Reports 2020; volume 10:8388

Discriminant value of %micro- includes the (CBC), cytic cells/%hypochromic cells since the advent of automation different dis- Correspondence: Eloísa Urrechaga, criminant formulas have been published Haematology Laboratory, Hospital Galdakao ratio in the differential diagnosis derived from red cell parameters reported – Usansolo, 48960 Galdakao, Vizcaya, Spain. of microcytic anemia by counters.3-6 Tel.: +34.94.400.7102 - Fax: +34.94.400.7128. E-mail: [email protected] These indices, rapidly obtained and Eloísa Urrechaga inexpensive, can be effective for use as a Acknowledgments: the author would like to preliminary screening tool for selecting sus- thank Mindray Diagnostics for the opportuni- Haematology Laboratory, Hospital picious samples for further confirm the dis- ty to use the counter 6800 Plus. Galdakao - Usansolo, Galdakao, ease, using more expensive and sophisticat- Vizcaya, Spain ed analysis. One of the simplest and yet Key words: Anemia; discriminant formulae; most powerful discriminant functions is the deficiency; thalassemia. ratio of microcytic to hypochromic red 7 Conflicts of interest: the author has no con- Abstract blood cells (RBC), the MH ratio. flicts of interest to disclose and is responsible Measurement of microcytic and The Mindray 6800 Plus analyzer reports for the content of the manuscript. hypochromic RBC was first offered in red cells (RBC) extended parameters, which Technicon hematology analyzers, now Received for publication: 12 July 2019. represent the subsets of erythrocytes. We Advia (Siemens Medical).8 The improve- Accepted for publication: 18 December 2019. aimed to evaluate the reliability of RBC ment of differentiation between BTT and extended parameters in the differential This work is licensed under a Creative IDA was soon recognized.9-11 diagnosis of microcytic anemia. The learn- Commons Attribution 4.0 License (by-nc 4.0). A new software version was made ing set comprised samples from 250 available for the BC 6800 Plus analyzer © patients with microcytic anemia mean cell Copyright: the Author(s), 2020 (Mindray Diagnostics, Shenzhen, China) volume <80 fL. MH ratio (%microcytic Licensee PAGEPress, Italy cells/%hypochromic cells) and other dis- allowing the measurement of RBC subsets. Thalassemia Reports 2020; 10:8388 doi:10.4081/thal.2020.8388 criminant functions were calculated. Also a scatterplot (the so-called Mie map) is only Optimal cut offs were established using displayed, where each dot represents a sin- receiver operator curves. This value was gle cell; in this graph cell volume values are used in the validation set of 135 patients 50 plotted along the y axis and the cell Hb con- present study. This practice is in accordance carriers and 85 with mild iron deficiency centration along x axis. use with the guidelines established by the Ethic anemia (IDA). Area under the curve 0.945 Our aim was to prospectively evaluate Committee at Galdakao-Usansolo Hospital, (95% confidence interval 0.890 to 0.977), the M/H ratio as measured on Mindray BC so the study obtained the ethics approval cut off >10 rendered the best Youden index 6800 Plus as a discriminant index for the from the Research Ethics Committee in (0.798), sensitivity 93.2%, specificity differential diagnosis of microcytic anemia. Barrualde-Interior District IHO (Biscay, 86.2%. In the validation set using MH ratio The MH ratio was compared with other for- Spain). >10, 45 in 50 patients were correctly classi- mulas regarding their ability to screen those fied as carriers. All of 40 beta carriers were samples that would need additional tests to Laboratory methods correctly classified, while the 5 false nega- confirm the presumptive diagnosis of tha- Venous blood samples were drawn into lassemia. tives resulted to be alpha carriers. In the evacuated tubes containing K2-EDTA IDA group 5 patients had MH ratio >10 and (VacutainerTM Becton-Dickinson, Rutherford, thus considered carriers, but all of them had NJ, USA), kept at ambient temperature and Hyper <3%. The combination of MH ratio Patients and methods processed within 6 h from the time of blood >10 and %Hyper <3% correctly classified Criteria for selecting the groups of collection. Extended RBC parameters were 100% of IDA patients. An algorithm patients measured in the reticulocytes mode of a derived from RBC extended parameters The criteria for inclusion was age older Mindray BC 6800 Plus. The analyzer was provided by the Mindray 6800 PlusNon-commercial analyz- than 18 years, and no iron therapy nor trans- calibrated, controlled, and maintained er could be a useful tool in the differential fusion in the previous month. according to the manufacturer’s recommen- diagnosis of microcytic anemia. Healthy subjects: samples from appar- dations. Optical alignment was also per- ently healthy subjects were obtained in the formed and verified before the stat of the course of routine analysis. Blood cell counts study. Introduction and biochemical iron tests results were Biochemical tests of iron status ( The most commonly encountered disor- within the . iron, , and ) were meas- ders with mild microcytic anemia are iron Subjects with mild IDA: females ured using standard methods in a Cobas deficiency anemia (IDA) and β-thalassemia Hb<120 g/L, males Hb<130 g/L, C reactive c711 analyzer (Roche Diagnostics, trait (BTT).1 The differentiation between protein <5 mg/L, ferritin <15 µg/L and/or Mannheim, Germany). Hemoglobin-A2 IDA and microcytosis due to a genetic <20 %. was assayed using high pressure chro- cause has important clinical implications, to Patients with Hb<90 g/L were excluded, matography HPLC in an Arkray HA 8180 T improve the overall management of the dis- because these cases are not confused with analyzer (Menarini Diagnostics, Firenze, ease, with an appropriate screening, detec- BTT in our daily practice. Italy). tion of patients and counsel of couples at β thalassemia carriers: samples from risk, and also to avoid unnecessary poten- consecutive patients with a previous diag- Statistical analysis tially harmful iron therapy in carriers.2 nosis of the disease. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was This differential diagnosis can be a After the requested tests had been com- used for assessing normality of data distri- diagnostic dilemma, initial evaluation pleted, we used the residual samples for the butions.

[Thalassemia Reports 2020; 10:8388] [page 3] Article

Differences among groups were exam- Table 1. Hematological and biochemical parameters in the study group, healthy, β thalassemia carriers and iron deficiency (IDA) patients. ined using Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA; P val- ues <0.05 were considered statistically sig- Healthy IDA Thalassemia nificant. Bonferroni correction was applied Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range for post-hoc comparisons of outcomes RBC (1012/L) 4.9 4.3-5.7 4.67 3.5-5.7 5.8 5.0-6.9 between each pair of groups. Hb (g/L) 154 141-169 105 98-118 126 100-140 Diagnostic performance of the indices in the learning set was determined using MCV (fL) 91.1 81.6-95.3 70 64.3-79.1 66.1 62.2-74.5 receiver operator characteristics (ROC) MCH (pg) 31.3 27.4-35.4 21.8 14.6-27.5 21.5 19.3-24.5 curves; ROC curves were compared using MCHC (g/L) 343 331-35.4 315 285-344 337 323-363 the DeLong method. In the validation set, RDW (%) 12.4 11.3-13.5 17.5 15.2-20.0 16.2 14.1-18.0 we calculated the amount of correct classi- Microcytic (%) 0.41 0.2-2.7 10.8 1.0-10.9 26.4 19.6-39.1 fications, using the results from the learning Hypochromic (%) 0.15 0-0.4 3.2 1.2-18.8 1.1 0.6-2.5 set and the final diagnosis. All statistical procedures were per- Hyperchromic (%) 0.5 0-0.9 1.5 0.4-2.8 5.0 2.0-7.8 formed using MedCalc Statistical Software, MH ratio 4.6 0.1-27.8 15.1 4.3-54 version 17.6 (MedCalc Software bvba, RBC, red blood cells; Hb, ; MCV, mean cellr volume; MCH, mean cell hemoglobin; MCHC, mean cell hemoglobin concentration; Ostend, Belgium). RDW, red cell distribution width; MH ratio, % microcytic/ % hypochromic.

Results During the learning phase of the study, Table 2. Indices evaluated, England and Fraser (E&F), Green and King (G&K), Mentzer 250 patients with microcytic anemia, 150 (M), Ricerca (R), Mathematical formulae and cut offs as defined in the original published patients IDA 100 patients with BTT, and reports. 100 healthy subjects were selected. only Healthy subjects: 58% female, 42% INDICES IDA Thalassemia male; 22-62 years, mean 45 years. E&F = MCV – RBC – 5xHb – 3.4 >0 < 0 Subjects with mild IDA: 28% male, 72 G&K = MCV2 x RDW / 100 x Hb >65 <65 % female; age 18-68 years, mean 38 years. use M = MCV / RBC >13 <13 β thalassemia carriers: 45 % male, 55 % female ; age 18-82 years, mean 53 years. R = RDW / RBC >4.4 <4.4 Differences of standard and extended RBC, red blood cells, Hb, hemoglobin; MCV, mean cell volume; MCH, mean cell hemoglobin; RDW, red cell distribution width. RBC parameters among groups were found to be significant (P<0.0001). Table 1 illustrates the Hematological and biochemical parameters in the study group. Table 2 presents the indices evaluat- Table 3. Comparison of discriminant functions for identifying thalassemia carriers in a set of patients with microcytic anemia in the learning group:150 patients with mild iron ed, including mathematical formulae and deficiency anemia and 100 β thalassemia carriers. cut offs published by authors in their origi- nal papers. Table 3 summarizes the ROC INDEX AUC 95 %CI Cutoff Sensitivity Specificity curve analysis results, AUC comparison Englang Frazer 0.899 0.882-0.930 0 80.0 87.5 P<0.0001 (Figure 1). Green King 0.909 0.891-0.936 65 90.0 83.7 MH ratio provided the best area under Mentzer 0.905 0.869-0.922 13 86.7 84.2 the ROC curve (AUC) of all indices 0.945 (95% confidence interval 0.890 to Non-commercial0.977) , Ricerca 0.838 0.799-0.83 4.4 83.3 78.8 cut off >10, sensitivity 93.2%, specificity MH ratio 0.945 0.890-0.977 10 93.2 86.2 86.2% and the best Youden index (0.798) AUC, area under curve; CI, confidence interval. (Table 4). This cut off, MH ratio >10, was employed to classify the validation group, Table 4. Sensitivity and specificity MH ratio at various cut off values which included 135 patients with microcyt- ic anemia , 50 carriers (40 β, 10 α) and 85 Cut off Sensitivity % 95% CI Specificity % 95% CI with IDA. >6.0 100.0 91.8 – 100.0 65.1 54.1 – 75.9 In the genetic anemia group, 45/50 >6.5 95.3 84.2 – 99.4 78.8 66.4 – 88.0 patients were correctly classified as carri- ers; all of 40 β carriers were correctly clas- >8.5 95.3 84.2 – 99.4 82.7 73.2 – 90.0 sified, while 5 α carriers resulted false neg- >9.0 93,0 80.9 - 98,5 82.7 73.2 – 90.0 ative. >10 93.0 80.9 – 98.5 86.8 77.1 – 92.7 In the IDA group 5 patients had MH >10.5 90.7 77.9 – 97.4 86.8 77.1 – 92.7 ratio>10 and thus considered carriers, but >11,0 90.7 77.9 – 97.4 87.3 78.5 – 93.5 all of them had Hyper <3%. The combina- >11.5 83.7 69.3 – 93.2 87.3 78.5 – 93.5 tion of MH ratio >10 and %Hyper <3% cor- rectly classified 100% of IDA patients. >12.0 83.7 69.3 – 93.2 94.2 87.1 – 98.1 CI, confidence interval.

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offer similar parameters in their analyzers. with the MH ratio values reported in the lat- Discussion and Conclusions One of these is the CELL-DYN Sapphire ter, and the percentages of microcytic and The advantages of technology in char- analyzer (Abbott Diagnostics, Santa Clara, hypochromic cells in both groups resulted acterizing red cells allowed the introduction CA, USA), which reports RBC and reticu- to be similar. of additional parameters. The application of locyte parameters that show a high degree Cut offs by Technicon and Siemens ana- these parameters and their impact on diag- of correlation with those of the Advia, lyzers are rather different to the value found nosis and patient management has been although the absolute values differ because in the present study: MH ratio >10, ten folds 15 established in certain clinical conditions of differences in technology, which the first report, the main discrepancy is the such as microcytic anemia.12 include the laser wavelength, the number hypochromic cells count. Flow cytometry provides information and degrees of the angles of diffracted light, The fact that the previous reports about individual cell characteristics, in the algorithms applied to translate the opti- included patients with severe and mild ane- addition to calculated average values of the cal signals. mia can explain the different hypochromic 10 total RBC: cell by cell individual optical Due to the mentioned differences and cells count and thus MH ratio. signals are measured.13 The forward-scat- the lack of international standardization, Also the technical differences and cal- tered (or low angle) light is directly propor- instrument-specific reference ranges and culation algorithms used in the diverse tional to the cell size. The side-scattered (or clinical decision values for each analyzer counters can play a part in these different high angle) light indicates the internal cell brands are mandatory; this implies that lab- cut off values reported. structure and complexity of the cells.14 oratories using other equipment than Advia Analytical interferences can result in a Good separation of the cell subpopulations need to establish the performance of their falsely high count of hypochromic cells; the allows an accurate quantitation of RBC sub- own analyzer’s extended parameters.15 higher count in the Technicon analyzer sets leading to RBC extended parameters, This need is evident when analyzing the could tribute to the measurement of cells or along with standard CBC, based in imped- values of MH ratio published as the best cut particles along with hypochromic cells: ance. offs over decades and employing different RBC fragments, cell debris , platelets, ghost As previously exposed, the first hema- instruments. cells. tology analyzer to introduce the optical The first attempt to use the RBC onlyThe superiority of the MH ratio over measurements using multidimensional light extended parameters rendered a cut off >1, other discriminant indices has been objec- scatter by sphered RBC, following Mie the- which means a higher amount of microcytes tively proven.7 This discriminant power can ory principles, was the Technicon H*1, than hypochromic cells.10 The best cut off be explained because percentages of nowadays the Advia series (Siemens for Advia counter was found to be MHuse ratio hypochromic erythrocytes and microcytes Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany) >3.7, while for CELL DYN Sapphire MH expand information at a cellular level: RBC (Siemens).8 ratio >6.4 performed best,16-18 The results in subsets give insights of physiology underly- Later, other manufacturers started to the present study show better correlation ing microcytic anemia, and a significant


Figure 1. Comparison of discriminant functions for identifying Figure 2. On the V/HC cytogram, Mie map, Hb concentration is thalassemia carriers in a set of patients with microcytic anemia: plotted along the x axis and cell volume is plotted along the y axis. 150 patients with mild iron deficiency anemia and 100 β tha- Only red blood cells appear on this cytogram. Markers organize lassemia carriers. the cytogram into 9 distinct areas of morphology. On the x axis, Hb concentration markers are set at 28.0 g/dL and 41.0 g/dL. RBC with a Hb concentration < 28.0 g/dL are hypochromic, while cells with a Hb concentration > 41.0 g/dL are hyperchromic. On the y axis, RBC volume markers are set at 60 fL and 120 fL. RBC with a volume < 60.0 fL are microcytic, while cells with a volume > 120.0 fL are macrocytic.

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