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24 X 7 PHÚ NAME of STATE: ARUNACHAL PRADESH PROFORMA FOR COLLECTING INFORMATION ON 24X7 PHC FUNCTIONING AS FRUS 24 X 7 PHC NAME OF STATE: ARUNACHAL PRADESH SL.NO NAME of 24X7 PHC DISTRICT BLOCK 1 Lumla Tawang Lumla-Zemithang 2 Thrizino West Kameng Thrizino 3 Bameng East Kameng Bameng 4 Mengio Papum Pare Mengio 5 Deed Neelam Lower Subansiri Ziro-II 6 Sangram Kurung Kumey Sangram 7 Nacho Upper Subansiri Nacho 8 Gensi West Siang Gensi 9 Sille East Siang Ruksin 10 Jengging Upper Siang Jengging 11 Dambuk Lower Dibang Valley Dambuk-Paglam 12 Etalin Dibang Valley Etalin-Maliney 13 Wakro Lohit Wakro 14 Walong Anjaw Walong 15 Khimyong Changlang Khimyong 16 Wakka Tirap Wakka-Panchau 17 Jang Tawang Jung-Mukto 18 Bhalukpong West Kameng Thrizino 19 Sinchung West Kameng Thrizino 20 Nafra West Kameng Nafra-Bomdila 21 Seijosa East Kameng Seijosa 22 P/Kessang East Kameng P/Kessang 23 Balijan Papum Pare Balijan 24 Leporiang Papum Pare Sagalee 25 Basar Nallah Papum Pare Balijan 26 Yazali Lower Subansiri Ziro-II 27 Yachuli Lower Subansiri Ziro-II 28 Raga Lower Subansiri Raga 29 Taliha Upper Subansiri Taliha 30 Maro Upper Subansiri Baririjo 31 Liromoba West Siang Liromoba 32 Kaying West Siang Kaying 33 Tirbin West Siang Tirbin 34 Supple East Siang Boleng 35 Yembung East Siang Pangin 36 Borguli East Siang Mebo 37 Bilat East Siang Bilat 38 Koyu East Siang Ramle-Bango 39 Nari East Siang Nari 40 Telam East Siang Ramle-Bango 41 Geku Upper Siang Geku-Katan 42 Anpum Lower Dibang Valley Dambuk-Paglam SL.NO NAME of 24X7 PHC DISTRICT BLOCK 43 Hunli Lower Dibang Valley Desali-Hunli 44 Lathao Lohit Namsai 45 Piyong Lohit Namsai 46 Mahadevpur Lohit Lekang 47 Innao Changlang Diyun 48 Diyun Changlang Bordumsa-Diyun 49 Karsang Changlang Maio-Karsang 50 Nampong Changlang Jairumpur-Nampung 51 Laju Tirap Laju 52 Kanubari Tirap Kanubari 53 Boa-Simla Lower Subansiri Raga 54 Riga East Siang Boleng-Riga 55 Loilang Lohit Tezu.
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