¦ ; i i: li; : efer! II- '

VG)i IiXIV NO. 3 - I Ik ill marriages; gittHsi : i t i -2)eaths. ' 1 I MARRIAGES I I OITU ATIONB VACANT . PREPAID ADVER,T18EMENT J rLANAGAN-WHimtE-Pepwniber 27Lh SCALst d Important Farmers & Others at ButU.'rstown byjtlie Very Revy, Co. exford. \ youngest ''daughter ; ot John . Whittle, l< ., 8d. V' Priors Knoik. Waterford. [ .. .. Make Cash Advances ! daily to Ladies, Gentlemin, Farmers, Shopkoej «era, ?o „ 104. .. .. INTENDED SAILINGS FROM INTENDED SAILINGS TO ... :_ i.__l_!_ll l Government Officials, and all reepo* liWo XOMN-liOWK.r-Al the Cathedral on 36 ., 1>. Od. „ SMART Boy Apprentice wan ed for WATERFORD. WATERFQRD. '™' ""™^^"TTrTTTT^ i ^ |T persons, in I aa"y jpart of Ireland, on TCnirsd iy. by the |R4c. Wt Kehoo, C.C., Drapery. tor particulars, apply, To LIVERPOOl£-Evory Monday, i 'I I Approved ; Personal Security—note of ts. 2d Wed- LOANS .Tunies fjim), eldest surviving son of fa .. John Carroll and Co. , Ltd., Quay , Water- • nesiay and Saturday (direct). js*r%.H BUfABne I bani - alone, end vrithout publicity. Mr.) and Mrs. I Patrick Nolan «8 1A. «rl ford. I To »LIVERPOOL—Every Monday £10 U PWARDS. I Repayments JcanTbef made b^ iMtabnenU , Patrick ¦ GLASGOW—Every Monday (direct). From I , street, |lo Bridget (Bridie), youngest ; EveTy Wodhesday (Via Plymouth) Wednesday, and Friday, (direct). ^^^MM^ MMMIHJ ; or as may be arranged. Those lequiring daughter/ of Jeremiah Uowe, inoijt reliable 4nan*ier» ; Johnstown¦, To BRISTOL—Every Tufcsday (direct). From GLASGOW—Every | :Monday and temporary advances will:find the above the best arid Kilkenny. . f I .•' ; To CARDIFF—Every al ernate ! Tuesday. Thursday (direct) . j i advancing on personal Becurity. ' j Call or write for ternbB and particulani, w uch WANTED-A Billiard Marker. Apply , ' sent fcy • - ¦ : • I I K il , ! .Bteen' To L0ND0N7-(St. Kathe ine Dock, Every From BRISTOL—Every Thursday. 1 , will be Itirnished on receipt. .Cash ' pos'- .' . . , . jfwsp 5 s Hotel . . Saturday; (via Sov thampton, : I -f* and From CARDIFF—-Every alternate ?riday S PtEA8E iNC 'TE- - , I , - -,S i Dover ' , ¦ ' ... I 4 p.m. From 'LONDON (St. Ki therine Dock)— \ ^ 1 • AftA ' ' ' ' !' - ; . Advertisements In .this spaoe-' S Gooda also, .carried. to _ : jondqri i by ' i ' • > .!.) ; -, I >. < ¦!¦•• ¦. s to £S»0OO LOAKS granted by .£2b;<-T0¦ J £?,OdO- AdVAWCCd. B TjfrTiu^DJ-A you/iR Man who lunrlfi- " v , ' . ell - Everc Xh'irsdfty.i' [ • ¦ ' " ' ' HEX>JKSSY-On| Mor day. 27ti hist., Ul 3 : ; MUSI be prepaid.. Aooounts i S ''- 5tolliiijsrt>ra W&rpW.-Briim; arid GOOSB also carried from • London Jby ell obrfl/post. Mo"neylcnt;witijoot:6«eijrityv . • By Privati i^riderW'SixBipte' ' VV Stands 'Bottling Store and Vaahirig Ijidies oij Gentlemen can have Iheit own ' " ¦ ' her re.->%ncc, Johln I street, Sirs. JIary 2 j cannot be opened for them. E Bottles ;' ! Southamptoa.-. Sailings via Liven Ml and Bristol. - . ' / : Proinissory Note.' _ ;: ' Htnnoi.-ij-. Funeral took place from also a Boy as Messenger and to To PLYMOUTEfc-Every aoceptances discounted pr postdated wash bottle.i Apply to Bridge Hotel. Wednesday (dir.) Frorh DUBLIN—(Direct) Every \yedhes- NO'Bills of Sale! taken, and Absolute the Jiouae on 'Wednes day, at 1.30, for in- fSgjagsgy Cg5~g£® To SOUTHAMPTON-Every Saturday day I . ,.j 6 p.m. cheques cashed -without ¦ any securities; v sureties, or interview. I : , | ' r | Privacy- guaranteed, first letter of terment in Trumore i i (direct) c ... ' 4 p.m. From BELFAST—(Via ! Dublib) Every ! | Clergymen. Merchanta, Medical Practi- application |reciives . prompt • attention, ; ~ WANTED—Apprentice to ( rocery, To Dover—Evcrji Saturdhy ... 4 p.m. Tuesday i ... 7 p.m. and Intending borrowers are, waitod won PHELANJf At 8 6lave street , on the 26th ~1 i i I - i • To Belfast^Every thur,sday via tioners, Farmers, Shopkeepers, and all 4QRICUI.TUHE, DAIRY, MARKET Wine , and Spirit Trn de. Ap; >ly 6210 Cork From CORK—Every Saturday (via Belfast Responsible Persons. I No Fees or Beforef by a repreacntallve,l who is empdwercp to inst..| Matthew j Plitlin. Kemains were this office . 6 p.m. and Dublin). j complete transaction on terms nutually removed||-: on ¦: Monuay evening to To Cork—(Direct) Every Thursday, 6 p;m. Frorh Plymouth—Indirect hand Charges are made, arid no Railway CAflDEN, &C. Service. Fares. ¦• ' I ' I j|| arranged, i NO {CHARGE being rnade tho OatHecl ral 'at s7 o'clock ; funeral i To Dublin- Every Thursday via Cork and From Southampton—Indirect Service. I unless Businesjs ACTUALLY . COM- took j>luLjelat 1 joVjojk on Tuesday- last Asr,t->tant (or i Belfast Borrowere dealing with olheror firms can ^ ¦ WANTED— G rocery and .:. tipm From Dover—Indirect Service. have their Loans pa^d ofl I increased! PLETED. Spedial Quotations, in Bhort¦ for iuterrumit ut I>allygunner. ; Spirit Business; outdoor; City house. Loans. ! Write in! confldencb to ' ¦ will Apply, with and those who are about to borrow should DOTOHERS, Farmers and others ri'forvnee.-' . to C188. tlii ; office. For Rates ol Freight and othir informat on apply to :— write for full information to ! ¦ Hides, Skins, | j I ' i . il , i . ' i i - : LJ findfgoad Market for ¦ : i :C. , MIS all classes Df Metal . Rags, Bones, CLYDE SHIPPING CO., LTD., Custom HouBe Quay , W&terjord. THE STANDARD PRIVATE FINANCE ' j^£LLS WREATHS.—You | get economy and : 81 KXCHRQUKR-ST., DUBblK. punctuality by sending your orders to 27- Kokea , Bottles . Hair and Bags. Prompt WANTED-A first-class Horseihoeing Telegrams—" Cumbrae." CO. OF. IRELAND, I LTD), ,, ntion jby po.t. Address : U. Kocks, Hmith Apply ut 23 Beau street, Telephones—General Office, 23 Barronfctrand strtiet. Largovstock of Watrrford . CoTistnnt 204 (Glasgow, Jfielfast. London). Goods Office . 10 JAMES C. WAL8HE, Sec!., ' j Head Office: Corridor Chambers, Leicester Wroaths, Drosses; etc.j from 5S JO £5. J. Pa' rick Street. 'Vaterford. employmcit and (Liverpool, Bristol Cardiff), ~ good w ages given James Butler nd Co. . Goods Office , 32. Ii ANGLESEA .STREET¦ , DUBlllNi G. McCaii) , succe$so{- to \V. V-ff ^r. Tele- f I ; i & grams: jCbOaul, Ironmonger , Waterford. I ! ' I ii LOANS! LOAN81 (.CANS ! ¦ ¦ OCTCIIEBS. Farmers and others will TITANTED— Apprentice to I ronmongery ~' Jj zii I "0<)d market for Hides. Skins, VV Business. Appl y. Jacob B others, MONEY ; ADVANOED. from ZK "nr T \ i • • * " CUNAKD LINE AMEftTCAN LINE &nd all ciassis of Metal , Bags, Bones. 46 , Quay. Watorford . UPWARDS, o farmers and all Ee»pwV : Bcfcso. R. Costelj o. City Plumbing and U.S. MAIL 6TEAMERS Medical' Practitioners, School Teach-i R. SMIILI IAN, Financier F Sanitary Works, Gatherim. •SAXONIA . Sat., Oct. 23 ' ' !|AINT ~~ ATTEW Honey S ections. 7d. each. Deli- - Btreot ere. and all other private Ladies and' 6 PARNELL sTRElJT (Near Town HaU). 4! TUSCAN1A . gat. , Oct. 18 Sailing under tho Gentlemen. No fees or charges' ¦ , ¦ ' ENAMELS l\l cioui for t le breakfast or tea table. • Cabin and American ; j VWA^EyFORD. 1 : , — Give honoy t;o the children. . Half the Third Class passengers only. whatsoever, easy [repayments ir-| WANTED-For Business Hoi se in Flag. .ranged to suit borrowers convebiJ DISTEMPER price of butter. G. White and Sons. Ltd., City, young Girl for Houi work. TO CANADA. ' , Street , Waterford. Apply to American Line, Liverpool, ence, nd personal interview required.] O'tfonnell Another girl kept to mind children Apply From LONDON and LIVERPOOL. or to All business done by post in Biggest StocK of VARNISHES. 6208 this office . CDNARD LINE, Cunard ' Wharf. Waterford—Hsrvay and Bou, U Gladstone strictest privacy, 'and every ap- Queenstown; 51 Bishopsgate, E.C., plication receives immediate , atten- Second-Hand¦ ¦! Jewellery I. • TJOTATOESi-I est Quality Table Pota- 29-31 Cockspur street. . | i ; I -Tl:- I . * Ijtbour-rs Btreet. 8.W., London ; 8 tion, Inin the Southscum Wor [Ireland,ireiana, atai Bargainttargain Xl toes I at ' 7d. per 6tdne, in 4 and 8 WANTED— used to Ferro- and 12 Water itreet, Liverpool. Agents: Watorford—Wvd Bros., a Barronttrand A pply, ; ¦ . EVERY,¦ VARIETY I'oncrete work , for | Prices. '! Cameo iBroochcIBroochcss, old-fashioned . I i i - sto»te bags, del vered free , at R. F. large Con act in W«rd Brother* an'd street. ! . Dundee.] Arply by letter to The Harvey and 8on, Wa- Sets (Brooch BarEar Rings);Bines); KeepererKeepers; I Philan's, 43 ahd| 49 QuayJ York- terford; Miss M. Bolger, Ballyduff; The British Discount Co.k : If you cannot procure locally, shine Hennebiquo Contracting Co, Ltd., Tlpperery—John Carrigan, &1 Main itreet Lid Brooches, Wrjst ' Va ches (in gold, silver write Viaduct . Ulch«ol Foler and P. Evfns, Dnogarran; 42a! 80UTH MAT.T,, • I Manufacturers:— ,! Works, Leeds. Wiohsel F. Walsh, - Capboquiri ; Csrrick-on-Suir—Jaa. McGrath. COB?. - j and gun' metal). Ladies Gold Chains. Jamea Gent's Albert .(single and double). Single rTTAKE NOTICE—That the Lands of ihearne or Jus.' Geary, Lismore; larjoei Clonmel—P. Nugent. 75 D'Conoell street , have Stone Diamond Itinsa. Engagement dud ±1 Michael Power, Adfrmstown Dungarvan—James Daly Tbe I II Hjjrrini^iis, Ltd torn this aate-|14th Sept. WANTED—Man to milk, tend cattle, dquare. Wedding Rings. {Trinkets. I Gold ~ I _ OCHOOLO ACAOBMIBO. i Xo JKilmacthomas—W. O'Do loghue. JWAJEKFORD. AND MAIL STEAMERS I j ARTICLI O COR OALH. Jilmeaden—John 0. 8ml h.> L . ROBINSON , FBOM UVERP00L. 8T0RES ANli SHOW BOOM, 38 ~ META(5ASLV, Fri., Oct. 1 Jueenstown—Scott andido. (Q'town) Ltd. 82, ¦ SINGING AND ELOCDTIO^-li iss E. Johnstown! Waterforc . ! j .BALLYBBICKEN.i i I \ es MISSANABIE, Fri., Oct. 29 Aid for SALE^-Iiwo Billiard Tabl (as Burns, L.R.A.M., receives Pupils in P:)B above subjects. Terms METAGAMA, Fri.. Nov . 5 good as new). One is aj full-sued on applicat on at At present the Belfast call has been 51- Apply 29 South Parade. THE ! > I - Tab 8 and |the olher is U x discontinued hut will b<*| resumed at a MONEY I MONEY I '¦ | |th«| Ailing this! paper. • ¦ NEY! If your peace li .threatened by 1543 office of future date. " ¦ ' "T ¦ Unsurpa^oiit accommodation. Wireless -¦ * ¦ ' ¦ any of the UIDE, • ¦ •;! M enemies of health . . l :i . , Telegraphs., _ . PENNY G M •uxh dyspepsia; ¦ biliousness, THI SEASIDE AND, COUN to a* RY— Chean fliT^agn-JIckets all Inland PpBLISHED MONTHLT1 AT constipation, sick headache, loss HOU8B8, APARTMBNTO, Ac destinations in Canada an 1 United States. THE WATERFORD LOAN COMPAN of energy, and consequent »Pi RTMENTsL ciTY^rOUnilRBO. Pamphlets, information, etc., free from THE OFFICE OF TH 2 " WATER- ; j . O, JO^N STREET ., :-K ¦• depression,—voii I will find a C.P.R., 41 4 43 Victoria-Si ., or P. Nugent FORD NEWS," CONT AINS FULL :\ , |- useful] and j reliable ally In I and Son, 75 O'Connell t reet, Clonmel; Makes CASH Advances from £8 UPWARDS and HOOSE to Let at Priest's Road Tra- PARTICULARS ABCUT LOCAL on your own i prJroved PERSONAU Beecham's Pill's.! These will LAff)y wJuld iet Sitting Room Margaret Manning, High street, Kil- SECURITY. REPArMENTS-Week' unftirnished j use kitchen, more from middle of Septemb< r and kenny ; John Sirakin and Co., Emigration STEAMSHIP AND RAILWAY lyj Monthly, or aa may it irranged to suit eop. assist I you to tight your way Bedroom, 0/ winter months; 2 Sitting Rooms, Bed- ibatH-room, |et«. Every convenience; no Agents, Youghal; Harvey and Bon, 12 SERVICES . venlence of Borrowers. \ All applicitijOOi-will leoelve Wmedla' « e ttentlon «nd Win back to digestive; health In the ; nice rooms , hot and cold water bath , gas , gar- Gladstone Btreet, Wate lord ; Patrick M most 'satisfactory.! way and In 'aUeridance; nioo fhouse }£<*$den¦ , etc. I Terms very moderate. tr«atod confidentially and witb courteiy. SPECIAL TERMS ' '0 FARMERS. ' Refe rence required. AprJy. ^1T2. W118 pply, Kesly, Kilkenny; Ward B ros., 2 Barron- tho shortest time. When, your 6054 this office. itrjlnd ntrpAf WniixrfftrA ctobor Number Now on Sale offici . ! I Apply. THE MAKAGEk. 8 JOCN BTREET, tone is quite restored by a course IVATERFOBD. of jthlt excellent medicine an i . rpRAMORE—House to Let, "-Swyn Ion," occasional dose) will keep you ' Atartnv ints ; nice fit and well, and you will Join C LET—Unfurnished J. newly-built Residence ; all in >dern T locality. Apply 6209] this offica. improvements ; near Railway and Sea. Xotels the ranks of .those thousands App l y, ies. insurance Mrs. O'Brien. Summerhill tel. I : who need no oth'er remedy than Shan ! 1 i 1 n 1 ;i IIICYCLES :AND wOTOR*. THE PATRIOTIC A Church must be Built in honour M i EECHAMS MISCELLANEOUS). FOUR COURTS ] B SALE—Harley-Davidson] Motor r ASSURANCE CO, T70K , IJ? Bicycle with Side Car ; 7 a.r..; per- of St. Anthon of Padua. ¦ ; i I TTr be^st price. Boon {to Housekeepers. lieli' i Is. JHOTEL, i : . >OK u 1 ii. fectl r new. I WjU be sold|at A Bottles of Glacier Varnish tain Han ur Brothers, Waterford. HER GRAY S wonderful efforts to plant the " Faitb onoe delivered to ,lhe Kilj 'i QUAY, DUBLIN. FIBE, ! ACCIDENT. WORKMAN'S : ILLS¦ makes old furniture, floors, etc. , look FI - jW ; - -vU^Ui- ] ¦ .ike new.j 62, Quay. Saints " in the Not -Catholic Town of Fakenham, have been Rewarded. The FAMn,y AND COMMERCIAL. - COMPJENS 1 ! ATIONJ BUBGLABY. . , PrtptraloatybT I -I Wilderness haB bloaaoaed as the roBe "—men women, %*. * ] . and children are now CAPITAL FULLY PAID, £100, TKOHAS |BE£CKMI >'Sin»i! i . !i!iM«»n.. .. iPiiiM.ii VTO tJNG Geiitltman, ma^iy 3 in 1 ¦ '¦ -i' leaS all people> What & blese ng to Fakenham-j-a Tabernacle in which our. deax Re- ' : ¦ i :¦ ' ¦ ¦ " - ¦; ¦ ¦ Special Low Tariff I tor Boarders. . Dlr jctors: : - • -1. t -,! - . -I- • • !X business on] his own occount in Bbadea In the Cottage Diste nper deemer ever resides! " Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men. ' : . t. : . classps of ALL ' JOHN M00NEY Esq.. Soutl Wales, dba ing withj all for I walls. both cheap and Many will appreciate the following indisputable fact! of the gret work already Banqnet* \ and Clnb Dinners catered lo> • . O.V.O.. J.Pu ¦ .Irish prtduce. seeks a post in d firm of durable. 7 lb. tins, Is. 9d. Agenl — H. • Chairman: I i I . 1 n :-M accomplished:— f ill BpeclsJ AacommoaaUon tor WeUlni O'CONOR DON. H.M.L. - food »tar ding in Ireland. Would be use- Bell, Quay. : l» Four years over VK Oonvert* h&ve been received, each rectifing n rt • leu - ¦ f i Partiea.; , . . LAUBENCS W. MABTIN ful to anj ono wikhjng to cxtfend tl eir busi- . . _ than Nine Months' Instruction. A Magnificent Site secured, Frecbyte y and s ' , Esq. WlTERli:olRU NEWS ness. 1 I PHILIP H. GBlEUSpN. Esq THE | j Sacristy completed (Sacristy now rued as a I Temporary CbuTch), alio a S iacibus JOHN_flINCLAIB AN excellent Cloth and Carpet Ck aner Club and Lecture Hall. All this has been I accomplished and paid for py the Smoking, Concerts. . IEsq. (BelfMt). "Glacier" ' brand. Sold at B ill's, tenerosity of Benefactors. . I BEBNARD i H. O'RklLLY. Esq.I WEE —r~i—HT I 62 and Sii Quuy, in Is. and 6d. Bo ties. I Managing Director. MM HbUOEO, &jS pecialAct of Pailiament) i ' , DRAPERY and Furniture on Easy Have you, dear reader the Conversion of England really at1 : lea if If to. Principal Ofrice : be !Leti Hoi se and Shop. No. 22 Give Freely and Generously, for this Great Work l is Solely Depe lderit The 'Wlcklow' stands for all that th4M TO Terms; alio Photos enlarged, a, L. on the words convey. Standing in 36 to 44, Moorgate St.J London, B.C. ;Jridce strejet. Apply D. Mo 'Donald Robinson , 82 Johnstown , Waterford. Alms of the Faithful. I . i I the bu*l ' If Catholics could only realise foe themselves the facts ness centre of Dublin' the Hotal Ii and C >., The Barrri Factory. ' relating to , his! strug- F i 1 ¦ . gling Mission, both for wfiat is being done knd what could be done, and whati ii NEAB EVEEYWHEBE of Utercrt te ^M FIRE Tbis Coupon Insuranci-Ticket must ; i not done, it is certain they would be mo e alive to the real and the Traveller. Ite table and room the be Oi irgientor Inecea- I riot be detached. NTED-pSmall House or par! House , DR. Bl.ATJ JJ'9 Iron Tonic Pills i ure lity of completing the Chu -ch in Fakeaham^ Whether Gift eat Small, are as good as training, care, IB4 WA Anoamia;j easily taken ; perfectly ¦end It to us before the B m goes down on your good knowledge can make them. 1 Phree OT Fptlr Rooms; rei]>ectable intention. ' Labonrers Insurance A m d& 4a ;wm ;|>e 'i p»w >>y THE localiftr. Apply 6266 this office. tasteless. Bottles containing 12 dozen Is. i Addrens-FATHtR H W. GRAY I j . " • • ' Ifl fl Hi) OCEAK TACCIDENT Geo. White: and Sons, Ltd., Chem sts, . WICKLOW \HO TEL A 1 II IB AND G OlA R A N T E E !l I I ! ! Waterford. I ; 8T. ANTHONY'S CHUBCH. ; 1 J* I IIII'CORPORATION, Limited, WICKLOW BTBEET, DUBUH. ¦ Wfl¦ I Ww Principal Office1 , Noa. 30 to FAKEl^HAM, NORFOLK, ENGLAND. T. MAH0N, llanatcs,' ' . II :U Moorgate Street,I.ondon, Phone JAMES E.C., to the legal personal rtnreseuUUvr of the bona Artistic Picture Framings, P.8.—vAll Don&tiont promptly acknowledced, and a Beautiful Picture of the Nnmbers 1BW-1BM ! VymTTY, f ide bolder) of this Coupon-liisurjnce-Ticket If Uie HOR ES, VEHICLES, HARNK8|B,&C FOR g< to holder shall be killed Geq. White and Sons Ltd.. Wj ter- Sawed Heart and St. Anthony of Padua tent to eioh Benefactor. ;[ i or faUllyllnlured by an accident . - 42 QUAY. WATERFORD wilhin tbe ¦ • ¦ (United: Kingdom ko »ny Railway Com- • ¦ ¦ ¦:¦¦ !¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ~' ¦ ford . Prices the lowest consistent with ¦ = ¦ "T i . I •! pany's pisieo£cr.(ralnlnwhicH the botdtrittrivelllnc i i ! ° best workmanship. 8 asa tlcxcl*beario£ 'or fare.paylng pa&uoger. ' SES Clipbea and Trimrr ed by ~ ¦¦ . Prov':de. HOI j n ! - l(lhattthe above undcrtaUait h sublect to ; ames McCarthy, Horse Tr iiner, 7 \ FOR THE • ¦ ;¦ . ¦ !•¦ the folfewiag special conditidniJ ¦ LAUNDRY. . ;i . ij- . vhiclt are of the -ry.; I ' Prepaid Advertisements ¦' ¦ ' ' . essence of the coatract, vlx, ; 'I ' IJolebe | HAVE yonr Children photographed by Continued. i - I _ ^ Poole's before the Holidays are O) That death result within thirty din after the accident : (b): that Uie holder shall, priorto tht over. Delightfully natural Photographs, .i . accident, have written bis corher) usual beautifully finished signature , at specially reduced ECEIPT8 FORMS in Books of IOC i ' ¦ ¦ In ink In LOST AND FOUND TT RAM0RE VISITORS are doing :¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ thej space provided underneath; (c) that P rWel ^ j : . .; notice ol the accident be gtren to tht Prices during the Holiday Season, f ote Xw each, 6d. per Book all the 'News J- Photograrhs at spec: ally . Corporation AddreB.s:—A'. H. i Poole and Co., 34 Reduced at its IVIacipaJ Office in London within fourteen The Office. Pr; ces during the Holiday Season.| Sou Accident days alta-iil occurrence ; hO| U)at mtdlcal certl- ' Purse containing Mall . Waterford. | V and Quarantoo and , ^catet other iafprhiaUEn be furnished by the 17OU v D 'in (Trambre on invited to visit our Showjrooms and : person claiming upon reqnfcstXor the same by tbe L S oney, etcj Apply Coulter, Church se< our latest specimens; when yon are SOAP Corporatidn Llmttod, CorporaUon ;, ao!? tbl1 CopPo' l from The Waterford News Office. AND SICKNESS TO taiJ admitted5 to be theS?: "->'»unt c«.Tlcktt STRAYED or STOLEN frdm or 'off the W; t«rford. ^ . paymenfof.a premium under Park; Kilsheelan , : WH; iqH AtL ARE L:nds oflKiloM L OlIIDE to at tbe Principal Office of the ciiporaUa, oh Thv rsdny, tho ,2nd September, 1915, 1J 0FFICIA Waterford (forT I i ' EXPOSED. year 0 d May 1915) . (Illustrated. Published under SPONGES ! Sponges ! Sponges ! Hundreds Heifer, | rW i and whifc.l j the auspices of the Corporation. Sienatore of hnMrr : have b ten Isold afWrwards at Watcrford. Vi oo to select from at Geojrge White's, T ACUUM and Thermoii K as is for ke BARRINGTON i Sixpence. By post 8jd. Published at the Kilken iy, iFiddown) or Dungarvan (fairs. O'Connell Street. Great valuo in Toilet, V ing liquids hot or cold Prices fr . ' ' Head Offices: I Inform1 itioh jby E. offices of the Waterford News, O'Coni ell Bath, Stable and Motor Sponges. Let us 4s. 6d. . Geo. White and FEJEDAT;. OCTOBER 1, 1916. ak to Jamo wanted Ktropt. Sons, L DUBLIN ! ^ Connol(jo,; y. Park . KiUhcelan. ' ' know your requirements. Ch 'mists.! Waterford. ' ' Moorgate Street, London . , :\\ if I This Pagji arries a Fi -ee Insurance of £100 nd Guarantee undertaken by the Ocean Accident Corpor\axion , Limited Ill ' I : I DUNGARV PETTY SESSIONS; , Head Constable Ponnl-hj- prosecuted f course your uncJe H- IIM A saying DONGARVAN UNION ! erk—I was directed to write! him ns bleeding {rout both ears. I : ' I i Dr. E P. defended. an : CARRICK-ON-SOIR ^ETTY Dr: Jforiij Williani*. solr.. tliinjr?—Nq, sir. the question arose Uere that he was not ' came |o see him on Sunday and attend- &Tgeant O'Neill lloposed that on tlie nil this Brigid Hesly rhen without a |iviog in the. cottage at all. i i ' ' ; ¦ ed hie i for several days nigh't of the 12th inst. (jSunday) he n-as " i|| SESSIONS . . afterwards.|Tho» it hit hftn a " beil of a v.->m'?—Yiv . liie matter,was adjourned to next meet- \ Walsh was convicted some tune ago for on patrol duty with) Constable Patterson, iw tlie stone in her hand ing,! as none'of the members of the divi- Thl jliovc i> .-¦iions were .iu:d on Satur- and iat about 10 30 p.in he was standing Mr. Michdt'l Kyan (in the chair). Also Held on Monday' before Meair».|- 'G assaul dng him (Harris). James WaUh nd -bi!toto sh« SUUCK youi uueli; she preuent.—Messrs} Bcresford sion- of Loakeran were;present. j threatened some time '«go l.iy b»i(>r-.N -Me. ^^K WiUiain Orr, R.M . (in at the end.of Old 'l Lane •with his Philip , John Griffin', R.M.; James Cahill, \Ji J. Quin that-he would ' Chapq werlt across fhe roacj and picken- buck to the iwindow Iat tije side of the de- stooe?—Yes. sir. 1 Ian, and Dr. StepliensonJ • : ¦ was in tea N Humble , fT lmnas Hynn Byrne, Thoi ms Flynn , J.P. ; P. Kelly. W. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. j years' time. , i. i i , | i; • ii ran , Diiurie* fendant 's publieliousr. 'AVitiWas hea rd YBIII recognized your vnu '. i- a; the i-.p from the ' Spruit lu - in |UrW-i e. T. Barron . Egaii , Jolin Curran, Thos. ilorrissey, Win. , The Clerk read letter General ! BITTEN iBY DOG. . Cros i-examined' by Mr. Connolly, wit- i'hon a» -subdued voices itisie lune?—I did. ' ^ ' ;AJ Joni< Kyu::. a id .NuiiolaJ Morri^se} just then the ride, (juur optned by a (pom Stuck. Post Office stating that the Guardians nes» vent to Faugheen ' thatlcyening for \yus Tlii- lane would be lunger than the- guarantee for the Villers- a shot. He visited th& public-house girl She looked out aiid whether .-.he he'i to Fr.'ihur 's corner ulx-u 1 io vanUtr iwrtion of Michael Cullen v.i Thomas punne. there UlrtTO i'S BEHAVlDUB. saw witness or not lie cotild not say. but RELIEF. towA telegraph office, amounting to £5 9a. Mr! Connolly appearedlfor complainan at 8.30 and remained there until the 'pub-1 I $d., [was now,due, and a cheque for same lie-house closed, i He had some) drink she pulied back , partly .-!>ut the door and >nr iinclo didn 't »w lir:-^ 4 H'- »l j- HI ¦ and Mr, J. F. Quirke fori de endant, i but wa.- Jliari> t'U wtii jtluv« t'lerk read tlie following from Uie requested. ' i • | he wns not drunk! On! his. return he ii •sa:d to sonu-boily uijid.. " Will it do you all? -N, The was i Mr; Connolly said his |apj licktion was , Went ¦- , .,:. it riitbu-s b'-hajvunir ¦tiS Utteran urid .Carthago JJealth Insilr- The Clerk, ; answering Mr. KellyJ said to the Jorge and rii;iif. ? ' and anoliiur I suppose your unclo wn.- m^u- ilronk 1 for an order to destroy a dog the property: Uieo . and ldlhi Jnst. , aiuie Socjetj , Waterford :—. i| that the guarantee had two years more of the defendant which ; b tie comrlain- returned to the gate. He was struck I first void >did " Yf. . " I Thi n- «a» a. faint Uwi i uncunscioiis?— I -up| - ,:n n^r 'n- ;t Hoak : Coc»tii)l>le Uehneli} said that he glimmer oi lijrlil ti\ J ;.:>- lull aiul willies* Ueur Sir—-With reference to tlie appli- to run; llbe total guarantee was £38. ant. Tho application \V»as faad»: under by the Walshe. It wasinot true that h& he defeadant in tlT ' O'CoQ- An order for payment was made. ! \ struck lone of-thej Walshes first with1 th«' nas aU<> applying to lhave ¦w ent -in . Two lueji ^e*e atanding tin- miol didn 't t. liva. ' I for hisl own V t" , for outdoor re- gun' m d broke hiis nose. He |could! ':i' ' bot^i hali with th,- girl. | Witneer how ha held, the gun when he - ihc 'd'Jiiit- ary Wade was ne.vt sworn, struck Walsh with tho I gun. file divfeiui-inl uad some c irrel with Jn-- . where Mr. (,'ullma.ijwus , and ihe. btale i -nd •« in peoee- is entitled Uj benefit under the Insurance order] to; destroy trie, dog was ajs.|lor every j He struct apart. Since H i Constable—You !!« the Mr. Jolin McGrath, clerk 6f works, re- r Walsh inteelf-defence. | He had a scuffle *ifo and they wure livin tliai he was uut and ttvu ; she was in l di .-U'ii lanl wio c charce of the bir . j\»ki-d iu account for Idi inasmuch as he has received compensa- tlganwhich was being polluted by cattle. order! (I- - . : '| i I , to! lie ir .ckins at llu* 's Compensation 1 say that the injuries h£ sustained Were x> w-h i>iy iiU ' ¦H>. the menS pre.->eiioe l>n flVc ptriiiise.i ¦she :>u remember the nigh', of ih. - r>v, ' - - tion under the Workmen The probable' cost of a railing to protect MrJ Quirke objected to Mr Cahill ad- joor a:ia uiaini tho in 6st xi] e language Y Act of a greater weekly value than the caused by fallings againijt Uiel pier. Wit- said that one vtia a traveller and tlie To my sad grief 1 do 1 wn- eMiij.n« it would be £3. ; : judiciting hvthe case. He Ji uJ the great- The defend*it ivi i| linet 10s. or one sickness or disablement benefit to which i est respect for Mr. CahillJ bu jit ' was Well ness' vi ijted the public-JiouseatlFaugheen' othe r was invited lii by Mr Cullinan. hon e to my own hou.v aixt wen: into Mr. McGrath,—That matter arose on a 1 Awk'e. unpricv' iinoul in »acti of theit three AVitnesft askvd xHc iiearv^t mull to him ho would otherwise be entitled to under knownithat this caje was! miiied up with now ai|d again, but it {was pqt true to bette Mo^ lan's. They were singing .%u Itiih report from Mr. Dee. The well is situa- kicks oases, if.v mi b'iiirat es tho ^ght r ;what he was doing on tlu- premises and tho National Insurance Acts. . '\ a case [of an alleged attempt toj poison a say that he alwajrs lip: a row when! son; and I snul to >in« sximethnu; else ted in a corner of a field below the polico he goes there. He denied that he tried IOU to bind hi l ove r at p« pent. he answered tliot lie was in at Mr. Cui- becfi ll.-r f h.id a son at the from uml it O'Connor nas been in employment witli- tjarracks. There was a fence round it at dog that waa heard some Wee is ago. Mr. to. W3i charged -with in the past Week , and I am informed he la strike Walsli with] a poker soriui time! ago-! Bartholomew Daly linan's on the previous ni^ln end Mr. mit'lit " rise'" .my heart ^laughter) l'lf'sy one time. It is in marshy (ground, and Cahill Was related to some o!: trie parties ' ?;otoHd bMiavi iurUr onOO P LUCdie I!'l-13tldllii inst.ill&L. uill^ uiilering permanent employment to-day as in that case and did not adjudicate oh at Fau[heen;pubIic-houW. He also denied Cullinan told him ii he wanted a drink Moy Ian said "I have sixpence , this is a cattle, get in there and turn the whole ¦ that hd was the first tolitrike ' •VilIiaui-sLrn Sunday to coniti io and it would be itl l- " .l luiighleri and I >». il. caretaker of la farm near "Coppoquln.— that occasion. . \<| ! I ¦ I I . WalshJ He dry songif (ioii ' . pVcu >"to a puddle, eo that the people ! admitted that he fought with jWalsh oa Coa&BibJ« IV rdman proved the oStnce. ri!,'ht. he .>ame injas inviteel but od- • U. ^>r yju have 1 have sixpence mo., Youts faithfully, cannot use the water for hours afterwardsL Mr-j CaniU said helwould remain on the : t was fined 7a. 6d. and ¦ M. VEALE , Secretary . one occasion in presence; of a! policeman,i Tho dcitnda initted paying for the drink that he tin aiui we 'll put'them loj-'iiln i and ;.' . . on- I Chjiirman—Did we ever do anything to bencli and adjudicate. I | | : 1 .^.v^t,; Ar in wi»t 's iniprisonment. isupplied with by thejbannatd. This man ' Michael Cullin deposed |tha ; . on the 16th Mr. Cjqnnolly said Harris swung the gua for . ft'W hot.iUts" daughter!or. this well? . ._ i . I • &nd struck; Walsh on the nose «nd broke Mary Kiely j'Vas charged ] by Sergeant gave ibis name as Brieu and cuid thai he M :. WillianiE—,I^ir^c - ' AHL'SED THE MASTKK. Mr; McGrath—Not in my time, any- September; as (he was r-qssitig a gate at ' O'NeiJ. |behaviour on: the his nose. ' It was natural ; that I the: IvyWi riotous jwas -with Anderson oh tho previous nig ht W itnt'ss—Yw, bei;or. \\ > ' haJ '.Itr-ei- way.. Eight persons are using the water. Bunerniore leading a horse andjeart, "the ^ 1 ' ;¦ '¦ ¦ .isi iair ct»v on the Square. iTixe 'Sergeant aiid hsd also received the 'invitation irom ' The Master reported that Kate Tobin', dog ran; from the gate and bit j hlm in the j Wnlshei would re aliate. . ; | f j fine large Merry s (ipiecr Sure i|i. v They draw it from there in barrels. The Bridget Harris, < dfe ' ol John iHa -' .poke to her but she Jonly got worse. |Mr. Cullinan to conie in. Witness on UOU( In 't niako anyone drur.k ( '.aug '.iU't i nn inmate ill the house, had abused and Moloneys of Colligan get their water there; leg. Ho' showeijl thejwound to , tho magis- rrisJ de- Finpd cost* T threatened lum. She had since- left the f.ratpit[ I i fVvntiniiins! witness; Bsiid after j posed, ib reply to HJead Constable ^Crobin 5s anp j going into a room saw a lot of glasses 1 hi ve it to say that I nevi-r .-»» ih,- i Chiirman—Yes, but here is a, *ell we. Richwdj Moran charged ' with using all over the pldce. The bar wa3 lighted house. He recommended a prosecutioii'. having ibeen bitten he went to the police Ithat atlabout 10 A'clock i on .Uie, night of street, and man saying anything io anyoiv- . We 1 never did anything to and we are 'now ':Sertcmber 4th shd was;s>Uing Ot the!fire >ad language on th« (public up and a lot of «mpty porter bottles were hoa r 1 the arguing oaUido and t!-,«y were Chairman-j-She has left the house now. called upon to expend £3 on it. ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ sergeantland snowed the iwound to. him. oe'.ng rioious s nd disorderly was fined on the counter. Tliejbarmaid said thut a ' If £>h»aa patsingl M 1 ' ' - . isay: " Wo .have -you nw you—," She ' sisrhi in ¦UoreenAthraw (laughter) h«ard her husband say : , -vre livin g ip the sanw sttett and be- i j Cross-examiued by CDr. William.-—There W tness—iKnitll then there were -Kl was again admitted, tlie Master should Cros>)e3camindd by; Mr; Qujr ;e^-^itness J '' You are break- sh^pj. ! g<" notify the Board to that effect. : BALLINTAYLOB BOAD. ; ; ! ing thel bargain."!! When «b> caroe lout v*eon them it i a ho{ wsi a football match in town on that day? hont >t people , reared there. The woman : was certain thai the Wound in. his leg was In the adjoi rned case against Mary -Yes a. bite. Hi went to M.r Cihill and her husband watCoh the ground and Thos. [ knot ced Lannou down with the flt*t elw . Mr. Cvman moved " that the '. Rural dozi Walsh was kicking Donovan charged with drunkenness a And there were a great number ot peo- (j«rinan. ARTIFICIAL LI M BS. told iiim about) having been bitten. him] [Jas. i\yalsh'was Ull d I sain " -Xi> wonder {ur the - District Council! beg to call the attention in a BU oping position on the 'urtheriadjoum neni Was granted as the ple in town?—Ye *. I to b what they are" (laujrhtori I saw Mr. IQuirke—Did M.r Cahill jte 1 you to road. Wit- The Local Government Board wrote of the Co. Surveyor to the necessity of ness ran to the.houseofi Mr. A lward. defendant, [had I ept tiobd «iiiice. . Or. Williams—This] Mr Anderson i.i a noth nc in thd woman's hand , tint »>:<) I having tlie Ballintaylor road put on the go to (the sergeant?! I ' |. i y a A similar ca >e against James Wa'iih Dane. A mai oi suiting that n tlie cases ol the patients Witness—No ihe did not. I neighbour, and Mr, Aylward came'up. |He Danish birth working Y, ¦are- a.> bad a.s the Ka'ser and Ilie list of the roads to be tendered for at the , was in front of •>0o also ddjoui led further. down at 'Mr Dunne 's creamery, and Mr. (len " HoweU and Terry who were granted arti- Mr. | Quirke-^Ypu l Vent to Mr. Cahill her going back to the ans (laushter). b^- the adjourned quarterly meeting, as the late house.? | When she' returned Walter Wall ihargedl witu adjourned Cullinan knnw* hioj jfor tlie pik?l five or H.lid Constable—You will want an- ficial Iimb6 Guardians, they would Cp. Surveyor had put this matter into the after you had been bitten, and ! Mr. Cahill the Walshes iiifences was als > cautioned and a iurtlier six y^ar». have no objection to the Guardian? pay- is here to-day adjudicating. jOolyou not were still kicking ber husband;' M.r Ayl- Wheneveri he i-s iu town he •vthf C bottle now after nl< the t«lkjn _' hands of Mr. McCoy, solicitor, to get the ward tojok the uljournnieht m; de. I fiqes into Mr. Cullmuo 't. and on the night osed thut she lived sured. betrt-eoni ; lunconscious fored over by an-hour. i i '! ; | to-morrow evening in E iMcry b|ick as i'MO by the Council, and is of these people? : | I ' ,Mr. Xo como in and have I>uno 4n a different house w Clerk—Thill, has reference to the cases . Cross^xamin | Conno Iy—Wit- ' /a chat. There was her ( »UL'lit«r great importance to the ratepayers of tho Jlr. IConnolly—He. !has noti ing to ¦ do School Alter dance Committee v. uo question ot drink James Lannon enme di.tt n ot thope pati?nU outside to whom you with that. ! . ¦ : ,. iness did not see Walsh's nose broken. The , n* the Sergeon' tlie . in. with his cap in - locality. i ' | | . | , Michael Huroofl iiy ivr an attendance or- stated ilr. Culltnaii -had a h.-iril ' bio hand n.-k:n r granted artificial limbs on tlie medical iir. ' irke said the wounc. Fnown by [position her husband was] in on the road the hobby horses ' l: ga rds the fittfii* on of those li'ulj? . end = rurther cross-examined;by Mr.| Quirke, by her and her daughter. | j •! | ' | and wasn t back told her to g^ for the police. to have tlii* don? with one or two more. Kiite Harris, daughter ' IM had only att ^nded 3 day* out of 3,1. until 11 o'clock ft was while he was out it therefore became necessary for you to Mr. t' witness Uaid there were twn i men in , of Jolin¦ Harris, s name ii in for the navy. Mr. AViVliain s—^This is a ca-r n send urrnn—We want to have it brought gav*'similar evidence. I j ' Defendant—H i the two men called, j While they were tlieni tol tliu surgical npiT.iiurs to forward . It is DiinneW ynrd when the dog b it llirn, but lie wants to jdi;b but is too young yol Waiting for 1lu> r ¦larivo characters >•* • • H. have them filled and to 5i.ivi> th.: rcqiiUitd too bad. It is a a|banie, ' Thomi & Aylnard . depofiid . that Mrs. Mr. CuMinax io come back - ; and it is promised a long time. he tiidlnqt trouble to t-el l then about the Chairman— Imust! attend in the lit. Anderson asked Lunm >n shoulJ be known mid ^ n. ilctuils curriwi out. I Baw that you wow bite . The two men were Mr. Cqmerlord Harris called him jon- the ' niirh E iii ques- for some cigart-ttes bu to '.ii by the police The resolution wao passed unanimously. •iseantinie. I and said to the bannaul th.it ctmfronted with o difficulty, inasmuch as and Mr.| Uunne. :. : I ; tion. He was about a) yards iij front f)f V"T a* she was The Hoad Constable .-aid rhnt h. kn, Attendee or ler. made. going into tue shop s>he niiplu »i well * you liad no autliority for the paynwnt o( St-rReant Enright,: (Slehbower . deposed Mrs.'Harris going up;to; the he saw ihc two ^Valshes sUndiri»| Vi|c . and and I i? wife w;w a c-wd working ui.mai. . road. Harris was l or non-&tt«ndar |oe of a child. Anderson odmiued paying for it . If Mr. und it is fiend now that you liiul no each bariack labout 7 o'clock ; on the evening ying on the road. Jas. Mr Wiiliiims—'What about I.MIII - Mr. Stack—In this three months i\Vatsh said to Attendance oru,rgo| .Ejonovi n wi< [also summoned have be«'n no H-jJ Cun.-itabii'—Well he hn> a 1-nJ r«- cumstances. tl Local Government Board are 14 weeks and the tenants in the cot' Icommenced it. He struck Tom;^i|h tbe nin .-'iinii vi 'laxniu'iil. (iui.nr je wound! in his leg arid to|d hiijn thnt , for non-com pliai lea with an lattendance •Mr XJiohnei Cullinan •n from a poiicv p\>i m W v,i -»v state that they will raise no objection to tages- are paying usually only J3 weeks' Dunue'Vdog had bitten hini. Xhi wound eun andl knocked him."i | Witness tooi . Uie def«inlant , -.l \\iU:at|is said that l.e l-.jd a tu-n.ti- rent , and f urder and' ined Us , and) ooflWi deposed that ne bu«i Anderson ot-ven M. the payment of all reaaonuble expenses it appears thut eo many hours appeared to be fresh. | W'itnt'si concluded Tom Walsh to his house and be iviashed caii- f;rmii Hrsly 'K employers . M- --r> A bring up a week in every five or six years, himself tlicre. James !M >rriss iy was charged by the years. iHe was a rtjjular customer of hU for travelling. that th'el wound was a doii bite; i ' ! 1 . I | | | School Attendan:e Committee; with non- when m town &nd # MoloiJ L-y and Sons. Ltd. . •.«•*• ;(yu- .; lo lit - Mr Curran+lsn't it all rieht eo? and I tnuBt congratulate Mr. Kiely ' for Mr. Connolly was proceeding ti^ exam- | Mr. Connolly—When yoii arrived . on n came in lor a being severa l ~ compliance of ai nttenciance : order, his chiit. On the previous night ye.ira In tJn-ir .-< rvice. H Clerk—Yes ; but if you had ueted with- discovering that. Pope Gregory never did ine witpeib about previous |confrlaints re- the scene!and vou^ twenty ivnrda in front as he and was h! nicst , sober, child having- atvJnded only 3 dayi* uut of Brien were Jeavjng th-e].shophe and m. st attentive i.. out tha Loca l Government Boa rd's sanc- it better in his day. But I think as long garding the dog, but Mr. Quirke objected. of Mrs. Harris, -were the I two I Walslies (Mr. Cul- his bl isinet.-. 1't was a very high asl they pay the 13 weeks in every ' kickiug Harris? - i ; j, . " i j ' • |. Ji school diyj. liaan) told them to turn in on Ihe fol l ow- t«**u- tion youo would bo iliable to surcharg". quar- S rgeanl Enright said he] received com- | . : ost» ing » mon'.a . and tlie frtct of his b<-\ng -v the You must also send some person with ter it should be enough. I ' ( prevjoua.to 25t I Witnesi—They were not i tbby w.ere . 'Fined 6d.|an:! - day if they wert around. There -was ; plaints! about tne '0 h ' Constable Patt i rson v Michael O'Neill no ^question of their one e njiloyincnt for several yi-a rs wq. theso patients I to Cork- Mr. Kiely (rent collector)—I have ' gieat and.he. told Mr.|Uunne^ about thej«e standing Ion the road. . . ! |. • . | petting drink but for )ny Jui^. ^ tor breach; yi. th<: Lighting AcU. a sit dow n and a chati tc.-tiui of his good chararu-r with-xv. Mr. Kelly—Howell would not bo able difficulty this time over the matter Mr. coniplaintn, but any tiine witness paw the ! Sergeant Hewitt deposed to bav ng (ar- 1 auytli: ng «'!«•. His wife wa. Stack refers to. There rested th Walshes. : - ' . Fined Si. and < )St3. I Head Constable—Hail you - u decent to travel by himself, and his daughter is are 52 weeks and dog at I Uie place he. |would nfct say the p . ^ ' . | I I some more and r< -ipcctabu? woman. 1 (Jay in every year, j Mr. Cannony said Mrs) «Je.rge&nt>; TrUt<:m v. 'William Keating customer* in your shop on the Saturday prepared to go with him. and 7 yearn brings in animal Iwii s dangerous. : ! I Harriii iia? Jor drunkenness >n the public street on night?—Y»s. C!:ui inun-W* liavrt had this cane now An order was made that the necea&ary an extra, week. That was before | their A witness named Charlrii Wal.-ih.. who sworn fiiat whi!n tf ne returned wit I Mr. ! ihrasli ' the lllh indt. And did you extend the id out comjJetcly. We »r<- taking exrenses bo incurred in theso cases. eyes in tlie almanac. They could see »•«« suminoned by Mri Connolly, bid not Aylward |the-Walshes were still klckuiR .same ho.-pital- into a( ¦ her husband. Mr. Aylward. He •»«» j fined Zd. and 2s. 3dti extra it>" ¦Jio any others of them ?—No. 'couni tliat the two parties accusei) Mr. Curran-j-You! need not fend them there Here 14 Thursdays in ¦ the three attend. ||; | [ I [¦ a Crown wit- Thit have t 'een imprisoned for a week on ' mdnths as well as he< could. ' f ness; hud bworn that when he arrived the costs. . I man js A stranger in! town and r<> - to the Ciresham. you know. was nothing 'against the house ents to the 8ubmarine:dan£eri) und your- fnw»> on the road and gave a few bafts and re- Acting Sergeant) Kiely V. David 'Mans- before. bu>t we | cohsidpi that they got great pro- wives to grvut expense in sending them we*»lc 1 . turned. (.Oillen madei no complaint to Then again. th«y had the eate: of | Harris j vocaticIn .If there thit. Mr. Kiely—So it aeems. • : couiine from a publir-licusc'fha*. tycniaj field for no [light.- -¦Fined 2s. and costs. A jfine of 5s. and costs was imposed U another row of ovi»r lh^w> I »ilnM8|tliat iie. was bitten, bvi tlie dog. ¦ on kind tlie magistrates will Mr. Kelly—That is very accurate of Mr. probrtlil v Idrunk , and nn.'inj i ft ' [vjin hi iPattick . Keogbai lor a simUar offence Mr. jCullinan not to be endorsed on the do their d\ity Wiliiesa fu ard nothirig about the bite . . . Htid wi 111 preserve order in thi- tow n by Kiely. his hand.l He met this? two younir ruen ivas -fined 6d and costa. license , and the so men Anderson and until he| got the summons. I Witcess never Constable Brecn charged John Howard Brien found on the impri-Mining tlie jrartic-« contvmeJ for Mr. Kiely—I hope ye will Temember heard an^ complaint 'that the dog had going hoiAe. and there wa3 ', a:i cldl*pls«p. premise.-* were «-ach t( BALLINARD WATEB that when I ' The Bench had no ek with drunVenneJS pa the Slfct inst. on Cbc fined 2s 6d. and cojii :on« trm* will °° looking tor an in- bitten any person. ! [¦ | idenoe :o!sh pjf who crease (laughter). „ ' began the) row. Hnrru Iiud .^iid; in reply nublio street; The I-J assault upon Jame> Chairman—1 thdught wo referred this far ns withes* knew, bit anyone. It was cpnvict the , he thought He -was fined 2s, 6d. and costs in each Lannon , tho .l^L'rieved party declining to the engineer, Mr. Kiely—I demanded rent for 14 1 a fine wonld' meet the ca?e. asithf men to the deputy county sur- weeks not true for Cullen to say the dog was cue or aeven da; 3. prosecute . Aciuii-J sti-re chnreod in THE INQUEST veyor? and they would not pay me. lying on' the road. : , bad already beeu eight days in gaol on Mr. i-Stack—I remand. . -¦ i j • .. - I i. ¦ ¦ Denis Muroone y was charged with: custody 1 Mr. McGrath—I got tlie contracto r to am here IB years and I Henry! : Tobin, who , lives near Mr. | drunkenness on it. Square Head Con.-t :ib:i - Der.rjehy At a ICO on Monday, ot the licensed make an never heard it before. Dunne's ¦ pjao?, 6tated Mr. Connolly called, John Shea, whp « in charge oil prosecuted excavation round -tho fountain. No. action was .! in repli'- lo Mr. stated lie was •x horse and jart. •fo r (he Crown } premisl of Mr. C. Power , John street, Dr. Tlie ground WBS d«»d level around taken. Quirke that the dog in question in a r"bli<>hon«e at fa is it, and This concluded is the Faugheen about Constable;Constoblep'Pattcr j'attor on said tbdt the de- iU, J. F. .William.). rO'.r . appeared tor U. I. J ifacke3y and a jury of which Mr. the wa^er there cnused by throwing the business. quietest Jdo'g he ever knew. : 12 months: ago arid had Pfendantendant gave oa wro:-wro the 'defendant* 1\>renc( Ilegan was foreman , held an in* buckets of water To Mr. Connolly, to take a poker from Jobn Harris. [ H£ IR Christian name and j - there. I hiay tell you witness had mown could not new summsummons .hadh( to taken out. >tr^ Orr read the deposition m»de by quiry i uto the circumstances attending the people havje no objection to have a Cullon fori a few years; Witnias would [say what Harris meant |to do * bf with the poker.' • : . ¦ ¦ .- I ! The defendant ar swering the Chairman Janio.t l,annon before Mr K. T Longan the deu Ih of MM. Mary Hennessy, provi. |K)iid there for tlie ducks. not pay Cu)'cn rerjured:himself. Tie dog ¦said that lot! wror or. that day wifk in which Lannon sion ni( reliant,, which occurred at Jicr re- An was made would , Mr.:Griffin said th» Ilecch hadico^eJ'< liuj wroi g name was given by .stated orjler that the Looal Gov- Plltown Quarter Sessions not | bite anyone but perh ips if- the ennrlnRinn ihnt. thi» acs^iult An Vnrriti nustaktj. . that he -wa s a pedlar, living iat Strand- sidenoe , John-stre*.. suddenly that morn. ernment Board lie informed that the Cutlen stood on the dog htj would bite i | . was a.f(5ri6u$ one. would Mr. Qreenei|-Wer > you drunk when you streis Dunparvan , and remenibend bein/ ing. fiuardiax s have referred this matter to him (luu'sliter). \ i | The B^nc-h f«lj ^ I themselyci obliged gave th» wraps na me? | in Mary-suoet at about 3.30 p.m. on the Head Constable O'Connor . Manor Hre.-t the deputy eojinty surveyor and it is His Honor County Court Judge 'Continuing,, witness Baid that I he knew to fend thej | two Fitz- Walshes ti (T.-inl but Defendant-^\VelI I don't question that. 17th inst. He did nut spe Brigid Heslip Station represented the Constabulary, imHpr ohnsideratinn gerald , K.C. attended at Piltown Court- that complaints had been made eboli t th sy, daughter of the deceased , who His Honor was engaged for some time bite any! person. . il l .Michael ,,Whpian for tiding bicycle her.: She held a .-tone in h.-r hand and stated hat her mother curried on a pro- BREA'D CONTRACT in the work of revising the ' Mr. (Sriffin said the court [had no evi- decided loffine the two WaltJies 50= , rich ji jurors liste. and costs and order them: to find SecutH at BhsiidoQ wrinou : a llgKx was fined 'is. struck him wjith it on / the head. The vision lusinejs at John street. For the He was assisted by Mr. John Mackey, dence to' show that the wound s ; on the : Mow- past mi ' Uee fo kc*p ihe peace for 12 month*.] .\nd oosta. - i ! ' \ knocked him downtand he lost n- inlii or so she was complaining of Tenders were then considered for Die Clerk of Waterford -Union , and Mr. Rock- man s leg were caused otherwise than by Marr Whelan was charsed with a scinusness. Hi' remftnbered nothinc a pain under the heart. On Sunday sho ett , rato collector. the bite Ik dog. i Uiemselvd ih[£10 and¦ two sun-lies!¦ of £S siipplyirig of brsad to till' workhouse for pf M -I - each: . : : • i trimilar offence wit' defendant, more until lie .wi.- in hi^ own house with went fo : u drive with her son , starting at A: large number Mr. Quirke addressing ; I i i1 | . the last the aix ifronths ending March 31st 191S of persons were struck . the Bench, Mr. : 1 Sergeant t Creaah who proseciited said Dr. (Williams aUondina him. noon ar d returning at 8.30 o'clock. Sho off the lists on tlie ground of infirmity, pointed 6ut! that Cullen did I no: , go into Connol y said there was i jcafe Messr*. Armstrong and Knowles ten- ! pending against Harris for; assault : on *,ijja.t both defendar ts. were on the foot- Cross-examined by Mr; William.?—You then Hi a i. some tea and appeared to be in at; being over age , or being illiterate. In Mr. Dunne's yard to make any complaint ¦ live! at Cross ¦Strand- ' dered BJd. p :r 41b. loaf for best white Thomas Walsh. If the 'Bench would de- pnitk. ! : f .itreet?— Yes. good h :alth. 8he w?nt to bed at IQ bread. the case of some men who were struck oft that the dog had bitten him, j>ut hq went .¦Jiar7 WMan wa i your way VVitnosj j went r for, pessej.- ion : grftrtteil.| • home.! The .nigh t was dark a)nd lato and subseqnt-ntly she went to sleer .| \vs toss up a jflaugMcr). . ! owner's gate w<)uld pass on quile liitoic- saucers an- 1 aj •ialus.-i •you Had1 penny und let the winner hnve|it drawers anil towel drink taken. VVas that Die rea- main< Pardanelles nvon 't be thankful (laughter). How did|Diinhe know that the dog ¦Accused ] ileided guilty id the' cliarpr. did and the 1 lof Alien Begistration An>crdme|il Order Danjcl H< -siy?— I could riut swear he was dead. E:[er mother did not appear to n-i oponed before tl at time. )• ] MK OlShee and Mr. Connolly then not bite Cullen. Cullen had-b^enj pre- BJncll imposed a.sent¦ enc^ 7 which, tha , every lodgar in if t i J1 Mr. Wiilsh—I think thut i» days' iinpri ;onVnent; ' ', ¦ \ •¦ ¦['; require^ | ghould i gard th< pain in the chest as serious und t,he lowest handed iu the consent nnd other docu- viously liitttii by the dbg and reiRscd it ) . . iurnitih Vo :-hikl : bdnrclin^housS-ketper a , 'When you were passing his hou.-,e did did not see' tender oc any union in Ireland. : over. _ In » coup e of cases under the Lights on 1 a doctor. Outside the pain ments bearing upon the eettlement, and The pergeant had stated Ithat he certain form' of reiuitriitio'n , ajnd failing you ;say anytliing to anybody?—N'o in the an>d Were you (juite friendly with tin* w-.- vomitin; . He saw no marks of violence representative drew one of the folded under proj>erjcontrol , and failing to 'keep tendance Cdmmittee. • | ; N 5or defendantj 'said that he wa^ prepared ninn'up to that?—Yes . I wa.- . but J had a The ji ry returned a verdict in ftccord- rnpers. The paper drawn bore the name hiin under control, to destroy the unjmal. to ndiuit the offence. | ' \ \ failing out with first eousins of hers. :i n(V IV1 h t1j\> medical testimony of .liuucs. Hayes] whose tender WHS then If lit fiiilj; »|depo ed that shel kept lod- t the case heard in \Vai«rford aei cptcd.! An order was made that he ¦ order he ; •¦! ¦ - - ¦ . will be liable to a .fine Weal l M. - . Chest. ! ofi 20». 3er» 10 jverr'iibusa in 'Mary-stteict, iDun-: e-stcrday?—Yes. j furnish liefore thnt day week the names : for every jdoy 3ie fails tp do so. If WHY [ WASTE , MONEY Karvati. Shii ' femeiib ; Your bruther was thn of two sureties [for the carrying Boy c: se the •?m!!!ili iil«ii !fl» kl»» «rit. hri trmm tnuil *I eied l the Ulay that party ussaulted ? Scare in the City out of 's Health Restored by dog bites any person nnd the-^ (goes Hergeant O'Neill anil the Head Constable! t-y-'s j 1iis contrnct, and that tho bond be then to the Coi Court Judge ¦#ent : 1 Dr. Cassell's Tablets. ,) tho owner may into her| iiouso. It was the 13th We niissea you in Waterford ye^lerday completed. have to pay I heavy daniijses. I I ; I ) «cp-tember_ iaBd w^ i Uiem tilsinp to James. We wore toUi you could not coinf Wat«>rl ord j irf at present suffering (mtn Michael Power tendered to supply Timothy Hannipaii one of herl lodgers. do^vti you were so baJ. |lf 1 srujjgest to an cj. ido micj of rumours ;is t" the prr- coffins at ' the following prices:—I^irge. £1 , Mrs. Rm«ell. 8. Par- y^Mjw ALLEGED you that' senc« of' spii-s in our midst. Of "s rin;Iord-road. West SERIOUS ASSAULT When the defendar i cime| to KCT house you were abusing Hesly it would late we : mid((le . 10s. small. 7s. 6d. Ham-lane.; Stratford; MrAcf ^£sS\ not be true?—I have bet ii treated to a ^^1*4 lie ftot or-e ' oftthe repistration! forms to would not say it would. surfeit of tak-s as Matthew Seanl in tendered as follows :— Ijondon, E.,Mya : "My ^*j_ ' Thoma3 1>e -QUed aiidj wrou Arid you would not 'it wouldn ' to the n ¦rest of gentlemen <\i dccictt-dJ Large »on, Il»rry, bad In- ¦ < Km. K'"s ^a!f!M nd ' If mv the¦ namt Edward t?—It ' y . Cl! 7s. 6rl.; middle. £1; small . 10s. I /T'lSSSk *^*» ljl 'X \vIuh ^ ? * 'Oaaey therepii.- . I I would not be true . j foreigu e ppcarancc whose apprehension is Mr Power's, 1 ping the lowest , flo«nta nbont two £'ii^^ *^ £t \ | | usually i tenddr year« aeo; »od oiler /?^tS V\ Hc»d Constable Cronin proaecutld, and 'Hoad OonStaKlp Hnvp V<\\1 »tPfr(ainiwt "Wo must 1ind >mt your character . ittributod to their being csuvjht was accepted at nbove prices . that; be WSJ \ ' J^' \ Mr. M. J. bJSlBffSEiJS&M. «¦ photogra lhiii " alwij " Bi- ; V -5»- F?" I Connolly¦ appc ired- for li« de- «incft that that wn< not his noh)e?—Xo. James. How many inm-f. ¦•re >\at in ¦ g the " defences of Tra- Matiihew Scanliin tendered for the uup- Ailinff. Then »-naaty IrfisSy. v . «fft"* I fendants. | r , ¦' (Mr. I is mi* nor'r>k*t tv i. < - gaol?—! don't know. more Ba . but us far as we cun cough cam« on and i ' i Uvart^WJiat j U'lmrvhese plyins oil bon* s and slioes in the follow- **» h Mr Connolly said tho charge eeainst ¦ttiis? I admit the loffejicel I j What was the longest term of imprison- are who I y JH-ith qut foundation and urv ing sizes;—Men ' , C to 11 ru>btgza to lose flesh ' Xi&jfr -if r- JT±J , generalli , 1'As. Gd. ptr badlr. H« tud bad i xSSSn^alfc^jfS?/ !¦ the clefondant« was for <-h !y bodily , as tli fo lowing. On s. TTOy I harm and if the Crown '.woVild be ,oii the rt'giater I said I itould ioe the man Did you only got two montlW tlie timo e Tuesday an ins-pec- 4 to 6 Ss.. l>nys ' 11 to 1. 6s. ; girls ' . 7 to to i» J bean was i MatterPusselU I satisfied to kTT*lc~laMJi K and a^nartt tor of o IO affected. Vc had . >l ~ ' have the ca.4 go befdreltlie _ «T«y nspaet lo U» lo*«r^r^*«J ^o M ,&nd 63,ir him ;in a room ofi tli^ shop. I you stabbed the man?-jl only got a of the local societies was out 10; 5s. Gdh girls . 2 toi5, 7s. Gd. good' ' ^ in the J >hn-s •drlqe for: Harry, bpt there.ma court as al caje of comn on;assault the f.ttk* mil lW**UIm.t '. cecogniied him and asked] "Aren't you month lOauirhteri. j Hill diroction, and an he As only the om- tender was received , and ment no taprorp- Bench was wall ingj to . so we £ the' Hannigin'slof Casile Island And Iho time you wetelimptisoticcl for along- he was making some no samples sent. i\ Vias^decided adjourn beWCT wteo ne came ooti bnt »ooi> all the old. Head entries i I his ed.; Constable Cronin said he had no I5 8JS? £2 9s. in! the County KeiTi?" [He saia he was, theft! How long did you] got that time? book—records of his day 's the acceptance ofj this;tender for a week , eruiptpnn Tet^rn Then w» «ent him Into objection —I wasn' work , While thu3 tiie country, but wh«n be come home ' to having the tourt deal willi on Jhe jhad [given the t sent to gaol for thbft. engaged, ho passed the Master to set samples in the mean- he wa»1 the ; ease 27 822? £5 Well -you were several i csple on tho rosd ooon ko 111: M ever. « not worae. It tmt then summarily! • ' I' |[ wroiigname. It ws for a| purnoae that sent toi gaol oh a clvarge amongst them jtime. i we.tried Dr. Ou«ll'« Tablel«7»nd they helped In reply fo Mr. 5O £9 7s. ' of ¦tliett, vreren't you?—Yes , an old In dy ^'ho eyed him with suspicion 1 Harry from the lint. ' GrifRn, : fead Corklable ?5ife 3iad. nothing to do¦ ¦ with tho Dulence of ii was a , Tlus concluded ] the business of tlio Be cr«w Btrontr and Cronin said the injured n an (Jolirt B.j.n;uwooD«BUum yiB KoaimJ-;:';: : . 1 I raomJijon remand. j : evidently mistaking him for a German | Board of guardians, and there was «pu»3. and iKwr he io bMter t»on e.rer betore.I ris) Hnr- ^»un imam . spy. On belt! lie ba« no oon£h, and hJa hvanBKD I quite had declined to prosecute land- [tlie mmt. Ohi of course we know you didn't steal . Ulej return journey the inspector !subsequently a meeting of the police •¦ -. X«m>oa; K : .| | IhMr. Byani^-There ii..W ih4 [sSJ^l(e»l a,t all was met by ' took lthe case im- Thn HiroAH^i. ^^ Qi(> (laughter). How many more months .& fosse of;police who asked %ere then Suspicion that '.thean jdelendant gayu in gaol?—Thai him if Ii j had seeu any charted with -tnlawfuHV (ds- •wrong najoo^for purpose - Ss all I was in person making RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL , wnilting. JohnlHarris, prejudiciui jaoi I " I | ; sketches, He at onoe Teplted in tho ncaa- ' bl» in. search effect tliat on }he night oflSepterob >r |4tn uJieM I appear f a niece of James I-annon.' of. Ht imme- Mr. John McGrath, clerk of works , also :h>\ refnrned: home to >r the |defor dant to ft abojit 10J30 die was standing "at the diatoly o iplained tlie whole malter . and Mtdndcd. I his .house at Cregs. 4«Jmit tlie oflence ' ¦ •¦ 'V- Inner having been out aid to tell ijow . soTry ond of Buttery Lane and j saw (her uncl» as lie wai well-known to the members of i- j iM11 • ilfets.11 . :. - . i - . shooting.! I e pot ho| i^ t't&t "tli'islsnou ]i have (occurred, and the Const ¦ Br. l«i 4ra cnnliia ud urtad t«n«Jr !home about! 10 o'clock andj : there! She san Brigid Hesly strike him iibujnry prpfw-nt tho incident BALLINAGOUL, COTTAGE. A» »B|fonm * ,fo went in o fhe 1 thfak a 3i6minal penalty woiild meet ended. ¦ 3f course. Dame of «rr» or bodily wMknem la old or r?e. He then'came out l on ' tno public with I a stone. H« fell Aid -Mrs.! Mary Rumour may Mr. .T. V. Williams; !°5W. » 0W»«m«{4 "• HCTTt-niiirtMlu ni «mlM or road. He ilie oa.se Hn. ia a a \a M about ycaTs \Vadij rnn over embellish this story ( and in solicitor, wrot^ todWimiibV prorad tBaoj. Uxr¦ »ro lt« iccunlMd had:the gun in lJiia hand, ¦ ; p and saic| '} Don 't kill the a short time btatiug tlwit he modoni) hcBO trttltnJnl^cr , , . the eiin was ^ut \m of iagc. 'j : we may I " hdd furnished particulars unloaded. m ' >c told of ; He had b|oy."| 'Daniel Hesly then cdme] along the discorerj- of con- of the ' stnndinc tV'en M j. Cnni."T;;vn-^->Ve ari not Crete crap Ballinugoul No. 203 cottage to the "ISvoiit ¦RMKDomi ; Kimcv OIUAK at [the gate for about ¦ ¦ , litniteO lo anv and Jut James Lannon With hirj fist. That acementd atcommandins points J M a n: uiuU* I).-!Will,y • Ni '« around o Local Government' Board. SESffi »W™' I j MDICltTJOH wlicn the two j accused men i\ 1 | knocked Mm down again as hfl ha'd got ir city whence the " l.'rbs In- 'J 1 1 1 : «T0«ACM DIMHtDEK caijje nrjto i. Mr KTOii-kVWyihiii? frofi a p'euny to tactn " m ay be bombarded. Clerk—Tjiis is die cottnge they refused SKliLW* Rjatw* ! \ i¦: him. They itood between] him. ' up after first blow j i to build aqd wrote! for ISZ&IMJK * I ¦*!-¦¦ Tm mow cute. One I laud the £160. ;.;.l i'; |- . | I Cross-examined by 'Mr. ( all particulars. Mr) ¦ of.: the Walshes said -. W«. : Cha:nr.an- ^[\'« aoc William^—You Williams has sent! torn on now. "•Jwui oEwutv !i rjurnATiow h«ve yon now you-;—- " f BEDS ?pl your . rEADS J explanation I Thomas WaUU ' were jat the end of Buttery Lane.; How MACK! ;TOSH\S MINT The Icttdr was initialled. of enemm : VITAL CXMAU«TIQN struck him and impoio a penaTtj' of 2s. 6d. and cosis. [fir away was Hesly's ' h!6ii&e?-4Only two DE LUXE , UW ***¦«* | ,; rtttuauBc DUAY in tho face aad]-Iamis Waie-h beautiful Id piollow Mint Flavour. lor titniclc him on' tho head. ' |ud tlt-tS, in u belot The gun broke and iritnesi was there. AND BTAlBLEB KWaaioaL - tl. not *tni ck on the <$idtged by _ ih<>;:"Cro vh- -with aq oBencc ; ]And : naturally you wera BBUSHEMr^^ta? was living [iu his cottage at Loskeran, nnd I* —' Til «iMili «ni li> lij.l left'-side of. the '.'face nnd ¦ Attracted by it? to rm aaln noalgt of uu *ad«ld7oV>*a4 ««o v ^ knocked do\vn (undtr the iscensing J cta bn he li|ih jnst. —Yes{¦ his employer could bear testimony to the ' ,^ap> tfntn uida»etittf.Addn a: Dr. oSs, . | He did not know wliut ¦ &ct thatie slept jtliere every '^uLtd,;4it , <%«K«-TOVL M«oc)ititw happened after tliat. ' AVheH ' i ¦ night. ¦ ¦ - ¦ he reco' ertd |!; . j l j ;; ¦ I' - I I i I ' . consciousness¦¦ ¦ in tlie morning he wag ' ¦ ' ¦ • • 1 ¦ ' • il - -i 10% -I I i lii \ . i Co. I waterford Agricultural and I! NOTES JFROM i i " Cheese as an Irish Industry ". THE; FARMERS GAZETTE. technical Committee Immediate Delivery can now be Barley—Is barley as Home! j Crlishcd I Mr. 3. Landfea r Lucas , of Surrey, writes h y crushod with, my own good roug 1 as to " The Field " about cheqse-making in | | lor fattening cattle und pigs ¦A iieetang of the above Committee was ! given of crusher slate at mill; IrelanrJ.' The oontention of Mr. Lucas to get it' ground in A fine held in the} Courthouse, Dungarvan, on - is that Irish, to oats ? Bir- I people do not care for cheese and div.'s tlie same apply Jlon lay. U,r IJejnnehy, President, occu- t and that is the only reason they do not feeding would be quite as good (or pied the cliAir, ajid there were [also pre- ley for yoxir make it." We are of opinion that this is » purpose; you mention crushed by .sent.-Messrs. A. J. V. Wise. J.P ; N. tiit mill; ' Dot the only reasonto , for Irish people have machine as being sent to - the !Kit2!,eralfi . [N. Morrissey, J.F. ; Kev . J. aversion cheese. 1 own crushed bar- ' r^o Mr. Lucas Bay* In lact .jmnny fmU'r* prefer Coneon , f \\: Wui. Power . C. J. Gurran. that Mr. John Redmond and The same is Sir Edward ley lo barley that is ijolled. Jjilui Cnrran . James H:iy«>. Win. Stuck. parson have both written toihim-cxpress- John Met!rath. ' true of Joati. I Lnmb— mi,' their interest in the manufacture of Kegiste'riili; lioriU'i-I.eicesti'r !Mt Jolinion , Inspector, was also in eheeso. Mr. T. P. Gill has let me know also commu- Would you be kind .11 >U}ili to -atterdance. | nicated with him. sendinp him a report Border-Leicester ^amb from unregis- ;On a report beipg read on the 'food pro- if a ii qual- ijnpplied by the Department. " Alder- parents could b' regi stered duction , tlui Committee decided: on luild- Dian Sir Alfred J Newton , '. Bart., (..'hair- tered is the See^ ity is tip to standard ? Who ing i nieletijig in Dungarvan on . the next -L rjnan of Harrod Stores, soys Mr. Lucas, the Borde r- Leicester Society?— fair ( ay, ut which numbers of fanners and ! BY: - "j" in an enthusiastic resronse retary oi -r- f , tells mo Secnitury of th Society of HorJ< othei s are |nvitea to attend. A Jurtlier h.it Ji« and his directors —The Andrew tj will be glad tc I.eiceiter S|ioo)> Breeders is Mr. disci ssion on tho matter, of food produc- promote? Uie sale of Irish, cheesy, and sug- ¦ KdinUurgli, who ' S. . irautj STi lli^li s'.r- ei. tion will tli en tanon . place, al the same gests that the agents and vendors ap- to Jivi ,-11 T.ie. inU.\cel!eht \Vmter agricultural class. * were fixed quite bare pf Irish cheese. He haR, how- ' suitable dressing for (j!lbnI live shortly to be able to would he. ti j ewts. ' Mr, James Walsh suid probably the suppl y it. The aere. Mostl growers ijsually apply it on stocK . Uie Comraittea decided that it 11,1,1 on Saturday. authorities of the Army and i Mr. J ODoinell rxrason why the Guardians did not secure Navy Stores tlie fnrmyUrd manure just bfr woulji be U>|the b :st interests »f coun- M.t' C . (llianiiian and Messrs. WJiiteiey "B are th • lop j»f th* . |)resuliiig. Also pre a conviction against the woman when among those fo re closiiigjthe drillsJ Of course, if you try rf no live stock in calf or pig were M ill Mtjssrs . T. K. Morris.-'i'y, Vice equally interested, and, it may be said distributer it would" do expo :ted. they prosecuted her wiis that she was not tjiat the cheese Slave a jniniuire ' L'tiairmaii . M K. Davin , M. ' IWrV, J indicted under the proper section^ producers iii Ireland will to put it ton the soil after it; . In itructiop s aie given to instructors It l|a,ve little difficulty in .rt|iially jivoll . Mara . K.jPnreell . K. Duggan . J. V' alah would be worth the Guardians while to marketing their has lnyn! nuuK1 ready in the springtime to'u: etheir best n eans for the increase of R 0'S.iornian . T CVlirady, (;. Morris , I1 goods in increasing quantities, always a re opened. poul ry and eggs. get counsel's opinion on tlu- question of providing thut they are to and b-.-fijre th.o drills , Fitzgerald. t.heso women who- are car^fuli main- ' FinSer-ahd-Toe—l riave a A notipn stood in the name deserted by 'their tiain a high standard of Liming;for-. of Mr. B. husbands corning to the house every . quality." ¦ which is badly affected G. TJisher tlie e ffect—" At next meeting night I There is no valid reason : ¦ field nf jturiiips tq with their children why Ireland — ' —— -r^ witl. liivi.ir-atui-tnfr. I intend setting oati of tl e Committee I will move that Miss STATK OK THK HOISE ahould not make cheese upon a large scale — OJj—J ¦• r j^\\ , and X lor the It was decided to again prosecute the -*id make such •— ^ :• • in ii nekt year with grass-seeds Thornton b^ recommended usual woman. cheese as W011I4 earn for i : ! :i wan; tojkudw when i > the best time for inert ment of ealqry under schemes 1915- Kfmaining previous Saturday li ght. il at home and abroad as hjgh a reputa- ;j !¦ ¦ MASTER'S REPORT tion as Irish bacon I : : | : . J app'.yins linie to it. \ gave the field 15 1916.I' I ISu . t orresponding period last year , 186. and Irish butter hold. special turnip The Master reported :—On the recom- li)ti > oi }lttng and 4 v<-n jd ; enst of provisions , etc. . roeeivei dur- ance of a patient in the hosj an acre given to you free Tli'irnturt ing the week , it-to Ir. 3d ; cost of do con- Owing to the absence chase of each share 8 down by ' siuned of able-bodied per cent, fully paid m* :SiUMIW(T'?!lFii6.UR would advise .you; to h ive eaten had levotL'dj a Mud deal uf linie t< > the . .C4S 'Js lid. Average weekly cost casuals, 1 found it noo ssury to npn-assessable ¦ ¦ ;ib!e fy^fore Tomov- niainti»nance--ln employ cumulative preferred stock ¦ ¦ ¦ - slieop ii:j imich «£ pus Capr.ng h Show , nLl an -ifli. c > ->mId imt ol hcusc . 4>. G^d ; in Mr. J. Cooney to pump out the septic tank of Lousinna Inter-state ' 1 - I • ii • ' field frcm I fon to 0 tons her hospital t>s. 6d. Mineral Company, . ii M l l ins. pive the mor:>) usiiful-ly sp^nd tiiiv.- than in , during tlie wwk. of New Orleans, U.S.A., at £20 a share. p..-r statute ; aero ; o( reshlV-burnt lime, incrrtisinj an infant industry. A31 that SOLD IN SIZES JEVEK'i'dNE . slake There were twenty-live casuals during purchase 50 or mor^ shares will Tb SUIT which nijcd not beigrou id , but would ' Thi jno itioh wasj passed unanimou sly the week. g« a good ¦ ¦ After beinp LO. >TAl\i-:i) farm house, barn and well , and by naturally of 15 shares or more will get a . i_|_j s\ ' spread"oyer| the ground vhs order whereby cattle «r- Ji^ld up al the Master said the old pump and chain that tnree-roomed cabin with ; harrowed in should you get the' land. Onty : I . afterwards be English poris 5or ton Incurs nl!, -i- I» IHK ( ad the worked the septic tank are worn out ' artd limited amount of land will j dry weal heir in the autumn. landed. I The lerk r^ following:— . be given away If necessary, write for Name ;of the Nearest Dealer 10 . . sufficiently it will be necessary to have them replaced. or\ tliese liberal terms. For free particu- ,1 'Eiirze Seed—f\Vhen is the best ! Thi usual tender* ft>r th<- prmlinjr M.aui street , Carrick-on-Suir . Setting . I 'iird September 1915. Mr. Duvin asked if the septic tank could lars write : C F. Peterson , care of Cooke time of the year for setting ftirae seed in posti, if;, and aihvHi.-niiiz were rorisi'lert 'fi . . in as (iiTitlcnii'ii--As yuit are no doubt a vare , be dispensed with if Uie town water sup- and Byrne, 60 Hajcourt St. Dublin, 178e fences?—J—W' e , presume your intention is ^nd .rrdar made tli. same in ' !he ply would be got of 1 have been at serious loss on the I utter in to grow Jurze in a row along the top prov i )iis year ' 5Ir. Morrissey—It could ¦ ' ' ¦ " contrmt, 11 supplied 1,4391 lbs. butter not. You gpont COOKE H ¦ • ¦ ! I - ¦ ; .' ¦ 1 I your fcn'ces in preference to the usual £1,200 a few years ago BYRNE, I II : 'I could whk -h cost me an average price of onM in connection tvith whitethorn. If so, th4 furze seed this sewerage scheme , ind how could you GO HARCOURT STREET. 'DUBLIN. April. -hilluig arid three pence per lb. I have be sown 'any timei in March or upset it all now I see here in a cata- 11 BRUNSWICK ST., LIVERPOOL for Pigs and Poultry.—I am i Diingarvan Urban Conncil therefore lost a sum of £15, not ti king Ki»K Meal into account time and expense. I shall logue that an engine could bo got for £15 enclQsinj i leaflet of fish meaL Please that would pump all TjlE NEW FRENCH REMEDV. ^01 Hoi pig t.-el ik»-ply obliged il you »iii concidi r my the sewerage ou;t in stat 9 your" opinion! a? io its value for two days n week at a cost of 2d per h I: II , and lif fold in I reland, cBv \ OllTS , cit" , pur. and fowl- Jeedimr Mrl Patrick tj es ton, 3 V . Chairman , You could not get tlie proper level for an THERAPIQI^ at £7 CURES KIDNEY, BLADDER AND ALLIED ¦ I ¦ and how] dons it compare with oats presiding. Also p esent --Messrs. Michl. [ ROBERT POWER. ordinary sewerage scheme . SS 1 ' ¦ |: ! • 'Mi l ' feeding mixed with. Mr Morrissey—Unfortunately the (iuar- DISEASES, 1'ILES, Sec. 'Sendataitl p aridcetKd i 10s.. crushed, for pic Bren iock . Micba jl .1. C-.is.y, Michael Mr. Davin—1 don 't see why we cpuld envelope,! iga jnd syni|«oni» Mr ;:KKEK advlcr on 1, as staple food, and a littl* ilians cannot do anything for Mr. l ower suilaKility io your caw. Indian meal Is other tjyrn \ M. Feanlar . and .1. Cmran. not get a proper level here as well ap in N-Wollowiip I circulars. Dr. milk? - there rany food as he entered mto Uie. contract sine : the Le, Clerc, Med. Co., Haverslcck Rd., N.W., seramti^l ovwy other union. We seem to be an ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - The usual joffiaicils also attended. ex- London. Depots : Pari« 12 Rue ¦ - - war broke! out. The Local Govern Dent . CastijUone. Ne» Stocko. vvnersii n % Farmers¦; i 1 1 which i$ ?ood for] jrroWing pigs? I find ception to other unions. VArk , oo lJeekmun St. rather to ] This was a finince meeting, and the Board have decided that Toronto, l.yraan's. Ltd .Australia. raw Indian nKaljalorje tends pay sii*et , "men 's wages, amounting to £8 point very de- It was decided to advertise (or a ohain Elliot Bros.. Sydney. Brisbane. TRY N EW DRAGEt bulk finitely. [TASTELESil FOHM OF i I fatten, nnd . is rather strong for its 5s. 7d., was passed without discussion . I and pump. It was also decided, after an J vhenj fed to bonha' ms aged tihre..' months. Mr. Purcell—Perhaps they would ;anc- inspection of the works, to procure an Barley nieal is scarce in this district. ' STONES. tion Mr. Power half the amount. It is engine uvntioned by Mr. Morrissey . T^ERAPlOW about jwhieh you enclose very hard) on Mr._ Power . See that Trade UarV'ed Word '^c^P'0 fe' is 0D Oril,. " The fish! meal; Mr] McXirath. ac tingas Borough Surveyor , Gi^t. Stamp affixed to " PLEASE I i NblB THAT j us a leaflet, may be suitable enough feed- that there now Cuo cubic yard Mr. Morris—Mr. Power is a very detent RATES aJI Gtouioe Packets , ^tated v s man ing for poultry, but Ttpt at all for pigs . and (if we coulddo do anything t) re- Dr ,C. J ffyllpin . M.O.. Rathgnrniack. that of stones quarried . coup him ^ve should so. irrespective of its costl compared to Mr] Breni ocki— .' think you ought to wrote :—I have been billed for rates , and stuffs. Irish bacon | Chairman—We would all be in fa vour , of other] feeding get all the break ;rs possible instantly. not being in possession when the rates EDWARD O KEEFE, Ltd. curra comrlain strongly against the use o! doing. »b if we could , but I am ajraid were struck , I beg that you will be good W. BRYANT . . Did you take thi measurement . of the (Government GRACEDIEU, WATERFORD \ of fish oils or meals in! pig feeiling owing stonek? \?c|had m argument latel y as the Local Board would ob- enough for thip year to pay same, and flavour it gives to ject. It is] certainly too bad to huvt Mr. oblige. , Practical Co&chbpilder. to the objectionable regarded the brpl en stoiies and the —Yours etc., Pays HIGHEST PRICES for .DEAD J AND DISABLED H )RSES & the cured ¦ pork. ' You cannot, do better Power sustain such a loss. '' C J. HALPIN. The Glen itonek piled. 1 l(e d that tluru were more Mr. , Waterford. CATTLE; same removed from any place within a reasonabl< distance than use! a mixture of crushed oats and stonek nilbd than IbroSeii . Davjin—We should not alwaj i be It was decided that the Guardians will 1 '¦ potatoes down under the Local Government Board. pay the ' from Waterlord. I! I \ \ Indian meal;, totrether with j Mr. Mcprath-L^es. out oi iiin* vards rates for the period Dr ^lal pin ¦ ¦ and separated ' milk. If barley meal is be only seven yards If we do we have no business here. ¦was not in possession. " ; : piled there jwould Mr. Piircell proposed, ll ' 1 !: not easily:obtainable you- might be able when broken. ,' and Mr. Davin IX KINDS OF CABBIAGE8 OAB0, All Animals immediately removed .on receipt of Telegrams : later. sec nnded , jhat Mr Power be allowed half . to b'lv poliflrd ion reasonable terms j Mr, Bre|in6ck-f 1 hat prov.\> the correct- O'KEEFE'8, CRACEDIEU, WATERFOHD, Littingl Hy—Making a iKln-(l) There )f tlie amount subject to the sanction 0 the E!TO.. MADE AND REPAIRED. ' ness my argukn -nt. Local Government Board. Or by TELEPHONE I NO, ' is. a tripod for lifting s wynd bodily into | Chi irm)ln-j-(Je{ is many breakers a» Carrie k-on-Suir Wo. 3 R ural BTJBBER TYRING 89. .M I' ; Mr. OK TBK aiconimohi 'cart. by w/iat means are the you i:ossibly; can and have theiii break Jarrie* Walsh said he agreed with PEEMI8ES. tlie Guardians that it was very liar 1 on Council | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB ] LIVE HORSES BROUGHT TO wynrls slims; (I have (he spear and the the s ones while €ie weather U fiue, and OUR WORKS , told passed round Mr. Power] to be at such a loss, and they AND! CASH PAID; FOB; SAME BY OUR MANAGER claws)? 1 ^rri 'a ro ie is it wo lid be then introducing stone-break- GENEBAL 8MITHW0BK. ON DELIVERY. V j-| ' ' ~ the wynd. nit I should have would ull be in favour of recouping h m if Mr. James Walsh , liiairnian, presided |j : ¦ • the butt lof ing riachinef-y. I [ they could! However , . 'I M thought ihiA' would brej ik the wynd when 1 he thought it v ould at the meeting of Carrick-on-Suir No.' 3 PEKSONAt ATTENTION;' TO kht O'KEEFE'S PAY HIGHER PRICES THAN "ANY OTHER FIRM Sir. Brelnnock-yYei; tlicre in a feeling be us-'lessl for them to be passing : ¦ ' it was teins ! hoisted by the purchase or outsitle thatjwe '¦» :re going to introduce TK pro- Rural District Council held on Saturday ORDEB8, i ' ii ¦! ; posal which they know well tKjL II i iVl -tackle. <2) How may fl farmer make a mach inery, but t3w .t is novso. I irfcal after, the; (Jiyjodians' meeting, AISO :pre- Government Boa rd will not o$£pb] ¦ kiln to kiln dry his wWat before grinding ¦ ilr. Byrhej-Lefc jis ktiep out machinery ac- sent-:—Messrs. E. Duggan . K. Purecll, G. [ \ !- I I it? t$> 11 would also li(te to know how a iiuint .-auction. Morris, T. O'Grady. P Fitzgerald , and R. as loiig as} we caj i , because that has done Mr. Morrissey—That smal l limekiln to DUt out 60 tons oi lime us al', oiiti I is my point I 0'Ciorman. | | would bo strongly in favour of reeouring HARRINGTON' might be built? (1) Tjhcre are ;«a ssaafessg^-^;—?is cellent hay quest on oi cartingl the mud scrapings on could do it. RENOWNED IRISH - ket at present. Some <|>f them are of the wlujreas The best way to settU tho in" parts of the rural district. The chil- I - ! Up ; '< FOR S IALE OR HIRE I | the si les m the rbalds, they could matter is to ask the Clerk what is thl law tripod nattern to -which you refer, and be dt npefl dver:tr|e fences and save the dren affected were removed to the fever — SANO the on the subject. hospital and the clothes were burned - RICK COVERS Lare?sfer^Iiand- the cocks orlwynds arb lifted on to cartir g. , | , iand L ; ! i pully attachment. The Clerk said tho Loca l (Irtverniaent all necessary steps were taken to prevent cartT by a | rore and . It: Mas dec|ded| that all the mud scrap- DISTEMPER S o« micnt commMnicato viith eorrur o! the ings' i i the southern area should be dump- Bourn" nndpssued a circular to all the pub- infection,. WATERPRObF COVEfls! . . \ £? ^o^n : leading machinery makers on the matter. ed o^ er the fences to avoid expense of bodies stating thvy \vonld not san ction f Mr. Dalton also reported that he visit- liOVELY SHADES [ (2) We do not thinTc it would .be advisable carting. any payment for losses sustained by con- j ed premises at Baungarrave where cattle ' ^ for 'any !farn' er to' erept a kiln for this tracts entered into since the war I roke are skinned. He had given instructions SAC • ' to have the CHEAP , DURABLE. SANITARY KS] [| j PElBlff iS f purpose So long as there is a mill in his I BUOfYl FOUND. out They] sanctioned payments for con- carcases buried ut least 24 Q.!—.f % Besides, kiln drying of erain hours after the animals district. I John Htirley , came before tracts entered into before the War I: roke wer« skinned. for |skiH\nnd experience. (3) There . a labourer out , hut bejforp I Mr. Pi|rcell, Mr cal Government not delay to give a dose or .Board ef Agri- tr)e paysheej s, and I move Board Engineering under wtieat the English now' hat [we turn, round and give the was accepted- Inspector, forwarded culture desire to point out that farmers J.a report on his recent inspection of tlie two ofil the; cure which has , , not to reduce Town Clerjc b cert tin amount of money The tender sent in for potatoes «ns con- ' cottages recentl should arrange ii possible to pay at the] fina'n e meetings the claims sidered too] hii.rh , and the master was dir- : y completed and some in NOTICE saved thousands at course of of calves, the area Jujider oats, for, to a nation deinaidedlon the Council. It in absurd ected to liuv potatoes as lie rco uir. -s t em. erection in the district. ' The ya r. this grain may be just as useful . , report:was satisfactory warding most of -^Yiirr""^v^'*^c T ^ - r~-~|- r .' ' [, for us to by cisming down here. We came ¦ and is admitted to be the as wheat.Jand, the strawjisof special value ' the cottages In a couple of cases 'where at ha f-past. seven and now it is only a TO FAJJMEES mOSt ' Mr. as fodderjfor stock. In many districts re- there has been delay in completing reliable. Hayes, Bird- quart* r to [ei ght an i we have no more to j SANCTION. cot- Special Cash Frice or Easy peated attacks by frit-tly (sometimes call- ' tages steps were taken to have thp per- hill, Limerick, one of many users, do. !I l is v.'aste of imc. We f!ioii!;l niw • 6ons concerned 1; ' , ed " bottling ") have rendered spring oats the T >wn Clerk :c rtain liberties and The I»cal Government Hoard « rote complete Uie cottages. EDWARD WALSq, Extended Payments writing 13tb August, says: Thankysu AVinter-sown oSts, A- good deal of correspondence H precarious crop. then t here would pi no need for our com- sanctioning the following paymeni s — relating for tho 'yeterlnrj and* liowev»T, 'are -jess liable' to attack by this £3 9s . to Mr. James M<(lrath for ta ;ing to cottages in the district was dealt with. a de. Skin, Wool and Tallow Merchant. Hoose Cough , therefore, receive In- ing Wre at, all. j | . . y . Horee and Cattle Slaughterer, ' Cure'which acte^ like magic I tried j est and might ¦ Clerk—ypu l cau'nht do that. It would the half-yej arl itock; £4 4s. to Dr. ¦ 7 creased attention at the present time. SU-p lienson for given the p reference on land the outdoor relief lists. O&bn Straw . J- lh \r> 47.- Cd trouble. . : i ' i TrfOusaniJi pf bottle* told. Thooiandi of !Chairman—J don t think you could (to The Chairman Said the Giurd ans Oaten Straw Made by, i . (subject to "' lodging." ' ft is more liable that. | ' (old). 60s. to 70s. I calcei cured by thli wonderfully ; effective to shed i'ts seed than, he grey variety, I should ho "cry careful not to renew tho W'heaten Straw , 4\5s. CHE: OVELLE SPICE COY., NEWBY. couth cure which It sold in batttei 3/- ««fh, ';Mr. Scarilnn—We are :i qMiivt py of an rvliei in any castes wheio it could be Wheaten Sheaf •¦ Agents— Waterford—B, Poole and Son; and should ; be cut before it is dead ripe. downih>re and nothing ilonc. . 60s io 37 6.1 tmafler »li» 1/9, postago 4d. extra: Alto io In neither -so palatable hourkjtting knocked off without causing undue h ird- Turnips, 20s. to 22s. George White and Son;! Henry Bell, one gallon tint 15/-, case is tlio. straw [Mr: Brennobk—If the Council gave you ¦ half gallon tins 8/-, pontags >ihip. He (Chairman) did not like tho ¦Potatoes, oJ. to VLT. 1 Quay ; Robert J. Parker, Michael 8tree»; as'that of the? finer, spring varieties, .but , Mri Mulca iy, to pay the men PL' . *;'•:) • . % 6d. extra. From the brlglnator, HEXIIV 0EU, when ch ' pOweT . idea of Guf rdiat|s coining into the B< ard and W. J. Jones, Quay. ! j I VeUrlnary Chemlit affed , and mixeld with, cake and could you !doj it without the p;iy«heets : , 62 Quay, WaterforcV | meal it isj readily eaten by 6tock. sometimes {to gel people on the out oor J GRAIN. Carrick-on-Sulr. J. Tyrie Turner. | being signed ?. I relief list and not attending for mo ths I TELL TOrj Winter oatS j are suited to a wide range plerl t-Nd. I , : Indian ^Mesl , 31s. | | | r |%1 ^^S of soils. (They can be grown successfully ¦ I of it afterwards. (¦ White Bran , 9s. 9d. per cwt 'Mri feren po^k—Trjat disposes then. In reply jo Mi. Pureel l , the Clerk aid $§*,» O8CO It^ I on soils too ljght or too poor for wheat; : But Air. Curran' iuV>a some time ago Red Bran. 8B . 6d. per ewt. ^^^P sj there are 55 case s of outdoor relief in the Whiffl Pollard Us. 3d per cat IMPOBTANT and they prevent such fjoils from " wash-' imiphtlbe mojre p|-njctical. He suggested . |TO MOTHER. ing " in a wet winter. Further; they can urban area and »0 in the whole rural ! rea I Ked Pollard , 9s. 3d. ^m GAPCSf PIP jv& K : conduitingltoa ordinary business Weekly of tho unio 1. ^ ^^™|^ ! ¦ ¦ : ' be taken as algecond corn crop; r rovided ¦as Flour (best), &s. : |i .r.T-ff.! ¦ the land is clean. : it|would arise.) I Mr. Putcell said IK, agreed with the i Theyj are not so hardy phafrmaii—That is being done in Fer- 1 Every mother who [Talues the health and as winter wheit or wintef barley, and con- i Chairman that Uie Cuardians shoulc be FISH. cleanliness DI ber imby |and all [the | other Councils except careful about the renewals but lie w< uld Holloway's Pills "~| I Child should use HAB- sequently) muW. be Isown earlier, prefer- i Turbot , Is. lOd. per lb BIBON-S " BBLUBtE " NUBSEBT PC ably in September,; so [that the :Carricj!-on-Suir. ; not like to pee a ny poor person loft 1 un- are of pricelos valnu tu keeptag I MADE. plants ! plerft— tannot ( o that; it would be Cod , 9d. per lb. the blood ffee from Impurities and ! One application kills all N1U may .become well established before cold I gry - [ Sole, Is. lOd. to 2s. per lb and Vermin, beautifies . easier tor mej thollj h, if I could. ; | " is no fear hat tlie Llnr, Stomach and Kidney* In j and strengtheni weather sets jn. The ground should be Mr. 'Morrjissey -Th^re Kike, lOd. per lb. activity. ITbty the Hair. In Tint, 4\d, ¦ j MrJ DurrknMVhy can't you ? We can will happen. : — proper functional { end 9d. Pott, Id. left somewhat rough .jus a ' protection Iobster9, Is. to la. 3d. each. • give speedy relief in cases of Head* i GEO. W. BABBIBON, Chemist, Beadini, against cold lHnds do eve ything we ll* if we have a bit of Only about five cases were .-track off S i , |and, with this object Crabs, -Id. to 6d. each. I - !'J ii! I - I I acbe, Biliousoots, Nausea, Dullness, ; Bold by ChemUta. AienU for Waterford— in view if; is customary- in iso'me districts pluck: Tb.4 Local Government Board¦ are the lista. ' MADE BY IHE OVELLE 8PI0E CC .. and cure the worst cases of Consti- White and i»ni, ltd., O'CoaneU only p ir servant*. ! ' • I ¦;• POULTRY. ' St.; B, to harrow] after drilling | Unless the land ¦ IT : NBWBT.ll! . | . |. - pation. Femalei fitul tnem w ithout Ben. 63 Quay: E. Pool* and Co., Ltd., is thorotighly [clean ;' w» Drug Stored. IiUmore-r-F. C.| (sM quantity clj 6©ed necessary. , • morning. I : Ic Sq. Olba). Chemist; Dungarvan—Wm. J. i J olan \Vinter Joate1 often t^BUiLJDERSj Ltd. ; ; EAT8, MIOE, MOLES, 000EB0ACHE6 ' contain seeds of a jibTJJDfe The Mastjer sa d tho woman givos :i lot COAL. ; | ¦ , broine grass. (Brbmus socalinus),*trouble- of trouble fvery aight she comps to tlie 33s. to 35s. per ton . ¦ I; AND BEETLES i some wcefl ion, light Ijind ; purchasers All Hat trials for house. She was prosecuted on two occa- Holloway's Ointment should see that seed; oats liave been care- sions, but the G jardians were «nabl£ to (s essentially « remedy to keep fully Building a Hou&e 100 EATS A NIG cleaned.] - I I secure a cbriviction againBt her. Her ] IUS- always In the house. With * lugs W inter pats] are best suited fo tho from B: >ioks and biind had been sentenced to a monjth'6 Witr »nd Photoirraphy.—{in aplta oj MR. SPENCER PALMER, Ch< m st, tuniljit is ilmyi nscfoL Apply it 5 warmer Southern counties, and are imprisonment, but the police were unable 1 to Bruises, Bams, Scalds,1 Cots, Greedily eat HarrUon'e " Bellablo' B*1 jren- 1 the hog© i 4dvsDC« In price (of materUl^ Thlornbury, write^:—" With a Ii lin oi Poison. Cats and digs erally reaay for cutting If rom ten-dayi to I Sement to Wall to execute tho warrant as he abscon led. we have'decided Wounds, Boilii, Abscesses, etc 1 will not toueb it: a fortnight to do all photognpbi " Bodine." Miss¦ Ogburn killed 100 r its in It also promptly relieves and Vermin dry up and leave no emelL Prkea More other |corn crops. This Mr. Monjissey said he thought Iho cpeclally reduced prices durtrigthe preseni one night." ' enables Uiejlaiid to be prepared Paperja nd Paint. ' [ ' cures Bronchitis, Asthma,; Sore Cd, Is, 2s 3d, and Ss 8d. Post-2d. . O. soon for ¦¦ * Guardians Bboula proceed against Hid crislB. Kl H. Poole and Oo3 Artliti «sd BODINE " assures safety jn Adi linis. Tbroat, Quinsy and other affections tho following jcrbp, n i . ¦ . 1 1- . ' . .. 1. . . 'f W. HARBIS6N, Chdmist, Beading. Bold .point of some im- 1 . . 1 raotlier of the chi)dren or tho rolice 6h( uld Pholoirr&phan. M Mall. WatwfoM.; tration, certainty in results. 6d.J Is.. is. . of the Throat and Chest. I : I portance when farming j is conducted Q THOMAS Cd proceed against harbor exposing her ohil-' by iChemiattv Ageritafor Waterford;— at KffOAn ; * 33l 5B. . Post, 2d. J ill ' White and Sona, Ltd.; O'Oonnell aiieet; fcBJHpresjrare}. On ;the[other ; land, the &) ;TID dron everylnighl. , Tlie plan had.leen' __ __ I HARLEY, CHEMIST, ?e? s dJsad^ntage: ~Vr n ' !- i PERTH. Bell, 62 Qoay. CtWek-on-Snlr-J.. T. towS J2 '^ V t near SACKVniLE• P ^lAbB, DUBLIN! adopted with suciess of proceedingrflgasnst Agents—H. Bell, Chemistj C2 Quay. Waler Turner, 17 JJaia atriet.; Doocactwt—1>* ume«?»s Tb9 the mothers for not sanding.O ieir children) Passed I first, class witH honours— J. Tyiie Tumer; ™£&&=H, ? "I' fprd; : Chemist, Carrick 7.' Nugent, BrMcertre dt;W. J. NoUn tai * ¦ to school, and it had boon found nycbessi MACKINTOSH'S DE LUXE. on-Snir. ' ; ! ! T .; ¦ :* [ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ Co. -; tomow Jaaea-Bitny. . ;v •; ; .; Iff ^ I I I I; . i i : ^j A teration Sale ontinues OTAL CLEARANCE OF S 'OCKS. r WOUJJ D BE TO ! G1GAN ic MANTLE DEPARTSVIEI ! ^JT. OUR AD LNTAGE REMOVAL SALE ARIA BARGAINS for the coldI days. / BEGINS. SATURDAY; Oi;nOBEB ^Ui. V^ THE B 1 CGEST SALE EVJEB HELD IN lOT. LADIES' TWEED COSTUMES. NEWEST SHAPES AND L. ,TEST COLOUR- To call and see oui Stock of Winter ¦; WATERFOBI INGS; SALE PRI(T. 10/11 "EACH.J i ] EEIVING «UR TEM ' t' ; 130 LADIES' FLEECE. NAP . A"ND BLANKET CLOTH COATS MOST MODERN POBABTH ;; I | STYLES , ASSORTED COLOURS; SALE )M ' PREMISES. PRICES FR 18/U-. Underwear. We h ive some splendid i . j : i ALL C-UR FASHIONABLE FURS AT SALE PR1C Great Removal ' :s. Sale to clear joff . the '!¦ OLR STOCK OF LADIES" 6HOWERPROOF COATS GREATL ' REDUCED TO Combinations Entire J lock before going into ^ur Ne.w i CLEAR j value in Wool Vest s, , Premises where we intend x> start with a : i completf ljr Fresh Stock of everything. j i For th > information of hu ndredl of kind and Ladies Hosiery. we are glad to \ inquirer^ si y we [suffered J : no losk fiy the Fire '; even o lr profits were ; ROBERTSON LEDLI E' FERGUSON & CO., Ltd., insurdd 'and paid for duri ng: th^ period ¦ i since Jhi fire, and owing t • the generous i! WATERFORD. way the Insurance IComrai ies treated us ¦! wo call sell off our entire stock| at this : ' Sale dt (he I i! : r Greatest Barga n Prices ever j i il ! 1 i ¦ I heard of: in Waterford. ~ ' I! i ; i P V I '

HE CO, ¦ czM Michael treet ! . itd., ! WATERFO ). -J - j ! STA¦ DAittiof II ! I EXG Great ^utumn Sale Begins To-morrow, SATURDAY.


¦ ¦ ; »^ t 1 v. :.r.f. - .: !. ::.:v ¦- . *^ ~**ffr7v51?r'*'- rrh^**^*^ ^ " '"" " a j Comr nn.I inviistigaU>- Hundreds and ;Hundreds of Ti-nip ting \ urpiins. await lynur selection at every Counter. Our ' jEntir p Autumn Purchase ». fresh from Autumn fashtons ECO^JOfV?JZE.'! jWurehouse ;ind Mill , will l>e sold off dur- ' ¦ ¦ '.mi; thi' nt'Xt few » reki st ii metre fraction Now on 8h*w «4 tha " Corner Houst." ¦ : ¦ ¦ • !¦¦ ' above cost price. y - jir' sj ^ GBAND NEW STOCK OF INDIES COSTUMES, BLOUSKS, COK- : Economlzo by t slng > { ' i t j j ne 220 I ^v -i'!)ti l i^iiM~«fr iii- ^ *- ^-—'"^rr j SETS AND UNDER* LOTHING, 4c MAGNIFICENT SELECTION THE VERY NEWEST IN Oi l; TWO WINDOWS Wil l . UK F 1.LE1) -WITH OF K.vRi ; .\I\.> LADIES' AUTUMN HATS TRIMMED AND I EVERY DAY DL'RIN'f THE SALE . UNTRIMME D, I RAN'OINO IN PRICES FROM I/G TO 1 ¦ 22/G. GUI APRICOT - ?M I!. I I i. Yo'f ARE CORDIALLY INVITED| TO LOOK THROUGH AND In 1Olb. Tins i- ; ii 1MSPP.PT WATKRFOBD DISTRICT \SYLUM FiM THE PRICE 0 JAM ! ¦ : ' ¦ TWO FEMALE lTTENDANl S WANTED I . • ¦ ¦ * i; i | : I SOLD ! fTIHK Commits '. of IManazen ent will , on B^ 1 Xondnk » th Octjobet 1915. eolect Two FcmaI».'|Att ndiint^ for; i bove Insti- tution tit a efljnr ' of £17 per year, riding Ltd., 3lobet^ m JVterrv & Q<>t , by annual incre n.'nts 41 ^2. £2. and £1 ,\tti l to C2. 5»'iU» MIo vnnce yaluM at £^8 per Quay , Wat rford. i TWV. MAf.T. WAT 5 FORD. AND BRANCHES. 3unuu1.il | | ' j Michael Street Waterford. A reduction Bl the-, rate 01" 3 per <-ont . I«r annum 01 bsi fryr and! embl lments will in- mado for |pen iionible>: purj oies in ac- ¦¦¦ ;. - ; 111 ; ¦'¦ ' outdance with Uv'> Asylun) Offi ^ers' Super- :¦ "' "" i I - 1 ' ~~~ "luQUation Act, V. 09.0 ' „___ ; ¦ ¦ i- ; :i ' ' ¦ '¦ ¦ 'I' V ¦ - ¦ ¦ Candidates Imui t not 1><" uncwr T8 yesrs :. i .y ... HI * j.\\ \ r \ or over 39 »t the time of iip|pointment. 'l%.>7 irtmll furnii Ii testiiuoriials of cliar- «ctcr an'(i agej, .m iRt be |il>le| tp read and write, fre*: from i ny physical defttt. and not lea»| than 5 f >ct high. Selected cahdic ates are einployied for threa months on rrobiation to (enable the mmm 1 ! MW Resident! Medical Superihtendtnt to 12. Gladstone Str« , ¦! re- et Waterford, i ' . ! :\ ' port to the Comn littce of their fitness or YES WE ABE ENDEAVOUR, otherwise. ', Applicants musi attend for S'edical Ex- Is a National Speciality. Heal hful and Refreshing. HOUSE and LA ^D AGENTS, ING , TO CAPXUBE [YOUB aminaUoa»at| 12 o'cldcfc I on V 'ednesday. PATRONAGE, j WE I WILL Oth October, 1915, with tUeir t< stimoniivlii of diAraclor, terti ficate bitti KEEP IT BY SEBVIJ 6j YOU, of . etc. * Thomas Power & Fire and Life All applicationsI must I be loVlged with j Co.. Ltd., D NGARVAN. T Ins trance Agents REGULARLY iwiteH A lh» Eeaident Medlleal Superintendent. BREAD YOU WILI By|Ordek j ' KEEP ON S EATING. • I | jTHOMAS IF. CASl Clerk TO ? ¦ Asylum Office, 23: 1 Svpt., 1915 1 : , - LIT. E8TATE8 MANAGED. B8NT8 1 ¦ - HOUSE In Exchange Street; 6 rooms, COLLECTED. WATERFORD ISTKICT LUNATIC I i OUR DELIVERY SERVICE •5©* ?C- iSs:=:g:=5;5:55 ¦€?:? $CiK' >T»C ':' ;:rs ' =.=:=:j ^»>.> with or without «hop. A S 0PS AR T Yoll7R AS :LUM . ^ ! t?,2j?o?,xn£ kf SERVIPE-TO SERyE! -YOTJ HOUSE Np. 9 William Street, 2 Sit- WITH SMITH'S |BREAli AND : 6MITH-S CAKES AND SCONES TO ENGINEER11 ! ting, 5 Bedrooms, Bath, Garden. Cash Received on Deposit-ot pet Mnt, IBERS repayable • il I - HOUSE No.| 10 Bridge Street . 7 Bed- (practically) on demand. HEATING BAILEE WANTED.TED. rooms, 2 Sitting; suitable, for Private Coupons and American Uoney Cashed. Hotel or Lodgings. WJ. SMITH &cp fTIENDERS are inyitfcd tor the supply- Ii Nut i Margarine K£^"r JL inff] and | erecting a : Hot Water LARGE STORE on 0rattan Qua;, alao TO BE LET OR ! THE bakers. Watfin^rrt: I : ' 11 of Office*. r SOLD—House end Boiler, the Specifiiatioh for wh ;ch can be BuiMine Ground in Mavor's Walk. ( LYONS' TEA (SPEOIA LLY BLEN DED) ^.T 2/]. 1/10 4 1(8. " ' I seen at the Asylum; also tUe place for ! Is Better than any Cooking Butter. j ] erection* t I .' z: ¦ 7 J I I | ,' . ¦ ¦; '• ''¦ " = ""'" " ^j- '- "-"-*'^'Y"^" " Tenders..j addressed w, aV» Resident ONE PRICE T_£_i _[ - i W ' ) I 'P' ^ f \^yt Medical Superintendent, will jb f received $& £=7 1 J REGULAR fct> ^"~ ¦ ¦ up to thofoour[ of 10' o'clock a.n . on •5- > ONLY! 1 !_;•; i!i !- ' ' - ' ¦ ¦: Mon- . . j t L - .. |j : day, the ^Q FRESH tf ¦ . : ' h I 1 ! I- 1 Jlth October.! 1915. f /f V : • Ilia lowest of any Tenders lot neces- SUPPLIES. U . b sarily accepted. I I ~ I THOMAS F. OA3EY . !$ ONE QUALITY. I er Lb. %?. t Asylum Office.) 2ft i Sept. 1915. Doi Ing Well ini trie Trenches \ -Mjj Vc CPL: ¦ fegjig, ! \£ Sales increasing: e ery week. : LAGH- ¦ f " : «#a I T ' | ; : FOR - \' ::(\ : ;.;. ; AT the pre8?nt moment theTe arc at Telephcne ^. ¦ : . M : least from 75] to 100 of our Army- Telegrams: l SA FEST | ^ ({ ¦! ¦. t i " I-I - Strap Watches giving the correct time to ; ¦' their Owners in "Trenches. Wo nave UffloUl tattt by the- Medical orgak. jth* '"The Lancet,, pronounce fine pr» made a speciality of Uveqi. and always -- wSs- ; . ( ) keep a tar^e GOALS ••at day Gas F re hygienlcaUy p*> Lentfon I lew and ;Va»ied Stock. Try one $ of our sptciai lines, lever moyement, dust , tert. Thli mar M >¦ ' < •]¦¦ ¦ ( ! Carlow Kiikenn 1 i I . Tramore Hij | | I proof case. abso)oiely guaranteed. We l ! I ¦! I New ¦ I Carrick-on-SuIr Roi Watorford A SIIR U send one of "these Service Watches > All Qualities slocked at Lowest Prices, j . ^ 5$ £ ' post.free to any address lot 12(0. Others , X ! NEWS X 25s.. 35a.. uo to £5. 1* WE.CABBY A { s |- 1 1 .!• ! | ??«*•> »C- SSSoisdsx €?—*£& LARGE STOCK OF PAINTS. OILS. BOPES, TWINES | •a aiDT who; n*V» not tried U «a. bw ©c^«:<>—»:»e-5=j5g555=g c*—•>c-s»« 8ALM0N & HERRING 1 ffilS. TANNED GABDEN FBUIT NETTING II NOTE OUR ONLY | | AND GENERAL HABDWABE. j ' . :i fl ADDRESS t TBY OUB DOLPHIN AND :¦ 8ANITAB.Y BRANDS MIXED PATNT8 j] .FRPM !! I - 1 ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : \ i -I ' : ''• ' ! r * ' n lr * rapom ot r« , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Uabaii that i i . ¦ - . i - I i-i - ¦ {, - :¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ j j , I | r \. . | ~ 7" ~ ; (P HALF WEIGHT ®j) i i . T TTT : ' " T i r~i~r'. ' ¦ : i~ !' \w& ! MS 76, QUAY, y^lERP:OItD. 8*. riri u In th* I H@0C^SB . JCWELLER8, OPTICIANS, V rATCHMAKERS. I fTramore. i i ,U| . fl i i - ! Tramore trajmore. i I FRONT WITH DOUBLE J i L % I WEAR I II I rank of(i" all Mating andl *araiu appliances, a O\ THE NEW MOCCASIN DOUBLE WEAK ¦ r which may¦ M {had oa 4^./Q> \ . .. , II MOW Easy Payment I Term*. Folljp*rtl«» I'i'/C LEATJHER PROVIDES A BOOT OF , QPEM. UT» •» tta Qi» O«»ci JJ ^ |T SHOES EXTREME LIGHTNESS & .DURABILITY SEAVIEW PRIVATE HOTEL AND ¦ i I J i- I . I The Soles are produci ¦ ' ! RESTAURAN id from Leather ta nned by . . — ¦y . i. ' (One T j -I WaSerford a Inrocess in which Chromic Oxirlp<; •omhinp w Minute from Railway Btatlon and St and, nezt'door to ! _ uuiume JJ A~*/|>i~. : :! ! Weston Marine Hotel) ; . .. | with the Hide Fibre, orming an insolul ' ; ! ;\. \ TURKISH BATHS 1 weighing and neutn l material. i Mrs. B. 8. Kent (Doran'a. 110 Quay. Waierford) 1 has The pleasure in annourKfing the re-opening oi above ptemUei Also Cabinet, Reclining and Shower ?> then treated by a spec al process which r ndersit BOOTS 4 as H^gh-CluB Restaurant, Confectionery, and Private Hotel. Baths. I i j :¦ ¦ | ! j I absolutely Waterproof. ^'Jl'J.IH'1- ..... " . , « , . Visitors' to Tracdori will find the E» Open lo Ludiea-rEvery Wet k Day. ; I convenient, ablianinent mo«» .1, Sole Wat«rford Uffe r»t : - - TO ¦ and up-k-date. and can rely t poa ltavine their Open for; Gentlemen-jEvery Vi eek Day. WE WOIILD LIKE TO DRAW, ATTENTIO^ THE FACT THAT nuts attended to promptlyby and at Moderate Charge*,i ' -li ' Cleanliness guar inteadJ ; OWING I TO DISORGANIZATION OF TRAFFIC CONSIDERABLE ! Chocolatoa and ^weeU Best Makers and In DIFFICULTY IN OBTAINING Q 0OD3 IS INEVITABLE. condition only •tockAL Wfeci ¦¦ " I . ' ' ' i I "I |i i ¦i - ii .i - .i t ! 1; f ' WE WOULD. THEREFORE UBGEi OUE FRIENDS I : | On your way to ihe|Tramore 8UUon liMo TO PLACE ¦ . , saU at ilOJ Quayl i ff« iO S¦ THEIR ORDEES FOB HARVESTS Gl MACHINE8 I . Waterford, for Luncl.eon, Tea, ot . Befrealvnent. ' (| _; THE CENTRAL / IMMEDIATELY WITH TO¦ I : ; BOO HOUSE, I] . . . r Wi¦ ¦ ' STRE¦ E¦¦ TS 16 GEORGE'S S ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' -I ' I- 1 -1 VV/OJ Tut OKI I ' r., WATERFORD. J I- I' I - ' -\' 1 ¦ ' ¦ >^y W .D'S BEST BOOT FOR MEN. .. (QJ/ IT WOULD BE IN YOUR INTERESTS CO PLACE' OHDERS FOB : I : I- :|i I . Whelesa s tad Stetafl MACHINES AMU ANY PABTSIFOR BE AIRS NOW. - ¦ ¦ OTHER- : ' Fish, | Gall ie, JPoii try : 1 WISE WE CANNOT GUAR NTEE DEtlVEBY. ! I : I - • • ai id j Ie > Stores BINDEB TWINE SHOULD AlSOi- BB BOOKED i EABLY, ' AS r | ! ; i ? J - FOR . I THERE¦ 18 LIKELY; TO BE 1 J8CARCITY. ¦ . . .Nil BEAU-STRE T, \ CHIMNIV CLfiANIMa OR CARS FOR HIRE painty ! , 123 QUAY SOIS ^ 2OIMTRY ORDERS Bosan U now transferred 'to I Mr. S CARBf ULLt PHELAN, 87 JOHlf 8T., WA TE RFC |;j ^UaW ' WATEBFOBB ' ! QudlttV, f h ATTENDED I I I | ' :' ; ¦ ; TO. In future all business oommoDlwllcw ' -i ¦ ¦• ANTED i JlTi !' ifconld U addrewed:- ' ! GRAZING [ reic^ruiifi—'?Salmon ¦ Water ord.¦ " j ED—Good AGENTS FOR- : ¦ " Grazing near Water- I ]- . TeiejA«Je ;--»d7i . ):¦!¦ •j , j . ; • \|. I ' a: PHHLAfJ ! I , to consiat of 40 Acres or HORNSBY\S watered moxo; , McCORMICK'S. BAMFOBD'S. BANSOM'8, ETC. If JOHN BXBKKFi EATSBJTOBD. ind fenced; for six months from 2 October Applr, 6193. this offifce. f^a^PA^ffl^! ! W^W-MlSWB ¦ ¦ ¦ rabtical I I 1 1 |Ff ^dhmake Jewelled I I at t^ ¦ AUCTION ' OF GRAS8 FARM! WITH BUTTER AND EGOS. WEDDING AT BUTiLERSTOfW K.j SliATED DWELLING-HOUSE AND An inieresting weddinglwas! WATERPORD COUNW < At tho weekly meeting of the Board ot < ell'bratcd " CHAMPIONSHIPS. < I JOUT-OFFICEB. ] Guardians on Wednesday 6ne tender was at Butlerstown Church on Mbrday last, , At CASTIiEBANNY, BALLYHALE, ' the contracting parties being >M »s Annie Two'interesting^ ciiampiouship matched MJip^ 1 received ifor eaggs andl one for butter. Are dVwn for decision 1 at Dungsrvan oil Onl MONDAY . 18th OCTOBER, The tender for eggs was at Whittle, daughter of JlrJ John Whittle , M At 12 o'clock , 33. per doz. ' , Sunday next. The first is between! Rath- Wgr WltgrgLms i on the Lands and Prior s Knock and iMr. ^lattiii J'lauagan. toli that for butler at lflj For Patrick F. 4jd. per lb. The ¦fish gormac and AglUh, in the football' final , j• >— 5 Greene, Esq , J.P., Clerk stated that if thjey accepted the and fowl dealer. Briad-stijee). The CloghaKa House, Thomasto' in Very Ruv. Canon iFurlonc wia the offi- and the 6econd b«tween Ballyduff and . tender for eggs it i*ou)dj arpount to about Windgap- in the hurling semi-final. I Thiy JEWELLER ^ Containing 107 Acres 3 Roodsan and 32 £600 *a year, atid the ciating clergyman. 'Miss Whittle Patrick- RUSSIAN CONFIDENCE, Statute held under guardians decided are billed to start at 2 o'clock and 2.30 ' l ' Perche^ ; Agree- not to accept the tender fir th« strce (cousin ol the bride) was brides- ¦ I: ! ment to purchase under Land present maid, and Mr. John. iFJanagonj N.T., o'clock respectively, arid considering that . |- • PEtSoGRAD. jFriiJy. ^ A ts. In- but to ask the doctors tq njrnieaome sub- one of them is a ' lay, terest in lieu of Rent, £20 5s. Vnnuity ¦stitute ito Butlerstown (cousin of the bjri legroom) rep ciciting; sport ia The official emu uunique isatled jlast VATERFORD replace eggs ! oi the dietary euro to result- ! I I ! E*ii abd. 1750 | • when Sale is completed, £22 15s , less a scale. With regard to weTbuttcr it was was best man After the icerern my a re- evening slates jthat a' number | of Jresh further ( reduction of Is. for La )ourera' stated that margarine costing just half ceiitioii was Jield ai the ' hoiisi of the victories have tooe I gained by the Eus- Plot. P.L. Valuation : Land, 39 :10s; bride's father, and the happy tee nple left ACCIDENT TO SCHOOLBOY:, i sran army. The i iminunique adds fioldemit is' Hall, Dublin, 1784 tho price of the butler! Is being used A • young lad named ! Edward Murphy, ^hat ¦ Houses] £5 15s. ; total , £45 5s. lately, in the afternoon , for Dublin on, their tho depression vrhi Ii ha» been observed Tii i and thai it -was o such good aged 12, who resided at the YellowIroad, ' ha; An excellent Residential Farm of good quality that, the parties.to whom it was honeymoon. Mr. and . Mrs. Flanagan in the 'ranks o tite Gvrmuns pot sound land. ft was ¦ were the. recipients of many presents met with a serious accTderit {at) S{. been without its influence, on tho n orale ' * given ^»ught bu|te The guard- Stephen street schools on Wednesday JOHN tANlGAN , Solicito , Kil- ians aecepfea from their friends ic the city an< county. last of our men. Tiiis depresiion man fijsts ; die tender f>r butter, but when he fell over a. balustrade.' His; head kenny: decided to fcututitut/a aia -garine iox it itself in more and i ore freaueht Inst noes PATRICK GRAINGER A LOCAL WEDDING. struck the ground and he was. removed tb of the abandonnlen , by.Ueimans on tne as far as possible. One of the causes of St Patrick's District Hospital where it Auctioneer. Oi"an. lor the present high price of eggs A pretty wedding took place yesterday battlefields ; of sligh Jy wounded I soli : iirs, la that at the Cathedral, the contracting parties wa» found that he was gravely injured. on the waggons ton tho line 'pi iheit re- largo supplies oi them are being sent to On inquiring at |the- hospital ' the military being Mr. James Nolan (Messrs. P.;Nolan this after- treat, on the throwing away of-arms i ni 'Winter hospitals in England from noon we were informed that the boy] is in , and of .disorder and Jier'o us- ¥ew Ireland, and consequently there and Sons), and Miss Bridie Bow , young- projectiles FOR SALE is a e6t daughter of Mr. a critical condition, and little hofe is en- nesa in ! tlieit 6rit\a Tho well-regu scarcity of eggs for borjie[consumption. Jeremiah Bowe, tertained of- his recovery. j a^cd Apropos of Hue farmers ahd persons in Johnstown , Co. Kilkennyj Tie ibride, j offensive proiidlyl cp iceived and met u>di- the who-was charmingly attired, |w is given cally and harmonip isly carried 'out : | ol SEVERAL HARD-FED HORSE ? AND town with Sinai! plbtd of land at- ILLNESS OF MR. M. WIDGER.i our allies on jthe tiv n toru front simultane- tached to their residences -Would do well away by her father, the bridesmi id being ' al <> P0i the e.2K SUDDIY. happy conple left by the B.40 train for ceeded to-Dublin Galway, where the honeymoon Jwjll be , to undergo an;operation their power aWd vi. iku qualities. DAVIS, PADdOCK WATERFORD. " • : i I • !¦ i' ' . NUMBERS (DOWN : PRICES VP. *pent. Tlio wedding presents were I - : numerous and coatlv. ' GERMAN AJ IMIiSSlONS O ereaeds At Wednesday's meeting of the guard- WAR-TIME COOKERY. j j ' i ians elso the return of un state of the • . ¦ > UN N ESS' house MUNITION WORKERS. A special course in war-time cookery : EASI ' ^ Sale of Ponies showed 'tfiat thejr« were 579 in- will be conductedl at th« Central Techni- mates, being 30 losa than! that day twelve On .Wednesday night the |> atform 1 of Waterford North presented ¦an unusu- cal Schools on Thursday evenings from The situatio i iii lii} western theatu of (VERCOATINGS months - The Clerk ssia that this was 7.30 to 9.30, commencing on Thursday, War occupies a Ior5> space in the >er- OF NEW SUIT: GS EGAN , Pony Dealer, will o ffer for about tho lowct number cf inmatej on ally animated appearance. ; Sbrie three ¦ OUR STOCK t ¦»( October 7fh. In these timvs of dear com- man press. ; I ¦ T Sale, at Waterford , on Monday , , 4th record for tho institution, but notwith- doien Munition workers, who re! leav- '¦ I October '(Fair Day) 70 Ponies andl Foals; ing for England by tlie Roislare >xpress, modities people (should learn how to be I ' The LokaLanzti ;- 'r writes; It cai not f IS NOW l CO PLETE , standing that there were 39 less in the as economical as ' possible in the prepara- be denied thai-Alie iew; enemy "oflenujrc and at Thomastown, on Tuesday, 5Qi Octo- house than on the corr«-4popdtag day of were congregated in the jfieighb >urhood ' of the booking office, ' their tion of food, and :the new classes] at; tie is of the greatest iijiportanoe. The enemy- ber, 25 Ponies and Foals; and at Clonmel, last year the coat of provisions had in- many of] is obviously, making] friends keeping them cdmpanyL Ope Technical* Institute should be well] at- the greatest .cfToijti on Wednesday, October 6th. (Fai* Day), creased by i£83. Thi.* is al striking ex- of iended. ' fo gain at last a tdpcUive success. ;How < HAVE! REALLYi NAJ k>ICE SELECTION 30 Ponies an^l Foals. I ample of the increased (the. voluntary exiles played the tin ; I . !7E

, continue his efforts During the week ended 25ljh September jwhistte with. Temarksble ease iand: abil- is' uncertain. We ; Sty, -and jniv sf/eipect that heavy kjS|D NOTABLE VALUE, this year it cost £131 to f<}ed 579 paupers ; his jigs and reels and f( rnpipes NEW H1BEKN.IA-N HALL. ' I fightirfg will 'cintihiW. ' ¦ I set the feet of many of his , « rarades 11 j during the corresponding [week of last We understand jthat the local Hiber- | " The i Vois iisclie Zeitung " wwtef: , _ ¦ ¦dancing. 1 V ' 1 ' . ^.jLrto* 1 *T*T in T7T TT T year it cost £98 to feed 6l8 paupers. One nian Order has purchased the freehold in- writes: Severe- fighting on tho weifern ; THE FULL very pleasing announoemjntTmade at the II Tlie Manager of the Labour Exchange, terest of the- very! commodious; building front has : alrci dy I reached the sixth THESE ARE OLD CONTRACTS i jfr. N. B. Downey, and hi» Mr. I fi ^f OUR meeting was that the ocar)atina epidemic, iollcjif ue:, in Lady Lane recently occupied by iMr. without showin g any pigns of the Blacken- AR!E • ¦which cost tlie ratepayer^ 6uch a large Waldron, were busy meanwhile looking W. F. Peare 8nd the prorerty of the late ing of the Anglo " |wi JIVING ' LKrench attacks. This BENEF)T - ' Hic^ FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1915 amount of money, is now almost -wi ped after the tickets and other requi sments Dr. Wm. Mackesy.j The Ijibernians liave confirms , tne;o unionpvtucn ibf the Munition workers. lias been of; I . I ' 1 out. There are onl y fight f oxa of scar- been very fortunate in securing this pala- ready expressed, th'af this time we have ¦| CUSTOMERS AND j latina in the !evi r hospiml at present , | One could not help feeling whal a pity tial residence aa it-afford s excellent scope to do with cxlradrdinary ; it was that inbtead of sending the se men in efforts onj Itne " and there \w n» no Qdrnixwoiifc during thv for carrying on tlie work I of' the society. riart of our a^voraoiries the westJ In ! GAK BE HADO AGAIN. want Jo England we cannot find work or tliem For the past three years the fine] build- view of the bitter SI fcW VALUE LAST EDITION. on tins island of ours. iiess and indefatigab c NOJ/ ing in O'Conncll street .(formerly |thc severity of the dai y repeated attacks J t» LIVE STOCK SHIPMENTS. Provincial Bank), opposite the . " News " must comfe to|the iVARNING TO PHOTOGRAPHERS conclusion that jth » COLLECTION tip MATERIALS The shipmnets of live stock from Water- office , has been utilized as a HaU;J but it offensive surpasses ail •previous ones; i : THERE IS: J> LETTER ford to Ureat Britain for the week end- AND SKETCHERS. was found rather inconvenieut .tq ocebm- LOCAL AND ins 25th September were 1. 400 fat cattle. Tlie Officer Lomiuanding the g rrison modatc the members when lectures and GREAT 777 stores . 191 calves it Queeti.stown dvsirea to call thf tttter)- NUMfVEijs OF GKRMAl l tik-AND , 691 fat slilep, 334 ' concerts (nere being held owing to |the pie*, and 9 horses—a total of 2,402 ani- ion of the public to Regulation No. 19 fact that no structural '" ojjNDE :¦ ' i if alterations could | Vy D 'j DISTRICT GOSSIP mals. the Defence of the Realm Act which be made tq enlarge the rooms; In [the The total shipments oi live stock from orbiilH the taking ol photographs of, har- new hall this difficulty will be easily sur- i ! • iarM^TiEfDAM. Thuriday, jour \vork3 Or of aircraft man-d' A TRIBUTE TO OUR PAPER. Irish ports from January 1st to Septem- , - »ar, or mounted, and plenty of space will j be JiFrom iBruged tne j" T*legraaf" learns Our only Adi ress In Mi, ' vounje of his address at tne dis- ber 25tli were 1.113.629. Ihip employed by the (iovernraon . Sket- provided for promoting the educational that all ! the! wounded at O&tend '.and. tribution joi prizes for Irish at tho t sters chiujr or photographing the coast froin and social phases of the Hibernian | or- Blankenberghc ha\'e juow been removed, of Mercy) School , Philip street, on Wed- NEW RECRUITING CAMPAIGN. ieuward.-' is alto forbidden; No person ganisation. Notwithstanding the ;untet- apparently to Germany. iCireat prep'aij- nesday list, Rev. L. Ormonde, C.C (Pre- The " Daily Chronicle " says that Lord r.< allowed to carry a camera or ak itching tled condition of the national afliairs of a{ions have, it is idded. been made 'for sid.'iu of| tli* Waterford Branch Saejic Kitchener has had a long 1 interview with rii.kterial within tlie following areas: Coast Ireland, it is pleasing to note that a local possiblo action! on the coait. Zeebruggc league) said Jhat a eood nationaljspirit Mr. John Redmond. " as the result ol tine from Kileonly Point to Caslje river , national society, after four years' eicis- is*' strictly isolated so that not even so; was being manifested of lato in 'Vat«r- which a sweeping change in the system do. Kerry ; Valentia Island and coi .st line tencv . is making steady . progress.' j\Ve diera in the nclgh jouring villager kooi ford ; and a (Treat deal of credit f ir im- of recruiting in Ireland from Douliis Head to Kenmarej Vlizten anything • of the rdsult of may soon be ex- west of Hue from oti must say we havi^ always found the the last bom proverrrent was due, he thought, lo the pected. " .Lord Kitchener is still wedded lo ^iend a Bantry the ¦" Hibs." very agreeable neiglibours, and bardmentv Officer, declare- tb»t projec Irish-ln-laml bropagunda the voluntary system north to Ballydchob on tihq 6oUtl ;j Gal- tUes -fell short th' ¦jjater carried oi week of enlistment, be- we dhall be sorry to miss their genial in c no or went acros after week in the columns of the "Water- lieving that through it and by it the best ler Head, south of a line drawn ei st and company. At tho same time, 'we wish Zfeebrugge, but|ther"e i^ disguising thi ford News. " We are glad to knov tliat men are got The Labour Party Hill in vlest ihrougli Ardfield to the sea i tjh " Waterford News " last we liave been expecting to hear that tlie which any kind o: uiili- eleven o'clock Mass at Ballycullane 'on wkk I weel was baker* t«rv or naval work* exist. y/Hiij-iH in Wuterlord had r very decided to make Sunday. WTien returning home shortly Aiito " acceptable to BULGABIA'&^K^P its many Dungarvon ARATlONit reader*. The Supplement a slight drop in the price of tlie louf. after noon, the brakes of!his cycle gave, *®Mtt- contained! in a COMMISSION FOR UNION OFfIC1.U.. ' \ concise form tile cjses heard at the Juar- way going down the hill at- Garrycullon- AND Ul STRICT I'Mr '^fichriel (Duiiphy, Assistant llusiter to the sea wall at St. ; '¦ : , ;! BOLE j .GENT FOR \yATERFpRD Sossions, all of which presented fef tures XO. 2 l)ISTRICT &)rNCU.. oi the Workhouse v Keams, and he i I PAKIS. Friday.! ol interest to , has obtained a com- was thrown against the wall , sustaining The correspbndenv readers in this part (f the At No. 2 DUtricl, Council meeting last mission in tlie Dublin Fusiliers i nd i.-> at Athens of tiie county. |The ieditorial remarks on the Saturday the matters severe injuries to his head. He was able '"^latin" lei nl4e fj-onl a private sourct erchant, disctlssed were The beiri" congratulated by his frjends in the wittieismsj of the nb-!i- l>v car . whore he was attended by Dr. :si< ns have b sent * * eainrly. and produced a very s bill of costs *n toward* Sulli , -wbilt ? tnte to do duty during his absence T ¦ U'nlch I favourable impression regardins jcouaiderable force > have been conceit- %? : [ St tions. '; | th : old tlie inmates of the workhouse the Assist. I lorwsi,iled- direct ex »Wp to alt RaUway pa(ier known to Dungarvan reader ¦ for BIIil.IABO I'ROK'F.SSIOVAJAS VtSlT. ;trated at JDedeacatc I . |ln cage W an at- Coals ? ' at t Master was always very kind, aid he ta -k by ; I 1 PRICES ON AI PLICATION. generations. Much interest i.s betn? taken m the hr - Ih sea, tiie B:ilggrians, the corres- •> Tel phone No;: 12.!. ; e best wishes of all for hi safe SEPARATION' ALLOWANCE. pqiidenl add ¦ visit o! the famous tulliftrd professional . re urn. We understand that TJ ; !, Will piot«liy A correspondent writes:—Who control.1 with four |su iniirinbs (fent ixsi'FfTrmv to tlie Trn.les Holl on Sun- is not leaving tho city for a couple of " her by. Ger- - Tur Uit>nmal; R.I. day Hex' Duncan , the- Separation Allowance Depnrtment 'of many. These submarines have e*-»p«««—^ —TT 'C. inspoetion wus who islthe chnmpinn w ek-s yet. ' been¦ ¦ seen r J 1 | hi'ld this liii.rnjntr by Mr. A H. Pea - cuei."t in Ireland , will c!ve the War Office ? A case has come under offi Xama ; ' . j ;j . • . i - 1 >, >n . 1 two exhibi- ilr. .1. Flanagan . Engineer :¦> the Xj>. 2 J . Aosi^taiu Inspettu r General. T.w int pff- tions, one a 3.;o in the ofternoon «n:inir ea|lleu in Tcbm the oujside stand tha he will have pitted against M ijesty ". forces. Wr 4>l» i taken', to support ^ I FUR'on cMn. aggtession. the nv.itlble mjembere—28 ConstablAs though it is not expee ,of enlistment, the sole support j of- bis ATTRACTIVE SALE . 2 'ed that the vi-itor mother. The amount which this are iavpu ed with instructions Aorins-Serprantg , 8 Sergeant.- . 2 Head will be seriously tested, ejtciling pnmei BUWJET woman GEN El Al llulkoPATKIN I EXCELLENT MODERN AND WE aser of the Siberian »rp 'EFFECTS. receives from the War Office is the mag- • I OF [from the Ma C»nsla!>lrs[ wit(i the District and County sure to eventuate and « bumper at- "he effect of the iBudget prievs i.S flow 1 ' ' ' I . Fur Compan'y to SELL BY AUCTION . hiip. ctor.—paraded in tendance nificent sum of 3a. 6d. per week, beirig I ; ANTIQUE HOUSBHpLT) FUBNITDBE th« Cniirili >use i-< antleiDatoi be linninjj t<> -be felt all round and. of Bd. jPEtROGRAD, Friday. at Oitr Rooms, t-hi ¦Mall . Waterford. on IUIIIU I- . The liien went ihrouirli the var- rer day which her son^ allows out of I General j Knrbpatkin ;has ^ coiirse by noiie more than by the poor. his pay. ThiB is hardly fair treatment been appoin- "trALUABLE| Old; Ironstone Dinner Bet- MONDAY arid TU JSDAY. 11th ind; 12Ui ious evolutions ^with smartnesa and pre- BANT) PROMENA'DES Aii iou^st the labouring classes espe ' ted command T of ,Uie Grenadier Corps; ' , a Costly ' :in .ly for a respectable woman when we think V flee] (flbrftV accorafcon) yoxet 100 OOTOLBER , 1915 a t 12 o clock cision , and their officers w«>re va inly The Erin s 'Hope Pn?.e Band di-- the increased prices will be a great nwa- ¦ '" ' :¦¦ ¦[ and (fashionable < ollection of WISTER coiuiiitinented oours<;d of the thousands ot pounds' that < nre I * * \ I Pieces CbippenaalB | Bookcase j with by Mr. .Pearson on ;lio r>U'ai>iiig seWticns i.n IT.ally- »hip. Tliis class in Waterford live pne- squandered daily measuring 8«.|lon« x7lt. FURS, and F]UR G VBMENTS. .' npliMulid tii'dnrlg ot the men Si b-c- l>r;ckiin Hill on Monday ewning and on ail over, tnq > United Horrlble| Maksatre of diamond panes, tichlly froiii hand to mouth , as the <• iy- Kingdom by drunken women. And what lOln. blgh ; Granalattaor'if Clock ; Tallboy " Full particulars in future advertiso- eet. Despite tiie wintry in^ is, and increased prices will man ¦with handles ; Secretaire ; mfents . and also in printed catalogues to i- i» ba i racks apd examined ihe men nature of thp weather the about the £600 that was subscribed : loc- A j ' original bra?s ¦ on rf-sp,ective pro io |Llieni . reduced quantities Tea and ally to the Prince of ' i rmejnlan3 Palt K&ted Buckets - SlieViton VMng and. ba hold on applica ,ion to i ] •• .!:.• - JuliK'. ' granrnv were enJoyoJ by A fairl y large 1 Wales : Fund for .. iTHt>MA8; VIA susji ' form important, parts of th .Mr the purpose of relieving distress caused Card ITable • Mahogany Sideboard with I L8H ANO SON, numbe' of *pecf»tor« . Th" R AII - HC -I I dietary, and the advances on th.se ; PRESji^UREAU, i'riday. ct coin- by the wax? I believe there was a , The Carved Back ; 12 Ballbbn[Backi Chairsnp- eers, etc. j Str«et Bros? and Rd ])nnd did not per- imiditie.s. tcgithrr with tlie couple massactcs ol lArmeTTSiij continue ni.'II.I>I V(}1 W'IRK recent in- of millions altogether subscribed to Uiis all|over Kolsteredj In! leather!; Arm ind ! Easy he Hall . Waterford . form Us usnsl on WccliH -.-day evninc nn <.Ti«ase.s in the price* of flour s . Turl ey. lt:fs estimated tha^ ,rk in , milk, t^^ . fuud. How much of it iian been distri- there ore up to no r fchairs ; Telescope Dining I Table with W- . is fairly br^sk iht- buiiii.i!; • he 'Mali lint they will eioje the frason ofef. will hit them very hard jndert ¦ It ^ . .jmorc than 60O,C0(> ¦ 1 i° tiadt- a: pre.-euli. A hv butcd in Waforford ? Or who are the par- yiciims. -Not " £ood rfiuny men plnyiiii in iii^ ' onl linvej * Mahogany Dumbwaiter^ ;ire rYi,plr .i Potk nn Sun- y ie GovcinnieD , Uare leaW; nui-l be reuieiubereii that in Waterford ties responsible for its distribution;? ' Handsome Inlaid |Bo8ewood j Cablnet with iMii p iuyt-d at th> r*-building of >Mi ' -«,rs day now from 3 30 io 6 SO labouring men at the best of Sonie done nolhirj; to jiVjeyent th-c-ap m&sss, klLlC L OON EY H, ,f , times earn of the people who aro killing tneHr6op' crcj, Etas* back -. Overaantte ito match ; Gilt ' irik . i»nd C'n. ! .< |>rpinisi« uii tin- Q a)' vnly about 16s. u week , und how tlley. s but it; aj pears Jo|'be eatabliahed tha H MUes from Xllmactbomas). and Ljif work with kindness and devising all sons ot in many Wwi A the Gei' block and Pair Canaelabras; onaer SIMB if proeeedini apace. Kx- manage to pay rent, and support a fomjly methods for raising aian* hove tak«'• : T:il i- " ' I 3hairs ; Cottage .Piano Hsheffleld, Plated \\ out at Ale-srsJRobertFon. Lwllie 'j. ire- CORPORATION most people. 'They will bo now cu: off that the Cupboard ; )o. {UcloorieyJ I arony ot TJpptirtblrrt, III .-i- > ..ri ihe iJuay . and Me A qtiarterly meet ing of the Council of dependents of soldiers at j the ^dlesticks ; Salvers ; ,C6rner Mr. .--r~ J ,1m from tobacco, the only luxury praoti.-ally front are wry Glass ; pp. Watcrford, for '£ bomas Powfcr, at li'-arn.- .HK I Son Ian- makini: >- thi! County Borough i.f \Vnt«rfard will be often badly in neecl of i THE DIIBLIM , 3bippencJale Hall hTable Choral Walsh a Hotel, KUm icthomas, on Tuesday, bij; iinpr .v> whjcli they enjoy. There is bound o -be creature eonifnrt.q. I J jpiEcrioN iFendorb j .Davenports ; mfiiu i:i tho !>Url 1? Council Chamber to order tjhe paym-cnls poor during the coining winter ^or rt»ur Ihvion -ol Set ol Cat GlaBu I (121 ac 'ea Statbte I; I ee-Slmple ; LandfPur- .;i]-,. of surh , am tin- Dublin : SO! ieces) i HanaJpainwa Dessert bi-snj: Jon<- ju other parts of tlii - city. sums of money as fnight be ap- demands on the funds of the opene i td-dsV. I The ; candidate: abont p caaee Annuity (ted iceable) X65 18H - 6d , iiu'.ui. Od. u 'e us -»•:!: be creator tluin «ver. Tqa lias Off ive ; t20. Eoorj Law | V £88 lli.nx-- in the trade could b» worse . half year ending 30th Septerlibar. 191.1. to to differentiate between tie desen - The, result iwijiibt dec aied to-morrow.! lair Mattresses : :Brass and-Iron . Bed; becii niijied 4d. per lb in Wuterfofd and ¦ 'lerity of land, gpoi aqnaro farm of sonn elect four Governors on the City and ing and the undeserving in the matter ' I ' I • 1— I I- . teads ; Handsome Amorlc in Walnut Bed; all In Dwelling ' sutiir Id. pei Ih. Tuhaccos hav«i :one I ' . ! illafie and pastnro, BW9S. County Infirmary, of Separution Allowances. ; i i I.I( • : I . . %. oom Suite.consisting lot Wardrobe with 1 and to consider recom- «!i ubnu! M' ]>,-r i* . iiud 3i packci-< i<> ! We cannot dressing-table loose slated | and Oat Ofllcca suitable. W.VU ftl'.MOL"KSlXTHE CITY. mendations of the various Committee . reply to our correspondent's variouk ques- wo glass jparieU; duchesste Abondknt ] water pi pply ; good shooting. oigi rettes have been raised to id. tions, but we Cin VANM^N'S slab.basin It wa.- iairly xinerally rumoured in tho Ain mgtit trmlers deep can say that this Ladies' ¦ DEATH riSi swing mirrors; marble TO 'Us out at about 4 ,1- displousiiTi Us ¦ ' ' : m ¦jtalmit bedroom 'he low annuity per ci!y (luriiip r! the! week-end that the 1 GUi shown towards Committee sits at the Courthopse every \ r-m - ' '* l tand and chairs;;satin th« proposed abolitii n lof Tuesday for the V > Carpet: Brussels ¦are. I l>ivi.-ion i.fi the Irish. Brigade recet tly KIXAXCE ANU LAW COM^ri.TTKK the }d- postnse , and it is strongly it >pbd purpose of dealing with The iiito;; large Axminsler, . FnllSparticnlars t in j rvuiovod j cases such as our Inquest : 'jugs; staic c^rpetmg; brass irom Fennoy to complete it. Tne recommendations "i Uii-. eomiuittee tha the proposal will not be ca correspondent fnentions, arpets and | ! PR. BUOG ', ! olicltor, Waterford ; training in 1 ri^d and if tlie woman who is ; ¦ J,w4 > inliid i mahoeantf wardrobe with '£nglpiid was under orders to nre—"Tha ! llie agr, ement wild Mes.^r.-' receiving only . r^i )r,. J )HN MUR '£ IV & SON, Auctioneers, proeei -J to (the ^ront. This continj Henriie and C>. 3s. Od. a week , are any woman |who con- Dr. George -I. |Mai :kesy, J.P.,' i 'Dcpiiti iamorid panes, 4|ft. ! .jriae;|bow-front«i it .. I.M. . ui' coivneiftion will) 1 O'Coani il Htroet, Waterfora. contains a jreat iiiany WaUTforunien \ ) K > temporary siders that she is unjustly treated Coroner, and a jury liest drawers '; marquetarV commode. 3 11} building, etc.. tilt" Quay, be TH •: -WEATHER. will of whichan Mr. Geo joined Ihe (colour* as a result ot sealed" put her case before this committee! Mordaunt wa foreman^ held x 2 it. .7:ins.|higly,-massive maltog- ilio ; '! tliut Ui© r< vernionary lea.-e to Tliere ha^ been marked chalige U' it inquiry .id* .special rot-.rititi rilr campaign bel l lire Mrs. Jane C ilostcy a tile will be examined and, if .possible adi iit Mr. Corcon n'sj liditiaed premises, Bar ,ny wardrobe', .7 ft wide, I with two plater anJ ilr . Recinaid wt-ather condition* during the past -tel'k justed. '¦ ' fcornice ; chest earl y in Lhejyearjand the EUUIIOMM I fovi id- Moiley of premises »i the Quay for 7.'i | I l. rack street,! torday in .o ' the circumstance ¦lass doors and. carved ation fr,r ' —a sudden jump from almost tropical! hdat toilet tobies- mid X SALE OF ; thi- nmour is tliat some of years, from 25th March . 1922, a(i d of pre- ;o attending the deaih of [Laurence Dower Innvers; I presses^ ATTRA^TI thesf wrote iiifnrniiip f ractk-ally -a rctic, cold. Since tile uM- vanman, whie •lassos: basin stands and ware ; rockjng their friend" in Lhe mises at Exchaiige-struet tor 701 years, .VKKIDHEACHT AT TRAMORE. i ocfcurW at his residence oily of t 'rii it im lenditi? departure. ' 'he from SOtli Sent, wn of September tho weather haiM'ii An Acridhcacht Barrack sti^ce , 'yeste rday ior.=e; kitchen and culindry I requisites; VAUUAB .E FARM uitir:' , 10J.I. ai tWi a yt.nr ibniririaily mild, and from t* was, held I in tlio Pavi- ¦ morning. : particular front .speci fied ' wa.« th. ' 1 ar- be sealed, nnd that the >e tnid lu> Stephen-stieet ' <.r .'i'> years, qroin iiith of whom were visitors from ! the 'Counties [hnVing viewed the body, ¦reproof safe I Uy- Turner. 110 BE SOLD BX PUBLIC AUCHON. Jatter sunuisi ' app 'armi'*e but the lien; re.maitu'd. V^t 11 The' firs t 'Register, in perfect ordei;, - ' by Sir E. Gray a statt'in 'tit 'M.itcli. l'JIJ. at XI !!>- a fi-at 1).- also Sim lay , Tipperary and Kilkenny. Mr. iM\ J. MUN j witness dulled was Mrs. Ca fiitional Gash Li atj THE THOL jn the Hhy, therine Do\yer , esistcrs lip- to £3 (costj(£40)l ' .; 3EL. NEW R >S3 on , tn sealed" : " thai a c m n .it.'. -i.'tiii'li iic-iiM ' came into M.I'., presided. ,The|' prosramma widowlof ithe deceased, whi C0ESDAY, tn'o lit i day of OCTUUtK. tiie .Vllie.- " attitude sliould Bulgaria th >«• ¦lx- being—a harsh 'wind sp 'nils consisted opposed that she was TO BE SOLD BY AUCTlfo. AT THE gr.mted t-> M,'.-.-.r- SV .-iehi p- ' Etitrr- up; a cold nip of some dancing Competitjdns! erieakinir: to de. 91S, a? the hour >fi )ne o'cloobi by iltiej- in her lot with the Central nation- As prises, Ltd.. !) came into tho air and Tlu? fcenior dancing ceased ; yesterday morning ji about 1( •:MPORIUM,|THE MALL Wsterford. on ' Lovccr Sackvi'Jlp-streei. evetythingevetytning generally was rreo-nnnuri'niseortiscQi i ofoi cVjampionsnip •was ion of (Richard A I lco, Esquire. IN ONK to ihr trutl i of s Mary OVMcara. |C!orihieI Gaelic ed to be irU good he Jth. She brough clock; sharp, by directions of lltuate in the B Sbclboaruo, is naturally |ret.ichnt on the subject . ¦ nd ' fell 8tit intervals and those whosewhos^ buii ic^s L report " , " that new ssitated there being out . «n>! awarded 2nd prize , i Com- which hfe took ; sh< Count} of Wexford, coDtainloi> 1S0J Rbic-, the continuation ! of the rumour , if ii is .lie 'fc'irc of door? ho(il petito r-' had.a- conversation nd for other accounts. \ ' Brigodeman on duly iur tiie time a disagreeable time Wednesday niti kdd had to dunce a jig. :reel and the with him, and, ii 3 roods , and 36 per :bes, or tbereab6nts. ciirn-ci , will) be contained in one •¦( he l>oiii be appointi'vl Jri>tec>-| (.'iut ' Blackbird " hornpipe. the j course 'of it, Ihe suddenly ' .^ <*i 'inn an l provment as the day was: dry. and Owing to sdnig ! stoprw On view]day previous to Sale-! Stituief Measure, bel a uDder'Oraor of tho official ciniirjiiiiii qiip.'S doalin? with he Tin^itr/'s. " difficulty about th« playing i of kliq speaking. He gafe a sigh, ! and she eaic islon, at tbo yearly operations in therparticular sphere—that the prevailing cold rendered phys ical " ',r \\Tiat is thi matter^ THOMAS WALSH AND SON, Irish | Land Cbmmli exer cise a positive BiaokbirJ" a stoppage occurred jn thq Whyj'don't yoi j judicial rent 'ot *: 00. Tbo Poor Law ix if tlie Division) is lucky emui ;;!) t'> < is- pleasure. Ther-t was proceedings. HoweverL two apeak to me? ' ; J^e Aiade nojreply. Bh( Auctioneers. The Mall. Waterford. . a litil showr in the morning but this wo* it inivre \fit«ii^i-a !T\ l\f L-Jir T)*nTi'nn I thought he '.wi ^ a weakneas when hi : the landing jit Suvla Bay—or in the s ib- of a short duration. Yesterdayithelsiirie did not speak I .r- i :| Tbo Residence on i he Holding Is modern The Street Committee recommends that con< ItionR of came to the .escue «n4 entertained Uiq , and nhe called in h» is fitted with hoc and pequent rlespHt cht? fro m tlie CommaiKler- things preyailed , ; ai^rt neighbour, M s.: and comfortable. I It ^ ••lie tender of iMessrs McCuilaph , Ltd.. lor though some peop ai, ' audience with pleasing selections of Iriih. |jol nBon. )The lattei , and first-class Sanitary in-Chief coals for six months, le grumble tlitl "oM went for a clergyman. cold i water j from 1st October, ther s is no gainsaying tho fact that tile airs on tho warpipes. At this stage there Ijl« waai dead whei .11 and t lere is s Motor Garage 1915, be accepted , and that tender of was a heavy the priest .arr ved a few KNOCKBOY, WATE Arrangiments, 'lie presmt weather is both brtjeing pnVl downpour of rain ana an hd- minutes after aitachea. : I: : 'Vliss 'ilolr for'repo i rfi of two iron cart s at pW ioiirmncni -was mado to the, iPdviliod wards. Decea sed I had jbeen' delicate foi ; ! WAR M EKT IX< ; , AT TRA31ORE. heal :hy and is tvclcume to a Inr^c oil some years.1 ! | |lThe JFarm Buildli CB Include ranges ol i C9 be accepted «f tie community. There ii whole duncing was continued iur til [ari . i i ' I I L\ meetinc for i the purpose of minu- )>a , be« n advanced hour ! To a Juior-p Cattle Boasea, totted; with the latest feed- g< iu ral discarding of straw hats, the last of the evening. Tlio junior He was taking medicim SMALL FARM, ing app aocea, inoloi ing a new Oil Engine latlnpr rwruiting Jtill be held in Tran 4 e dancing competition wks ¦won iby Miss! for some time but hid not been; attend : at A o 'cl'H'kj [ to-mprrow ((Saturday) aft er- relic of the summer paraphrenlia , s-rd la ed by a doctor MA. 1R. SI p| ; abd MM (Hornsby) , roomy LoftB l aud PUBWO ME.VLTH COMMITTHK tioni Int? nf overonatft. Mnisie Keams, 'WateHord. Mi s forj thel la!»t twelve months j noon. It will be addressed by «eve al I , JEJ He was at; b isiness StabliDi , Boiling | H( nsoa, Piggeries, «tc, This Committee recommends i that the Tc Kiay there is a light Atkins Clonmel. was-awarded 2nd ptlzej tho darl before hi Held in. judicial JTanahcy. ¦well-known Civil and military speakc •? . Barrack Street Braes Band he Ipaid fall of rair . died. He yai a| vanman : ahd twc large Bay Si eds capable of holding £20 A ponualof the weather paragrapl in A couple of Irish songs were. 6ung |by employed bj I TOR SAU. 15p ton i of hay ini corn. They 'are all and subfiix|iiently a series of war-p ietu e3 and the Erin's (Hope (Priie) (t'ifc and ¦Messrs M. D. i'oley And 1). Mackey. AlrJ Mr. ( Sullivan. Hq hnidjk bad |cough sne ¦wilt Vw * » lini\Tl. " W iterford 50 yean ago" which app ears sometimes v' ; very co nmodions'. a 1 slated,' In excellent Drum Band £10 for performing in pub- ' P. Brett delivered an address ;in Irishl pnited blood. || ; everything ne' lic during tho pa.ut season, and ihnt in a I other column of this ifi?ue ,\vinjsiin}v and English. ' The deputy coroner | expressed rr\O BE SOLD BY AUCTIONi on the cbndltlob.and con tali l cctJBary thai the September weather, half -a :en- , At tho conclusion jrf fhej I ayin ¦* ' ! pathy with 1} • lieensos be granted to iMtvsr* AV of e witn. IR L- JL LANDS, on FRIDAY, 15th|OCTOBEB , for high c ass fariliin \ . F. tury ago, in tl^e early part tho proceedings a \ete of thanki ytta,passed \ in 5iw heroave areol very saperlor qaailty, TRALMORB PUBLIC HEU\LTH Peare, 'Ltd., Catherine-street , anrl 'Messrs moath , to 'Mr.- - ill. J. roent.. ; 1915, at 12 o'Clook, by! 'diteetioria of the- 11 These Landg ' COirMITTBE was practicHlly similar to that flxiel-- Murphy for presiding, and Mi ' 1 - •' : Representatives of the late Very and haVa:been! hifiL y manured and Jivcll Rud?e-Whitivortli and Co., Henrietta- to Mr. McGurk for giving the | Mrs. Marga: et JoKnaon deposed tha Rev. Dean •A meet ng of the Tramoro Pub ic ieno 'd in the 'same ixtriod fliUi year iisvas held on Tuesc y suant to the report of the Bordush Sur- | I found deceased apparentl Holding situate at Enoakboy,! containing holding, and;afford a rare opportunity to in the ¦ ' y in o. weakness class farm. i ni^ht Cburthouwj. 'Mr. M. .1. Mur- veyoi , A V.TTMTV. (OAi\tP Mr''W ; oneShe wentmm, torforl methe -Driest!priest I :.'. 15&. lr. Sip; Statute, on l whioh ix.a com- those-wanting a high \. phy, M.P., presided and the >N fbrtable Dwelling House, i Ballyiarvan is situ ite about soveri ini'eR other me D- MI SI NG SAILOR. ! ; ! fe ^L^ with; Cpwhonso, ' bers present rwerer-Mcssrs H. E. Bonn r , ' Ar EnrfliSli 'sailor trelonging to the \be^isd^Stia decided ia t thli 1 Barn and Stable, all heldinhrearly tenancy froin Ne w ROSB, alnd about oue-anJ-a liaK WATERKORD SHOP ASSISTANTS jj last meeting to organise public mwting^ ^JJ ^S n sH ? roanH J 1T^ ,-&<"* ilway Btatlon. ' J.P,; P Mcfcobe, N. Phclan, D.C ; R. UNION . " Li fey Maid." which arjriven; in i ' fo « of¦ ^"Str ! ^fft at the Judicial Rent of fllO Is. Oil. per bjom BallycuUBjne Rn j Jacob , f. W. Budd, in support the Gaelic League :mov«J AJIP 'Z0 annum. Poor Law JJXbe pbrchascr will be required to ; pay a J.P; John Hall< v. : A committee meeting of the Waterford last month, has been missing 6inet? 5c v mentiat different centres ^P^Wak f^rom°*S? valuation, -*1G 5s. Od. and John Walsh; J.P. The 1 LT throughout Ire^ *^en rp rTL^t ' lit is elta&te on the main road close deposit if one-fourtb ( f the purchase monoy minutes of Bmncb of thi Irish Grocers' ., Pi|rveyors '. teml 20th. The vessel proceedei : to land aurlng ^ T T opm^wi to tho previoujj meotins -were read a id ' 1' Wat 'rford on the 21st andlon her artivol lhe winterin months. iTKc first tw ^t I fell . A ^tl1 ^l0' Knockboy Chapel and Schobl8,| and within and tba Anotidn We :s on tbo day;of the 5O0,S » 5P4A ' i^JU."^ ? , owing to lta( proximity to the ¦ tP. O'ConnorJ solr., appeared before- details. The Central .Executive l?Mima& lt° " p' n 1 -C ty. ta worthy] the attention ol New Milk ; " ! ! j Messrs. CpK 'EH A SON, j: , t IC and cards given out from 8 d'elock until that- an additiona l Y^M?h%£» J^i fi °t» ^'"la8ed, " ¦ Committee; on behalf of Messrs Sharp W nsn sum of £1,000. oW 1°^ ;f,^ l"^SJ , "5 2-?^* - I ealere, Gardeners and P,odltrymen. i | i I ' | . Soflci ore, New. ROBS ; or to and above the! amount subscribed to ith ! 'J}J? Llc n a T^ 101 m Immediate . !:- l ossw. PATH CK BOLGER & SON, and fMcGJirk to! request the Pub ic ARRIVAL OF (JREEK VEKSEL. a Lance^ Wlth m idl<"$J i "«*' possessionwill) be given. Health Committed to let them a p • National ;IAnguage Tund . ^ wiir be Itel ' ty " iMimony., .! For further particulars apply::o! ; j j ; 'Aucti ineers and Valuers,¦ , iece of Tne ss- " Krrini " arrived in||thia pott qulred lo meet f! ground at Ifhp Stiand Road. The Cotn- THE" CITY'S HEALTH .tlio.extienses-of the X«8guo ' HENKY V: KEANEJ Sblipltor, i I: I i NoW toss. ; ¦ I ' ; on Wednesday and moorer] close during the "gcasion '1015-16. -In ¦ ~" ' " ' ' j! tf> the !ordeT| td ¦] I I I ;|. '¦ ' " ¦• :¦ ¦ ¦! "I mittee postponed the consideration of ihe . For the past month the health ol the 11 i . ' - . O'Cohnell Btreet, |Waterford ; or, I i ! I : — l , Bridge. She is of Greek nationality arid raise'the 'requisite,amount it is .propok-d ' - - ' l f- matter to £ future meetinjr. Tlie re))ot L? city has been good. Tho mortality, for carr es a cargo oi maiie I 'OUNDAGE ON (POSTAL OBDERS. " THOMA8I WALSH ANO SON, ! NOTE-rln the eve it of tho Farm bpiDR ol tho Mahagcr of the (or MessrsfR. that ^ranches Icontribute a sum! of £3 oi ' ¦ OD Gas Work s a j <\ the four weeks ending Septem] ler 25th :was and H. Hall. I ' On and fp>m . tbe |«t I of October,' 3915 ' 8ld tn Chattels I wi 1 be disposed of a m the .Sho will discharge at tho £4 out of their funds. IWe are sure ihati the, .Auctioneers; The Mall, wkterford. _ ice will be given.' Wonderworks Caretaker were rend , 12.8, which was th# lowest mortality rate elevator in thri berth just vocated poundage chargta pa-' ptfatal : orden ;md othc-r routine business transacted. for any Vy the no ftranon will hesitate about -forward ng from Gd. to a. 6d. iric|n9ive pill be oni of tb.6 town districts i l Ireland. "Pampn." ' Ii ' I this sum to tK«,¦ ! Central Tteasurier,¦ penny -and hdt one isifpenpy. 1' ] f r . : ! ¦ !¦; nT.Tr r - .-/ WATERPORP NEWS. FBIDAi, UrOBEti 1. , l»I9j ! . V ih ¦ I i ; 1 i ) ' ' ' L_^_ 1 11 1 1 1 ' -ti-- - os^sHa QSSSSQ liENERAL S : GOSSIP T^ATERFORI> PORTING, j : j nine tiA nsAe^eAt BY A •K , 50 YEARS kGp -Morgan,. the well-known/ Wafcrford steAi echas jockey, e rode tito :wi incr> Had and Kaveiiitiiorfje (From the " News"., files Sepdembet , at R Jdo' le r,n ni GAELIC LEAGUEp Wcuesdly. .. . : , . ^. ; - ' y " 5Ae«e4l mire &S ur mlr$ ' m0 b^etieai eiu&painn 29th, 186S). «. a | , : ! The •weithor.—Thei fine -weather, j un- ¦ ^ i Th Baldoyle Stewards COL feajMiD «n -Domain. 5f tin' il. -ai :i of M-r - «i — Q££5=5ga - OS«5O C<* sunshine—(perhaps hi a more mbdftraWd IJa!< < yle: It wa,s allejred that 1 jJyLn plilip lDowley. Cartiok-on-Siiir . halu-r o! rodi •»!,As tho weather is now a ¦ ' Stewi rdg, having heard evidence; Aplp. hijd attained a fin. ol.l aar. »a.- ilurpiu- I i *uv j ' mattei of universal; observation it will I To bo obtained from oil ending Win jK-nt t d L>"rin, and reportt*U hii 1 10 Ati Am At) Ati ASUS liifc an cntKuaiastio lovi*r of in.-> natlvo I.X.r .S jhe se^ o 01 an pceut map pin «ca .^p searcely \jk new to say that the days^re j .m&p ii - Merchants ; throughout - Ireland. :; ; C eo ly iinpressi6ns at night Mok resplentlent with sliars and WiMi winning the iKokenhan ' jMiJu-tic -rd lUat i Norrtrv ¦ Ci Seaan amuici 14 etie agtip 'Do- til • ^nd. 11 . ie, u> r> <. Dioonli ffht. This unusual heat is ias- at > t wmarket last week in tHe i Hi- last words -spokiii liy I1.111 brt-\rf . excellejii (le linn m JTeire i ; rVpopcUinse i Connatc na tJadme ag gabait an 1 cribed by astronomer's to the belief that time J J 59 -iisec.. Lord "Durhiii" bbmr- ; deilh'-was ' ohe of tlie i»irtu* snlu»:ioii.- bred Rlly * we are cloia on tho tail of a comet now 6ACH 6OTTLK OUARANT6E0 Bt SHIPPER'* E by . Ecfchester and tTiptMtl 14 T)O 1JI t)* ¦a" Ul4jo bfot)ap go '16>P AS ge iorally used! (iat -lu' i^ii . ¦*. Ui' j 8ION»T\ R 7| | |i ilelusine ; 'by I- ' ' ; visfW ifrori) U10 north ot IDMimarfc ; but crca cd a new tinu' record for Jie ' liu'jubiT.-t „( .1. ,. \\ i:< - r:.i .i * I Vlli ' Row AS ¦'• I IP. . - \ ' .{ ¦ ' ' ' ' neAC ! i1 UM> mnfraa it ia verv II _ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ rcfiilini 1.6 p4£6.sil t)o as 5aWit j poip. Siuo ipceaC nleasant and • ' I ¦ be** fajuil y my sincere iy.ni>»Uiy Bi'iimi.'w.ii -e • • • • • omeamt &C DO tea 1 t&atO Apfr 6 <;o •oci an maCAin. hopstul. The farmere have, made good Rtie and Newman, the prifesiioruij fcou.8. a. of thelsp 'J) biiliiid players, have t)o '^LL me \t>\ rw beati pn te ' A mAm ," appa p6, " ip -* dendid weather to p^.- for- A 0H N0TJES l been uja «b«l t<> Se r'Ap ac<5 O 9 9 ward all their operations , but we regret ¦ - play 8.0Q0 . up int 1E100 aside J; wninenc- - ¦ jvit)< MCI dp Cee Cuip 6 ? ' PHILIP STREKT 1 I . . It. " : tcblo speed shows thei esculent to be very Th • efTect! of restrictive lesi*! itioh t;u po|nric r c6iUni|be«5U •oo-geunati " TTlap pin ," AppA an ttiAtAip, " aca ing the "WOMEN 'S SUPREME raoit "in- priacs won by the au\viv<. iii pupils mvlch damaged. 'TiotY^thMand dry- OOlJ^ClL. a in tho UniU-d States i >d to 3,553 in 1012 4n nge< ILam^Inc rjn ^cd ' >• i Bo Horn t»cf an " 1 ^oud sport tho Kilmacow rivsr once urtitves are sketches by writers ' ed of. -w-omen only, which ' via to alj in- Tin Stewards of tlia N.H. C 50 c-aonaC. Se iWmber 29lJl. il-'nuier O'-m..ti of re-, tdnti ' ; tmmitv-e ' ) 1 more. The proprietor of the large flbur pute are contained in -Che number I wliich and purposes <. second governnieth. are 0 hold , a'meeting ; on -Mo i< ay Inext. " O'pe •06m t)o pota PUT , A rtiic o.' ass istt'd . -by An t-^iiiair . Mical UtDui)- : It received statutes irom th?' Tsar and 1 O'dnciiaile. Th«- mills at Kilmacow', William Henry siould be in the hands iA every Hiber- .l arid is sincerely hop^d that t le Beard t)o ; 6I bein -ann) FATI O Agur t>o Hi AppA An tfiAtdip. Aon put) Ap SpaO iad and Tomas D Ptirker , Esq., a^ orice begon its work, in! : «f ;T de will lutiction took place ii> the apaviou^' con- has in the most liberal and nian, and indeed should find a place in , the.;co\i threw no obstadi t in thr 4mAi>A » T>e irtAC «ici , AST T 6 Ainm An peiOcis. T)i "t aon . mait cpop spirited manner undertaken at his cjwn tiio home of every Irish Catholic. TJie trailing of twenty liullion vjoijneu for' \nr way of a modified* scheme of Winte as ce 1 hall attached !•- i-i;. »di'»ols. It *k» | servie' es. Up. r r»c> ¦00 01 A p'n Jiote uip bright ami iiluJH- mit in future ;c raised and spent tiir'ty million men Ito •:. it faoJs of the ^>upil.i and the koe>i ih- the Sftlmon and tiotit; to nil li'toraiute amongst our people* is to poun ds decline to allow anyj: icinpr i» 4g oba p. An uKi inr An bp^ipc dgup T)o adorns Selian teip An t>a t>6 the spawning stcrlijijj, but tlie valte 6fi its bc.h d under wr .wi manifested by them m tlw- pflo- grounds! in the upper waters s ipply them with good wholesome public- aihieveirier u f. N.Hi Ruies it- wtuld:*p«-il tos ,r* FA t oeapaj 50 IAI O leOp Asup nuAip wo-Cuait) of The riv*>T VTprptWforfl t-ha fiah hftve a ions of a distinctively cannot:be:computed -:The magnitude af ab'so titc ruin to many 50 y6 ipceac ap An cecdinKS. Before the1 dismluiiinn OKHU - Irish flavour. thousand of p<»- : beer un.-xbl p to roach T !io " Journal"' tl|is S'jo'rk is little un lcrslooc outside ple, and Iteland -odotne A5 j aftatt Lsn be tan astir -DO aon^sc CA11115 ceAnnuigteOtp an Out- mc rty \v« \v«Te xieawd »> a \l»..>v:ii\ivii TV )Y [ those parts in con- will bo -found tq fulfil Rus- would -be afftcted al- sequence of tho height of the largo weir : tt.ese qualitieations, and in consequence sia, but it ranks ifiret among t)>e triurpp » most 4* much as England. In p< Bioxxsn 50 l Sip AS RAD- it ASur T)6it cuise. H^I 1110 of Irish o«ii"S tjv llu- .-pl<|ndid ine-ray.* ] r°'fl j in connection with taosc mills. The eld- U worthy of tho support of Irish Catho- won] by iromen in the titai lc struggle even feore so, for no racinjj wci Id tnean aiinneaVi ' , " ACA so) ool choir i which has »on 3 ln^w fo- er porfmn now|dec i^- tho 5<»n A5 gabjSi p'Ap. Seo An 00 «le as a -oiot asac, a j of our rofttfers 'may remember ili s. The many problems which confront imatiDg the nanhooll of Eurotk . closi English market I H ' -J IMI pu aiion for 'Irish »nit:.ng ni Icisannn when ' ¦ ' ¦ lpceAt ft imp AH fce u lA Cum A Seaam ? '' appa .an ceannuisCeOip. Th¦ diruin-uon : ihe fishing on the Kilmacow river us in lielami are receiving particular broe< IJ s. ] i • 1 ; | , • choir has tin- unique o was teiebra Mi I I 1 ed ; about 2j years ago sa'moii a k-ntion in the Journal " from month I ! • m m » m ¦ ' ' rfiitap. " til h-e.it aCc t)a Do ' win ing 1st prize in the choral oonlpeti- ' ¦ • : \ ; , &p \-A ind ;r,.ut >( the largest size were tllen 1 iiiuni'n. In the current THf-J K\T TAX. . A QA A AM : tio 1 at Watcrford tVis for four con^pcu- number tlie i \\' > ¦ " 'Oejvo, t rfiam <5 tottie ircis,"' .iliiimiant 1 1 it. and fjven sfrangpre came upiisit qiii^ixin as it 'Iieft Thb! Chancellor of the Exchequer 1» 5 i • T'.rj. who ref-.-r-r-d rho- :>- -.|lt ix-f iiv' years . The . clu' .r »u- :u . X . VIII . p. ¦¦v app to Tural Ire^ ' at the top in iwc-e ApfA raotne An mop JCS u^ic Opp«\ ' e ry scs-^ n f'om preat distances *JL\ en- land is dealt with in btjiu i^ putting a tax j on Gibbons and M'Farland , is;goirg?. 50 ? appa an ! ir 11 on 'Wednuiday. :md : 1 >]ii, ri ti>'i an exhaustive man- ' 01 joy the *po :t along its banks , but of Int; :i r by iuinve " dress,; but why hats . should have been to be lauled over the; coals by the Xew teip celt AS $AQ& . roip ITOI Asur ceannui~;CeOip. • sir^nf the .(.i.iv.:;i- i) i:u. rallyuw Donards, a pen-name " ' nciliiii ' sa" selected is something York I oxinj Cinunifsioncrs foj < arinp :n «!i i ir. "Go iMairidh " -' i:4n>ut of: tlio jnosi maenifi- adopted by a contributor, who, in ad- of ja i iiysttry. !B<" gan Aqinneac -ag S^oai ij . pan • " Dl mop muij*e, " ?rrA Seaan. . Ar u li.i .1 £ >M.n:, fore khe exprts. an opinion after the b&Jtjor < ¦ cent size 1 ,iv<> been t«ken. and even d tion to writing wall, betrays a keen war large quantitius jof umr.nl- '••> . " tnjp " Dl ' alii! (icaJteil tile in-•*! v\av. r. 11^ -;i|i these are r ow medjstfaw and ifhntr hft WvnaiHprwi'iTifv •uninhi ' ¦ of the: rin, ' ArrA| An rftaCairi, " AC4 t UAim oppa acc neiC opiimc an poi :cr of the cause »i " Dark li»K-al> th> - tie last 3 or A seasons and much cluarnesr Umt the primary cause -th • I j the depredoH.io'ns of : injention is to prevent the revival • " .»on " int aie patriotism in ilie r>rrn«L > «f ;n< poachers. Now , how- ol the failure of the Irish farmer to com- 01 *•* .* *:• . .. ntL JipjedT) agjin , appa an " ever, as Mr. .Parker has so jtlijt [trade. That would be ilegiiiinii", i : ; 1 1 . yoi ng cailirit .ind uiadi - 'i ni k<'ii>\' ."U- generously pt te successfully, not only in the '; mar- Tin of tlie recciit' " O05 a' bpiatAp opm," apj\a ceannuigccOip. "1 Hit ¦ taken the matter into Jii> [ but 16 ineJini that the working ¦woinan propeny y dirfuiut f asam aCc an of lie fact 'tlitu l 'ii -i <¦ 'iii:i r.- 111 fit omi hands , wo k< u> of (Jreat Britain, but in thu ihotue . f)p'ir > my "nfi-lv prophecy i-wijl have to rrny more for her ire of Or!iy and Flying \l ox. von SeAAn, T" 50 mbeufi fAi-O me bo ttom Daicin »>silr AM Crioipin j-eo .\sup aca naiiuiial loriuncs ui M..: I HT I : ¦<• \i.i that in a few epa- niirkt-u with foreign and colonial gTow- )lic>: ; .'if>tivat:np -.vn^ - I - I : - o: ' •au'ain become weJl- er> ^s adequate and uaaoiiabiy : 11m . : ¦ • 50 t)cr|n c-< onac.'i , p^oitieaCT oi fi. ! Ciu'bpjiO me t)uic 'u - . Ai for . : 1 , ; : ' stiKki-d with iiah, and that our angler- igin Huadh" an.l M.^iri¦ <* Iini iques- I wareiJ I opm-pa, ni 1 1 >v: 1 onec 11 ore enjoy the idelightful pas- flf the. tax is aimed dt me ;ij>J- An linl ad. " Hiis Sorro w Tliv Y. HIIIL I> .iv.- tion is examined at length and examples ' beuppAik" 4 mata p. " Aca m6 fArCa; " appa Seij". :., time alone its hanks gi feb o1 !ur|ous' forcifcTi " confection" itHis hardly A -ilveral meeting o! tWS»ti 'DO pin, ip t)0Ca gup T)iolCa ACA an •DA sai( that ii ^ave iuai ureii i |¦]i-arui^i frml abroad and to encourage eiporl? i>e OTL k> Ixird Stuaxi De Pecios presiding, and ' sh ' can btinp it home. Thai is right erj- ' ftuAitt f eian Ap An mant parts of the country- The remed- ar^ er of he i bantam-weight chami ir>njhi;i, ^«t>ui An bd so -oci An teAC IAD. An J mop pu^ip cu ' Kcley, Berrtsford Poer , and liarry Drew , wi I Ihardly pay" ihe prizoa wwn at tlv irL-h ex- Ksqrs., being also inj itor tins state ot affaire ftre alsd con- wl ich ' " " c-Aonac. onriA ?" ! 1 present Although ai 8iileri"d | will involve -the •ovwliaulin;: ,Ji ley ii rireriared to wo^erl £500 tq MOOtjn 1 am nations. lie contra.ula:. - .I I ' P - pui.ii.- wiL- reniarKed . and it is to be hoped that the pe-sonal MJ O ; 4a Rt wiek Dy our corre.i- luggage at the pond to see thnl i I III. L ^\m, ' L k W\*> Oi* & IIVU -l ft> H JMJ x>o-e HAit) y6 ipn AC ^p pJipc mipe -oo-pisne an -susge&ljun made w£!l Ibe adopted and u;«t the r -Ailt.' If . business**<\ is* nosi in**<^«**iv f—^J^intM*;^ J rtupjat) inniu,' " 011 he good .work tliat they hail .li>;ie |tiur- (Hnxl i 'ii FeoUinisiu cir disc«n\«'in ol any no one is AmuvrnlinE hati. An AonA-ig1 tAims ceAnntit JCeOip " Ing the past jvar , and lie h- |>er:fir tuise Appa SeAan . ]puaip m6 cpotpln kin-i is unlinowii hen; owing to the ju.-t 1 Stunl -v-\ :¦ ¦: ' ¦oi ' w old j)CTSi'.ven> in their lri.-h i-:diliii» ' Siilet this problem in its various 36p?cls I i : . • . \. Ii , 1; ASUf .-flAl pUtS p6 ti CAT) XIO Ot Asup baicfn CAnca|ap an -oi bo ..Ilia ord LsmJ which pre v ai-s a.hju\ it is : , asup ajid be proud of the det that iliey vore by jncludinjj it amonjr.*t 'file subjects for " ' i # ': UAITJ Ap ian m )0. believed that the object of the meeting ¦EVEX1X U DRKSS AND THE |ACA An cpoipln Agup an baicin pe Jriali children 'Every nauon lind a-lan- was with le< litres or debates. "' St. iPaul and the I THEATBE. ' of reference to procuring for Las- " ; . ' ' I ' . [ j i " IS b, eA5 jan rhu pe/' •APIM Se^An. jtSpaoioeaCc." ^ua:e its own. The Kr< n. 'iinuin sjinke niore in the) WklLw Maloney is the Title of a >ell- ; A»[far ai the theatre is coi icerned ' 1 | distribution ul troops a oi'ln- wiitten sketch by the eYci|- Mr S. B Joel has 50U Honey* ood, for " tH't I' UAir 1 uippe ACC T)eic ! " ¦Fri' tch and wa> pr"ud of it . th<- Rui-ian paiyy «[ well-known i Irish i in^ dress may be said to hove dif -jp- Foisne 0 t)iACU5ainn, A SAppum !" soldiers who being paid for out wiher, Nora Costello, £33,000 \u> an American < owner ai i , t!io "' spn ;e Russia arid was fond i.f it; tiw- ¦>f u:e st-u«r\il which will be peared. Rarely now are me re! than bpninc ( ;.Apr.A an rfiacaip. 'Cuipre cu fund shculo be spread as fo nd to make exccfllent reading and olso iinjV horf*! -iciil shortly be shipped u \>>} * the- amac Ap German spjkc Gorman and «ir pr .ud •>; mir.-li a» possible over the fa*.'e of the a dozen women to be seen iin !the Jt lllr Atalanjlc. ' Hor.fyKcodi w«i iifi! Cani- " I^l'ti .aon . upsfrAO A5;aMi," APPA An ' it. The Irishman ,•lk^ II !>1 to convey a 'lesson which should not be ' jan C15 pinn tet) Jcuit T)paoiT)eaccA. ^[l.• K -J I and K'.nv.lini and not cotuvntra;>-d for «x- iin the reputation full dress. In the r»?ii bridwshiro la>t yeaf under 7stj 8!b, and ceannttistedi \, " AC'C ni^ tugann cu ong it to be ashamed oif it. An lrislj-nian liibni'jii al Jw t siphi of by Cathcllc social workers in stores land shops ' |TM «1otFJi-o An cpoipi 1 ni persons Member. ex- devoted' to outfits and comforts ifor >oi- ; f bun>eut peo. t)utx>eut n ipAoitieAcc^ 'iCop nuAip Cioccaiti for{ L'W the deeds of the |«a. 0 njrres in detail the programme ; ond ¦ 01 mAisipcip AS ; -i «as hi in"- receiving out-door irclitH in the Tramore dlersland sailors. ' The| d sappearu nc-j- ip eat> 1 Aon jiut)! ieit» UAIC less] And the Gaelic League pd'icy of -the Order ttnd , outlines what he ¦ j 6 ^s P le A 6itearh opainn." was ondeu- District whbs<; ages oro respectively 00 ; has, however, been gradual; at first the M. ' . Jaston OJreyfus .:, a v.f t-Knourn ¦oeunirti vourinsr \o spread a kuowled?« of Insh anH M I co lccivc." be out of place ai liorae dnc rtiataip teip on oitiCe pi 1 nuaipino- Iciseapna catman -.uld ¦i>r (¦ni r! of l ord Kussfl l of Kfilowen ,: the _ aj sup » Cam baitlitie W'. witness a compleu revival of 'Ire- this lakii, that lit is a pur» sprni? us abroad, "When black or black and whit- <5u*itt pfe AO^I le. u rAist>tuipi«^ as lain 'o national spirit. To teav h '.hi 1 lim- yju will find that .there is not and never ciu tinpurtshed writer who founded nnd 'are not obligatory ¦ 1 1 <>5 r eiteam an soft shades of rose :| IK ' " 'Oo *iot 1 n6 f , ' ^ppA, ! Jeaan. 1 (•ua;:e »ucce5f.fully a bej.'iniuin( imi^t be was a Mjvahi of a'ny kind running :n".o ed:ted that excellent publication " Tlie bine ato chosen -Many PILTOWN SPORTS ' \ - . j ' i \ ' ¦Ctopa ap mataip Seaat ri . ' Iri a MontWy. ' of the new even ) mac e with Uie infants 11 is ih- ex|x'r- it. Old people &ay there is a gn-in spring Many other matters of injr dredsc< are suggest ive f jt 'ne. W Tlier"pe, ^ ¦sports held on Sunday last at TinskcUj, fm nn taniht to lisp a Inn- ! caugli t up with flowers are 1 featicre piltownl All the e\-ents on !the pro; m6 vh na bailtitie • **•«* i> " ni lftFu^' 1 ACC ' an buiteut fMa re in the niireery they hpcouK good 6kirts| made of diaphanoui n; grammd were well filled and the contest* l nuaip CAinis pe sojwcl lAn T>opAp. Bollyscanl in AVa-'tef Sdieftv — " A Tax- atiriah. peo," \App4 feian , As '.jApp^mcl An T) spe! kerb 01 tlie lan?noQo af u*ru;ird> He " INBURANCui -ARREARS. : v:vrc followed witli ui(en?»t by ithe l*n* j . '' IA linn, A <)uine uapAit, caCaip was K-ad to know that Iri-.li ua. beiiiu' payers wrUu-a-^-Doar Sir, a> you have crowd (ircs-nt. Tliel following |werc the 6uiT)£it .ap 4 ; ^ into/PKtcd rscli. 1 idea. iCAipu e t)Am pcioCFait) tanj ht to the infants in llu- «ih-,¦.¦!.-• "f t.hf ypu -so much about the The attention of Insurance Sjecri-taxiei THE ; REVIVA L OF FRINGE. I results tof the difTefent: CvcnU competed 50 ^n F°$- watur supply for tho city it may be " ttVmpe nip letsceft i t)o Ou oeul i " Ap pA .An riiAt- tho great surface water ' directed to the instructions n1iich have . , an ciop aSAm •ouidinD u." their kindness in co-operatin? v\ 11h th»> -supi>i .<. s -w.ii .irh be.< issuea relative to the arrears (scheme great importance for it takes Ihe place vi inorc ;" 2. J. Power, Kiithgorniack;, 3. ' I. Aip. IVtlAC n' Op-An we are promised' as 1 und, rstand 1 nj lat ¦ . Cporji>o cuip "OIA " Clop no peiicl" a'prA An bAille Gaelic League and for t h«-ir •nrrje.- '. -ey for the penally year , November 1915-16. the traditional eveu}ng dr^s |places >>i Power. )3arrick-oii-Suir. ! I ' ' : : cugatnn -oo have just all but disappeared A.t to the aiuuwiuonv, and at tlie ¦ r\uol < {ap- Ballyscanlan source it would appear as functions now so few and fir jbelwci u Carrirk-pn-Suir: 3. J Ji 0'Shea, Harris- cugainn." ; Icpopcan Ap An it wise Providence piaeod the members v>f tho insurance «*>ction !wbo ¦>' , ¦¦ mbocAp| map An bpuit plai »e). Shoit artdrenses havinp being lake there thioo(Jh unemployment, neglect or other or itai conlettion taffetas] is loi the 11W town; 3, R. T. Lacey Hnrristoivn. ! • • ¦ " 6»pc /inoi ' 5o fOil,"; uppa SeAan . ! for a grand (supply to otir city. Indeed I inein tho An ctop asac." \ ! d'livered by An t-Athair . O Dubinoi B»d cat sea have not returned fully stampes! chosen fabric e'the4 ii h-ue or ThrceTrmle* flttt (op^")^1 - R- <-'«Uinane. " ACA .bUAt) »g ^n mb'u tieul peo. Ton as O'Oouihaile the intpreetinc pr.> attach Tieariy as much, importance to its 1 blackj and veiled with soft bl ck silk : et Ross, Cc. Waterford ; S. .1.!PowerJXarrick-' j te nA linn pin CAinic SeAan anu^p . irreat elevation or icver' ca da for the various periods up t» /July ¦ rapfuains am it An bopje Ap tip An ap an peampa ceec inps terminated. The vi^it'>rs were above the city us 4tl' last , and the circulars which have it fornif. an ideal gown. : The -rilipncj.-i oi on-SuiH 3, N, Flavin" Pollrone. -, : ; ¦ Asup ah cpoipm Ajup «ft« wards hospitably tntor 'ained by ltv 1 do to its great constant day and night 1 the taffetas is saitcned l by t 10 effect o> Three miles cyclinc (open)—I i W. : J. frpUSip 50 tip >icpe cu ax) tio-5eun- San bAicin ' supply. This imtrien.so bwn issued from the Central Office shoulc ' ¦ FA n-a bpcaid aise. i\f ot ipr in<» Salon. elevation ought be promptly att ended to. TJ10 effect of the transparent net, the |lig t folds <,' O'BrK-n Grangemockler; !2, J. Jl 0 Shir. Ait> r«.v I " pc, bd -ruore inipresKed on ihe citizens for its ' wnich1 arc kept iu place by a narrow p p. J. Power. Camck-on- j I Ft fully conversant luatch' CRJ XX DEAGIiAN. with the must be put irtto proctico by every, ap- the taffetas In colour ml used t- Uonkov race (open)—1 Mr. M. Kenny "»¦ bOpo Asup p > labaip £>( Aan tetp An X) o OUAI I U'bjeci. It would 'throw water to a great- finiRhj ¦ I 1 biicin lao asup TOO rir vfed 53ociely flouncei ,nnd even [ p\nci« ni U:e Dc.viVs feH. . . ..¦ ) • .] mbuiueul. On Sunday next. October 3i t 0i«- t\.-w ••r noight than Christ Church un4er the regulations , is ' /:„. I DuAtt p6 Apip asurjapi stee.ple; tfiok jany member in arrears with cotitri- hem-s !of plain Skirts. Thjis : r:i)imiiii,'i 1.- I'ony race (open)—!. >Jr«. 0 Ncill » 1 p: eile lat) ASup Crann iDea^lan. •will be formolly 'iiou- this power Aven ili' un mechanica l point ' " 'Seiiti, at), A ttuitD fiit, ' AppA p6, but ons for any period up to July last h, iurrow | iii width aiid of the lighu-u do- Another Attempt. | ', ; Y* joo FA re An Cpoipln )^TJ £<> mcl sup gun ted at Modelipo . Co Wauri ml. when on' view 13 not at all nunreoiated it de- scri " W DO ^ ll«alrle in the event of being entitled to ptiun, It tiiiishee also tie ledgesJol Hiah . ump.(orfn)—1. J POWC Q Church- 1! mbiin jjnotA. : Ac4 ocpap beAS nap fjipc a public meeting will be held under 'ihe serves or EJipuld me. Ihe high levt'l , r' anlc-Anam apcA. I bei ciit to have tliat benefit reduced or; bodict«;and sleeves of tije bei type.: v',.'. town: 2 J. Mullins, R6SK J 3, J. Power, opairni.V . Ban igeATMp presi dency oi the Rev. Father 'Heneljry. repeat agaiif , i# in mmiy in.«tance« of vetatiiri, more • ¦ |Oo teo san buiOeACAp P.P Several: prominent Oaelio l.ingtiorh sluW-nded os a penally. This regulation; ' especially \h& ciiift.}n Carrick- )n-?nir. ! I M j tD M OCA . ap A Beut great value Jin lu«eH. f think much of as make -U combined most stjoce ssfully witli Throwing 66 lbs. (opcij)-l. MJ Power. f4 f4 V no |CjOit> asup On la |rm t)cl an in t le ©eise will deliver addre.-—s. The ihe 1** been «ta«d, i* bindinjr on socie- o4 COCA pe JF An 50 la «i>posijjon lo the Ballystanlan ties jand im-mbers taffetas for emart dfi)- frocks. Vclvetcd: Fiddowr . • ' ^ipi5 <\ni aj * mtiuit)- peo, nlop Crann IDeagl an—called aft.-r Snmt l).-c- jirlwrnr uould b« remiiV««i and insurance recrc-, I | | !/ \ [ \ : cuipeaodp Seaan AJ> pent). ,i the. Corpor- tar es, and members in is a purely 'British produciion wlik-h d'> Snck l'sce—1. ,T. Phi'lnn], Jnmeittown: 2. eut 45UP x>o teA5At>Ap < mac Ap An tan. Patron of the Deuie—has been form- ation uould llook lor a bill without nsk- arrears should! jOo raatp p6 p^'n Jisuf A mataip car sfu-lly carry out tho Instruct ions serves l to bo as popular $6 it \>'At irvir K. Halldran . Carrick-on-^imr; 3. IT. Kelly, robOp-o 50 ed f>r the purpose of pnpulnr^ins iiHi - •ing for taxing powers, bin -ellinp or given! cuio • >e SAC Aon P SAP bit) pipCA t>oi6 Ap ' the ij. In all cases where insurance curd?; to be|thU winter H>r it is i x- IK-nsiv. do. • . ' ' i ' . i ' ! ( i lf ^ F6m rm ijmAc. speatking of Irish in the home*, whereby mipp i ying tljeir ciiKtvincra or tenantK at ' 1 1 i ^>5ur e 1 flA1 eiCeto t>e Mr dny period previous to or including dura ble land handsohic in! aj) JC^JIUIKV. Hitrlir c Duck—1. K. Ward. Pil own. ; P!$ - i * ^ I ] Sin 6 mo pceut-pA i Agup mi parents pledge themselves to «peak Iifisn a fair rate , and have the deficiency |«iid ¦ ¦ le ac-J the .half-year ending July Uirt are. ; re i ! ' I • ¦ ftup^up b eAsdacc |s Seian n4 at kjast one hour ovpry day in the lioiiirs oiji'of the Corporate funds -which all !tl , bpeus Ann dot). ad- cf n' tjd by the ¦Society after October djth I AS & rtiitAip prArfi A similar institution started in the Dio- mit are alnnrt increasing to j very large !poim? pin. "Do ce.?e of ntijct l the member concerned mny be pen THE SKAJSOX'S .BAGS. I jRaphoe by the Mo3e Uevd. -Dr. sum. and in ja iew years considering t-liiit ; Pockets pumea'OAp enni ' ^n ouini) Agup no CDonnell some ' voars alie ii by susponnion or reduction in bene- , it i£ said will banit: 1 the liur.d- IT'S i NOT FAR ii aL'o lia- iritvA a H'nicr nirpplyj as conferring gieat ailviml- bag, for"thoic tluit |flnd 0! pl ied iceADAp* 0 1 prea impetus ; til. It i», therefore , the imperative duty; . 011 thi.-* 45t;r I * dtat)Ap] * n--o6feAin. I (Sceul eite An c-peaccrham to the Inn^unRp uiovemrnt 11,1:0* ' i ail vlasf.r.«, it ha* n |>riiiiary . winter' ouUdoor ooata ari spacious en- FRO.V BACKACHE jTO SERIOUS peo in tic Irish-sppflkin? districts of of 1 >4al insurance liocretarieii if tliey have ; , *! tiuAip 'XM btopAp p^pc* roo Baius : 'Done- clniin to uil others, and I am nt a liv-s lo ough to hold all the etceteras iJial wvin--n : ' ¦! n* cugainn.) gal Our own revered Biwhop, Most Rev in heir po*3cssion uny stamped cards: . KIDNEY i tROUBLF. : . I I . know to what other purpoFe the Corpor- have lori-Ui) iom; carried in 'itiui ubiqii'- j IDr. Sheiehan, ipreaehing «t ^fodcliko , ate fnpds could bo bri nging to members to forwuid them ; The of the anpliinl tliat could t6 iii Central Office without the tous ba^. . knell blotHe! hii - Touranoena ana.Nire . on the occasionfof ojnfpf »o tcre.it and gcnerail advantage*. gli^luestJ deli s(. In the event of any curds btinc been sounded a hundred ti pie*, ji't i-wjy !^®5V - "rilfry jitetur * j ; his eeent £piecopal visitation, reodm- 1 have no hesitation in enyitig the Bully- 8eason|it w roen ed ' U)m dred u> secretaries after October 10th takes on a hew -)ea?e ofjlife nii.i , ^^ | . :WWaW'.» j i CQLEMANS' ihe Crarm 'Doaglan to the peo- si iuilnn supply would produec great ere- increase* < ' i "fi.T.B.. !!3;siSK^ ple. 'He! said—A movement tile nsured member tending tiro card \ in popularity. .The riwwn U wax on fbot terprise in having innnufoctiirln ? nnd not Jar to soek, viz.1, it isj to> tji«eful in tl 0 parish lo promote the study of sl.10 ird be informed that the deiay 111 to iho m/chanica! cftabKsiinients openo ii.-> ,-li.ip, I!$VIGORAjrOR able thinft, and one that had hix Lord- njer iber to certain penalties lor tlie cpm- ; A Dpligbtful, shilaratlng, Non-Alcoholic ir|g year in or reut.'wi its yuntli! in wme otlien w-tiv JE Beverage. .shi p ' > RtroncpBt support. Tlie pre.si'nt Swre-nui .l H • • • -¦ • the ovent ofu claim for bene- ContainB the Principal in ii.— AI i- .--ii Wil l.' Br-'n. fit ( .rising Any late ¦<> oyety Hetifon 'But the dema idl for it fredients used':! In the Manufacture of Sanatogei.. move merit in that parish woo to jrnt .¦rry biljIdinL' a very Caige «. ¦ cards .- accepn-d. r- tit le aft« • tho never slackens, and , it will 111 WI pri>- ivirei t-i of nil thf" chi.dren to rpcjilt to Quiy conie.- oJ Lower H. oonsequences >df delay have The -inovr-Htreei. beefj babllity be H » popular two use of ilcohol is terr bly Bednctlve.'especially to those who Q> to ths side- thoinl in 'Irish at least one hour every - pointed out t» |thc memhi.T cinccrn- jor liri-u yi-uiv board tor lit W sips of & c >hol This is toro in point for it unlonWid rrinvpmont. must be distinctly understoorV they atv ldark in colour, «hieOy blue or Ar;el Ya« CiMrge's-streii . thin the black WillinSf to Teat It? . FREE TRIAL COUPON Soci iy cannot on any pretext con.-ider , -arid are fitted -with alj 1; nds v. Every re ider dfjtbis rjaper 1B the juestion ujeful things Thd ' ' entitled to have one trial sample. 'N'.v Biiiid n?t-One of of meeting a clailii for sick- I liningo a c vifry . o c © ;he prettiiMti nes .benefit MiautifuL; -and often />f Strong y KiiiMinuit n during , the cominp year a del i« te lint. recommended by Doctors and tholcicrgv . IRIS A ., . adds considerably to {he c )st of Oie B,TJlij w;th Mid or hot : . Urundoll , near lNorwich. ituc llOo pa.v>ed a resolution appealing 10 It is worth a visit. When thin bul'.ding water, o. any kind ol mlnefal , the roads of IJII OBTANT FOB IX8UKED article. I Sings andiribr>on work ar.- water. ,., ., 1 ; , 'Irish Inierin.'.liate Schools ¦is •flninhr-d thu old residence will be con- chiefly A champagne quart fat Tlf. 9d. vrill ™ndl 7 me «"npl» <>' and -ohe.fres to avuil of MEMBERS. employed, arid this aid lion I H £plenian«rn, R.T.D."^i IT % the new rule ycrted into «c tool ?. Mr. ,Iiris in orrear (or five ! I- : i lant has : 10 »tte * nd "'thi*t Form:orm> the —We were led in the case of I 1 , .lbut rfdep rearing Wornm snd Sm effect teach ngjof WOiffiN' worried with (scarf F f Irish. It wns hoped that m into an crior a«t day 'by statins that thej wom en) or under, arrears cards will bo ¦! AJTD TOBACCO. j * like alcohol. It eriiilardtes, invigor- . *, „„, a.11 ose«, whero possible iliry will manure yaTd ay close to tli neift wa-11 dt to such member* ing—no that i he.ie only one ]an?iifl'_> i- lak- n in thia 'founiain It lies a short diiitanco' wuo ahouj'd return tlvem when stamped Cigarette smoking iunorj^t iv.inrii i.< rest when you end—it iches arid tlnobkj or is 'subject ii «nironcc to the t'ni- sties ; north br Richardson's (tarden. and 04 with forms by the local in o Hharp ildren with Mdi wrsitV. . The bilingual programme, it is env-i.oue> I^anc. The sties seiritiarSea dn which •apj>'l'ioation but women «njoy their ciga^ett s pub: • and sudden paios. just . !ike< f oid in bouie8 8 are can:be lie knife thn : t^iTT i 'rr.t M per afflrnt 'd , is beinp used by the National c'uso up in 1 le fountain walls! mids to the Cenltra'l Offlco for reduction unabashed, and many, who have ' ac- at. • L I :i | ! J I ? ! - - Board to; forward of atrdars out quired th« tobacco ;habit|hv fc I boHlj' • If you s t or gtoop, theso stabbing p»>5» ^ Anglicisatlon in the of a special grant provided attack ; Irish- ipeaking district , while it i;> lar- The Pumps' ••••••Supply I Now that wpter by t iej Commissioners tfor the adopted! the holder land mouthpiece] . . you a» you riso^-apd even ts JW SENT FREE . AND POST PAID' purposes. il&kcrs -ie. in bed gely in operative in tlie Enfrlish-.-pe.akin:* is really required we .found on exalhin- Ail i uch appllcatiorui received before Oc- {ofj smokers' accessories have ' nw you cannot; gqt' relief. ! IjWv nit! ri 'ft jbeen slow ache seldom in? the pump > two of . thorn occasionally tobe I6th at the Central Offices , Dublin, [to mark Die chaAgeJ m fenii^ e,Ter lets you fest, the,roi6*y chained and , will be congidered and decided ;nine smok ne habits, -with the r ^1 It tlinr is Always ihere, and keeps you in a «!atf .« 9 9O focke^d . namely, one in the upon. ' If J nervous ' ¦ ¦ centre of BaHlybricken Green and one at after the expiration of one week a mem- dainty arxeiaJitie* for; womtn i ird lo b« tartare, - - I ' I! '! j l LONDON GAELIC ly^AGUK. 1he iFanning House.. Trie ber :nkkir« «mch apjjlioation 'wen in j hll the tobacconists" n iwluTn,; The kidneys «e' to blame—they new OCEDAR MOPS Sesf ion 1915-16 of the puinp on Mor- has not re- h«lr>. Gaelic Leujrue oi risaon's Road lias- been |out of order ceive 11 noftflcatfon from !ttie Number* of men have abjured t bj-.-^.J —- ¦'!'* Thdv* VADJ Mil;flrn uwnot luWlrinMUKv Uifltin** jn™oisoDt*"-;; ¦ Lond< n will be opened for >er Society,no tho iin on 8aturday, Oc- mi>n<}m past 1 nd I F iro*, entirely dTV! m^m muift | concludo that iany fprm for the duration o.f tl e war) u'i: of yoiir blood, and that backache J* tober 2nd, " ' allow- ' on' when a public meeting will be • • ? • •!• : anco avoid!penalty must fete thl8;3cnsibl6*example, «4PC<. a: y n,-,\v: • I ; • j 'l l ' I speak T will stamp an ! be Ilr. P. fH. Pearse, JJ.A.. was brought'f; om "Cappoquin and lodged arreajra card for tho iull!- amount that Mri McKenna Has made ci rart-ttf! Dqan's JBackache • Kidney Pil-'s *rt ;» Oa TKIAli for ,20 Dayi 4/2 or 8/3 Size. Bi, . Dublin. The of con- : ¦ special " notice convening the in our iBiidewelt here, and it was pub- tributions in orrearand forward it to thn smoking iriora expensive. ; i kidney medJcine^-thev help the*!'; t Why riot yoi* save JMone; •, Time and -meeti i? states:—" We hove never beforo On SentiaJ Office V • ! ¦ ' . ' ' neys to filter from bj uric ac'd licly stated he was a J^enian. en- not later than October : the oqd all come together to open a 33rd : ' ¦ind ^CreuWe. I Cheape: • Uaan any f» ilish. Over session of the quiry your co -respondent wu* informed nept.l jAfter tb«,t date arrcara I ; : .' ¦ other poisons that cause baoJciK**-- GaelK League of London In cards re- di^j iinees -auch critical by one of the |consfabu!a'ry that the man ceived j cannot be taken ilnto ¦ " ' , nervousness, ! sciatica, |*ton«f 350 in HS9 in Wa erfbrd . and 1 neertain , calculation : I : i : I " ' times. While the neces- was no F«nian but has| been sentenced for Vke forthcoming penalty ¦ : : liimba^o. brinary and 'bladder troubles, sity f< r the achiovemenf yeur. ' ln- : I -' :;• i • ! GET C N"E TO-DAY. of the purposies to one- month's imprisonment for assault. euxanc^ Secretaries should niake : A Belfast lady writes'(from Cli to dropsy, rbiumatism.gravel , j lccpl«f-n«/»' Furi|»?iuirs of the Gaelic Xeague were never BO -all J'ark irritabilit OJV- toese pwrtrculara plain y] and general; weaknest-whif" pareni , the obstacles to cocmbers when Avenue):^-') I" find ANDBEWS'l WVER ¦ and difficulties in Sewerage of- ,110 Town.—-The Town Com- distri mttng arrears cards SALT ol indicate tHe tightening crip of the drei* ; Mc ^UL'S, ' our «' iy have never boon so great. olid forma | the greatest ] benefjt U> rn«. I kidney ' I " „ ill j . We missioners having directed that a n«w whlcl should be -at the earliest possible, highly recommend it: to .my disease. \ • .-. | ! , ¦ ¦ :' ,( '< shall equire the loya l , determined nntl sewer be constructed mohic nt so 1 |fr bnds.". ' consis ent -through the Butr tha t no misundcrstondinz The recommendationa 'by I g -at^ful ¦; (Soccesso : tojwi Po' ir.) «upport of every member and ¦tory und in South . Terriieo tlio work is sHalh arise heroaftcr users have largely »<*. of att dtalert. or frmi y«/«r-««CW': of eve -y one who beheveft on. regarding benefit contributed td.t 10 im- Ian L ' ' in the objects progressing -rariidly to o^mploU Thte claim- . I It IB earnestly to be hoped that mense success of Co., S.JTtlli Strta. Oxford SlrtH^r, 93 and V&, BABJ^ONSTBANl STREET. of the Gaelic League—as every Irish per- ¦will render both ] "ANDREWS."]A 1 over- ion IT:. « : ' gr(j»t *ervic|eto the clean- nsuranee Secretaries . and member* Ireland 'the demand 1 for . Von 't a,h for baeiach* **& \ . . WATEBFOBD. ' ' son w< rthjr of the name must—if tlu> pre- lin«ss of tho streets in thn winter . .Tv-fll lANDI EWS' ,.Ul,~aih t i" for DOJW'S .; .[: sent p isition - .iu=on comply -wia the inBtroctiona given LIVER SALt increases. Try i ' s*»nrtl« ** ?/£ WI of the league U \c bi> inair> ¦when they, become iinp^ssiibjc f-ir foot- ,-thoin and -tbua ' it E 'phone, 259^ R : ¦[iJcCaul, Taterford."- ivrf d trouble in ¦ Ihe¦ Of .Chem ets and Groce " ¦¦ iained not to sav stron^rheneil." pa-ssengerfi. 1 flltli ro y . rs. : Tins J5d/ and 'l ; ' ! ¦ j• iin' //id/.' '¦ ^¦i - -F: ! :.v ¦ ' Jltfutr tuhttilnltt- ; . . • j ' j J n \ : ¦ 'I :-: ¦ ¦ THE CHAMPAGNE FICJHT I il '¦ of the ... War! News \ - !l i ll" ' : I' . . PARIS, Thursday Boixt hoy ypuv , I Week " Don 't run uway with the ideft it was experience >asy work," said a patient from Cham- >ayne at. Grand Palais Hoapitai (which IRISH-AMERICAN CONSUL A is n6w known a.i the Champagne bottle I PRO-GERMAN in honour of it* latest inmates). '" Never £Z~5 Experience is costly and lias to be paid ' • I:¦ ¦- • I- ! have we come across anything like the Jfl^jf? i DUt there is Ao need JJor j O^e item «R. .1 niN ST. C.ArjKNKY* I'UNDVCT. barbed wire system there. Our shells ^ '°' certainly ploughed up thousands oi stakes ts '\j *n -loi appear in your account With every I " Times " War Telt'grarns. por Press T\ :>ul there were go many left you c( uld not | | .Wociaiinit.-j-Copyright.) «ount them. Wo had to pUll u[ unde r 1 |- SEW YORK , Sunday. i he enemy's fire. The wire was woven IBM .; .; is considering I ogelher so thicklv that it was almost - [p-Ufl P] . I'he fSlato Department e sold pes the resultil ofOi 27 the vnrnliiil-t of tll* : American Consul- impossible to cut th^m , so we had a good £^y ^^j ^c\ ^iuir and years' care- (si> of eluding; the ^ ; !roi.-« |i reprimanded grinding away . That's why! so n any of lor Ins pi' i-l'it-rinaiiiMiu; Uut ho escaped vis viiTv hit in the log«- They abo were .lisnii.-i.il Juou;;h the efforts of ilc. put out of business. Then |our cavalry li r y:iii.l Si nv thi 'iiMu' hasiopenly endors- came to the rescue. Dragoons and Chas- d an u'rik- e in tin'"" [Continental Times " seurs-had the first chance to| fight astride i'ritii-i/.ins President Wilson's policy, us iheir nags for « long time and tr ey de- WAR VERSES GRAVE AND A SOLDIJER'S FLEA. * termined "• •II as] frequently writing open letters to to make up for lost ti ne. It "•¦w«|i;t]iorij , bitterly assailing Great a was magnificent dash, 'Hiintfd on all GAY ! ' Krit. Coiup laintsl also have been » & des the Boohes bolted , scattering an un- j PrivateiThomns Schollard, 5th Battalion 'iint pe- 18th Royal ••oi. - ctl [null Anii 'rirails of their tivatimlnt imaginable I quantity of materia! ,i arnu . : Irslh (Mediterranean Expedi- effects, and equipment. \yhore tionary Force), sentis us - the follbwin) i' tli- i-.in.-inlate. I their ' I I I flight turned Into panic was, when OUT verses:— ' : . ' ,. : |- . : ' rican troops pot at Tuc wuc L* producing a pientiiul crop RUSSIAN VICTORIES Af them in hand-t o ot verso good, bad and hind fighting. T.h« Africansjinflieted ap- indifferent. Un-| FORWARD AltfD M>m T«H RAWKC dor the tirst heading cornea the .follow- OFFICIAL ACOOyj fT. palling IOBSCS. Nothing could stand up ing poem : : tri them ITbey used theit irorh the pen of Mr. J..Bren- ' bayonets nan, RA.M.C._, attachedthe to the'Austra- PETROGRAD. Sunday.- , while the German* defended themselves lian Li^h Uor^e w th their tlat-blnded bayonet t in 'Dardanelles. Mr. Who loses his life has made it i:u fti.'ial communique issued last , one side Brennun is a eon of ilre. the 1 of which -was saw-edged. It was veril- Brcanan, Greater thnr|evur it seemed, .t:^n; s;iy.s position .to a little quieter ¦ a\ stationer, Kilkenny. ! ! All that ¦ . ' . aple carnage. i ho loved md longed for, on l:if troni ot Dvinkk. Yesterday the. i More than he hoped or dreamed. OrnmiiH wore driven irom DrisviaU. j i i\n officeriwith Who givi^s his! life}for his country, In Vilia , above Vileika , a bayopet thrust tn the OUR desperate arm in the same hospital spoke enthus- NAMELESS DEAD. ] Is h« iwho has llearnod to live, •n-:uni.i J.mt line. \\V captured Kecterk.; Giving for you anli others I ; \.i ^;.-riiian la 'ticall y ot the ord ered andi methpdica. iuuick.s inmr Vileika were re- fa shion in iwhicli the Suiargotj .from. IFightang continues: proper units on him thanks? 1 1M Tliey arv a'.l vetcrus now . ith cy know Uie hillside just behind a trench Ulie Serve like hin| for) your country ; ; in lib Lazdiinnydisinct. The enemy dc-j -- tn nr profession Where thesu lines were written.) •Forward wioped violent v through and tliror.-:!i. Th? | ond, join the rankB.- i fire and we evacuated; (ii nnans felt the breath o' a! *lnr wind Withholdfng your aife you lose it J V.lil. \\t crushed thekieriuan resistance It i.- a grand Comrade of knapsac And most in.'ar Podjjunr a.iuy k or bandolie-i fhiit is precious; besides, , east of Novjogroden. trtk-; Tread light we pray, when you pass this Rapture {>f self-surrender, j iing riiiiety-tvio prironej "s. In^he attacks ANNIHILATING way, Passionate love six A GERMAN ¦ and pride, near OldlKojtchritz we^ took hundred REGIMENT For f-ako of tho brave ones s prisoners, machine, ' , ! '.ui lberiri^ |! | I |! , ' suns, j two supply hore. | All that our Empire ptands for, oolumiu lil t "larlillcry ammunition, wag- PARIS, Wednesday. Jiameles.- in death to the Ju Jguierit "All that our 'amis uphold, pons and! ammunition. On the Struniene . ecording to a telrgram Day : Valour arid virtue w- wo drovt; ' ' from Ptjtrtigrad '. manhood ' tho Germans back across thb th' German infantry regimentiNo. 3!i sud- Tread light, lest 0i« tramp oj your Under pur il?s enrolled. river. The enemy wh6 obapHoned num- dc il y attacked the Russian positions in martial host, . ; Take your place -vi-jl It your comrades. erous wjunded sail Jv large quantity oi th region of Kckau Or the rattle or rifle or bayonet ' Take. your life nnunitionj biirned . and in spite (f Xhe blade in your hand; the bridge near Stutii- ^" "x^f?.* murdoroua tire of machino gurls adv inced Should ring down the night to their iUent Offer it up on the altar vhoff south of Pinsk. 1 1 ¦ ¦ ' ra idly. TM Russians then sept out three post, ; Of love ior your iiative land. There Were no incidents of note on the ar loured motors against whif;h German And rouse them too soon ior the Grand icnnl south .dt Pripev or in ithe Galician bu lets were ipowerless, Parade. This is the day, of atonement ' ! and the 3ath regi- theatre | / . j ; on nt of the infantry was pr*ct|cally )anni- For things W(f haW left undone. I In action* which we hare recently hi ated. Close-buTied they lie, yet they pcriihed 0 God ! but thq price| is heavy- [ioushl bayonet, attacks! lave been ordin- lone, Husband and; father and Bon I tiry occurrences with our troops and . i - It. i are RUSSIANS ADOPTING VACTICS And Death scattered them wide on the M'.o be>". proof of their military courage. OF A CENTURY war-worn track , ' AGO . j pu the. oilier| hand it s very significant THE inherent love thai a Britisher has for his bath is And we found them far out, in their Fate, tiist. in r&eni German communi due (-cording A PROTESTANJ JBrseop ON ques the . |tb hislinbbrn LOVE QF HEAL .' to a garagraph in the " lEcho unknown, . [ lumber.!of prisoners which they have ^ TH. Therein lies the secret do I'uriR ," the victory of the Ru -sian And rev 'ront and eadly wo brought IRELAND AFT ER THE WAR akin ,uon> ni' are very modest, and the ca\ air)' to Lite east of Villeika ove • them bock L noces^ ex of of tWe successiof Lifebuoy Soap. THOSE WHO the ' '¦ ; ~' | | jour troops when they are LOVE HEALTH enemy divisions supporting Genera! 2ich- And we laid them t* rest on this iloncly i \ ' iu>i alio£i>tiier concealed are too con- LOVE LJFEBp O hoin 's operations against the £iopo, i At the Synod of the Diocese of Ossory Y. Lifeb uov Soap gives kn abundant antiseptic Ru ssian I held at Kilkenny scientiously ujnd.too greatly deprecated. 1 flank is confirnied. and the Gernajm With tiK' sward they tad won for thei^ this week the .Right In tip- Poloytiza district west of TcharU lather which is as pleasing as it is beneficial. theniselves funeral pall : Revd. J)r. -'Bernard, Bishop of Os3ory, admit the fiasco oj thei • en- . < \ said:—Perhaps the war the k.iff tw. nty of our cavalrymen charged a velonin? mmlMiiMil i "Neath tho star-hun); beacons af^er test by bf; Faith which our de'nocracy | parry ui Austfians wholwere working on LIFE iUOY SOAP IS MORE TJIAN SOAP—YET M. Nandeaki , the special reprefantitive and Hoper , i ' would be tried i>( COSTS NO MORE. MI.-T"X " " - u. - J h- ' j 11 vouia be one which (lu> defeffii^ a position and sabreti. of he " Journal ," telegraphing frpn the While the night-wind whispered iU;i fouid demand even ¦ii .jbMeu liu'i. jand an officer and took The name Lever on Soaf is \i Guarantee of Purjty and Excellence. Ru sian Headquartern feontry-osll. ¦ ¦ grea{er qualities thaii those which were ' under datp !ert. | ca nexiaok«ct an |Austrian structed to r^a?su themj eneraVed, UDaffect€rJ by tne war Indeed,,how eould | | barrier poat of [ Imitating the „.. . . H be tjn-cnty m>ni, took nine I. ' . wild mujiks While in grim salute so? The bi«t. blood of Ire'.snd, pf them prisoners ! who in 1812 loid everywitg catne the j frr-in Korth an .-ir.il faurca ' tltie others. I ' ¦ ! the waste before ' the advanc^ of thei cooro d gouthl ^lj been poured cut ie^s Napo- j | irealy in the comrhon cau6e llhal tl e A ties p^ initiative on FIERCE FIGHTING WIT« CROWNN EXPLOSION ON flTAUAN leonic armies, the peasanU oi Polieste Of the guns whoso pathway their live* „„„ {,, of King and in iistricts had vcd and j freejom Northem %«gi- : jflte wej sterrt fronfiapd have at their di*- . PRtNCE'3 DIVISION BATTLESHIP threatened with occupation, A . P* - . I , ! FEVERISHI-! I"! EXCITEMENT: - I OF i blow? are themselves Andi we hollowed1 , a _J ment6 and Irieh;G1uar l3, the Dubline »nd posil he means ju inflict! severe burning their villages! and » space m the solemn the iiunsterj : THE ENEMY on Wit enejmy;. [Tiey fully ju.-tify the des royinp eyerj'thing and migrating to uo , and the Inniskillings hav« : PARIS, Wednesdaj . iori- \tho? . , - , t, J " I died in tne same tren :hea for us and lor unshaKeable confid ence of the \ Allied Ti t- iiraok madv by ' . BR1NDISI , Tuesday. the deptfcs of Rtifsia leaving a desert be- names they gloncd, -which none olher ., l Uie Crown Prime'u a>l»ld tell ^ . The am graJS grew over natroni; !ii: j thic fitii 1 victory. The k>ng uv..-on in Argonne * A fire followed by an explosion broke __ _ ..! ..! their yravp«!Sn fdr-nff^ fiolHc ° JAMSTERD AM j Tuesday. \ lifhed jthe was as furi iua 8.v« God to .vheso Silence their «MU W- m=rf» effort v hicn rimam > to be jaccorop .i.- any <3niivrr*? w"no h&s jujt reached Paris. sent, eight officers and 379 bluejacket* are bytrinan artiiltr)- , known to have been saved- Among those I PARIS, Thursddy. *««<* -wo". with' vavy bonibardnient which. f<^r almost RU8S ANiNAVAl BOMBARDMENT . he says, be j an, Wfritin ? in the " Figaro " I pride through iw; tears' of their &\ to bombardjour irenchi-.s ax 3 a .m. with'ltl who'U lost their lives" 'is Rear-Admiral"' ' Rubin to-day, M. feck made ' all the houses in the town f ) do CerVinr'The cau8e of the fire is not Alfred Captic <>ayEi : " After the Soissons And w, batched a tear the final Sod ' lugh explosives first, and then shells oi Of the last sad sepulchre** , | ^ufd^&$S££&ftfi& terrible. ( j |. ,| | a.ti calibre^) showered umn yet known. The explosion loceurred in affair the Germans proclaimed that Lhey sank home •« .._,, ,vrpro ' in KTilk^rinv Numerous; wounded are arriving at ¦ -*efe ;"er-" hadj just won A battle as complete (is For the »Ulied ^nHmiil ruptetlly on us. pur artiliery replied Jmt,. the after magazine while the ship was thM crie* to • rtlent Cod; fheT r%i^t wiTktt .UCUill, *> VVCI£t'ill.'ll, V^ULll VlttJ UVUUcltuCj PE^ROGRAD. Tuesday. of Privat and their ' Ol the dear ones "left the years l F 'hZ^we ,j with litt-ln effect. The German stuns r ", lying in Knndisi harbour. There is no $t. papers said j wr »n ci0£Cr „ eadJ. . otherV honlers. Dadizeele, and other places: : Tlie [olloWing natal communique v.m : our * ;re question of foul play. The. disaster to were completely router iir-"" (GERMAN to doubt victory Z D<;- ^ffij Sffi.trJJ^ fli&n'SSS tie Ciermans from Driehoeven iiear : to pedoesi verelaoonladded to the other plr»- I LOAN A COMPLETE , but in the haste of our ' . licr.s who went i to his I i.-fynen Wood! which, is Igenerally kno^vn and also .Capt.jSuinine. ! ! '°- i FIA«CO hearts not to expect it too soori ," : | death like the jecttle s. Then abruptly Wo guns stop-ji- I | bpave man he was,| because would not ;^ Bellcwaardhoek. Belle?raarde was I At ten o'clock iri the morning our ves- ^f}. Herve, in the " Guerre Social ." siys: ' ' ' " ¦ 'he 'of the ped, and from Jie German trenci i*s " Even yesterday, I :| b» separated: ip actiin j from .those to t iken by |Uie jEngl ish,' but nothing is sels conplu led the bombardment gushed fire of nev k m: Was loitered in fire, Ifor each futur^ | bhJ l e >d ' not Ca ,! bearable . but the men stood their gcoui.d from a. shall."¦ " To kindle evej- in at on one^ Bide or tr|e ^otherorJ we sh?ould,5 lief movement is not directed against formation truvi-ller very well pos- qu.-nchlesa flamef- ^nd,o old ^convictwns ?pres butf against Lille Fresh German THI SITUAT ION IN GREECE Suddenly the German infantry ioonijed**^ i ted in Gernmn affairs who has juat re- What honoured place in that glorious tale ?^^ " ptd weakly troops, visibly: exhausted from forced up in UK- .siiiokej between walls of fi *•e. turned from Dorlin. gay I With their NaLn's patriot!)ead |ou,d[ M^a,ou^etter^fenWefusc^to We poured kheets of lead at them wi th " It in absurd to MAKING HEADWAY n archinjr, jure continually arriving. machine "> j that the country i o .it th« end of her re- • The Ghent correspondent ofj tho " Tele- ; i .THENS, Tuesday. rifle? ^ml jjurrs, buti for eve ryry nourcea. They know how to put them- The cmrode.brave which*-**-L-- P -lyJ ha^b^mi^h^^hink- ¦ * one down two came up. Slowly tio10 [ S iiaf " reports feverish activity can be : News of the All ei victory in Cham- 1 selves on ration*, but there i(* one thing o >?erved at .the German! head pagne !ias iiii>kii but we had to fall ba ¦ 'kk I.uj st week was a very anxious week for : ^Vc should contend a}I . lawful' mean* ii g. along tjie ljiain road .from |Courtrai to the Cei tra) Pqwen ' fho have been no longer believe at all in their final vie- the opponents of the Kaiser. Indeed, < |ur- f ojr what Kniges along which numerous reinforce- ground sine > their < iplomatic succesp at 0" save ouraelve.s If-rom bi-inc ovenvhelti-]1- tory. It is all very well we:jbelieved : to he politically exf by mai.-ws of Ihv enemy. Meanwhl¦lee their newspapers ing Uio whole month of September g|oc mymv - , -wise, but he Dfayed tnat! we mieht ne\-cr ii ente are In^arching to" | various points Sofia loadin g to Bil ;arianon mobilisation. indulging in flourishes of trupipet and anticipations were uppermost in nv has produced dis. our reserves-jhad Uashed tonvard. profit-(t- ¦ ™J MY LITTLE MUD HOLE IN TWE settle our differences tiy Rhe arbitrament a ' ong the froni. Last Saturday evening, The Gr iek nSol^ilisi t their orcunisations ¦'tirrinp un entlms'iflsin minds. Hut the tidu has turned. L " ofj the war. It would nlotlbe tin iSirrp Rn'nhHnnt. . war the British and French troops li jy.r cess -with which fchatl epuld be occoui- tl e continual stream of ;incoming wound- line art hot rclore than three hundred *> At the present time tile subjects of Wil- scored big successes. On [Saturday ilr. Brennaii animates the author I of a : mainly Nothin*; daunted , with stTeaminp oye s, lia m IJ. aie still elitism;: idea clever parody oif " iMy Uttlo Grey Home pliihed would be ihe ti ai, the hard test, ed, and by £he brriyal of jnew jtroops and thousan i 'str >n r an I ire composed¦ to .^he of Jolin French report* tho capture of I> vl of; tho democracy of the ¦future. : ti insports of munition. : Suddenl of old men ijic yoi tis. | hold'uig their oreath , they dashi d nn honourable peace : but it won't be long " in the West." ' This is written by. Private He y ' the through ithe blue ilouds and fell in r- miles of German trenches with!, a la »Tl hoped that they wiuld Hear nd more of tr Kips whoj were billeted , in tbje town re- wes< before .they are clamouring for poace and number of prisoners and munitions., 1 Thomas Liddane, a native of Oarrigahqlt, JSPIR TED ACCOUNT OF THE ried masses ^>n tie Germans who e hotihin? else. The great . ~? -who, like Mr. Brennan, i9 serving (with Irishmen arming againsti Irishmen. We ci'.ived marching orders, I and ,|thcy \vere uTipre-par them. The subj ect of as- Fr.en.th report of yesterday . states , t were proud of ouri Jtish soldier? «ff via Deinze and i F IGHT IN| CHAMPAGNE ^u£&» W for enwiy tonishment is tho recistnnce nf the Rus- ds of JjK his regiment- in the (Dardanelles, | who Thielt| jrobably iti the line wavered]and then gave way. Our Joffre's army lias tal^en upwar 17, fought shoulder to sho ulder on:behalf of di]rection ' of YnVes and northern France. sians. For the last four months they nrisoiiers. the . : , Tuesday. artitlerv preyentec supports from COT I- hnv« been told Russia Along the whola of thelfr To a home trench ¦ us all. God forbid | that lany should en- Tiie movements of troops lasted air Satur- I I PARIS is done for—tha t in France and Flanders there is he; vv ' '^^ 0 **' in courage them! I • 1 I 1 - i I 1 " Thelinfahtrpf attafck bt-gan at noon on to their aid , and sifter twenty-four hou s the German armies will block her and M Where th*radnstonescontln 'ually drench ; to . fichtl »lith each other. " fighting and there i» evidence {that Much that 1 ¦\\ ¦ !¦: fighting they] redutned- "* j ha\e ftritd to say to yon, \ .V .Saturday,!' said a n an wounded in the to their trenchte then fling a million men on the French, ; There's a dead Turk close by ! Inl victory vho has just reached having kep cere there 'out a palti y but they have not prot Gorrnaus in soine quarters (ire prewar °S With his face said th^e President) conclusion , was THE RECENT FRENCH AND Champasne *nd so many millions of for rfetreat. ' , j : , to the sky . ! saj d nearJy BRITISH VICTORIES > : Paris with cKted -was Bishop Berkeley's cotin- |>a|>iie. The!att iek took place ! in a IraL'- sp oi and depots betwoen: Zebrugge anp Lisseweg oir^ «el to Ireland:; " CandidJ i;enerou« wen iri: i^'uns it! t shelh wejwcrc begin- SOFIA, Sept. 26lh . able to carry out Die famous offensive A To my little anud home in the trench. rainstorm which makes tj ie dn.-ih the enemy's gun b-ifore iiij ut Huniduui ind Greece ut the pi' > not the bayonet. In battles in various otl There Rnipers-who always let jo, i countrymen, 'j»r. carry their . position* 'soup and were - ruth t.nt -aflvniiV.! was 3.j quick that a! to «ult of bringins From Italy tho capture o the, peak I i t.^n |i.iu-|.]iiace thd 'man possessed , l and I'itih u single bound niuiiia linn not pro^eedt-d general moti- new onemiep into Ui»' Suldeiifpitze S Which causes 'bod language to flowj; : J • "V^rc German pivot h l In front of us field against them. They know that , which was stn ngly held ° Af' ; 'in I - . ii-»i;t ictt bthmU ; jwer<5 oul ••ofj oifr p >*. li/alii 'ii but iij eons deralile portion of tie in the Alustrians, is reported. " hey also t< S And the Bully and Biscuits -we chew, . i" Jiad subfecquch'Jy t.' Ix; there wa» work.I >ads of the ' activt ' ban been On var footing for sever il Germany, and you may bo oure they will p For its months since we tasted & stew CUTXEBY.i-FoT j «tr>oi««r, quillty ' ••a|>tured by! iniiiur siege. ^\6} ami) tlie Iliiights of Torreone in the Ton ll | | I ! ¦were doing good" bi,is ness and were be- inr.ii'ili.- pasl. jind at least 160.000 men aro know nil about the recent successes of the " With the shells dropping therte T&bla Cutlery, Raiorsl Bol»&or», Fovkd Jlii' battli W jUohelle—the name gjven yond thS BoSches' ircnciies. we nouuiea with the colours. M. Take Joneseu iind Allies in the Artois and Champagne too. ! Why no plaioe Knirei. *ry Witlerj W«J»h i «sd Boas* thu Frejicli to. attack of the : T S b n CC f oan compare j | British up to tliBih in iur tu n andon saweW piles of other important joliticians desire im The ' " Tyd " of Amsterdam Htat*.i ; "* With^"^ my' "llittk^'^ mudd ^holer in the rench I BimBuTon-»tr»ndtebd , Str««i, Waiarford. . Ih ot Ler.^—i->'. being fought in a den- her £a,w with thiough its Coloinie corresponden tratilg a ZstrnttLrnPpo cross to jrcU. j St^j . .soloy j Giormun 1 dead.on - F^r nil underst^ndi>i^ Bulgaria, but Austn>- t that Pave|and Dvina. ' ' po^ulsjted mining region. This Bn- Kpsches; the third War Loan must not be regard- . : ' ' _ ' ' tUli round crj afer^ ^hj ich | were (Jcrman influence opposes a rapproch e- The only theatre of war w v " ; -Li, . attack Ued \u> the capture oi fioos ed aa a comnlete success. iich;does- not . ~\ j I", " i Oonclle buried beneath fallfi earth. Hero and ment. Tliero Is still a faint hope that tl: e fijrniBh us with an ' \ ' ^ : and the : coalpitfc in its neltfh- accoun . of a recent j .su . ii^- .ui.ui;k...... L i i .J ,. I. :.- ¦. ..' bn irhood. |t:here a qoot wa;.stiqk ng out and wo gave Macedonian questipn may bu solved ly victory is the Dardanelles. The Tuiks j;i '. friYtoi;,'ii)V-^'ri V'i^w iWmvv t w i { ni -'V i-' ' 't'' .,. J '...\...'rti 'fiL ^ In die directjon of Grfilay. a! pull to see 'if the were- any alive. pacific meantj ' JOFFRE'S MESSAGE TO HIS * ' i r , » Mi «7Vii iirih- .l ii' n i'Tift t ii iii ini.li'ing eait |al6ng a marked He*, wey * TROOPS clainl some minor successes in the Gali- • : : ha ?e occupied There wfere 4»t Wfe did not wait |long. poli Peninsula. Fresh Allied troAps,1 h( ' I ' ' Hill 70 which is only two We rushed then to pv r right.j We caught RUS9IA'$ POSITION w- > *»«..«^» J« ». '.« ^.~i.«J. kil mit-tres |rpm -Lens. : jA fter this .ius- * u412&d I>U ions beginning Bight of n (strongin enemy contingent | with CRISP IS THE lit is .scarcely (to belcx- machinejgun^ a pit They ;did not last ?^fa&'^^ » ' CRUSX l>e ted. that events' •will continue wiib Ithe PARIS, Tuesday. evidance that the military bower of flits , ; .. . » ,« ..,> . ,1 , L.I . -. \ '¦ i>aihi; rapidity. long. .Wia daahiejd in: a them with bayonet. PARIS, Wednesday . eneni' is weakoni gg. Reports Cinl ^ and digtstlbk is 1 The German | posiiilons There was| a ff fij it. The survivors, The ' .Journal " if ublishcs the follov - Tb« following: order of the day Wiis i.«- from; "gnt , the loaf if yOU bake noj\- occupifd by ith(» French,; have been st^ [ sued by General Joffre before tho assault stantfnopio state that the sh eik to rslaW I subjected seeing ttiemsclvca . Jone for, shouted -. niL' from M . Nandbau , its corrvspondei t your bread with the aid lof "Paisley Flour " I to bombardment which n u=t ^it ulie Russ^ian heaaquartevs:— on Saturday: " The offensiw U to be cur- head of the Mussulman Church; disi.n- l | 1 I- 'have enormously I depreciated TKamrndes ! Knlmra' les ! pas kapoiit! " provds of the war and that the Prefect II I iheir tie- and threW 1dowji the r arms. Some, !how- During the past lew weeks very heav Ly I ried on without truce and vfithout re- of^ . ¦; . "Paisley Flour* makes!homebaking as simple' fpnsive. valte' for , the' Germanj ; iirt , * ! spite.: ; Cons antinoplc has - resigned office foi o| 1 - per- , wentj on ficht- blows have been dealt by both aides. The Remember¦ the Marne. Conquer as A.B.C. Cook is always sure of a : tain to tnaisf but our allies merely for tlio. purpose of defence Oi ju. . ¦ ction necessitated by kite knoc-ked him do|wn And sat oh his chest. •Aliile yielding comr aratively little grountl no and, . j.. . . W^ ' *l ' ¦ ' ' 'waV'bf'attrition have notjundeniiincd 1 that ^he3ias aggressive intentions. Ij liej , ¦ | ! |k/ nig i uuJral pur H« begged for.-mercy, saying he had a have cleverly avoided biittle. Possibly 'lJfjUki '*fcBJ i M* t?^4...w. ' force-] jThe! waitingi perij- d luu'j in choose, mobi isation of the Greek armylls ,caus4 ! i ' ' 1^ HO A\lay «n{eet>H>d our wife , and] children, jl am a family (man our allies may to givi> way a littlo, | f*\5aH^|||^ H iBli \' _ energy for we know myself, He picked to yield a lit le more ground, but tills we ifiiist triutnpli; because we pre deter- s> I ;nad|rHS J^S^^MJIJELJS' Will fight to tho lery had grips. Tlu- eiiemy , i» now aware Lain lowers " Col Krne Gazette " considarg it hhrc jy j puts of ; ordinaryflour . Ma well, dry. ' hi ne but in o^ei to!do go ("imp y lurnedi them into so many of til pofsihie tJiat Bulgaria \n \3r5rT ^Y< «ni i \'! 'i he ^diots. There were. il kinds, old I nid insanity of bii droam of annihilating tb could be irifluenc a ° *° u"i>° yer otherjporti9nsthe of hh The is to ftb intlon tlw policy which her|Govei , : Recipe *in cvoy li. ijdL, I ' •">>i|.froV, • r v, - younsr. ' out aH|posteised of; one ideb : Rusj ian forcc^. enemy flinchin %\ S^Sl Sg! .•ThejAlhes i -will n^ m^ :Oj- Pas ' mrnt has recoiHifzed as iright. | T ^^^ ^Pos; kaiJQut!< k^pout!'"j j . | j buforo Riga , is stopping disconcertet L |^ Bammstrand J " • PoUon bf Corn Flow frightensd by this pisses. The Dwina " Gaioitr enntinue*: Neither Gerjna 1 .vJ f ame JKlL' ¦ WJMLJ *1 may, be expected to take : ^ nor Xustria-Hunpary is threatening f Kl .. make"PaitUyFUmr."\:- . • ] ri.L1,L T .^ r poinls wher still unpayable. Russian batteries ai fw BFX • JpCn hud ° u *en ?'** yet actions I.GA8 MANTLES of B I re-supplied and . are keeping up indenondence of Bulgaria or; the otl «P°rt€d.; .-nil' brilliant. I L Quslrty itdekid an eve +mali Halka» States like the gi V . NO ADVANCE 1 IN PRICEJi ' in|tmlinutl «ucce^s«cs are- f »« Writer Walrii tai , 8om, B«rfonftr«n ; ¦ ^ j | out of the Turkish Empire inl AsiL ' " : ' " I : i: ; i ;.t . - i - .i : - ¦! I' ' I- h ' i • WATERFORD ! NEXT COONT^ COUNCIL ; CORPORATI ON COMMITTEES ©ur (tatbolic dbroiitcle CITY PETTY SESSIONS Annnal Collection in Aid BOARD OF GUARDIANS of G Tho magistrates adjudicating at MEETIN Ifie the' Sisters¦ of Charily ] Finance {OSARY MONTH. • !' . .. '; ._: ! * and Law October , City Petty Sessions this morning were i|| i The month of tile Rosary, The weekly meeting of the Waupord the Mayor (Aid. .R. Power) presiding, Sisters of tarts to-day, and in all the churches dur- (iuardians was) held on Wednesday. lE THE Charity bleg to return Messrs Gerald Griffin, R/M ; A. Nelson, ElWG j special de- p grateful thank* for Donations it- Coun- A meen <,( the 'Finance «nd I.uw Com- ng this month there will bo MJ. David Hyland, T.C., Chairman', pre- QJL ; IW. R. Ward (Aid.), James Haekett ccifriHl The next meeting of Ih> County /»c otiOH8 in honour of Our Blessed Lady. rtklod. a nil the otlu'r members pr< scnll at the. Annual Collection'held on cil will bo held in Dunga; von Courthouse mitted > XJLS held :in the Mayor 'h Offici' (Aid), James Young, and E. Phelan. I Sunday, ; 19th ultimo, 1 iii yest«.rf' were—Mrs. 'Poole, «.nd Messrs Robert on Tuesday] October 5th. The business the Mayor presiding. Also pn> •KAST 0F; ST. FRANCIS. Wal sh J P; IE. Walsh, TJC (High SheWfl) ; I' i Council will! rot be of a very sentr-.Aldermen W. R. Ward, J. HacketU . SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CASES. THE CATHEDRAL before the Monday next, being the Fixist of SL iWi'iiam l JonesJ T.C; IE. Donnelly,| |T.€ ; £3-Most Rev.' Dt. Kheehari important c laracter. Re lorts of analyst, J. P.., and William A, Murray, Coun- will be a day of special devotion ftE 1 Francis, iPaltrisk AT Flynn ,I Thomas Power, J.P P. TRW oi (fhecker of Raw ci is- Street I' Corfc , t(|lloe's Lane ; John John iDwyer, New- h eld 10s. each—Miss Power (PurctU mversitj Coilke, C T , O.t'.M .. (.:urk , fol- MEAT CONTRACT. at Trarii>re;on and Co.) PAYLUKUNTS. father P U Shoehan ' Mebsrs. Lynch. Bros., J. Kelly, 22nd Setternbcr, 1915. lowed by Benediction of the Moot Holy pprt o Lane; Joseph (iouldiog, Doyle-et. ; °Beraere*fIorord<' I lusjL Wrote to you the Tho u-ual payments woro jmss^nl . Wli.le t bt.1 ou't-door reiief buslni^s w^» Mark Jacob, Doyle-street; 'William Hynes, StrSet ; Aid. B. Hearne. I ; Dear Sir-J-Since , Savramect. ' ¦ 54. ea«h—Mrs. ' Revd. Prof essor Hcnebry has returned to RKCOarjMiKX'DATlON. ite niL- :nnsact.«t rdi*ou 11, and Mr. Jones adtlr.i: sirtg Ppwer, Arundel Square; Michael Healjy, Hiifli street; Messrs. P. iM.MDojle, R. fi 'd Poor Rate Account to Ui'' DOMINICAN CH1,'RC"H ¦underslood j.'J. 1 ' for the; Special jristy scholarship bo Tuborcnlosii OoiauiiitDc »f iMnuagi nirir. tlie Ohairman isaid lie j the Sprgeant'a Court; Joseph Sullivan. 8jr- Oct. 2nd K^nncally, Doyle. A.. SJ Furlong, R. , Tho annual liutrvut lor tlie ineiiiliriv ot ¦ini'ttt ' , at 4 o'clock A. p ec, J. Higgins amended by the omissioi of heading (d) 1 being the balance due to .-aid Committee public contract ; had already been ;tr\\ck 'f.>r ',1 K- purpoMv Saviour s. Uonu- ' —___ " J J.OKeeflp, n ieneral opened nt St ed wit.1 the way he was trea-W-d . ills $1 The following were fined :—James i' i ' C. 6'Mahony, P. W. O'SheaJM. * considers that the |pro£r; mine in Irish is :ii-iiii Cliurch on Sunduy cvi-niu^ wh<'ii olijy , ' Hartigin .sufficientlyldiflk-ult,— 1 |ini . vours faith- I RESOUTIOX. l .V 'i.. .ti:;is bifroit* the last lite tepd^r 'Baunteen Lane, 5s. ; William Kiiip. Car- J. Aylward , A. Dobbyn. I l_. ' | I A ri-Anlu;ion was p.i is^-d oallini; '>n lliu here was Rosary, sermon and Hmmiiiition was ,K*r»».p:ed and he had made arr-ange- 'li. 6d.-^3Irs. Doooey, fully. I I Hie Retreat in Wine fiuidm-ted liy R>v rigeen lane, 5s.; James Attridge, Black- MrsJ Pearoe. MM, P. J. HKRRIMAX , Registrar. ivpr nui;ivr< of '.In- Tul»Tiul'>.sit C\>ti>- ii n-ii '.? uf .-ui>|i(y the mo;U . and then it 'berry Lane, 5s.; and John Brien, Carri- Meiry, Miss Hogan;Meinrs.l ii)itt !)]>!>• l).sa.ry I'rioryi, London, and his eloquent Hnd im- . I..G.B.. Dublin . | > "l ilit Tubfivuiu>i> opvin- >i lu-.ivtrteil i O. Hyland, J. Heffernan, ^ Jl |Barry. 2Pth S< ptemb.-r, 191:'>. i a> .-oon po.-.sibK* ! ;>res.sivo orations wo re listt-nod ti* > with ' M. each-Mrs. and devou t Ciiuiriitan—Because Mr Mol i oy s ! ten- CARJ3RIVIERS AT' LAW. Clancy, !lf the 16th |m t. relative to the It »H3 rtvotnnienJi'd to ^ranl vi vinot'iu Tho order of exercises diiriuc tin' work Gui foyle. : • ¦ ; ¦ . overy evening how we can bring it on a^ain. We 'liav: Grant for having assaulted him on the j . | - | . I i application of the] Witcrford Co. Coun- lic,-i^« > u> "-Mf&sf.s Wn^'lu'a Kntt-rprist's. tviis us follows:—Dovotionfl awepwd Mr. Flynn's tender s}nd|yo:u 24th September. , AnJ lit 7.30 o'clock lecture ewry morning after ] Wei -knoWn j Civil i - ST: JOHN'S: M - cil; for san ;tion to a loan of £2,808 for Ltd.. of lj)Wer Saokvi!lc-,str aocepc another one no* iMr. 0. A. Nolan, solr. , appeared for ' rq;ul L I <" ' 10.30 o'clock Mass. There will be general £l!-Rcy. P. Fitzgerald. Adni. stoam-rollii g a jn the Dungarvan on ' condition s Uid down in the ri 'p«'n I tlio;iL-!i Mr. MoEoy was MI bit-fled before complainant i Rural District ; and I Um to state that the \ii \Aw Borough Surveyor , and uiso ilu* L' ominunion at the 8 o 'clock Mass on next ¦ £2—Messrs. John ;He«nit>|and'.Sotu. -t ¦will with Ui explanation made by 1 Mjr ISfr. Nolan said his client had been I a anJ Military Speakers £1 each—Mrs. Deevy, Board 'are ariablo to alt ;r their decision the Kin- Brigademan on duty ior the Sunday morning, and the Retreat be ¦Mackey, unless you can make a ciSij foi Lundjcape;Mi. ,' proUEht to a close by sermon and ro- chauffeur in the employment : of Mr. R. Power, Mayor; Mrs/ P. Kent.] : in tho matt ;r. j linn- beini: 'be appointed Inspect.u- of him now ? . j Kelly, car-owner, for whom there -was 1 ¦ ; I am!to add that there s nothing to pre- Cint*Dia Theatreai ii-wai of Baptismal vows Roaar>'. pr«- ' will i i ! 10s. each—Messrs. Jamea I Cahill, }. in the Mi Jones—l : would tike V> makfe a great enmity, especially amongst the ¦ Macjkey, John Dawson, J. vcnji TKe maintenance of his road in raSs- re-.-ilon and Benediction at 7 15 caso fc^r him and tor Mr. Flynn top other car-drivers : : ! ¦ \Fr JMaguire, C^ veiling. When JfeCormoc left : T r .. . .\0i4n. A Friend, is i' I] : ablo order jby the [usual repairs and sur- TOTE CONDITIONS. Chairnian—It! wag stated by! Mt. Mr. 'Kelly 's employment lie started driv- . I face;' labourL the cost be ng defrayed oul Tile r.-p.>n of 'Mr. J. J Fleming U.]in street. JOSA RY SUNDAY Mackoy tbis moniing diat Mt, Klininfs ing for Mr. ->Phelan. Some days prior to J of revenue.M am,Ictc. -, ough Surveyor , WJLS ah follows:— -inl feiist-<]ny oil each—M », IU; Wttlger. Mra. Cant- ¦ L Sunday next will be a -pei the one on which the a&sault wa» 'commit- w«H' The Misses : A. R. BARLAS. Sec. I b»'jr 10 report on ilhr application ->f lediratcd to the Dominican Order, being cltangf a Mr. ' Kearney, M£i» M. Bar- ' MoKoy wag ncrt notified ted McCormac was at the Tramore clay!. Messrs. O. Crpnin, j.- Fitigibbon, Department of AgricuKuhe and Technical Mr. J. Fewuson , 3ecrotary for tin- losnry Snndav. A plenAry indul(ren<« that 'his|tertdet was accepted 'butMMt. Station. When the Post Office van comfcs D.. Wri ' , Ltd l,owoi Sa< k- 1 PoWer, TT Whittle. J. WalshliJ. Dwyer Iristruetic n f»-T Injhind (Fisheries ght .* Knu.'rprj.->es . 9 nay IK gained by visiting the Rosary Flynn was in all the ear» clear out of its way. | tMc- ¦ .. vil!c- .- guardians hi» position. " WILL BE SHOWN A FTERWARDS |. [i present ivm-n :t was On Uiat occasion some- l!s Od. each, —Miss Ahearnci JTohn«t/ o»-t; Dublin, !!Btl August, 1915J Rink , AuViphi Quay. I .'wivf in.rs and H'ing prepared ny tin- choir «lii« li will be Chair.n:»n—HI was deeded a tteek -a ero defendant's son. On the S4th Sepioiiibpr " titU-d u> the l io'iice. «-ct to ihf !>-\- Me«;rf> . J. Humphreys, J. I'Power, i.' of the 18th inst. emlosjin ; a copy; of a re- *ul>j usmentPd by a strnn: biuul on thv CK'C-.I- ilr IX rrm-Wyi-I propose that the Ibef l Grant jumpqd up on his client's car, ton? MS Will ill .'Jl Maher, R, WalahJ J. PowerJ solution pa sed by) the] V aterford County lowing aiU'rationk and addition> I H - ion. corHraox fee re-advertised. Tlint w f^ilU M.^clothes, and struck him. .' I J . itirn*\l otll:— I Fiji 11, ft Tritchelcr, J. O'Sbaughncisjr. Council on the loth i&s ., in which the Mr. Frank Twicg, \he u'cll-knuuu Ijari- tie tho fairest ¦Way. Complainant bore out Ttis sdiicitorfs W. Flynii i Department are :i) A iluiibic-iloi^r firo rx\i twohv f.vi nne, will also sin'j at ;'¦<¦ • \\i,e- v GOURSING , P. Hartrey, R.| |O'Shea, A rvjo,uefcf< d to send their Mr r .ynn—Tliat would b« the prpper statement When h« was coming donjn Frie id. " ; . j ¦'' : 1 . engineer, Mr. Oliver , it< do any nwes- in width to be provide «liwi' -Jiown on tiring I : John-stree" defendant who was I \ \\\ nc^nmpnnyinj* lan and opening oxit- ¦ARRICK-ON-RC1R XKW , on tl^c 2a eaehj-Mtt. BrUcoe, A Friend sarjii prblini nary Work Sn connection with th> * p Chairnian—How can you re-adveptiso car-stand , called him and said ,; Marr» wuriij in A IflphijQuay. CKMKTERY . to him. KILMOGANNV AND T. Hennetay. J. DuDDhv. J. rUrnr.' tiie limprqv 'ments lof tfu rivers Black- : His Lordship the M"st Rev Or Sli.o- When another mlm's Kinder wi> accepted? " You beat my horse and broke my carj" water Brid ? \2) A :wo and a holf inch fire hydrant " . , and Snir, on condition that ana in. Bishop of the rtinrese . will on S\in- Mr. DdnncUyJ-Didn't you accept ' Mir. He then caught hold of witness Iby the i - T ST. PATRICK'S. I ¦ .| ' the inomint 1 out 6f ;et witli lenyth of hok;, h^nd-pip,. ke>> j BLACKB0G pbc expenses be ay next, October 3rd roiiKermb' tlie new Flvnn '.i lender 'too? ' neck , tore his vest and struck him on i £1 e»=li J-Very Rev; W O.Dp inell, P.P.j borne by the Co. Council pending comple- to be proiiorly fixed in.side the wail «f tin- ' Chairman—No. the tender n ii' «c- th« jaw with Kov. Xi builditu; marked F.H- on the plan. nblir cemetery at t.nrrickbes;. The I'r- 'i his clenched firpt . j |.. I : Dunpby. C.C. M il t tion ; of the schemcj, I hi ve to state that on C'oimi'il Iiii s provided the eemetrry for e-ptAl until ho in no::t'ud and !.•: has 'Defendant—'When I asked you yhyi f^h I" ! £2 each—Mrs. O'Neill tho Depart nent (3) Tho floor ofjthe lantern room to be yolu THDRSDAY.i 14th OCTOBER Wai h, Me»/». regret hat it will not lip town and district at a i-ost of over not been notified boat my horse ono. broke, my car what Wnl.-Oi dn4 Fielding, : Messrs.! be ;coiiven i nt for them to lined with " Polite , " tlH' ,i ! M. O'Uacn. | place Mi. S00. The ce iviiionv ..f i oii.-ecration will ¦H'?li 9herifT—(A? we arcept-d 7Jr M»l- happened?—You did not flive me]tirrje io and'^ns.r ' ; -I -| :' . ' I 1 Oliver's services at the disposal of the and walls , and c*>v<*r"dJ wiUi c«have'mcnt con- 1-oy ' • r threi- incht^ thick. e pprfornied at 1 o'elodi . It is esprcted - ..MijJtr , •wbuther !»• wo* .otifl-id 01 say anythinR. You caught me by|the col- J.UDGE-P. J. jMurpj iy. gJJPPER- : £1 eachj-Miss Ah^arne. Pat ick. SL ; 'f. Co. Council until certain vorks, op which crHt I K-stt-d nut 1 :u:ti k we f .«tid by n. ¦ Nobn ^ ^Uh a blow lanip lie ceremony will Iw :i 'n l-.l l>y lurire oiulit. I' ' lar of the coat ' ; ! ¦ , Messr3. N. Doiger.- 'Joiiii Butler, V. he is at rri'ient ensuged . are completed. this maVntU in sitci Ri 'jihvilg to the Chairman the Clerk P. McSweene; . Whittle and it showed no! di'fiH'to at about 1 ,000 lumbers of tho people nf Carrirk . Corrick- f asked you to repair my ear?—.That s . j , Michael Sullivan, J.IMcCauL W. I have ft rther to ohst rve that;, as in- said ihevl could not alter the inatvr 'now. nqt true. A Filzpatrick , . M«ds' dicated in my fahr.'nheit. L'g. nnd adjoining district* . The \tork in : I ¦ ¦ ns. .Deriiisey I on( -the ac- Stephen McNatt stated Brennan. I " : ¦ : : ¦ lasliXXo. 1 O36 *4) The lantern loom '<> 1H- properl y ven- that he jwi - The ROSSENARRA STAKli fc r 16 Puppieu ! i \V \ I 1 ,'15 F.B.I , thv> Department coptanoo of Ilia tenider and lhat com- nessed the assault. J ' ¦ 10a each—Mrs. WaUh are tilated and havo an nutonMtic "hu:tor arried out by Mr J. Ay lward , builder . After som$ wos ut 30s . . i : . , . .BrWid rtrect ; not in t position to i leur nny expen- plotod thb contrivd.. grant hit MdCormoc a* I 1 Messrs. Mackey and diture in co nnection (5) iHandrail«» ti> be provid«*r- 10 Very Rev, Father Laurence . costs was imposed. don't fill , money added and divided pro- ' : ¦ . the Council. have fro^ a^x"c>> nd the lectures of the distinguished great portionately. ' I f . maby years. LARCENY CHARGE. | | 2sJ each—Messrs. M. Twornoy and M. T. P. (Gill . Secretary. v> the Theatre at all rj"a*onal>lo hou^. ranci6can created a profmrnd impression Vlerk—1 think it is tin; iuv.edi -)Q re- Th'e KILMOGANNY ?TA KE for 16 AII- O'KJem, ' ; : : , I Dublin Castle (9) (ias t.i be provided arid the b>v- nd were ilistened to with wrapt ntlen- cord 1 might hay. Martin Power was charcrd )ri ; . . ' ¦ In ' The number admit- by Sergeant Agob that never won m than two I j 8th September, 1915. passes to be kept tjrhtjt^s tho rti nl o' :nn. The;Retreixt closed on Sunday nijrht ted dunnfr the. week was *) . iMsi-iiurL. '-rl . Rgwan with the larceny of nvo hats frmn Courses in any bneStakt (byes to count) i I BALLYBRICKEN; | j Sir—I am directed by] ti e Lord Lieuteri- the electric light tailing. ¦ith the usual ceremonies. ifi; and died, 21 The mo-t of ft>od fon the ach—Very Rev. Canon : Furlonit. ant ; tt> reler u> ' ; I PJ>.; Rcii. Miohael yourj letter! of the 18th ult. sunieil dpring 'ihe wiM-k wa< £131;, ay way (. <> at ih» North whhrf on tie 34lh ! WalshJ U | !• transmitting of the Chief Secretary L. iASEiS. THE PROPAGATION OF THE Entry Forms, Voucher! , and iurthor 10: . eacfi—Messrs. a- copy against CUi for the corrospondui^ ^eek Septembei • particulars Wm. Culfinane »P* of a "resolution passed by the Go. Council Loases to the D > la Salle Brothers ami FAITH. Mr t. O'Shau?hness , apply to—{ ' R. C lcesoh. ' : : i I I ' i j ' His Lordshi tbe Bishop has addre>sed of last year. There is £33 of an nvr^ise , aolr., appeared ! JOHN HAWE ; ! | of \y»terford at their qu irterly meeting ilessrs .Motley w< re rqeommended to bf p for accused. : . 5s. each—Messrs. Ii Bourke lie following letter to the clergy and thore tho xgh there are 30 p.'ople >»t in \ ; | |K|lrooganny. . T. Kenoy, on the 10th ill. on the £u! >ject of the con- sealed : Che house Patrick iKelly stated thnt he was! a Join Murphy,' W; Power, P Arnold, K. struction of the Cu'nniga f lithful of , the diocese:— Barrt-, Nicholas Bridge. The ' ' Mrs . P( dle—That is about ihe avcta^e checker in the .employment of the Great I '. I 1 : Cummins.! I I .1 i Couricil ask Lhat un assur: nee should now THK TKF ATR? ROYAL. Bishop s House , John s Hill, Southern nnd Western ' J I • 2s. ed. each—Mrs. Kirwan ¦ ; Waterford. Se( t. 30 , 3915. increase. Railway, and Svas GREAT SODTHERN A! ID WESTKUX ~ , !Mrs. VoyW , bo given th it! a grant ifo this purpose It was ordered thai the Je.-?c o: thi Clerk—Yea . on duty as such on the wharf : from p ! RAILWAY. Mrs. O'Brten, Misi Rjran, Meisrs. Jl t»iit. would bo mfide at the conclusion of the Theatre Royal be jebarce for the K8h con Revd. Fathers und Dearl y Unloved field T. Donnell in the The Oldrk said lhc( e»st iit-d-"Tj re- o clock in tho morning until 8 o'clock y; BJ Whittle. LT. \VhiUlf. warU I ^umed vest buleland lav.itory wln-r T retlxrcn—As already announced, an ap- eek wai -X31 14s. night. Power 4' ' W. taldwin, P. Uonrjellr ¦ i pleal will be made on Sunday , OctrL 10th li>H durii.L' tlie again.-*". , who was also a checker ) , TRAIN ALTERA1 K IN'S, , WJ Sigpiu. f. In ireply I have to cai the attention of the Theaue is use 1 for performances, aner« wa* n«> wuie Con- was -with htm. About, o'clock'in i tHe Whittle. N. Caulfield. i | i | your Counci to th$ statement container) toat half the gas be charced when th< in the churches of the diocese in aid of evening ^ : 3».f-Mr.j James tie Society for sumed, apainstli j'1. -a.-seH . II ciusses oi he received a crate of hats which OCTOBER , 1915, AND UNI III FURTHER Maddox. ! > | in my letter at, (22,796; o i he 2nd January Town HalJ is uso< for other purposes. the Propagation Of the wlniski-y 'djrainst!39, and no |>o^c-r a«ain. ho. saw into a waggon. Power : . 28. each!—Mrs. Mater, Mrs. D. Poww, last ie the e f aith. The object of this appeal will , -i: was with ' N, 0TI0E. 1 .J : i feet that , per ding the execu- 14 JIID U lajti year. him ot the time. 1H0 saw the crate vharf was about will cease to runj : I der the allocation of the talanee of £9,000 The Mayor (Aid. H. Po ier) presided, and Cte.dinp> at tlio| Hoard of Gua-rdiantf on 8 o'clock . The latter ¦was sober ' £1 JeachirMessrs. J. andiSllPh*liii, K wliith the Clouncil ' o millions in Asia, Africii , America, and at Ithp The17.45 p.m. iWoterfon io Kilkenny Shortis. Dr. O'Sullivah dedesiredsiled to expend on there were also p eseni:—Aid. Hackett ; tilie I0U1 iiwt. /the l/joaj Covernmoni tiriie. will cease to run! ' : , Dr. KOTIOJT the iBrid(Bridge ini i i questiion.[questiion. Oceanica are still in pagan darknep^, and I [ : | 5s. gach-1-Mrs Foley, Manor; Miw Dim- I Councillors Mrs. ffoole ; M. Kirwan, Thos. f< (Board ivr »ti; sahctiorving payment o] £3 Mr. O'Shaughnessy—Did you go across The 13 p.m. Waterford to T)ungarvan ' I am to.addto.a d that| their Lordships ari Fitzgerald r them missionaries are needed. Abroad Pliy. Michael St.; Mra Murnhv- MiB-. Mra ' at ar^ , David Hyland and E. Don- e rerywhero 10i 10 Mi Williain Hynn for '.akin?land toj'Breen s with this young man abodt 8 will cease to runl I '; . i ' quite][Drjquitejjunable to givegiv^ an) ia ssurancossurance at the belly. ¦ there are countries whijro th« o'clock—Yes. • Fieldihg; Messrs. N.!' Hally M.I nt>- present p>or niissionarie.i have struggle vaJiufng slock in " tho workhouse for the i The 7.'45 p.m. Dungarvai tp: Waterford gcrald Mrs present time with regard to allocation of Mr. P. Higgins, \ctinb Town Clerk , nnd a hard to they How many Downey, J MurphjJ .iM Q'Con. funddi; under k vp alive the Faith already preiched. hall-yes? fended jthc 30lh in^t. ; sanc- drinks had you there!?--' will cease to mnJ , I ' ; nor IV. Walsh "thethe financial conditions, now Mr. J. J. Fleming, Bdrough Surveyor, itSonod pavnicni|«f Bj iee' of £1 U. to Three drinks. T7iei9.40 . - . Dr. Hogan 1 unkhunknownpvn, w liich miy li i most of these r laces tlie people e, re too [Dr. a.m. and 2.45 p. n. Clonmel to 4s. 6d..—MisB Burns. ¦ miy o|b ain at the end Were also in attenflanca. W'liiU" ioij a«tfi74ing Dr. F-jrd in a Vnr- ipid you notice anything suspicious Waterford will cease to ' ' : I ¦ofof theth^i war.——jl [ am, sir.sir, yoyo)jr jr obedient p >or to contribute anything for priests or run. i 2s 6d - 'ach~Mrs- Dalton, Mrs. ! Fill- BerBeri- The usual paym nts were passed. flicai operation;] puynieirt of £4 i.» p\r. about this young man—you did not notice The J2.30 p.m. and 7.45 .n Wnterford 'il w vant.fi ' MAJTHEW NATHA"N. The onl <}oals churches or schools. The (Treat Society i geraia Miss Power. Mcagrs. J. 'IVhelan, y tender for was received fc r the Propagation 'Dunphy, Assiitant .Master, for acting as anything in his pocket?—No. I I to Clonmel will e Company' Coghlan House, putlapd Square. E., recommended that;it be- accepted. tlayji ; rairuneration at the rate of knowing—in his coat pocket October TirrK" * M. Morris. J. TreacrJ V. SCUIIT I ji Publin,|2oth 1 years ago to help these foreiun miisionii. CL 5s. for instance? Book or aprl y »t stations M. Hind J. Hackett, Sept., 1915. It was also recommended that the ten- a week "ro iMLss Margaret Hopkins for -Vo? I E. A; NEALE , J. LarkM ¦J. Wabi D^ar Sir—| beg to: info m you that th(: Tie great work it has since done in every ! j , Gpner il Manager. •51. running. . •. . j " i | [' ' der of Miss Moir for repairs to iron carts p irt of the her services a* substitute for M IM I" 1111 , Was this wapgon locked? What kind Kingsbridge Station, Dublii , ' l annual meetmg of the Iyibh. Co. Councils be accepted world is known to all. " It ." ' &. eachJ-Messrs. A. Hodltjnsori J, •Oeneral ^ , and it was; ordered that ten- 3r id Pius X. in lfXM, nijrlit nurse in the feincle idii>t w; ,rds of a waggoD wps it?—An ordinary wagi jSeptember, 1915. : Oaffn -y, . ! Council will be held on Friday! ders' be invited for oilrclothes for the " the ineKsengers of gon. It " ¦ Jj Murray. K. Friend.] : . _ 10th! jDecr., Q9I5 ,at tl f Catholic doctrine are able to reach out of ihe wofthousl', during her absence on would hot be locked. i ) | the] offices of tiho labourers. i i vacat ion, ioptither with 10s. 6d in Mr. Griffin asked what •was REAT Dublin Co. Co'uncilJ 11 [Rutland Square! to the most distant lands nnd tho. most lieu the value P SOUTHERN | ANJD I WESTERN me. uuurniCA'SBf i Notice of any ' It was ordered \that car-owners and bi rbarous peoples, it is to the of rations and also payment of remu ier. of the articles. 1 ' ' ' VJ | i RAILWAY, i j ' . \ questions! tjhat your Coun'j drivers bo cautioned as to thei r not wear- Socidty fot ¦ation at itiie Sergeant (Rowan » 'i 10s. cachf-Mra. O'Meara, Bridge »tift-t: cil ijay desirej to have discussed tl o Propagation of the Faith that credit rate of £1 10s. » wi-ul to said the next -witness j 'LIMERI'CK I Messrs. I,. at the ing their badges, and thp Committee- wish Miss Miniirt Coffey for di^-harKiiis the would speak ai_Jo tliat. I JTACES . - Slattery. |J. O'Kirrell, W. meeting 'ghoold reach mp on or before ^ n ist be given. Through that Society f»l- ;! WEDNESDAY Morris , M. Normoyle. . I ' ll. ! ThuKsday, it to be understood that, henceforth nny- vi tion began for numberless duties oi Mrs Coffey, assistant nur«< in Mr. Oriffin saitl the charge was an jri-l AVD THURi JDAY iXEXT , . I , 25tH Novr.—fAurs, etc., one found not observing peoples." The dictable one I <3th and 7th 5?. !ach—Messrs. J. '.CooneyJ M. Mai« 11: I JCEOGH this regulation p eaent war lias crirpled its operations by the female idioi rfepai'tturni. w hile <>n and they might have j to pCTOBE]Ul915. .1. . A\ NOLAN . Sec. will be prosecuted; d( holiday . | take depositions. Orl Bi tier, lM. Walsh.) J: O'Gprnian. Board of (Trade (Harbc ur Dept.), priving it of the pecuniary help it re- I above d^tes CHEAP TICKETS wili 3s. 5d.—Miss Gleeson. 7 Whitehall After transacting routine business the ceived from France (which Sergeant Rowan said the, value of the be issued to LIMERJICK to mi Walerfnnl • 1 1 ! I ' Guardians! London, S.W., Committee adjourned. contributed twin.y hawuau- «I» 2s. 3d.' each—Miss Furniiw.l 1 Mur- ! | r! [ '; I 2i 1 August . m >re than half its annual income) , fro m FEVlER HOSPITAL REPORT . wa* US.SU. Ofid.U. i and | Intermediatt ' Statioi ? by .Sjirci.il |-Jiy. Sfessrs. Mr*. ft . 1915 fii Tiio folk wins was read:— lilr O'8haughnessy—In order to allow Tram leaving J. Phelan, M. O'Beilly. X. Sir-i-I am directed by the Board ofj 'rmnny. Italy. Belgium , and other conn, ' Wa £rford at 9 10 a.m. Caul eld. A Friend, Tradlc ! to| refej tr es. God will Fev r HospMal , 8opt. 29fli . 101 >. your worships to deal with the case w<- Tickets available for P. Bowe. J;. Hutcliin- , r to your |e ter of the 18th! certuinl y ble-;p and re- wil) |reh rn on ?ithi-r s«>n , P. Gallagher, Anon. August transtnittingl a 9tponement of Council .'anised collection is requiree po~tc»is •>;• Spe-ial thanks are i ' ' the Ijiheme for tho one gives, a little from earh w eek. In hospital Last wee k 18 ca^es. Southern and Western Railway and was apply at Stations. returned : to to*- coris ruction of .a. wi ll he -iiffi- employed on the gentli men Who ' gave their services as onl- bridge: across part of Di ngarvan ci4nt. ALEX FORD , M.< . North Wharf. On iho |E.|A. NEALB, Gener 1 tVIanager. lector|; at Har- Clerk—T lat is a (satisfactory rop night of the 24th September tjhe Church, doors. I I : ' I bour] between¦ Dungdrvab and The Cun- >r,t. in conso-| Kin^sbridge SAtation, : Ijlubljin fiept.. '15. • nigar.lj ' The usual meeting \va£ held on Monday and Dr. Ford Uvld luo to-<)ay tint we -an quenct of a communication froitr Snr-: T • ! ¦ | I night, Mr. K. Dalton presiding. RIIV. RICHARD CASEY dUpoilie v ith the geant Rowan r- -nr 1 1 ¦Witfi regards to that pa: t of the resolu- serviei>s of .me of tlw ho went to tho North Wharf tion |which r l The Chairman , in opejning the r rorcod- two paid 1 ursos that we have ihiTe t. m- and went into a waggon. 'He found , ates to a Ig ant from the , ' 'his young clergyman has W-fi in; Treasury for the purposeV> ings welcomed the deH"S?aAe oi the Gro- In-land porory thii waggon a crate of hate consigned to! TO| EGG PACKERS ! the Bridge the cers' Assistants' jand ' General Shop- to take up duties in his rai -retl mission E. Kevin, MILK f ottik) , Boar trace* having been reccnTy ?M7 CONTRACTORS comnonicafe w-j h the Lords tli ' Dunlin diocese , and l>ill-| , Comniissione si of His Majest ' that other bodies , both organised nnd un- v'oes to Auterira Pi- Kcll her reported that hv loum it ¦aged. tHe took possession of the crair i ; ' y s Trca- organised , foi a short tern) prior .o taking suryi-1-! am, ;to., would follow the example and ' up hi* necessary 0 cal'l in Dr. Whrie 10 ai' i*t and by direction had it conveyed it to! Mtauj ' iAKD CTHERS(| ; ¦ ' II become affiliated to tha Council. |ie"inuncnt position in the metropolitar at, I GARNTHAM « difficult midwifery case in hi* < is- Terjiplemore whoro ho had its contents i REFER. The Secretary stated tjhat no reply had ditce.se. He bode farewell to his inin v Lrift , anJ fie askbd checked I iThe Ir sh Lan'd Coromsision. . Cast the usual fee be against the invoice. There wore offer; | J24 Up; 1 bten received from the!Co. Inspector to fri ends on Monday eveninir . nil of whom paid t< , Drl White. five hats missing out clean and bright Oat, When, ¦ er Merrion St.. Dublin, 'his letter re the |wi ilied liim a safe and of the crate. He W. & C. McOONNE LL, Ltd., i Rye Straw , j I ' 11th Septr., recent| prosecution of pleasant paSHHi;- Payment I of twtj yui.'Jias wsu orden |l. identified two hats produced ns being specially iilccted Mi ;1915. several city bakers] for Hot .celling bread nci o?s the herring pond. The esteemed ' ' SirpJrWith rpljewnce toitfie communlca- yo ing part of the consignment. .. 1. aeking. : .; . :; • . 11! 1 tiona wnich by weight , and it ;wna [decided to again clergyman is son of Mr. M J T.EXDER8 " CANADA ST., ¦ ¦ ¦ . 11 hhye been rcci ved from your Ca-ey, Dungarvan , I . Mr. O'8haughne8sy «iid as a matter oi WATERFORD! . i I " [ Council asjcmfe for th' communicate with the authorities. and nci hew of Rev Tiic Clerk said that li« had iwui-d id- fact it was for ! ' ' Wri c for Prices free , liv*r. i e nariie of those per- The provision Richard Casy", P.P. of the purpose of allowing 1 I : i I on Steamer Honsiuiolhafemot p'aid ltieir Land of public baths was again . Powers tuwn neii r vtM'U.-'emenls in acoo.dauce with the ( ir> the magistrates to deal with 'tho case ARK OPEN FOR -^UPfUKS ' OF } cliasi lur discussed, it being! deciped to forward ClAnineh eotiions of ' ' ^nnmtts with!th j >eSult that the a tr.o Board foi tenders for sa :o , summarily that he pleaded guilty. This !• • ' ' : • M ! resolution on the subjett to the Public slicll cocoa, and jam, but liad vpce^od boy's mind was a complete Health Committee. " miSH MESSENOER. " J blank from GE ORCE WATERHOUSE, ante« fund and conseouejitly have reauc- :! I mi lendei He had girl a 1«nrier for the the time he left Brcen's publichou3e un- WHOLE MILK cd th^iamoun payabfe It may be urged that Ithe present time supply of (sugar ifrom week !<> til he found ¦ CR XSBY MILL, GREAT :CJ= OSBY. * irnually to your is hardly a suitable The October number of xveekla-t himself in the lock-up at the • \ ' I i • he. Land .Vine Cor utiirting baths , the Irish 'Mcs- 3J<1. i>cr 1b , or far 'ihe supply «>f 2J bond police barracks at Ferrybnnk From now throughout the Winte r ?3I am tfe TiJation Account; but the Trades Council desire scrger ' has very afpropriatH v devote Mrs. Poolo, the Master K Id person. (He "was only 20 year* of year*, : SS?received very careful°« 4 *« in order that sters may be taken in time of the Rosary . It is a - multum the 3}d. par 1b. !was ii «nd : though '. 1 ' con sideration and to provide in parvo article and id. dearer than born in the city wan only 4— : they bow hav ;,[ with the b iproval proper bathirg and swimming will be road with last price. resident here since December SAiE ' of H^B facilities for our citizens . gretat interest by Irish Catholics whose last. Since Terms on applicition U) t ' Majesty sIGoUnmenl, .ranged to fur- Mr. Kemcy pointed «ui tliat there was April he had been a checker on tlie rail- OF OLD IRON AND 1 S w ]ries of the A general discussion It en took place on hBV0 sh Wn a %vry str'king love nn extra M. duty; put on. , ' •wayl and '¦[ ' S°; 9" Hh c lists tl|e want of forf£l «thei Rosary.S> Amongst» from that tijnc up to Septem- ofo dfcfaultingH I? ^tenantJ|f -puryiasers sent in organisation amongst various tho varied list The tend j—that oi Mr . Bart. Aylward . ber [no complaint had ever THE MANAGER I METAL' Ir I 1 trades in the city, it being apparent from of interesting articles in this excellent been maHc as °/, ^eding^ their ' monthly Mr>liael-st.roet—Jolsunply at 33d. pur jb. 10 Jlis diligence in working or his care mSiLtw^' W !^" delegate s statement thAt shop- is one by a well-known Irish- ' ,' • ' : ¦ ¦ J^ORj.SALE—Between Five and Sis Twi.< workers in n r was aoceptdd. tMr. Aylward also l«idnr- fuliicss, nor had any 6uspieion in tlie . I ' i i general .were] most in need of « ° M F- J - BiKeor B*lf«si «d leas^ been had in .. oj Old Irop , ^OTSSjaS ^ thorough organisation, In I«shT - \, Cottage ' 'n (*t 34s. 01. per ewt. for a 2J tons sup. connection withjhim. : and , Metal , lfliich [may w.U contain ?he » Tnfe cases being stated *" GnrcU-n." Readers plyS • [ It was a jont narfe o?tteSS of; men being employed st n^isne. to l«ani 'If peculiar thing that on tlie 24th bo seen at tho Corporotion Depot, Da*" y |of the Tronic defaulters at rates and con- tiol 1 ? ?, | of the selee- The^ ClerU saaU ihe had got one September EVENING' CLASSES O and the ditions that can only tiofj of fruits and vegetables tender this boy :who ixiver drank Road. blonmel. . ' :. ' : : Coj jwcito vith th|se lisa before them It is be described as which Mr Jor buWet u 1 J . 4 the affiliation of the! growers' assistants to all the year Tonnd. bottle of stout wheri ST. OTTERAN'S SCHOOL, PHILIP bT. . . ' V> insider Hie Council baH that. . j I ¦for somo reason unexplained Wrdne jd ^^able , wilh|rte theP objec^ of, SS may have Ithe effect of in- 1 ho walked ay. j 6th October. 1916, j ^ Wurin" the fl^encina those Master—91* in ;th« facwrj-. oves ti> Breen'e and drank fTVHE Evening C.lasBca at fit. Otteran.'B ¦ rrompt paymint of dnmii{ and° shopj-workcrs -who are Btill ytr. Dom dly-JWiH three drink*. X Schobl , Philip Street l By Order. " : . { ¦ • ; I ; *8 there^ oiitside their organisation to you ftoet>pt any Ho came back to the ; railway premise-!, . will commence 1 hars join at once. tender for Hitter? ' but Subsequentl on MONDAY, 4th I OCTOBER] 7.15 5 aesh st tte The unorganised state! of builders' MASTAKEEM j y "ho again visited Breen 's at , . 1- JOHN F. O'BRIEK. iSepati" i «™& and HAKEEM, Clerk—Yi'f. bttt jw« wont us» much and!had three o'clock, and will be! continued un ?ION- '" ¦¦ ¦' ¦' ' Tbje iCorhmiir general lubuurers was also referred bf more drinks. From: tliat ' "¦ ; Towc Clerk. sioners trust that this ar- to as EA$T INDIAN ilAINNINY it . ¦ ' ! onward* DAYS' TUESDAYSJ THURSDAYS and I |. rangement wi)l. meet^ *3iA of well as the almost j total lack of OCOfilST *• L '\ hi * mind was'a complete blank: , . vishes tho isation organ- AND EAR SPECIALIST 'Mr. T [Powor said: he t housfht He belonged FRIDAYS throughout the! Seisiin. . Council.—I am, etc:, [ amongst women-workers in , tho to a respectable familyj and f \ city who the Can be Consulted price w.is »ta.sonial)k>. and on his piij- taking all things The l Claese3 will afford an Wportunity r,wnie ^ornmissionerg in some cases tire compelled to at Into consideration he Office Irish Land : weis with the added 8 LADY LANE, Msjasra to allow hiiri'Out left school j burden nf long hours. WATERFORD Ridcway, .was accepted. | undir tho Probation of Offenders' Act. i ; to continue their| studies] or •1 Dublin. | , ! It was Clerk—J Have ojuiy ouo tender for The accused ' 'specializo.in anv of iho aubjodtio s itaught. ' 8th finally decided to defer the mat- T istimonials can be seen 1 e?£p was bound over in his own the! -Po.^.i i.ii r. l Sep'Smst you £600 'quireuients of the ipupili ^irid will in- ford and BiBliop. " sonic practical mfans may be devised Ireland. a year. || AND ' ' : Foy Endiwed Schoo thoroughl to The toind'ef fnrje^gs was not accepted ^¦EIGHTS MEASURES ACT. bludo:^- i • i|' Ml I" : ' Cpuiity of Waterford y organ(s>e| the workers, as tho ,; ! , E.G. No. S41-? feeling is general it •beinji deajdea 'in substitute something 1.—Literary. Subjects, i Engli* :i , Ar th- Sir-HI am directed ! by 1 the Estates that after tho war or- Acting-Sergeant Minojrue had rnetic—Elementary ; ganisation will be! more tjh.in ever else lor theru if approved by the dck.tor& a num- and 1 Advanced .'(Spe- Commissioneri to inform :Uu that the tolsafeguurd ' needed " ber of. patties, all 'email's, engaged in cial Class 'for beginners).; 1 : 1 . , ' ancient ; mpnm lents the Jworker*' interests. ASSISTANT •SCftSTER'S DUTIES. I selling I , consistfng of a.crom. The next Clterk—I am reporting that the. cockles, summoned for breaches | 2.—Domestic Econdmy : Sublet iJ Cook- leach and jua ogham lor kUading meeting: of pie Council will com W the Weight* ' stone take place on Monday, WANTED tnittce ai>poirrtfHj itp iroake n/rrancemerrt and Measures Act with cry an'd Laundry. Hygiene. Housewifery'. situate on (the holding of, l eter Wall on October llth. when as klie following' results:—Mary Jlyanlwas I 3.—Commercial the - Wnds a full and punctual attendance of "to the «fji'i«harge pe-writing. oflol yquin and the Stone Jf gates is dele- {RABBITS. GAME duties recommended Qm\ ' lllned Is.; .Nora Klrby, do.; Kate Fowler, Book-keering. Shorthand. a( n requested. I & POULTRY. tho Master : up do.; Bridget ¦ |Busine?F } :?&I ¦ »' 'i-ca) [si iuato on the BEST PRICES dertako them for a period of' Phillips and rEllcn O'Brien Methods. I " I : . ¦ ^ .?? J returned. Cheque thrc< [ \ } ;. . . ¦ witli Sales Daily. mohtilia, at the ejid !of which Were fined Id. an dcoste, and Alice Houli- I 4.—Needlework. - Plain and. Perambnlators.1 ,1 ill L MoUieU they can re Advanced both in the BaronV of UDDer Also all Kinds of Fish consider it. !. han was left off with a ca-jtion. : ftnitting and Crochet. ThirdlandlConnty , in season; any . {. , | Th<< Court j Art Nekllework od Wat&rford ffi JtRNT AND RATES: Quantity. In reply to Mr. ! Kenny, the Clerk said adjourni-d. ! : and Embrjoidery. I I I ' ¦'¦•} ¦ : ¦ | heen yeated pi reuant to sec .ion U of the Orrp of &e is certainly hard to niike busine«3 Alnk. times! tout .|al8a Elocution. Choral?Drill! and Councjlhill Locabo reris. end* meet. -It is ,to be hoped mortin? adjofirned. . every week. It has tbe largest and Danctag Cla'ssfes. Drawing] tered'free of -^arge^under! t ie the land? 11 fullest Local, J ana^ainHng ;, l Ret¦ I6rds. or agents willjnot Wm W Telegraphic, and Bpoiting , ' I ; ' ' • gistration . of Title Act' 1891. r Sltre ity rente- COTTAGE FURNITORE.-Goo4 value New» of all matten of A C T ' ¦ m °S?" Ownclltor^will in Glass Cases EAST WAIffiJElFOiRb HOUNDS. I public interest in I . ?? I«886n8 in IPiiit ' A «>py »P of thej abbv ) holding fs ¦Winstruct« f" their^ ? . Chests of Drawers, Wash- | tbe Premier and Adloinlne Cotmtles. ,tb» $' ,?/ Aid and WATEBPOED-Printod Ui sent herewSth.- -Yours Ifaito • collectors to extend time stanps. Dressing Tables." The abova bounds will be cub-huhtingi best poEBible WUnS Work will be given ; Wtterford th^A« WAAro^» lUy forlpayrn'ent of rates where a valid Dressers and on;B aturday poxt, iand wiU Advertising Medium in' fhf Jf iiX K«W8, Ltd.,| »t "i j. - : j j i ¦: {¦ JOHN-Ri PENNING. i3 given and 1 reawn Presbes.—Walter Watoh and Sons, Water» ' meel of (Pass-! best part of Ireland. Quotation* : FX5BD NEW8 Machine Prfatfagi Bo * . substantiated by facts " fordT ogft ljtoad,- Newtown, Waterftjotl, at 8 and alj J PuP'Is. are requesfid to he nil'&At ! ^ o-ckick. ¦ further¦ ioformation from— - :-i:.. . at binding ana Machine Bnlifl? EWTfil J I .. .. " . I ! ' 1 W. meat, UM! to ¦ : - J. JIUBPHY; lishtpr.. ^iD ft and BO. O'Conxwll S *? * ¦ raiasSiS"! #*&# \ ¦ " ¦ T ¦ ' PtrUbol¦ Trinity Within. : . -l! ¦[- ¦ i" I " !¦ ¦ - ' ¦ : " ¦• -" ! !' • ! !.!• .( - i|. i\\; r