Importing Citations into EndNote From EBSCO, Embase, Cochrane, & Ovid EndNote citation management allows you to organize bibliographic references, create instant bibliographies in customized formats, and incorporate citations into Microsoft Word manuscripts. A Duke site license provides free access to the software for students, faculty and staff. Visit to download the software. Click Browse and order software then use your Duke NetID and password.

NOTE: Before importing citations, you may want to check for the latest database filter.

Importing a New Filter 1. Visit 2. Locate the most recent filter for the database being searched. 3. Click Download button. 4. A dialog box will appear. Click Save button. 5. Save in My Documents/ EndNote/Filters. 6. Click Save.

Exporting Citations from EBSCO Latest CINAHL filter = Latest PsycINFO filter = 1. Perform search. 2. Select references and add to the Folder. (If you want all the results on a page, click Alert/Save/Share above the results and click Results.) 3. Click Folder View (the link is on the right). 4. Click check box to Select All items for export (located above the first reference). 5. Click Export icon. Note: The default setting is Direct Export in RIS Format (e.g. , EasyBib, EndNote, Reference Manager, ). 6. Click Save button. 7. EndNote will open (if not already open) and automatically import the citation(s) into the most recent Library.

Exporting Citations from Embase Latest EMBASE filter = 1. Perform search. 2. Select the reference(s) to be exported. 3. Click Export above the search results. 4. Export pop-up window will appear. The default Export Format is RIS format (Reference Manager, EndNote). DO NOT change the format. 5. Click Export button. 6. New window will open from Embase while your search results are processed. 7. When the Ready for Download pop-up window appears, click Download button. A. Internet Explorer: A dialog box will appear at the bottom asking if you want to Open or Save records.. Click the Open button. B. Firefox: A dialog box opens with the option to Open with Notepad or Save File. Change the drop down to EndNote (appears as ResearchSoft/Direct Export (Default)), then Click the OK button. 8. EndNote will open (if not already open) and automatically import the citation(s) into the most recent Library.

Exporting Citations from the Cochrane Library Latest Cochrane Library filter = 1. Perform the search. 2. Select references using the checkboxes next to each article. 3. Click an Export button -- either Export Selected Citations or Export All Results (bottom of results) 4. In the new window Change the Export Type drop down to Citation and Abstract 5. Change File Type from PC if necessary 6. Click Export Citation button A. Internet Explorer: A dialog box at the bottom will appear asking if you want to Open or Save citation-export.txt. Click Save button. Then Go to EndNote > Click File Click Import Click File Choose the citation-export file Change the Filter Option to Cochrane Library (Wiley) Filter Click Import B. Firefox: A dialog box opens with the option to Open with Notepad or Save File Select Open with Change the Drop down to EndNote [EndNote will open (if not already open)] The Filters pop up window will appear. Choose the Cochrane Library (Wiley) filter from the list. 7. EndNote will automatically import the citation(s) into the most recent Library.

Exporting Citations from Ovid Latest Medline filter = 1. Perform the search. 2. Select references using the checkboxes next to each article. 3. Using the Options above the search results, click Export. 4. Click the Export To dropdown menu (in the Export Citation List pop-up window) and choose EndNote. 5. Choose Complete Reference or Citation and Abstract (to get the most information). 6. Click the Export Citation(s) button. 7. EndNote will open (if not already open) and automatically import the citation(s) into the most recent Library.

For more EndNote information and video tutorials, visit

Questions? Virginia Carden Phone: 919.660.1184 Email: [email protected] 7/31/15