Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091

ROLE OF ARDHA-MATSYENDRASANA ON DISEASES OF ANNAVAHA SROTAS IN PERSPECTIVE OF SHARIR Dr. Nitin S. Madavi1 Dr. Priti R Desai2 1 PG scholar, 2 Professor and HOD, Dept. of Rachana Sharir, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved college Hospital & research centre, Salod (H.), Wardha, Maharashtra, India ABSTRACT Yogasana brings great synchronization between mind, body and soul. It is one of the oldest practices to maintain the body and mind in good built. Especially today when there is an increase in globalization, urbanization and competition, Yogasana play most vital role in balancing equilibrium between mind and body. Annavaha Srotas is the channel which is in charge of the intake of food, digestion and absorption. The various diseases like constipation, obesity, indigestion; IBS, heart burn etc are pertained to Annava- ha Srotas. The present article deals with the role of Ardha Matsyendrasana on diseases of Annavaha Srotas in perspective of Sharir. The necessary literary material was collected from classical text of Ayurveda and , texts of contemporary science, research articles and e-sources which are inter- preted. The Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose) is selected for analysis which relives the problems of Annavaha Srotas with the aids of anatomical structures. So, it can be concluded that ana- tomical structures entail in Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose) procedures helps to relive the ailments of Annavaha Srotas. Keywords: Annavaha Srotas, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Yogasana

INTRODUCTION Ayurveda believes in mind body balance knowledge of Sharira is absolute vital and ne- which is the main key of being healthy. Yoga is cessary for better understanding of etio- main part of it and helps in coordinating mind pathogenesis and treatment of various disorders with body. Yogasana also stimulate the pranic of Annavaha Srotas 5. Many times one perform channels and internal organs, so are com- the looking to the other person, without plementary to exercise 1, 2. Annavaha Srotas is thinking whether the particular asana will be one of those channels in the body which trans- beneficial in context of his / her own body’s port the food and liquids ingested. Whereas anatomy and physiology 6. Hence, performing Sharir is formed by combination of Dosha, asanas in a wrong posture & unsafe technique Dhatu, and Mala and any perversion (Dushti or may result in other medical problem or even Vridhi) in its function with their other measures harm the anatomical structures leading to some lead to diseases of Annavaha Srotas 3, 4. The deformity. How to cite this URL: Dr. Nitin S. Madavi & Dr. Priti R Desai: Role Of Ardha-Matsyendrasana On Diseases Of Annavaha Srotas In Perspective Of Sharir. International Ayurvedic medical Journal {online} 2016 {cited 2016 July} Available from: Dr. Nitin S. Madavi & Dr. Priti R Desai: Role Of Ardha-Matsyendrasana On Diseases Of Annavaha Srotas In Perspective Of Sharir This article summarizes the current evi- can be managed by three principles Deepan dence of applied aspects of clinico-anatomical (Agni), Pachan (Aama) and Langhan 3, 4. and physiological effects of Ardha-- Physiology of Annavaha Srotas: Asana (Half Spinal Twist Pose) on various Annavaha Srotas physiology is related to components on Annavaha Srotas. the Amashaya, Annavahi dhamani, Kshudantra, AIM & OBJECTIVE accessory glands and abdominal muscles. The  To study the role of Ardha-Matsyendrasana 1st stage takes place in Amashaya. Pranavayu in diseases of Annavaha Srotas in perspec- carries the food and Samanavayu stimulates the tive of Sharira. Jatharagni which digests the food. Several di-  To apply the principles of anatomy and phy- gestive juices containing enzymes action of di- siology to understand Yogasana, health & gestion take place and secretion of these en- ability to communicate with each other. zymes action controlled by parasympathetic and MATERIALS AND METHODS enteric nervous system. That stage called as All sorts of references has been collected ‘Madhura Avasthapaka’. Salivary juice and and compiled from various available Ayurvedic mucous acts as protective like Kapha. Kshudan- and yogic classic texts like Samhita, available tra is site of Pachaka pitta. This digested food commentaries and text books along with modern divide into essential part ‘Sara’ and waste part science. Research articles from various websites ‘Kitta’. The Pachaka pitta stands for all amylo- related to Yogasana were accessed. All matter lytic, proteolytic, lipolytic and nucleic acids nd was analyzed for the discussion and attempt was splitting enzymes and hormones. The 2 stage been made to draw some conclusions. that takes place in Kshudantra is known as ‘Am- OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS la Avasthapaka’. Accha pitta (bile juice & pan- Ayurvedic Concepts of Annavaha Srotas (Ga- creatic juices) secreted into Grahani. Nutrients stro Intestinal Tract): are absorbed in Kshudantra. Bilirubin a deriva- The Srotas or Channels which carry tive of hemoglobin metabolism represents rd ‘Anna’ or food are called Annavaha Srotas. This “Accha pitta”. The 3 stage take place in Bruh- can be correlated to the alimentary tract or ga- dantra known as ‘Katu Avasthapaka’ where re- strointestinal tract or digestive tract. According maining undigested portion of food gets con- to Sushruta, Strotomool of Anavaha Srotas are verted into solid fecal matter by drying effect of Amashaya & Annavahi dhamni and its Dushti “Agni” and release with ‘Vayu’ of “Katu” Lakshas are Aadhmana, Shula, Anna Vidwesha, (pungent) nature. There is absorption of water Chhardi, Pipasa, with Viddha Lakshana are and some electrolytes, no digestive activity take Aandhya, Maranam. According to Charak, stro- place. Undigested material is called as feces. tomool of Annavaha Srotas are Amashaya Va- Katu represents nature of ‘Vayu’ releasing dur- 3, 4 maparshwa and its Dushti Lakshas Anana abhi- ing this stage . lasha, Arochaka. Disease of Annavaha Srotas

3454 IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 11; November- 2016 Dr. Nitin S. Madavi & Dr. Priti R Desai: Role Of Ardha-Matsyendrasana On Diseases Of Annavaha Srotas In Perspective Of Sharir Ardha Matsyendrasana - Half Spinal Twist Pose 7, 8, 9. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist pose) is one of the best and most important asana in which is mentioned in Gherand Samhita. It has ample benefits which cover all the body systems. Asana position: In this position there is a strong twist on the spine and abdomen. The right arm is pressed against the left knee and the left arm is wrapped behind the back, leading to an increased twist on the body. The chest is open and the spine is erect. One side of the abdomen is compressed and the other side is stretched. The right leg and knee re- mains on the floor. The left knee should be close to the right armpit 8, 9.

Basic joint positions: 3. Increases purification of the blood as well as  Hip of the leg that remains on the floor flex- the internal organs 9. es, abducts, and externally rotates. 4. Useful for diabetics (b-cells & t -cells), with 10  Hip of the other leg flexes, adducts, and in- concentration on the pancreas . ternally rotates. 5. Regulates the secretion of bile and adrena- 10  Knees flex and Ankle of the foot that is held line . plantar flexes. 6. Stimulates functioning of the liver and kid- 11, 12  Trunk flexes and rotates. Forearm pronates. neys . 7.  Shoulder of the arm behind the back extends Increases the elasticity of the spine, tones and internally rotates. the spinal nerves and improves the function- 13  Elbow of the same arm flexes and the fo- ing of the spinal cord . rearm supinates. Therapeutic applications:  Shoulder of the arm that holds the foot ab- Diabetes, Constipation, Anorexia, Cervical ducts and externally rotates. The elbow of Spondylitis, Urinary tract disorders, Menstrual the same arm flexes 9. disorders, Indigestion, Asthma and infertility 5 . Involvement of nerve plexus- Coeliac Plexus Duration: To begin with this asana may be held (Solar Plexus) for only a short time but should gradually be Physical Benefits: built up to 2 minutes. After more practice it can 1. Increases appetite, destroys most deadly dis- be held for up to 5 minutes on each side 9. eases, and awakens Kundalini and Muladhar Follow up poses: 5. After practicing this pose consistently for some 2. Opens the chest and increases the oxygen time full Matsyendrasana can be practiced 9. supply to the lungs 7. 3455 IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 11; November- 2016 Dr. Nitin S. Madavi & Dr. Priti R Desai: Role Of Ardha-Matsyendrasana On Diseases Of Annavaha Srotas In Perspective Of Sharir Anatomical relation with Ardha Matsyendra- Table 1: Muscles involved in Ardha Matsyen- sana (half twist spinal poses) below tables14, 15 drasana 14, 15. SN Name of Muscle Origin Insertion Function 1 Rectus Abdominis Symphysis pubis 5th, 6th and 7th costal Compresses abdominal con- and pubic crest cartilages and xipho- tents, flexes vertebral column, id process accessory muscle of expira- tion 2 External Oblique Lower 8 ribs Xiphoid process, Supports abdominal contents, linea alba, pubic tu- assist in forced expiration, bercle, iliac crest micturation, defecation, partu- rition, vomiting 3 Internal Oblique Lumbar fascia, Lower three ribs and Supports abdominal contents, iliac crest, lateral costal cartilages, xi- assist in forced expiration, two-thirds of in- phoid process, linea micturation, defecation, partu- guinal ligament alba, symphysis pu- rition, vomiting bis 4 Transverse Abdomi- Lower six costal Xiphoid process, Compresses abdominal con- nis cartilages, lumbar linea alba, symphy- tents fascia, iliac crest, sis pubis lateral third of in- guinal ligament 5 Sternocleidomastoid manubrium sterni mastoid process of Head maintain fixed position, & clavicle head the temporal bone of an accessory muscle of respi- from middle part the skull ration, along with the scalene of clavicle muscles of the neck. 6 Splenius capitis nuchal ligament mastoid process of extend, rotate, and laterally and spinous temporal & occipital flex the head, process of C7-T3 bone, 7 Piriformis sacrum greater trochanter, external rotator of thigh, 8 Superior gemellus spine the ischium obturator internus rotated laterally thigh tendon 9 Obturator internus ischiopubic ramus greater trochenator abduct & laterally rotated In- & obturator mem- ferior gamellus brane 10 Rhomboids- rhombo- spinous processes Medial border of the Pulls scapulae medially, ro- id (major & minor), of the thoracic scapula, from about tates scapulae, Holds scapula vertebrae T2 to T5 the level of the sca- into thorax wall as well as the su- pular spine to the praspinous liga- scapula's inferior ment angle. 11 Erector spine Spinous processes spinous processes of extends the vertebral column 3456 IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 11; November- 2016 Dr. Nitin S. Madavi & Dr. Priti R Desai: Role Of Ardha-Matsyendrasana On Diseases Of Annavaha Srotas In Perspective Of Sharir of T9-T12 thorac- T1 and T2 thoracic ic vertebrae, vertebrae and the medial slope of cervical vertebrae, the dorsal segment extends the vertebral of illiac crest column Table 2: Organs involved in Ardha Matsyendrasana15 . SN Name of organ Functions 1 Stomach Holds food still mixed with enzymes, Cells in the lining of the stomach secrete a strong acid and powerful enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown process. 2 Pancreas Secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum, which break 2 down protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Pancreas also makes insulin, secreting it directly into the bloodstream. 3 Small Intestine Breaks down food using enzymes. Duodenum-continuous Consist of 3 segments- breaking-down process, Jejunum and Ileum - absorption of nu- duodenum, jejunum, and trients into the bloodstream. ileum 4 Large intestine (colon) as- Process waste materials, contains bacteria which perform func- 4 cending (right) colon, tions, such as synthesizing various vitamins, waste products transverse (across) colon, and food particles, and protection against harmful bacteria. descending (left) colon, and sigmoid colon 5 Liver Processing of nutrition absorption nutrients, Secretion of Bile, 5 role in digesting fat, detoxifies potentially harmful chemicals. 6 Kidney Produces hormones, absorbs minerals, filters blood and pro- duces urine. Supra renal gland (adrenal Adrenal cortex- 3 Hormones: mineralocorticoids which con- 7 gland) -2 parts serve sodium in the body, glucocorticoids which increase blood adrenal cortex and medulla glucose levels, and gonadocorticoids which regulate sex hor- mones such as estrogen. Medulla - secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine in times of stress. 8 Gallbladder Stores and concentrates bile, and then releases it into the duo- denum to help absorb and digest fats. nerves to terminate in plexus related arteries Nervous Regulation of the Digestive System (Coeliac, mesenteric) and aorta. Neurons 1. Para sympathetic nerve supply the greater travel along blood vessels to reach the gut 16. part of GI tract through Vagus (stimulate in- 3. Celiac Plexus or Coeliac Plexus: Also testinal movement and the sphincters) 16. known as the solar plexus because of its ra- 2. Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons for diating nerve fibers, complex in nature and it gut located in the thoraco-lumbar region of is a branch of autonomic plexus in abdomen. spinal cord, they travel through splanchnic The plexus is formed (in part) by the greater 3457 IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 11; November- 2016 Dr. Nitin S. Madavi & Dr. Priti R Desai: Role Of Ardha-Matsyendrasana On Diseases Of Annavaha Srotas In Perspective Of Sharir and lesser splanchnic nerves of both sides, riences and respond to emotions. Its nerve and fibers from the anterior and posterior cells are bathed and influenced by the same vagal trunks. The celiac plexus proper con- neurotransmitters. The gut's brain or the "en- sists of the celiac ganglia with a network of teric nervous system" is located in the interconnecting fibers. The aorticorenal sheaths of tissue lining the esophagus, sto- ganglia are often considered to be part of the mach, small intestine and colon. Enteric celiac ganglia, and thus, part of the plexus14, nervous system mirrors the central nervous 15, and 17. system 18. 4. Enteric nervous system (ENS): This system sends and receives impulses, records expe-

DISCUSSION unproper & unhealthy of foods, chronic indiges- Ayurveda believes in “Prevention is bet- tion, and extra sensitive digestive system ter than cure”, so it’s time to educate mankind Ardha Matsyendrasana plays a vital role about the need of introducing yogic exercise in in maintaining the healthy status of Annavaha daily routine life style. Gut is known as second Srotas. In Ardha Matsyendrasana - Abdominal brain in abdomen. In order to keep this GI sys- viscera containing the groups of muscles - tem healthy Yogasana can be instrumental. But Rectus Abdominis, Transverse Abdominis, Ex- for practicing yogasana it is essential to acquire ternal and internal obliques get stretched. knowledge about Sharira. The entire digestive Stretched muscle gets tensed which may lead to and other parts are properly held and protected an increase in the stretch of the muscle via nerve by means of very strong muscles that form the reflexes. It engages a muscle that is stretching & wall of the belly. This abdominal wall prevents stimulates the Golgi tendon organ. This causes displacement of the internal organs with in the the spinal cord to signal that same muscle to re- abdomen. It provides mechanical support to the lax. Ardha Matsyendrasana is one of the most abdominal viscera, maintains the tone of the in- effective poses for isolating these hard-to-access voluntary muscles of the abdominal organs. muscles. It establishes correct local joint posi- There are several ailments that occur in the di- tioning in order to maximize the distance be- gestive tract due to various reasons. Various tween proximal & distal attachments of individ- diseases of Annavaha Srotas caused due to sev- ual muscles and muscle groups. eral reasons like unhealthy lifestyle, consuming

3458 IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 11; November- 2016 Dr. Nitin S. Madavi & Dr. Priti R Desai: Role Of Ardha-Matsyendrasana On Diseases Of Annavaha Srotas In Perspective Of Sharir In Ardha Matsyendrasana, Tensioning mind, which in turn relaxes the digestive system of nerves establishes correct whole body posi- and leads to more effective elimination, increase tioning (e.g. curvature of the spine) in order to the space in the abdomen and facilitate the re- maximize neural tensioning especially of those lease of entrapped gases. In essence, the Ardha nerves involved with the correct functioning of Matsyendrasana reduces the stress response, muscles that are being stretched, strengthened or rebalance the autonomic nervous system and relaxed. Ardha Matsyendrasana work by safety create a powerful relaxation response that al- stretching muscles and all other soft tissues lows the healing functions of the parasympathet- which provides flexibility that also improves the ic nervous system to occur. core strength of the human body. With better core strength by practicing this asana it can help CONCLUSION to expand our lung capacity and improve endur- Yoga is emphasized as a preventive ance. Nervous and circulatory systems also play measure as well as therapeutics for several dis- roles in the digestive process. Together, a com- orders of Annavaha Srotas. It plays a major role bination of nerves, hormones, bacteria, blood, in promotion of positive health at physical, men- and the organs of the digestive system com- tal, emotional and spiritual levels and in rehabil- pletes the complex task of digesting the foods itation. The Ardha Matsyendrasana practice and liquids a person consumes each day. When plays major role in disease of Annavaha Srotas the organs of the GI Tract are compressed in which reduces the physical and mental stress. poses, stale and waste-bearing fluids in those The organs and glands are linked physiological- areas are encouraged out of the tissues. Once ly as well as anatomically in which digestion these materials are freed up, the body is better and absorption occurs in stages. Therefore, the able to eliminate them. In this systematic way, practice of Ardha Matsyendrasana increases the yoga poses massage the vital organs associated quality of life in the perspective of Sharira with the digestive system, stimulate the diges- which results in reduction in the frequencies of tive muscles and increase the wave like move- flares of Annavaha Srotas diseases, as well as ments in the body that are known as Peristalsis. improvement in clinical symptoms and increase Breathing exercises send oxygen deep into the ability to cope up with Annavaha Srotas. cells of the body and help it to absorb nutrients REFERENCES and excrete waste products thoroughly. 1. Dr. Mishra Satyendra Prasad; Yoga and Body activated the "flight or fight" re- Ayurveda: Their Alliedness and Scope as sponse in the central nervous system. In a matter Positive Health science. Edi.1st. 2004 of seconds, most of the blood in the body gets 2. 18/07/2016 at on - shunted out from the GI tract and into the major 19.40 pm. 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