mia (Wife) the Narrative Components of Analysis of shorter than the real period of time of the events; for example, Tianwei

amera has close Plot not allow polygamy. c

the the period of time in the narrative is equal to the real period of time of the 4.1.2 1) The Thai TV drama calle Moreover, the new paradigm narrative also focuses on do unacceptable. unacceptable. A

ife is sweet, : l she wakes up early before her husband. Then, she cooks and wakes up her is election election to select the time structure for color for the day. She believes in fortune but her husband does not. Then she wakes up her daughter. Her hus her daily life to serve her husband and daughter to the viewers. Aruna is a housewife, and husband ( orange juice). She prepares clothes for her husband by choosing the shirt with a lucky episode on television 28 on follows plotas are girlfriend girlfriend when they studied overseas. 4) narrative is Summary has a backpack For example, Anzhen that “ was Ailin’s boyfriend. 3) Ellipsis the events are cut or skipped; for example, the event of Wei Scene events. Most of period of time of the events is zero because the time is stropped for clar explanation. For example, the period of time of the events is stopped and turned back. period of time in the narrative is not events. In the TV drama called s norms and as an interven

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114 work

to the parents parents Aruna’s

Manager. Manager.

the s about work work and loves has been which his his the wife’s husband. in angry angry and easily hates divorce. divorce. But she really

. Tharee and Chatchai a camera camera switches rapidly drinks coffee only. After with helped helped Aruna’s father, so gets

the the and always

unhappy family

what kind of coffee Thada likes and an loves loves him. Munin is serious ce. because because she flirts no need for her parents. This presents the flirting. flirting. Kanya will live with Aruna for a while. d then goes to the temple to pray. Her wish is for has has never dishonest. Tharee couple couple her father (Kriangkrai) married a new woman, so is

, for example, d but they broke up because Thada had a new lover. habit habit of for her wish at the temple, s

s that that she comes from God and Thada’s fa girlfrien — - the airport scene, Kanya comes back from America. She has a coffee. coffee. Thada likes coffee with sugar but without cream. When

The The second scene is Thada’s workplace. The drama introduces Aruna Aruna cheers up Thada during the sales promotion event. She meets she she pray In Tharee and Chatchai are husband and wife. Tharee

5) 4) 3) 2) ( about

( ( ( images of still single. Thada and Munin stay close because they have to work


is . She usually threatens Chatchai that she will ask him for husband, husband, not for herself. She wishes her husband success in s Munin for the first time in the event. Thada introduces her to Munin. Aruna feels that Kanya. Kanya tells Aruna that Kanya becomes an outsider and background of Kanya broke up. quarrel with a husband and wife This scene presents Kanya’ Aruna’s mother tells her that Kanya’s father has Aruna’s family has a debt of gratitude to Kanya’s family. Aruna should take care of liar She just Chatchai. warns does not to do that. intend friend since they were students. Tharee ususally is quarrel Thada’s because Chatchai sister is so playful and Tharee get jealous but easily, he flirtatious. He always makes more details Munin looks at Thada, it looks like she still and she together. Munin to the viewers. She works in the competes position with of Thada’s team. Sales Munin Department and Thada Head are and candidates for Sale Munin is Thada’s ex Munin knows Thada very well her only. between the does not allow him to eat unhealthy food. wontons behind her Thada back. She does not usually have breakfast, adds fish sauce that, Aruna drives Thada to work an her

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115 with with

na. Munin. Munin. . Munin

same same as the

he goes to the that that of

is staying the the the perfume’s smell while

male Suchat colleagues. up styles to improve her

- bad temper to Aru bad temper to a her as a sales representative. a salesrepresentative. as

lunch with Thada. Munin and remembers

there the perfume bottle). Aruna smells meeting when he

back to see Kanya in her bedroom

a of up up goes - dress and make is having

the relations between Kanya and Thada. Kanya and Thada. between the relations Thada Thada and prevents him from going back

where they have been together before close and Thada’s bedroom. While she is picking up

to her a with about Munin ’s heeled heeled shoes for Aruna to wear on the company’s -

that Aruna that he is at amera has

c to

infidelity. She also listens to Wasin’s advice. He advises her

’ in and a perfume bottle. The smell of perfume is heeled heeled shoes to try, Aruna

lunch at the restaurant

- Thada Thada buys high Kanya enters Aruna to to pay more attention h

) or her personality. or her personality. 5) Thada is angry when he sees Kanya with 6) Aruna decides to work with Wasin. She feels that she can 7) be Aruna reads information from social media. Someone posts 3) Kanya starts flirting 4) Aruna smells Kanya’s perfume. She 1) Chatchai sees 2) Aruna goes to clean Kanya’s bedroom. She finds her broken mirror 6) 7) Wasin meets Aruna for the first time at the car showroom where 8 ( ( ( ( ( Rising Action ( ( ( ( (

are having embers that Thada likes roasted beef rice. Aruna calls Thada comments on husbands also tells him that he likes Kanya. Thada usually expresses Kanya. Thada usually also him that he likes tells from Thada. independent Kanya. is suspicious clothes. She on Thada’s the perfume on Thada’s clothes again to make sure that it is the same the smell. is that it to makesure clothes again the perfumeon Thada’s to see Aruna. Thada lies toilet, so Munin receives her call instead of Thada. Aruna starts to mistrust Munin. family photo in a b smell on Thada’s clothes ( Thada rem Tharee works. He misunderstands that Aruna works He misunderstands Tharee works. Aruna’s red hig and she is angry. party day. Aruna is very glad and hugs Thada but on the other hand she feels that red f is not suitable when she is standing aside Munin, her appearance is not as beautiful as Tharee tells her personality.

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and 116 s utting utting

. So, she s quarrel, a

do laundry like Aruna

photo of Thada lying on back home, Kanya calls


father is very busy at this a

her to come mental disorder. mental disorder. a her house. her


Tharee tells her that Thada never stops to

Then, she sends


away from her away from house. Thada, Aruna has financial problem

annoyed her. They always have

her daughter that go

to has

with her.

job. a

is staying

runa talks openly with Thada. She tells him that she saw him hug Thada Thada always goes to work late. He does not have perfect look

r weak points and change her looks. Then, Aruna decides to change her 8) After breaking up with 9) 5) Wasin tells Aruna that Kanya has Kanya has that Aruna tells 5) Wasin to Thada 6) Aruna tells 7) Thada lives with Kanya but their life is not simple. Kanya cannot be 3) While Aruna is waiting for Thada 4) Aruna cries and complains with Tharee that she does everything for 8) suspectsChatchai the relations Thada of and Kanya. He warns Thada 1) A get outto Kanya 2) Aruna tells y he has never been satisfied ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Climax ( ( his his passion. His bad habit is not Aruna’s fault but Aruna just trusts the

ing . His work is smooth but he must keep his relations with Kanya in secret. in relations keep secret. is but he must with Kanya his smooth . His work

usual she intentionally falls down from the motorcycle to make herself hurt. She hopes that her the Thada will hospital. at visit hurriedly and asks for him calls Wasin after the quarrel, Kanya goes out to drink and comes back home drunk. Thada visits Whenever Aruna and his daughter, Kanya is jealous and tries to get attention from Thada by making up a story. For example, she makes a video clip while she is c her to make wrist misunderstand that will she commit suicide. Thada other The iscase a good wife as Aruna can. She cannot cook, prepare clothes can. Kanya is so jealous that Thada satisfy wrong person. a bed. Aruna is very angry. She lies moment and he will not come back home. Thada but wh Kanya in front of the house. Kanya in front house. of the and tells her that Thada bud. to get rid of he looks. to give up because Kanya is his wife’s sister. Tharee also warns Aruna to nip it in the

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a is her live live 117 will a house from

their daughter. Thada tells

” Aruna can learn very well and . about

, , buys new clothes, and changes beyond her roles. beyond

er er to get divorced from Thada. Aruna’s center divorced, divorced, Nuda changes very much. Her “Super Car

to go

get parents’ roles. parents’ roles. n.

ve his house to Aruna and his daughter only. He tion tion seriously to prepare for a new job. Wasin message through LINE to cheer up Aruna. When the

a the past when they lived together. lived the past when they

e Nuda does not live with her father anymore and her nds


Super Sale” for his “ remember will will Kanya goes to see Aruna’s mother. Kanya tells her that she is ) 1) Aruna and Thada have an appointment at the District Office to sign 3) Aruna and Thada have a quarrel 4) After her parents 1 2) Kanya tells Thada that she is not pregnant but she needs to tell a lie 2) Aruna and Thada separate. They agree that although they 1) Wasin se Resolution ( ( ( New complicationsNew ( ( ( Resolution ( good advice of Wasin. Everything turns to be better whether Aruna’s new Kanya that not telling a lie again. a lie tellingKanya that not job, or relations with Wasi or relations job, the the that walking, they walking, Aruna Aruna does not prevent Thada but Kanya does. Kanya blames Aruna that she her her daughter as an excuse to see Thada when he comes to see his daughter.

, s that Certificate of Divorce. After that, they walk separately in front of the District Office. While something for them becaus take of her. is busy that does not care mother she time to so spare Aruna warns Thada not to remind Kanya behavior becomes more aggressive. She likes to bully her friends at school because she is jealous of them. She is angry with them when they show that their fathers buy Aruna that Aruna cannot prevent him from seeing his daughter. Actually, the problem is using because she wants Aruna to get divorced from Thada. Kanya requests Thada but Thada refuses. He will gi insists pregnant and Aruna’s mother should tell h is surprised. mother very look stillthey separately, hair style. She studies car informa would like her to be listen to Aruna reads the message, she feels better and decides not to give up. She changes her looks by going to exercise at the fitness

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, in in ot

the 118 about rental


executive executive the

their home. because his


, living. Munin about is the the

a that

children’s children’s perspectives, ed

from Aruna and tells her that she is

concern b because his behavior is not parents’ parents’ roles and should do their her sales increase. her sales

work more to earn is

about ything beyond his roles. beyond ything and

their she can do it, so she refuses Munin with rry in general, e the moderator of her online magazine

has to , their parents are, that place that that job in the upcountry areas because he would a time job, time job, Thada cannot find a new job - his his a a competent person but also a good one single mum

daughter daughter while Aruna goes to work because now he is be A his ry and slaps Kanya. She warns Kanya that if Kanya does not then they have to move to a new house to reduce and and , Thada because he does not come back to see her and threatens to s Company Company Board of Directors on 7) Kanya goes to see Nuda at school and takes her out. She would like 6) Thada will go to find 4) After working for Munin, Aruna becomes very popular and has 5) Aruna consults Doctor Sasimon (Wasin’s mother) 3) Suchat asks Thada to quit his jo 2) Munin invites Aruna to b ( ( ( ( ( ( The The clubs. This benefits her full family. family. After quitting

loved one. Aruna and Thada look for Nuda until the evening. When they find

she she is an editor. Aruna is not sure revenge revenge


get loses Nuda, Aruna is very ang best. to break up with her. She would like Thada to feel like her when she is waiting for and like to live separately from Kanya for a while. He asks Aruna to weekends. see Aruna Nuda on agrees because Thada is still Nuda’s divorced, Nuda father. did not. They Although cannot give up they g Aruna follows her advice and calls Thada to discuss this matter. Thada tells Aruna that he will take care of an he will notunemployed. He promises that do many fan problem. Doctor Sasimon advises her that their homes consist of parents. Wherever behavior is unacceptable for any employers. Kanya and Thada have a quarrel financial problem cost. suitable. management officer not only terms of glad to see Aruna stronger. gives Aruna some time to think about it. Aruna Finally, agrees to be the moderator for Munin. where the reason that she is afraid of not having time to take care of her daughter because she and Thada got divorced. Munin feels so

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119 Thada him to

Rayong Rayong

in il he comes


na for love and be at risk because

has has followed experiences experiences and high

the the past events of him and

Bankhai Bankhai District up and goes to work in Rayong in

a lot of she she should love Wasin or not. She yet made a decision. Kanya knows

he will bring the family photo with him. with familywill photo him. bring the he to to break

to take to caretake of herself because he may be job at the same company

if is reminded of a


s Kanya about about whether scar hurt by Kanya to Thada. Thada must not be

the works at the new company

Nuda and her age. She thinks that she should not r.

Chinese Chinese customers like him, so the company owner invites him to 1) Wasin asks Aruna to take care of his car showroom unt 2) Thada writes a letter to Aruna on the day he goes to China. He 3) Thada comes to see Aruna at her workplace. He consults Aruna 4) Thada meets Wasin. He tells Wasin that Kanya 5) Wasin comes to see Aruna late at night. He asks Aru 2) Aruna is confused 1) Thada goes to stay with Aruna for one night and will go to Rayong 1) Thada who follows him to the new company. He thinks he will go to work in The Resolution ( ( ( ( ( ( Ending ( Emergingcomplications (

, ed about ed then then he shows

and concern returns the house keys to Aruna and tells Aruna. to somewhere no one knows. back. He will travel him take care of Aruna and his of daughter. Aruna and him care take tells her that whether Aruna accepts or refuses, he will be Then Aruna’s Wasin friend goes to forever. hang out alone and China to escape he Wasin to escape so he will in tothe new her. He asks China company, go to help work is Wasin. she stays good when is smooth. She just with now her life feels about Kanya work in China. Thada thinks about it but has not where Thada works, so she applies for works. Province. He works smoothly because competency. he has Province in the morning. Thada asks Aruna Thada asks in the morning. Province give up, she will call the police. Wasin suggests Thada to stay with Aruna to protect her, submissive to her. Finally, Thada ask Province.

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120 You’ll You’ll “ Kanya’s ls her to hires some of

day. day. Aruna also with

medical medical expenses. ” Then, she gets a . roles and housewife

of her ’s

Aruna goes to visit Kanya.

involved involved with her husband

Kanya lives alone. She always

, to get day and waits for the new photos. If

which which Aruna cooked wontons for her China

the the hospital.

in go now, see you later k at her. her. k at working working woman to a na and cannot come to visit Aruna and Nuda. admitted admitted is his captions every

ife of the foreigner whom Kanya flirts s minded minded and be happy as she should be. Do not stick to the “Sister, I have to -

, The The w

” ” Aruna performs

. herself

Kanya wears slippers walking out of the hospital alone. She wears After Thada goes to work in

to lothes and perfume at the market to earn some money. market earn perfume to some at the and lothes 3) 4) Kanya peeps at Aruna and Nuda outside Aruna’s house. She smiles 2) Kanya recovers. The nurse tells her not to worry about the medical 1) 3) Wasin uploads his photos and writes captions every to the airport to travel back to New York. back to New York. travel airportto the to ( ( ( Ending ( (

other other men. works. She sits in his office and looks at the badge with the quote

hand c hand s - with with and goes She whispered taxi ask for money to travel back home but her father does not talk to her. She goes to sell second and recalls that Aruna visited her at the hospital and paid all visited her. She cries and recalls the scene and helped her. the same dress as she wore on the day she came to the hospital. She calls her father to medical expenses. expenses because Aruna has already paid. Kanya is very glad to know that Aruna has When she sees Kanya at the hospital, she sympathizes her. Aruna events recalls since the past Kanya has moved to her kidnapped house Nuda. Kanya does until not recover. she While she slapped is sleeping, her Aruna tel when Kanya take good care of herself and she leaves. Aruna is responsible for all flirts gangsters to hurt Kanya and warns Kanya not anymore. Kanya is injured and Wasin’ never walk alone sees photos. Wasin’s time, she leisure perfectly. her During looks at his photos and read he does not upload the new ones, Arna would feel disappointed. Aruna takes care of very busy for the first few weeks in Chi He tells Aruna to be open unpleasant experiences he gave her. On the way to the airport, Kanya runs to follow Thada does not loo Thada and calls but him,

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121 with unin unin have other that her mistress ” Aruna .

the the the the hospital. says contents must be

Once in a lifetime” “ ear in the drama scene, but jealous love of the is implicit and then explicit. The


what kind of love he should choose, py. Furthermore, there are while

a son. She named him “ManU h Aruna hesitates, she decides to love

her. her.

about has to

n and Aruna will choose the best ones and edit

share share her experiences with the audience in the

mind characters are implicit and present love in many him really hap his

the to Thada. Thada is very pleased to get a grandson. He it day. Later, Wasin has an accident and is in

event event organized by Aruna and Munin, Wasin comes back.

” ” Aruna will which is transformed to love .

because Tharee never trusts Chatchai. Actually, Chatchai does ,

s new program. Thada is so surprised that Aruna and Munin would make

a Thada Thada comes back from China and goes to see Aruna at her live live broadcast. audience can The be engaged in this event by sending Wasin Wasin is in Florence, Italy. He uploads video clips and photos with Munin Munin and Aruna will organize a big event. The theme of the event

of the supporting characters. The couple of Tharee and Chatchai a

9) In the 8) 6) 7) 5) Tharee gives birth. She s ( ( ( ( ( ove of husband and wife is explicit video video and sends Theme


2) The main theme of the drama is love. Love presented in the drama is so The l at a family photo on his desk. his desk. on at a family photo not love anyone except Tharee. Kanya’s parents do not app the viewers can perceive their existence through Kanya’s story. She husband himself has conflict in what kind of love couples’ love always have quarrel complicated. The feelings of forms. is implicit. Friendship the public. After the event is over, althoug Wasin. captions for Aruna every Aruna worries why Wasin does not reply Aruna, Thada, and Wasin share their stories on the theme their short video clips no longer than 2 minutes. The video clips related to the event theme. Then, Muni viewers. is to inspire the objective to be viral clips. The them become close friends. Thada tells Aruna that he still loves her. loves that still tells he Aruna become friends. Thada close is “Once in a lifetime event and have workplace. workplace. They go out to have lunch together. smooth and Thada teases her that she Thada is very popular now. Aruna himtells that M tells her that his work is plans to produce records looks

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122 in disappointed suggests suggests that a ze is the definition of he falls in love with her.

but but her life is better than in because of Kanya, so they

, s people in the society because

ove of this couple represents suffering. For example, Thada and Kanya are The l negative effect from

a their lives are not happy. The drama script presents the


perfect family as at the beginning a

Chatchai because she loves him.

theme theme of the drama is morality. The drama script - of Aruna. Finally,

1) Thada and Aruna have serious conflict 2) Chatchai and Tharee always quarrel because Tharee is angry with

( ( real love seeking of each character. divorced and left her. Conflicts with

the are 3) Conflict between husband wife and The sub cause of his flirting. The situation getssituation worse that ThareeThe flirting.of his threatenscause him she will always jealous are divorced. be him be divorced. But finally they are not divorced because they love each other. Tharee is she betrays Aruna. she betrays end she does not have the past. has She good friends who always support her when she is unhappy. Aruna is an optimistic person. Wasin sees the good points in her so On the other hand, Kanya gets immoral actions will bring dishonest worth of doing good deeds like Aruna. She is a good wife and mother, although parents life. The main theme which the producer would like to emphasi love and

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ed he 123 with being whether whether he to which happy as she love love Wasin or the the individual own own him. She

also also concern second wife or wrong wrong decision. as

about about a is extent afraid of risk if she

She is not ready to

is and and devalues herself. ? that Does she has the burden to disguise love husband husband (Thada) and wife

about about the has has made the the the character’s mind, each leading of others ? Is it whether she loves Thada or just the Thada but cannot love him as before.

law law and would like to

- family family about about

in - the ed about mind it from parents.her Kanya is patient

conflict between her sister’s family and makes her sad, but she d s s feeling occurs. What will he do if Aruna returns conflicts conflicts within in the the is jealous of her sister. She is not

the still concern whether whether she still loves Thada or not. is is confused. She is not sure whether she can love Wasin or not.

about about ve. She nflicts nflicts within his/her own mind. Thada is confused ust happy when staying with Wasin people surrounding her. She can do anything fordo anythingpeople Thada. her. She can surrounding runa j

2) According to social norms, people perceive 1) In everyone’s point of view, Thada is a perfect guy. It is impossible husband and wife and through some conflicts within ( ( A the e

while while living with him. Wasin is also confused th

is she In summary, “Mia (Wife) 2018” constructs meanings mostly through conflict Conflicts the between characters and surroundings Conflicts within character’s the

is confused how Nuda feels. Kanya is confused ed


, runa Aruna but does not know when thi solved. be to Thada? can conflicts Finally, all about wants to own him because she expect can disclose his real feeling to Aruna. Then he can find out the reason that he loves still loves Aruna or loves Kanya. Then he is sad that he A not begin a new love with anyone. If she decides to love Wasin, she character’s mind. The solution to (Aruna) is divorce. In terms of character has co needs love because she never receive insulted by between mistress is a bad woman who destroys Kanya knows that she intervenes cannot deter herself. She loves her brother for him to do bad things, but he has conflicts with this. He as everyone’s expectation. He needs freedom to do anything he wants. His solution is having relations with Kanya because of the impulse, but then he feels guilty for what he did. is not sure it is lo She worries about Nuda’s feeling. She is older than Wasin and starts a new love with Wasin. She just feels good when she stays with Wasin but she

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124 She is

” . just never

ighting f things; “

healthy because she

be tone color clothes. She - day she drives her husband

always good.” Sometimes it is so

divorced, the audience can see her

her daughter it is her family and perceives that she is an that dressed with soft makeup. Every makeup. - become which means she only has a good side. Her

, on ed about happened,


in work and


always concern ’s


ace and encourages him to work. Her catch phrase is Aruna na is a beautiful and gentle woman who has simple life. She is a good wife


but she believes that we have enough power to deal with her husband 9 ONE 31 Channel (2018) ONE



4) Aruna 4 is than herself. She is a flat character ary housewife. When she and Thada difficult, give up. is always sick. She ordin on the other side. She is strong and never gives up. She believes “Don’t be afraid of change” and “Whatever already ha lunch to her husband and something, she his will pray. When she prays, she colleagues. always makes a wish for her She husband believes that rather when she wishes dream wears her hair in a bun and does not putnot a bun and does her in hairwears to the workpl optimistic. She is good at cooking. Her signature menu is wonton. She always brings Source: and mother. Aruna is a housewife, simply Figure

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is 125 female which means of the

, . His image is changed to Sales Team as Munin. Their teams unfaithful the


with his wife. He has an influence on all ood wife as Aruna. He and Aruna have one daughter named husband who has never been

a very g work. He works as a Head of



(Aruna, Kanya, Munin) behaviors. He is a round character

da is Aruna’s husband. His image is good. He has high competency and

’ 10 model of ONE 31 Channel (2018) ONE .

Tha Thada 4 he has both good and bad sides. He is good at the beginning of the story but that gradually changes to have negative b Nuda. He is handsome, so he is attractive to many ladies although he is not single. He is a role be negative. He is dishonest characters successful in his compete in sales. He and Munin are candidates for family and Saleshas Manager. He loves his Figure Source:

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

- T 126 a style.

’s grew up

it from her parents.

got , she likes to wear working woman a wear

fight until she gets it. She is a will casual

For good character. At the end of the story, she a is aggressive and jealous. She cannot control d d to

ba oes oes to work, she dresses in a

turning from



ya is Aruna’s cousin. During childhood, Aruna has ever lived with

11 ONE 31 Channel (2018) ONE .

Kan Kanya 4 divorced, divorced, so she has to come back to Thailand and will live with Aruna

round character temporarily until she gets a job. She herself when she gets angry. She needs love because she never She believes that she will get what she wants and overseas, so she is extroverted and assertive. shirt and jeans but when she g She is beautiful, so she is attractive to many male colleagues in her office. Her parents are Source: Kanya’s family before Kanya and his father moved to New York. She Figure

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as 127 and are

say centered and other people. -

100% 100% perfect, but

etic with ily good side but the drama mostly

” He loves and adores his mother. a . more sympath being She also has

indulgence indulgence to -

id. Everything must have its deadline. If we can do what we Wasin the deadline, we will get respect from others. Wasin is self

is the owner of the car showroom where Aruna and Tharee work as sales is habit from self . He . is a He perfectionist. He falls in love with he knows Aruna. After Aruna, he 12 ONE 31 Channel (2018) ONE h t .

He Wasin 4 s about He has learned from Aruna that a perfect thing is not necessar do what is sa strict indulgen change representatives. representatives. His nickname is “young millionaire He always talks to his mother and consults her. He believes that it is a commitment to Figure Source: feels guilty about what she has done. side.bad presents her

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, a 128 angry but


which means he has both

, style. She works as a car sales s ’ always warns Aruna to beware of

she only has a good side. which means


related matters. She - modern working woman a


She does not like Kanya flirting with Thada. She gets jealous easily


regarding 13 ONE 31 Channel (2018) ONE .

Tharee is Thada’s sister. She has been a close friend of Aruna since she was a Tharee 4 friend who cares of Aruna. She is very frank, loves shouting, and easily she is kind. She is a flat character because her husband (Chatchai) is very flirtatious. She is a good consultant for Aruna especially husband’s infidelity and Aruna follows her advice. She is a friend who shares is a student. She dresses in representative. Figure Source: perfect as it should be is enough. He is a round character good and bad sides.

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law. law. His roles are - Thada. Thada. He is a team in - that that of

never dishonest. He loves his wife very much. He is a flat is

n. He is so playful and flirtatious. He always makes Tharee gets


tchai is Tharee’s husband, so he is Thada’s brother which means he only has a good side.he only has means which

, 14 ONE 31 Channel (2018) ONE .

Cha Chatchai 4 jealous easily, but he character friend and brother of Thada, so he can be a good consultant for Thada. He works at the same company as Thada but his position is lower than member of Muni Figure Source:

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challenge, challenge, fighting, and never a eam. She is a competitor of Thada. T ales ales the S

he gives up. Her relations with Thada focus on work only. relations with he gives up. Her person who has good work performance. She is Thada’s candidate for

girlfriend of Thada and still loves him until now. She has a secret affair Munin - in works as the Head of

especially especially in work. She wants to return to love Thada but if she knows that

15 ONE 31 Channel (2018) ONE , .

Mun Munin 4 appreciated appreciated gives up s Thada is married, She is an ex with Suchat, the company executive. Munin works hard and is single. She is usually an Sales Manager. She is a round character. She loves Source: Figure

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, his 131 of his about take place

important in the drama “Mia (Wife)

like a playboy. He does not love anyone very


camera camera angles. Almost all of the events in the drama

the the

he has experience and he usually teaches Thada about family life. He

including their families.

ettings and camera angles are Suchat , that

n. He is a round character. His bad side is playful and flirtatious but his Setting tes

16 ONE 31 Channel (2018) ONE .

5) The s Suchat is a company executive. He has a secret affair with Munin. All Suchat 4 ” especially , 2018 good side is cheers up Aruna to fight and overcome the obstacles in her life. He cares subordina colleagues perceive that Munin is promoted because she has an affair with him. He is handsome. He is so playful and flirtatious even Muni Figure Source:

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e in or

the 132 g at , f events of ident, the setting and the the because they do workplace workplace also


at the workplace. at the different different from what s

few settings in few settings other

a e roles of mother and there are settings in the drama

meaning of family and for her husband and daughter cooking cooking and doing household which


and Thada’s house. The minor


river can make us feel good and who is a leader of the family and ’s . There . are There

ing , the setting for organizing

many other etting at Thada’s the

for example

, divorced, divorced, she plays th The s such as driv

s , to work. Thada plays the roles of father and the

d side t ettings in Chiang Mai and Phuket where Thada and capital capital of Thailand

: s especially especially for Thada

ettings ettings in China where Thada goes to work and in Italy , the s

; dedicate the schedule to make this scene in advance. The public is


to the riverside to talk and discuss secret issues of his relationship . Before Aruna get

know. Wasin tells Aruna that go to announce

of work

lunch (wontons) to her husband and also his colleagues to her husband (wontons) lunch people surrounding at that moment to participate. The producer has public

and who who is single and Besides the drama setting, the drama also sets real place Apart from the above settings, there are Work is also important supervising his subordinates.

the ai usually , serving serving her family within the house er try to inhale, exhale, and shout at the river to reduce stress.

, , taking ead square in front of Siam Paragon is used as Aruna and Munin in the drama. lets h allows relations admitted because of an accident, Chatch sickness, and injury respectively. Thada with Kanya. and Thada and Kanya also usually talk to each other not want Aruna where the activities on Father’s Day are organized and Nuda playground has near an Aruna’s acc house where Thada and Kanya always have a secret dat before going back home to see Aruna, the hospital Nuda, Wasin, where and Kanya are the car showroom shows that Aruna also has competency to work besides stayin home as a housewife. example, the temple where Aruna always goes to pray for her wish, Nuda’s school Munin h communicates the relations between Thada and Kanya Aurna sees at her house and the relations between Suchat and Munin. The setting wife chores and extends her roles to ou and setting is Thada’s workplace. After Thada quits his job, the minor setting is the car showroom where Aruna works. These settings convey importance in of the downtown , provinces and foreign countries Munin go to meet customers where Wasin is on travel. The main setting is Aruna

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; ” . that 133

popular ” in the

, s

keep going to ighting Thada when he . The main role to f

s “

, tells play an important role.

oogle, LINE, Facebook, s G to each otherto each on the day up phrase

- a component in the setting. In

speak are never give up, and

to ” ” camera angle , For example, Aruna

Thada and Kanya stay close, touch, and kiss

ely to each other. They never use rude words elfie function in smartphone daily life. They use

the s ruit shaped mung beans), and orange cake. At the social media play an important role. Almost every where f cters express verbal and physical violence. and physical violence. express verbal cters TV TV programs hosted by Aruna and directed by Munin his/her the about his love with Aruna; andcheerslove with Munin up Wasinabout his

” , daughter. Both of them always call each other “Darling

up The

their the viewers to be strong,

drama drama “Mia (Wife) 2018 and and rapid repeated shooting communicates strong emotion and .

s Dialogues between Thada and Aruna between Thada Dialogues es behind

up -

(1) Thada and Aruna talk polit In the Apart from the theme song, the drama “Mia (Wife) 2018” use or specially in the scene evaluation meeting; Kanya and Thada meeting;evaluation

. She tells l media can be seen in the video clips of Aruna. She demonstrates cooking , e al Dialogues an

6) In the drama “Mia (Wife) 2018” there is a chee Camera Angle Songs Apart from the place setting, social media socia before ama “Mia (Wife) 2018

means that they love each other very much.

broadcasted through social media with 98K views. is very Aruna popular.


either This Kanya goes to a job interview; Suchat cheers up Aruna about her family mothercheershim Wasin’s problem to be patient if he wants to be Aruna’s boyfriend because Aruna is very popular and she has many fanclubs. dialogues of almost all of the characters. go to will songs in the scen Camera close excitement and some chara scenes when the inspiration overcome obstacles in life. are of wontons, “Khanom Look Chup” ( end of each clip, she provides some tips for the viewers. Most of the tips are the dr character uses social media in Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and

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to to

her 134

. His her Wasin and will will change will become

sarcastic tone. Apart

a ” Wasin’s tone of voice of” Wasin’s voice tone .

new lovers. When Tharee in is When new lovers.

as in the heart the heart

s friendly tone. Aruna consults tone.friendly Aruna


r she gets married, her world she has a daughter, her world tone. tone. comparing comparing his scar with sufferings in the real life.

s te when when wife wife and mother roles, she cannot perform other roles between Aruna and Wasin mother mother and friend. The dialogues between Wasin and his the

s a

can be deleted but scar can be deleted

s Aruna. It means that Thada should be bored with Aruna’s food be Thada bored should Aruna. It that means Dialogues between Thada and Kanya between Thada Dialogues Dialogues between Wasin between and his mother Dialogues and between Kanya Munin Dialogues Dialogues Dialogues Dialogues between Tharee and Chatchai and between Tharee Dialogues ollowing are some examples of these dialogues. theseexamples of dialogues. are ollowing some he dialogues in the drama are full of sarcastic words, similes, and T (6) from are foods the different which order some Kanya suggeststo Thada (4) Wasin loves his mother very much. He always consults (5) The dialogues between Munin and Kanya are in Aruna presents a car to Wasin. She tells him that this car is an old model Aruna tells Wasin that afte Wasin writes caption (3) Aruna calls Wasin “boss During working hours, (2) to eachChatchai Tharee other talk and a friendly and intima

The f ve

good mood, she talks to Chatchai sweetly but she shouts at Chatchai she shouts because at she sweetly buttalks to Chatchai good mood, she

(compared with Aruna herself) and tries some new ones (compared with Kanya). ones (compared with tries new some and with Aruna herself)(compared metaphors. by foods cooked from verbal, they also use physical violence. they also use from verbal, mother’s roles are both ha mother anymore. He says that some scar can use it for a long time. time. acan use for long it be her husband’s world. Then, daughter’s world. Besides friends. The dialogues between them are in them dialogues between friends. The her advice. Wasin gives but not outdated. It is an old model but not an old thing. If we take good care of it, we is also snobbish because he is her boss. But after working hours, Aruna and Wasin are hours, Wasinworking he is But after Aruna and are her because boss. is also snobbish a behavior. She does not home allow him to come back late. flirtatious does not his like

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ay ats d that that 135


ife’s sister Thada e

. The w her to be aware of her her of her to be aware

Thada. anya to live with


not have seasonings

. Kanya thinks that “small house” that “small thinks . Kanya Nuda heir t they do as though he isas though warning health but and and change to eat other kinds of food. Aruna tells

it looks who has a humdrum life, dull like the taste of Aruna’s

; ,

one’s them between Aruna and

. She does not care if others will be bored with her wontons

husband is a classical case. Aruna should be careful. might be bored but he knows what he should eat (Aruna the them he he compares Thada with her personal belongings and does not hers). s good for like Aruna

Dialogues Dialogues between Tharee and Aruna between Tharee Dialogues Dialogues between Aruna and Kanya Dialogues and he are Aruna tells Tharee that she must cook wontons for Nuda every Tharee warns Aruna to nip in the bud the affair between Thada and (9) Aruna always cooks wontons for Nuda and Thada. Nuda tells Thada that Aruna warns Kanya to dress properly, not too sexy. Kanya tells her (8) Tharee does not agree with Aruna allowing K (7) Aruna warns Kanya that she uses perfume too much and the smell is too Thada leaves Aruna and lives with Kanya in a small new house. Thada liveshouse. new in a small with Kanya Aruna andThada leaves behave they they

Kanya Kanya does not follow Aruna’s warning but offers Aruna to use her perfume.

regularly regularly

them compares wontons with herself and Thada is bored with one choose). he should know which Thada shouldHowever, her and turns to Kanya. he must not be bored with Nuda that (Aruna compares wontons with herself and she knows that Thada is bored with her). Kanya. She does not trust Kanya. She is afraid that Kanya flirts having an affair with because Nuda loves she cannot wontons. Aruna tells Kanya that something can be shared with others but personal belongings cannot be shared ( to use allow Kanya strong. tells Kanya that he would like this house tothis like be house tells Kanya that he would awith small wife is compared status.

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, 136 one, one,

of the

a good

like wantons

, the first scene, the

if he finds

; From

” . compared compared with family. All

wife like Aruna might not work for Suchat football match on television at his a th th Suchat. Suchat tells him to change are

. . Likes Aruna, Thada still loves Aruna a s term and it brings trouble. He feels - Thada refuses but Kanya says that it does

. long

design wi


the he he will change his car. Suchat tells him that he is

if clothing Aruna’s mother teaches her to cook wontons. The recipe whisky to

. whisky from the same bottle of others if they do not want to

and Thada’s family. It shows the details of Aruna’s daily life.

’s sks Suchat the word instead “buddy” of “lover a invites Wasin to watch Dialogues between Thada and Wasin Dialogues between Thada Dialogues between Thada and Suchat and Suchat Dialogues between Thada Dialogues between Wasin and Kanya Wasin andDialogues between Dialogues between Munin and between Munin Dialogues

Wontons s must be in harmony and maintain strong relations e implies that the simple style of means that the whole story is narrated through her points of view.

h (1) (13) Thad (12) Thada discusses Thada a Suchat tells Munin that some women look simple and patient, but they (11) Wasin offers (10) Munin asks Suchat whether he ever loves someone or not. Suchat tells using if one drinks Wasin from her but Wasin does not give up trying to win her up trying heart. does notherWasin but Wasin give from This Special symbols Points of view Points of

. it after Aruna).

The story is narrated by the leading character, Aruna. 8) 7) atter keeps design design to look more sexy because the simple and elegant style does not match the

is is descended from her grandmother. Wontons family member Then, the story continues and relates to character Aruna. Aruna gets involved with every and drama presents Aruna house. Thada and Wasin cheer different team Thada like the sexy style of Kanya). sexy style of Kanya). Thada likethe bored with the old one likes Thada, but he cannot say exactly women). cars (Suchathe will it forever compares with use h current trend ( not m drink it anymore (Kanya compares whisky drinking with Thada and she does not mind can do something unpredictable and dangerous (Suchat mentionsAruna). her that love does not comfortable exist in

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she 137

; , , the symbol of

ook Chup”

a their married who has high

unfaithful , Aruna’s mother

makeup style is sisters sisters can share that

. Kanya they are boiled. The that

if red lipstick on a mirror. high passion.

a a certain

that that wontons are means them for Aruna, but Kanya

heeled heeled shoes are beautiful but


says This expresses ” Delicious “Khanom L . finger. After Thada goes to work in season. Chinese peopleseason. eat wontons to Chinese shaped shaped mung beans) - dressed, both Aruna and Thada pick up in

separated separated even her

important event, Aruna needs Thada to be Thada buys

e, Wasin

This is connected with . color tone for makeup or does not put any are an -

change a When When Aruna knows that Thada is during t match her personality. Munin tells her that maybe passion. passion.

. heeled heeled shoes, Kanya also uses red lipstick which is While While getting - Kanya cannot control herself when she gets angry nton soup to Thada’s colleagues. When Wasin is in the makeup makeup and tells her that

. look colorful and red look colorful and red heeled shoes it and put it on - the wedding ring on her finger. It means to

d high of who has a light about about

(connection with Chinese culture). Chinese (connection with represents means means that ,

up up

good good appearance and taste. Good deeds are the same. It should be ’s husband husband is not an exception. Aruna wears them on the day she has

- a Red high Wedding Wedding ring “Khanom Look Chup” (fruit Red lipstick Red developed developed because normally Aruna cooks wontons for her family This the Aruna

close (6) (4) (5) (3) (2) are a at all. Munin tells Aruna that her red high


on y wears them without Aruna’s permission. to sign the divorce certificate. the wedding ring, look at presented in a good package, so it can be seen so it can easily. a good package, presented in camera has life might change. Then, Aruna and Thada make an appointment at the District Office attractive to men. to attractive compares good deeds with “Khanom Look Chup should have both usually expresses anger by throwing things and rubs the Kanya teaches Nuda opposite makeup Aruna tells her that red does no Thada would like his wife a job interview. with her. passion. Besides the re celebrate New Year celebrate New usuall belongings and and Wasin members or close friends only. Furthermor to new, or fromchange, change old which are wrapped firmly and never signature of Aruna is wonton soup. Nuda loves to eat her mother’s wonton soup every day. Aruna usually brings wo hospital, Aruna cooks wonton soup for him. It means that relationsthe between Aruna

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or of big this 138



a ; . up -

close Aruna treats disappeared. . To make a

s has has that husband husband and wife

does a family, family, family is still ing he will be with her.

in Wasin’s office

— to dark one as as a

s in in their bedroom, on the

but do not eat the offerings

in his work and loves her only.

ing means that the married life of Thada

it it with him to the upcountry area. ,

the the warm and happy family of him and cannot cannot return to be

success small small one for Nuda but Wasin buys

a take lucky color of the day for her husband

they they a uys can never let her walk alone but

remembers ed father and mother roles to play. On Thada’s side, his will

Thada b off occasionally ve

. on Thada’s working desk. The camera him so he her finger without the wedding ring). The wedding ring

wife relations between him and Aruna and taken curse can be done like pray of - and and

it to ; a up and -

the family photos to communicate that the warm and happy family

n Family Family photos of Aruna and Thada The badge written “You’ll never walk alone”

Rabbit dolls , it is necessary to be concentrated and sit in the front row. Aruna husband curse

not completely end


1) The belief in superstition and fortune 1) The belief in superstition for Thada. She wishes Thada ( Aruna prepares shirts with (9) (8) (7)

a s has in in a Values

focuses focuses on 9) untry area, Thada notices that the family photo in the bedroom ortant ortant for Thada. Wherever he goes, he will bring his family with him. Tharee has always pray The belief belief of praying for one’s wish and preparing offerings. The offerings should be 7 kinds of fruits with 7 colors put in rows from light color wish comes true badge reminds Aruna that Wasin a child and Aruna records a video clip sent to Thada. Thada is very glad and looks at his family photo on the desk. He Aruna. upco He asks Aruna to give means that although Aruna and Thada cannot live together imp smartphone wallpaper, the family photos in the following events. When Thada is enchanted by Kanya, the camera will change. When Thada stays with Aruna for one night before he goes to the him perfectly. him perfectly. and the big Wasin. one represents Thada doll represents rabbit one. The small as before. Thada and Aruna ha life with Kanya is not smooth. He looks remembers the at the wedding ring on his finger and China, when Aruna washes her hands, she puts the wedding ring beside the sink (the camera has which can be wor and Aruna

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a ; it the 139 family family

s the whole life Husband and

high ranking must one’s

of karma,and other

at a daughter. They can be overwhelm overwhelm reason. Tharee contained contained to preserve the


s strong strong emotion.

When When considering staff to be


emotion ch other. Aruna warns Tharee that to contained contained to preserve the virginity of - your your photo frame. negative negative way. Women flirt Thada are seen in a the

regularly regularly because of


not deserve forgiveness from Aruna. He should be

ctors of the where company Thada works take

affects the organization’s image. affects

arma is true. Thada knows that he does many things wrong k does not not use usband and mistress will hate each other. Breaking a glass or This men is changed in The belief in this world, the next world, the law world, the next the this in world, The belief aw of and is Board of Dire 5) Married life 5) Married 3) The sexual value of being self culture 4) Organization 2) ( Husband and wife should respect ea ( At present, the sexual value of being self ( Building teamwork to be like a family. ( Aruna’s mother teaches her that happiness or sufferring is defined by

married life smoothly, do not let The The l the the a good family. good ted, a o get divorced, it does not mean they must quarrel before good friend and parents. Getting divorced does not mean failure in belife continued. but it must in married means failure must be patient and not challenge Chatchai to get divorced. The word “divorce” is used only once, wife should be honest with each other. Aruna’s mother teaches her that to maintain married life smoothly, she must be patient. Aruna says that when husband and wife maintain prom status of the staff into consideration. They perceive that staff have virginity virginity of Thai wo care. they not single do not but know that is the drama. They Thada with Aruna and he does. responsible for what he Thai women beliefs related to Buddhism to beliefs related our mind. throw them away. H mirror is a bad luck for Thai people. While Thada and Kanya kiss in the park, Aruna glassis at and breaks a covering home

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s the the ing 140 This

me as ” ew idea N

who is an

, some phrases some phrases has has an impact what what is inside

lifestyle. lifestyle. Some ,

in . Humans are so Kanya s

husband are working and taking ” there are

, . But actually it does not love travelling, study even it

the , problems. problems.

Following Following social practice. mothers age age but young “

who is having in

, children around the world.


” their . For example, they takes

because because most people do

mothers both his wife and daughter Anyone Anyone can do it

“ ,

al appearance might be very different from childhood, Aruna and her family lived with Kanya’s family something her

ower of the leading character , such as Authoritarianism

husband is reduced because the policy of the company where Thada 8) Other values 7) Doing the same as most people do same7) Doing the 6) Debt of gratitude children at the same time. Tharee agrees with this and suggests that their physic eology (1) The p ( The car can represent its owner’s characteristic ( In the of dialogues the drama “Mia (Wife) 2018 ( During

; Id

the the their 10) that you can do

. The new generation does not mean young good, but we should not overlook the old foundation. Suitable is better than

are of promoted. The family background of the staff must not destroy the company’s image. on the female characters intervenor. If Thada chooses Kanya, he will make Nuda suffer. In the meantime, power of works takes the family status of the staff into consideration when the staff will get suitability and comfortability.suitability and photography, photography, or some single are perfect. Most people think that doing things should be perfect but they overlook the complicated them elder persons have modern lifestyles Nuda to work with her because most of the single c herfrom to prevent Nuda good careAruna take of means mean that it is good or right. The following are some examples of doing the sa most people do. Tharee suggests that Aruna go to the company party with Thada to present the and family social status to the public. Munin that suggests Aruna can bring commonly commonly found before Kanya and her father moved to New York. Now Aruna should allow Kanya to her. live with

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t. of the the 141

their : ” ” The which .

, election election . I come ion. For s ime t en succeed him the period For example,

: If m aw aw of

working. working. Men who . arrative if he fails, I can get the l

the period of time in of timethe period in s


; : “ 4) Stretch the period of time of the

: old maid old

people in society.On the other be careful

as work. work. Women can present

the real period of time of the even any any men. Therefore, Munin does not and Munin’s faces alternatively when

y equal to the real period of time of the ’s il ” ” the narrator applies , in terms of ccording ccording to her dialogue with Kanya narrative in the following patterns. 1) Scene husband, his power is also reduced. ispower his also husband, r mother when Aruna wants to go to work because an affair with

the the the to be longer than husband. husband. Thada should This is a

especially a

, working will be perceived willperceived working be

having Wife (Mia) 2018 family will be praised life by

“ “I compete with him for the work position, not for husband husband cannot do anything he wants. Moreover, if the wife and mothers go to work. Munin has an attitude that she will not be

ill single, people will perceive that they are hard Patriarchy Feminism the when Thada was Munin’s boyfriend. Then, Munin found that Thada had (2) In Munin’s point of view, men win in all circumstances. (3) Nuda agrees with he to to Moreover, the new paradigm narrative also focuses on the following: his reason, two characters stay close and stare at each other. Then, the time is paused and when Thada and Kanya kiss, the camera shoots at period them of time in repeatedly the narrative to stretch the a new lover. This is why Munin broke up with Thada. 3) Ellipsis the narrative is zero because the events are cut or skipped; for example, the event of Kanya was Wasin’s girlfriend when they studied overseas. time in the narrative is longer than the real period of time of the events. events is zero because the time example, is the camera rapidly shoots at stopped Thada for clarification or explanat the turns back to select the time structure for period of time in the narrative is equal to the real period of time of the events. Most of contents in the drama are narrated in this pattern. 2) Pause his position more easily.” morehis position easily.” period of time in the narrative is not necessar events. In the TV drama high competency without associate with men seriously. states here to work, not to look for all of her friends’ controlled by men’s power in work but are st both succeed work and in arehand, women who hard For t competedo not the mistress for

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142 f time of

convention, rama “The “The Fierce D

Modification are are wives and

” ” the researcher


that alled C 2018 to which

using double exposures 2018”

 chain chain in the reproduction


rama rama extent D

shorter than the real period of time Wife (Mia)

Mia (Wife) 2018” (Wife) Mia “ “ Mia (Wife) Mia

“  rama Extension Characteristics of Intertextuality D

concerning concerning the

ferring from the materials of the original text,

rama called rama

   D using CG in the scene written “7 months later” to shorte Convention

characters in the intertextuality and the Thai TV and the Thai



between between the original text and the secondary text. The leading ” and the Thai TV drama called for example, the period of time in the narrative is

, :

and the Thai TV TV the Thai and FierceWife” Characteristics of Intertextuality between the Taiwanese TV the TV between of Taiwanese Intertextuality Characteristics



1 . In an intertextual analysis between the Taiwanese TV drama called “The The gap between textual relations in the reproduction process is called

4 Plot Theme Conflict Intertextuality Intertextuality between the Taiwanese TV Wife”


i 3 No. 1 2 Table Fierce Wife” analyzes the narrative components extension, reduction, and modification occur. The results. following are the descriptive When the text is reproduced by re emerge intertextuality “ characters are the main process. The leading characters of both mothers. dramas They reflect image, are status, rights, and women social norms in a particular context. 4.2 within one scene to communicate that the real period of time of the event passes for months.many days or 5) Summary of the events the period of time in the narrative to be in one scene while the real period o the event is 7 months. Another technique of photography is

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” .

143 the TV

Aruna in

     Anzhen is of Supercar


the car sold by Modification

supercar. supercar. Aruna while or a

” ,

person of a      Reduction This This is the same as is comprised of

supervised by Tianwei. She goes



      Extension Characteristics of Intertextuality

she is a “Supersales a sales representative for Wasin’s company.

; s ”

. Mia (Wife) 2018” “ plots between the Taiwanese TV drama “The Fierce

      


she is very sad and disappointed with her family, she also Convention of

Mia (Wife) 2018 While

“ ends with divorce as well as the family life of Thada and Aruna in ”

. Anzhen. Anzhen. In the Taiwanese TV drama “The Fierce Wife The family life of Ruifan and Anzhen in the Taiwanese TV drama

e” does not emphasize the characteristics of Anzhen does not the characteristics of Anzhen e” emphasize

(2) Convention (1) looks and goes to work a intertextuality

Narrative just like just Components 1) Plot The and the Thai TV drama

Character Setting Dialogue Point of View Special Symbols Values Ideology

Mia (Wife) 2018 o work as a sales representative at Tianwei’s car company. Then she becomes

“The FierceWif her. However, Aruna also becomes popular because she is a moderator program “ changes her There are some adaptations in the details. The car sold by Aruna is is not an ordinary sales representative disappointed disappointed with her family, she changes her looks t popular because she is a moderator in the TV program. “The Fierce Wife” the Thai TV drama Wife” extension, reduction, and modification as follows 9 10 6 7 8 No. 4 5

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” , it


day is a that 144

hter hter Mia Mia

wife . s “ - Aruna . . They

to Wasin.

en, Ruifan r with - Thada must Xie Anzhen

rict Office to intertextuality about about it

, so such a scene such

wife relationships on social media. on social - where where

Mia (Wife) 2018” has them “ ts. In “The Fierce Wife not have their de jure husband

but but Mia (Wife) 2018” does not

, “ is a temple, jure jure husband

. that

sick ed

main conten being more developed. Aruna can see the gentle

that the de Mia (Wife) 2018” has a scene

“ post comments on Facebook of the en goes back to America. The are - which which means ” after Ruifan breaks up with Wei

, of the plot from “The Fierce Wife” to , ertificate. ertificate. Anzhen cries while she was signing completely end have c the the balcony of the patient’s room. This scene


on test drive. When she is in the hospital, Ruifan visit


decides to go to work in China. in China. to go to work decides and

ertificate ivorce ivorce c d

where Thada works and then follows him event but “The FierceWife” does event“The but


. dialogues and photos and widely share widely share photos and dialogues and together an an intertextuality intertextuality he and

ed ivorce ’s d ing The “The Fierce Wife” does not have the plots of Anzhen’s daug In “The Fierce Wife end At the end of the story, The The first scene of “The Fierce Wife” he upcountry area. Wei e is very kind to children. Aruna cooks wontons for Wasin and they

Mia (Wife) 2018” has some extensions. After Thada breaks up with “ ; h (2) Modification (1) (1) (2) Reduction Extension (1) has Nuda and Wasin are in the hospital, Aruna goes to the hospital every

Thada goes to work in the upcountry area but Kanya does not agree to break an accident at school and Tianwei

, While . introduces herself to the viewers. She runs into the temple to be the first person relationships relationships and Munin organiz between Anzhen and Ruifan have this scene but has some scenes of Nuda and Wasin in the mentioned hospital in which the are extension. Instead, Aruna and Thada go to the officially Dist sign the Anzhen has an accident and forces her to sign the This scene is very important escape fromherescape again (Wife) 2018” has the reduction of some goes to work in t of the plot to Kanya up. She tries to find out celebrate celebrate New Year highlight scene and many viewers capture the characters’ to take care of her daughter. At this moment, she has a chance to be close The relations between Aruna and Wasin side of Wasin having them

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her her 145 then work While and his his wontons,

, and looks s

is in s

and. and. Then, she named named Thada. He which which

, is popular because one of


She She believes that if she is

band herself. band more On than breakfast

like will will be successful accident accident while he goes to Italy her hus her husband and daughter to the that she simply dresse f cooking demonstration

has has become wish will come true. The viewers can —

about about her her husband focuses focuses on the camera switches rapidly between the God’s in serving ” Wasin has an , the that the company and goes to work for a production Mia (Wife) 2018” is Aruna’s house. The drama she wakes up early before her husb amera amera “ c invite invite Anzhen to be a moderator of his TV program. and

wontons behind her back. She does not have breakfast,

can can light an incense stick like Anzhen. Her wish is for her

” Tianwei does not have an accident, but he has a backpack , that he to to the that Mia (Wife) 2018 can can put an incense stick, “

” Aruna posts her video clips o

, Anzhen in “The Fierce Wife” In that her only (Anzhen does not pray for her husband to love her only). (3) (2)

does not present the details of Anzhen’s daily life Anzhen’s daily not present does the details of s and Thada’s face. Aruna sits in the first row when she prays. “The Fierce and, not for herself. She wishes drinks drinks coffee only. After that, Aruna drives Thada to work and then goes to the will love Mia (Wife) 2018 but in “The Fierce Wife she becomes popular. Munin is an editor of an online magazine and she invites Aruna to be a moderator for her program. Then Aruna and Munin work together on many TV Ruifan’s colleagues quits his job in house. Ruifan suggests Ailin supports Anzhen by working as her personal manager. On the other hand, “ in image Wife” to be the first person husb and she prays for her wish at the temple, likes spicy and salty food. Aruna does not allow him to eat unhealthy food. usually adds Thada fish sauce and temple to pray. The drama does not present a scene of Aruna running into the temple cooks and wakes up her husband ( water, boiled eggs, and orange juice). She choosing the prepares shirt clothes with a for lucky color her for husband the day. by husband does She not. Then she wakes up her believes daughter. Her husband in fortune but the other hand, the first scene of introduces Aruna and her daily life viewers. Aruna is a housewife, can light an incense stick and put it in the incense burner. the first person see the appearance and personality of Anzhen clumsy. is She determined, and cares patient,

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the 146 Mia their “ for their

s and Mia (Wife)

“ terms of

good friends. friends. good hers to consult

and character’s mind.

theme is morality. theme mot - Mia (Wife) 2018” are as are “ the Anzhen’s mother asks ” but they are the same , their as Aruna’s mother asks and and

en still just in “The Fierce Wife” is an Wife” From From Anzhen to Aruna, from Ruifan to

Mia (Wife) 2018 “ Anzhen’s mother characters between “The Fierce Wife”

e to Chatchai, from Mengmeng to Nuda, and from convention, extension, reduction, and modification as , the main theme is loveand the sub , the main theme the

the end, the relationships between Wasin and Aruna are

of In

that is that

en to live with her temporarily - conflict conflict between husband and wife is divorce. In

en to Kanya, from Tianwei to Wasin, from Ailin to Munin, from Wife’s mother -

All of the leading characters the Mia (Wife) 2018” does not present clearly what Aruna’s mother does. is comprised of construction of meaning through conflicts, mostly through conflict (1) (2) Convention “ intertextuality between “The Fierce Wife” and

Characters Theme Conflicts s

the the

) ) )

. 4 The 2 The intertextuality of the theme between “The Fierce Wife” 3 The intertextuality between “The Fierce

because they do not live together. Both mothers will come to see their daughters and composes a book.

lovers, but the relationships between Tianwei and Anzh Tianweirelationships between the lovers, but them and soothe them. Both mothers teach their daughters to cook wontons. As mentioned However, However, both mothers play the same role. At the beginning, Anzhen to allow Wei Aruna to allow Kanya to live with her. Both mothers are good consultant daughters. When their daughters are in trouble, they will call overall. agriculturalist in the rural area. Anzhen and her family go to visit leisure her time. during Ruixian to Tharee, from Kangd Manager Zhuang to Suchat. The characteristics of each character might have some difference follows Thada, from Wei mind. (Wife) 2018” remains between husband and wife and through some conflicts within The solution to conflicts within character’s mind, each character has conflicts within his/her own 2018” remains the same; 2018” remains trip as

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a ” s, . to of en. en. the and

147 -

when ’s hat Thada on t

character mothers in Nuda while to of the the the reduced. reduced. Aruna Wasin’s mother a married life,


nin, Suchat extends Mia Mia (Wife) 2018 are y. He has dialogues “

This As in

to Suchat in

law. They always go to Ruifan - Mia (Wife) 2018” car from Aruna, and he gives advice in “ - a in

erce Wife” and and give him good advice. They dislike Wei related matters. After work, he has a secret affair with - “The “The Fi

some reductions and extensions related to

nd, Ruifan’s parents play many roles. They always support wonton sheet should wrap its stuff firmly; otherwise, are

the with with other characters. For example, he gives advice

s rced. Wasin’s mother does not get married with the new lover. She The husband’s parents r visits Anzhen but she does not help Anzhen take care Characteristics Characteristics and background of Wasin’s mother There are some modifications of the intertextuality of 1) Reduction ( (3) Extension (1) will separate from each other when it is boiled. like a playboy. The roles of Suchat have a wider scope than Manager

and and Munin’s boss. Apart from an having affair with Mu

, Thada’s mother only once but she does not appear in the drama. She tells ’s to to Anzhen’s house to have dinner together. When Ruifan is in trouble and comes back to see his parents, his parents warn refers Thada that Thada’s mother suggests her to go to the temple and how to prepare the offerings. On the other ha Anzhen because Anzhen is a good daughter his family matter, he is a customer buying on theirboth Thada and Aruna personal matters. Ailin. On the other hand, Suchat plays his roles as the executive of the company. He is Thada his role interaction Manager Zhuang looks older than Suchat. Manager handsome Zhuang is fat but Suchat is Zhuang. Manager Zhuang plays his roles mainly in the compan with Ruifan and Ailin in work is a psychiatrist. Her hobby is writing articles to create inspiration. is writing is a hobby psychiatrist. Her from “Manager Zhuang” in Mengmeng, but Aruna’s mother visits Aruna and helps her to take care Aruna goes out for work. and father are divo broken. However, there both dramas. Anzhen’s mother has an Anzhen’s operation mothe but Aruna’s mother does not. earlier, they compare wontons with married life and family. wrapping wontons, ingredients husband and wife should strengthen their relations; otherwise, their family can be

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. her 148 heeled heeled - couple of

Mia (Wife)

“ heeled shoes A the red high - and on

Mia (Wife) 2018” hen. When Aruna “ red high

close close up

ierce Wife” a

en breaks up with Ruifan, she are - en and Ruifan have a quarrel and by camera angles. - her wearing en and Kanya have the same



is the same as the setting in the park

character Xie Anzhen in “The Fierce Wife” ” Aruna meets Wasin for the first time at the . en shows - the en. When Wei - owever, Wei

has has some modifications. Aruna worked before she settings between “The F

“The Fierce Wife” likes wearing the red high the



Mia (Wife) 2018

“ both of them like flirting. flirting. of like them both convention, extension, reduction, and modificationas follows Mia Mia (Wife) 2018” the first scene introducing Kanya shows en

- “ , Tharee works. Tharee heeled shoes to sneakers. shoesto heeled

- ei W

The setting in the park where Wei The setting of the antique shop where Anzhen meets Tianwei for the The The intertextuality of that is that

; Mia (Wife) 2018” (1) Reduction (1) Convention (2) Modification (1) ettings and camera angles play an important role in “ red high intertextuality

Setting sneakers and jeans. H

a housewife but Anzhen never does any jobs besides being a housewife. ) her

The 5 The s is comprised of en. - car showroom wherecar showroom where Thada and Kanya kiss. and Kanya where Thada first time is reduced in 2018” then fall down and kiss in “The Fierce Wife” heeled shoes and sneakers of Wei changes while “The Fierce Wife” rarely communicate examples of using camera angles to communicate shoes. The first scene introducing Wei with miniskirt but in wearing characteristics decides to start working, she can learn coaching from Tianwei. Aruna has more taste in the dress and hairstyle than Anzhen. She new job quickly, but Anzhen from needs coaching Tianwei. herselfher Anzhen can change but looks by needs to Aruna in became Therefore, Aruna has more knowledge and experience than Anz Ruifan’s father supports Anzhen when she is discredited by fake news released by Wei

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, up up - nes 149 Mia

. form is

. ) al and erred to the not widely used


s are ” which communicates , with Anzhen and Wasin

oogle, LINE, Facebook, s G “Mia “Mia (Wife) 2018” uses the

convention and extension convention ( reduction, and modification as follows e other hand,

elfie function in smartphone elfie function yard with a wall is modified to be the riverside. dialogues between “The Fierce Wife”

the s the On th the and sending SMS. Social media the

always always call each other “Darling ” social media play an important role. Almost every ” ,

s , of mainly mainly uses the theme song in the setting depending on the

river can make us feel good and lets her try to inhale, exhale, Thada

The phrase is used between Anzhen and Ruifan to communicate and

The communication devices in “The Fierce Wife” show that the The setting of a yard with a wall where Anzhen and Tianwei throw ” , 2) The phrase spoken by Anzhen and Ruifan in “The Fierce Wife” 3) The convention form of intertexuality between “The Fierce Wife” 1) The dialogues in “The Fierce Wife” mostly contain the cheer

( ( ( (2) Modification (1) runa intertextuality Aruna that

Mia (Wife) 2018 Mia (Wife) 2018

uses uses social media in daily life. They use “ Dialogues “

ighting ” A . ) f 6 The “ Songs “The Fierce Wife” says the the characters use are not smartphones. The main communication channels of the

love between between hich is transferred to the dialouges in “Mia (Wife) 2018” in a convention hile in and “Mia (Wife) 2018” is the plot when Tianwei test drive w “Darling the love and encouragement between husband and wife. The phrase is transf dialouges in “Mia (Wife) 2018” in an extension form. The phrase is used apart from between Aruna and Thada, but it is extended to the dialogues of characters. almost all of the (Wife) 2018” are convention, extension, phrase appropriate events in the story. theme song besidesthe inpopular the scene songs character YouTube, and Instagram, Twitter, period of time in the drama is not in the digital age. For example, the mobile pho that characters are mobile phone w Wasin to reduce stress. the river and shout at bottles at the wall. Tianwei suggests Anzhen to throw bottles at the wall to stress. release In

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- is s is 150 Mia pink “ about top of


s Anzhen

Mia (Wife) “ husband and

a While are reduced in ontons in “The Fierce

her her family but Tianwei

wontons in photo of that compared compared with married life a

The The w about the en en loves to wear the red high

- s lunch box, frozen food, are

a ” Wei , who are the firstwho are the wife. because she does not trust him. She


form form of intertextuality of both drama

Wontons Wontons so

the mistress’s photo is inserted on

narrated narrated through the same points of view; ) al

The communication of meanings and using is

. ption. where

shaped shaped carrots in

- special symbols between the Taiwanese TV drama

convention (

meaning meaning of the mistress’s shoes. On the other hand, the the mice on a pedal machine,


conveys the meaning that sisters can use belongings

The convention heeled shoes of



Mia (Wife) 2018” are convention, extension, reduction, and

but the dialogues have some modifications. “ with Aruna, he urges Aruna to tell him personal matter family members must be in harmony and maintain strong family photo .

which are wrapped firmly and never separate even though they

, This s high , a

and ymbols

Special symbols in “The Fierce Wife” Red Wontons Wedding ring Wedding husband is not an exce husband of the (3) (4) (2) (1) the intertextuality with Tianwei, she tells him personal matter jigsaw of

like gyoza (Japanese fried dumplings), but red robot model, with Aruna wonton soup. soup. wonton

Special s Points of view Points of


s heeled heeled shoes belong to Aruna but Kanya likes to wear them without getting a ) ) - 8 The 7 The whole story of both dramas are are

heeled heeled shoes convey the her her to focus on the car because it is during working hours. On the other hand, -

necktie, mistress, together and together and (Wife) 2018” are chocolate, heeled shoes and the camera shoots at the shoes before moving to her face. The red high red high Aruna’s permission. 2018” camera angles are modified. In “The Fierce Wife or family. All relations like wontons are boiled. However, the form of wontons is modified. Wife” “The Fierce Wife” modification as follows that they have a similar concept of wontons. that is, the points of view of Anzhen and Aruna of Anzhen is, thethat of points view her family but Aruna is not willing to do the car. on distracts him to focus test drive test driving asks when Wasin test drive

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are has 151

but this believes believes


Mia (Wife) virginity virginity of Mia (Wife) wish should “ “

their in the the the

edroom edroom in “The present, present, and dashboard, dashboard, curry,

a the never walk alone” in hat Ruifan may have a d put it in the incense shaped mung beans).mung shaped -

to to preserve “The “The Fierce Wife”

ruit it is true or While Aruna not. f he leading characters of both if T

men is always seen in the drama her

not in “The Fierce Wife” contained contained

- Anzhen in ask

are other women. other

On the other hand, Aruna

is modified in accordance with the Thai an ing with


that values between “The Fierce Wife” can light an incense stick an

fortune fortune teller to

husband of husband is “Khanom Look Chup” ( Look is “Khanom


a that of the

shaped shaped pendant with the date endorsed,

- ief in superstition and fortune, this world, the next world, the edding photo of Ruifan and Anzhen in the b pecial pecial symbols convention, extension, reduction, and modification as follows fortune teller, she curses the one who gets involved with her

pecial symbol

Mia (Wife) 2018” is very important because it appears in many

a “ extended extended to be the family photo of Thada, Aruna, and Nuda and


oth dramas present married life in the same way. Husband and wife a A s The s The w The The sexual value of being self

The bel B

are are some differences in details.

and Nuda’s rabbit dolls. rabbit dolls. and Nuda’s

e negative way. Women flirt she goes to see being Mia (Wife) 2018” are the badge written “You’ll (2) (3) Convention (1) (5) (6) (7)

“ a intertextuality

Mia 2018” (Wife)

so so “ Values


9 The is comprised of being being the first person

should respect each other and be honest. They should be patient for betheir children. patient each and be honest. They should other should respect women presented in both dramas is the same. From the past to changed in an affaireven having with sit in the front row and prepare the offerings. Anzhen suspects t new lover, does not go to see husband. that burner, the wish she made will come true. 2018” believes that to make a wish come true, the one who prays for law of karma, and other beliefs related to Buddhism. dramas believe in praying for a wish and mainly However, ther make a wish for 2018” contextin extended in Wasin’s office the family photo in scenes. the wife’s photo, and white sneakers. Fierce Wife”

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. the 152 s the “The is similar.

who is Mia (Wife) s

high ranking “ , employees employees must

of a



he Fierce Wife” there is Mia (Wife) 2018” Aruna “ Taiwanese Taiwanese and Thai whether whether his wife, mistress, or his e Fierce Wife”

, the Mia (Wife) 2018” Mia (Wife) beginning work, the “ in

people in the society. the society. inpeople

y Board of Directors of the company take

b power of the leading character oncept of

day before c the

, the the female female characters ’s motto. This can motivate employees to work

” Every r overall. . that this e of ideology between “Th promoted

convention, extension, reduction, and modificationas follows

good family. It affects the organization’s image. affects family. It good Mia Mia (Wife) 2018” there are perspectives of the first wife toward

“ a Both dramas communicate that the mistress destroys other’s The communication of bad luck in “The Fierce Wife” is when The organization culture of the company in “The Fierce Wife” is Both dramas present organization culture in the same way. When In Authoritarianism The debt of gratitude of gratitude The debt the interven staff to be

girlfriend). girlfriend). is modified to be a broken glass to be a broken is modified Convention (1) Both dramas present (1) Reduction (1) Modification (5) (6) Extension (1) (4) - has an impact on the

the Mia (Wife) 2018 intertextuality

Ideology “

and and . It is immoral and unacceptable immoral and . It is 10) The is comprised of ies husband colleague (ex 2018” breaks a glass. This means Breaking glass brings bad luck. The broken mirror of the family photo frame in FierceWife” effectively. effectively. Anzhen breaks a mirror of the family photo frame while in reduced in line up and shout the company the second wife and the second wife toward herself, but in “T of a perspective family status of the staff into consideration. They perceive that staff have positionmust famil considering

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“I be

the are TV TV :

153 Mia high “

and leading

states their



evels in the runa, a l . s transferred transferred to Munin’s

ncoding reality of “wife” can e are en en succeed in work the If m ife” ife” through the Narrative . I come here to work, not to look W with the

working. Men who both succeed in - work. Women can present ed


if he fails, I can get his position more easily.” more position easily.” I can get his fails, if he

regarding ;


n affair with any men. Therefore, Munin does not

will be perceived that they are old maid theyare that perceived be will

especially s


s with her mother when Aruna wants to go to work because Mia (Wife) “ will be praised by people in society. On the other hand, wife. The social construction of

” Men win in all circumstances. . . agrees with her mother when Aruna wants to go to work because mothers go to work. Munin has an attitude that she will not be

the mothers go to work. mothers

Feminism Feminism Patriarchy 2011) Modification (1) In “The Fierce Wife” family members do not agree when the housewife (3) Nuda (2) Ailin’s points of view in “The Fierce Wife” ” Nuda agree , Mia (Wife) 2018”constructs the meaning of “wife” through A into the following 7 components compar Fiske,

“ ( husband. Thada shouldhusband. be careful The Construction of the Meanings of “ Components in Mia (Wife) 2018 a

“ ill single, people will perceive that they are hard divided drama character who is all of her friends’ herall of 4.3 also goes to work. Most of the working women are single. On the other hand, in (Wife) 2018 associate with men seriously. According to her dialogue with Kanya compete with him for the work position, not for for all of her friends’ controlled by men’s power competency without having a work and family life women who are workaholic in st

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the got 154


she is an emotional

appearance, st and trusts then she has

has a modern and and shirt shirt with a lucky clothes. clothes. She wears

a ed although she and her healthy because she is

s, be class family. She performs tone tone color heeled heeled shoes, - - - She She is a gentle woman. After she and her daughter

r looks and finds a new job. She dresses her family and perceives that

that makeup. simply with simply soft ed about on on especially especially for her husband. She must be patient for

years old. She was a working woman before she , she changes he her daughter. She would like to take care of her rather

in work, and dresses dresses

4 0

- clothes clothes for her husband by choosing ely, Wasin offers her a job as a sales representative for his



the the always concern

to succeed is me a housewife. She is in a middle a modern modern working woman, wears high gives priority to The social construction of reality in terms of physical The social construction of reality in terms of the habits and The social construction of reality in terms of the wife’s roles in her fam The social construction of reality in terms of the demography of wife wife and mother. At the beginning, she is a housewife, of the wife

5) The social construction of reality in terms of the relationships between Aruna Aruna has high emotional maturity. She is patient and optimistic. She does not 4) Aruna wakes up early before her husband. Then, she cooks and wakes up her Aruna is a housewife, 3) 2) 1) Aruna is around and other characters erve erve her family perfectly

her husband ”

style. She is more confident and stronger. and stronger. is confident more She style.

the style of a wife is for always sick. She “ than going to work. Aruna serves her husband and daughter. She is hone her husband. She believes that her husband will not have any new lovers. Her dream color for the day. She is a mother, a wife, and an important person in her family. Wife must s herherself children. and husband. She prepares maturity and fortune. in is proven by herself. superstition She believes believe in what not her hair in a bun and does not put her husband are separated, in hair husband are separated. personality, and the dressing style of the wife problems with her husband, so she finds a new job. Finding a might be difficult. Fortunat new job at her age super cars. Therefore, she does not have financial problem married and bec role of a

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ops 155 wife

- ather. father. Kanya

ult, but husband a

; the only a good side. her family, Aruna who is Thada’s ex in

has , wife only just never give up.

the the in other dimensionsin other

” let him go thelet him way he wants.


especially her husband. She must who is her andboss then devel

wife , , “ her daughter needs to have

should which means she

, ed that always good.” Sometimes it is so diffic everyone gives her friendship because Aruna is

— it is concern who is a mistressand interveneswho is a flat character

who is her close friend, Munin ,


her her family perfectly a ,

as date, and deal with problems carefully. However, dealing

Kanya to

happened, Tharee

who is Thada’s boss, Wasin

, ; father’s role. In the meantime, Aruna maintains good relationshipsAruna maintainsmeantime,In therole. father’s has r problem should not be a burden of e the Suchat her when she is in the hospital. She thinks that no matter what herself and her children. She should save money and spend it carefully. ife should serve

in relation to in relation terven and for her, Kanya is her sister. The w 6) The social construction of reality of theof of reality construction 6) The social Aruna is positioned of values the wife the to communicate of reality construction 7) The social

to relationship with her to be a lover

must be responsible for what he has done. If the wife does her best but cannot satisfy him need but she doesher to hold not husband, Being a wife in 2018 is difficult because she has to deal with her husband’s infidelity. She must be strong, up with the in she believes that we have power to enough deal with be patient for When she and Thada are divorced, the audience can see her on the other side. She is strong and never gives up. She “Whatever already believes that “Don’t be afraid of change” and good. Even still cares does with other characters girlfriend, a ordinary housewife. Although she and her husband get divorced, their husband relationship does not end. She She agrees that although Thada is not her husband anymore, he can be Nuda’s f He can perform

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the of or wife

Thitinan Thitinan Thitinan

of Michel is created

) 2018” in ocial media s forms Wife

cited cited in ”

human of of

the present day, known the drama, being single being a husband

an important space for the the findings of

in in

the drama, and taking sides are

identity the audience of the TV drama

concerning concerning the perception and identity

Karl Karl Marx, 1852

; e self and identity. The s nsistent nsistent with producer of the drama? producer of the the the characters in

self and , , 1988

the ” by the audience of “Mia ( the characters in with ault by . Humans need to choose the “raw materials” ife ) 2018” responded to the drama in various ways research research results Wife which which indicated that new media function as a space to . This is also co , Question 1.2.3, “How does (Michel Fouc in the creation of

s , it was found that the audience tended to post images, video (2017) similar experience , 2013), which suggested that the

they liked. This is in line the with studycultural theories ter ter presents the modern era p their social contexts in order to creat raw raw material

, having a surrounding surrounding social contexts characters in

The audience of “Mia ( This cha early early post ing the RESEARCH RESULTSREGARDING THE AUDIENCE’S VIEWS express individual identity. Particularly, social media identityexpressing in various dimensions. self and are a space full of images, video clips, messages, and content, which are considered significant as Boonphap Common Foucault and Karl Marx Boonphap Common based on exist clips, and messages that reflected their own identities, such as their own identities, such reflected clips,messages that and in real life but wanting to be in a relationship like with the and through various channels. They mostly engaged with the drama through the ONE Lakorn Facebook fan page and the Pantip website. audience Considering engagement the called “Mia (Wife) 2018” perceive and interpret the meaning of “wife”? Are there any similarities and differences between the meaning of “wife” interpreted the meaning constructed audienceand by the interpretation interpretation of the meanings of “w order to answer Research

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s, s, is

and 157 have .”

meet a s, share , 2,331 attention

share ’

an an exemplary

” “This drama is comments . s, 14,363 an expensive coffee viewers 25,904 720 talk to each othertalk

the drama gained 171 , s the , raise money to support

tionwide start start a new life and husband will not cheat on comment . . She should reconcile with , is like that is cheap and disposable.” rama this attract attract In May D comment 2,986 2,986 child songs that bring tears to my eyes.” a audience na runa should runa should any any western movies or series also 4,174 4,174 not need to always need to not always t end like and able to no

iod, the audience engaged with the drama . That man slept with the two sisters. Like

ring ring a husband with another woman. The 28 August 2018. a a paper coffee cup air air per the mother of - - or It should episode television drama, which aired in Thailand on omments the about

- C drama drama uses a lot of

. In July, there were .” “ drama drama famous

ife does not guarantee that your good example for the is a toy verall , and 2 million views. In June, there were .” “The .” ending is good. A O .” “This . During the on . In August, there were a good w 3,835,000 views a Engagement of the Audience of “Mia (Wife) 2018” (Wife) of “Mia Audience of the Engagement a so they need to endure sha

864 shares 1 Making

n than Tada Being in order to set a uch drama should not be shown written script written

the ONE Lakorn asvariousONE forms follows. Facebook fan in page the and - 5.1. “It is a good drama reflecting the current society.” “It is addictive and Mia (Wife) 2018 is a 28 Dram ONE ONE Channel during 28 May , while the mistress

he ending is not satisfying “In this era, TV dramas should end like this. M do hero and heroine thisof ending. The kind Thada. I pity their child, who is clinging to the father. But it is just a drama though.” “One thing that makes this the well better ma a chapter of my life.” “The wife, cup “T themselves younger sister is so bad to snatch her sister’s husband, although there are so men many out there. The production team should message produce dramas with sensible. you.” “S women in ancient times, those two sisters are unable to 12,533,000 views through comments, shares, 5,700,000 views 5.1 the

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

s .” has 158

.” “In .” “It is ma. If it empathy ives L This drama .” .” “If the wife ” “ eal clothes

R Khun Ubon wa guarding guarding ghost heir heir . You should respect - T psychosis There There is no reason to be a .” “Aruna’s reason is very . It is not enough for women

rama “The Fiercerama Wife” “The , although I am not that pretty.” I amthat , although not D elated to R ramas

s time to change, right? D riginal do do is wrong O ontent

ther ther C O always look good always look beautiful beautiful inside and outside rama D take care of ourselves

and cut her head to be a treasure .”

rama with rama with the rama the with , whereas their wives simply wear normal D D like this drama, those mistresses deserve to be slapped.” frumpy for so long; it’

his his T T Your husband will be proud if he has a good and beautiful wife.”

. wife chained his wife have dressed

and and never think that what they 4 Commenting on the 4 Commenting on 3 Linking 2 Linking 2 Linking

get her husband back her husband get think the heroine should break up with him and select Boss instead.” “I

5.1. “This drama teaches us to 5.1. “Kanya should be with Karan and Malaiwan.” “I thought Jairerng is bad. But 5.1. One audience captured “The Fierce Wife” screen and commented that “Mia to

but ugly


fierce because of the wife’s sister. The problem is relatable to this rotten society born

Men like beautiful women “There are many people who are similar to Kanya in the society. They lack for women.” “I is “This is the reason why there is frequent news of wives slapping mistresses. If incidents the in the news are good to“I be like I try do not want “ like my real life. He introduced me as his wife but in the end he went with another to have a kind heart; you should be both yourself and your husband. Everything is important. recommend you guys to read Sai Sawat, a novel written by Ayuth.” “ re nothing.” “Buang Saneha is more hurtful.” “Do not give him any chance. He is such a bad guy. He other dramas played by Pong, I hope he can reconcile with the heroine. But for this drama, I Kanya is worse.” “Kanya and Caramai have the same kind of is so possessive of her husband, the mistress will be more eager to snatch him. The wife in this drama is so stupid, unlike Dr. Wikanda in Mia Tee clever.” Tra,” “The who is story very is similar to Nam Soh Sai. That guy is very selfish and (Wife) 2018 is similar to “The Fierce Wife.” I cried a lot watching this dra I will be upset.” version,ends like the Taiwanese

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her her 159

very nt to dare he

I wa

am really change

husband also a womanizer, - flirting behavior her acting is embers but but . My ex M husband, the whole country hate - ast C husband same after getting back together. I the the

. I hate Pong now.” “Why does Pong looks looks fairly average

haracters with the with haracters C Marie ” ” “May looks so gorgeous.” “In Sod Story, she is . It is difficult for a pretty girl like her to

he cast members husband husband said to my new - something something like this. I can forgive but will never get back rama’s D in every drama he plays?” “Pong is pitiful. Everyone hates

“If “If I love him, I need to let him have other women.” How always pity her because because of t . I am satisfied with almost everything.” “It is true. What he did mistress ’t trust him anymore and may be suspicious of his behavior all the time. Linking the hers. It is better to not meet each other and forget everything. I think this

ting is really natural and impressive. She makes right have have experienced 1.5 ! Nobody can accept such behavior. I feel thankful for his 5. “I am really not into the character played by May. I keep thinking about her d turns to admire the new national husband’s smile.” “Pong’s acting wins as a when when Thada said that Wasin can take care of her a lot better than him, which She nails it in this drama.” “Thada, today you make me tired of Pong.

get what he did. Everything will never be

. very innocent in the role of Moddaeng. In this drama, her role as Kanya is superb.” “Marie’s ac is performance her.” excellent.” “Bee’s into this drama always have a him an man who is unfaithful to his wife. looks so beautiful and expensive. good jump kick him because of his words. He is such a bad and selfish guy.” “I story with Jay and style and wear football attire.” “I like Bee so much. I enjoy all of her dramas.” “May for telling me that said that man.” better meet a finally it mebecause made Due to his previous wrongdoing, it is difficult to believe him again.” “There was a scene reminds me of what my ex wore glasses like Thada. These days I’d like to thank my ex cannot be forgotten. I can forgive him but everything will not be the same.” “It is hard to for probably don natural. I together with him. Because I will always remember what he did to me and how he slept with ot drama is al

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I .” 160 The The

?” “ It hurts Market.

ersonality P

Jatujak rama attack attack ONE Channel D your new man.” “

y y trees at say what she really feels

ppearance and ppearance A

stylish.” stylish.” the ituationsin S fe. She sometimes forgets about herself.” before him. You should just chase both of her time with him.” “I want to give Aruna a stylish. But it appears that her clothes are not haracters’ C son.” son.” “Can Aruna er er clothes are pretty.” “Everything is good, except arious ow ow right and wrong. It serves them right.” “Their

V ooking ooking forward to seeing Aruna becomes gorgeous hrow hrow him away and find . He does not hide that she is his wife, although she and then move on.” “Pete is handsome. He is a buddy.” fight. fight. They match each other.” “She should get divorced should should be

youngest leading actor

.” “Thada deserves to lose her. He lost a diamond while collecting a .” “No matter how bad she is, the bond between sisters is unbreakable. . It shows that he respects her.” “I want Bee to get a makeover.” “I like Put out the fire

7 Commenting about 7 Commenting about 6 Commenting about the 6 Commenting about .1. plainly hairstyle 5 “If Aruna reconciles with Thada at the end, I will “I like the


Aruna when her hair is shorter and moreshorterwhen her hair is Aruna

most sensational scene for me is when they went to bu song is the best with such an unfaithful man. Just end it and start a new life. It is difficult but one day it will pass and she will regret wasting hug.” “Please get divorced. This is 2018. Women can stand on their want own Boss feet.” Wasin “I to pair up with Kanya.” “Boss, you should hit on Munin.” “The “While she is busy making a living, he has an affair.” “Before chasing the sister out, please look at your husband. If he really loves you and your child, he will never do something like that, even if she is naked them out.” “The mother told her to endure. For what? She will not be happy living and then go out with Boss.” “T when she always thinks about family, whereas he never thinks the same.” “She wants her child and husband to have a good li “Good job, Aruna.” “I hate Kanya. There should be a scene where Munin slaps her hard on the face.” “Let them clothing clothing and expression should be better in the ending scene. Wasin Those look clothes like make Aruna’s like quite beautiful. Munin looks fine. H for the worthless stone like Kanya. Both of them are bad and deserve a chaotic life.” “They are driven by lust. They do not kn He is cute.” “I love Munin.” “L and arrogant. “Based on the script, Kanya dresses that he shows off his wife.” “Bad woman meets bad guy.” “I like a guy like Wasin.

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son son 161 attire attire

pictures, 1 Aruna and

football in in the kitchen

ay, 26 people in , 1 person posted a in M the caption “It serves

ehind the scenes

for having anfor affair.” having left her with the caption “Come Aruna and Wasin

, 1 person used #Reallyintoit, 3

. ada h , Kanya. It serves you right.” “I feel a T

hada hada and Wasin wearing T drama drama advertisement . In August, 1 person posted a picture of bye August #Malethings

#Donotlovethehusbandtothepointyoufindnofaultinhim. #Donotlovethehusbandtothepointyoufindnofaultinhim.

,” 2 people posted b n rying after

on posted a picture of stickers, stickers, images, and video clips

1 person used #Feelintoit, 1 person used #Thisisreallife, 1

Kanya.” “Do not forgive him not forgive Kanya.” “Do

nd Aruna in the kitchen drinking drinking red juice with the caption “Munin, they drink from the

a Posting the scenes captured from the TV screen TV the scenescaptured from the Posting Sending stickers, images, and video clips and video images, Sending stickers, Using hashtags

) ) ) 3 In July, 1 person posted a picture of Thada with 1 Six people sent 2 In May, 1 person used #TeamWife. In June, 2 people used #Sointoit, 1 1 person posted a picture of

Apart from posting text comments, the audience also expressed their feelings back, Thada. You forgot your shoes,” 1 person posted a picture of mobile screen and commented about the chat messages, and 1 person posted a picture of with the caption “VS,” 1 pers with the caption “Smack,” 1 person posted a picture of Wasin with the caption “I am falling in love with an older woma person posted a picture of Kanya c Wasin with the caption “That’s it. It serves you right, Thada,” and 1 person posted a picture of Wasin Aruna and Wasin same glass,” 1 person posted a picture of you right,” picture of wonton bowl being thrown at Thada, 1 person posted a picture of smiling person used #Amitoomuch, 1 person used #Toointoit, 1 person used #Wifeisintoit, 1 per #Wifeisintoit, used 1 person #Toointoit, used 1 person #Amitoomuch, used person used #Teamnewhusband, 1 #Throwingwontonbowl). used person person 1 used #TeamWasin, 1 #TeamBossWasinAruna, person used person used #Iamintoit, and 1 person used person 1 and #Iamintoit, used person people 6 1 1 used person #TeamAruna, #NinNa, In used used person # July, 1 person 1 used person #Newhusbandiswaiting, #Mia2018, and #TeamBoss used 1 person 1 #Whocares, used Iamsointoit, person 1 #Lovemomthemostintheworld, used person 1 #TeamBoss, used person used #Thada, 1 person used people used #TeamAruna, June, 33 people in July, and 162 people ininJune, 33 people July, They basically have a good mind.” “Good towards littlesympathetic toward other formsand opinions the drama as

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and and 162


cause Dodge, at the same

t go back be with the caption “Just

I don’

o o everything to make him dog dog poop on the lawn No,

leaning leaning on Wasin’s shoulder

fireworks fireworks in the background


.” In August, 1 person posted a cartoon w Year’s

and 1 person posted “Boiling wonton soup is

Wasin: I love you.” love IWasin: f drama advertisement and jokingly compared it with Ne

pictures with captions pictures

toilet,” the caption “Later, let’s talk about Father’s Day next

on posted “Thada, Kanya is itching,” and 1 person posted ted a picture of food with the caption “Thada, this delicious dish and and wrote

eleven,” eleven,” and 1 person posted a picture of Posting the pictures from the cast members’ Facebook pages with Creating new dialogues Creating Posting their own Posting Posting the pictures adapted from the drama scenes with drama captions scenes the pictures from adapted the Posting - splash it all over your face

) ) ) ) Nuda terrace at the hospital 7 In June, 1 pers 5 In July, 1 person posted a picture of Wasin with the caption “ 6 In July, 1 person posted a picture of herself hugging a child at the 4 In July, 1 person posted a picture of the Boss.” and 1 person posted a picture of Wasin

1 person pos

on the

,” I participate in the Father’s Day event as well. I d

and “Yes, please find it in the ready. Let me image of Aruna and Wasin with the title “Aruna or Fatty Na” and wrote the dialogues a fatty. “Aruna: Do you love me? I’m “Sis Na, Kanya does not care.” In July, 1 person posted “ the new husband is so hot,” 1 person posted “Na, do you have wonton soup for me?” happy is available at 7 kitchen.” is for ready you at the the caption dog poop “Mixed Mother’s Day event with the caption “I play a role as father and mother time. here comes throw Thada away.” In August, 1 person posted a picture of an actor with the caption will instead. It be epic.” man “Boss, ifyou, please date this Aruna ignores August, 1 person posted a picture o pictures.with other captions together with year. Boss did not say it. I said it myself. I always imagine thing every Monday,” and 1 person posted a picture of Kanya with a product and wrote a sale message. In Wasin torn.” almost “My pillow iswrote the caption

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163 Pop

” by or Him f

After being rejected by

hread T While Waiting Pantip’s

as for comparison as a beautiful girl. hrough T udience udience A

could not find Thada. She met Linhui and finally dates him.

Reconstructing the ending scene Reconstructing the ending

Posting pictures from other dram from Posting pictures Posting songs and music video clips on YouTube clips and music video Posting songs )

) ) 9 Saneha. Buang the drama In July,a picture posted 1 person from 10 In August, 1 person posted that in the end Aruna will grow old alone 8 In June, 1 person posted the song “I’m OK without you” by Gam ngagement of the E

. 1 Pantip (2018) Pantip .

5 Source: Figure The story happily. ends because because she chooses no one. Nuda becomes Aruna, Wasin comes back to date Nuda. Thada took Ploysai to see pandas in China. Kanya followed them but Wichayanee. Wichayanee. In July, 1 person posted the song “ Pongkool

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

164 age P an F

hrough ONE Lakorn’s ONE Facebook hrough T udience A

Engagement of the

2 ONE Lakorn (2018) ONE .


Figure Source:

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

, the the the the the 165



concise by on may not be years. years. They 59 59 - t was addictive, “Wife” school school to master’s

30 tha

The factors making

, similar to the Club . In case they could not and clear and plot

econdary . They engaged with the drama the drama engaged with . They personal personal communication, eanings of Depth Interviews - on online media such as YouTube

on television puters was was comprised of 15 women, who are the M

adultery stories in in any family. But the ending occurring occurring in current society and how of

……….. ion ion varied from s depth depth interviews with two groups of key - desktop com Thailand, Thailand, including Bangkok. Their occupations problems

of any age

the missed episode “Mia “Mia (Wife) 2018”

that having an affair is normal in this society. It can in their real lives. They either used real names, social of key informants

. Their educat ed ed the may have excessively exaggerated. been mous identities. Their age was between

atch having an affair is a family problem that is normally found.

the drama” (Paweena Chalayonnawin, that reflect women who are more disadvantaged than men

esults esults Obtained from the In via mobile phone and

entrepreneurs drama drama reflects

The first group chose chose to solve those problems, an interesting

. s that were easy to understand, continuous, and reasonable, although “The “Married men The researcher carried out in domiciled domiciled in all parts of Audience of “Mia (Wife) 2018” (Wife) of “Mia Audience The R Perception and Interpretation LINE TV 2019)

However, However, we have to admit that it is not a common problem for any family. Being happen anywhere with anybody as beautiful as 10, knowledge to Friday program, which also highlighted storyline characters actions of the realistic script characters refreshing, unpredictable, and modern and did not stick women to in the past, the scenarios that traditional aimed at role empowering women of and providing legal posted comments, shared quotes and impressive dialogues, read others’ comments, exchanged opinions with others, and viewed trending scenes. these viewers like and engage with this drama were the cast members, the acting, degree. They mostly w watch it live, they would watch and through ONE Lakorn’s Facebook fan page, Pantip threads, and other websites. They media names, or anony were included organizational employees, housewives, gardeners, government teachers, and officials informants. de jure and de facto wives 5.2

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

. s, 166

. . LINE name, name, married married 9 years , shared

4 - 2019) 2019)


. If I were , , onymous 1, some 14 12 ew ew graduate (An that some women July

, n could not watch it . They forgive each luding Bangkok luding and , June h as YouTube, feel inc

eparated eparated from my husband

. is unacceptable because it . At present, mployees .

hey hey either used real like and engage with this drama

T about plot and characters 2019)

was at the bachelor’sdegreewas at level. the and and position. My husband always


Their age was between 20 I face the same problem, I will not 2 without revenge

nline media suc them was composed of 5 single and married in in their marriage life. The times have

point of view because I do not stand in their shoes” June 30, 2019) June

personal communication,personal August August organizational organizational e personal communication personal .

affairs with others roke up because of incompatibility

someone other than their husbands because they missing missing wrong

Their education is . 2019)

, ymous 2, ymous 12 and central and central regions of Thailand, and solve the problems on our own”

that that anonymous anonymous identity.

They posted comments The factors making right or due to his good career an teachers July

“Mia (Wife) 2018” on television. If they and

only shows the wife’s is different from my family life, although I

suitability relationships relationships with personal communication, northeastern (Ya Kob Makhamthao, (Ya Kob Makhamthao, personal communication, communication, personal watched watched adultery adultery is ,

engaged engaged with the drama through ONE Lakorn’s Facebook fan page, Pantip

Their Their occupations included This drama This drama and shared content. . The second group of key informants “ “ “I like the ending of this drama. It ends “Some parts of this drama are similar to my life. I s normally lived lived in the e if their social media name, or ,, and other online drama websites. This group of key threads, and other websites. quotes, They live, they would watch the missed episode on o TV informants the They vicinity government officials, (Anonymous 6 men and women with no experience of being a wife. women may have want to find the happiness changed. They know right from wrong but they cannot stop themselves. I judg will not knows their motives and does not play along. If divorce or give up because I (MunchusaAung, do not want my child to have divorced parents” need to focus on personalcommunication, try to seduce my husband not because he had an affair. We b Aruna, I would do the same thing. However, I and Aruna have different societies; we unfaithful to your spouse or having (Anonfragile” the familymakes otherfriends” as

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, . a the the 167 time 2019)

real life ,


ographic ographic 2 interview interview ull flavored family the Fiske Fiske (2011) ( differentiation differentiation

the No couple is the August the who can make the

wife has no impact. , and pressured to transform the October 2019 “wife” “wife” could be divided as

(Kobz (Kobz Kanokshoti, tragically tragically high popularity of the drama, generation generation wife - and and acting of the cast members are the the

and feelings of Aruna, who represents personal communication, personal

, , focusing on sensational scenes despite the

of the meanings of storytelling thoughts

that they had watched since childhood, f storyline

the attitude toward family life the wife does not affect the family, while the factors

. ewife ewife into a new

the real life of people in the current era that enables them to (Anonymous 1 (Anonymous


, the the idual idual is from different The others. drama just reflects one form Appendix A). as as but the 12 . She has been gradually and s marketing promotion, soap soap operas The social construction of reality concerning the dem June ous

drama drama presents of each individual. Some of them believed that the occupation of 1) The key informants, who are wives in their real lives, mostly thought

good cast members with great performance, and a reasonable script. and a reasonable great performance, members cast with good

a concise and addictive The data collection period was between June and Based on the interview results, the two groups of key informants perceived “It is a drama about marriage betrayal that is well made. Its plot is quite “This

ONE ONE Channel’ , just each as indiv

the age and occupation of ies, management wife has an effect on the family income, whereas the age of characteristics of characteristics the wife that that can affect the family are the wife in “Mia (Wife) 2018.” According to the encoding model of their perception and interpretation follows. questions are shown in questions are and interpreted the meanings of “wife” through “Aruna,” who is the main character or types of married couples. This couple is just one type among others. same inof relationships society” communication, similar to other dram different. The character of Boss Wasin can attract a lot of viewers. There are several wife in ancient times herself from a traditional hous audience amazed by her actions in every episode” stor hastening end, the fact that the drama content was too harsh but truly reflects problems, were realistic plot reflecting better understand family life, natural dialogues that were not fake, from other previ

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, , 12 and 168

fulfill income. adapt adapt to July personal personal it will be true colors everything the r family can the age and

. ectricity ectricity bills, and and he to take care of her

ility ility for , thought that the age help his wife do the 2019) . The wife’s job has an


because nowadays the up problems frequently - .

the the family or not depends 30 . If she is old, hem hem able to control their (Anonymous 6, drained drained body and mind never responsib

2019) various reasons as follows. reasonsvarious as July

, enough enough time on the family. They also thought personal personal communication,

job options 17

earns earns a lot of money June fewer wife will affect n a business at home few effects affects the family Maturity Maturity makes t have the

a affects the job search husband husband and wife is important. Their (Anonymous (Anonymous 1,

. the

personal communication, communication, personal have have only the wife 2019)

, live live together. ong the family members” A good husband will understand his wife, who has to 2 ’s occupation

d occupation of wife and and office work, it will result in a . In the drama, Aruna is capable. She has no problem finding a

after an early stage of marriage. They need to constantly personal communication, personal wife

the the

wife have an effect on the family for theon family an effect wife have in, August show The age of the ld must be raised by someone else, which will lead to a lack in the

Some key informants, who ru “Getting older means you “The “ “The maturity of the age an housework to to find a job

child child relationship. When the wife has to take husband as well. -

. roles at the same time. A selfish husband will gradually gradually whether


housework. There are very few people like Aruna. Break and occupation of that on two including including poor relationships am communication, impact on the family. If her job does not allow her child, her chi mother If they have a child, the money earned by the husband will be spent on their while they also have child, to pay for a home loan, a car loan, water and el (Anonymous 4, much more” emotions and have more patience” 2019) husband alone cannot earn enough money. The expenses are higher than (Nareerat Wongs will each other in order to difficult job. Having no job makes the wife feel inferior. Sometimes when the husband is tired of making money, he will be upset and wonder why he needs to take care of her” They thought that Aruna is lucky because she live a comfortable life. However, some key informants of occupation thought that

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, of 169 up for

up, while employee

ed is the most time for her

s dress and office work

wife the occupation (Kobz (Kobz Kanokshoti,

the arely ha housework

occasionally . to to dress themselves

wife has an effect on the family, and makes me bored with this

. It seems that we have only two the the or or ruined. My wife is a bank

ried man in the second group of key

. her health

s getting worse herself.


, wife do not affect the family. They believed that a 12 if she works so hard that she has no time for her family.

. the is more important. If any part is ignored, it may cause

the family survive deteriorate June hat her working clothing looked fake and unnatural and the of

t wife wife has no effect. The single female key informants thought that the family

unpleasant wife have a great impact on the family a great impact on the wife have oses. oses. They suggested that the wife’s clothing can lead to family the did not stay pretty all the time but time to take care of

tor making the laborer. I Some of the key informants did not like 2) The social construction of reality concerning the physical characteristics, characteristics, physical the concerning reality of construction social The 2) The key informants, who are wives in their real life, thought that However, However, the single male key informants thought that On the other hand, the mar “It can be said that the age and occupation of


age age of

of . I almost never see her face each month. She works hard like a professional

age and occupation wife will affect alance problems, problems, depending on each individual case. Some wives may like to dress simple and modest up clothes that are suitable for their personality. Some wives may like in hairstyle was alsohairstyle was some of them professional purp Aruna’s housewife clothing was appropriate, simple, and feminine, and the working clothing after her makeover also looked good and appropriate. However, some of the key informants thought t problems. wife the of clothing and personality, They also thought that the life experience of while the the b choices: waiting for it to end or bearing with personalcommunication, it until we die” the who works hard like a slave in the King Rama V era. She husband b construction relationship. Our marriage life is occupation of occupation significant fac occur. There are many couples, where the wife does both no until she has informants with no direct experience of being a wife thought that the age and

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. the 31 170 care care

place In real when I


keep up personal personal personal

, work 2 August . She has to the the appropriate appropriate for August August

. the person living with

it it is important to take 2019)

(Munchusa Aung, , shirts shirts and shorts with an oily appropriate appropriate for 9 car salesperson meticulously dress up - said said that they normally dressed care care about July is a

Therefore, personal personal communication, Aruna personal communication,personal

. I need to , 6, a bit similar to her style. Sometimes I wear suits I wear no makeup and do not care about beauty at key informants

. horrible

and modern style in order to sell her products. all the time. Some wives may like to always Especially (Anonymous (Anonymous 5, or meet my husband’s colleagues. If the wife dresses


es modestly, which is normal because she is a simple , . personal communication, personalcommunication, dress up to please her husband because she believes that he good having a child or a husband and even forget to appreciate 22

Most Most of the inspires me to dress up and look good like her. Personally, I am

. . I usually wear no makeup but will y dressing style is let myself look June 30, 2019). June 30, August occasions our marriage life interesting and healthy” (Anonymous 3, Aruna Aruna dress

“ “Aruna dresses politely. Her clothes are beautiful and “I like Aruna’s costumes in the drama because how we dress can affect “I agree with how Aruna dresses in the drama. Some women do not take “ the and always dress appropriately. Although I do not dress up beautifully all

her good appearance

bold clothes workplace productivity. , I like to wear modest and beautiful clothes that are dress pretty and look tings” (Nim Matarach, (Nim tings” make myself look the best I can. My clothes must look good but do not need to (Anonymous or so stylish” brand name be different different from Aruna in the drama. I dress casually in t face and frizzy hair. When at home, all. But, when I go to work, I will neatly dress, put on makeup, and arrange my hair to the maintain life set and pants with high heels” 2019). me and keep communication, each occasion. M care care of themselves after colorful and beautiful things around themselves. of yourself the time, I never have to attend social events nicely, it will make the husband look good communication, as well” housewife. She does not does not love her because of her outer appearance. I always dress casually and do not wear to with fashion trends to according

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, she 171

July July personal personal entle and . However, take care of . She knows whatever courage courage to move mmunication, (Nareerat (Nareerat Wongsin, the o o the fullest. She is she was a real person optimistic

sing principles . If . rai - woman” woman” personal personal co


. She is happy when good things , 12 dresses appropriately as a traditional

June June righteous person

mind and high patience. Although sometimes . Aruna human being

, 2019)

, , good resolute

(Waraporn (Waraporn Kaewwong, . 17

” , who fulfills her housewife duty t

June 2019)

moral, moral, ethical, and reasonable Aruna does not dress nicely. A housewife does not need to ,

10 rsonal communication, rsonal

pe the opinion of men June

a family lover Aruna is a normal “ “Aruna is a strong, clear, and The key informants, who are wives in their real lives, mostly thought “In the beginning, Aruna did not dress well. She should 3) The social construction of reality concerning the traits and emotional “In In the second group of key informants with no direct experience of . After the makeover, she looks more beautiful and modern but her bangs fashioned like clothes that. made Some key informants no comment about -

. , exceptionally performs her wife duties, and can rely on herself. She is a good self more 2019)

, she would be a decent, personalcommunication, happen and becomes sad when bad things occur” (Paweena Chalayonnawin, communication, how to forgive and takes her role as a wife and mother seriously. She is g honest follower and also has positive attitudes and logical child weak. was too Aruna that thought informants some key incredibly strong and also has a her mind is in a bad state because she was poorly treated, she has on. She is sensible, calm, thoughtful, modest, reasonable, and maturity of the wife maturity of that Aruna is her are neither pretty nor suitable 6 housewife during her kitchen housewife era. When she works as a car after salesperson getting divorced, she dresses stylishly and sleekly like a modern office (Kobz Kanokshoti, lady” dress in old her clothes. They thought that it is her personal taste and she can wear likes on suitability. based being a wife, the male key informants thought that Aruna dresses appropriately as a housewife and a working woman. The single female key informant thought that in the beginning of the drama

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172 , let s were personal e, a child,

together. If

. g care of her cannot fully

. milar to those of 2019)

, . They how little feeling 12 2019)


with them. I am always 2

s, that although they are g together. Their marriage July

until the situation becomes (Nareerat Wongsin, Aruna’s traits, some of the key August

I do not care about them or do not

earn their own living to think that weigh the pros and cons of living

courage to walk away from that point. They were a personal communication,

, they should continue livin . s the 9)

personal communication,

expressing opinions about 201 compensate for not spending time

, o not want them 17 d

(Anonymous 1, June

my children and always let them do what they want without scolding

“I am not an ideal housewife. I am bad at cooking and doing housework. Apart from “When a problem occurs, Aruna will wait Some key informants thought that they were similar to Aruna because However, some of the key informants thought that their trait “A married couple must The key informants had some traits that were quite si are more than the con

s . But I cannot wait. I will nip it in the bud” arely teach informants gave more information about their own trait I r them because I want to good with them, as I love them” (Anonymous 6, clearer communication, tough and willing to take risks. One key informant thought that she is very different she is notfromAruna because half as good as Aruna in cooking and takin husband, although she tries to fully perform her role as a wife. different from those of Aruna because they are always overthinking, too sensitive, and weak. Unlike Aruna, who is too calm, they are impatient, think fast, do things fast, strictly adhere to their principles, and perform their housewife duty because they spend most of their time at work. They are they were reasonable, clear, and gentle with their children, loved their family, always had positive thinking. and the pro life will go smoothly if they can adjust themselves and accept each other’s flaws. If they cannot adjust themselves, they should be given three chances before separating from each other” and a mother. They adhered to the motto “do your best first, s thingsbe positive.” go, and Aruna. They were also modest women and good followers with strong determination. When being abused, they had family lover and a good mother. They properly performed their role as a wif

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of he ork like like 173 w care personal , rely on mainly mainly she is honest, thers

struggled to find

that herself look frumpy , who lives for her

, who lives to s which used to be so

, let crisis. I

(Kobz Kanokshoti, company

” expect much from o .

economic an a typical good wife a normal good wife centered, they love their family, have - when my

. However, her strength is . because of

woman and

. amidst the crisis moral things take advantage of others. They are also honest, moral, and to have a perfect family

simple , who lacks love and needs attention from someone, so s 2019) s

her for granted ,

thought that Aruna is kind hearted. After being cheated on by s


o not want s friends seem to be more aggressive because they take

teenager . The role of the wife also depends on age. Aruna also depends than Kanya. The role of the is older wife June

4) The social construction of reality concerning the lifestyle and role of The key informants, who are wives in their real lives, mostly thought “Aruna is a In the second group with no direct experience of being a wife, the male had faced a similar situation easily get mad, and are self for my family needed to close down

wife in the family does not act as a typical wife in the family.wifeas a typical in does not act well, while Aruna’ outsidethe home so she is more considerate and moral and can better perform her role as a wife. Kanya is a problematic that the wife in this drama is a good housewife, who devotes herself to taking care of everything for the husband. Some of the key informants thought that she is more a nanny, not a wife. The role of the wife in this drama varies according to the lifestyle and personality. Aruna is a gentle and modest housewife, who takes care of the house the man but I powerful, solutions communication, loves her child, and her husband and child. Due to various pressures, she needs to transform into a strong working woman in order to survive. She is driven to do what she needs to do. I am a female key informants her husband, she takes care of her child and herself more. They thought that Aruna has a simple personality and looks like a typical woman. She until her husband key informants thought that Aruna is like husband, family, and children and is sensitive, gentle, and determined. The single impatient, responsibility, and d easy going. They do their best each day, never themselves, and always do

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the the 174 no matter , comprising the wife in the

Taweesawangphol, Taweesawangphol,

separately from their the wife in the drama

, paying for bills, and phaji the the role of n live

matters otjama h entered, always makes a loud noise, (P c - everything everything for the family

. compared compared the role of

ons, act as the girlfriend, of act mother friend, and ons, 2019) Some key informants

, housework. Their husbands and relatives also help

5 the October and found some such thesimilarities, as role of being a good

of Aruna, who follows her husband’s lead and takes care of the

mistreated. mistreated. The mistress is self making decisi household housework. For some of the key informants, their role is broader than

y leader, dealing with all of the family However, However, some of the key informants said that Some of the key informants The key informants also said that they play their role as a wife “People tend to think that wives must be good and mistresses must be to make herself injured so that the husband comes to take care of her for household chores, whenever they feel tired, their husbands will help

the the er er to cook and do all ousework, take care of the child and husband, and deal with many other problems. that of the wife in the drama. They have to do being a famil them take care of and teach their children. Their husbands spend time with the family more than the husband in the drama. For some of the key informants, who are mainly responsible them with h On the other hand, this group of key informants works responsible for only outside dropping off and picking the up their children at home school. They hire a and are housekeep husband and family well. husband and drama is their from role in realdifferent life. The wife in the drama has to do all of the with their role in real life housewife and a family lover. They housework and office work and can effectively said fulfill their duty. Their role in real life that they take responsibility for is quite similar to that both manager manager without pressuring them. husbands and raise their children alone. Their husbands are still the father them. together with live no longerchildren but of their differently. Some of them devote themselves to taking care of the family, take on in leadingrole their husbands without them knowing it, and become their husbands’ planner and motorcycle instead of being with the wife and their child” personalcommunication, bad. In this drama, the wife is so kind and endures everything for her family how much she is and seeks attention from the husband and others. For example, she jumped from the

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175 to take

making making family ikely to . -

housework earn money 2019)

, decision 12 than Aruna.

, and a stable and mental illness. As



Aruna. She has

2019). and and do all of the



, 30 able to look after her child and 15

in their real lives, thought that the July financial status

ch more burden July

family family members but she should live her mu personalcommunication, has an inferiority complex

the husband and children , while working as a bank employee. It is known that hundreds of times harder than family. family. The key informants thought that Aruna can

seldom seldom have time for family so their husbands are l

, she needs love, good s parents personalcommunication, personal communication, personal

all of the family members. Apart from going to work 7 days a bank

(Kobz Kanokshoti, (Kobz Kanokshoti, ervant. ervant. Some key informants act as the family leader, while their and sick

ly affection . The mistress (Kanya) 5) The social construction of reality concerning the wife’s relationships The key informants, who are wives “Regarding the role of the wife in this drama, the wife (Aruna) is a The single female key informants stated that the wife in this drama is a “My wife works The single male key informants thought that in this drama the wife’s “The role of the wife in the drama is different from mine. In real life, I In the second group with no direct experience of being a wife, the old ami nonymous 4, time. (A her

family earth Chusatan, earth - ” the accepts it and adjusts herself to the situation. She is earn income to support the with other characters with other wife in the drama has a happy relationship with her husband and child. She is always a responsible wife and a good mother. Although she needs to get divorced, she good wife, who perfectly takes care of all the as a wife. role fulfillsher that Aruna completely thought own life as well. They also for she lacks f (Choo role was different from the mistress’s role and that the period of wife’s role varies in each perfect housewife, who can transform into a capable working woman to care of those who work for ask for a divorce” married male key informant thought that the role of the wife in the drama is different wife has his said from that his wife’s role. He am the family leader, while my husband is power the follower. I have paying attention to week, they need to take care of as if they are a s husbands follower. are the

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- is not not 176

amily amily or not bother bother

te love, burden,

personal personal eeds to look that does

like a normal

in this drama y is the greatest ionship ionship among the go smoothly poor relationship with a


to the audience Taweesawangphol, Taweesawangphol,

, as she is calm and performs her respect. respect. In terms of the husband - a happy relationship phaji d worried when their husband does is risky two people.

and self

otjaman h , they had P child

t paranoid an , the key thought , informants was that he so selfish ir

). family. Their marriage life will . this this kind of story s adultery it

adultery the 2019 ey informants said that they have

, k with her husband and child 5 ale antagonist was too close. Although the female antagonist for love love for the

key key informants thought that the relationship between the female watching

of the at at the end,

is wife and child. If he really loved the family, he should have October

of the s in real life. They ge Some The relationship among the wife, husband, and child “The fact that Aruna dedicates her life to taking care of Thada and Nuda great love the love and understanding of

to maintaining married life because it enables the third person to interfere her her karma

s their husband his wife. Some protagonist and the fem receive while use discretion dynamic. Before the husband’ family. the After husband’s in abandoning h stopped himself from the beginning. He should not have let the other woman and easily ruin the family communication, bond” ( reflects her depend on obstacle which makes the other woman able to interfere and ruin their marriage life. Some of the key informants thought that the wife is a mother to her child but does not act as a wife to her husband. The husband keeps distance from the wife, abandons his her. of and takesadvantages among the husband, wife, and child in this drama is quite good. They solve f problems based on the wife relationship, they feel attached and care for each other like a family. They have lived together for so long that they forget about their sweetness and passiona wife loves the husband and child and considers them as someone she n after in order to create a warm family. parenting duty and always The give love to their child. husband It can be said that and the relationship wife are aware of the maintain a good distance role well. Some of the key husband, informants wife, and child in this thought drama was built based that on their roles and duties. the The relat husband goes out to work, while the wife takes care of the child and housework. The

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s in in in

use . key key 177

sband sband (Ying , parents 2019) One

mother of the , and each of

(Niimnoom, 31

cts as a good Some with with her husband . quite confident in

s nough nough time. As a August

. I would not know if live the three of us on, children responsibility

wife and a good but but My husband a

s h women their her husband is a family leader, a good their own the relationship among the wife, 7 year

. ve and and do not have e quite quite good. ha

problems problems wit 2019)

, . personalcommunicati , thought that 24 relationship with relationship is different from hers. She

thought thought that 2019)



, not be not able to look be after my husband as as well Aruna good a

15 a elationship elationship is

does not have outside outside the home

have I may July

in in this drama ” (Anonymous 5, ” (Anonymous their their marriage life is better than that of the drama characters.

key informant husband

. All of the family members My At present, Therefore, our r “My husband has had an affair for “ “Their role varies according to age. Compared to Kanya, Aruna is older “ One

, , who does not personal communication, personal m can fulfill it well. and suffering depend on how we think. Nothing remains the same. over Things time. We change should accept what happens, do logical things, not try to win, not variable. In the drama, the wife and husband love their Jiroch, daughter so much” and child, still live together in harmony. This is because I understand that happiness and more thoughtful. She has morality and performs her Kanya is a problematic role teenager, who lacks love. Kanya in does not perform her role the a family well. a wife in the family. She just wants someone to pamper her. The daughter is the main he had an affair Ibecause am not in interested monitoring him. I am my husband. family as usual leader housewife, I can cook and do housework like Aruna. I think I can take good care of my husband but I do not know whether he will agree with me or not” personalcommunication, who loves and respects his wife. She wants to be the future. because I need to work husband, and daughter like a close friend without clearly defining roles for each other. She and her hu help and support each other informant according to occasions and capabilities. perfect harmony the not return home but they have butnot return they home informants said that Their husbands take care of them well and always have time for children the fully family. receive Their love and care from the father. Their family relationship is

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

the the 178 th the in this married married what Aruna is as much as

. not not Aruna Aruna is a very . Sometimes she . for every


, 2 not appreciate

. The relationship wi to fight back. She is capable single single female key informants 2019)

August August

, concerning concerning the wife in other the daughter but fashioned fashioned and does not take care

all good things like her. 25 -

and pays to attention everything she

July loves to to any given situation

that has also also single single male key informants thought that the

adjust girl. The husband does

The father good deeds rather than bad deeds start start a new life has has a good relationship with the husband. However, personal communication,personal loves her. Aruna is old group with no direct experience with being a wife, the there is nobody

is normal.

a more beautiful personal communication, personal She is not evil at all. She can be a role model

in this drama 6) The social construction of reality The key informants, who are wives in their real lives, thought that Aruna “I think the relationship among the wife, husband, and daughter In the second does.

is a fast learner and is able to . However, some of the key informants thought that this character is too good. is good. But Aruna is too plain for her husband. She plays her role as a mother

(Anonymous 1, (Anonymous

does does for him but he still

that that kind to forgive everyone without thinking much. However, she is not that mother our child” (Anonymous 6, (Anonymous our child”

good character. woman not cruel to hurt someone, although sometimes she is angry and emotional. Aruna is strong woman. She has courage to a does. She is a decent person. She tends to do actsbecausecannother wants anger fiercely she hold and and has high patience. This character is created to have a kind mother, lovely friends, and a good job. In real life, dimensions the drama well” at home and looks for wife of herself. She should improve herself at this point. The relationship between the wife and the daughter is very good. The wife in the drama loves the husband, while the husband is unfaithful. The relationship between the wife and child is full of love and care. The thought thethat wife in the drama as the wife does not dress up to look pretty, the husband thinks of her as a sure thing married male key informant thought that the relationship among the wife, husband, and daughter emotions, and take a good care of husband our remains the same beloved but our love child. is not the same. I no longer have passionate love for him. Due to financial conditions and social status, we need to live together for

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, - 5 179 Kob

make . Aruna (Ya October heart

them. them. Some key


and he is also my first

and and prepare for her new evil

so so I stay quiet”

f they experienced the same eak and did not dare to . I am satisfied with this kind

. ) they they themselves have both good


, personal personal communication, since high school abuse abuse them and never use violence in 12 with neutral eyes. They are good to those

I tend to let others do as they want in order that it was a normal problem and I could

have have any conflict, June

of everything for their husbands but they can be Some of the key informants said that they are in order to heal her heart

ook at the world ombination ombination of good and bad behind

allow someone to Taweesawangphol, husband thought

pain is a c them. them. They are evil to those who are phaji

until my ve the personalcommunication,

“Aruna “I have been cheated on by someone I love the most and it is so hurtful. Some of the key informants said that “Aruna is ordinary an woman. She is not a monk. As a human, she needs s them aware that they should not rely on their husband alone and self otjaman good to family family and being a bad girl by refusing to go back to Thada because he hurts h . They do not

P (

. e to her, if it is in a normal situation, Aruna can just accept it and become his and only man in my life. When the affair started, I felt w any decisions to end the problem. I do not want to Makhamthao, This may be because I have been dating him hand, some of the key informants said that they would dare not do the same thing as such aAruna and would need problem. to bear with of character. I am actually an easy person. who are informants thought that they are very similar to Aruna. I problem of an unfaithful husband, they would do the same as Aruna. On the other merciless as well. They are strong but do not hurt others. When they are theydo not hurtothers. attacked, well. They are strong When as merciless but will respond in a logical manner. mediocre response to abusers. They l love” 2019) and bad sides. They kindly take care loves the her so much. Aruna needs to love herself. Therefore, she decides to accept Wasin’s love. As a woman, she needs someone to love her and take care of her chooses to lea lov girlfriend. However, in this case, Aruna cannot immediately accept his love because she is a married woman. She needs to contemplate between being a good woman who Aruna make bestis the reliance path. to play various roles in life, which can make her confused. When Wasin expresses his

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s 180 attack - personal personal personal personal d be able to always always care “A good wife

and that

s amily cannot go on heart to a new man. ow Thada to be the

nd a good spouse to husband and I started

(Anonymous (Anonymous 6, d children, and a married support, and encourage the

wife . (Kobz (Kobz Kanokshoti, can be good, evil, mad, tired, own feeling

experience experience of being a wife, the a normal human being with many

her Wasin should open her who

men” being a being ,

reflected in the saying Aruna Aruna younger honest with wife is


. prefer

group with no direct

She is indecisive and unable to make decisions quickly in . Aruna is 2019)

the husband and datingthe husband , 2019) 2 , . The single female key informants also thought that Aruna can s s a normal human being 12

, and stubborn. She is not different from other people. Aruna is a June August

Aruna i “The importance of the 7) The presentation of the value of of value the of 7) The presentation The key informants, who are wives in their real lives, thought that a “ In the second s feelings The The single male key informants thought that Aruna can be good or bad confused

breaking up with breaking her. The wife should be a good mother to her children a

her child’ friends. After marriage, he let me take the lead. If I take a lead in everything, he husband, while a strict wife makes the husband feelinferior. My as take care of her husband, children, and family well. honest, economical, and so on. Moreover, the wife must be leads you to a peaceful life.” A good wife will understand, without her husband. The wife has a duty to look after and people teach in society her and also children has to to play be a role good as a perfect housewife, who is good at both housework and office work. The wife must be strong, confident, an “wife” is a life partner, who helps to create the family an woman, who needs to adjust herself to family importance of the situations.wife in the family, the wife acts as a mother. A f Regarding the role and concept that older women communication, terms of resolved, married woman. She should not easily fall for the boss. Maybe she follows the be good or to bad according the situation. She is bad when she wants to counter the other woman. At the end, she should date Wasin and only all father of her child without living together. Aruna is a gray character. emotions. depending on the situation for accept it. Therefore, the problem has never been solved” communication, married male key informant thought that Aruna is

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181 (Ying couple ” . Men are that women

to control their .

. s tricks

have freedom and 2019)

l be a problem , 17 reliance skills nt’s front legs but women are - June ometimes I motivate him to lead

e are wrongly taught self

. aware of changes. It is time for wives to

without caring about social norms or sins.

are mentally stronger than men. A therwise there wil wers. W


, ; o 24 lose themselves and feel that they have dominant husband refers to a modern woman, who chooses to get July ’s

suggests that the world has changed and women are . They are still cheated by their on husbands and need

personal communication, 2018 2018 eyes, emotions, and facial expressions

life. A wife should be good at housework and office work, ) )

l to menl their children at home. In this age, there are evil and immoral . I have seen many similar couples, where husbands let wives sometimes women

having a family problem. She should not endure it in order to

Wife Wife he wives in modern times outside, they will t snatch someone r life. Men and women may quit their role as husband and wife but not equa ing orders “Mia ( “Mia ( “Mia (Wife) 2018” talks about a wife in modern times. Nowadays, stronger but Wives can take a lead but should not unpleasantly control their husbands.

. (Nareerat Wongsin, receiv s personal communication, quit their job to raise divorced, not because she is dumped by a man, but because that man is not good must be the elephant’s hind legs. At present, women know men’ physically should be compatible with each other Jiroch, no longer the “elephant’s hind legs.” Women should not be ancient times. left In the current uneducated society women and as men are equal in and can walk side by side without having to be leaders or follo rely on herself when maintain a happy family have the ability to solve life problems, and possess Being single mothers is not a bad thing. It is a better solution than having to endure unfaithfulness fo they remain the parents of their children. “Mia (Wife) 2018” represents a tough wife, who can adjust to any given situation, like Aruna. In the modern age, a wife should to women trying to This drama makes speak up and call for their rights. They should not be mistreated by their husbands. meet other women power” stillwomen are mahout Some women use their husbands like a boss orders her subordinates. If those husbands will have no chance to think on his own. Therefore, s me. He said that staying at home with me is like living with his mother. He has gotten used to take the lead without knowing it. Men are the elepha

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- 182 age of ies and husbands

or the , take care of

manage family

. (or both), which who will become presence in social the teachings of the In the past, 2019) a spouse or mother of increased dut

. , eople 2 p as follows: 1) be well

personal communication, ,

with wife

August n the present day

the angphol, angphol, , husbands still have more power in in mind. In the Thai society, wives

marriage certificate a , consisting of parents and children, a person that is responsible for everything

marriage certificate changed a

Taweesaw . This shows that the key informants give family

” is a woman, who acts as a good housewife and e” in my opinion is similar to the concept of the phaji husbands in terms of career and most wives need to work outside the home like men

warm Thailand is a Buddhist society

. The “wife” is personal communication, and the woman that is chosen to be otjaman , wives can be family leaders and good mothers and also

The wife helps fulfill and sustain the family. The “wife” is a ever get lazy

h have the same precepts . n P

, which indicates that people place importance on equality . A wife must look after her husband and children must

and work to support the family. I

. wife Although the society has , which explained the 5 duties of The wife that is most suitable for the current Thai society must be more “The meaning of “wif The meanings of “wife” in the key informants’ opinions included the sacrifices herself (Anonymous 6,

2019) Thai life happiness

, . It is socially known that the woman who lives with her husband should Nowadays, Nowadays, having a 5

have social equality with a stable career child

husband and wife should their husbands. the family” capable than the husband. As housework, cook the food, clean the house, and fulfill other related duties. The thing that is different is that nowadays do. As wives are not slaves, their husbands should help chores them as well. However, do based on my somedirect experience, wives are household still the slaves of importance to the role and duty of the wife. traditional responsibilities. A wife should properly fulfill her duties based on Lord Buddha organized; 2) be kind to surrounding people; 3) avoid adultery; finances 4) well; and 5) mother. comprises person who in the family. The “wife” is a married woman had to be leaders equal rights and freedom have between women and men. The “wife the either undergo a wedding ceremony or sign shows that people place importance on enough for her love” ( October legal wife of the husband

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, , 31 183

, are their their

. cisions, The term

what August


, live their own 5 s in terms of husbands. social structure , and

marry if they cannot burden

October the

and forgive possess positive thinking intelligence to understand ,


. than

(because they are forced to)”


, personal communication, do not need to problems and 10 understand


the control of husbands

immediate problems , women personal communication, avoid causing (Anonymous 5,

always endure, survive their own lives Thai society

ake her husband love, understand, and devote himself to her, must and , m

apable of dealing with people, work, and life. As this world is

amilies, wives can make more money today’s Taweesawangphol, personal communication,

role of the wife in the current Thai society is not different from the having to follow the husband’s orders. They should have various In

“ An ideal wife must recognize her duties, take care of herself and family, “Wives “The wife, who is most suitable for the current Thai society, must be phaji s do, whether wrong or right. I think this concept is not quite fair for women.

. Wives should have the ability and power to lead the family, make de . social structure otjaman h P housework and other matters, support her husband, help to create a good family, not cling to her husband money to support themselves” 2019) give advice to her husband, the ( find good enough men. These days women can live alone because they can earn But our social structure is like this. When wives, as part of the faced with unfaithful husbands, the society creates feelings. It such is the a wives’ responsibility concept to use to intellectual heal getting more wicked every Chalayonnawin, day, only strong people can survive” (Paweena husband “wife” is not only about the role of the wife but also includes the love and from her husband. support strong, calm, and c husbands. The past. The wife still needs to do all of the housework and look after her husband and children. The difference is that at present the wife can earn family. In money some f to support the and be adaptive to a changing environment. They should have versatile skills to do housework and office work, completely effectively fulfill their manage role time, as wives, look take care after of themselves, the and support family, their events express their opinions, break free from lives without knowledge and skills, be able to solve

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r a is In

. 184 afte good


o lives take s society fashioned. A - , wh ffair with their

. to her husband

fair skin mistreatment of wives Some of the key informants have sufficient knowledge so works so hard that she forgets

f at the center of the universe. sel must side and outside the home, look s him ho are ready to have an a w put

, should be able to talk Chinese woman with , help the husband perform tasks that do not

herself, and always live her life in a composed men


to work both in

oup with no direct experience of being a wife, the lustful suitable for the current Thai society must have time for share responsibilities with the husband gr 18 is a true representative of wives in today’


the husband that ) . An ideal wife beautiful, sexy, the ability f her family, husband, and children without acting as a slave to

Wife the husband’s ve

there are many

, In the second “Mia ( Some of the key informants thought that the ideal wife and the wife that The key informants had a beautiful image about how an ideal wife be by and does not like to show off expensive things like other women do on


her husband. The wife who is wife is someone I love and want to see her face more than two times a month. ideal My wife must be a simple life social media. Actually, my wife is an ideal wife but she married male key informant gave a further comment as follows. the year 2018 wives’ sister, although their wives are cute and sexy, yet a little bit old wife should require physical strength, and is the most suitable for the current Thai society are the same because both of need them to act as a sister, friend, and mother in the family. thought that the wife should be capable of everything, including housework and office work, in order to make the family happy. Some of the key informants thought that the not allowed in the current society. An ideal wife that she can continue living her life without collapsing if she is husband. abandoned by the the husband and family what is right and wrong, not agree to do everything just to avoid conflicts with the husband, and not endure She should speak up and make her husband realize that the and calm properly takes care o act as a good mother, look after her children together with the husband, fulfill her role as a wife, make the husband’s family and colleagues accept respect and her, care of herself, ha all of the family members well, love

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185 Thai I do not


onogamy . in 2018.


, ed 25 personal communication, communication, personal her life, as m personal communication, most suitable for the Thai July

is broadcast that

the rest of

ill look inferior in his eyes. She needs to to needs She eyes. his in inferior look ill her husband in every situation and act for

are more submissive than men. The men. than wife are submissive more

(Kobz Kanokshoti, iety should have physical and mental strength to or else she w she else or

personal communication, an adjust to any given situation. A wife is a woman, to a drama about wives Nowadays, women women Nowadays, . That’s all”

. You can see that there is no year specified in the title of the

. strong wife, who c

“Wife 2018 refers make She should in give to not easily her husband. should wife “An ideal The single male key informants thought that “wife 2018” is a

in 2018 are of her husband and children and plays an active role in the

ed 2019) An ideal wife is a housewife, who looks after her husband. The wife that is


suitable for the current Thai soc 12

husband husband and children everything, including changing herself, in herself, changing including order everything, to be with the she However, husband. much, too him to in give not should make him give in to her Kaewwong, (Waraporn sometimes” 2019). 6, July original version” (Anonymous 1, him in give to her instead. that is most suitable for the Thai society should be like Aruna. She agrees to do mean to annoy you. I really think that ONE Channel named this drama because it is broadcast compliments from her husband and others. The wife society must be modern, able to keep up with digital technology, and pay attention to dharma and temples. However, the depending on each family’s circumstance. characteristics of an ideal wife may vary person that spends her life with another person as if they are the same person. A wife is a female spouse that lives with her husband important and accepted as a social norm. An ideal wife is a woman that takes care of her family, husband, children, and works in a balanced way and receives respect and handle housework and office work. The single female key informants thought that “wife 2018” is a modern wife in the 4G era, who dresses up nicely and goes to work outside the home. She can walk together with as a good wife and good mother without having to always stay home. A wife is a who takes c society. most her June and mentally

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the the and

study theme the the The Fierce Wife” “ Only The Fierce Wife” and “ has to fight to continue

The research results can be in in order to investigate through the components of

” . nstruction of the meanings of Media Media Content,” aimed to - components components of the new paradigm were transferred through various

, and co in order to make the audience with no


television television drama called

her Mia (Wife) 2018 Mia (Wife) 2018” intertextuality intertextuality between Mia (Wife) 2018” “ “ study the perception and interpretation of the “ of of

. Regarding point of view, the story was told from These two dramas show the audience every step of

conventionally. conventionally. The main theme of these two drams is and to Taiwanese on, on, reduction, and modification.

, a audience each stage of

the the the researcher found that the

transferred transferred on drama called of the main character or the wife, who ”

, and the values and ideologies

theme is morality

- ife” of were w sub communication, values, ideologies

onvention, onvention, extensi c the the television drama called

Considering the analysis of the The present research, entitled “New Paradigm Narrative and Construction of in Thai televisi Conclusion a intertextuality intertextuality between CONCLUSION, DISCUSSION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS

ia (Wife) 2018 ife” M happily lives together in the end. married life, difficulties in maintaining a happy family, and how the main character (wife) solves problems at the point of view living. She does not fight to get traditional her melodramas man about back like married other couples, leading where characters in everybody reconciles and special symbols) forms of point of view love and the concluded discussed as follows. and “ narrative (plot, theme, conflicts, characters, settings, dialogues, points of view, and “w the new paradigm narrative meanings of “ the Meanings of Thai Television Drama with Cross the and intercultural 6.1

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

. 187 Mia wife each

- direct s image that are conflicts, conflicts,

workplace umber first. n , every main husband s wife - the in sacred power, . The wives in the enhance

before work in order

husband belief are transferred in the form



. law of karma ance ance on dramas is that being a mistress is immoral,is thata mistress being belonging, and

level employees must have both al - The way to resolve

high only presents the overall opinions about

, respect, trust, endure, and be honest with oneself.

ssues and to make the audience with shout the company . After the divorce, the situation gets better and organization in lives. In terms of internal conflict

at different times in life times different at ies concealed in the and and end results of the wife, the wife’s cousin, and s with divorce

is reduced is the Taiwanese corporate culture where all on, reduction, and modification. The values orporate culture The Fierce Wife” actions “ at of gratitude. The value that is extended is the wife’s opinions live their own aware of these i , create a sense of

with someone’s husband and regard it as normal. 3) Another value stand in a row and a married couple must

can , and causes others’ families to break up. 5) Also in the dramas is the ,” while

values and ideolog adapt adapt the main character’s solution to solve their own problems. The two .

in the dramas was . The value that

The . Thai organizations do not have this kind of corporate culture. The value that for their children. 4) Another value portrayedvalue4) Another theirchildren.for

convention, extensi their husbands. 2) Another value portrayed is that women should be reserved. show discipline

nfidelity version uses a broken mirrored photo frame, while the Thai version uses water glass a broken employees must to morale is modified is the belief that a broken thing is an omen of bad luck. The Taiwanese 6) Another value is th about the mistress and the mistress’s opinions about herself, which appear in “ (Wife) 2018 i unacceptable idea that, regarding c professional abilities and a good family because they can affect the company’ tend to approach an attractive man for example and ask for his phone They even sleep portrayed is that other superstition, omens, prophecy, incarnation, and the two dramas believe in paying respect to gods to get what they want and always pray for Both dramas present the idea that women in the modern era are not reserved; they character has internal conflicts conflicts internal character has of conventionally transferred are the following. 1) The followed by internal conflict conflicts each of them direct experience experience dramas compare the unfaithful husband, and also place the most import

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- - she 188

Fiske Fiske ,” the middle working working

economic emographic D colleague colleague (his ex the the efore efore marriage,

determined determined B . and Mia (Wife) 2018 of age She She has to work both inside

oncerning worked worked inside the home. After C when the wife decides to work

rt her child and have no

” , 40 years wife, mistress, - ” constructs the social reality of “wife” eality hat is constructed in the drama with the R the ,” the daughter agrees when the mother

so she has some work experience. After can be divided into the following categories.into following can be divided the


about about 35

W at the The The Fierce Wife “

Mia (Wife) 2018 . onstruction onstruction of C . If a man is outstanding at work but has no family, people Mia (Wife) 2018 the female characters ( is a mother and wife in the family. ocial d her mother is the only one in the group who is a housewife. only one the group in mother is the d her S construction of reality construction of e e main character or the wife. Based on the encoding model of

haracteristics of Patriarchy C The The 2)

social d)). the the home, her family does not agree with it because most The drama constructs Aruna The television drama “ 6.1.1 In order to answer the research objective about the perception and The ideologies that are conventionally transferred include the following. 1)

, the ritarianism. ritarianism. Both dramas present the power of a man through the husband, who of of her as an old maid or a devil. If she is a housewife, she will be viewed as old family. family. Aruna

be summarized as follows be summarized as

Actually, she is quite old to start a new job; it is lucky that Wasin offers her This makes her a able to earn a job. high income to suppo marriage, she has been a housewife. In terms of economic status, she is in a class and outside the home. In the beginning, she only searches and from thejob.separately for having a she husband a lives family problem, previously worked outside the home through Aruna, th (2011) researcher researcher compared the meaning of “wife” t The results from interviews. interpretation of the the perception audience obtained and can decides to work outside the home because she sees that all of her mother’s friends are working women an interpretation of the meanings of “wife” of the audience of “ and indestructible and will be quickly forgotten. The ideologies that are modified are associated with feminism. In outside women are single. In “ will think that he is very dedicated to his work. If he has both a good job and warm family, the society will praise him even more. If a woman is a workaholic, people will think Autho has an influence on girlfrien

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. of 4) for

key 189

effect it will be alance

may cause ” the age and A b who who have no

no time for the old, “ is that having no job tude toward family

in their 30s because (negotiated reading) (negotiated

(preferred reading) the audience in the first rmants rmants thought that the

no effect on the family If she hought that

the the atti

clearly have a great effect thought

will affect the family or not is capable and has no problem

her. In the second group of key d . They the family

(oppositional (oppositional reading). If the husband understands and helps

. The The wife is responsible for both office

if she works too hard and has with being a wife, the married male

the income of income the family the first.

if any part is ignored, it may cause problems. it if any part is ignored, . The single male key info in the drama, Aruna — stable does not understan

of each individual. 2) The age of the wife has no

age age and occupation of the wife not affect the family (negotiated reading)

do The factors affecting the family are

. e age and occupation of the wife . However, ) . The single female key informants t , the wife, who needs to work outside, will have no problem. Th

wife affects the family if the husband

The age of the wife affects the job search. d occupation of the wife affect financially financially depend on the husband is more important is more

(preferred (preferred reading) but her occupation affects

with no direct experience time management


the from from the husband. Working women tend to get married s when separated from her husband. The drama presents that the age and reasons. reasons.

. The age of the wife has no effect but her life experience can affect the family the responsibilities occupation of the family (negotiated reading) occupation of the wife family problems informants informant thought that the on the family they want to make their career work and housework and also needs to look after her husband and children. When she is unable to fully perform her role as a wife due to a heavy workload, it various difficult to find a job finding a job. When she has a job, the wife can rely on support herself without asking for working alone. 3) depending on the husband with Both the age an on the family The key informants providing this comment were regular the job and housewives, makes the wife feel inferior. The husband may blame her when he is tired from comments. 1) The age and occupation of the (oppositional reading wife have life and problem occupation of the wife affect economic factors, comprising job search and income. Considering the perception and interpretation of the audience, group of key informants, who are wives in their real lives, provided the following

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. . l 190 that it

of key . They hysica P reading) (preferred (preferred

heeled heels, - thought horrible

key informants fashioned fashioned so she - ife that Aruna dresses W

(oppositional reading) (oppositional (oppositional

. They may not dress up oncerning the A A housewife does not need C

thought she liked based on suitability

er working clothes look fake,

, which is suitable for her job. She unpleasant lothing of the lives eality C . The single female key informants R whatever that Aruna that was too old

When When she is a housewife, she dresses modern

ing stylish clothing and high flexible flexible clothes. In the second group with being a wife, the male

thought in their real when being a housewife, Aruna dresses modestly in ersonality, and P onstruction of (preferred (preferred reading) dress according to occasions the situation. C

bangs are neither pretty nor suitable ocial

S . haracteristics, fashioned fashioned clothes like that. She should take care of herself more. After according according to The The - C Aruna dresses appropriately as a housewife and as a working woman.

with no direct experience reading) However, However, her

that that in the beginning Aruna did not dress nicely. . Some . Some of the key informants

The drama constructs that 6.1.2 t that colored colored clothes, wears her hair up, puts on no makeup, and often wears sneakers - was her personal taste and that she could wear (negotiated the makeover, she looks more beautiful and has to sell luxury cars so she needs to wear clothes that look beautiful, modern, and expensive. Some key informants made no comment about Aruna’s clothing. They though Her clothing looks realistic thought to dress in old necessary to wear clothing that is suitable for the job. The teacher should wear suits and high heels. Gardeners should wear informants unnatural, and inappropriate. Her hairstyle is also The key informants mostly elegantly and beautifully all the time but never let themselves look wear casual clothes at home but dress up nicely when attending social events. It is modestly and does not wear much makeup. When changes she is her a clothes working and woman, hairstyle she to be reading) suitable for her car sales job was cheated on by her husband. After the makeover, h and her hairstyle is short and Regarding modern. the perception and interpretation of She the audience, in the looksfirst group of key stronger and more informants, confident. those that are wives appropriately light with long skirts. She is always polite and gentle. When she Aruna changes is her a dressing style working to woman, wear

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a a a 191 calm thought husband husband

(preferred raits and

T her ifestyle and at Aruna is L she she was a real th r husband, she

up up

s . If the the

woman. woman. Aruna is that Aruna was like wake thought superstitions and sacred She She takes her role as a wife

oncerning the thought oncerning that the wife in this drama was fashioned fashioned and lets her husband C

- C she is loves her honest, and child,

righteous person

. that that Aruna was too weak and that


thought eality R , cooks breakfast, ife

R , highly patient, and optimistic . The single female key informants W thought amily F honest

moral, ethical, and reasonable (preferred reading) in the

onstruction of onstruction of aturity of the ife She makes herself look old

C husband and child C M W (preferred reading) because, because, unlike Aruna, they themselves are impatient, think the the he he family. The wife must fully perform her duties, take care of

However, However, her strengths are ocial ocial

onstructs that Aruna wakes up before everyone in the house, takes , and endure all things for the child and her own self. Concerning . interpretation interpretation of the audience, in the first group of key informants, S S hearted. of the , who lives for her husband, family, and children. She is sensitive, -

motional ole a perfect family o bed

E The The The R

, who completely fulfills her housewife duty. mind. When someone tells her a suspicious story about he , and prepares their clothes. She is a mother, wife, beloved person, and an build everything for The drama c 6.1.4 The drama that constructs Aruna high has emotional and patience, maturity, an 6.1.3 , she would be a decent, to

s ppositional ppositional reading) ading). Some of the key informants ptimistic the perception and the audience, who are wives in their real lives, and child important member of t the house, prepare food, do laundry, look after the husband from the time he wakes up until he goes t care care of take for grantedher want experience with being a wife, the male key informants normal good wife gentle, and determined that Aruna is kind and mother seriously. She is gentle, re (o fast, and do not want to wait. In the second group of key informants with no direct normal normal and good person. She is happy when good things happen and becomes when sad bad things occur. She is a strong, clear, and person family lover does not easily believe it until she has proof. She believes in power. Regarding the perception informants in and the first group, who are wives in their real lives, interpretation of the audience, the key o

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s na na no 192 that

while while

, while (preferred (preferred (preferred with with being

thought elationships elationships . The single work outside family parents R

centered, always the family - hundreds of times ife’s mainly W her her child. She will not and sick

works . . The main theme of this that that Aruna is more like a

old old seldom have time for family

s , , and a stable her that the wife in this drama is a earn money for

and very much. She believes that (oppositional (oppositional reading) thought bank and a mental illness. As she lacks oncerning the the oncerning

with no direct experience C thought divorce eality eality gives gives first priority to a R , and some of the key informants

(negotiated (negotiated reading) financial financial status

to take care of

and and will cheat never on her. She always encourages . The mistress in this drama is self

informants more more aggressive because they d

. Those that work for ble working woman to

haracters that in this drama the wife (Aruna) is a perfect housewife onstruction of onstruction yee. key informant thought that his wife

C mistreate C group group of key informants

likely likely to ask for has has an inferiority complex

, who lacks love and needs attention from someone, so she does ther ther stronger and . Some of the key informants ocial ocial O thought S econd , she seeks love, good with with The The Aruna because she has is a very persongood teenager

drama drama constructs that Aruna ights that the wife must be kind and endure everything for her family

(negotiated reading)

. The role of the wife also depends on age. Aruna is older than Kanya so she . The single female key . In the s 6.1.5 The not a wife (oppositional reading) re thoughtful and moral and can better perform her role as a wife. Kanya is a amily affection her child and husband. She trusts and loves her husb her husband go to work if there is no one to take care of her child at home. She does everything for reading) good wife, who properly takes care of all family members but she should live her own life as well who can transform a into capa the mistress (Kanya) f harder than working as a bank emplo so their husbands are male informants matter how much she is makes loud noises, and seeks attention reading) from the husband and others a wife, the married male is mo problematic not act as a normal wife in the family drama highl is a gentle and modest housewife, who takes care of her house well, while Aruna’ friends seem to be the home a good housewife, who devotes herself to taking care of everything for the husband (preferred reading) nanny, to thethe role wife drama of in this according lifestyle the Aru and character. varied

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. , ir is 193 school that that the that the because

away. In (Thada’s

single male singlemale

The husband (oppositional (oppositional love love for the

oncerned oncerned about thought er er her husband, thought usband Suchat other other characters . The expenses

event at her this kind of story

her h

s day girlfriend), she she is only c -

in the end,

to have a good job and her child to the father’ (negotiated reading) (negotiated

that the relationship between the wife, l

iscretion iscretion when watching d ttend her her karma

use . Some of the key informants Some of the key informants s thought e of their parenting duty and always give love .

The husband goes out to work, while the wife

not her husband was norma

), ), Munin (Thada’s ex es eading) receive duties.

cousin. cousin. As for the perception and interpretation of the

who do

key informant as a that that the wife and husband in the drama loved each other. The group group of key informants with no direct experience with being

in this in drama close close friend (preferred (preferred r

(negotiated (negotiated reading) thought respect It can be said that the relationship between the husband, wife, and child

- . . She thinks of herself as a normal housewife. Although she and her In the second that that the relationship between the husband, wife, and child in this drama was .

and self

family husband, and daughter key informants Although the female antagonist sensitive to the audience reading) a wife, the married male wife is a mother to her child but does not act as a wife to her husband. keeps a distance from the wife, abandons advantages his of her burden to her, and seems to relationship between take the female protagonist and the female antagonist was too close. to their child. in this drama is quite good. They solve family problems based on the child built based on their roles and takes care of the child and housework. The wife loves the considers them as someone she needs husband to take a good care of in and order to create a warm child and family. The husband and wife are awar the end, Aruna visits Kanya in the hospital and pays for her medical she cares about Kanya audience, the key informants in the first group, who are thought wives in their real lives, At the same time, Aruna can maintain a including good Tharee (her relationship with boss), and Wasin (her boss, friend, and boyfriend). All of them have a good friendship with Aruna. She is nice to everyone, even Kanya, who snatches understands that her child needs a father. Although Thada is no long she allows him to fulfill his role as a father at any time. For example, he can come to visit his daughter, take her for a trip, and a her husband in his work. She wants be smart and healthy because her child often gets sick; the husband are divorced, she does not completely cut the relationship with him. She

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. - the

194 it is ther

O a more She is a all good

loves in (preferred

etimes that kind to person (flat She tends to

ife also also som W . In the second

that has can be good, evil, woman

Do not be afraid of (preferred (preferred reading) the father

. who

does for him but he still ,

Aruna is not married .” Although Aruna is a veryAruna is good character. oncerning n being consistently good . the wife y good. The C there is nobody

with being a wife, the married male

e, for every ation

, the audience gets to see her strength. what wever, she is not that cruel to hurt e a good relationship but Aruna is too eality (preferred reading) (preferred this character was created to have a kind

R that that as the wife does not dress up to look

that Aruna is a good character.

that does

character (negotiated reading) a normal huma

a . Sometimes she acts fiercely because she wants and concentrates on everything she does. that Aruna is a thought

a twist of fate

thought not not appreciate s to any givensitu mother thought

, and stubborn. She is not different from other people onstruction of too good

C adjust with no direct experiencewith no direct that Aruna was confused demonstrate ocial start a new life S as much as the as much Aruna is

imensions Whatever happens is always for the best D The The not

girl. The husband does

. Some key informants ” and “ 6.1.6 The drama single female key informants

good deeds rather than bad deeds key informant thought mad, tired, resolved, reading) mother, lovely friends, and good job. In real lif things like her. key informantsgroup of someone, although sometimes she is angry and emotional. Aruna is a strong woman. She has courage to to ableand is fastlearner She is not evil at all. She can be a role model do to fight back. She is a capable person with high patience. forgive everyone without thinking much. Ho changes difficult to start from scratch, everyone is strong enough to do perception it. and Considering interpretation of the the audience, the key informants in the first group, who are wives in their real lives, character). When she experiences She does not give up on life because she adheres to the concepts “ relationship relationship between the wife and the daughter is ver daughter but loves her. The husband and wife seem to hav plain for her husband. Although she can look after her husband well, Aruna is old fashioned and does not dress up nicely. She should take care of herself more. The relationship relationship between the wife and child was full of love and care The pretty, the husband thinks of her as a “sure thing” beautiful at home and looks for

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, for

195 s . The thought (oppositional (oppositional

always care the family happy pend pend money men

amily cannot go on Wasin and her, but not for him,

A f

solve solve the problem and can ife younger children and a good spouse

W , endure all things for her own . Some of the key informants he he first group, who are wives in that Aruna can be good or bad

bed own feelings

, and carefully s eing a B her similar to what the drama demonstrates. thought is indecisive and unable to make decisions

husband husband in alue of alue the husband and dating .

She . The single female key informants also informantskey The singlefemale . V

a wife must fully perform her duties, look after

(preferred reading) honest with

, serve her save family expenses . She is that “wife” refers to a life partner, who helps to create a

a gray character. breaking up with (preferred reading) (preferred reading) (preferred resentation of theresentation . Aruna is once married, she should not easily fall for the boss.

P thought going going to bed The The

attack another woman - s feelingss a a mother. A wife should be a good mother to her . In addition, the audience perceives that Aruna is capable, smart, charming, . The single male key informants that Aruna is

Concerning Concerning the meaning of “wife” according to the perception and 6.1.7 The drama demonstrates that family and children. A wife acts as a mother in the family. without burdensome to get the husband back. burdensome to get interpretation of the audience, the key informants in t their real lives, adjust to changing situations based on the love for However, her the problem children. of infidelity cannot be solved by the wife maturity alone; as well. the If what the husband wife has done must is good have enough for enough she should let him go because both of them have different precepts. It is too However, However, it is difficult to be the distractions wife and 2018 people because tend in to this be selfish era and there have problem are occurs, low the wife many morality. 2018 has the When strength to calmly a family waking up until self and children, do all household chores, raise her children, make be faithful to her husband, characteristics of the wife in “wife 2018” are the house, prepare food, do laundry, take care of everything for her husband from thought quickly in terms of reading) and good at cooking her child’her that Aruna can be good or bad according to the situation. She is bad when she wants to counter (preferred reading) Maybe she follows the concept that older women prefer reading) depending on the situation

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. - that that 196

facing ies and husband are of her thought with with being a

. takes takes c

the the teachings of the (preferred (preferred reading)

increased dut each other when a spouse or mother of a

with ociety

someone someone the husband loves s a person that is responsible ndergo a wedding ceremony or formants expect that a Thai Thai s (preferred reading) (preferred a woman that

fe” as and i

a person that spends life with another

with with no direct experience , and some of them defined “wife” as the sacrifices sacrifices herself . Some of the key in

(or both) before living together with her husband defined defined “wife” as . defined defined the “wife” as thers and knows how to live a happy life. “Wife 2018” is a and the woman that is chosen to be

(negotiated reading) key key informant defined a “wi group of key informants

htful, htful, aware of her own value, independent, and is able to take . his his wife or trying to snatch someone’s husband without guilt or fear of social

(preferred reading)

(negotiated reading)

marriage marriage certificate Regarding the meaning of “wife 2018” from the perception of the audience, In the second without without relying on o a look after . It is socially known that a woman must either u

but because that man isnot good enough for her love that but because care of herself and family well when problems occur. She must be capable and self reliant. “Wife 2018” is a modern, strong, and determined wife, who can support her family modern woman, who chooses to get divorced, not because she is dumped by a man, women daring norms. mustShe be able to rely on herself and should not endure family problems just because she wants to maintain a perfect family life. She must be a modern woman, who is smart, thoug the key informants in the first group, who are wives in their real lives, “wife 2018” was the wife in the modern age, where there are many evil and immoral husband and children and plays an active role in the The single female informants person as if they were the same person. Both of them advise problems wife, the married male and wants to see her face more than two times a month (linking to real experience). The single male informants legal wife of the husband child sign reading) (negotiated responsibilities. A wife should properly fulfill her duties based on Lord Buddha must to her husband. Having a complete family, consisting of father, mother, and children, comprises life happiness. A wife gives encouragement and significantly fulfills the family. A “wife” is a person that for everything in the family. A “wife” is a married woman

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, s It

that that like 197 wife

- full of rivalry Somsuk

. described

thought in in the family

dimensional - ers or followers. . The single male strong wife, who can strong one

that “wife 2018” refers

se their children at home. (preferred reading)

. “Wife 2019” not only takes thought 18” 18” by focusing on the equality Ath Kupongsak (2010) are television melodramas

wife dramas proposed by - . They (preferred reading) ry situation always always stay home. She can dress up nicely

The single female informants physically and mentally

men men

. otiated otiated reading) marriage marriage life,” which is consistent with the - is a women are still not equal to men. They are still (neg . Each of them is a round character with both good . . The plot is about marriage life, conflicts,

Mia (Wife) 2018” “ of the husband

(negotiated reading) does not need to intensity oup with no direct experience of being a wife, the married story begins when a happy family has to deal with conflicts gr

(preferred (preferred reading) defined defined “wife 2018” as a true representative of wives in today’ he

that “wife 2018” “wifethat 2018” T

. by focusing on “post thought sensitivity sensitivity and full full of immoral and lustful The Fierce Wife” and “ In the second Some of the key informants defined “wife 20

concept concept of television dramas Discussion key key informant

traditional traditional narrative pattern Hinviman (2015) the characteristics of the melodrama characters that in his and bad traits depending on the situation. Both relationships dramas present the husband emotional and jealousy. The characters in these two dramas are not flat or and can walk together with her husband in eve husband withand can walk together her 6.2 “wife 2018” is a wife that and go to work outside the home care of the family and housework at home but also goes to work outside the home. She is a modern wife in the 4G era, who acts as a good wife and mother male society informants adjust to situations is time for wives to speak up and call for their rights; they should not be mistreated by their husbands. Being single mothers is not a bad thing. It is a better life. having tofor unfaithfulness endure solution than The world has changed and women are no longer the “elephant’s hind legs.” Women should not be left uneducated as in ancient times. In the current society women and men are equal and can walk side by side without having to be lead between women and men to wives in modern times, where cheated on by their husbands and need to quit their job to rai

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1) an

and and two 198

l the are ction, the Tipphasiri edia and whether

exual exual love . As mentioned 968) heteros guiding social systems ce can engage with the television dramas in the . This is consistent with the generous acquaintances. This (Propp, (Propp, 1

has a more complicated plot and

adhere to the traditional narrative narrative narrative sequence, comprising , which suggests that m

or accept a new man into her life.

on the construction of meaning and , and the audien analog age, which include the following.include age, the analog which ombination falling falling action, and 5) ending. However, the traditional how to live her life. The two dramas introduce 4)

her husband Toffler (1980) that are internal conditions quickly stimulated by As soon as the first problem is solved, another how each problem will be resolved platforms

mother, mother, friends, and

Mia (Wife) 2018” ” . “ Mia (Wife) 2018” crisis, crisis, “ . The process of the construction of meaning applies 3) and the law of c theory of determining communications and

, , these two dramas are considered 1987)

television dramas in the digital age television dramas in the television dramas election s The Fierce Wife “ eterminism eterminism (Fisher, rising rising action, Their plots are newly created without relying on existing novels. The 2)

aw aw of , emotions, emotions, and expressions The Fierce Wife” and New New paradigm narratives place emphasis “ has to find a solution and decide e support and guidance from her xposition makes the audience eager to know the main character will end up with problems problems are resolved. However, problems than problem arises. The main character is continuously challenged to solve problems with th wife) and her family is relationship between introduced the husband and the wife’s to cousin leads to a the family crisis. The audience. In wife the rising a problems and demonstrate how to solve those problems step by step until al rules: the l above, sequence. In the exposition of the story, the background of the main character (the desire. Thus, the dramas in the digital age tend to end in a realistic a happy ending. way, mostly analog have dramasin the age while the how to narrate technological technological d important mechanism for toward changes in human behavior, especially mental changes associated with thoughts, the rivalry. The story is narrated based on a e two dramas make the first three sequences become more concise according characteristics of to the the dramas through the new media. At the of the characteristics same time, both dramas still have some The script is written by only one writer. The theme is about and family crises caused by another woman. Kaewthet Based et on al. (2018) the theory of digital age. content is presented on new media

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o for . 3) 199 The The time time so is - - , aw of . Both until a

. The tw Munin

, the law of , for example, discourse discourse signified derive meaning at at home and eat

dating life is sweet the the that are transferred time

the - dramas in various patterns, w that many days or

is studying abroad and

has no tory is important in defining time are equal

- construct meanings. da was wontons time

narration of conflicts e chosen signified conveys Tha

ontext . In both , including the conflicts in the e and husband finally solve all Th make also also uses stretch ( time comes to a standstill

, c - plays the most important role in

narrative object itself other other signified in the same structure. “The “The Fierce Wife” signified signified can story time time is and paused turned back to when conflicts an and and when Wasin - is shorter than s

, and when is a story about a Taiwanese family. The s in

time and discourse - (Propp, (Propp, 1968) things things time

- Ailin tory structure of Tian Wei stated stated that an cultural context Mia (Wife) 2018”

- “ is carried out through the


ocio to to tell how much time has passed in one scene and using

special special symbol ombination Chinese families usually

was dating is dating in order to highlight the incident. highlight the toin order

point point of view of semiology select the ) when Thada and areKanya falling to the ground and kissing

“The “The Fierce Wife” en - time - Culler Culler (1976) time time is zero by omitting an event. For example, the dramas omit Ruifan - Wei - ed to tory Wontons: Wontons: s tory

) 2018” can be analyzed and summarized as follows. be analyzed can ) 2018” 1) anings. ” ” when . and and the law of c Wife

was young and listening to her mother’s teaching that “Our

: discourse According to the The process of the construction of meaning applies two rules: the l use use narrative messages r future u election them as a staple food. from the relations between one signified and Thus, the selection and combination of construction of meanings of to “Mia ( meanings. Particularly, the s defining me meaning is encoded through its cultural meanings because of context. other unchosen signified. The meanings of each other. This shot is repeatedly displayed many times, making than the longer using a fast transition shot of the sky at daytime and nighttime to sho months have passed. In addition, is longer than s o Ellipsis the moment when dating Kanya. 4) Summary: comprising the following. 1) Scene: s dramas mostly use this pattern. 2) additional For explanation. example, the story Pause: Anzhen s selection is appli The construction of meaning dramas place the most importance on family wife’s family and the husband’s new family. The wif divorce. family with conflicts

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) ” , 200 Wife needs needs to ) 2018,” represents a still still


in “Mia (

a staple food, the ) 2018” also adds

“The Fierce Wife high heels belong to

s as s are sharing things, ys captures these first s Day. Wife the the ring off, it means that both both dramas link wontons

cousin wonton ) 2018,” which is a story a about ) 2018,” the red Wife In addition, Wife

t wontons on New Year’on New t wontons normally do not eat adapted adapted to suit the Thai context wontons are folded and then blanched or steamed.

in both dramas, a wedding ring represents the

” , there there is a modification in the content, meaning, and is

heeled heeled shoes. The camera alwa breaks breaks up with Ruifan, she changes to wearing white : - heeled heeled shoes in the two dramas. In

like to ea like to - en - , when she makes wontons for the new man in her life, it Wei people people . . They present that wontons are a symbol of change or transition ed high heels as the parent of her child. her of parent as the Wedding Wedding ring: R “The Fierce Wife wife relationship is not the same. However, each of them - 3) 2) the duty the likes likes to wear red high angles angles of the red high The special symbol that

e eat them dry like Gyoza (Japanese dumplings). In “Mia ( Chinese Chinese culture en - i family. Although Thai families 2018” is Look Choup (a Thai dessert), which represents that eating either the skin or relationship relationship of a married couple. When one of them takes their husband perform for Aruna’s permission, which implies that these two including a husband. In terms of the color of high heels and sneakers, red passionate lover, desire, and lust, while white represents cleanliness and purity freed and lust. fromlove, greed, wrath, white sneakers. When sneakers instead of red high heels. In “Mia ( Aruna. Thada bought them for Aruna but Kanya always wears them without asking camera Wei and then moves up to her face. Red high heels represent a mistress and are opposite to members and close friends means that their relationship becomes closer. with Chinese of seasons,as are different. In Peopl wontons are served in form of wonton soup. Moreover, “Mia ( a new meaning to wontons. As the wife usually makes wontons only for her family water/oil is. This concept is transferred to “Mia ( Tha drama producer still keeps this concept. However, the wontons in these two dramas main character or the wife often wontons makes become a wontons regular dish on for their table. her The concept family about wontons is members that married a until couple or all family members must be united like a wonton folded. that When is being tightly boiled or fried, it will not break apart no matter how hot the

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), ), ” 201 class 义 - (“ but she Chinese

. Before seeking seeking in oncept of - C ramas “The D Anzhen ood deeds should a certain of degree Mia Mia (Wife 2018),” century, century, the people were men, who

st ased on the , there are some meanings ), virtue and equity gradually gradually told because the class ”

B - 仁 (“ , which led to benefit high , without relying on the ability of semiology

as having a happy family life and her the story is

, before the 21

inside and outside. All g ” , that

d both the heart of learning for testing the quality of Anzhen


ntertextuality between the TV

nt genders, ages, and social statuses. The social I . state are

ommunication ”) ciety C ditional ditional customs, resulting in the social acceptance of solved solved on their own a risk of abuse of power 礼

to others. of differe

“The Fierce Wife to tra

ultural ultural d rom the point of view of power power to build gratitude among low rankers; and 2) low C nalysis of the -

must be beautiful A

presented adhere ross . Aruna experienced more complicated problems than Anzhen Fierce Fierce Wife” and “Mia (Wife) 2018” C The The strictly strictly “Dynastic cycle” is the succession of imperial power, which requires support Suwat Tasukonth (2016) 6.2.1 Additionally, Additionally, f

submissive patronage so submissive patronage administrative appropriately d tradition and custom (“ e an such a from noblemen and virtuous intellectuals because their support can affect the stability of the emperor and state. Humanity and compassion structure structure was composed of two classes of people: 1) used people were women, who had to pay respect to power. Therefore, there was high rankers with administrative society inequality among people life experience could quickly make decisions and solve all of the problems some in of the the end. problems However, were Anzhen or Aruna. husband always being faithful to her. She is not prepared to crisis encounter so such it a takes life a long time for her to solve Aruna was the constructed to have more problem. knowledge and experience In than “ marriage, Aruna used to work outside the home. Therefore, she has behind the short/long narration of each part of the story. example, For from the climax to the falling action of drama constructs the background of filling of Look Choup alone is not as Similarly, delicious a person as eating both of them together. b

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, , . ts he tal 202 T pu who

“Mia power, (Suwat (Suwat

that rma, and governed

philosophy fundamen material and , arranged on mostly based eve in karma ancestral spirits in sacred and have a better

s Taiwan is

ust is the foundation of gods first. This belief is belief ” to “Mia (Wife) 2018” colored fruits

the until now. Taiwanese people the

. Thai people beli (Dermthae Chaohinfar, 2010) characteristics overlapping in the first Chinese president,

, Both dramas show the same basic

” places importance on putting the , and fatalism are linked. Traditional gods, pay respect to

linked to

customs social norms and values are s The Fierce Wife blessing from law of karma dhisattva and Mahayana ideologies. a achieve a prosperous future Thai ritual

, superstition, omens, incarnation, ka Bo

Dr. Sun Yatsen Chinese The Fierce Wife many umanism, theism

administration of Taiwan , and talismans and have continually performed religious rituals based on

nciples of burn incense to worship . These beliefs are the opposite of Taiwan’s first and then receiving blessings from gods, whereas of life

. s

believe that when paying respect to gods, the first person . , prophecy, superstition adhere to traditional in the burner The difference is that “ Most Thai people are Buddhist. Taiwanese people have many distinctive

milar cultures and religious beliefs (Buddhism), including life aiwanese society focuses on equality between women and men. y the Three People’s Pri incense (Wife) 2018” focuses on paying respect to gods with seven Buddhism, which are transferred from “ through the main character or the wife. The wives in both dramas believe in paying respect to gods and always pray for their husbands. beliefs. on Buddhist beliefs, incarnation, and the so they usually make merit in order to next life. Moreover, there are auspicious times beliefs of the Chinese economic prosperity prophecy is also reflected when Anzhen went to see the fortune teller because she felt stressed about Ruifan’s love affair. Her previous belief that tr marriage life began to waver. H beliefs are often related to incarnation, heaven, and destiny, which are and strictly Taiwanese people the incense in the burner will receive clearly reflected in “The Fierce Wife.” Moreover, the belief in superstition and b has been the backbone of the still believe in traditional beliefs. They si individualistic way T humans and society. Therefore, humanity is a necessity for living in society Tasukonth, 2016) themselves so their personality is quite neutral. Taiwanese and Thai people have

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, al en en and 203 The ” wh mainland

,” when all . . Similar to for blessings

organization that “Divide tasks,

. Some religious beliefs The Fierce Wife are are considered the power person person stand in a row The The Fierce Wife and and exercise, not afraid of “

always always standing while praying.

filial filial piety onks working, and economical. There is a r lazy people,” which clearly reflects - reflected in ese people in both Taiwan and which which makes Taiwanese people focus on works as a sales ” to “Mia (Wife) 2018.” Although there are

. There is also a saying )

. Chinese m and Chinese

, morale y

and and

in in Chinese , always sitting on the, front while praying the auspicious colors of the days

. This value is ” before before work in order to create a sense of

, honest The Fierce Wife workplace motto process of instilling morality and ethical values, for example in based based on traditional philosophies and principles

transferred transferred to “Mia (Wife) 2018” when Thada’s team competes

agile, agile, enthusiastic, diligent in work ’s 分工合作 frugality “ conditions, tough, patient, hard , (

enhance Chinese Thais in Thailand This society does not have a seat fo ,” ,” when Ruifan’s team and Ailin’s team compete with each other in order light to dark colorslightto dark y y morning. Besides, Aruna works independently as a salesperson without a problems Taiwan has a Diligence are mostly from

how Chinese people are taught to be good, polite, grateful, calm, and able to deal with everyday Fierce Wife to get promoted, is with Munin’s team. beliefs are also transferred to “Mia (Wife) 2018” but there are some modifications. The staff in Aruna’s company does not need to stand or motto ever shout out the company’s team. However, the belief about teamwork and organizational competition in “ working as a team and dividing tasks based on aptitude achieve and organizational expertise success. in This belief order is to reflected in “ Anzhen and colleagues work together in order to achieve the sales target. These of the staff in the company where Anzhen shout the company belonging and work together,” common pose is standing upright, for example, everybody participating in a meeting with the emperor always standing It can be said that Chinese people choose to stand or walk rather than sit or lie down (Dermthae Chaohinfar, 2010) China extreme weather saying that “ the characteristics of Chinese people from the past until the present. Chinese people’s context of the that unites Taiwanese people together. Chin a tray and wearing clothes based on are also transferred from “ minor adaptations, those beliefs are appropriately transferred and modified to suit the

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. , 和 “ 204 The The

. hinese hinese family In “The

a a social

ir The drama

” . development, development, - good attitudes

there are fewer Adults Adults give red . about natural law (Suwat (Suwat Tasukonth, together

’s children, children, they also think that textbooks textbooks

ear “The Fierce Wife teachings teachings of ancient C . In “Mia (Wife) 2018,” Aruna Y in give give importance to the

the ew (Dermthae (Dermthae Chaohinfar, 2010)


, the , the society will have a problem as well laboratory for cultivating philosophy philosophy . 2) Be . to others.grateful Anzhen’s mother family family is the heart of society, “Keep fighting” in almost every scene. The s are reflected in “The Fierce Wife” and also

the obstacles.

a problem . . Their

, and is a al institutions . Although the world has changed and respects and value a solution to the problem Every family member eats together in the house. Although fate. However, the Chinese society can adopt Confucian


hinese hinese philosopher not give up to give up not iwanese iwanese families celebrate N today, Taiwanese people still Ta

s phrase to encourage each other. When Anzhen encounters a family children. does speak politely to each speak politely to other each at at there is a popular phrase the mother always teach Anzhen and Aruna to be grateful to those who help s, s, especially China, China, Taiwan to to which means “Same way but different.” While Confucius placed emphasis

up and up

s ae Chaohinfar, 2010) s ” centered centered relationships are clearly expressed Confucius emphasized that The content of Confucius’s teachings covers education, self , gs of ancient C -

. randparents randparents want to have a big family with many rise the g the number of family members does not matter but what is more important is the love extended extended families Family demonstrates th envelope institution that has its own status toward life. If a family member has (Dermth superstition superstition and heaven, and adhere incarnation, to heaven, and traditional customs that are teachings and related maintain to local traditions in an appropriate 2016) way humans should realize that difference is not conflict, as he adopted the concept of 而不同 on human ability, Chinese people focus on worshiping ancestral spirits, believe in problem, problem, she calmly finds also socializing, politics, friendship, morality, and filial piety. Confucius taught that and Aruna’s them in difficult times. 3) Be calm and able to deal with everyday problems. Fierce Wife,” characters use thi teachin transferred to “Mia (Wife) 2018” as follows. 1) Anzhen always Be good and polite. Ruifan and mainland philosopher morality, ways virtue, ancient of life, and timeless life have lessons been used to teach and train students in education

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- as the the

205 ” , family family (Suwat said said the

r, endure

Confucius will step up three

receive receive respect that y usually go to the Confucius hose “The Fierce Wife use the main character’s . In There There are only

frugality. also placed importance on self

. . Stinginess is nasty but better than


frugality frugality and working as follows useful and correct y

kind of corporate culture is transferred to “Mia Unit Honesty

Loyalty Honesty “Mia “Mia (Wife) 2018” beca -


- - and and then transferred to “Mia (Wife) 2018.” Both edge edge is must must possess professional abilities, Gratitude

summarized summarized human relationships into five kinds . Particularly, all of them do not need to celebrate the -

n. n. The company determines that t ” . s s inappropriate i friend son

subject subject younger building building must be based on - and and and and

Self Confucius believed that knowledge must be combined with work


small family in modern urban society. his admiration toward : : , and have a good family. Father and and Father Husband and wife Elder Friend and Ruler

xtravagance xtravagance parents and child d 2) 3) 4) 5) 1) “The Fierce Wife” “The Fierce Wife “The Fierce the the

Frugality Working The relationships between husband and wife relying on honesty is clearly In addition, Confucius expresse top management positions reliance, morality, and ethics. This as well.(Wife) 2018” to get promoted. In addition, the company focuses on work ethics and includes this as the criterion for job promotio into from colleagues behavior in because work is proof that knowl company’s staff, no matter whether male or female, must show their abilities in order following: “E inappropriateness.” The belief about frugality is reflected through Anzhen’s frugal dramas emphasize that a married couple must respect and trust each everything othe for their children, and be honest with each other. Moreover, also Tasukonth, 2016) reflected in follows: Chinese New Year’s together. The drama just presents that the pay respect to the gods. andtemple and unity among all family members. The image of a big family eating together with grandparents is not transferred to family is just a members,

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se se IV the see see - 206 The start onship onship I is the cultural cultural - . CVS the values on . 2) Value: relati with the way

as as follows. 1) with with a rapidly

IV). CVS - to analyze deficiencies

disagree is more valuable than , , the studies social social responsibility and these these values through the II is the value about -

it was found that “wife”

can can be used to analyze the

, . Taiwan Taiwan and Thailand have the scientific scientific worldview : II, and CVS - - way of life and culture in many on Mia (Wife) 2018” . This belief is reflected in “ have become a solution to tho (Bond, 1992) ules “

deeply deeply embedded in Chinese society ’s basic teachings about a simple way

, and sign a marriage certificate before II, CVS - Chinese Chinese s and interprets A good example ve a belief in sacred power, sin, merit, and “ highly materialistic society

The Fierce Wife cultural cultural communication has has been can be role models for children and guide them , CVS

Confucius - III is the value about . “

I - -

perceive cross CVS through still still affects the s a bad example for children example s a bad . 3) Cultural norms and r The Fierce Wife” and (Metta Wiwattananukul, 2016) “

and and rules concerning marriage and monogamy. A woman must The The audience

taking advantage of society (Dermthae (Dermthae Chaohinfar, 2010)

Chinese Chinese Values Survey (CVS) , which i , which ” . onship onship between husband and wife and the loving development, development, honesty, and patience. CVS undergo undergo a marriage ceremony - lements f and then transferred to “Mia (Wife) 2018.” When the parents norms At present, it

relati ism, forgiveness, and the husband’s and mistress’s ctions ctions and expressions. However, some audiences quarrel Both teachers and parents

to to the audience ’ , they always tell their daughter to play elsewhere so that she will not ’ a (China Radio Online, Radio 2011) (China Based on the concept of The philosophy of Confucius There is a Chinese saying that Wife”

. Currently, China has become a roblems roblems Mia (Wife) 2018 same cultural be proposed to, “ characters that the wife forgives the mistress because they think that the mistress’s behavior is not worthy of forgiveness harmonious harmonious between parents and children. CVS humanitarian is the value about sufficiency and morality. All of these values are also transferred to conveyed contains four kinds of values ( value about sel intertextuality intertextuality between Worldview: Thai and Taiwanese people ha the law of karma, which is considered a spiritual/n when applying the of life that avoids p influence and e for centuries. ways growing economy, making Chinese people long for mental peace and ways to solve social harmonious problems. Thus, quarreling the parents teachings.” to be good people Fierce

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- he 207 work

ow power ccordance condemned . The third e e l s s outside the compete for t authoritarianism

, , it was found that mainly focuses on ’s rights, and also harshly harshly power power in a verbal verbal languages. The

- s . However, the roles of because because she can rely on , there should b

he he husband work separate Hofstede Hofstede (1980) also better than them in all aspects,

, , which is a radical feminist, who believes that he real he real world he he will never forgive him. Moreover, she

focuses focuses on competition, leadership,

with with another man For example, t patriarchal discourse, which creates a set of

. From the wife’s perspective, she thinks that about equality and women

narrator her her so he and the mistress are . For example, Thada and Munin

, she must agree to have a relationship with Suchat. dings the , while the wife takes care of the husband and child at . In “The Fierce Wife” and “Mia (Wife) 2018,” the wife t they can separate from each other or start a new igh power distance , Anzhen’s and Aruna’s career success depends on sales through through the characters’ verbal and non competition between material material success believes believes that power should be exercised appropriately only only different from men but

en’s and women’s roles are clearly separated s to progress faster ideologies , and want family, family, and 2) h , which In the dimension of authoritarianism, the communicate dramas In of the authoritarianism, dimension Based on the cultural dimension concept of patriarchal domination to earn the family living

the husband behaves wrongly with her and s does not want to start a new relationship feels guilty and wants to return to the wife. However, the wife does not give him any chance. All of this shows that women are not whether concerning wisdom or morality reflect has the power to construct meanings. The story is narrated through the wife’s point of view. The husband is unfaithful to by the society as a punishment. Finally, the husband breaks up with the mistress. He dramas present the understandings that men are above women in every way, which creates and a feminist set of discourse, understan If Munin power than him. lower her have will make This situation and relevant oriented oriented life sales manager position volume, and m men and women flexible. Thada and can have equalbe Munin power in the workplace. home home. However, the audience thinks that, in t distance element presentenced is masculinity, which the dramas intend to present the following: 1) individualism, which self and with the individual’s roles and positions. living together with a man. If their married life does not go well, they divorce must sign a agreement so tha gossip. without about worrying relationship

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- 208 “The “The nother a lifestyle lifestyle hard for

. In The demonstrates

there is on the husband

wife relationship and effect - presents presents the concept of

contrary to the comments

and independent. They receive

wife relationship the spouses of government - was was signed, up up shot of a divorce certificate - e has been living with him for ten . This is estern feminist discourse. certificate ir husband marriage marriage certificate is not important future


. For example, “The Fierce Wife”

, that varied based on their life experiences. Some of that if the husband and wife love and trust each

becomes more diverse and the the end of the fter the divorce eminism reasons thought thought that the marriage certificate has no

as legal spouses Their

. gradually wife relationship. wife relationship. - , which is influenced by w thought and increasingly work outside the home. The drama emphasizing

in case of any problem in the the right to receive medical allowance from the government. Some of Ruifan tries everything to make Anzhen sign the divorce certificate. He

” , have

Considering the audience’s viewpoint of the husb In the dimension of f en goes to the hospital, where Anzhen is admitted, and forces her to sign it. This in the social media, which tend to give great importance to Some of a the key marriage informants certificate. confident in their rights officials them refused to marriage sign the certificate because they separatewant to fromeasily their husbands in their real lives, mostly (oppositional reading) the key informants wife relationship but it helps make both husband and wife feel more secure and indicate the husband indicate the marriage certificate, the audience in the first group of key informants, who are wives emotional scene Fierce Wife ev shows that both dramas place importance on marriage and divorce certificates, which the male company’s owner at her characters is also important. In “Mia workplace. (Wife) 2018,” Aruna’s divorce scene is long and The marital status of the emotional. The female characters’ expression and the close make the audience feel sad. A higher education the concept of liberal feminism by emphasizing that no matter how much the society has advanced in terms of freedom and development, women are still inferior to men. For example, the wife still needs to look after her husband at home and work feminism feminism in Taiwan of Taiwanese women herself and take care of her child on different perspective, Anzhen still her loves Ruifan. Sh own. Looking at this situation from years. Ruifan a and her daughter are her only world. She cannot start a new life with life.into her contrast, Aruna accepts Wasin someone In else.

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e b the the

209 two

that that a

If their thought thought

(preferred (preferred s love and

a declaration and children,

thought However, However, they

. In terms of wives’ their husbands accept

a guarantee of a happy deprivation deprivation of personal of spouses agreement between

a isions isions on their own after husband husband and wife. cannot cannot guarantee the love an me me key informants

Further, marriage registration is

is meaningless if one of them is arriage certificate is a legal proof

no meaning at all. it difficult for the husband and wife

and benefits ve . A m icate because they do not want to get a to to make dec

a married couple because it is

and honesty between each other s lives will will ha sincerity sincerity between

for , marriage marriage certificate the the legal rights marriage certificate

of marriage certif

sincerity a the marriage certificate. So that marriage registration

). On the other hand, some of the key informants

marriage marriage registration is a symbol that a a symbol that

. In addition, if one spouse has an affair with a third person with thought , it is useless for the other spouse to sue that third person for an indication of , he marriage certificate and is married married people lack freedom thought

. They believe that a le for everything in each other’ (negotiated reading

. They also marriage marriage certificate is important . . Many diately become mistresses. Thus, they believe that a marriage certificate is very s that both of them respect each other’ss that of respect each family. both them marriage financial status ready to live together, both de facto and de jure.

a eading) show husbands signed the marriage certificate with imme someone else before, they would important because it shows that both spouses are confident in each other’ are feelings, they and recognize them as legal responsib wives, who can make decisions of together and people that want to live together. It helps to assure that both of them will be faithful to each other. It represents a legal bond between husband and wife and indicates that actions of one party will affect the other, both de facto and de jure that a of marital status and a confirmation of love, r low compensation and just keep that a marriage certificate has legal importance but it is not marriage to conduct transactions because each transaction requires an agreement from both of them. Thus, marriage registration can also be viewed as rights marriage registration divorce later between husband and wife. The unfaithful. Moreover, marriage registration makes other enough, t signed the marriage certificate because of their children. Some of them marriage certificate is unimportant and only represents the ownership of both spouses. They themselves did not sign

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, - ir the the and and


what what The –

. elements or multi (the wife)

emotionally erization of al through what wife’s cousin,

key informant

the mistress

– , which indicates

dimension - ronger. Finally, she can and and so on, is unable to appropriately (preferred reading) (preferred

and and emotionally suffer. better management emotional and

concept concept of charact hrough the storyteller

a new life with the

, t Propp (1968) an important document to confirm . . The single male and female key starts

r, the marriage certificate helps to ensure is legally important, it has no effect on the , and the

characterize through the outside disappointed can be what character (hero, heroine, villain, through through the actions of other characters, reading)

the new man). ,

– is applied to create the characters in accordance age

It can be seen in the dramas that the wife has suffered and

Forster Forster (2005) (negotiated (negotiated

. When the husband , which means to paradigmatic paradigmatic structure of marriage certificate group of key informants, the married male

(Propp, 1968) is character by showing that she is a modern wife, who is able to that a marriage certificate is

position position according to semiology (the wife concept concept of dividing characters into one between between husband and wife. As the husband can easily abandon his

marriage a the girlfriend, the husband characters of -

stronger than men.

thought the second al

concept concept of the and that although a

“Mia (Wife) 2018” constructs that the wife is a traditional housewife, who In the dimension of the social construction of reality, “Mia (Wife) 2018” uses In terms of women’s emotional management, feminist theory explains that a In he relationship always stays at home and takes care of her husband like a slave. Later, the drama adds a new meaning to th through external and internal actions through binary op husband’s ex dimension Boggs and Petrie (2003) of the characters such as body, face, dressing, personality, he/she says in the dialogues to disclose him/herself with t kind of sex, nationality, class, and so on), manage his emotions. manage his Aruna as a representative of wives and Kanya as a representative of mistresses. The law of combination from her husband’s betrayal and then constantly becomes st rely on herself and living continue her own life. She has compared to the husband his life is not as happy as expected. He is woman’s makesexperience of oppression her physically suffering and deepest emotions will gradually make them become more tolerant legal wife, especially after having a child togethe property the marriage her share of the wife willthat receive thought longevity of informants

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, to 211 ding ional d the he idea the wife’s design wife , occupation), -

the wife, the he wife alone

concerning the T , was at the first there are many and

a by

, prepare food, do

, is stated the traits and emot ave enough maturity


. ading, negotiated reading, . When comparing the perception look after the house ) of encoding based on the enco preferred re can choose to interpret the meanings or

the wife in other dimensions , and endure all things for her own self and The husband must h Therefore, the audience in both groups interprets

. the demographic characteristics of , and epresentation demographic characteristics (age Kanjana Kaewthep (2013)

lifestyle and role of the wife in the family creates her own self, for example in how Aruna makes

these three forms in combination) he is the heroine. The drama constructs the mistress as the

The wife 2018, unlike a traditional wife

husband in bed Fiske (2011)

, the , and , the audience may interpret the meanings of “wife” differently from social contents to frame themselves - ramas of clothing, speaking, and habits. , serve her

If what the wife has done is good enough for her, but not for him, she

. take care of everything for her husband from the time he wakes up until he However The values of the wife, which are presented through Aruna, include t to bed way the drama intends.

oppositional reading relationships with other characters level (reality) and second level (r levels in d TV the meanings of “wife” in various ways ( meanings of “wife” constructed by the drama producer, it was found that the social construction of reality regarding physical characteristics, personality, and clothing of the wife maturity of the wife audience’s interpretation that the audience select only anti and interpretation of the “wife” by the audience of “Mia (Wife) 2018” an who is independent and wontons with her own hands. the cannot solve a love affair problem. resolve it should let him go because both of them have different precepts. It is too burdensome to get the husband back. laundry, goes children. However, being a wife distractions in and people 2018 tend to is be selfish difficult and because have low morality. personality, that the wife must completely fulfill her duties, rely on herself and earn her own living. The drama makes this character realistic by showing that the wife is like other normal women, who do not put on makeup while staying home, although s opposite of the wife in terms of

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, 212 ife in are of are as family W

that this come up

nowadays , which are erred reading). thought ole of the R drama intends when and a warm s (pref . However, , oth preferred readings, wife intend

from an opposing viewpoint Thai hrough the T drama

social and cultural contexts in the way that the alues V . Although they have no direct experience traditional and eminist F

economic, in the way that the The perception and interpretation of the audience on of on

. and ppositional reading , as they have similar experiences but cannot solve the , prepare food, clean the house, raise the child, and fulfill her level, the meanings of the wife in this drama is constructed resentati third level (ideology) of encoding based on the encoding levels in P Fiske (2011) “Mia (Wife) 2018” The The

t a deeper values, ideologies, A The drama emphasizes the role and responsibility of the wife to the family, The second group of key informants adopted b 6.2.2 The first group of key informants interpreted the meanings by using their own ramas of a negotiated reading. They interpret the meanings ppositional reading o y have the same experience. When they have additional experience, they

(negotiated reading). They agree that wives should play a lead role in taking care of the house according to the concept of the all matters in the house duty as a wife. The key informants in the first group, who are wives in their real lives, mostly interpret the meanings However, some of them interpret the meanings from an opposing viewpoint follows. husband, and child, which can contribute to the family’s happiness based traditional ways of on life. The Thai wife must look after the husband and child, take c through considered at the TV d negotiated reading and o of being a wife, they do not audience’s opinions and viewpoints are diverse. entirely agree with what the drama presents. The which are different from normal people’s lives. If they Aruna, they may need had to solve the problem differently. Some key the informants adopted same problem as an problem like Aruna due to their personal traits. when their direct experience is different from Aruna’s life. They character was created to have all good things, especially good economic status. Aruna has her own house, car, money, good friends, a kind mother direct experience. They interpret the meanings the with

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r is

213 ever afte good wife.

about n

take ideal

in terms of

by focusing on to her husband burden Some key informants

, husbands still have organized, 2) be kind to - mistreatment of wives s wives are not slaves, their A f at the center of the universe. haracteristics of the elp to create a good family, not tiful image about how the ideal sel have sufficient knowledge so that

that the ideal wife must be a good

es accept and respect her, problems and side and outside the home, look must s him e associated with the Lord Buddha’s rmants, who are wives in their real lives, put manage family finance well, and 5) should be able to talk thought posses the c works so hard that she has no time for her

, namely 1) be well , and does not show off expensive things like herself, and always live her life in a composed , while some of them placed importance on the wife

the avoid causing to work both in

. that his wife

a simple life

. The ideal wife duties of

the ability , make her husband love, understand, and devote himself to her,

thought The key informants have a beau

no matter how much the world has changed looking, lives - manner.

that that the ideal wife must recognize her duties, take care of herself and family, .

In the second group with no direct experience of being a wife, the married In terms of “ideal wife,” the key info Some of the key informants in the first group defined “wife” and. The single male key informants e key informant the husband and family

other women do on social media but she husb she can continue living her life without collapsing if she is abandoned by the husband. mal She is good what is right and wrong, not agree to do everything just to avoid conflicts with the husband, and not endure the husband that She should speak up and make her husband realize that the not allowed in today’s society. The ideal wife and calm wife properly takes care of her family, husband, and children without acting as a slave to act as a good mother, look after her children together with the husband, fulfill her role as a wife, make the husband’s family and colleagu care of herself, have all of the family members well, love thought give advice to her husband, housework and other matters, support her husband, h cling to her husband teachings about the five surrounding people, 3) avoid adultery, 4) get lazy legal rights and marriage registration role and responsibility of the wife that ar most wives need to work outside the home like men do. husbands should help them do some household chores as well. thought dominant power in the family

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, the but 214 that



eople The most p

, survive their the husband in

every day. She The role of submissive


in mind. the use of power and immediate problems

The role and duty of The single female key out worries. Therefore, the focus on

does, whether wrong or right, social structure

, women are more the have social equality with . She must receive love and respect from husband me in order to earn money, which is a Thailand is a Buddhist society

world is getting more cruel e current social structure is like this. Currently

should not easily give in to her husband have the same precepts t different from the past. The wife still needs to , are faced with unfaithful husbands, the society ’s, as she has to work both inside and outside the outside the home with

what her must e to understand

herself as well (negotiated reading).

work husband , adapt herself to a changing environment, look after her single female key informants intelligenc social structure and forgive

that the ideal wife

presence in social events Thai society is no ,

give in to her instead.

r Thai society is one thatsocietyr Thai must is ake good care of tive thinking thought (because they are forced to) like Aruna does in the drama. The most

understand the current The key informants in both groups combine the meanings of “wife” and “ideal is not quite fair for a woman. Th

This shows that the people, work, and life because the

perform her role as a faithfulness so housewife. that she Her can husband must treat her with love and own lives suitable wife for the Thai society must have versatile skills office to work do and housework effectively and manage her ti significant economic factor in the family. For this reason, she may not be able to fully which wives, as part of the creates such concepts of endurance and forgiveness to heal their feelings. They have to use their intellectual the wife is heavier than the home. She is like a 24/7 worker, who has endless work to do every day. endure, She must family well, and completely fulfill her role as a wife (like Aruna). In the meantime, she needs to t wife in do all the housework and look after her husband and children. suitable wife fo wife suitable terms of career and be able andknowledge to solve skills,husband, have her various possess posi suitable wife for the Thai society as the wife, who is strong, calm, and is able to deal with be morecapablemust than husband. the As will become husband and wife equality between women and men. wife” derived from their interpretation and actual experience and then define the most housewife, who looks after her husband well like informants Aruna. should make him men.

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215 Thai have

ho are that the d in the

the wife that thought the current society must be a support themselves n


usband and wife She should agree to do The single female key that .

ays attention to dharma and ey informants ferior in his eyes. She needs to having to follow the husband’s

thought . She should have the abilities and be in that allows men to be unfaithful and

. However, some of the key informants respect and honor her and help her take must have the following characteristics: without

will gnizing that the h

she structure (negotiated reading) or else

get married if they cannot find a good enough man.

that the most suitable wife for the Thai society must have

(negotiated reading)

as capable as her husband

. thought that the most suitable wife for the Thai society is the wife that is

the patriarchal social do not need to thought is able to keep up with digital technology, and p that, unlike Aruna, the most suitable wife for the Thai

There are authoritarian and feminist values and ideologies conceale It can be summarized that, in the opinions of the key informants, In the second group with no direct experience of being a wife, the married , women the current Thai society. The audience in each group perceives the equality between men and women differently as follows. The key informants in the first group, w equal power in the family and need to support each other; and 4) being aware that in the current Thai society women can stay single without marriage. audience’s definitions of “wife” and viewpoints regarding the most suitable wife for 1) surrendering to have more power than women; 2) accepting the role of looking after the husband and family but negotiating that the husband must care of the family and housework; 3) reco temples. is most suitable for the current Thai society should not easily give in to him, make him give in to her sometimes informants modern, male key informant time for her husband and children. The single male k most suitable wife for the Thai society must be like Aruna. everything, including changing herself, in order to be with her husband. However, she society Nowadays, women can live alone because they can earn money to (oppositional reading) power to lead the family, make decisions, express her opinions, break free from the control of the husband, and rely on herself orders all the time. Some of the key informants term “wife” is not only about the role of the support from her husband wife but also includes the love and thought working woman, who is

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. . is

the is a 216 that

gender is called eem

s may

level executives - It

that that men and women Many women commit

s flirtatious behavior is is called a slut, which

ive. s women have to quit their the living for the family

thought disadvantaged in many areas ed Thai society. still earn even though there is more the

Thai society still sees men as Sometime in and women are not truly equal; there that qual at work but women still have to do

. The who have the duty to raise children, do

women are thought relationships with many differentwomen manywith relationships capable in order to surv is not found that

who has many sexual partners and abilities to do anything, but, in fact, they are still sexual do. There are more and more talented and capable women

quality thought the elephant’s front legs too because they can earn money to taking care of children.

r e in almost every area freedom Gender Gender equality is widely perceived. In the past, men were the

not fully accept that women can be leaders. High Women must be

Gende “elephant’s hind legs,” prepare food, despite of the fact that men and women should help

a man who a manhas disparity in , whereas women are always blamed when flirting with men. Moreover, the

are not equal at birth. Women are still submissive to men. Men and women , compared to the past, in reality men her. There is also a misunderstanding that men’ On the other hand, some of the key informants Some of the key informants

gender Currently, Currently, women can be support the family like men are already equal. adultery but their husbands do not file lawsuits. At present, some women have more abilities than men. “elephant’s front legs” or family leaders, who household chores at home. In Thailand, people are taught that men do not need to do housework, unlike in foreign countries, which place equality. more importance on gender still a jobs to raise their children and take care of all the housework alone. Men tend to cheat more than women. Men and women may be e women may have equal legal rights but they are unequal in practice. equality dominated by men “elephant’s front legs,” although the world has changed. In many families, women may act like the leaders but they actually have far less decision power than men. Men still use their power and physical strength to rule and control women. Men and common Thai society does are mostly men. women have more women are the housework, and each ot wives in their real lives, For example, a womanizer, while a woman very harsh word. In terms of the role in the family, many families still believe that

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he all the 217 n of — s s Thai ’ In today

is wide open pportunities pportunities based ) because men and

depends on their behavior.

, although there are still some there is still inequality in that only about 20%

that Thai society

was just an ideal concept, which does was just which an ideal concept, the role ofthe women as a good wife and

thought thought present

equality . and each of them is given o

having having to be leaders or followers. living together should go soft on each other, but in

wn surname wn surname select the theyand title The want. phrase

that gender

, husbands are allowed use wives’ surnames and wives are men and women are more equal female protagonists thought that


Men and women . Th y y between men and women in marriage

Men are still superior to women. Women are afraid of being scolded and 1) in the family in order to reflect marriage life and gender problems in t

the role of women in the family, which is considered the basic institution


women can do everything that men can do. The key informants were satisfied

women women mostly give in to men. Men seem to have more power than men. are are equal regardless of gender In short, “The Fierce Wife” and “Mia (Wife) 2018” have female protagonists Equalit The single male key informants The single female key informants In the second group with no direct experience of being a wife, the married mother xt of Thai and societies Taiwanese Thai xt of present marriage marriage registration

e key informant informant e key suitability.

hat good conte t in society. gender disparities Their roles in the family will be equal or not depending on how they value, respect, support, and treat each other. reality reality Women should not easily give in or change themselves for men. Some informants of the key on Thai society. attacked by men. gender disparity in terms of job opportunities, physical strength, and the perceptio a long time.for remain will problem Thiswomen’s abilities. people with the equality between men and women. men andwith the between equality mal not exist in reality. Although it is said that men and women are equal, there is still a women are now equal. In terms of family life, the key informants help and support their spouses like friends, without society, today. In the Thai society, women are equal to men in many areas. For example, after the allowed to using continue their o “the elephant’s front and hind legs” is rarely seen (

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s a e, A in

218 being hidden because

and family not accept ed

nt that it is z

and and cultural i revolutionize the the wife. The

es , do quarrel quarrel and insult our lives are over. women

, it is normal for an wife relationships - in in the family and the ic, social about he values of polygamous

s care, the dramas create a myth to choose whether to break up with

norms. The wife has a better life as

Divorce Divorce does not mean power relation political, political, econom . committing committing adultery against social the will be gossiped about and critic

ue ue to changing social contexts arriage social approach. Considering t “wife,” “wife,” revolving around the terms “couple,” “ - . They are not socially accepted and have to stay

and patriarchal ideologies. The dramas prese

shared shared responsibility for child

’ communicate communicate the values and ideologies d in accordance with ,” “victim,” and “the elephant’s hind legs.” The role of the wife is

The dramas reflect The dramas reflect the e of family. Aruna once said that “It is outdated to parents iled marriage but we need to continue living.” The wife is given an is better than a bad m 3) 2) Those who are mistresses in in front of the child after divorce. We can be friends and good parents.

. s resolve Both dramas ivorce ivorce xt in Thai and Taiwanese societies, especially the husband break someone’s family sformed sformed from devoting herself to the family and enduring everything for the option, which is a new younger man. If she lived in the past, she would be negatively viewed as a “cougar.” At present, d maintains maintains a sens each other good d We have a fa dominated dominated by men tran family’s happiness into designing her own life as she wants, for example makes how wontons with her she own hands. The wife chooses to be a single mother but still situation i result of her goodness. Both dramas provide an option for the wife and the traditional meaning of the mistress or their wife. If they choose the mistress, they must divorce their wife. When the husband in these two dramas challenges the value of polygamous marriag he receives bad results. His career life and relationships with the mistress are ruined. He and the mistress are condemned as common for men to have an polygamy. affair, although the society still they in society. Married men who have an affair need to the audience using the pro marriage and that married men can have an affair with patriarchal other social woman, system which is in line with a conte the family authoritarian authoritarian and feminist values and ideologies that are transferred to the audience media.through the

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ful 219 (Nipon Wattana Sant is a emotional emotional faster and nother nother Director a both de facto and de y the drama producer ,

there is

, and screen writer ( was was signed, wife wife relationship - that they can solve the problem

The divorce scene is long and emotional. The up shot of the divorce certificate make the

- certificate that it is normal for married men to have an affair. thought ir ir husband

Sant Srikaewlaw)

(Wattana Weerayawattana, 2018)

thought mine their own solution while living in a patriarchal society.while living solution their own mine that that it is acceptable as long as it does not happen to them. If

elf to those values and ideologies. They learn about the struggles fter fter the divorce ne ne with the intention of the drama producer, director, and the end of the same same problem as Aruna, they may similarly solve the problem or at the district office.

have have a younger boyfriend or spouse. In order to emphasize that the ression ression and the close thought The audience also “Actually, the direction of this drama is determined b emphasizing emphasizing effectively effectively than the character does. This is considered an opening of a new This This is in li

space to for women deter and ideologies that the drama constructs as social realities. However, the does not surrender audience its and solutions until some of them more Some of them they encounter the even use a more violent solution. This indicates that the audience accepts the values family lover. He wants to communicate his subtext to the male audience. Pon Phewnen) emphasizes that this drama must give hope and options to women, have to rely on themselves” who Weerayawattana). All of them want to support the family options for all of institution the characters, including the and mistress, single mother, provide and unfaith husband. It is an alternative drama alternative about solutions. Everyone in this project thinks the marriage same way. life, which aims to provide screenwriter screenwriter to support the family institution and to provide an option for all of the their own lives. live to characters, especially women, (ONE Channel), director ( audience feel sad. A scene jure. older woman to wife is finally free from the husband’s bondage, Aruna asks Thada to formally sign a divorce certificate characters’ exp

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, s 220 traditional the original Strategy Strategy for and and political the the

, olitical, olitical, economic, Ministry Ministry of Social . The results of this social and family institutions the the

g to the

, ’s eading social, social, and mixed approaches associated associated with -

ist values and ideologies are must be continually carried out


s economic, oppositional r states states that women are human resources social, social, anti Therefore, Therefore, the development of women in nd Thailand, especially the relationships - , and This Study Study This

, which , and other related from problems and obstacles ngs ngs of these two dramas help to explain the main 2021 of of Taiwan a -

and “Mia (Wife) 2018” are successful TV dramas in Taiwan

s Affairs and Family Development ure ure of Thai people. 1) 1) Formulating women’s development policies at the national negotiated negotiated reading , to the Thai version. It also helps to clarify how the power relations

The recommendations for government agencies, especially the opment opment 2017 needs to take into account the obstacles and barriers to women’ the media’s direction and intention and the audience’s perception and

) Although women’s development in Thailand has advanced at a fast in Thailand. Particularly, the government needs to focus on adjusting


n important role in the country’ development development and empowerment of women nt nt of Women’ class class families in the digital age. The study of the new paradigm narrative and and cultural contexts 6.3.1 Recommendations 6.3.1 Recommendations Policy meanings meanings of “wife,” and the content, components, and p -

delineate “The “The Fierce Wife” Recommendations ,

construction construction of the meani

preferred reading the the next phase development development. pace, the because there are still so many values, beliefs, and cult interpretation interpretation of marriage and gender issues, which will be useful for the government in analyzing and determining appropriate Women’s policy Devel accordin that play a and how the audience perceives and interprets what the media intend to communicate by study between husband and wife in the family, which areTaiwanese drama transferred from in the family as well communicated to as the audience through pro authoritarian and femin the characters’ image and background (the husband, wife, and mistress), the construction of social include the following. level. and Thailand, which reflect the marriage and gender problems in Taiwanese and Thai middle Departme Development and Human Security 6.3

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

, - to to 2)

for 221 .

, the more more . The 2021) - land has focus on Women’s

viewpoints Thai in in accordance

rsons rsons are equal equally under the of All Forms of ifferent ifferent groups of

ll pe , public participation, Universal Universal Declaration those involved in media that that a to to encourage all member , , women’s empowerment, s, which will lead to

and and the audience’s attitude

Strategy Strategy Framework (2017

and the and to ensure that women will existing existing policies

, s attitude a mission to establish measures

also also gives importance to women’s inequality between d dition, dition, the government should

s quality of life creating creating more opportunities for women Year National 27 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of - public public understanding and participation 20 against women basic human rights

Building. Building. Thus, the government should promote uality, women’ international international measures


d reduction reduction of Peace development of people of all ages development of people of all

to place emphasis on enhancing the quality of life for

the United Nations and increased

the role of women in the family

determine , and In addition, states concerning en in national developments. The results of this research provide Declaration Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women National National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017

. The

party party to the Convention on the Elimination th

Participation Participation in , the . This is in line with the women’s development policies at the international level.

to to communicate appropriate messages for changing people’s in in economic and political activities, and encouraging private organizations

to to pay more attention to a a state enhance enhance the quality of women’s development according to the

(Department (Department of Women's Affairs and Family Development, 2017) and the 12

As community community organizations

jing Declaration for the Advancement of Women ccess to basic rights participation of wom basic information about gender equality Bei on Women and women’s development in an integrated and sustainable way and encourage equal law. Discrimination against Women, Thailand has eliminating all forms of discrimination be receive benefits and opportunities from the government based on the principles of and gender equality. Thailand B.E. 2560 before the law, and shall have rights and liberties and be protected tried to Development Plan development and has countries government should formulate new policies and adjust with the changes in Thai society and Thai people’ practical implementation Determining 2036) which placeimportanceon the a people helping keep women with up various changes by encouraging production toward women people’s attitudes toward gender eq participate and women and women’s empowerment. In ad

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

. - e 3)

222 . Th and how e dramas

are single

are that the

s Affairs and can can apply the presenting presenting and

in in order to maintain This drama presents class class family


than the criteria in the in order to make people

tuational tuational report of Thai he he results of this research si thers thers and help those that are Family Family Development, 2018) . T

lower in various media. The content of

television television stations Existing laws Existing laws should be revisedalso Ministry of Education 4) Proposing new laws on women’s having to rely on her husband related laws - a modern middle n useful for integrating the importance of Thai Thai society family Thai family’s strength. value is still

gender values the and

together with

ished ished by the Department of Women’ context context of family family communication approach

indicates indicates that most families in Thai society useful useful for drafting laws on women’s rights, the family t the international level in the correct direction. parents parents in providing love and care to children. Family a

can be used as a basic guideline for solving family problems should provide knowledge and information about the

role of 2018, which

Drama producers The recommendations for the (Department (Department of Women's Affairs and verage family strength

the family institution ) ) 2 1 family institution, and gender family equality. Television drama and the mass communication industry and the mass Television drama communication s strength the the husband and wife in the family and television dramas regarding family and gender issues, which are similar to th the family institution, gender equality, and morality into the educational curriculum. educational the and morality into equality, the family institution, gender findings of this research to adjust and improve their presentation of the role of provide basic information institution, and gender equality. results of this study provide basic informatio facing family problems in an appropriate way. rights, in accordance with the current learning centers that were establ Family Development importance of use the obtained knowledge to develop themselves and o aspects of showing love and care to family members and effective communication. The results of this study and determining an appropriate and improve the situation of the main character is family’ consistent with the parent families However, the a to solve family problems as a single mother. The audience perceives and interprets that the main character or the wife is a strong single mother, who has the courage to make decisions and live her own life without towards gender equality, which is beneficial to the government addressing in these issues Establishing policies for enhancing the relationships between husband and wife in

NIDA E-THESIS 5921831006 dissertation / recv: 31082563 13:05:12 / seq: 36 3309543030

. s ’ of as 223 s and about women women

direction Women , . By doing , single and live live happily local women’s In addition,

can can . current current situation and creative , have missions to monitor, women and men that that place importance on the

in line with changing social family family and gender issues and

, family problems, and social around around the world, the results

in the digital age People of all ages

parents and children, who are part of

, prevent prevent discrimination against in an appropriate organizations

. ordance with the social context Women Women Lawyers Association of Thailand various activities to promote viewers -

g of viewers content content related to . They should be aware of

social Women Network Reshaping Thailand in acc gender inequality is important. , and Her Her Majesty the Queen . The research results can be extended to study the Civil


family. family. viewers viewers and non

of the family and women’s issues in order to determine the

the diverse needs Content producers on various platforms can use the results of this The findings of this research will enable Aside from the media and television industry, the results of this study

) ) ) 2 1 2 dramas dramas are increasingly bought and sold Everyone Everyone has a role and and suit s perception Civil society sectorCivil society , wives, and the levision dramasto levision to live to with live and dignity equality a family institution, to better understand each other and to learn to solve problems and conflicts. of a good life. quality and have together in society married people, drama people’ direction of development activities this, it will make the Thai society develop Moreover, it will help to reduce in Thailand. They should participate in promoting the development of women’s roles and their quality of life and organizin rights family and women issues, including Network Organization of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of oversee, and give advice to women in order to help to communicate social issues, equality, to the especially wider public, which family will lead to relationships a change of social and paradigm women gender research as a guideline for producing engagement. audience creating positive Chinese and Taiwanese societies social context of other countries, which will be useful for developing and exporting Thai te in this study, should be appropriately produced to be contexts television this research will make Thai drama producers better understand the context of

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and and 224 reduce reduce role of

e e results of this should investigate other

. s. Future research

socioeconomic socioeconomic context Future research should study the audience’s perception Future research should investigate the role of men as husbands and The two television dramas that were analyzed in this research present

) ) ) of women in different roles, such as single women and single mothers, 2 3 1

6.3.2 Recommendations for6.3.2 Recommendations Future Research

of meanings and explore the causes of the of differences. the causes of meanings and explore the role of children in the family in various dimensions in that are concealed. valuesideologies and order to explore social interpretation and then compare the obtained results with the results of this research and the women in real life in order to find the similarities and differences in the construction television television dramas that demonstrate the role of women as wives in different contexts and analyze their narrative components, the hidden values and ideologies, construction and of the the meanings of “wife” that may different from research. th the role of women as wives in Thai and Taiwanese characteristics and families, which have specific perform their roles in accordance with the current social context in order to society a happy and create family problems

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” h your life? h your nterpretations of the I

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“ L 20 years

Married Bangkok

59 years iews about the iews about

- “Mia (Wife) 2018”, Aruna was a working age woman. She V

50 Male Less than erceptions and

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Single ......

udience’s udience’s

A In the drama What do you think about Aruna’s traits What is the role of the What is your opinion about Aruna’s How How are the wife’s relationships with her husband and daughter? (What is What is your opinion about the contents of the drama? ofyour opinion about thecontents the What is Why did you like watching the drama “Mia (Wife) 2018”? “Mia (Wife) 2018”? theWhy did you likedrama watching drama? the of opinionabout the What your narrative is Apart from watching the drama on TV, through which channels did you onstructed through the Education you have withWhat did the drama? kinds of your engagement wit to engage motivation What were your factors C 49 years 15. 16. 17. 13 . 14. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 2. Age 3. Hometown 4. Status 5. Occupation 6. 1. Gender

- ) 3: Audience’s 2: The 1: Demographic Data 1: Demographic

40 your relationship with your husband and children, or other family members, like in your real life?) traits? wit and differencessimilarities compared occupation of the wife affected her family and how? (What about in your real life?) of dressing?) had burdens both inside and outside the family. Do you think that the age and Part watch the drama “Mia (Wife) 2018”? “Mia (Wife) 2018”? watch the drama Part Part

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237 hand hand - nation

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W be in the current Thai society? current Thai be in the ” wife mean? mean? How are a wife’s roles important for the family “

” wife “ wife Mia (Wife) 2018” mean? 2018” (Wife) Mia reflect the Thai society? the Thai reflect “ “ uestions about uestions

Q onnection the between De jure and de facto wives de facto De jure and C Do you think Aruna was good, bad, or good and bad in combi tions in the brackets were only asked to key informants with first ( To what extent is the drama similar to your real life, What does What benefits did you receive from watching the drama? What aspects of What you do think about the married man finding a new lover in the drama What is your ideal What is aWhat should Apart from the above mentioned, what else do you perceive about Aruna? about Aruna? else perceive you Apart mentioned, what from the do above What does

25. 26. 22. 23. 24. 19. 20. 21. 18. Ques

5 General 4 The 4 The :

experience Note Part or Thai society? problems in the same way as Aruna, or not, and how? or not, and how? as Aruna, way the same inproblems you thinkthe drama to and in the Thai society at present? societyand in the at Thai persons who you know? If your real life is similar to Aruna’s, would you solve the Part depending on the situation? (What are the similarities and differences between Aruna and you?)

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ecretariat of the House of the Representatives ecretariat House of Communication) (2005) Thailand University,Ramkhamhaeng Bangkok, Arts (Chinese Language) Bachelor of of China RepublicHuaqiao University, Xiamen, People's (2012) Level Senior Professional Foreign Affairs Officer, The S (2004 The National Assemblyof Thailand Sirasa Chalainanont Honours)(2nd Class Accounting Bachelor of Bangkok, Thailand (1994) University, Chulalongkorn and Communication) Master (Language of Arts Administration, ofNationalInstitute Development (2002) Bangkok, Thailand in EnglishArts (Major Bachelor of


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