RENNET DISTRICT COUNCIL Particulars of the effect of Designation Devises Conservation Area The immediate effects of designation are: Notice is hereby given that Kennet District Council, in 1. The complete or partial demolition of any building exercise of their duty to determine which parts of their area in the conservation area requires the consent of the are of special architectural or historic interest, the character Council and a planning application needs to be sub- of appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance, mitted for1 this purpose. on the 13th December 1977, in pursuance of their powers 2. The consent of the Council is also required for the under section 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act cutting down, topping, lopping or wilful destruction 1971, revised, the existing Devizes Conservation Area by of any tree in the conservation area and application making additions to and deletions from it. A copy of the should be made to the Council for this purpose. plan and Schedule relating to the revised Conservation Area may be inspected at the offices of Kennet District R. G. Hughes, Chief Planning Officer. Council, The Cedars, Bath Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, during 19th January 1978. (737) normal office hours. Dated 19th January 1978. RUGBY BOROUGH COUNCIL S. L. A. Jaques, Clerk arid Chief Executive. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971—SECTION 210 The Cedars, Bath Road, Devizes, Wiltshire. (517) NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER Rugby Borough Council (Footpath R67 Lutterwortk Road Pailton} Public Path Diversion Order 1976 NEWBURY DISTRICT COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that on the 6th October 1977, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACTS 1971-74 the Secretary of State for the Environment confirmed with Brightwalton Green and Conservation Areas modification the above-named Order. The effect of the Order as confirmed is to divert the public right of way Extension to , and Donnington running from a point 140 yards east of Pailton School on Conservation Areas the Binley/Lutterworth Road in a southerly direction for Notice is hereby given that the Newbury District Council a distance of 66 yards where it turns at a sharp angle in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by following a west-south-west direction for a further 27 section 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 yards to a line commencing at a point approximately 110 as amended by the Town and Country Amenities Act feet to the east of the eastern wall of number 44 Lutter- 1974 have designated the areas specified in the Schedule worth Road and extending in a generally southerly direction as conservation areas, being areas of special architectural for a distance of approximately 25 feet. or historic interest, the character of which it is desirable A copy of the confirmed Order and map contained in to preserve or enhance. it has been deposited at and' may be inspected free of Plans showing the boundaries of the conservation areas charge at 3A Newbold Road, Rugby, between 9 a.m. and designated are available for public inspection during normal 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. This notice becomes operative office hours at the Planning Department, Cheap Street, from the 1st February 1978 but if any person aggrieved Newbury. by the Order desires to question the validity thereof or SCHEDULE of any provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the Town and Country Brightwalton Green Conservation Area Planning Act 1971 or on the ground that any requirement The western boundary runs southwards and includes of that Act or any Regulation made thereunder has not all the properties on the western side of the road from been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the White House Corner to Green Farmhouse. It then turns Order he may under the Town and Country Planning Act eastwards and crosses the road to include the properties, 1971 within 6 weeks from the date on which this notice Nos. 6 and 8 Brightwalton Green. It turns north-eastwards is first published as required by paragraph 6 of Schedule 20 through the builder's yard and then north along the of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 make applica- eastern side of the road. At the Methodist Street Chapel tion for the purpose to the High Court. it crosses the road' and runs along the frontage of White House Corner. Dated 23rd December 1977. /. S. R. Lawton, Secretary and Solicitor to the Council. Chaddleworth Conservation Area (792) The northern boundary runs eastwards from the rear of St. Andrew's Church to include Chaddleworth House STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL and adjacent parkland. It continues eastwards as far as Norris Lane. It then turns south to the junction with TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971 N'orris Field to include Norris Farm and No. 52 Upper Painswick Conservation Area End. The boundary runs along the frontage of 1-10 Notice is hereby given that the Stroud District Council has Norris Field and south-east to include the property Retcar designated an area at Painswick as a Conservation Area and No. 49 Upper End. It continues westwards as far pursuant to section 277 (4) of the Town and Country as the property Little Oaklands and turns south along Planning Act, 1971. The designated area includes New the footpath for approximately 170 metres. It then turns Street from the school in the south and a small section of west along the footpath and then north-west to include Cheltenham Road in the north. It also includes Vicarage The Vicarage and the properties fronting on to Tower Street, Victoria Street, Friday Street, Bisley Street, St. Hill. At the road junction the boundary crosses to the Mary's Street, Tibbiwell, Kemps Lane, Hale Lane, north side of the road and continues around the boundary Gloucester Street, Butt Green, parts of Edge Road, and of the church. part of Tibbiwell Lane, and Holyock Lane. A map of the designated area has been deposited at the Extension to Brimpton Conservation Area offices of the Stroud District Council, High Street, Stroud, The existing conservation area is extended westwards and at the Stroud District Planning Department, Kingshill to include the properties Kiln Cottage and Wayside on House, Dursley, and may be inspected at either of the the Crookham Road. said places during normal office hours. The purpose of the designation is to preserve or enhance Extension to Pangbourne Conservation Area the character or appearance of this area of special archi- The existing conservation area is extended to the south tectural and visual qualities of the designated area as a whole to include the properties Hayfield and Pangbourne Lodge when proposals for development are under consideration. and the area of open space to the south of the Pangbourne In accordance with section 61A and 277A of the Town and Lodge Drive. Country Planning Act, 1971, respectively, subject to certain exceptions, notice has to be given to the Local Planning Extension to Donnington Conservation Area Authority in respect of a proposal to cut down, lop, top or The existing conservation area is extended to the west uproot any tree in the designated area and consent is to include 1-6 Hunts Cottages, the Lodge, Donnington required for the demolition of all non-listed buildings in Sheetmetal Ltd., and Abberbury Close. the designated area. It is extended to the east to include The Priory and Stewart N. Cypher, Planning Officer. Dairy Cottage. Dated 13th December 1977. (518)