To: The Chair and Members of the Transport Committee

Meeting: 1 March 2018

Authority/Authorities Affected: All





1.1 The purpose of this report is to present an overview of corporate and operational performance of Merseytravel for Quarter 3 (October to December) 2017/18 and provide an indicator to any key risks to future performance during the year.

1.2 The Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report includes the following elements:

(a) performance against the Corporate Plan Priorities for Quarter 3 2017/18;

(b) report performance against the 8 Corporate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Quarter 3 2017/18; and

(c) provides an overview of results of financial monitoring for Quarter 3 2017/18.


Members are recommended to note the contents of this report and request further information as appropriate.


3.1 The 2017/18 Corporate Plan summarises the strategic direction for Merseytravel based on requirements of the Combined Authority, priorities and the needs of our stakeholders and customers.

3.2 This report focuses on the third quarter of 2017/18 and summarises delivery and performance against corporate KPIs.

3.3 Merseytravel applies a RAG rating system for the corporate performance reporting processes and an amended rating system has been applied for 2017/18 to add a degree of sophistication. The definition of RAG is:– Highly Problematic – Delivery at significant risk OR RED abandoned

AMBER / RED Problematic – Delivery at risk but not significant

AMBER / GREEN Manageable – Delivery at marginal risk

GREEN Well Managed – No risk to delivery OR complete

3.4 A brief narrative is provided along with each rating to provide clarity on the rating and support management decision-making to improve overall performance.

3.5 Corporate KPI Progress Summary - Further detail on the corporate KPIs and performance against these is attached as an Appendix to this report. The table below gives a headline of that data. Where there is more than 1 measure or activity, the average RAG rating (either over 50% or the midpoint between the extremes) has been applied.


3.6 Full details of the data that contributes to the overall progress ratings of the KPIs can be found in Appendix 1. The term “Monitoring Purposes” means data is gathered for comparison or noting as it cannot readily be influenced on a quarterly basis, requiring wider strategic intervention to improve beyond direct Merseytravel control and influence. However, a RAG rating is provided (where appropriate) based on historic data or industry standards to give an indication of the current position.

3.7 For 2017/18, an additional KPI has been added (KPI 8) which outlines the major projects that are being delivered during the period.

Key Performance Overall Comments Indicator Status Q3 Monitoring purposes This data has been rebased to 2012 for the 2017/18 performance cycle and is reported AMBER/ annually. The Benchmark is RPI +1% and KPI 1 GREEN this would give target figure of 112 for Affordability 2017. The data show a drop in bus commercial fares; this is due to the Bus Alliance creating uniformed fares between and Stagecoach. Patronage figures on Supported Bus Services are provided 1 quarter in arrears due to collection times and methodology. AMBER/ Data is not available for this quarter for KPI 2 GREEN Commercial Bus, or Northern. Patronage River Explorer Cruise patronage has been impacted by vessel availability on key dates during 2017.

Key Performance Overall Comments Indicator Status Q3 Data for Supported Bus Services will be provided in Q4 and Commercial Bus in Q1 2018/19 due to technical difficulties. Merseyrail Services were affected by infrastructure and other issues; power AMBER / faults, line side fires, track failures, KPI 3 GREEN industrial action and passenger illness. Reliability Northern services were significantly affected by Autumn adhesion issues, fleet wheel flats and industrial action. Mersey Ferries are improving and Tunnels exceed targets.

AMBER / Bus and Rail issues are referred to above. KPI 4 GREEN Mersey Ferries and Tunnels are meeting Punctuality targets.

Monitoring purposes The latest annual surveys for bus and rail were in Autumn 2017 with the Merseyrail results released on the 30/01/18. There has been no significant change for the on-board rail figures for Autumn 2017. However, perceptions of safety whilst on AMBER the train have decreased by 2%. KPI 5 /GREEN During this period there were a number of Safety bus strikes particularly on the historical key problem dates in Oct/Nov. It is likely that had the bus strikes not taken place incidents would have been higher. The late reporting of incidents by depots is still causing delays in the identification of problems and subsequent deployment of resources. There are no significant issues to report AMBER / regarding responses to customer KPI 6 GREEN comments. Customer Mystery Shopper surveys was completed Comments in November 2017.

Monitoring purposes Within this analysis for External Connectivity, we now use the same measures as those which underpin the analysis within the Long Term Rail Strategy KPI 7 (LTRS). This utilises the top 30 economic Connectivity to and GREEN nodes within Great Britain, enabling much within the City better representation (NB: Norwich is not in Region the top 30, hence Liverpool's value = 8). The results shown will not have changed since the re-introduction of the direct Liverpool-Newcastle train in 2016, but will change with the impacts of forthcoming TPE/Northern timetable changes (Dec 2018). Due to technical issues, the Newton-Le- Willow programme is behind schedule impacting the station's completion date and budget. Unlikely that lost time can be AMBER pulled back and likely that projected costs KPI 8 /GREEN will increase. Key Strategic Projects The Smart card project workstream had

had some positive outcomes but there are still challenges. Work on the portal is on hold and operators continue to work with their suppliers to resolve software issues. The other projects remain on schedule.


3.8 Directors are accountable for overall delivery of the Priorities. Where there is more than 1 activity supporting the delivery of the Priority, the average RAG rating (either over 50% or the midpoint between the extremes) has been applied. Discussion during the preparation of the quarterly report may also influence the final RAG decision to add a qualitative input. The chart below summarises overall performance against the 5 priorities. The priorities are delivered as a result of the performance of 237 Service Level Activities (SLA). There are 8 SLAs at an Amber/Red or Red status.

2017/18 Q3

Priority 1 Improving connectivity through leading and developing strategic transport initiatives linked to the LCR Growth Plan and wider Regional and National 5 strategic activities: 3 Green; 1 Amber/Green; 1 Awaiting


Strategic Activities RAG Updates 1.a Continue to develop the long- Works on these projects are progressing. term rail strategy and progress further elements of the strategy Red - Construction work is progressing towards delivery including support considerably slower than anticipated at of development of North, Newton Le Willows and the programme is Newton-le-Willows and Halton now several weeks behind schedule. Curve. Issues with approvals for designs, along with the unforeseen problems with ground Amber conditions have impacted on the progress /Green and have led to a significant increase in costs. The final cost of the project has yet to be identified but is expected to be significantly more than the current budget. Work is progressing with to identify the anticipated final cost to allow assessment of the impact and report submissions. 1.b Lead and support development Transport for the North (TfN) has of Transport for North including completed the production of the Enhanced further development of Road, Rail, Freight Analysis, which was published Freight, Airports and Ticketing on alongside the Strategic Transport Plan on behalf of the LCRCA. 16th January. This is now being used to Green inform the work associated with the Corridor Studies and the development of a TfN Transport Model. Work on Smart Ticketing is ongoing as is officer engagement with TfN. 1.c Manage the delivery of the Mayoral Transport Plan brief to be Transport Plan for Growth on behalf developed. Local Journeys strategy of the LCRCA. Green developed with a Members workshop to take place in Q4 to develop delivery arrangements 1.d Influence the development of LCR continues to be represented at Rail franchises for the North OSG and within the technical groups benefit of the LCRCA through the such as the development of the LTRS. promotion of new services on the Discussions have taken place with Welsh Northern Franchise and by Green Government in respect of the Wales and influencing the development of Borders franchise specification and West Coast Mainline franchise continue with bidders for the West Coast services. franchise specification following formal consultation responses to government. 1.e Develop a collaborative All Merseytravel tasks have been approach with Halton Council within completed to date as required. However, the LCRCA to river crossing by all collaborative work on this has been Green road, recognising the linkages suspended at present at the request of the between the Mersey Gateway Mersey Gateway Crossing. Crossing and .

Priority 2 Deliver a comprehensive Bus Strategy for the City Region as part of a multimodal transport approach 3 strategic activities: 1 Amber/Green; 2 Green


Strategic Activities RAG Updates 2.a Maximise the benefits of the The Bus Services Bill activities are LCRCA’s devolved powers under progressing well. Work commenced in Q2 the Bus Services Bill to deliver and the draft Strategic Outline Case for the customer-focussed improvements alternative delivery model has been Amber to the Network and an increase in produced and is being internally reviewed. /Green fare paying passenger growth. The approval process is due to commence in February 2018 and is scheduled to be completed in April 2018 which is slightly later than originally announced. 2.b Work with bus operators within There are regular meetings with the Bus the Alliance to ensure that the bus Operators and work is progressing well. network and customer offer Green supports the City Region’s current and future requirements leading to fare paying patronage growth. 2.c Deliver financial savings within Reviews ongoing. Savings plan agreed the Supported Bus Network by and subject to monthly review meetings. It increasing the number of services is currently too early to confidently report that can be provided on a net impacts of implemented. commercial basis. Green Sefton/Liverpool/Wirral reviews and forthcoming Knowsley review. Bus budget showing a favourable variance broadly in line with the requirement for savings and ahead of budgetary requirements

Priority 3 Manage and develop a range of transport assets and services including infrastructure, information, the Merseyrail concession, Mersey Tunnels and Ferries 10 strategic activities 8 Green; 2 Amber/Green


Strategic Activities RAG Updates 3.a Develop and deliver changes to There were problems with the coin chutes tolling that work within the Tunnels on the new machines which have been Act to support LCR objectives and solved by the manufacturer. Roll out of the ensures that the collection of tolls is new toll machines underway in toll plazas Green undertaken in a safe, effective with further support provided by Asset environment that provides value for Management Systems Engineers. money and promotes the smooth flow of traffic through the tunnels. 3.b Maintain infrastructure assets in Amber/Red - Further improved progress support of Bus, Rail, Mersey and pace of Bus related projects against Tunnels, Mersey Ferries and delivery of capital programme has taken Attractions within a safe and place in Q3. sustainable resource and asset management framework. A presentation to the Transport Committee Amber will be made in Q4 in respect of the Station /Green Assessment Framework. Demand study work has been commissioned for a new station at St James that demonstrated a high capability to deliver a sustainable business case using the framework. Further development work will be subject to authorisation and funding. 3.c Support the transformation of Prospective tenants are anticipated to public services agenda by working move into the building at Queens Square with partners to maximise the by Q1 of 2018/19. Potential advertising benefit of our assets for the benefit Green opportunities have been identified and of the wider public estate. investigations are under way with a view to utilising the Head of Queue displays for advertising purposes via an agency. This proposal is currently in the early stages. The lease of landing Stage is now agreed and operational and has been operational since 31 July 2017. Other partnership work progressing 3.d Develop and deliver a long term Naval Architect has been commissioned strategy for the Mersey Ferries and concept drawings have been provided including sustainable operation of for comment by Mersey Ferries, Asset services. Management and Customer Delivery staff. Meetings held with MCA and Lloyds Green Register personnel to help inform the vessel design concept and operating parameters. The vessels means of propulsion is being assessed with a planned visit to ferry operators utilising Electric/Hybrid technology. 3.e Maximise the benefits of our A draft Strategic Outline Case has been devolution deal with respect to the completed and a report is being prepared devolution of rail stations to identify for submission to Merseytravel. Subject to financial and commercial approval the SOC will go forward to opportunities associated with Members and the CA for formal approval Merseyrail network station assets at the March 2018 meetings. Procurement and ensure that the terms of the documents have been completed and the concession agreement remain Amber procurement for a consultant to undertake relevant to current operations. /Green the next phase the OBC will go out to tender in January 2018.

Note - the TFGM station devolution OBC submission has not been accepted by the Secretary of State, who has advised that TfGM consider an Alliance option with Northern Trains and Network Rail. 3.f Effectively programme-manage An assessment of the changes caused by the transformation of the Merseyrail the revision of the Concession Agreement Network through the provision of as a consequence of the procurement of new rolling stock, and associated the new rolling stock is in hand. The depot and infrastructure Business Transfer Agreement (BTA) that Green improvements. saw Stadler taking control of maintenance of the existing fleet took place on the first of October. As a priority there are changes to the payment of the Annual Contract payment that reflects the BTA. 3.g Continue to develop effective The Rail Stakeholder Management strategic and operational Strategy/plan has been developed and is relationships with National bodies in use on major projects and specific and stakeholders to maximise stakeholder engagement activity. Due to opportunities for the LCR and resources being targeted towards the Green facilitate joint delivery where Liverpool Lime Street Closure (and Wirral appropriate. Loop Line Track Renewals before that), it has been given a lower level of priority so hasn't been rolled out to the wider team. LCR continues to be strongly represented and influential within the JAG/JIRG arrangements for the engineering works and through the Major Events Transport Board (METB); the key stakeholder forum for major planned and disruptive events for LCR. 3.h Influence the development and Chair of Key Route Network (KRN) group delivery of a LCRCA Key Route sits on the LCR Bus Alliance Programme Network strategy and Road Safety Board. strategy to facilitate multi-modal The CAMP is progressing well and will be journeys. completed by November 2017 under the auspices of the KRN Group, commissions are also been let for "Digitised Mapping" Green and "Self-Assessment Questionnaire Condition Banding" in respect to highway management regimes. The Road Safety Strategy was approved by the LCR CA in September 2017. A LGF3 bid has been developed for the KRN to be submitted to CA in March 2018 3.i Provide transport advice and Service plans for Ferries, Hubs and affordable transport services and Tunnels are in place and monthly service information to support the area meetings are held in order to update management of the customer and track the progress of elements of the mitigation in support of the Liverpool Service Plan. All elements of the plans City Region Rail Improvement have the aim of either increasing income, Programme (17/19), the LCR reducing expenditure, enhancing customer 2017/18 programme of major experience and utilise staff skills and have events and prepare for significant been formulated following on from the events in 2018/19. Corporate Service Plan. The Service Plans for 2018/19 are now prepared in draft form Green and undergoing a staff engagement. Focus of latest Major Events Board has been preparations for closure of Lime St Station 30 Sept - 22 Oct and The Wirral Loop Line Renewals (June 2017) which were successfully completed on time and to programme. Transport Plans put in place operated effectively minimising, as far as possible, poor customer experience; stakeholder consultation was extensive. A5300 in Knowsley - Lessons learnt workshop facilitated. 3.j Ensure that the Merseylink Merseylink services continue to be Service continues to provide delivered in line with contractual appropriate transport support for requirements. vulnerable residents. The Merseytravel review of transport Green services for vulnerable residents was subsumed into an LCR wide review led by Wirral BC Chief Executive which has stalled due to funding difficulties.

Priority 4 Develop innovative, inclusive, contemporary and affordable travel initiatives that significantly improve customer experience, including Smart and integrated ticketing within the City Region 5 strategic activities – 1 Amber/Green; 4 Green


Strategic Activities RAG Updates 4.a Work within the Bus Alliance, rail All workstreams on track and operators and with TfN to develop and progressing well. deliver an affordable Smarter Ticketing Additional planned research delayed at programme that provides greater Queen Square until after Bus Strikes, Green convenience, choice, flexibility and now scheduled for January 2018. value for money for customers. Resourcing issues have now been resolved. Recommendations now expected by end of March 2018. 4.b Improve and modernise customer Amber/Red - Design for refurbishment interactions and information provision of Queen Square facilities building is to enhance the customer experience complete. No funding available in and align with operator provision to 17/18 to allow the scheme to progress. ensure a seamless service to customers. Amber Red - Capital funding has been /Green withdrawn for the further development of the Merseytravel website. On-going development of current website is being undertaken within existing budget restraints. Other Projects progressing sufficiently. 4.c Within the context of corporate data Monthly data is collated on patronage of management, make better use of Tunnels, patronage of Ferries customer information collected, held commuter services, Ferries Manchester and used across the organisation to Ship Canal Cruises, Special Cruises, evaluate the effectiveness of travel River Explorer Cruises, retail Green initiatives and target our interventions expenditure within leisure attractions, and marketing accordingly. patronage of Travel Centres, usage of Customer Services (formerly Traveline) both telephone and email, Fast Tag usage, Concessionary Fast Tag usage and bus departures and charges. 4.d Develop an affordable stakeholder All Customer Delivery staff has and customer centric organisational undertaken Customer Service Training. culture which delivers high customer Green Monitoring/Evaluation programme in satisfaction and influences the place for major projects and approved operators to do the same. by Government departments. 4.e Develop an affordable and CA and elected Mayor are content with sustainable concessionary travel existing scheme to be used for 2018/19, scheme for the Liverpool City Region Green will be looked at as part of financial Combined Authority. strategy planning for 2019/20 and will be led by the Transport Committee

Priority 5 Provide high quality, professional advice to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority in respect of: i. The transport delivery executive; and ii. The Executive Body function supporting the developing governance arrangements for the LCR 5 strategic activities - 2 Amber/Green, 3 Green


Strategic Activities RAG Updates 5.a Advise the Combined The Strategic Outline Programme for the Bus Authority on taking Services Bill Alternative Delivery Model has been advantage of the transport completed and presented to Merseytravel. opportunities presented Strategic Outline Case is currently subject to through the City Region’s review. Approval process to commence in devolution agreement with February 2018 and is scheduled to complete in government. Green April 2018. Some delays in development of devolved EU Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) due to unforeseen changes to eligibility criteria. LTP Development Team have now managed to secure match funding to ensure a maximum bid to SUD from the LCR. 5.b Supporting the Activities either ongoing or have been delivered. development and delivery of effective governance and Amber/Reds – PMO are currently developing accountability for the templates, guidance and seeking to develop an Combined Authority through ICT tool. This was following the results of the SIF Merseytravel’s role as review. There is currently no Chief Investment Amber Accountable Body and Officer in post in the PMO who work alongside /Green Transport advisory role. Legal on funding contracts. PMO have worked Ensuring that this support is with Legal to develop several funding effective and represents agreements. Resource constraints mean that the good value for money for process is currently taking longer than both Merseytravel and the anticipated. CA. 5.c Continue to provide Ongoing activity Green effective leadership and management of LCR Transport Partnership through the Transport Advisory Group and the Transport Plan for Growth operating within agreed terms of reference 5.d Ensuring that Ongoing - Successes in Q3 include NPIF2 for two Merseytravel and the CA has schemes in LCR i.e. Liverpool and Wirral, an effective prioritisation Development of KRN bid to SOC/OBC, LCWIP framework for allocating technical support from DfT. Additional £320k Amber resources across transport Cycling and Walking to Work Fund. /Green and other priority areas, including those services provide on behalf of the CA by Merseytravel 5.e Develop centralised Activities ongoing Evidence and intelligence Green support for TAG


4.1 The detailed revenue spending financial monitor shown at Appendix 2 contains 9 months employee expenditure, together with 39 weeks creditor and debtor activity. Appendix 3 is a summary of capital spend against the capital programme in 2017/18.

4.2 The following tables show the summarised financial performance against revenue budgets for all operational services and include recharges in respect of support services:

Allowed Budget Spend Projection Variance Budget to Date to Date 2017/18 Underspend/ £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 (Overspend)

Bus Services 19,260 11,538 8,941 16,296 2,964 Rail Services (inc 1,610 1,139 6,744 6,234 (4,624) Rolling Stock) Hubs 7,600 4,462 4,129 7,281 319 Concessionary 55,205 36,803 36,803 55,205 0 Travel Corporate 2,747 1,831 1,603 2,506 241 Management Policy & LTP 2,147 1,431 1,462 2,089 58 Development People & Customer 3,529 2,253 1,902 3,192 337 Devpt Mersey Ferries 2,131 1,533 (696) (1,466) 3,597 Corporate Costs 6,077 4,558 25 6,077 0 Total Expenditure 100,306 65,548 60,913 97,414 2,892

Funded by: Merseytravel Grant (92,020) (69,015) - (92,020) - from the CA Application of (8,286) (6,215) - (5,394) 2,892 Reserves

Total Income (100,306) (75,230) - (97,414) (2,892)

Allowed Budget Spend Projection Variance Budget to Date to Date 2017/18 Underspend £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 / (Overspend)

Employees 18,199 12,099 11,761 17,600 599 Premises 5,038 2,903 2,722 5,160 (122) Transport 1,198 723 709 1,325 (127) Supplies & Services 86,612 57,719 59,406 87,865 (1,253) Third Party 105,565 70,376 70,219 102,653 2,912 Payments Fees and Charges 17,130 10,987 6,141 17,233 (103) Income (133,436) (89,259) (90,045) (134,422) 986

Total Expenditure 100,306 65,548 60913 97,414 2,892

4.3 Current projections show a favourable variance to the end of period 9. The favourable variance in respect of employees has arisen as a result of staff slippage. The favourable variance on income is largely attributable to income from visitors exceeding budgeted projections at the Beatles Story and Mersey Ferries. The Beatles Story Board approved a £2 million dividend to Mersey Ferries for 2017/18 as per external audit advice. This is the first dividend taken since TBS became profitable and represents accumulated profits retained within the business over a number of years. The overspend on Rolling Stock is the result of programmed spend being brought forward from 2018-19. This spend will be funded by the application of reserves.

4.4 Merseytravel manages and operates the Mersey Tunnels on behalf of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA). The costs incurred in meeting the costs of operation are paid to Merseytravel from the tunnels tolls generated. For 2017/18 an operating grant of £27.74m was agreed by the LCRCA. Spend on Mersey Tunnels at the end of Q3 was £8.3m which is broadly in line with the phased budget for the period.

4.5 Appendix 3 details spend against the capital programme. The value of the 2017/18 capital programme is £79.23m including the rolling stock programme. Forecast outturn spend for 2017/18 is £96.33m. Rolling stock commitments account for £50m of the total.


5.1 Human Resources

(a) Whilst there may be HR issues as a result of the delivery of the Corporate Plan and its Priorities, there are no direct HR implications as a consequence of the delivery of this performance report.

(b) However, depending on the feedback received, there may be HR issues that may need to be resolved to improve performance.

5.2 Physical Assets

Whilst there may be Physical Asset issues as a result of the delivery of the Corporate Plan and its Priorities, there are no direct Physical Asset implications as a consequence of the delivery of this performance report.

5.3 Information Technology

Whilst there may be IT issues as a result of the delivery of the Corporate Plan and its Priorities, there are no direct IT implications as a consequence of the delivery of this performance report.


Whilst there may be PMO issues as a result of the delivery of the Corporate Plan and its Priorities, there are no direct PMO implications as a consequence of the delivery of this performance report.


7.1 While the report identifies a number of emerging risks to individual service performance, these are being managed within the 2017/18 current budget, service planning process and risk management process.

7.2 There were no identified emerging risks that would require changes to overall budgets for 2017/18 or needed further consideration by the Primary Assurance and Risk Group or Audit and Risk Management Board.


There are no adverse implications arising directly from this report. Any decisions and policies adopted or changed in the discharge of these priorities or activities will each be subject to an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA).


Communications and Stakeholder issues will be considered as part of the delivery of each of the Corporate Priorities.


10.1 This report summarises performance in Quarter 3 of 2017/18 against the Corporate Plan Priorities and Key Performance Indicator supporting the application of effective evidence-based management of resources and increased focus on the delivery of corporate priorities. 10.2 Overall, progress is well on track or has been completed during the year, but it should be noted that comparison with previous quarterly performance data shows some areas of delivery taking a slight downward trajectory despite still maintaining good overall performance. Attention to the detailed delivery across all Service Areas is crucial to prevent any slippage.

10.3 Where there have been areas of underperformance against key strategic activities, actions have been put in place to address this and are summarised in the responses.

10.4 Financial performance against revenue spending is currently showing a favourable variance. The capital programme shows a projected outturn in 2017/18 of £96.33 million. Rolling stock commitments account for £50m of the total.

FRANK ROGERS Lead Officer: Transport

Contact Officer(s):-

Stephen Littler – Corporate Performance Manager (330 1184) Katriona Lloyd – Performance Co-ordinator (330 1148) Jason Roberts – Implementation Officer (330 1364) Carole Carroll – Head of Policy and LTP Development (330 1627) Sarah Johnston – Head of Finance (330 1015)

Communications: Joanne Sawyer, Merseytravel (330 1151)

Appendices: Appendix One – Corporate Plan Key Performance Indicators Appendix Two – Employee expenditure and creditor and debtor activity. Appendix Three – Capital spend against the capital programme in 2017/18

Background Documents: Corporate Plan 2017-18