The Physicians’ Oath through the Eyes of the Bulgarian Medical Students: Empirical Survey Juliana Krumova Marinova (
[email protected] ) Trakijski Universitet Stara Zagora Boryana Mitkova Parashkevova-Simeonova Trakia University, Stara Zagira Galya Dimitrova Chamova Trakia Universty, Stara Zagora Galina Ilieva Petrova Trakia University, Stara Zagora Vanya Bancheva Slavova Trakia University, Stara Zagora Krasimira Tosheva Benkova Trakijski Universitet Stara Zagora Research article Keywords: Hippocratic Oath, Declaration of Geneva, Medical ethics, Medical students, Self-administered questionnaire, Perceptions, Preferences Posted Date: August 9th, 2019 DOI: License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Read Full License Page 1/17 Abstract Background Upon graduation physicians in Bulgaria are required by law to take the Hippocratic Oath and its’ different adapted variants are used in the medical schools. The goal of this survey was to investigate medical students’ in 4th, 5th and 6th year of their undergraduate training perception and preferences about the two versions: the adapted Hippocratic Oath currently used in one medical school (Version-1) and the newly-revised Declaration of Geneva “The Physician’s Pledge”, 2017 (Version-2). Methods An empirical survey was carried out, using direct individual self-administered questionnaire from February to April 2018. Students’ lists of total 239 medical students provided by the institution’s authority were used. 183 students responded (total response rate of 76.57%). Methods of descriptive and analytical statistics were used based on the nature of the data: relative frequency distributions, Pearson Chi-Square nonparametric test for hypothesis assessment – statistical signicance was set at p<0.05.