Media release Thursday 22 August 2019

Rural doctors deeply saddened by the passing of Tim Fischer AC

Statement by RDAA President, Dr Adam Coltzau

We are deeply saddened today by the passing of the former Deputy Prime Minister of , and former Patron of the Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA), Tim Fischer AC.

There was no greater supporter of rural and remote Australians than Tim.

He came from the bush, understood the challenges facing rural and remote Australians, and worked hard throughout his life and career - both in politics and post-politics - to make life better for those in the bush.

As a result, he rightly earned the respect and love of those who call rural and remote Australia home.

As Patron of our Association, he was unwavering in his support of rural doctors and other health professionals, and the need to get more of them to the bush.

He knew how important it was to keep advocating for more rural health professionals, and better access to local health services in country Australia – and during his time as RDAA Patron he contributed enormously in our work to achieve this.

As many will know, Tim was an incredibly down to Earth person – that is a big part of what made him so popular with so many Australians.

He was genuine and the real deal – and as a result, those within our Association greatly enjoyed working with him.

Rural and remote Australians benefitted enormously from Tim’s commitment and all the work he did on their behalf.

We send our sincere condolences to Tim’s wife Judy, and their sons Harrison and Dominic.

The Boy from will always be revered and remembered.

Media contacts: RDAA CEO, Peta Rutherford, on 0427 638 374 Patrick Daley on 0408 004 890 RDAA National Office on 02 6239 7730