YATELEY WEST MAY 2014 Myra Billings Myra’s family have lived in Yateley for 48 years. Her daughters and their families still live here too. News and action from your local Liberal Democrats A trustee of Yateley www.libdems.org.uk www.northeasthampshirelibdems.org.uk CAB, Myra is on the board of Woodlarks Experienced campaigners Children’s Centre in School Lane. Myra is a former Mayor of Yateley and chosen for Hart elections has a great record of getting things done! Contact Myra on 01252 872715 or at [email protected] Yateley Lib Dems have chosen three experienced campaigners as candidates for the Council Elections on 22 May. Gerry Crisp Usually, one third of the Hart Councillors are elected each year and our County Councillors every fourth year. This time, however, Gerry and his wife all our District Councillors will be elected in one go in order to Bebi have lived in change to new wards. This is because the Boundary Commission Yateley since 1978. for has redrawn the wards represented by councillors to He is the current ensure every voter has fair representation. Mayor of Yateley. The new wards take effect from the elections on 22 May. The Gerry is pressing number of Hart Councillors is also being reduced from 35 to 33, for a tea bar facility representing just 11 larger wards instead of 18 at present. So for to enhance Yateley West this means we need to elect three councillors. enjoyment of Make sure you vote for the Lib Dem team that you know will Yateley Green. always stand up for Yateley and fight for our area. A charity has been set up and a project to get this café open Yateley Town Council By-Election in the next year or so is now in place. There will also be a by-election to replace Lorna Murphy who has Contact Gerry on 01252 660898 moved away to Somerset (see below). or at [email protected] Yateley Lib Dems are delighted to welcome Dougal Rose to the team as our candidate. Colin Ive

Dougal has been a local lad since childhood. Colin is well known After working in he settled back in in Yateley for his Yateley in 1985 where he runs his own voluntary work with training business. He spent 10 years helping Gig on the Green and run a youth group at St Peter’s Church. Dougal Rose Yateley United FC. Dougal is married with two children at Before that he was Westfields Junior School, and an older son who also went to local manager of Yateley schools prior to taking a masters degree. His children give Dougal Fire Station for 26 a natural passion for the safety and attractiveness of Yateley. years from its Farewell Lorna and Mark opening. Colin is passionate Cllrs Lorna and Mark Murphy have moved to about community safety including Policing, Somerset because of work commitments. We are sad to see them go as they worked Road Safety, Emergency Planning and hard for Yateley. We are grateful that Lorna Fire. He is particularly concerned about timed her resignation so costs could be kept the number of people killed on our roads. to a minimum by having the by-election to Contact Colin on 01252 878286 replace her on the same day as the Hart elections, when Mark’s seat or at [email protected] was due for election anyway. Good luck with your new life in Somerset! Your Lib Dem Team - Working for YOU All Year Round! Your Local Lib Dem Team: Fighting for our area all year round... Improving facilities - New allotments

Until two months ago Yateley had no allotments anywhere in the parish. Local Lib Dem Cllrs recognised that the demand was rising and worked with prospective allotmenteers to find a solution. However, at every turn they were thwarted in their search for a site. But they did not give up, and the first allotment site is now there in Lane. It’s great to have an active team working to improve our area! Gerry Crisp at the new allotments

Getting our Roads and Pavements fixed

For years Lib Dem Councillors warned Tory-run that they neglected our road surfaces at their peril. We told the David Simpson Tories that a stitch in time saves nine, but they wouldn’t listen. and Colin Ive campaigning to Now, after several bad winters, Hampshire’s roads are among get potholes the worst in the country, so the battle is on to get them fixed! fixed Thank you, David and Colin, for fighting so hard for us!

Looking after Monteagle Fields

Local Lib Dem councillors secured the long-term future of Monteagle Open Space by getting Yateley Town Council to take on responsibility for the land in 2012. A new height barrier, plus robust gates behind the Scout Hut and at Catesby Gardens, to stop illegal encampments, and regular grass cutting were early improvements. Myra Billings, Lorna Murphy A fine record of Service and Action! and David Simpson in 2012

Fighting Antisocial Behaviour

Local Lib Dem councillors have objected strongly to the Conservative decision to make all of Hampshire County Council’s excellent Accredited Community Safety Officers Colin Ive at Yateley redundant by the end of 2014. We need more done to keep Police antisocial behaviour under control, not less. Station Keep up the good fight, Colin and colleagues!

Keeping our Council Tax bills down

By last year Lib Dem-run Yateley Town Council had reduced their share of council tax down to lower than five years ago! Another zero increase was planned this year due to careful financial management. Tory Hart, however, had different ideas and forced our bill up by stealing grant which should have gone to the Town Council! Well done, Lib Dem-run Yateley - Shame on Tory Hart! Gerry Crisp, Myra Billings and tax bill!

Published & promoted by Penny Hopkins on behalf of Myra Billings, Gerry Crisp, Colin Ive and Dougal Rose (Liberal Democrats), all at 60 Potley Hill Road, Yateley, Hampshire, GU46 6AG. Printed by WSPS, Liberal Club, South Street, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7RP.