Bid ldentification No. CETEL-KID-O3 12027-22 Naarae of'uzork

ConsEuction or Instream storage structure (Barrage) near villa8e Nandagaon a.ross river Udanti ln t]le district of Nuapada unde. Kalahandi Irrigadon Ditis,on, Bhawanlpatna tncluding Hydrone.hanicat works, Power Connectivity works, Ro.d .onn€ctivity, Stafi Quarters in.ltrding Designs and EJttmate of aU component with Operation and Maintenarce of the Proje.t for a pe.iod of fiv€ years or live flood seasons which ever is more after successful commissioning of th€ Prolect of state of from perspedivebldders,


Chief Engin€er & Basin Manager,Tel Basin, OFFTCE OF TIIE CHIET ENGINEI]R & BASIN MANAGER, TEL BASIN, BHAWANIPATNA, DIST. K-{LAIIANDI. Te I No.o 66?023 0209, cn r il {.lel basinbh p@gm, il.coi

h,'!o" Pr..trremcnl Notice- CE&BM.TEL-03/2021-22

Rid rdcntifi cation No. CETELKID-0312021 -2,2 online tendes are invired for DPc contad for construction of Instre sto.age strudure (Barragel Dear villaae Nandagaon across river Udanti in the district oI Nuapada under Kalahandi lrriBation Dlvision, Bhawanipatna including Hyd.omechanical wortt, Power Connectivity works, Road connectivity, Staf Qurrters includins Designs and Estinate of all component with operation and lvlaintenance of the Project for a period of ffv€ years or Iiv€ flood s€asors dbl.h ever is more after s...ssfu|.ommissioni.goftheProi€ctofstat€ofOdish.fromp€rcpectiv€bidders.

(krtaee) Dear villase Nand"cron r.ns nver

colnlcdvityworb,Ro,d.0mgdlvtty,sta6 audss indudins D.rcns ,nd Bshate or all

coon;sioniosorthe Prclsd of statsof odbha

2. l0 (Thinl) caLendar months including Biny

l. D'le & rine of .rnil.lrlity of I'id Dlre 01.07.2021 lrom 10.00 AM to Dlts 16.03.2021 uD ro 5.00 P.M.

Lxst dlle/Iinc for reccipi of bids in D,h rG03.2011 uI ro 5 P.M.

Nrnc & ,ddres of the oflicer Chief Engineer & Basin Manager,

Dtt (ahhandi-766001 Odisha

[email protected]

Funher dcrails can be sccn rron thc e'procurement portll !!I!l!!4!!:!!!U!!4:r!!Jl! OFFICE OT TIiE CHIEF ENCINf,ER & BASIN MANAGER, 'TEL BASIN. BHAWANIPATNA, DIST. (ALAHANDI' Tel No.066?0230209. ennil {€lcl br sin b h D@g miil.con

Lctdt No..11.zV./h) 8.. ..t Dated. 5\.".o 6..'2 o2l

Inlomation & public ReLltion Dcpanment,

Publicalion ol.'procuremcnt Nolice No.Cf, &BM,TEt-03,021-"'

wiih reierence to rhc subjeor circd above, $e copv olthe e_pr@uremenr Noti@ No' CE&BM,TEL-03/2021-22 is encloscd here wilh lor publioariod in two leadin8 Nalional Eqlish Daily in addilion lo two leoding Odi. diily ne*s p.pc6 on or belore D!lo.ol'0?2021 for rvide

Enclosc-(Bod ir Had & Soicopy)

ChislEnaineer& Bh l-relB6in. \t31 i D'll (-6 262\ l1k 4

C.py subnined to the p ncip.l secierary ro Governmenl. Depanment of warer Rcsources. odisha, Bhuba.s$var lor fNour of kind intbmltion dd nece$ary action.

qFll llLlD , 2\' A6 2t2\ *.0"t ( oo\ oNd"eo o he,teJ,l -,...,o1.,t. t..o'- J. o. & .e.l.n loD DepJn- e' Odr L'a s-..,-lia",-*,*..,ro-i"t''rion&ie"e .' r.'.or .ri k, .'c'l'ol'o''rlc'.nder call nolicc with identificat ion N o C ETBL- KID-OJ/202 l -22 in oilicial rvcb sitc olOortolodhhr names htp//wmv.odishaeov.in on or belorc Dale. 01,07.2021. **.!- Luvt "rlr/J McDoNo.l lql /D, al. Dd:. 2_62.1 :; :::hii -tir.:l* ;"-.# I:;i"i.#,:li:i:;::,i:r*r

ll\L tDt.tt 6.e 2n2\ .jl+'tfhkrEnBiieq .op) .otu dcd b trc Dr?troi. pr.,rinE. p.bJi.di ..,,.dh,purno , !riolJl & iO) ""nu.l,nd " r, u,.q*.,. put i.t.t,, io,i._,,t". -fr

M.,,, N" r.lrfrrD, I {l 6 {. )o2\ t)) -6.rt q-H lV.R. Odish BhubanesLu, Fi MJtrrgin8 Dirc or, |DCO/

r-ic'r ".,"."r,lry Dt ll at.2o2\ '-incqa . i\+.7 e Fl1 o". ,.'o:,l,,,"i:l.l':",':"1:;.,. ^. " :;";,.;.f,,"] l;; :liJl.

.l:eI'i v !1ee.& B t *-l: )t b6 ar. at.a\ (od\]l!. ro^li'ded'oat,r 7 h.e .' ,.,, rLlT " .. on""",ion.re....o

cril^rr'm v.tro\o \1Ll6tr,,.:rt rco & 3 M e"r I cl- ,€- | at+\ A|', (.g ; :1,:Tj,TlI,l]l#d|,',rc.},.|re"'. \ec,ltrL te s " "., "lf/J. v-mo^o. r.LJ Br ot )1 Ct )u2 \ '1''l"hee,.r , oplo \ro.,. Bal \ . 9l .","., _.-1r""ffi n,,." r.. J 1

Ch'ElEngrn€r & Basi +b4 6h GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Df,PARTMf,NI Of WATf,R RESOIJRCtrS OFI.'ICE OF TIIE CHIf,F BNGINEER & BASIN MANAGER' TEL BASIN, BHAWANIPATN,\ DIST,KALAIIANDI, Tclcphon e-06670 2302 0 9, ED il .e tellllsin bh p@gn ai l. con '

onlLne rend€r are invited kom the qurlified sho listed bidd.rs for. stnduf tBmace) near v race N works, ndd conncdivny, srarl Quanes rncludlns Desistu and Estimat' orall conpone't with opemtionandMai.tenanceoftheProiectloraperlodolfiveve.rsorlivefloodsedonswhich evernmore.ft€r$ccessfulconmissio.ingoftheProjectolstateotodtshaonEPcCotrtrad'

Clr$/EMD /Tendcr Fee /P€riod ol

(l) Cla$- Super C!a$ orequivalenr tB,itrassl ,car virtise (2) EMD Only the Bid sccuriq Declamtion lo be lumnhed ineead of work, rord .onnedivity, sb6 Quafrs$ incllding (3) Tender Fee-Rs.10,0001ro bc lEnsfercd oDer,rion and Maintcornrc ot d,. Prjlct ror i online CNonRefund.ble) (4) Period olcompletion -30 calendar fronths includingminy season

PERIOD OI VA]LABILITY OI Dr.0lir7,202r fron 10.00 AM ro Dr,I6,03,2021 trp to5,00 PM

TIMEANDDATETOR PRE BID Dr. 14.07-102' .i rr.00aM By the CE & BM,TelBasin, Bhawanipahr in vitusl 'nodethough LAST DAI'E ND TIME FOR RECEIPT Dt. 16.03,2021 unro5.00PM IE trc sALr- REcrrProF 6rDs onLirc rl,rcuah e prorurencd 5 TIMEA}]D DATE OF OPEN INC OF nl, l?.0i.102] rl ll'00AM PLACE OF OPENINC OF BIDS ofiicechamb.roltheC!&BM.

T rh psr /rcn E fu"'c. oe s l. c,r o. cc lrcr e p'oc.R cn oonJ


1.0 Itrrroducrion: Govemmenl of oDISHA proposes to bulld number ol schsmcs ol ba aec*c major chcck dams acro$ various !ile6 ad mrjor tiburarics dcpcndin8 on rhe rerain in a period of next firc )ea6 to enhance in sneam sloFge for the rabr con$rvlrion lor ifrproving diinking oat$ supply, augmenl llow & lift inigation, water supDl] lor industial & commercial esablishmons and mainkin minimui! envionmenral flow requireoents in d ilTernr rivcr basins ol ihc state.

1.1 The bnsic projecl prolile bNed on llc prsliminary nl'noing is lurnishen h Appendix DPP The salienr features provided in Appendix BPP a ro tenrative excepl the I 0 0 ,ear flood, 500 year flood and lhe pond lcvel Ths availablc hydrol*ical data and preliminary su ey dala oflhe site h appended. The pond level olthe ba €e is fixed lo hame$ $e potendal fully with no submerseNe and minimuD land acquisition, The bidJ{ is to desisn ,ll conponens considerirg $e 100 ]ear and 500 yeor rcturn period nood and rhe pond Level given inlhe Appendix BPP, Thes three parameteD ae biidingo. rhe biddq a.d cannol bc

1.2 Tnc fraln componcnrs ol this Barage rill be a) Baiisge inoluding eners dtsiparion arangement, pie6 and abulment wiih suide rvall (b) scourins sluices on both sides inoLudins Sluice Cates wilh manually opemted (c) Cates on Ba&se way ponion(d) aflux hund lnd bank prorection *o* ol the !e! in the upnram up to e.d of ponding (e) Elecaicalconneclivity ro the bamqe site Loh rhe nexft$ 11KV $uclurc uith ll/o.4lKv .ubqi'ion dr Bdnits. .ir- tirl- . o dFo.:be l'nF, dnd 'i liF( lo. .on opario ,nJ lighting ofstcs. (0 A doubl. stori.d building lor w.tchman & opcntor shcd at thc b.mgc site qilh 650 sq.li of leDpomry shcd,440 sq.li of warchnan shed and 1500 sq.fr for lccommodlrio. of workcharged stalli,cludins elecnic, uarer supply *ith huil. up are. with boundarywall. (sl Apprcach Road toihc bairaec trcm lhD ncarcs connodivny and (h) other anciLlary rvorks.

2.1 Online tendeG lor the lollorving work is invired on EPC conrEot basis by the Chicf tngincer& B,sin Mrnqcr, Tel Brsin, Bha-anilDrnr fsm the eligible peBpective

2.2 The concemed Biddershall submir the ceninore ofrcCismtion with concemed Stale / Covemmenl bodies / Aurhoriry olons wnh lhelender 2.1 rhe Bidder reshrered ou6ide odisha sh lsel himsell resisrered in Supe ch$ in lhe sate of Government of odhha bcfore signinS olaSrecncnt.

2,4 fsilureoflakinsaclionspecilied inPam22 and 2.r abovc,lhe concerned bidder shall be disqualified and they \yillbe suspended for thrce yean 3.0?articuhaofTendfi r) N.me of l)cpa mcnt : Depanmentolwater Resorrce! oovt.olodisir. b) TenderNorice Number : BlDidenlifica(ionNotETEL-KlO 0l/2021_22 c) Periodofcontnct r 30 Calendarmonths including Rainv season

g) EMD/Bid Seourit] onLy the Bid se.urit] Decladion to bc lirmnhed iNtead.lEMD / Bid Sccurily. R$I0.000/-to be t.nslircd online

ind Price bid through Online. D Itchnical i) l&0 drrs fiom lxs dat.olsubmission ofbid. k) Availobility ol tender online Di. 01.07.2021 from 10.00AM.

up ro 5,00 Prl, D AvailnbilitJ of lcDd$ onlinc Dr. 16,03.2021

Scct .l.rilic.iion shrl dlls Dt. 0?.07,2021 r1 11,00.^M

Seek cln.ilicalion l.sl dalc (2 Dl. 12,07.2021 uplo1,0$PM. dlys bcforc pre bid mceling) on line subnisior o, bid un D1, t6.03.2021 upro5.00?M.

On Dt. lt,0?.2021 11.00 A.M o.wards Nill be held by chielEnginecr& Bas in Manager, Tel Ralin, Bhasanipatda in vinxal nodc tlrrough

q) Tfthnicd Bid openingdric On Dr- 17,03.2021 fron tl,00 AM onwards Place of Tech.ical Bid openinS: Oflice chamber of Chiel Enxiiecr & Brsin Man!!er. Tcl Basin, Bhawanipatnd r) Plice Bidorcning Dare Drte & phce of opening olprice bid shall be nolificd by rhe TcMerlnviringAu ioril) s) InitialSecurnyDeposil(lSD) T.tal 2% ofdrc trgrcemeir value in the lorn itr shrpe ol N.S c ,/Poi Otlicc srvings Bank Account/Posr olfice Tinc Deposi( Accoun Ki$an viksh P*i/8rDl Cu@ree ii lavour or dre conccrDcd Ereculivc lingideor fro,n any Nalion,liad Brnl, Schednlcd Comm.rcill B'nk in IIdia counr$eulrrnteed Dy iis lo.rl bnnch ar l% olthe rmolntote'oh runninebilkwill l) Pcrlomance s ocu rirY Ctos Basin Man'3er. Aurhority Invitine Bids' : ChielEngineo& n) T.LBr!.- Bha$dnin n, , ,lWO Ol,'0.p,*, DstK'lehandi Odislra

-'nailr [email protected]

DOWN LOAD O! TEN'D!]R DOCUMENTS iom daie 01 0? 20'1' 10 00 AM uP The tender docunenls arc available in electtonic fom quarined ,; ;" -* rcndersodish!'sov in' r erested ;:il;t;;;;;;il 'ebsire cin doNnroad tendcr ffi#fi;il ; "il it"sc lend$ documents onrine' and

Bidde$rvho wish ro submitlhoirofler shall deposilspccifiedlendcrdocumeni

fscs through oniine mode only.

5.0 PRL BID( O\fl Rr\cr bvrhc Chi'f opsn lo allprospeorive bidderq flillbeco'vened 5 I' A Pre_Bid Meeling, rr'00 AM' ;il, sni" rtr'mgs ler Ba{n on r4'0-t0tr 'r 'r Mcer Bh;*'ninatni Ln rtu, mode rhtuush CooALc ' u'' o1'rer Io *e ouer'e' or a) ,, ;;;;. .t ' ** '3 si' oe Io di "1o mdErihar mav" be o6e'l b, hebLdderl tharsbsc' query in tif,S oiiine !n e_procurenent T[e bidde6 arc rcque*ed lo submit inv N 5.1' rrr BAitr ;;,; ;, *"" o ( hi't Lngioccr & anlin ";, " "". "ntre -en'ioncd in N'Tbe or"prc_b"n^4'n'Ern eding i,,,"":.".:. i'" '*'"r- 'oo!' '", m'v become ncce$ary as a rcsuh of $e t4 Anv Dodification ol lhe bid dooument that "- an addendum b Bid 0"1"i ,n"r, t" bv fic Emplover' bv is$ins '!de green enr Docuhc nts."i""ii". *h ich cveorual ly become a pan ol the ' lhe oe Lo : 'b'l vee"'g ' I oe Lp'o'ded rr 'ion - ' 'eo"'eoin'omr'or :i".;;;;;';'i'''"'kd'' p;i o' Did do'' tn \o'urr- rel inglo pre_bid shallbc provided tothe bidder' acause lor disquolilicalion ofthe 5,6 Non_atteidaNe al the pre_bid meeting shall notbe

SUBMISSION OIiTENDBR: tn case ol ont lailure mallunction or The bidde6 shall5ubmit their tender online onlv' 5.? thc " sv$e'n u*d duriis rhe e'prccurcme't proces &'der ",,ii*il;;;;;;;;;;t" oiher rhan +,r *t i**t anv rcsponsibilitv ror fairuE or breakdown ",,*1,, in lhose sy$ems strictlv vithin rhcir osn conlol' s.3The e-procuremenl applicalions lre PKI ( ?trblic Key Inrhnructure) enlbled and supports lhe digital stnalure cenificates(Dsc) of apprcpriate class (cla$_ll or Clas_ IIll tsued hom a reEislered Cefriryins Aurhoriry (CA) as iipulated bv CoDtolln or Ceni8 inE aulhornies (CcA), Govemm enl of I nd ia suc h a s n-code, Si fv. Tc s. c_Mu d hra erc., lor si8nirg the bids ar the time olsub hsian by connador. Thc conlactor has to pmcurc digital Siglature certificltes issucd by ahove aulhoriry as ner rhc proccdure. Digihl Ly s iSned b ids aE to be su bm iled electon i.ally th ou eh sprocuremenl. without rvhich the rcndcrqillnot be coisidered lor opehinE thc price Bid.

5.9 Suitablc traininE willbe Eivcn by State ProcurementCell, Niman Soud[ Bhubanc$ar ro rle biddcB interened ro know lhe prccedurc ol bid submilsion on e-procurcnenl pladbrm.The telcphoneNo is 13001456765 Goll free), 06?4_2530993 5.lO The bi.ldcd would be required (o reskter on rho o_proouEment markcl plae {*lv.rcndcsodishr.s.r.i. and submit rhet bid onlinc. The Depanftent \vil1 not ac.elt anybid submined in the papor lorm. The bidde6should quole thcir Tender contlc! pioe 0r thc prcsoribed field / place prcvided i' dre o_narkctploce. 5.ll lhe bidder mry ask question onLine in lhe e_prccuEment poMl usinghis/herDsc prcvided requcsionsare Bisedwithii rhspcriodolseekinCclarification asmenlioied in rhe paticul.r of tendo. The oi]jer invirinE lender will clariav queries ftlared ro the

5 12 Inrending bidders c.n conract tlE ChiefEnginoer & Basin M{nnger. Tel BtsiD an! Norking duing *orkin8 hou6 No lor ony clarification, and intbrmation on 'lay occ'Ena..eo Bfte"T r'o'd tc. rg ..eil-,cJr.' ' i, P 5.11 llr bidded ae rcqucsed to submir rhc bids in singt naEe wifi !*o .ovcN cov ll QusLificarion (n{ia and Tcchihalbid,d cov* l: fin.ncialbid ii $pamt 6 OPENING OIiTtrNDNT The Tochnical Bid silL be .pcncd on D1.I7,08.2021 rt 11.00 AM on Yebsite wwiendcFodiihlsov.io as memioned in Pa€ 30(q) above.Intcndin8 bidde6 or thet representllive who wish lo participare in online rendn opening cln log .n lo wrv.teDdcrsodishr,eov.in on the due date and time afr$online opeDing ofrhe bid by the aurhoriTrd ofilccr. The biddeB *ho Nhh to rcdain prcsent al Office chanbcr ofchi.f trngioee. & Brsin Manager, Tel B,sin predis.r lhe lime ol render opening can do so. Only oie represcnralive ofeach fim lvillbe allo$cd b remlir prBsenr. The price bid wlll be opened aioColernment's de.hiod onlechnicll bid ollender' CE\TRAT I\STRUETIO\S '7 -ll The costo|tender docuncnt*ill nol be relunded und$arvciNum ances 1.12 Bid Secur tl Dcc a,rtion inlhe iom speified in&nderdocurent only shall

7.13 The bid shall be valid lor One hlndrtd cigh.y (130) days tofr thc last dale of submissio.olbidonline. 7.14 Tendere qilhout Tender docuncnt facs, Bld s.cui\ Dcclaratior and which do nor fulUll all or any ofthe condilion or subini(ed incoDpletc in any respect will be

7.15 Condirional tendersh.llnor be accepted. 7.16 Covcrnnenl reseres ihe righr to &@pr or reject any or rll rendo6 wirhout $signing any reason thereot

a pan of connad and on Ly rc{ u ned ens need ro 7.17 Thebid dNumenrsh.llfom 'locum bc uplmded duritrgonlinc bid subnission forevaluation ofbid. 7.18 'lhe bidde^ arc adlised lo rcad caElully the "ln$ruction lo Bidde6" contained in rtu tnderdocumeB at seolionll 7.19 The wcbstc addres for e Tende ng kw.Ende^odhh!.gov in 7.20 l]]e deEiholdre rbove norip*ilt bc alailable on ww.lcndcEodishrsov in.

7.21 Derecr lirbilit, pcrlod:2(t\o) yeffs lrom lne d are or conp lerion of thc psjecl. 7.22 Opeation & Mainlcnance leiod: 5(live) yea$ loh lhs dalc ofcommissioning of the work or 5(Five) I ood season rhichever is higher. 7.23 Thc dates slipulared in rhe NIT rie fim and unds no circumslances lhey will be

re hxed u n les officia lly exte nded,hod ified 7.2,1 Otheriemsandconditionsshallbeappli.dasperrermsandc!ndirion.lrhetnder

7.25 Joim vcnrurclcnder isaccepbble,

Funhodetailscatr be seen t to e tr.curcfrcnt ponal ww.tendeNodisha gov in.
