EPISTLE FROM THE FRIENDS CHURCH (QUAKERS) AUGUST 28 TO SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 To Friends Everywhere Dear Friends, We, more than 100 delegates from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and the USA have gathered at the Kimidi Friends School, for the 33rd Annual Conference. We had representatives from the FUM, FWCC, USFW, YFP, YQCA, and Quakermen International. Our Presiding Clerk Paul Kuloba opened the conference sessions under heavy storms in this flat region that is famous for and rich in paddy growing.

The venue, our school is located in , bordered by & District (north), Tororo to (northeast), Busia (east), (southeast), (southwest) & District (west). Bugiri, is located 77 kilometres (48 miles), east of Jinja, the River Nile source. The land is characterized by gentle undulating hills with few higher residual features. Another feature of the district is its location in a flat & rolling topographical zone with 90% of its landmass constituting the drainage basins of & Lake Kyoga. As a result, there are numerous swamps that crisscross the road network, increasing the cost of transport especially for evangelism. Bugiri District is part of the Kingdom, one of the constitutionally recognised kingdoms in Uganda. The people of Busoga are friendly. The climate is cool and supports organic food production, including mainly rice, fruits, matoke, , , sweet potatoes etc.

Our Theme was based on Genesis 24:40 (Walking With God). Our Speaker was Pastor Christopher Wabuula (right) who urged the delegates to live righteously to walk well with God.

Mama Eileen Malova from Kakamega YM prayed for the new Nominating Committee

She also spoke about the characteristics of a model Christian Family. Her presider was USFW Uganda Clerk Sylvia Wopicho

The Africa Ministries Office Director John Muhanji inspired our people with the need for revival of the Friends Church Uganda. John urged Quaker leaders to register for the Africa Pastors Conference in Mwanza, TZ in December 2019 & the FUM 2020 July Triennial in Kisumu. He was accompanied by his son Alan plus FUM Program Officers Katrina & Shawn McConaughey

The FWCC Africa Section Clerk Bainito Wamalwa expressed his organisation’s solidarity for the Friends Church Uganda (Quakers). He urged the delegates to participate in the October 6, 2019 World Quaker Day (Theme: Sustainability: Planting seeds of renewal for the world we love). He also urged delegates to attend the Africa Pastors Conference in Mwanza, TZ in December 2019 & the 2020 July FUM Triennial in Kisumu, Kenya.

We were very happy to see Mama Agneta Injairu again (Malava YM). Pastors Agneta, Eileen malova and our New England YM Friend-USA Marian Baker have been very instrumental in helping the Friends Church Uganda rebuild our Sunday School by assisting us train our Teachers

The new Kakamega YM Clerk Paul Kisiangani, a private agribusiness advisor & consultant taught our people what modern farming seeks to achieve including to increase production for food security, increase income earned from sales, reduce post- harvest losses, create farming, employment for rural communities. He said that some high income potential technologies include fish farming, tissue culture, hydroponics, green house farming, composting, herbs/spices production & fruit & tree nursery

The Friends Church Uganda (Quakers) Trustees Chairperson Apollo Wopicho taught about Leadership Challenges in the Church. The former Uganda Friends Church Clerk outlined types of leadership including Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-faires & Task-oriented. He stressed that leadership skills include communication, awareness, honesty/integrity, innovativeness. He urged Quaker leaders to stick to the Quaker Core values of SPICES (Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Environment & Stewardship)

Some of our Guests including Pastors encouraged our people:

Pastor Joseph Shamala from Kakamega YM warned the Friends Church Uganda against splitting into more Yearly Meetings. “How To Remain United A Church – A Case Study of the Kenyan Yearly Meetings”, he warned quoting James 1:1-3 (What causes fights & quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you. You want something but you don’t get it, you kill & covet…You quarrel & fight. You do not ask God…”)

Our Kimidi School Headteacher Harriet Taaka Welcomed all! A FTC Kaimosi Student Pastor/Tuloi YM Sunday Church School Teacher Sarah Anusu prayed for our Children/Teachers!

Pastors Stephen Wamboka from the Evangelical Church & Ephraim from Friends Church Tanzania prayed for Unity!

One of the highlights of our conference was the practical presentation on FORGIVENESS by our Friend Pastor Shawn McConaughey. He based his teaching on Matthew 18: 21-35. “…Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times…This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” He used a chain to demonstrate the bondage caused by the lack of forgiveness.

Pastor Shawn graciously accepted to stand in for Dr. Robert J. Wafula who was scheduled to speak on CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN THE QUAKER CHURCH AND BEYOND. But he lost a very close relative of his lovely wife, Nancy Wafula. Our Conference held them in prayer. Dr. Wafula is very instrumental in the rebuilding of the Friends Church Uganda (Quakers).

We had powerful praise and worship sessions

Then the Friends Church Uganda Nominating Committee released its search results (from left): George Wamashu (Recording Clerk), Julius Nambafu (Treasurer), Kevin Muyonga (Secretary Service Commission), Paul Kuloba (Presiding Clerk), Petwa Namukoye (Sunday School/Women), Alfred Wasike (General Secretary). Those not in this photo are: George Odoi (Vice Clerk) & James Wakhata (Secretary Finance & Stewardship). Our Friend Katrina (not in picture) prayed for these leaders.

…then we had a sumptuous lunch for our guests…

…we had some nice photo shoot moments… (From left) Stella Odoi, Katrina McConaughey, Alfred Wasike, George Odoi &

our young Friends using Matoke stems for cars.

…then we had a combined General & Executive Board Meeting…

…to review the 2019 Friends Church Uganda (Quakers) Annual Conference, review our old agenda and set our new agenda for the next three years…we need to spread (evangelism especially in Northern, Western) the Church in Uganda, work on income generation to raise our financial base through Quaker Family households, infrastructure development (construction of Churches, schools), training, empower our Sunday Church School, Youth, USFW Uganda, Quakermen and reach out to our international Friends, among others…

Our next Conferences are to take place in some of these venues: Mbale Friends Church

Semuto Friends Church

(Above) We are praying that God continues to bless us so that we can complete our Semuto Friends Church located about 46 kilometres north of .

Muyomba Friends Church 10 kilometres north of Kampala

God Bless You All for Supporting the Work of God in Uganda

Presiding Clerk General Secretary Paul Kuloba Alfred Wasike September 2, 2019