29/10/2019 Financial Times 6 TilcTok owner ByteDance eyes Hong Kong IPO

29/10/2019 Financial Times 7 Developing tools in the fight against deepfakes

29/10/2019 Financial Times 8 WeWork troubles play into Knotel's hands

29/10/2019 Les Echos 10 Un portail Internet pour faire décoller le marché du véhicule électrique

29/10/2019 Les Echos 11 Welcome to the Jungle continue son développement européen

29/10/2019 Les Echos 12 Le fonds de growth Gaia mise sur les start-up responsables

29/10/2019 Les Echos 13 Wenabi fluidifie le mécénat de compétence


29/10/2019 Financial Times 15 LEX.


29/10/2019 Les Echos 18 Les baby-boomeurs passent enfin à la caisse


29/10/2019 Financial Times 22 Salvini's anti-migration League party seizes leftwing stronghold

29/10/2019 Financial Times 23 Italy's prime minister distances himself from Vatican fund probe reports 29/10/2019 Financial Times 24 AT&T action plan placates activist Elliott

29/10/2019 The Guardian 25 Left swept aside by Salvini-led coalition of far right in Umbria

29/10/2019 Les Echos 27 Banque : les d'Alexandre de Rothschild

29/10/2019 Les Echos 29 Le président de la BCE, Mario Draghi, tire sa révérence

29/10/2019 Les Echos 31 L'extrême droite de Salvini triomphe en Ombrie

29/10/2019 Les Echos 32 L'économie européenne a besoin d'une boussole

29/10/2019 Les Echos 33 Del Vecchio devient le deuxième actionnaire de Mediobanca

29/10/2019 34 Le triomphe de Salvini en Ombrie affaiblit le pouvoir

29/10/2019 Le Figaro 35 Mario Draghi oppose la à l'Allemagne sur la politique budgétaire

29/10/2019 37 L'« année•phare », nouvelle accroche des disques classiques

29/10/2019 Liberation 38 «[Vous avez] choisi la liberté au nom de 60 millions d'Italiens.»

29/10/2019 Faz - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 39 Daten von Unicredit gehackt

29/10/2019 Sueddeutsche Zeitung 40 Unicredit: Daten erbeutet

29/10/2019 El Pais 41 Salvini vence a la alianza electoral del PD y el M5S en Umbría

29/10/2019 Le Soir 42 Pousser les États à dépenser, le défi de Christine Lagarde

29/10/2019 Le Soir 45 L'extrême droite souverainiste triomphe en Ombrie PRIME PAGINE

29/10/2019 Financial Times 48 PRIMA PAGINA

29/10/2019 Les Echos 49 PRIMA PAGINA


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Debunking deepfake India on hold Peronism returns Society can help end disinformation Investment is suffering as Modi's Argentina shifts leftwards amid online - JOHN THORNHILL, PAGE 13 reform plans stall - BIG READ, PAGE 10 economic crisis - PAGE 3

Parting shot ECB's outbound Draghi TilcTok owner Briefing repeats call for a eurozone budget • HSBC to 'remodel' after 24% profits fall Noel Quinn, the bank's interim chief executive, has said the lender is to be remodelled after it reported a 24 per cent decline in third-quarter profits and ByteDance eyes abandoned its financial target.- PAGE IS; LEX, PAGE U • Central Europe braced for German dip After a period of sustained boom, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic have said they fear Hong Kong IPO a ripple effect as their biggest trading partner slides towards recession.- PAGE 2 • Chinese funding riles London academics * China start-up weighs listing next year The London School of Economics has been forced to suspend a proposed China programme funded by a US critics fear national security risk pro-Beijing venture capitalist after the plan sparked outrage among the university's academics.— PAGE 3

HEN NY SENDER — HONG KONG investors are also trying to quell Wash- • CDU reels after east German poll blow ByteDance, the $75bn Chinese start-up ington's opposition to TikTok ahead of The leader of Angela Merkel's that owns the short-form video app Tik- the potential listing. Christian Democrats in the Tok, is eyeing an initial public offering in "They need more political heft before eastern region of Thuringia has Hong Kong as soon as the first quarter of they go public," said one banker briefed angered colleagues by saying next year, according to two people on the IPO plans. "Even if they list in he could work with the leftwing briefed on its plans. Hong Kong, they still need to address Die Linke party.- PAGE 2 The seven-year-old company, which the concerns of US investors." also owns the Chinese news app Jinri To minimise the growing US backlash, • Saudi Arabia revives Davos in the desert Toutiao, has chosen Hong Kong over ByteDance plans to sell TopBuzz, its US A year after executives boycotted its annual New York, despite the recent turmoil in news feed business, which has a reader- investor meeting following the murder of Jamal the territory. The benchmark Hang ship of 300,000, according to a people Khashoggi, the kingdom has used its financial clout Seng index has lost about 11 per cent briefed on the plans. to lure back presidents and bank chiefs.- PAGE 3 from its high earlier this year amid mass ByteDance is also hiring a number of street protests and civil unrest. former US officials to help it address • Soho House raises $100m for expansion ByteDance's valuation hit S75bn in concerns raised by both Republican and The hotel and members' club chain has been valued October 2018 when it closed a S3bn Democratic congressmen over Chinese at $2bn after raising $100m to help double its global funding round led by SoftBank, dou- companies. footprint to 50 venues over the next "three to four" bling its worth from a year earlier. An It is seeking to hire a chief legal officer years despite failing to turn a profit.- PAGE 16 IPO would crystallise big gains for early and employ staff with Washington con- investors such as the Chinese arm of nections to push back against concerns • AT&T placates activist investor Elliott Sequoia Capital and would also help ranging from data privacy to whether it The US telecoms and media group has reached a SoftBank at a time when the value of its is enforcing censorship at the behest of truce with Elliott Management in a deal based investments in companies such as Uber the Chinese government. around a "three-year action plan" to sell up to and We Work has sharply fallen. These initiatives follow Senator Mario $10bn of assets and reconfigure its board.- PAGE 16 One of the few Chinese companies to Rubio's recent calls for a review of have made significant inroads into ByteDance's $900m purchase of the international markets, ByteDance is Musically app in 2017. TikTok's success Datawatch facing mounting political pressure. In has been powered in part by Musical.ly's India, politicians have accused TikTok technology but Mr Rubio alleged that of inciting racial hatred and spreading TikTok has censored news on topics Towards gender equality The number of pornography. The app was briefly sensitive to China such as the protests in Number of countries with countries with legislation for... banned this year. Hong Kong and alleged human rights Sons Roesslei/dpa laws on domestic 2009 #—02018 violence has risen In the US, senators Charles Schumer abuses in Xinjiang. ByteDance's US gen- Domestic by almost 50 per and Tom Cotton called last week for eral manager, Vanessa Pappas, has cate- Mario Draghi, the outgoing eurozone governments to cre- Admiring the "pivotal role" violence cent in the past gorically denied those allegations. ate a sizeable common budget that Mr Draghi played in pre- Sexual harassment intelligence officials to investigate Tik- president of the European decade. Yet few to be used to provide greater serving the euro during the at work Tok, which has become a teenage craze, ByteDance reported revenues of Central Bank, shakes hands Paid maternity have introduced over the "national security risks posed between $7bn and S8.4bn for the first with Christine Lagarde, his economic stability in t he area. region's crisis from 2012, Ms leave legislation on

by its growing use". half of the calendar year, according to successor, during a farewell "We need a euro area fiscal Lagarde praised the "Mario Paid paternity — W0 unequal pay, The company has hired a team at the Reuters, and was profitable in the ceremony at ECB headquar- capacity of adequate size and approach" of telling European leave • leaving 60 per Equal ^ cent of 187 nations law firm K&L Gates, which includes month of June. ters in Frankfurt. design: large enough to stabilise leaders hard truths on the diffi- remuneration surveyed without Gordon Bart, a former chair of the US A ByteDance spokesperson declined the monetary union but cult choices they faced. 50 100 150 House committee on science and tech- to comment on the listing plans or the The outgoing boss of the central designed not to create excessive Report page 3 Source: World Bank a law on this issue. nology, to advise on public policy. Its sale of TopBuzz. bank repeated his call for the 19 moral hazard," he said. Inside Finance page 16 Pimco gives US corporate bonds wide berth on fears of rapid drop in prices

JENNIFER ABLAN AND COLBY SMITH year, a sharp bounce back from 2018 tial for further rallies, preferring instead NEW YORK losses of 2.5 per cent. Mr Ivascyn said US agency mortgage-backed securities. Pimco is backing away from invest- the outperformance could continue, but This year, the Bloomberg Barclays US ments in the lucrative US corporate he added that Pimco was willing to "give Treasury index has returned 7 per cent, bond market because of concern that up a little yield" over the short term" to putting it on track for the best perform- Spider-Man Villani upsets there might be a rapid decline in prices protect clients from falling prices. ance in eight years. Macron in Paris mayor bid during an economic downturn. Pimco, one of the world's largest bond Investors rushed to the relative safety managers, oversees more than $1.8tn in of government debt over the summer Interview *• PAGE 2 Dan Ivascyn, group chief investment assets. Mr Ivascyn's flagship Pimco after a sharp escalation in the US-China officer at the investment powerhouse, Income Fund, the largest actively man- trade war and mounting concerns about told the FT that weaker credit quality aged bond fund with assets of more than global growth. The insatiable demand Austria €3.80 North Macedonia Den220 Bahrain Dinl.8 Malta €3.60 and a lack of bondholder protection in $130bn, is up 6 per cent this year — for bonds pushed yields on roughly Belgium €3.80 Morocco Dh45 US corporate debt meant investors were lagging 89 per cent of other funds in its $17tn of debt below zero at one point. In Bulgaria Lev7.S0 Netherlands €3.80 Croatia Kn29 Norway NKr3S not being sufficiently rewarded. category — according to Morningstar early September, the yield on the bench- Cyprus €3.60 Oman ORI.6O Czech Rep Kcl05 Pakistan Rupee350 "The credit sector has been well data last week. mark 10-year US Treasury note sank to Denmark DKr37 Poland ZI20 behaved but if people begin to really The Income Fund's allocation of cor- a three-year low of 1.46 per cent. Egypt E£42 Portugal €3.60 Finland €4.50 Qatar QR15 fear recession, we can see underper- porate credit fell to 21 per cent last While global bonds have given back France €3.80 Romania Ronl7 Germany €3.80 Russia €S.00 formance quickly," he said. "This is the month compared with a high of about 29 some of their gains since the summer Gibraltar £2.70 Serbia NewD420 sector most prone to overshooting on per cent in June 2016. rally, many investors are betting yields Greece €3.60 Slovak Rep €3.60 Hungary FI1200 Slovenia €3.50 the downside." Mr Ivascyn also told the FT that will remain under pressure as central India Rup220 Spain €3.60 Italy €3.60 Sweden SKr39 The Bloomberg Barclays US Corpo- Pimco remained wary of US Treasuries banks around the world inject stimulus Latvia €6.99 Switzerland SFr6.00 rate index has returned 13 per cent this because of the market's limited poten- into the financial system. Lebanon LBP7500 Tunisia Din7.50 Lithuania €4.30 Turkey TL19 Luxembourg €3.80 UAE DM7.00 World Markets Subscribe In print and online

STOCK MARKETS CURRENCIES INTEREST RATES www.ft.com/su bsc ri betoday email: [email protected] Oct 28 prev %chg Oct 28 prev Oct 28 prev price yield chg Tel: +44 20 7775 6000 S&P 500 303869 3022 55 053 S per€ 1109 1.109 £ per $ 0 778 0 779 US Gov 10 yr 128 94 1 85 0 04 Fax: +44 20 7873 3428 Nasdaq Composite 832030 8243.12 0.94 Sper£ 1.286 1 284 £ per £ 1.159 1.157 UK Gov 10 yr 14833 063 0.04 Dow Jones Ind 27063 20 26958.06 039 £ per€ 0 863 0.864 ¥per€ 120.919 120.421 Ger GovlOyr -0.33 003 © THE FINANCIAL TIMES LTD 2019 FTSEurofirst 300 1564 87 1562.25 0.17 ¥ per S 109.010 108 575 £ index 79.191 79.234 Jpn Gov 10 yr 119.37 -014 • 01 No: 40,233 • Euro Stoxx 50 3630.62 3624.68 016 ¥per£ 140154 139 367 SFr per£ 1.281 1.275 US Gov 30 yr 109.39 234 0 04 FTSE 100 7331.28 7324.47 0.09 SFr per € 1.105 1.102 Ger Gov 2 yr 10085 -0.65 0.01 Printed in London, Liverpool. Glasgow, Dublin, FTSE All-Share 4036.64 4030.10 0.16 £ per S 0 902 0.902 Frankfurt, Milan, Madrid, New York, Chicago, San CAC 40 5730.57 5722.15 0.15 Francisco. Orlando. Tokyo. Hong Kong. Singapore, price prev chg Seoul, Dubai, Doha Xetra Dax 12941.71 12894 51 0.37 COMMODITIES Nikkei 22867.27 22799 81 0.30 Fed Funds Eff 2.04 2.13 -0.09 Hang Seng 26891.26 26667 39 0.84 Oct 28 prev %chg US 3m Bills 1 66 1.67 -001 MSCI World S 2222.75 2215 64 0.32 Oil WTI S 5585 56.66 -1.43 Euro Libor3m -0.43 -0.43 0.00 MSCI EMS 1035.84 1037 41 -0.15 Oil BrentS 61.55 6202 -0.76 UK 3m 0.80 081 -0.01 MSCI ACWI S 531.77 53036 0.27 GoldS 1513.45 1496.55 1.13 Prices are latest for edition Data provided by Morningstar

A Nikkei Company

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MARDI 29 OCTOBRE 2019 EPR de Flamanville L’échec de la filière nucléaire Brexit Avec un nouveau délai, le scénario

française passé au crible // P. 14 ET L’ÉDITORIAL DE DAVID BARROUX P. 12 d’élections anticipées prend corps // P. 4 Benoit Tessier/Reuters Benoit Retraites, hôpitaux : Macron Cloud européen : tente d’apaiser les tensions

SOCIAL Régimes l’ombre spéciaux de retraite, souffrance des soignants de l’Amérique à l’hôpital… le prési- dent veut rassurer.

Lundi, Emmanuel Macron a fait l L’Allemagne lance passer un double message sur la ce mardi Gaia-X, un projet réforme des retraites, dans une interview à RTL. Premièrement, de cloud destiné à s’affranchir les salariés des régimes spéciaux qui jouissent de départs anticipés, de la toute-puissance tels les électriciens-gaziers et les cheminots SNCF ou RATP, bénéfi- de Microsoft et d’Amazon. cieront d’une transition longue l Mais compte tenu vers le régime universel de retraite. Deuxièmement, les régi- du retard européen, mes spéciaux eux-mêmes vont bel et bien disparaître pour les nou- il ne peut se concevoir veaux entrants. Les gendarmes, sans le soutien policiers ou fonctionnaires hospi- taliers, qui ont eux aussi conclu un des Américains. « pacte avec la nation », bénéficie- ront également de transitions lon- // L’ENQUÊTE gues. Sur l’hôpital, Emmanuel PAGE 11 Macron a dit vouloir « remettre des moyens » pour répondre dans l’urgence aux « souffrances immé- « Les régimes spéciaux, on ne peut pas dire que ça va durer diates » des personnels soignants. toute l’éternité », a martelé le chef de l’Etat, Emmanuel Macron. // PAGE 2 Photo John Thys/AFP

Les Bourses mondiales repartent à l’assaut des sommets

MARCHÉS Libérés de deux ris- ques extrêmes, un Brexit sans accord à la fin du mois et une esca- lade dans la guerre commerciale Ecrans : sino-américaine, les marchés repartent à la hausse. Aux Etats- décrocher Unis, le S&P 500, l’un des princi- paux indices de Wall Street, a clô- les adolescents turé, lundi, à 3.039 points, au- dessus de son record historique de Le décryptage de juillet dernier. Le CAC 40, lui, a ins- Jacques Henno crit un nouveau plus haut depuis fin 2007 à 5.730 points. Sauf acci- Les universitaires de la Sili- dent de parcours, d’ici à la fin de con Valley sont unanimes l’année, 2019 pourrait finalement pour dénoncer les méfaits faire partie des bons crus bour- des écrans et des réseaux siers. Et ce, en dépit du ralentis- sociaux sur les adolescents. sement économique et d’un Mais ne sont pas d’accord sur environnement géopolitique parti- les mesures à prendre pour

AFP les en éloigner. // PAGE 10 Getty Images Getty culièrement incertain. // PAGE 25 l’essentiel

Chine : réunion du plénum Les opérateurs télécoms SUR du PC à huis clos se mettent au vert Les 370 membres du comité Au moment où la consomma- central du PC chinois, se réu- tion de données explose, ils Gérer nissent dans le plus grand cherchent surtout à réduire la secret sur fond de ralentisse- facture énergétique. A ce stade, un projet ment économique et de ten- l’impact environnemental de Trouver en quelques joursle sions à Hong Kong. // P. 5 la 5G reste incertain. // P. 20 meilleur manager de transition Remplacer NICOLAS BARRÉ un dirigeant ÉDITO ÉCO DU JOURNAL DE 7H LVMH s’intéresse AT&T cède au fonds Elliott en France ou àl’International. DANS LE 6H-9H DE MATTHIEU BELLIARD aux diamants de Tiffany Le géant américain des télé- LVMH a engagé des discus- coms a présenté un plan de Transformer sions avec le joaillier améri- développement sur trois ans C’est notreengagement. cain, en vue d’un rachat éven- qui prévoit de redistribuer uneactivité tuel. L’offre s’élève à 13 milliards 75 milliards de dollars aux d’euros. Tiffany se dit prêt à actionnaires. Il stoppe sa politi- nimeurope.com Redresser examiner « attentivement que d’acquisitions. // P. 21 uneentité la proposition ». // P. 15 ET « CRIBLE » P. 32 01 46 24 85 71 Paris •Metz •Lyon •Lille La puériculture Banque : les paris ISSN0153.4831 112e ANNÉE NUMÉRO 23064 32PAGES monte en gamme d’Alexandre Antilles Réunion 4 €. Guyane-St Martin Des poussettes aux de Rothschild 5,20 €. Belgique 3,40 €. Espagne 4,30 €. berceaux en passant par Le jeune patron de Roth- Groupe Menway Grande-Bretagne 3£70. Grèce 4 €. Italie les aliments bio, les produits schild & Co mise sur la tech 4,30 €. Luxembourg 3,70 €. Maroc 30 DH. Suisse 5,70 FS. Tunisie 4,8 TND. Zone CFA haut de gamme pour les bébés et le Royaume-Uni pour chan- 3000 CFA.

sont en forme. // P. 17 ger la banque d’affaires. // P. 26 Co & Tiffany

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