Daniel Waugh Professor Emeritus The University of Washington, Seattle (USA) [email protected]

Bibliography of Academic Writings, updated 9 December 2020

Included here are my writings of all kinds that have some relevance to academic research, teaching or related pursuits. I have not included references to single or small groups of my photographs, which have appeared in a wide range academic and popular publications, but have listed “photo essays.” Generally unchanged reprints or translations of earlier published work are not listed as separate entries. The list is arranged in reverse chronological order by year, starting with work which is forthcoming or in press (that is, reasonably certain to appear in the foreseeable future) and then moving from most recent to earliest work. Since exact publication dates are generally uncertain, within any given year, the ordering may not be exact. I have coded each item number to indicate the nature of the publication; works in hard copy print are interspersed with those in electronic form. Where possible I provide links to electronic versions of the work but have not hyperlinked them — the URLs can be copied and pasted into a browser. For recent work, if there are copies in different locations on-line, I usually give only one URL. Most of the recent publications (I have not yet had time to get to those for the most recent years), may be downloaded from my personal website , where, over time, more of the hard-copy publications will be digitized. I include on this list “self-published” work if it has been placed where it can be freely accessed and in some cases thereby has been widely disseminated.

The abbreviations for the type of publication are:

B1 Singly authored or edited book. B2 Co-authored, co-edited book; book for which I am credited with significant editorial contributions. A1 Scholarly article or occasional paper. A2 General interest article (e.g., web essay, encyclopedia article, photo essay). AE Edited or translated article. (Note: unless they are translations, articles published in The Silk Road, in which I often make significant editorial contributions, are not listed below. Each volume of the whole journal is though, since it represents a significant component in my academic production.) R Book review. RA Review article. SC Short communication: review notice, editorial, short obituary, letter to editor.

The distinctions between “reviews” and “review notices” are rather ill-defined, though I generally think of the former as ones where I feel I have the requisite expertise to do a real critique of the work; the latter may be more in the way of summary, even if longer than some of the reviews and not always lacking in critical comments. “Review article” generally means a longer essay than the typical academic review, but not necessarily a 2 review of multiple books. “Short communications” are just that, included here where they served the purpose of providing useful information to those with whom I share academic interests. Many of these currently have been posted to H_EarlySlavic and most recently to the ESSA mailing list. However, I have not listed contributions to ongoing on-line discussions such as occasionally take place on H-EarlySlavic.


488. A1 “Perlustration: the Opening of Foreigners’ Mail in Muscovy,” in volume of papers from conference, “Foreigners in Early Modern Muscovite Cities,” held at the University of Vienna, 13-14 December 2019 [ed. by Simon Dreher and Wolfgang Müller, est. publ. date, 2021]. 487. A1 “Dmitrii Bukinich and Archaeology in Mongolia,” to appear in a Festschrift for a prominent specialist on Mongol history, planned for 2021 [41- page typescript]. 486. A1 “Archaeology and the Material Culture of the Ulus Jöchi (Golden Horde),” in The Mongol World, ed. by Timothy May and Michael Hope (Routledge). 485. A1 “Virtual Silk Roads: Objects, Exhibitions and Learners,” in: The World of the Silk Roads, ed. by Xinru Liu and Pia Brancaccio (Routledge). 484. A2 “Kashgar: Lost in the Mists of Time. A photo essay,” The Silk Road 18 (est. late winter 2021) [62 pp.] 483. A1 “Britain Confronts the Bolsheviks in Central Asia: Great Game Myths and Local Realities,” in: Russian International Relations in War and Revolution, 1914-1922, Book 2: Revolution and Civil War, David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye et al., eds. (Bloomington: Slavica, 2021) [18 pp.; in page proof]. 482. B2 (contributor to:) Claudia Jensen, Ingrid Maier, Stepan Shamin, with Daniel C. Waugh, Russia’s Theatrical Past: Court Entertainment in the Seventeenth Century (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, est. first half of 2021; in page proof). 481. A1 “How Might We write a History of Reading in Pre-18th-Century Russia?” in Reading Russia. A History of Reading in Modern Russia, Damiano Rebecchini and Raffaella Vassena, eds., Vol. 1 (Milano: Università degli Studi; Ledizioni, 2020 or early 2021). 480. A2 “Daniel Waugh Archaeological Photographs,” on the “Ancient Iran Day” website of the University of Washington Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization. . Additional photos are on some of the other web pages.

2020 479. SC [book notices, posted on 8 December 2020 to ESSA Mailing List ([email protected]): Florovskii, Trudy po istorii Rossii, Tsentral’noi Evropy i istoriografii; Vasil’ev/Segal, Istoriia epidemii v Rossii; Selin, Moskovskie karantiny; Ocherki feodal’noi Rossii. Vyp. 21; Pavlov. Dumnye i komnatye liudi tsaria Mikhaila Romanova; Katalog slaviano-russkikh rukopisnykh knig XVI 3

veka, khraniashchikhsia v Rossiiskom gosudarstvennom archive drevnikh aktov. Vyp. 3]. 478. A2 “Hagia Sophia. A Photo Essay.” (Supplement to The Silk Road, 27 July 2020) 477. SC [book notices, posted on 1 September 2020 to ESSA Mailing List ([email protected]): Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnoi Evropy. 2019-2020 gody; Kazarova. Professor russkoi istorii Ivan Pavlovich Kozlovskii; Biblioteka literatury Drevnei Rusi. T. 20; Liapin, Na okraine tsarstva; Pëtr I i Vostok; Shamin. Inostrannye “pamflety” in “kur’ezy” v Rossii; Musikhin, Viatka: simvoly i smysly; Brumfield. Journeys through the Russian Empire].

2019 476. A2 “The ‘wandering Scythians’ and other steppe pastoralists”; “Precarious paths and snow-covered summits: traversing the mountains,” in Silk Roads: Peoples, Cultures, Landscapes, ed. by Susan Whitfield (London: Thames and Hudson, ca. 2019): 64-67, 194-198; photos on pp. 99 (a), 194, 288; member of Advisory board. 475. A1 “The Great Turkes Defiance Revisited / Eshche raz o ‘Vyzove Velikogo Turka’,” Slovĕne 8/1 (2019): 162-187. 474. A2 (contribution to) A. Velinova et al. “Spor o drevnerusskom pis’me (forum),” Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana 2019, No. 1 (25). Ianvar’- Iiun: 103-123 (here, pp. 110-111). 473. AE (translation). Sergey A. Yatsenko, “Some Notes on Sogdian Costume in Early Tang China,” The Silk Road 17 (2019): 65-73

2018 472. SC. “Book notices” [Linduff/Robinson, How Objects Tell Stories; Sichou zhi lu yanjiu jikan (di er ji); Chugunov et al., Tsarskii kurgan skifskogo vremeni; Seregin/Tishin, Sotsial’naia istoriia tiurkov; Zolotoordynskaia tsivilizatsiia; Marshak, Istoriia vostochnoi torevtiki; Behrens-Abouseif, Practising Diplomacy in the Mamluk Sutanate; Bloom, The Minaret; Monahan, Merchants of Siberia; Bereznitskii, Karavannaia torgovila Rossii s Kitaem; Borkin, Rossiiskie gimalaiskie issledovaniia; Falconer, Under Indian Skies; Polos’mak/Bogdanov, Rezul’taty raboty rossiisko-mongol’skoi ekspeditsii; Materialy i issledovaniia Otdela numizmatiki; Timokhin/Tishin, Ocherki istorii Khorezma], The Silk Road 16 (2018): 105-110 471. AE (translation). Marina Kulinovskaya and Pavel Leus, “Recent Excavations of Xiongnu Graves on the Left Bank of the Ulug-Khem in Tuva,” The Silk Road 16 (2018): 1-20 470. AE (translation). Marina Anatol’evna Rodionova and Iakov Viktorovich Frenkel’, “On the Northern Branch of the Great Silk Road: A Dish from the Excavations at Novgorod the Great,” The Silk Road 16 (2018): 53-77 4

469. R “New Book: Fedosov’s translation of the final volume of Gordon’s Diary,” posted to H-EarlySlavic, 21 July 2018. 468. R “Frolov on the Novgorodskie pistsovye knigi,” posted to H-EarlySlavic, 25 April 2018. 467. R “The Libraries of the Stroganovs,” (on N. A. Mudrova, Biblioteka Storganovykh), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 20 April 2018. 466. R “The Recent Excavations in the Novgorod Kremlin” (on Novgorodskii detinets i Vladychnyi dvor v XI-XV vv.), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 19 April 2018. 465. R “Presniakov’s essays on the study of Russian chronicles” (on A. E. Presniakov, Russkoe letopisanie), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 18 April 2018. 464. R “The 17th-century Moscow publication of the Kormchaia kniga,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 16 April 2018. 463. R “Irina Vasil’evna Pozdeeva on the history of Muscovite printed books” (on I. V. Pozdeeva, Chelovek. Kniga. Istoriia), posted to H-EarlySlavic 5 April 2018. 462. R “The new volume of the kuranty” (on Vesti-kuranty 1671-1672 gg.), posted to H-EarlySlavic 5 April 2018. 461. A1 “Networking in the Russian North: the Karino Tatars,” Russian History 45/1 (2018): 1-28. 460. A1 “What the Posol’skii Prikaz Really Knew: Intelligencers, Secret Agents and Their Reports,” in Travelling Chronicles: News and Newspapers from the Early Modern Period to the Eighteenth Century, ed. Siv Gøril Brandtzæg, Paul Goring, and Christine Watson (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018): 140-55. 459. R “New book: Novgorodskie sinodiki XIV-XVII vekov,” posted to H- EarlySlavic, 26 March 2018. 458. R. “Sergei Nikolaevich Azbelev (1926-2017)” [obituary and rev. of Letopisanie Velikogo Novgoroda], posted to H-EarlySlavic 14 March 2018. 457. SC. “The new index volume to Slovar’ knizhnikov,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 14 March 2018. 456. SC. “Archaeological reports on Pskov Cemetery Excavations,” posted to H- EarlySlavic 14 March 2018. 455. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 15 (2017). x + 228 pp. Print and on-line editions 454. A2. “From the Editor’s Desk: Hail and Farewell,” The Silk Road 15 (2017): iii-viii. 453. SC. “Dedication,” The Silk Road 15 (2017): ix. 452. AE (translation:) Emma D. Zilivinskaia, “Caravanserais in the Golden Horde,” The Silk Road 15 (2017): 13-31. 5

451. A2. “Sasanian Bishapur and Its Rock Reliefs: A Photo Essay,” The Silk Road 15 (2017): 33-38. < https://edspace.american.edu/silkroadjournal/wp- content/uploads/sites/984/2018/03/Waugh_Bishapur_SR_15_2017_pp32_38.pdf> 450. AE (translation:) Serik Sh. Akylbek et al., “Décor of the 8th-century Tuyrkic Rulers’ Residence in the Citadel of Kulan Town,” The Silk Road 15 (2017): 65- 82. 449. A2. “Light on the Liao: A Photo Essay,” The Silk Road 15 (2017): 83-106. 448. SC. “Art and Archaeology of the Silk Road,” a symposium held 11-14 October 2017, at Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA,” The Silk Road 15 (2017): 157-58. 447. R. “On-line Resources: Two at Oxford; Gary Lee Todd’s World History Photos; Dick Osseman’s Pictures of Turkey, Syria, and Jordan,” The Silk Road 15 (2017): 159-62. < https://edspace.american.edu/silkroadjournal/wp- content/uploads/sites/984/2018/03/Waugh_online_resources_SR_15_2017_pp159_162.pdf> 446. R (review of:) von Folsach and Meyer, The Human Image in . The Silk Road 15 (2017): 163-66. 445. R (review of:) Russell-Smith and Konczak-Nael, eds., The Ruins of Kocho. The Silk Road 15 (2017): 167-70 444. R. “Munshi Abdul Rahim: Forgotten Hero of the Great Game” (rev. of Kreutzmann, Wakhan Quadrangle), The Silk Road 15 (2017): 171-72. [includes nos. 444-446] 443. SC (book notices/summaries:) Hansen, The Silk Road. A New History with Documents; Frankopan, The Silk Roads. A New History of the World; Jackson, The Mongols and the Islamic World from Conquest and Conversion; Khautala, Ot “Davida, tsaria Indii” do “nenavistnogo plebsa satany. Antologiia rannikh latinskikh svedenii o tataro-mongolakh; Burns. Aleppo: A History; Biedrońska- Słota and Görlich, eds. Textiles of the Silk Road. Design and Decorative Techniques: From Far East to Europe; Allinger, et al., eds. Interaction in the Himalayas and Central Asia: Processes of Transfer, Translation and Transformation in Art, Archaeology, Religion and Polity; Altai v krugu evraziiskikh drevnostei. Derevianko and Molodin, eds.; Dvurechenskaia. Terrakotovaia plastika drevneishikh gosudarstv Srednei Azii IV v. do n. e. – IV v. n. e.; Kozlov. Dnevniki Mongolo-Sychuan’skoi ekspeditsii 1907–1909, Iusupova et al., eds.; Svobodová. Iranian and Hellenistic Architectural Elements in Chinese Art; Asian Archaeology. Published by the Research Center for Chinese Frontier Archaeology of Jilin University; Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 7/2012 [2016]. In: The Silk Road 15 (2017): 173-80. 6

442. SC. “Contents of The Silk Road, Vols. 1-15 (2003-2017),” The Silk Road 15 (2017): 181-86. [Note: As cited below in this bibliography, the first 14 volumes of The Silk Road are available on line at the Silkroad Foundation website, but they also can be accessed, as with the material in Vol. 15, from the new website of the journal at American University. From vols. 16 onward, the journal is available only at the new website.] 441. A2. “A postscript (notes and images): Water,” The Silk Road 15 (2017): 187- 218. < https://edspace.american.edu/silkroadjournal/wp- content/uploads/sites/984/2018/03/Waugh_postscript_water_SR_15_2017_pp187_218.pdf>

2017 440. A1 (co-authored with Ingrid Maier) “Muscovy and the European Information Revolution: Creating the Mechanisms for Obtaining Foreign News,” in Information and Empire: Mechanisms of Communication in Russia, 1600-1850, ed. Simon Franklin and Katherine Bowers (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2017): 77-112. 439. A1 “What was News and How Was It Communicated in Pre-modern Russia?” in Information and Empire: Mechanisms of Communication in Russia, 1600-1850, ed. Simon Franklin and Katherine Bowers (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2017): 213-52. 438. R. “On reviewing and Bogdanović’s new book,” posted to H-EarlySlavic, 21 November 2017. 437. R. “From Alaman to Iakhta” [rev. of Filin and Kurnoskin, Narodonoe sudostroenie v Rossii], posted to H-EarlySlavic 21 November 2017. 436. SC. “Lest We Forget” [remembering Samuel Baron and Anna Leonidovna Khoroshkevich], posted to H-EarlySlavic 14 November 2017. 435. R. “The new volume of Ocherki feodal’noi Rossii,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 14 November 2017. 434. SC. “New Book: Bez’ev on the Malorossiiskii prikaz,” posted to H- EarlySlavic 15 July 2017. 433. “Daniel C. Waugh Archive.” [A major resource collection of photographs being uploaded into the database and website of ArchNet, by the Aga Khan Program in Islamic Architecture at MIT, on line at . Ongoing project]. 432. R “New Book: Posol’skaia kniga…Moskovskogo gos. s Krymom 1567- 1572,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 19 June 2017. 431. A2 “Bolgar on the Volga” [illustrated travel notes including link to one short video], on line at: , announced on H- EarlySlavic 13 June 2017. 430. A2 “A Muscovite in Italy” [illustrated travel notes including links to two videos], on line at: ; announced on H-EarlySlavic on 13 June 2017. 429. SC (conference report) “Workshop on Reading in Russia,” posted to H- EarlySlavic 13 June 2017. 7

428. R “Archival inventories of the Malorossiiskii prikaz” (on Malorossiiskii prikaz: Opisi fonda No 229; Malorossiiskie dela. Opisi fonda No. 124), posted to H-EarlySlavic 13 June 2017. 427. SC (conference report) “Recent Golden Horde Conference in Kazan,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 5 April 2017. 426. A1 D. Uo [Waugh] “Istoki sozdaniia mezhdunarodnoi pochtovoi sluzhby Moskovskogo gosudarstva v evropeiskom kontekste.” Ocherki feodal’noi Rossii, vyp. 19 (2017): 394-442. [Russian translation of “The Beginnings of the Muscovite Foreign Post in Its European Context,” which has not been published in its English original.] 425. A1 “The ‘owl of misfortune’ or the ‘phoenix of prosperity’? Re-thinking the impact of the Mongols,” Journal of Eurasian Studies 8/1 (2017): 10-21. 424. SC (contribution to on-line discussion:) “ESSSA President’s State of the Field Message,” posted to H-EarlySlavic, 3 and 17 January 2017. 423. SC “The new publication of Polotsk gramoty” (on Polotskie gramoty XIII- nachala XVI veka, 2 vols., ed. A. L. Khoroshkevich et al.), posted to H- EarlySlavic, 2 January 2017.

2016 422. SC (book notices/summaries:) Kolesnikov, Sasanidskii Iran; P’iankov, Sredniaia Aziia i Evraziiskaia step’ v drevnosti; Vedeler, Silk for the Vikings; Wertmann, Sogdians in China; Kudriavtsev and Kudriavtsev, Feodal’nyi gorod Severnogo Kavkaza (srednevekovyi Derbent…); Mys’kov, Kochevniki Volgo- Donskoi stepei; Teleki, Introduction to the Study of Urga’s Heritage; Majer and Teleki, Reviving the Cam Dance Tradition in Mongolia; Bulletin of the Asia Institute, N.S., Vol. 26; Xiyu Wenshi, Vols. 9, 10. In: The Silk Road 14 (2016): 247-51. 421. RA (review article) “Exhibitions in Retrospect,” The Silk Road 14 (2016): 241-46. [On: Meyer and Wandel, Shahnama; Zhao, Silks from the Silk Road; Agnew et al, Cave Temples of Mogao.] 420. AE (translation:) Nikolai N. Nikolaev and Sergei S. Miniaev, “Orgoiton—A Xiongnu Cemetery in Transbaikalia,” The Silk Road 14 (2016): 166-67. 419. AE (co-translator with Jargalan Burentogtokh:) Sergei S. Miniaev, “Production of Bronze Wares among the Xiongnu,” The Silk Road 14 (2016): 147-65. 418. AE (translation:) Aleksandr Podushkin, “Art and Religious Beliefs of Kangju: Evidence from an Anthropomorphic Image Found in the Ugam Valley (Southern Kazakhstan),” The Silk Road 14 (2016): 58-70. 417. AE (translation:) Elena V. Stepanova, “Reconstruction of a Scythian Saddle from Pazyryk Barrow No. 3,” The Silk Road 14 (2016): 1-18 + color plate I. 8

416. A2 “The Silk Roads at The National of Korea: a Visual Introduction,” The Silk Road 14 (2016): 226-35 + color plates X-XIV. 415. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 14 (2016). iv + 252 pp. + 14 pages color plates. Print and on-line editions 414. A2 “Pseudo-epigraphic correspondence with the Ottoman sultan: The Russian versions of the apocryphal correspondence with the Ottoman sultan,” in Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Vol. 8. Northern and Eastern Europe (1600-1700), David Thomas and John Chesworth, eds. (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2016): 981-88. 413. R “New book: Peter in France” (on Mezin, Petr I vo Frantsii), posted to H- EarlySlavic 23 November 2016. 412. R “Recent books in the series “Ratnoe delo” (on Babulin, Kanevskaia bitva 16 iiulia 1662 goda; Kutz, Azovskoe osadnoe sidenie 1641 goda), posted to H- EarlySlavic 19 August 2016. 411. SC “An annotated translation of the Pereiaslavl’ Suzdal’ Chronicle” (on Inkov, Letopisets Pereiaslavlia-Suzdal’skogo), posted to H-EarlySlavic 12 August 2016. 410. R “Two new descriptive catalogues from the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (on Slaviano-russkie rukopisi Biblioteki Rossiiskoi Akademii nauk. Opisanie rukopisei XV veka, Vyp. 2; Biblioteka Petra Velikogo, Zapadnoevropeiskie pechatnye knigi, t. 1, kn. 1-2; T. 2 “Vizantiiskaia istoriia” Byzantine du Louvre), posted to H-EarlySlavic 12 August 2016. 409. SC “Two Recent Source Publications” (on Biblioteka literatury Drevnei Rusi, vol. 19; Kopiinaia kniga “o opalnykh liudakh”, soslannykh v Sibir’), posted to H-EarlySlavic 22 July 2016. 408. SC: “New book: Aleshkovskii on the Povest’ vremennykh let,” posted to H- EarlySlavic, 22 July 2016. 407. SC “Early Slavic Internet Sites,” posted to H-EarlySlavic, 5 July 2016. 406. SC “New evidence and scholarship relating to the Mongols” (on two news items and the Morgan Festschrift in JRAS), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 17 June 2016. 405. A2 [interview/discussion with Prof. Peter Bol forming a module on the Silk Roads, in Harvard’s on-line ChinaX course--10 short videos], launched 2 May 2016 404. SC “Several new publications” (on Dmitrieva, Italiia v Sarmatii; Eil’bart, Sem’ia Mariny Mnishek; Nikitina, Russkie tserkovnye stennye rospisi; Kniga Iskhod; Kuz’mina, Zhitie Semeona Iurodivogo), posted to H_EarlySlavic 7 April 2016. 403. SC (book notices/summaries:) “Several new source publications,” (on: Perepisnye knigi Velikogo Ustiuga nachala XVIII veka; issledovanie i teksty; V. L. Ianin et al. Novgorodskie gramoty na bereste iz raskopok 2001-2014 godov; Delovaia pis’mennost’ Troitskogo Selenginskogo monastyria pervoi poloviny XVIII v.; Okladnaia kniga Sibiri 1697 goda; Moskovskie sobory epokhi padeniia Moskovskogo patriarkhata v XVII veke; Andrei Kurbskii. Istoriia o delakh 9

velikogo kniazia moskovskogo, ed. K. Iu. Erusalimskii; D. V. Val’kov. Genuezskaia epigrafika Kryma), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 21 March 2016. 402. SC “New book: Kalinina's essays about Eastern sources on the Khazars,” (on: T. M. Kalinina. Problemy istorii Khazarii (po dannym vostochnykh istochnikov)), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 21 March 2016. 401. SC “New guide to Kostroma monastic bookmen,” (on: Kostromskie monakhi-knizhniki XIV-XX vv. Biobibliograficheskii slovar’. Avtory-sostaviteli O.V. Gorokhova, P. P. Rezepin), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 21 March 2016. 400. R “New book: Gerasimova on Vilna under Russian occupation” (on Gerasimova. Pod vlast’iu russkogo tsaria. Sotsiokul’turnaia sreda Vil’ny v seredine XVII veka), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 21 March 2016. 399. R “The Inventory of the tsar's treasury compiled in 1640” (on Opis’ tsarskoi kazny na Kazennom dvore 1640 goda), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 4 March 2016. 398. R “Valuable new reference volume,” (on Drevniaia Rus’ v srednevekovom mire. Entsiklopediia. Pod obshchei redaktsiei E. A. Mel’nikovoi i V. Ia. Petrukhina), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 4 March 2016. 397. R “New book: the first volume of the Tikhvin archive” (on Materialy po istorii Uspenskogo Tikhvinskogo monastyria. Vyp. 1. Akty i materialy pistsovogo dela. Chast’ 1. 1560-1644 gg.), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 4 March 2016. 396. SC “New historical atlas of the Time of Troubles” (on: Aver’ianov and Romashov. Smutnoe vremia: Rossiiskoe gosudarstvo v nachale XVII v. Istoricheskii atlas), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 4 March 2016. 395. SC “The new volume of Letopisi i khroniki, a note, and a modest proposal” (on: Letopisi i khroniki. Novye issledovaniia. 2013-2014), posted to H- EarlySlavic, 2 March 2016. 394. SC “Novgorod in the era of Peter the Great: a new documentary anthology,” (on: Anisimov and Bazarova. “Tsentr obshirnoi provintsii…” Velikii Novgorod v epokhu Petra I. Khrestomatiia), posted to H-EarlySlavic, 2 March 2016.

2015 393. SC (book notices/summaries:) Shelach-Lavi. The Archaeology of Early China; Vadetskaia et al. Svod pamiatnikov Afanas’evskoi kul’tury; Selegin and Shelepova. Tiurkskie ritual’nye kompleksy Altaia; Zhuravlev et al. Iuvelirnye izdeliia iz kurgana Kul’-Oba v sobranii Istoricheskogo Muzeia; Minasian. Metalloobrabotka v drevnosti i srednevekov’e; Jacobs. Reorienting the East. Jewish Travelers to the Medieval Muslim World; Kradin. Nomads of Inner Asia in Transition; Kradin and Ivliev. Istoriia Kidan’skoi imperii Liao (907-1125); Antonov. Srednevekovye bashkiry; Rossiiskie ekspeditsii v Tsentral’nuiu Aziiu. Organizatsiia, polevye issleovaniia, kollektsii 1870–1920-e gg.; Lin. Building a Sacred Mountain: The Buddhist Architecture of China’s Mount Wutai; Elikhina. “Obitel’ miloserdiia”. Iskusstvo tibetskogo buddizma: katalog vystavki; Complexity of Interaction along the Eurasian Steppe Zone in the First Millennium CE. Ed. Bemmann; Schmauder; Nomads as Agents of Cultural Change. The Mongols and Their Eurasian Predecessors. Ed. Amitai; Biran; Journal of Asian History. 49 (2015), 1/2. Special Edition Ed. Kauz: Chinese 10

and Asian Geographical and Cartographical Views on Central Asia and Its Adjacent Regions; Bulletin of the Asia Institute. N.S./Vol. 24 (2010) [2014]; Bulletin of the Asia Institute. N.S./Vol. 25 (2011) [2015]; Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 6/2011 [2015]. In: The Silk Road 13 (2015): 182- 92. 392. R (review of:) Morris Rossabi, From Yuan to Modern China (Leiden; Boston, 2014), in The Silk Road 13 (2015): 171-73. (Link also includes nos. 388-391.) 391. R (review of:) Hermann Kreutzmann, Pamirian Crossroads: Kirghis and Wakhi of High Asia (Wiesbaden, 2015), with a photo supplement: “Glimpses of the Pamirian Crossroads,” in The Silk Road 13 (2015): 173-77. 390. R (review of:) Akademicheskaia arkheologiia na beregakh Nevy (S.- Peterburg, 2013) (Oxford etc., 2013), in The Silk Road 13 (2015): 178-79. 389. R (review of:) The Silk Road: Interwoven History, Vol. I (Cambridge, MA, 2015), in The Silk Road 13 (2015): 179-80. 388. R (review of:) Susan Whitfield, Life along the Silk Road, 2nd ed. (Oakland, CA, 2015), in The Silk Road 13 (2015): 180-81. 387. A2 “The Mezquita: A photo essay,” The Silk Road 13 (2015): 158-68 + color plates VII, VIII. 386. AE (translation:) Alexei E. Rogozhinskii and Sergey A. Yatsenko, “The Ancient Tamga-Signs oof Southeast Kazakhstan and Their Owners: The Route from East to West in the 2nd Century BCE-2nd Century CE,” The Silk Road 13 (2015): 109-25. 385. AE (translation:) Nikolay N. Kradin et al., “Khermen Denzh Town in Mongolia,” The Silk Road 13 (2015): 95-103. 384. AE (tr. and ed.) Igor’ Vasil’evich P’iankov, “Maes Titianus, Ptolemy and the ‘Stone Tower’ on the Great Silk Road,” The Silk Road 13 (2015): 60-74 + color plate IV. 383 SC “In Memoriam Khaled al-Asaad 1932-2015,” The Silk Road 13 (2015) unn. 10-page insert following p. [iv]. 382. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 13 (2015). iv + 192 pp. + 28 pages color plates. Print and on-line editions . 381. R “New book on historical narrative in Medieval Russia” (on: Istoriografiia i istochnikovedenie otechestvennoi istorii. Sbornik nauchnykh statei. Vyp. 7. Istoricheskoe povestvovanie v Srednevekovoi Rossii: K 450-letiiu Stepennoi knigi: Materialy vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii.), posted in H-EarlySlavic 7 December 2015. 11

380. R “New book: another forgotten Petrine personality” (on: Tsvirkun. Soratnik Petra Velikogo. Istoriia zhizni i deiatel’nosti Tomy Kantakuzino v pis’makh i dokumentakh), posted in H-EarlySlavic 25 November 2015. 379. R “Mil’chik on Staraia Ladoga” (on: Mil’chik. Staraia Ladoga. Ocherk gradostroitel’noi istorii. Graficheskie rekonstruktsii i dokumenty), posted in H- EarlySlavic 25 November 2015. 378. R “New contribution to Petrovedenie” (on: Petrovskoe vremia v litsakh — 2014. K 300-letiiu pobedy pri Gangute (1714-2014). Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii. Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha, LXXIII), posted in H- EarlySlavic 25 November 2015. 377. SC “The new volume 18 of Ocherki feodal'noi Rossii” (on: Ocherki feodal’noi Rossii. Vyp. 18), posted in H-EarlySlavic 25 November 2015. 376. R “New book: Muslims in Old Moscow” (on: Khairetdinov. Starinnye mecheti i musul’manskie ob”ekty iuga Moskvy), posted in H-EarlySlavic 25 November 2015. 375. SC “New publication of "podlinnye" boiarskie spiski” (on: “Podlinnye” boiarskie spiski 1626-1633 godov. Sbornik dokumentov. Sost. E. N. Gorbatov), posted in H-EarlySlavic 9 November 2015. 374. SC “New book honoring Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev” (on: Nasledie Nikolaia Petrovicha Likhacheva: interpretatsiia teksta i obraza. Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi 150-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia akademika Nikolaia Petrovicha Likhacheva (1862-1936). Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha LXXI), posted in H-EarlySlavic 9 November 2015. 373. SC “New reference guide to Muscovite prikazy” (on: D. V. Liseitsev, N. M. Rogozhin, Iu. M. Eskin. Prikazy Moskovskogo gosudarstva XVI-XVII vv. Slovar’-spravochnik), posted in H-EarlySlavic 9 November 2015. 372. SC “A new history of churches and monasteries in Vologda” (on: Istoriia pravoslavnykh khramov i monastyrei Vologdy), posted in H-EarlySlavic 9 November 2015. 371. R (review of): Staraia Riazan’: Klad 2005 goda / Staraya Ryazan: The Hoard of 2005.; in The Russian Review 74/4 (2016): 701-702. 370. R “New book: Archaeology on the Neva (in IIMK)” (on: Akademicheskaia arkheologiia na beregakh Nevy (ot RAIMK do IIMK RAN, 1919-2014 gg.)), posted in H-EarlySlavic 9 October 2015. 9slightlyt revised reprint listed above as no. XXX). 369. A1 “The View from the North: Muscovite Cartography of Inner Asia.” Journal of Asian History, 49/1-2(2015): 69-95 (special ed., ed. by Ralph Kauz: Chinese and Asian Geographical and Cartographical Views on Central Asia and Its Adjacent Regions). 368. AE (translation:) Sergei A. Vasiutin, “The model of the political transformation of the Da Liao as an alternative to the evolution of the structures of authority in the early medieval pastoral empires of Mongolia,” in: Complexity of Interaction along the Eurasian Steppe Zone in the First Millennium CE, ed. Jan Bemmann et al. (Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, Vol. 7) (Bonn, 2015): 391-435. 12

367. R “New books: Okladnikov on the Russian North” (on: N[ikolai] A[natol’evich] Okladnikov. Poseleniia Kanino-Timan’ia: Iz istorii russkikh poselenii v Kaninskoi i Timanskoi tundrakh, and idem, Ekspeditsiia v proshloe: putevye zametki uchastnika lodochnogo perekhoda po drevnemu vodno- volokovomu puti iz Arkhangel’ska na Pechoru (1992 g.)), posted in H- EarlySlavic 20 April 2015. 366. SC “New book: Shevchenko’s Prepodobnyi Martinian” (on: Prepodobnyi Martinian, Belozerskii chudotvorets. Podgotovka tekstov, perevod i issledovanie E. E. Shevchenko), posted in H-EarlySlavic 13 April 2015. 365. R “Two new publications from B. I. Fonkich” (on: Fonkich. Issledovaniia po grecheskoi paleografii i kodikologii: IV-XIX vv.; Spetsial’nye istoricheskie distsipliny. Vyp. 1. Otv. red. B. L. Fonkich), posted in H-EarlySlavic 20 April 2015. 364. R “New book: The Baturin archive and documents of the Hetmanate” (on: Baturinskii arkhiv i drugie dokumenty po istorii Ukrainskogo getmanstva 1690- 1709 gg. [ruk. proekta i sost. T. G. Tairova-Iakovleva; otv. red. T. A. Bazarova), posted in H-EarlySlavic 13 April 2015. 363. A1 “The Best Connected Man in Muscovy? Patrick Gordon’s Evidence Regarding News and Communications in Muscovy in the 17th Century,” Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies (Aberdeen) 7/2 (2014) [2015] (special issue: The World of Patrick Gordon): 61-123 (condensed Russian translation by Anna Dergacheva, “Rasprostranenie novostei v Rossii XVII v.: epistoliarnyi opyt Patrika Gordona,” Quaestio Rossica [Ekaterinburg], 2015, No. 3: 119-140; No. 4: 130-144

2014 362. RA (review article on:) Turko-Mongol Rulers, Cities and City Life, ed. David Durand Guédy. Leiden; Boston, 2013; in Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 20 (2014): 252-64. 361. RA (review article on:) “The David Collection,” The Silk Road 12 (2014): 132-36 + color plate IX. 360. RA (review article on:) “The Arts of China in Seattle,” The Silk Road 12 (2014): 137-52 + color plates X-XIII. 359. RA (review article on:) “Re-Imagining and Re-Imaging Eurasian Exchange” (on Toby Wilkinson, Tying the Threads of Eurasia [Leiden, 2014]), The Silk Road 12 (2014): 153-63 + color plates XIV-XVI. (Translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2015年/11 (总第21期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 127-36.) 358. R (review of:) Reconfiguring the Silk Road, ed. Victor Mair; Jane Hickman (Philadelphia, 2014), in The Silk Road 12 (2014): 164-67. (includes reviews listed below as nos. 351-357). 13

357. R (review of:) James Millward, The Silk Road: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford etc., 2013), in The Silk Road 12 (2014): 167-68. 356. R (review of:) Court and Craft: A Masterpiece from Northern Iraq, ed. Rachel Ward (London, 2014), in The Silk Road 12 (2014): 169-71. 355. R (review of:) Kochevniki Evrazii na puti k imperii. Iz sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha. Katalog vystavki (St. Petersburg, 2012), in The Silk Road 12 (2014): 171-72. 354. R (review of:) Sogdiitsy, ikh predshestvenniki, sovremenniki i nasledniki. Na osnove materialov konferentsii “Sogdiitsy doma i na chuzhbine”, posviashchennoi pamiati Borisa Il’icha Marshaka (1933–2006) (St. Petersburg, 2013), in The Silk Road 12 (2014): 172-75. 353. R (review of:) Scripta Antiqua. Voprosy drevnei istorii, filologii, iskusstva i material’noi kul’tury. Almanakh, Vols. I-III (M., 2011-2014), in The Silk Road 12 (2014): 175-78. 352. R (review of:) O. V. D’iakova, Gosudarstvo Bokhai: arkheologiia, istoriia, politika (M., 2014), in The Silk Road 12 (2014): 178-79. 351. R (review of:) Elmira Janabergenova, Kazakhstan. Songs from the Aral Sea; Bidas Rustembekov. Kazakh Terme. Sung Poetry of Wisdom; Faik Chelebi, Tar. The Classical Mugam of Azerbaijan in Solo Instrumental Performance; The Epic Körughly. The Kazakh version. Performed by Bidas Rustembekov; An Anthology of Kazakh Epic Songs and Dombra Kyuis (recording) and A Journey to Epic Qyzylorda: Three Kazakh Jyraus (video), in The Silk Road 12 (2014): 180-81. 350. SC (book notices/summaries:) Two Arabic Travel Books: Abū Zayd al-Sīrāfī. Accounts of China and India. Ed. and tr. by Tim Mackintosh-Smith; Aḥmad ibn Faḍlān. Mission to the Volga. Ed. and tr. by James E. Montgomery; Uighurskie delovye dokumenty X–XIV vv. iz Vostochnogo Turkestana, ed. and tr. I. Iu. Tugusheva; “Novye zakony” Tangutskogo gosudarstva (pervaia chetvert’ XIII v.), ed. and tr. E. I. Kychanov; Dokumenty i materialy po istorii bashkirskogo naroda (s drevneishikh vremen do serediny XVI v.), comp. F. G. Khisametdinova et al.; A. M. Leskov et al., Meoty Zakuban’ia IV–III vv. do n. e. Nekropoli u aula Uliap. Sviatilishcha i ritual’nye kompleksy; Materialy Tokharistanskoi ekspeditsii, Vyp. 9. Poselenie Dabil’kurgan v Severnoi Baktrii; K. M. Baipakov, Drevniaia i srednevekovaia urbanizatsiia Kazakhstana (po materialam issledovanii Iuzhno-Kazakhstanskoi kompleksnoi arkheologicheskoi ekspeditsii). Kn. 1. Urbanizatsiia Kazakhstana v epokhu bronzy-rannem srednevekov’e. Kn. 2. Urbanizatsiia Kazakhstana v IX–nachale XIII v.; K. A. Akishev, Drevnie i srednevekovye gosudarstva na territorii Kazakhstana (Etiudy issledovaniia); Catrin Kost, The Practice of Imagery in the Northern Chinese Steppe (5th – 1st Centuries BCE); A. G. Grushevoi, Ocherki ekonomicheskoi istorii Sirii in Palestiny v drevnosti (I v. do n.e.—VI v. n.e.); Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism, ed. Chen-kuo Lin and Michael Radich; Timothy Brook, Mr. Selden’s Map of China. Decoding the Secrets of a Vanished Cartographer; Cities of the Dead. The Ancestral Cemeteries of Kyrgyzstan. Photographs by Margaret Morton. Text by Nasser Rabbat, Elmira Köchümkulova, and Altyn Kapalova; Ming: 50 14

Years that changed China. Ed. Craig Clunas; Jessica Harrison-Hall; Adam T. Kessler, Song Blue and White on the Silk Road; Publications of the M. A. Usmanov Center for Studies of the History of the Golden Horde: I. M. Mirgaleev. Zolotaia Orda: bibliograficheskii ukazatel’, and Zolotoordynskaia tsivilizatsiia. Nauchnyi Ezhegodnik; Gorod i step’ v kontaktnoi Evro-Aziatskoi zone. Materialy III mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posviatshchennoi 75-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia professora G. A. Fëdorova-Davydova (1931–2000); Ermitazhnye chteniia pamiati V. G. Lukonina (21.01.1932–10.09.1984). K 80- letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. 2007–2012; Bulletin of the Asia Institute, N. S., Vol. 23 (2009) [2013]; Literature and History of the Western Regions, Vol. 8 (2014); Xiyu yanjiu. The Western Regions Studies. A Quarterly; in The Silk Road 12 (2014): 182-92. 349. AE (translation:) Sergey A. Yatsenko, “Images of the Early Turks in Chinese Murals and Figurines from the Recently-Discovered Tomb in Mongolia,” The Silk Road 12 (2014): 13-24. 348. AE (translation:) Sergey V. Voroniatov, “Connections between Central Asia and the Northern Littoral of the Black Sea: the Evidence from Objects with Tamgas,” The Silk Road 12 (2014): 25-38. 347. AE (translation:) Anna Litvina; Fjodor Uspenskij, “Russo-Polovtsian Dynastic Contacts as Refl ected in Genealogy and Onomastics,” The Silk Road 12 (2014): 65-75. 346. AE (translation:) Nikolai N. Kradin et al., “Emgentiin Kherem, a Fortress Settlement of the Khitans in Mongolia,” The Silk Road 12 (2014): 89-97. 345. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 12 (2014). 196 pp. + 16 pages color plates. Print and on-line editions . 344. A2 (memoir). “The Enthusiasms of Youth and Where they Led: A Memoir / Uvlecheniia iunosti i k chemu oni priveli: avtobiografiia,” Quaestio Rossica [Ekaterinburg], 2014, No. 2: 18-62; No. 3: 17-53. (In English and in a Russian translation by Elena Galitsyna). 343. B2 (co-editor, with Güde Bemmann:) Catrin Kost, The Practice of Imagery in the Northern Chinese Steppe (5th-1st Centuries BCE). Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, Vol. 6. Bonn: Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie, Reinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, 2014. 262 pp. + 134 plates. 342. R “New book: Petrovskaia on Muscovite instrumental music” (I. F. Petrovskaia. Drugoi vzgliad na russkuiu kul’turu XVII veka. Ob instrumental’noi muzyke i o skomorokhakh. Istoricheskii ocherk), posted in H-EarlySlavic 31 October 2014. 341. R “New book: Shibaev on manuscripts of the Kirillo-Belozerskii Monastery” (M. A. Shibaev. Rukopisi Kirillo-Belozerskogo monastyria XV veka. Istoriko- kodikologicheskoe issledovanie), posted in H-EarlySlavic 20 October 2014. 15

340. R “New Book: Sinelobov on local elected officials in Muscovy” (A. P. Sinelobov. Personal’nyi sostav gorodovykh prikazchikov i gubnykh starost Moskovskogo gosudarstva XVI-XVII vv. Monografiia), posted in H-EarlySlavic 20 October 2014. 339. R “The new volume of Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury” [Sb. 16-17], posted in H-EarlySlavic 8 October 2014. 338. R “Demin on Selenginsk—three new publications (E. V. Demin. Selenginskaia doroga—pervyi karavan. (Pervye plavaniia po Selenge i Khilku i predistoriia Kiakhtinskogo torgovogo puti); Selenginskie kazaki—tolmachi i diplomaty (vtoraia polovina XVII-pervye desiatiletiia XVIII vv.); “Zaveshchanie” 1684 g. selenginskogo kazaka Vavily Grigor’eva. (Irkutskie obstoiatel’stva i motivy)), posted in H-EarlySlavic 1 October 2014. 337. R “Karnaukhov on Renaissance Polish authors about Muscovy” (D. V.] Karnaukhov. “Russkie” i “moskovskie” izvestiia v trudakh pol’skikh istorikov votoroi poloviny XV-nachala XVII vv. (istoriograficheskii aspect)), posted in H- EarlySlavic 24 September 2014. 336. SC “The two most recent volumes of Ocherki feodal’noi Rossii” [Vyp. 16, 17], posted in H-EarlySlavic 24 September 2014. 335. SC “Some recent reprints and a new translation of a classic” (V. N. Berkh. Tsarstvovanie Tsaria Alekseia Mikhailovicha; I. I, Golikov. Deianiia Petra Velikogo, mudrogo preobrazitelia Rossii; V. L. Ianin. Ocherki istorii srednevekovogo Novgoroda; Fridrikh-Khristian Veber. Preobrazhennaia Rossiia. Novye zapiski o nyneshnem sostoianii Moskovii. Perevod i kommentarii D. V. Solov’eva), posted in H-EarlySlavic 24 September 2014. 334. SC “New book: Bessonov on Narodnaia eskhatologiia,” posted in H- EarlySlavic 25 July 2014. 333. R “The new volume of Fedosov’s translation of Patrick Gordon” (Patrik Gordon. Dnevnik 1690-1695. Perevod s angliiskogo, stat’ia i primechaniia D. G. Fedosova), posted in H-EarlySlavic 14 July 2014. 332. R “New books on ‘modernization’ and ‘europeanization’” (Istoriia Rossii: teoreticheskie problemy. Vyp. 2. Modernizatsionnyi podkhod v izuchenii rossiiskoi istorii. Otv. red. A. S. Seniavskii; T. V. Chernikova. Evropeizatsiia Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XV-XVII vekakh: monografiia), posted in H-EarlySlavic 9 July 2014. 331. SC “The new volume of Ierotopiia” (Ierotopiia Ognia i Sveta v kul’ture vizantiiskogo mira / Hierotopy of Light and Fire in the Culture of the Byzantine World. Ed. Alexei Lidov), posted in H-EarlySlavic 9 July 2014. 330. R “New book: Filiushkin on the invention of the Livonian War” (A. I. Filiushkin. Izobretaia pervuiu voinu Rossi ii Evropy. Baltiiskie voiny vtoroi poloviny XVI v. glazami sovremennikov i potomkov), posted in H-EarlySlavic 30 16

June 2014. 329. R “The new volume of Knizhnye tsentry Drevnei Rusi” (Knizhnye tsentry Drevnei Rusi: Knizhniki i rukopisi Kirillo-Belozerskogo monastyria [SPb., 2014]), posted in H-EarlySlavic 27 June 2014. 328. R “The 2011 volume of Drevneishie gosudarstva” (Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnoi Evropy. 2011 god. Ustnaia traditisiia v pis’mennom tekste), posted in H-EarlySlavic 30 May 2014. 327. R “Kashtanov’s new study of princely proto-chanceries” (S. M. Kashtanov, Issledovaniia po istorii kniazheskikh kantseliarii srednevekovoi Rusi), posted in H-Early Slavic, 29 May 2014. 326. R “Postnikov’s Pskov Museum document catalogue” (A. B. Postnikov. Drevlekhranilishche Poskovskogo muzeia. Obozrenie russkikh rukopisnykh dokumentov XVI-XVIII vv.), posted in H-EarlySlavic 23 May 2014. 325. R “Fedorova’s edition of Mikołaj Radziwill’s Peregrijnacya in its Muscovite translation” (I. V. Fedorova. “Puteshestvie v Sviatuiu Zemliu i Egipet” kniazia Nikolaia Radzivilla i vostochnoslavianskaia palominicheskaia literatura XVII- nachala XVIII v. Issledovanie i tekst), posted in H-EarlySlavic 21 May 2014. 324. R “The new Katalog pamiatnikov drevnerusskoi pis’mennosti) (Katalog pamiatnikov drevnerusskoi pis’mennosti XI-XIV vv. (rukopisnye knigi). Otv. red. D. M. Bulanin. [Sost. D. M. Bulanin, A. A. Romanova, O. V. Tvorogov, F. Tomson, A. A. Turilov.]), posted in H-EarlySlavic 21 May 2014. 323. SC “Several new publications” (Il’menskoe Poozer’e i smezhnye territorii v kontse XV-XVII vv. Publikatsiiu podgotovil I. Iu. Ankudinov; Iu. S. Vasil’ev. Izbrannye trudy po istorii Evropeiskogo Severa Rossii XII-XVIII vekov; Pistsovye knigi iugo-zapadnogo porubezh’ia. [Sost. M. Iu. Zencheko i dr.]; S. V. Saitanov. Staraia Ladoga: arkheologiia i istoriia: istoriografiia arkheologicheskikh issledovanii i nekotorye voprosy istorii ee vozniknoveniia, razvitiia i znacheniia v period obrazovaniia drevnerusskogo gosudarstva), posted in H-EarlySlavic 15 May 2014. 322. SC “New text edition: the Sofiiskii sbornik” (Antologiia pamiatnikov literatury domongol’skogo perioda v rukopisi XV v. Sofiiskii sbornik. Izd. Podgotovili G. S. Barankova, N. V. Savel’eva, O. S. Sapozhnikova. Pod red. N. V. Savel’evoi), posted in H-EarlySlavic 15 May 2014. 321. SC ”New book on iurodivye” (Iurodivye v russkoi kul’ture. Otv. red. i sost. E. M. Iukhimenko), posted in H-EarlySlavic 13 May 2014. 320. R. “Architecture: Two new publications” (Dvorets Tsaria Alekseia Mikhailovicha XVII veka. Istoriko-khudozhestvennaia rekonstruktsiia; M. I. Mil’chik. Gorod Kholmogor byl mnogoliuden i znamenit… Ocherk gradostroitel’noi i arkhitekturnoi istorii. Graficheskie rekonstruktsii i dokumenty), 17

posted in H-EarlySlavic 5 May 2014. 319. R “New book: B. N. Floria on foreign policy of Ordin-Nashchokin (B. N. Floria, Vneshnepoliticheskaia programma A. L. Ordina-Nashchokina i popytki ee osushchestvleniia), posted in H-EarlySlavic 15 April 2014. 318. R. “A new volume of customs registers from the Russian North” (Tamozhennye knigi Sukhono-Dvinskogo puti XVII v. [Sost. S. N. Kisterev, L. A. Timoshkina]. Vyp. 1), posted in H-EarlySlavic 8 April 2014. 317. R “Three new publications in the academic ‘discipline’ of petrovedenie” (Puteshestvie po Evrope boiarina B. P. Sheremeteva 1697-1699; D. Iu. Guzevich. Zakhoroneniia Leforta i Gordona; Petrovskoe vremia v litsakh— 2013 (Trudy Gos. Ermitazha, LXX), posted in H-EarlySlavic 5 April 2014. 316. SC “Gladkova on Vita of Evstafii Plakida” (O. V. Gladkova, Zhitie Evstafiia Plakidy v russkoi i slavianskoi knizhnosti i literature IX-XX vekov), posted in H- Early Slavic, 26 March 2014. 315. R “Tikhonov on the Moscow historical school in first half of 20th century (V. V. Tikhjonov. Moskovskaia istoricheskaia shkola v pervoi polovine XX veka. Nauchnoe tvorchestvo Iu.V. Got’e, S. B. Veselovskogo, A. I. Iakovleva i S. V. Bakhrushina), posted in H-EarlySlavic 12 March 2014. 314. R “New book: Kochegarov on Muscovy and Samoilovych’s family in the 1680s” (K. A. Kochegarov, Russkoe pravitel’stvo i sem’ia ukrainskogo getmana Ivana Samoilovicha v 1681-1687 gg. [M., 2012]), posted in H-EarlySlavic 8 March 2014. 313. R. “Two new source publications” (Rossiia i Prussia v seredine XVII veka. Tom 1. Posol’skaia kniga po sviaziam Rossii s Brandenburgsko-Prusskim gosudarstvom 1649-1671 gg.; Prikhodo-raskhodnye knigi Solovetskogo monastyria 1571-1600 gg.), posted in H-EarlySlavic 6 March 2014.

2013 312 SC “In Memoriam” [for Cherie Woodworth and Irene Good], The Silk Road 11 (2013): [iii]. 311. AE (translation:) Sergey A. Yatsenko, “Some Observations on Depictions of Early Turkic Costume,” The Silk Road 11 (2013): 70-81. (Translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2014年 (总第20期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 186-99.) 310. AE (translation:) Sergei S. Miniaev, “On the Interpretation of Certain Images on Deer Stones,” The Silk Road 11: 54-59. 18

309. SC (preface to:) Elena Paskaleva, “Samarqand Refashioned: A Traveller’s Impressions, August 2013,” The Silk Road 11: 139. 308. AE (translation:) Julia Elikhina, “The Renovated Central Asia Exhibit in the State Hermitage Museum,” The Silk Road 11: 154-71 + plates 8-16. (Translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2014年 (总第20期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 164-80.) 307. RA “Distance Learning and the Museum: The Arts of the Islamic World at The Metropolitan Museum in New York,” The Silk Road 11 (2013): 172-80. 306. R “A Road Less Taken?” [rev. of Edvard Rtveladze, Velikii Indiiskii Put’], The Silk Road 11: 188-91. 305. RA “Expanded Geographic Horizons along the Maritime Silk Road” [review essay on Hyunhee Park, Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds], The Silk Road 11: 200-14. 304. R “A Treasury of Old Images for the Study of Inner Asia” [rev. of V. A. Prishchepova, Illustrativnye kollektsii po narodam Tsentral’noi Azii....v sobraniiakh Kunstkamery], The Silk Road 11: 217-20. 303. R and SC (reviews and review notices for following:) Jongeward, et al., Gandharan Buddhist Reliquaries; Chinese Silks, ed. Dieter Kuhn et al.; Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 23/2 (2013): Textiles as Money on the Silk Road; A. A. Ierusalimskaia, Moshchevaia Balka; V.S. Taskin, tr., Materialy po istorii kochevykh narodov v Kitae III-IV vv., vyp. 4 Di i Tsiany; [Xuanzang], Zapiski o Zapadnykh stranakh, tr. N. V. Aleksandrova; Sara Searight, Lapis Lazuli; Ancient Iran from the Air, ed. David Stronach and Ali Mousavi, photographs by Georg Gerster; Getzel M. Cohen, The Hellenistic Settlements in the East from Armenia and Mesopotamia to Bactria and India; K. Sh. Tabaldyev, Drevnie pamiatniki Tian’Shania; A. Iu. Alekseev, Zoloto skifskikh tsarei; K. Z. Uskenbai, Vostochnyi Dasht-i Kypchak v XIII-nachale XV veka; E. A. Smagulov, Drevnii Sauran; Religiia v istorii narodov Iuzhnoi Sibiri i Tsentral’noi Azii, Ch. 2; Sebouth David Aslanian, From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean. The Global Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa. In: The Silk Road 11: 222-33. 302. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 11 (2013). 234 pp. + 16 pages color plates. Print and on-line editions 301. R “New Reprint of Dosifei on Solovki” (Geograficheskoe, istoricheskoe i statisticheskoe opisanie pervoklassnogo stavropigial’nogo Solovetskogo monastyria, sostavlennoe arkhimandritom Dosifeem). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 26 November 2013. . 300. R “Two New Volumes of Novgorod Documents” (Materialy po istorii zemlevladeniia okrestnostei Novgoroda Velikogo. Publikatsiiu podgotovil I. Iu. 19

Ankudinov. Materialy po istorii Novgoroda i Novgorodskoi zemli, Vyp. 1; Akty novgorodskogo Viazhishchskogo monastyria kontsa XV-nachala XVII v. Publikatsiiu podgotovil I. Iu. Ankudinov. Materialy po istorii Novgoroda i Novgorodskoi zemli, Vyp. 2). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 17 November 2013 299. SC “BAN Honors its Long-time Staff: Two New Publications” (Elena Alekseevna Savel'eva. Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel': k 75-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia; Irina Nikolaevna Lebedeva. Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel': k 80- letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 16 November 2013. 298 R “A New Zimin Commemorative Volume” (Istorik v Rossii mezhdu proshlym i budushchim: Stat’i i vospominaniia). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 16 November 2013 297. R “New Book: Okladnikov on Mezen’ Villages.” Posted to H-EarlySlavic 14 November 2013 296. SC “Two New Books: Eil’bart and Cherkasova” (Nataliia Vladimirovna Eil’bart. Smutnoe vremia v pol’skikh dokumentakh Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Shvetsii. Kommentirovannyi perevod i istoricheskii analiz; Marina Sergeevna Cherkasova. Arkhivy vologodskikh monastyrei i tserkvei XV-XVII vv. Issledovanie i opyt rekonstruktsii). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 1 November 2013 295. A2 (obituary) “The End of an Era. Remembering Sigurd Ottovich Shmidt (1922-2013),” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, 14/4 (2013): 910-20. 294. A1 丹尼尔 C. 沃,‘李希霍芬的 “丝绸之路”:通往一个概念的考古学 ’ [Translation by Jiang Xiaoli of a slightly revised version of “Richthofen’s ‘Silk Roads’: Toward the Archaeology of a Concept” (originally published in The Silk Road 5/1 [2007]: 1-10; item no. 164 below)], in: Xiyu wenshi 西域文史 [Literature and History of the Western Regions] 7 [2013] [Beijing]: 295-310. 293. SC “Some useful websites for early Slavic,” posted to personal webpage 26 May 2013. (A Word version of this annotated listing was posted and communicated to H-EarlySlavic in September 2012.) 292. SC “New Books on Muscovite Heresies: Alekseev and Grigorenko,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 3 August 2013 291. SC “The New Edition of the Earliest Prolog,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 3 August 2013 290. SC “Two Recent Books: Malorossiiskii prikaz and Lakhtin” (Malorossiiskii prikaz. Opisi fonda No. 229 Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhiva drevnikh aktov; M[ikhail] Iu[r’evich] Lakhtin. Starinnye pamiatniki meditsinskoi pis’mennosti: Doslovnyi tekst lechebnika, khraniashchegosia v 20

Moskovskoi Patriarshei biblioteke. Izd. 2-e.), posted to H-EarlySlavic 3 August 2013 289. R “New Book: Bogdanov, Stikh torzhestva,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 2 August 2013. 288. R “New Book: Mazur on Pereslavl-Zalesskii,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 29 July 2013 287 R “New Text Edition: Latukhinskaia stepennaia kniga,” posted to H- EarlySlavic 28 July 2013 286 SC “New Book: Trepavlov on Sibirskii iurt,” posted to H-EarlySlavic 20 July 2013 285 SC “New Book: Old Russian Translation of Durandus,” posted to H- EarlySlavic 18 July 2013 284 SC “New Book: Vasil’ev on Early Novgorod Toponyms,” posted to H- EarlySlavic 13 July 2013 283 R “The New Volume of Drevneishie gosudarstva Vost. Evropy,” posted to H- EarlySlavic 6 July 2013 282. R “New Book: Dhakson ed. of Saga Texts; other Islandica,” posted to H- EarlySlavic 5 June 2013 281. A1 The Manuscripts Collected by P. M. Stroev [Shoreline, WA.]. 59 pp. (Reprint of the articles in TODRL 30 (1976) and 32 (1977), items nos. 23 and 31 below, prefaced by an introduction about the background of the work.) 280. A1 Two Muscovite Chronicles [Shoreline, WA.]. 67 pp. (My 1979 article from Oxford Slavonic Papers [no. 38 below], an unpublished palaeographic study on the possible Kholmogory scriptorium, and a newly written introduction.) 279. SC (review notice on:) I. M. Gritsevskaia. Chtenie i chet’i sborniki v russkikh monastyriakh XV-XVII vv. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 17 May 2013 278. SC (review notice on:) N. B. Golikova. Privilegirovannoe kupechestvo v strukture russkogo obshchestva v XVI-pervoi chetverti XVIII v. Iz nauchnogo naslediia. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 17 May 2013 21

277. R (review:) Ukaznye gramoty gorodovym voevodam i prikaznym liudiam 1613-1626 gg. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 15 May 2013 276. R (review of:) V[arvara] G[elievna] Vovina-Lebedeva. Shkoly issledovaniia russkikh letopisei: XIX-XX vv. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 7 March 2013 275. SC (review notice on:) Ikonopistsy i zhivopistsy Oruzheinoi palaty 1630- 1690-e gody: dvorovladeniia, sobytiia povsednevnoi zhizni, rabota po chastnym zakazam. Sbornik dokumentov. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 24 February 2013 274. A2 “Travel and Travelers in Medieval Eurasia,” World History Connected 10/1, on line at . 273. SC (conference report) “Archaeology of the Southern Taklamakan: Hedin and Stein’s Legacy and New Explorations,” IDP News 41 (Spring 2013): 2-4 (also on-line at http:// idp.bl.uk); a preliminary version of this, with my own photos, was posted to the IDP website in 2012 immediately following the conference; for a copy: 272. SC (letter to editor concerning Turfan collections of Buddhist art), in Tibetské listy: nezávislý pololetnik pro věvi tibetské 43/44: 3. (Supplements information given in the short article for which I provided photos on the Berlin Turfan collections; in TL 42:14-15.)

2012 271. AE (translation:) Sergei A. Yatsenko, “Yuezhi on Bactrian Embroidery from Textiles Found at Noyon uul, Mongolia,” The Silk Road 10: 39-48. (Translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2013年 (总第19期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 225-34.) 270. RA “Arts of the Islamic World in the Louvre: Experiencing the New Galleries” (review of Les Arts de l’Islam au Musée du Louvre, ed. S. Makariou, and the museum’s exhibition), The Silk Road 10: 99-106. 269. RA “Revisiting Borderlands of Empires in Western Asia: Reviews and a Photo Essay” [on Dura Europos, Zeugma and Qusayr Amra]. The Silk Road 10: 171-86. 268. RA “XiongNews: Fourscore Years since the First Excavations at Noyon uul” (review of N. V. Polos’mak et al., Dvadtsatyi Noin-ulinskii kurgan, and Khunnugiin öv. Nuudelchdiin ankhny tör), The Silk Road 10: 151-4. 22

267. RA “Archaeology and Landscape in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia: Celebrating Two Decades of Achievement” (review of E. Jacobson-Tepfer et al., Archaeology and Landscape in the Mongolian Altai: An Atlas, and the associated websites), The Silk Road 10: 154-7. 266. RA “Farewell to the Marauding Nomad” (review of Nomads and Networks, eds. Sören Stark et al.; Steppenkrieger. Reiternomaden des 7.-14. Jahrhunderts aus der Mongolei, ed. J. Bemmann), The Silk Road 10: 158-63. 265. RA “‘...destroyed, [The Silk Road] is no more’” (review of V. Hansen, The Silk Road: A New History), The Silk Road 10: 164-7. 264. RA “Epilogue to the Silk Roads?” (review of S. F. Dale, The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals; G. Casale, The Ottoman Age of Exploration), The Silk Road 10: 167-70. 263. R Tjalling H. F. Halbertsma, Early Christian Remains of Inner Mongolia; in The Silk Road 10: 191-2. (includes reviews listed below under nos. 259-262) (Translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2013年 (总第19期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 246-47.) 262. R The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures of Han China, ed. James C. S. Lin; in The Silk Road 10: 192-4. (Translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2013年 (总第19期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 247-49.) 261. R Shipwrecked: Tang Treasures and Monsoon Winds, ed. R. Krahl et al.; in The Silk Road 10: 194-5. (Translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2013年 (总第19期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 249-50.) 260. R Jonathan Karam Skaff, Sui-Tang China and Its Turko-Mongol Neighbors; in The Silk Road 10: 195-6. (Translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2013年 (总第19期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 250-51.) 259. R Rashmita Jadav, Understanding the Morphology of Leh Town; in The Silk Road 10: 196-7. (Translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2013年 (总第19期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 251-52.) 258. R/SC [reviews and review notices of: L. R. Kontsevich, Khronologiia stran Vostochnoi i Tsentral’noi Azii. Addenda; A.V. Simonenko, Rimskii import u sarmatov Severnogo Prichernomor’ia; N. Iu. Kuz’min, Pogrebal’nye pamiatniki khunno-sian’biiskogo vremeni; E. B. Barinova, Vliianie kul’tury Kitaia na protsessy inku’turatsii Srednei Azii; J. Neelis, Early Buddhist Transmission and Trade Networks; E. B. Smagina, Manikeistvo po rannim istochnikam; Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam, ed. Venetia Porter; D. Gibson, Qur’anic Geography; R. W. Bulliet, Cotton, Climate and Camels in Early Islamic Iran; al-Ia’kubi, Kniga stran (Kitab al-buldan), ed. and tr. L. A. 23

Semenova; V. D. Goriacheva, Gorodskaia kul’tura tiurkskikh kaganatov na Tian’Shane; E. D. Zilivinskaia, Ocherki kul’tovogo i grazhdanskogo zodchestva Zolotoi Ordy; I. K. Fomenko. Obraz mira na starinnykh portolanakh. Prichernomor’e kontsa XIII-XVII vv.; Shakh-Makhmud ibn Mirza Fazil Churas. Khronika, ed. and tr. O. F. Akimushkin; Art, Architecture and Religion Along the Silk Roads, ed. K. Parry; The ‘Silk Roads’ in Time and Space: Migrations, Motifs, and Materials [=SPP no. 228], ed. V. Mair; Bulletin of the Asia Institute, Vol. 21; Literature and History of the Western Regions, Vol. 6], in The Silk Road 10: 198-207. (All but for last two items translated/condensed and published in Chinese, in Xinxi yu cankao 信息与参考 ["Information and Reference"] 2013年 (总第19期), an annual published by the Dunhuang Academy, pp. 252-61.) 257. SC (dedication, with photos) “For Al Dien in celebration of his 85th year,” The Silk Road 10: [iii]. 256. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 10 (2012), 207 pp. Print and on-line editions 255. SC “two new books” (M. V. Nikolaeva. Slovar' ikonopistsev i zhivopistsev Oruzheinoi palaty 1630-1690-e gody; A. A. Panchenko. Ivan i Iakov-- neobychnye sviatye iz bolotistoi mestnosti. "Krest'ianskaia agiologiia" i religioznye praktiki v Rossii Novogo vremeni). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 30 December 2012 254. SC “recent Russian publications” (Spory o novgorodskom veche: mezhdistsiplinarnyi dialog: Materialy “kruglogo stola”; A. S. Almazov. Politicheskii portret ukrainskogo getmana Ivana Samoilovicha). Posted to H- EarlySlavic 24 December 2012 253. SC “recent Russian publications” (I.V. Magilina. Rossiia i proekt antiosmanskoi ligi v kontse XVI-nachale XVII vv.; M. Kiseleva. Intellektual’nyi vybor Rossii vtoroi poloviny XVII-nachala XVIII veka: ot dreverusskoi knizhnosti k evropeiskoi uchenosti; L.B. Sukina. Chelovek veruiushchii v russkoi kul’ture XVI-XVII vekov). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 16 December 2012 252. SC “several recent Russian publications” (Pokhodnaia kantseliariia vitse- kantslera Petra Pavlovicha Shafirova; B. L. Fonkich. O sovremennykh metodakh issledovaniia grecheskikh i russkikh dokumentov XVII veka. Kriticheskie zametki; Ocherki feodal’noi Rossii. Vyp. 15; Letopisi i khroniki. Novye issledovaniia. 2011-2012; E. N. Shveikovskaia. Russkii krest’ianin v dome i mire: severnaia derevnia kontsa XVI-nachala XVIII veka; V. V. Penskoi. Ivan Groznyi i Devlet-Girei; Pravoslavie Ukrainy i Moskovskoi Rusi v XV-XVII vekakh. Obshchee i razlichnoe). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 17 24

November 2012 251. SC “new books” (S. M. Kashtanov. Issledovanie o moldavskoi gramote XV veka; A. V. Beliakov. Chingisidy v Rossii XV-XVII vekov: prosopograficheskoe issledovanie; T. V. Gimon. Istoriopisanie rannesrednevekovoi Anglii i Drevnei Rusi. Sravnitel’noe issledovanie). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 13 September 2012 250. SC “Novgorodica” (Prikhodnaia kniga novgorodskogo Doma Sviatoi Sofii 1576/77 g.; L. A. Sekretar’. Monastyri Velikogo Novgoroda i okrestnosti). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 30 August 2012 249. SC “new titles” (Slukhi v Rossii XIX-XX vekov. Neofitsial’naia kommunikatsiia i ‘krutye povoroty’ rossiiskoi istorii. Sbornik statei; Fal’sifikatsiia istoricheskikh istochnikov i konstruirovanie etnokraticheskikh mifov). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 4 August 2012 248. SC (review notice on:) Slovar' knizhnikov i knizhnosti drevnei Rusi, Vyp. 2 (vtoraia polovina XIV-XVI v.), chast' 3. Bibliograficheskie dopolneniia. Prilozhenie. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 22 June 2012 247. SC “new titles” (Puteshestvie antiokhiiskogo patriarkha Makariia v Rossiiu v polovine XVII veka; Pistsovaia i perepisnaia knigi XVII veka po Nizhnemu Novgorodu; G. I. Vzdornov. Iskusstvo i nauka. Ocherki po istorii drevnerusskoi khudozhestvennoi kul’tury; Dnevnik Iana Petra Sapegi (1608-1611); A. I. Razdorskii. Konskaia torgovlia Moskvy v XVII veke (po materialam tamozhennykh knig 1629 i 1630 gg.); I. V. Dergacheva. Drevnerusskii Sinodik. Issledovaniia i teksty; V. V. Mil’kov, R. A. Simonov. Kirik Novgorodets: uchenyi i myslitel’; S. M. Mikheev. Kto pisal “Povest’ vremennykh let”?; I. K. Labutina. Istoricheskaia topografiia Pskova v XIV-XV vekakh; Kavkazskii vektor rossiiskoi politiki. Sbornik dokumentov. Tom 1. XVI-XVIII vv.; V. P. Darkevich. Tsivilizatsiia Drevnei Rusi XI-XVII vekov). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 21 June 2012 (See also my earlier posting anticipating receipt of Mil’kov and Simonov on Kirik: , ). 25

246. SC (review notice on:) Christine Watson. Tradition and Translation. Maciej Stryjkowski's Polish Chronicle in Seventeenth-Century Russian Manuscripts. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 16 June 2012 245. SC (review notice on:) Indoevropeiskoe iazykoznanie i klassicheskaia filologiia - XVI. Materialy chtenii, posviashchennykh pamiati professora Iosifa Moiseevicha Tronskogo. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 13 June 2012 244. SC (review notice on:) Kniga i literatura v kul'turnom prostranstve epokh (XI-XX veka). Posviashchaetsia 45-letiiu nauchno-pedagogicheskoi deiatel'nosti Eleny Ivanovny Dergachevoi-Skop. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 28 May 2012 243. SC (review notice on:) Religioznoe obrazovanie v Rossii i Evrope v XVII veke. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 25 May 2012 242. SC (review notice on:) E. A. Mel'nikova, Drevniaia Rus' i Skandinaviia: Izbrannye trudy. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 18 May 2012 241. SC (review notice on:) O. V. Sevast'ianova. Drevnii Novgorod. Novgorodsko-kniazheskie otnosheniia v XII-pervoi polovine XV v. Posted to H- EarlySlavic 20 May 2012 240. SC (review notice on:) Paleobureaucratica. Sbornik statei k 90-letiiu N. F. Demidovoi. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 19 May 2012 239. SC (review notice on:) Ia. S. Lur'e, Izbrannye stat'i i pis'ma. Posted to H- EarlySlavic 18 May 2012 238. SC “new books installment 2” (A. N. Vlasov. Skazaniia i povesti o mestnochtimykh sviatykh i chudotvornykh ikonakh Vychegodsko- Severodvinskogo kraia XVI-XVIII vekov; D. M. Volodikhin. Sotsial’nyi sostav russkogo voevodskogo korpusa pri Ivane IV; A. Shaginian. Armeniia i strany iuzhnogo Kavkaza v usloviiakh viszantiisko-iranskoi i arabskoi vlasti; Diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries 1635-1699. Vol. II: 1659-1667; V. Matveenko, L. Shcegoleva, Knigi vremennye i obraznye Georgiia Monakha. T. 2, ch. 2. Dopolnenie. Istochniki khroniki Georgiia Monakha; Mitropolit Evgenii 26

(Bolkhovitinov). Istoriia kniazhestva Pskovskogo; V. D. Smirnov. Krymskoe khanstvo XIII-XV vv.). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 26 February 2012 237. SC “some new books” (A. A. Turilov. Ot Kirilla Filosofa do Konstantina Kostenetskogo i Vasiliia Sofiianina; I. K. Fomenko. Obraz mira na starinnykh portolanakh. Prichenomor’e konets XIII-XVII v.; I.A. Ustinova. Knigi patriarshikh prikazov 1620-1649 gg. kak istoricheskii istochnik; N. F. Demidova. Sluzhilaia biurokratiia v Rossii XVII veka (1625-1700). Biograficheskii spravochnik; Russkaia agiografiia. Issledovaniia. Materialy. Publikatsii. T. II; Steppenkrieger. Reiternomaden des 7.-14. Jahrhunderts aus der Mongolei, ed. Jan Bemmann). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 24 February 2012 (For my fuller reviews of Fomenko and Steppenkrieger, see items nos. 258 and 266 above.)

2011 236. A1 “Kto na samom dele "provintsialen"? Razmyshleniia o kontseptsii provintsial'nosti na primerakh Rossii rannego Novogo vremeni, Zapadnoi Evropy i Ameriki,” In: Kniga i literatura v kul'turnom prostranstve epokh (XI- XX veka). Posviashchaetsia 45-letiiu nauchno-pedagogicheskoi deiatel'nosti Eleny Ivanovny Dergachevoi-Skop. Sost. i otv. red. O. N. Fokina, V. N. Alekseev (Novosibirsk), 51-58. 235. R/SC (reviews and review notices of:) L. R. Kontsevich, Khronologiia stran Vostochnoi i Tsentral’noi Azii; S. E. Sidebotham, Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route; Analayo, The Genesis of the Bodhisattva Ideal; Iu. I. Elikhina, Kul’ty osnovnykh bodkhisattv i ikh zemnykh vopoloshenii; C. Baumer, China’s Holy Mountain; The National Museum of China; M. Comparetti, Samarcanda Centro del Mondo; Rus’ i Vostok v IX-XVI vekakh; V. I. Koval’, Keramika Vostoka na Rusi; F. B. Flood, Objects of Translation; Abu’l Fazl Behaqi, History; Xiongnu Archaeology; Mongolian-German Karakorum Expedition, I; Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology, 4; Literature and History of the Western Regions, 5; Youn-mi Kim, “Eternal Ritual in an Infinite Cosmos: The Chaoyang North Pagoda”; Lu Jing, “Liao Ceramics”; C. Kost, “Auf der Suche nach Identität. Bildpraxis im nordchinesischen Steppenraum”]. In: The Silk Road 9: 170-87. 234. R “The Spillings Hoard in the Gotlands Museum” (review of The Spillings Hoard – Gotland’s Role in the Viking Age, and accompanying museum exhibition), The Silk Road 9: 165-9. 233. R “The Gray Eminence of Kashgar Speaks” (review of: N. F. Petrovskii, Turkestanskie pis'ma), The Silk Road 9: 162-4. 27

232. R (review of:) L. F. Nedashkovskii, Zolotoordynskie goroda nizhenego Povolzh’ia i ikh okruga), The Silk Road 9: 159-61. 231. R “...Full of Sound and Fury...” (review of: V. S. Flërov, “Goroda” i “zamki” Khazarskogo kaganata. Arkheologicheskaia real’nost’), The Silk Road 9: 156-59. 230. AE (translation:) A. V. Lunkov et al. “The Frontier Fortification of the Liao Empire in Eastern Transbaikalia,” The Silk Road 9: 104-21. 229. A2 “The Chaoyang Northern Pagoda: A photo essay,” The Silk Road 9: 53- 70. 228. SC “From the Editor’s Desktop,” The Silk Road 9: 3. 227. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 9 (2011), 187 pp. Print and on-line editions 226. SC “The Train Car on the Siding: Central Asia and the 1991 Coup,” REECAS Newsletter, Autumn 2011. This essay is reprinted in no. 225, Tamerlane’s Heirs. 225. B1 Tamerlane’s Heirs. Perspectives on 1991 and Its Aftermath in Central Asia. Seattle: Bactrian Press, 2011. [iv] + 76 pp. (electronic publication) 224. A2 “Trade and Cultural Interaction through Central Asia, ca. 500-ca.1500.” Written in ca. 2003 for The World and its Peoples, a planned 50-vol. general encyclopedia by Brown Reference Group, London, which has ceased to exist. The typescript of the article is here: 223. A1 “Preface.” In: Xiongnu Archaeology. Multidisciplinary Prespectives of the First Steppe Empire in Inner Asia, ed. Ursula Brosseder and Bryan K. Miller. Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, Vol. 5. Bonn: Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie. Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhelms-Universität,: 15-18 [also, some editing contributions made to this volume]. 221, 222 AE [translations]: Pavel M. Leus. “New Finds from the Xiongnu Period in Central Tuva. Preliminary Communication,” pp. 516-22 (of 516-36); Sergei V. Khavrin. “Metal of the Xiongnu Period from the Terezin Cemetery, Tuva,” pp. 537-38. In: Xiongnu Archaeology. Multidisciplinary Prespectives of the First Steppe Empire in Inner Asia, ed. Ursula Brosseder and Bryan K. Miller. Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, Vol. 5. Bonn: Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie. Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhelms-Universität. 220. SC (review notice:) “Electronic Novgorodica” (website of the Novgorodskaia oblastnaia universal'naia nauchnaia biblioteka). Posted to H- EarlySlavic 23 December 2011 219. SC (review notice:) “Rybalko on bureaucracy during Smuta” (N. V. Rybalko. Rossiiskaia prikaznaia biurokratiia v Smutnoe vremia nachala XVII v.). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 3 December 2011 28

218. SC (review notice:) Vizantiiskii slovar’. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 3 December 2011 217. SC (review notice:) “Music from St. Catherine’s and the Furnace Play.” Posted to H-EarlySlavic 30 November 2011 216. SC (review notice:) “novinki” (Evrei i khristiane v pravoslavnykh obshchestvakh Vostochnoi Evropy; V. A. Matveenko and L. I. Shchëgoleva. Knigi vremennye i obraznye Georgiia Monakha; T. V. Sazonova. Kirillo- Novoezerskii monastyr’. Opyt izucheniia malykh i srednikh monastyrei Rossii XVI-XVII vv.; T. B. Karabasova. Kirill Novoezerskii. Istoriia pochitaniia. Issledovanie i teksty). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 17 October 2011 215. SC (review notice:) “new books” (Slaviano-russkii Prolog po drevneishim spiskam. Sinaksar’ [zhitiinaia chast’ Prologa kratkoi redaktsii] za sentiabr’- fevral’. T. I. Tekst i kommentarii; E. S. Smirnova. Iskusstvo knigi v srednevekovoi Rusi. Litsevye rukopisi Velikogo Novgoroda. XV vek). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 27 September 2011 214. SC (review notice:) E. V. Platonov. Chasovni Tikhvinskogo uezda (rubezh XIX-XX vv.). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 9 September 2011 213. SC (review notice:) “new publications in archaeology” (G. E. Dubrovin. Nikitinskii raskop v Novgorode; Rus’ i Vostok v IX-XVI vekakh. Novye arkheologicheskie issledovaniia; V. Iu. Koval’. Keramika Vostoka na Rusi IX- XVII veka). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 21 August 2011 (Note: for my more substantial reviews of the second and third titles, see item no. 216 above.) 212. R (review of:) S. M. Shamin, Kuranty XVII stoletiia. Evropeiskaia pressa v Rossii i vozniknovenie russkoi periodicheskoi pechati.Posted to H-EarlySlavic 30 May 2011 211. SC (review notice:) “Chechulin; Chentsova” (N. D. Chechulin. Russkaia provintsiia vo vtoroi polovine XVIII veka; V. G. Chentsova, Ikona Iverskoi Bogomateri [Ocherki istorii otnoshenii grecheskoi tserkvi s Rossiei v seredine XVII v. po dokumentam RGADA]). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 26 May 2011 29

210. SC (review notice:) “some resources” (1. Sotheby's Russian art sale; 2. S. A. Kirillina's "Ocharovannye stranniki"; 3. The website "Vostochnaia literatura: Srednevekovye istoricheskie istochniki"). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 19 May 2011 209. SC (review notice:) “new titles” (Drevniaia Rus' v svete zarubezhnykh istochnikov. Khrestomatiia. II. Vizantiiskie istochniki; Drevniaia Rus' v svete zarubezhnykh istochnikov. Khrestomatiia. IV. Zapadnoevropeiskie istochniki; B. N. Floria, Russkoe gosudarstvo i ego zapadnye sosedi (1655-1661 gg.); A. N. Vlasov, Zhitiinye povesti i skazaniia o sviatykh iurodivykh Prokopii i Ioanne Ustiuzhskikh; N. V. Savel'eva, Skazaniia XVII veka o sviatyniakh, sviatykh i podvizhnikakh Russkogo Severa: Pinega i Mezen'; A. L. Batalov, L. A. Beliaev, Sakral'noe prostranstvo srednevekovoi Moskvy.) Posted to H-EarlySlavic 6 February 2011

2010 208. A2 “The Silk Roads in History.” Expedition [journal of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology] 52/3: 9-22. ; 207. RA “Central Eurasians Everywhere” (review article on Christopher Beckwith, Empires of the Silk Road), Mongolian Studies XXXI (2009 [2010]): 289-306 206 A2 [photographs] “Images from Ancient Iran: Selected Treasures from the National Museum in Tehran. A photographic essay,” The Silk Road 8: 4-15. ; 205. R/SC (reviews and review notices:) The University of Bonn’s Contributions to Asian Archaeology; J. E. Hill, Through the Jade Gate to Rome; E. R. Knauer, Coats, Queens, and Cormorants; Y. Kadoi, Islamic Chinoiserie; S. Whitfield, ed., La Route de la Soie; J. Elverskog, Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road; “Khotan is Hot” (Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 8; Bulletin of the Asia Institute 19), in: The Silk Road 8: 125-36. 204. A1 (co-authored with Ursula Sims-Williams). “The Old Curiosity Shop in Khotan,” The Silk Road 8: 69-96. Translation into Chinese by Wang Jiqing and Jian Xiaoli: “和田的老古玩店,” 西域文史 (Xiyu wenshi. Literature and History of the Western Regions [Beijing]) 6 (2012): 325-62 + pls. 3-4 (not included in digital file here). 30

203. A1 “Nomads and Settlement: New Perspectives in the Archaeology of Mongolia,” The Silk Road 8: 97-124. 202. AE [translation:] V. E. Kulikov et al. “An Experiment in Studying the Felt Carpet from Noyon uul by the Method of Polypolarization,” The Silk Road 8: 63-68. 201. SC “From the Editor’s Desktop,” The Silk Road 8: 3 200 B2 (editor) The Silk Road 8 (2010), 138 pp. Print and on-line editions . 199. A1 (co-authored with Ingrid Maier) “‘The Blowing of the Messiah’s Trumpet’: Reports about Sabbatai Sevi and Jewish Unrest in 1665-1667,” in: The Dissemination of News and the Emergence of Contemporaneity in Early Modern Europe, ed. Brendan Dooley (Farnham, Surrey; Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing): 137-52. 198. A2 “Recovering Mongolia’s Past,” The REECAS Newsletter, Spring-Summer 2010 ; 197. SC (review notice:) “some new books” (L. V. Stoliarova, S. M. Kashtanov. Kniga v Drevnei Rusi [XI-XVI vv.]; O. S. Sapozhnikova. Russkii knizhnik XVII veka Sergei Shelonin. Redaktorskaia deiatel'nost'; Patrik Gordon. Dnevnik 1684-1689; S. A. Kirillina. ‘Ocharovannye stranniki’. Arabo-Osmanskii mir glazami rossiiskikh palomnikov XVI-XVIII stoletii; Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnoi Evropy. 2009 god. Transkontinental'nye i lokal'nye puti kak sotsiokul'turnyi fenomen). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 8 July 2010 196. SC (review notice:) K. Iu. Erusalimskii. Sbornik Kurbskogo. Posted to H- EarlySlavic 15 June 2010 195. SC (review notice:) “digital atlas” (Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 12 June 2010 194. SC (review notice:) “city censuses” (Perepisnaia kniga goroda Tveri 1709 goda). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 28 January 2010

2009 193. A1 “Virtual and Visual Realities: Cosmic Space in the Mogao Caves.” A seminar paper written in 1998 for the Silkroad Foundation/Dunhuang Institute program at the Dunhuang Mogao Caves. 31

192. RA “Paths Less Trodden,” The Silk Road 7: 2-7. 191 B2 (editor) The Silk Road 7 (2009), 84 pp. Print and on-line editions . 190. B2. P. B. Konovalov, The Burial Vault of a Xiongnu Prince at Sudzha (Il’movaia pad’, Transbaikalia). Translated by Daniel Waugh; edited and introduced by Daniel Waugh and Ursula Brosseder. (= Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, 3). Bonn: University of Bonn. 189. A2 “The Golden Horde and Russia,” in: Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire, ed. William Fitzhugh, Morris Rossabi and William Honeychurch, [Media, Pa.:] Dino Don: Mongolian Preservation Foundation; Washington, D.C.: Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution; [Seattle]: University of Washington Press: 172-79; reprint in preparation, 2013. 188. A1 (co-authored with Ingrid Maier) “How Well Was Muscovy Connected with the World?” in: Imperienvergleich: Beispiele und Anätze aus osteuropäischer Perspektive. Festschrift für Andreas Kappeler, ed. Guido Hausmann and Angela Rustemeyer (Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, Bd. 75) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz): 17-38. 187. SC (review notice:) “new titles” (T. V. Anisimova. Khronika Georgiia Amartola v drevnerusskikh spiskakh XIV-XVII vv.; E. K. Romodanovskaia. Rimskie Deianiia na Rusi). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 10 December 2009 186. SC (review notice:) “New titles: Muscovite kuranty” (Vesti-kuranty 1656 g. 1660-1662 gg. 1664-1670 gg. Ch. 1. Russkie teksty; Vesti-kuranty 1656 g. 1660- 1662 gg. 1664-1670 gg. Ch. 2. Inostrannye originaly k russkim tekstam). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 4 October 2009 185. SC “From the Editor’s Desktop,” The Silk Road 6/2: 2. 184 B2 (editor) The Silk Road 6/2 (2009), 67 pp. Print and on-line editions 183. SC (review notice:) “popular culture in the Russian North” (A. B. Moroz. Sviatye Russkogo Severa; P. S. Efimenko. Obychai i verovaniia krest'ian Arkhangel'skoi gubernii; T. A. Bernshtam. Narodnaia kul'tura Pomor'ia). Posted to H-EarlySlavic 23 May 2009 182. SC (review notice:) A. A. Frolov, N. V. Piotukh. Istoricheskii atlas Derevskoi piatiny Novgorodskoi zemli. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 23 May 2009


2008 181. A1 “News Sensations from the Front: Reportage in Late Muscovy concerning the Ottoman Wars,” in: Rude & Barbarous Kingdom Revisited:Essays in Russian History and Culture in Honor of Robert O. Crummey, ed. Chester Dunning, Russell Martin and Daniel Rowland (Bloomington, IN.: Kritika): 491-506 + 2 plates. 180. SC [book notice:] A. M. Leskov, The Maikop Treasure, in The Silk Road 6/1: 72. 179. AE [translation:] Vera Fominikh, “The Buddhist Monuments of Adjina- tepa,” The Silk Road 6/1: 38-43. 178. A2 “, Entrepreneurship and the Politics of Cultural Identity,” The Silk Road 6/1: 2-8. 177 B2 (editor) The Silk Road 6/1 (2008), 72 pp. Print and on-line editions 176. A2 “Rock Art and Surface Archaeology of Mongolia: Baga Oigor and Tsagaan Salaa,” in “Silk Road Seattle” 175. A2 “Xiongnu Archaeology Enters a New Century,” in “Silk Road Seattle” 174. A2 “Karakorum: Capital of the Mongol Empire and Heir to the Earlier Traditions of Urban Settlement in the Orkhon River Valley” (rev. and expanded version of earlier web page), in “Silk Road Seattle” 173. A2 “The Silk Roads and Eurasian Geography” (rev. and expanded version of earlier web page), in “Silk Road Seattle” 172. AE [translation:] Alma Kunanbaeva, “Food as Culture: The Kazakh Experience,” The Silk Road 5/2: 48-56. 171. RA “Beyond the Sensational: The Reiss-Engelhorn-Museums’ ‘Origins of the Silk Road’,” The Silk Road 5/2: 1-6. 170. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 5/2 (2008). 56 pp. 169. B2 Nikolai Findeizen, History of Music in Russia from Antiquity to 1800. Tr. S. W. Pring, ed. and annotated by Miloš Velimirovic and Claudia R. Jensen with the assistance of Malcolm H. Brown and Daniel C. Waugh. (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Univ. Pr.). 168. SC (review notice:) Yury Bobrov; ed. by Christ Entwhistle, A catalogue of the Russian icons in the British Museum. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 13 September 2008 167. SC (review notice:) Nikolai Findeizen, History of Music in Russia from Antiquity to 1800. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 5 February 2008 33

2007 166. A2 “Enhance Your Teaching of Central Eurasia with Images from Art Museum Collections on the Internet,” Central Eurasian Studies Review 6:1-2: 48-54. 165. SC [Conference Report:] “Marking the Centenary of Dunhuang”, The Silk Road 5/1: 68-72. (Chinese translation by Wu Jionjiong published as: “Dunghuang bainian” [敦煌百年], in: Xin xiyu cankao [信息与参考] 11 (2009): 92-95). 164. A1 “Richthofen’s ‘Silk Roads’: Toward the Archaeology of a Concept,” The Silk Road 5/1: 1-10. (For translation into Chinese of a slightly revised version of this article see no. 294 above). 163 B2 (editor) The Silk Road 5/1 (2007). 76 pp. Print and on-line editions 162. A1 “The Making of Chinese Central Asia,” Central Asian Survey 26/2: 235- 50 (A reprint is planned in The Journal of Central Asian Studies [Srinagar, Kashmir]). 161. A1 Etherton at Kashgar: Rhetoric and Reality in the History of the “Great Game.” (Seattle: Bactrian Press). 76 pp. On-line publication: . 160. A2. Editing and annotation of Museum Collections displays of photographs, in: “Silk Road Seattle” . 159. A1 “Continuity and Change in the Trade of Xinjiang into the 1920s,” in History and Society in Central and Inner Asia, ed. M. Gervers et al. Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia 8: 127-47. 158. SC “From the Editor,” The Silk Road 4/2: 1-4. 157. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 4/2 (2007). 68 pp. Print and on-line editions 156 SC (interview and photographs, in:) Ida Molinari, “Le Autostrade di Marco Polo,” Famiglia Cristiana LXXVII/22 (3 giugno 2007): 56-57. 155. SC “REECAS at Sixty: A ‘Liminal Stage’ in the Life of a Program?” REECAS Newsletter, Spring 2007: 1-2. 154. SC (review notice:) “Internet resource” , , . Posted to H- EarlySlavic 7 March 2007 153. SC (review notice:) Gunilla Larsson. Ship and Society: Maritime Ideology in Late Iron Age Sweden. Posted to H-EarlySlavic 3 March 2007

2006 34

152. A1 “Mestnoe samosoznanie, religiia i ‘izobretenie’ regional'nogo proshlogo” (Local identity, religion and the "invention" of a regional past), Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury 57: 350-58. 151. A1 “The Challenges of Preserving Evidence of Chinese Lacquerware in Xiongnu Graves,” The Silk Road 4/1: 32-36. 150. SC [obituary:] “Boris Il’ich Marshak. July 9, 1933-July 28, 2006,” The Silk Road 4/1: 4. 149. SC “From the Editor,” The Silk Road 4/1: 1-3. 148. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 4/1 (2006). 64 pp. Print and on-line editions

147. SC “From the Editor,” The Silk Road 3/2 (2006): 1-2. 146. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 3/2 (2006). 44 pp. Print and on-line editions. 145. A2. Editing and annotation of Museum Collections displays of photographs, in: “Silk Road Seattle” .

2005 144. SC (with Ali F. İğmen) “Central Eurasia Across the Curriculum and Beyond Institutional Walls: A Tale from Real Life,” Central Eurasian Studies Review 4/2: 43-45. 143. SC “From the Editor,” The Silk Road 3/1: 1-2. 142. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 3/1 (2005). 60 pp. Print and on-line editions 141. A2. “Almaliq” ; “The Silk Roads and Eurasian Geography” ; editing and annotation for various Museum Collections displays of photographs, in: “Silk Road Seattle” . 140. R Frances Wood, The Silk Road: Two Thousand Years in the Heart of Asia; in: Canadian-American Slavic Studies 39/2-3: 359-61. 139. AE Editor: “The Kyrgyz Epic Manas: Selections,” translated, introduced and annotated by Elmira Köçümkulkïzï, published on the Silkroad Foundation website . 138. A2 “Silk Road Seattle” (description of featured Internet-based collection), D-Lib Magazine 11/2. .

2004 137. A2 Essays on “Constantinople/Istanbul,” “Karakorum” and “Mshatta,” published on the Internet in the Cities and Architecture section of “Silk Road Seattle” . 35

136. A1 “K voprosu o datirovke Velikoretskogo krestnogo khoda,” in Gertsenka: Viatskie zapiski (annual of the Kirov Regional Library), Vyp. 6: 128-136. 135. A1 “Religion and Regional Identities: the Case of Viatka and the Miracle- Working Icon of St. Nicholas Velikoretskii,” in: Die Geschichte Russlands im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert aus der Perspektive seiner Regionen, hrsg. von Andreas Kappeler (=Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte 63) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz): 259-78. 134. SC “From the Editor,” The Silk Road 2/2: 1-2. 133. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 2/2 (2004).56 pp. Print and on-line editions 132. SC “From the Editor,” The Silk Road 2/1: 1-2. 131. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 2/1 (2004). 40 pp. Print and on-line editions 130. R Svat Soucek, History of Inner Asia; in Canadian-American Slavic Studies 38/3: 357-359. 129. A1 “The Physical and Human Geography of Inner Asia in the Early 1920s Through the Eyes and Lens of C. P. Skrine,” in Cultural Interaction and Conflict in Central and Inner Asia. Papers presented at the Central and Inner Asia Seminar University of Toronto, 3-4 May 2002 and 23-24 May 2003 (=Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia, No. 6) (Toronto: Asian Institute, University of Toronto): 87-100. 128. SC “Honoring the Memory of Academician Dmitrii Sergeevich Likhachev,” in: REECAS Newsletter, Spring 2004. 127. SC “For What Purpose Did an American Come to Lal'sk,” in REECAS Newsletter, Spring 2004 ; accompanied by a web-based slide show “Travels in the Russian North.” 126. SC (co-authored with Nadir Devlet), "Teaching about Central Asia at Yeditepe University, Istanbul," Central Eurasian Studies Review, 3/1: 39-40. 125. R Scott Levi, The Indian Diaspora in Central Asia and its Trade, 1550- 1900; in: Slavic Review, 63/1: 180.

2003 124. A2 (co-authored with Adela Lee) “Travelers on the Silk Road”. (A descriptive listing and bibliography.) 123. SC “From the Editor,” The Silk Road 1/2: 1-2. 122. B2 (editor) The Silk Road 1/2 (2003). 56 pp. Print and on-line editions 121. SC "C. P. Skrine in Kashgaria," Central Eurasian Studies Review, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 13-15. (Description of research in progress.) 36

120. B1 Istoriia odnoi knigi: Viatka i "ne-sovremennost'" v russkoi kul'ture Petrovskogo vremeni (S.-Peterburg: "Dmitrii Bulanin"), 395 pp. (The History of a Book: Viatka and “Non-Modernity” in Russian Culture in the Time of Peter the Great.) 119. A2 "Unpacking Evidence—Objects," for NEH-funded "World History Matters" Project at George Mason University. On-line at: . The final segment of this multi-part essay, an innovative contextualization of the Vienna exhibits concerning the Sarajevo Assassination in 1914, has not yet been posted. 118. A2 "The Authoritarian Politics of Central Asia," in The Democratic Process: Promises and Challenges. A resource guide produced for the Democracy Education Exchange Project (DEEP) (American Forum for Global Education): 37-53. The entire book is available on-line at: ; my essay has been reprinted in my no. 207, Tamerlane’s Heirs: . 117. R After the Fact Interactive: Tracing the Silk Roads. (CD-ROM); in REECAS Newsletter, Spring. 116. B2 Vagabond Life: The Caucasus Journals of George Kennan, Edited, with an Introduction and Afterword by Frith Maier, With Contributions by Daniel C. Waugh (Seattle: UW Press), 266 pp. (My contributions included substantial re-writing of portions of the introduction, compilation of chronology, checking and some additional editing of the Kennan texts, selection of photos, indexing, drafting of maps. The book includes a few of my photographs.)

2002 115. SC “Silk Road Seattle,” Central Eurasian Studies Review 1/1: 37. 114. A2 “Wu Jian's Images of the Silk Road and the Art of the Mogao Caves,” in: [Daniel Waugh ed., ] Images from the Silk Road: Photographs by Gary Tepfer and Wu Jian [a gallery guide distributed for the Silk Road Seattle photo exhibit under that title, held in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery at University of Washington], pp. 7-19. 113. A2 Web pages for "Silk Road Seattle" on: "Xi'an," "Delhi: Sultanate Architecture," "Delhi: Humayun's Tomb," "Agra: Itimad al-Dawla," "Fatehpur Sikri," "Samarkand," "Bursa"; Traditional Cultures in Central Asia (co-authored with Elmira Köçümkulkïzï): "Dwellings," "Food," "Religion," "Animals,"; for SR Seattle's virtual exhibit "Art of the Silk Road": "Rome's Eastern Trade," "Byzantium and the East," "The Mongols," "Yungang," "Chang'an (Xi'an)," "The Uighurs," "The Tanguts," "The Timurids," "Dunhuang and the Mogao Caves," "Mughal India's Timurid Heritage," "The Oases of the Northern Tarim Basin,"; also, extensive annotated resource lists under "Teaching/Learning Guides." 112. R “The Challenge of Introducing Central Asia to Young Readers” (review of: Cherese Cartlidge, Charles Clark, The Central Asian States), in Central Eurasian Studies Review 1/3: 30-31 37

. 111. AE [translation:] A. I. Filiushkin, “Methodological Innovations in the Study of the Russian Middle Ages,” in Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, 3/1: 89-110. 110. SC “Exploring the Byways of the Silk Road,” REECAS Newsletter, Autumn/Winter: 23. 109. SC “The Need for a New Perspective on Central Asia,” REECAS Newsletter, Autumn/Winter: 3-4 (text of comments delivered at “Day of Remembrance” symposium). ; reprinted in no. 207, Tamerlane’s Heirs: 108. A2 (co-authored with James West) “Not Enough and Far Too Much: The promises and frustrations of the Internet in Slavic Studies,” AAASS NewsNet, January: 15-20.

2001 107. R Andrew Bell-Fialkoff, ed., The Role of Migration in the History of the Eurasian Steppe: Sedentary Civilization vs. “Barbarian” and Nomad; in: Nationalities Papers 29/3: 538-540. 106. A1 “We Have Never Been Modern: Approaches to the Study of Russia in the Age of Peter the Great,” Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 49: 321-45. 105. A2 “Novgorod — An Old City Forever New (and Renewed),” REECAS Newsletter, Autumn/Winter 2000/2001: 4-6. With an ongoing project of an accompanying web site, “Novgorod Resources” < http://jsis.washington.edu/ellison/newsletters/fallwinter_01/fallwinter_news.pdf> , which so far includes: *Novgorod's Monuments and Historical Memory *Novgorod Churches and their Frescoes *Reconstructions, Restorations and Additions *The Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Wooden Architecture *A Novgorod Chronology 104. A2 “A Sven Hedin Chronology,” Silkroad Foundation website . 103. A2 “A Sven Hedin Bibliography,” Silkroad Foundation website .

2000 102. A2 “The Pax Mongolica,” Silkroad Foundation website . 101. R Thomas T. Allsen, Commodity and exchange in the Mongol empire: A cultural history of Islamic textiles, in: Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter- Faith Studies (Amman, Jordan) 2/1: 196-198. 38

100. RA "The Challenges of Learning about the Silk Road," REECAS Newsletter, Winter: 5-7. (On: Susan Whitfield, Life along the Silk Road; Richard C. Foltz, Religions of the Silk Road; Ian Gillman and Hans-Joachim Klimkeit, Christians in Asia before 1500).

1999 99. A1 “The ‘Mysterious and Terrible Karatash Gorges’: Notes and Documents on the Explorations by Stein and Skrine,” The Geographical Journal 165/3: 306-20. 98. SC [Obituary] “Remembering Academician Dmitrii Sergeevich Likhachev,” REECAS Newsletter, Fall 1999: 9, 18. 97. SC “Central Asia After Eight Years of Independence,” REECAS Newsletter, Fall 1999: 1, 4-6. ; reprinted in no. 207, Tamerlane’s Heirs: 96. SC “Introduction” to memorial Festschrift for A. A. Zimin, in: Russian History 25/1: 7-10. 95. A1 “K izucheniiu fal'sifikatsii pis'mennykh istochnikov po istorii srednevekovoi Rossii” (Toward the Study of the Falsification of Written Sources for the History of Medieval Russia), Russian History 25/1-2 (1998) [=Memorial Festschrift for A. A. Zimin]: 11-20. (This is full text of paper abstracted in No. 73.) 94. A1 “Novoe o ‘Povesti o strane Viatskoi’” (New Material Concerning the "Tale about the Viatka Land"), in: Evropeiskii Sever v kul'turno-istoricheskom protsesse (K 625-letiiu goroda Kirova), ed. V. V. Nizov (Kirov): 350-80. 93. B2 Co-editor, with M. Holt Ruffin, Civil Society in Central Asia (Seattle: University of Washington Press), ix, 331 pp. (My contributions included some general editing of more than half of the articles, substantial re-writing and/or translating of some. Also, I was co-organizer of the international conference out of which the book came.) 92. R Donald Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols: Cross-Cultural Influences on the Steppe Frontier, 1304-1589, in: The Medieval Review (on-line) , posted March 15, 1999.

1998 91. SC “In the Footsteps of Xuanzang,” REECAS Newsletter, Autumn 1998: 1, 5-6. 90. A2 “Exploring the ‘Kongur Alps’; Unknown Side of Mustagh Ata,” The Himalayan Journal (Bombay) 54: 25-32, plus 4 photographs. 39

89. R Max J. Okenfuss, The Rise and Fall of Latin Humanism in Early-Modern Russia: Pagan Authors, Ukrainians, and the Resiliency of Muscovy, in: The Russian Review 57/2: 283-5.

1997 88. A1 “K istorii viatskogo letopisaniia,” in: In Memoriam. Sbornik pamiati Ia. S. Lur'e (St. Petersburg: Antheneum-Feniks), pp. 303-20. (On the History of Viatka Chronicle Writing) (Same as no. 85.) 87. R “Is There a Future for CD-ROMs?” REECAS Newsletter, Autumn 1997 (review of: The Hermitage; Treasures of Russia, and The Silk Road: Digital Journey). 86. R Simon Franklin and Jonathan Shepard, The Emergence of Rus 750-1200, in The Medieval Review, on-line: (posted 10/2/97). 85. A1 “Anatolievskii sbornik i problemy viatskogo letopisaniia” (Anatolii's Miscellany and Problems of Viatka Chronicle Writing), in: Shvedy i russkii sever: istoriko-kul'turnye sviazi (K 210-letiiu Aleksandra Lavrent'evicha Vitberga). Materialy Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma (Kirov): 336- 54. The same article also was published as item no. 88 above. 84. A1 “Anatolii's Miscellany: Its Origins and Migration,” in Harvard Ukrainian Studies 19: 747-55. 83. A1 “Correspondence Concerning the ‘Correspondence,’” in Harvard Ukrainian Studies (=Kamen' Kraeug"l'n". Essays presented to Edward L. Keenan on his Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students), 19 (1995!): 23-65. 82. SC Letter to Editor, Slavic Review, 56/1: 186. (Note: a correction of a mistake by the editors was published in a subsequent number.) 81. A2 “Discovering Vyatka,” REECAS Newsletter, Winter 1997: 2-3, 15.

1996 80. SC [Interview:] “Amerikanskii uchenyi nashel khlynovskuiu rukopis' vremen Petra Velikogo,” Viatskii nabliudatel', No. 84 (306), 15 Nov.: 4. 79. SC [Abstract of conference paper:] “Svidetel'stvo Anatolievskogo sbornika o kul'ture Viatki v nachale XVIII veka,” in: Religiia i tserkov' v kul'turno- istoricheskom razvitii russkogo severa (K 450-letiiu prepodobnogo Trifona, viatskogo chudotvortsa). Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, 2 vols. (Kirov), Vol. 2: 53-4. 78. A2 “Experiencing the Adventure of REECAS,” REECAS Newsletter, Winter 1996: 1-2.

1994 77. R B. Uspenskij, Semiotik der Geschichte; in: Speculum, 69/3: 907-9. 40

1993 76. SC “A Proposed Baltic Studies Summer Institute (BALSSI),” Baltic Studies Newsletter, September: 15-16 (also publ. in slightly different version in Bridges: Lithuanian-American News Journal, December: 12-13)

1992 75. R Deutsche und Deutschland aus russischer Sicht, 11.-17. Jahrhundert, ed. Dagmar Herrmann, in English Historical Review 107: 996-7.

1990 74. R Ralph Cleminson, comp., A Union Catalogue of Cyrillic Manuscripts in British and Irish Collections; in: Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 24/4: 457- 58. 73. SC “Po povodu fal'sifikatsii pis'mennykh istochnikov i predstavlenii o nei na drevnei Rusi,” in Spornye voprosy otechestvennoi istorii XI-XVIII vekov. Tezisy dokladov i soobshchenii Pervykh chtenii, posviashchennykh pamiati A. A. Zimina, Moskva, 13-18 maia 1990 g., ch. 2 (Moscow): 266-7. (Abstract of conference paper; its full publication listed as no. 95 above.)

1988 72. R Theofanis G. Stavrou and Peter R. Weisensel, Russian Travelers to the Christian East from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century; in: The Russian Review, 47/2: 182-3. 71. R George P. Majeska, Russian Travelers to Constantinople in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries; in: Russian History, 15/2-4: 449-50 (also printed in 16/1: 120-22).

1987 70. SC “Selected Recent Soviet Publications,” in: Mesa Bulletin, 21/1: 117-19. (Concerning: L. Kh. Ter-Mkrtichian, Armianskie istochniki o Srednei Azii VIII- XVII vv.; N. A. Ivanov, Osmanskoe zavoevanie arabskikh stran 1516-1574; R. Mikhneva, Rossiia i Osmanskaia imperiia v mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniiakh v seredine XVIII veka (1739-1756); Iu. A. Petrosian, Turetskaia publitsistika epokhi reform v Osmanskoi imperii (konets XVIII-nachalo XX vv.); Arabskie istochniki XII-XIII vekov po etnografii i istorii Afriki iuzhnee Sakhary). 69. A1 “The Unsolved Problem of Tsar Ivan IV's Library,” Russian History 14/1- 4: 395-408.

1986 41

68. SC Theofanis G. Stavrou and Peter R. Weisensel, Russian Travelers to the Christian East from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century, in MESA Bulletin 20/2: 272. 67. A1 “The Library of Aleksei Mikhailovich,” Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte 38: 299-324. 66. R S. O. Shmidt, Rossiiskoe gosurdarstvo v seredine XVI stoletiia: tsarskii arkhiv i litsevye letopisi vremeni Ivana Groznogo, in: Slavic Review 45/2: 315- 16.

1985 65. SC “Short Notices of Recent Soviet Publications,” in: MESA Bulletin 19/2: 268-71. (The following items reviewed: Shildtberger, Puteshestvie; Mezhdunarodnye kongressy vostokovedov 1873-1983 gg. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel'; Ashurbeili, Gosudarstvo Shirvanshakhov; Istochnikovedenie i tekstologiaa srednevekovogo Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka; Khidoiatov, Britanskaia ekspansiia v Srednei Azii (Pende, mart 1885 g.); Mukhammad al- Khorezmi (2 books); T. M. Kalinina, Svedeniia al-Khorezmi o Vostochnoi Evrope i Srednei Azii). 64. SC “Short Notices of Recent Soviet Publications,” in: MESA Bulletin, 19/1: 120-2. (concerning: R. I. Amirbekian, “Sufiiskaia tematika miniatiur arabopersidskogo fonda Maternadarana”; Kelur-name (staro-uzbeksko- tadzhiksko-persidskii slovar' XVII v); Sharaf-nama-ii shakhi (Kniga shakhskoi slavy), I; Osmanskaia imperiia i strany Tsentral'noi, Vostochnoi i Iugo- Vostochnoi Evropy v XV-XVI vv.) 63. R S. A. and B. J. Zenkovsky, ed. and tr., The Nikonian Chronicle from the Beginning to the Year 1132 (vol. 1) in Slavic Review 44/2: 316-7. 62. A1 “Tekst o nebesnom znamenii 1672 g. (k istorii evropeiskikh sviazei moskovskoi kul'tury poslednei treti XVII v.),” in Problemy izucheniia kul'turnogo naslediia (Moscow: Nauka): 201-8. (A Festschrift for Academician D. S. Likhachev.) 61. SC M. Hellmann, ed., Handbuch der Geschichte Russlands, I: 10-11; in Speculum 60/1: 222. 60. A1 “A. A. Zimin's Study of the Sources for Medieval and Early Modern Russian History,” in Waugh, ed., Essays in Honor of A.. A. Zimin: 1-58. 59. B1 Essays in Honor of A. A. Zimin (Columbus, O.: Slavica), xiv + 416 pp. (work included writing dedication, editor's note, compiling apparatus including index, typing camera-ready copy)

1984 58. R R. G. Skrynnikov, Ivan the Terrible, in: Slavic Review 43/3: 470-71. 57. R Vodni znatsi v osmanoturetskite dokumenti, in: MESA Bulletin 18/2: 257- 58. 42

56. SC “Selected Russian Publications,” MESA Bulletin 18/1: 116-118. (The following books reviewed: Bibliografiia arabskikh rukopisei, I. B. Mikhailova comp.; A. G. Mukhamadiev, Bulgaro-tatarskaia monetnaia sistema (XII-XV vv.); Hilal as-Sabi, Ustanovleniia i obychai dvora khalifov (Rusum dar al- khilafa); Kirgiziia pri Karakhanidakh; A. M. Stanislavskaia, Politicheskaia deiatel'nost' F. F. Ushakova v Gretsii 1788-1800 gg.; Srednevekovyi Vostok, Istoriia, kul'tura, istochnikovedenie). 55. R N. N. Zarubin, Biblioteka Ivana Groznogo: Rekonstruktsiia i bibliograficheskoe opisanie; in Slavic Review 43/1: 95. 54. R N. N. Rozov, Kniga v Rossii v XV veke; in Slavic Review 43/1: 94.

1983 53. SC “Selected Short Notices of Recent Soviet Publications,” Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 17/2: 249-251. (The following books reviewed: Evliia Chelebi, Kniga puteshestviia,,,,. vyp. 3; E.A. Davidovich, Istoriia denezhnogo obrashcheniia srednevekovoi Srednei Azii; Sadr al-din Ali al- Husaini, Akhbar al daulat al-saldjugiia; Fadlallah Rashid al-Din, Djami al- tawarikh, t. 2, ch. 1; Bibliografiia Turtsii. Literatura na russkom iazyke (1917- 1975 gg.); A.M. Vasil'ev, Bibliografiia Saudovskoi Aravii; K.A. Boiko, Arabskaia istoricheskaia literatura v Egipte (VII-IX vv.))

1982 52. RA “A Brilliant Book for the Study of Muscovite History” [on B.M. Kloss, Nikonovskii svod i russkie letopisi XVI-XVII vekov], Russian History 9/1: 111- 120. 51. R Daniel Kaiser, The Growth of the Law in Medieval Russia; in Canadian- American Slavic Studies 16/1: 153-155.

1981 50. SC A.S. Matevosian, “Drevneishaia armianskaia rukopis na bumage,” Pamiatniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytiia. Pis'mennost'. Iskusstvo. Arkheologiia. Ezhegodnik 1976 (Moscow, 1977): 7-11; in: IPH Information, Jhrg. 15, No. 3: 104. 49. SC S.A. Klepikov, “O gerbovoi bumage,” Istochnikovedenie i arkheografiia Sibiri (Novosibirsk, 1977): 124-133; in: IPH Information, Jhrg. 15, No. 3: 104. 48. R N.A. Kazakova, Zapadnaia Europa v russkoi pis'mennosti XV-XVI vekov, in Slavic Review 40/4: 638-639. 47. R B.L. Fonkich, Grechesko-russkie kul'turnye sviazi v XV-XVII vv., in Russian History 8/3: 414-416.

1980 43

46. SC [Obituary:] “Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Zimin (1920-1980),” The Russian Review 39/3: 390-392. 45. R Alexandre Bennigsen, et al., eds., Le Khanat de Crimee dans les Archives du Musee du Palais de Topkapi; in: The Russian Review 39/1: 71-72. 44. R A.A. Zimin, Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossii XVI stoletiia: Opyt rekonstruktsii; in: The Russian Review 39/1: 69-71. 43. A2 “Leningrad,” The World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 12 (Chicago, etc.): 171-173. (Unsigned.) 42. A1 “Ioannikii Galiatovs'kyi's Polemics against Islam and Their Muscovite Translations,” Harvard Ukrainian Studies, 3-4 (=Eucharisterion: Essays presented to Omeljan Pritsak on his Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students): 908-19. 41. B1 Slavianskie rukopisi Sobraniia F.A. Tolstogo: Materialy k istorii sobraniia i ukazateli starykh i novykh shifrov. Leningrad: Biblioteka Akademii nauk SSSR. (Slightly revised hard-copy reprint of item 24.)

1979 40. R Carl Göllner, Turcica. III. Band. Die Türkenfrage in der öffentlichen Meinung Europas im 16. Jahrhundert; in: Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 13/2: 49-50. 39. A1 “News of the False Messiah: Reports on Shabbetai Zevi in Ukraine and Muscovy,” Jewish Social Studies 41/3-4: 301-22. 38. A1 “Two Unpublished Muscovite Chronicles,” Oxford Slavonic Papers, N. S., 12: 1-31. (The pdf version, no. 260 above, includes a new introduction and an unpublished essay on palaeography and a posited Kholmogory scriptorium, that essay having originally been intended for publication with the rest of the article in OSP.) 37. A1 “’Odolenie na Turskoe tsarstvo’--pamiatnik antituretskoi publitsistiki XVII v.” (“Victory over the Turkish Empire” — a Monument of Seventeenth- Century Anti-Turkish Propaganda), Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury 33: 88-107.

1978 36. B1 The Great Turkes Defiance: On the History of the Apocryphal Correspondence of the Ottoman Sultan in Its Muscovite and Russian Variants, with a foreward by Academician Dmitrii Sergeevich Likhachev. (Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers). ix, 354 pp. 35. R Handbuch der Geschichte Russlands, ed. M. Hellmann et al., Bd. I, fasc. 1; in Speculum 53/3: 579-581. 34. SC Ia. D. Isaevich, “Novoe issledovanie po filigranologii,” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1974 god (Moscow, 1975), pp. 339-341; in: IPH Information, Jhrg. 11, Nos. 3-4: 120. 44

1977 33. SC A. P. Terent'ev-Katanskii, “Bumaga iz Khara-Khoto,” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1966 god (Moscow, 1968): 3-13; in: IPH Information, Jhrg. 11, Nos. 3-4: 120. 32. SC T. V. Dianova, “Metod datirovki dokumentov s pomoshch'iu vodianykh zanakov i printsipy publikatsii filigranei,” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1974 god (Moscow, 1975): 46-61; in: IPH Information, Jhrg. 11, Nos.3-4: 116. (My reply to the author's critique of my item no. 4.) 31. A1 “K izucheniiu istorii rukopisnogo sobraniia P. M. Stroeva [pt. 2],” Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury 32: 133-164. (Pt. 1 listed below as no. 23.) (The on-line version, no. 261 above, includes an explanatory introduction written in 2013.) 30. A1 “Azbuka znakami lits: Egyptian Hieroglyphs in the Privy Chancellery Archive,” Oxford Slavonic Papers, N. S., 10: 46-50 (plus four plates). 29. R Problemy paleografii i kodikologii v SSSR; in American Historical Review 82/5: 1291-92. 28. R Review of O. Ja. Macjuk (item 19 above); in IPH Information, N. F., Jhrg. 11, Nr. 1: 27-32. (reprint of no. 19) 27. R Ia. S. Lur'e, Obshcherusskoe leptopisanie XIV-XV vv.; in The Russian Review 36/3: 351-52. 26. R Jaroslaw Pelenski, Russia and Kazan: Conquest and Imperial Ideology (1438-1560s); in: Speculum 52/2: 415-18. 25. A1 “The Lessons of the Kurbskii Controversy Regarding the Study and Dating of Old Russian Manuscripts,” in: Don K. Rowney and G. Edward Orchard, eds., Russian and Slavic History, (Columbus, O.: Slavica Publishers): 218-37. (The online version includes some retrospective notes written in 2011). 24. B1 Slavianskie rukopisi Sobraniia grafa F. A. Tolstogo: Materialy k istorii sobraniia i ukazateli nyneshnikh i prezhnikh shifrov (The Slavic Manuscripts in the Collection of Count F. A. Tolstoi: Materials on the History of the Collection and Indexes to the Current and Former Code Numbers), Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Company. 121 pp. (microfiche ed.; reprinted in hard copy 1980; see no. 41).

1976 23. A1 “K izucheniiu istorii rukopisnogo sobraniia P. M. Stroeva [pt. 1]” (Toward the Study of the History of P. M. Stroev's Manuscript Collection), Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury (Instituta russkoi literatury Akademii nauk SSSR [Leningrad]) 30: 184-203. (pt. 2 listed as no. 31) (The on-line version, no. 261 above, includes an explanatory introduction written in 2013.) 45

1975 22. SC E. P. Mamatova, “Filigran' rukopisnykh pamiatnikov,” Russkaia rech', 1974, No. 1: 82-87; in IPH Information, N. F., Jhrg. 9, Nr. 4: 76. 21. SC “On S. A. Klepikov's Recent Articles,” IPH Information, N. F., Jhrg. 9, Nr. 2: 39-40; Nr. 3: 54-55.

1974 20. SC “News of Publications in the Armenian, Georgian and Ukrainian SSR,” IPH Information, N. F., Jhrg. 8, Nr. 3: 59. 19. R O. Ja. Macjuk, Papir ta filihrani na ukrajins'kyx zemljax (XVI-pocatok XX st.); in Recenzija 5/1: 28-37. (Reprinted 1977; see no. 28) 18. R G. A. Perfecky, tr. and ed., The Galician-Volynian Chronicle: An Annotated Translation; in Slavic Review 33/4: 769-71. Reply to correspondence regarding the review, in Slavic Review 34/2: 455-56. 17. SC Russia Medievalis, Tomus I; in Slavic Review 33/4: 772. 16. R Ian Grey, Boris Godunov: The Tragic Tsar; in American Historical Review 79/5: 1596-97. 15. R A. Kappeler, Ivan Groznyj im Spiegel der auslaendischen Druckschriften seiner Zeit; in Slavic Review 33/3: 534. 14. R G. Vernadsky, et al., eds., A Source Book for Russian History from Early Times to 1917, Vol. I; in Slavic Review 33/2: 336-37. 13. R P. K. Grimsted, Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR: Moscow and Leningrad; in Slavic Review 33/1: 148-49.

1973 12. RA “The Publication of Muscovite Kuranty,” Kritika 9/3: 104-120. 11. R S. M. Kashtanov, Ocherki russkoi diplomatiki; in Slavic Review 32/1: 158-60.

1972 10. SC R. M. Pataridze, “Vodianyi znak ‘tre lune’, gruzinskikh rukopisei,” Paleografiuli Dziebani, II (Tbilisi, 1969): 59-102; in: IPH Information, N. F., Jhrg. 6, Nr. 3: 76. 9. SC T. V. Dianova, “Al'bom-ukazatel' vodianykh znakov bumagi XVII v. po rukopisiam Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeia,” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1968 god (Moscow, 1970): 459; in: IPH Information, N. F., Jhrg. 6, Nr. 3: 74. 46

8. SC “A Report on Russian Watermark Studies,” IPH Information [Bulletin of the International Association of Paper Historians], N. F. Jhrg. 6, Nr. 3: 73. 7. A1 “Neizvestnyi pamiatnik drevnerusskoi literatury: ‘Gramota gosudaria tsaria i velikogo kniazia Ivana Vasil'evicha vsea Rusii k Stepanu, koroliu pol'skomu’” (An Unknown Monument of Old Russian Literature: “Epistle of the Sovereign Tsar and Grand Prince of All Rus' to Stepan, King of Poland”), Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1971 god (Moscow): 357-61. (The on-line version includes an introduction written in 2013 explaining circumstances regarding the publication.)

1971 6. A1 Appendix I to Edward L. Keenan, The Kurbskii-Groznyi Apochrypha: The Seventeenth-Century Genesis of the “Correspondence” Attributed to Prince A. M. Kurbskii and Tsar Ivan IV (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press), pp. 103-151, 226-230, comprising: “De visu Description of Manuscripts Containing the Correspondence”; “The Writings About the Translation of the Savior's Robe to Moscow in 1625: Materials for Further Study”; “Notes on Seventeenth-Century Translations from the Polish Kronika of Alexander Guagnini.” 5. A1 “On the Origin of the ‘Correspondence’ between the Sultan and the Cossacks,” Recenzija: A Review of Soviet Ukrainian Scholarly Publications 1/2: 3-46.

1970 4. RA “Soviet Watermark Studies--Achievements and Prospects,” Kritika 6/2: 78-111 Summary and partial translation by T. Gerardy in IPH Information (Bulletin of the International Association of Paper Historians), N. F., Jhrg. 5, Nr. 3 (1971): 62-66.

1967 3. R R. G. Skrynnikov, Nachalo oprichniny; in: Kritika 4/1: 17-25. 2. R O. P. Markova, Rossiia, Zakavkaz'e i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia v XVIII veke; in: Kritika 3/3: 26-34. 1. R N. N. Bolkohovitinov, Stanovlenie russko-amerikanskikh otnoshenii, 1775- 1815; in: Kritika: A Review of Current Soviet Books on Russian History 3/2: 10-20.