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Project Director • Xavier Pastor Authors • Hanna Paulomäki, Christina Abel, Andrzej Bialas Acronyms Geographic Information Systems • Jorge Blanco Editor • Marta Madina Editorial Assistants • Angela Pauly, Angeles Saez, Nicolas Fournier, Peter Pierrou, Magnus Eckeskog, Maria Bakraie, Michael Michalitsis Cover • Swedish coast in the Bothnian Bay, 2012. © OCEANA/Carlos Suárez Snake pipefish (Entelurus aequoreus), near Kullen, the Sound, , 2013. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell Design and layout • NEO Estudio Gráfico, S.L. Photo montage and printer • Imprenta Roal, S.L.

This report was made possible thanks to generous support by the Robertson Foundation, VELUX Foundations and the Zennström Philantropies.

Acknowledgments • Dieter Boedeker (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, BfN, ), Jochen Krause (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, BfN, Germany), Christine Wenzel (Ministry for Energy, Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Areas of the Federal State of Schleswig‑Holstein, Germany), Christof Herrmann (Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology, Germany), Ivita Ozolina (Ministry of the Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia), Edgars Bojars (Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia), Dalia Čebatariūnaitė (The State service of Protected Areas under the Ministry of Environment, Lithiania), Džiugas Anuškevičius (Protected Areas Stragety Division, Lithunia), Merle Kuris (Baltic Environmental Forum, ), Lena Tingström (Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management), Penina Blankett (Ministerial Adviser, Finnish Ministry of the Environment), and Trine Christiansen (European Environmental Agency).

Reproduction of the information gathered in this report is permitted as BSPA Baltic Sea long as © OCEANA is cited as the source. CBD Convention on Biological Diversity EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone GDEP General Directorate for Environmental May 2014 Protection () GES Good Environmental Status HELCOM Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission MO Maritime Office Poland MPA MSFD Marine Strategy Framework Directive MSP Marine Spatial Planning (also called Maritime Spatial Planning) N2000 Natura 2000 SAC Special Area of Conservation SCI Sites of Community Importance SDF Standard Data Form SPA Special Protection Areas SwAM Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management TW Territorial Water VMS Vessel Monitoring System

Bubbling reef inside N2000 site Hirsholmene in Kattegat, Denmark. 2011. © OCEANA/ LX Contents

Executive summary 02

1. Introduction 04 07 Baltic Sea 09

2. Marine Protected Areas in the Baltic Sea 10 Natura 2000 sites 11 Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs) 11 Review of management status by country 13 13 Estonia 15 Latvia 16 Lithuania 18 Russia 20 Poland 21 Germany 22 Sweden 24 Denmark 28

3. The Danish example of improved MPA management 30

4. Harmful activities in Marine Protected Areas 34 Mussel dredging in Denmark 35 Harbour porpoise bycatch in Poland 35

5. Conclusions 38

6. Oceana’s recommendations for effective MPA management 40

References 43

1 Executive summary

Scorpion fish eye. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

2 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Threats to the marine environment are Overall we have found out that more multiple and growing and the Baltic Sea than half of the MPAs in the Baltic Sea is no stranger to them. Numerous hu‑ and Kattegat have management plans, man activities have put its ecosystems but they often fail to offer any concrete under severe pressure and it has be‑ measures or solutions, remaining pro‑ come one of the most polluted seas in tected only on paper. To protect against the world. In order to safeguard threats to the marine environment and habitats, and to recover the healthy and reverse the decreasing biodiver‑ status of the sea, one of the most widely sity trend, proper management meas‑ recognized and effective tools to ad‑ ures are needed. The first crucial step dress the activities affecting marine and is to identify the threats facing MPAs coastal ecosystems is needed: a network in the region so as to be able to target of well‑managed marine protected ar‑ the plans effectively. Next, management eas (MPAs). Such a network, if it is well plans addressing all human activities designed, can help curb the loss of ma‑ and threats, including strict measures, rine resources and recover entire eco‑ should be developed for all existing systems by providing protection and MPAs. In addressing fishing activities, decreasing the loss of endangered ma‑ these plans should include restrictions rine species and habitats, and restoring where needed, as well as better moni‑ depleted fish stocks. toring, control and surveillance of these activities, including recreational fisher‑ Today about 12% of the Baltic Sea is cov‑ ies. The precautionary approach should ered by MPAs, but despite this relatively be applied in all cases where a lack of Near the island Møn, Denmark, 2012. high figure, the management of these information occurs. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell sites remains poor and uneven.

This report provides an overview of MPAs and the quality of their manage‑ ment in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat, covering the EU’s Natura 2000 sites, HELCOM Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs), and MPAs under national law. The status of MPA management plans, including possible fisheries measures, was reviewed to the extent that infor‑ mation was available. Data was col‑ lected using EU (Standard Data Forms, SDF) and HELCOM BSPA databases. Because some of these are not consist‑ ently updated and contain some out‑ dated data that fails to reflect the most accurate situation, we also approached national authorities directly. Informa‑ tion was obtained from all countries except the Russian Federation. The Eu‑ ropean Environment Agency and Euro‑ pean Commission Directorate‑General for the Environment (DG ENVI) were consulted as well.

3 Introduction

Plumose anemones (Metridium senile). Dörjeskär, Kattegat, Sweden, 2013. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

4 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Threats to the marine environment are multiplying and their effects are often complex and overlapping (Halpern et al. 2008). An increasing demand for marine and benthic resources, and the rapidly improving technologies to ad‑ dress it, have, along with habitat deg‑ radation, pollution from nutrients and other hazardous substances, overfish‑ ing and the increasing impacts of cli‑ mate change, contributed to the degra‑ dation or collapse of ecosystems in all major coastal and ocean regions of the world (Olsen et al. 2013, Wilkinson 2004, Hughes et al. 2005).

One of the most widely recognized Shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus and effective tools to address the many sity Targets, which included to protect scorpius) on blue mussels. Knolls Grund, at least 10% of the world’s coastal and Western Gotland Basin, Sweden, 2011. threats to marine and coastal ecosys‑ © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell tems is a network of well‑managed marine areas by 2020. Special attention MPAs. Such a network, if it is well de‑ were to be placed on areas of particular. signed, can help curb the loss of marine These were to be conserved through ef‑ resources and recover entire ecosys‑ fectively and equitably managed, eco‑ tems by providing protection to and de‑ logically representative and well‑con‑ creasing the loss of endangered marine nected systems of protected areas and species and habitats, and restoring de‑ other effective area‑based conservation pleted fish stocks (Olsen et al. 2013). measures, and integrated into the wider seascapes (Aichi targets). Spatial protection and management measures have quite a long history on MPAs provide a broad set of tools for land, but in marine areas these are rela‑ protecting ecosystem and tively new concepts. The idea of con‑ managing marine resources. They can serving marine biodiversity with the range from being no‑take or no‑entry use of management tools has its roots areas to wide, multi‑use areas integrat‑ in the 1982 World Parks Congress in ing different management practices, Bali, where it was recommended that and incorporating regulatory mecha‑ the use of protected areas should be ap‑ nisms that allow limited use of certain plied to the oceans, in addition to land resources, like fishing. No‑take areas, (McNeely and Miller 1982). Since then, which ban all forms of extraction, in many international agreements have re- particular fishing, contribute signifi‑ enforced the need for MPAs and MPA cantly to the recovery and protection networks. In 2003, the 5th World Parks of marine species and habitats (Dayton Congress called on the international et al. 2000; NRC 2000; Roberts et al. community to create a global system of 2001; Russ and Alcala 2004). No‑take MPA networks that would greatly in‑ areas also serve as benchmarks for as‑ crease the coastal and marine area cov‑ sessing the status of the environment ered, and stipulated that these networks and success of management measures. should seek to include strictly protected Multiple‑use MPAs may be made up areas that amount to at least 20 to 30% of zones with different types of har‑ of each habitat. In 2010, under the Con‑ vest rights (including recreation and vention on Biological Diversity (CBD), research), as well as complete harvest countries the ambitious Aichi Biodiver‑ prohibition areas (IUCN 2012).

5 With growing evidence of the impor‑ MPAs should form the cornerstone of tance of maintaining the resilience this planning as the benefits of well‑de‑ of ecosystems in order to better cope signed and managed networks can also with large‑scale changes, like climate help the effectiveness of the manage‑ change or natural disasters, well‑con‑ ment outside MPAs. nected networks of MPAs have be‑ come increasingly valuable. These so- Ecosystem-based management should called ecologically coherent networks be the core of any management plan. of MPAs enhance the functionality of MPA networks can only be effective an individual area in a certain biogeo‑ if they are implemented within larger graphic region so that they operate in frameworks of ecosystem‑based man‑ a synergistic manner on various spa‑ agement, otherwise, they remain iso‑ tial scales, and with a range of protec‑ lated entities of protection. tion levels that are designed to meet the conservation objectives that a single Finally, appropriate legislative and reg‑ reserve could not achieve alone. This ulatory frameworks are fundamental to kind of network can strengthen ecosys‑ achieve effective MPA networks. Many tem resilience to maintain key functions countries have special legislation for es‑ and processes even when threatened tablishing individual MPAs, along with or stressed by outside changes (Holling a variety of authorities with marine re‑ 1973). Besides being linked through bio‑ sponsibilities, but few have a strategic logical levels, this type of coordinated legislative framework or institutional network of MPAs should also be linked arrangements for a representative administratively, so as to have a consist‑ MPA network. Responsibilities are of‑ ent approach to design, financing, man‑ ten shared between different ministries agement and monitoring. and regional authorities, making the overall picture patchy. Poorly coordi‑ MPAs are not enough to solve the nated legal and institutional respon‑ threats facing marine and coastal re‑ sibilities can lead to problems such as gions. Ideally, MPAs should be used in competing mandates, overlaps, gaps conjunction with other management and inefficiencies, all of which under‑ Stones covered with blue mussels, tools, such as marine spatial planning mine the effectiveness of the network. Western Gotland Basin, Sweden. 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez or integrated coastal zone management. A recent study highlights this, and concludes that, while the numbers of MPAs are “increasing rapidly” around the world, they need to be better man‑ aged if they are to successfully protect marine life (Edgar et al. 2014).

The focus needs to be on better MPA design, management and compliance to ensure that they serve the purpose they were established for in the first place and achieve their conservation targets.

In the marine realm, habitat and spe‑ cies distribution does not correspond to political or jurisdictional bounda‑ ries. Therefore, cooperative manage‑ ment among states, regions, nations and jurisdictions is essential.

6 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

This report provides an overview of and habitats present in the site and MPAs and the quality of their manage‑ listed in Annexes I and II. The overall ment in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat, effectiveness of management measures covering the EU’s Natura 2000 sites, for Natura 2000 sites is evaluated in HELCOM Baltic Sea Protected Areas new, so-called biogeographic seminars, (BSPAs), and MPAs under national which aim to assist Member States in law. The status of MPA management managing their Natura 2000 sites by plans, including possible fisheries sharing best practices and identifying measures, was reviewed to the extent common priorities. Launched by the that information was available. Data in 2012, this was collected using EU (Standard Data initiative complements the latest re‑ Forms, SDF) and HELCOM BSPA da‑ porting (2007‑2012) on progress to im‑ tabases. Because some of these are plement the Directive and achieve fa‑ not consistently updated and contain vourable conservation status for listed some outdated data that fails to reflect habitats and species. While the first the most accurate situation, we also seminars covered terrestrial regions, approached national authorities di‑ there is growing interest to organize rectly. Information was obtained from similar ones for marine sites. all countries except the Russian Fed‑ eration. The European Environment To implement the commitments stem‑ Agency and European Commission ming from the CBD, the European Com‑ Directorate‑General for the Environ‑ mission adopted a 2020 Biodiversity ment (DG ENVI) were consulted as Strategy in 2011 (COM/2011/0244). The well. strategy provides a long-term vision (2050) and short‑term target (2020). By European Union 2020 the loss of biodiversity and deg‑ radation of ecosystem services should This section applies only to those Baltic be halted, and by 2050 biodiversity and Sea countries that are also EU Member its ecosystem services should be pro‑ States. tected and restored so that catastrophic changes caused by biodiversity loss are At the EU level, there are several di‑ avoided. In particular, one of the targets rectives that aim to protect and restore states that by 2020, 100% more habitat biodiversity and secure the sustainable assessments and 50% more species as‑ use and proper management of eco‑ sessments under the system services. The main legal obli‑ should show a favorable or improved gations concerning the protection of conservation status compared to cur‑ species and habitats in the EU are pro‑ rent assessments. vided in the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) in the form of From a conservation, and consequent‑ the Natura 2000 network. Article 6 of ly management, point of view, the the Habitats Directive specifies man‑ most significant shortcoming of the agement needs by stating that conser‑ Natura 2000 network is that it focuses vation measures can take at least two only on a limited number of habitats forms: ‘appropriate statutory, admin‑ and species listed in the Annexes of the istrative or contractual measures,’ and directive, which dates back well over ‘if need be’, ‘appropriate management 20 years now. These lists disregard sev‑ plans specifically designed for the eral important marine features, particu‑ sites or integrated into other develop‑ larly those from benthic communities, ment plans’. The main aim of these such as eelgrass beds (Zostera sp.) and measures is to secure the favourable soft bottom communities, including conservation status of those species Modiolus, that also need to be protected

7 by requiring Member States to establish spatial protection measures of all kinds, and contributing to coherent and rep‑ resentative networks of MPAs pursu‑ ant to its Article 13. Member States thus now have a new opportunity to comple‑ ment their Natura 2000 networks with additional “MSFD specific measures”, either through the designation of new MPAs for specific conservation pur‑ pose, or through the adoption of new management measures to reduce spe‑ cific threats.

Fisheries are regulated under the Com‑ mon Fisheries Policy (CFP), an exclu‑

Eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadow. sive competence of the EU, which means Ammoniak Havn, Little Belt, Denmark. and well-managed in order to secure that fisheries restrictions in MPAs or 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell healthy ecosystems and their functions. any other conservation measures relat‑ ed to fishing requires a decision at the The Marine Strategy Framework Di‑ EU level (Article 11). But this new arti‑ rective (MSFD, Directive 2008/56/EC) cle also enables Member States or the on the other hand, is the first EU‑wide EU Commission to overcome the limi‑ instrument aimed specifically at pro‑ tations of the Habitats Directive by al‑ tecting and preserving the marine en‑ lowing them, in certain situations, to vironment as a whole, and the first at‑ take appropriate fisheries measures in tempt by the EU to implement ecosys‑ relation to MSFD objectives. Similar‑ tem based management of all human ly, the possibility of establishing “fish activities in the marine environment. stock recovery areas” was introduced It obliges Member States to achieve in the reformed CFP under Article 8. Good Environmental Status (GES) According to this, the EU should en‑ in their waters by 2020 using an inte‑ deavour to protect these areas due to grated approach to improve ecosystem their biological sensitivity, including functioning and balance human activi‑ areas where there is clear evidence ties with their impacts. Good Environ‑ of heavy concentrations of fish be‑ mental Status means that the overall low minimum conservation reference state of the environment in marine size and of spawning grounds. In such waters provides ecologically diverse areas, fisheries may be restricted or and dynamic oceans and seas which prohibited. As the reformed CFP was are healthy and productive. Use of adopted in early 2014, there are no ar‑ the marine environment must be kept eas designated for such purpose yet. at a sustainable level that safeguards It remains to be seen whether Member potential uses and activities by current States will choose to use this Regulation and future generations. This means to manage not only fish stocks, but also the structure, functions and processes larger areas, by banning certain fishing of marine ecosystems have to be fully practices inside MPAs in favor of the considered, marine species and habitats entire ecosystem. Also, the European must be protected and human‑induced Environment Agency (EEA 2012) has declines in biodiversity must be halted emphasized that there is a need to es‑ and prevented. Therefore, the MSFD tablish management plans for MPAs offers better possibilities to overcome and to have joint efforts on EU fisher‑ the weakness of the Nature Directives

8 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

ies issues, including on fisheries impact The current network of MPAs covers assessments. Reaching GES by 2020, 11.7% of the Baltic Sea and the Katte‑ which is only six years away, will re‑ gat, fulfilling the UN CBD 10% target quire the full implementation of all (see Table 2), but is still not sufficient existing agreements at the national, re‑ to reach HELCOM’s goal of it being gional and global levels. ecologically coherent. HELCOM has agreed to include more offshore areas Baltic Sea into the network (HELCOM Ministe‑ rial Declaration 2010), but to date, the The main regional body in the Bal‑ fraction of protected areas in Exclu‑ tic Sea is HELCOM, the Regional Sea sive Economic Zones (EEZ) has not in‑ Convention on the Protection of the Bal‑ creased. tic Sea Marine Environment. HELCOM administrates a Baltic Sea wide net‑ Though the countries have agreed un‑ work of MPAs, the Baltic Sea Protected der HELCOM on overall guidelines Areas (BSPAs), gives management for the designation and management recommendations and produces sta‑ of these sites, in reality they are devel‑ tus assessments. Most of the BSPAs oping these independently, on a site- are also Natura 2000 sites, and 64% of by‑site basis. As previously mentioned, the Natura 2000 sites in the Baltic Sea the ideal situation would be to develop and Kattegat are also nominated as MPA planning and management that BSPAs (HELCOM 2013a). Countries goes hand in hand with other manage‑ agree on measures and recommenda‑ ment tools, like marine spatial plan‑ tions on a voluntary basis and agree‑ ning (MSP). MSP processes are only ments must be transformed into nation‑ just beginning in many of these coun‑ al legislation to be enforceable. tries, while many MPAs and their cor‑ responding management plans have The original idea of the network was been in place for years, which prevents to provide protection to representa‑ these processes from being synchro‑ tive ecosystems of the Baltic Sea1. nized. MPAs should in fact be posi‑ The recommendation also said that tioned as the cornerstones of these management plans should be estab‑ plans, which should also be evaluated lished for each BSPA to ensure the and reviewed against ecosystem‑based protection of nature and the sustainable management principles and take into use of natural resources, and that these account the ‘Good Environmental Sta‑ management plans should consider tus by 2020’ objective. Without effec‑ all possible negatively affecting activi‑ tive regional cooperation, Baltic Sea ties. These commitments were recon‑ MPAs can only serve as isolated islets of firmed by Ministers in 2007 (Baltic Sea protection without being able to effec‑ Action Plan), 2010 (Moscow Ministe‑ tively contribute to halting the overall rial Declaration) and 2013 (Copenha‑ degradation of this sea. gen Ministerial Declaration). Despite these agreements, the overall tendency of the HELCOM countries that are also EU Member States, has been to follow the requirements of EU Nature Direc‑ tives, which concentrate on the protec‑ tion of very few marine features.

1 Note to reader: HELCOM is just in the process of revi- sing this Recommendation and the new recommenda- tion should be accepted by the end of March 2014.

9 Marine Protected Areas in the Baltic Sea

Blue jellyfish (Cyanea lamarckii). Dörjeskär, Kattegat, Sweden. 2013. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

10 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

This chapter will present a summary Baltic Sea Protected Areas of the Baltic Sea countries’ number of (BSPAs) designated MPAs, divided into Natura 2000 sites and BSPAs, as well as identify The BSPA and Natura 2000 networks how many of these MPAs have manage‑ overlap in all EU member countries’ ment plans in place. waters. In total, BSPAs cover 64% of Natura 2000 sites (HELCOM 2013a). Natura 2000 sites Today, 106 BSPAs (65% of the total) have a management plan in force, 42 (26%) The Natura 2000 network forms the sites have plans in preparation, and backbone of marine protection in Bal‑ 15 lack any plan at all (Table 2). How‑ tic Sea EU Member States. The number ever, many of the old management plans of Natura 2000 sites with management cover only the terrestrial parts of the plans varies a lot between the countries sites, thus dealing only with land‑based (Table 1), but overall, 69% have them, activities, while those in marine ar‑ according to the EU Standard Data eas remain largely unmanaged. Of the Forms. There is a huge difference in the 106 BSPAs with a management plan in content of the plans and they give only force, 72 cover both marine and terres‑ an overview description of the area, in‑ trial areas, while 30 are targeted specifi‑ cluding habitat types, species, and pos‑ cally for marine areas. The number of sible threats, while mostly lacking real BSPAs with management plans in force, management measures, such as rules as well as the coverage of the manage‑ and restrictions. Fisheries measures ment plans varies between Contract‑ are also generally lacking, though some ing Parties. Denmark has the highest countries, like Denmark are developing number of management plans in force these types of rules and regulations for (in total 62) (HELCOM 2013a). MPAs (see page 30).

Table 1. Overview of marine and coastal Natura 2000 sites per EU country in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat, as well as the number of sites with management plans, according to the Standard Data Forms. The Natura 2000 sites in the table are habitat- and/or bird‑sites, covering marine areas (N2000 SDF; accessed on 10 February 2014 (take into account the number of N2000 sites is not definitive, as available information may change from the assessed date)).

Number of Natura 2000 Number of Natura 2000 Country sites (includes Habitats sites with management and Bird Directives) plans according to SDF

Denmark 63 59

Estonia 35 12

Finland 55 24

Germany 37 2

Latvia 7 2

Lithuania 5 1

Poland 17 0

Sweden 169 168

Total 388 268

11 Skerry near Hanko Peninsula, Finland, 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell HELCOM countries have reported Denmark and Sweden have manage‑ that eutrophication, general pollution ment plans in place for most of their and commercial fishing pose the big‑ BSPAs, and plans are under prepara‑ gest existing threats to MPAs. While tion for the remaining sites (Table 2). general pollution and eutrophication The Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and are difficult to handle with a single site Lithuania) still lack management plans management plan, there are many le‑ for some of their BSPAs, but they are gal ways to enforce fishing restrictions all under preparation with the excep‑ inside MPAs. Nonetheless fisheries are tion of two Estonian BSPAs, for which among the least regulated activities in no information is available online in the management plans. Based on HEL‑ the HELCOM database. Germany and COM data, commercial fishing is an ex‑ Russia either have management plans in isting threat in 78 of 163 BSPAs and a force or under preparation for all their possible threat for 47 of 163 BSPAs, and BSPAs. Finland has management plans yet only 53 describe any action concern‑ for half of their BSPAs, and seven are ing fishing in their management plans. under preparation, leaving four sites Of these, 23 require a permit for fishing, without any. Poland is the only coun‑ 28 restrict it and only two forbid it. try without any management plans for (HELCOM 2013a). BSPAs in force yet, but eight out of its nine sites have a plan under prepara‑ tion.

Table 2. Overview of BSPAs per country, as well as the number of management plans in force and under preparation according to the HELCOM database. The last column indicates the percentage of how much the BSPAs cover of country’s marine area. Made from HELCOM 2013a and BSPA database. Number of BSPA area in total Number of BSPA per BSPA a Management plan in as fraction of a Country country management plan in preparation country’s total force marine area (%) Denmark 66 62 4 23% Estonia 7 4 1 17% Finland 22 11 7 7% Germany 12 2 10 36% Latvia 7 2 5 15% Lithuania 6 4 2 15% Poland 9 0 8 25% Russia 6 4 2 4% Sweden 28 21 7 5% Total 163 106 46 11.7%

12 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Review of management status The management plans deal mostly by country with terrestrial construction, extraction of materials and dumping, as well as aq‑ Finland uaculture (HELCOM database). With 80,771 km2 of marine area, Finland covers the second largest portion of the In addition to the aforementioned Baltic Sea. Most of its marine area is sites, Finland has one marine national coastal: 51,809 km2 is in territorial wa‑ park, established in 2011, which cov‑ ters (TW), and 28,962 km2 in the EEZ. ers a number of Natura 2000 sites in the Bothnian Sea. This area is the larg‑ Marine protected areas and their man‑ est marine protected area in Finland, agement status: covering 90,000 hectares of water and Most of the protected areas in Finland 1,542 hectares of skerries and islands. are included in the Natura 2000 net‑ Due to objections from the local com‑ work. Altogether there are 1,857 Finnish munities, many activities are still al‑ Natura 2000 sites, covering 5 million lowed inside the area, like fishing and hectares, of which one fourth protect hunting for seals and cormorants. marine and freshwater areas. Finland has 55 strictly marine Natura 2000 ar‑ Governance and management of pro‑ eas, protecting mostly sandbanks and tected areas: reefs, as well as grey seals (Halichoerus Management plans are defined in Fin‑ grypus). According to the information in land’s Nature Conservation Act. For na‑ EU Natura 2000 Standard Data Forms tional parks it is obligatory to develop a (N2000 SDF) only 24 of the 55 marine management plan, while for other areas Natura 2000 sites have management they are developed as needed. Manage‑ plans (see Table 1). ment plans for Natura 2000 sites are developed by respective regional au‑ 22 MPAs are also classified as HELCOM thority, on government owned land and BSPAs. Together, they cover 5,324 km2, water this is Natural Heritage Service which is equal to 7% of Finland’s (Metsähallitus). Stakeholder consulta‑ sea area. Finland does not have any tion is part of the process and the Minis‑ Natura 2000 or BSPA sites located in try of Environment approves the plans. its EEZ (HELCOM 2013a), making it If the protected area is on private land one of the four countries in the Baltic or water, management plans are done in Sea which totally lacks protection in cooperation with the land/water own‑ offshore waters (see Figure 1), but there ers, the Centers for Economic Develop‑ will be areas designated in the EEZ in ment, Transport and the Environment Eelpout (Zoarces viviparus), the near future. Based on the informa‑ and the Natural Heritage Service. Storsanden, Norrskär, Finland, 2013. tion in the HELCOM database, eleven © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell of the Finnish BSPAs have management plans, seven have plans under devel‑ opment, and four have none at all (Ta‑ ble 2). Some of these management plans cover only parts of the protected area. Eleven plans (either existing or under preparation) mention fisheries and re‑ quire some kind of restrictions/permis‑ sions. Specific information on fisheries controls is mostly lacking. Only one plan (The Quark) specifies a reason for stated restrictions: fishing is restricted because of important spawning areas.

13 Figure 1: Overview of Finnish MPAs.

Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) at an offshore skerry, Bogskär, Finland. 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez

14 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Estonia In Estonia, management plans include Estonia has a 36,320 km2 marine area, management activities and are the basis most of which is coastal (24,728 km2 in for financing those activities, but they the territorial water), with 11,593 km2 are not legally binding. Instead, Estonia located in the EEZ (HELCOM 2013a). has “protection rules”, which are legally binding and can include different re‑ Marine protected areas and their man‑ strictions. All of the country’s protected agement status: areas, with the exception of one area, operate under these protection rules. Estonia has 35 marine and coastal The protection rules include some gen‑ Natura 2000 sites (Table 1). There is a eral restrictions. If those general re‑ the predominance of MPAs in the west‑ strictions are found to be insufficient ern part of the country, where most (e.g. in the course of development of the of the coastal waters of the Hiiumaa, management plan for the site) then the Saaremaa, Muhu and Vormsi islands proposal for changing the protection are designated as protected areas (see Figure 2). All the Estonian Natura 2000 sites are coastal. Estonian Natura 2000 sites are mainly designated to protect sandbanks, shallow inlets and bays, reefs, as well as grey seals and ringed seals. Twelve out of 35 Estonian Natura 2000 sites have management plans (see also Table 1) (N2000 SDF).

Estonia also has seven BSPAs (Table 2, HELCOM database), which cover most of the country’s Natura 2000 sites. Four of the seven have a management plan in force and one has a plan in prepa‑ ration. No information is available in HELCOM’s database for the remain‑ ing two. Estonia’s BSPA sites cover 17% of their national waters, located in the coastal water. Estonia does not have any protected area in the EEZ (pers. comm. M. Kuris, Baltic Environmental Forum, Estonia) (HELCOM 2013a).

Stone with barnacles and bluemussels, Governance and management of pro‑ regime can be made. What this means, inside the MPA Hiiu Madala, in Estonia, 2011. © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez tected areas: is that MPA management plans can The Estonian Ministry of the Environ‑ only propose restrictions, but cannot ment manages nature protection, and ensure that they are implemented. Re‑ until 2005, it was also responsible for garding fisheries measures, Estonia has all fisheries related issues. However, in some measures, such as temporal fish‑ 2005 the administration and govern‑ ing restrictions for protecting whitefish ance was divided into two ministries: spawning areas. Fishing restrictions, Environment and Agriculture. Unlike including requirements to use specific other Baltic Sea countries, Estonia’s two gear, are included in Estonia’s Fishing ministries coherently manage fisher‑ Regulation (pers. comm. M. Kuris, Bal‑ ies, as both are represented in relevant tic Environmental Forum, Estonia). fisheries bodies (LIFE Nature Project, 2009).

15 Figure 2: Overview of Estonian MPAs.

Latvia Latvia has 28,751 km2 of marine area, database, management plans have more than half of which (16,126 km2) is been developed for two of seven MPAs in its EEZ, and the remaining 12,625 km2 (BSPAs), Nida‑Perkone and the West in territorial waters (HELCOM 2013a). Coast of Riga Gulf (Baltic Environmen‑ tal Forum, Latvia, 2009b). No informa‑ Marine protected areas and their man‑ tion is available in HELCOM’s database agement status: about the state of management plans Latvia has seven marine Natura 2000 for the remaining five (see also Table 2). sites, designated to protect mainly reefs and water birds. Two of these Besides Natura 2000 sites and BSPAs, have management plans; see Table 1 other types of protected areas exist in (Natura 2000 SDF). Latvia, including national parks, na‑ ture reserves, nature parks, restricted Latvia also has seven BSPAs (all areas and protected maritime territo‑ Natura 2000 sites as well), covering ries (EUROPARC). Latvia mainly pro‑ 4,364 km2 of primarily coastal waters tects its coastal areas, as only one MPA, (only 166 km2 are located in the EEZ). the Irbe Strait covers EEZ waters (see In June 2013, Latvia increased its BSPA Figure 3). Irbe Strait, which is also a coverage to 15% of its waters by desig‑ Natura 2000 site (SPA), has individual nating relatively large new areas (see protection rules (Latvian rule, 2011), Figure 3). According to the HELCOM which for instance indicate that wind

16 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

power plant installations are not al‑ inet of Ministers to protect and manage lowed (pers. comm. I. Ozolina, Min‑ the site. For one area, the Irbe Strait, istry of the Environment Protection regulations were issued without a man‑ and Regional Development, Nature agement plan, as it is an important ship‑ Protection Department). ping area. According to the Baltic Envi‑ ronmental Forum, no MPAs have been Governance and management of pro‑ specially designated for the protection tected areas: of fish and there are no specific fisheries Latvia has a long tradition of nature con‑ management measures or regulations in servation that dates back to the 1900s. any of them. For the two management Since 2009, the Latvian Nature Con‑ plans that are in place however, recom‑ servation Agency has been responsible mendations are in place to ensure the for all protected areas and for nature registration of bird and seal by-catch conservation policy. The Ministry of within MPAs, as well as to develop an Agriculture is responsible for all fisher‑ early warning system when seabirds are ies issues (LIFE Nature Project, 2009). expected in large numbers (pers. comm. Management plans are usually followed E. Bojars, Baltic Environmental Forum, by individual regulations set by the Cab‑ Latvia).

Seabed with a flatfish and a rock with blue mussels and barnacles, Latvia, 2011. © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez

17 Figure 3: Overview of Latvian MPAs.

Lithuania Of the Baltic Sea countries, Lithuania is currently protected (see Figure 4) has the smallest marine area, which is (HELCOM 2013a). made up of 6,512 km2. Territorial waters account for 2,274 km2 and the remain‑ Besides Natura 2000 sites and BSPAs, ing 4,238 km2 fall in the EEZ. Lithuania also has other kinds of MPAs, which partly overlap with them, Marine protected areas and their man‑ including a national park (Curonian agement status: Spit National Park), regional parks Lithuania has five Natura 2000 sites, (Nemunas Delta Regional Park, and which protect mainly reefs, estuaries, Pajūris Regional Park Regional Park), and birds. Of these, only one has a and one marine reserve (Baltic Sea management plan in place (see Table 1) Talasologic Reserve) and two biosphere (N2000 SDF). polygons (Kuršių Marios Biosphere Polygon, and Baltic Sea Biosphere Poly‑ Lithuania also has six BSPAs. Four of gon). Four MPAs have management these have a management plan, and the plans and two plans are not approved remaining two have plans under prepa‑ yet (pers. comm. D. Čebatariūnaitė, ration. The six BSPAs cover 1,005 km2, The State service of Protected Areas equivalent to around 15% of Lithu‑ under the Ministry of Environment, anian waters (Table 2). None of its EEZ Lithuania).

18 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Governance and management of pro‑ of Environment develops regulations tected areas: for commercial and recreational fisher‑ Nature conservation in Lithuania’s ies, but the Ministry of Agriculture is in dates back more than half a century, charge of enforcing them (LIFE Nature with the first law on Nature Conserva‑ Project, 2009). tion established in 1959. With the inde‑ pendence of Lithuania in 1990, a net‑ Fishing in MPAs is allowed, albeit with work of national parks was designed some restrictions and limitations. In the and completed with regional parks and management plans some conservation state reserves. Since joining the EU, measures are proposed, such as reduc‑ its main tool to designate and manage ing by‑catch (seasonal restrictions and MPAs has been the Natura 2000 net‑ requirements for mesh size of gill nets), work. The Ministry for Environment is and promoting alternative fishing meth‑ responsible for the protection of the en‑ ods instead of traditional fishing gears vironment, but fisheries management is (pers. comm. D. Čebatariūnaitė, the State divided between the Ministries of Agri‑ service of Protected Areas under the culture and Environment. The Ministry Ministry of Environment, Lithuania).

Figure 4: Overview of Lithuanian MPAs.

19 Figure 5: Overview of Russian MPAs.

Russia Russian waters cover two distinct areas ure 5”). Four have management plans, in the Baltic Sea; the Gulf of Finland and and those for the remaining two are un‑ Kaliningrad region located in the East‑ der preparation (HELCOM database) ern Baltic Proper. In total these two ar‑ (see Table 2). All six sites are located in eas cover 23,902 km2 of the Baltic Sea, territorial waters, leaving the offshore with 16,533 km2 falling in territorial wa‑ waters in the EEZ completely unpro‑ ters and 7,369 km2 in the EEZ. tected. New Russian BSPAs in the Gulf of Finland were reported in the latest Marine protected areas and their man‑ HELCOM publication on MPAs (HEL‑ agement status: COM 2013a). Six BSPAs exist in Russia, covering 4% of its marine area in total (“see Fig‑

20 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Governance and management of pro‑ The General Directorate maintains all tected areas: the information of Natura 2000 sites, The Ministry of Natural Resources and including updating SDFs and report‑ Environment of the Russian Federa‑ ing those to the European Commission, tion is responsible for protected areas while the regional directorates handle and conservation. The Russian Federal managing Natura 2000 sites within Fisheries Agency, which since 2012 has their areas of responsibility and act as been under the guidance of the Ministry supervisors for the majority of them. of Agriculture, is responsible for fisher‑ ies and the management of these areas The Maritime Office (MO) is a gov‑ (Federal Fisheries Agency of Russia). ernment agency responsible for the management and administration of Poland offshore areas, including the creation, The marine area of Poland covers management, and monitoring of marine 29,570 km2, most of which is offshore Natura 2000 sites, and the development (19,494 km2 in EEZ), with the remaining of management plans (called ‘protec‑ 10,076 km2 in territorial waters. tion plans’). There are three MOs in Poland (one located in , one in Marine protected areas and their man‑ Słupsk and one in ), and each is agement status: responsible for the management of the Natura 2000 sites located in the area The marine Natura 2000 network it is responsible for. While no manage‑ in Poland consists of 17 sites, cover‑ ment plan is yet in place for these sites ing around one fifth of Polish waters (Table 1), plans for several of the ar‑ (Table 1). There are also two national eas (mainly on the western and eastern parks and two landscape parks cover‑ coasts) are currently in a late drafting ing marine areas, which mostly overlap stage, undergoing final consultations with existing Natura 2000 areas and and should be presented for review to are also designated as BSPAs. the GDEP and the Ministry of Environ‑ ment later this year. Once developed, After Denmark and Sweden, Poland has they will be implemented through a the largest total area of BSPAs, having Ministry of the Environment regula‑ protected 7,361 km2 or 25% of its waters tion, and will stay in place for 20 years, under this framework (see Figure 6) but be revised after six. Sand bottom in Poland, 2011. (HELCOM 2013a). Nine MPAs, which © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez cover both territorial and EEZ waters, have been classified as BSPAs. None have management plans in force yet, but eight are being prepared. No informa‑ tion about the management status of the final BSPA is available in the HELCOM database (Table 2) (HELCOM 2013a).

Governance and management of pro‑ tected areas: The authorities responsible for the Natura 2000 network management in Poland are the General Directorate for Environmental Protection (GDEP) and on the local level, the Regional Direc‑ torates for Environmental Protection.

21 Figure 6: Overview of Polish MPAs.

Germany Germany’s marine area of 15,335 km2 Baltic Sea area (see Figure 7) (HEL‑ is the second smallest in the Baltic Sea. COM 2013a). Two of the 15, which are Its coastal waters cover 10,806 km2 and also national parks, have management the remaning 4,529 km2 lie within the plans. They will be reviewed in the EEZ (HELCOM 2013a). section below. According to the HEL‑ COM database, management plans for Marine protected areas and their man‑ 10 BSPAs are currently being prepared agement status: (HELCOM database) (Table 2). Germany has 37 Natura 2000 sites, six of which include offshore areas in the Governance and management of pro‑ EEZ (Table 1). There are no manage‑ tected areas: ment plans for the sites in the EEZ Germany’s marine waters are managed (which are also BSPAs), but they are by different authorities. In the EEZ, under development (pers. comm. nature conservation is taken care of by D. Boedeker, German Federal Agency the German Federal Agency for Nature for Nature Conservation). Conservation and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conser‑ In total, Germany has 15 BSPAs, and vation, Building, and Nuclear Safety. some include more than one Natura Meanwhile, German Baltic Sea state 2000 site. In total they cover 5,526 km2, authorities, namely Schleswig‑Hol‑ which is equal to 36% of Germany’s stein and ‑Vorpommern

22 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

(Mecklenburg‑Western ) are Environment and Rural Areas, is based responsible for conservation in the ter‑ on voluntary actions by the fishermen. ritorial seas and inner waters of their As this agreement is relatively new, its respective regions. In Germany, man‑ effectiveness remains to be seen. agement plans flesh out and implement existing ordiances for sites, but are only According to the authory for Mecklen‑ guidance documents to explain provi‑ burg‑Vorpommern, one Natura 2000 site sions and measures in detail. Currently, ( lagoon and Strelasund) in the only two regulations exist for two Natu‑ region has a management plan in force ra 2000 sites (SPAs) in the EEZ; one in (pers. comm. C. Herrmann, Agency for the North Sea and one in the Baltic Sea. Environment, Nature Conservation and For all MPAs in the German EEZ des‑ Geology). Management plans are cur‑ ignated under the Habitats Directive rently under preparation for two other specific ordinances and management Natura 2000 sites (Wismar Bight and plans are still under development. Recknitz Estuary). There are no existing (pers. comm. J. Krause, Federal Agency fisheries regulations, but by‑catch might for Nature Conservation, Germany). be addresed for the Wismar Bight SPA. However, techinal proposals for spe‑ cific fisheries measures for Natura 2000 The marine and coastal Natura 2000 sites in the German EEZ have been de‑ sites of Mecklenbrug‑Vorpommern in‑ veloped (EMPAS 2009; Anker Pedersen clude two national parks: Vorpommern et al. 2009). Lagoon Area and , the first of which covers several Natura 2000 sites. The state Schleswig‑Holstein is in Both have management plans in place, the process of establishing manage‑ however without regulating marine is‑ ment plans for its MPAs (pers. comm. sues in detail, i.e. fisheries (pers. comm. C. Wenzel, Ministry for Energy, Agri‑ C. Herrmann, Agency for Environment, culture, the Environment and Rural Nature Conservation and Geology). Blue mussels (Mytilus sp.), Germany, Areas of the state of Schleswigh‑Hol‑ 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell stein). Currently, legally non-binding management plans have been finalized for some terrestrial Natura 2000 sites, which also cover minor marine areas. Several fisheries regulations for territo‑ rial waters exist, including the state law for fisheries (“Landesfischereigesetz”; German rule 2014) and the coastal fish‑ eries order (“Küstenfischereiverord‑ nung”; German rule 2008). These in‑ clude regulations on the prohibition of trawl fisheries (exeptions are granted), industrial fisheries, drift nets, as well as gillnets closer than 200 meters from the coast. Regarding fisheries management measures in MPAs, Schleswig‑Holstein has finalized a voluntary agreement aimed at reducing the by‑catch of ma‑ rine mammals and birds in gillnet fish‑ eries. This agreement was signed in December 2013 by two regional com‑ mercial fisheries organisations and the State Ministry for Energy, Agriculture,

23 Figure 7: Overview of German MPAs in the Baltic Sea.

Sweden Sweden has by far the largest marine ment plans (N2000 SDF) (Table 1). Swe‑ area in the Baltic Sea, with 147,407 km2 den has mainly protected coastal waters, covering the Kattegat, the Baltic Proper as only six of its Natura 2000 sites cover and the Gulf of Bothnia. Slightly more areas offshore (see Figure 8). Three of than half of the marine area is territorial these six sites are entirely situated in the water (76,055 km2), leaving 71,352 km2 EEZ (respectively Finngrundet‑Östra in the EEZ (HELCOM 2013a). banken, Norra Midsjöbanken, and Stora Middelgrund och Röde bank). Marine protected areas and their man‑ agement status: In total, 28 areas are classified as Sweden has several kinds of MPAs be‑ HELCOM BSPAs, which amount to sides Natura 2000 sites and BSPAs, 5% of Sweden’s waters. Most of the including sanctuaries, marine BSPAs represent single Natura 2000 nature reserves, a national park (Koster‑ sites, but some combine several Natura havet in Skagerrak), and RAMSAR sites, 2000 sites into a larger protected area. which often overlap with Natura 2000 Twenty‑one of the 28 BSPAs are man‑ and BSPA areas. In total, it has 177 MPAs aged, according to HELCOM, and man‑ located in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat. agement plans for the rest are in prep‑ Of these, 169 are classified as Natura aration (HELCOM 2013a; HELCOM 2000 sites, and all but one have manage‑ database) (Table 2).

24 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Governance and management of pro‑ in the fisheries in the area (pers. comm. tected areas: L. Tingström, SwAM). Sweden has a unique way of manag‑ ing MPAs: instead of a national protec‑ Management plans for Sweden’s Nat‑ tion agency being in charge of manag‑ ura 2000 sites are called conservation ing MPAs, the responsibility falls on plans, and they give an overview of the the counties, not only to manage them, site, and include information about EU but to propose conservation measures. code, a description of the area, habitats Fisheries measures in the EEZ are and species, threats, its conservation subject to the CFP and can be adopt‑ status, and further actions. According ed through “joint recommendations” to the EU Natura 2000 Standard Data from Member States with an interest Form, all Swedish Natura 2000 sites

Reef structure with macro algae and starfish (Asterias rubens), northern Kattegat, Sweden, 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

25 have management plans, nevertheless, be put in identifying fisheries practic‑ a few cannot be found online. These in‑ es that are contradicting conservation clude Finngrundet‑Östra banken, Norra objectives (pers. comm. L. Tingström, Midsjöbanken, Stora Middelgrund och SwAM). According to a new proposal Röde bank and Morups bank, which are by the Swedish government (Regerin‑ also BSPAs. According to HELCOM gens proposition 2013/14: 186), the gov‑ however, management plans are being ernment will in the future be able to prepared for them, which is corrobo‑ impose restrictions (including fisheries rated by information from SwAM. This restrictions) for marine protected areas. indicates that while seven2 of Sweden’s This is a significant change compared to Natura 2000 sites (including Skagerrak) the earlier approach in which counties lack conservation plans, at least four are were the principle authority to impose in preparation (pers. comm. L. Ting‑ restrictions. ström, SwAM). The MPAs in the Sound (Natura 2000 Fisheries are often mentioned as a sites and the small coastal MPAs threat in these plans, which cover dam‑ Knähaken and Grollegrund) are auto‑ aging gear, including bottom trawl‑ matically covered by the trawling ban ing, which damages the seafloor, and (see Box 1), which is one of the ma‑ non‑selective fishing gear, which caus‑ jor reasons why the area still boasts es the by‑catch of seals, birds or har‑ rare habitats and species, such as the bour porpoises. However, no fisheries Haploops- and Modiolus‑communities measures exist in these plans as fish‑ (Oceana 2014). In the Kattegat, a cou‑ eries are regulated separately, through ple of Swedish Natura 2000 sites over‑ national fisheries legislation. As some lap with closure zones3: Stora Middel‑ Natura 2000 sites (at least 22) overlap grund och Röde bank, which is partly with areas affected by fisheries regu‑ covered by temporary and permanent lations, some restrictions do apply to closure areas, and Morups bank, which them, including for example, seasonal is completely covered by a temporary closures. Sweden is in the process of closure area. In the Baltic Proper, the identifying needed measures in order to Hoburgs bank, a Natura 2000 site, cov‑ achieve conservation targets of marine ers a relatively large area that is sub‑ protected areas. Special attention will ject to fishing regulations including a trawling ban, and a gillnet fisheries 2 The seven Natura 2000 sites are: Bratten, Finngrundet Scenery from a protected area (BSPA) Norra Banken, Finngrundet Östra Banken, Finngrundet ban between 15 October and 15 May. in the Bothnian Sea, Sweden, 2012. Västra Banken, Norra Midsjöbanken, Söderfladen and Also situated in the Baltic Proper is the © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez Villinge Boskapsö. Åsvikelandet‑Kvädö site, which has fish‑ ing measures that include a prohibition in a part of the area called Licknevar‑ pefjärden (Länsstyrelsen Östergötland website). Askö, another Natura site in the Baltic Proper, has a trawling ban applied to parts of its area. Some sites are seasonally closed to access, due to breeding birds and/or grey seals. Fjärdlång is an example of this type of area, and is closed for access between 1/2 and 15/8 to protect breeding birds (N2000 SDF).

3 The closed zones are areas in Kattegat, where fisheries are restricted, in order to restore the cod stock.

26 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Figure 8: Overview of Swedish MPAs. Swedish MPAs in the Skagerrak are also included, but the report only covers Swedish waters in the Kattegat and the Baltic Sea.

Common sunstar (Crossaster papposus). Dörjeskär, Sweden. 2013. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

27 Denmark plans, and the remaining four have plans Denmark has the third largest marine in preparation (HELCOM database; area in the Baltic Sea (when the Kat‑ HELCOM 2013a) (Table 2). tegat is included in the math), cover‑ ing 45,378 km2, which is slightly larger Governance and management of pro‑ than the country itself. Its territorial tected areas: waters account for 32,280 km2, while The Danish Nature Agency, under the the remaining 13,098 km2 fall in the EEZ Environmental Ministry, is responsible (HELCOM 2013a). for designating new Natura 2000 areas, as well as mapping the existing ones. Marine protected areas and their man‑ The AgriFish Agency, under the Min‑ agement status: istry for Food, Agriculture and Fisher‑ Denmark protects a relatively large per‑ ies, is responsible for making fisheries centage of its waters: 17.7% as Natura regulations for the Natura 2000 areas. 2000 (including the North Sea and the Most have a management plan, which is Skagerrak). Natura 2000 is the main called a “Natura 2000 plan”. This plan form of protection, with 63 sites in in‑ includes information about fisheries ner waters (the Kattegat, the Belts and activities inside the area, such as maps the Baltic Sea) (see Figure 9). Of these, showing where net and trawl fisher‑ seven are located in both coastal and ies take place. Actual fisheries meas‑ offshore waters, and two, both located ures are not provided in these plans, in the Kattegat, are entirely in the EEZ but the Ministry for Food, Agriculture (Store Middelgrund and Tims Top og den and Fisheries is working on develop‑ Kinesiske Mur). Of all the Natura 2000 ing some measures for certain sites sites, 59 have management plans in (see below). In September 2013, a new place (Table 1). fishing regulation for four Natura 2000 sites was released (see more in the sec‑ According to the HELCOM database, tion: “The Danish Example of Improved Denmark has 66 BSPAs, which cover MPA Management”). In 2014, the plan is in total 10,411 km2, equal to 23% of its to increase the number of Natura 2000 Green crab () among waters. Of these, 62 have management sites managed with fishing regulations. algae. Æbelø, Little Belt, Denmark. 2013. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

28 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Figure 9: Overview of Danish MPAs. The map also includes MPAs in Skagerrak and parts of the North Sea. The report, however, only covers MPAs in the Kattegat, the Belts and the Baltic Sea.

29 The Danish example of improved MPA management

Plumose anemone (Metridium senile) at a bubbling reef, Hirsholmene, Kattegat, Denmark. 2011. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell 30 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

While proper management measures stance, the Danish Nature Agency’s def‑ are generally lacking for most of the inition of reef is inadequate, and does MPAs in the Baltic Sea, some countries not include some types of reef struc‑ are starting to improve the management tures, leaving them totally unprotect‑ and control of human activities inside ed. Together with WWF, Greenpeace, them. Birdlife Denmark and the Danish So‑ ciety for Nature Conservation, Oceana The Danish AgriFish Agency, recent‑ criticized this definition for being en‑ ly decided to enforce fishing meas‑ tirely based on technical measuring ures in four selected Natura 2000 criteria, and therefore not including sites to protect reefs (see Figure 10). biological criteria, as described in the On September 1st, 2013 a trawling ban EU Habitats Directive. Also, according was put in place covering any area with‑ to the Danish definition, reef structures in a 240 meter boundary around reefs. under a certain size are not considered. Two of the sites (Langeland & Bøchers This means that some reefs in Danish Grund) are completely covered by the Natura 2000 sites are not protected ban as the protected areas’ boundaries from bottom trawling fisheries. Ex‑ fall entirely within the limits. Despite panding the trawling ban to cover areas the fact that the 240 meter limit is larger than the 240 meter zone, would small, this is a step in the right direc‑ correspond with the MSFD (article 13, tion to achieve proper management. paragraph 4), which states that spatial Denmark aims to apply this ban to all protection measures for MPAs should its Natura 2000 sites which have either be established in order to reach GES reefs or bubbling reefs as their designa‑ (MSF 2008). tion basis. Despite the shortcomings of this regula‑ Regardless of these good develop‑ tion, Oceana strongly supports the sys‑ Goldsinny‑wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) ments, Oceana has some concerns on tematic development of similar initia‑ with sponges (Haliclona oculata), plumose how the ban has been applied. For in‑ tives in other countries’ MPAs. anemones (Metridium senile) and brown algae. Søspejderne, Little Belt, Denmark. 2013. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

31 Figure 10: The four Danish Nature 2000 sites in which the trawling ban zone has been established (Danish rule 2013).

Mejl Flak


32 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Stenrev sydøst for Langeland

Bøchers Grund

33 Harmful activities in Marine Protected Areas

Blue mussels (Mytilus sp.) Germany, 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

34 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Mussel dredging in Denmark Harbour porpoise bycatch in Poland The Danish AgriFish Agency has is‑ sued permissions for mussel dredging Gillnet fisheries represent a threat to‑ (for blue mussels, Mytilus sp.) inside ward harbour porpoises in the Baltic three Natura 2000 sites located in the Sea and the Kattegat and are widely Little Belt and Limfjorden. This fish‑ allowed in areas established to protect ing practice disturbs life on the seafloor this mammal (Hammond et al. 2008; and leads to the deterioration of ben‑ ASCOBANS 2003; Berggren et al. 2002). thic fauna, which for some habitat types Furthermore, estimated levels of unre‑ in Little Belt, can last up to four years. ported by‑catch of harbour porpoise are Flatfish are also caught as a by-catch very high (Koschinski & Pfander 2009). during this activity (Dolmer et al. 2013). In the German part of the Baltic Sea for example, annual by‑catch rates for this While questioned whether this prac‑ species between 2005 and 2007 have tice is in line with the requirements of been reported as ranging from 2.7% to the Habitats Directive (Danish Soci‑ 7.8%. Surprisingly though, in Poland’s ety for Nature Conservation 2008), the Puck Bay ‑ a Natura 2000 area which EU Commission recently declared that was established to protect this species ‑ the dredging complied with the require‑ there are no restrictions when it comes ments of the Directive (EC Decision to the use of gillnets, and moreover the 2010/4157). However, similar fisheries authorities preparing the management in other European countries have been plan did not introduce any precaution‑ banned or restricted because of their ary measures within the document. destructive impacts on the seafloor and Puck Bay is also a “porpoise sanctuary” protected flora and fauna4. It is there‑ where harbour porpoises are commonly fore clear that there is inconsistency in sighted, yet its management plan’s draft the treatment of similar fisheries in dif‑ lacks any concrete measures to protect ferent EU Member States. them, only proposing a multi‑year mon‑ itoring schedule first. This is in conflict Because mussel fisheries are already al‑ with the aim of the Natura 2000 net‑ lowed outside of Natura 2000 sites, it is work to establish priorities in the light of primary importance to halt physically of the importance of these sites in main‑ destructive activities within these pro‑ taining or restoring habitats and species tected areas. Oceana is thus deeply con‑ and bringing the sea back to a favour‑ Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Sound, Sweden, 2013. cerned about this trend, because these able conservation status. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell areas are protected specifically because of the exceptional marine biodiversity they host. Scientific evidence shows the devastating impacts of dredging on the benthos, seafloor communities and geo‑ morphology.

4 Cockle or blue mussels fisheries, or scallop dredging in Ireland (Dundalk Bay S.I. No. 692 of 2007, Waterford Estuary S.I. No. 531 of 2007), or in part of the Wadden Sea in The (CWSS, 2002. Shellfish Fis- heries).

35 Finnish trawler in the Baltic Sea, 2011. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

Trawling mark in the deeper parts of Kattegat, Denmark, recorded by ROV in 2011. © OCEANA

36 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Box 1: Trawling ban in the Sound

Trawling has been banned in the Sound, which is the strait between Sweden and Denmark, since 1932 (Danish/Swedish rule 1933). The decree ratifies the Danish‑Swedish convention for the fishing condi‑ tions in the waters bordering the two countries. The ban extends from the line between Ellekilde Hage and Lerberget in the north, to the line between the Stevns and Falsterbo lighthouses. Both countries enforce the prohibition by controlling their own vessels throughout the entire area, and the foreign ves‑ sels in their respective side of the strait.

The ban was established because of the heavy maritime traffic in the area, as the Sound is the main transport route to and from the Baltic Sea. Interestingly, thanks to the trawling ban the benthic life in the area is thriving and boasts several rare and endangered habitats and species. Horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus) and small crustacean (Haploops) communities, which used to be more wide‑ spread in the region, including in the Kattegat, are among the rare habitats found in the Sound to‑ day (Oceana 2014). Besides preserving those benthic habitats, the trawling ban is beneficial for fish species, such as cod and flat fish, which are larger and more abundant in the Sound than in the neighboring Kattegat, for instance.

The ban is still in effect 80 years later and there are no plans to end it (Danish Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, 2012).

Haploops sp. tubes. Sample taken from Kattegat, Danmark, 2012. OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell

37 Conclusions

Sunset, Gulf of Bothnia, Finland, 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez

38 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Countries around the Baltic Sea have committed to establishing a network of well‑managed and ecologically co‑ herent MPAs. The target of having 10% of the sea protected has techni‑ cally been reached in the Baltic Sea, but two sub-basins, the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Proper respectively, have not reached this target yet (HELCOM 2013a). Furthermore, the MPA cover‑ age is not well balanced as it is generally lacking in offshore areas, and there is lit‑ tle to no protection of deep areas in the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat. Neverthe‑ less Oceana is pleased that countries in the region continue to designate new sites for protection, which we work to support by, most recently, proposing 13 areas in the Kattegat and the Baltic Butterfish (Pholis gunnellus) inside the Sea that would make prime candidates There is a need for a holistic approach Swedish Natura 2000 site Svenska Björn in 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell (learn more in “Oceana Proposal for and vision, when establishing new Marine Protected Areas”, Oceana 2014). MPAs and preparing management measures for them. This is something Of the many MPAs in the region, more that the Marine Strategy Framework than half have management plans (69% Directive can assist with, as it not only of the marine Natura 2000 sites and requires countries to nominate new 65% of the BSPAs). However, proper MPAs, but also to address all human ac‑ management measures are often lack‑ tivities that have an impact on the ma‑ ing, information about them is scarce, rine environment in order to achieve and most if not all kinds of human ac‑ GES by 2020. Finally, MPAs should tivities are allowed inside them. This also be included in any other marine is particularly true where fisheries re‑ planning activity at an early stage to strictions are concerned, as no MPA ensure that the natural values and eco‑ has yet to been declared a complete system services they provide are not no‑take zone in the Baltic Sea. compromised.

39 Oceana’s recommendations for effective MPA management

Nudibranchs ( verrucosa), Bohuslän Archipelago, Kattegat, Sweden, 2012. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell 40 Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

There is a vast array of national, in‑ including providing food, recycling nu‑ ternational and EU policy strategies, trients, controlling erosion, regulating guidelines and visions, ambitions and the climate, protecting against natural concrete targets when it comes to the hazards, and providing cultural and conservation and management of the aesthetical services. In order to keep protected habitats and species. Over our natural capital healthy and resil‑ the decades, constant work towards ient, damaging activities should not be fulfilling the EU’s commitment to pro‑ allowed inside any MPAs. tect biodiversity and halt its loss, has led to increasingly complex policies. Oceana’s overarching goal is to have 25 to 30% of the Baltic Sea and Kattegat Appropriate legislative and regula‑ effectively conserved with well-man‑ tory frameworks are fundamental to aged MPAs, some of which should in‑ achieving an effective MPA network. clude no‑take zones. Attention should Many countries have special legisla‑ be put on preserving essential fish tion for establishing individual MPAs, habitats and protecting threatened along with a variety of authorities with species. Oceana therefore urges the marine responsibilities, but few have a development of comprehensive MPA strategic legislative framework or in‑ management plans, and the comple‑ stitutional arrangements for a repre‑ tion of mapping and assessments of sentative MPA network. Despite the current and potential threats in MPAs. fact that the number of MPAs keeps Management plans should cover the increasing around the world, simply biodiversity within the area, address designating an area as “protected” threats, have a monitoring programme, does little for its conservation. These and include strict fisheries measures. areas need to be properly managed, controlled and enforced if they are to Based on our review of MPAs in the successfully protect marine life. Baltic Sea, the Belts and Kattegat, and their management status, Oceana gives The keys to achieving healthy and the following recommendations: productive seas are not visions and strategies but concrete actions. Only MPA management plans should in- comprehensive, well‑enforced man‑ clude, but not be limited, to these agement plans that introduce hard specific measures: conservation measures such as no‑take 1. All fisheries that take place inside zones, and ban harmful fisheries MPAs should be included in the practices and gears, can serve as effi‑ management plans created for the cient tools for preserving and restor‑ areas in question, so as to not under‑ ing biodiversity, and help to main‑ mine conservation objectives. Conse‑ tain healthy fish stocks. Used wisely, quently, fishermen should have to ap‑ MPAs can generate both ecological and ply for a permit to fish inside MPAs. socio‑economic benefits. 2. Monitoring, control and surveillance MPAs should serve as sanctuaries for of fishing activities must receive suf‑ fish, marine mammals, water birds, ficient resources so as to be efficient benthic species and habitats. They in all MPAs, regardless of their con‑ should act as buffers for all ecosystems, servation purpose, due to the sever‑ protecting them from the effects of de‑ ity of the impact of these activities on structive fishing practices and other MPAs and habitats in general. Vessel harmful human activities, and allowing Monitoring Systems (VMS) should them to continue providing human be‑ be mandatory for all fisheries inside ings with their vital goods and services, MPAs.

41 3. Anthropogenic threats in each indi‑ 4. Recreational fisheries should be vidual MPA should be assessed, and monitored, controlled and widely re‑ those threats which are harmful to stricted inside all MPAs. the biodiversity and vulnerable spe‑ 5. MPAs should be used in conjunc‑ cies of the area, should be eliminated. tion with other management tools, Generally known destructive prac‑ such as marine spatial planning tices, such as dredging and trawling zor integrated coastal zone manage‑ or fishing gears with high by-catch ment. MPAs should form the corner‑ rates, should be banned inside MPAs, stone of these planning processes: unless they are proven to be harm‑ protecting fragile ecosystems must less. As the first step, EU Member be prioritized before allocating space States should follow the obligations to other users. of the Habitats Directive, and: 6. Ecosystem‑based management and a. Develop risks assessment tools for precautionary approach principles fishing activities in MPAs (e.g. sen‑ should be at the core of all manage‑ sitivity or vulnerability matrix) in ment plans. If, for whatever reason, line with Article 6.2 of the Habi‑ data is lacking for any area, a precau‑ tats Directive; tionary approach should be adopted b. Consider a fishing activity to be “a and the assessment of adverse effects plan or project” in the sense of Ar‑ should be based on the worst‑case ticle 6.3 of the Habitats Directive scenario. and consequently require that an Appropriate Assessment proce‑ 7. EU Member States should make the dure be undertaken when risk as‑ best use of MSFD Article 13.4 and the sessment conclusions indicate the HELCOM Red List of species and likelihood of significant effects on habitats to overcome the Habitats the habitats and protected species Directive’s limits, and should also arising from the proposed activity. consider other important species and habitats, such as eelgrass beds c. Introduce suitable management (Zostera sp.) and soft bottom commu‑ measures, including banning fish‑ nities, including HELCOM red‑listed ing activities in the area to protect Modiolus and Haploops communi‑ Polish fishing boat, the Baltic Proper, 2012. those important features. © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez ties (HELCOM 2013b), when des‑ ignating new sites and develop‑ ing management plans for existing areas. 8. Appropriate levels of funding are needed to ensure effective manage‑ ment of MPAs. Funding for iden‑ tification, selection, designation, management and monitoring of MPAs is crucial to maximize their contribution to fisheries. Mem‑ ber States therefore need to clearly earmark funds for those objectives under their national programmess (e.g. European Maritime and Fish‑ eries Fund’s national Operational Programmes, as well as Natura 2000 Prioritized Action Framework).

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This publication and all related research was completed by Oceana.

Project Director • Xavier Pastor Authors • Hanna Paulomäki, Christina Abel, Andrzej Bialas Acronyms Geographic Information Systems • Jorge Blanco Editor • Marta Madina Editorial Assistants • Angela Pauly, Angeles Saez, Nicolas Fournier, Peter Pierrou, Magnus Eckeskog, Maria Bakraie, Michael Michalitsis Cover • Swedish coast in the Bothnian Bay, 2012. © OCEANA/Carlos Suárez Snake pipefish (Entelurus aequoreus), near Kullen, the Sound, Sweden, 2013. © OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell Design and layout • NEO Estudio Gráfico, S.L. Photo montage and printer • Imprenta Roal, S.L.

This report was made possible thanks to generous support by the Robertson Foundation, VELUX Foundations and the Zennström Philantropies.

Acknowledgments • Dieter Boedeker (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, BfN, Germany), Jochen Krause (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, BfN, Germany), Christine Wenzel (Ministry for Energy, Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Areas of the Federal State of Schleswig‑Holstein, Germany), Christof Herrmann (Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology, Germany), Ivita Ozolina (Ministry of the Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia), Edgars Bojars (Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia), Dalia Čebatariūnaitė (The State service of Protected Areas under the Ministry of Environment, Lithiania), Džiugas Anuškevičius (Protected Areas Stragety Division, Lithunia), Merle Kuris (Baltic Environmental Forum, Estonia), Lena Tingström (Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management), Penina Blankett (Ministerial Adviser, Finnish Ministry of the Environment), and Trine Christiansen (European Environmental Agency).

Reproduction of the information gathered in this report is permitted as BSPA Baltic Sea Protected Area long as © OCEANA is cited as the source. CBD Convention on Biological Diversity EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone GDEP General Directorate for Environmental May 2014 Protection (Poland) GES Good Environmental Status HELCOM Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission MO Maritime Office Poland MPA Marine Protected Area MSFD Marine Strategy Framework Directive MSP Marine Spatial Planning (also called Maritime Spatial Planning) N2000 Natura 2000 SAC Special Area of Conservation SCI Sites of Community Importance SDF Standard Data Form SPA Special Protection Areas SwAM Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management TW Territorial Water VMS Vessel Monitoring System

Bubbling reef inside N2000 site Hirsholmene in Kattegat, Denmark. 2011. © OCEANA/ LX Nyhavn 16, 4 sal 1051 Copenhagen (Denmark) Phone: + 45 33151160 [email protected] baltic.oceana.org

Rue Montoyer, 39 1000 Brussels (Belgium) Tel.: + 32 (0) 2 513 22 42 Fax: + 32 (0) 2 513 22 46 [email protected]

Plaza de España - Leganitos, 47 28013 Madrid (Spain) Tel.: + 34 911 440 880 Fax: + 34 911 440 890 [email protected] Management matters: www.oceana.org Ridding the Baltic Sea 1350 Connecticut Ave., NW, 5th Floor Washington D.C., 20036 (USA) Tel.: + 1 (202) 833 3900 of paper parks Fax: + 1 (202) 833 2070 [email protected]

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