1950 Xltdver^Tyofscjsantefi N

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1950 Xltdver^Tyofscjsantefi N 1950 XLtdver^tyofScjsantefi n % ^\;^ a •",/ "THE WINDHOVER"... I caught this morning morning's minion, king­ dom of dayhght's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon in his riding Of the rolling level underneath steady air, and striding High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing. As a skate's heel sweeps smooth on a bow-ben: the hurl and gliding Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding Stirred for a bird—the achieve of, the mastery of the thing! . 'To Christ Our Lord'' Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here Buckle! And the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion Times told lovelier, more dangerous. O my chevalier! No wonder of it: sheer plod makes plough down sillion Shine, and blue-black embers, ah my dear. Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. —Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ. I, * .Sf ,! v'>iA.,t,* THE PLACE . ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, in Downtown Scran+on 74061 ,** t^' V , r. i 'U-''f\ » I ;iin '.s. • SCRANTON ESTATE The Jesuit Faculty Residence ARTS BUILDING, In the New Linden Street Area DEDICATION... WW'-'W^W^-^':'-:VS?;}- •• •"•a-- nv-.V; ;•;;?' ',Sik^'iES|g<:S^^aSS^S?!*5^?«»!?5^sai #1-V" •.:K'-. m^ • tijlH"* J/l^'S;^^i^i^^ii^'*^««^* i-^' I n this significant year of 1950, We, the Senior Class, are privileged to commemorate the twenty-five years of sterling devotion to the University of Scranton by our beloved Registrar, Frank J. O'Hara ADMINISTRATION • Officers Faculty • Staff VERY /REVEREND J. EUGENE GALLERY, S.J. President of The University of Scranton OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY VERY REVEREND J. EUGENE GALLERY, S.J., PH.D., LL.D President REVEREND DAVID T. MADDEN, S.J. Administrative Assistant to the President REVEREND JOHN E. WISE, S.J. Vice-President, Dean of Studies REVEREND JOSEPH A. CAWLEY, S.J. Secretary REVEREND KENNETH L. GRAHAM, S.J Treasurer REVEREND JOHN J. CONIFF, S.J. Dean of Men REVEREND F. JOSEPH KERR, S.J Student Counselor REVEREND RICHARD F. GRADY, S.J. Dean of Evening School FRANK J. O'HARA Assistant to the President; Registrar BOARD OF REGENTS VERY REVEREND J. EUGENE GALLERY, S.J. Chairman FRANK J. O'HARA Secretary JOHN J. APONICK DAVID T. MADDEN JOSEPH G. CASEY JOHN E. WISE WILLIAM R. CASTLE MICHAEL J. MARTIN JOSEPH A. CAWLEY F. JOSEPH KERR JOHN J. CONIFF A. BLAIR PLATT JOHN F. LENNY FRANK C. WALKER GEORGE M. D. LEWIS EDWARD W. WARREN "i*' REV. JOHN E. WISE, S.J. Dean of Studies FRANK J. O'HARA Registrar REV. JOSEPH KERR, S.J. REV. JOHN J. CONIFF, S.J. Student Counselor Dean of Men FRANCIS R. SCHERER, S.J. REV. RICHARD F. GRADY, S.J. Dean of Discipline Dean of Night School Assistant Dean of Men Assistant Dean of Studies RELIGION—Top: Department Head, Rev. William J. Herlihy, S.J., A.B., M.A., S.T.L; Rev. William L Donovan, A.B.; Rev. William J. Giroux, A.B., S.T.B.; Rev. Joseph A. Griffin, M.A., Ph.D.; Rev. Stanislaus J. Kolucki, A.B., S.T.B. Botton: Rev. Joseph F. Meier, A.B.; Rev. Joseph Shaughnessy, A.B. Also in Department: Rev. James McAndrew, A.B.; Rev. Joseph A. Kerr, S.J., M.A., S.T.L. FACULTY PHILOSOPHY—Top: Department Head, Rev. John A. Jacklin, S.J., M.A. Second row: Rev. John J. Coniff, S.J., M.A., Ph.D.; Rev. W. Murray Cunningham, S.J., A.B., Ph.L., S.T.L. Bottom: William R. Davey, M.A., Rev. James F. Dougherty, S.J., M.A.; William L. Kelly, M.A.; Rev. Frederick D. Scott, S.J., A.B., Ph.L. S.T.L; Rev. Charles B. Trundle, S.J., M.A., Ph.L, S.T.L LANGUAGES—Top: Department Head, David G. Sherman, A.B., Litt. I., Ph.D.; Rev. Joseph P. Beleckas, S.J., S.T.L, Ph.D.; Frank A. Cimini, A.B.; Antanas Kuchas, M.A., Ph.D.; John McKenna, A.B., M.A. Second row: Mrs. Eleanor Rozajeski, A.B.; Dante S. Sena, M.A. Bottom: Anthony A. Vaiciulaitis, Utt. I. F' /* FACULTY m. HISTORY—Department Head Clarence C. Walton, M.A., Ph.D.; Francis C. Brown, M.A.; Francis X. Gerrity, M.A.; Eugene M.I Langan, A.B.; Timothy H. Scully, M.A. Also in department: AntoninI S. Kalina, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. \ m^lM ENGLISH—Top: Department Head, Rev. Richard F. Grady, S.J., M.A., LS.T., Ph.D.; Joseph F. Belvedere, M.A.; Edward J. Burke, M.Ed.; Joseph B. CuUather, M.A.; John A. Huzzard, B.S. Second :i3>;-- • •- row: Vincent J. McCoola, M.A.; Thomas V. O'Leary, A.B. Third row: Lawrence J. Pontrelli, M.A.; John Vournakes, M.A. Bottom: Edward A. Watts, M.A. Also in department: Margaret M. Durkin, Ed.M. '-^ « FACULTY :^s^?~ SOCIAL SCIENCE—Department Head, Vincent V. Mott, M.A.; John J. Baldi, M.S.S.W.; William F. Bugden, A.B. Also in department: John J. Reilly, M.A.; Thomas G. Sheehan, A.B., Litt. I. ARTS AND LIBRARY—Top: Department Head, Robert E. O'Brien, S.J., A.B., Ph.L.; Terrance F. Gallagher, A.B.; Lawrence A. Mann, A.B., M.A.; Catherine A. McDonough, A.B.; Marianne McTighe, B.S. Second row: Mildred A. Norton, B.S.; Librarian, Josephine M. Savaro, A.B., B.S. in L.S. Bottom: Angelina T. Scardamaglia, A.B. FACULTY BIOLOGY—Department Head, Leonard N. Wolf, M.S., Ph.D.; Paul R. Beining, S.J., B.S.; Rev. James L. Harley, S.J., M.A., M.S.; Elmer M. Kruper, A.B.; Louis Reiser, B.S. m :">.•• CHEMISTRY—Top: Department Head, Rev. Joseph A. Cawley, S.J., M.A., Ph.L; Umbay H. Burti, B.S.; Ernest N. Lamberti, B.S.; Thomas G. Murray, B.S.; Joseph P. Neary, B.S., M.S. Bottom: Joseph A. Wolski, B.S. Also in department: Daniel Murphy, B.S., M.S.; Francis Witcofski, B.S., M.S. FACULTY ENGINEERING—Top: Department Head, Andrew W. Plonsky, B.S., M.S. in E.E. Botton: Edward F. Bartley, B.S.; John M. Beau­ mont, M.E.; Wallace Campbell, S.J., M.A., Ph.L.; Harold W. Rist, B.S.; Joseph G. Savulis, B.S. r!i ^ "Sr->| .'- - ". t». M^^s^"'.. •»M<imemmmmM^^ jj^ajiljjMi EDUCATION—Top: Department Head, Lawrence J. Lennon, M.S., Ph.D.; John E. Bourne, Ed.M., Ph.D.; James A. Driscoll, M.A.; Paul J. Ully, A.B.; Richard F. McNichols, M.A. Bottom: L Paul Miller, M.A.; Robert C. Thomas, B.E., Ph.M. FACULTY PHYSICS—Department Head, Joseph P. Harper, M.A., M.S., Ph.D.; Eugene A. McGinnis, B.S.; Earle B. Mullen, M.A.; Earl D. Rounds, B.S. V' 'or*' -r^h. • H ^K **•"• - ' •.-,.^ -'^ jpsft"' "."S iitei n'iSii V. •'""^iB^^ :, ....;. iX) --••.xML:jtr^ BUSINESS—Top: Department Head, Herman L Senker, M.B.A., Ph.S.; Joseph S. Artabane, B.S.; Henry M. Biglan, A.B., LLB.; Charles J. Buckley, B.S.; Robert N. Eckersley, A.B., C.P.A. Second row: Vance L. Eckersley, A.B., LL.B., C.P.A.; Joseph E. Gallagher, A.B., LLB.; Vincent P. Kelleher, A.B.; James Kennedy, B.S., LLB. Third row: Robert E. O'Brien, A.B., LLB.; Robert C. Shaffer, B.S. Fourth row: Irving Sicherman, M.S., C.P.A. Bottom: Robert W. Tyler, B.S. Also in department: James A. Doherty, M.B.A.; Daniel J. Houlihan, B.S.; John P. McLean, B.S.; Robert W. O'Malley, A.B.; John C. Villaume, M.A. FACULTY ADMINISTRATION—Mrs. Virginia Walsh, Recorder; Anthony Webber, A.B., M.A., Procurator. GRADUATES • Officers * Class Honors • Seniors SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS ALBERT BELARDI • • HIM il '""•'Ar President vV'iEjf •J".^ J £4 . CHARLES HOFFECKER Vice-President THOMAS CULLEN Secretary FRANCIS WALSH Tfeosurer CLASS HONORS Graduated with Highest Honors ROBERT E. HOLL B.S. THOMAS L CARNEY, B.A. ROBERT G. HOPPEL, B.S. GEORGE F. HOYES, B.S. Magna Cum Laude FRED W. ILGES, B.S. GERARD J. BIEDLINGMAIER, B.S. IRWIN M. JUDD, B.S. GEORGE W. EVANS, B.S. NEIL B. KABATCHNICK, B.S. MANUEL FINKELSTEIN, B.S. JOSEPH A. KANE, B.S. ANTHONY H. FODERARO, B.S. HARRY F. KASSON, B.S. MELVIN L LONG, B.S. DOUGLAS J. KELLY, B.S. JOSEPH B. MANELLO, B.S. FRANCIS M. KOPACK, B.S. CORNELIUS J. McELHENNY, B.S. CLEMENT L KOSLOSKI, B.S. CHRISTINE A. MIKA, B.S. MATTHEW E. KRAYNAK, B.S. THOMAS F. RUANE, B.S. STANLEY A. LENZNER, B.S. EDMUND S. RUNSKY, B.S. JAMES W. LOOMIS, B.S. FRANCIS P. SABATINI, B.A. JOSEPH P. MARUSAK, B.S. ROLAND D. VITALETTI, B.A. EUGENE J. McANDREW, B.S. RYMOND J. WALSH, B.S. CHARLES J. McKELVEY, B.A. Cum Laude LEO P. MULLEN, B.S. CHARLES S. ALFANO, B.S. GERALD P. NOLAN, B.S. FRANK ANTINOZZI, B.S. FRANK J. PADDEN, B.S. CARL F. BAISDEN, B.S. FRANCIS J. ROCHE, B.S. EDWARD J. BONK, B.S. ISRAEL SAIDEL, B.S. ROBERT BROWNING, B.S. WILLIAM T. SCHALK, B.S. CARMEL F. CASCIO, B.S. HERBERT W. SCHULTZ, Jr., B.S. AMBROSE G. CHARNOGURSKY, B.S. BASIL M. SENYK, B.S. GEORGE H. CONNORS, B.S. L HOWARD SHULMAN, B.S. PETER CUPPLE, B.S. EDWARD W. SLUTTER, B.S. WiLLIAM J. DAVIS, B.S. GEORGE TASCHMAN, B.A. JOSEPH A. DePAULO, B.S. HENRY H. TYMINSKI, B.S.
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