RICHARDSON DRUG CO.'S CIGAR DEPARTMENT Handsome Christmas Packages for Holiday Trade.

in Box. Per M El Famoso, Invincible...... 12 $90.00 El Famoso, Invincible...... , 25 85.00. El Famoso, Perfectos...... 12 75.00 El Famoso, Perfectos...... 25 70.00 El Famoso, Petit Invincibles 12 65.00 FI Famoso, Petit Invincibles 25 60.00 i

No. in Box. Per M. El Principe de Gales, Bouquet...... 25 $90.00 El Principe de Gales, Panatelas...... 50 75.00 El Principe de Gales, Senators...... 50 70.00 El Principe de Gales, Camelias...... 50 60.00 El Belmont, Holiday Compartment...... 25 75.00 La Preferencia, Perfecto Royal...... 25 85; 00 La Preferencia, Club H ouse...... 70.00 La Preferencia, Victoria...... 50 70.00 La Preferencia, Panatella...... 50 60.00 La Preferencia, Conchas Fina Extra ...... 50 bO.OO La Preferencia, Seconds...... 35.00 In Quality, the Leader of all 5c Cigars. No. in Box. Per M . El A fecto...... 50.00 Wellerette...... 12 $35.00 Washington’s Cabinet, Invincible . .. ,...... 25 35.00 Wellerette...... 25 35.00

Your Orders Solicited. RICHARDSON DRUG CO '. ■' >:""■ ■’/' ' . ■ "• •.•■



'"THERE are two essential facts to be considered in the manufac- **■ tnre of high-grade mantles: pure chemicals and skilled work­ manship. Salvator and Victoria mantles are manufactured expressly for the Richardson Drug Co. and are made of the purest chemicals, and guaranteed to be without defect. By using them, you will obtain the best light it is possible to produce. :: :: :: :: :: ::

SALVATOR ARC PRESSURE $2.50 per dozen SALVATOR LOOP 2.00 per dozen VICTORIA LOOP 1.50 per dozen


HOW IS YOUR STOCK OR DR. SCOTT’S Electric Hair Brushes, Headache, Neuralgia, Falling Hair, CASCARA j t QUININE Dandruff and Baldness. We guarantee it to cure, and state in our advertisements COLDS 1AGRIPPE that money will be refunded after six months’ trial if not IN 2 4 HOURS. •*— « — > IN 3 DAYS. satisfactory. Any druggist receiving such a complaint can NO BETTER REMEDY KNOWN FOR HEADACHE 35 TABLETS FOR 25 CENTS refund the purchase price, and upon returning the brush to us will be reimbursed. .. The brush is now being extensively Get your, order in before our sampling starts, which will be advertised, and your wholesale house can supply you. November 1st.

Every box is guaranteed. We refund 25 cents for each one M A D E IN F IV E SIZE S. returned as unsatisfactory. RETAIL PRICES. HAIR BRUSHES. No. i, fi.oo each. No. 2, $1.50 each. No. 3. $2.00 each. 3 doz. HILL’S CASCARA BROMIDE} QUININE, 1 dozfree, for $5.25 No. 4, $2.50 each. No. 5, $3.00 each. 6 “ “ “ “ “ - 2 “ “ , “ 10.50 Dr. Scott’s Flesh Brush, $3 00. Dr. Scott’s Tooth Brush, 50 cents. 1 Gross, less 5 per cent., 4 doz. free, costs $19.95, sells for $48.00. Dr. Scott’s Electric Root Salve, 25 cents. NET PROFIT, $28.05, OR 140 PER CENT. which is $6.00 per gross more than on any other cold cure. Dr. Scott’s Electric Plaster. Cures Colds, Neuralgic Pains, Stomach, and Liver Trouble, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, etc. 25 cents each. Best advertising proposition ever offered by any manufac­ turer. Send in your order at once. Pall Mall Electric Company, THE W. H. HILL CO., Detroit, Mich. 870 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. OMAHA' DRUGGIST. 3


El Famoso Conchas Esp., 1-20 . . $ 6 0 .0 0 El Famoso Puritano, 1-20 . . . . 6 0 .0 0 El Famoso Petit invincible, 1-20 . 6 0 .0 0 El Famoso Perfecto, 1-20 . . . . 7 0 .0 0 El Famoso Invincible, 1-40 . . . 8 5 .0 0


Our Puritano Extra with large tuck is equal to the majority of $70.00 cigars. We are making a leader of them at $60.00. Send us a trial order. San Telmo Cigar Mfg. Co. Detroit, Mich.



Alabastine is a staple, advertised wall coating. Alabastine has the benefit of the very large and cumulative advertising of thirty years. Alabastine sells, while other wall coatings remain dead stock on your shelves. Alabastine is sold in nearly every town and hamlet throughout the civilized world, and is manufactured in several foreign countries. The Alabastine Company is positively the only manufacturer of wall coating in the world that does all the advertising and pushing, creates, maintains and adds to the demand both for jobbers and retailers. As a result of this advertising, people demand ALABASTINE and will take no cheap kalsomine substi­ tute sold under fanciful names. ALABASTINE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. 105 Water St., .

TRADE SUPPLIED BY RICHARDSON DRUG COMPANY. 4 OMAHA DRUGGIST. ip?' SL; * DO YOU Prefer Dollars to Halves? | . W- r- ' ^v- f • IMMENSE TOBACCO PURCHASE. £ ■ Forty-Eight Thousand Dollars Paid The Dollar Size for a Fancy JLot of Tobacco. Kodol The biggest purchase of high grade . tobacco ever made in the West by a cigar manufacturer was made last Wednesday by Frank P. Lewis, Peoria Dyspepsia . 111., for his celebrated Single Binder p ' . cigar. A written guarantee was given that the entire amount was to be fancy selected tobacco. This, no doubt, makes the Lewis factory the largest Cure f t / holder in the United States of tobacco p of so high a grading.—Herald-Tran­ h > . script, Dec. 21, 1902. IS GUARANTEED TO THE CONSUMER. It is only necessary for persons suffering with Indigestion, Dyspep­ Dealers who wish a really sia, etc., to comply with the conditions of our published first class hand-made cigar, guarantee in the event that this remedy fails to give one made to sell at straight satisfaction. 5c, should send for a trial order of Lewis Single Binder. THE FIRST DOSE RELIEVES THE FIRST BOTTLE CURES

RICHARDSON DRUG CO. in most cases. For further particulars address the Distributors. manufacturers

E. C. DeWITT (Si CO., Chicago, U. S. A.

IT HAS LONG AGO BEEN ADMITTED BY THE MEDICAL PROFESSION That the remedy fa r excellence for reducing the heart’s action without diminishing its fulness and strength, at the same time causing a dry, harsh skin to become moist and cool, is Veratrum Viride Of this valuable therapeutical agent there are many (so-called) on the market, some so manufactured as to be almost noxious in action, causing severe nausea and vomiting, with well-nigh symptoms of collapse, and in nervous or hysterical persons a sensation of strangling and difficult breathing, which greatly alarms the friends and frequently even the physician in attendance. THE ORIGINAL Veratrum Viride was manufactured for years by Dr. W. C. Norwood, of Mount Lebanon, Columbia County, N. Y., and is still to be procured. The medical profession may depend upon Norwood’s Veratrum Viride being constant in action, and will be found to be invaluable in all febrile conditions, controlling and regulating the action of the heart and arteries. To an adult male the proper dose is five drops, the dose to be increased by one drop administered at the end of every third hour, till the pulse is reduced to 65 beats per minute. When that stage has been reached it is a simple matter to keep the heart’s action down to that number without causing any nausea or vomiting. Norwood’s Original Veratrum Viride is the only agent that will render the pulse rate slower in health than natural and not diminish its fulness and strength. It never renders a pulse weak in health or disease, except when given in doses sufficiently large to nauseate. After use by Dr. Norwood for thirty-six years, he confidently says that his Veratrum Viride is destitute of all poisonous effects in any dose, however large or small. Dr. Norwood was awarded a gold medal by the United States Medical Society.

It can be procured through the trade or direct from ROBERT HALFORD, flount Lebanon, Columbia County, N. Y. “ Norwood” is blown into every bottle containing this preparation. The Only Vhiskey Sold Guarantee of I NEVER SOLD * W ith 8 s « IN BU LK . Absolute Purity. t $1,000

Twelve Reasons Why You Should Handle I lejvs P u r e , M a l t W h is k e y ,

Which is Gaining in Popularity Over All Whiskeys—Scotch, Irish, Canadian or Domestic—are:

8th — Because it is the only 1st —Because it is a happy whiskey sold under a combination of the best substantial guarantee qualities of all, without of purity, offering the fault of one. $1,000 to anyone who can detect in the same 2d — Because it surpasses in any impurities or arti­ delicacy and mellow­ ficial coloring, flavor­ ness of flavor anything Whiskey ing, etc. and everything hereto­ 9th — Because it is properly fore put on the market. distilled from the very choicest mate­ 3d — Because it appeals equally to the fancy of rials and never sold the connoisseur as well until fully matured in as to the delicate taste government bonded and stomach of women warehouses. and invalids. 10th —Because it is sold en­ tirely upon its merits, 4th —Because its superior without the aid of fab­ quality, taste and pur­ ulous sums for adver­ ity make it the favorite tising, which must be of the physician, of the added to the price of family, at the bar, as the goods, and for well as on the side­ which the consumer board. always pays in the end 5th —Because it supplants 11th —Because it is offered, and excels all other not as a patent nos­ whiskeys for making a trum, claiming to cure hot scotch, a hot toddy, all incurable diseases, or a high-ball. but for what it is worth — a first - class 0 t h —Because it is the only tonic, a rational stim­ Malt Whiskey offered ulant, and a concen­ by its bona, fide dis­ trated food of the high­ tiller; is never sold in est possible quality. bulk, but only under 12th —Because it is sold at a the distiller’s bottling small legitim ate and labels. profit; warranted by 7 fh —Because it is distilled its manufacture and at one of the largest ms, sale in extraordinary distilleries in the coun­ WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLEI quantities by a dis­ wsr/uifis ofGQUMrsMamtifmet sowtBM-wmst. tillery paying over try, whose trade-mark Atto: tie*$;£AGtx am is the best guarantee three million dollars of high quality. annually for internal revenue tax alone.

Fac-simileZof> beautiful 17x22 picture, a perfect imitation of an artistic oil painting with elaborate gold frame and shadow box, furnished with first 5-case order. This sign would be an ornament even in a palace.

W illo w S prings Dis t il l e r y ,


CAPACITY, 13,000 GALLONS PER DAY. O u r S p e , c u l t i e , s In the Whiskey line appeal to the Careful and Observant Buyer.

RELUISSIR Cognac Brandy

RICHARDSON DRUG CO OMAHA DRUGGIST. $ STANDARD PREPARATIONS Goodrich Surgeons’ Rubber Gloves For Sale Everywhere. FOR CHILDREN TEETHING USE Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Surgeons' Uso 25 cents a bottle,

FOR GOUGHS AND COLDS USE__ Brown’s Bronchial Troches Made of Pure Pine Para Rubber which does not interfere with the 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00 a box. sense of touch and allows a firm hold on ligatures and ligaments. FOR RELIEVING PAIN USE____ Brown’s Household Panacea A protection to the patient and practitioner—an aid to good 25 cents a box. surgery. FOR EXPELLING WORMS USE__ Brown’s Vermifuge Comfits 25 cents a box. FOR THE TEETH USE___ Brown’s Camph. Sapon. Dentifrice 25 cents a bottle. The New Goodrich Housekeepers’ Gloves.

Made of heavier stock. Will wear well and save the hands from the more or less hard service incident to household duties. A Boon to the Housekeeper.

In regular glove sizes. White, black and red stock. D esigns C opyrig h ts & c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an .nvention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive The B. F. Goodrich Company, special notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. Akron, Ohio. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ culation' of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a New York, 66-68 Reade St. and 1625 Broadway. tear; four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers. Chicago, 141 Bake St. MUNN XCo.36’6™^ New York San Francisco, 392 Mission St. Branch Office, 635 F St.. Washington, D. C. Boston, 157 Summer St. Philadelphia, 922 Arch St.

✓ 6 OMAHA DRUGGIST. Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey MEDICINE FOR ALL MANKIND. The standard medicinal whis­ key for nearly half a century; recognized by the Government as a medicine, and may be sold as such in original bottles by druggists and dealers with­ out payment of the special United States tax. Booklets and other adver­ tising matter furnished to the trade on application. Sold and Recommended by Richardson Drug Co., Omaha, Nebraska.

A special grade of Corks designated as Circle A is now being put up to meet the wants of those desiring a STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS grade. Ask your Wholesale Druggist for this Circle A Brand or Circle Brand. ------MANUFACTURED BY------ARMSTRONG CORK COMPANY, io and 12 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.

The only firm ever awarded a Medal for the Best Spanish A lso M anufacturers o f

D. & S. Loz. 5-lb Glass Jars. “ “ 5-lb Glass Front Box. “ 5c Boxes, 2 Dozen in Box. W , G DEAN & SON. 6 and 10-lb Cans. “ Licorice Pellets, 5-lb Glass Jars. 361 and 363 Washington St., 20-lb Kegs. “ “ “ - Glass Front Box. Penny Boxes, 100 in Box, Licorice Pellets. NEW YORK. FOR TA B L E and M EDICAL U SE. Trade Supplied by RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA DRUGGIST

Soda Stools, CHaJrs and Tabbies. Chloroform Quinine From Maker to User. Peroxide Sodium Attractive, Artistic Cleanly, Indestructible. Cyanide d**. Schaefer's Cocaine For all users of Soda Fountains. and other Chemicals for Pharmacy and the Arts. The A. H. Andrews Co 174 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. The Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co. 717 Delaware $t., Kansas City. Metz Bros. Brewing Go. OMAHA, NEB. Brewers and Bottlers of “ Omaha’s Favorite Beer” One grade for all.

METZ BEER is put up in cases of two dozen quarts or pints, also in barrels, if so desired. Send orders through your wholesale druggist, or direct to the brewery. The Best Proof of Its Purity lies in the fact that physicians prescribe METZ BEER for their patients. Its freedom from adulterants, the patience, skill and We invite you to call on us when in the city and inspect the most modern care exercised in its manufacture, recommend it to you. We solicit a trial order, so as to convince you of its merits. brewery in this country. 8 OMAHA DRUGGIST. Free Photographic Window Displays

We notify all patrons of the Richardson Drug- Co. to write us in reference to our special photographic window displays for SPIRO POWDER.

These window displays consist of seventeen individual designs in color, and the largest photographic reproduction views of Niagara Falls ever made. Copies of these views are now on exhibition in the Liberal Arts Building at the World’s Fair, St. Louis. They are considered works of art, otherwise they could not be exhibited. If when writing you will mention this announcement, we shall give you an opportunity to take advantage of our special free goods offer to the retail drug trade. The Richardson Drug Co. JAS. F. BALLARD, have on hand at all times a large supply of SPIRO Proprietor and Wholesale Dealer POWDER. Proprietary Medicines, Nos. 500 and 502 North Second St., ST. LOUIS, MO. SPIRO POWDER COMPANY, NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.

are serious, cause much pain and dis­ comfort, and sometimes ac­ INJECTION tual disability. There m a y be SYMPTOMS: itching and sting­ ing, then again pain, soreness and THE bleeding. Tumors form, enlarge, I TO 4 D A Y protrude, and if neglected, ulcerate, becom­ ing very serious an d pain ful. To cure them C U R ~ quickly and painlessly use For Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Leucorrhoea. Spermator­ rhoea, Pries, and All Unhealthy Sexual Discharges. INJECTION MALYDOR. NO PAIN. NO STAIN. Instant relief. Cures in several days. NO STRICTURE. FREE SYRINGE. At druggists, or sent 4 MALYDOR with Syringe, for 4 ) 1 • v - / L / The Hygienic Lotion hSPA Sure Preventive ot D isease.^ Sent to any address for $1.00. Malydor Mfg. Co., Lancaster, 0., U. S. A. MALYDOR MFG. CO., Lancaster,0.,U.S.A.

Injection Malydor is “ Freez­ Injection Malydor is “ Freez­ able.” Order before Advertising Offers able.” ' Order before cold weather. cold weather. Will deliver free of expense business-bringing advertising matter, upon request. All advertising matter to have dealer’s address upon it. are serious, J ^ T fR A D E m a r k | cause much pain and dis­ Co-operation of Druggists Solicited. comfort, and sometimes ac­ tual disability. JJJII There m a y be THE SYMPTOMS: itching and sting­ HYGIENIC Sole Proprietors ing, then again pain, soreness and bleeding. Tumors form, enlarge, LOTION protrude, and if neglected, ulcerate, becom­ For Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Leucorrhoea. Spermator­ ing very serious and painful. To cure them rhoea, Piles and All Unhealthy Sexual Discharges. Malydor Manufacturing Co, quickly and painlessly use No Pain. No s tain . Lancaster, O. No Stricture. Free Syringe- INJECTION MALYDOR. Sore Preventive of I>Isea»e.1Stl Instant relief. Cures in several days. At Druggists, or sent anywhere for $ 1.0 0. At druggists, or sent (T 4 MALYDOR MFG. CO., Lancaster, 0..U.S.A. Trade Supplied by Richardson Drug Co. with Syringe, for 4> 1 , U Malydor Mfg. Co., Lancaster. 0 „ U. S. A, Omaha, Neb. OMAHA DRUGGIST.

Can you name the CONDITION POWDER. that sold in 1842 and is sold today but


Perhaps you’re using the best prescription corks where cheaper ones would answer. 8,000 Newspapers. For some purposes you don’t need the best 140,000 Posters. corks. 6.000. 000 Cardui Booklets. 2.000. 000 Cardui Weather Chart and Calendars. 19,000,000 Ladies’ Birthday Almanacs. Blue Star Brand Corks are mighty good corks even though the price IS SONG BOOKS, BOOKS IN SPANISH, GERMAN, DUTCH low. and SCANDINAVIAN by the hundreds of thousands advertise They’re better than the average XX cork and many druggists use them for prescriptions; they are really a SELECTED XX extra long. Wine of Cardui If you want a cork of FAIR quality at a LOW price you want BLUE STAR BRAND CORKS. Send in an order and get the benefit of this great advertising, You don’t need an expert accountant to find Don't let a customer find you without it. out what BLUE STAR BRAND CORKS cost because our prices are NET and equal to 80% off THE CHATTANOOGA MEDICINE CO, on XX list prices. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ST. LOUIS, MO. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. All BLUE STAR BRAND CORKS are extra long at prices mentioned below. Order a few bags from your jobber. It means better corks and lower cork bills. For corks as good as the “ BLUE STARS” lo ts o f druggists are paying about 20% more. a

N E T PRIC ES Extra Long No. 1 per gross. $0.12 No. 2 .12 No. 3 .15 No. 4 .17 No. 5 .20 No. 6 .25 No. 7 .38 No. 8 .45 No. 9 “ .60 2 to 6 “ .18 Take no substitute Brand. T h e r e a re no other corks “ just as good” a t th e same price. Meinecke Cork Company NEW YORK SOLD BY ALL LEADING JOBBERS. Can also be furnished in “ regular length,” if specially ordered.

We sell and recommend Blue Star Brand Corks, Take no substitute brand.


For sixty years it has been known in the East as a Salve of great merit in case of Accidents, Boils and Ulcers. Invaluable for Corns and Bunions. All chiropodists use it. Why? Because it cures and sticks. No house or stable should be without it. Should a merchant recommend it? Note what a retired Hartford, Conn., merchant says of it:

“ On October 8th, 1902, I ran a sliver into the base of my thilmb near the wrist nearly through my hand. I had two sur­ geons probe to get it out without success. After Suffering twenty- one days I applied a plaster of Griswold’s Salve. In four days it brought it to the surface and I pulled it out myself—If inches

long the size of a toothpick. O l i v e r G a b r i e l , 147 Vine St., Hartford, Conn.



Order through your wholesale drug house. DRUGGISTS 8 dozen (96) pints packed in a barrel.

THE TONIC MALT YOU EIKE. A Malt and Hop Tonic Extract of Unusual Merit.

The Greatest Strength Builder Known to Medical Science.

Special Inducements Offered Now. We furnish expensive and attractive show case and window adver­ tising matter, all charges prepaid, upon request of druggists.

FRED KRUG BREWING CO., Omaha, Neb. '*r : ypy&s&Tr'^ T'.-. "«■- >,.•* •^%,s



Jobbers Sell in Gross Lots $33.60 Per Gross. 5 Per Cent, and 2 LA Per Cent. OFF. $2.80 Per Dozen, THIS IS T H E GENUINE. Send for Almanacs, Cards, Cartons and Counter Wrappers. THE CENTAUR COMPANY,

77 Murray Street, New York City. President. BUY A CROSS A N D S A V E ^ 2 | 2 p E R C E N T ------Who can’t sell 12 dozen per annum?------





Sold Iby THE RICHARDSON DRUG GO., OmeiHa, Neb, OMAHA DRUGGIST. a flfcontbty 3ournal of pharmacy.

V o l XVII. OMAHA, OCTOBER, 1904. No. 10 .

OMAHA DRUGGIST. The labor troubles have caused a shrinkage in the out­ C F. W E L L E R , P u b l i s h e r . put of gold in this country during the year of over six mil­ Terms of Subscription...... $1.00 per year. lions of dollars. This is principally due to the strike in Rates of Advertising on Application. Colorado. There has also been a falling off in the output of silver. Contributions pertaining to current pharmaceutical topics invited. A retailer should never find business dull. To avoid Address all communications to this let him see to it that his stock is full and complete of , OMAHA DRUGGIST PUBLISHING CO., seasonable goods. At certain seasons of the year there is r : \ Ninth and Jackson Sts., Omaha. more demand for an article than there is in others and if your stock is well assorted and you have good sellers on INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. your shelves, suitable to the season, there will always be P ag e P a g e more or less trade. After your stock is completed don’t fail AlabastlneCo...... 3 Hopkins, Fred T ...... 26 Allcock Manufacturing Co...... 5 Hill, W. H. Co...... : ...... 2 to advertise it. American Color Co...... 56 Independent Brewing Ass’n ...... Cover Ammonol Chemical Co...... 44 Kennedy, Dr. David...... 48 Mr. George Coutellier of Magnus & Lauer, 92 Pearl Andrews, A H. Co...... 7 Lewis, Frank P...... 4 Armstrong Cork Co...... 6 Lautier Fils ...... 26 Street, New York, who has been travelling in the interest Ballard, Jas. F ...... 8 Lincoln Tea Co...... 50 Battle Creek Grape Juice Co...... 48 Londonderry Lithia Co...... 43 of the firm for the last three months in Europe, has re­ Beaver Co...... 50 Magnus & Lauer...... ; ...... 46 turned to the states. Magnus & Lauer makes it a practice Belle of Kentucky Bourbon...... 51 Maly dor Manufacturing Co...... 8 Berry Bros., Ltd...... 54 Meinecke Cork Co...... 9 to send one of its representatives abroad yearly to keep in Bethesda Mineral Water...... 55 Metz Bros. Brewing Co...... 7 Billin, A. J...... 44 Midland Glass and Paint Co...... 51 touch with the primary markets on the various articles Borden’s Cond. Milk Co.. .50 and Cover Munn & Co...... 5 handled and also to look for novelties for their trade. Mr. Brown, Lyman...... 45 Osborn Colwell Co...... 52 California Fig Syrup Co...... 51 Pabst Chemical Co...... 47 Coutellier has visited France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy Carter Ink Go ...... ,..41 Pall Mall Electrical Co...... 2 Centaur Co., T h e ...... 12 Philo. Hay Specialties Co...... 45 and Spain, and a number of items of interest will be an­ Chamberlain Medicine Co...... 52 Planten, H. & Sons...... 56 nounced somewhat later. Chattanooga Medicine Co...... 9 Pogue Dist. Co., The H. E ...... Cover Clarke Bros...... '...... Cover Rhein strom Bros...... 12 Cole & Co., J. W...... 45 Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co.. 7 Mr. Jno. E- Utt, the genial General Agent of the Rock Coleman, Geo. J...... 52 Rust’s Sulphur Oil...... 56 Island, was formerly Secretary of the Commercial Club and Coie’s Many-Use Oil...... 53 Sanford Manufacturing Co...... 54 Continental Varnish and Color Cor..50 San Telmo Cigar Manufacturing Co.. 3 as such had an extended acquaintance throughout the en­ Cosmopolitan Light Co...... 2 Scales Pill Co., Dr...... Cover Davol Rubber Co...... 56 Sherwin-Williams Co...... 48 tire west. He was untiring in his efforts to promote the Dean, W. G. & Son...... 6 Sloan Medicine Co ...... 9 welfare of our city and can point with pride to the location Denver Chemical Co...... 44 Spiro Powder Co...... 8 DoWitt& Co...... 4 Standard Preparations Co...... 5 of a number of important industries in Omaha. As Gene­ Diehl Chemical Co...... 43 Stratton, John F. & Co...... 51 Duffy Malt?Whiskey C o,...... 6 Success Co...... 50 ral Agent of the Rock Island road he is still endeavoring to Eradeline Manufacturing Co...... 47 Swanson Rneumatic Co...... 55 promote the welfare of our city. Mr. Utt has a charming Etna Chemical CO..A...... ,.;.48 The Old ”76” Distilling Co...... 43 Evans & Solis, L td ..:...... 52 The Nauman Co...... II individuality and is well known to the business men of Fay & Schuler...... 25 Thomas Moore Distilling Co., The__ 49 Fred Krug Brewing Co...... 11 Van Stan’s Stratena Co...... 9 Omaha and beloved by every one. Freiberg, Sig. & Sol. H ...... 7 Walker, Hiram & Sons...... 54 Frog in Your Throat CO...... 53 Waterbury...... 11 The Sixth Annual Convention of the National Associa­ Furst Bros...... ___ ....49 Wilcox Specific Medicine Co...... 42 Glassup, Frederick,...... 47 Williams Manufacturing Co...... 47 tion of Retail Druggists was held at St. Louis October 10th Goodrich Rubber Go:, B. F ...... 5 Woodman Linseed Oil Co...... Cover to 14th, inclusive, the final session being held in the Hall Great Western Railway...... 27 Products Co...... Cover Griswold’s Salve...... 10 Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pill Co. ..25 of Congresses, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The meet­ Halford, Robert...... 4 Zenner Co...... 48 ing was called to order by President Benjamin E. Pritch­ ard, and Mr. F. V. Johnson, President of the St. Louis Re­ Special Notice, tail Druggists’ Association, was called upon in behalf of the druggists of St. Louis to deliver an address of welcome. During the winter months we close Saturdays at four This was responded to by delegates from the different o’clock. In ordering goods for Saturday shipment please states. We were obliged to go to press before securing a bear in mind that the railroad freight depots close at three report of the meeting, but are informed that there was a o’clock. If you want to get your goods on Saturdays, send large attendance, that considerable business was transacted your orders in plenty of time so that there will be no delay. and that the visitors were having a most delightful time. R ic h a r d so n D r u g Co . The Independent Druggist and Advertising Economist is the name of a new drug journal, published monthly by The Business Outlook is Good, the Irade Advertising Co., Chicago, and edited by Lewis > Kaminsky. The subscription price is $1.00 per annum, - There is nothing in the political horizon to alarm the half of which amount will be donated to the N. A. R. D. business men of this country. Conditions were never more Besides being a strictly trade paper, using its influence' to favorable for a good Fall and Winter trade. The strikes better the financial end of the drug store, their policy will that are now on are few and unimportant. Building oper­ be to further organizations among the allied drug interests. ations this Fall have far exceeded any other year in the his­ Another feature of this journal will be its legal depart­ tory of the country. The demand for all building material, ment, which will be edited by leading attorneys and con­ Paints, Oils, Window Glass, etc., is immense. tain papers on everyday subjects which the druggist ought to know about. The main feature, however, will be to en­ If you want something nice in toilet cases, brush and deavor to find a remedy for the prevention of price cutting. comb sets, fancy perfumes, medallions, rubber novelties, California and Holland novelties, etc., etc., write to the Articles quoted in this Journal as “ M .C .W .” are Richardson Drug Co. the products of the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. r ;' 7' ! 14 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

H. D. Spork, of the firm of Spork & Spielman, Harting- ton, Neb., spent two weeks in September at the World’s A Personal Points A Fair. Pertaining to Pharmaceutical ‘ People 1 H. Feigenbaum, one of the pepular druggists of Spring- field, Neb., was in Omaha recently, purchasing holiday goods. Dr. J. W. Lehan of Dunlap, Iowa, was in Omaha Sept. R. B. Jones, proprietor of the McClelland Drug Co., 23d. McClelland, Iowa, called on the Richardson Drug Co. W. A. Brokaw, Cedar Bluffs, Neb., has purchased a fine Sept. 20th. colt. The Wright Drug Co. of Lincoln, Neb., have moved J. P. Holden succeeds Holden & Reeder at Longmont, their stock to Fairmont. We wish them success in their Colo. new location. The Nelson-Carbery Drug Co. have opened a store at Frank Headrick, of the Headrick Drug Co , Ashland, Neb., spent several days in Omaha recently, purchasing Auburn, Wash. holiday goods. Arden Clark of Vermillion, S. D., was in Omaha one Headrick Drug Co., Ashland, Neb., will serve their pat­ day last month. rons with hot soda, etc., this winter, having just put in a D. C. Flanagen & Co., Bancroft, Neb., are succeeded by fine apparatus. Griffin & Crawford. Garrett Hulst, Columbus, Neb., has sold out his depart­ C. E. Brown has purchased the drug business of F. J.ment store, with the exception of the drug department, Potter, Viola, Iowa. which he will continue. Tom Lehan, of the Lehan Drug Co., Dunlap, Iowa, was F. G. Meinert, Remsen, Iowa, has made some nice im­ in Omaha October 3d. provements in his store, having added another story. He J. A. Wray has purchased the drug stock of F. L. has also erected a new home. Stolte, Headrick, Iowa. W. H. McLeay, Gandy, Neb., stopped off in Omaha Oct. A. P. Estabrook, Gold Hill, Ore., has sold his drug 3d, on his way to St. Louis where he expects to spend a business to F. L. Colvig. couple of weeks at the Fair. S. L. Berkley, Woodbine, Iowa, has just returned from D. D. Adams has purchased the drug store of E- G. a pleasant trip up north. King, Nehawka, Neb. Mr. Adams was formerly in the drug business at Johnson, Neb. L. M. Rich has purchased the drug stock of G. Laug- head, Coldwater, Kansas. W. P. Faulkner, of the firm of Wilkie & Co., druggists at Brock, Neb., was in Omaha Sept. 21st, and called at the P. C. Corrigan, O’Neill, Neb., spent several days in office of the Richardson Drug Co. Omaha Horse Show week. Henry Reinecke, Beulah, Wyo., was in Omaha during Frank Finney has purchased the drug stock of C. M. Ak-Sar-Ben week. He had just returned from a visit to Coleman, Rocky Ford, Colo. the Fair and reported a fine time. C. B. Hoskins, Butte, Mont., spent several days visiting I. S. Darling, the popular druggist of Unadilla, Neb., „ friends in Omaha last month. spent a few days in Omaha the week of Sept. 19th, and Dr. H. T. Johnson sold out his drug business at Loomis, purchased a line of holiday goods. Neb., and has located at Upland. Mr. Edward Helsing, .one of Wahoo’s popular young J. Si Lord, Verdon, Neb., has disposed of his drug busi­ druggists, has just purchased a beautiful home, where he ness to C. D. Knapp of Tecumseh. and his wife will go to housekeeping at once. L. A. Merryman, Rocky Ford, Colo., has sold the Opera H. D. Cannon, of H. D. Cannon & Co., Sioux City, House Pharmacy to Harry Norton. Iowa, represented the Sioux City druggists at the N. A. R. D. meeting at St. Louis, Mo., early this month. J. H. Christensen of Herman, Neb., called at the office of the Richardson Drug Co., Sept. 23d. E. E. Mann, Lincoln, Neb., has moved his stock to 117 N 1 1 th St., and has secured the services of I. M. Scott, J. F. Klise of Sioux City, Iowa, has purchased the drug formerly with the Wright Drug Co., of that city. stock of J. A. Davidson, Hornick, Iowa. Frank J. Trindell, for the past five or six years in the Hans Hansen, Logan, Iowa, has returned to Omaha to employ of H. A. Small, Kearney, Neb., has engaged in the continue his studies at Creighton College. drug business on his own account, at Oconto, Neb. C. Hall, formerly of Yankton, now has the manage­ E. Theo. St. Martin, druggist of Wahoo, Neb., has re­ ment of the Wagner Drug Co., Wagner, S. D. turned from an extended visit to his old home in New York Raessler Bros., Anthon, Iowa, are succeeded by Fitz­ state, also taking in many points of interest in New Eng­ patrick & Co. We wish the new firm success. land. H. H. Cone, Ashland, Neb., has added a very handsome C- A. Ramsdell, Beresford, S. D., spent ten days of last hot soda apparatus to his fountain equipment. month at the World’s Fair. His brother, Lon, who was for­ merly his partner, took charge of the business during his Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kiesau, Norfolk, Neb., stopped off absence. in Omaha Sept. 26th, on their way to St. Louis. Messrs. Zellers & Kusel, druggists at Hooper, Neb., Frank J. Underhill, Tamora, Neb., has just moved into were in Omaha the latter part of September, purchasing his new building, and now has a very handsome store. holiday goods, and left a nice order with the Richardson E. O. Bartlett of St. Paul, Neb., was in Omaha a few Drug Co. days, the week of Sept. 19th, purchasing holiday goods. J. W. Bobisud of Dodge, Neb., and his brother, V. W. Harry Trumbo is in charge of the Serr Pharmacy of Bobisud, of Inman, Neb., were in Omaha purchasing holi­ Tyndall, S. D., while J. H. Serr is away on a visit to the day goods Sept. 20th, and both left nice orders with the Fair. Richardson Drug Co. OMAHA DRUGGIST. 15

S. M. Johnson, Carson, Iowa, was in Omaha Oct. 13th. F. A. Dean, formerly of Dunlap and Estherville, Iowa, W. B. Donaldson was elected a director of the Pierce has sold out his interest in the New Theatre Pharmacy at Commercial Club last week. Sioux Falls, S. D. The following article appeared in the Sioux Falls Press: “T. J. Lynch of the New Theatre J. B. Hine, one of the most popular druggists of Fort Pharmacy company yesterday afternoon bought the inter­ Dodge, Iowa, was in Omaha October 11 and 12 th. est of his partner, Mr. Dean, and is now the sole owner of W. W. Curran, St. Anthony, Idaho, passed through this popular drug store. There will be many people who Omaha last month, on his way to the World’s Fair. will read with regret the change that takes Mr. Dean away ' Dr. Wm. E. Lamerton, of the Elk Drug Co., New Cas­ from Sioux Falls. He has become well acquainted with the general public on account of the fact of giving his per­ tle, Wyo., visited the Richardson Drug Co. on October 1 1 th. sonal attention to the business while Mr. Lynch has been M. S. DaCosta, special cigar salesman for the Richard­little seen here, his home being in Wakonda, where he has son Drug Co., sprained his wrist last week and was laid up a large drug business. The Press can assure the friends of several days, at Minden, Neb. the two gentlemen that it was not business discouragement B. A. Baldwin, of the firm of O’Neill & Baldwin, Al­ that brought about the change and retiremenl of Mr. Dean. bion, Neb., was in Omaha a few days the early part of Oc­ Mrs. Dean has been in very poor health since coming to tober purchasing holiday goods, and left a nice order with South Dakota and it was for her consideration that the the Richardson Drug Co. change was made. Mr. Dean will go to some southern H. C. Erickson, for several years engaged in business at clime within a month or so. Mr. Charles Greusel, who has Funk, Neb., but who sold out last spring, has again been a clerk at the Brown Drug company for some time, is opened up for business at the same place, under the style to be the new manager of the New Theatre Pharmacy. He of the Funk Drug Company. is a young gentleman well versed in the drug business and stands very high among the business men. The Press Geo. Bruehler, at Beresford, S. D., prescription' clerk hopes that Mr. Lynch, who is a most excellent gentleman, for Larson & Friberg, spent a couple of weeks last month will finally decide to locate here. Mr. Dean will leave visiting friends in Davenport and Neola, Iowa, stopping Sioux Falls with the good will of many people.” off a day in Omaha on his return. Merck & Company have changed the style of their price list. Their October, 1904, list is a valuable and convenient one for the retail trade. The specified preference for Merck & Company’s chemicals is increasing in this territory. A. J. Gibson & Company have purchased the M. B. Downs drug stock at Harlan, Iowa. Mr. Gibson was en­ gaged in the drug business at Coon Rapids, Iowa, several years since. We wish them the fullest measure of success in their new location. The following Richardson Drug Co. travelers were in Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben week, looking after house customers: D. Y. Wheeler, P. H. Patterson, J. W. Fisher, C. K. Wel­ ler, W. F. Clarkson, Tom Naudain, Jr., T. H. Wiley, E- H. Dessauer, M. S. DaCosta. L. W. Brown, junior member of the firm of J. D. Brown & Son, Missouri Valley, Iowa, has just returned from a two months’ visit in the East, taking in on his trip Boston and the principal points in New England. On his return he visited the big show in St. Louis.

McDuffie & Son, Elk Point, S. D., are succeeded by the DIEHL’S PHARMACY, LbMars, I o w a . Pioneer Drug Co. C. H. Douglas, formerly in the employ of McDuffie & Son, has purchased an interest and is also Mr. P. H. Diehl has been in the drug business since manager of the business. Robert McDuffie will return to 1872. He started out with B. Pulford at Savanna, Illinois, his native state, California, joining his brot'her in the remaining there until 1879, when he located at LeMars, wholesale grocery house, at Oakland. Iowa, and assisted Allison & Co. for a year and a half, v Among the buyers in the sample room of the Richard­ when he purchased the stock. The business has constantly son Drug Co. last month were: W. J. Bartholomew, Go­ grown under his management and today he has one of the thenburg, Neb.; M. M. Hicks, Scotia, Neb.; J. J. Sherwin best drug stocks in the country. He is located on the most and wife, Idaho Springs, Colo.; C. F. Baughan, Benedict, prominent business corner, having twenty-five ft. front and Neb.; C. E- Hopping, Beaver City, Neb.; J. F. Kinney, eighty ft. deep, with one hundred ft. basement, shelved Lexington, Neb.; A. W. Buchheit, Grand Island, Neb. and filled. His stock invoices $15,000, and consists of drugs, sun­ The Meier Drug Co., Weeping Water, Neb., are moving dries and heavy goods. There is probably no druggist in into their new location, where they will have one of the Iowa better known, through reputation at least, than Mr. neatest drug stores in that section of the country. The Diehl. His celebrated Silver Salve is one of the most sta­ beautiful onyx soda fountain recently purchased by them ple articles on the market today. The trade on this prep­ will have the addition of a fine hot soda apparatus, where aration has been built up entirely through Mr. Diehl’s our friend Jake will dispense the warming elixir when the efforts, and was first introduced to the trade by simply con­ wind blows cold. • signing a dozen to every druggist within a radius of 20. Geo. H. McClintock, for a number of years engaged in miles. the drug business at St. Edwards, Neb., and Newman Mr. Diehl is not only a thorough bruggist, but a man Grove, Neb., but for the past few months in the cattle busi­ of rare business ability and an extremely pleasant gentle­ ness, has recently purchased the Wm. Schupbach stock, at man to meet. Columbus, Neb. We are very glad to have Mr. McClintock back in the drug business again and wish him success in Wellerette cigars in Christmas packages are the best his new location. value offered this year. Place your orders early. s?


Fall Festivities. Some of the Druggists W h o Called on the Richardson Drug Co, Ak^Sar-Ben Week, The past two weeks have been full of interest to the people of Omaha, as well as visitors who came in to enjoy Dr. Carl Little, Bloomfield, Neb.; Alois Tomes, Clarkson, the fall festivities. Omaha was fully prepared to entertain Neb.; J. J. Buff, Marquette, Neb.; J. T. Johnson, Ord, Neb.; her friends and we think everybody went home satisfied Will Mann, Hamburg, Iowa; Messrs. Lewis & Grau, Man­ that they had had the time of their lives. The hotels were ning, Iowa; L. C. Selleck, Onawa, Iowa; S. R. McMickle, crowded to the utmost, but there were many boarding- hou­ Yetter Iowa; Lawrence Wood, Petersburg, Neb.; Theo. ses, restaurants, etc., so that the larg-e number of people Sthacher, Petersburg, Neb.; E. L. Wilson, St. Paul, Neb.; visiting- the city were well taken care of. We were very Chas. Janecek, Schuyler, Neb.; Geo. Beberger, Carroll, glad indeed to meet such a large number of our friends and Iowa; C. C. Carmichael, Lohrville, Iowa; Max Leh­ customers, and assure them that if anything was over­ man, Minden, Iowa; W. B. Dingman, Grand Island; looked during their visit to Omaha it was unintentional on Neb.; Dr. C. B. McColm, Persia, Iowa; Wm. Quist, our part. Come again next year. We will have a bigger Essex, Iowa; A. D. Krause, West Point, Neb.; W. M. horse show, a bigger parade, a bigger street fair, the Au­ Lochard, with P. C. Corrigan, O’Neill, Neb.; Paul ditorium will be completed, the Coliseum will be enlarged Brinckman, Madison, Neb.; Frank S. Headrick, Ashland, and there will be room for everybody. Neb.; A. W Buchheit, Grand Island, Neb.; P. G. Frand- sen, Elba, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pohl, Fremont, Neb.; B. F. Griffin, Tekamah, Neb.; B. A. Root, Murray, Neb.; J. F. McKinley, Leigh, Neb.; H. E. Brown, Louisville, Neb.; Mrs. M. H. Whaley, Clarks, Neb.; Dr. J. W. Lehan, Dunlap, Iowa; W. H. McLeay, Gandy, Neb.; F. J. Under­ hill, Tamora, Neb.; H. T. Ferguson, Orleans, Neb.; K. T. Stimsorf and wife, Newman Grove, Neb.; F. W. Bruning and H^ Bruning, Bruning, Neb.; Louis Steil, Ridgeley, Neb.; Dr. R. W. Robb, Blanchard, Iowa; W. J. Bartholo­ mew, Gothenburg, Neb.; C. A. Gibson, St. Edwards, Neb.; J. A. Martin, St. Edwards, Neb.; Dave Goldman, Lead, S. D. ; H. M. Ashley, Bennington, Neb.; Miss Zella Bigelow, Tabor Drug Co., Tabor, Iowa; Dr. A. W. Davies, Blanch­ ard, Iowa; W. W. Brown, Malmo, Neb.; A. R. Kokes, Chapman, Neb.; J. D. Roger, Coon Rapids, Iowa; F. E. Vickory, Magnet, Neb.; M. M. Halbert, Imogene, Iowa; F. Patrick and wife, Exeter, Neb.; Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Gibson, Harlan, Iowa; J. R. Koza, Clarkson, Neb.; M. P. Kava- naugh, Petersburgh, Neb.;'Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamhoefer and daughter, Schuyler, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jones, Cus­ ter, S. D .; F. H. Clough, Greeley, Neb.; George C. Smith, North Loup, Neb.; W. D. Haller, Blair, Neb.; P. L. Arra- smith, Griswold, Iowa; Chas. Patterson, Franklin Merc. Co., Cora, W yo.; I. C. Shupp, Calloway, Meb.; P. C. Corri­ gan and wife, O’Neill, Neb.; R. Balaban, Howell, Neb.; S. S. All, Clarks, Neb.; J. W. Sullivan, Keystone, S. D.; C. I. M. MACOMBER. W. Lockard, Ericson, Neb.; C. J. Wilson, Atkinson, Neb.; I. M. Macomber was born in Maine, in 1831. At theJ. H. Brt, Wilber, Neb.; W. B. Donaldson, Pierce, Neb.; J. age of nineteen he became very much infatuated with the F. Newhall, Tilden, Neb.; C. B. Hoskins, Butte, Mont.; sea and started out as a sailor. He traveled all over the Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Brush and daughter, Ashland, Neb.; world for nine years, working himself up to mate and mas­ H. Reinecke, Beulah, Wyo.; L. P. Orth, Clarinda, Iowa; C. ter. During one of his trips, while at Cardiff, he ran away L. Dunham, Farnam, Neb.; Chas. Kadish, West Point, from his American vessel and went on the Holland Liners. Neb.; Alf. Helsing, Wahoo, Neb.; E. F. Beranek, with J. There he remained for three years, during which time, E. Bush & Co., Ord, Neb.; F. G. Meinert, Remsen, Iowa; while aboard a large cargo of molasses, his ship was struck A. J. Tasshaller, Sioux City, Iowa; F. E. Holstein, Alli­ abroadside and the molasses and the greater part of the ance, Neb. Glen Frater, David City, Neb.; Matt Cram, Da­ crew went to the bottom in a very short time. Mr. Ma­ vid City, Neb.; Jas. Mann, Hamburg, Iowa; J. A. Lindbo, comber barely escaped with his life, having lost everything St. Edwards, Neb.; C. G. Norseen, of Fuller & Norseen, he possessed. He finally landed at Calcutta and asking for Tekamah, Neb.; J. F. Kinney, Lexington, Neb.; Chas. his discharge, which was granted him, he returned to Fallon, Seward, Neb. America. In 1861 Mr. Macomber came West and located in Minne­ You can save from ten to twenty per cent, by buying sota. From there he went to Sioux City, Iowa, where he holiday goods from the Richardson Drug Co. stayed three years and learned the carpenter trade. He Varnishes, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, etc. If you then went to South Dakota and worked in a drug store, want the right goods at right prices write the Richardson wishing bottles, etc. In 1870 he purchased a half interest Drug Co. of Dr. Lyons’ drug store, at Vermillion, the firm being known thereafter as Lyons & Macomber.- Here they flour­ Dr. Harter’s 1905 Almanac, Golden Anniversary Num­ ished for nine years, when their stock was partially de­ ber, will be furnished to the trade both for counter use and stroyed by fire. In 1879 they dissolved partnership, each name lists. Make your requistion or send name list to the taking half of the stock. Dr. Harter Medicine Co., Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Macomber then went to Lennox, and has been there Every day and the day after Uneed Y u k o n L in im e n t for the past twenty-five years, He has done a good busi­ for barb wire cuts. A remedy discovered by the ‘Sha­ ness at this place, having a stock of drugs which is worth man” or medicine man, ruler of the native Indians of Alas­ $6,000, and a good farm five miles from Lennox. Mr. Ma­ ka. Full pints, $4.00 per dozen. Order through your job­ comber is very prominent in Masonry, being a charter ber, the Richardson Drug Co. Manufactured by Klondike member of Vermillion Lodge No. 3. Remedy Co. OMAHA DRUGGIST, 17

Omaha College of Pharmacy Notes, RUBBER COMPANIES HARD HIT,

By L. S. Pofb. The High Price of Crude Rubber the Cause, Seniors at last. O, how we pity the Juniors! The price of crude rubber is now at the highest price Fall term opened August 31st with the largest enroll­ for over forty years—$1.23 per lb.—surpassing even the ment ever known in the history of the College. Enroll­ price made by the corner operated in Vienna some twenty ment is as follows: years ago. In 1864 fine Para crude rubber reached its JUNIORS. highest recorded price, $1.33. W. R. Mozee, Geneva Wm. Pahl, Hampton. The condition today is the result not of any corner or of B. A. Armitage, Kenesaw. O. Ruzicka, Omaha. any manipulation, but of the working out of the law of J. R. Arnoldi, Omaha. A. N. Rolland, Sutton. supply and demand. The increasing uses for rubber have C. S. Brown, Osceola. Chas. Redman, Kenesaw. J. A. Dtjyis. Omaha. Thos. Radinsky, Sterling. exceeded the ability of the gatherers in South America and J. Cording, Loup City. Miss Pearle Ratcliffe, Stratton. Africa to supply it. J. H. Forrest, South Omaha. P. W. Schulz, Pierce. The main source of supply of the world’s rubber is the Frk. Hermansky, Omaha. Miss Fstella Robinson, Danbury. Amazon River Valley in South America, and the product is gpA. Fricke, Omaha. Page Stine, St. Paul. Theo. Haden, Crete. V. St. John, Lynch. marketed mostly through the port of Para. The govern­ M. O. Hamel, Davenport. G. J. Taylor, Omaha. ment of Brazil levies an export tax on all rubber shipments, J. B. Lester, Bellwood. H. Rathburn, Colo. Springs, Col. so that it is possible to keep an accurate record of the pro­ O. P. Duse, Scotia. D. P. Case, Newman Grove. duction. Jno. Motl, West Point. W. A. Witte, Elkhorn. E. A. Michael, Omaha. S. E. Ewing, Nebraska City. The record of production of the Amazon river region Miss Olga Massinda, Butte. H. Esh, Madison. for the past five years has been as follows, for the year en­ C. Martin, Omaha. B. Dieustbier, Omaha. ded June 30: Miss Fern Meehan, Leigh. B. W. Barnes, Nelson. Tons. SENIORS. 1900, 26,670 A. Adams, Missouri Valley, la. L. F. Sobeslavsky, South Omaha. 1901, 27,610 G. E, Gustine, Whitewood, S. D. E. A. Searson, Grand Island. 1902, 30,000 B. Watson, Niobrara. D. Simms, Albion. 1903, 29,850 G. L. Endres, Sterling. W. W. Luplin, Beaver City. 1904, G. E- Anderson, Oakland. R. E. Griffith, Neola, Iowa. 30,580 B. G. Worthing, Overton, E. E. Whitten, Alma. This indicates a 15% increase-in the production of Para L. B. Lilliedoll, Shickley. R. R. Green, Elmwood. rubber in five years, which would hardly be sufficient to Jno. D. Beck, Edgar. W. F. Solt, Humphrey. supply the demand from the rubber boot and shoe manufac­ O. E. Bullis, Wilber. G. L- Mowers, Colon. P. J. Murphy, Cedar Bluffs. L S. Pope, St. Paul. turing companies alone. Within this time, however, there J. R. Gore, Talmage. has been a great development in automobiles and electric What the Seniors lack in numbers they make up in appliances as well as an increased production of belting and might. hose, rubber clothing, mechanical goods and all other var­ ied lines of products from rubber. This tells the story of We notice that the Juniors are now wearing that same $1.23 crude. sad, far-away look and the same expressive smile which we The course of the crude rubber market for the past ten wore at the beginning of our Junior term. We know it’s years shows a steady upward movement from 66c in 1894 to awful, Juniors, but cheer up, it may not be so. $1.10 in 1900. It was in 1900 that "the Flint rubber difficul­ J. Earle Harper, ’04, dropped in to see us one day last ties arose, whereby banking interests were obliged to take week. It seemed quite nasural to see him loafing around, over vast quantities of crude rubber back of loans and in and we hope he will come up often. He is at present hold­ the marketing of this rubber the price fell off to 70c in July, ing a responsible position in Kuhn’s drug store. 1902. Since that time the market has been steadily up»- ward and shows no indication of declining. Friday, Sept. 23d, the Senior class organized and elec­ The advance in crude rubber forced the rubber shoe ted officers as follows: John D. Beck, Pres.; Geo. L- Mow­ companies to increase the price of their products 12 j^ per ers, Vice-Pres.; Lester Pope, > ec.; Geo. Endres, Treas. cent, early in the year, a second advance within the year, Lester Pope was also appointed reporter to the Omaha and the mechanical companies increased their prices ten Druggist. per cent. Since that time, however, crude rubber has ad­ Prof. F. A. Kelly, who helped guide us through the vanced ten cents per lb., the mechanical companies having dark mysteries of our Junior year, gave us a short but again withdrawn their prices and will probably make pleasant call Sept. 21st. He has returned to Omaha to take another advance, and it is not improbable that the rubber up his studies at the Creighton Medical College. Come shoe companies will be obliged to again advance prices, al­ again, Prof. though owing to the character of their business this is a The students of the O. C. P. deeply regret the loss of difficult matter and seriously affects their trade interests.— our former Dean and Professor, A. A. Kendall. ' Mr. Ken­ The Wall Street Journal. dall has decided to play cowboy for awhile and has pur­ chased a ranch in South Dakota, where he moved on Sept. Campaign Button Absolutely Free. 2nd. “ May success be his” is the wish of the O. C. P. You can secure free an official Republican or an official We are glad to welcome to the O. C. P. Mr. Chas. Democratic campaign button. The Roosevelt “ Stand Fricke as Professor. Mr. Fricke is a former graduate of Pat” button is now ready. The illus­ the O. C. P. and also of the Philadelphia College of Phar­ tration is shown here. It is a real macy. He is a thorough scholar and teacher and is sure to beauty. The Democratic button will make a success of his undertaking. He occupies the posi­ also be handsome, and will be ready tion recently held by Prof. Kelly. immediately after the Democratic Na­ It is-understood the services of Prof. Kratz have been tional Convention. This free distribu­ secured to give a course of singing lessons to the students tion of buttons is characteristic of the of the Uni. Prof. Kratz is musical director of the First well known makers of famous Zeno- Presbyterian Church and is considered one of the best leum Dip and Disinfectant. Send a teachers in the state. From the outlook we should be able postal now. The correct address is to find at least two good glee clubs from the student body. Zenner Disinfectant Co., 1 Bates St., Detroit Mich. . '• V 18 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

QUININE A . UNIVERSAL DRUG, Morphine is Unmailable, In a letter from the postmaster of Memphis to the De­ partment at Washington that official submitted the follow­ Some of the Things This Product W ill Help, ing proposition: I assume that every one in the civilized world has taken, “ I herewith return your letter and the contained mor­ a dose of quinine, says the New York Press. It is the uni­ phine for your inspection In the opinion of this office this versal drug. Its value is unappreciated by the masses, article could not injure the mails or persons handling same. who use it only for colds and fevers—the same thing. As As I understand the spirit of section 494, it is not because a tonic it is unsurpassed. As an alterative it has no equal poisons are dangerous to mankind in general that they are in the materia medica. I heard a distinguished surgeon excluded from the mails, but because they are liable to say: “ If I wanted to ferment a barrel of cabbage in less damage the mails or injure postal officers handling same. time than anybody else could do it, I would put in it an Morphine is a poison. It is also a very valuable drug. eighth of an ounce of quinine. A little quinine in the dis­ This office has notified shippers that we cannot accept this ordered stomach acts just about as it would in the cabbage. class of drugs until authority is granted from your office.” It hastens the assimilation of the food and restores the The Memphis postmaster shortly afterward received the normal conditions.” following reply from Washington: Habitual users of quinine are slaves to it, but derive “ I herewith return your letter and the sample submitted little benefit from it. Men with malaria eat it by the and have to state that morphine is utimailable, and yonr ac­ ounce, and still keep the malaria. The world is full of tion in advising the shippers that ypu cannot accept it is quinine drunkards, who pour a spoonful into the palm of approved by this office.” one hand and lick it down, chew chicona bark as one chews This is considered an arbitrary and unjust ruling and gum. Others, not habituated, must take two grains or ten one that will work a hardship to druggists who happen to in a gelatin capsule. Before capsules were invented it was run out of morphine and desire the quick delivery of a taken in molasses — and the chances are that the molasses small quantity by mail. effected the cure. Too much of it is- nearly as bad as too Omaha College of Pharmacy, much calomel. Great fortunes have been made out of it, however, and its cultivation in Ceylon and Java is said to O m a h a , N e b ., Oct. 6, 1904. be successful. W h e r e a s , It has pleased the Almighty Father to re­ There are several pretty romances connected with the move from our midst fhe father of our esteemed Professor discovery of “ kina,” as the native Indians of Peru call the Edmund Thorp, cinchona trees from which quinine is derived. What do Resolved, That we, the members of the Senior class of you call it—kwi-nine, kwe-neen, kin-nine, keen-neen or kin- the Omaha College of Pharmacy do hereby extend to Pro­ neen? It is possible that your pronunciation of the word fessor Thorp our sincerest sympathy in this, his hour of may discover your birthplace. What a lot of names the sorrow. drug has had! Quinine, cinchona, countess’ powder, Jesu­ R e s o l v e d , That a copy of these resolutions be handed it’s bark, Cardinal de Lugo’s powder, Peruvian bark, China to Professor 'I horp, that a copy be furnished the Omaha bark, quina, quin-quina, cinchona bark, etc. Druggist for publication, and that a copy be entered upon The world is indebted to Louis XIV. for its general in­ the records of the class. troduction. In France and Italy physicians who prescribed E. A. S e a r s o n , its use were persecuted. Protestants altogether repudiated G e o . L. E n d r e s , it. Robert Talbot, an Englishman, cured the dauphin with G eo . L. M o w e r s , it and Louis le Grand was induced to buy the secret. He Com. on Resolutions. was the only king that ever embarked in the drug business. The discovery of cinchona bark is enveloped in mystery. A new book will come out some time in December or The wife of the Spanish viceroy in Peru was Countess January entitled “ An Ambassador of Commerce” or Chinchon. She was cured of an intermittent fever by “ Thirty Years a Commercial Traveler,” by Daniel Yandes drinking an infusion of the bark, introduced it in Madrid Wheeler. The cover design and ten illustrations will be by and bestowed her name upon it—Chinchona. We have cor­ a well known artist of Denver, Colo. Contents are as fol­ rupted this into cinchona. That’s one story. Another is lows: that the Jesuit missionaries, who were accustomed to taste Preface—Some Reasons Why This Book Was Written. the bark of every tree they hewed down, discovered the I. Origin and Evolution of the Species. precious febrifuge. A third is that certain animals while II. Protest Against the Many Unjust and Malicious in a fever happened to gnaw the bark of the cinchona tree Criticisms of Commercial Travelers as a Class. and were cured. A fourth is that some persons were suffer­ III. The Commercial Traveler as I have Found Him.— ing with fever, drank copiously of a pool of water in which Ella Wheeler Wilcox. some fallen cinchona trees had long been soaking, charg­ IV. A Few Words of Kindly Advice to the Young ing the water with the medicinal principle. Their speedy Traveler. cure led to an investigation which discovered quinine. V. The Wholesaler. One of the strangest things about quinine is that it is VI. The Retailer. not used as medicine in the practice of the native physi­ VII. Church and State. cians of Peru, Ecuador or Colombia. The Indians did not VIII. Black Sheep of the Tribe. even know of its existence until' enlightened by the Span­ IX. Railroads and Hotels. iards about 250 years ago. X. Use and Abuse of the Tipping System. XI. Different Kinds of People I Have Met. XII. Home Life of the Traveler. Parker and Park, XIII. Insurance and Secret Societies. XIV. Trade Journals. Jedge Parker, de guy wot de dimmycrats nomynate fer X V . Competitors. pres’dent—wy, ’e is de game boy wot knocked de eye out of XVI. Salaries and Commissions. dat Park down in Cincinnotty. Dat Park say t’ell wid de XVII. {short Stories Heard in Hotel Rotundas and the medicine regg’lashuns, but de jedge jess let ’er go one of * ‘Liars’ Room” of the Pullman. dem decishionings—biff, bang, wow! Betcher life, Mister Mr. Wheeler is western representative of the Richard­ Park, ’e don’t brake his neck ter git to eny of dem Parker son Drug Co., with offices and salesrooms at Denver and ratificashun meetin’s.—Jimmy Fadden. Salt Lake. W-8!?' r; mwh*


New Stores Rising from the Plains of Rosebud. Danger of Being Alive.

Herrick—This town still exceeds others in size of settle­ Drink water and get typhoid fever. Drink milk and ment. It has been given the postofflce name of Willette, get tuberculosis. Drink whisky and get the jim-jams. but the department will be petitioned to change it to Her­ Eat soup and get Bright’s disease. Eat meat and encour­ rick. Money is being raised for a court house. Residences age apoplexy. Eat oysters and acquire toxemia. Eat vege­ or business blocks are being built as follows: Phillip H. tables and weaken the system. Eat dessert and take to Lord, iesidence and meat market; Captain E. K. Longley, paresis. Smoke cigarettes and die early. Smoke cigars residence and offiee; Franklin Herman, men’s furnishing and get catarrh. Drink coffee and obtain nervous prostra­ goods store; S. S. Gaddle & Co., wholesale and retail flour tion. Drink wine and get the gout. In order to be. en­ and grocery building; O. M. Chambers, real estate office; D. tirely healthy one must eat nothing, drink nothing, smoke Louis, bakery; F. A. Booher, residence and probably a liv­ nothing, and even before breathing one should make sure ery stable; C. Gustav Auerswald, saloon; Houston Lumber that the air has been properly sterilized*—Southwestern Co., office; W. L. Montgomery, bank building; F. H. Ger- World. rish, coffee house; R. A. Reeves, real estate office; J. G. Dunbar, hardware store and lumber yard; Pioneer bakery, store; F. E. Harris, general store; T. A . Mayer, groceries; Caspar & Simons, lumber, coal and hardware; I. T. Jones, hotel and livery. Numberless residences are going up out­ side of the town. Burke—Four business blocks now up. N. M. Jury will erect a law and real estate office; C. F. McFayden, land of­ fice; Mr. Hollenbeck, hotel; Walter Pritchett, general store; W. C. McFayden, business block; McLain & Griffin, hard­ ware; Earl L- Lord, furniture and undertaking. Gregory—Twenty-four buildings are now in process of completion. New buildings will be erected as follows: William Krotter, lumber yard office; Rosebud Lumber Co., office; John Harms, general store; Fay Bros., livery barn; Burrill & Sutton, livery; F. M. Whittecar, hotel; Cal Mof­ fett, postoffice; C. J. Anderson, business block; G. N. Nagel of Fairfax, mercantile store; Foster & Jones, confectionery and bakery; Gaughen & McKee, hardware, already com­ pleted; Will Lamoreaux, general merchandise; Roy Johnson, store; Bridgeman & Wilson, drug store.

Free Towels.

A novel way to introduce his preparations amongst the retail druggists is that used by Wm. C. Burrichter, Panora, Iowa, in promoting the sale of Le Bron’s Health Pills and Le Bron’s Ache Tablets. With an order for one dozen of each preparation at $1.75 per dozen the druggist receives free of charge ten White Turkish Towels, just the thing for store or home use. These towels are equal in quality to those sold by dry goods dealers for twenty-five cents each. Included in each offer are 150 samples of each Remedy, and 150 copies of the finest booklet issued on Constipation. Richardson Drug Co. sell the Le Bron Towel Offers and This beautiful Old Mission Clock and 1,000 cigars free call attention to the fact that the manufacturer guarantees for $35.00. Five brands, 200 each. Send in your orders at satisfaction to the consumer or money refunded. once, and we will make the best selection possible. 4% Discount for Cash Cigars F. O. B. Omaha, The World's Best, Clocks F. O. B. Factory.

There is always a best. This is true of writing ink as Should Unite for Common Good, well as other manufactured products. Of the many inks on the market today none is better than Bankers’ Ink. It is best because its quality has no equal, and as a “ repeater” The trouble with the smaller cities is that their people it stands in a class by itself. These are two facts in which are not united for the common good. There are always every dealer will be interested. Bankers’ Ink is put up in two factions and not infrequently three, each of which op­ attractive packages. Through special arrangements with poses on principle what the other favors. Business men in the manufacturers we are enabled to supply our customers the same line of trade are in hot rivalry^ and regard each with a most attractive assorted order of the “ 4 Big Sel­ other as a common enemy Every community should know lers.” For particulars see the sample order placed loose in that capital brought in from the outside is a contribution this issue. to all the people of the municipality. Some may get more Kindly mail it today, or hand it to one of our salesmen, benefit than others, but its helpful influences reach all. and it will receive prompt attention. Municipal advertising should be resorted to, in order to R ic h a r d so n D r u g C o . teach the people of the community this lesson as well as to attract to it capital which is seeking investment.—Printer’s There are two B’s that don’t travel well in double har­ Ink. ness—Boozing and Business. Some men try to hitch them up together, but invariably the outfit meets with disaster. Articles quoted in this Journal as “ M .C .W .” are —Tengwall Talk. the products of the Mallinckrodt Chemieal Works* p5fSfW^s«|j^J^pa^ jf? ...


PAPERS READ AT N. S. P, A. MEETING. Under this method we may well consider our assistance from the June, 1904. financial point of view. In this the wife should keep herself acquain­ ted with the circumstances of the money matters and set her table, ?-•.,-. .f ... >,., %/;\f furnisb hOr home and dress in accordance with the income, ;i How Can a Wife Best Assist Her Husband in the Along with the financial we may well speak of the home-making; In this all devisable means should be used in making this the dear­ - oj j Drug Business. . • est spot on earth. What is more stimulating and invigorating to the -V .5 >; - By MRS: D. J. Fink, Holdrege, Neb. . 3 ; ; druggist than to know that when he returns home he will be greeted i , j — . :.i’ . ,/ l h ;..M ;’ by a wife of a purely moral character? Does not this have a terii . Mrs. D. J. Fink, the writer of this paper, is the daugh­ dency to make his life more moral? And, therefore, he and his wife ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Silver of Holdrege, Neb. She was command the respect of the community in which he resides, for with­ out that respect his business will not prosper. born at Albany, Wis., April 13th, 1877. At the age of The home should be the counsel chamber of the husband and wife; itijne years she, with her parents, moved to Holdrege, Neb. Do not try to run the store by dictating you must do that and hot Here she finished the Holdrege High School, afterwards this, for your place is to take charge of the house and thus relieve completing her education at the Lincoln Normal. She then him of that burden. What is more trying to a man’s nervous system than to be constantly running to him with some little foolish notion chose the instruction of young minds as-her profession, concerning the house? ' which she followed for-five years. She was married to D. Open the house to any little social feature which you think would be a pleasure to him, such as entertaining the Board of Pharmacy to a dinner. It at all times broadens one’s mind to come in contact with people al(Ong one’s own line of business, and then, too, it re­ lieves the mirid of business matters for the time being. - Socially the wife may take a very active part, especially in the home town. She need not do so much entertaining at her own home; but she must look after the comers and goers, the sick and the old, and always have a helping hand for those needing it. Know all re­ spectable customers wherever you may be, whether it is in the store when they are paying out their good hard money, or in the church. My last statement holds good especially wlien we consider more tti«? day labors. ,,!■ -r;j ■- ..,. j : ^ •• Along with our social work we may well do a little advertising. Whenever the opportunity presents itself you may modestly say, ‘‘Did you ever use so-and-so for such an ailment?” Then kihdty’-ln*- form them that you think it is obtainable at all pharmacies.! ! Do not try to impress it upon their minds that it is sold at Fink’s, with the emphasis on the Fink. ; - ,. , . In regard to wives spending a portion of their time itt the store in order to meet friends, I do not approve of this social work, since there is so much secrecy connected with the drug business.. Women as well as men prefer to intrust their secrets to the pharmacist alone. Nothing is so detrimental as loafers, either men or women., ' Any little secrets which the husband may tell his wife should be kept as closely as the ones concerning your own household.- What will break up a doctor’s practice quicker than a gossiping wife? Are not more or less of the secrets known to the pharmacist? And thus the same rule holds true to the pharmacist’s wife. Fncourage little trips of recreation, for instance such qs attending the N. S. P. A. every year, not only as a pleasure trip, but for the MRS. D. J. FINK. healthful and beneficial part of it. And then, ladies, we may meekly add that there seems to be several attractions for the ladies. ; ; J. Fink, a pharmacist of Holdrege, Neb., Dec. 22nd, 1900. She is the mother cjf one child, a son, Zera Silver Fink, who is two years old and has already attended two of the N. S. P. A. meetings. Since her marriage to Mr. Fink she What Should W e Demand of Our Apprentices? has taken deep interest in pharmacy, and especially the N. S. P. A. meetings. ; By F. D. G. W a l k e r , Omaha. Her paper was read before the N. S. P. A. meeting at r Third Prize. Fremont and was awarded eighth prize. M r . P r e s id e n t , L a d ie s a n d G e n t l e m e n :—It is not without, some misgivings that I present this my first paper to the Nebraska1 n o w CAN A WIFE BEST ASSIST IIRH HUSBAND IN THS DRtlG BUSINESS. State Pharmaceutical Association. Hoping that you will pardori' me ‘hi The stibjfect, “ How Gaft a W ife Best Assist Her Husband in the for the consumption of your valuable time I will proceed with a few Drug Business,” is indeed one which should be of deepest interest to brief remarks on “ What We Should Demand of Our Apprentices.” each and every druggist’s wife. ^ Webster defines an apprentice as a beginner, one learning a trade, I did sincerely hope that every wife or daughter would offer a pa­ art, or profession. Our side of the question is the pjofessional, and per at this meeting to encourage this new feature of the N. S. P. A., the first point that should; attract our attention is the age of the ap­ which certainly will be interesting.andJaeneficial to all visiting la­ plicant for a position. While we cannot set a definite age at which dies. ^ to begin pharmacy, we should be careful not to receive an apprentice The ways in which the wife may lend a helping hand may well be too young, for the prevalent understanding today among the young­ divided into two distinct divisions, namely, direct and indirect assis­ er class, and I may include some of the older ones, is that pharmacy ' tance. Bpt Regardless of the division we may choose through which is at least ninetymine per cent, profit. Thus a young man entering tf&e&fehd our assistance, there is one thing which every successful the business with this idea is doomed to be sadly disappointed before vvife must have some knowledge of, and that is the money matters. conducting a store in his own behalf, and will learn that the road to Inhere a wife goes into the store and discharge^ guy duties which success is not- all a path of roses. ordinarily would be done by a clerk or perhaps the proprietor of a Then we should ascertain as to his fundamental education. Has store,-we would look at this as direct assistance. ^ ; ! he had the proper school training and discipline? Much more is, or r '--It has always been a question in my mind whether or not the ex­ should be demanded of the.young map of today than fifty years ago. tra.expense caused by the wife’s absence, from the house will not No one entering a drug store with the intention of becoming a phar­ more than balance her savings in the store. ; It is very hatd to get macist should be allowed to do more than' manual labor, unless at anyone to go intoyour jhome and discharge the duties as an interes-, least having a grammar school education, and I would like to say ted wife would do them. There are the leavings from the table which having completed the high school. Some may think that this^is puL, invariably Will find the waste pail unless you are on thb lookout all ting it too strong, but remember that tlje boy of today will be the the tim e., Then there is the mending, sewing and various other, lit­ pharmacist of tomorrow, and upon us depends, what the pharmacy of tle things, which will be overlooked unless the good wife overtaxes the future will be. Look what is demanded of us by the public at herself by working hours when her mind should be at rest. large. We are^stipposed to know more, think quicker and work with “ Tfi the case of where there are children to rear there is only the in­ greater precision than the average man, and the people have a right direct method left for the wife to choose, as her place will be in the to expect it as they do,. Shall we let the profession of Pharmacy de­ home with her children...... ' ------generate to the ranks of a mere mercantile pursuit by allowing it to f Since there are only a very few wives who are able to g o behind be overcrowded by those untrained and uneducated? From the si­ tbe Counter and take the place of a clerk, I will Turn my attention to lence of'the future there comes back the answer on the winds of time, more of the indirect methods of assistance. . ^ ' no, verily no. . _ “ (v . ■ ' OMAHA DRUGGIST. 21

In the country towns a druggist is always considered one of the Get one idea—clothe it with short, attractive wording— leading business men, and in the city especially he has to keep pos­ make it convey one strong point and pound it in. ted on all new preparations which the physician may ask him about regarding the constituents, therapeutic and physiological action and Keep on doing this day after day, week after week, and dosage. This in itself is no small task in this day of advancement of the great buying public will read in spite of itself, and the “ sample man.” For those talking machines can get our reading, will remember—remembering, will buy. physicians to prescribe more nonsensical and so-called new prepara­ The advertising problem bears quite a different appear­ tions than would fill a book the size of our trusty old Dispensatory. Then there are the numerous perplexeties regarding prescription dif­ ance when viewed from the stand-point of manufacturer, ficulties, preparations and such, with which only a druggist has to jobber or retailer. contend. The character of our apprentices should not be overlooked The manufacturers of America spend millions of dollars for in no other place or situation does a man need a clear brain and every year for what is known as general advertising. It is steady hand more than at the prescription case, where perhaps the lives of his patrons are in the balance. probably within reason to say that they can trace less than Then having selected your apprentice, don’t expect him to “ catch one per cent, of definite results. They know that business, on” to everything all by himself. Take an interest in him and make as a whole, does increase; that the sale of their particular him feel that you are trying to help him. Rarly make him acquain­ manufacture grows constantly larger, but further than this ted with your pharmaceutical library and alwcys have a U. S. P. within reach. (However, I have seen stores where I would not blame it is difficult to trace exact results. the proprietor for showing anyone his library, for they only had a U. The jobber, to a certain extent, shares with the manu­ S. Dispensatory of 1870, with half the index torn out.) Of course facturer the expense of untraceable advertising. this does not appply to any member of the N. S. P. A., for it is an His object is to keep his name and his goods prominent­ undisputed fact that they all have complete libraries. Don’t expect your boy to know all the official names at once, but encourage him to l y before the retailer. His direct sales come almost invari­ learn something new each day. There is always a few leisure mo­ ably through his traveling salesmen. ments for the proprietor or senior clerk some time during the day or How far the orders given to the “ drummer” have been evening to explain that which he cannot understand. Right here is influenced by the introductory power of an advertisement it where so many proprietors fail to get the best out of a young man. They think he should be eternally washing bottles or cleaning some­ is difficult to say. thing. While it would be far from my intention to discourage this, Yet no sane jobber ceases to advertise merely because I would say give him some stated time to himself for his own indivi­ he employs traveling salesmen, or issues a large number of dual use. This you will find will promote a healthy interest in the catalogues. work. When he advances a little farther show him the advantages of attending some reliable college of pharmacy. For while he may be posted practically he cannot obtain the technical part outside of a The problem of the retailer is, in comparison, an easy reputable college of pharmacy. There only will be made clear those one. things that he could not previously fathom, and with due apologies to those present no young man of today has completed his pharma­ He inserts in his local paper an advertisement of a line ceutical knowledge until he has taken a course in a college of phar­ of men’s winter suits, to be closed out at a cut price. He macy. I believe the time is not far distant when all state boards expects, and has a right to expect, definite and actual sales will require of applicants for examination that they show a diploma from this particular ad. from some college in good standing. If they do not materialize he knows something is at Then select your apprentice with the greatest of care Don’t pick him up off the street anywhere; fault and seeks the reasons and the remedy. Get a boy that is honest and upright and quick; Of course the retailer also is at times obliged by his That once asked to do something won’t stand and kick. shrewd business sense to do much in the way of advertising A boy that can work with a smile on his face, from which even he can trace no definite results. For one with the blues will sure lose in the race. Teach him the duties that before him now lie, Extra decoration and display on holidays and Fair Days. And that Which he don’t know to mark with a “ why,” Extra expense in the way of making his place of business That “ Aqua Q. S.” means water enough attractive within and without. Extra courtesies and re­ To fill up the bottle and shake up the stuff, membrances to customers and employees. Then mark and wrap it up neatly with care And deliver at once to “ that man with red hair.” All of which goes to swell the grand total on the right The next is a call for Peruna, perchance, side of his cash book. For this is a store with cash in advance. Our price is the lowest and can not be beat By any retailer on main or side street. Advertise your goods, not your name or street number. ' Our boy has advanced so rapidly now Some names, such as John Wanamaker or Marshall That we can stay home most the time with our frow? ? Field & Co. have a national reputation and draw trade of He is really the best boy we have had in the store, themselves. And for recommendations who could want more? So here is wishing success to the N. S. P. A. In the vast majority of cases the public cares little for And many returns of this pleasant day. you or your name. Prices and quality are what it wants. Use the name Mr. Murray Talks on the Value of Method in Advertising. and location of your store but once. At the bottom of the ad—in moderate-sized but legible I meet very often the merchant who says that he be­ type is the proper way. lieves in advertising1—is quite convinced that it pays—bnt This rule is susceptible of variations in the case of the who expects a wonderful increase in business from one or jobber or manufacturer. two insertions of the same old six-inch ad. I am speaking now to the retailer.— “ Geo. Murray” in In other words, the fact is too often ignored that it is St. Paul Trade. only continuous advertising that pays. Advertising is one of the best examples of the old pro­ Interesting, unusual and up-to-date is the October proverb, “ Keeping everlastingly at it brings success.” Woman’s Home Companion. It opens with a striking ar­ It is the everlasting pounding away that wins. ticle on the submarine boat, by Morgan Robertson. David Use your advertising columns constantly and intelli­ Belasco, the great playwright and stage manager, gives gently. Don’t treat it as so many do—as a side issue. It advice to girls who want to go on the stage. A particu­ deserves better. Give it half a chance and your harvest larly timely article is Lee Fairchild’s description of “ The will be great. Funny Side of a Political Campaign.” Other features are “ Mrs. Edison’s Hallowe’en Party,” “ How the College Girl Advertise specialties. Celebrates Hallowe’en,” “ Corn is Still King in Kansas” The day of the conglomerate price list ad has passed and “ Mrs. Sangster’s Chat with Women at Home.” This away. number is especially notable for its fashions, there being People will not read long-winded small type ads. several pages of the latest designs for autumn frocks and One nail well driven will give better results than an un­ waists. Published by The Crowell Publishing Company, opened keg containing thousands. * Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents a copy. IJjypragwy


What to do in Emergencies. The Importance of Sleep,

If a woman’s dress is suddenly enveloped in flames, in­ Doubtless more Americans are overtaken by general col­ stead of running to her, or out of the house, speak distinct­ lapse and nervous prostration by reason of their depriving ly and commandingly: “ Lie down and roll over!” Mean­ themselves of adequate sleep than from any other one while, rip up the carpet or drag off a bed blanket, throw it cause. Students, unfortunately, early acquire the vicious over the person, and then proceed to wrap her closely in it; notion that they will never amount to anything in the this is a more certain and speedy extinguisher than water, world unless they establish a reputation for “ burning the is more accessible, and entirely safe to the person giving midnight oil.” Thus they go on during their college ca­ aid. reer defying the well-established laws of nature, for which If a man faints away, instead of yelling out like a sav­ defiance they are sure to reap, later in life, the bitter har­ age, or running to him to lift him up, lay him at full vest of a premature break down, and often death in mid length on his back on the floor, loosen the clothing, push life, when they should be in the very prime of vigor and the crowd away so as to allow the air to reach him, and let health. In some cases they even lose health and life before him alone. Dashing water over a person in a simple faint­ concluding their student days. If they do, however, com­ ing fit is a barbarity, and soils the clothing unnecessarily. plete their college work, they enter upon professional or The philosophy of a fainting fit is, the heart fails to send business life only to continue the evil habit of irregular and the proper supply of blood to the brain; if the person is late hours, thus continuing to deny jaded nature the recu­ erect, that blood has to be thrown up hill, but if lying peration which sufficient sleep alone can give. Those in­ down, it has to be projected horizontally, which requires clined to be indifferent as to the value and importance of less power. sleep would do well carefully to read and heed the opinion If a person swallows a poison, deliberately or by mis­ of Dr. Ewart, of Havre, one of Europe’s most learned and take, instead of breaking out into multitudinous and inco­ celebrated physicians, “ No amount of simple rest of the herent exclamations, dispatch some one for a doctor; mean­ body can do duty for sleep. Though mere repose may sat­ while, run to the kitchen, get half a glass of water in any­ isfy the needs of our vegetable life, sleep alone—that pro­ thing that is handy, put into it a teaspoon of salt, and as found sleep which the poet has likened to death—can make much ground mustard, stir it an instant, catch a firm hold good the wear and tear of the higher nervous centers.” of the person’s nose, the mouth will soon fly open, then It may be truly said that nature will have her own, if down with the mixture and in a second or two up will come not the strength and health-giving sleep of life, then so the poison. This will answer in a larger number of cases much sooner the silent sleep of death. Certainly one of the than any other. If by this time the physician has not ar­ prevailing sins of our time is the headlong recklessness and rived, make the patient swallow the white of an egg, fol­ high-pressure of speed with which so many unwisely carry lowed by a cup of strong coffee, because these nullify a lar­ on the work they have in hand. Those who conscien­ ger number of poisons than any other accessible articles as tiously observe God’s laws in the matter of proper sleep antidotes for any poison remaining in the stomach. will do better work, accomplish more good in the world, If a limb or other part of the body is severely cut, and and live a longer time in which to be a blessing to others the blood comes out by spurts or jerks, per saltern, as doc­ than those who defiantly disobey the laws which God has tors say, be in a hurry, or the man will be dead in five min­ implanted in their very beings. utes; there is no time to talk or send for a physician; say nothing, out with your handkerchief throw it around the Castor Oil Plants Scare Mosquitoes. limb, tie two ends together, put a stick through them, twist it around, tighter and tighter, until the blood ceases A Bombay newspaper declares that the castor oil plant to flow. But stop, it does no good. Why? Because only affords a means of protection against mosquitoes. In Egypt a severed artery throws out blood in jets, and the arteries it is planted about houses to drive the insects away. In get their blood from the heart; hence to stop the flow the towns a better plan is to have the young plants in pots and remedy must be applied between thq heart and the woun­ bring them into the house for a day or two at a time, but ded1 spot—in other words, above the wound. If a vein had the Palma Christi plant, owing to its sun-loving qualities, been severed the blood would have flowed in a regular must not be kept within doors any length of time. stream, and slowly; and on the other hand, the tie should be applied below the wound, or on the other side of the Just Say You Saw It. wound from the heart, because the blood in the veins flows towards the heart and there is no need of such great hurry. There is one thing that a subscriber can do for the publisher of his trade paper, that will cost the subscriber nothing, but will be of material benefit to the paper and Lemons for the Lungs. that is, when he writes to any advertiser in the trade paper Lemons are an excellent remedy in pulmonary dis­ either inquiring about or sending an order for some special eases. When used for lung trouble from six to nine a day article advertised, to mention the fact that he saw the ad­ should be used. More juice is obtained from lemons by vertisement in such a paper, naming the same. boiling them. Put the lemons in cold water and bring Many orders are sent in daily to the wholesale houses slowly to a boil. Boil slowly until they begin to soften; re­ and manufacturers throughout the country from retail mer­ move from the water and when cold enough to handle chants whose attention to a special article or line of goods squeeze until the juice is extracted; strain and add enough was first called from his trade paper, but the merchants loaf or crushed sugar to make it palatable, being careful rarely mention this.—S. P. Wade. not to make it too sweet. Add about twice as much water as there is iuice. This preparation may be made every Business Conditions. morning, or enough may be prepared one day to last three or four days, but it must be kept in a cool place. General business conditions are better than they have been for some time. Nebraska comes to the front this year with an increase of twenty-five million bushels in its corn Worth Trying. crop, while the crop in Iowa is fully up to last year. There has been a little falling off in some states, but it is not ma­ Try swallowing saliva when troubled with sour stomach. terial. The crop throughout the country will amount to at . Try taking your cod liver oil in tomato sauce if you least two billion bushels. Verily “ Corn is King.” The want to make it palatable. West is prosperous and everything is lovely. OMAHA DRUGGIST. 23

Have You Bought Your Holiday Stock? Question is Unanswered.

If not, let us hear from you. We are now making- up A certain grocer on the hill has for some days been selections for the holiday trade, $10, $25 and $50 assort­ hunting for the owner of a voice that claimed his attention ments, invoices to date December first, with a discount of 6 at the telephone one busy morning. When he finds the per cent, for cash. This discount is allowed on holiday man the meeting will furnish material for an 'interesting goods only. How about your stock of Freezable Goods? item, and the following dialogue explains why: We must absolutely refuse to fill orders for anything- that The Voice—Hello, there; is that you, Charles? is liable to freeze during- extreme cold weather, and the re­ Grocer—Yes. tail druggist who wants to be up to date will see to it that The Voice— Well, how are you? • he has all these goods in stock before the cold weather Grocer —First rate. comes. Owing to the rush of business we could not get our The Voice—You’re looking well. Y ■'* annual Sundry Catalogue ready for distribution this Fall, Grocer—I’m feeling better than I look. — , J but it will be in the hands of the printer early next month, The Voice— That’s good; glad to hear it. Have you got an«l we hope to have it issued by the first of the year. It any salt fish? - * will be complete in every detail. Grocer—Yes. R ic h a r d so n D ru g Co . The Voice—Is it fresh? Grocer—Yes, came in this morning. The Voice—Cod or pollock? The October Pilgrim. Grocer—Got both. Which do you want? The new and notably high standard set by The Pilgrim for Sep­ The Voice—Well, I don’t know; is the pollock good and tember is admirably maintained in the issue for October which has dry? just been received. While without any partisan leaning whatever, Grocer—Yes. . , the department of comment as conducted by Hiram Moe Greene, The Voice—Well, why don’t you give it a dtink, then? touches upon the various phases of political activity in an interest­ ing manner, without neglecting topics of interest in the arts and sci­ At this point the grocer brought the colloquy to a sud­ ences. The department is what it purports to be, a resume of the den termination with a remark that would be out of place month’s activities along all the lines that are of interest to the mod­ in polite society and therefore unfit for publication.—Port-^ ern man and woman. The leading article in The Pilgrim for Octo­ land (M e.) Argus. ber is by Ada E. A. Murcutt, who may be called the most widely tra­ veled of American women. For many months Miss Murcutt dwelt with the family of a Japanese farmer in the very heart of the Mika­ Her Old Sweetheart, do’s realm and her article treats of a little known and less appreciated phase of modern Japan—the agricultural phase. Writing as she does, specifically of the farmer, his work, his home, his wife and his A young man and a young woman lean over the front children, her article will be read with keen interest by everyone into whose hands The Pilgrim for October falls. The illustrations are gate. They are lovers. It is moonlight. He is loath to among the most striking this excellent magazine has published. leave, as the parting is the last. He is about to go away. Another article which will make a direct appeal to mothers is by She is reluctant to let him depart. They swing on the gate.. Maude Murray Miller who will contribute a series of four papers un­ “ I’ll never forget you,” he says, “ and if death should claim der the general title, “ The Child in the House,’ ’ of which this is the me my last thought will be of you.” first. Jack Hazle continues his very interesting and valuable expose of the method of the modern tramp and in the October issue treats of “ I’ll be true to you,” she sobs. “ I’ll never see anybody “ The Tramp and the Railroads.” Still another article of peculiar else or love them as long as I live.” interest is by Earl Mayo and is entitled “ The Roof-Dwellers of New They part. Six years later he returns. His sweetheart York.” Something of what it means to live in a cottage, in one’s of former years has married. They meet at a party. She own garden on the roof of a twenty story building. Mr. Mayo tells in this article which has an added value by the remarkable photo­ has changed greatly. Between the dances the recognition graphic illustrations accompanying it. Perhaps the one feature of takes place. The Pilgrim for October is the double page of photographs illustrat­ “ Let me see,” she muses, with her fan beating a tattoo ing “ Motherhood Around the World.” In fiction the issue is especi­ on her pretty hand, “ was it you or your brother that was ally rich. There is one story entitled, “ After the Manner of the Flesh,” by N. Josephine Brangwin that for human nature and deli­ my old sweetheart?” . cious humor falls into line with “ Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabage Patch.” “ Really I don’t know,” he says. “ Probably my father.” A second story by Eunice Sayre Raymond tells of the mystery of “ The House at No. 9,” while the second part of “ The Girl and the Deal,” by Karl Edwin Harriman brings the characters to Chicago in O’Grady—Phat fur did yez credit O’Reilly wid an arti­ their trans-continental love affair. In addition to these features of cle I wrote mesilf? The Pilgrim for October, the many useful departments of value to Editor—My dear fellow, I’m very sorry, but it was sim­ woman in general and the housewife in particular are maintained. ply an incomprehensible inadvertence. O’Grady—Oi! is thut all? Thut’s not so bud as O’Reilly "• The New York police are convinced that they have bro­ said it wuz. ken up a gigantic swindle by the arrest of several men in Editor—To what did O’Reilly attribute it? that city. The arrests were made on information that well O’Grady—He said it wuz a m is t h a k f , begorrah!—Bulle­ known proprietary medicines were being counterfeited and tin of Pharmacy. sold as genuine, and the authorities assert that the investi­ gation is not complete. It is asserted by local detectives that slips were found in the places raided giving the names Paint Brushes. of 5,000 druggists throughout the country to whom danger­ ous mixtures made in New York were sold. It is said that A large and complete line of Whiting’s Brashes. the most important find in the raids was the circulars sent R ic h a r d so n D ru g C o ., Agents. out to druggists and containing the code by which they could order the preparations. It is alleged by the police The Denver Chemical Mfg. Co. writes us as follows: that preparations made by the best known chemical firms “ The demand for Antiphlogistine constantly increases. in Europe were counterfeited. In circulars discovered was There are few doctors who do not prescribe it, therefore the statement: “ All these goods are genuine, in original druggists find it a good seller and every day a larger num­ packages and unopened.” The price list showed that the ber, when buying from their jobber, order in sufficient drugs in the list were being sold at from 15 to 50 per cent, quantities to secure the 5% discount. It is being called for below the usual selling price. from all parts ot the United States and Canada and is also going to England, Europe and the Orient. Everything Cig a r s —Staple brands in beautiful Christmas packages. points to a large increase this season in a business which Order a sample line from the Richardson Drug Co. has already had a phenomenal growth. 24 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

DULL AND OTHERWISE, A M e r k y J e s t e r .— “ I have decided to study medicine,” said the young man. “ It is a fine profession, but do you think it would suit W h a t H e W a n t e d .— Irate Parent: “Tell that young your tastes?” Softleigh that he must cease his visits here. I forbid him “ I am sure of it. You see I am naturally a great prac­ the house.” tical joker. I don’t believe I would enjoy anything more Daug-hter: “ But, papa, he doesn’t want the house; it’s than to fill a man’s mouth with rubber, mortar, zinc fileings, me that he’s after.”—Tit Bits. carbolic acid and Turkish toweling, and, after getting a A n O p e n Q u e s t io n .—Four-year-old Julian had become firm grip on his jaw, tell him he must be sure to let me somewhat perplexed throug-h hearing- discussions of current know if I am hurting him.”—Washington Star. events and of school topics. “ Papa,” he asked one day, H e r F ir s t .—A small boy, aged five, had a step-mother “ which is long-er, the alimentary canal or the Panama who was young and nervous. She had never had experi­ Canal?”—Eippincott’s Magazine. ence with children, and the small boy’s slightest ailment C o n s id e r a t e *—A mother found her small daughter shut tortured her into a panic. in the closet. “ What are you doing in the closet, baby?” Croup threatened one day, and the doctor was sent for “ You said God was watching me all the time, so I in wild haste. As the doctor entered the room the child thought I would come in here and give Him a rest.”— raised his head from his pillow and croaked hoarsely, in J. Cooper Calvert in Lippincott’s Magazine. apology for the hasty summons. “ You 'must excuse her, doctor; this is the first time P e r h a p s .— “ Keep your seats, please, ladies and gentle­ men,” said a theatrical manager; “ there is no danger what­ she’s ever been a mother.”—Helen Sherman Griffit, in Lip- ever, but for some inexplicable reason the gas has gone pincott’s Magazine. out.” H e r P r a y e r .—Gladys had lost two front teeth. She “ Then a boy shouted from the gallery: “ Perhaps it had been told that God would give her some new ones. She didn’t like the play.”—Tit-Bits. was to take part in the Easter exercises at Sunday School. In spite of all wishing, however, the teeth refused to put in W h a t D id S h e E x p e c t f o r O n e ?—Alice: He is just too mean to live.” an appearance, and Easter was at hand. Clara: “ Wny, what’s the matter now?” One night Gladys’ mother heard her talking after she Alice: “ He said if I’d let him kiss me he’d speak to had put her to bed. She went back and saw her kneeling papa in the morning.” beside her bed in the moonlight. Clara: “ Well, didn’t he?” “ O God,” she was saying, “ if you haven’t got my new Alice: “ Yes, but he only said: ‘Good morning sir.’ ” teeth done, won t you please drop my old ones down again till after Easter?”—Helen M. Richardson. <■' N e w s -— Mrs, Highblower: “ Yes, Willie, you must come and see them—just think, we have twelve new little puppies—they came yesterday.” Hints to Buyers, - “Willie: “That’s funny.” Mrs. Highblower: “ What is funny?” Order your freezable goods this month. t : “Willie: “ Why, I didn’t see the doctor’s carriage in Best for the money— Wellerette cigars. front of your house.”—Brooklyn Life. Elite Cold Cream, 2-oz. jars, per doz., $1.50. ' N o t t h a t W a y .—A steamer was stopped in the mouth Imperial Lice Killer—the best and cheapest. of a river, Owing to fog. An old lady inquired of the cap­ tain the cause of the delay. “ Can’t see up the river,” re­ * Exposition Cold Cream, 16-oz. cans, per doz., $4.50. plied the captain. O’Brien’s Horehound Drops and Cough Drops. Nothing “ But I can see the stars overhead,” continued the old better. lady. t5 “ Yes,” said the captain, gruffly, “ but until the boilers Imperial Stock Fattener does the work. Are you in line bust, we ain’t a-going that way.”—-Eyre. for the Agency?

T h e y Q u it E v e n .—A red-headed man met a bald- Get Ozolyptol 1^ blanks for your dentists. A s k the headed man on tile street one day. The red-headed man Richardson Drug Co. said to the bald-headed man: Wellerette cigars in Christmas packages. They are “- “ Huh! there don’t seem to have been much hair where guaranteed, so keep well supplied. you came from.” Holiday goods and perfumes at special prices. If inter­ ‘ “ Oh, yes,” replied the bald-headed man, “ there was ested, write the Richardson Drug Co. plenty o’ hair, but it was all red, and I wouldn’t have it.” —Lippincott’s Magazine. Exposition Cold Cream. An extra fine article. One- pound lithographed cans, per doz-, $4.50. I t ’s C om e to T h is .—Mrs. Corntossel (reading letter): “ I declare, Jabez, I call this downright cruel !” Buy a gross of Richardson Drug Co.’s Specialties and Farmer Corntossel: “ What’s the matter?” get ten per cent, discount. See special list, pink sheet. Mrs. Corntossel: “ Why, here’s a letter from Amelia, If you have never handled the Wellerette, order a few tellin’ me she gets help in raisin’ her children from a in Christmas packages. $35.00 per thousand. If they don’t Mother’s Club. I do believe in a slipper sometimes, an’ a increase your business, send them back to us. good birehin’ don’t do a child no harm, but I never used no club on my children.”—Woman’s Home Companion. There is as much difference between the Wellerette and ordinary nickle cigars as there is between O’Brien’s Monte P r e p a r e d f o r t h e S p r in g .— “ Well, boys,” said the Christo Chocolates and ordinary mixed candy. school-master, as he prepared to take a seat one mild Imperial Stock and Poultry Remedies afford the drug­ March morning, “ I suppose you are all prepared for an early spring.” gist protection and a good profit. Get the agency and se­ “ Yes, sir,” said the small boy who was invariably blamed cure the advertising benefits. Manufactured in Omaha. for everything, “ but I want to tell you I didn’t put it on The Richardson Drug Co. guarantee the sale of Weller­ your chair.” ette cigars. Order a quantity in handsome Chrismas pack­ ^ Then the school-master discovered the bent pin, and ages, 12’s and 25’s. You assume no risk and will not only the spring was postponed.—Philadelphia Press. do a big business, but gain new customers. OMAHA DRUGGIST. 25 POINTS OF INTEREST, RICHARDSON DRUG CO. SPECIALTIES. The sound of a bell which can be heard 42,500 feet through the water, can be heard through the air only 456 Assortment No. 1. feet. ' The only two great European capitals that never have cost, r e t a il . beed occupied by a foreign foe are London and St. Peters­ X doz. Marshall’s Pile Curative...... $0.25 $1.50 burg. X doz. Marshall’s Corn Cure...... 19 .30 X doz. Marshall’s Toothache Remedy...... 18 .30 The cinematograph is being put to novel use by X doz. Marshall’s Headache Cure...... 31 .75 surgeons in teaching students how to perform various sur­ X doz. Marshall’s Cold Cure...... 31 • .75 gical operations. . X doz. Marshall’s Root Beer...... 19 .30 The largest tree in the world lies broken and petrified X doz. Ozolyptol...... 50 .75 at the end of a defile in Northwestern Nevada. It is said X doz. Monheit’s Foot Salve...... ' ...... 44 .75 to be 666 feet long. X doz. Pain Panacea...... 50 1.50 X doz. Panama Bitters...... 1.50 3.00 No human head was impressed on coins until after the X doz. Imperial Condition Powders...... 25 .75 death of Alexander the Great. All images before that ~}/i doz. R. D. Co.’s Salve, assorted...... 25 .75 time were of deities. X doz. White Pine Cough Syrup...... 50 1.50 Smokers are less liable than non-smokers to contract X doz. Clifford’s T o n ic ...... 75 1.50 diphtheria and other throat diseases in the ratio of one to X doz. R. D. Co.’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla...... 1.50 3.00 twenty-eight. So says Professor Hajak, of Vienna. X doz. R. D. Co.’s Antiseptic Tooth Powder...... 38 .75 The Russian Imperial Ministry of Finance announces X doz. R. D. Co.’s Camphorated Cream...... 32 .75 that a prize of ,£5,300, payable July 1st, 1905, is offered X doz. R. D. Co.’s Hair Tonic and Dandruff Cure___ 1.50 3.00 for the discovery of the best system of denaturing alcohol. X doz. R. D. Co.’s Violet Ammonia...... 25 .45 1-12 doz. R. D. Co.’s Violet Water, 8-oz...... 63 1.00 It is said that the patterns on the finger-tips are not only unchangeable through life, but the chance of the fin­ $10.70 $23.35 ger-prints of two persons being alike is less than one These are all first-class goods, handsomely put up, and absolutely chance in 64,000,000,000. guaranteed as far as quality is concerned. We offer this assortment of quick-selling specialties to you at $10.00—nearly 115 per cent, Lavatory basins and baths should always be kept with profit. Many of these items are just what you have been looking for the plug down in about two inches of standing water, This and ought to have. Use one of our quick-order postal cards telling us to forward our $10.00 Assortment No. 1, and the goods will be sent is an effectual preventive of noxious gases pervading sleep­ promptly. Yours faithfully, ing rooms, etc. RICHARDSON DRUG CO. There are no undertakers in Japan. When a person dies it is the custom for his neasest relative to put him in a coffin and bury him, and the mourning does not begin un­ til after burial. United States seamen have a long coast line to defend. These Preparations Are All It measures 5,715 miles, embracing 2,439 miles on the At­ lantic Ocean, 1,556 on the Gulf of Mexico, and 1,810 on the Pacific Ocean. "WRIGHT" Born and reared in Nebraska. Now selling well in one half of the United States—W e e l e r ETTES. In quality the Having been sold on the market by our predecessors for leader of all five cent cigars. over fifty years, and so are “ tried and true.”

ELVEY & HULETT, DRUGGISTS, W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a il . Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills 5 & 7 E. Washington St. for blood impurity, fevers, biliousness, etc. Manufacturers of HULETT’S GALL CURE Wright’s Indian Vegetable Syrup AND for blood impurity, fevers, biliousness, etc. CEL-VIG The Great Health Drink. Crossman’s Specific Mixture for gonorrhoea. P h o e n ix , A r iz ., Sept. 30, 1904. R ic h a r d so n D r u g Co ., McMunn’s Elixir of Opium Omaha, Neb. for sleeplessness, nervous irritation, etc. Gentlemen:—Please ship us at once, 1500 Wellerettes, C. H. Peery’s Dead Shot Vermifuge 1000 “ tins. for worms in the human body. 500 “ Royals. Clove Anodyne Toothache Drops We are having a good run on this cigar and will try to make our next order 5,000. Yours truly, giving immediate relief. RUSH. F l v r y & H u l e t t . Roman Eye Balsam for weak and inflamed eyes and eyelids. Why hold back? Put them in your case n o w . They Leidy’s Sarsaparilla Blood Pills are the best five cent cigars you can buy. Six sizes and for the liver and blood. every one a winner. W e e e e r e t t e s . Sold and guaranteed by the Richardson Drug Co. manufactured o n l y by Articles quoted in this Journal as “ M .C .W .” are WRIGHT’S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL CO. the products of the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. 372 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. , :--rr^-~^;4


ANTED—At once. Drug Clerks, Managers, Salesmen, Soda Water FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC W Men, Relief Clerks, etc. Same can be furnished on short notice. Address F. V. Kniest, R. P., 701 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Special Rate to Druggists. 5 0 Cents for 25 Words or Less. ANTED—Every Druggist and every clerk in Iowa and Nebraska to W have a copy of the Iowa State Pharmaceutical Association’s Uni­ For obvious reasons we are not at liberty to give addresses of adver­ form Price List. It is a guide for the retail trade and will make you tisers who have their mail transmitted through this office. In answering money. Adopted in every county in the State of Iowa. Price, fifty such advertisers, address your communication to the Omaha Druggist, cents per copy. Trade supplied by Richardson Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. indicating on envelope (by giving number) for whom it is intended, and we will forward the proper person. Have your return notice— giving name and address—appear on envelope, so that in case the letter F A Y & S C H U E L E R , St. Louis, Mo. is not delivered, it may be returned to you. Manufacturers of...... Results are usually more satisfactory if an advertisement appears in DRUGGISTS’ GLASS several consecutive issues. Six consecutive in s e r t io n s o f o n e a d ­ LABELS, SHELF vertisement AT THE FIVE-INSERTION RATE. BOTTLES AND To INSURE INSERTION IN CURRENT ISSUE, COPY MUST BE RECEIVED DRAW PULLS OF EVERY BY THE FIRST OF THE MONTH. DESCRIPTION. R e m it t a n c e m ust a c c o m p a n y o r d e r . For the Wholesale Trade OMAHA DRUGGIST, Om a h a , Nbb. Only. First-Class Workmanship. PAT. MARCH Si'M* RUG STORES bought, sold and appraised. Special plan. All busi­ D ness strictly confidential and prompt results. „ F. V. Kniest. R P , 701 New York Fife Building, Omaha. OR SALE—Good drug stock. Address Will Barker. Sanborn, F Iowa. FOR SALE—A string of fine Elk Teeth. $3.00 each, or $25.00 for the LAUTIER FILS lot. Address Williams, care Omaha Druggist, GRASSE (France) COR SALE—Doctor’s practice and drug store at invoice, and carriage. * About $600. Good location. No other store for twenty-five miles. Address Box I4, Burlington, Wyo. Olive Oils... Almond Oil OR SALE—One set drug fixtures, one ten syrup soda fountain, $250 The most reliable brand. F S. & W. paint. Will sell all or as wanted, cash or trade for land. Highest award at all exhibitions. Address M. A. Dillon, 13th and Farnam sts., Omaha. OR SALE—Prescription partition and counter, with perfume cabinets F in front. Poplar wood stained cherry, 13 ft. long. 8 ft. high, worth $100, for $25. Address Western Buyers’ Assn., 1313 Howard st., Omaha. RICHARDSON DRUG COMPANY COR SALE—Good drug stock in Nebraska town. Invoice $1 ,500. Ger- OMAHA 1 man settlement. All the paint, oil and glass business in the town. Owner wants to enter medical college. Address A. R., care Omaha Drug­ gist______COR SALE—Good drug stock in Southern Nebraska town. Invoice 1 and carriage about $850. Only drug store in the place. Excellent opportunity for either druggist or doctor. Address A. C. D., care Omaha A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever Druggist.

OR SALE—$3,000 drug stock and $1,600 residence, in Eastern Ne­ F braska, at a small discount if taken at once. Live town, fine busi­ Dr. T . Felix Gouraud's ness, good condition. Terms part cash, balance payments. Address 9 1, care Omaha Druggist. ORIENTAL CREAM OR OR SALE—Paying drug business in southeastern Nebraska. Stock F and brick store building worth $10,500 Will discount liberally if MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER taken at once. Part time if desired. No trades considered. The right place for a German. Address G. B. M., care Omaha Druggist.

COR SALE—First class drug store in town of over 5,000, in Nebraska. Manufactured only by T Established over thirty years. No paints or wall paper. Good foun­ tain. Largest soda business in city. Stock and fixtures invoice $4,500. FERD. T. HOPKINS, Good thing for the right man, Best reasons for selling. Address E. W. F., care Omaha Druggist. 37 Great Jones S t., New York. W f ANTED—Situation by young man of several years’ experience-in W general drug work. Best of references. Address E. G, Thorp, Cedar Rapids, Neb. This well known preparation has ANTED—Married doctor to locate in live town in Eastern Nebraska stood the stamp of public approval W and manage drug store. Ai reference required. Fair living at for nearly sixty years. It is the once. Address 38, care Omaha Druggist. most well known article in the W f ANTED—.Clerks desiring positions, and pharmacists in need of trade and should be carried by all » V clerks, should address W. W. Kendall, Superior, Neb., Chairman dealers handling toilet articles. Violation Committee, Nebraska State Board of Pharmacy. He can ac­ commodate you. Price $1 50 per bottle, $12.00 per dozen. This article is perishable TTrA N T E D —Reliable salesmen, with references, to sell my remedies, by frost and should be ordered * * as side lines. A 25 per cent, proposition to a limited number. before freezing weather commen­ Lists close December 1 st. Write me, stating territory. Address Phelps’ ces, to avoid danger of the goods Rheumatic Elixir, John H. Phelps, Scranton, Pa. being destroyed. We solicit your ANTED—A position as clerk in retail drug store, or as traveling orders. W salesman for a wholesale drug house, in Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado or Wyoming. Registered by examination in Iowa, Nebraska and Arkan­ sas. Eighteen years’ experience. Best of references. Address A. S. Crew, Florence, Colo. Richardson Drug Co,, Omaha, Neb, OMAHA DRUGGIST,

T i m R I G H T R O A D ” B e t w e e n - C e s ic a c *© , S t .Pa u l , M i n n e a p o l i s , D e s M o i n e s , S t .J c K a n s a s C i t y ,C o u n c i l B l u f f s * 5ld 0 i*i a h a .

Equipm ent Right, — Service Right, Tim e JRigh t, - Its ail Right. ~ d. R E l m e r , c . r a .C h i c a g o , tig&av&sp. ***&?*%


FREEZABLE LIST. Ales Ext. Red Clover, “ Needham” Malvina Lotion Allouez Mineral Water Extract Witch Hazel Murdock Liquid Food All Aqueous Preparations Eye Waters Malt Extracts All Cod Liver Oil Emulsions Franz Joseph Water Ozonate Lithia Water All Injections Florida Waters Orange Flower Water All Eiquid Face Preparations French Eick Water Peck Landfeld Dressing All Medicated Mineral Waters Fluid Hydrastis, N. A. Parker’s Hair Tonic All Perfume Waters Fluid Magnesia Pearl White Glycerine All Eiquid Glues and Cements Fruit Juices Per Oxide Hydrogen All Tooth Washes Fowler’s Solution Perry Moth and Freckle Lotion Allen’s Hair Restorer Pluto Mineral Water Goulard’s Extract Peruua Apenta Water Gaefenberg Catholicon Ayer’s Hair Vigor Sodique Apolinaris Water Hathorn Water Phillips Acid Phosphate Hair Dyes, Eiquid Barry Tricopherous Phillips Milk Magnesia Hagen’s Magnolia Balm Phillips Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Bethesda Water Hairs Asthma Cure Belding’s Skin Remedy Pinkham’s Compound Hayden Viburnum Comp. Pond’s Extract Big G Hoff’s Malt Blush of Roses, ‘‘Jones” Porter Horsford’s Acid Phosphate Pas-Avena Bathelor’s Hair Dye Humphrey’s Marvel of Healing Botanic Blood Balm Pyraligneous Acid Hunyani Janos Mineral Water Pyrozone Best Tonic Hydroline Bisulphide Carbon Poor Richard’s Eye Water Bovinine Injections, all kinds '* Red Raven Splits Bromo Chloralum Inks Rings Ambrosia Buffalo Eithia Water Iodia Rose Water Burdock Blood Bitters Johnson Blood Syrup Rubinat Condal Water Burnham Beef, Wine and Iron Kennedy’s Pinus Canadensis Rupert’s Face Bleach Kitchell Einiment Sanford Catarrh Cure Carlsbad Water Eaborraque’s Solution Shoe Dressings Carbolic Acid Solution Eaird’s Bloom of Youth Simmons Liver Regulators Congress Water Liquid Bluings Sutherland Sisters Grower Celerina Liquid Catarrh Remedies Swift’s Specific Crab Orchard Water Liquid Dyes Sykes Catarrh Cure Crossman Specific Liquid Rennets Thompson Eye Water Carabana Mineral Water Liquid Potassa Varonica Mineral Water Champlin’s Eiquid Pearl Eisterine Valentine’s Meat Juice Cherry Eaurel Water Londonderry Eithia Water Vichy Water Chlorine Water Liquid Smoke Warner’s Safe Cure Citrate Magnesia Solution Lyons Drops Wines in Bulk Darby Prophylactic Fluid Malydor Wines, Medical Dialized Iron McMunn’s Elixir Woolfords Lotion Donovan’s Solution Mineral Waters Wyeth Liquid Malt Espey’s Cream Mucilage White Rock Lithia Water STAPLE HEAVY CRUDE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Acid, Acetic, No. 8. 38%, carboy...... ft 04% Antimony, Black, Commercial, bbl...... ft 02% Moth Balls, bbl...... ; ...... ft 03% 5-gal. demijohn...... ft 05% 100-lb...... ft 03 100-lb...... ft 03% 1-gal. ju g...... : ...... ft 06% 50-lb...... ft 03% 50-lb...... ft 04 , Carbolic, crude, 30%, bbl...... gal 30 Arsenic, Commercial, white, keg...... ft 05 Napthalin, Flake, bbl...... lb 03% 30%, 10-gal. can...... gal 80 100-lb...... ft 06 100-lb...... 1...... ft 03% 20%, 5-gal. can...... gal 35 50-lb...... ft 06% 50-lb...... ft 04 25%, bbl...... gal 35 25-lb...... ft 07 25%, 10-gal. can...... gal 30 OilCake, ton...... cwt 140a 25%, 5-gal. can...... gal 35 Blue Vitriol, bbl...... ft 06 A 100-lb...... '...... ft 06% %-ton...... cwt 1 45A 30%, bbl...... gal 30 %-ton...... cwt 1 50 a 30%, 10-gal. can...... gal 35 50-lb...... ft 06% 30%, 5-gal, can...... gal 40 25-lb...... ft 07% Potassium Bichromate, 100-lb...... 1b 12 Citric, 100-lb. keg...... ft 34 Borax, Powder or Lump, bbl...... ft 08 50-lb...... ft 12% 50-lb. lots...... ft 35 100-lb...... ft 08% 25-lb...... ft 13 25-lb. lots...... — ft 36 50-lb...... lb 08% Chlorate, cryst., keg...... 1b 08% Muriatic, carboy...... ft 01% 25-lb...... ft 09 50-lb...‘...... - .. f t 09 Nitric, carboy...... ft 05% Brimstone, Boll, bbl...... ft 02% 25-lb...... ft 10 Oxalic, bbl...... ft 07% 100-lb...... : ...... ft 02% Sal Epsom, bbl...... lb 01% 50-lb. lots...... ft 09 50-lb...... 1b 03 25-lb. lots...... ft 10 100-lb...... ft 02 Sulphuric, commercial, carboy...... ft 01% Carbon Bisulphide, “ 10-gal.,” 100-lb...... lb 09 50-lb...... ft 02% Tartaric, bbl...... ft 34 “ 5-gal.,” 50-lb...... ft 09% Glauber, bbl...... cwt 90 50-lb. lots...... ft 35 “ 1-gal.,” 10-lb...... ft 11 100-lb...... 1b 01 25-lb. lots...... ft 36 Chalk, Lump, bbl...... cwt 90 50-lb...... ft 01% Charcoal, Commercial, bbl...... ft 03 Nitre, refined, small cryst., keg...... ft 06 Alcohol, Wood, bbls...... gal 70 100-lb...... ft 03% 50-lb...... f t . 06% % -bbls...... gal 75 50-lb...... ft 04 25-lb...... ft 07 10-gal...... gal 80 Copperas, Lump, bbl...... cwt 85 Nitre, gran., keg...... 1b 06% Less 5c per gal. for cash In 10 days. 100-lb...... cwt 1 00 50-lb...... 1b 07 25-lb...... lb 07% Alum, lump, bbl...... ft 02% 50-lb...... ft 01% Cream Tartar, C. P.. bbls...... ft 28 Nitre, powd., keg...... ft 06% 50-lb. lots...... ft 03- 50-lb...... 1b 07% . 25-lb. lots...... ft 03% 50-lb...... ft 29 25-lb...... lb 30 25-lb...... ft 08 Ground, bbl...... ft 02% Rochelle, 100-lb...... 1b 25 50-lb. lots...... ft 03% Formaldehyde, 40%, carboy...... ft 15 50-lb...... ft 17 50-lb...... lb 26 25-lb. lots...... ft 04 25-lb ...... ft 27 Powdered, bbl...... ft 03% 25-lb...... 1b 19 Glycerine, C. P., 100-lb. inc...... 1b 16% Soda, bbl...... cwt 90 50-lb. lots...... ft 04 Keg...... cwt 1 00 25-lb. lots...... ft 04% 50-lb...... 1b 17 Gum Camphor, bbl...... 1b 64D 50-Id ...... 1b 02 Ammonia, Water, Conct., 26°, carboy...... ft 06% ICO-lb...,...... •...... lb 65 D Soda Bicarb , bbl...... lb 02 5-gal...... ft 07 50-lb...... ft 66 D K eg...... ft 02% 20°, carboy...... ft 05% 25-lb...... ft 68 D 50-lb...... ft 02% 5-gal...... ft 06 - Insect Powder, 100-lb. keg...... ft 18 Hyposulphite, gran, or cryst.. bbl...... 1b 02% 16°, carboy...... ft 04% 50-lb...... ft 19 K eg...... 1b 03 5-gal...... ft 05 25-lb...... ft 20 50-lb...... 1b 03% Muriate, lump, bbl...... ft 12 Lime Chloride, cask...... lb 02% Strontium Nitrate, keg...... 1b 12 100-lb...... ft 12% Bbl...... ‘ ...... ,1b 03 50-lb ...... ft 13 50-lb...... ft 13 10-lb. cans, 100-lb. cases...... ft 04% 25-lb...... 1b 14 25-lb...... ft 13% 5-lb. cans, 100-lb. cases...... 1b 05 Muriate, Gran., No. 1, bbl...... lb 07% 1-lb. cans, 50-lb. cases...... 1b 05% Sulphur, bbl...... ft 02% 100-lb...... ft 08 %-lb. cans, 50-lb. cases...... 1b 06% Bag...... lb 02% 50-lb...... lb 08% %-lb. cans, 50-lb. cases...... 1b 07% Zinc Sulphate, commercial, 50-lb...... -lb 04% 25-lb..-...... ft 09 Assr. cans, 50-lb. cases...... 1b 06% 25-lb...... ft 05 RICHARDSON DRUG CO. Richardson Drug Co.,

SALESROOMS. Rooms 3 0 3 - 3 0 5 and 3 i2 Charles Building. Denver. Colo. Omaha, Neb. Knutsford Hotel. Salt Lake City. D. Y. WHEELER. Agent.


IMPORTANT During the next thirty days we are authorized to give you FREE one box (30 five-cent packages) with each carton Colgau’s Taffy Tolu. Per carton, $2.50.


We call your attention to an article on rubber goods on another page of this journal. All rubber manufacturers have withdrawn all quotations and have already advanced many of their prices. We are compelled to advance some of our specialties only making such advances as are forced upon us. ■*9 Rubber Bands, packed in % s ...... per lb. $1.50 Goodrich All Rubber Hot Water Bottles, 2-qt... .doz. 8.25 Competition Fountain Syringe,2 -quart...... per doz. 5.50 Goodrich All Rubber Hot Water Bottles, 3-qt... .doz. 9.00 Competition Fountain Syringe, 3-quart...... per doz. 6.25 Goodrich All Rubber Hot Water Bottles, 4-qt... .doz. 9.75 Competition Fountain Syringe, 4-quart...... per doz. 7.00 Goodrich Flannel Covered Hot Water Bottles, Salvator Bulb Syringes in paper box...... per doz. 3.25 2-quart...... doz. 8.25 Salvatar Bulb Syringes in wood b o x ...... per doz. 7.50 Goodrich Flannel Covered Hot Water Bottles, Ak-Sar-Ben Bulb Syringes in wood box...... per doz. 4.50 » 3-quart...... doz. 9.00 Competition Hot Water Bottles, 2-quart...... per doz. 6 25 Goodrich Flannel Covered Hot Water Bottles, Competition Hot Water Bottles, 3-quart...... per doz. 6.75 4-quart...... doz. 9.75 Competition Hot Water Bottles, 4-quart...... per doz. 7-25 Shield Brand Breast Pumps...... doz. 2.25

RENAISSANCE The Magic Slcin Soap.

THE MAGIC SKIN SOAP. Antiseptic Without Exception for Toilet, Scalp and Renaissance is the Best ^NTlSEPflC. Bath, SOLE MANUFACTURERS Soap Made, mCincinnati SoapCo CINGINNATI.U.S.A.

Racked three cakes in box, per gro., $8.50; per doz., $0.75 OCTOBER SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT. Andrew Dougherty’s Waterproof Playing Cards

Back No. 1 1 9 Back No. 1 1 8

N o , 9 TallyvHo Playing Cards

are made in a large variety of beautiful designs and colors; finished with “ Pegulose,** they can be washed when soiled.


Back No. 67 Back No. 69 Back No. 109 Back IVo. 1 10 r

Back No. 85 Back No. 95 Back No. 1 1 1 Back No. 115

Price per dozen packs, $ 2 .0 0

No. 17 Outing *—Is an excellent enameled card for ordinary use; finished with “ Pegulose,** they will not warp or swell and can be washed. Try them .


FROG BACK MOOSE HEAD FISH BACK ELK BACK BUFFALO HEAD Made in three colors on tinted The most popular back made. Made in Made in board, Red, Brown, Blue Made in Red and Blue. Red and Blue. Red, Green and Brown. and Green. Red and Blue.

Price per dozen packs, $1.65. i No. 0—Steamboat, assorted backs, waterproof finish, 75c per dozen. No. 1485—Tudor, gold edges, fancy backs of 8 and 10 colors, $3.50 per dozen. OCTOBER SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT.

MESSNER HARMONICAS. The celebrated Messner Harmonicas are the pink of perfection.

No. 10—The Rival Band. 10 holes, twenty reeds, brass plates, heavy brass convex covers. The back is open, which No. 467—The Clarionetto. 10 holes, twenty reeds, brass plates materially increases the sound, making it more melodious. and nickeled brass covers. Additional sounding channels It is compact, at the same time possessing the advantages for each reed. Each harmonica in a pretty yellow hinged of a larger harmonica. Each one in a hinged box with box with gilt lettering...... per doz. $2.00 gilt lettering...... per doz. 2.00 No. 95—The Rival Band. 10 double holes, twenty reeds, heavy brass plates, extra brass convex covers, open back and extension ends. Pull concert size. Each one in a black box with extra clasp, silk lined...... per doz. $4.00

No. 23—10 double holes, 40 reeds, brass plates, nickeled brass covers, full concert size, producing extra powerful tone. Each one in a sliding box...... per doz. $4.00 No. 432—The Deader. 10 holes, twenty reeds, nickel covers, brass plates. Patented curved mouthpiece. Pits the mouth and will not cut the lips. Playing on this instru­ ment you produce with ease the sound from both ends, which cannot be attained on a straight harmonica. Packed in neat green hinged boxes with gilt lettering...... per doz. $2.00

No. 94—10 double holes, 40 reeds, extra heavy brass plates. Highly polished brass covers, which are lapped over at each end and securely screwed. Has the desirable open No. 71—David’s Harp. 10 holes, twenty reeds, brass plates, back, which is a decided advantage. Come in red hinged nickel covers. Always popular...... per doz. $1.75 boxes with gilt lettering ...... per doz. $4.50

Wall Paper— e e e ’s c o n q u e s t b r a n d

Our 1905 Line is a beauty. Unsurpassed in quality, artistic design, and at prices that will reap you a nice profit. A ll good sellers. No shelf warmers. Our salesman will call on you—or send for our ex­ press set. Sample Books sent to dealers only.

YETTER WALLPAPER CO. JOBBERS Tratde Supplied by RJcha.rdson Drug Co. 1213-1215 Harney, Omaha, Neb. OCTOBER SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT.

Richardson Drug Co, Specialties,

Arnica Salve...... per doz. $1.00 Blackberry Compound. Carbolic Salve...... ■•••...... per doz. 1-00 (Blackberry Cordial.) Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve...... per doz. 1.00 From Blackberry Root with such other ingredients making Retails for 25c. A very rapid seller. Buyer’s name on gross lots of one kind or assorted. it the best known astringent for looseness or undue relaxness of the bowels. Monheit’s Foot Salve. P rice...... per doz. $1.25 P rice...... per doz. $1.75 The best salve for aching, tired and Clifford’s Aromatic Tonic. frostbitten feet. An all-around and general bracer.

White Pine Cough Syrup. P rice...... per doz. $3.00 __ ——— r 4-oz. panel bottle...... perdoz. $1.25 4-oz. panel bottle...... per gro. 6.50 Aromatic Essence Jamaica Ginger. 4- oz. panel bottle...... per gro. 12.00 Aromatic Essence Jamaica Ginger, 2-oz...... per doz. $1.25 8-oz. panel bottle ...... per doz. 2 .0 0 Aromatic Essence Jamaica Ginger, 4-oz...... per doz. 1.75 8-oz. panel bottle...... : ...... per % gro. 11.00 8-oz. panel bottle...... per gro.2 1 .0 0 Being made from the entire selected root, and not the oleo-resin, it possesses all the characteristic All in attractive decorated cartons with buyer’s flavor of the true Jamaica Ginger. imprint on 1-2 gross lots or over. Gallans...... per gal.1.75 5- pint bottles...... per bottle 1.25 Essence Peppermint. Pint bottles...... per pint .30 Essence Peppermint, 2-oz...... per doz. $0.75 Special prices on larger quantities. Essence Peppermint, 4-oz...... per doz. 1.25 Guaranteed as represented by the label. Made from the finest Oil Peppermint.

Panama Cough Syrup. 4-ounce...... per doz. $1.25 Bay Rum. 4-ounce...... per ^ gro. 6.50 Bay Rum, Imported...... per pint $0.50 4-ounce...... per gro. 12.00 Bay Rum, Imported...... per quart .90 8-ounce...... per doz. 2.00 Bay Rum, im ported...... per gallon 2.25 8-ounce...... , ...... per ^ gro. 11.00 Bay Rum, Imported, finest, pints...... per doz. 4.50 8-ounce...... per gro. 21.00 This is White Pine Cough Syrup with TAR. All in full measure Bay Rum, Domestic, 2 -o z...... per doz. .60 bottles and pharmaceutical style. With buyer’s imprint Bay Rum, Domestic, 4 -o z...... per doz. 1.50 on 1-2 gross lots and over. Bay Rum, Domestic...... per pint .40 Bay Rum, Domestic .. ..-...... per quart .70 White Pine and Spruce Balsam. Bay Rum, Domestic ...... per gal. 2.00 White Pine and Spruce Balsam, 4-oz...... per doz- $1.25 Possessing Imported Bay Rum Flavor. White Pine and Spruce Balsam, 8-oz...... per doz. 2.00 Full measure and pharmaceutical style. Prize Cologne. Packed in heavy pasteboard boxes. With buyer’s imprint on 1-2 gross lots and over. Prize Cologne...... per pint $0.75 Prize Cologne...... per quart 1.25 Sarsaparilla Compound Blood Purifier and Tonic. Prize Cologne...... per gal. 4.00 A Hustler for Health. P rice...... per doz. $6.00 Florida Water. 6-dozen lots, less 5 per cent. Florida Water, sm all...... perdoz. $1.75 Florida Water, large ...... per doz. 3.75 Pain Panacea. Florida; W ater...... perpint .75 Pain Panacea, 2-oz. panels...... per doz. $1.25 Florida W ater...... per quart 1.25 Pain Panacea, 4-oz. panels...... per doz. 2.00 Florida Water...... per gal. 4.00 For internal and external use there is nothing better. Th is is an exceptionally fine article. OCTOBER SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT.

Richardson Drug Co, Specialties,

Violet Water. Richardson’s Camphorated Toilet Cream. Violet Water, small...... per doz. $3.75 Superior to anything now on the market. Violet Water, la rg e ...... per doz. 7.50 Per dozen...... $1.25 With latest design label. Per gross ...... 12.00 Violet Water...... per pint 1.00 Violet W ater...... per quart 1.75 Marshall’s Remedies. Violet W ater...... per gal 6.00 Marshall’s Cold C ure...... per doz- $1.00 3 dozen for $2.75. 6 dozen for $5.25. 12 dozen for $10.00. Marshall’s Headache Cure...... per doz. $1.00 Lavender Water. 3 dozen for $2.75. 6 dozen for $5.25. 12 dozen for $10.00. Lavender Water, small...... per doz. $3.75 Marshall’s Corn Cure...... per doz. $0.75 Lavender Water, large...... per doz. 7.50 3 dozen for $2.00. 6 dozen for $3.75. 12 dozen for $7.20. Lavender W a te r...... per pint 1.00 Marshall’s Toothache Cure...... per doz. $0.75 Lavender W ater...... per quart 1.75 3 dozen for $2.00. 6 dozen for $3.75. 12 dozen for $7.20. Lavender Water...... per gal. 6.00 Marshall’s Stomach and Liver Pills...... per doz. $0.55 3 dozen for $1.50. 6 dozen for $2.70. 12 dozen for $4.80. Marshall’s Pile Curative...... per doz. $1.00 Hair Tonic. 3 dozen for $2.75. 6 dozen for $5.25. 12 dozen for $10.00. Put up in 12 -oz. bottles with sprinkle top. An elegant The guarantee of the Richardson Drug Company designed label on body and neck of bottle. stands back of the above goods. A Perfect Germicide and Elegant Hair Dressing. Exposition Cold Cream. Per doz...... $6.00 Retail Price...... $1.00 In screw-top decorated 1-pound cans...... per doz. $4.50 Attractive and useful, particularly to the Violet Ammonia. theatrical fraternity. Samples free with each dozen order. Violet Ammonia, sm all...... per doz. $1 00 Violet Ammonia, large ...... per doz. 1.50 Elite Cold Cream. With odor of Violets. A most delightful and Per dozen...... $1.50 stimulating adjunct of the bath. In attractive 2-oz. Jars.

Antiseptic Tooth Powder. Imperial Stock Remedies. Retail Price. In special designed box. Imperial Stock Food, 2-lb. carton...... doz. $1.50 $0.25 Antiseptic Tooth Powder...... per doz. $1.50 Imperial Stock Food, 5-lb. carton...... • doz. 3.00 .50 Antiseptic Tooth Powder ...... per gro. 15.00 Imperial Stock Food, 12 ^-lb. bag...... each .63 1.00 Antiseptic Tooth P ow der...... per lb. .30 Imperial Stock Food, 25-lb. bag...... each 1.25 2.50 Imperial Stock Food, 50-lb. bag...... ■ each 2.50 3.50 Imperial Stock Food, 100-lb. bag...... each 4.50 6.00 Imperial Stock Fattener, 25-lb. pails .. . .each 1.50 Dr. R. W. Bailey’s Camphorated Tooth Powder. 2.50 Imperial Condition Powder, 1 ^-lb. pkg. . doz- 1.25 .25 p rice ...... per doz. $1.75 Imperial Worm Powders, 1-lb. p k g ...... doz. 1.75 .25 6-dozen lots 5 per cent less. Imp. Poultry Food and Egg, 2)4-lb. pkg.doz. 1.50 .25 Imperial Insecticide, 1 -lb. pkg...... 1.50 .25 Imperial Lice Killer, 1-quart can...... doz. 2.50 .35 Imperial Lice Killer, 2-quart can...... 4.60 Borated Talcum Powder, Perfumed. .60 Imperial Lice Killer, 1-gal. can...... 7.25 1.00 In nicely decorated cans. Imperial Hog Cure, 6-lb. box...... 4.75 .75 Per dozen...... $0.75 Imperial Hog Cure, 12-lb. box...... 9.00 1.25 ^-gross lots...... per gro. 7.80 Imperial Hog Cure, 25-lb. p a il...... each 1.50 2.00 1 -gross lo ts ...... per gro. 7.50 U. S. Gov’m’t Hog Remedy, 25-lb pail. . .each 1.00 1.75 Per pound...... 25 Imperial Hog Remedy, liquid, 2-gal. can. each 2.00 3.50 OCTOBER SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT.

Contentment for Both Smoker and D ealer is Assured

‘Thoughts in the early morning, solace in time of woes, Peace in the hush of the twilight, balm ere my eyelids close.—Kipling.


The New Parker Game, “Sherlock Holmes/1

The largest selling card game in the world. Now all the rage in the east. Made by Parker Brothers, who introduced Pit, Pillow-Dex and Ping-Pong. Get your order in now. Be the first, not the last. Highly enameled cards in leatherette box.

Price per dozen, $4.00.




Have you ever been It is simple and easy buncoed ? to play.

Price per dozen, $4.00 OCTOBER SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT. Eastman’s Royal Perfumes, The World’s Best Ink

Ea.stma.rv’s Latest Odors. BANKER’S INK. Writing Fluid. A Very Fine Ledger Ink. Positive Color. Easy VIOLETTE OF SEVILLE ) Flow. Permanent. One dozen in box. ROSE OF KILL ARNE Y.. $4.00 Per Pint NILE CARNATION...... ) Quarts, patent spout...... per doz. $5.40 Pints, patent spout...... per doz. 3.15 For $12.75 We will ship you Three Pints of Eastman’s Half Pints, patent spout...... per doz. 1.95 Quadruple Extract. Odors to be selected by you from WRITING AND COPYING FLUID. Blue Black. A Desirable Ink. Copies Distinctly. One dozen in box. the following- list: Quarts, patent spout...... per doz. $7.20 Violet Hyacinth Jacqueminot Rose Pints, patent spout...... per doz. 4.20 Crab Apple Peau d’Espagne Half Pints, patent spout...... per doz. 3.00 Sweet Marie Fleur de Lys BLACK INK. Pretty Pink Lilac Blossom A very Fine Ink. Writes Black. Stays Black- Easter Violette Sweet Mignonette Blue Bells of Scotland. 4-oz. Square, enameled wood tops...... per doz. $0.60 2-oz. Square, enameled wood tops...... per gro. 3.60 RED INK. EASTMAN'S An Ink with Pleasing Brilliancy. Best of Its Kind. / One dozen in box. 1^-oz. Cylinder Stand...... per doz. $0.38 Verona Violette Talcum Powder CREAM PASTE. Crushed Roses Talcum Powder A Pure White Paste. Sticks Instantly. Does Not Soil. 2-oz. Cap and Brush, 1 or 3 doz. in box...... per doz. $0.38 The most exquisitely perfumed Talcum Powder on the market. 4-oz. Bell, Cap and Brush...... per doz. .75 4-oz. Jar...... per doz. 1.35 No. 750, glass bottle...... per doz., $1.25 8-oz. Jar...... per doz. 2.50 No. 751, glass bottle, extra large... “ “ 2.00 Pint Jar...... per doz. 3.75 No. 733, paper box, Verona Violette “ “ 1.00 Quart Jar...... per doz. 5.25 No. 734, paper box, Crushed Roses. “ “ 1.00 STICKER AND STAYER MUCILAGE. Your orders solicited. None Better. 2-oz. Bell, 1 or 3 doz. in box...... per doz. $0.38 RICHARDSON DRUG CO. BANKERS INK COM PANY. OMAHA. NEB. Trade Supplied by Richardson Drug Co. K a n s a s C ity , M o . FINE CANDIES. For the Dr\ig Trade. Fresh Every Day. All Goods Guaranteed.

PRICE LIST. ------PRICE PER DOZEN.------Chocolate Plum Pudding, 12s...... $0.85 per carton. y2-lb. 1-lb. 2-lb. 3-lb. 5-lb. Chocolate Cocktails, 12 s ...... 85 “ “ Italian Chocolates...... $2.40 $4.20 $8.40 $12.00 $19.80 Chocolate Nougatines, 12 s...... 85 “ “ Frappe Chocolates...... 4.20 8.40 12.00 19.80 Mint and W. G. Creams, 12s...... 85 “ “ Gold Medal Chocolates. 3.80 7-60 11.40 19.20 Chocolate W. G. Wafers, 12s...... 85 “ “ Assorted Chocolates and Bonbons. 2.00 3.60 7.20 10.80 18.00 Chocolate Mint Wafers, 12s...... 85 “ “ Carnation Chocolates and Bonbons. 2.00 3.60 7.20 10.80 18.00 Chocolate Covered Caramels, %-Vo., 12s...... 85 “ “ Monte Christo Chocolates...... 2.50 4.80 9.60 Chocolate Covered Caramels, V2-lb., 12 s ...... 1.70 “ “ Fencing Girl Box, 80c each, filled. Chocolate Dipped Almonds, ^-lb., 12s...... 1.25 “ “ Golf Girl Box, 80c each, filled. Frappe Chocolates, % -lb ., 12s ...... 1.25 “ “ Chocolate Marshmallows, y ~ lb ., 12s...... 1.25 “ “ ------PRICE PER DOZEN.------y2-\h. 1-lb. 2-lb. 3-lb. 5-lb. Lemon Drops, 20s...... $0.60 per carton. X - R a y Chocolates and Bonbons... .$2.40 $4.80 $9.60 $14.40 $24.00 Toasted Marshmallows, 20s ...... 60 “ “ X-Ray Pure Sugar Stick, 1-lb. Packages, $1.80 per dozen. English Butterscotch, 20s...... 60 “ “ Superior Vanilla Chocolates, 20s...... 65 “ “ Chocolate Chips, 12s...... $0.85 per carton. Triumph Chocolates, assorted flavors, 20s...... 1.25 “ “ Chocolate Covered Peanuts, 12s...... 85 “ “ Alakuma, 40s...... 1.25 “ Chocolate Assorted Nuts...... 85 “ “ Smyrna Fig Wafers, 30s...... 1.00 “ “ Chocolate Covered Filberts, 12s...... 85 “ “ Salted Peanuts, 30s...... 1.00 “ “ Chocolate Pralines...... 85 “ “ O’ Brien’s 10-Minute Cough Drops, 30s...... 1.00 “ “ Try Our Latest, MONTE CHRISTO CHOCOLATES.

SEND US YOUR ORDERS. RICHARDSON DRUG CO. ^ • ■ • ■' ■■■•■• '-•■•'■' -i ’ ■ ■ . ■ m OMAHA DRUGGIST. 29 COM PLETE PRICES-CURRENT ■OF< Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Etc. CORRECTED MONTHLY BY BICH^BDSOIT ID JEZTJG r COl^P^LlTir, 2STEIB- QUANTITY PRICES SEE SPECIAL PAGE. A. W. HALLAM. charge is made for containers on goods in ounces or lesser quantities. A Advanced. D Declined. * Added

DRUGS CH EM ICALS, Etc. DRUGS, Etc.-Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cent. Acetanilld, cryst. or no., oz. cart.,. .. __ oz 10 Aldehyde, concent, M. C. W., Merck...... 1b 1 25 Anticalor...... oz 60 Cryst. or powd.. 14-fb. cart...... ft 38 Antimony, Metal...... ft 25 D .. .ft 34 Allspice, (pimento)...... ft 15 Cryst. or powd., 14-lb. cart ...... Powd...... ft 18 Bromide...... oz 24 Cryst. or powd., 1-lb. cart., 5 lb. 28c. ...ft 32 Chloride, cryst...... oz 19 Acetone, pure...... ftft1 35 Almond Meal...... ft 40 Chloride, sol., (butter o f)...... ft 18 Coml., p u re...... 22 Almonds, bitter, shelled...... ft 45 Diaphoretic...... ib 1 00 Acid, Acetic. No. 8...... ft 08 Sweet...... ft 45 O xid e...... ib 37 D Acetic, U. S. P., M. C. W ....ft 09 Aloin, l-oz vials, M. C. W ...... oz 10 Sulphide...... ft 35 Acetic, C. P., M, C. W„ Merck...... iblb 12V, Mallinckrodt’s. Merck...... — lb 50D Black, powd., com l...... ft 05 Acetic, glacial, absolute, ozv.x...... ____OZoz 12 Pure Needle, powd...... ft 15 Acetic, glacial, absolute...... ft...ft 29 A Alum, Ammonim, gran., ctns...... ft 20 Antinosin...... oz 2 10 Acetic, glacial, coml...... ibft 18 Potassium, gran., ctns...... lb 20 Antipuralgos...... oz 1 00 Arsenous, fused, l-oz. vials...... ____OZoz 08 Dried, powd., ctns...... ft 12 Antipyralgine...... oz 80 Arsenous, fused. 1-ft boxes...... ftft 20 Chrome, ctns...... ft 14 Antipyrin, Knorrs, l-oz vials...... oz 31 Benzoic, from Benzoin Resin, oz. carton..oz>n..oz 13 Chrome, gran., C. P ...... ft 30 New Grade, l-oz vials...... oz 20 Benzoic, “ “ “ lb. carton..ft 1 65 Ammoni-Perric...... -ft 25 Aptol, fluid, green, l-oz vials, Merck...... oz 38 Benzoic, English, oz. carton...... oz 16 Lump...... ft 04 Apomorphia,cryst, hj-oz vis., M.C.W...... oz 7 SOD Benzoic, “ lb. carton...... ft 2 24 Ground...... ft 05 Muriate (amorphous) Y&-oz. vials. M.C.W. oz 2 80 Benzoic, from Toluol, oz. carton...... oz 11 Powdered...... ft 07 Argentamine ...... oz 75 Benzoic, “ “ lb. carton...... ft 55 Aluminum, Metal, Ctns ...... oz 17D Argos, red...... ’...... ft 12 Boracic, cryst. or powd., 1-lb. cart...... ft 20 Acetate, pure dry...... oz 14 Red, powdered...... ft 15 Boracic, M. C. W., Merck, C. P., 1-lb. cart..ft 28 D Aceto-Tartrate...... oz 20 A rgon in ...... '...oz 75 Bromic...... oz 29 Bromide...... oz 29 A rgyrol...... oz 1 50 Butyric, 90 % ...... oz 23 Chloride,...... oz 14 Aristol...... oz 180 Butyric, 60 % ...... oz 19 Hydrated...... ib 70 Aristochin ...... oz 2 00 Camphoric, l-oz vial., Merck, M. C.W...... ft 50 Nitrate...... lb 70 Arrowroot, American...... 1b 10 Carbolic, crys.G.L, 1-ft can, M.C.W...... ft 25 Phosphate...... oz 22 Bermuda...... ft 40 Carbolic, crys, G.L, 5-ft can, M.C.W...... ft 23 Sulphate, coml., powd...... ft 15 St. Vincent...... ft15 D Carbolic, crys.G.L. 10-ib can. M.C.W__ . ft 22 Sulphate, pure gran...... ft 27 Taylor’s, M-Ib and 14-lb, foil...... ib 35 Carbolic, liquid, med. 95%, 1-ft bots. M.C.W ft 35 Amidol, l-oz bottles...... oz 75 Arsenic, bromide, l-oz vials, Merck.M.C.W.oz 27 Carbolic, liq, No.1,1-ft bots. M.C.W,...... ft 30 A Chloride, solution...... ft30 Carbolic, liq, No.2,l-ib bots. M.C.W...... ft 28 A Ammonia, water 16%...... ft 06 Iodide, l-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W...... oz 45 Carbolic, crude...... gal 25 to 40 Water, 20%...... ft 07 Red. powdered...... ft 15 Chromic, l-oz vials. M. C. W ...... oz 14 Water, stronger...... ft 10 Solution (Fowler’s)...... ft 08 Crysophanic, true, cartons,M.O.W.,Merck.oz 21 Household, pints...... doz 1 00 Solution (Donovan’s)...... ft 24 Cinnamic, Merck, M. C, W...... oz 39 Household, quarts...... doz 1 50 White powd com l...... keg 6%...... ft 12 Citric, cryst...... ft 40 Ammonol, powd.. tabs or compounds...... oz 1 05 Yellow (orpiment), M. C. W., Merck...... ft 20 Formic, l-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W...... oz 15 Ammonium, acetate, cryst.. l-oz. vials...... oz 14 Asbestos, fibrous, long...... ft 35 Gallic, 1-ft cartons, Merck, M. C. W...... ft 62 Arsenate, l-oz vials, M*. C. W., Merck...... oz 22 Asparagin, )%-oz vials...... oz 150 Gallic, l-oz cartons, M. C. W., Merck,...... oz 09 Benzoate, l-oz ctns, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 12 Atropine, pure %-oz vials, Merck, M. C.W. .oz 5 60 Hydriodic, 15%, Merck, M, C. W ...... oz 24 A Borate, l-oz vials. M. C. W.,-Merck...... oz 22 Sulphate, %-oz vials. Merck, M. C.W ...... oz 4 70 Hydrobromic, U.S.P. Dil., M.C.W., Merck.oz 08 Bromide, l-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 10 Balsam, Copaiba, Para...... ft 50D Hydrobromic, dil. Merck, M.C.W...... ft 25 Bromide. Merck, M. 0. W., l-ib carton...... ft 54 Copaiba, solidified...... ft 58 Hydrobromic,conct,l-oz vis. M.C.W. Merck.oz 15 Carbazotate. Merck, M. C. W., l-oz vials . .oz 16 Fir. Canada...... gal 4 20...... ft 65 Hydrobromic. conct, Merck, M. C.W...... lb 60 A Carbonate...... 10 ibs 12c...... ft 14D Fir. Oregon...... gal 2 00...... ft 35 Hydrocyanic, prus,l-oz vis.,M.C.W..Merck oz 10 Carbonate, resublimed, pure...... ft 30 Gutgan...... ft 80 Hydrocyanic, Merck. M. C. W...... ft 30 Citrate, l-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 14 Peru...... ft 1 55 Hydrocyanic, Scheele’s, l-oz. vials...... oz 35 Citrate, Merck, M. C. W ...... 1b 1 00 Sulphur...... ft 40 Hydrofluoric 1-ozG.P. bofS. Merck,MC.W.oz 37 Hypophosphite, l-oz vials,M.C.W..Merck..oz 19 Tolu...... 10-ffi cans 35...... ft 40d Hydrofluoric, 14-ftG.P.bots. M.C.W., Merck, ft 2 25 Hypophosphite. Merck, M. W...... ft 1 45 Barium, Acetate, l-oz vials...... ft 14 Hypophosphorous, Sol.50%, Merck, M.C.W.1b 1 10 Iodide, l-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 36D Carbonate, pure, l-ib boxes...... ft 30 Hypophosphorous,l-oz vis..M.C.W., Merck, oz 18 Iodide. M. C. W., Merck...... ft 4 50 Chloride (muriate) l-ib boxes...... ft 19 Lactic, U.S. P., M. C. W...... oz 12 Muriate, lump ...... 1b 16 Chloride, chem. pure, Merck, M. O. W ... ft 32 Lactic, dil, M. C. W ...... ft 24 Muriate, gran., pure, 1-lb. cart...... ft 18 Nitrate, powdered...... ft 12 Mono-clilor-Acetic, oz. vis., Merck,M.C.W.oz 32 Muriate, gran.. No. 1...... ft 12 Nitrate, chem. pure, M. C. W., Merck...... ft 37 Muriatic, com l...... ft 05 Muriate, powd, C. P., 1-ft. carton, Merck. Sulphate, coml, 1-ft boxes...... 1b 13 Muriatic, chem pure, M. C. W ...... ft 14 M .C .W ...... ib 25 Sulphate, pure, 1-ft boxes...... ft 30 Nitric, coml...... ft 10 Nitrate, cryst,, Merck, M. C. W ...... 1b 25 Sulphide, pure...... ft 45 Nitric, chem pure. M. C. W...... ft 16D Nitrate, fused. M. C. W., M erck...... ft 25d Bark, alder, black, pressed, fts...... ft 22 Nitric, fuming...... ft 20 Nitrate, gran., Merck, M. C. W ...... ft 25 Alder, red or tag, pressed, fts...... ft 20 Nitro-Hydrochloric. dil...... ft 20 Oxlate, l-ib cartons, Merck, M. C. W ...... ft 47a Angostura, pressed, f t s ...... ft 70 Oleic, pure, M. C. W., Merck...... ft 40 A Phosphate, cryst, 0. P., M. O. W., Merck..ft 75 Apple tree, pressed, fts...... ft 35 O xalic...... ft 12 Salicylate, l-oz vials, Merck. M. C. W...... oz 13 Ash, black, pressed, fts...... ft 30 Oxalic, chem. pure, l-ib cart.Merck,M.C.W.Ib 32 Sulphate, coml...... ft 08 Ash, mountain, pressed, fts...... ft 28 Phosphoric, dil...... ft 09 D Sulphate, l-ib cart., C. P., Merck. M. C.W. ft 22 Ash, prickly, pressed...... ft 32 Phosphoric. U. S. P,, 50%...... ft 25 D Sulplio-carbolate,l-oz vials,Merck.M.C.W.oz 14 Ash. white, pressed, fts...... ft 25 Phosphoric, syrup, U. S. P. ’90...... ft 35 Sulpho-cyanate, l-oz vials,M.C. W.,Merck.oz 10 Barberry, pressed, fts...... ft 30 Phosphoric, glacial,l-oz vls.M.O.W...... oz 11 Tartrate (neutral), Merck, M. C. W ...... 1b 1 20 Basswood, pressed, Ibs...... ft 25 Phosphoric, glacial, M.C.W...... ft 55 D Valerinate. l-oz vials, Merck, M. 0. W — oz 19 Bayberry, pressed, fts...... ft 30 Picric, M.C.W...... i.. ft 55 Amyl, acetate, pure, Merck, M. C. W ...... ft 65d Bay berry, powdered...... ft 20 Pyrogallic, l-oz cans, Merck, M. C.W ...... oz 22 D ' Butyrate, M. C. W., Merck...... 1b 2 25 Beech, pressed, fts...... 1b 30 Pryogallic, M. C. W., Merck, l-ib cans...... ft 2 15 D Nitrate, l-oz vials. Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 34 Birch, pressed, fts...... ft 25 Pyroligneous...... gal .40 ft 10 Nitrite, l-oz vials M. C. W., Merck...... oz 19D Bitter Sweet, pressed, fts...... ft 30 ....ft 441) Valerianate, Mer-k, M. C. W...... 1b 2 50 Blackberry, of root, press, fts...... ft 20 .... ft 46 D Aniline, black nigrostine, for ink...... ft 1 75 Black Haw, pressed, fts...... ft 30 ....ft 50 D Blue, navy...... ib 2 25 Black Willow, pressed, fts...... ft 18 06 Blue-blue, extra...... Ib 3 50 Boxwood, pressed, fts...... ft 20 40 Blue, Nicholson, B...... ft 2 50 Buckthorn, pressed, lb.s...... ft 22 .. .OZ 27 D Blue, Nicholson, BB...... ib 3 50 Butternut, pressed, fts...... ft 20 ...ib 50 Brown, Bismark...... ft 1 00 Canella, powdered...... ft 40 ...Ib 05 Green, prime...... 1b 1 60 Canella, pressed, fts...... ft 40 ...ft 13 D Green, extra...... ib 1 75 Cascara Sagrada, pressed, fts...... ft 40 . ..ft 10 Orange, extra...... Ib 1 25 Cascarrllla, pressed, ibs...... ft 30 11 Red, A lbany...... ft 50 Cascarilla, powdered...... ft 25 ...ft 75 Red. Diamond Fuchsine...... ft 1 75 Cassia...... ft 15 ... 1b 40 Red. eosine, bluish...... 1b 2 60 Cassia, powdered...... 1b 20 ...ft 40 Red, eosine fine...... ft 3 50 Cassia Saigon...... ft 60 rc.oz 32 Scarlet...... 'ib 75 Cassia Saigon, powdered...... ft 65 23 Scarlet, extra...... ft 1 25 Chestnut, pressed, fts...... ft 20 .. .ea 1 40 Violet (or purple) B ...... ft 2 00 Cinchona, red, S. Am...... ft 30 .. .oz 90 Violet (or purple) B B ...... ft 2 25 Cinchona, red, S. Am., powd...... ft 35 15-grain vials. . ..ea 10 Y ellow ...... : ...... ft 175 Cinchona, red, Rubingosa...... ft 35 ...ft 40 A n n a tto...... Ib 40 Cinchona, red, Rubingosa, powdered...... ft 40 A gatliln. 2 75 Annattoine...... ft 80 Cinchona, yellow...... ft 30 60 Anodyne, Hoffman’s, 1-ft cans, inclusive... ft 63A Cinchona, yellow, powd...... ft 35 80 Antlfebrine, l-oz vials...... oz 17 Chestnut, pressed, fts...... 1b 25 50 Antikamnia, powd. or tablets...... oz 1 00 Cinnamon, Ceylon...... ft 35 pint 75 Combinations...... -.oz 100 Cinnamon, Ceylon, powd...... ft 40 |gg ...... Mkt 10-oz. lots...... oz 92Vt Coto...... ft 90 Wood Ref. 95% ...... 5-gal. 85c gal... .gal 90 Antidoler...... oz 75 Cotton Root, pressed, ibs...... ft 70 30 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

DRUGS, Etc. Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. Bark, Oramp, pressed, lbs...... 5> 25 Bone, Cuttle fish...... 5-lb 28 1b 30 Chloral Hydrate, M. C. W. or Merck Cramp, powd...... 35 Cuttlefish, powd...... 1b 25 Crystals, l-lb. glass bot., incl...... ft I 25 Oundurango...... lb 40 Borax...... lb 10@12 Crystals, )4-lb. glass bot., incl...... ft 1 35 Oundurango, pressed, E>s...... lb 40 Pure, gran., M. C. W.. 1-lb. c t...... 1b 22 Crystals, M-lb. glass bot., incl...... 1b 1 45 Elder, pressed, lbs...... ft 30 Powd...... 1b 10@12 Crystals. 1-oz. glass vials, in c l...... oz 18 Elm, grou nd...... tb 35 Glass...... 1b 50 Croton, 1-oz. via ls...... , ...... oz 40A Elm,,select, slabs...... lb 50 Breast Tea, (specis pectoralis)...... ft 45 Chloroform, M, C. W...... 7-lb. bottle 48___ft 52D Elm, powd...... lb 30 Purified, M. C. W ...... ft 65D Fringetree, of root, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Bromine, 1-oz. vials and tin case...... oz 19A Squibb’s, I’urified, 500 grm. bottles...... each 1 05D Hemlock, p ow d ...... lb 17 Chloride, 1-oz. vials and tin case...... oz 60 Chlorophyll, pure...... oz 35 Hemlock, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Bromoform, M. C. W ...... oz 19 Ivy, Amer. of root, pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Chromium, Chloride, cryst. 1-oz. vials, M. Jam Dogwood, pressed, ft...... K> 30 Broom Top, Scotch, pressed lbs...... 1b 25 C. W. or Merck...... oz 94 Jersey Tea, pressed, lbs...... ft) 30 Brucine, pure, %-oz. vials...... oz 1,75 Chloride, solution, 1-oz. vials, Merck or Magnolia, pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Sulphate, %-oz. vials...... oz 1 75 M. C. W...... oz 1ft Mezereon, pressed, tt>s...... lb 30 Buds, Balm of Gilead...... ft 55D Cinchonine, Pure Aik. 1-oz. vials...... oz 25 Moosewood. pressed, fts...... ,...... ft 40 Cassia...... 1b 30 Bisulpliate. 1-oz. vials...... oz 18 Oak, black, pressed, lbs...... lb 33 Mixture, 3-oz. boxes...... box 25 Oak, red, pressed, lbs...... 1b 32 Cadmium, Bromide, M. C. W., M erck...... oz 19D Muriate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 17 Oak, white, pressed, lbs ...... ft> 33 Iodide, 1-oz. vials, Merck, M. C. W...... oz 36 Salicylate, i-oz. vials...... oz 30 Osier, green, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 . Sulphate, 1-oz. vials. M. C. W., M erck...... oz 21D Sulphate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 17 Peach, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Caffeine, pure, 1-oz. vials, Merck. M. C. W ..oz 31 Cinchonidine, Pure Aik. Cryst., 1-oz. vials.oz 53D Persimmon, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Bromide, 1-oz. vials. M. C. W., Merck..oz 31 Bisulphate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 32D Pine, white, pressed, lbs ...... ib 20 Citrated, 1-oz. vials, Merck, M. C W ..oz 23 Muriate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 32D Pomegranate, bark of root...... lb 35 Phosphate, ya-oz. vials. M. C. W., Merck..oz 55 Salicylate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 36D Pomegranate, root, prs’d, lbs...... lb 35 Salicylate, 14-oz. vials, Merck, M. C. W. .oz 55 Sulphate. 1-oz. vials...... oz 320 Poplar, white, pressed, lbs...... lb 20 Valerianate,%-oz. vials, M. C. W.. Merck..oz 60 Sulphate, 1-oz. can s...... oz 3r-D Poplar, white, powd...... ft 22 Calamine...... ft 15 Sulphate, 5-oz. can s...... oz 27d Poplar, yellow, pressed, lbs...... lb 13 Calcium, Bromide. 1-oz.vials,Merck,M.C.W oz 12 Sulphate, 50-oz. cans...... oz 2.iD Prickly Ash, pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Sulphate, 100-oz. can s...... oz 240 Prickly Ash, powd...... lb 35 Bromide. M. C. W., Merck...... 1b 60 Carbide, Merck, M. C. W ...... 1b 20 Cincho-Quinine, 1-oz. vials...... oz 1 10 Quaking Asp, pressed, lbs ...... 1b 25 Carbonate, l-ib cartons, M. C. W., Merck .ft 11 Quebracho...... lb 35 Chloride, fused, Merck, M. 0. W...... 1b 60 Cinnabar...... lb 1 TOD Quebracho, pressed, lbs...... ft 35 Citarin...... oz 75 Rose Willow, pressed, fts...... 1b 30 Chloride, gran.. M. C. W., Merck...... ft 24 Sassafras...... bales 12...... 1b 15 Glycerophosphate...... oz 29 Clover Head, red, pressed ozs...... ft . 25 Sassafras, pressed, fts...... ft 20 Hypophosphite, 1-oz. vials. Merck,M.C.W.oz 12 White, pressed ozs...... ft 40 Sassafras, powd...... lb 15 Ilypophospliite, M. C. W.. Merck...... 1b _63D Sweet, pressed ozs...... lb 30 Simaruba...... lb 70 Hypophosphite and sodium, 1-oz vials, Cloves, Zanzibar...... lb 25D Simaruba, pressed, lbs...... ft 55 Merck or M. C. W ...... oz 14 Zanzibar, powd...... lb 300 Soap Tree (quillaya'...... ft 16 Hypophosphite and sodium,M.C.W.Merck 1b 70D Cobalt...... ft 20 Soap Tree (quillaya) ground...... 1b 18 Iodide, 1-oz. vials, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 40A Powdered...... ft 35 Soap Tree (quillaya) powd...... 1b 20 Lacto-phosphate, solub., 1-oz. vials, M. C. Carbonate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 34 Soap Tree, pressed, fts...... ft 18 W. or Merck...... oz 17 A Nitrate. 1-oz G. S. V ...... <>z 27 Sumac, pressed, 1-ft...... ft 24 Phosphate, precip., 1-lb carton, Merck or Oxide, pure, 1-oz. vials...... — oz 34 Sweet Gum, pressed, fts...... lb 35 M.C.W ...... ft 19 Cocaine, Alkaloid, 1-oz. vials, M. C. W. or Tamarack, pressed fts...... ft 28 Salicylate, 1-oz. vials. M. C. W.. Merck — oz 22 M erck...... oz 5 00 Wafer Ash, pressed, lbs...... 1b 30 Sulphide, 1-oz. vials, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 08 Hydrochlor, M. 0. W. 1-oz. vials...... oz 3 75 Wahoo Root, pressed, lbs...... lb 40 Sulphide, M. C. W., M erck...... 1b 28 Hydrochlor, M. C. W. H-oz. vials...... oz 3 90 Wahoo Tree, pressed, fts...... 1b 36 Sulphite...... lb 14 Hydrochlor, M. C. W. %-oz. v ia ls ...... oz 4 00 Walnut, pressed, fts...... ft 18 Sulpho-carbolate, 1-oz. vials, Merck or M. Hydrochlor, Sol. i%, 1-oz. vials...... oz 40 Wild Cherry...... ft 12 C. W ...... oz 11 Hydrochlor, Sol. 4%. Ya-oz. vials...... oz 55 Wild Chei ry, ground...... lb 14 Calomel, Amer., M. C. W., 1-ft boxes...... 1b 95 Cochineal, Honduras...... lb 55 Wild Cherry, powd...... lb 18 English, l-lb bottles, in cl...... 1b 1 25 Powdered...... lb 60 Wild Cherry, pressed, fts...... 1b 25 Camphor, Mono-bromide, 1-oz vials, M. Cocoa, Butter...... 12-ft box 43— ft 50 Witch Hazel, pressed, fts...... ft 22 C. W. or Merck...... oz 20 Codeine, Aik., 1-oz. vials...... oz 3 80 Willow, white, pressed, fts...... ft 25 Ya-oz. vials...... oz 4 00 Willow, black, pressed, fts...... 1b 22 Cannabis, Indica, pressed lbs...... lb 1 50 Muriate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 3 65 Winters, pressed, fts...... ft 75 Candy, Coltsfoot rock, 5-lb. boxes...... 1b 32 Ya-oz. vials...... oz 3 85 Barley, Pearl...... ft 08 Hoarhound...... ft 10 Nitrate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 3 65 Rock, on strings...... lb 12)4 Ya-oz. vials...... oz 3 85 Bay Bum, domestic...... gal 2 00 Rock, lA strings...... 1b 12 Phosphate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 3 30 Imported...... gal 2 75 Rock, assorted strings...... ft 12*4 Ya-oz. vials ...... oz 3 50 Beans, Calabar...... lb 25 Rock, selected, nut size...... 1b 12 Sulphate, 1-oz. v ia ls...... oz 3 50 Cocoa, roasted...... Ib 50 Rock, selected, lump...... 1b 12 *4-oz. vials...... oz 3 10 St. Ignatia...... lb 65 Rock, selected, cryst...... 1b 12 Colchicine, cryst.. 15-gr. vials...... each 2 10 Tonca A ngostura...... ft 85 Rock, selected, gran...... , ...... 1b 12, Collodion, U. S. P. 1-ft cans, incl...... 1b 84 Vanilla. Bourbon...... ft 6.50® 8 50 Cantharides, Chinese...... lb 75 A Cantharidal, M. C. W., incl...... lb 2 10 Vanilla, Mexican...... 1b 8.00® 12 00D Chinese, powd...... lb 80A Cantharidal, ozs., incl...... doz 2 00 Vanilla, Tahiti...... 1b 1.50® 160 Russian...... lb 1 85a Flexible, M. C. W., in ck...... lb 84 Bebeerine, pure, 1-oz. vials ...... oz 2 04 Russian, powd...... ft 1 50a Colocynth, Apples, Trieste...... 1b 60 Sulphate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 1 49 Cantharidal Vesicant...... doz 5 50 Apples, powd...... ft 50 Benzol, pure...... lb 30 Confection, aromatic...... ft 1 25 Cantharidin, Merck’s, 15-gr. vials...... each 1 80 Opium...... Ib 150 Benzo Napthol...... oz 22 Capsicum, powd ...... 1b 35 Rose, U. S. P...... lb 35 P ods...... ft 22 a B en zosol...... oz 1 15 Card Teeth, (iron filings)...... ft 15 Senna, U. S. P ...... lb 3 5 - Berberine, Sulphate, 1-oz.vials, Merck...... oz 1 74 T h eriac...... ®> 85 C aram el...... lb 15D Copper, Acetate, pure crystal...... ft 60 Berries, Buckthorn...... 1b 25 Carbon, Bi-Sulphuret...... 1b 16 A mmoniated...... ft 50 Oocculus Ind (fish berries)...... lb 12 Carmine...... *...... lb. 4 60___oz 45 Arsenate, 1-oz. vials, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 19 Cubeb, stemless...... ft 18 Cassia Fistula...... 1b 20 A Arsenite, 1-oz. vials, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 19 Cubeb, powd...... ft 20 Castor Fiber...... oz 1 00 Carbonate...... ft 28 Elder...... lb 20 Castorine, Baums, ponys...... doz 85 Chloride...... ft 60 Juniper, Italian...... ft 08 Baums, pints...... doz 2 25 Cyanide, 1-oz. vials...... oz 19 Juniper, powd...... lb 15 Baums, quarts...... doz 4 00 Iodide, 1-oz. vials...... oz 42 A Laurel...... ■...... ft 15 Baums, gallons...... each 1 20 Nitrate...... Ib 45 Poke...... ft 20 Cerate, Cantharides, M. C. W ...... 1b 60' Oxalate ...... ■- ...... ft 1 50 Prickly Ash...... ft 35 Goulard’s, II. S. P...... Ib 50 Oxide, black, 1-oz . vials...... oz 10 A Saw P alm etto...... ft 30 Resin, U. S. P ...... lb 50 Oxide, black ...... ft G) Sumac...... lb 18 Resin, comp...... lb 50 Simple...... Ib 50 Sulphate, purified, l-lb cartons...... 1b 21 Beta Eucane, %s and 14s...... oz 3 60 Spermaceti...... 1b 50 _ Copperas...... lb 114-02 *4s and ozs...... oz 3 50 Zinc carb , true...... 1b 50 Corrosive Sublimate, M. C. W., l-lb carton.. 1b 85D B etol...... oz 60 Powd., M. C. W., l-lb cartons...... ft 9'iD Cerium, Nitrate, 1-oz. vials, Merck,M.C.W..oz 24 Cotton, Soluble...... , .oz 18 Bismuth, Betanapthol...... oz 80 Oxalate, 1-oz. vials, M. C. W., M erck...... oz 09 Cowhage Down, 1-oz. cans ...... oz 50 Citrate, 1-oz. vials, M. C. W., Merck...... oz 27 Oxalate, Merck, M. C. W ...... ft 45d Crabs’ Eyes...... oz 15 Citrate, Merck, M. C. W ...... ft 2 90D Chalk, Billiard...... gro 50 Powd...... oz 20 Citrate and Am. 1-oz. vials,M.C.W.,Merck.oz 27 Carpenters’ blue...... gro 75 Crab Orchard Salt, Natural...... lb 25 Citrate and Am., Merck, M. 0. W...... 1b 2 90D Carpenters’ red...... gro 60 Artificial...... lb 12 Metallic, M. C. W., Merck ...... 1b 2 50d Carpenters’ white...... gro 50 Cream Tartar, cryst...... ft 32 Salicylate, 1-oz. cartons. Merck, M. C. W ..oz 25D Crayons, assorted...... gro 50 Pure, powd...... 10-lb box 30 1b 34 Subcarbonate, M. C. W., Merck...... ft 2 85a Crayons, white, school, 1 gross boxes...doz 90 Commercial...... lb 18 Subgallate, 1-oz. cartons, Merck, M. C. W oz 24 French, cut...... 1b 15 Cream, Evaporated, Columbian...... case 3 50 Subgallate, l-ib cartons, M. C. W., Merck..ft 2 55A French, powd...... 1b 08 St. Charles...... case 4 50 Subiodide, 1-oz. vials, Merck, M. O. W ...... oz 40D Precipitated, English...... ft 12 Creasote, Subiodide, M. C. W., M erck...... ft 4 80 Prepared in drops, 8-1b boxes...... 1b 07 Subnitrate, Merck, M .C .W ...... 1b 2 '30 Pink in drops, 8-lb boxes...... lb 10 Coal Tar, M. C. W...... ft 32 Tannate, 1-oz. vials, M. C. W., Merck...... oz 25D Red, in fingers...... lb 10 From beechwood tar, Merck, M. C. W — 1b 110 Valerianate, %-oz. vials, Merck, M. C. W. .oz 61 White, lum p...... bbl cwt 1 00 ...... 1b 1*4-02 from beechwood...... oz 15* Bladder Wrack, pressed fts...... Ib 30 Charcoal, Animal (ivory black)...... lb 08 Carbonate, 1-oz vials...... oz 65 Willow...... lb 10 Creolin, l-lb bot. *8,00 doz. *4-ft bot...... doz 4 00 Blue Mass, Mallinckrodt’s...... 1b 47 Willow, l-lb. boxes...... ft 15 Crocus, Martis (oxide iron, red)...... ft 10 Powdered...... 1b 53 Chinoidine, 1-oz. rolls...... : . . .oz 12 Metallorum (antimony crocus)...... lb 27 Blue Vitriol...... 1b 7@09 Chinaphenin...... oz 1 15 Cube bin, )4-oz. vials...... %-oz 65 Powdered...... 1b 14 Chinoline, pure, 1-oz. vials...... oz 45 Cudbear...... lb 25 Bluing, dry, Barlow’s, large...... doz 60 Tartrate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 45 Cumarin...... oz 75 Dry, Barlow’s, small...... doz 30 Chloralamide, 25-gram vials...... each 80 Curcuma, Powd...... ft 15 Gillett’s Mammoth...... '...... doz 75 Chloral Hydrate,1 M. C. W. or Merck. D extrin...... 50-lb 6|4 ft 08 Liquid, R. D. Co.’s, 2-oz...... doz 35 Crusts, l-lb glass bot., incl...... 1b 120 From potatoes...... ft 15 Sawyer’s crystal...... doz 35 Crusfts, 14-lb glass bot., incl...... 1b 1 25 Diabetin...... ft 1 80 Bole, Armenia...... lb 12 Crusts, M-lb glass bot., incl...... ft 135 j Diastase of Malt, Merck or M. C. W ...... oz 1 14 Bone A sh...... ft 08 Crusts, i-oz glass vials, incl...... oz 17 : Digitalin *4-oz. vials. Merck or M. C. W. ... oz 7 00D OMAHA DRUGGIST. 31

DRUGS, Etc.-Cont. DRUCS, Etc.-Cont. DRUGS, Etc.-Cont. * " ' m Dlogen, l-oz. cans...... oz 37 ...ft 32 ....ft 75 4 80 Shellac, native, oran ge...... to 70 M-ft cans...... ® . ..ft 40 D Shellac, native, p ow d ...... 1b 70 Dioxogen, “Oakland” )i’s ...... doz 2 00 .box 75 Spruce, select...... ft 1 50 V4’b doz 3 75 ....ft 1 25 Lbs doz 6 00 250s. 1 30 .box 2 50 08 5-lbs! ...* .."!...... !...... doz 18 00 500s. 1 00 1 75 Gallanol, l-oz cartons...... oz 1 25 .. .ft 85 Doggrass, pressed, fts. ....ft 25 Tragacanth 2d flake. ....ft 70 Gallobromol, l-oz cartons...... oz 1 25 Tragacanth, sorts...... 50 Dover’s Powder...... ft 1 00D .. .ft 80 Garantose, lb. cans...... ft 1 75a . ft 35 D . ..oz 15 1 00 ■a ....ft 75 D 1 00 .... ft 45 PovnI. . 20 D 1 75A ..vial 70 ...ft 55 2 00A .... ft 06 Cooper’s, shx-ed. 55 80 08 80 90 37 .doz 1 85 75 80 Elaterlum, %-oz. vials, M. C. W., Merck ----oz 85 . 45 1 04 .each 50 ...ft 60 45 Empyroform, S. & G., 65 doz 1 75 40 Geosot., 1 34 35 Ergot, Spanish...... it. 60 Bellwort, pressed, ozs. ....ft 40 ...... 1b 65 ...ft 10 ....ft 20 __ OZ 42 Glutol. 65 30 42 D ...ft 60 30 70 ...ft 17 ....ft 35 ...ft 17 34 Essence, Bay Rum, R. 2 50 30 ...... ft 4 00 ...ft 55 ...ft 17 25 ....ft 50 ...ft 18 ... ft 35 1 05 ...ft 19 35 ..ft 59 21 ....ft 30 Chloric, concen. ft 67 D ...ft 20 Centaury, Europe, pressed, ozs. ....ft 40 ...... ft 1 50 .. ft 25 35 Hydrobromic...... lb 2 00 Sarg’s, 1-ffi bottles., 45 35 : Nitrous, concent., ...... ft 1 00 ...ft 27% 55 ...... ft 1 10 ...ft 37)4 85 jxltrous, concent., ^4-u uuuuie ...ft 1 20 40 Sulphuric, U. S. P., 1-H cans...... ft 77 75 65 ___ ft 75A ..doz 28 00 30 ....ft 74 ..doz 17 25 30 . ft 80 9 50 Dittany, pressed, ozs. ....ft 30 Sulphuric, washed, 2-It cans .. 1b 78 Glycyrrhizin, Ammon ...ft 3 00 .. ..ft 82 ....ft 77 30 40 ...... ft 83 ....ft 45 ...... ft 81 . ..ea 1 25 28 ...... ft 80 .. .ea 1 00 35 Ethyl, Bromide (hydrbromic ether) l-oz 70 ....ft 35 20 . .doz 5 10 ....ft 40 47 D 2 70 ....ft 30 1 25 ....ft 75 17D 1 25 24 ...... ft 1 30 D 65 Eudoxin, l-oz. vials. 2 10 Goose Grease...... ft 40 ....ft 40 Tablets, 5 grain... . __ OZ 2 50 Granville’s Lotion ...... ftft 38 24 2 60 30 ... oz 39 Grains Calabar...... '...... ftft 1010 0000 30 Eugenol. 30 25 4 00 ... lb 45 ....ft 45 Euphorin. 1 00 30 Grind, Robusta, pressed, lb s., ...ft 25 35 1 80 40 80 ....ft 50 1 60 Exalgine__ 1 40 .. .oz 22 :k ..O Z 79 ....ft 25 __ oz 1 40 1 50 30 :Xji Extr ct W itch Hazel. 25 Dickinson s, bbls incl ...... gal 65 .. .oz 1 75 25 Dickinson’s, y,bblsincl ...... gal 70 30 1 25 ....ft 35 Dickinson’s, lOgalsincl...... gal 75 ■ :-;-a Dickinson’s, 5 gals incl...... gal 80 90A ....ft 35 85 30 t Dickinson’s, as wanted ...... gal ...ft 1 00 A Mountain Mint, pressed, ozs. 45 Extract, Licorice, Corigliano ...... ft 35 ....ft 16 40 Licorice, Dean’s, 5-ft boxes...... ft 25 Aloes, Barbadoes, powd. ....ft 20 27 • -i Licorice, M. & R., 16’s, 5-ft boxes...... lb 25 .. ..ft 20 ....ft 40 Licorice, P. & S ...... ft 30 20 24 Licorice, Scudder’s, 16’s, 5-to boxes...... lb 25 35 ____to 30 Licorice, Scudder’s, Mass...... lb 18 Aloes, Socrotine, powd. 45 35 Licorice, Y. & S., 16’s, 5-lb boxes...... lb 25 .. ..ft 35 38 Licorice, Y. & S., ringed...... lb 35 .. ..ft 75 ....ft 25 Licorice, powd...... Ib 30 Arabic, first pick...... 5-lb 15 ft 50 Soapwort, pressed, ozs. ....ft 35 Licorice, powd., A. W. & Co.’s...... lb 35 Arabic, 2nd pick...... 5-lb S5 ft 40 45 Logwood, bulk, 12’s and 25’s...... lb 12% Arabic, 3rd pick...... — 5-lb 15 ft 30 30 Logwood l’s...... 24-1b boxes 11 lb 13 Arabic, sifted sorts...... 5-lb >0 ft 25 30 Logwood, y8’s...... 24-lb boxes 12 ft 14 ....ft 60 50 Logwood, )4’s...... 24-lb boxes 14 ft 16 ....ft 50 ....ft 25 Logwood, assorted...... 24-ft boxes 13 ft 15 Assafcetida, Calcutta...... 10-lb n ft 33 .. ..ft 40 Fareol...... oz 50 Assafoetida. Calcutta, powd...... 10-lb 55 ft 38 ....ft 25 Febrinol...... oz 50 . . 15 60 Ferratiue, powd...... oz 1 00 .. 50 25 Flake White, Am...... 1...... Ib 12 ....ft 55 ....ft 35 Flour, Rice ...... ft 12 ....ft 70 35 Flowers, Arnica...... lb 18 ....ft 72 50 Arnica, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 .... ft 12 ....ft 30 Althea, pressed, ozs...... lb 55 25 30 Boxwood, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 Catechu, refined, 1-lb boxes. ....ft 14 25 Calendula, pressed, ozs...... ft 50 Catechu, refined, )4-lb boxes 16 30 Chamomile. Roman...... lb 30D Catechu, refined, )4-Ib boxes...... ft 18 2 25 Chamomile, German...... ft 3C D Copal...... lb 35 .each 1 75 Daisy, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 . ..ft 30 2 10 Elder, pressed, ozs...... lb 27 ... .ft 25 2 10 35 40 .each 2 10 Hollyhock, pressed, ozs...... ft 4 85 Kooso...... lb 50 .. ..ft 75 Lavender...... ft 20 ....ft 1 15 Vi’S . 5 00 Lavender, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 ....ft 1 25 H’s. 5 15 Linden, pressed, ozs...... ft 50 ....ft 30 35 Linden, with leaves, ozs...... ft 40 ...ft 35 13 ft 16 Marigold, pressed, ozs...... lb 70 ...,1b 55 ... ft 60 Nettle, pressed, ozs...... ft 1 75 ....ft 65 40 65 ....ft 70 in % and V4-lb-. T. P.. 30 POppy, red, pressed, ozs...... ft ....ft 60 15 range. 1 00 ___ ft Rosemary...... ft 40 Myrrh, Turkey. ... ft 40 1 4f D 40 ....ft 45 ___ ft 25 Rosemary, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 Saffron, Arper ...... ft l 50 25 Opium...... lb. 3 10. ....ft 3 40 ....ft 35 Saffron, Amer., pressed, ozs...... lb 1 55 Saffron, Spanish, Alicante...... oz 65 Opium, powd...... lb. 4 00. . . ft 4 20 40 90 ... ft 35 7 50 ■ 'if. Saffron, Spanish, Valencia...... oz .. .doz Violets pressed, ozs...... ft 80 ...oz 40 Marchand’s. V&’s...... 5 25 Yarrow, pressed, ozs...... lb 35 45 3 90 ^2 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

DRUGS, Etc -Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. Hydrozone, Marchand’s, l’s...... doz 10 50 Leaves, Balmony, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 25A Marchand’s, %’s ...... doz 7 00 Bay, pressed, ozs...... ft 20 .OZ 25 D Marchand’s, M’s...... doz 4 60 Bayberry, pressed, ozs ...... ft 35 .oz 25 Hyoscyamine, pure cryst 5 gr. v l...... each 2 00 Beech, pressed, ozs...... lb 35 .lb 2 30 D Belladonna,, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 .OZ 18 D Sulphate amorp.. 15 grs...... each 1 25D Bel ladonna, powd...... ft 40 .oz 41D Hypnal...... oz 10 Benne, pressed, ozs...... lb 65 oz 25 D la tr o l...... oz *1 00 Blessed Thistle, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 .oz 17 D Ichthalbin, Merck...... oz 80 ' Bittersweet, pressed, ozs...... ft 45 .ft 30 Boneset, pressed, ozs...... lb 20 Ichtyol, 1-oz vials, Merck...... oz 35 Borage, pressed, ozs...... ft 40 .lb 35 M-lbs, inclusive, Merck...... ft 4 90 Buchu, long...... ft 75D ft 11 Indigo, Bengal...... ft 1 25D Buchu, short...... ft 35D .lb 11% Madras, extra...... ft 65 Buchu, short, powd...... ft 40D Iron Drums, 25 and 50 lb s... . .lb 12% Manilla, extra...... ft 70D Buchu, short, pressed, ozs., %’s, M’s...... ft 50 10-lb Cans ___ ® . .lb 13 Iodine, Resublimed, 1-oz vials...... oz 38 Buckbean, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 .ft 14% Resublimed, Merck, M. C. W...... ft 3 65 Burdock, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 500-lb Lots, less 1 cent per lb. Butternut, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 1000-lb Lots, less 2 cents per lb. lodole, 1-oz vials...... oz 125 Catnip, pressed, ozs...... ft 25 OZ 90 Iodoform , 1-oz vials...... oz 38 Castor...... ,1b 35 M. O. W...... ft 4 20 Chestnut, pressed, ozs...... ft 25 oz 1 80 Xodoformin...... oz 60 Cicuta, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 .lb 40 Coca...... lb 50 lod op yrin e...... oz 1 40 ■ ft 20 Coca, pressed, ozs...... ft 50 .lb 24 Iron, Acetate, dry, 1-oz vials...... oz 24 Oonium, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 .lb 24 Acetate, liquor...... ft 36 Conium, powdered...... lb 30 .lb 25 . Ammonatea...... ft 35 Coltsfoot, pressed, ozs...... lb 25 Licorice, Y. & S., 5-lb. cans. ft 24 Arsenate, 1-oz vials...... oz 18 Damiana,...... ft 30 ' Arsenite, 1-oz vials ...... oz 18 Damiana, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 .ft 50 By Hydrogen, gray, 70%...... — oz 10 Digitalis pressed, ozs...... ft 35 German...... ft 50 By Hydrogen, gray, 70%...... ft 45 Digitalis, powd...... ft 35 Lycetol, 1-oz cartons...... oz 4 25 Bromide, 1-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W...... oz 16 Eucalyptus...... — lb 25 Lysol...... Doz. ft 8.00...... ft 70A Carbonate, precipitated...... ft 18 Eucalyptus, pressed, ozs...... ft 25 Carbonate, proto (Vallet’s mass)...... ft 30 Fern, sweet, pressed...... ft 30 Lycopodium ...... '...... ft 1 00 Carbonate, proto, sacchar...... ft 40 Feverbush, pressed, ozs...... ft 40 Lye, cencentrated, American, 4-doz cases — 2 75 Chloride, cryst. M. C. W., M erck...... ft 25 Foxglove, pressed, ozs...... lb 35 Lye, concent., Lewis, 4-doz. cases...... 4 00 Chloride, sol. for tinct., M. C. W...... ft 12 Ground Pine, pressed, ozs...... 1b 35 Lye, concent., Old Style, 4-doz cases...... 2 75 Citrate, soluble, 1-oz vials...... oz 11 H ardhack, pressed, ozs...... 1b 30 Mace...... ft 80 Citrate, soluble. Merck, M. O. W...... ft 51 Hemlock, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 , Powd...... , ...... ft 85 Citrate, U. S. P., 1-oz vials...... oz 11 Henbane, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 Citrate, U. S. P., M. C. W...... ft 54 Henbane, powdered...... ft 35 Madder, Dutch...... ft 14 Citrate and ammonia. 1-oz vials...... oz 11 Hoarhound, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 Magnesium, Acetate...... oz 24 Citrate and ammonia...... ft 51 Horse Radish, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 Benzoate, 1-oz vials...... oz 29 Citrate and Magnesium, 1-oz vials-...... oz 13 Hound’s Tongue, pressed, ozs...... 1b 40 Bromide, 1-oz vials. M. C. W...... oz 25 Citrate and Quinine, 1-oz. vials...... oz 22 Jaborandi, powd...... 1b 40 Calcined, K. & M’s ...... ft 65 Citrate and Quinine, M. C. W...... ft 1 90 Jaborandi. pressed...... ft 35 Calcined, Jennings’, %-lb cans...... lb 65 Citrate & Quinine, with Strychnia, Merck Laurel, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 Calcined, Jennings’, %-lb cans...... Ib 75 orM. 0. W...... oz 25 D Lettuce, wild, pressed, ozs...... 1b 30 Carbonate, Jennings’, 2-oz papers...... ft 30 Citrate, Quinine and Strychnia...... ft 2 40 Lettuce, garden, pressed, ozs...... 1b 30 Carbonate, Pattison’s, 2-oz papers...... ft 20 Citrate and Strychnia, 1-oz vials...... oz 13D Liverwort, pressed, ozs...... — lb 30 Carbonate, Pattison’s, 4-oz papers...... lb 19 Dialyzed, sol-...... ft 25 Lobelia, pressed, ozs ...... ft 40 Carbonate, K. & M’s, 1-oz papers...... 1b 22 Ferrocyanide, 1-oz vials...... oz 09 Lovage, pressed, ozs...... lb 45 Carbonate, K'. & M’s. 2-oz papers...'...... ft 20 Ferrocyanide, 1-lb cartons...... ft 46 Lungwort, pressed, ozs...... Ib 35 Carbonate, K. & M’s, 4-oz papers...... ft 18 Glycerophosphate...... oz 35 Marjoram, Germ., pressed ozs...... lb 35 Carbonate, K. & M’s Rose...... — doz 50 Hydrated Oxide, mass...... ft 35 Marshmallow, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 Carbonate, pow d...... lb 12 Hypophosphite, 1-oz vials...... oz 17 Masterwort, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 Chloride, fused...... ft 30 Hypophosphite. M. C. W., Merck...... ft 1 30 Matico, pressed, ozs...... ft 45 Hypophosphite. 1-oz vials...... oz 17 Iodide, 1-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W...... oz 37 a Matico, powd...... ft 45 Hypophosphite, Merck, M. C. W ...... ft 1 30 Iodide, sacchar, 1-oz vials,M. C.W,. Merck. oz 31 Meadow Fern, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 Iodide, M. C, W., Merck, 1-oz vials...... oz 50D Lactate, 1-oz v ia ls...... oz 09 Mugwort, pressed, ozs...... lb 35 Phosphate. 1-oz vials, Merck. M, C. W ... .oz 10 Lactate, Merck, M. C. W...... ft 50D Mullein, pressed, ozs...... ft 22 Phosphate M. C. W., Merck...... ft 50 Lactophosphate, 1-oz vials...... oz 20 Nettie, pressed, ozs...... lb 40 Sulphite, 1-lb cartons, incl...... ft 42 Nitrate, sol. U. S. P ...... ft 25 Oak. Jerusalem, pressed, ozs...... 1b 35 Manganese, Black Oxide ...... ft 07 Oxalate (Ferrous), 1-oz. vials...... oz 16D Parsley, pressed, ozs...... 1b 40 Borate, 1-lb cartons...... ft 52 Oxide, black (Ethiop’s mineral)...... ft 40 Peach, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 Bromide, 1-oz vials, Mallinckrodt’s, Merck Oxide, sacchar...... , — ft 45 Pennyroyal, pressed, ozs...... 1b 23 or M. O. W...... oz 30 Phosphate, precipitate, M. C. W., Merck... ft 39 Pitcher Plant, pressed, ozs...... '...... ft 30 Carbonate, 1-oz vials...... oz.oz 14 Phosphate, U.S.P. scales, 1-oz. vials, Merck Plaintain, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 Chloride, 1-oz v ia ls...... oz 14 orM .C. W ...... oz 11 Poppy, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 Citrate, 1-bz vials...... oz 29 Phosphate, U. S. P. scales...... ft 51 Poison Oak, pressed, ozs...... lb 40 Hypophosphite, 1-oz vials...... oz 16D Pyrophosphate, 1-oz vials...... oz 11 Princess Pine, pressed, ozs...... 1b 30 Iodide, 1-oz vials, Mallinckrodt’s, M. 0. W.w. Pyrophosphates, M. C. W., Merck...... ft 51 Privet, pressed, ozs...... 1b 45 or Merck...... oz 50 D Salicylate, 1-oz vials...... oz 15 Raspberry, pressed, ozs...... ft 30 Phosphate, 1-oz vials...... oz 18 - Subsulphate, (Monsel’s powd)...... oz 06 Rosemary...... lb 25 Sulphate, pure cryst., 1-oz vials...... oz 09 Subsulphate, (Monsel’s powd)...... ft 29 Rosemary, pressed, ozs...... 1b 28 Sulphate, pure cryst., Merck, M. 0. W ...... lbft 50A Subsulphate, (Monsel’s solution)...... ft 15 Sage, Domestic, M’s and %’s...... ft 30 Succinate. 1-oz vials ...... oz 29 Manna, large flake...... lb lb 75 Sage. Domestic, ozs ...... ft 35 . ..ft 50 D Sullpbate, pure cryst., 1-lb cartons...... ft 08 Sage, Italian, ground...... 1b 15 Small flake...... ft Sulphate, gran. Merck, M. C.W.. 1-lb cart, .ft 10 a Sage, Italian, pressed, M and % -ft...... 1b 15 Marble Dust, bbl...... bblbbl 2 25 Sulphate, dried, l-lb cartons...... ft 17 Sage, Italian, pressed, o z s ...... 1b 18 Meconin, %-oz vials...... %-oz-8-OZ 2 53 Su pho-Oarbolate. 1-oz vials...... oz 13 Sage, Italian, loose pressed, M’s...... 1b 20 Su phuret (sulphide), 1-lb boxes...... ft 17d Menthol,cryst, 1-oz vials...... oz 45 Sage, Mountain...... ft 30 4 50A Tannate. l-oz vials...... oz 22d Savin...... lb 30 Crystals...... ft Tartrate and Ammonia, l-oz vials...... oz 11 Savin, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 Mercury...... ‘...... ft 75D Tartrate and ammonia...... ft 62 Scullcap. pressed, ozs...... ft 30 Distilled...... » ft 80A Tartrate and Potassium, 1-oz. vials...... oz 10 Senna, Alexandria...... lb 25 Acetate, 1-oz v ia ls...... oz 33 Tartrate and Potassium...... ft 48 Senna, pow d...... lb 30 Bichromate, 1-oz vials...... oz.oz 33 Tartrate and Potassium, powd....-...... ft 48 Senna, Alexandria, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 Bisulphate, M. C. W. M rck...... ft 1b 66 D Tersulphate, solution...... ft 20 Senna, American, pressed, ozs...... ft 50 Bromide, 1-ox vials...... oz 33 Valerianate, 1-oz vials...... oz 19D Senna, Tinnevella, pressed, ozs...... 1b 25 Cyanide, 1-oz vials...... oz 27 Isinglass, American...... 115 Senna, Tinnevella...... ft 18 Iodide, green, Merck, M.C. W., 1-oz vials,. .oz 25 D Sheep Laural, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 Iodide, red, Merck, M. O. W., 1-oz vials —. .oz oz 27 D Russian, true Beluga...... ft 5 00D s.oz K am ala...... 1b 45 Squaw Vine, pressed, ozs...... ft 25 Iodide, yellow, M. O. W.. Merck, 1-oz vials.oz 25 D Stramonium, pressed, ozs...... ft 28 Nitrate, crvst, Merck, M. C.W., 1-oz vials,J..OZ .oz 27A Powdered...... 1b 50 Nitrate, solution, -oz vials...... ozoz 15 Kaolin...... ft 08 Stramonium, powd...... ft 25 1 Strawberry, pressed, ozs...... Ib 30 Oxide, black, 1-oz vials...... oz 17 Kava K ava...... 1b 40 16 Kermes’ Mineral...... 1b 90 D Sumac, pressed, ozs...... 1b 30 Oxide, yellow, 1-oz vials...... oz Sweet Fern, pressed, ozs...... Ib 30 Salicylate, 1-oz vials...... oz 27 Kidney wort, pressed lbs ...... 1b 30 Summer Savory, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 Subsulphate, yellow, (Turpeth mineral),1), Kou-seln, amorph., %-oz. vials...... %-oz 75 15 Kresamin...... oz 45 Thym e...... lb 25 1-oz vials...... oz Thyme, pressed, ozs...... <...... lb 25 Subsulphate, yellow (Turpeth Mineral) .lb 1 00 Kryophln,, powdered...... oz 1 00 Sulpho-Cyanite, 1-oz v ia ls...... oz 29 Tablets...... oz 1 00 Uva Ursi ...... ft 15 Uva Ursi, powd...... ft 20 Sulphuret, black (Etliiops mineral)...... lbft 65A Lactophenen...... oz 1 00 Tannate, 1-oz vials...... oz 21 Tablets...... oz 1 00 Uva TTrsi, pressed...... Ib 24 Walnut, pressed, ozs...... lb 30 With chalk (hydreum creta) l ’s...... ft..ft 44 Lactucarium, 1-oz. vials...... oz 64 65 Lanolin, Liebrlch...... ft 75 Wintergreen. pressed, ozs...... 1b 25 With magnesia...... ft Lead. Acetate (sugar of) white...... ft 15 W itch H azel, pressed, oz...... ft 25 Metacarbol, 1-oz vials...... oz 45 Acetate, white, powdered...... ft 18 Wood Betony. pressed, ozs ...... 1b 40 Methyl, Acetate, 1-oz v ia ls...... oz oz 50 Acetate, purified, 1-lb cart. Merck,M.O.W.ft 22 Yerba Santa, pressed, o z s ...... lb 25 Bi-chloride, 1-oz via ls...... oz 72 Carbonate, M. O. W., Merck, O. P ...... ft 60 Leeches...... doz 1 00 Iodide, 1-oz vials...... bz 1 00 Iodide. M. O. W., 1-oz vials...... v...oz 27D Lemon Peel...... lb . 18 Oxide acetate, 1-oz vials...... oz 50 Nitrate, 1-lb. boxes — ...... lb 16 Ground...... ft 20 Oxide salicyl, 1-oz vials...... oz 65 Oxide, Merck, M. C. W., C. P ...... ft 75 Lemonin...... Oz 4 00 Methylene, Bi-chloride, 1-oz vials...... ozoz 72 Lead Plaster, %-ft rolls...... ft 45 Sub-Acetate, Sol (Goulard’s extract) ... .lb 12 Levulose, C. P...... ft 1 60 M etol...... oz 75 Tannate, 1-oz vials...... 1b 24 Lime, Chloride, l ’s...... 50-lb boxes, 6 — 1b 9 M igram ine...... oz 1 38 Leaves, Aconite, pressed, oz s ...... ft 30 Chloride, %’s ...... 50-lb boxes, 7 ....ft 10 Milk. Condensed, Eagle...... case 6 25 doz 1 75 Aconite, p ow d ...... ft 30 Chloride, M’s ...... 50-lb boxes, 8 — ft 11 Challenge...... case 4 25 doz 1 50 Adder’s Tongue, pressed, ozs...... ft 40 Chloride, 5-lb cans ...... lb 6 H ires...... case 00 doz l 75 Angelica, pressed, ozs...... 1b 30 Chloride, 10-lb cans...... lb 5% 6 Arbor Vitaa, pressed, ozs...... ft 35 Chloride, bulk...... drum 3M — ft 04@05 Mistletoe, pressed, lbs...... — .... 39 OMAHA DRUGGIST. 33

DRUGS Etc.-Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont* Morphine, Acetate, %-oz. vials...... oz 3 00 Oil, Hemlock, pure...... -ft 75 Ointment, Tar. ...ft 40 J Alkaloid, %-oz. vials...... oz 3 50 Hemlock, com l...... lb 35 50 Henbane, conct...... ft 60 Zinc Oxide, Benz 5( Bimeconate, %-oz. vials...... oz 3 40 Horsemint...... ft 2 00 Bimeoonate Solution...... ft 130 Jasmin, alcoholic...... ft 3 50 60 Bromide, %-oz. vials— ...... oz 3 35 Juniper Berries...... ft 125 Bismuth, 30 Muriate, %-oz. vials...... oz 3 00 Juniper Wood...... ft 50 Cocaine , .oz 75 Sulphate, M. O. W., %, 2lA-oz. boxes...... oz 2 55 Lard, W. S., Extra...... bbl 75 — gal 90 Copper, 25 Sulphate, M. C. W., %ths, 1-oz. boxes...... oz 2 60 Lard, No. 1...... bbl 65 Mercury, 5%, M. C. W...... OZ 15 Sulphate, M. O. W., 1-oz. vials...... oz 2 40 Laurel, expressed...... ft 50 Mercury, , ..oz 18 Sulphate, P. & W., %, 214-oz. boxes...... oz 2 55 Lavender Flowers...... lb 2 20 Mercury, 22 Sulphate, P. & W., %, 1-oz. boxes...... oz 2 60 Lavender, Garden...... ft 75 30 Sulphate, P. & W., 1-oz. vials...... oz 2 40 Lemon, Sanderson’s, 1-lb. coppers...... 1b 1 00 40 Valerianate, %-oz. vials...... oz 4 00 Lemon, Sanderson’s,'5-lb. coppers...... ft 95 70 Quinine, 20 Moss, Iceland...... ft 15 Lemon Grass...... ft 2 50 Quinine, 30 Irish, extra select...... ft 16 ...bbl 42.. ■ gal 46 D ...bbl 40.. 44 D Quinine, 40 Musk, Chinese, 1-oz tins...... oz 60 bbls. 38 gal 40 Zinc, 5%, 16 Tonquin, grains...... oz 28 00 bbls. 19 gal 22 ...ft 15 bbls. 18 gal 20 ...ft 18 Mustard, Ardenter, 4, 6'and 10-lb cans...... ft 28 bbls. 16 gal 18 ...ft 15 Colman’s, Durham, 4-lb cans...... — ft 35 . bbls. 13 gal 15 . ..ft 18 Yellow, bulk...... ft 25 .bbls. 11 gal 15 Peel, sweet. 12 Black, or plaster...... ft 15 M ace, ethereal...... oz 25 .lb 15 Naphthalln, pure, 1-oz cartons...... oz 08 Mace, expressed...... ft 150 ...ft 25 Pure, 1-lb cartons...... ft 27 Male Fern, Oleoresin...... lb 2 75 Male Fern, ethereal, Keith’s...... oz • 55 80 Napthaline, Balls...... 50-lb. boxes 4lA ft 06 M ullein...... oz 40 Orthoform, 1-oz vials...... oz 1 40 Flakes...... 50-lb. boxes 4lA ft 06 Musk, alcoholic...... oz 75 Napthol, alpha, 1-oz vials...... oz 30 Mustard, essential, true...... oz 60 75 Beta, 1-oz cartons...... oz 10 Mustard, expressed...... gal 75 50 Narco tine, %-oz vials...... oz 1 25 Myrbane...... lb 25 Oyster Shells, prepared. ...ft 20 Neatsfoot, Extra...... bbl 85— gal 1 00 Nickel, Acetate, 1-oz vials...... oz 34 Neatsfoot, No. 1...... bbl 65— gal 75 Panakas...... 1 00 Bromide, M. C. W., 1 oz vials...... oz 37 75 Chloride, M. C. W., 1-oz vials...... oz 19 Neroli, Bigarade...... oz 2 25 Neroli, Petit Grain, Chiris’...... oz 50 1 50 Metalic, gran., M. C. W...... ft 85 Nutmegs, essential...... ft 2 00 Nitrate, 1-oz vials, M. C. W...... oz 19 Olive, Malaga, yellow...... gal 90 .oz 2 00 Oxide, black, pure, M. C. W ...... oz 24 ... b 15 Sulphate, 1-oz vials...... oz 10 Olive, Mtlaga, green...... gal 1 00 1 Olive, Union Salad...... gal 70 16 Sulphate, M. C. W ...... -ft 35A Olive, Salad, Loubon, V£-pts...... doz 1 00 Nicotine, Merck’s, %-oz vials...... %-oz- 55 Olive, Salad, Loubon, pts...... doz 1 50 ...ft 40 Nosophen...... oz 1 55 Olive, Salad, Loubon, qts...... doz 2 25 ...ft 45 Pearl Ash. ...ft 9@10 Nutgalls, Aleppo...... ft -5 Olive, Salad, Antoninis, V4-pts...... doz 3 00 Olive, Salad, Antoninis, pts...... doz 4 60 jach 40 Aleppo, ground...... ft 37 Olive, Salad, Antoniais, qts...... doz 8 00 Aleppo, powd...... ft 40 Olive, Salad, Lautier’s, %-pts...... doz 3 25 20 Nutmegs,Macassar...... 1b 40 25 Olive, Salad, Lautier.s, pts...... doz 4 75 ...ft 30 Nuts, A reca...... ft 25 Olive, Salad, Lautier’s, q ts ...... doz 8 50 45 Areca, powd...... '...... lb 30 Olive, Salad, Lautier’s...... gal 2 75 Kola ...... -ft 25 Olive, Salad, Mottet’s, %-pts...... doz 3 50 OZ. 32 Nux V om ica...... lb 10 Olive, Salad, Mottet’s, pts...... doz 5 25 Petrolatum, Ex. A. 50-lb tins. ...1b 06« Powdered...... 5-lb 14 1b 16 Olive, Salad, Mottet’s, qts...... doz 9 25 ...» 07V Olive, Salad, DeLuxe, 14-gal. cans...... gal 2 20 ...ft 09 Oakum...... ft 15 Olive, Salad, DeLuxe, 1-gal. cans...... gal 2 00 ...ft 10 Surgeons, 1-lb pkgs...... ft 20 Olive, Salad, Restuccia...... gal 2 50 35 Oil, Almonds, bitter, Allen’s...... oz 60 Orange, bitter, hand pressed...... ft 3 25 • gro 3 50 Almonds, bitter, French...... ft 5 00 Orange, sweet, hand pressed__ : ...... ft 2 40 60 Almonds, sweet, Allen’s...... lb 60 Origanum, No. 2...... lb 30 6 50 Almonds, sweet. French...... ft 40 Origanum, red, pure...... ft 90 . 13 Amber, crude...... ft 25 Palm...... ft 20 ... 1b 13V, Amber, rectified, German...... :... 1b 35 Parsley...... oz 50 .. 1b 15 Animal...... ft 25 Patchouly...... oz 75 Lillie White, 5-ft tins ft 16 Anise...... ft 1 70 Pennyroyal...... ,1b 1 65 doz 35 Bay Leaves, true...... 1b 3 25 — oz 40 Pepper, black...... lb 80 .gro 3 75 Benne...... 5-gal 85 gal 90 Peppermint, western...... 1b 3 75 65 Bergamont, Sanderson’s...... ft 2 80 Peppermint, H. G. Hotchkiss’ ...... ft 4 25 • gro 7 00 Bergamont...... ft 2 75 Pimento (allspice)...... oz 35 ... 1b 17 Birch Tar. crude ...... ft 35 Pinus Sylvestria...... ft 1 00 .. .lb 18 Birch Tar, rectified...... lb 1 25 Rhodium, No. 3...... oz 35 ... 1b 19 Cade, (Juniper Tar)...... ft 30 Rhodium. No. 1...... oz 75 ...ft 21 Cajeput (22-oz bottles)...... ft 95 Rose, Kezanlic...... oz 5 00 35 Calamus...... oz 30 Rose. Ihmsen...... oz 6 00 .gro 3 75 Camphor...... ft 25 Rosemary, flowers, Chiris’...... ft 1 25 65 Capsicum...... oz 50 Rosemary, Trieste...... ft 75 .gro 7 25 Caraway, chaff...... lb 69 Rue...... lb 2 50 35 Caraway, seed...... ft 2 00 Sage...... oz 50 Perfm’d Amb. 2-oz S. C. bot. .gro 3 75 Cardamom, Ceylon ...... oz 3 00 Sandal Wood, English...... ft 5 50 60 Cassia...... ft 1 25 Sandal Wood, German...... ft 2 50 6 75 Castor. No. 1...... bbl 88 gal 92- 98 Sandal Wood, Turkish...... ft 10 00 40 Castor, No. 3...... bbl 80 gal 86- 92 Sassafras, Natural...... lb 85 .gro 4 50 Castor, com 1...... bbl 54 gal 60- 65 Savin...... ft 1 60 65 Castor, 60 to gal...... doz 60 Skunk...... lb 30 7 55 Castor, 50 to gal...... doz 75 Spearmint...... ; ...... lb 5 25 . .lb 25 Castor, 40 to gal...... doz 85 Sperm...... gal 1 15 26 Castor, 30 to gal...... doz 1 00 Spike...... ft 20 30 Spruce ...... ft 65 Castor, 20 to gal...... doz 1 25 1 35 Castor, 16 to gab...... doz 156 Stone, black...... lb 15 Castor, 8 to gal...... doz 3 00 Stone, white...... lb 80 1 00 Cedar...... ft 35 Stillingia...... oz 75 1 00 Cedar, pure...... ft 75 Sweet, bottles. 50 to gal...... doz 60 1 00 Celery...... oz 75 Sweet, bottles. 40 to gal...... doz 65 1 00 Chamomile, German...... oz 3 50 Sweet, bottles, 30 to gal...... doz 90 1 00 Chamomile, ltoman...... oz 1 50 Sweet, bottles, 20 to gal...... doz 110 Sweet, bottles, 16 to gal...... doz 1 25 1 00 Chaulmoogra...... ft 2 75 .oz 1 00 Cinnamon, Ceylon...... oz 85 Tansy, pure...... 1b 4 50 Oitronella, native, 22-oz bottles...... 1b 50 T a r...... ft 15 1 75 Citronella, Winter’s 22-oz bottles...... 1b 75 Thyme, Red...... 1b 1 20 80 Cloves...... ft 1 65 Thyme, white...... lb 1 20 85 Oocoanut ...... ft 20 Tobacco...... oz 2 00 Codliver, Norwegian..-...... 5-gal 2 30 gal 2 50D , rect...... ft 35 . ft 90 Cologne...... oz 50 Valerian...... oz 75 18 D Copaiba...... ft 1 10 Verbena...... oz 75 5 00 Coriander...... oz 75 Wine, ethereal...... lb 3 15 '••gr 15 Cotton Seed, Y. W ...... bbl 65 Wine, heavy, Squibb’s25-grm. vials., .each 140 06 Cotton Seed, W. W...... bbl 75 . Wine, heavy...... 1b 5 50 • •gr 06 Cotton Seed. Y. S...... bbl 55— gal 65 W intergreen, true...... 1b 2 60 Cotton Seed, W. S...... bbl 60— gal 70 Wormseed. Baltimore...... ft 2 00 . .ea 1 50 Croton, 22-oz bottles ...... ft 1 40 Wormwood, pure...... lb 3 50 62 Cubebs...... ft 140 YlangYlang...... *....oz 4 50 , 1b 06 Cumin...... oz 35 ...ft 05 Dill Seed...... oz 50 Ointment, Belladona...... lb 60 Burgundy. 10 Ergot, Ceith’s...... oz 50 Benzoated Lard...... lb 28 ft 1 50 Ergot, P. & W.’s ...... oz 15 Carbolic Acid...... ft 60 Plaster Paris, N. Y. Dental. .bbl 2 25 Erigeron...... ft 1 50 Citrine (nit mercury)...... ft 52 ... 1b 40 Eucalyptus...... lb 1 00 Iodine...... ft 90 ...ft 25 Fennel Seed...... • •...... ft 1 60 Idoform...... lb 1 00 case 4 00 Fish, bank...... bbl 45.... gal 50 Mercurial. ii-M., M. C. W ...... ft 55 16 Fish, straits...... bbl 45.... gal 50 Mercurial, V-M., M. C. W ...... ft 45 . .lb 28 Fusel, Purified...... ft 60 Mercury, Ammon, (white precip)...... ft 65 ...ft 50 Fusel, Coml ...... ft 45 Mercury, Oxide, red (red precip)...... lb 75 «’ Geranium Bose...... oz 65 Sulphur...... ft 50 Solution (liquor potass). 11 WZ.


DRUGS, Etc.— Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. Pulassium, metals, H-oz vial and case, Quinine, Alkaloid. 1-oz vials...... oz 65a Root, Dwarf Elder, pressed, lbs...... lb 40 Merck or M. C. W ...... oz 170 Acetate, 1-oz v ia ls...... oz 67 a Elecampane, pressed...... 5-lb 13 tb 15 Acetate, M. O. W., Merck, l-fi> bottles, incl. to 40 Arsenate, 1-oz via ls...... : ...... oz 64a Elecampane, powd...... tb 25 Arsenate, 1-oz vials...... oz 14 Arsenate and Urea Bimuriate; lroz. vials, oz 70 A Fever, pressed, lbs...... Hi 35 Arsenite, 1-oz vials...... oz 14 Bimuriate, l-oz vials...... oz 61A Five Finger, pressed, lb s ...... tb 35 Benzoate, 1-oz vials...... oz 19 Bisulphate, 1-oz. cans ...... oz 32a Galangal...... , ...... tb Bicarbonate, gran., pure, Merck, M. O. W..ib 17 Borate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 61A Galangal, powd ...... H> 20 Bicarbonate, cryst., 1-tb cartons...... R> 17 Citrate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 61a Galangal, pressed, lbs...... lb 26 Bicarbonate, powd., 1-lb cartons...... R> 17 Ferrocyanide, 1-oz. vials...... oz 62A Gelsemimum, powd...... Ib 30 Bichromate...... It 15 Hydrobromate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 60A G en tia n ...... tb 12- Bichromate, 0. P., M. O. W., Merck...... lb 50 Hypophosphite. 1-oz. vials...... oz 64A Gentian, ground...... tb 15 Bisulphate. 0. P.. Merck, M. 0. W ...... lb 45 Iodide, 1-oz. vials...... oz 67 a Gentian, powd...... 5-lb 12 lb 15 Borotartrate, M. O. W., Merck...... lb 65 Lactate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 62A Gentian, Amer.. pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Bromide, cryst., 1-tb boxes, Merck,M.O.W.Ib 42D Muriate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 57 a Gentian, foreign, pressed, lbs...... R> 18 Bromide, cryst., 5-lb boxes, M.O.W.,Merck , lb 41D Phosphate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 60A Ginger, African...... tb 14 Bromide, gran., 1-lb boxes, 42D Salicylate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 59a Ginger, African, powd...... tb 15 Bromide, gran , 5-tb boxes, M.O.W.,Merck, lb 41D Sulphate, 100-oz. cans. ) oz 26a Ginger, East India (race)...... tb 12 Carbonate, O. P. (sal tartar)...... lb 30 Sulptiate, 50-oz. cans. oz 26(4 Ginger, East India, powd...... Hi 15 Carbolate, 1-oz vials...... oz 24A Sulphate, 25-oz. cans. oz 27a Ginger, Jamaica, bleached...... -...... lb 20 Chlorate, cryst...... lb 13 Sulphate, 5-oz. cans. | P. & W...... oz 31A Ginger, Jamaica, unbleached...... Ib 18 Chlorate, gran., pure, 1-tb cartons...... tb 18 Sulphate, 1-oz. cans. ^B. & S...... oz 34a Ginger, Jamaica, powd...... Ib 20 Chlorate, powd...... Hi 13 Sulphate, 1-oz. vials. 'N. Y. Q...... oz 36A Ginsing...... tb 6 00 Chloride, pure. 1-H> cartons...... Hi 18 Sulphate, lA-oz. vials. M. C. W...... oz 41A Golden Seal, pressed, lbs...... Hi 165 Chromate, pure, 1-tb cartons...... lb 40 Sulphate, M-oz. vials. oz 47A Golden Seal, powd...... Ib 175 Citrate, Merck, M. C. W ... , ...... ft 44 Sulphate, Vs-oz vials. oz 59A Hellebore, American, pressed, lbs...... tb 25 Cyanide, fused, No. 1,1-lb cans...... Ib 36 Sulphate, 1-16-oz. vials J oz 88A Helebore, black, pressed, lbs...... lb 20 Cyanide, fused. No. 2, 40$, 10- tb cans ...... lb 30 Tannate, 1-oz. vials ...... oz 4''A Helebore, black, powd...... Hi 24 Cyanide* fused, No. 3, 30%, 10-lb cans...... tb 26 Valerianate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 62a Helebore, white, pressed, lbs...... tb 25 Cyanide, granulated, 1-lb cans...... tb 46 Helebore, white, powd...... lb 20 Cyanide, 0. P., M. C. W., l-t> cans...... E> 48 Horseradish, pressed, lbs...... H> 30 Ferrocyanide, C. P., l-fl> cans, M. C. W., Qulnidine, pure, 1-oz vials...... oz 70A Hydrangea, pressed, lbs...... lb 24 Merck...... Ib 50 Sulphate, 1-oz vials...... oz 60A Indian Hemp, black, pressed, lbs...... Ib 40 Glycerophosphite...... oz 34D Indian Hemp, black, powd...... lb 35 Hypophosphite, 1-oz vials...... oz 12 Quinoline, 1-oz vials...... oz 4"D Indian Hemp, white, pressed, lbs...... R> 30 Hypophosphite, M. C. W ...... tb 63d Tartrate. 1-oz vials...... oz 45D Indian Hemp, white, powd...... lb 30 Iodide, cryst,, 1-tb boxes, Merck, M. C. W..tb 2 67D Indian Physic, pressed, lbs...... Hi 25 ' Iodide, cryst., 5-Ib boxes, M.C.W., 2 65D Quinquinia, 1-oz vials...... oz 75 Indian Turnip, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Iodide, gran., 1-H> boxes, Merck, M. O. W..H> 2 67D Indian Turnip, powd...... lb 38 Iodide, gran., 5-Sb boxes, M.C.W., Merck..tb 2 65D Indigo, wild, pressed...... Hi 25 Oxalate, neutral, Merck, M. C. W ...... tb 21 Red Precipitate...... Hi 1 09 D Ipecac, Rio...... Hi 2 25 Permanganate, cryst., 1 oz cartons...... oz 06 Powdered...... lb 1 19 D Ipecac, Rio, powd...... H> 2 30 Permanganate, cryst., M. C. W., Merck — lb 22 Jalap. Vera Cruz ...... lb 25 Phosphate. M. C. W., 1-oz vials...... oz 12 Red Saunders;...... Ib 10 Jalap, powd...... Hi 30 Phosphate, Merck, M, C. W...... — tb 55 Kava Kava...... lb 30 Prussiate, red ...... Ib 60 Resin-Jalap, 1-oz vials...... oz 54 Ladies’ Slipper, pressed, lbs ...... R> 45 Prussiate, yellow...... tb 25 Scammony, 1-oz vials...... oz 64 Ladies’ Slipper, powd...... Hi 50 Salicylate, 1-oz vials, M. C. W., Merck...... oz 15 Licorice, A ...... Hi 14 Sesauicarbonate, Merck, M. C. W ...... lb 50 Licorice, A A...... , ...... 16 Sulphate, cryst., 1-lb cart., M.C.W.,Merck..Hi 14a Resor-Bisnol...... oz 60 Licorice, AAA ...... lb 18 ; Sulphate, powd., 1-tb cartons...... tb 15 a Licorice, cut, Russian...... lb 25 Sulphate, chem. pure, 1-H> cartons...... tb 27D Resorcin, Crystals, 1-oz v., M.C.W., Merck..oz 17 Licorice,powd...... 5-lb 11 lb 15 Sulphite, 1-H> cartons ...... Hi 42 Crystals, M. C. W., Merck...... lb 1 60 Lovage, pressed, lbs...... Hi 28 Sulpho-Carbolate, 1-oz v., Merck, M.C.W..oz 13D Powdered, 1-oz vials, M. C. W., Merck...... oz 17 Male Fern, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Sulpho-Cyanate, 1-oz v.. M. C. W., Merck..oz 19 Male Fern, powd...... — lb 30 Sulphuret (liversulphur) Merck, M. O. W..Ib 16A Retinol...... oz 65 Mandrake, pressed, lbs...... 6 30 Tartrare (Soluble Tartar) M.O.W., Merck..B> 50D Mandrake, powd ...... 5-lb 16 Hi 20 Man in the Ground, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Powder, Antimonial, 1-H> cartons...... Hi 55 Rodinal, 3-oz bottles, M. C. W...... each 60 Marshmallow, cu t...... H> 35 Aromatic...... H> 100 8-oz bottles...... each 1 10 Marshmallow, powd...... R> 35 Chalk, aromatic,.,...... H> 50 16-oz bottles...... each 2 00 Marshmallow, pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Chalk, compound,...... tb 30 Marsh Rosemary, pressed, lbs...... Ib 40 Composition, bulk...... tb 20 Root, Abcess, pressed, lbs...... lb 40 Masterwort. pressed, lbs.: ...... Hi 40 Aconite, powd...... Ib 30 Milkweed, pressed, lbs...... H> 30 ... H) 75 Aconite, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Mistletoe, pressed...... Hi 35 ...... tb 22 Alkanet (anchusa)...... Ib 18 Musk (sum bul)...... Hi 35 Insect, Blatta, 50-lb drums ...... Ib 22% Alkanet, powd...... lb 20 Nettle, pressed, lbs...... Hi 25 ...... lb 23 Alkanet, pressed, lbs...... lb 20 Orris, fingers ...... Hi 85 ...... Hi 26 Angelica, pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Orris, Florentine...... Hi 25 95 Angelica, powd...... lb 25 Orris, Florentine, powd...... R> 30 ...... lb 70 Arnica, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Orris, Verona...... lb 20 8 10 Asparagus, pressed, lbs...... Hi 35 Orris. Verona, powd...... lb 25 4 50 Avens, pressed, lbs...... fl> i 35 Paeony, pressed, lbs...... Hi 45 2 50 Bearsfoot. pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Pareira Brava, pressed, lb s ...... R> 35 1 40 Belladonna, pressed, lbs...... H> 30 Pareira Brava, powd...... H> 35 ...... tb 30 Belladona, powd...... lb 30 Parilla, yellow, pressed, lbs ...... B> 30 ... Hi 31 Bell wort, pressed, lb s...... lb 45 Parsley, pressed, lbs...... Hi 40 ...... lb 32 Berberis, aquif pressed, lbs...... Hi 25 Pellitory, pressed, lbs...... Hi 40 ....Hi 35 Beth, pressed, lbs...... Ib 35 Pimpinell a, pressed, lbs...... Hi 45 ...Hi 20 Beth, powd...... lb 30 P in k...... lb 35 ...... Hi 21 Bistort, pressed, lbs...... tb 35 Pink, pressed, lbs...... Hi 40 ...... lb 22 Bitter, pressed, lbs...... Hi 30 Pink, powd...... Hi 40 Insect, P. D. & Co.’s, 100-lb kegs...... Ib 21 Bitter, powd ...... Hi 30 Pitcher plant, pressed, lbs...... Hi 40 Insect, P. D. & Co.’s, 50-lb kegs...... H> 22 Blackberry, pressed, lbs...... Hi 20 Pleurisy, pressed lbs...... Hi 30 Insect, P. D. 40 25 Buckthorn Brake, pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Queen of Meadow, pressed, lbs...... tb 22 2 00 Burdock, pressed, lbs...... lb 20 Rhatany, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 1 50 Burdock, powd...... tb 25 Rhatany,...... Hi 25 Calamus, peeled...... lb 30 Rhatany, powd...... Hi 30 55 Calamus, white, peeled and split...... lb 40 Rhubarb, East India...... tb 65 i.W.oz 3 50 D Calamus, powd...... lb 30 Rhubarb, East India, extra...... Ib 85 Protagon, 15 grain vials...... ea 3 00 Canada Thistle, pressed, lbs...... lb 40 Rhubarb, East India, powd...... tb 60 Carpenter’s Square, pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Rhubarb, East India, powd., extra...... lb 75 1 25 Cicily Sweet, pressed, lbs...... lb 70 Rhubarb. Shensi, powd.. Squibb’s ...... R> 1 20 1 35 Ciequefoil. pressed, lbs...... tb 35 Rhubarb, cut in cu bes...... Hi 85 Cohosh, black, pressed, lbs...... ,.tb 15 Rhubarb, cut in fingers...... lb 150 ----OZ 1 50 Cohosh, black, pow d.,...... lb 20 Rosen weed, pressed, lb s ...... R> 25 1 75 Cohosh, blue, pressed, lbs...... lb 20 Sanicle, black, pressed, lbs...... — lb 70 2 00 Cahosh, blue, powd...... tb 25 Sanicle. white, pressed, lbs...... tb 35 ----oz 1 50 Cohash, red, pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Sarsaparilla. American...... Ib 25 1 75 Cohosh, white, pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Sarsaparilla, American, powd...... lb 30 2 00 Oolchicum, powd...... tb 30 Sarsaparilla, American, pressed, l b s ...... lb 30 Colchicum, pressed, lbs, ...... Hi 30 Sarsaparilla, Honduras...... lb 40 Pyratlne. 85 Columbo., ...... Hi 20 Sarsaparilla, Honduras, ground...... tb 45 Columbo, pOwd__ .... — ...... tb 25 Sarsaparilla, Hond uras, powd...... Hi 50 ----oz 32A Columbo, Amer., pressed, lbs...... lb 30 Sarsaparilla. Honduras, pressed, lbs...... Hi 55 ■ Pyrogalol, Resubl, 1-oz cans...... ,.. . oz 30 Columbo. foreign, pressed, lb s ...... lb 20 Sarsaparilla, Mexican...... lb 22 Coltsfoot, pressed, lbs...... lb 35 Sarsaparilla, Mexican, ground.. .,...... lb 22 18D Comfrey, pressed, lbs...... lb 25 Sarsaparilla. Mexican, powd...... lb 30 Comfrey, powd,...... tb 15 Sarsaparilla, Mexican, pressed, lbs...... Hi 32 ...... Hi 25 Cranesbill. pressed, lbs...... tb 30 Seneka...... Hi 90 ....» 12 Cranesbill, powd...... tb 30 Seneka, pressed, lbs...... Hi 120 15 Crawley, pressed, lbs...... ,...... lb 55 Seneka, powd...... lb 1 20 ...... Ib 20 Culvers, pressed, lbs ...... lb 26 Silkweed, pressed, lbs...... Ib 30 Culvers, powd...... lb 30 Skunk Cabbage, pressed, lbs...... R> 30 .each 2 25 Dandeloin, powd.. . . . , ...... lb 30 Skunk Cabbage, pow d...— ...... tb 35 .each 1 50 Dandelion, true, pressed, lbs...... lb 28 Snake, Button, pressed, lbs...... tb 35 m OMAHA DRUGGIST. 3S

DRUGS. Etc.-Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. Boot, Snake, Canada, pressed, lbs...... B 40 Seed, Parsley...... B 25 Sodium, Succinate...... oz 26 Snake, Sampson, pressed, lbs...... B 40 Poppy, blue...... B 12 Sulphate, pure, d r ie d ...... B 13A Snake, V irginia...... B 70 Poppy, white...... B 25 Sulphate, pure, cryst.. 1-lb c a r t...... B 14 Snake, Virginia, pow d...... B 75 Pumpkin...... B 20 Sulphite, cryst., 1-lb cart., Merck, M.O.W..B 10 Snake, Virginia, pressed, lbs...... B 70 Quince, German...... B 65 Sulphite, pure, recryst, 1-lb bot in c...... B 25 Soapwort, pressed, lbs...... B 35 Quince. Russian...... B 60 Sulphite, dried, 1-B cart...... B 14 Solomon’s Seal, pressed, lb s ...... B 30 Rape, English...... B 10 Sulplio-carbolate, 1-oz v., M.O.W., Merck..oz 11 Spikenard, pressed, lbs...... B 35 Sabadilla...... B 22 Sulpho-carbolate...... B 55 Spikenard, powd...... ® 25 Sabadilla, powd...... B 28 Tartrate...... B ■ 55 Squills, white, sliced...... B 15 Stavesacre...... B 25 Tungstate, pure, 1-oz vials...... oz 10 Squills, powd...... B 40 Stavesacre, powd...... B 30 Valerianate, 1-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W ...oz 52 Stillingia, pressed, lb s ...... B 25 Stramonium...... B 15 Stillingia. powd...... B 30 Stramonium, powd...... B 20 Sonina I...... OZ 75 Stone, pressed, lbs...... B 20 Sunflower...... 10-lb box 7 B 10 Sozoiodole, Mercury, Merck, M. O. W ...... oz 1 15 Sweet Flag, presssed, lbs...... B 24 Watermelon...... B 20 Potasium, M. C. VV., M erck...... oz 75 Tormentilla, pressed, lbs...... B 30 Worm, American...... B 25 Sodium, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 80 Turkey Pea, pressed, lbs...... B 30 Worm, American, powd...... B 28 Zinc, M. C. W., Merck...... oz 110 Turpeth...... B 50 Worm, Levant...... B 22 Turpeth, powd...... B 60 Worm, Levant, powd...... B 28 Spartiene Sulphate, 1-oz vials...... Oz 80D Twin Leal, pressed, lbs...... B 22 Spermaceti, in cakes...... B 35 Unicorn, true, pressed, lbs...... B 40 Seidlitz Mixture...... 50-B box 24 B 28 Unicorn, true, powd...... B 45 Spirits, Ammonia...... B 48D Unicorn, false, pressed, lbs...... B 60 Ammonia, aromatic...... B 53 Valerian, English...... B 30 Silver, Bromide, 1-oz vials...... oz 1 19 Chloride, 1-oz vials...... oz 79 Camphor...... B 50 Valerian, English, powd...... B 35 Chloroform, U. S. P ...... B 50D Valerian. English, pressed, lbs...... B 35 Cyanide, 1-oz vials...... oz 1 04 Lavender...... B 50 Valerian, German...... B 25 Iodide, 1-oz vials...... oz 1 09 Nitrate, cryst., 1-oz vials, M. C. W...... oz 50 Lavender, comp...... B 50 Valerian, German, powd...... B 30 Nitre, 3f...... B 35 Valerian, German, pressed, lbs...... B 25 Nitrate, cryst., M. C. W...... B 7 25D Nitrate, fused. No. 2 ,1-oz. vials...... oz 39D Nitre, 4f...... B 40 Valerian, Vermont...... B 25 Nitre, U. S. P...... B 49 Valerian, Vermont, powd...... B 25 Nitrate, fused (lunar caustic) M. C. W — oz 53 Valerian, Vermont, pressed, lbs...... B 28 Oxide, 1-oz. vials...... oz 1 14 Starch, Iodide, 1-oz vials, M. C. W., Merck..oz 27 Vervain, pressed, lbs...... B 35 Phosphate, 1-oz vials...... oz 1 79 Wild Indigo, pressed...... B 20 Stearin...... B 20 Wild Yam, pressed, lbs...... B 24 Snuff, Copenhagen, 1-B jars...... B 60 St. John’s Bread...... B 10 Yellow Dock, pressed, lb s ...... B 26 Copenhagen, 5-lb jars...... B 60 Yellow Dock, powd...... B 25 Devoe’s Maccoboy, 1-B tins...... B 51A Stone, Pumice, select...... B 10 Yellow Jessamine, pressed, Bs...... B 22 Devoe’s Plain Scotch, 1 to 5-B tins...... B 51A Pumice, powd ...... B 08 Zedoary...... B25 Devoe’s Plain Scotch, bladders...... B 51a Rotten, English...... B 10 Zedoary, powd...... B 30 Devoe’s Rappee, 1-B tins...... B 51A Rotten, English, powd...... B 08 Zedoary, pressed, lbs ...... B 30 Garrett’s Scotch— Strontium, Acetate, Merck, M. C. W ...... oz 16 Bose Petals, damask, pressed, ozs ...... B 1 50 1-oz packs, 6 doz in case...... case 2 85 Bromide, cryst, M. C. W., Merck...... B 65 Pale, pressed, ozs...... B45 1%-oz tins, 6 doz in case...... case 5 30 Bromide, cryst, 1-oz v., Merck, M. C. W .. .oz 12 6-oz bottles, 4 doz in case...... case 10 50 Hypophosphite, 1-oz v., M. C. W.. Merck..oz 29 Rubidium. Bromide, 1-oz vials...... oz 1 00 16-oz papers, 2 doz in case...... case 11 00 Iodide, 1-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W...... oz 32 Iodide, 1-oz vials...... oz 1 00 bladders...... B 48 Iodide, M. C. W„ Merck...... B 3 75 Lorillard’s, Maccoboy, IB papers...... B 58 Lactate, 1-oz vials, Merck, M. C. W...... oz 15 Saccharine, refined...... -oz 15 Lorillard’s, Maccoboy. 1-B jars...... B 58 Muriate, 1-lb boxes. M. C. W., Merck...... B 27 Refined-...... B 1 75 Lorillard’s Maccoboy, 5-B jars...... B 58 Nitrate, 1-B boxes, Merck, M. C. W ...... B 17 Soluble...... oz 15 Lorillard’s, Rappee, 1-B jars...... B 65 Salicylate, 1-oz vials, M. C. W., Merck...... oz 13 Soluble...... B 1 75 Lorillard’s Scotch, 1-lb. ja r s ...... B 5» Salicylate, Merck, M. C. W...... B 75 Norkoping, 1%-oz. ctn ...... B 40A Sago, Pearl, E. I ...... B 08 Norkoping, 8-oz. Ctn...... B 40 Strophanthin, C. P. 5-gr. vials...... vial 30 Norkoping. 1-B jars...... B 45A Sal Acetosella, 1-B cartons...... B 25D Strychnine,, Acetate, %-ozviais...... oz 165 Epsom...... B 2%@04 Bromide, )4-oz vials...... oz 1 66 Glauber...... '...... B 1)4 @02 Soap, Castile, Contis, mottled...... B 10)4@12 Citrate, %-oz vials...... oz 1 65 Nitre, cru d e ...... B 06 Castile, Contis, white ...... B 12)4@14 Muriate, Ye-oz vials...... oz 1 65 Nitre, pure, large cryst...... B 8@09 Castile, Marselles, mottled...... B 8)4@10 Nitrate, )4-oz vials...... oz 1 65 Nitre, pure, small cryst...... '...... B 7@08 Castile, Marselles, white...... B 11 @13 Phosphate, %-oz. vials...... j.oz 175 Nitre, pure, gran...... ,.B 7@08 Castile, San Marino, mottled...... B 7)4@10 Aik., %-oz vials...... oz 1 10 Nitre, pure, powd...... B 8@09 Castile, San Marino, w hite...... B 9H@11 Aik.. 1-oz vials...... oz 90 Prunelle Balls, 1-lb boxes...... B 28 Castile, Alameda, white...... B 8)4@10 Sulphate, Ya-oz vials...... oz 1 00 Rochelle...... B 33 Castile, Y arritu ...... B 25@28 Sul phate, 1-oz vials...... oz 80 Soda...... B 1)4@02 Castile, powd ...... B 35 Sulphate, powd, Ya-oz vials...... oz 1 00 Tartar (potass carbonate)...... B 15 Green, Soft, German ...... B 16 Sulphate, powd, 1-oz vials...... oz 80 Olive, green...... B 9)4@11 Valerianate, Va-oz vials...... oz 2 60 Salicin, 1-oz cartons, M. C. W., Merck...... oz 37 Olive, white, ...... B 11@13 1-B cartons, M. C. W., Merck...... B 4 60A Opodeldoc.'...... B 14 Styrax, Liquid...... B 35 Whale O il...... B 08 Salipyrin...... oz 80 Sugar, Burnt (caramel) ...... B 16 Milk, powd...... 10-lb. boxes 20 B 23 Salocoll, Schering, 20-gram bottles...... bot 1 35 ...B 25 D Salol, 1-oz, M. C. W., Merck...... oz 15 .. .B 50 D Sulphur, Flowers...... bbl 29£....B 3)4@04 }^-B bottles, inclusive, Merck. M. C. W— B 1 40 2 45 Flowers, 100-lb bags...... B 02-S£ Roll...... bbl 2%....100 lb 3. B 04 Salophen...... oz 1 00 Iodide, 1-oz vials...... oz 41 25 Lacq., 1-B cartons...... B 18 Salophra...... oz 1 00 ...B 17 Washed, 1-B cartons...... B 12 Salts, Crab Orchard, natural...... B 25 . . OZr 09 D Crab Orchard, artificial...... B 12 12 Sulfonal, Bayer...... oz 135 Benzoate, 1-oz vials, Merck, M. 0. W. . .O Z 11 Sandal-Wood, E. I., rasped...... B 60 Benzoate, 1-B cart., Merck, M. O. W...... B 52 Sulphuroid...... B 25 ...B 3@04 Santonin, 1-oz vials, M. C. W...... oz 65 Bicarb, American...... kegs 2lA. ...B 3@04 Svapnia, )4-oz vials...... oz 3 25 M. C. W...... B 9 65A ...B 05 . ..B 15 Symphora!, 1-oz vials...... oz 130 Scouring Rush, pressed, lbs...... B 30 . . .OZ 10 Seed, Angelica...... B 25 ...B 49 D Syrup, Bromide Iron...... B 75 Anise, Italian ...... B 16 4 00 Dover’s powder...... __B 60 Anise, Italian, powd...... B 20 24 Ginger. U. S. P...... B 50 Anise, Star...... B 40 ...B 24D Hydriodic Acid...... B 35 Bird, mixed, 1-B cartons...... B 5@06 ...B 18D Iodide Calcium...... __B 60 Burdock...... B 25 ...B 25 Iodide Iron...... ,...B 48 Canary, Smyrna...... 50-B box 8)4 B 10 V..B 22A Iodide Manganese...... B 70 Caraway, Dutch ...... B 15 Citrate, gran ...... B 45 Ipecac...... 75 Caraway, powd...... B 18 G1 ycerophosph ate. 34 D Lacto-phos, Calcium...... B 65 Cardamom, Malabar...... B 85 V..oz 12 Lacto-phos, Iron...... B 75 Cardamom, Mangalore, bleached...... B 1 00 . ..B 63 D Orange Peel...... __B 50 Cardamom, powd...... B 90 B 05 Phosphates Comp...... 50 Celery...... B 16 iV..B 14 D Rhubarb...... :...... B 50 Colchicum...... B 60 . ..oz 34 Rhubarb, aromatic...... __ B 50 Colchicum, powd...... B 55 ...B 3 60 Rhubarb and potass...... 50 Conium...... B 25 29 Rock Candy, R. D. Co.’s bbls...... • •gal. 50 Coriander...... B 14 ...B 3 50 Rock Candy, R. D. Co.’s, )4-bbls.... 52 Coriander, powd...... B 15 . ..B 14D Rock Candy. Scully’s, bbls— ,...... gal 52 Cumin, Malta...... B 18 ...B 45 Rock Candy. Scully’s, )4-bbls...... gal 54 Dill...... B 20 ...B 50 Rock Candy, Maneirre-Yoe, bbls... 52 Fennel. Saxony...... B 20 ...B 13 Rock Candy, Manelrre-Yoe, )4-bbs. 54 Fennel, powd...... B 20 ...B 13 D Sarsaparilla...... B 40 Flax, clean ...... 50-B box 4H B 06 10 Sarsaparilla, com p...... B 40 FlaX, ground...... 50-lb box 4)4 B 06 ...B 50 Senna...... B 50 Fcenugreek...... 10-lb box 5)4 B 07 . ..OZ 07 Senega, U. S. P...... ,...B 60 Foenugreek, powd...... 25-lb box 6 B 08 Salicylate, 1-lb cartons, Merck, M. C. W.. ..B 47 Simple...... 90 H em p...... 50-lb box 5)4 B 07 Salicylate, Scherring’s, 1-oz v ia ls...... oz 19 Squills...... B 40 Larkspur...... B 70 ...B 1 45 Squills, comp...... B 50 Lobelia...... B 80 . ..B 1 35 Stillingia...... B 40 Lobelia, powd...... B 85 . ..B l 25 Stillingia, comp...... ___B 45 ' Millet, American...... — B 08 64 Tar...... 40 Mustard, black, Trieste...... B 08 ...B 20 T olu...... 45 Mustard, yellow. California. .25-lb box 6 B IP Silicate, liquid .. B 10 Wild Cherry...... B 40 % OMAHA DRUGGIST.

DRUGS. Etc.—Oont. DRUGS* Etc.—Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. Zinc, Cyanide, 1-oz. vials...... oz 21 Talcum Powder...... B> 08 ...... 1b 60 Ferrocyanide, 1-oz. vials...... __ ozoz 24 Purified ft 15 ...... ft 60 Iodide, 1-oz. vials, M. C. W ...... oz__ oz 40 .. ..ft 65 Lactate, 1-oz. vials...... -...... oz__ OZ 21 Tamarinds...... lb 12 ...... ft 60 Oxalate, 1-oz. via ls...... oz__ oz 24 Pulp...... lb 40 ...... ft 60 Oxide, white, 1-lb cartons...... lb lb 12 ...... ft 60 Oxide, chem. pure, 1-lb. cartons. ....ft 30 Tannalbln, Merck...... oz 80 ...... ft 50 Oxide, Hubbuck’s, 1-lb boxes...... 1b 45 ...... ft 50 Parmangate, 1-oz vials...... oz 54 Tannigen...... oz 70 ...... ft 60 Phosphide, 1-oz. vials, M. C. W ...... oz 23 ...... ft 50 — oz Tannoplne...... oz 75 Phosphate, 1-oz. cartons...... oz 10 ...... ft 50 Sallicylate, 1-oz. vials, M. 0. W ...... __ ozoz 22 Tapioca. East India...... lb 10 Tolu...... ft 65 Subgallate, 1-oz. vials...... oz 24 ...... ft 50 Sulphate, Cryst, 1-lb. cart...... 1b1b 10 Tapers, green label, 3 mo...... doz 50 ...... ft 75 Sulphate, cryst., chem. pure, 1-lb. ca rt...t ... lb 14 Green label, 6 m o...... doz 75 ...... ft 60 Sulphide, 1-oz. vials...... oz 24 Warburg’s, P. D. & Co...... ft 1 75 Sulphite. 1-oz. vials...... oz 24 Tar, Barbadoes...... lb 15 1 75 Sulpho-Carbolate, 1-oz vials...... oz 11 Tar, Coal, bbls...... bbl 4 50 30 Sulpho-Garbolate, 1-lb. cartons...... 57 Tar, Pine,. 50-gal. bbls...... bbl 6 50 . . 60 Tannate, 1-oz. vials...... __ oz oz 29 Tar, Pine, pints, 4-doz. cases...... case 2 75 Valerianate, 1-oz. vials, M. C. W...... oz 21 Tar, Pine, quarts, 2-doz. cases...... case 2 00 55 Zomakine, 1-oz cans...... oz 40 Tar, Pine, 54-gal., 1-doz. cases...... case 2 00 3 50 Zomakine, 4-oz, cans...... cancan 1 00 Tar, Pine, 1 gal., Y%-doz. cases...... case 1 50 1 50 LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. Tartar, Emetic, cryst., 1-lb. cartons...... lb 38 60 r. .. ..ft 05 BRANDIES—IMPORTED Emetic, powd., 1-lb. cartons...... lb 37 Cognac, Hennessey, Viths...... gal 1 00 Cognac, Hennessey, 5-gal. keg...... galgal 6 75 Terebene...... lb 60 imme Cognac, Otard Dupuy, Viths...... galgal 6 50 50 Cognac, Otard Dupuy, 5-gal. keg...... galgal 6 75 Terpin Hydr, 1-oz. cart., M. C. W., Merck., .oz 08 04 3 00 Hydrate, Merck, M. 0. W ...t ^ ...... lb 55 Cognac, Reli IssU, Viths...... gal Turpentine, spirits...... bbl 60. 65 D Cognac, Reli Issu, 10-gal. keg...... 3 15 Terpinol, 1-oz. vials...... oz 47 45 Cognac. Reli Issu, 5-gal. keg...... galgal 3 25 . . . f t 30 Cognac. Sagerac, Viths... — ...... gal 2 90 Terra Japonica (gambler)...... lb 10 ... .ft 08 Cognac, Sagerac, 10-gal. keg...... gal 2 96 50 Cognac, Sagerac, 5-gal. keg...... 3 00 Thiol, powd ...... oz 1 00 75 BRANDIES—CALIFORNIA. Liquid..,...... oz 40 20 to gal. 1 00 Barton’s, bbls...... gal 2 45 1 25 Barton’s, V4-bbls...... gal 2 50 Thymol, pure, 1-oz. vials, M. C. W., Merck..oz 23 Barton’s. 10-gal. keg...... ». gal 2 60 25 Dreyfus, Vi-bbls...... V...... gal.. ■ gal 2 50 Thymol, 1-lb. bottles...... 2 45 Dreyfus, 10-gal. kegs...... gal 2 55 1 00 Tin, Foil, heavy...... lb 25 Kohler & Frohling, V4-bbls...... , 2 50 Foil, medium...... lb 30 90 Kohler & Frohling, 10-gal. keg...... galgal 2 55 Foil, tissue...... lb 35 Lachmann’s Vi-bbls...... gal 2 50 Muriate, cryst...... lb 32 57 Lachmann’s. 10-gal. keg...... gal 2 50 Muriate, sol...... lb 17 42 Meadow Valley, Vi-bbls...... gal 2 15 Oxymuriate, Sol...... lb 22 Nitrate, 37 Meadow Valley, 10-gal. kegs...... galgal 2 20 Oxide, B lack...... lb 125 47 Pacific Slope, Vi-bbls...... — gal 2 15 Oxide, White...... lb 80 Pacific Slope, 10-gal. k eg ...... gal 2 20 Urethane...... oz 54 Sonoma, Vi-bbls...... gal 2 10 ^faa^tnre, Aconite, leaves...... lb 50 Urotropln, Scherring’s...... oz 6060 Sonoma, 10-gal. keg...... gal 2 15 Aconite, root...... fl> 50 Stearnes. Vi-bbls...... gal 2 50 Aloes ...... lb 50 60 Stearnes, 10-gal. keg...... gal 2 55 Aloes and Myrrh...... lb 50 60 Vina, ’92, Vi-bbls...... gal 5 25 Arnica Flowers...... , ...... lb 50 1 00 Vina, ’95, Vi-bbls...... • gal 4 85 Vina, '96, V4-bbls...... — gal 4 65 Asafcetlda...... lb 50 2 40 Belladona...... lb 50 Peach, California...... -gal 3 50 Benzoin...... lb 60 ....tb 35 Peach, Tennessee...... gal 3 00 Benzoin, comp...... lb 60 ....ft 70 BRANDY—BLACKBERRY. Blood Root...... lb 50 ....ft 40 Monarch, bbls ...... gal 75 Bryonia...... lb 60 1 35 • Monarch, Vi-bbls...... gal 80 Monarch, 10-gal. keg...... • gal 85 Buchu...... lb 50 ....ft 10 Cactus, grand...... lb 90 Monarch, 5-gal. keg...... ■ gal 90 . .lb 30 Seneca Castle, 10-gal. keg...... galgal 95 Calendula...... ;.«b 60 ....ft 30 Cannabis, Ind...... '...... lb 65 Seneca Castle, 5-gal. keg...... gal 1 00 ..., 1b 25 Clarks, 10-gal. keg...... gal 75 Cantharides...... lb 60 15 Capsicum...... lb 50 Clarks. 5-gal. keg...... gal 80 ....ft 25 Eclipse, bbls...... gal 70 Cardamom...... lb 75 r...ft 30 Cardamom, comp...... n> 60 Eclipse, Vi-bbls...... gal 75 Catechu...... lb 50 ....ft 35 BRANDY—DOMESTIC. Celandine...... lb 50 36 Cognac, bbls., 90%...'...... gal gal 1 60 Cinchona...... lb 60 .. ..ft as Cognac, Vi-bbls., 90% ...... gal■ gal 1 65 Cinchona, comp...... lb 60 ...-lb 65 Cognac, 10-gal. keg, 90%...... gal 1 70 Cinnamon.,...... lb 50 ... ft 50 Cognac, 5-gal. keg, 90%...... • gal 1 75 C och ineal..,...... lb 60 ....ft 35 Cognac, bbls., 100%...... gal 1 70 Cohosh, black...... lb 50 ....ft 24 Cognac, Vi-bbls., 100%...... gal 1 75 Oolchicum. Root...... lb 50 l£ ft 03 Cognac, 10-gal. keg, 100%...... • gal 1 80 Colchicum Seed...... lb 50 .case 1 80 Cognac. 5-gal. keg, 100%...... • gal 1 85 Columbo, ...... lb 50 .... ft 15 Apricot, Eagle Brand, Vi-bbls...... gal 3 00 Conlum...... lb 50 2 75 Apricot, Eagle Brand, 10-gal kegs...... galgal 3 10 Cubebs...... lb 50 Johnson, Po., 3 75 Apricot, Eagle Brand.^Hpl. kegs...... gal 3 15 Curcuma...... lb 50 ,. ..ft 35 Digitalis,.,,.,,...... lb 50 1 75 Clark’s Juniper Gin, 10’s...... gal 1 35 Ergot...... lb 60 Anderson, Po., 1-lb cans. 3 50 Eagle, 10’s...... gal 1 85 Ergot, ethereal__ .-...... -...... lb 75 3 50 Eagle, 5’s...... gal 1 90 Eucalyptus...... lb 60 ...ft 1 12 Old Tom, 10’s ,...... gal 1 75 Galls...... lb 50 __1b Old Tom, 5’s...... gal 1 85 1 17 Schufeldt’s Imperial, 90%,10’s...... gal 1 75 Gelsemium...... ft 65 ...ft Gentian lb 50 50 Schufeldt’s Imperial, 100%, 10’s...... gal 1 85 Gentian, comp,-.•...... lb 50 ...ft 65 Schufeldt’s Rye Malt, 10s...... gal 1 90 Ginger...... lb 50 . ..ft 60 Lighthouse, Imported, Viths...... gal 3 50 Guaiac...... lb 60 ... 1b 60 RUM-DOMESTIC. Gualac, Am m on...... lb 75 ...ft 90 Jamaica, Vi’s, imported...... gal 4 50 ....ft 1 25 Jamaica, 10’s...... gal 2 15 Hyosclamus...... lb 50 ...ft 50 Hydrastis ...... 1b 50 Iron. Jamaica, 5’s...... gal 2 20 Iodine .w ...... v.v.v...... ft 90 ...ft 1 25 New England, Vi-bbls— ,...... gal 2 00 Iodine, colorless...... 1b 1 00 75 New England, 10’s...... gal 2 10 Iodine, comp...... 1b 9i> Tar 35 WINE—CALIFORNIA. Ipecac.'...... lb l 00 ...ft 08 Angelica, Barton’s, bbls...... gal 90 Ipeeac, O p iu m ...... lb l 00 .. ,1b 05 Angelica, Barton’s, Vi-bbls..,...... gal 95 Iron Acetate...... '...... ft 50 ...ft 05 Angelica, Barton’s, 10-gal. kegs...... gal 1 00 Iron, muriate...... lb 35 10 Angelica, Vi-bbls...... gal 85 Jalap..,.,...... lb 60 ...ft 17 Angelica, 10’s...... gal 90 Kino...... lb 60 ...ft 05 Muscatel, Vi-bbls...... ,...... gal 85 Lobelia...... lb 50 ...ft 06 Muscatel, 10’s...... gal 90 Lobelia, ethereal...... lb 75 ...ft 08 Port, Barton’s, bbls...... gal 1 00 Matlco...... lb 75 30 Port, Barton’s, Vi-bbls— ...... \ ...... gal 1 05 Myrrh et Oapsic...... lb 60 35 Port, Barton’s, 10-gal. kegs...... gal 1 10 Nux Vomica...... lb 50 ...ft 27 Port, Vi-bbls...... gal 90 Opium, U.-S. P .,....,,.,...... ft l 00 Port, 10’s...... *;.gal 95 Opium, Vt-oz vials-...... doz 60 ... 1b 30 Sherry, Barton’s, bbls...... gal 1 00 Opium, 1-oz v ia ls...... doz 90 ...ft 26 Sherry, Barton’s, Vi-bbls...... gal 1 05 Opium, 2-oz vials...... doz 150 39 Sherry, Barton’ s, 10-gal. kegs...... gal 1 10 Opium, camphorated...... lb 50 26 Sherry, Vi-bbls...... i ...... gal 85 Opium, Camphorated, 1-oz vials...... doz 75 17 . Sherry, 10’s ...... ,.gal 90 Opium, camphorated, 2-oz vials...... doz 1 25 24 IMPORTED. Opium, camphorated, 4-oz vials...... doz 2 00 24 Port, Croft’s Vi tbs...... gal 3 00 Opium, deodorized...... lb 125 09 Port. Dona Marla, Viths...... gal 2 90 Orange Peel...... lb 50 ...ft 22 Port, Tarragona, 5iths— ...... gal 1 75 Quassia...... ; s ft 45 ...ft 12 Sherry, I. W. B., Viths...... gal 2 25 Rhatany...... lb 50 Chloride, sol., medicinal. 19 Sherry, J. G, B., Viths...... •••■■ ■■...... gal 1.75 LIQUORS—Cont. LIQUORS—Cont. LIQUORSCont. WHISKIES. Gin. Whiskey— Continued. Clarke’s Juniper Gin, q ts ...... doz 8 50 Old Taylor. Bottled in Bond. BARREL QUOTATIONS. Clarke’s Juniper Gin, 5’s...... doz 8 00 54-Gal., 54-dozin case...... case 13 50 Anderson Co. S. M., spg98’ ...... gal 2 30a Eagle...... doz 8 00 5’s, 1 doz in case...... case 9 50 Anderson Co. S. M, ’00...... gal 2 00 Gordon, dry...... doz 9 75 Pints, 2 dozen in case...... case 11 50 Carter Bourbon, spg ’96...... gal 2 75a Old Tom, Burnett’s, Imp’td...... doz 10 00 54-Pints, 4 dozen in case...... case 13 50 Carter Bourbon, spg ’98...... g al 2 55A Old Tom, Richardson’s, 4’s...... doz 8 00 Popcorn...... doz 10 50 Clarke’s Pure Rye, spg ’93...... gal 2 90 Old Tom, Boothe’s...... doz 10 00 Overholt Pure Rye. Bottled in Bond. Clarke’s Pure Rye, spg ’95...... gal 2 75 Woolner Dry Gin...... doz 9 00 Clarke’s Pure Rye, spg ’9110’s...... gal 2 85 Quarts, round 1 doz cases...... case 11 50 Rum. Qts, square, 1 doz cases...... case 11 50 Clifford’s Rye. spg’98...... gal 2 35a Pint Flasks, doz cases...... case 12 Clifford’s Rye, spg ’99...... gal 2 15a New England...... doz 5 50 2 00 Clifford’s Rye, spg ’00...... gal 2 10A Negrita, Imported...... doz 18 00 54-Pt Flasks, 4 doz cases...... case 12 50 Clifford’s Rye, spg ’01 ...... gal 2 00A Jamaica, old...... doz 9 00 Spirits Frumenti Medic, pts...... doz 4 50 Clifford,s Rye, spg ’02...... gal 1 85A Sweet Briar, qt l doz cases...... case 8 50 Clifford’s Rye, spg ’03...... gal 1 80A Wine, Sour. pts, 2-doz cases...... case 9 00 Clifford’s Rye, spg ’04...... gal 1 65* Catawba, dry, Kelly Island...... doz 5 00 pts. Amb. bot. 2 doz cases...... case 8 00 Elk Run Bourbon, spg ’93...... gal 2 60 Claret, St. Julien...... doz 5 00 54-pts, Amb. bots.4doz...... case 9 00 Elk Run Bourbon, spg ’98...... gal 2 25 Claret, Zinfandel, R. D. Co.’s...... doz 3 50 Tom Moore, Bottled in Bond. Elk Run Bourbon, spg ’99...... ,.. gal 2 10 Claret, Zinfandel, Rose’s...... doz 5 00 Quarts, 1-doz. case ...... case 11 00 Elk Run Bourbon, spg ’00...... 1 85 Sherry. Rose’s Sunny Slope...... doz 6 00 5s, 1-doz. case...... case 9 50 Elk Run Bourbon, spg ’01...... 1 80 Sherry, R. D. Co.’s ...... doz 5 00 Pints, 2-doz. case...... case 12 00 Virginia Seedling...... doz 5 00 54-pints, 4-doz. case...... case 13 Oo Elk Run Bourbon, spg ’02...... gal 1 85 1-10 pints, 20 in case...... case 15 50 Elk Run Bourbon, spg ’03...... gal 1 75 Wine, Sweet. Western Club Rye, qts...... case 8 50 Elk Run, spg ’04...... gal 1 65* Angelica, R. D. Co.’s...... doz 4 50 Western Club Rye, pts...... case 9 50 Fair Oaks Bourbon, fall ’99...... gal 2 00 Angelica. Rose’s Sunny Slope...... doz 7 00 Western Club Rye. 54-pts...... case 10 50 Fair Oaks Bourbon, sp g’01...... - ...... gal 1 85 Muscatel, R. D. Co.’s ...... doz 5 50 White and Black Scotch...... doz 13 50 Finchtown Rye, spg ’03...... gal 1 70 Muscatel, Rose’s Sunny Slope...... doz 8 00 Finch town Bourbon, spg ’03...... gal 1 70 Maderia, old...... doz 7 00 Glen more, spg ’03...... gal l 75 Port, R. D. Co...... doz 7 00 Golden Sheaf Rye, spg. ’97...... gal 2 50 a Port, Rose’s old...... doz 9 00 MINERAL WATERS Golden Sheaf Rye, spg’99...... gal 2 20a Tokay, Rose’s— ...... doz 5 50 Golden Sheaf Bourbon, spg ’98...... gal 2 25a m’t in Price Per Golden Sheaf Bourbon, spg’99...... gal 2 15A Whiskey. case per case doz. Hermitage Rye, 1890...... gal 4 00* Anderson, Bottled in Bond. Abalena, qts...... 50 $10 00 $2 75 Hermitage Bourbon, spg’96...... gal 3 75a 5’s, 1 doz. in case...... case 9 00 Allruez, 54-gal., still...... 12 5 25 5 35 Hermitage Bourbon, spg’98...... gal 3 40A pts. 2 doz. in case...... case 10 50 Allouez, quarts, carbonate ... 50 7 50 2 00 Hermitage Bourbon, spg’99...... gal 2 65A 14pt.,4doz-in case...... case 11 50 Apenta, q ts ...... 50 9 00 2 35 Hermitage Bourbon, spg 1901...... gal .2 55 A Canadian Club, Bottled in Bond. Apenta, Splits...... 100 9 50 1 10 Hermitage Bourbon, spg 1900...... gal 2 45A qts, 1 doz. cases...... case 12 50 Apollinaris, quarts...... 50 8 50 2 15 Hermitage Bourbon, spg 1902...... gal 2 35A pts., 16in case...... case 13 50 100 12 00 1 50 Hermitage Bourbon, 1903...... gnl 2 10* 54-pts., 32 in case...... case 14 00 190 9 50 1 20 Medalion, spg 1901...... gal 2 25 12 4 25 Mercantile Club, spg’95...... gal 2 65a Clark’s Rye. Bottled in Bond. . 50 5 50 Melwood, spg ’96...... gal 2 65a qts., 1 doz cases...... case 11 00 Bethesda, pints, carbonated.. 100 7 50 McBrayer, J. A. Bourbon, spg ’95...... gal 2 60 5’s, 1 doz. cases...... case 9 50 Bethesda, splits, carbonated. 100 6 50 Old Taylor, spg '99...... gal 2 40A pts., 2 doz cases...... case 12 00 Bethesda Ginger Ale, quarts. 50 6 50 Old Taylor, spg ’00...... gal 2 15a >4-pts. 4 doz cases...... case 13 00 100 9 00 Old Taylor, spg ’01...... gal 2 00 1-5 pts. 10 doz cases...... case 15 00 12 3 75 4 00 Old Taylor, spg ’02...... gal 1 90 1-10 pts, 20 doz cases...... case 16 00 12 5 00 5 25 Sweet Briar Bourbon, sp g’98...... gal 2 35a Clifford’s Rye, Castalian, 12 8 00 8 25 Sweet BriaFBourbon, spg ’99...... gal 2 20A qts., 1 doz cases...... case 9 00 100 23 00 3 00 Sweet Briar Bourbon, spg ’00...... gal 2 OoA pts. 2 doz cases...... case 10 00 48 6 50 Sweet Briar Bourbon, spg’01 ...... gal 1 90A pts. amber, 2 doz cases...... case 10 50 48 6 50 1 75 Sweet Brier, spg ’02...... gal 1 85A %-pt. amber, 4 doz cases...... — .case 11 00 Hunyadi Janos...... 50 11 00 2 85 Sweet Br}er, sp g’03...... gal 1 80A Clifford’s Malt. Londonderry Lithia, 54-gal... 12 5 00 5’s, 1 doz in case...... case 7 00 Londonderry Lithia, quarts.. 50 7 50 2 25 FINE BLENDED WHISKIES. 100 10 50 1 50 Bell of Kentucky...... gal 2 00 Cream Rye. qts 1 doz cases...... case 12 00 100 8 50 1 20 Bell of Kentucky, 14-bbls...... gal 2 10 Cream Rye, pts, 2 doz cases...... case 13 00 24 6 50 3 35 Weller’s Star Rye, ys bbls...... gal 1 90 Dewar’s Old Highl’h Scotch...... doz 12 75 Pluto, concentrated, %-pts... 50 5 00 1 35 Weller’s Star Rye, 10 gal kegs...... gal 2 00 Guckenheimer Rye...... doz 10 00 Pluto, natural...... 24 3 50 1 85 Weller’s Star Bourbon, 70%...... gal 1 45 Golden Sheaf Bourbon. Pluto, Laxative, Splits...... 50 5 00 1 35 Weller’s Star Bourbon, 80%...... gal 1 55 Qts, 1 doz in case...... case 8 50 Red Raven Splits...... 50 5 00 I 35 Weller’s Star Bourbon, 90%...... gal 1 65 Pts, 2 doz in case...... case 9 50 50 12 00 3 25 Weller’s Star Bourbon, 100%...... gal 1 75 Golden Sheaf Rye. 12 5 50 5 60 Carter, J, G., 90%...... gal 1 85 Qts, 1 doz in case...... case 9 00 Stafford, carbonated, quarts.. 50 7 50 1 85 Coleman Rye...... gal 2 10 Pts, 2 doz i n case...... • • .case 10 00 Stafford, carbonated, pints... 100 10 50 1 40 Elk Club Rye...... gal 2 00 Hermitage Bourbon. Bottled in Bond. Vichy, Celestin, quarts...... 50 14 00 3 50 Elk Club Rye, 10-gal. kegs...... gal 2 10 5’s, 12 in case...... case 12 00 50 10 75 2 65 Golden Crown, 95%...... gal 2 00 Pints, 24 in case...... case 13 00 50 18 75 4 50 Honey Dew Bourbon, 80%...... gal 1 65 54 Pints, 48 in case...... case 15 50 12 5 00 5 40 Honey Dew Bourbon, 90%...... gal 1 75 1-5 Pints, 120 in case...... case 17 00 Honey Dew Bourbon, 100% .. , ...... gal 1 85 1-10 Pints, 240 in case...... case 20 00 Jackson Square...... gal 2 50 Hume Rye. Bottled in Bond. Long bbl. Bourbon, bbls...... gal 2 50 5’s, 1 doz in case...... case 10 00 Long bbl. Bourbon, 14’s...... gal 2 55 Pints, 2 doz in case...... case 11 00 DRY COLORS. MISCELLANEOUS Long bbl- Bourbon, 10 gal kegs...... gal 2 60 54 Pints. 4 doz in case...... case 12 00 PAINTERS’ SUPPLIES, Etc. Long bbl. Bourbon, 5 gal kegs...... gal 2 65 Hume Bourbon. Bottled in Bond. Magnolia Bourbon. 70%.....;______. gal 1 35 5’s, 1 doz in case...... case 10 00 Alabastlne, White, 5-ft pkgs, 100-lb case__ lb 10 Magnolia Bourbon, 80%...... gal 1 45 Pints, 2 doz in case...... case 11 00 All tints, 5-lb pkgs, 100-lb case...... B> 11 Magnolia Bourbon, 90%...... gal 1 55 54 Pints, 4 doz in case...... case 12 00 White, bbls and 34-bbls...... lb 09 Magnolia Bourbon, 100% ...... — gal 1 65 Hunter Rye, 5s...... doz 12 50 Discount, 40%. Malt, Star.85% ...... gal 1 75 Iler’sMalt, Aluminum L eaf...... pack 1 50 Malt, Superior...... gal 2 00 Qtsl doz in ca s e ...... case 7 50 Maryland Club Rye...... gal 3 25 Pints, 2 doz in case...... case 8 00 Black, Drop...... lb 10 Mount Sterling Rye...... gal 2 50 54 Pints. 4 doz in case...... case 9 00 Drop, powder...... 1b 12 Overton Rye...... gal 1 75 Jackson Square, qts...... doz 10 00 Iv o ry ...... lb 10 Overton Bourbon...... gal 1 75 Jackson Square, pts...... doz 5 50 Lamp, common, Is, !4s and Ms...... Ib 8@10 Old Jed Clayton Bourbon, 8 yrs...... gal 2 75 Jed Clayton Rye, qts...... case 10 50 Lamp, common, fingers...... 100 65 White Wheat, 100%...... gal 2 00 Jed Clayton Rye, pts...... case 11 50 Lamp, Germantown, Is, 54s and Ms...... ftl0©12 Jockey Clab. Bottled in Bond. Lamp, Eddy’s, Is, 54s and 54s...... ft23@26 Lead, Am erican...... lb 06 CASE GOODS. Spring ’92, 5’s 1 doz cases...... case 9 50 Louisiana Purchase, Quarts...... case 10 50 Lead, East India...... lb 13 Ale, Bass, 8-doz‘ bbls...... bbl. lot 1.90 doz 2 00 P in ts...... ; ...... case 11 50 Lead, German...... lb 08 Guinness Stout. 8-doz bbls, bbl lot 1 90 doz 2 00 54- Pints...... case 12 50 Blue, Celestial...... Ib 08 Ale, White Label...... r...... doz 2 10 Manhattan Cocktails...... doz 10 00 Chinese, lump...... Ib 50 Stout, White Label...... doz 2 10 Chinese, powdered...... lb 55 Meredith Diamond Club. C obalt...... Ib 25 Cases, 1-doz qt jugs...... case 11 50 Potier’s ...... ft 35 Brandy, Blackberry. Oases, 2-doz p t 3ugs...... case 12 50 doz 7 50 Prussian A, lump...... lb 45 Hungarian blackberry Juice, qts Cases, 3-doz 54-pt jugs...... case 11 50 Prussian A, powdered...... lb 45 Richardson’s, qts...... doz 5 50 Cases, 2-doz pts...... case 11 00 .doz 3 00 Prussian, Ridgewood...... ft 40 Richardson’s, pts...... Cases, 1-doz qt bottles...... case 10 50 Soluble...... lb 50 Cases, 50 pts screw to p ...... case 20 00 Ultramarine, H. B., 28-lb box, 15...... lb 18 case 12 00 Brandy, California. Cases, 50 54-pts screw top...... Brown,, Spanish...... :bbl 01...... lb 154-02 Richardson’s, qts...... doz 8 50 Meredith Malt, 1 doz cases...... case 8 50 Richardson’s, pts...... doz 4 50 O. F. C., 5’s ...... doz 12 50 Vandyke, American...... lb 03 Rose’s Sunny Slope, qts...... doz 10 00 Maryland Club. 5’s...... doz 13 00 Vandyke, German...... lb 10 Rose’s Sunny Slope, old, qts...... doz 12 00 Old Crow Bourbon; Bottled in Bond. Carmine, No. 40...... oz 40"'/ 5’s, 12 in ca se...... case 12 00 No. 40...... ft 4 00 Brandy, Cognac, Imported. Pints. 24 in case...... case 13 00 Diamond Dust...... 1b 35 ,/ Hennessy, * * * ...... doz 19 00 ?4-Pints. 48 2n case...... case 15 50 Emery, Cloth...... quire 60 Reli Issir...... 10 50 1-5 Pints,. 120 in case...... case 17 00 Paper, assorted 00 to 154...... ream 4 00 Belange * * * Cognac, Imported...... doz 15 00 1-10 Pints, 240 in case...... case 20 00 F lou r...... ft 07 Ponta *★ * Cognac, Imported...... doz 1800 Old Private Stock, qts...... doz 11 00 ..doz 6 00 Grain...... lb 10 Old Private Stock, pts 2-doz...... Flake White, English...... 1b 15 Champagne. Old Taylor...... doz 12 00 Old Time. Bottled in Bond. Frosting, White...... ft 35 White Top, Club special, qts, 1-doz 14 00 .case 9 00 White Top. Club special, pts. 2-doz 16 00 5s, 1 doz. in case — ...... Glass Cutters, Steel...... doz 1 00 Pints. 2 doz. in case...... case 10 00 Cook’s imperial, qts. 1-d oz...,...... case 14 00 .case 11 00 Glazier’s Points,...... doz 1 00 % Cook’s Imperial pts. 2-doz...... case 16 00 54 pints, 4 doz. in ca se...... 38 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

DRY COLORS, Etc.-Cont. COLORS IN O IL. Detroit White Lead Works Ready-Mixed Varnish Gloss Carriage Paints. t - Sherwin-Williams Colors in Oil. p: ■ Glue, No. 100...... bbls 14 ft 16 Discount, 40%. No. 300...... bbls 10 ft 12 First Quality. I. S. Sheet...... bbls 12% to 14% Quarts. Pints. % Pi itev. Ribbon...... ft 16 BLACKS. Black...... $0 75 45 30 ft 20 Blue ...... 75 45 30 F ish ...... bbls 16 ivory Drop Black...... ft 17 Yellow...... Ex. Ground...... bbls 12 ft 14 Eng. Coach Black...... ft 17 ...... 75 45 40 ...bbls 16 ft 18 Verdure Green...... 55 30 White A ...... Sign Painters,...... ft 19 Quaker Green...... White B ...... bbls 12 ft 16 Lamp Black...... ft 17 45 30 ■ White C...... bbls 11 to 15 Brewster Green...... 45 30 Gold Bronze, No. 4,000... ..ft 80 BLUES. Wine Color...... 75 45 30 ■ ■ No 5 000 ...ft 90 White...... 1 00 60 40 fe v .. Chinese Blue...... ft 51 Vermillion...... 1 00 60 40 • No. 6,000...... ft 1 00 Prussian Blue...... ft 44 Gold Leaf, Hasting, X X deep...... pack 7 50 Cobalt Blue...... ft 34 Hard Oil Finish. Ultramarine Blue...... ft 19 Gold Paint, Japanese, smal^...... doz 175 N et prices. Marsching’s, small...... doz "2 ""00 BROWNS. 1 50 Imperial, 1-gal. cans...... gal 10 90 Express, S. W. Co...... doz Raw Turkey Umber...... ft 14 Imperial, 5-gal, cans...... gal 85 ..set 1 10 Burnt Turkey Umber...... ' ...... ft 14 S.-W. Co. Premo, 1-gal. ca n s...... gal 1 10 Green, Chrome, com., kegs. ...ft 08 Raw Italian Sienna...... ft 15 S.-W. Co. Premo, 5-gal. cans...... gal 1 00 ...ft 10 Burnt Italian Sienna...... ft 15 S.-W. Co. pale, 1-gal. caus...... gal 1 50 .. .ft 12 Vandyke Brown...... ft 15 S.-W. Co, pale, 5-gal. cans...... gal 1 40 .. ft 15 S.-W. Co. plain, 1-gal. cans...... gal 1 40 ...ft 16 GREENS. S.-W. Co. plain, 5-gal. cans...... gal 1 30 ...ft 18 Paris Green...... ft 26 Berry Brothers’ Light, 1-gal. cans...... gal 1 60 Berry Brothers’ Light, 5-gal. cans...... gal 1 50 .. ft 14% Bronze Green...... ft 17 Green, Paris, S. S. F., arsenic, kegs. Chrome Green, L...... ft 16 Berry Brothers’ Walnut, 1-gal. cans...... gal 1 50 100-ft kegs...... to 15 Berry Brothers’ Walnut. 5-gal. cans...... gal 1 40 ...ft 16 Chrome Green. M...... ft 16 14, 28 and 56-lb kits...... Chrome Green, D...... ft 16 Berry Brothers’ White, 1-gal. cans...... gal 2 75 ...ft 16 Berry Brothers’ White, 5-gal. cans...... gal 2 65 ...ft 17 REDS. ...ft 18 ...ft 19 Orinoco Vermilion...... ft 34 English Verm illion...... ft 96 .doz 2 00 American Vermilion...... ft 20 VARNISHES. .doz 3 75 English Rose Lake...... ft 34 No charge for containers. 5 67 English Rose Pink...... ft 23 .doz 1 50 Tuscan Red...... ft 18 R. D. Co. Imperial Varnishes. 2 50 Turkey Red...... to 18 10 gal. 5 gal 4 00 Bright Tuscan Red...... ft 21 Bbls. % bbls. cans. cans 1 75 Indian Red...... ft 16 45 50 55 60 1 85 English Venetian R e d ...... ft 10 70 75 80 85 2 00 1 05 1 10 1 15 2 25 YELLOWS. 65 70 75 80 .. gal 85 00 05 1 00 Mineral Paint. English Chrome Yellow, L ...... ft 22 .. gal English Chrome Yellow, M...... ft 1 00 1 05 1 10 1 15 Chatanooga...... bbls % 1© 1% 22 1 10 1 15 1 20 1 25 2@ 2% English Chrome Yellow, O...... ft 22 Prince’s...... bbls 1% English Chrome Yellow, Do...... ft 22 40 45 50 55 Rawlins’ ...... bbls 1% Golden Ochre...... ft 14 30 35 40 45 Ochre, Gray ...... bbls 1 1%@2 Yellow Ochre ...... ft 10 Genuine Shellac.. 2 35 2 40 2 45 2 50 American...... bbls % 1©2 90 95 1 00 1 05 French...... bbls i%@2% Sherwin-Williams Floor Paints. Co.’s House Painters and French Floated...... bbls 1 i %@.2 BEADY FOB USE. Golden...... bbls 1 i %@2 Decorators Varnishes. 2©3 In gallons...... gal $1 00 Rochelle...... bbls 1% %-gallons...... gal 1 05 Less 33%%. Gal. cans Orange Mineral...... ft 10 Quarts...... gal 1 10 Finest White Enamel Varnish...... 1500 Paint Mills, No. 2...... each 7 50 Durable Spar Varnish...... 4 50 No. 3...... each 6 00 Durable Wood Finish, Exterior...... 4 50 Putty, pure, 100-lb cans...... ft 02 Durable Wood Finish, Interior...... *... 3 00 Putty, pure, 50-lb cans...... ft 02 % WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD AND Durable Floor Varnish...... 2 75 Putty, pure, 25-lb cans...... ft 02% Crystal Paper Varnish...... 3 50 Putty, pure. Bladder...... ft2%@2% LITHARGE. Damar Varnish...... 2 70 Pumice Stone, Select Lump...... ft 12 Southern Co’s and St. L. Red Seal strictly Hard Drying Oak...... 2 70 Ordinary...... ft 08 pure white lead, 500 lb. lots...... ft 06% Cabinet Bubbing...... 2 25 Powdered...... ft 08 No. 1 Coach...... '...... 2 00 Dry White Lead, in boxes or kegs...... ft 06% Paemo Coach...... 1 65 Red. Indian, English...... ft 10 Dry Red Lead, in boxes or kegs...... ft 06% Interior Coach...... 1 50 Lowe’s Metalic...... bbls 9-10 ft 1%@2 Litharge, in boxes or kegs...... ft 06% Extra Furniture Varnish...... 1 80 Tuscan...... ft 15 Strictly Pure White Lead, 5-ft cans...... ft 07% No. 1 Furniture Varnish...... 1 50 Venetian, American...... bbls 85 cwt ft 1@2 Strictly Pure White Lead, 3-ft cans...... ft 08 Premo Furniture Varnish...... 1 25 Venetian, Derby...... bbls 1% ft 2@2% Strictly Pure White Lead, 2-ft cans...... ft 08% Gold Size Japan...... 3 50 Venetian, English...... bbls 1% ft 2%@3 Strictly Pure White Lead, 1-ft cans...... ft 09 Coach Painters Japan...... 2 25 Venetian, Prince Albert...... bbls 1% ft 2@3% Strictly Pure White Lead, ass’td Is to 5s__ ft 08 Oxolene Dryer...... 1 95 Venetian, Royal___ bbls 1% ft 2@2% Columbia White Lead, ass’td Is to 5s...... ft 07 Dry Oxolene...... -...... 1 05 Rose, pink...... ft 12 Imperial White Lead, kegs...... ft 04% Hammar White Lead...... ft 06% Japan Dryer...... 90 , No. 1...... ft 02 Finest Turpentine Asphaltum ...... 1 80 E. & F., bbls 280 lbs...... bbl 4 50 No. 1 Asphaltum...... 1 00 G or No. 1, bbls 280 lbs...... bbl 4 30 READY-MIXED PAINTS, VARNISHES, Premo Asphaltum...... 75 K or Low Pale, bbls 280 lbs...... bbl 5 25 ETC. M or Pale, bbls 280 lbs...... bbl 6 00 Berry Brothers Coach Varnishes. W. G., bbls 280 lbs...... bbl 6 50 Richardson Drug Co’s Columbian. Discount, 25%. Sanitary Kalsomlne, White...... ft 10 Ready-Mixed Paints 4 00 Tints...... ft 11 Outside and Inside White—Nos. 64, 42,14, 34, 5, 4 50 White, 100-ft kegs...... ft 09 10,93,41, 24, 17,30, 23, 51, 4,43. 26, 28, 66, 91, 62, 53. Less 50%. Gallons...... gal 1 00 6 Sand Paper, Arlington...... ream 2 50 % gallons...... gal 1 05 6 00 Flint. B. A. & Co’s...... ream 3 00 Quarts...... gal 1 10 5 50 Sienna, Burnt, American...... ft 04 No. 40—Green. No. 82—Yellow. 5 00 Burnt, Italian ...... ft 08 4 50 Raw, American...... ft 04 Gallons...... gal 1 25 4 50 Raw. Italian ...... ft 08 % gallons...... gal 1 30 Quarts...... gal 1 35 2 50 Silver L eaf...... pack 1 50 • gal 5 00 Smalts, Black...... ft 08 No. 80—Vermillion. 4 00 B lu e...... ft 10 Gallons...... gal 1 50 • gal 4 50 Blue Grass...... ft 20 % gallons...... gal 1 55 4 00 Brown...... ft 08 Quarts...... gal 1 60 • gal 2 00 Green...... ft 10 4 00 R ed ...... ft 12 Columbian Barn and Roof Paints. Valentine’s Coach Varnishes, Umber, Burnt American...... ft 02 Brown, Red, and Slate. FINISHING. Burnt Turkey...... ft 05 Barrels...... gal 65" Raw American...... ft 03 % barrels...... gal 70 6 00 Raw T u rkey...... ft 05 5 and 10 gallon kits...... gal 72% gal 6 00 Vermilion, American, bulk...... ft 14 1 gallon cans...... gal 75 • gal 5 00 American, 6- ft cans...... : ...... ft 16 • gal 4 50 Chinese...... ft 1 25 •gal 2 50 English...... ft 95 Neal’s Carriage Paints. RUBBING. White,Paris, Am ...... bbl 1 20 ft 1%@2 Discount 40%. 5 00 Paris, English...... bbl 1 25 ft 1%@2% Astd. case 4 00 Whiting, Gilders...... bbl 110 ft 1%©2 contains 3 00 Spanish...... bbl 1 00 ft 114@2 Qt. Pt. %-Pt. Qt. Pt. %I . gal 4 50 Raven Coach Black.$0 75 $0 45 SO 30 6 .ft 14 6 6 4 00 Citron Y ellow __ ... 75 45 30 1 2 2 1 50 .ft 10 Vermillion...... 75 45 30 1 2 2 .ft 06% Brilliant Blue...... 75 45 30 1 2 2 MISCELLANEOUS. .ft- 10 Acme Wine...... 75 45 30 1 2 2 4 00 .ft 10 Coach Green...... 75 45 30 1 2 2 . gal 4 00 .ft 09% Carmine R ed ...... 75 45 30 1 2 2 3 50 .ft 09 Brewster Green...... 75 45 30 1 2 2 1 85 .ft 10 White...... 75 45 30 1 2 2 4 00 . ft 12 List Price of regular assorted case $27. 4 00 OMAHA DRUGGIST. 39 ’;$m -M

GLASSWARE. CLASSWARECont. Miscellaneous. Green Glassware. Imperial Ovals. Tin Ointment Boxes. Full Less than Gro. Plain and Bound Shoulder Prescriptions. Cases full cases Capacity % -oz., plain, tin...... $0 34 14-oz., -gross cases...... gro t 80 1 92 i-oz. 43 NARROW MOUTH. 6 14-oz., Full Less than 1- oz., 6-gross cases...... gro 188 2 00 2- oz., 5-gross cases...... gro 2 10 2 24 1- oz., Oases full Cases 114-oz., 1 16 1 92 3- oz., 4-gross cases...... gro 2 63 2 80 34-oz., 6-gross boxes...... gro 1 62 4- oz., 3-gross cases...... gro 3 08 3 22 2- oz., 1 38 1-oz., 6-gross boxes...... 2 00 214-oz., 1 55 2-oz., 5-gross boxes...... gro 1 89 2 44 6-oz., 214-gross cases...... gro 3 68 3 92 -oz., 2-gross cases ...... gro 4 20 4 48 3- oz., 1 90 3-oz., 4-gross boxes...... 2 64 8 4- oz., 2 15 4-oz., 3-gross boxes...... gro 2 77 3 28 12-oz., 1-gross cases.:...... gro 5 40 5 76 16-oz., 1-gross cases...... gro 6 08 6 48 8-oz., 3 40 6-oz., 234-gross boxes___ ...... gro 3 31 3 92 9 84 16-oz., 5 15 8-oz., 2-gross boxes...... gro 3 78 4 48 32-oz., %-gross cases ...... gro 9 23 16-oz., 1-gross boxes...... 6 48 Assorted. y% to 8-oz., 1-gross cases.. 3 15 Assorted, V% to 8-oz., 1-gross boxes 2 84 Beaker Glasses. Ball Neck Panels—Full size. WIDE MOUTH. No. 00, 1-oz...... 80* 34-oz,, 6-gross cases .... 2 03 2 40 No. 0, 2-oz...... 90* Full Less than 1- oz.,6-gross cases, .... 2 16 2 54 No. 1, 3-oz...... 1 20* Cases full cases 114-oz., 5-gross cases, .... 2 36 2 80 No. 2, 5-oz...... 1 35 ★ 34-oz., 6-gross boxes.. .. 2 00 114-oz., 5-gross cases, .... 2 57 3 04 No. 3, 7-oz. ... 2 00* 1-oz., 6-gross boxes...... 2 08 1 %-oz., 5-gross cases, .... 2 70 3 20 No. 4 ,11-oz...... doz 2 65* 2-oz., 5-gross boxes...... 2 32 2- oz., .... 2 77 3 28 No. 5, 16-oz...... 3 30 ★ 3-oz., 4-gross boxes ...... 2 88 2ys-oz.. ... 2 90 3 44 No. 6, 24-oz...... 4 20 ★ 4-oz., 3-gross boxes...... 3 44 3- 3-gross oz.. cases. ... 3 11 3 68 No. 7, 34-oz...... 5 00* 6-oz., 234-gross boxes. ... 4 08 4- 3-gross oz., cases. .... 3 58 4 24 8-oz., 2-gross boxes...... 4 64 6-oz., 2-gross cases, .... 4 52 5 32 Doz. 16-oz., 1-gross boxes...... gro 5 94 6 80 8-oz., 1 %-gross cas

MISCELLANEOUS.—Cont. MISCELLANEOUS.—Cont. MISCELLANEOUS-Cont. Corks—5-gross bags—Net prices. Circle A Circle A Evaporating Dishes. Each Mortars. Each Regular Extra Porcelain, No. 00, 214-in., 1-oz... $0 20 Porcelain, deep, No. 4, 4-oz...... 50 Length Long Porcelain, No. 0, 3-in., 154-oz. 25 Porcelain, deep, No. 3. 414-oz...... 65 Gro. Gro. Porcelain, No. 1, 314-in., 2-oz. 30 Porcelain, deep, No. 2 ,1114-oz...... 80 No. 0...... 10 34 10'28 Porcelain, No. 2, 3%-in., 3-oz.. 35 Porcelain, deep, No. 1, 17-oz...... 1 00 No. 1 28 Porcelain. No. 3, 4-in., 4-oz.. 40 Porcelain, deep, 1-0, 27-oz...... 1 25 No. 3 28 Porcelain, No. 4, 414-in., 6-oz.. 45 Porcelain, deep, 2-0, 32-oz...... 1 50 No. 3 . 36 Porcelain, No. 5, 4%-in., 8-oz.. 55 Porcelain, shallow, No. 4, 6-oz...... 60 No. 4. 42 Porcelain, No. 6, 5%-in.. 12-oz.. 65 Porcelain, shallow, No. 3. 10-oz...... 75 No. 5. 50 Porcelain, No. 7, 714-in., 1-pint, 80 Porcelain, shallow, No. 2, 16-oz...... 1 00 No. 6. 58 Porcelain, No. 8, 854-in., 1-quart...... 1 00 Porcelain, shallow, No. 1, 16-oz...... 1 15 No. 7. 76 ______Porcelain,. ___No. 9 ,1014-in., 14-gal...... 1 75 Porcelain, shallow, i-0, 30-oz...... 1 75 No. 8. 93 Porcelain, No. 10,1154-in., 3-quart...... 2 75 Wedge wood, 0000, 2-oz. No. 9. 1 00 Porcelain, No. 11,132£-in., 1-gal...... 3 00 Wedgewood, 000, 4-oz...... No. 10...... 1 04 1 40 Porcelain. No. 12,16-in., 2-gal...... 4 00 Wedgewood, 00. 6-oz...... No. 1 to 6 assorted...... 36 40 Iron Enameled, 6-in., pint...... 30 Wedgewood, 0, 8-oz...... No. 2 to 6 assorted...... 36 44 Iron Enameled, 8-in., quart...... 45 Wedgewood, No. 1, 10-oz No. 3 to 6 assorted...... 40 48 Iron Enameled, 10-in., 14-gallon...... 55 Wedgewood, No. 2, 16-oz Circle B Circle B Iron Enameled, 13-in., 1-gallon ...... 1 00 Wedgewood, No. 3, 24-oz Iron Enameled, 16-in., 2-gallon...... 1 80 Wedgewood, No. 4, 36-oz Taper Ex. Long Iron Enameled, graduated. 12-oz...... 60 Wedgewood, No. 5, 56-oz...... 1 00 No. 0...... 10 15 $0 18 Iron Enameled, graduated, 40-oz ...... 1 10 Wedgewood, No. 6, 72-oz...... 1 20 No. 1...... 15 18 Iron Enameled, graduated, 96-oz...... 1 50 Wedgewood, No. 7, 6-pints...... 1 50 No. 2...... 16 18 Wedgewood, No. 8, 8-pints...... 2 00 No. 3...... 19- 34 Filtering Racks. Each Wedgewood, No. 9, 10-pints...... 2 25 No. 4...... :.... 23 26 5-inch...... $0 40 Wedgewood, No. 10, 12-pints— ...... 2 50 No. 5...... 27 33 7-inch...... 50 Wedgewood, No. 11,15-pints. .■...-...... 3 00 No. 6...... 30 38 9-inch...... 65 Wedgewood, No. 12,17-pints...... 3 50 No. 7...... 40 52 12-inch...... 75 No. 8...... v 48 63 Each No. ,9 ...... 57 72 Funnels—Glass. Per 500 Per 500 1- o z ...... 10 10 M-lb ...... $0 30 -lb___...... 81 44 No. 10...... 70 1 00 10 8 No. 1 to 6...... 23 26 2- o z ...... H- lb ...... 36 10-lb...... 1 56 4 -oz...... 10 1-lb ...... 4g -lb...... 1 89 N o. 2 to 6...... 33 28 12 12 No. 3 to 6...... 25 30 8- o z ...... 1% -lb...... 50 14-lb...... 2 59 Pint ...... 15 2-lb ...... 60 16-lb...... 2 70 Corks—Rubber. Scale same as Regular. Quart...... -...... 18 3-lb ...... 75 20-lb...... 3 00 Gro 14-gallon...... So 4-lb ...... 87 25-lb...... 3 30 1-gallon...... 40 $0 50 5-lb ...... 1 02 30-lb...... 3 90 No. 1. Ribbed. 8-oz...... IS 6-lb .... 35-lb...... 4 50 No. 2. 55 Ribbed, pint...... 18 No. 3.. 70 Ribbed, quart ...... 2o Paper—Filtering, French. GRAY. WHITE. No. 4.. 85 Ribbed, 14-gallon...... 35 ROUND pack pack No. 5.. 1 05 Hard Rubber, No. 0, 4-oz...... 25 No. 7— 3-inch...... $0 10 No. 6.. 1 30 Hard Rubber, No. 1, 8-oz...... 35 No. 10— 4-inch...... 16 No. 7.. 1 60 Hard Rubber, No. 2, pint...... 40 No. 13— 5-inch...... 19 No. 8.. 2 00 Hard Rubber, No. 3, quart...... 50 No. 15— 6-inch...... !0 18 22 N o. 9.. 2 35 No. 19— 8-inch...... 22 28 No. 10. 2 80 Glass Tubing. No. 25—10-inch...... 28 35 Ya to %-ln...... 16 SO 40 No. 33—13-inch...... 44 52 Paper Bottle Cap. Colors white, purple, pink, 14 to 1-in...... » 60 green, orange, yellow. No. 40—15-inch...... 56 65 Gro. Graduates—Glass. Each No. 45—18-inch...... 72 80 No. 1, for 54-oz bottle...... $0 25 1- dram...... SO 20 No. 50—20-inch...... 80 1 00 No. 2, for 1-oz. bottle...... 25 2- dram...... 20 No. 65—26-inch...... 2 50 3 00 No. 3, for 2 and 3-oz. bottle... 25 14-oz...... 15 No. 80-31-inch...... 3 50 4 75 No. 4, for 4-oz. bottle...... 30 1- oz ...... '...... 15 No. 100—39-inch...... 5 25 6 00 No. 5, for 6 and 8-oz. bottle... 35 2- o z ...... 20 Square, 21x17...... quire 22 30 No. 6, for 12 and 16-oz. bottle. 40 3- o z ...... 25 Percolators—Glass. Each 4- o z ...... 30 Corks—Wine. Pints...... V...... *0 25 6- o z ...... 35 Quarts...... 40 Length, inches. XX X&XX Fine 8- o z ...... 40 -gallon...... 60 No. 7 ...... AVx...... gro 80 81 80 60 80 45 16-oz ...... 60 1- gal Ion. 75 No. 7...... 1 ...... gro 54 42 33 32-oz ...... 90 2- gallon.. 1 00 No. 7...... D/s...... 60 45 36 Metric, 14-oz—15-gram.. 20 No. 7...... gro 66 51 39 Metric, 1-oz—30-gram.. 20 Percolating Jars. Each No. 7...... gro 72 54 45 Metric, 2-oz—60-gram.. 25 Quart...... 10 65 No. 7...... 1/4...... gro 78 63 48 Metric. 4-oz—120-gram.. 35 54-gallon ...... 1 00 No. 7...... gro 96 72 54 Metric, 6-oz—200-gram.. 40 1-gallon...... 1 75 : ...A% ...... Metric, 8-oz—250-gram.. 55 No. 8...... 1 ...... 63 48 36 Pill Machines, with Side Rollers. Each No...... gro 69 51 39 Metric, 16-oz—500-gram 90 8 — 114...... Metric, 32-oz—1000-gram...... 1 35 For 12 pills...... S3 25 No. 8...... 78 57 42 For 18 pills...... 3 75 No. 8...... 1%...... gro 84 63 48 Sterling Graduates. Each For 24 pills...... 4 00 NO. 8...... iy * ...... 93 72 54 Single Scale Complete, 1-oz...... SO 30 No. 8...... 1M...... 1 08 80 93 2- oz...... 33 Pill Tiles. Each No. 9...... : ,,...1 ...... 74 54 42 3- oz...... 38 Porcelain, graduated, 6x8 ...... $0 75 No. 9...... ,...iy8...... 81 57 45 4- oz... 40 Porcelain, graduated, 8x10...... 1 00 No. 9...... IX ...... 87 66 48 8-oz...... 65 Porcelain, graduated, 10x12...... 150 No. 9...... ,..A% ...... 96 72 54 16-oz...... 85 Plate glass, graduated, 8-inch...... 85 No. 9...... '..l* ...... 1 02 81 60 Double 1- oz... 35 Plate glass, graduated, 10-inch...... 1 25 No. 9...... ,...l 34 ...... gro 1 20 87 72 2- oz.. 40 Plate glass, graduated, 12-inch...... 1 75 No. 10...... ,...1 ...... gro 78 57 45 3- oz... 50 Retort Stands. Each No. 10...... 1 %...... gro 84 63 51 4- oz... 55 No. 10...... gro 93 72 57 Iron, 3 rings...... $0 75 8-oz...... 90 Iron, 4 rings...... , ...... 100 No. 10...... gro 1 02 81 63 “ “ “ 16-oz...... 1 20 No. 10...... gro 1 14 86 69 Glass only, single scale 1-oz...... 19 Spatulas. Each No. 10...... 1 35 99 81 “ “ “ 2-oz...... 22 3- inch blade, cow handle . 18 Corks—Specie or jar. “ “ 3-oz...... 25 4- inch blade, cow handle . 20 Diameter. 54 in. % in. 54 in. “ “ “ 4-oz...... 25 5- inch blade, cow handle . 25 ... . 80 10 fO 11 80 13 “ ‘ “ 8-oz...... 44 6- inch blade, cow handle . 30 X ...... :-... “ “ “ 16-oz...... 63 7- inch blade, cow hundle . 35 i %:: “ “ double scale 1-oz...... 28 8- irich blade, cow handle . 45 XH.. “ “ “ 2-oz...... 31 10-inch blade, cow handle . 85 i « . . “ “ “ 3-oz...... 83 12-inch blade, cow handle . 1 20 1%;. 38 41 56 “ “ “ 4-oz...... 44

CARTER’S COPYING INKS. CARTER’S NEW CARMINE WRITING FLUID. Combined Writing and Copying.—Blue Black. This product has great brilliancy; does not affect and is not The original combined ink, easily first among products of its affected by steel pens; non-copying. class for nearly two generations. It writes dark blue from the pen, No. 381—Quarts (full capacity), light glass, with patent pour but quickly becomes an ineffaceable jet black. With the facile flow out, 1 dozen in a box; per doz...... > ...... $10.50 of a fluid, it gives one or two perfect copies.’ No. 382—Pints (full capacity), light glass, with patent pour out, 1 dozen in a box; per d oz...... 6.60 No. 1—Quarts, with patent pour out, 1 doz. in a box; per d o z... $7.20 No. 383—Half pints (full capacity), light glass, with hard No. 2—Pints, with patent pour out, 1 doz. in a box; per doz----- 4.50 rubber stopper, 1 doz. in a box; per doz...... 4.10 No. 3—Half pints, with pat. pour out, 1 doz. in a box; per d o z.. 3.00 No. 198—IX oz., Cylinder Stands, 1 doz. in a box; per gro...... 4.60 No. 4—% pints, with hard rubber top, 1 doz. in a box; per d o z.. 1.80 Per doz...... , .40 CARTER’S KOAL BLACK INK. CARTER’S HOUSEHOLD INKS. Writes a dark, bluish black at the start, does not thicken or injure No. 199—IX oz., assorted, green, blue, violet and red, square pens, and does not try the eyesight. An excellent ink for home use. stand, 1 doz. in a box; per gross...... $4.60 No. 71—Quarts, with pat. pour out, 1 doz. in a box; per d o z .... $6.00 Per doz...... 40 No. 72—Pints, with patent pour out, 1 doz in a box; per doz... 3.50 No. 73—Half Pints, with pat. pour out, 1 doz. in a box; per doz. 2.15 CARTER’S FOUNTAIN PEN INK. No. 75—2 oz., wide mouth Cones, 3 doz. in a box; per gro...... 5.00 No. 76—3 oz., wide mouth Cylinders, 3 doz. in a box; per g r o ... 7.00 Heaves nothing to be desired in color and free-flowing qualities. No. 77—2 ox., wide mouth Cyliders, 3 doz. in a box; per gro.... 4.50 The color is a brilliant blue, restful to the eyes from the very start, and quickly turning black. CARTER’S BLACK LETTER INK. No. 242—4 oz., French panel, with patent stopper and filler, 1 Writes black, dries blacker, stays blackest; the best of logwood dozen in a box; per doz...... $2.00 ink. No. 246—2 oz., French panel, hard rubber top, 3 dozen in a box, per d o z...... 75 No. 85—2 oz., wide mouth Cones, 3 doz. in a box; per box ...... $0.90 Per gross...... 3.40 No. 87X—2 oz., Columbian Cylinders, 3 doz. in a box; per box.. 0.90 CARTER’S PHOTO LIBRARY PASTE. Per gross...... 3.40 A quick and powerful adhesive, adapted equally to home and office uses and to delicate photographic work. It is pure white, of CARTER’S RAVEN BLACK INK. smooth consistency, and free from lumps or granules. Excellent and Inexpensive. No. 152—Quart Jars, flint glass, with screw cap, 1 dozen in a No. 115—2 oz., wide mouth Cones, 3 doz. in a box; per box...... $1.35 box; per doz...... $6.75 Per gross...... 4.95 No. 152X—Pint Jars, flint glass, with screw cap, 1 doz. in a No. 117—2 oz., wide mouth Cylinders, 3 doz. in a box; per box.. 1.25 box; per doz...... 4.30 Per gross...... 4.50 No. 155 X—1X‘°Z- Collapsible Tubes, 1 doz. in a box, per doz... .40 No. 157—2-oz. Cylinders, flint glass, with cap and brush, 3 doz. CARTER’S BLUE INK. in a box; per doz...... 40 Brilliant and Unchangeable in Color. CARTER’S COLLAPSIBLE BRUSH TUBES. No. 65—2 oz., wide mouth Cones, 3 doz. in a box; per box...... $1.30 Per gross...... 4.95 The climax of mechanical achievement in this line. The tubes are filled with a special paste which provides a ready feed for the CARTER’S WATERPROOF LAUNDRY INK. brush. Always in order and paste always in good condition. No. 292—Bach bottle packed in a cylindrical wood box, attract­ No. r265—2-oz. Collapsible Brush Tubes, in counter display ively labeled, and these in pasteboard boxes of 1 dozen boxes, 1 dozen in a box; per doz...... $0.75 each; per dozen...... f ...... $0.90 No. 265X—1-oz. Collapsible Brush Tubes, in counter display * boxes, 1 dozen in a box; per doz...... 40 CARTER’S INK ERASER. CARTER’S IDEAL WATER WELL PASTE. For removing ink blots from paper and eradicating ink and other stains from all kinds of cloth, carpets, desks, hardwood floors, etc. Far and away the most complete assortment of packages for those who prefer this popular type of paste holder. Several new principles No. 491—Put up in decorated tin boxes, with hinged covers, are here introduced, which greatly contribute to ease and economy of and these in counter display boxes of 1 doz. each; per d o z.. $2.00 operation. CARTER’S WRITING INKS. No. 264—4-oz. Flint Glass Jars, with side well for brush and Writing Fluid.—Blue Black. water, 1 dozen in a box; per dozen...... $1.20 The typical office ink, specially adapted to bookkeeping and all No. 266—3-oz. Flint Glass Jars, with central well for brush and water, 1 dozen in a box; per doz...... 80 uses where a free flowing, fine writing, permanent, non-fading ink is required. It writes a dark blue, which turns to a deep black on C A R TER ’S M UCILAGE. drying. It is one of the best examples of the nut gall and iron class This product is the delight of consumers and the despair of com' and is a staple of the stationery trade. petitors. It sticks like a car window. No. 11—Quarts, with patent pour out, 1 doz. in a box; per doz.. $5.40 No. 12—Pints, with patent pour out, 1 doz. in a box; per doz... 3.15 No. 242—4-oz. Wide Mouth Cylinders, patent adjustable brush, No. 13—Half pints, with pat. pour out, 1 doz. in a box; per doz. 1.95 1 dozen in a box. per d o z ...... 80 No. 16—3 oz., wide mouth Cylinders, 3 doz. in a box; per gro... 7.20 No. 344—2-oz. Columbian Cylinders, tin caps and handles, 1 No. 17X —2 pz., Columbian Cylinders, 3 doz. in a box; per gro.. 4.50 dozen in a box; per dozen...... 40

Send your orders early so shipments can be made before freezing weather.

Order from Richardson Drug Company. I 42 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

Wilcox Specific Medicine Co,

No. 329 N. 18th St. Established 1881. Incorporated 1885. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Capital Paid in $50,000.

Manufacturers of the Famous Wilcox Compound Pills of Tansy.

The Origina.1. — The ILelia.ble. — The Sta.nda.rd.

Advertised and sold everywhere by all the leading Druggists for the past 20 years Are now more extensively advertised than ever before and the sales have been doubled the past year over any other.

WilcojcTansy "Pills are the best and most reliable emmenagogue known, Safe, Sure and Reliable. Used annually by over 20,000 women with remarkable success. They are put up in neat and attractive form, being packed in white enamel tin boxes, printed in maroon and gold, are well known to the trade as a standard article and having a ready sale. Retail at $2.00 a box. Wholesale at $15.00 per dozen.

Wilcojc "Bin Ojcide o f Manganese.

All Druggists who sell Wilcox Tansy Pills should carry a stock of Wilcox Bin Oxide of Manganese Pills. Retail at $3.00 a box. Wholesale at $24.00 per dozen.


All leading Jobbers can supply you with our goods or order through RICHARDSON DRUG COMPANY. ts Vf^STT^r.i^' ~ ■’' *W*


Distilling Co .

Office: Masonic Temple, CINCINNATI,0.

These whiskies are made from the choicest grain the market affords, stored in heated warehouses and well matured. Ask your jobber for the “ Medal­ RICHARDSON DRUG CO„ lion.” You can ) i it in bond and have it shipped from U. S. bonded warehouse, if ou desire. Distributors,


fondonderiyL IT HIA W ATEILt



Most Effective as a Stimulus to Appe­ tite and an Aid to Digestion. Most Reliable as a Cure for Rheuma­ tism, Gout, Enlarged Joints and Kindred Complaints. Still Water, 12 half-gallon bottles to case.. .$5.00 Carbonated, 50 quart bottles to c a s e ...... 7.50 Carbonated, 100 pint bottles to case...... 10.50 Carbonated, 100 split bottles to case...... 8.50 10 Case Lots, Assorted, 25c per case Less.

For sale by Recognized, used and endorsed by Government Corporations, Miners, Richardson Drug Co, Liverymen and Farmers throughout the country as being the best healer, and thorough antiseptic. Wholesale Druggists, $ Omaha.. It is the best seller and the best business bringer. s. When ordering from Richardson Drug Co. write Diehl Chemical Co. for advertising proposition. 6-oz. box sells for 35c. Four times this size sells for $r.oo. 44 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

r Ammonol and Combinations: Ammonol Powdered. Ammonol Salicylate Powdered—In 1-ounce bot­ tles only. Ammonol Tablets. Ammonol Salicylate Tablets. Ammonol Lithiated Tablets. Ammonol Peptonate Tablets. Ammonol Bromide Tablets. r a o n o l Ammonol Camphorated Tablets. Ammonol with Camphor and Codeine Tablets. Ammonol with Ipecac and Opium Tablets. Ammonol with Quinine.

In five-grain flat oval tablets, put up <5he. stimulant in one-ounce bottles only. fctbical ffritipyretic anb flnahjfcsic

Ammonol is the ethical Antipyretic and Analgesic par excellence. Unlike other products which assume to produce the same effects Ammonol has stimu­ lating properties which prevent the untoward depression so often resulting disastrously in the case of these other agents. It is a specific in Fevers, Migraine, Neuralgia, Atonic Dyspepsia. Pneumonia, Gastralia, Bronchitis, Coryza, Catarrhal Influenza, La Grippe, Rheumatism, Hysteria, Alcoholism, Amenorrhcea, Dys- menorrhcea, Uterine and Intestinal Colic, Obstinate Vomiting, Catarrh of the Bile Ducts, and Jaundice. More than 26,000 physicians have testified by clinical reports to the efficacy of Am m onol. Ammonol may be obtained from all leading druggists. Zbe a m m o n o l Chem ical C o . Manufacture CKem,sts' Send for “Ammonol Excerpta,” an 81-page pamphlet. NEW Y O R K , 17. S. A . FORMULA— Nutrolactis is a liquid Extract of the plants Calega-Vera. QUASSONE A Valuable Sedative in the Nervousness of Alcoholism. A Certain Antagonist to the Drink Craze. A Reliable Tonic in Alcoholic Debility. Non-Alcoholic and Safe. w r m c t i s DOSE. A teaspoonful in water every two hours.______(E lix ip Gsvlegev-Vepss'j F O R NUR5/NG ffOTffERS 1 »» %U\'Vl The Nutrolactis Co.,JVew York,US.A. Approved by the Academy of Medicine, Paris. T H E NUTROLACTIS COMPANY, 366-368 West 11th St., New York, U. S. A. 0 CARTER’ S BEECHWOOD CREOSOTE TROCHES. GALET NE CARTER’ S BEECHWOOD CREOSOTE EHULSION. FOB ALL LUNG TROUBLES. T H E T O N I C BEECHWOOD CHEMICAL, CO., 366-368 West 11th St,, N. Y. THE CENTRAL CHEMICAL CO., 366-368 West 11th St., New York.

Scotch Whisky Distillers by Royal Warrants of Appointment CALL YOUR PHYSICIANS ATTENTION and Suppliers to H. M. The King and H. R. H. Prince of Wales. TO THE SUPERB VALUE OF


requiring local treatment. At least three people will be satis­ fied—the doctor, patient and druggist. Try it and see. Antiphlogistine should always be applied liberally and as hot as can be borne.

Buy in $ 2 4 .0 0 Lots and Make 5 per cent. More.

LIST PRICE PER DOZEN. BLACK and WHITE” Sm all...... $4.00 L a rge...... $10.00 SCOTCH WHISKY Medium 6.00 Hospital...... 20.00

JAJ*IES BUCHANAN & CO. (Limited.) ARTHUR J. BILLIN, United States Manager. The Denver Chemical Mfg. Co. 43 Broadway, New York. NEW YORK. *^r;**r *:*>$-'■ :««}*'?^•v■^ '■ ; TW^IF'T’ - -'.' v:-v> • *■'- •


A GOOD SELLER TIME PROVES ALL THINGS, HAY’S Hair Health (ole’s Retails 50c Large Bottle. One Dozen, $4.20.

H a v ’ s Hair Health is presented to the public as the BEST HAIR RESTORATIVE AND HAIR BEAUTIFIER (arbolisalve Science has produced. It promotes a healthful growth of beautiful hair, and cures all diseases of the scalp. No Has been used in all countries and climates for more than matter how grav or faded the hair, Hay’s Hair Health a quarter of a century, and its reputation as “T h e G r e a t S k in R e m e d y ” increases with the years. RESTORES YOUTHFUL COLOR AND BEAUTY, Keeping the hair dark, glossy and free from dandruff and covering bald spots where the roots are not dead. It does not stain skin or hands and is a cleansing, cooling dressing Cole’s Family Remedies NONE BETTER. A SINGLE SALE MAKES A STEADY CUSTOMER. Are put up in a style attractive either for the shelf or show Many retail druggists buy Hair Health in 1 to 5 gross lots and case. They are intrinsically of the best, and are widely say it gives better satisfaction and is a better seller than any other hair preparation. Order a trial lot from your jobber and introduce advertised and favorably known. this superior article to your customers. It will surely please them. Advertising matter supplied by DRUGGISTS: You take no chances when you recom- Ne w a r k ” n . j . Philo. Hay Specialties Co., mend Cole’s Remedies, for they are guaranteed. They always please, and satisfied customers Harfina Soap are your best advertisements. A Breath of Pine Balsam in Every Cake. Possesses the Highest Antiseptic and Healing Prop- a a a a j erties and is the finest Complexion, Scalp and Baby X ^ y M y Q ^ J. \AJ. C O L E Sc C O . Soap in the World. A P R O D U C T OP PERFECT PURITY . Black River Falls, = = Wisconsin.

Seven Barks

is a family doctor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Trouble, Constipation, Skin Diseases and Rheumatism. Seven Barks is purely vegetable and is guaranteed to cure any of the above diseases. For sale and recommended by the Richardson Drug Co.

If you want a supply of our 1905 almanacs with your business card imprinted thereon, sent free of charge, write for them. Address LYMAN BROWN, 105 Chambers St., New York, N. Y. 46 OMAHA DRUGGIST. m

M a g n u s L a u e r

Importers and Manufacturers High-class Essential Oils, Drugs, Chemicals and Vanilla Beans. 92 Pearl St., New York, N. Y.

We are pleased to inform our friends and customers and the trade generally that we have placed a stock of our high-class Essential Oils with the RICHARDSON DRUG! CO., of Omaha, Neb., who are prepared to supply their customers with a full and complete line of these goods in original packages. The goods have been packed in suitable size containers for the requirements of the retail trade, and are offered in one, two. four, eight, sixteen and thirty-two ounce bottles. All of the Oils that are recognized by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia are guaranteed to be U. S. P., and those Oils that are not recognized are sold under our guarantee and will be shipped in the original packages required by the trade. 7 & A full stock of Oils is carried, such as- b'.1 <-*Sr Kp Almonds, Sweet— Cajeput— Juniper Berries- Rosemary, French— J'jsgj 28-lb. cans ...... lb. $0.25 1 -lb. ca n s ...... lb. $1.00 1 -lb. cans . . . . .lb. $1.30 1-lb. ca n s ...... lb. $1.30 ...... lb. .27 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 1.10 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 1.40 J*-lb. “ lb. 1.40 uaJ\ 5-lb. “ . 2-lb. “ . .... lb. .30 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 1.20 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 1.50 / -lb . “ lb. 1.50 grji j ® 1 -lb. “ ...... lb. .35 Cassia— Juniper Wood— Santal Wood, E. J .— Almonds, Bitter— 1 -lb. ca n s...... lb. $1.25 1 -lb. cans ...... lb. $0.50 1 -lb. ca n s ...... lb. $4.50 5H 1 -lb. cans ...... lb. $4.50 X-lb. “ ...... lb. 1.30 / - l b . “ ...... lb. .60 J*-lb. “ lb. 4.60 M b / - l b . “ . 4.55 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 1.40 / - l b . “ ...... lb. .70 / - l b . “ lb. 4.70 / - l b . “ . 4.65 Cloves, Buds— Lavender Flowers— Sassafras, Natl.— Afl Anise Seed— 1 -lb. ca n s...... lb. $1.65 1 -lb. cans ...... lb. $2.50 1 -lb. ca n s ...... lb. 50.85 1 -lb. cans . ... .lb. $1.70 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 1.70 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 2.60 / - l b . “ lb. .95 / - l b . “ . 1.80 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 1.80 X-lb- “ .... .lb. 2.70 / - l b . “ lb. 1.05 X-lb. “ . 1.90 Cubetas— Le m o n - Tansy— ylS Bay— 1 -lb. ca n s ...... lb. $1.40 1 -lb. cans .... .lb. $0.85 1 -lb. cans .lb. $4.50 ^s-lb. cans . $3.00 ^-lb. “ ...... lb. 1.45 >^-lb. cans .... .lb. 1.00 '/2-lb . “ .lb. 4.55 / - l b . “ . 3.10 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 1.55 / -lb . “ .... ,1b. 1.10 k -ib . “ .lb. 4.65 <§§ Bergamot— Eucalyptus - Orange, Sweet- Wintergreen lip 1 -lb. cans . $2.75 1 -lb. ca n s ...... lb. $1.00 1 -lb. cans .... .lb. $2.35 1 -lb. cans . lb. $2.50 y w / - l b . “ . ___lb. 2.80 / - l b . “ ...... lb. 1.10 / - l b . “ .... .lb. 2.45 / - l b . “ . lb. 2.55 ggf / - l b . “ . 2.90 / -lb . “ ...... lb. 1.20 / -lb . “ .... ,1b. 2.55 / -lb . “ . lb. 2.65 Copaiba— Fennel— Pennyroyal— Wormwood, Pure— 5jl§ 1 -lb. cans . ___lb. $1.25 1 -lb. ca n s ...... lb. $1.65 1 -lb. cans .... .lb. $1.60 1 -lb. ca n s...... lb. $3.25 pip ^-lb. “ . ... lb. 1.30 ^-lb. “ ...... lb. 1.70 / -lb . “ .... .lb. 1.70 / -lb . .lb. 3.30 ^-lb. “ . 1.35 X-lb. “ ...... lb. 1.80 X-lb. “ .... .lb. 1.80 / -lb ...... lb. 3.40 § 1 SR Croton— Hemlock— Peppermint, W. c . - Wormwood, Am.— 1 -lb. cans . ___lb. $1.40 1 -lb. ca n s...... lb. $0.75 1 -lb. cans .... .lb. $4.40 1-lb. ca n s ...... lb. $3.25 / - l b . “ . 1.45 ^-lb. “ ...... ,1b. .85 ^-lb. “ .... .lb. 4.15 / - l b . “ lb. 3.30 IS / - l b . “ . ___lb. 1.55 / - l b . “ ...... lb. .95 #-lb. “ .... .lb. 4.25 / - l b . “ lb. 3.40 We trust that the trade will apply to the RICHARDSON DRUG CO. for our products, and when specified they may depend upon receiving absolutely pure goods at all times. riagnus & Lauer, 92 Pearl St., New York. OMAHA DRUGGIST. 47 Dewar’s Scotch Whisky. 53 Cold Medals Awarded for Excellence. PABST’S OKAY SPECIFIC

FOR Grand Prix, Paris Exposition, 1900. Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Highest Award The Most Reliable Cure and the Over all Competitors. Best “Money Meeker”

As Supplied to For tHe Retail Druggist. Yields a. Net Profit of $1.25 on E a ch SaJe. His Majesty, The King, The Royal Family, And the leading citizens $3.00; $21.00 Wholesale. of the United States. PABST CHEMICAL CO., Frederick Glessup, Sole Agent for the United States, NeW York. Manufacturers, RICHARDSON DRUG CO., CHICAGO. ILLINOIS.

WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS. ERADELINE DR. LYON’S TAKES THE Grease 25c SIZE SPOT 10c SIZE $2.00 75c Per Dozen. Per Dozen. out of all silk, satin, cotton and wool fabrics; cleans kid gloves and laces. From lace to linen, from silk to satin, and ribbons to gloves, there Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure is no fabric of personal wear or household use that can hold a to accomplish D e s ir e d R e s u l t s . Greatest spot a minute after Eradeline is applied. Nothing but grease spots known female remedy...... are harmed by Eradeline. It does not weaken or discolor the fabric, or leave any odor. Descriptive Circular and Testimonials sent on request. For Sale Everywhere. PRICE, 25 CENTS. ERADELINE MFG. COMPANY — — CAUTION..

ABSOLUTELY NON-INFLAMMABLE Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine is put only in paste-board Carton with fac-simile signature of We liave prepared a striking Display Carton for Druggists’ counter, containing an assorted John L. Lyon on the side of the bottle. dozen (eight 25c size and four 10c size). Send for Circular to Price $1.50. You sell it for $2.40, thus making 90 cents profit. WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Sole Agents. Order from the Richardson Drug Co. Cleveland, Ohio. 1


A GOOD SPECIAL TIES The following are good selling specialties and should be on every paint dealer’s shelves: THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS BUGGY PAINT. A paint with a gloss for buggies, carriages, etc. We Want Druggists THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS WAGON AND IMPLEMENT PAINT. A n oil paint for farm wagons, implements, tools, etc. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS VARNISH STAIN. For staining and varnishing at one operation. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS OIL STAIN. For the practical painter. A very fine article. To send ns a list of THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS ENAMEL PAINT. physicians who patro­ Made especially for home use. Very durable; easily applied. See price columns for colors, etc. nize them, and we will J write each physician that he can obtain P h e n a l g i n from the !Dr. 'Da.'Vid druggist mentioned. We will also send the Fax) or it e 'Rem edy physician a sample, with literature. :: :: Pleasant to Take, Powerful to Cure, and Welcome in Every Home. Kidney and Liver Cure. Dr. Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy is adapted to all ages and both sexes, affording permanent relief in all cases caused by impurity of the blood, such as Kidney, Bladder and Fiver Complaints, Consti­ ETNA CHEMICAL CO. pation and weakness peculiar to women. Successful for 30 years. PREPARED BY 313 West Street, New York. Dr. David Kennedy’s Sons. Rondovit. N . Y . $1.00 All Druggists. Six Bottles $5.00. “Blood of the Grape ” Sanatorium Brand. ZENOLEUM Have you a supply? GREAT HEALTH DRINK ZENOLEUM “ Blood of the Grape” is a rich, pure clarified grape Send us your mailing list. juice, the only one of its kind in the market. It is a soft drink, delicious in taste, palatable, invigor­ ZENOLEUM ating, strengthening and refreshing. Order now—demand is on. It is an absolutely pure product, made from the finest and carefully selected grapes, and is endorsed by eminent physicians and medical authorities as a true health tonic ZENOLEUM “ Blood of the Grape” has become the popular soft drink Dip, Disinfectant, Dice Killer. wherever it has been introduced, and the demand for it is constantly increasing. !■ [ inttil Cuii, manufactured by One Bates Street, Detroit, Mich. Battle Creek Grape Juice Co., Ltd. ARTHUR McCONNELL TWYMAN CO., Omaha, Western Agents.

Trade Supplied by Richardson Drug Co. OMAHA DRUGGIST, 49


Thos. Moore Old Possum Hollow P\ire Rye Whiskey.

Bottled in Bond.

Distilled by The Thomas Moore Distilling Go, M c K e e s p o r t , p a .

Sold by RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA, NEB. Quart. Fifth. Pint. # Pint. 1-10 Pint.

Fully Matured. Rich. Mellow. Quality Guaranteed. Unsurpassed as a Medicine.

Jackson Square Fine Old Whiskey

It is a whiskey of the rarest and finest quality. Its superior delicacy, mellowness, taste and purity, appeal to all, for medicinal as well as general purposes.

FURST BROS., Cincinnati, O., RICHARDSON DRUG CO., Distillers. Distributors. p i mh


THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR When the Human Body Requires a Medicine for Cleansing the System—Spring House-Cleaning, as it were.

All Disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys or Bowels, and for the correction of the Resulting Ills—Consti­ pation, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, '-■0 i ':- f*;- '■

MiV '

Cannot be Surpassed. It is not only a Safe and Reliable Remedy, but also a Profitable Article to Have in Stock It Makes Friends and Keeps them. OUR PROPOSITION NETS YOU 125 PER CENT. PROFIT. 2 Dozen Lincoln Tea ( $2.00 = $4.00 Retails for $6.00 is Liberal in the Extreme. For an order of two Dozen % Dozen Lincoln Pills = .00 Retails for 3.00 LINCOLN TEA we give free One-Quarter Dozen LINCOLN $4.00 $9.00 SEXUAL PILLS (Jobbing Price $7.00 per Dozen), 200 Your C ost...... 4 00 Lincoln Tea Samples and 200 Booklets. Your Profit...... $5.00 Order a Two-Dozen Quantity From Your Jobber. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO„ Fort Wayne, Ind Trade Supplied by RICHARDSON DRUG CO.

PR O FITS— You are certainly work­ BORDEN’S CONDENSED ing for profits and profits are made, MILK CO. sustained and repeated when you sell < ail Borden ) SUCCESS Eagle Brand J The Magazine of Inspiration, Progress and Self-Help articles that give good results to the Daisy. ” " 1 other magazine has so great and Champion. N lasting an influence upon its read­ consumer. This naturally leads to the Magnolia. ers as S u c c e s s. None is so eagerly- Winner. read, or so widely quoted. Each 7T m~ P E R 1 A L ” line of VARNISHES, Challenge. month 1,500,000 readers fi d in its Dime. columns ju st what they want. S uc­ HARD OILS and WOOD FILLERS. (Each of above ce ss is a magnificently illustrated, forcibly brands « doz. ia edited, up-to-date monthly magazine, with case.) a distinct literary flavor of its own. II See that you get the right kind, the Borden’s appeals to all ages and all classes. kind with the amber colored label, Peerless Brand THE BEST of EVERYTHING printed in black, with the border and Evaporated That is what its readers pay for and get. Cream. Its illustrations are famous. Its list of con­ Small cans, ) tributors, in addition to many eminent crown and signature across the face of 4 doz, each, f writers of the day, includes successful men Family size, I and women in every walk of life who can­ the label printed in red. Insist on this 4 doz. each, f not be induced to write for any other peri­ Quarts, 2 doz. odical. Each number is supreme in each. label and the user will have good Gallons, % doz. FICTION, POETRY, ART and HUMOR each. results and your profits will continue. Columbian Brand Evapo Practically, every copy of S uccess is sold rated Cream. by the 15th of the month of issue. No free sample copies can be sent. Buy the current The “IMPERIAL LIQUID WOOD Family size, 4 doz. each. number of your newsdealer, or better still, Quarts, 2 doz. each. if you would be sure to obtain S uc cess FILLER,” ready for use, in gallon cans Gallons,^ doz. each. All above brands guaranteed. CENTS f ' y“ 1urrK bscn> $ 1 - 0 0 at one dollar, halves at one five, and 10 A Copy tion for the year. * A Year Eagle Brand Borden’s quarts at one ten per gallon. Better Condensed Milk, 4-doz. cIhe SUCCESS COMPANY. NEW YORK than any of the high priced kinds. The in case, per case $6.75. “IMPERIAL” HARD OIL FINISH in five gallon cans, at eighty-five cents, gygfTHE Beaver Soap Co., and in one gallon cans, at ninety cents ' DAYTON, OHIO. GRANDPA’S WONDER SOAP. per gallon. Carry these in stock, and 50 Cake Boxes...... $3 25 100 Cake Boxes...... 6 50 your profits will be repeated. Sold at I 60 Cakes, small size...... 1 95 100 Cakes, small size...... 3 85 these prices by Richardson Drug Co. ,SOAP 1144 Cakes Beaver’s Pine Tar...... 4 80 OMAHA DRUGGIST. 51

„ Rebate Contract Plan.,

In order to maintain regular prices we adhere to the “ Rebate Contract Plan.” We manufacture an excellent laxative remedy and advertise extensively to make business for the drug trade and ourselves. We do not claim to excel in other things, but we endeavor to do one thing well and to give satisfaction to the trade. We appreciate the friendly interest which druggists generally have taken in the sales of our remedy, Syrup of Figs, and we thank them most cordially. We are, Yours truly, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK, N. Y.




All Stirngs on this Page are Enclosed, Each In a Separate Envelope P r o f . F. B e o c k e t t , Musical Director, Opera House THE CELEBRATED Niles. Mich., March 17, 1892. JOHN F. STRATTON Me s s r s . J oh n F. St r a t t o n & So n : . Dear Sirs:—I find your Russian Gut Strings the BIRMINGHAM STEEL finest for tone and strength I ever used. I play a powerful Violin and find your E’s just what I want. Warranted not to Rust. Headquarters for Yours truly, P r o f . F. B l o c k e t t . VIOLIN. Wholesale 46 E----- .. doz | 15 THE CELEBRATED THE CELEBRATED 47 A ...... “ 15 JOHN F. STRATTON JOHN F- STRATTON 49 D ...... “ 24 Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass, 4914 G .... 24 RUSSIAN GUT. NAPELS GUT. 51 ...... set 10 rFinest in the world. 5114 Asst. .box 45 Mirrors and Leaded Art Glass, VIOLIN. Wholesale VIOLIN. Wholesale GUITAR. 28 E ...... bdl $4 00 2814 E ______bdl $2 50 160 1st. doz $ 71 A...... 4 00 7114 2 50 160 2nd. 91 D. 4 75 9114 3 50 160 3rd...... 30 G. .. doz 65 108 G .... .d oz 55 160 4th...... 30 109 3214 ...... set 35 <« 2914 ...... 7___set 50 160 5th...... H 32 29 A s s t...... box 4 00 32 Asst. .box 2 50 160 6th ...... 40 161% ...... set 20 GUITAR. GUITAR. 170 1st. .doz $ 70 16114 Asst__ 75 154 1st., .doz $ 80 80 Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes and L55 2nd. 90 170 2nd...... BANJO. 170 3rd .... 90 18614 1st...... doz $ 20 156 3rd.. 1 00 45 170 4th.. 45 170 4th...... 18614 2nd ... . “ 20 Painters’ Supplies. 170 5th...... 50 185% 3rd...... “ 20 170 5th.. 50 55 170 6th.. 55 170 6th ...... 18614 4th...... “ 30 170% .. set 35 18614 5th...... * 20 175% .. set 40 .box 1 65 17514 Asst. . .box 2 00 17014 Asst. 186% ...... 15 BANJO. 18614 A sst.... 5a BANJO. st.. . doz $ 70 18814 1st...... doz | 80 180 1 MANDOLIN. 18814 2nd...... “ 90 180 2nd. 80 114014 1st...... 20 180 3rd. 90 114014 2nd...... 20 18814 3rd...... “ 1 00 55 180 4th ...... “ 55 180 4th. 114014 3rd...... “ 30 1608-1610-1612 H arney St. ' 18814 5 th ...... “ 60 180 5th. 70 114014 4th...... “ 32 188% ...... set 36 180% .. set 30 1143% ...... 20 188% 2 10 18014 Asst. .box 1 90 114314 Asst.... .box 60 OMAHA, NEB. For Sale by RICHARDSON DRUG CO„ Omaha, Neb. 52 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

GUILD’S GREEN MOUNTAIN =ASTHMA CUILE= The Tried and the True. This unrivaled remedy is the result of many years study and experience in the special treatment of diseases of the lungs and throat, by Dr. J. H. Guild, graduate of New York Medical College and Chemical Laboratory, a practitioner in Bellevue and New York Charity Hospitals and a physician of recognized ability and distinguished eminence. This article has been the standard remedy for Asthma for a quarter of a century. It has found its way on its own merits to every civilized country on the globe. The growing demand, its great popularity and general use, stamp it as absolutely the most successful and satisfactory rem­ edy that has ever been placed on the market. No other preparation has met with such great and uniform success, as a permanent cure of Acute or Chronic Asthma, especially spasmodic Asthma, Hay Asthma, yet. Absolutely harmless, can be used by the most deli­ cate with perfect safety, whether young or old and never fails to give immediate relief and perfect satisfaction. Thousands of testimonials from all over the world reciting the most marvelous cures. Put up in two size tins, Large Size, Small Size, Evans Sc Sons, Ltd., Montreal. forbca^aSS We are pushing this remedy as the best and most satisfactory Asthma Cure on the market. Richardson Drug Co. Osborn’s Hydrogen Peroxide.

The most stable and least acid product on the market. Guar­ anteed full 3% U. S. P. Medicinal. A convincing claim to your favor is the reasonableness of our price.

One Pound Bottles. 30c. per Pound, Inclusive. Other Sizes in Proportion.

No explosion! No complaints of lack of strength, rapid deterioration or excessive acidity from your physicians, den­ tists or customers, when you supply them with OSBORN’S HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. Order through your jobber. OSBORN-COLWELL CO. : 46 Cliff Street, NEW YORK.

oof J2 a rt «-- o 1T3 ?T} a£ a | S-l o 48 m ,2 2 Sh\£3 1—1 >1-4 CO 4—1 ai 0) rtJ •7a 0*75 CQ © ■gCC rr* ^ n2°0) rfirH CO s S3 a n' s ® y cS «*>« a .5 £ s aoo o ^t> 3 £ 3 >o a a cn p- co, *75 rO rt « S rr rt Z *i d ' s : - - ' ’ .235 a g,e8 O _rt •O -rl O J2 ^ _ ,-73i■+3 -4•«-“» o ,, 3 ° i £ S E a 07 CO CO O O ,2 > i* j j a in a ' 73 ^ ■ •^3 rj O®.SS-h ^ §q a'd a » r 2 I saSP-i U 2 c £ ® rt w p, ts ®-S ^ o s. a 2 fl 0 g a ^ b » cS T3 ® o a © Q rt tt) 7 5 o .c a 5 fH31 rri O’ ^ >>4 E ®S3 ab •-•rt 60 ***'on c j £3 ® .-rO a ®3 2 a ' s o eo oleman £ 2 : G .J.C •Ha o qo 4* a 5-< 2 o cs £ a1 g ^35 a P O rO « p r t o § S S S a a Trade Supplied by Richardson Drug Co. Ryl Whiskey OMAHA DRUGGIST. 53 » l COLE’S MANY-USE OIL” GUNS, BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, For Lubricating, Cleaning, Preventing TYPEWRITERS, LAWN MOWERS, Rust, and Polishing______MECHANICS’ TOOLS, ETC.

It is a sure RUST PREVENTIVE in all climates. It LUBRICATES—never gums, thickens or turns rancid. It CLEAN S, and keeps clean, delicate machinery. It PO LISH ES gun-stock and barrel—Pia­ nos, Furniture, etc. r a z o r s , c u t l e r y . It is an all around oil for many users and MECHANICS TOOLS&C PREVENTS RUST uses. ON GUN BARRELS AND POLISHED TOOLS. CLEANS POWDER RESIDUE FROM GUNS.KEEPS BORES BRIGHT. 2 - oz. square bottle in carton, 10 cents. LUBRICATES 1 dozen in wood box, 65 cents a dozen. GUN LOCKS.CHAINS. GEARS, BEARINGSfltc. NEVER GUMS. 3 - oz. square bottte in carton, 15 cents. manufactured b y COLES MANY-USE OILCO. 1 dozen in wood box, $1.10 a dozen. NEW YORK..U.S.A FINE LAWN MOWER OIL. •oz. square can with oiling spout, 25c.

1 dozen in wood box, $1.75 a dozen. REDUCED CUT REDUCED CUT.

13 DOZEN AT THE PRICE OF 12 Given on our “FROG GREENBACK” offer.


Unique material furnished free.


FROG IN YOUR THROAT CO. Irving- Building, West Broadway and Chambers Street, N I B 1A/ Y O R K . 54 OMAHA DRUGGIST.

Berry Bros.’ Varnishes and ArcHitectural Finishes.

are the best and most satisfactory line for the dealer to handle on account of their general excellence and , uniformity in quality, which makes them absolutely trustworthy at all times. We carry the above goods in stock and our prices are right.

The R^ichao*dsorv Dr\ig Compe^rvy.

THE COOPS THAT SELL “Canadian Club” SANFORD’S INKS, Whisky Mucilage and Library Paste. Chicago. New York.

Distilled and Bottled by Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Walkerville, Canada^.

Quart, Pint and 1-2 Pint. 2-oz. Cylinder. 2-oz. Cone. W».» ^ ^ ft’.T '^ '^ T - t - ^ JJKf^pW^WWjJF ... -■ ■ '■'■■; ,\ v tf; (• ;!»;• ■ ' "< ’>"


SWANSON’S 44 5=DROPS ” Ct r a d e m a r k .3 Ct r a d e m a r k J A HARMLESS, POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Kidney Trouble, Catarrh, Asthma, Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Backache, Headache, Dyspepsia and all Blood Diseases. PRICE LIST, 1904-1905. Retail Price. Per Doz. " Retail Price. Per Doz. ‘5 DROPS’ (One Size Only)...... $1.00 $8.00 Magnetic Capsules...... $1.00 $8.00 “ 5 DROP” Inhaler Outfit...... 1.00 8.00 “ 5 DROP” Salve...... 25 . 2.00 “ 5 DROP” Cough Balsam...... 50 4.00 “5 DROP” Salve...... 50 4.00 ” 5 DROP” Cholera Cure...... 50 4.00 The SWANSON PILE...... 25 1.60 “ 5 DROP” Corn Cure...... 25 1.60 ”5 DROP” Sanitary Tooth Soap...... 25 1.60 ”5 DROP” Plasters ...... 25 1.60 SWANSON Baby Pacifier...... 25 1.60 ADVERTISING MATTER FREE.

Booklets, Show Cards, Window Signs, etc., will be sent free of charge to any druggist upon application to us.


160-164 E. LAKE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Ct r a d e m a r k J Ct r a d e m a r k J

BETHESDA The Water of Quality

Waukesha’s Original fledicinal Water.

^-Gallons, Quarts, Pints and Splits.




RUST’S SULPHUR OIL is absolutely the best remedy ever put on the market for healing Barb Wire Cuts, Sore Shoulders, Backs, ROTARY SPRAY Necks, §tc. Patented December 24, 1895. It is handsomely put up in full 16-oz. French square bottles, three bottles in fancy counter display carton. Cost you $3.50 per dozen. Sells for 50c per bottle. Include a few bottles in your next order. It will do you good. This Syringe is the latest invention in female syringes, combining the best features of the old style popular syringes with the new Rotary Spray, making it for effectiveness, simplicity, and ease and comfort in using, far. ahead of any syringe ever Rust’s Combination placed upon the market.

Throws a rotating, hollow mass of water, which thoroughly cleanses Headache Cure without chance of harmful effects. Uusurpassed for cleanliness, as the soft rubber shield fits the parts perfectly, and prevents all chance of TWO CURES IN ONE PACKAGE. leaking. Has no valves to lose; no metals to corrode. Low in price. A full line of fine Rubber Goods for the An Improved Migraine Tablet A Liquid Menthol Preparation Drug, Surgical and Stationery Trade. to take. to rub on. Doesn’t that appeal to your judgment as being not only a novelty but a combination you could recommend for any old headache Sole Manufacturers! that comes your way. Put up fifteen packages in fancy counter display carton. Costs DAVOL RUBBER COMPANY, you $2.00 per carton—sells for 25c per package. ^ ^ I n ordering from your jobber specify carton so as to get the PROVIDENCE, R, L, U. S, A, 15 packages.




Ask the traveling men about it. Colors all fabrics instantly. * A SandalOil No long continued boiling, no injur­ “ S T . 0! FILLED and EMPTY CAPSULES ious acid to rot the goods. DOES NOT STAIN HANDS OR Encapsuling Private Formulas a Specialty. VESSELS. Correspondence Solicited. The Up-to-Date Dye. We are Specialists on anything in the nature of Gelatin Capsules, write us if you cannot find what you want in our Price List. It has replaced all the old back num­ ber dyes in the same manner that H. PLANTEN & SON, New York. electric cars replaced the old mule cars. “THE PIONEER AMERICAN CAPSULE HOUSE.” (Established 1836.) 224 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK.