Subliminal Messages: Between the Devil and the Media

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Subliminal Messages: Between the Devil and the Media Psychology in Action Subliminal Messages Between the Devil and the Media John R. Vokey and J. Don Read University of Lethbridge ABSTRACT: We describe our entanglement in the ing upon the degree of religious belief held by the controversial public issue of subliminal messages in proponents of these views, the backward messages are, advertising and popular music in order to provide a at the least, thought to have been technologically en- report of our research unencumbered by the misrep- gineered by the rock groups themselves or, at the resentations in the various media reports of this work. worst, inserted by Satan. A distinction is drawn between the allegedpresence of these messages in the media concerned and the impact Why Should We Pay Attention? they are purported to have upon the listener or viewer. The announcer's and subsequently our interest in Our research is concerned primarily with the latter: backmasking arose from the arrival in our city of Pas- Is there any evidence to warrant assertions that such tor Gary Greenwald of the Eagle's Nest Fellowship in messages affect our behavior? Across a wide variety California; Greenwald is a well-publicized proponent of tasks, we were unable tofind any evidence to support of these views (Tisdall, 1983). While in our city, such a claim. Secondarily, we present evidence to sug- Greenwald held a two-day public seminar on back- gest that the apparent presence of backward messages masking in rock music, which culminated in a mass in popular music is a function more of active construc- rally and a large record-smashing spree. At about the tion on the part of the perceiver than of the existence same time, the house and senate of the state of Ar- of the messages themselves. Finally, we describe our kansas were debating a bill that would require record experiences with the public media's handling of these distributors to affix stickers to rock music albums issues. warning the consumer of the possible presence of backward messages. It was not long before a bill was passed requiring that the following message be placed In the fall of 1982 we were contacted by a local radio on records and tapes sold in the state: "Warning: This announcer for information about a phenomenon he record contains backward masking which may be referred to as "backmasking." However, his question perceptible at a subliminal level when the record is did not concern the well-studied phenomenon of vi- played forward" (Associated Press, 1983). Similarly, sual persistence (see DiLollo, 1980; Sakitt, 1976); the the California legislature passed a bill that stated that announcer wanted to know what were the effects on the distribution of material containing backward a listener of messages that allegedly had been recorded messages without public notice is an invasion of pri- backward into popular rock music. He informed us vacy, thereby allowing the distributors of such material that when such recordings are played in the normal, to be sued (Easley, 1983). Apparently, several elected forward fashion, the messages are not consciously representatives in at least one other state (Texas) have perceived; however, played backward, intelligible considered the introduction of similar legislation, and messages can be heard. His concern was not that lis- at least one Canadian member of parliament and the teners would play their records backward and thereby Consumers Association of Quebec also have sup- "hear" the messages but rather that the messages ported government investigation into the issue (Son- would be perceived unconsciously by the listener when mor, 1984). Clearly, political lobbying by the propo- the recording was played forward. He informed us nents of these beliefs has been successful. that those who advocated this belief also claimed that We should emphasize that Greenwald is not the the messages had an evil content and that, upon hear- sole proponent of backmasking in rock music nor ing them, the youthful listener was led down a path necessarily the individual with the most impact. Oth- of loose morality and behavioral aberration. Depend- ers include Hot Springs minister Don Hutchings, who November 1985 • American Psychologist 1231 Copyright 1985 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0003-066X/85/$00.75 Vol. 40, No. 11, 1231-1239 lobbied in favor of the Arkansas legislation, and Mi- came clear that advocates appear to believe that dem- chael Mills, president of Research Ministries of Battle onstrating the existence of the messages is not merely Creek, Michigan, who has toured the United States necessary to the argument but is sul~cient as well. In warning parents and their children about backmask- his public seminars, for example, Greenwald presents ing in rock music. In Canada, Allan Lamothe presents a collection of reversed recordings of rock music to lectures on backmasking and rock music to Quebec demonstrate the existence of backward messages. schools and church groups and has published a book From these demonstrations and the alleged presence containing a detailed listing of the alleged backmasked and presumed effectiveness of subliminal messages in content in the rock song Stairway to Heaven (Sonmor, other media such as advertising, Greenwald concludes 1984). In each case, the thesis is that at least some that listening to such music is having a detrimental rock music has been backmasked to contain satanic effect on young people. and drug-related messages and that the content of The connection with subliminal messages in these subliminal messages influences the listener. media other than rock music is informative because The announcer who contacted us thought that the bulk of the evidence offered for their effectiveness modern experimental psychology could offer some likewise consists of little more than a listing of pur- insight regarding the likelihood that people are being ported subliminal messages. Bryan Wilson Key, the influenced by subliminal and backward auditory major proponent of the claim that advertisers have messages. However, upon searching the literature, we resorted to "subliminal advertising" to influence the found that apart from the well-known and related buying public, provides an extensive litany of sublim- work in visual perception generated by the New Look inal messages in various print, film, and television experimentalists of the 1950s (see reviews by Dixon, media (Key, 1973, 1976, 1980). Like Greenwald, he 1971; Erdelyi, 1974) and the more recent work by presents the "exposed" messages as proof not only Marcel (1983), Merikle (1982), and Henley (1984), that the respective media contain such messages but there was nothing on the comprehensibility (conscious also that the messages have the intended effect. But or otherwise) of messages spoken backward. On the even if it is granted that support for the existence of positive side, it seemed to us that, as cognitive psy- subliminal messages is as good as Greenwald and Key chologists, we had available the research tools to pro- contend--a point we challenge subsequently--it does vide some information about the comprehension of not follow that the messages must be effective. That backward messages. The results of that work and the is, in the absence of any direct evidence in support media's reporting of it are discussed in subsequent of this belief, demonstrations of the existence of sub- sections. We first discuss a simple distinction that we liminal messages or even admissions from advertisers see as central to both the public's willing acceptance and rock musicians that they have used such tech- of the backmasking thesis and the media's mishan- niques do not make the alleged effects of these mes- dling of the issue. sages any more real. Regarding the provision of direct evidence for The Fallacy That Presence the effectiveness of subliminal messages, both Key and Implies Effectiveness Greenwald are remarkably silent. Greenwald offers To argue that subliminal messages in rock music and the equation of backmasking with studies of sublim- other media (e.g., advertising) influence our behavior inal advertising that, by his reckoning, have demon- requires that there be messages of the requisite sort. strated powerful effects, and he asserts the claim that As we began to investigate the issue, however, it be- people who listen to rock music have a higher inci- dence of drug abuse, criminal behavior, and sexual promiscuity than do people who listen to other forms Order of authorship is arbitrary; both authors contributed equally of music. In addition to confounding these behaviors to the article. A version of this article was presented at the annual with age, citing the differences as evidence for the ef- meeting of the PsychonomicSociety, San Antonio, Texas, November 1984. The research was supported in part by grants to the authors fectiveness of backmasking is specious, because from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Greenwald has advanced backmasking in rock music Canada. We are indebted to Lee R. Brooks, Darryl Bruce, Roy as a major explanation for the existence of these dif- Malpass, and Richard Hammersley for their careful and critical ferences in the first place. Before returning to the topic reading of an earlier version of the manuscript, and to Peter Raabe, who brought the issue to our attention. ofbackmasking, we will look at the quality of evidence Requests for reprints should be sent to John R. Vokey, De- offered for the equation ofbackmasking with the pu- partment of Psychology,University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Al- tative effects of subliminal advertising. berta T1K 3M4 Canada. Further details of the experiments and analyses and an audiocasette tape containing material intended for classroom demonstrations may be obtained by writing to the authors Subliminal Messages in Advertising and requesting Universityof Lethbridge, Department of Psychology, Technical Report No. 85-01. A blank casette tape should be enclosed According to Key, the dangers of subliminal messages if classroom demonstrations are desired.
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