SSeeccoonndd QQuuaarrtteerr BBuuddggeett IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn RReeppoorrtt


Department of Finance and Economic Planning 2020-2021

Baringo County Office of the Governor, County Government of Baringo P.O. Box 53-30400 Tel: 053-21077 Email: [email protected]/[email protected] Website:

Foreword Pursuant to article 183 of the Constitution, the County Executive Committee is mandated to manage and coordinate the functions of the county administration and its departments and make regular reports to the County Assembly about the county. Additionally, Section 166 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012 requires Accounting Officer to prepare and submit timely quarterly reports which shall be published and shared with the Controller of Budget, the National Treasury and the Commission of Revenue Allocation.

The law specifies that the reports shall contain both financial and non-financial information. The reports are aimed at improving transparency and enhancing oversight over the financial and non-financial per- formance of our institutions and public entities. Indeed, reporting on both financial and non-financial per- formance is important in measuring the performance of government institutions. As such, a uniform sys- tem of collecting, storing, consolidating and analyzing financial and non-financial information is essen- tial. While financial information (expenditure and revenue) is critical for determining the costs and efficien- cies of programmes/objectives/activities, non-financial information is equally important for assessing progress towards predetermined service delivery or performance targets.This report indicates budget im- plementation performance of all the departments for the second quarter of the financial year 2020/2021. Thereport is based on analysis of financial and non-financial performance submitted to the County Treas- ury, financial reports generated from the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) and financial information analyzed from financial receipts from National Treasury. Further, the report highlights the key challenges encountered by the departments during budget implementation and suggest- ed measures to address the challenges.The information on implementation of the budget is presented on aggregate and on individual department. This report also includes performance trends, which is a useful trajectory of revenue and expenditure performance.

The information herein is useful to our stakeholders including; policy makers, County legislators, ana- lysts, and the general public. While successful budget implementation depends on a number of factors within and outside of goverment, public participation and effective monitoring of its implementation re- main critical principles. It is my hope that this report will generate interest and participation by the public and other stakeholders in monitoring budget implementation by this administration.

I urge all readers to constructively engage the Government in order to improve prudence in utilization of public funds.

Richard Rotich (PhD) CECM Finance and Economic Planning

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Table of Contents FOREWORD...... 2 CHAPTER 1: BUDGET OVERVIEW ...... 4

1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 4 1.1 Overall Budget for Financial Year 2020-2021 ...... 4 1.2 Budget Key Highlights ...... 4 1.3 Expected Revenue Estimates ...... 5 1.4 Allocation per Department...... 6 1.5 Quarter Financial Review ...... 7 CHAPTER 2: FINANCIAL REPORT ...... 8 2.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 8 2.1 Revenue and Expenditure...... 8 2.2 Local Revenue Analysis ...... 8 2.3 Overall Expenditure Analysis ...... 11 CHAPTER 3: DEPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS- NON-FINANCIAL ...... 16

3.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 16 3.1 County Assembly ...... 16 3.2 Department of Finance and Economic Planning ...... 20 INTRODUCTION: INTERNAL AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES ...... 21 3.3 Department of Health Services ...... 30 3.4 Education, Youth, Gender, Sports Development and Social Services ...... 48 3.4 Department of Youth, Gender, Culture and Social Services ...... 59 3.5 Department of Industry, Commerce, Enterprise and Co-Operative Development ...... 74 3.6 Department of Environment, Natural Resources, Mining, Tourism And Wildlife...... 78 3.7 Department of Lands, Housing and Urban Development ...... 85 3.8 Department of Devolution, Public Service and Administration, ICT and E-Government ...... 91 STRENGTHEN PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS ...... 105 3.10 Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development ...... 107 3.11 Department of Water and Irrigation ...... 120 3.12 Department of Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works ...... 136

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The Financial Year 2020-2021 budget was prepared as per the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 part IV Section 104-(b) which states that the county shall prepare the annual budget for the county and co-ordinating the preparation of estimates of revenue and expenditure of the county government, and (c) co-ordinating the implementation of the budget of the county government.

1.1 Overall Budget for Financial Year 2020-2021 The budget estimates of the County Executive departments and entities for the financial year 2020-2021 and the medium term was prepared and completed as required by section 129 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFM- Act – 2012). The revised budget for the financial year 2020/2021 is Kes 7.912 billion from approved budget of Kes. 6.306 billion Consisting of Kes 4.647 billion as recurrent and Kes 3.265 as development expenditures. The increased budget estimates was as a result of approbation of Kes 1.605 billion from unspent balances in the previous financial year of 2019/2020.

1.2 Budget Key Highlights

Figure 1.1

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1.3 Expected Revenue Estimates To finance the budget, the government expected to receive Kes 5.095 billion (64 per cent) as eq- uitable share of revenue raised nationally, Kes 1.29 billion (15 per cent) as total conditional grants and Kes 346.08 million (4 per cent) as own-source of revenue, Kes 1.170 billion unspent balances from the previuos FY 2019/2020 and Kes 129.34 million (2 per cent) for Medical staff allowance and Covid-19 fund. Table 1.1 below shows the expected revenue in the FY 2020/2021 in comparasion with 2019/2020 revised budget.

Table 1.1: Revenue Sources Revenue Sources Revised Budget Printed Esti- First Supple- Estimates mated 2020/21 mentary 2019/2020 2020/2021 Equitable Share 5,095,650,000 5,172,285,000 5,095,650,000 Medical Equipment 131,914,894 132,021,277 132,021,277 Local Revenue 393,416,291 346,088,720 346,088,720 Compensation for use fees forgone 26,382,000 13,191,000.00 26,382,000 Transforming Health Systems for Universal Health Care World 58,885,745 104,094,470.00 123,948,349 Bank Roads Maintenance Fuel levy 289,601,376 152,818,903.00 353,897,567 KDSP Grant 73,729,455 75,000,000.00 75,000,000 IDA (World Bank) credit: KenyaDevolutionSupport Project 138,074,112 - - (KDSP) level II Grant Rehabilitation of Youth Polytechnics 60,478,298 20,494,894.00 38,070,692 EU grant for Devolution Advisory 99,872,632 15,626,168.00 15,626,168 DANIDA Grant 27,707,373 14,490,000.00 14,490,000 DANIDA THS -UC (Covid 19) - - 5,670,000 IDA World Bank (KCSAP) 170,307,305 247,240,980.00 319,549,645 ASDPS 25,129,702 13,557,645.00 15,057,645 COVID 19-National - - 84,341,000 Medical staff allowance - 44,985,000 IDA World Bank Credit : Kenya Urban Support Project (UDG) 52,360,500 - 37,450,261 IDA World Bank Credit : Kenya Urban Support Project (UIG) 8,800,000 13,200,000 Roll over funds 1,733,035,724 - 1,171,110,595 Total 8,385,345,407 6,306,909,057 7,912,538,919

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1.4 Allocation per Department The highest beneficiary of the budget allocation is the department of the Health Services, get- ting Kes 2.568 billion (32.5 %), and Roads, Transport, Energy and Public Works Kes 985.65 million ( 12.4 %), Water and irrigation getting Kes 811.98 (10.26%) and Agriculture, Livestock and FisheriesManagement each getting Kes 756.79 (9.6%). Table 1.2 showns resource allocation per department.

Table 1.2 Budget Allocation per department for FY 2020/2021 Approved Economic Approved Supplementary supplementary Classification Budget Budget % alloca- Budget tion 2019/20 2020/2021 2020/2021 Recurrent 644,633,641 648,471,595 687,926,864

County Assembly Development 12,704,016 62,704,016 17,098,192 Total 657,337,657 711,175,611 705,025,056 8.9% Recurrent 479,454,009 478,113,057 433,196,497 County Executive Ser- Development 58,558,240 11,549,860 16,357,641 vices Total 538,012,249 489,662,917 449,554,138 6% Recurrent 278,583,503 300,073,985 354,068,692 County Finance and Economic Planning Development 36,000,000 54,000,000 260,775,571 Total 314,583,503 354,073,985 614,844,263 8% Recurrent 1,973,041,805 2,006,200,472 2,201,571,180

Health Services Development 898,295,026 341,543,725 366,978,995 Total 2,871,336,831 2,347,744,197 2,568,550,175 32.5% Recurrent 62,894,893 63,374,451 63,733,963 Roads,Transport,Energy and Public Works Development 976,225,702 435,729,510 921,958,064 Total 1,039,120,595 499,103,961 985,692,027 12.46% Recurrent 254,837,804 257,089,813 238,767,191 Agriculture, Livestock, and FisheriesManage- Development 486,034,299 394,397,761 518,029,330 ment Total 740,872,103 651,487,574 756,796,521 9.6%

Education, Recurrent 369,226,865 321,923,084 341,354,946 Youth,Sports, Culture, Gender and Social Ser- Development 303,357,208 118,123,608 246,738,112 vices Total 672,584,073 440,046,692 588,093,058 7%

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Approved Economic Approved Supplementary supplementary Classification Budget Budget % alloca- Budget tion 2019/20 2020/2021 2020/2021 Recurrent 121,251,196 122,004,156 117,925,715

Water and irrigation Development 1,050,729,787 332,895,951 694,062,407 Total 1,171,980,983 454,900,107 811,988,122 10.26%

Recurrent 37,048,339 37,310,555 38,761,709 Tourism, Wildlife Man- agement , Natural Re- sources and Mining Development 46,627,305 21,907,650 27,581,046 Total 83,675,644 59,218,205 66,342,755 1% Recurrent 87,173,812 87,787,684 91,754,961 Lands, Housing and Urban Development Development 271,163,216 62,307,412 112,859,252 Total 358,337,028 150,095,096 204,614,213 3%

Recurrent 74,853,448 75,500,712 78,405,925 Industrialization , Commerce and Enter- prise Development Development 158,826,888 73,900,000 82,632,662 Total 233,680,336 149,400,712 161,038,587 2% Recurrent 4,382,999,315 4,397,849,564 4,647,467,647

Development 4,298,521,687 1,909,059,493 3,265,071,272 Total 8,681,521,002 6,306,909,057 7,912,538,919

1.5 Quarter Financial Review During the period under review, a total of Kes 1,046,683,482 was received as revenue to finance the county government budget. National Government equitable share was the largest proportion of this revenue amounting to Kes 840,782,250, local revenue amounted to Kes 39,905,021 and Kes 165,996,210.70 from grants/donations.

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2.0 Introduction This chapter discusses the revenues and expenditures for the County entities. It also contains a comparative analysis of the current and the previous financial years to give a preview on the trends of revenues and expenditures. 2.1 Revenue and Expenditure The major sources of revenue for the County is the National Government equitable share fol- lowed by grants/donations, then locally generated own source revenue. From the local revenue, main source is hospital user charges, market fees and produce and others and animal stock sale fee.

A total of Kes 1,046,683,482 was received as revenue to finance the county government budg- et.The contribution of all the revenues towards the overall budget had a negative improvement during the period compared to the same period of FY 2019/2020 as shown in table 2.1

Table 2.1: County Revenue Receipts Sources Summary Revenue FY 2019/2020 FY 2020/2021 Sources 2nd Quarter Quarter Target Actual Variance Actual - Equitable Share 1,293,071,250 438,225,900 886,643,100 854,845,350.00 - Local Revenue 90,288,806 50,282,097 107,046,956 40,006,709.00 - Grants/Donations 197,133,844 - 138,074,112 197,133,844.00

Unspend Funds - 3,801,621 - 3,801,621.00 TOTAL 1,580,493,900 492,309,618 -1,088,184,282 1,131,764,168

2.2 Local Revenue Analysis Total local revenue collected during the second quarter was Kes 39,905,021 against quartely tar- get of Kes 72,838,537; this was below target by Kes 32,933,516, this was a performance of 55 %. The big difference and drop below target was attributed to challenges as a result of global pandemic caused by Covid-19 which adversely affected revenue collection from National reserve and also other revenue sources like agricultural produce, livestock markets and the current doctor’s strike among others.

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Table 2.2: Local Revenue Sources

BARINGO COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2ND QUARTER REVENUE REPORT PER SUB-COUNTY/TOWN QUARTER No SOURCES OCT, 2020 NOV, 2020 DEC, 2020 TOTAL TARGET 1 Kabarnet Town 1,711,991.00 1,433,685.00 1,736,905.00 4,882,581.00 5,887,911 2 Eldama Ravine Town 1,334,240.00 2,096,420.00 1,474,975.00 4,905,635.00 3,658,750 3 Eldama Ravine Sub - County 464,420.00 1,294,590.00 399,210.00 2,158,220.00 2,144,874 4 Mogotio Sub - County 742,453.00 794,407.00 637,140.00 2,174,000.00 5,209,130 5 Baringo South Sub - County 675,360.00 769,595.00 780,759.00 2,225,714.00 2,476,807 6 Tiaty Sub - County 905,420.00 1,092,720.00 842,435.00 2,840,575.00 2,548,904 7 Baringo North Sub - County 308,500.00 318,650.00 370,665.00 997,815.00 1,746,170 8 Baringo Central Sub - County 207,590.00 216,875.00 372,650.00 797,115.00 1,521,298 9 Lake Bogoria National G. R 166,700.00 79,350.00 415,400.00 661,450.00 6,800,100 10 Koibatek ATC 711,600.00 - 421,387.00 1,132,987.00 357,085 11 AMS 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 281,128 12 Hospital Revenue 4,256,139.00 8,642,913.00 4,219,877.00 17,118,929.00 40,206,379 TOTAL 11,494,413.00 16,739,205.00 11,671,403.00 39,905,021.00 72,838,537 Figure 2.1: Local Revenue Analysis

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Figure 2.2: cumulative Local Revenue Analysis

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2.3 Overall Expenditure Analysis Cumulative overall expenditure during the review period was 25% as compared to the previous FY 2019/2020 whose overall absorption was 27% as shown in table 2.3.

Table 2.3: Departmental Expenditure per Economic Classification and absorption rates

Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- FY 2019/2020 FY Absorp FY 2020/2021 Absorp Departments ic Classi- supple- proved mentary sorp- sorp- fication mentary Budget Budget tion tion Budget Rate Rate FY FY 2019/20 2020/21 County Assem- 2019/20 2020/202 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total Q1 Q 2 Total bly 1 Recur- 644,633,6 648,471, 687,926,86 76,001, 186,807, 262,809, 41% 84,901, 160,868, 245,769, 36% rent 41 595 4 233 966 199 724 224 948 Devel- 12,704,01 62,704,0 17,098,192 - 6,000,42 6,000,42 47% - - - 0% opment 6 16 5 5 Total 657,337,6 711,175, 705,025,05 67,927, 67,927,7 67,927,7 10% 84,901, 160,868, 245,769, 35% 57 611 6 730 30 30 724 224 948 County Execu- Recur- 479,454,0 478,113, 433,196,49 75,126, 43,238,3 118,364, 25% 47,733, 69,672,1 117,405, 27% tive services rent 09 057 7 078 83 462 097 53 250 Devel- 58,558,24 11,549,8 16,357,641 - 9,605,39 9,605,39 16% - - - 0% opment 0 60 0 0 Total 538,012,2 489,662, 449,554,13 75,126, 52,843,7 127,969, 24% 47,733, 69,672,1 117,405, 26% 49 917 8 078 73 851 097 53 250 County Finance Recur- 278,583,5 300,073, 354,068,69 90,044, 37,841,4 127,886, 46% 28,474, 45,108,3 73,583,1 21% and Economic rent 03 985 2 896 25 321 814 84 98 Planning Devel- 36,000,00 54,000,0 260,775,57 - - 0% - - - 0% opment 0 00 1 Total 314,583,5 354,073, 614,844,26 90,044, 37,841,4 127,886, 41% 28,474, 45,108,3 73,583,1 12% 03 985 3 896 25 321 814 84 98 Health Services Recur- 1,973,041, 2,006,20 2,201,571, 497,669 673,934, 1,171,60 59% 299,408 772,716, 1,072,12 49% rent 805 0,472 180 ,600 768 4,368 ,194 867 5,061 Devel- 898,295,0 341,543, 366,978,99 - 38,075,5 38,075,5 4% - - - 0% opment 26 725 5 06 06 Total 2,871,336, 2,347,74 2,568,550, 497,669 712,010, 1,209,67 42% 299,408 772,716, 1,072,12 42% 831 4,197 175 ,600 274 9,874 ,194 867 5,061 Roads,Transport Recur- 62,894,89 63,374,4 63,733,963 5,858,4 15,621,1 21,479,5 34% 8,600,4 13,542,0 22,142,4 35% ,Energy and rent 3 51 61 18 78 20 69 89 Public Works Devel- 976,225,7 435,729, 921,958,06 - 32,671,5 32,671,5 3% - - - 0%

Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- FY 2019/2020 FY Absorp FY 2020/2021 Absorp Departments ic Classi- supple- proved mentary sorp- sorp- fication mentary Budget Budget tion tion Budget Rate Rate FY FY 2019/20 2020/21 opment 02 510 4 82 82 Total 1,039,120, 499,103, 985,692,02 5,858,4 48,292,7 54,151,1 5% 8,600,4 13,542,0 22,142,4 2% 595 961 7 61 00 61 20 69 89 Agriculture, Recur- 254,837,8 257,089, 238,767,19 16,247, 67,189,3 83,436,9 33% 40,270, 48,478,8 88,748,8 37% Livestock, and rent 04 813 1 598 70 68 005 25 30 FisheriesMan- Devel- 486,034,2 394,397, 518,029,33 - 130,354, 130,354, 27% - 72,308,6 72,308,6 14% agement opment 99 761 0 612 612 64 64 Total 740,872,1 651,487, 756,796,52 16,247, 197,543, 213,791, 29% 40,270, 120,787, 161,057, 21% 03 574 1 598 982 580 005 489 494 Education, Recur- 369,226,8 321,923, 341,354,94 51,215, 121,733, 172,949, 47% 49,305, 119,228, 168,534, 49% Youth,Sports, rent 65 084 6 966 450 417 682 571 253 Culture, Gender Devel- 303,357,2 118,123, 246,738,11 - 10,530,1 10,530,1 3% - - - 0% and Social Ser- opment 08 608 2 67 67 vices Total 672,584,0 440,046, 588,093,05 51,215, 132,263, 183,479, 27% 49,305, 119,228, 168,534, 29% 73 692 8 966 618 584 682 571 253 Water and irri- Recur- 121,251,1 122,004, 117,925,71 5,728,0 35,911,2 41,639,3 34% 12,942, 35,001,2 47,943,9 41% gation rent 96 156 5 54 87 41 750 03 53 Devel- 1,050,729, 332,895, 694,062,40 - 51,488,4 51,488,4 5% - - - 0% opment 787 951 7 37 37 Total 1,171,980, 454,900, 811,988,12 5,728,0 87,399,7 93,127,7 8% 12,942, 35,001,2 47,943,9 6% 983 107 2 54 24 78 750 03 53 Tourism, Wild- Recur- 37,048,33 37,310,5 38,761,709 3,298,3 6,981,96 10,280,2 28% 4,706,9 10,775,9 15,482,9 40% life Management rent 9 55 05 7 72 99 23 22 , Natural Re- Devel- 46,627,30 21,907,6 27,581,046 - 3,135,10 3,135,10 7% - - - 0% sources and opment 5 50 0 0 Mining Total 83,675,64 59,218,2 66,342,755 3,298,3 10,117,0 13,415,3 16% 4,706,9 10,775,9 15,482,9 23% 4 05 05 67 72 99 23 22 Lands, Housing Recur- 87,173,81 87,787,6 91,754,961 10,442, 9,793,32 20,235,6 23% 10,986, 7,323,18 18,309,6 20% and Urban De- rent 2 84 303 7 30 485 7 72 velopment Devel- 271,163,2 62,307,4 112,859,25 - 12,325,3 12,325,3 5% - - - 0% opment 16 12 2 19 19 Total 358,337,0 150,095, 204,614,21 10,442, 22,118,6 32,560,9 9% 10,986, 7,323,18 18,309,6 9% 28 096 3 303 46 49 485 7 72 Industrialization Recur- 74,853,44 75,500,7 78,405,925 34,417, 16,378,5 50,796,4 68% 11,521, 6,943,58 18,464,9 24% , Commerce and rent 8 12 868 66 33 389 8 77 Enterprise De- Devel- 158,826,8 73,900,0 82,632,662 - 3,024,11 3,024,11 2% - - 0% velopment opment 88 00 0 0

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Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- FY 2019/2020 FY Absorp FY 2020/2021 Absorp Departments ic Classi- supple- proved mentary sorp- sorp- fication mentary Budget Budget tion tion Budget Rate Rate FY FY 2019/20 2020/21 Total 233,680,3 149,400, 161,038,58 34,417, 19,402,6 53,820,5 23% 11,521, 6,943,58 18,464,9 11% 36 712 7 868 76 43 389 8 77 Recur- 4,382,999, 4,397,84 4,647,467, 866,050 1,215,43 2,081,48 47% 598,851 1,289,65 1,888,51 41% rent 315 9,564 647 ,361 1,628 1,989 ,559 8,994 0,553 Devel- 4,298,521, 1,909,05 3,265,071, - 297,210, 297,210, 7% - 72,308,6 72,308,6 2% opment 687 9,493 272 649 649 64 64 Total 8,681,521, 6,306,90 7,912,538, 866,050 1,512,64 2,378,69 27% 598,851 1,361,96 1,960,81 25% 002 9,057 919 ,361 2,276 2,638 ,559 7,658 9,217

Table 2.4 shows comperative analysis of Personnel emoluments, operations and maintenance and development expenditure for FYs 2019/2020 and 2020/2021: 2019/2020 2020/2021 Ministry/Department Personnel Operations Develop- Personnel Operations Develop- ment ment County Assembly 194,416,435 68,392,764 6,000,425 188,478,904 57,291,044 - County Executive services 64,788,901 53,575,561 9,605,390 57,428,183 59,977,067 - County Finance and Economic Planing 90,432,874 37,453,447 - 31,646,166 41,937,032 - Roads,Transport,Energy and Public Works 19,672,786 1,806,793 32,671,582 20,589,489 1,553,000 - Trade,Cooperatives and Industralisation 49,514,829 1,281,604 3,024,110 17,886,137 578,840 - Education, Sports, Culture, Gender and Social Services 166,165,968 6,783,449 10,530,167 165,027,853 3,506,400 - Health Services 980,532,414 191,071,954 38,075,506 1,016,004,771 56,120,290 - Lands, Housing & Urban Development 15,915,664 4,319,966 12,325,319 15,633,673 2,675,998 - Agriculture, Livestock, and FisheriesManagement 73,979,442 9,457,526 130,354,612 86,230,930 2,517,900 72,308,664 Water and Irrigation 22,162,196 19,477,145 51,488,437 32,349,928 15,594,025 - Tourism,Wildlife Management , Natural Resources and 7,367,489 2,912,783 3,135,100 13,957,262 1,525,660 - Mining Total 1,684,948,997 396,532,992 297,210,649 1,645,233,295 243,277,256 72,308,664

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Figure 2.2: Overall Expenditure Analysis

Table 2.5: Exchequer Release and Absorption Rate per Department Exchequer Expenditure % absorp- Ministry/Department Issues Return tion

County Assembly 260,088,911.00 245,769,948.05 94%

The Governors Office 118,246,338.50 117,405,250.25 99%

County Finance and Economic Planing 73,848,177.17 73,583,197.15 100%

Roads,Transport,Energy and Public Works 23,667,138.33 22,142,489.20 94%

Trade,Cooperatives and Industralisation 19,675,198.00 18,464,977.40 94% Education, Youth,Sports, Culture, Gender and Social Services 171,474,086.50 168,534,252.52 98%

Health Services 1,072,184,734 1,072,125,061 100%

Lands, Housing & Urban Development 18,509,336 18,309,671 99%

Agriculture, Livestock, and FisheriesManagement 167,031,677 161,057,494 96%

Water and Irrigation 49,474,496 47,943,953 97% Tourism,Wildlife Management , Natural Resources and Mining 17,412,557 15,482,922 89%

TOTAL 1,991,612,650 1,960,819,216 98%

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3.0 Introduction This chapter analyses the departmental mandates, its objectives, expenditure trends, its goals, targets and the budget implementation progress. It also brings out the departmental achievements and challenges as well as possible solutions. 3.1 County Assembly Baringo County Assembly was established along with other 47 county Assemblies to represent the people and ensure government by the people under the Constitution, as well as represent the 30 Wards in the County government. Thence the Assembly has a responsibility to ensure that the public participate in democratic processes by understanding the role of Assembly and their in- volvement in its processes Mandate of Baringo County Assembly The role of the county assembly is derived from Article 185 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, which include; (1) Being the legislative authority of a County (2) Making any laws that are necessary the effective performance of the functions under the Fourth Schedule (3) Exercise oversight over the county executive committee and any other county executive or- gans. (4) Receive and approve plans and policies for; (a) The management and exploitation of the county’s resources; and (b) The development and management of its infrastructure and insti- tutions. (5) Vetting and approving nominees for appointment to county public offices as may be provid- ed for in this Act or any other law; (6) Performing the roles set out under Article 185 of the Constitution; (7) Approving the budget and expenditure of the county government in accordance with Article 207 of the Constitution, and the PFMA, 2012, guided by Articles 201 and 203 of the Consti- tution; (8) Approve the borrowing by the county government in accordance with Article 212 of the Constitution; (9) Approving county development planning; and (10) Performing any other role as may be set out under the Constitution or legislation.

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Vision: To be a model, independent, competitive and development-oriented County Assembly in Kenya. Mission: To promote the principle of good governance through legislation, oversight and repre- sentation to reflect the interest, welfare and aspiration of the people of Baringo County.

Objectives a) To facilitate efficiency in the management of the county assembly function of legislation, oversight and representation b) To improve service delivery in the Assembly through increased productivity of the Human Resources c) To improve member’s and staff capacity through training, seminars, conferences and bench- marking d) To Coordinate and implement Legislative, oversight and representation function Expenditure Trends and Analysis The County Assembly was allocated a budget of Kes 705,025,056 to finance both Recurrent and Development expenditure. Of this allocation, Kes 687,926,864 and Kes 17,098,192 was for re- current and development expenditure respectively. The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 160,868,224 while there was no development expenditure incurred during the period under review, hence, making a total ex- penditure of Kes 160,806,225. The absorption rate for recurrent expenditure was 36% and devel- opment expenditure was 0% resulting to an overall absorption of 35% for the half year. Table 3.1 below provides detailed presentation.

Table 3.1: Expenditure Analysis

Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp 2020/2021 Absorp ic Classi- supple- proved mentary sorp- sorp- fication mentary Budget Budget tion tion Budget Rate Rate 2019/20 2020/20 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total 2019/20 Q1 Q 2 Total 2020/21 21 FY FY Recur- 644,633,6 648,471 687,926,86 76,001, 186,807 262,809 41% 84,901, 160,868 245,769 36% rent 41 ,595 4 233 ,966 ,199 724 ,224 ,948 Devel- 12,704,01 62,704, 17,098,192 - 6,000,4 6,000,4 47% - - - 0% opment 6 016 25 25 Total 657,337,6 711,175 705,025,05 67,927, 67,927, 67,927, 10% 84,901, 160,868 245,769 35% 57 ,611 6 730 730 730 724 ,224 ,948

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Table 3.2: Development Expenditure Analysis as allocated in the FY 2019-2020

N Project Title Sub- Project Budg- Pro- Name of Expected Reference Status Remarks o Pro- et Allocation ject the Con- Out Come To CIDP gramme (Kes) pay- tractor ment (Kes) 1 Completion of Coun- Adminis- 9,738,192 - MS Ro- Efficient Assembly 90% Works on- ty Assembly phased trative In- tunda Ltd and effec- Strategic going projects (Public Gal- frastructure MS Swift tive legisla- Plan lery& Offices) Develop- Builders tion, repre- ment Ltd sentation and over- sight 3 Purchase of Land for Adminis- 7,360,000 - Kiplagat Efficient Assembly 52% Final pay- Speaker’s Residence trative In- Rotich and effec- Strategic ment in pro- frastructure tive legisla- Plan cess Develop- tion, repre- ment sentation and over- sight

County Assembly Funds The County Assembly has three Funds that have specific functions as stipulated in their respec- tive Regulations: 1. Members’ Car Loan & Mortgage scheme Fund The member’s Car Loan and Mortgage fund was established in 2014 with an initial capital allo- cation of 98 Million. In the Second Assembly, the Fund was allocated with Kshs.241Million. In the 2nd Quarter ended 31st December 2020, Kes 14,492,095 was recovered as loan repayments of which Kes 430,024 was interest on loan. A net surplus of Kes 422,400 was realised during the quarter. All Car Loan & Mortgages granted to the members and staff are currently being recovered through the payroll check-off system from the staff monthly emoluments. All loans are currently being repaid in accordance with the terms and conditions in the Regula- tions and no default case has been reported. 2. Staff Car Loan & Mortgage Scheme Fund

The Staff Car Loan and Mortgage fund was established in April 2020 with an injection of initial capital of Kes12 Million appropriated by the County Assembly in the Appropriation Act of 26th June 2019. In the 2nd Quarter ended 31st December 2020, Kes 368,125 was recovered as loan repayments of which Kes 54,375 was interest on loan. A net surplus of Kes 53,310 was realised during the quarter. All Car Loan & Mortgages granted to the staff are currently being recovered through the payroll check-off system from the staff monthly emoluments.

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All loans are currently being repaid in accordance with the terms and conditions in the Regula- tions and no default case has been reported. 3. Catering and Health Services Scheme Fund The Catering and Health Services Scheme fund was established in 2017 with an initial capital of Kes 300,000. In the 2nd Quarter ended 31st December, 2020, the fund realised a surplus of Kes229, 964 compared to a surplus of Ksh 162,150 for the prior period. The fund’s operations are in compliance with the Assembly’s Catering and Health Services Scheme Fund Regulation 2017. Key Achievements The following achievements were made by different County Assembly Committees, Board, De- partments and Sections; 4 Bills were processed, 1 Motion adopted, 225 Committee meetings held, 32 plenary meetings held, 2 Statements considered, 12 trainings attended by members and staff as per the training and development calendar, 11 Reports generated by committees, 1 peti- tion considered, and 9 fact-finding visits made. In addition, various departmental meetings were held, Job Evaluation conducted and a report, thereof, submitted to the SRC ,Catering Services improved, Finance/Budget/Procurement/Legal advisories and opinions issued, 6 requisitions made and other General Cash Management coor- dinated. Further, various Public Participation engagements were done, Research work services provided, ICT services Improved, Library Services Improved, Communication services improved, Inter- nal Audits compliance checks conducted, 32 Hansard Reports produced, several Payroll matters and updates & statutory deductions made, enforced COVID-19 health protocols and procurement processes for various goods and services conducted.

Key Challenges

The Challenges noted in the period under review was the delay in release of funds from the ex- chequer, inadequate office space/equipment for both members and staff, unreliable internet con- nectivity which slow processes, limited training resources, effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the execution of programmes and activities, slow uptake of ICT infrastructure and low implementa- tion of enacted legislation/house resolutions. .

Key Recommendations

1. That, the service should prioritize on providing adequate office space and equipment for both members and staff; 2. That, the service should develop a mechanism to track implementation of enacted legislations and adopted house resolutions;

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3. That, the quarterly report shall capture programmes, sub-programmes, outcome, key objec- tives, key activities or output and the approved budget; 4. That, capacity building and development programme should continue to be prioritize to opti- mize productivity; 5. That, the procurement plan should be organized such that less or no goods and services are procured in the fourth quarter of the financial year; 6. That, the service should continue to develop more policies to manage performance and max- imize productivity; 7. That, the service should comply to all the COVID-19 health protocols and embrace the new normal; 8. That, the service should invest in ICT infrastructure as part of its processes re-engineering. Conclusion The County Assembly remains committed to its mandate of legislation, representation and over- sight through the delivery of key activities as planned during the period. 3.2 Department of Finance and Economic Planning The County Treasury as a department has five divisions, that is: Administration and Revenue, Accounting, Audit, Supply Chain Management and Budget and Planning. The main function of the department is to manage county funds as stipulated in the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 as well as to manage revenue from local and National Governments’ sources including grants and loans. Vision To be excellent in County Economic Planning and Public Finance management Mission To contribute towards accelerated socio-economic development through effective economic planning, resource mobilization and allocation and efficient management of public resources. Objectives a) Effective Economic Planning, Budgeting, Policy formulation and Socioeco- nomic management and tracking of results b) Effective finance management and making treasury work. c) Institutional strengthening and good governance. d) Mobilization, Public Private Partnership and allocation of financial resources e) Create excellence in delivery of service in the department

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Expenditure Trends and Analysis Finance and Economic Planning budget allocation was Kes 614,844,263 to finance both Recur- rent and Development expenditure. Of this allocation, Kes 354,068,692 and Kes 260,775,571was for recurrent and development expenditure respectively. The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 45,108,384 while there was no de- velopment expenditure incurred during the period under review. The overall absorption rate for the departemnt was 12%. Tables 3.3 below provide detailed presentation. Table 3.3: Expenditure Analysis

Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp 2020/2021 Absorp ic Classi- supple- proved mentary sorp- sorp- fication mentary Budget Budget tion tion Budget Rate Rate 2019/20 2020/20 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total 2019/2 Q1 Q 2 Total 2020/2 21 0 FY 1 FY Recur- 278,583, 300,073 354,068, 90,044, 37,841, 127,886 46% 28,474, 45,108, 73,583, 21% rent 503 ,985 692 896 425 ,321 814 384 198 Devel- 36,000,0 54,000, 260,775, - - 0% - - - 0% opment 00 000 571 Total 314,583, 354,073 614,844, 90,044, 37,841, 127,886 41% 28,474, 45,108, 73,583, 12% 503 ,985 263 896 425 ,321 814 384 198

(i) Internal Audit Performance Report Introduction: Internal Audit and Risk Management Services This section is responsible for enhancement of Internal Control and Accounting systems for all County Government entities Achievements during the 2nd Quarter (October 2020- December 2020) The following represents a summary of the achievements of the section during the period: Internal Audit Reports

S/No Ref. No. Audit Remarks 1. BCG/CT/HIA/VOL3/2020/21 Audit report for Mogotio Sub- county Final report Referral Hospital issued

Audit Committee Baringo County Government (Executive) has an active Audit Committee comprising of 4 mem- bers (external). Two members appointed internally. The Audit Committee Members are:

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External Audit Committee Members  CPA Nelson Korir -Chairman  Alfonce Kipsang -Member  Leah Toroitich -Member  CPA Naomi Singa - Member Internal Audit Committee Members  Director Finance & Administration  Chief Officer Education Staffing

The deputy director has requisitioned for two (2) more staff since there is shortage of staff in the section.

(ii) Economic Planning Unit The Economic Planning unit managed to accomplish the following: a) Compliation of first quarter implementation report b) Implementation of CIMEIS c) Expenditure Review of previuous budget of FY 2019/2020 d) Prepared and submission of 1st supplementary budget for FY 2020/2021 e) Preparation of County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP)

(iii) Revenue Unit The major sources of revenue for Baringo County are hospital user charges, game park fees, sin- gle business permit, market fees, produce cess, land rates among others. PFM Act, 2012 section 165(1) (2) (3) mandates the receiver of revenue to prepare an account in respect of the revenue collected, received and recovered by the receiver on quarterly and annual. As defined in our service charter the key mandate of County Treasury is to mobilize resources for funding the budgetary requirements of the county government and putting in place mecha- nisms to raise revenue and resources. The contribution of all the revenues towards the overall budget had a negative improvement dur- ing this period compared to last financial years first quarter except the unspend funds from last financial year fourth quarter.

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Local Revenues Table 3.5: Comparative Local Revenue received 3. Local Revenue FY 2020/2021 FY 2019/2020 FY 2018/2019 FY 2017/2018

1st Quarter 50,286,097.00 107,046,956.00 127,485,620.00 92,044,883.00

2nd Quarter 39,905,021.00 66,978,967.00 62,030,319.00 54,636,535.00

3rd Quarter - 71,882,280.00 79,887,897.00 78,377,031.00

4th Quarter - 55,755,442.00 90,412,133.00 83,345,928.00

Total 90,191,118.00 301,663,645.00 359,815,969.00 308,403,877.00

A total of Ksh. 39,905,021.00 was collected during the 2nd Quarter of the financial year 2020/2021 from local revenues. This represents a decrease of Ksh. 27,073,946.00 compared with collections for same period of financial year 2019/2020 of Ksh. 66,978,967.00. Notable and out- standing sources of local revenue remain to be health facilities through Facility Improvement Fund followed by Markets fee and others sources. The decrease was highly contributed by the declaration of COVID-19 pandemic which affected the inflow of local and international tourist, ceasation of movement, closure of all markets and other social places. The recovery of economy has been a challenge due to non disbursement of resounces.

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Table 3.6: Detailed Analysis of locally Generated Revenue per Town/Sub County BARINGO COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2ND QUARTER REVENUE REPORT PER SUB-COUNTY/TOWN QUARTER No SOURCES OCT, 2020 NOV, 2020 DEC, 2020 TOTAL TARGET 1 Kabarnet Town 1,711,991.00 1,433,685.00 1,736,905.00 4,882,581.00 5,887,911 2 Eldama Ravine Town 1,334,240.00 2,096,420.00 1,474,975.00 4,905,635.00 3,658,750 3 Eldama Ravine Sub - County 464,420.00 1,294,590.00 399,210.00 2,158,220.00 2,144,874 4 Mogotio Sub - County 742,453.00 794,407.00 637,140.00 2,174,000.00 5,209,130 5 Baringo South Sub - County 675,360.00 769,595.00 780,759.00 2,225,714.00 2,476,807 6 Tiaty Sub - County 905,420.00 1,092,720.00 842,435.00 2,840,575.00 2,548,904 7 Baringo North Sub - County 308,500.00 318,650.00 370,665.00 997,815.00 1,746,170 8 Baringo Central Sub - County 207,590.00 216,875.00 372,650.00 797,115.00 1,521,298 9 Lake Bogoria National G. R 166,700.00 79,350.00 415,400.00 661,450.00 6,800,100 10 Koibatek ATC 711,600.00 - 421,387.00 1,132,987.00 357,085 11 Marigat AMS 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 281,128 12 Hospital Revenue 4,256,139.00 8,642,913.00 4,219,877.00 17,118,929.00 40,206,379 TOTAL 11,494,413.00 16,739,205.00 11,671,403.00 39,905,021.00 72,838,537 Table3.7: Revenue Inter-Financial Year Comparison Per Quarter

BARINGO COUNTY GOVERNMENT QUARTER INTERFINANCIAL YEAR COMPARISON FY 2020/2021 AND FY 2019/2020 PER REVENUE SOURCE PERCENTAGE 2ND QUARTER 2ND QUARTER INCREASE/ No SOURCES FY 2020/2021 FY 2019/2020 VARIANCE DECREASE 1 Game Park Fees 725,050 7,372,980 (6,647,930) -90% 2 Animal Stock Sale Fees 3,560,310 4,257,790 (697,480) -16% 3 Produce & Other Cess 4,501,075 5,865,031 (1,363,956) -23% 4 Single Business Permit 2,441,278 960,368 1,480,910 154% 5 Plot Rent/ Rates 2,428,662 2,060,607 368,055 18% 6 Market Fees & Others 7,054,945 9,183,279 (2,128,334) -23% 7 Public Health Licences 358,450 413,370 (54,920) -13% 8 Vetirinery 573,335 2,358,945 (1,785,610) -76% 9 Koibatek ATC 1,132,987 101,345 1,031,642 1018% 10 Marigat AMS 10,000 135,000 (125,000) -93% 11 Hospital Revenue 17,118,929 34,270,252 (17,151,323) -50% TOTAL 39,905,021 66,978,967 (27,073,946) -40%

The above table shows the comparisons of revenue collection for financial year 2020/2021 and 2019/2020 2nd quarter per revenue source. From the comparison, it indicates a decrease in reve-

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nue by Kshs. 27,073,946.00 mostly contributed from Game park fees, Hospital Revenue among others.

The health facilities through Facility Improvement Fund revenues recorded low revenue genera- tion as at the end of the quarter under review compared to the collection for financial year 2019/2020 basically due to the doctors and health workers strike, the change in staff medical cover among others. This fund covers Baringo County Referal Hospital, Eldama Ravine Sub- County Hospital, Marigat Sub-County Hospital, Kabartonjo District Hospital, Chemolingot Sub- County Hospital and Mogotio Sub-County Hospital.

Table 3.8: Quarter Actual Revenues versus Quarter Target for FY 2020/2021

BARINGO COUNTY GOVERNMENT ACTUAL REVENUE VERSUS QUARTER TARGET FOR FY 2020/2021 PERCENTAGE 2ND QUARTER 2ND QUARTER INCREASE/ No SOURCES ACTUAL TARGET VARIANCE DECREASE 1 Game Park Fees 725,050 6,800,100 (6,075,050) -89% 2 Animal Stock Sale Fees 3,560,310 2,471,035 1,089,275 44% 3 Produce & Other Cess 4,501,075 5,894,995 (1,393,920) -24% 4 Single Business Permit 2,441,278 2,421,175 20,103 1% 5 Plot Rent/ Rates 2,428,662 2,900,087 (471,425) -16% 6 Market Fees & Others 7,054,945 8,456,631 (1,401,686) -17% 7 Public Health Licences 358,450 673,633 (315,183) -47% 8 Vetirinery 573,335 2,376,288 (1,802,953) -76% 9 Koibatek ATC 1,132,987 357,085 775,902 217% 10 Marigat AMS 10,000 281,128 (271,128) -96% 11 Hospital Revenue 17,118,929 40,206,379 (23,087,450) -57% TOTAL 39,905,021 72,838,536 (32,933,515) -45% The actual revenue collection for the quarter under review is Kshs. 39,905,021.00 against a quar- ter target of Kshs. 72,838,536.00. The actual collection for the quarter is 55% against the quarter target. Challenges In the quarter under review, there were some challenges which affected revenue collection name- ly;

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1) Declaration of COVID-19 Pandemic that lead to closure of markets, affected inflow of both local and international tourist and cessation of movement that affected transport sec- tor especially the matatu industry. 2) The rising water levels in both Lakes within Baringo especially Lake Bogoria that lead to submergence of the main gate and administration block at Loboi. 3) In hospital, the change of staff hospital insurance cover, the recent health workers strike and the decision to Covert Mogotio Sub-County hospital to be an isolation centre for COVID-19 victims affected hospital revenues. 4) Transportation in Sub-Counties. The sharing of Sub-County Revenue vehicles has made other revenue points un attended, compromise compliance and revenue mobilization in sub-counties. 5) Lessening number of revenue clerks after release or expiry of internship contracts for revenue and enforcement interns. 6) Slow or No release of quarterly funds to Sub-County for revenue mobilization has affect- ed revenue mobility and staff morel. 7) Lack of enforcement due to less number of enforcement. 8) Unprocedural transfer of revenue staff. For example recently, one officer was transferred from Kabartonjo to Baringo Central with no justifiable reasons or replacement. Any other transfers should be bottom up approach. As a directorate, we recommend on the following strategies to enhance revenue collection;

1) To support and give express powers to sub-county revenue officers to use revenue vehicle even 80% control to mobilize, coordinate and collect all collectable revenues. These will as- sist especially the current program of monitoring on farm produce products and livestock on transport. 2) Frequent revenue monitoring and evaluation. This is to provide continuous support and field visits on revenue monitoring and evaluation throughout. This will have an impact on this fi- nancial year and rolling over to next financial year. 3) Finalizing and implementation of new valuation roll. Urgent need to finalize on the new val- uation roll approvals and payments for implementation.

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4) Implementation of staff rotation program as earlier forwarded. This will have an immediate positive impact towards control and improvement of other revenue points. 5) Establishment of a plot transfer committee. The CEC for treasury and Lands, housing and urban development to come up with guiding policy and constitute a working committee to handle the issues of bending plot transfer within sub-counties. This will immediately propel the payment of arrears before the approval of the transfers. 6) Substantive appointment of sub-county revenue officers. During last year first quarter analy- sis report, it was clearly indicated that the government through the treasury department have failed in confirmation of the acting revenue officers on the position of sub-county revenue of- ficers. Noting that most of the officers are lower in grade than the other revenue officers un- der him/her leading to lack of respect, and authority. 7) Allocation of funds for repairs and maintenance of market structures. The status as at now is pathetic, frequent complaints from the clients thus leading to resistance and withdrawal from the business community. The affected markets are Ainobmoi, Kaptara, Emining, Koloa and Amaya. 8) Prompt payment of Sub-County AIE for revenue mobilization to boost staff motivation to run and collect all the collectable revenues. 9) Follow up on the process of contracting the recommended revenue clerks and enforcement officers’ interns among other strategies.

Revenue Development Projects FY 2020/2021

Table 3.9: Revenue Development Projects FY 2019/2020 Tender No Projects Description Ap- Contract Contractor Period of Com- Com- Status proved Sum Work mence- pletion Budget ment Date Date BRCG/T&F/0 Opening and grading of Lake 16,992,050 Rotalink Engi- 90% Complete 03 Bogoria Game Park Road neering Ltd awaiting payment

BRCG/T&F/8 Opening and grading of 1,000,0 999,930 Bravin Logistics Complete awaiting 04569/2019/2 Kapungar quary road 00 Ltd payment 020

BRCG/T&F/ Opening, grading and mur- 2,733,0 2,726,000 Rotalink Engi- Awaiting site hand- QTN/773546/ raming of Kipkoro – Metip- 03 neering Compa- ing over 2019/2020 moso Kerio River and Ku- ny Ltd rumbopsoo – Cheploch sand cess roads

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Tender No Projects Description Ap- Contract Contractor Period of Com- Com- Status proved Sum Work mence- pletion Budget ment Date Date BRCG/T&F/ Construction of 4 No. market 1,000,0 994,282 Yemtech Con- 2 fully Complete QTN/771509- Toilets 00 structors Co. Ltd and the other 2 at 2019/2020 50%

During the current financial year 2020/2021 the section was to complete the rolled over projects. The rolled over projects were 4 revenue roads and 4 market toilets as per the above list. 2 sand cess roads awaiting site handing over, 3 roads complete, 4 market toilets complete all awaiting payment.

Overally, the section were to spend all the unspend ment for development but to the contractors there was non disbursement of project funds to allow payment of complete projects thus allow implementation of new awarded projects.

Iv. Accounts Section County Emergency Fund Opening Balances At the beginning of the quarter the opening balance was Ksh 2,841,884.85 as per copies of the bank statement Acquisition of Assets Expenditure on Emergencies amounting to Ksh 1,927,455.80 was made as at end of 2nd quar- ter Other Payments A total of Ksh 4,897.00 was incurred as bank charges during the end of 2nd quarter Cash and Cash Equivalents The balance as at end of the 2nd quarter is Ksh 909,532.05 Key challenges The following key challenges were noted during the 1st Quarter financial year. a) Delays in Disbursement of funds for Emergency b) Inadequate provision of Funds to cater for emerging emergencies. c) Challenge of Impact of Covid 19 Way Forward

The County Treasury considers the following suggestions as a way forward for challenges faced to speed up budget implementation process

a) Sensitizing members of the Public on what the Fund covers

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b) Consultative process in budget making process for timely conclusion of the budget cycle and adequate provision in the budget. Conclusion

The operationalization of the 2020-2021 financial cycle will be greatly determined by the pro- curement processes. In addition, delay in funding from the national government continues to im- pact negatively on execution projects which may eventually lead to pending bills. The execution of the budget and the service delivery for citizens of the County Government will be achieved through collaboration of all the stakeholders in the national and county levels to bring out the potential of the County Government of Baringo.

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3.3 Department of Health Services

Distribution of Health Facilities Introduction: The sector will prioritize the programme and sub programme that aim at achieving universal health care which is one of the Jubilee Big Four agenda. It will also lay emphasis on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 and 3, the achievement of AU Agenda 2063 with a view of achieving Kenya Vision 2030 social pillar on health. A healthy nation is critical for economic development and poverty reduction. In this regard, sector has strategies which focus to address health challenges and achieve the above commitments including Governor’s manifesto on pillar 5 through the following three main programmes: a) Preventive and promotive health: this includes nutrition, immunization, environmental health, reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health, TB, HIV, malaria, dis- ease surveillance, health promotion and community strategy. b) Curative and rehabilitative services: this includes surgery, radiology, obstetrics, physiothera- py, occupational therapy, laboratory and pharmacy services, pathology and palliative care

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c) Administrative and planning services: these are support services like compensation to em- ployees, use of goods and services, transport and infrastructure, procurement and monitoring and evaluation The Health sector in the County is mandated with provision of the highest quality of health care to the citizens. This includes service deliver at the community level (Tier 1), primary health fa- cilities (Tier 2) and the specialized services at the hospitals (Tier 3). The overall goal of health care provision and promotion of health is to improve the health status of the people so that they are able to empower themselves economically, creating wealth rather than seeking health care services. The previous Annual development plan mainly illustrated strategies in infrastructural development; as opposed to the current one which puts its weight behind systems strengthening and service delivery.The County has 7 Sub-counties served by a total of 201 health facilities comprising 6 hospitals, 209 primary care facilities and 57 community units. Expenditure Trends and Analysis The department of Health Services budget allocation was Kes 2,568,550,175 to finance both Re- current and Development expenditure. Of this allocation, Kes 2,201,571,180 and Kes 366,978,995 was for recurrent and development expenditure respectively. The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 772,716,867 while there was no development expenditure incurred during the period under review. The ovearall absorption rate for the half year was 42%. Tables 3.10 below provide detailed presentation. Table 3.10: Expenditure Analysis

Econom- Approved Approved Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp 2020/2021 Absorp ic Classi- supple- Budget mentary sorp- sorp- fication mentary Budget tion tion Budget Rate Rate 2019/20 2020/2021 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total 2019/20 Q1 Q 2 Total 2020/21 FY FY Recur- 1,973,041 2,006,200 2,201,571 497,669, 673,934, 1,171,604 59% 299,408, 772,716, 1,072,125 49% rent ,805 ,472 ,180 600 768 ,368 194 867 ,061 Devel- 898,295,0 341,543,7 366,978,9 - 38,075,5 38,075,50 4% - - - 0% opment 26 25 95 06 6 Total 2,871,336 2,347,744 2,568,550 497,669, 712,010, 1,209,679 42% 299,408, 772,716, 1,072,125 42% ,831 ,197 ,175 600 274 ,874 194 867 ,061

Top 15 outpatient conditions:

S/NO Condition/Cases No. 1 Upper Respiratory Tract Infections 47534 2 All other diseases 32028 3 Suspected Malaria 13094 4 Disease of the skin 10433 5 Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) 7167 6 Other injuries 6656 7 Arthritis, Joint pains etc. 5837 8 Pneumonia 5800

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S/NO Condition/Cases No. 9 Other Dis. Of Respiratory System 4604 10 Urinary Tract Infection 4223 11 Diarrhoea with no dehydration 3446 12 Eye Infections 3374 13 Diarrhoea 2984 14 Hypertension 2671 15 Typhoid fever 2252

RMNCAH Indicators  Proportion of pregnant women who attended at least one ANC visit during pregnancy 70%  4th Antenatal Care (ANC) Coverage 32%  Deliveries conducted by Skilled Birth Attendants 50%  Proportion of school age children dewormed (6-14yrs) 10%  Vitamin A coverage children 12-59 months 20%  Women of reproductive age (WRA) receiving FP commodities Coverage 8%  Female Infants <6 Months Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) 81%  Male Infants below 6 months on exclusive breastfeeding 81%

Major achievements for the period under review

1. Preventive and Promotive Health Services Program

HIV/AIDS Sub Program Achievements  118 HIV positive persons identified and 102 (87%)linked to ART care for enrollment  35 known positive mothers and 24 newly diagnosed mothers identified and enrolled to PMTCT, Total 208 mothers on PMTCT  4,835 clients on ART care and treatment  Viral load sample networking by engaging motorcycle riders in all the Sub Counties  Weekly virtual SRM AFYA Nyota ya Bonde, CASCO, SCASCOs, Technical staff in all the ART sites  Joint Afya YA Nyota and department of Health work plan year 2021  Performance review meeting HIV testing, PMTCT, ART, PrEP, GBV year 2020 (AFYA Nyota, CHMT, SCHMTs)  HIV program services continued to be offered in all the health facilities at the respective lev- els  Mentorship and support supervision was conducted in most of the ART sites

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TB Sub Program Achievements  32 staff mentored on active case finding  24 CHVs sensitized on TB  136 contacts traced  OJT done to 56 staff on quality of care  16 treatment interrupters traced back  Held 4 clinical review meetings  87 sputum samples networked to gene expert sites  Supervised 31 facilities Malaria Sub Program Achievements  Weekly uploading of threshold reports and malaria situation in each sub county  Monthly uploading of Commodity reports  Support supervision to RHFs to carry out mentorship among frontline staff  Contained impending malaria upsurge at some hotspots of East pokot /Tiaty sub county and lower parts of Baringo south and Baringo North  Mobilized preventive measures to Baringo south by supplying 300 LLINS to the Vulner- able members of the community Immunization Sub Program Achievements  60 health care workers from Baringo North, Tiaty west and Tiaty East sensitized on im- munization  20 MCAs sensitized to advocate for more resource allocation to immunization  60 grassroot leaders from Baringo central, Baringo North,Tiaty East and Tiaty west sensi- tized on their role in immunization  20 of CHVs from Tiaty East sensitized on defaulter tracing and referral  20 CHMT sensitized on immunization  Annual immunization Review meeting conducted  12 Support supervisory visits conducted Baringo North and Tiaty west  Availability of all Vaccines in health facilities In Tiaty West  8 sites outreach support of Afya uzazi. These are hard to reach areas without health facili- ty or there may be a facility but is not immunizing due to lack of power for cold chain, each site can serve many villages during the activity day so long as mobilization is done well through the local leaders

Reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health Sub Program Achievements a) Marigat sub county  Support supervision and mentorship at 3 health centres and 8 dispensaries

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 Started group ANC(GANC) at all high-volume facilities  Mentorship on management of labour through EMONC assessment and use of partograph  Exit interviews at all maternity delivering facilities  Activate MPDSR/QI/QA committees  Update on the DMPA –SC (Sayana Press) b) Tiaty west sub county  Support supervision and mentorship  Group ANC sensitization meetings  Distribution of IPC equipment to selected facilities  Community health workers training on health promotion and family planning  Follow up of LARC trainee c) Baringo North sub county  Mentorship on kangaroo mother care, post-natal care, Long acting and reversible meth- ods  Group ANC model orientation in high volume facilities  MPDSR review in selected facilities for perinatal and a near miss case.  Cervical cancer screening  Ultra sound training in 5 facilities d) Tiaty East sub county  Sanitary towels distribution  Group ANC orientation  CHV sensitization on importance of SBA, ANC and family planning  Male involvement meetings e) Eldama Ravine sub county  Mentorship and OJT  Support supervision  EMONC assessment f) Mogotio sub county  Mentorship and OJT  Support supervision  EMONC assessment  Weekly EMONC report verification g) Baringo central sub county  Support supervision and mentorship  Started group ANC(GANC) at all high-volume facilities  Mentorship on management of labour  Exit interviews at all maternity delivering facilities

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 Activate MPDSR/QI/QA committees  Update on the DMPA –SC (Sayana Press) Nutrition Sub Program Achievements:  Ongoing monthly mother to mother support groups meetings and dialogue days held in all the community units implementing BFCI strategies  in the 4 sub counties  Training of 80 community resource persons (CORPS) on nutrition  Malezi bora support supervision and OJT in the few facilities for the sub counties sup- ported by Afya uzazi from November-December 2020  scale-up of Malezi bora activities in all the sub counties –all health facilities  Training of 2 nutrition officers on Kenya nutrition scorecard in on 8th-10th De- cember 2020  County nutrition coordination meeting with division of nutrition held on 7/10/2020 to discuss nutrition continuity of services during covid -19 pandemic  Sub county nutrition technical forum meeting for Tiaty west sub county on 29/10/2020  Launch of nutrition sensitive activities supported by SHA on 15/10/2020  Participation in development of social protection policy for the county  Long rains assessment dissemination meeting to stakeholders held in Nakuru from 15th and 16th Oct 2020  Review of contingency plans workshop on 2nd and 3rd in  Training of 15 health workers from Tiaty East and West on IMAM surge on 18th-19th Nov at rift hills  Ordering, receiving and distribution of nutrition commodities done on monthly basis-100 % reporting rates in all the 7 sub counties Environmental Health Sub Program Achievements In Eldama Ravine:  103 inspections conducted  98 licenses issued  56 food handlers medically examined In Baringo Central:  Law enforcement-45 Statutory notices served 40 complied, 5 prosecuted. Inspection and fumigation of 5 secondary schools, 4 primary schools, 2 tertiary institutions, 12 churches and 3 eateries.  Inspection of all Bars and liquor outlets for COVID -19 compliance  Inspection of 112 public service vehicles for COVID 19 compliance done by public health officers, the police and other line ministries.  Burials of 4 deaths’ related to COVID 19.  Liquid and solid waste management; supervision of proper collection and disposal of wastes in town, health education on Covid-19 prevention, re inspection of food in eater- ies, butcheries, market halls and shops

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In Marigat:  Inspection of 81 premises  34 pieces of water melon seized and condemned  28 kgs of sukuma wiki condemned due to colour change • 10 Advocacy meetings were held  Total number of 4 food handlers examined and issued with valid medical certificates  17 disposal sites were provided and no blockages reported  The number of notices served to law offenders were 68  6 Health Facilities were visited  No case detected, investigated and validated  733 IEC materials distributed  42 health talks were conducted

Community Health Sub Program Achievements In Baringo Central  There has been monthly data review by CHVs and chews  Sensitization of chews on diabetic retinopathy and eye cataract  Mobilization of community for eye screening on diabetic retinopathy-eye cataract done to 19 patients

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sub Programs Achievements:  Attained 37 Open Defecation Free (ODF) certified villages  Achieved 37 Open Defecation Free (ODF) Communities  celebrated 31 Open Defecation Free (ODF) certified villages  Elimination of Open Defecation (OD) in 37 villages in Baringo North and Baringo Central Sub counties  Prevention /Reduction of diarrheal diseases or WASH – related diseases as seen in the health facilities  Improvement of WASH health indicators  Attended 8 Virtual Zoom meeting on WASH Cluster COVID -19 IPC sharing supported by UNICEF from 6/10/2020  On 19/10/2020 attended zoom meeting on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Sup- ported by UNICEF.  Attended 8 Virtual Zoom meeting on Sanitation for UHC implementation in both Baringo Central and Baringo North Sub Counties supported by UNICEF from 21/10/2020  Attended CLTS + TOTs training for 3 days from 10/11/2020 to 13/11/2020 at Tulip Ca- naan Hotel in Kenya supported by Sight savers.

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 On 19/11/2020 attended Kabarnet Court users meeting held at NG- CDF Hall Baringo Cen- tral  On 2/12/2020 attended Stakeholders forum held at Rift Hills Resort where M&E and stra- tegic documents were launched.  On 3/12/2020 received WSTF National monitoring team who visited the 6 triggered villag- es to ascertain its progress. They commented our implementation in CLTS as the best and leading amongst the 8 supported counties.  Attended and facilitated a 5 days CLTS training for 21 PHOs/PHTs CLTS Facilitators held Rift Hills Resort together with the National CLTS Master Trainers from 14/12/2020 to 18/12/2020. The 20 PHOs from Baringo Central and from Baringo North with support from UNICEF Epidemiology Sub Program Achievements  Held one Multi-agency planning and control activities through the county covid-19 re- sponse committee co-chaired by the Governor and County Commissioner  Training and sensitization of 30 frontline health care workers on Covid-19 case manage- ment through support of National Council of Church- South rift region  Continued COVID 19 Response activities such as active surveillance, contract tracing and testing of suspected cases in the community and health facilities.  Preparation and dissemination of 5 County COVID-19 SITREPs to inform public health actions.  Response to Suspected Malaria outbreak in Riongo and Akwichatis in Tiaty • Training of staff on implementation of Trachoma trichuriasis (TT) Surgeries during the ongoing Covid19

Current COVID 19 situation in Baringo:

Disease surveillance Sub Program Achievements  Conduct active case search for vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) using ODK  Carry out OJT to staff on some key areas of surveillance indicators.  3 Follow up of suspected cases due for 60 days follow up  Timely detection and investigation of vaccine preventable conditions, successful survey on Quality of care for outpatient of malaria cases, Virtual meetings on different topical

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areas (EMR for COVID 19 for County and sub county contact tracers and Rapid Re- sponse Teams)  Passive surveillance for these conditions on quarterly and yearly basis.  Responding to Alerts of COVID 19 In Baringo Central  conducted 32 active case search in rural health facilities  Uploaded 13 weekly reports to DHIS  Uploaded 3 months reports to ODK  11 support supervision were conducted in 32 health facilities  1 AFP case was detected, reported, investigated and specimen forwarded to KEMRI Nai- robi Health Promotion Sub program Achievements  Advocacy, communication and social mobilization(ACSM) on COVID 19 Community health education  Done across the county targeting the business community, matatu industry, religious or- ganizations and various groups. This was done in partnership with KRCs, key messages on prevention to include use of face masks, handwashing, observing social distance and avoiding gatherings.  The issue of seeking help immediately when somebody is unwell is also important be- cause it helps to avoid complications Media engagement  Key messages on health conditions were passed over the Radio-radio alfa and Radio umoja and this has empowered the community members with knowledge on prevention.  Communities were also enlightened on the availability of various services within our health facilities in the county in order for them to utilize.  The issue of poor health seeking behavior was addressed, and that people should seek help from a health facility when unwell to avoid complications. Information, education and communication (I.E.C)  I.E.C materials were received through the county government and partners which were distributed to sub counties for onward dissemination to the community, this also helps in improving knowledge among the residents.  Demand creation  Sensitization of health care workers on importance of empowering communities on key messages on immunization was done in Tiaty so as to enable the care givers to take their children for the service.  Review meeting on trachoma –key messages on prevention of the eye illness and the im- portance of surgery to restore eyesight as well as identification of champions who have undergone the surgery successfully was highlighted as this helps to allay fear for those who have not been operated  On 9th Nov, 2020 advocacy was done by use of megaphones at Kabimoi, Eldama Ravine and Kaptim.

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 On 11th and 12th of Nov,2020 there was sensitization of prison inmates and prison offic- ers respectively at Eldama Ravine Prison 2. Curative and Rehabilitative Health Services Program Diagnostic Services Sub Program Achievements  Hospital labs did not receive lab supplies from any vendor or KEMSA during the period un- der review.  There are enough HIV testing commodities in the sub-county hospital laboratories.  TB and malaria diagnostic reagents stocks are adequate.  Genexpert consumables are adequate. Pharmaceutical Services Sub Program Achievements  Inpatient and outpatient pharmaceutical care was provided in the pharmacies across the coun- ty  COVID-19 response commodities were distributed across the county  Monthly program reporting rates of 90% and above were realized  Continuous professional development trainings and sensitizations were carried out. Alloca- tion of TB and ART commodities 3. Administrative and Support Services Program Human Resource for Health  The department currently has 1,422 health care workers distributed across all health facil- ities  Two Officers were released for studies in order to improve service delivery  Two Officers were trained on WISN – work load indicators staffing needs  A committee was formed to deliberate on promotion of County staff, whereby the de- partment was represented, and a total of 968 staff were due for promotions plus other 99 additional staff which their documents are under verification  Promotion of staff was categorized into two phases, the first phase is to be effected from 1st July, 2020 with a total number of 138 staff listed for phase.  Currently the exercise is ongoing  A total of 133 staff were confirmed into permanent and pensionable terms.  The remaining activity is analysis of dashboard  Uploaded staff in IHRIS – 1385  Staff Training not yet uploaded Partnerships and Collaboration Transforming Health Systems for Universal Care Achievements  10 laptops procured to sub county health records officers

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 Support supervision conducted to AIC Eldama Ravine, Saos and sagasagik dispensaries Health financing Hospitals revenue report

2ND QUARTER 2020/2021 (Ksh)

October November December Total Local Coll. NHIF Local NHIF Local NHIF Total Total Grand Coll. coll. Local NHIF Total

Baringo County Referral Hospital 1,950,244 528,180 2,227,077 2,385,980 1,358,007 2,355,430 4,177,321 5,269,590 10,804,918

E/Ravine District Hospital 763,300 366,140 861,970 2,462,775 182,300 12,090 1,807,570 2,841,005 4,648,575

Kabartonjo District Hospital 151,020 16,920 147,875 6,240 52,840 - 351,735 23,160 374,895 Marigat District Hospital 239,990 127,440 256,171 190,825 51,500 189,330 547,661 507,595 1,055,256

Chemolingot District Hospital 34,710 - 44,880 - 16,830 - 96,420 - 96,420 Mogotio District Hospital 78,195 - 59,120 - 1,550 - 138,865 - 138,865

TOTAL 3,217,459 1,038,680 3,597,093 5,045,820 305,020 2,556,850 7,119,572 8,641,350 17,022,574

Supportive Supervision and Mentorship On 15th November 2018, Support Supervision to Mogotio Hospital was done. The objective was to support the management team in Mogotio to evaluate status towards operationalization to Level 4. Identified gazzettement, electrification and water supply were starting points.

Health Infrastructure Sub Program S/No PROJECT NAME Remarks 1 Proposed fencing works at Barbarchun dispensary complete 2 proposed staff house and fencing works at Muchukwo dispensary ongoing 3 proposed completion works at Cheberen maternity block cheberen dispensary ongoing 4 proposed construction of maternity block and Laboratory at Tenges Health Centre ongoing 5 Proposed fencing works at Kapkut dispensary complete 6 Proposed erection and completion of Mortuary block at Chemalingot Hospital ongoing 7 Proposed completion and fencing works at Bebosok dispensary complete 8 Proposed construction of Septic tank, placenta pit and plumbing works at Kasisit dispensary complete 9 Proposed construction of dispensary block at Keilerr. ongoing 10 proposed extension of Laboratory block at Kaptum Dispensary complete 11 proposed completion of dispensary block, two door pit latrine at Chepkewel complete 12 Proposed fencing works at Loruk Dispensary ongoing 13 Proposed construction of three door pit latrine at Kiplombe dispensary complete 14 Proposed Renovation works at Nyaunyau dispensary ongoing 15 Proposed renovation of staff houses at Nginyang health Centre ongoing 16 Proposed renovation and construction of staff house in kadogoi dispensary ongoing 17 Proposed construction of Maternity block at Kabartonjo Hospital ongoing 18 Proposed construction of Chebarsiat dispensary ongoing 19 Proposed renovation of Chesirimion dispensary ongoing

Projects visited for inspection and payment 1. Kipcherere dispensary maternity, fencing and gate, MCH – complete, handed over and in use 2. Ngaratuko dispensary and staff house – complete and handed over ready for use 3. Korelach dispensary - ongoing finalizing (90%)

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4. Maregut dispensary – complete and hand over in use 5. Keturwo laboratory – ongoing (75%) 6. Putero staff house and fencing – ongoing (80%) 7. Nasur dispensary – complete and ready for handing over and to be equipped 8. BRCH surgical block not ongoing due to non-payment and contractor not ready to con- tinue without payment. (50%) 9. Borowonin maternity and laboratory – complete ready for handing over (100%) 10. Ngetmoi maternity – complete and handed over ready for use requires equipment 11. Kabartonjo administration block – complete ready for handing over (100%) 12. Kapunyany dispensary staff house – complete, handed over and in use In Marigat sub county hospital:  Construction of the new site OPD has been going well now remaining with a few floor tiles and paint walls.  Theater has been completed only curtain rods, air conditioner, furniture and sterilizer.  Electricity has been connected to the ‘New site’ and the hospital is working had to lay down water pipes to the site.  Cleaning of the ground is on with the ‘Kazi Mtaani’ program.  The 10 acres allocated to the KMTC is being fenced under National Government constit- uency development fund.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation of the Health Sector

 Compilation of department end of quarter report  Planning and execution of launch of strategic documents for the department with the sup- port of development partners on December 2, 2020. This was combined with a stakehold- ers’ forum  Resource mobilization for the sector through engaging MCAs at a breakfast meeting at Rift Valley Hills resort on October 7th 2020  Documentation of various CHMT meeting minutes throughout the quarter as well as highlighting action points  Review meeting with sub county management teams in October 2020  Updating of county COVID line lists and reports and sharing with national MOH to assist with National tallying  Preparation of MPDSR report as well as documentation of success stories which were shared with IT department for uploading in County website  Documentation of handing over reports from one CHMT group to another during the height of the COVID 19 pandemic In Eldama Ravine sub county:  On 6th Oct, 2020 the meeting was held to review the previous quarter activities and plan for the next quarter.

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 On 5th facility in-charges data review was held.  15 health facilities were visited by SCHMT from 17th Nov-23rd Nov 2020  Timboroa H/C have engaged casuals to assist in processing claims of NHIF and Esageri H/C have engaged a Lab Tech who will assist in NHIF claims  Timboroa H/C have engaged casuals to assist in processing claims of NHIF and Esageri H/C have engaged a Lab Tech who will assist in NHIF claims  Linda mama funds received in 2nd quarter: Torongo Kes 26,000, Esageri Kes 37,000, Igure Kes 28,000 and Timboroa Kes 324,200. Total collected revenue Kes 151,400

Challenges Challenges related to Health financing 1. Funds for Facility improvement to sub county hospitals and the County referral hospital were not disbursed. 2. The national Nurses and doctors strike experienced towards the end of the quarter that led to poor performance in revenue collection at the sub county and the referral hospitals 3. User fees and DANIDA funds were not disbursed to Dispensaries and Health centers 4. Delay in finalizing the Supplementary budget and hence most activities for Quarter 2 could not be implemented

Challenges related to Nutrition 1. Inadequate support for sub county nutrition officers 2. Nutrition implementation currently relies on partner support which is a threat to sustainability 3. Erratic moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) supplies and inadequate nutrition stocks at the facilities 4. Poor health seeking behavior – affecting the return dates for malnourished clients 5. Inadequate human resource Challenges related to RMNCAH 1. Documentation is still a challenge -some facilities had no commodity and page summaries 2. Partographs filling still has gaps. 3. Near misses on MPDSR not reviewed. 4. SOPs missing 5. Double reporting especially on teenage pregnancy 6. Inadequate financial support, airtime and fuel

Challenges related to TB programming 1. Lack of transport to sub counties 2. Knowledge gap on TB amongst HCW 3. Few diagnostic sites 4. Declining donor funds for sputum sample networking 5. Breakdown of gene expert machine at Baringo county referral hospital

Challenges related to HIV Programming

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1. Industrial action by HCWs disrupting services delivery 2. Knowledge gap among some health care workers on HIV/STI management 3. Logistics constraints limiting the mentorship visits 4. Low HIV testing in maternity & post-natal clinics 5. Poor documentation and reporting of program elements 6. Low retention of clients on PrEP 7. Inadequate IEC materials to be supplied to all facilities

Challenges related to Immunization 1. Insecurity in some parts of the county (Baringo North, Baringo South, and East Pokot) 2. Floods leading to submerged facilities and displacements of population 3. Inadequate number of outreach activities 4. Lack of power in some health facilities 5. Inadequate community advocacy/demand creation 6. Stigma among clients on the COVID -19 pandemic 7. Inadequate cold chain equipment in Tiaty East and Tiaty west

Challenges related to Disease surveillance and Epidemiology 1. Inadequate utility Vehicles for transport during support supervision and other emerging is- sues. i.e. response to COVID 19 Alerts 2. Low utilization / access to approved Program Based Budgets 3. Stock outs of reporting Tools MOH 505 AND MOH 502

Challenges related Diagnostic services 1. Intention to provide 24-hour Lab services in all the sub-county hospitals in line with other hospital service provision. Major challenge has been lack of enough staff for the different shifts. 2. The department requires modern diagnostic equipment’s for the different disease conditions. With financial support from BCG, we intend to start a County Reference Laboratory where all lab tests/samples can be analyzed without referring a patient or sample for analysis in an- other lab outside the county. 3. Lab infrastructure is a big challenge in the provision of lab services. Some labs have a small space, drainage is a problem, painting and even patient flow. Increased allocation in request- ed. Drainage system was repaired this quarter at BCRH lab. 4. Shortages of reagents, this will require increased allocation of funds 5. Laboratory staff require trainings, promotions and re-designation 6. Blood for transfusion has never been enough and with the new upcoming wards and theatres, the demand for blood is gradually raising. 7. Inadequate skills and straining in relation to covid-19 activities. These include sample collec- tion, shipment, IPC 8. Inadequate PPEs, sanitizers and face masks 9. Knowledge gap among medical lab providers in relation to IPC component.

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Challenges related to pharmaceuticals 1. Inadequate funding thus shortages of essential drugs. Advocating for more funding is ongo- ing to reduce shortage of drugs. 2. Lack of regular support supervision due to inadequate funding. Follow up on supervision support ongoing 3. Inactive MTCs. Reactivation and operationalization being fast-tracked 4. Appropriate medicines use, pharmacovigilance and commodity use challenges were experi- enced. Follow up on capacity building and sensitization ongoing 5. Inadequate PPEs and COVID-19 commodities. Procurement of additional commodities being undertaken. Challenges relating to Health Infrastructure 1. Delay in realization of supplementary budget 2. Delay in payments to contractors 3. Lack of vehicles for inspection and site handing over Challenges related to community health 1. Lack of funds to facilitate training facilitators, procuring triggering materials, facilitating CLTS triggering, follow ups, Claiming, Verification, Certification, Celebration processes So- cial Sanitation Marketing and Behaviour Change Communication 2. Lack of means of transport for facilitating triggering, follow ups, claiming, verification, certi- fication, Celebration and supportive supervision 3. Few trained CLTS Facilitators to scale up CLTS Countywide 4. High dropout rate of CHVs and low reporting rates due to lack of stipend 5. Lack of reporting tools has hindered the reporting among the CHVs. 6. Inadequate funds to purchase tires and tubes for the motor cycles for Focal person and CHEWs. 7. Lack of sensitization of CHVs on DM/DR and COVID – 19, on their roles and responsibili- ties. 8. Fear instilled to clients from visiting hospitals since they take hospital as an avenue for coro- na Challenges related to health promotion 1. Lack of resources e.g. finances, public address system (PAS) for carrying out activities. 2. Few trained health promotion officers across the county Challenges related to Transforming Health Systems for Universal Care and Financing 1. Suppliers take a long time to deliver goods 2. Procurement process takes long due to bureaucracies 3. Delay in disbursement of funds from treasury to CHMT account 4. Disbursement of funds from CRF to SPA takes too long 5. Funds for Cost sharing were not disbursed. 6. User fees and DANIDA funds were not disbursed to Dispensaries and Health centres. 7. Delay in finalizing the Supplementary budget and hence most activities for Quarter 2 could not be implemented.

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Challenges related to Baringo central and north sub-counties 1. Inadequate reporting tools and training on the same 2. Few children reached during malezi bora since schools closed 3. Inadequate support to carry out door to door supplementation 4. No reporting tools i.e, (MOH 513, MOH 514, MOH 515, MOH 516, MOH 100) for the 150 trained CHVs. 5. No stipend for CHVs, hence no motivation. 6. No fuel for follow up of most community strategy activities in the Sub County. 7. Motor 4 motor bikes for community strategy activities need repairs and tires 8. Inadequate PPE 9. Reduced number of clients seeking services because of COVID 19

Challenges related to Baringo south 1. Insecurity in some parts of Mukutani and lower Mochongoi 2. Kokwa Island and some part of Mochongoi ward is hard to reach areas 3. Staff not trained on IDSR, insufficient AFP specimen collection bottles 4. Lack of means of transport 5. Lack of PAS 6. Documentation is still a challenge -some facilities had no commodity and page summaries, partographs filling still have gaps. 7. Near misses on MPDSR not reviewed 8. Lack airtime for phone calls especially during this period where mentorship is via calls 9. Inadequate MOH tools and IEC materials to be supplied to all facilities 10. Heavy rains and floods led displacement and affected CHVs activities especially in Kampi- Samaki, Ilngarua and Loboi unit this makes it difficult to ascertain the number of households in area covered by each CHV. 11. Low CHVs turn-up in community activities due to lack of motivation, CHVs are visiting households and doing sensitization are being requested for masks and sanitizers by the mem- bers of community which is a challenge to CHVs

Challenges related to Eldama Ravine hospital and sub county 1. Pending bills in most health facilities due to shortage of DANIDA Funds. 2. Frequent breakage of fridges being old especially RCW 42 EG 3. Some of the elected HFMCs have not been trained since their gazzettment in August 2018 4. NHIF office delay in allocation of codes to health facilities thus hinders the process to initi- ate claims from facilities. 5. Lack of adequate resources to conduct all public health activities 6. Untrained CHCs in 8 new CUs 7. Prolonged strike in December 2020

Challenges related to Mogotio Sub County 1. Inadequate of support to SCHMT 2. Lack of utility vehicle 3. Frequent stock-outs of commodities including antigens and non-pharms

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4. Frequent break down of cold chain equipment 5. Underperformance of health indicators due to conversion of sub county referral hospital into COVID 19 Treatment and isolation centre 6. Frequent electricity disconnection in HFs due to poor cash flow to facilities 7. Overreliance of partners

Challenges related to Tiaty 1. Nonfunctional facilities due to lack of staff, 12 immunizing facilities out of 21 2. More CHEWs posted to the sub county other than the technical staff like nurses or clinical officers. 3. No facilitation for public health working around the wards. 4. No facilitation for SCHMT to support various activities at the SC 5. Some reporting tools not available especially for community units, hence, few CUs are re- porting (MOH 515,514, 513 and 516) 6. No facilitation to CHVs

Challenges related to Kabartonjo Sub county hospital 1. Water supply insufficiency; had to purchase from vendor. Repair of pipes for municipal wa- ter supply done. 2. Industrial action leading to large staff absence from duty. The HMT, UHC staff and a section of other staff working on a negotiated arrangement. 3. Patient flow drastically reduced leading to an effect on FIF collection; the hospital has strengthened outpatient services to maximize on returns. 4. Patients with case definition sufficient for investigation for COVID 19 treated untested; due to laboratory-related challenges.

Challenges related to Chemolingot Sub County hospital 1. No X-ray facilities, incinerator and ultrasound machine, laundry machine 2. Theatre not fully operational, lack of theatre ceiling lights 3. Need of air conditional unit at the theatre 4. Need of power house for the new generator 5. Old and unreliable utility vehicle. 6. Huge debt to casuals and suppliers 7. Inadequate staffs especially nurses, sub ordinate and specialized staffs 8. Incomplete projects especially outpatients and administration block

Challenges related to Mogotio Sub County hospital 1. Lack of an ambulance and X-ray machine 2. Lack of a fully functional laboratory for a level 4 facility; no full hemogram, kidney and liver function tests etc. 3. Ongoing industrial action by the healthcare workers 4. Lack/ inadequate funding by the department of Health 5. Non-payment of key services and bills by the facility; water, electricity, casuals have not been paid

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6. Lack of key personnel to work in the isolation center; no physicians, no ICU nurses and doc- tors and other key staff 7. Staff have not been trained on use of ICU equipment

Challenges related to Baringo County Referral Hospital (BCRH) 1. Strike- the union and county government are organizing to settle the issue 2. Hospital finances – delayed disbursement 3. Insufficient allocation the FIF bill 4. Shortage of staff- Nurses, security, drivers 5. Lack of laboratory equipment Recommendations  The County Treasury should do timely requisition of funds (FIF) for hospitals; this will en- sure that the hospital suppliers, casuals and other emergency needs are settled appropriately  Integration of services by the program officers and funding for support supervision and men- torship on documentation and reporting  Continued sensitization, mentorship of nurses in maternity & post-natal clinics  Community sensitization on PEP and genders based sexual violence  Print/photocopy more job Aids  National and county governments to address insecurity in parts of the county  Allocation of more funding for immunization  Procurement of more SDD cold chain equipment (fridges) for Tiaty sub counties  Routine maintenance /repair /replacement of cold chain equipment  Provision of outreach activities in hard to reach areas  Support for vaccine collection and distribution  Enhance advocacy/demand creation on immunization activities  County government to continue with recruitment of more staff  Establish community units in the entire county and provide stipend to CHVs  Champion for increased funding for commodities in order to have adequate stocks  Construction of drug stores in BCRH, Mogotio SCH and Chemolingot SCH  Reactivate hospital MTCs and set up County MTC  Support training on appropriate medicines use, pharmacovigilance and commodity manage- ment  The industrial action needs to be resolved quickly through stakeholder engagement.  Need for an equipped borehole to the Hospital in Kabartonjo for sustained water supply.  Need to fast track the infrastructural fund expenditure marked for Kabartonjo Hospital; to enable Theatre to begin services, renovation of the hospital and for the X-ray  Strengthen and develop standardized Quality Assurance, Standard Operating procedures, safety and security procedures.  Support Kabarnet and Ravine hosp laboratories enroll in an accreditation scheme. Kabarnet hospital has already started the process and need support.  Seek for the increase in the level of funding to laboratory dept to address and improve their human resource, modernize equipment and provide reagents

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 Continuous EMONC assessment  Engage more WASH- CLTS Implementing partners to scale up CLTS implementation countywide  Provision of means of transport (fuel and vehicle) to facilitate supervision and monitoring  Establish WASH- CLTS Hub  Repair of serviceable motorbikes  Resource mobilization be done from BCG and partners to train remaining HFMCs  County health NHIF champion be appointed to follow up reimbursements with NHIF office  County to liaise with KPLC to avail electricity to county health facilities to facilitate many procedures like processing claims for Linda mama etc  CHVs facilitation to improve level 1 services.  Public health officers to be facilitated with motorbikes and fuel for mobility.  Regular servicing of vehicles for easy mobility  For Mogotio hospital, Purchase ambulance, equip the completed theatre, equip the lab fully and the radiology department, provide an AIE to the facility from the COVID-19 fund, re- cruit /deploy ICU staff

Innovations/Best practices  Viral load sample networking by engaging motorcycle riders in all the Sub Counties  Weekly Situation Room Meetings on program targets and performance  Special clinics i.e. Suspected treatment failures, PMTCT, Paediatric/Adolescence/MEN clin- ics improves adherence and treatment outcomes  Paediatric/Adolescents ART optimization has resulted on better treatment outcomes  Ongoing psychosocial groups  Community ART groups  Mentorship via phone call  Early submission of work plans to fast track access to resources, integration of activities to cut on costs, planning with partners to avoid duplication of roles/activities 3.4 Education, Youth, Gender, Sports Development and Social Services Introduction This is a sector composed of Departments of Education and Youth, Gender, Sports Development and Social Services

Expenditure Trends and Analysis The sector was alloacted total budget of Kes 588,093,058 to finance both Recurrent and Devel- opment expenditure. Of this allocation, Kes 341,354,946 and Kes 246,738,112 was for recurrent and development expenditure respectively.

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The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 119,228,571 while there was no development expenditure incurred during the period under review. The overall absorption rate for the half year was 29%. Tables 3.11 below provide detailed presentation. Table 3.11: Expenditure review Eco- Ap- Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Ab- 2020/2021 Ab- nomic proved proved mentary sorp- sorp- Classifi- supple- Budget Budget tion tion cation mentary Rate Rate Budget 2019/2 2020/2 2019/20 2020/20 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total 0 FY Q1 Q 2 Total 1 FY 21 Recur- 369,226, 321,923 341,354, 51,215 121,733 172,949 47% 49,305 119,228 168,534 49% rent 865 ,084 946 ,966 ,450 ,417 ,682 ,571 ,253 Devel- 303,357, 118,123 246,738, - 10,530, 10,530, 3% - - - 0% opment 208 ,608 112 167 167 Total 672,584, 440,046 588,093, 51,215 132,263 183,479 27% 49,305 119,228 168,534 29% 073 ,692 058 ,966 ,618 ,584 ,682 ,571 ,253 Department of Education The department of education is comprised of three sections. They include Youth Polytechnics (Vocational Training Centres), ECDE Section, Education - Bursary Section. A: Vision To be a leading and dynamic department in education, training, research, innovation and automa- tion of service delivery for sustainable development B: Mission To provide, promote and coordinate quality education and training, integration of science, tech- nology and innovation in sustainable socio-economic development process. Mandate 1. Recruit, induct and train ECDE teachers and youth polytechnic instructors. 2. Development of county communication capacity and infrastructure. 3. To identify and nature talent and promote innovation. 4. Prepare bills, policies and regulations. 5. Sensitize the public on gender and disability mainstreaming, access to education, environ- mental issues, and health and safety issues. 6. Promote access, equity, quality and relevant training in youth polytechnic and ECDE 7. Promote integrity, transparency and good governance. Methodology The information used to prepare this quarterly report was collected through the following meth- ods.  Field visits by Departmental heads  Inspection and acceptance reports  Observation.

49 | P a g e

Program and Strategic Objectives S/No Program Strategic Objective 1 Vocational Training To improve skills and creativity of the youth. 2 ECDE To develop infrastructural facilities and implement relevant curricular for basic education. 3 Bursary and ECDE school meal To enhance enrollment and retention of learners through continuous support of needy and vulnerable persons and groups

Performance Overview and Background for Programs and Funding Bursary fund a. Allocated budget is Sh.30,0000 ECDE school meal programme a. Allocated budget sh.0 Vocational Training

a. In 2020/21FY VTC programme projects are: fencing, construction of 7 classrooms, repair works, water connection, and electricity connection. b. Achieved Outputs (Physical progress based outputs): data collection, requisitions and de- signs c. Percentage of cumulative achievement: 30%


a. In 2019/20FY ECDE programme projects are: 13 classrooms and 13 toilets, 1 play- ground leveling, classroom equipping procurement of ECDE teaching/learning resources and stationery b. Achieved Outputs (Physical progress based outputs): data collection and documents preparation c. Percentage of cumulative achievement: 45% d. Action Plan: construction of projects.


Vocational Training a) Budgeted amount is Kes.12,296,936 b) In this quarter data collection, designs and requisitions have been done. ECDE a) Budgeted amount for all ECDE projects is Kes. 37,900,000 Bursary fund a) Budgeted amount is Kes.30,000,000 ECDE school meal programme a. Allocated budget sh. 0.

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Table 3.12 Programme Name: Vocational Training

OBJECTIVE: To improve skills and creativity of the youth.

OUTCOME: Improved and identification of new talents.

Program Projects Location of the Quarter Achieved Percentage Outcomes (out- Action Plan Project Targets Outputs of cumula- comes and im- (Physical tive pacts since progress achievement commencement) based outputs

Fencing of Emining 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- Cheberen VTC ject implemen- tation

VTC Construction of a Lembus 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom at Tu- ject implemen- gumoi VTC tation

Repair of dining Mogotio 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- hall at Mogotio ject implemen- VTC tation

Construction of 2 Ewalelchapchap 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classrooms at ject implemen- Kituro VTC tation

connection of Kabarnet 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- water at Baringo ject implemen- VTC tation

Repair of work- 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- shop Nginyang ject implemen- VTC tation

construction of a LembusPerkerra 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom at Ka- ject implemen- bimoi VTC tation

Construction of a Tenges 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom at Ochii ject implemen- VTC tation

Construction of a Mogotio 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom at ject implemen- Muguyuni VTC tation

connection of Mogotio 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- power at ject implemen- Muguyuni VTC tation

Water Harvesting Emining 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- at MajiMoto VTC ject implemen- tation

51 | P a g e

Connection of Eldama- Ravine 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- power at Kamelilo ject implemen- VTC tation

Construction of a Kabartonjo 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom at Ka- ject implemen- bartonjo VTC tation

Programme Name: ECDE

OBJECTIVE: To initiate, sensitize and implement policies in ECDE

OUTCOME: Increased enrolment in ECDE

ECDE Procurement of All Wards 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- ECDE stationery ject implemen- tation

Construction of Kolowa 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom and ject implemen- Toilet at Chemu- tation ron ECDE

Construction of Silale 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- Classroom and ject implemen- Equipping at tation Chepkogh ECD

Constructions of Mukutani 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- Two Model Class- ject implemen- rooms,office, tation Equipping, Toilet and 10,000Ltrs Tank at Murat ECD

finishing of ECD Mogotio 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- Classroom Ngu- ject implemen- bereti tation

Construction of Ilchamus 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- one classroom, ject implemen- Toilet and Office tation at Eldume ECD

Improvement of kapropita 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- Field at Kapropita ject implemen- Pry. School tation

Completion of Emining 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- ECDE Centers- ject implemen- Borokwo ECD tation and Kaplelwo ECD

Construction of Ribkwo 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom - Akule ject implemen-

52 | P a g e

ECD tation

Construction of Ribkwo 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom - Top- ject implemen- ererwo ECD tation

Construction of Ribkwo 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom Kositei ject implemen- tation

Finishing, Toilet All wards 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- and fencing of ject implemen- Tenges ICT tation

Ecde Equipping and EwalelChapchap 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- Operationalization ject implemen- Seretunin tation

Construction of Mogotio 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom and a ject implemen- toilet Kiptoim - tation Ngenda ECD

Construction of Mogotio 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- classroom and a ject implemen- toilet Koitebes tation ECD

Finishing of ECD Mogotio 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- Classroom ject implemen- Kimgorom tation

Tuluk ECDE 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- ject implemen- tation

Construction of Mogotio 1 0 15% 15% Fast track pro- ECD Ng’ubereti ject implemen- tation

Education Budget Implementation Report Table 3.13: Budget Implementation for FY 2020/2021 Sector/ Department: EDUCATION Programme Name: VOCATIONAL TRAINING Sub –programme:INFRUSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Pro- Ward Outputs/ Targets and Achieve- Rea- Remedies Pro- Bud Con- Total jects/ ment son ject get tract Amo Outcome(s) for Sta- Sum unt Activi- Q1 Achie Vari- Vari- tus (Kes (Kes) Paid ties Tar ved ance ance ) (Kes) get (%)

53 | P a g e

Sector/ Department: EDUCATION Programme Name: VOCATIONAL TRAINING Sub –programme:INFRUSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Pro- Ward Outputs/ Targets and Achieve- Rea- Remedies Pro- Bud Con- Total jects/ ment son ject get tract Amo Outcome(s) for Sta- Sum unt Activi- Q1 Achie Vari- Vari- tus (Kes (Kes) Paid ties Tar ved ance ance ) (Kes) get (%)

Fencing Emining Number of 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 11.5 - 0 of VTCs fenced & project Cheber- design implemen- en VTC tation

Con- Lembus Number class- 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1.5m - 0 struction rooms con- & project of a structed design implemen- class- tation room at Tu- gumoi VTC

Repair Mogotio Number of 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0.6m - 0 of din- facilities reno- & project ing hall vat- design implemen- at ed/rehabilitated tation Mogotio VTC

Con- Ew- Number class- 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 2.7 - 0 struction alelchap- rooms con- & project of 2 chap structed design implemen- class- tation rooms at Kituro VTC connec- Kabarnet Access to clean 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0.29 - 0 tion of water & project 7 water at design implemen- Baringo tation VTC

Repair Number of 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0.6 - 0 of work- facilities reno- & project shop vat- design implemen- Nginyan ed/rehabilitated tation g VTC con- Lem- Number class- 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1.5 - 0 struction busPerker- rooms con- & project of a ra structed design implemen- class-

54 | P a g e

Sector/ Department: EDUCATION Programme Name: VOCATIONAL TRAINING Sub –programme:INFRUSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Pro- Ward Outputs/ Targets and Achieve- Rea- Remedies Pro- Bud Con- Total jects/ ment son ject get tract Amo Outcome(s) for Sta- Sum unt Activi- Q1 Achie Vari- Vari- tus (Kes (Kes) Paid ties Tar ved ance ance ) (Kes) get (%) room at tation Kabimoi VTC

Con- Tenges Number class- 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1.5 - 0 struction rooms con- & project of a structed design implemen- class- tation room at Ochii VTC

Con- Mogotio Number class- 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1.5 - 0 struction rooms con- & project of a structed design implemen- class- tation room at Muguyu ni VTC connec- Mogotio Access to 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0.25 - 0 tion of npower & project power at design implemen- Muguyu tation ni VTC

Water Emining Access to clean 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0.4 - 0 Harvest- water & project ing at design implemen- MajiMo- tation to VTC

Connec- Eldama- Access to pow- 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0.25 - 0 tion of Ravine er & project power at design implemen- Kameli- tation lo VTC

Con- Kabartonjo Number class- 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1.5 - 0 struction rooms con- & project of a structed design implemen- class- tation room at Kabar- tonjo

55 | P a g e

Sector/ Department: EDUCATION Programme Name: VOCATIONAL TRAINING Sub –programme:INFRUSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Pro- Ward Outputs/ Targets and Achieve- Rea- Remedies Pro- Bud Con- Total jects/ ment son ject get tract Amo Outcome(s) for Sta- Sum unt Activi- Q1 Achie Vari- Vari- tus (Kes (Kes) Paid ties Tar ved ance ance ) (Kes) get (%)


Table 3.14 Budget Implementation for FY2020/2021 Sector/ Department: EDUCATION Programme Name: ECDE Sub –programme:INFRUSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Projects/ Ward Out- Targets and Achieve- Rea- Remedies Pro- Bud Con- Total Activities puts/ ment son ject get tract Amo Out- Q1 Achie Vari- for Sta- (Kes Sum unt come(s) Tar ved ance Vari- tus ) (Kes) Paid get ance (%) (Kes) Procurement All Wards Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 2 - 0 of ECDE of class- collec- project m stationery rooms tion & implemen- con- de- tation structed signs Construction Kolowa Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1 - 0 of classroom of class- collec- project and Toilet at rooms tion & implemen- Chemuron con- de- tation ECDE structed signs Construction Silale Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1 - 0 of Classroom of class- collec- project . and Equip- rooms tion & implemen- 5 ping at con- de- tation Chepkogh structed signs ECD Construc- Mukutani Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 2 - 0 tions of Two of class- collec- project Model Class- rooms tion & implemen- rooms,office, con- de- tation Equipping, structed signs Toilet and 10,000Ltrs Tank at Mu- rat ECD finishing of Mogotio Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0 - 0 ECD Class- of class- collec- project . room Ngu- rooms tion & implemen- 5

56 | P a g e

Sector/ Department: EDUCATION Programme Name: ECDE Sub –programme:INFRUSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Projects/ Ward Out- Targets and Achieve- Rea- Remedies Pro- Bud Con- Total Activities puts/ ment son ject get tract Amo Out- Q1 Achie Vari- for Sta- (Kes Sum unt come(s) Tar ved ance Vari- tus ) (Kes) Paid get ance (%) (Kes) bereti con- de- tation structed signs Construction Ilchamus Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1 - 0 of one class- of class- collec- project . room, Toilet rooms tion & implemen- 5 and Office con- de- tation at Eldume structed signs ECD Improvement kapropita Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1 - 0 of Field at of class- collec- project Kapropita rooms tion & implemen- Pry. School con- de- tation structed signs Completion Emining Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0 - 0 of ECDE of class- collec- project . Centers- rooms tion & implemen- 7 Borokwo con- de- tation ECD and structed signs Kaplelwo ECD Construction Ribkwo Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1 - 0 of classroom of class- collec- project . - Akule ECD rooms tion & implemen- 3 con- de- tation structed signs Construction Ribkwo Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1 - 0 of classroom of class- collec- project . - Topererwo rooms tion & implemen- 3 ECD con- de- tation structed1 signs Construction Ribkwo Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1 - 0 of classroom of class- collec- project . Kositei rooms tion & implemen- 4 con- de- tation structed signs Finishing, All wards Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1.5 - 0 Toilet and of class- collec- project fencing of rooms tion & implemen- Tenges ICT con- de- tation structed signs Equipping Ew- Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1 and Opera- alelChap- of class- collec- project tionalization chap rooms tion & implemen- Seretunin con- de- tation structed signs Construction Mogotio Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1.5

57 | P a g e

Sector/ Department: EDUCATION Programme Name: ECDE Sub –programme:INFRUSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Projects/ Ward Out- Targets and Achieve- Rea- Remedies Pro- Bud Con- Total Activities puts/ ment son ject get tract Amo Out- Q1 Achie Vari- for Sta- (Kes Sum unt come(s) Tar ved ance Vari- tus ) (Kes) Paid get ance (%) (Kes) of classroom of class- collec- project and a toilet rooms tion & implemen- Kiptoim - con- de- tation Ngenda ECD structed signs Construction Mogotio Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1.5 of classroom of class- collec- project and a toilet rooms tion & implemen- Koitebes con- de- tation ECD structed signs Finishing of Mogotio Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0.5 ECD Class- of class- collec- project room rooms tion & implemen- Kimgorom con- de- tation structed signs Tuluk ECDE Bartabwa Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 0.5 of class- collec- project rooms tion & implemen- con- de- tation structed signs Construction Mogotio Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 1 of ECD of class- collec- project Ng’ubereti rooms tion & implemen- con- de- tation structed signs

Table 3.15: Budget Implementation for FY 2020/2021 Sector/ Department: EDUCATION Programme Name: ECDE Sub –programme:Curriculum development and Equipment Projects/ War Outputs/ Targets and Achievement Reason Remedies Pro- Budg Con- Total Activities d Out- for ject et tract Amou come(s) Q1 Achiev Vari- Vari- Status (Kes) Sum nt Tar- ed ance ance (%) (Kes) Paid get (Kes) Procure- All Number 1 0 1 Data Fast track 15% 2.0 - 0 ment of War of class- collec- project im- m ECDE ds rooms tion & plementa- stationery con- designs tion structed

58 | P a g e

Key Achievements Vocational Programme i. Data collection & project designs E.C.DE. i. Data collection & project designs

Challenges i. Lack of funds at the beginning of first quarter to carry out early data collection ii. Covid 19 pandemic caused delay in implementation of projects. Recommendations i. The department will speed up the tendering process to ensure that all projects are awarded by mid of quarter 2. ii. All rollover projects will also be included in the ongoing requisition and pending projects completed. 3.4 Department of Youth, Gender, Culture and Social Services Vision Towards a secure, cultural and socio-economic empowered county. Mission To maximize the full potential of Baringo community through participatory engagements that will safeguard the rights and welfare of all enhancing its holistic development. Strategic Objectives  To develop policies that will enhance better service delivery to the Public.  To promote and enhance county cultural heritage for sustainable development.  Promote cultural programs and activities geared towards conservation and preservation of county's cultural heritage and enhancement of national cohesion for sustainable development.  To develop and nurture youth upcoming talents to promote self-employment and sustainabil- ity.  To create an awareness on children rights and protection and empower the youth with knowledge and skills to promote self-employment  To empower women financially through inculcation of entrepreneurial skills and loans and offer social protection to the elderly, orphans and persons with disabilities.

59 | P a g e


Table 3.16: Summary of Programme implementation 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/201 2017/201 2018/19 2019/20 2020/2021 7 8 20 Programmes Cumula- Cumula- Cumula- Cumula- Cumula- Cumula- Cumu- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th tive tive tive tive tive tive lative Quar- Quar- Quar- Quar- ter ter ter ter 1. Work- 70,000 197,420/ 452,200 0 - - shops/Training s 2. County music 475,100 664,500 296,000 369,600 - Covid and cultural -19 festivals Inter- rupted

3. Regional music 569,100 2,041,70 850,000 0 - Covid and cultural 0 -19 festivals. Inter- rupted

4. National mu- 2,123,00 1,354,10 1,000,00 1,147,0 - Covid sic and cultural 0 0 0 00.00 -19 festivals. Inter- rupted

5. Promotion of 502,500 3,000 0 - artists and awards 6. Youth talent s 170,000 80,000 0 - - development 7. kimalel goat 200,000 400,000 570,000 532,000 1,814,00 1,911,00 2,230,0 - Covid auction and 0 0 00 -19 culture fair Inter- rupted

8. Documentation - - - - - 0 236,680 of indigenous knowledge

/cultural herit- age 9. Cultura; ex- Partner- - change pro- ship gramme with national gov- ernment 10. Community - - 100,000 200,000 Simot cultural events – Equi- heritage 20,000/ Simot 11. Capacity 0 - Building of sports officials

12. Holiday camps - - - 0 - support.

13. Motivation ( 90,000 70,000 - Awards) for Exemplary performance in sports.

14. Support to 439,800 210,450 - Athletics (Cross country & track and Field Champi- onships Na- tional, region- als, County and discovery cross) 15. Support to in- 204,000 Covid- dividual ath- 19 In- letes ( Regis- terrupt-

61 | P a g e

tration fee, ed Accommoda- tion, Airticket and Transport).

16. Chemususu - 100,000 150,000 150,000 0 Covid- Dam Half 19 In- Marathon. terrupt- ed

17. Kirdam half 0 - Marathon

18. Baringo half 100,000 100,000 - Marathon

19. Chepchep 150,000 - cross country

20. Deaf Athletics 37,800 - Championships 21. Sports Work- - - - 200,000 0 - shops / Stake- holders meet- ings

22. Kaldich Race 350,000 430,000

23. Kenya youth 2,100,0 - Inter sports 00 Association (KYISA)

24. Nondo Wheel 200,000 - Chair Race 2019

62 | P a g e

25. Promotion of 37,000 353,0 sports talents ( 00 Tournaments)

26. FKF League 250,000 0 Covid- Support 19 In- terrupt- ed

27. KVF support 0 Covid- 19 In- terrupt- ed

28. Anti doping 0 -

29. Sensitization of Partner- Youth groups / ship clubs towards with positiveness in WFP Agribusiness 30. Updating and - 1,157,00 0 reviewing ben- 0 eficiary lists for elderly and persons with disability 31. Training Youth 700,000 0 Done and stakehold- 1,053,6 ers on im- 00 portance of public partici- pation in budg- eting process 32. 16 Days Of 100,000 - - Activism Against Gen-

63 | P a g e

der Based Vio- lence 33. Un Disability 30,000 - Day 34. Older persons 30,000 - celebrations 35. Training Coun- 150,000 Partner- - - ty Gender ship technical work- with ing group Nation- stakeholders on al Gen- their roles der Equali- ty Com- Com- mission 36. Establishment 2,000,00 0 - - of youth forum 0 37. Purchase and 3,000,00 - - distribution of 0 youth tool of trade(lemus perkera and ravine wards) 38. Youth and 7,000,00 0 - - women funds 0 39. Youth and 8,250,0 - - women fund 00 and grants/NHIF for PWDs and Elderly

64 | P a g e

Table 3.17: Implementation status of Development Projects Pro- Projects Location of the Quarter Targets Achiev Per- Out- Action gram Project ed Out- centage comes(outcom Plan Out- of cu- es and impacts puts mula- since project tive commence- achieve ment) ment YOUTH GENDER AND SOCIAL SERVICES 1. Youth Completion works at Youth em- Eldama ravine comple- 100% Good sanita- powerment centre at E/Ravine tion tions

2. Y outh Completion works Youth empow- Marigat comple- 100% Good sanita- erment centre at Marigat tion tions

3. Youth Completion and construction Ra- 84% Good sanita- works Youth empowerment cen- vine,Emining,Marig tions tre septic tanks (Ra- at,Kabarnet,Chemoli vine,Emining,Marigat,Kabarnet,C ngot, and Kabarton- hemolingot, and Kabartonjo jo

4. Youth Completion works Youth empow- Kabarnet 100% Good sanita- erment centre at Kabar- tions net(ablutions)

5. Youth Completion works Youth empow- Kabartonjo 90% 90% erment centre at Kabartonjo

6. Youth Youth and women fund and County wide - - grants/NHIF for PWDs and Elder- ly 7. Youth Assorted youth development ac- Silale Data collection - tivities and equipments –Silale 8. Youth Assorted youth development ac- Lembus ward Data collection - - tivities and equipments –Lembus ward

65 | P a g e

Pro- Projects Location of the Quarter Targets Achiev Per- Out- Action gram Project ed Out- centage comes(outcom Plan Out- of cu- es and impacts puts mula- since project tive commence- achieve ment) ment 9. Youth Assorted youth development ac- Ravine ward Data collection - - tivities and equipments –Ravine ward

10.Youth Assorted youth development ac- Loyamorok ward Data collection - - tivities and equipments –purchase of 2 public address systems and 2 tents and chairs-Loyamorok Ward

11.Youth Youth and women persons with Mogotio ward Data collection - - disabilities –Mogotio ward 12.Youth PWD’S Empowerment Pro- Koibatek ward Data collection - - gramme –Koibatek

13.Youth Women empowerment pro- Koibatek ward Data collection - - gramme –Koibatek

14.Youth Youth development activity and Koibatek ward Data collection - - equipment –Koibatek 15.Youth Assorted youth development ac- Maji mazuri Data collection - - tivities and equipment –Maji Ma- zuri 16.Youth Assorted youth development ac- Lembus ward Data collection - - tivities and equipments-driving school –Lembus ward 17.Youth Grants for support to PWD’S- Lembus ward Data collection - - Lembus Ward 18.Youth Assorted youth development ac- Lembus kwen Data collection - -

66 | P a g e

Pro- Projects Location of the Quarter Targets Achiev Per- Out- Action gram Project ed Out- centage comes(outcom Plan Out- of cu- es and impacts puts mula- since project tive commence- achieve ment) ment tivities, equipments and capacity building/training 19.Youth Women empowerment develop- Lembus kwen Data collection - - ment activities-IGA-Lembus Kwen 20.Youth Youth development income gen- Kapropita ward Data collection - - erating activity –Kapropita Ward 21.Youth PWD’S development and support Kapropita ward Data collection - - –Kapropita ward 22.Youth Women development IGA- Kapropita ward Data collection - - KAPROPITA Ward

23.Youth Youth Empowerment-Emining Emining ward Data collection - - Ward 24.Youth Youth empowerment-purchase of Bartabwa ward Data collection - - pressurized car washing machine and water pump Generators - Bartabwa ward 25.Youth Youth and women empowerment- Bartabwa ward Data collection - - purchase of motorcycle-Bartabwa ward

26.Youth Purchase of office motorcycle - Bartabwa ward Data collection - - Bartabwa ward

27.Youth Poultry ,dairy farming quarry County wide Data collection - - Equipments, Green Houses, Tree

67 | P a g e

Pro- Projects Location of the Quarter Targets Achiev Per- Out- Action gram Project ed Out- centage comes(outcom Plan Out- of cu- es and impacts puts mula- since project tive commence- achieve ment) ment nursery, drug and substance abuse programme and sports activities

CULTURE AND THE ARTS 28.Cu l- Players theatre Baringo central Completion of the Com- 40% Promotion of Working ture project pletion social activities on the of roof- and generation termina- ing of revenue tion process 29.Cu l- Mogotio social hall plot fencing Mogotio Identify site Area 0 Community Engage ture occu- meeting point area pied by facility –reduce leader- slaugh- of hiring halls ship ter house 30.Cu l- Kolowa social hall Tiaty Last payment 100% Community Con- ture meeting point struction Com- facility –reduce of com- plete – of hiring halls munity waiting social payment hall fa- and cility handing over

31.Cu l- Ngoron social hall Tiaty Ongo- 10% Community ture ing meeting point facility –reduce of hiring halls 32.Cu l- Chepicha cultural centre fencing Tiaty Data collection Col- ture (Loyamorok) lected data

68 | P a g e

Pro- Projects Location of the Quarter Targets Achiev Per- Out- Action gram Project ed Out- centage comes(outcom Plan Out- of cu- es and impacts puts mula- since project tive commence- achieve ment) ment 3 Cul- Construction of Kabarnet Com- Baringo central 90% Inculcate read- 3 ture munity Children’s Library (Pol- ing culture kadot)

SPORTS 3 Sports Purchase of assorted sports items County wide Data collection Col- 0 -Enhanced Equip ac- 4 lected raw sports tive clubs data talents de- with assort- velopment ed sports items 3 Sports Purchase of assorted sports items Tiaty Data collection 0 0 - Equip ac- 5 –Churo Construc- tive clubs tive en- with assort- gagement of ed sports youth items through sports. -Improved peaceful co- existence

3 Sports Purchase of assorted sports items Tiaty Data collection 0 0 - Equip ac- 6 (Churo Amaya / Mukutani) Construc- tive clubs tive en- with assort- gagement of ed sports youth items through sports. -Reduced Insecurity

69 | P a g e

Pro- Projects Location of the Quarter Targets Achiev Per- Out- Action gram Project ed Out- centage comes(outcom Plan Out- of cu- es and impacts puts mula- since project tive commence- achieve ment) ment 3 Sports Improving of lembus kwen prima- Baringo central Completion of the Ongo- 60% -Increased Improved 7 ry school grounds:Moringwo, project ing participa- playable kap- tion in ground for choloi,Kewangoi,Sigoro,Kiptuno, sports. football, Arama,and Kipkuyang. athletics, volleyball and netball. 3 Sports Kapketen ablution block, Septic Eldama Ravine Completion of the Site 0 -Curb mi- Convene 8 tank and partitioning of the hostel project conflict gration of Stakehold- athletes to ers meeting neighbour- to resolve ing counties the matter. in pursuit of conducive training facility 3 Sports Consruction of kitchen block at Eldama Ravine Completion of the Site 0 -Curb mi- Convene 9 Kapketen training camp project conflict gration of Stakehold- athletes to ers meeting neighbour- to resolve ing counties the matter. in pursuit of conducive training facility 4 Sports Leveling of loyamorok field Tiaty B.Q’s development B.Q’s 0 -Positive Improved 0 devel- engagement playable oped of the youth ground for aimed at football, reducing athletics, deviant be- volleyball haviours. and netball.

70 | P a g e

Pro- Projects Location of the Quarter Targets Achiev Per- Out- Action gram Project ed Out- centage comes(outcom Plan Out- of cu- es and impacts puts mula- since project tive commence- achieve ment) ment 4 Sports Upgrading of solian primary E/Ravine Marking of the field Field 100% -Sports tal- Improved 1 school marked ents devel- playable opment ground for -Reduce football, cost in- athletics, curred by volleyball athletes in and netball. Kapketen training camp in pursuit of track for speed work training. 4 Sports Improving and equipping of Tiaty 2 sports facilities for Tirioko Ward

4 Sports Construction of Sirwa athletic Mogotio Completion of septic Ongo- 50% -Conducive 3 camp tank ing athletics training facility.

4 Sports Purchase of assorted sports item Baringo south Data collection Col- 0 -Promote Equip 4 for Mochongoi ward lected and develop sports men data sports tal- and women ents with assort- ed basic sports items 4 Sports Completion of Kapcholoi play- E/Ravine Completion of the Com- 60% -Increased Playable 5 ground –Lembus- Kwen project pletion number of playground. of athletes Back- fielded in filling National

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Pro- Projects Location of the Quarter Targets Achiev Per- Out- Action gram Project ed Out- centage comes(outcom Plan Out- of cu- es and impacts puts mula- since project tive commence- achieve ment) ment and Interna- tional events. 4 Sports Levelling of field and support to Tiaty B.Q’s development B.Q’s 0 -Positive Playable 6 sports activities (Loyamorok) devel- engagement playground. oped of the youth aimed at reducing deviant be- haviours.

4 Sports Levelling, Marking and equipping Baringo south Data collection 0 0 -Reduce Secured 7 football, netball (Mosuro sports encroach- sports facil- grounds and fencing). Mukutani ment of ities earmarked sports facili- ties.

4 Sports Support to sports activities and Tiaty Data collection 0 0 -Nurture Equip 8 equipments (Ripkwo ) sports tal- sports men ents and women with assort- ed basic sports items 4 Sports Purchase of uniforms, Balls and Baringo central Data collection Col- 0 -Promote Equip 9 other sports equipments and relat- lected and develop sports men ed accessories (Ewalel chapchap) data sports tal- and women ents with assort- ed basic sports items 5 Sports Purchase of assorted sports Baringo south Data collection 0 0 -Tap uni- Equip 0 equipment for Marigat football dentified sports men sports tal- and women

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Pro- Projects Location of the Quarter Targets Achiev Per- Out- Action gram Project ed Out- centage comes(outcom Plan Out- of cu- es and impacts puts mula- since project tive commence- achieve ment) ment club.(Marigat Ward) ents. with assort- ed basic sports items 5 Sports Purchase of sporting equipments – E/Ravine Data collection 0 0 -Promote Equip 1 Lembus Ward and Tap sports men unidentified and women sports tal- with assort- ents. ed basic sports items

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3.5 Department of Industry, Commerce, Enterprise and Co-Operative Development Vision To make Baringo County a destination of choice for business and investment

Mission statement To create Wealth for the people of Baringo County through a competitive business enterprise, value addition and cooperatives by providing enabling environment for their establishment

Programme Objectives

Programme Objective P1 Industrial Development and Investment To reduce poverty and improve the living standards Promotion of the people of Baringo through promotion of in- vestment for wealth & employment creation. P2 Trade Development and Weights & To enhance business growth through promotion of Measures innovation .value addition, market linkage and access to microfinance services for socio-economic empow- erment. P3 Co-operative Development and Management To promote growth and development of Co- Services operative Societies

Expenditure Trends and Analysis The department of of Industry, Commerce, Enterprise and Co-Operative Development budget allocation was Kes 161,038,587 to finance both Recurrent and Development expenditure. Of this allocation, Kes 78,405,925 and Ksh 82,632,662 was for recurrent and development expenditure respec- tively.

The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 6,943,588 while there was no devel- opment expenditure incurred during the period under review. The overall absorption rate for the department was 11. Table 3.18 provides detailed presentation. Table 3.18: Expenditure Analysis Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp- 2020/2021 Absorp- ic Classi- supple- proved mentary tion tion fication mentary Budget Budget Rate Rate Budget 2019/20 2020/21 FY FY 2019/20 2020/20 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total Q1 Q 2 Total 21 Recur- 74,853,448 75,500,7 78,405,925 34,417, 16,378, 50,796, 68% 11,521, 6,943, 18,464, 24% rent 12 868 566 433 389 588 977 Devel- 158,826,88 73,900,0 82,632,662 - 3,024,1 3,024,1 2% - - 0% opment 8 00 10 10 Total 233,680,33 149,400, 161,038,58 34,417, 19,402, 53,820, 23% 11,521, 6,943, 18,464, 11% 6 712 7 868 676 543 389 588 977

Achievements include: A) Industrial Development and Investment Promotion Sector The Investment and Economic Corporation bill was enacted and sent to the Government printers for publishing . There Aloe Commercialization took new steps when the department recently signed an MOU with an investor together with Key stakeholders such as KWS, KFS, KEFRI, KOKISA, County department of Environment, for work to start soon.

B) Trade Development Section

The following were achieved during the period under review; i) Business development Services section  Micro and Small Enterprises(MSEs) loan recovery for the period was Kes 1,457,292.80 while total amount at bank was kshs. 2,942,899.98 as at 31/12/2020  Renovations of Ravine market continued in order to give it a new face lift. ii) Weights and Measures section During the quarter under review the revenue collections were Kes 276,000.00 for verification of measuring equipment. C) Co-Operative Development Section

Introduction During the quarter under review, most planned activities in all Sub-Counties were suspended due to Government directives that suspended public gatherings in order to stop spread of Covid-19 pandemic. 2nd Quarter Audit Report 1st October - 31st December 2020 Below is our Audit report for the second quarter CS/ NO SOCIETY NAME YEAR OF AMOUNT AUDIT CHARGED & COLLECTED 1. 0969 Mogotio FCS Ltd 2020 16,700.00 2. 9488 Mogotio Staff Sacco 2019 2,400.00 3. 4866 Sirwa FCS Ltd 2020 2,400.00 4. 9075 Kabartonjo FCS Ltd 2019 2,400.00 5. 6643 Kiptoim FCS Ltd 2020 3,500.00 6. 1129 Tugen Hills FCS Ltd 2019 5,700.00 Total 6 Audit 33,100.00 Years Distribution of Audit fees A. 30% of 33,100.00 = Kshs. 9,930.00 was sent to Nairobi National Government. B. 70% of 33,100 = Kshs. 23,170.00 was sent to Baringo County Government

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 Inadequate financial resources  Inadequate office stationery  Unreliable transport facilities Baringo South and Tiyati Sub-Counties No major activities were carried out except that a training for Board of Directors of Marigat FCS Ltd was carried out: Baringo Central and Baringo South Activities that were carried out were:

 Assets verification. This was done for all departments in the county  Training of Board Members for Kertai Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd was carried out at Lo- manira Splendour Resort, Mogotio.  A meeting was held at Katimok whereby Coffee Societies leaders attended and charted their way forward. It was resolved that Baringo County Cooperative Union takes the lead in mobilizing So- cieties so as to mill coffee in the new coffee mill situated at Katimok  Kapluk FCS Ltd in Barwessa ward held an Annual General Meeting,  Registration of new Societies was carried out. The following Societies were registered: 1 Chomiet FCS Ltd 2 Paka Hills FCS Ltd 3 Mirkisi FCS Ltd, 4 Cheloloti FCS Ltd, 5 Tlam FCS Ltd 6 Kitoo Pass FCS Ltd, 7 Akwinas FCSLtd, 8 Seronu FCS Ltd  Board of Directors meeting for Baringo Macadamia Co-operative Society was held at Diwani Ho- tel, Kabarnet. Marketing strategies and member recruitment drive were discussed.  Training of trainers meeting on developing business plans was held at KEFRI, Marigat. It was or- ganized and funded by ASDSP.  USAI/CLEAR project carried out data collection from Tugen Hills FCS Ltd. It was done at Katimok Coffee Factory on 01/12/2020  A meeting was held at Rehabilitation Center in Kabarnet whereby Coffee Farmers deliberated on the Coffee Mill issued. Commodity Fund loans recovery was part of the Agenda.

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Eldama Ravine and Mogotio Sub-Counties The report covers the activities done in Eldama –Ravine and Mogotio sub-counties from 1st Oc- tober to31th December 2020. Due to Covid-19 pandemic not much has been done but this office has always encouraged board members to continue carrying out mandatory activities for the benefit of the organization and always observe the Ministry of Health Protocols. The AGMs in marketing Cooperative Societies expected during this period have since remained suspended, however a few were carried out and Ministry of Health protocols were observed. The office continues to advise Co-operative Societies to implement only the re-current expendi- tures in their proposed budgets but capital expenditure to wait for members’ approval. The following activities were carried out during the above quarter;

 Approval of the budget .This was done in the following societies during their general meetings of members : 1. Sabatia FCS Ltd. 2. Mogotio FCS Ltd. 3. Skyline Sacco Society Ltd. 4. Mogotio Girls Sacco Society Ltd. Audited Accounts Mogotio FCS, Mogotio Girls Sacco Society Ltd and Sabatia FCS Ltd had their final audited ac- counts and approved by members.  Appointment of auditors of the societies; Mogotio Girls Sacco Society ,Sabatia Fcs Ltd and Mogotio Fcs Ltd appointed ministry of cooperative as their auditor.  Interviews were conducted in Mumberes for the position of an accountant and Arama for the position of a manager.  Board meetings carried in Skyline ,Sabatia ,Boresha Sacco and Mogotio FCS  SDM done in Skyline through zoom.  Total amount of milk collected during this period was 2,445,928.8 Kgs and kshs 97,225,471.05 was paid to dairy co-operative societies.  Bamscos the Umbrella body continues to play their Advocacy role and this has led to timely milk pay- ments and improved prices.  Saccos are also doing well despite low volume of business.  Value addition continues to be done in Mumberes ,Sabatia and Mogotio co-operative Societies.  Plans to sell bottled water in Mumberes co-operative are in progress.

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In conclusion the Marketing co-operative continues to do well and members are paid in good time monthly. Baringo Co-operative Development Fund account balances at Boresha Sacco Society as at 30/06/2020 was Kes 4.6 million 3.6 Department of Environment, Natural Resources, Mining, Tourism And Wildlife. Introduction The department is made up of five (5) sub-sectors, namely: Environment, Natural Resources, Mining, Tourism and Wildlife. The sectors strategic objectives are as outlined below;  To promote the exploitation of natural resources in a sustainable manner  To protect, conserve and nurture environmental resources including promotion of tourist at- traction sites  To develop tourism potential through the conservation of wildlife and natural resources as well as optimal exploitation of tourism products The environment protection and natural resources sub-sector is composed of the following pro- grammes; i) environmental conservation ii) natural resources conservation iii) mining promotion and development iv) tourism promotion and development The environment conservation and tourism, and mining and natural resources are mandated to ensuring a clean, healthy and protected environment for business and tourism, for the people of Baringo County through sustainable exploitation and management of natural resources and de- velopment and active marketing of tourist attraction sites. The expected outcomes are; (i) improved livelihoods aimed at achieving vision 2030, (ii) sus- tainable development and (iv) Big Four Agenda. Tourism sub sector is concerned with tourism product diversification and facilities development, while mining sub sector promotes mining and mineral utilization. Expenditure Trends and Analysis The department of Tourism, Wildlife Management, Natural Resources and Mining budget allo- cation was Kes 66,342,755 to finance both Recurrent and Development expenditure. Of this al- location, Kes 38,761,709 and Kes 27,581,046 was for recurrent and development expenditure respectively. The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 10,775,923 while there was no de- velopment expenditure incurred during the period under review. The overall absorption rate for the department for the half year was 23%. Tables 3.21 provide detailed presentation.

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Table 3.21: Expenditure Analysis Eco- Ap- Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp 2020/2021 Absorp nomic proved prove mentary sorp- sorp- Classifi- supple- d Budget tion tion cation mentary Budg- Rate Rate Budget et 2019/2 2020/2 0 FY 1 FY 2019/20 2020/2 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total Q1 Q 2 Total 021 Recur- 37,048,33 37,310 38,761,70 3,298, 6,981, 10,280 28% 4,706, 10,775 15,482 40% rent 9 ,555 9 305 967 ,272 999 ,923 ,922 Devel- 46,627,30 21,907 27,581,04 - 3,135, 3,135, 7% - - - 0% opment 5 ,650 6 100 100 Total 83,675,64 59,218 66,342,75 3,298, 10,117 13,415 16% 4,706, 10,775 15,482 23% 4 ,205 5 305 ,067 ,372 999 ,923 ,922

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Table 3.21: Programme Ouputs and Perfomance Indicators

Programme Name: Environmental Conservation & Management Objective: To ensure a clean, healthy and protected environment for a sustainable future of the people of Baringo County Outcomes: Increased clean and healthy environment in Baringo Sub Pro- Projects Location of Quarter Tar- Achieved Outputs (Physical Percentage (%) Outcomes (outcomes Action Plan gram Projects gets progress based on outputs) Cumulative and impacts of since Achievements project commence- ment Solid waste Management subprogram Dumpsite Develop- 0 A clean and healthy No Budgetary alloca- ment environment tion. Development of 0 A clean and healthy No Budgetary alloca- Eco/Public toilet environment tion Environmental Education & Training sub program Environmental educa- Countywide (12 72 0 NO. awareness Barazas 0 % Achieved Increased public partic- Not held due to the tion and awareness per sub county) ipation in environmen- government ban on tal conservation and gatherings in curbing protection the spread of COVID19 Environmental clean Countywide 6 0 NO. clean up 0 % Achieved Increased public partic- No clean up held ups campaigns ipation in environmen- tal conservation and protection Programme Name: Natural Resource Conservation & Management Objective: To ensure management and utilization of natural resources for the people of Baringo County Outcomes: Sustainable use and increased benefits from natural resources County forest conservation and management sub program Promotion of tree countywide 0 For 3rd quarter 0% Improved food nutrition No budgetary alloca- /Mango planting in Increased tree cover tion farms, institutions Establishment & opera- 0 0 2ND Quarter 0 % Increased tree cover No budgetary alloca- tionalization of model tion tree nurseries Protection, Rehabilitation and Conservation of water catchment areas/ Springs and dams None None 0 None O% Catchment protection & No budgetary alloca- access to water tion Soil and water conservation None Mogotio ward 0 None 0 Increased soil produc- No Budgetary alloca- tivity tion Program Name: To develop and exploit tourism potential in Baringo County Objective: Tourism product diversification and facilities development Outcomes: Increase No. of Tourist visit and increased revenue Tourism product development

Sub Pro- Projects Location of Quarter Targets Achieved Outputs (Physical Percentage (%) Outcomes (outcomes Action Plan gram Projects progress based on outputs) Cumulative and impacts of since Achievements project commence- ment Releng & Kapchumba As per the annual 10% Increased revenue, Data collection and Tourism development procurement plan Tourist satisfaction, design target 3rd quarter. and Tourist retention Ruko Staff houses Lake Baringo As per the annual No of units 10% Ease Accessibility, Data collection and procurement plan Tourist Satisfaction design target 2nd Quar- ter. Lake Bogoria Commu- Adjacent wards As per annual No of Beneficiaries 3rd quarter Community appreci- nity Grants to Lake Bogo- procurement plan ate tourism activities ria national target 3rd quarter and conservation reserve Promotion of mining and minerals utilization Mining sector devel- Countywide As per the work- NO. of minerals Continuous activi- Increase reve- Work affected by the opment plan NO. of investors ties nue/income from COVID 19 pandemic. NO. of Concessions/agreements mining activities at signed county and household No. of regulations/policies level

Project Status Reporting a) General overview of the expenditure report for the 2019/2020 FY as at 1st Quarter

Table 3.22:

S/NO Project Name Ward/Sub Coun- Budget Contractor’s Amount Status Remarks on the status ty Name Paid construction, protection and Sacho 500,000.00 M/s Lencah com- 500,000 100% Paid conservation of Sacho (Sugu- pany Ltd. tek) Spring Kimakata Spring protection Ewalel Chap chap 1,000,000.00 M/s Morning Light 1M 100% Fully paid company Ltd.

Kiptilit Gulley Protection Barwessa 1,000,000.00 M/s Eree General 0 Not implemented Funds removed in supplemen- Merchants tary

Kimgorom school gulley pro- Mogotio 500,000 Not awarded 0 0 Funds removed in supplemen- tection tary

81 | P a g e

S/NO Project Name Ward/Sub Coun- Budget Contractor’s Amount Status Remarks on the status ty Name Paid Lake Baringo and Saimo Kipsara- 4,000,000.00 Urusie company 0 75% Ongoing Releng Tourism development man Ltd.

Lake Baringo Public Beach Saimo Soi 10,000,000.00 Not awarded 0 0% Funds removed in supplemen- Development tary

Kapicha Campsite & Ecotour- Kisanana 1,500,000.00 M/s Fostek com- 1.5M 100% Fully paid ism Centre Survey, fencing, pany Ltd. latrine, shade and gate con- struction

b) General overview of the expenditure report for the 2018/2019 FY roll over projects

S/No. Project Name Ward/Sub County Budget Contractor’s Name Amount Paid Status Remarks on the status 1. Kabarnet dump site Develop- Kabarnet 2,000,000 M/s Eltus solutions compa- 0 30% TORS for the Feasibility studies, full ESIA, ment of Phase 2- Feasibility ny Ltd. Designs and Plans completed and forwarded studies, Design works, Full to procurement. ESIA studies 2. Provision of Water to Wildlife Baringo South & 500,000 M/S Seneya contractors 0 100% Fully paid (water troughs)-: Lake Bogoria Mogotio Ltd. 3. Ruko Staff Houses (Ruko Tiaty/Baringo South 1,000,000 M/s Tingrich Investments 0 100% Paid Ksh600,000 Community Conservancy) Ltd. 5 proposed construction of Fence Lembus Perkera 1,000,000 M/s Nambawan contractors 0 100% Processing payment at Kiborit community conserv- (WARD FUND) company Ltd. ancy (FY 2017/18) 6 Kaptimbor youth group tree Kabarnet ward 280,040 Kaptimbor youth group 280,040 100% Fully paid nursery development company Ltd.

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c) A detailed report on cash transfer/ “roll-over” projects for the previous FY’s S/No. PROJECT CONTRACTOR Tender Number Budget CONTRACT Amount ROLL OVER Pro- Remarks on the status amount SUM paid ject status 1. Construction of M/S NOBEK IN- BRCG/QTN/438/2 2,060,000 2,060,000 425,000 1,635,000 0% Funds added in supplementary Eco toilet in VESTMENT LTD 017-2018 Kampi ya Sa- maki (Saimo soi) 2. Proposed protec- M/s Plan B solu- BRCG/QTN/359/2 1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 60% ongoing tion Kapseger tions Ltd. 017-2018 spring 3. Construction of Firmwise Contrac- BRCG/C/017 4,500,000 4,200,000 3,500,000 1,000,000 90% ONGOING- Eco-Toilet and tors Ltd. Fund removed in supplemen- fencing at Mari- tary gat 4. Constructed M/S BAI ENTER- BRCG/TNR/224/2 2,000,000 1,322,502.08 972,450.27 350,051.81 95% Fixing of tiles remaining only, Curio Shops at PRISES 013-2014 project terminated and remain- Lake Barin- ing works to be retendered. go/Kampi Sa- maki 5. Constructed M/S BAI ENTER- BRCG/TNR/223/2 2,500,000 1,626,980.04 745,373 881,607 95% Fixing of tiles remaining only, Curio Shops at PRISES 013-2014 project terminated Lake Bogoria/ emsos gate 6. Refurbishing and M/s Asekai com- BRCG/TNR/215/2 26,750,335.40 26,750,335.40 11,596,010 15,154,325 50% Ongoing equipping of pany Ltd. 016/2017 Mogotio Infor- mation Center 7 Construction of M/s Nevisco In- 2,500,000 2,400,000 1,100,000 1,300,000 Ongo- Rehabilitation work ongoing Environmental vestment ltd ing Conservation structures Tiaty – Nattan 8 Construction of M/s Nevisco In- 2,000,000 1,950,000 0 2,000,000 Funds added in supplementary Environmental vestment ltd Conservation structures Barin- go North – Ngaratuko

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Key Achievements (per program and subprogram)

PROGRAMME SUB PROGRAMME ACHIEVEMENT Environmental conservation and Environment management and conservation  Development of Climate change policy and climate change funds regulation management  Climate change funds regulation presented to the Assembly committee on environment, natural resources and tourism  Climate change committee presented to the county executive committee members Mining  Sensitization of the County Assembly Committee on mining on the County mining poli- cies and acts  Process of signing of collaborative agreement between GDC and Baringo County Gov- ernment on marketing and utilization of geothermal and CSR activities  No objection letters written to Zhengwel Technique Kenya LTD, Pacific Industrial Ener- gy limited and African Diatomite industries on mineral prospection in Baringo  Launch of the Kositei diatomite mining process in Baringo by Chuangshuan  Geological prospecting, mapping and extraction and assessment of diatomite in Kapturo sub location

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The challenges facing the environmental, natural resources, tourism and wildlife sub-sector are prioritized as follows;

i) Low funding and total lack of funding for some programmes/projects have particularly af- fected project outcomes. ii) Lack of office operation and maintenance funds for the sub-counties iii) Inadequate office space at the headquarter and sub-counties iv) Inadequate vehicles for transportation and especially for field operations, forest and park patrols v) Lack of a dumpsites in all the sub county headquarters vi) There is no public beach for the guests visiting Lake Baringo Lake Bogoria Reserve boundary issue to be solved Way forward

1. Plans are underway for feasibility and Full ESIA studies to address hindrances to the estab- lishment of a solid waste dumping site in Kabarnet and fast-tracking the development of the same in the Financial Year 2020-2021. 2. Establishment of Reserve boundary issue be solved the issues of the current development which going on 3. Acquisition of Rescue vehicle/tractor for both L. Baringo/Bogoria parks

3.7 Department of Lands, Housing and Urban Development

i. Vision

Provision of effective, efficient and transparent services related to Land, Housing and Urban devel- opment in Baringo ii. Mission To promote, co-ordinate and implement integrated social economic policies and programs in the management of Land, Housing and urban Development in Baringo iii. Department Objectives  Development and implementation of policies on land  Proper Spatial planning and regulation


 Generation, maintenance and dissemination of accurate geographical data  Ascertainment and recording of interests and land rights  Secure land tenure  Ensuring sustainable land use  Management of land information and updating land records  Urban planning and development control.  Administration of Kabarnet and Eldama Ravine towns  Support of land adjudication and demarcation in the County

Expenditure Trends and Analysis

The department of Lands, Housing and Urban Development budget allocation was Kes 204,614,213 to finance both Recurrent and Development expenditure. Of this allocation, Kes 91,754,961 and Kes 112,859,252 was for recurrent and development expenditure respectively.

The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 7,323,187 while there was no develop- ment expenditure incurred during the period under review. The overall absorption rate for the de- partmentfor half year was 9%. Tables 3.23 below provide detailed presentation.

Table 3.23: Expenditure Analysis Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp- 2020/2021 Absorp- ic Classi- supple- proved mentary tion tion fication mentary Budget Budget Rate Rate Budget 2019/20 2020/21 2019/20 2020/202 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total FY Q1 Q 2 Total FY 1 Recur- 87,173,81 87,787,6 91,754,96 10,442, 9,793,3 20,235, 23% 10,986, 7,323, 18,309, 20% rent 2 84 1 303 27 630 485 187 672 Devel- 271,163,2 62,307,4 112,859,2 - 12,325, 12,325, 5% - - - 0% opment 16 12 52 319 319 Total 358,337,0 150,095, 204,614,2 10,442, 22,118, 32,560, 9% 10,986, 7,323, 18,309, 9% 28 096 13 303 646 949 485 187 672


Table 3.24: Programme Expenditure performance 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2020/2021 P1 General Administration and Support Services) Recurrent : Development : Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total SP1.1 General Administration and Support Services 30,225,518.00 32,479,294.00 32,727,626.00

SP 1.2 : Land Development services 134,530,007.00 136,460,500.00 62,307,412.00 0.00

SP1.2.1: Planning of new urban centres and revision of - 1,500,000.00 0.00 outdated plans 2,850,000.00

SP1.2.2:Centre Planning-Tangulbei,Pombo and Chepkala- - 1,000,000.00 0.00 cha -

SP1.2.3: Barbarchun, Bartabwa, Moigutwo and Che- - - 1,600,000.00 0.00 mintany Street Lighting SP1.2.4: Salabani Land Survey - 0.00 - 1,000,000.00 SP1.2.5: Floodlights installation at Timboroa Centre - 0.00 - 2,000,000.00 SP1.2.6:Kiserian, Mosuro, Sokotei, Loitip land adjudica- - - 500,000.00 0.00 tion and Centers planning SP1.2.7:Arabal Land Demarcation, adjudication and plan- - - 2,500,000.00 0.00 ning SP1.2.8:Waseges and Koitumet Land Adjudication - 1,400,000.00 0.00 SP1.2.9: Demarcation ,survey & beaconing of Sirwa, - - 2,000,000.00 0.00 Kimgorom, Kaplaimoi and Chemorgong SP1.2.10: Chebinyiny Land Adjudication - 1,500,000 1,700,000 SP1.2.11:Planning of Kiptuno trading centre(Cash Trans- - 600,000 340,000 fer) SP1.2.12: Purchase of Fire Truck for Kabarnet (cash trans- - 30,984,900 15,492,450 0.00 fer) SP1.2.13: Purchase of land equipment(Cash Transfer) - 500,000 500,000.00 0.00 SP1.2.14: Purchase of small fire engine for marigat - 9,015,100 9,015,100 0.00 town(cash transfer)


2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2020/2021 P1 General Administration and Support Services) Recurrent : Development : Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total SP1.2.15:Integrated development plans E/Ravine - 13,200,000 6,769,862 0.00 Town(cash transfer)

SP1.2.16:Purchase of fire engine for Eldama Ravine Town town(cash - 40,000,000 10,000,000 0.00 transfer) SP1.2.17: Revision of outdated plans (cash transfer) - 2,850,000.00 2,850,000.00 0.00 SP1.2.18: Kabarnet town dumpsite road network. - 1,500,000 1,500,000.00 0.00 SP1.2.19: Surveying of Lembus Perkerra &Eldama Ravine wards - 640,000 640,000 0.00 Roads(Cash Transfer)

- SP 2.1 : General Administration services for Kabarnet 21,951,680.00 34,033,171 34,233,761 0.00 Town SP 2.2: Urban Development services for Kabarnet 59,181,065.00 52,360,500 44,000,000 0.00

SP 2.2.1: Kenya Urban support project in Kabarnet Munic- - 52,360,500 44,000,000 0.00 ipality SP 2.3 : General Administration services for Eldama 22,502,132.00 25,004,733.00 20,826,297 0.00 Ravine SP 2.4: Urban Development services for Eldama Ra- 24,616,839.00 16,853,000 0.00 0.00 vine 1.3 Quarterly Monitoring Reporting Template Program Projects Location of the Pro- Quarter Tar- Achieved Percentage of Outcomes(outcomes and Action Plan ject gets Outputs cumulative impacts since project (Physical achievement commencement) progress based on outputs) P1 General Administration and Support Services)

General Admin- PHYSICAL PLANNING SECTION –KABARNET istration and Sup- Panning of Cheberen Trading Cheberen 1 1 50% Data collection complet- Draft plan prepara- port Services centre ed tion Processing of building plans Kabarnet 50 20 Controlled developments Effective enforce- 40% and subdivisions applications ment


Preparation of site plans for Baringo South 3 2 Demarcation of schools Plans submitted to salabani schools 100% the schools for further action Collection of Revenue(KSH) Kabarnet 150,000 105,750 71% Enhanced revenue col- lection -Proper enforce- ment challenges -Progress affected outbreak of COVID-19


Program Projects Location of the Quarter Achieved Percentage Outcomes(outcomes Action Plan Project Targets Outputs of cumula- and impacts since (Physical tive project com- progress achievement mencement) based on outputs) Processing of building plans Eldama Ravine 30 27 53% Controlled develop- Need for proper en- applications ments forcement of devel- opment control measures Collection of Reve- Eldama Ravine 70,000.00 35,000 50% Enhance revenue Need for proper nue(KSH) generation enforcement of development con- trol measures LAND SURVEY SECTION

Program Projects/activity Location of the Quarter Achieved Percentage of Outcomes(outcomes Action Plan Project Targets Outputs cumulative and impacts since pro- (Physical achievement ject commencement) progress based on outputs) Opening of ac- Surveying of urban roads County wide 10 8 80% Opened access roads and Target more in the cess roads across the county minimal disputes next quarter

Boundary/plots Solving land cases submitted County wide 30 20 67% Reduces land related Target more in the disputes by clients cases/disputes next quarter

P2: Urban development Services


General Admin- Projects Location of the Pro- Quarter Tar- Achieved Percentage Outcomes(outcomes Action Plan istration services ject gets Outputs of cumula- and impacts since pro- for Kabarnet (Physical pro- tive ject commencement) town gress based achievement on outputs) Held public consultative Kabarnet Municipality 2 2 100% To improve resident More forums in forum with business com- sensitization on devel- next quarter munity and matatu opera- opment matters tors Revenue Collection Kabarnet town To improve in next quar- To improve in the 5,887,912 4,881,081 83% ter next quarter General Admin- Projects Location of the Pro- Quarter Achieved Percentage Outcomes(outcomes Action Plan istration services ject Targets Outputs of cumula- and impacts since pro- for Eldama Ra- (Physical pro- tive ject commencement) vine town. gress based achievement on outputs) Revenue Collection(ksh) Eldama Ravine town 3,258,751 4,906,535 150% Enhanced revenue col- To improve in the lection next quarter


2. Comment On Value-For-Money Achievements

a) Development projects did not commence due to the preparation of 1st supplementary budget 2020-2021 b) The physical planning and survey works and land adjudication works ongoing will im- prove the revenue base of the county as well as improve the land tenure security of resi- dents c) Delay in release of county funds affected the projects commencement and work planning

3. Implementation Challenges

a) Preparation of 1st Supplementary budget meant that the projects could not com- mence b) Too much land issues/disputes which delay planning and processing of documents especially in urban areas.

4. Recommendations/Way Forward

a) Works plans and requisitions for implementation of projects done. Implementation to start imdediately. b) Need for prompt release of resources to the departments c) Formation of town committees for major town will improve the management of our towns. d) The department has proposed to carry out land clinics across all the sub-counties to help in verification and regularization of land record so as to enhance county revenue

3.8 Department of Devolution, Public Service and Administration, ICT and E-Government Background information of the department The Department of devolution, public service and administration, ICT and E-Government comprises of office of the Governor General Administration, office of the Deputy Governor, county secretary, Civic Education, communication, Disaster risk management, ICT. The overall mandate of the de- partment is to provide leadership in the county’s governance, ICT and development.



To be the most attractive, competitive and resilient county that affords the highest standard of living and security for all its residents. Mission

To transform the livelihoods of Baringo residents by creating a conducive framework that offers qual- ity services to all citizens in a fair, equitable and transparent manner by embracing technologies, in- novation and entrepreneurship in all spheres of life. 1.3 Strategic Objectives

The Department has the following mandate:

1. To ensure effective coordination and management of the County Development Agenda 2. To provide leadership in the county’s governance and development 3. To promote public policy formulation and implementation 4. To mitigate and ensure preparedness against disasters in the county 5. Ensure provision of adequate and reliable information systems in the County Government 6. Mainstreaming of ICT in the County

Expenditure Trends and Analysis

The department of Devolution, Public Service and Administration, ICT and E-Government budget allocation was Kes 449,554,138 to finance both Recurrent and Development expenditure. Of this al- location, Kes 433,196,497 and Kes 16,357,641 was for recurrent and development expenditure re- spectively.

The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 69,672153 which represent overall cu- mulative expenditure of 27%. Tables 3.25 below provide detailed presentation. Table 3.25: Expenditure Analysis Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp 2020/2021 Absorp ic Classi- supple- proved mentary sorp- sorp- fication mentary Budget Budget tion tion Budget Rate Rate 2019/20 2020/202 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total 2019/20 Q1 Q 2 Total 2020/21 1 FY FY Recur- 479,454,0 478,113, 433,196,4 75,126, 43,238, 118,364, 25% 47,733, 69,672, 117,405, 27% rent 09 057 97 078 383 462 097 153 250 Devel- 58,558,24 11,549,8 16,357,64 - 9,605,3 9,605,39 16% - - - 0% opment 0 60 1 90 0 Total 538,012,2 489,662, 449,554,1 75,126, 52,843, 127,969, 24% 47,733, 69,672, 117,405, 26% 49 917 38 078 773 851 097 153 250


Office of The Governor


 Received team from NCCK, Dan Church Aid and NOREB team led by Country Director of Dan Church Aid, Karen Poore who were supporting the county on implementing Environmen- tal initiative under their Ugatuzi na Haki project  The Governor hosted a team from Commodities Fund and discussed on how to improve agri- cultural activities within Baringo and the country at large with emphasis on boosting Coffee productivity.  Joined the Cabinet Secretary (CS) State Department for Devolution and ASALs, Hon. Eugene Wamalwa, during the official launch of Baringo Resilience Initiative whose main objective is to increase productivity in agriculture and livestock through disease and pest control program, pasture and fodder conservation, livestock upgrading and access to climate change infor- mation.  Inspected ongoing construction of Maoi Slaughter to assess its progress with Cabinet Secre- tary for Devolution and ASALs Eugene Wamalwa and EU Ambassador to Kenya Simon Mordue. The abattoir will boost economy of Baringo people because it will increase income for livestock farmers by adding value to livestock products, creating employment thereby re- ducing poverty, improve on food security and contributing to local economic development.  Commissioned the Chemolingot Maternity Wing and Theatre CAS, Ministry of Devolution and ASALs, Abdul Bahari Ali which will assist in reduction of infant and child mortalities and related medical challenges associated with maternal care.  Received two vehicles from the National Government presented to by His Excellency Presi- dent Uhuru Kenyatta. The vehicles under the Lands department will boost on matters land ad- judication within the borders of Baringo County.  The Governor participated in the signing of Prior Informer Consent( by Zonken Biotech Cor- porate Limited, a Chinese investment Company) which will start the commercialization of Aloe Vera in the County. This will help the County to generate income and improve people’s living standards.  The Governor received a delegation from the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) in partnership with Health Relief International and National Chamber of Commerce.


These engagement was geared towards boosting the four priority sectors; Agriculture, Educa- tion, Livestock and Wash program.  The Governor presided over the presentation of Draft report of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the degazettement of Mochongoi Settlement Scheme in Mo- chongoi Ward; Baringo South Sub County to ensure Baringo people acquires land ownership documents.  Attended three COG consultative meetings discussing BBI and economic recovery post Covid-19  Attended a three day CoG Workshop on Social Risk Management in County, to dis- cuss projects funded through Kenya Devolution Support Programme (KDSP) by World Bank and Instantly Deployable Evolvable System (IDEAS) by European Commission in Counties.  Hosted the Noreb Governors, partners, CEC’s Trade and Health and secretariat in to discuss the economic recovery post Covid-19.  Officially opened Kailer Cattle Dip at Ilchamus Ward in Baringo South which will serve more than 3,000 livestock among them cattle, goats and sheep in the area.  The Governor hosted the British High Commissioner to Kenya Jane Marriott when she paid a courtesy call to Baringo. She later visiting areas in Lake Baringo to assess the floods situation due to the swelling of the lake.

Office of The Deputy Governor


The following achievements were made by the office of the Deputy Governor as per the work plan 2nd quarter 2020-21 FY.

 Chaired Five consultative meetings with development partners including; National Youth Council, Spread Truth Africa ,World Food Programme, Kenya Red-Cross, word vision, Na- tional Drought Management Agency and Self Help Africa.  Handled over 100 individual appointments and delegations from various part of the county in office on various challenges affecting communities.  Chaired 4 administrative meeting on various management agendas including, Health Workers Strike and flood disaster Management in Baringo South Sub-County.


 Presented bee farming equipment to youth groups in loboi and Tenges  Presided over Presentation of the Draft report of Intergraded Urban Development Plan for El- dama Ravine Town.  Welcomed Devolution Cabinet Secretary and Education Permanent Secretary in assessing damages caused by floods in lake Baringo and Bagoria.  Chaired 3 Baringo Coffee Mill Implementation Committee Meetings.  Welcomed Cabinet Administrative secretary Ministry, Wildlife Permanent Secretary among Other Leaders in Launching of Nagoya Protocol in Lake Bagoria.  Participated in Celebration of Mashujaa Day at Marigat Boys High School in Baringo South Sub- County.

Office of The County Secretary Legal unit

1. Offered legal opinion/advice on the following matters with likely legal implications.  Opinion on tender documents/contracts before signing by the County Secretary.  Review and Advice on MOU between BCG and the World Best Friends for Development of Cof- fee Mills and marketing of coffee from Baringo.

 Reviewed and advised on MOU between BCG and Mwafrika Development Initiative and the Lamp (NGO) for provision of clean water and sanitation hygiene in Baringo.  Reviewed and offered advice on MOU between BCG and World Food Programme (WFP) for de- livery of food and nutrition security.  Reviewed and offered advice on MOU between BCG and Kenya Red Cross for provision of gen- eral disaster risk management & delivery of food and nutrition security. 2. Offered litigation services to the county government including Issuing instructions and conduct- ing pre-trial and court attendance for the following cases.  Attended court in Eldoret Employment & Labour Relations cause No.1 of 2019.  Attended court and prepared pleadings in Kabarnet CMCC No.65 of 2018 Susan Sang -vs-BCG.  Attended court and prepared pleadings in Eldama Ravine PMCC No.59 of 2018 Josephat Mat- were -vs- BCG&2 others.  Prepared legal advice on E/Ravine E&LC No.3 of 2014 Harun Chebor


 Prepared pleadings in Kabarnet PMCC No.30 of 2019 Frenox Global ltd –vs- Baringo County government.  Prepared pleadings and attended court in Kabarnet H.C Petition No.2 of 2019 Evans Yatich –vs- Baringo County.  Prepared pleadings and attended court in Kabarnet H.C E&L Case No.13 0f 2019 Paul Njuguna Gichure & 3 others 3. Offered legal advice on the following matters with likely legal implications:  Preparing response to County Assembly Requests for Ministerial statements for the office of the County Secretary & other departments.  Signing of contracts for tender documents/ contracts for departments  Attended HR advisory meetings and rendered advise on staff issues  Attended Mortgage & Car loan Scheme meetings as an ex officio member to the committee.  Attended meetings and received correspondences from the Council of Governors.  Reviewed proposed County Development Projects implementation Regulations, 2019.  Review of Baringo County Tobacco Bill, 2019 before assent. 4. Offered legal opinion/advice on the following matters with likely legal implications.  Opinion on tender documents/contracts before signing by the County Secretary.  Review and Advice on MOU between BCG and GDC for investment opportunities.  Reviewed and advised on MOU between BCG and Morendat Oil and Gas training institute col- laboration on training opportunities. 5. Offered litigation services to the county government including Issuing instructions and conduct- ing pre-trial and court attendance for the following cases.  Attended court in Eldoret Employment & Labour Relations cause No.1 of 2019.  Attended court and prepared pleadings in Kabarnet CMCC No.65 of 2018 Susan Sang -vs-BCG.  Attended court and prepared pleadings in Eldama Ravine PMCC No.59 of 2018 Josephat Mat- were -vs- BCG&2 others.  Prepared legal advice on E/Ravine E&LC No.3 of 2014 Harun Chebor  Prepared pleadings in Kabarnet PMCC No.30 of 2019 Frenox Global ltd –vs- Baringo County



 Prepared pleadings and attended court in Kabarnet H.C E&L Case No.13 0f 2019 Paul Njuguna Gichure & 3 others 6. Offered legal advice on the following matters with likely legal implications:  Preparing response to County Assembly Requests for Ministerial statements for the office of the County Secretary & other departments.  Signing of contracts for tender documents/ contracts for departments  Attended HR advisory meetings and rendered advise on staff issues  Attended Mortgage & Car loan Scheme meetings as an ex officio member to the committee.  Attended meetings and received correspondences from the Council of Governors.  Reviewed proposed County owned corporations Bill,2020  Review of Baringo PWDs fund Bill, 2020before assent. Office of The CECM Devolution, Public Service And Administration


The following achievements were made by the Office of the CECM Devolution, public service and administration per the work plan Q2 2020-2021 FY

 Succesfully coordinated the activities of units below;

Civic Education unit Table 3.26 S.No Activity Venue/region Actor(s) 01 Joint assessment and design on Pinnacle-Marigat town Officials: floods, early warning recovery and Civic education department mitigation programme County DRM department NDMA-Baringo county chapter County Administration –sub coun- ty and ward administrators National government Provincial administrators 02 Field visit on monitoring and evalu- Radad-women group, Civic education officers ation on Kenya smart agriculture Kapropita, Ward administrators projects-poultry keeping, sorghum, Mogotio Technical committee KCSAP dairy and beaans Emining Writing workshop for BCG Lomanira hotel - Department of transport ,public transport and mechanical policy Mogotio works and infrastructure Civic education Courtesy call to Centre for Enhanc- Nakuru CEDGG head Director civic education ing Democracy and good govern- office H.E Governor -BCG ance(CEDGG)


S.No Activity Venue/region Actor(s)

Discuss on developing county so- cial accountability and civic educa- tion framework Review of Baringo Youth in agri- Rift Hills –Kabarnet DRM culture and business empowerment CE programme (BYAEP) work plan Youth department Administration

Dissemination of LRA 2020 find- Nakuru DRM NDMA,WFP ings for subcounty offices from ed- CE ucation, water, livestock, agricul- ture, health/ nutrition peace and cohesion sectors Consultative meeting for county –Sunset Hotel CEDGG assembly budget committee and county executive members County treasury Governors’ consultative meeting for Governors Boardroom HE Governor CECs, COs and directors Kabarnet Awareness for technical person on KSG-kabarnet FAO desert locust DRM CE Administrators Worshop on community scorecard Rift Hills- Kabarnet CEDGG for ilngarua and sirata health cen- Community champions ters CE Community awareness s forums on Koroto -saimo soi ward CE how to handle complaints and re- administration dress mechanism Community champions Validation of social audit report – Rift Hills -Kabarnet CEDGG water ,health and education projects CE and programmes Community champions Radio talk show how the commu- Alpha station- Pemwai CE nity can undertake effective com- CEDGG plaints and redress mechanism Transport-Business community Municipal offices- CE,Municipal manager,revenue, (Matatu SACCOS) kabarnet transport,security stakeholder meeting Administration, Sensitization on democracy and Rift Hills-Kabernet CE human rights NCCK Workshop for ECDE teachers lead- Mogotio ACC offices Director education ership Mogotio sub county CE Youth empowerment forums on Mogotio-kelelwa and NG-CDF Mogotio entrepreneurship(YAGPO) kiptoim Youth officers CE Workshop on empowering the citi- Legacy hotel-Nakuru CEDGG zens to promote effective and effi- CE cient service delivery in health, wa- ter and education departments


S.No Activity Venue/region Actor(s) Community awareness forums on Maroon ,chesirimion CE understanding devolution and gov- Lelan-kabartonjo CEDGG ernance Seguton,timboroa Baringo university students associa- Museum -kabarnet CECs tion dialogue forum CE Human Resource

A report of what was done during the quarter is summarized as indicated below:-  During the period under review, 8 staff retired from various departments.  There were no staff trained during the quarter Staff Numbers Below is a summary of staff in payroll and the amount paid per month as salary.

Month Staff No. Total Amount paid as salary October 2020 3745 224,311,432.13 November 2020 3731 222,193,951.61

December 2020 3795 251,979,379.26 National Values and Principles Compliance A total of 8 officers declared their income, assets and liabilities and proceed for their retirement. Attachment Reports During the period under review a total of 7 students were reported to have been attached to various departments and successfully completed their mandatory learning period. Disaster Risk Management Unit Disaster Mitigation  Jointly conducted flood assessment with a view of mitigating loses along the shore of Lake Baringo, Bogoria some part of Ilchamus Ward and Eminng. Disaster preparedness  Organize and Participated in one (1) quarterly County Steering Group meeting.  Participated in the stakeholder scenario building workshop and development of sector Adviso- ries for the quarter.  Conducted Desert Locust Control Awareness workshop supported by FAO.  Participated in Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction and Incident Command Centre training workshop supported by KRCS.


 Conducted Kenya Inter Agency Rapid Assessment training for both County and the Sub coun- ty technical lead person supported by KRCS.  Facilitated Community Participatory disaster Risk Assessment for Mukutani location.  Participated in the Multi Stakeholder assessment on the resulting impact of floods and the ris- ing water level in Lake Baringo and Bogoria  Conducted Community managed Disaster Risk Management Training for 30 officers from across-section cadres facilitated by Kenya Red Cross Society.  Participated in review of DRM Policy and Formulation of the DRM Bill supported by the WFP,KRCS,Kenya Law Reform and KIPPRA  Support the department of Environment in the formulation of Climate Change Policy fund- ed/supported by KRCS at BOMA Inn Hotel  Participated in the formulation of Baringo County Social Protection Policy.  As part of our coordination role the directorate of disaster Management was identified to sphere head the ,Multi Agency team in coming up with both short, medium and long term plan to support the vulnerable families,institutions,facilities that were affected by both floods and rising water level supported by UNDP Disaster Response  Support extinguish fire outbreak in incidence in Kabarnet and offer psycho socio support for the victims. Recovery  Participated in the coordination and launched of Hygiene and sanitation (WASH) project to flood IDPs in Kiwanja supported by TICA through Turkish Embassy. Under Partnership Programme with WFP To promote agribusiness among youth the department in partnership with WFP handed over 20 beehives and other accessories to organized youth groups. A total of 4500 vulnerable fami- lies benefitted from monthly cash disbursement to cushion food deficiencies in the all county. During the quarter on review, very minimal community engagement was untaken especially activities which required community groupings. This was because all project areas adhered to the Covid -19.


Research Unit  Provided technical support to the department of environment in the drafting and finalisation of county climate change policy.  Provided technical support to the department of gender and social protection in the formulation of draft county social protection policy.  Continued secondary review and extraction of data and key statistics relevant for Baringo County from credible published sources including knbs publications to support evidenced based planning and programming.  Responde to request for specific statistical information and provided data to various county de- partments and development partners including department of gender and social protection, de- partment of environment, planning and health.  Finalization and submission of nationally devolved asset and liability report.  As part of the SRC job evaluation team participated in the final compilation of all county job ca- dres  Supported the department of DRM in the review of capacity strengthening workplan for the coop- eration between the county government and WFP  Provided technical support to the eu-ideas led project progress development and development of capacity building plan. E-Government and ICT Introduction ICT plays a Key role in the development of the country/county. It runs the Elias ICT center in part- nership with world Best Friends–Korea. The department also works closely with the Ministry of ICT and Innovation, CA, ICTA and the community through RVIC. The fiber optic Infrastructure is complete at the county HQ. The county through the department of e- government and ICT is readying itself to offer better services to its citizen by ensuring that our internal infrastructure is in place. ICT adoption and use in Baringo County is improving with the continuous training of her citizens at the Elias ICT centre and upcoming Ajira Centres for online work. ICT Local infrastructure has been developed in most departments at the county headquarters. Howev- er, due to budgetary constraints, some departments and sub-counties lack basic infrastructure such as Desktop computers and Local area networks. These departments are currently being interconnected on a County integrated VPN so that the county can have shared services across the county offices.


The following strategic document shave been developed and are available to support the ICT function, ICT Policy, ICT Road Map, ICT strategy and ICT sub-Sector Plan. 3.27: ICT Achievements No Program Objectives Target for the FY Activities Achievements 2nd Remarks 2020/2021 2nd Quarter Target Quarter

1. Infrastructure To improve commu-  To establish installa- - Purchase of High end - Uploading of bid doc- Preparation of specifica- development nication within these tion of server and DC server and DC cooling uments on the website tions attached with req- offices, enable net- cooling Uploading of bid docu- done uisitions done, docu- worked services such ments on the website ments uploaded on the as Internet, IP teleph- website awaiting bidders ony responses  Ajira centers Ajira - Uploading of bid docu- - Uploading of bid doc- Preparation for specifi- Connectivity for ments on the website uments on the website cations attached with salawa done requisitions done, doc- uments uploaded on the website awaiting bidders responses  Purchase of Furniture - Preparation of bid doc- - Preparation of bid Preparation of bid doc- for Tenges ICT Cen- uments documents done, await- uments done, awaiting tre ing submission to pro- submission to procure- curement ment; final procurement procedures to be done in the next quarter  Design and develop- - Preparation of specifica- - Preparation of specifi- - Preparation of specifi- ment of municipality tions and bid documents cations and bid docu- cations and bid docu- and Town portal ments ments to be submitted to procurement b)To ensure the - Promote computer liter- -Basic computer training - 250 Persons trained at Target not achieved due members of the pub- acy for 50 staff, 30 civil serv- Elias IT Centre - 3 ICT to Covid 19 pandemic lic are computer lit- ants and 300 Baringo staff enrolled for online erate County community Cyber security training c) To empower the To promote innovation -Empower the youth -Ajira Equipment for 3 Program ongoing, pur- youth through Ajira and incubation of ideas; through Exposure on ICT purchased and delivered chase of required Ajira programme hence online works and learn- related tasks, online to the respective centres Equipment done, Train- creating employment ing practical skills works and earn a living. ing program to be donein the next quarter d) To empower staff Enhance information se- Organize staff to attend 3 Staff to attend Cyber Awaiting Certification on cyber security curity and systems Cyber and information security training security


No Program Objectives Target for the FY Activities Achievements 2nd Remarks 2020/2021 2nd Quarter Target Quarter g) Preparation of Sec- - To enable ICT staff have Train staff on preparation 7 ICT staff trained and Ongoing programme tor Plans, ADP, Work hands on experience on of ICT sector plans and participated in prepara- Plans, Budgets, Pro- various ICT programmes target setting tion of sector plan, work curement Depart- and expectations plans and target setting mental Programmes for the FY and targets 3. Inspection of IT To ensure the ICT Inspect all ICT Devices as - Appointment of Inspec- - Inspection and ac- Inspection and ac- Equipment and devices issued and per the specified pro- tion and acceptance ceptance Committee ceptance of ICT equip- services used in the county curement procedures Committee appointed; Reports writ- ment and services done; have the right speci- Inspection and acceptance - Report writing ten and submitted; 5 Certificates signed by fications of ICT Smartphones, 5 printers, committee and pro- 3 laptops and Ajira Cen- cessed for payment tres furniture were in- Continuous process spected 4. ICT equipment To ensure that all Troubleshooting system -Repair computer parts - Repaired 8 Laptops - Maintain an asset reg- Repair and department opera- and network problems -trouble shooting hard- - 25 printers repaired ister for ICT devices and maintenance tion are running and diagnosing and solv- ware with faults - 20 desktops repaired system smoothly ing hardware or software -configuring hardware Computer repair and faults. -computer maintenance troubleshooting faulty devices in the various departments. Computer maintenance is a continuous process 5. Quality Assur- To promote quality - Prepare County ICT Preparation of specifica- - Routine cascading and ICT Policy document ance and Stand- and relevant training policy and strategy tions for all ICT Devices training staff on ICT for new ICT devices ards - Cascade ICT Au- and services as per the Policy in all Depart- issued is a continuous; thority ICT Stand- ICT Policy, Standards ments; - Preparation of Standard ICT Specifica- ards and procedures and guidelines and Sub- specifications for all tions for ICT equipment to Departments mit documents to Pro- services as per the ICT submitted to Procure- curement & Supplies Policy, Standards and ment and supplies chain Chain Management Dept guidelines and Submit management; Projects as required by PPOA documents to Procure- to be executed after guidelines ment & Supplies Chain evaluation done Management Dept as required by PPOA guidelines done

6. Data back-up To ensure that the - Back-up all the data Data back-up done for Data back-up and recov- -Continuous data back- and disaster county government used officers when county staff for system ery done as per ICT up to be done and data


No Program Objectives Target for the FY Activities Achievements 2nd Remarks 2020/2021 2nd Quarter Target Quarter recovery information is safe they transfer their which were repaired ; policy and standards. recovered as per ICT and ready for use in laptops or when they Data transferred to re- Status of the computer Policy and standard pro- the department re-issue to other of- spective offices one loca- was checked and re- cedures ficers tion. ports generated accord- ingly. Data lost was recovered in flash disk ,laptops ,desktop com- puters Report was generated 7. Software instal- To ensure that newly - Install operating - Installation was - Installed operating Departments to budget lation bought computers system, application done in various de- system virus , for anti-virus for the have the software software. partments. ,Microsoft office ; Flock departments computers installed. software 35 Java 35,35 so their system can be IFMIS configuration;- secure from viruses 60 Anti-virus was in- Continuous process stalled in the desktops and laptops in newly acquired devices and those existing in some departments 8 Information To ensure that the - Install all the com- - Install anti-virus -Installation of Anti- - Continue updating security computer system are puters in the county - Scan and update the virus was installed in the computer whose safe from virus at- government office system computers; computers anti-virus has ex- tack. with anti-virus. - Remove any virus in were scanned; Updates pired the system. done - Departments to anti-virus installed and purchase anti-virus Activation of windows for their systems operating system and Microsoft office done for 10 Departments. 9 Website Ensure that all gov- Upload all government - Content management - News updates done; - Staff sensitization on ernment forms and forms and documents in - Interactivity of the web- Upload of 100 tender use official email ac- documents are up- the County website for site documents; counts when sending loaded in the County ease of access and down- - Email and Password set- - 100 new emails were and receiving office website for ease ac- loading by the public. up for existing county opened for county staff correspondences. cess and downloading users and training done - Encourage members of by the public; en- - Upload of all County - Creation of municipal- the public to access the hance interactivity Government forms and ity page website to get updates of documents in the County - Update pages of the county.


No Program Objectives Target for the FY Activities Achievements 2nd Remarks 2020/2021 2nd Quarter Target Quarter website for ease of access CEC’S Uploading and content and downloading by the - Uploaded county news management of all gov- public. and sorting data from 10 ernment forms and doc- department s uments were posted in the County website done as submitted by County departments. Opening and management Opened new email ac- Opening of new email Continuous process of County Official Email counts for users accounts and training for accounts Training of users the same done 10 Automation of Automate processes Implement Revenue Man- -Development, Imple- -Development, Imple- Not all modules have County Gov- to improve the inter- agement System and mentation and upgrade mentation and upgrade been utilized. More ernment Ser- actions between peo- make sure all the modules Management Information Management Infor- training needs to be vices ple, business and are utilized Systems mation Systems done; - done to county execu- government to en- Automate of county reve- From 3.30 to 3.3.6 From 3.30 to 3.3.6 - tive in charge of finance hance efficiency in nue system -Replacement of sim Replacement of sim and ICT . provision of services. Training of users; All cards for revenue officers cards for revenue offic- Trained the new CO for county revenue officers to meet the changes made ers to meet the changes ICT on revenue system . made . 11 Strengthen Part- Strengthen external - Collaborate with - Sponsorships of - Basic computer Train- Continuous processes nerships and Collaboration by various partners to ICT training by ing of form 4 leavers, Most Partnership pro- Collaborations building partnerships improve ICT pro- WBF civil servants and the grammes were not with citizens and jects in the County - Organize 2020 ICT entire community. achieved due to Covid other stakeholders to Contest, innovation - ICT Contest not done 19 pandemic improve the effec- competition spon- due to Covid 19 pan- tiveness of govern- sored by WBF demic ment consultations - World Food Pro- -Provided ICT consumer and service delivery. gramme forum in collaboration - Communication Au- with county government thority of Kenya - WFP sponsored train- - ICTA ing of staff on SVS Sys- - Telkom Kenya tem - CA, ICTA and provid- ed continous Fibre maintenance and cyber security training for staff - Telkom Kenya Provid- ed internet services


Department’s critical focus The Department of E-government and ICT endeavors to achieve its mandate by undertaking the following functions;

 County ICT infrastructure development to support service delivery  Development of innovation centres through Ajira programs  Provision of internet, wifi and Surveillance services to county offices  Acquisition of requisite sectoral systems to support service delivery  Strengthening partnerships to aid resource mobilization to supplement county budg- etary allocation.  Continuousreviewofdepartmentalpoliciestobeintandemwiththenationalpoliciesand legislation affecting the ICT sector at the county level. Challenges Experienced 1) The county has not fully benefitted from Information Communication Technology (ICT) as the requisite infrastructure has not been put in place due to funding challenges. 2) Majority of the county’s residents have not embraced ICT as evidenced in the projects presented through public participation fora. 3) There is also lack of connectivity in the rural area of the county this has aggravated fur- ther the issue of digital divide between the urban and rural population in the county on matters access to information. 4) Staff Capacity – There are few staff to support countywide projects and departments 5) Inadequate funding- Proposed Projects in ADP plans were not funded at all or inade- quately funded. 6) Policy and regulations Challenges– Lack of enough policies to interface National and county government projects 7) Disintegrated ICT budgets- There is no centralized ICT budget both for recurrent and de- velopment. This leads to duplication of ICT projects and lack of prioritization and con- trol. This denies the county the opportunity to achieve a unified approach to ICT in- vestment. Recommendations

1) ICT budgets (Both recurrent and development) should be centralized for effective con- trol, prioritization and reduce duplication of ICT projects. 2) The county should fund ICT project adequately to be able to enhance service delivery.


3) There is need to interface National and County Government ICT projects to obtain syner- gy. 4) There is need to ensure that fibre-optic cabling is utilized through the NOFBI program with a complete metro plan for use by government and the business community. 3.10 Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development Introduction The department consist of Agriculture unit, Livestock development and Fisheries Develop- ment Units. Agriculture Machinery Services and Agriculture Farmers Training College are sub units of the department. Vision: A Food secure, competitive and productive Baringo County. Mission To improve livelihoods through promotion of competitive agriculture, innovative research, growth of a viable enterprises and sustainable management of land, forestry and wildlife resources Department Objectives 1) To Increase crop, livestock and fish production and productivity through appropriate technology for food security 2) To Increase market access through promotion of value addition and development of standards along the value chains; 3) To prevent and control crop, livestock, fish pests and diseases 4) To Enhance community participation in drought resilience and climate change adaptation 5) To promote administration and sustainable management of land and other natural re- sources Expenditure Trends and Analysis The department of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries Management budget allocation was Kes 651,487,574 to finance both Recurrent and Development expenditure. Of this allocation, Kes 257,089,813 and Kes 394,397,761 was for recurrent and development expenditure respectively. The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 40,270,005 while there was no de- velopment expenditure incurred during the period under review. The absorption rate for recurrent expenditure was 16% and overall absorption rate of 6% during the quarter. Tables 3.27 below provide detailed presentation. Table 3.28 Expenditure Analysis Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp 2020/2021 Absorp ic Classi- supple- proved mentary sorp- sorp- fication mentary Budget Budget tion tion Budget Rate Rate 2019/20 2020/20 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total 2019/20 Q1 Q 2 Total 2020/21 21 FY FY Recur- 254,837,8 257,089 238,767,19 16,247, 67,189, 83,436, 33% 40,270, 48,478, 88,748, 37% rent 04 ,813 1 598 370 968 005 825 830 Devel- 486,034,2 394,397 518,029,33 - 130,354 130,354 27% - 72,308, 72,308, 14% opment 99 ,761 0 ,612 ,612 664 664 Total 740,872,1 651,487 756,796,52 16,247, 197,543 213,791 29% 40,270, 120,787 161,057 21% 03 ,574 1 598 ,982 ,580 005 ,489 ,494


3.29: Agriculture Section Objective: To improve crop production for increased productivity Outcome: Improved households food security Roll over Projects Program Projects Location of Quarter Achieved Percent- Outcomes Action the Project Targets Outputs age of cu- (outcomes Plan (Physical mulative and impacts progress achieve- since project based on ment commence- outputs) ment) Farmers Purchase of LembusPeker- Payment Payment 80 Timely har- Payment Training 1 Baler ra voucher voucher vesting of pas- to be College raised prepared ture done awaiting before payment delivery Farmers Construc- LembusPeker- 1st floor It’s a 80 Phased project Phased Training tion of ATC ra complet- phased project College guest house ed, 2nd pro- floor ject.The complete, ground works on floor is 3rd floor complete; ongoing, 1st floor complete, 2nd floor complete, works on 3rd floor ongoing, Crop Pro- Soil testing Tiaty, Baringo Soil Awaiting 60 increased Awaiting duction and Central, B. samples payment Productivity payment Management North, obtained before per acre before B.South,ELda and ana- soil sam- soil sam- ma Ravine lyzed and ples can ples can &Mogotio report be ana- be ana- produced lyzed at lyzed at KALRO KALRO Crop Pro- Construc- Kabartonjo Store At roof- 80 Improved post Roofing duction and tion of Bar- complet- ing- harvesting to com- Management tolimo ed roofing handling mence farmers materials soon store at site Crop Pro- Completion Lembus Finishing Roofing 85% Reduced post - Phased duction and of Kewan- of wall- and fix- harvest losses project Management goi Cereal ing ing of in cereals Store windows and doors complet- ed 2020-2021 projects Program Project Location of Quarter Achieved Percent- Outcomes Action Name the Project Targets Outputs age of cu- (outcomes Plan (Physical mulative and impacts progress achieve- since project based on ment commence-


outputs) ment) General Support to Kabarnet Requisi- Administra- Co- tion initi- tive ser- operatives in ated vicers Kabarnet Ward - Pur- chase of fruit tree seedlings (Macadem- ia, Coffee) General Purchase of Ewalel Requisi- Administra- fruit tion initi- tive ser- seeedlings ated vicers and distribu- tion General Purchase of Mochongoi Requisi- Administra- seedlings tion initi- tive ser- ated vicers General Purchase of Mukutani Requisi- Administra- assorted tion initi- tive ser- seed (Mel- ated vicers ons,kales, tomato and onions) Crop Pro- Purchase of Ewalel Requisi- duction and Macadamia, tion initi- Management Coffee and ated Avocado tree seed- lings Crop Pro- Purchase of County wide Requisi- duction and fruit tion initi- Management seeedlings ated and distribu- tion- Paw- paw seed- lings Crop Pro- Purchase of County wide Requisi- duction and fruit tion initi- Management seeedlings ated and distribu- tion-coffee seedlings Crop Pro- Purchase of County wide Requisi- duction and fruit tion initi- Management seeedlings ated and distribu- tion- Avocado seedlings Crop Pro- Purchase of County wide Requisi- duction and fruit tion initi- Management seeedlings ated


and distribu- tion-Mango Seedlings Crop Pro- Purchase of County wide Requisi- duction and coffeepulp- tion initi- Management ers for ated farmer co- operatives across the county. Rehabili- Eldama Ra- Data col- taion of Ka- vine lect, BQs bimoi coffee devel- factory oped Agricultural KCSAP Countywide Cheques Payment 100 Project to sup- Continu- development project issued to voucher port 4 value ous benefi- prepared (dairy, local ciary and sub- poultry, sor- groups, mitted to ghum and money at county green grams) CDDC treasury accounts, service providers linked to groups for train- ing Agricultural Matching Countywide Farmer Payment 100% Project to sup- Continu- development fund trainings voucher port 4 value ous on going prepared (dairy, local to county poultry, sor- treasury ghum and green grams)


Livestock Production Section

Program and strategic objectives

S/No. Program Strategic objectives 1 Livestock production and manage- 1. To Increase crop, livestock and fish production and productivity through appropriate technology for food ment security 2. Livestock production and manage- 2. To Increase market access through promotion of value addition and development of standards ment along the value chains; 3. Livestock production and manage- 3. To prevent and control crop, livestock, fish pests and diseases ment 4. Livestock production and manage- 4. To Enhance community participation in drought resilience and climate change adaptation ment 5. Livestock production and manage- 5. To promote administration and sustainable management of land and other natural resources. ment

Below are the roll over projects (non -financial reporting) covering the period 2013to June 2020. From the Livestock department Table 3.30: FY 2014/2015 -2015/2016 PROJECTS

S/No. Project Name Ward/Sub Contractor Start date Expected Budget Contract Status Remarks county and address End Date (Ksh) sum/ Amount Paid

1. Construction Kabartonjo, Roots Ex- August 2014 2015 2,450,000 -  40% Money for the project and installation Baringo North change Ltd com- reallocated to other ac- of milk cool- plete tivities. Fresh allocation ers houses in is being sort Baringo North

2 Construction of Ravine, Elda- Goodluck September 2015 June 2016 for 18,958,000 - 1st phase at - At the lintel stage a milk pro- ma Ravine contractors phase one. the lintel (phased project cessing plant Contract - Project ongoing terminated


3 Construction of Ravine, Elda- Kenasia Hold- September 2015 June 2016 for 18,958,000 - 1st phase at 75% Complete a milk pro- ma Ravine ings Ltd phase one. the lintel cessing plant P.o. Box 16413-00610 NAIROBI

Sub program: Livestock products value addition S.No Project Name Ward/Sub Contractor Start date End Budget Contract Status Remarks county and address Date (Ksh) sum/ Amount Paid

1 Support farm- Ravine, Elda- Contractor – August 2016. January 10,000,000 - January 2017 for phase one. Initial contract ter- ers on construc- ma Ravine Kanasia 2017 minated- Project tion of a milk Holdings Ltd. for retendered. processing phase plant one.

2 Counter fund- County Wide Praim consult August 2016. June 5,000,000 2,000,000 June 2017.  EU capacity ing for EU and construc- 2017. building coun- IDEAS project. tion limited ties on grant application be- P.O. Box 14159, Naku- fore release of ru funds.

Livestock Production: Projects Status Report

S/No Project Name Ward/Location Budget Allocated Status Amount amount F/Y 2019 / 2020 1. Purchase KTBH Hives for Silale Silale 4,000,000 4,000,000 Supply of 640 KTBH Hives done and distribution to the community Completed 2. Purchase KTBH hives for Barwessa Barwesa 1,000,000 1,000,000 KTBH Hives supplied and awaiting distribution ward


S/No Project Name Ward/Location Budget Allocated Status Amount amount 3. Purchase of Galla bucks and Dorper Bartabwa 3,000,000 3,000,000 Supplied 60 dairy goats and 200 Small East Africa Rams one year old, ready to serve, dis- goats for breeding ease free 4. Purchase of stock for upgrading of local Barwessa 2,400,000 2,400,000 Awaiting amendments from the treasury /sup breeds in Maregut

5. Construction and completion of Milk LembusPerkerra 5,500,000 5,500,000 The Evaluation process complete and in the process of processing plant – Eldama Ravine / Eldama Ra- awarding tender to the winning contractor vine 6. Completion of Maoi Slaughter house Baringo South, 2,900,000 2,900,000 The amount was used to clear pending bill for the Marigat works done by bellon contractor

7. EU COUNTER funding to Maoi slaugh- County wide 21,118,210 21,118,210 The tender bid recently re-advertised in one of the ter house daily newspapers

8. ASDSP COUNTER funding County wide 5,500,000 5,500,000 A waiting funding from the project - SIDA 2017 / 2018 Projects

Sub program ; Pasture development

S/No Project Name Ward/Sub coun- Contractor Start End Date Budget Contract sum/ Status Remarks ty and address date (Ksh) Amount Paid

1. Procurement County wide Allyan in- October 29/03/2018 2,500,000 1,000,000 Supplied Pasture seeds distribut- and distribution vestment P.o 2017 1000kgs of ed to the beneficiaries of 2357kgs of Box 8931 cenchrus at the sub county level pasture seeds Eldoret. seeds (Boma Rhodes and cenchrus) Rachelinc 1357Boma Enterprise. Rhodes sup- P.o Box plied and 6271-30100 distributed. Eldoret.


2. Procurement of County wide Awarded to October June 2018 3,300,000 3,330,000 100% com- Tractor delivered to 1tractor for CMC motors 2017 plete the ward pasture devel- ltd opment

Sub program ; Apiculture development. S/No Project Name Ward/Sub coun- Contractor Start End Date Budget Contract sum/ Status Remarks ty and address date (Ksh) Amount Paid

1. Procurement County wide Sako constr. October 5,000,000 998,750 paid Supplied 250 Supplied and distrib- and distribution Ltd P.O. box 2017 KTBH uted to farmers. of 250 KTBH 557-20103 Accessories beehives& E/Ravine. 5/06/2018 accessories supplied

Sub program ; Livestock upgrading

S/No Project Name Ward/Sub coun- Contractor Start End Date Budget Contract sum/ Status Remarks ty and address date (Ksh) Amount Paid

1. Purchase and County wide Kuku chick October April 2018 4,300,000 4,200,000 Supplied and Supplied and distrib- distribution of Ltd 2017 distributed to uted to farmers. 35,833cockerels farmers. for poultry upgrading.

2. Purchase of 25 Lembus, Eldama M/s tech link October 30/06/2018 2,000,000 1,920,000 100% com- Delivered and dis- dairy cows for Ravine ltd 2017 plete tributed to farmers. groups P.o. box 9860 Nairobi

Sub program ; Livestock and Livestock Products Marketing. S/No Project Name Ward/Sub coun- Contractor Start End Date Budget Contract sum/ Status Remarks ty and address date (Ksh) Amount Paid


1. Rehabilitation Mogotio M/S Ka- October May 2018 1,500,000 1,500,000 Complete Complete rehabilita- of 2 of sale (Emining), Barin- margut hard- 2017 tions. yard go South (Mari- ware P.O gat) Box 66 Mar- igat Ronjul inv. Ltd P.o Box 389-30100 Eldoret

2018 / 2019 Projects

Sub program ; Livestock upgrading. S/No Project Name Ward/Sub coun- Contractor Start date End Date Budget Contract sum/ Status Remarks ty and address (Ksh) Amount Paid

1 Purchase and distri- Countywide Wareng June 2018 July 2019 1,000,000 !,000,000 Supplied Complete bution of 60 dorper Market Re- and distrib- sheep and galla goats source uted P.O. Box 7128 Eld. 2 Purchase and distri- Barwessa, Barin- Big time July 2018 June 2019 3M 3,000,000 Supplied Distributed bution of dorper go North Rush and issued sheep and galla goats P..O. Box to Farmers 9606 Nairibi 3 Purchase and distri- Bartabwa, Barin- Wareng September May 2019 4,000,000 4,000,000 Supplied Distributed bution of dorper go North Market Re- 2018 and distrib- sheep and galla goats source uted P.O. Box 7128 Eld. 4 Purchase and distri- Countywide Wareng Sept. 2018 June 2019 1,000,000 1,000,000 Complete Bulls delivered and bution of 10 Sahiwal Market Re- supplied to farm- bulls for establish- source ers. ment of bull schemes P.O. Box 7128 Eld.

Sub program ; Livestock extension support.


S/No Project Name Ward/Sub coun- Contractor Start date End Date Budget Contract sum/ Status Remarks ty and address (Ksh) Amount Paid

1 ASDSP 2 project. County wide. 5M Phase 2 of project launched.

Sub program ; Livestock and livestock products value addition. S/No Project Name Ward/Sub coun- Contractor Start date End Date Budget Contract sum/ Status Remarks ty and address (Ksh) Amount Paid

1 EU ideas project- Marigat, Baringo Tender Eval- - - 5.5M - Counter Tender awarded and completion of MAOI South uation in funding work is in progress slaughter house. process done to SPA for project. 2 Construction of a Eldama Ravine Tender - - 5.5M - Project retendered milk processing fa- sub county. award stage and contractor on cility in Eldama ra- site, work on pro- vine gress

F/Y 2019/2020

S/No Project Name Ward/Location Budget Amount Allocated amount Status F/Y 2019 / 2020 1. Purchase KTBH Hives for Silale ward Silale 4,000,000 4,000,000 Hives procured and distributed 2. Purchase KTBH hives for Barwessa Barwesa 1,000,000 1,000,000 Supplied awaiting distribution ward 3. Purchase of Galla bucks and Dorper Bartabwa 3,000,000 3,000,000 Contracted Supplied 60 dairy goats Rams one year old, ready to serve, dis- and awaiting supply of Galla goats. ease free 4. Purchase of stock for upgrading of lo- Barwessa 2,400,000 2,400,000 To be adjusted during supplementary cal breeds in Maregut budget

5.. Completion of Maoi Slaughter house Baringo South, Mar- 2,900,000 2,900,000 Payments of pending bills to Bellon


S/No Project Name Ward/Location Budget Amount Allocated amount Status igat contractor done

6. Construction and completion of Milk LembusPerkerra / 5,500,000 5,500,000 Evaluation of bids complete, awaiting processing plant – Eldama Ravine Eldama Ravine notification of the new contractor

7. EU COUNTER funding for Maoi County wide 5,500,000 5,500,000 Evaluation of tender in process Slaughter house 8. ASDSP COUNTER funding County wide 5,500,000 5,500,000 Activity implementation in progress

Project Name Ward/Location Budget Allocated Status Amount amount F/Y 2020 / 2021 1. Purchase of Bull schemes County wide 1,000,000 1,000,000 At procurement and requisi- tion stage 2. Purchase of land for Kasitet sale Kapropita 500,000 500,000 At procurement and requisi- yard tion stage 3. Purchase of Dairy cows LembusKwen 1,800,000 1,800,000 At procurement and requisi- tion stage 4. Purchase of Dairy cows Lembus 1,177,010 1,177,010 At procurement and requisi- tion stage 5. Purchase of Dairy goats, Poultry, Orokwo/Baringo cen- 1,800,000 1,800,000 At procurement and requisi- and beehives tral tion stage 6. Purchase for KTBH hives for Silale 2,000,000 2,000,000 At procurement and requisi- women tion stage 7. Purchase of sahiwal bulls and Mukutani 3,000,000 3,750,000 At procurement and requisi- galla and bucks tion stage 8. Purchase of Dorper rams and Kabarnet 1,500,000 1,090,960 At procurement and requisi- galla bucks for a cooperative tion stage group 9. Purchase of day old chick for Mukutani 1,000,000 1,000,000 At procurement and requisi- women group tion stage


Project Name Ward/Location Budget Allocated Status Amount amount F/Y 2020 / 2021 10. Purchase of heifers for sacho Sacho 1,000,000 1,000,000 At procurement and requisi- ward tion stage 11. Purchase of dairy cows for Lem- Lembus 3,500,000 3,500,000 At procurement and requisi- bus women group tion stage 12. Purchase of day old chicks for Loyamorok 1,000,000 1,000,000 At procurement and requisi- women group tion stage 13. Purchase of day old chicks Sacho 1,000,000 1,000,000 At procurement and requisi- tion stage 14. Purchase of heifers Koibatek 1,000,000 1,000,000 At procurement and requisi- tion stage 15. Purchase of Livestock for breed County wide 30,000,000 30,000,000 At procurement and requisi- improvement (flagship) tion stage 16. Purchase of Galla bucks and Barwesa 2,400,000 2,400,000 At procurement and requisi- dorper rams for Barwesa tion stage 17. Completion of Maoi Slaughter Baringo South, Mari- 781,308 781, 308 Work in progress house gat 18. Construction and completion of LembusPerkerra / El- 10,500 10,500,000 Contractor on site and work Milk processing plant – Eldama dama Ravine in progress Ravine 19. EU COUNTER funding for County wide 15,626,168 15,626,168 Work in progresss Maoi Slaughter house 20. ASDSP COUNTER funding County wide 15,057,645 15,057,645 Activity implementation in progress


STATUS OF EU IDEAS PROJECT. Instruments for Devolution Advice and Support (IDEAS) is a bilateral Programme between the Government of Kenya (GoK) and the European Union (EU) which commenced on 25th September 2014 with the signing of the Financing agreement. The program has total grants of €28.6m (KES 3.146b).The Overall objective of the program is to contribute to the implemen- tation of devolution process in Kenya through strengthening national institutional capacities in the management of the devolution process and fiscal decentralization and development of capaci- ties in Counties to facilitate inclusive and sustained economic growth, participatory planning and service delivery. Baringo County is one of the 15 beneficiary counties and under the project, the county pri- oritized the completion of MAOI slaughter house and Mogotio Tannery in order to spur Local Economic Development(LED).The 2 projects were initiated under the Economic Stimulus Program in 2013. Achievements  County Proposal accepted and to be funded to the tune of KES 110M.  Bill of quantities for proposed expansion works already done by PRAIM Consult Ltd.  A total of 7 management plans drafts already available to operational the 2 facilities.  A total of KES 85 M from European Union already appropriated in the County Alloca- tion of Revenue Act,2017(CARA) Next steps  Completion /finalization of the 7 management plans to operational the 2 facilities.  Once funds are available, construction works to commence.  Resource mobilization to ensure completion of the 2 capital projects .The budgeted and available funds are inadequate. FISHERIES SECTION


Objective: To improve fish production for increased productivity Outcome: Improved households food security Roll over/ Phased Projects Program Projects Location of Quarter Achieved Percent- Outcomes Action the Project Targets Outputs age of (outcomes Plan cumula- and impacts tive since project (Physical achieve- commence- progress ment ment) based on outputs)


Completion Construc- Emining Installation Building 80 Increased Applica- of Emining tion of Ward of 3 phase completed. availability of tion for fish feed feed pro- electricity Awaiting quality fish quotation pelletizing cessing connection feeds made to plant plant to 3 phase KPLC electricity and com- misioning

2020-2021 projects Program Project Location of Quarter Achieved Percent- Outcomes Action Name the Project Targets Outputs age of (outcomes Plan cumula- and impacts tive since project (Physical achieve- commence- progress ment ment) based on outputs) General Support to Countywide Purchase of Requisi- Administra- fish farm- 100,000 tion initi- tive ser- ing monosex ated vicers tilapia fin- gerlings Purchase of 1000 bags of supple- mentary fish feeds

General Purchase Tan- Purchase of Requisi- Administra- of motor- gulbei/Koros (1) fibre tion initi- tive ser- boat and ward glass boat ated vicers fishing and engine gears Purchase of 50 fishing nets

3.11 Department of Water and Irrigation Vision: Water for all in a clean, safe and sustainable environment Mission: To enhance access to clean and safe water, high quality sewerage services and conserv- ing environment while promoting sustainable utilization of natural resources

The Sector’s overall goal and strategic objectives Thematic Sector Goal Sector Strategic Objectives Pillar Universal To ensure ease of To construct and maintain water supply and sewerage infrastructure


access to access to clean water To protect, conserve and nurture environmental resources including promo- social and sewerage ser- tion of tourist attraction sites amenities vices while protect- To promote exploitation of natural resources in a sustainable manner for im- ing and conserving To build institutional capacity for provision and management of water and proved the environment in- sewerage services, environmental protection standard cluding sustainable To develop tourism potential through conservation of wildlife and natural of living utilization of natural resources as well as optimal exploitation of tourism products resources.

Expenditure Trends and Analysis

The department of Water and Irrigation budget allocation was Kes 811,988,122 to finance both Re- current and Development expenditure. Of this allocation, Kes 117,925,715 and Kes 694,062,407 was for recurrent and development expenditure respectively.

The recurrent expenditure during the second quarter was Kes 35,001,203while there was no devel- opment expenditure incurred during the period under review. The overall absorption rate was 6%. Tables 3.35 below provide detailed presentation.

Table 3.35 Expenditure Analysis Econom- Approved Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp 2020/2021 Absorp ic Classi- supple- proved mentary sorp- sorp- fication mentary Budget Budget tion tion Budget Rate Rate 2019/20 2020/202 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total 2019/20 Q1 Q 2 Total 2020/21 1 FY FY Recur- 121,251, 122,004 117,925, 5,728, 35,911, 41,639, 34% 12,942, 35,001, 47,943, 41% rent 196 ,156 715 054 287 341 750 203 953 Devel- 1,050,72 332,895 694,062, - 51,488, 51,488, 5% - - - 0% opment 9,787 ,951 407 437 437 Total 1,171,98 454,900 811,988, 5,728, 87,399, 93,127, 8% 12,942, 35,001, 47,943, 6% 0,983 ,107 122 054 724 778 750 203 953 Table 3.36: Programme Ouputs and Perfomance Indicators

Programme name: Provision of Water for Irrigation

Objective: Increase irrigation coverage

Outcomes: Number of irrigation projects done

Sub-Programme Keys outputs Planned Achieved Balance of Ongoing Estimate Remarks targets targets Planned (Not fund- Cost to (2020/2021) targets ed in complete (2019/2020) 2019/2020) projects (Kes Mil- lions)

Construction of Irrigation Provision of 3 2 4 2 2 are complete, 4 infrastructure adequate water ongoing and 4 at in 10 irrigation data collection projects stage

Programme name: Rehabilitation and expansion of existing water supplies


Objective: To increase water coverage and reliability of water supplies


Rehabilitation of water Rehabilitation 38 67 188 0 67 are complete supplies of 255 water while the rest are supplies at various stages

Programme name: Pans/ small dam construction

Objective: Increase water coverage


Construction of water Construction of 4 4 10 2 - The water pans pans 20 number wa- are at various ter pans stages of comple- tion

Programme name: Drilling and equipping of boreholes

Objective: Increase water coverage

Outcomes: No of boreholes drilled

Drilling and equipping of Drill and equip 32 18 17 0 18 Bhs complete boreholes 35 boreholes while the remain- ing are at various procurement stages

Programme name: Designing and construction of sewerage systems

Objective: To improve sanitation and hygiene in major towns

Outcomes: No of sewerage systems

Designing and construc- Design and 2 0 2 0 Land acquisition for tion of sewerage systems construct 2 E/Ravine now at sewerage sys- design stage by tems (CRVVWWDA) while kabarnet sew- erage is ongoing

Programme name : Operation and maintenance

Objective: To improve the efficiency and sustainability of existing water systems

Outcomes: No of water supplies working

Operation and mainte- Water supplies 0 0 0 0 No provision for nance reinstated to O& functionality

Programme name : Purchase of Equipments

Objective: To enhance capacity of rehabilitation and construction of water infrastructure

Outcomes: Number of boreholes and water pans constructed or desilted

Purchase of Drilling Rig 1 No drilling set Drilling set No of borehole 1 The drilling set has Set purchased delivered drilled in-house been delivered and


and working is operational

Purchase of Excavator 1 No excavator Excavator No of water pans 0 0 No budget purchased delivered desilted in-house and working

Purchase of Bulldozer 1 No bulldozer Bulldozer No of water pans 0 0 No budget purchased delivered constructed in- and working house

Programme name: Rainwater harvesting (Roof catchment to institution)

Objective: To reduce institutional water demand

Outcomes: No of roof catchment systems

Installation of roof Deliver 1 No. of institutions No of roof 1 0 Change in activity catchment structures roof catch- with roof catchment catchment ments struc- structures installed systems tures

Programme name : Investigation Planning and Design of water and irrigation infrastructure

Objective: To come up with technically viable infrastructural projects

Outcomes: No of projects surveyed and designed

Investigation Planning 255 projects No of designs done No of pro- 233 Investigation and and Design of water surveyed and jects sur- design is a contin- and irrigation infra- designed veyed and uous process hence structure designed requires budget provision

Table 3.37: Specific Project Reporting (FY 2020-2021 Projects) Contract Contractor Absorption Amount No Description Ward Budget Sum Name Rate % Paid Var status Drilling and equipping of Evaluation stage 1 Kapyemit borehole Kisanana 2000000 Sertonje borehole equipping & Matching fund to 2 piping Kisanana 3000000 Smart Agriculture Data collection 3 Chebirebei borehole equipping Kisanana 2000000 Lombala borehole tank con- Data collection 4 struction Mogotio 1500000 Molok borehole drilling (Coun- Data collection 5 ty Rig) Emining 1000000 Data collection 6 Kapkole borehole drilling Emining 2000000 Data collection 7 Kabokonga borehole drilling Kisanana 2000000 Koronionde borehole tank Data collection 8 construction Mogotio 500000 Data collection 9 Nato borehole drilling Emining 2000000 Data collection 10 Kapngemui borehole equipping Emining 2000000 Data collection 12 Asenwe borehole drilling Emining 2000000 Kimose (Koibai) Sosion pipe- Data collection 13 line Emining 1000000 Chebirebei borehole comple- Data collection 14 tion Kisanana 1000000


Data collection 15 Kabergei borehole drilling Kisanana 2000000 Evaluation stage 16 Koitegan borehole equipping Kisanana 2000000 Data collection 17 Belatiate borehole repair Kisanana 500000 Drilling and equipping of Kor- Data collection 18 gor borehole (County wide) Kisanana 3000000 Awee water project (Distribu- BOQ stage 19 tion pipes) Koibatek 300000 Kaplesir water project (Distri- Data collection 20 bution pipes) Koibatek 300000 Kasoe-Kibias water project Data collection 21 (Distribution pipes) Koibatek 500000 Data collection 22 Saos-Kibias water project L.Perkerra Mochongoi-Kaburwo water Data collection 23 project completion L.Perkerra 500000 BOQ stage 24 Tekelte water pipes distribution Koibatek 400000 Toniok borehole equipping Data collection 25 with solar panels L.Perkerra 1000000 Simotwet water distribution Data collection 26 pipes L.Perkerra 1000000 Tachasis water project (Distri- BOQ stage 27 bution pipes) Maji Mazuri 1000000 Bekibon borehole tank and Data collection 28 piping Marigat 1250000 Data collection 29 Sosurwo water project (Piping) Marigat 1250000 Sosurwo-Kaptien piping water Data collection 30 project Marigat 1250000 Data collection 31 Keben water supply project Marigat 1500000 Data collection 32 Chepkornis water canal Mochongoi 1600000 Yemit-Koitilil piping water Data collection 33 project Mochongoi 1000000 Data collection 34 Nongalami irrigation scheme Mukutani 2000000 Data collection 35 Bekimayai water project Marigat 1250000 Koyonin water project intake Data collection 36 and piping Marigat 1250000 Marigat water piping (Ndabul, Data collection 37 Labos and Block 4 phase 1) Marigat 1250000 Data collection 38 Kaburwo water supply Mochongoi 983487 Desilting of Ketes, Kaplelach, Data collection 39 Kiptek pan dams Mochongoi 2000000 Drilling and equipping of Awarded 40 Lelgoita borehole Kapropita 2721547 Rotumoi water weir and cattle Ewalel Chap- No funds 41 trough chap 700000 Ewalel Chap- Data collection 42 Kabochony borehole drilling chap 2000000 Requisition stage 43 Asian water project Sacho 3000000 Ewalel Chap- Data collection 44 Kabochony borehole equipping chap 1500000 Ewalel Chap- Data collection 45 Tripkil borehole chap 1500000 Data collection 46 Sigat water project (Chepkero) Tenges 3000000 Data collection 47 Sururu water project (Emom) Sacho 4000000 Data collection 48 Kapkut water project (Kisonei) Tenges 3000000


Kureswo water extension Data collection 49 (Kiplekwa water tank) Tenges 2500000 Bosin Pry school borehole Ewalel Chap- Data collection 50 (Kabasis) chap 2500000 Kapkong water project (3'' Data collection HDPE pipes and unions) - 51 (Kapkelelwa) Sacho 2000000 Kibaan borehole drilling (Lel- Data collection 52 men) 1800000 Kiplekwa borehole drilling and Data collection 53 equipping Kabarnet 1800000 Kapsigorian borehole (Ki- Data collection 5455 boino) Kabarnet 1800000 Kiberenge spring/ Kuriondonin Data collection 56 water project Kabarnet 900000 Serei water project (Tank and Data collection 57 piping) Kabarnet 1000000 Ewalel Chap- Data collection 58 Purchase of pipes (Ward wide) chap 2000000 Kiboi-Kipkowei piping water Data collection 59 project Kapropita 2400000 Ratapen Awarded Construction Co. Ltd Drilling and equipping of Ptikii 1,996,500 60 borehole Tirioko 2000000 Water pump generators and Data collection 61 pipes for irrigation Tangulbei 1000000 Yemit borehole pipeline exten- Data collection sion, water kiosk, tanks to 62 Lolgos village Churo Amaya 2500000 Kachilitwa borehole - Equip- Data collection ping, water kiosk and piping to 63 Parasinta village Churo Amaya 2500000 Data collection 64 Napakore pan dam desilting Silale 2000000 Data collection 65 Merkalei pan dam desilting Silale 2000000 Rehabilitation of Chemoril BOQ stage 66 twin dam Loyamorok 3000000 Data collection 67 Tuwot borehole drilling Loyamorok 2000000 Data collection 68 Tuwaya borehole drilling Ribkwo 2000000 Data collection 69 Cheseret borehole drilling Ribkwo 2000000 Data collection 70 Kasongogh borehole drilling Tirioko 2500000 Data collection 71 Chesotim borehole drilling Tirioko 3000000 Saimo Kip- Data collection 72 Kapkombe water project saraman 1000000 Data collection 73 Emno Water Project Kabartonjo 2000000 Saimo Kip- Data collection 74 Kapteberewo water supply saraman 2000000 Toiwon water supply (Pipeline Saimo Kip- Data collection 75 extension to Kapcheptinya) saraman 1000000 Pipeline extension to Kelwon- Data collection donin/ Kabalangwa from Kap- Saimo Kip- 76 cheptoo tanks saraman 1000000 Data collection 77 Kapturo borehole drilling Bartabwa 2000000

Table 3.38: ROLLOVER PROJECTS -2019/2020


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion 1 Drilling Rig County 60,000,000 59,690,000 Biomax Ltd FY2018-2019 100 Complete 2 Koronin Choge Kipsamiswa- Ewalel chap 2,500,000 2,327,650 Nevisco FY2018-2019 100 Complete ne chap Investment Ltd 3 Cherawanyai water project Ripkwo 2,000,000 3,152,290 Shamtech FY2018-2019 100 Complete Investment Co Ltd 4 Kasilangwa BH Equipping Churo Ama- 3,100,000 2,628,600 Swiftic FY2018-2019 0 Project did not pro- ya Enterprises ceed because the bore- hole was dry 5 Chebirebei BH drilling Kisanana 2,000,000 2,126,200 Megaster FY2018-2019 100 Borehole is dry/ no water 6 Kapkararam BH drilling Kisanana 2,500,000 2,383,000 Sayatech FY2018-2019 100 Complete 7 Korio BH drilling Ripkwo 6,300,000 2,023,000 Nambawan FY2018-2019 100 Drilled with success. contractors Waiting for equipping Ltd 8 Magonoi BH drilling 2 Kabarnet 5,000,000 2,805,900 East African FY2018-2019 100 Drilled with success. Construction Waiting for equipping Equipment 9 Ilpirisati Mukutani water Mukutani 4,100,000 3,969,920 Kalia Gen- FY2018-2019 50 Ongoing project eral Con- tractors 10 Kamain water project Marigat 1,550,000 1,466,129 kapsobit FY2018-2019 100 Complete Contrators Limited 11 Kator – Emgos water project kabarnet 3,000,000 2,874,760 Eltons FY2018-2019 100 Complete Technolo- gies 12 Kimose water project Emining 2,000,000 1,027,450 Sako Build- FY2018-2019 100 Complete ing Con- struction CO. Ltd 13 Kipsolian water project Tenges 2,000,000 1,858,800 Diwani FY2018-2019 100 Complete Holdings Ltd 14 Lelian – Kabarbet water Kabartonjo 2,500,000 2,466,810 Kiplan En- FY2018-2019 100 Complete project terprises Ltd 15 Lodengo water pan Kolowa 3,000,000 2,927,725 Sawach FY2018-2019 100 Complete Investments Co. Ltd 16 Longiwan irrigation project Ilchamus 3,000,000 2,960,726 Structured FY2018-2019 100 Complete Concepts Ltd 17 Soimining water project Maji Mazuri 3,000,000 2,962,400 Chamgaa FY2018-2019 100 Complete Mumberes Investment 18 Rosy water project Mogotio 3,570,000 2,911,820 Premier Ltd FY2018-2019 65 Ongoing 19 Marigat fittings Water project Marigat 2,000,000 1,990,150 Rotalink FY2017-2018 100 Complete Phase II Engineering Ltd 20 Koiserat water project Bartabwa 2,062,500 1,977,830 Bon Bore- FY2017-2018 40 Ongoing hole Drillers 21 Silonga borehole water pro- Ilchamus 1,000,000 960,360 Koski En- FY2018-2019 90 Ongoing ject terprises 22 Ngoron BH water project Tirioko 2,000,000 2,230,850 Tricom FY2018-2019 100 Complete Logistic 23 Sumeiyon water project and Kabartonjo 2,500,000 2,485,648 Mashan FY2018-2019 100 Complete piping Logistics Ltd 24 Solian water project Ewalel chap 1,500,000 1,111,965 Kochu FY2018-2019 100 Complete chap Company 25 Kureswo water project Sacho 1,000,000 999,850 Boar Ltd FY2018-2019 100 Complete 26 Seretunin water supply Ewalel Chap 3,000,000 2,856,500 Kaptuno FY2018-2019 60 Ongoing but commu- Chap Logistics nity is causing re- Ltd sistance 27 Momoniat water supply Maji Mazuri 1,500,000 1,375,350 Boit Con- FY2018-2019 100 Complete Mumberes struction Ltd


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion 28 Chemolingot borehole equip- Ripkwo 2,500,000 2,596,950 Frecol En- FY2017-2018 100 Complete ping terprises 29 Kasau Phase II Marigat 1,495,000 1,625,260 Danaken FY2017-2018 100 Complete Company Ltd 30 Lomoiwe water project Mochongoi 2,700,000 2,761,812 kalewent FY2017-2018 70 Ongoing 31 Manuar kabel WP Mochongoi Enterprises FY2017-2018 70 32 kaburwo WP Mochongoi FY2017-2018 70 33 Ptugen borehole equipping Ripkwo 1,647,000 1,545,380 FY2017-2018 100 Complete 34 Arusin water pan Saimo Soi 5,000,000 4,522,450 Pepeh En- FY2017-2018 80 Ongoing terprise Ltd 35 Kibolony water project Barwessa 5,500,000 4,500,905 Recafric FY2017-2018 100 Complete General Supplies Ltd 36 Yeptos water project Barwessa 7,000,000 5,474,065 Kiplan En- FY2017-2018 70 Ongoing terprise Ltd 37 Tunochun water project Saimo Kip- 6,000,000 5,437,780 Eltons FY2019-2020 70 Ongoing saraman Technolo- gies & Sys- tems Ltd 38 Kiptuno Cheplacha Phase II Lembus 5,000,000 4,510,950 Tricom FY2017-2018 70 Ongoing WP Kwen Logistics Ltd 39 Narosura water project Lembus 5,000,000 4,682,600 Rotalink FY2017-2018 80 Ongoing Kwen Engineering Ltd 40 Kibanger water project kabartonjo 500,000 498,775 Kennways FY2017-2018 100 Complete Construction Co Ltd 41 Barbarama, Ketipkaren and Bartabwa 1,700,000 1,696,933 Remaki FY2017-2018 30 Ongoing Toboroi Fencing Contractors Ltd 42 Ketiborok Water project Barwessa 3,500,000 3,230,094 Melma FY2017-2018 100 Complete Investment Ltd 43 Rochombo Water project kabartonjo 1,000,000 999,600 Frecol En- FY2017-2018 70 Ongoing terprises 44 Tebelekwo Water project Churo Ama- 1,500,000 1,497,350 Cossycoy FY2017-2018 50 Ongoing ya Contractors Ltd 45 Bekimei Phase 2 Water pro- Marigat 1,200,000 1,185,204 Ezenik FY2018-2019 50 Ongoing ject Construction Ltd 46 Chemoinoi Borehole Drilling Emining 3,000,000 2,097,650 Rotalink FY2018-2019 100 Complete Engineering Ltd 47 Sertonje Borehole Drilling Kisanana 2,000,000 1,992,400 Atco Logis- FY2018-2019 100 Complete tica Ltd 48 Kipnyunguny Borehole Drill- Kisanana 2,100,000 2,097,650 Chamgaa FY2018-2019 100 Complete ing Investments 49 Kamailel water project Mochoingoi 700,000 699,800 Volkz Sup- FY2018-2019 100 Complete plies & Construction Ltd 50 Kapchepkisa, Kapcheserem, Saimo Kip- 2,100,000 2,095,110 Rotalink FY2018-2019 70 Ongoing kelwondonin water project saraman Engineering Ltd 51 Kapng'alel Kipkaech water Ewalel Chap- 2,700,000 2,556,650 Kanap Lo- FY2017-2018 80 Ongoing project chap gistics Ltd 52 Kasisit water project Saimo Kip- 1,000,000 999,110 Winnix FY2017-2018 100 Complete saraman contractors Ltd 53 Kasoe water project Lembus 2,900,000 2,896,750 Megastar FY2017-2018 100 Complete Perkerra Technolo- gies Ltd 54 Kokwototo BH Equipping Tangulbei 2,000,000 2,030,000 Hosol Com- FY2017-2018 100 Complete


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion pany Ltd 55 Koronin Talai Intake water Ewalel Chap- 2,700,000 2,692,930 Wangal FY2017-2018 100 Complete project chap Enterprises Ltd 56 Nakoko water pan Silale 3,000,000 2,997,800 Pakka In- FY2017-2018 100 Complete vestment Company Ltd 57 Tentenbei water project Mochongoi 1,900,000 1,840,055 Kurdan FY2018-2019 0 Awarded. Planning for General site handing over contractors Ltd 58 Kapkuikui-Tuwitie, Kap- Mochongoi 3,569,000 3,568,300 Frecol En- FY2019-2020 60 Ongoing chepkendi, Tuyuono, Sesya terprises Tembererwe project 59 Kinyo water project Kapropita 1,500,000 1,393,600 Ralph FY2019-2020 100 Complete Bunche Enterprises 60 Riong'o Merikale water pro- Silale 3,000,000 3,000,000 Goodluck FY2019-2020 100 Complete ject Logistics 61 Melelton-Kapsindano water Kabarnet 2,400,000 2,396,960 Raynard FY2019-2020 0 Project removed and project Enterprise funds went to match- Ltd ing fund to water trust fund 62 Orokwo Dispensary water Kabarnet 1,200,000 1,198,436 Kertikwo FY2019-2020 100 Complete project Investment Ltd 63 Sumeiyon water project kabartonjo 1,300,000 1,299,955 Koski En- FY2019-2020 100 Complete terprises 64 Kapkut-Kapcherebet water Kapropita 1,500,000 1,496,926 Byatoo FY2019-2020 100 Complete project Enterprises Ltd 65 Kisetew - Kipenda water Saimo Kip- 1,000,000 1,100,450 M/S Ga'als FY2018-2019 30 Ongoing projects saraman Agencies Ltd 66 Kapkong & kaplel water Sacho 1,200,000 1,182,660 Kibass Con- FY2019-2020 100 Complete projects nections and Tours Ltd 67 Kipsaraman-Kibiriokwonin Saimo Soi 3,000,000 2,900,100 Lafian FY2019-2020 100 Complete water project Technolo- gies Ltd 68 Kator-Emgos-Cifika- Kabarnet 2,400,000 2,349,400 Maroni FY2019-2020 100 Complete Ketindui water project Enterprises Ltd 69 Talai-Kaptumo water project Ewalel Chap- 1,000,000 995,300 Kiptamba FY2019-2020 30 Ongoing chap Enterprises Company Ltd 70 Utwot water project Marigat 1,000,000 985,320 Yatoi In- FY2019-2020 60 Handed over vestment Ltd 71 Kasau-Kabirmet water pro- Marigat 2,000,000 1,722,860 Kalewent FY2019-2020 100 Complete ject Enterprises 72 Kimugulel water project Saimo Kip- 600,000 645,415 Sanrop FY2019-2020 100 Complete saraman Building and Contractors Ltd 73 Kisabuny water project Saimo Kip- 3,000,000 3,005,890 Kica Engi- FY2019-2020 60 Ongoing saraman neering Ltd 74 Kolole water project Mochongoi 2,600,000 2,425,830 Ngotop FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Investment Ltd 75 Kaptere Toiwon water pro- Saimo Kip- 1,600,000 1,596,100 Loria and FY2019-2020 100 Complete ject saraman Moi Ltd 76 Kiptuno water project Lembus 1,800,000 1,798,185 Chesrob FY2018-2019 60 Ongoing Kwen Enterprises 77 Sibilo water project Saimo Soi 2,500,000 2,498,965 Belle com- FY2018-2019 60 Ongoing


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion mercial Traders Ltd 78 Kapkomon-Benon-Kirinygor kabartonjo 1,500,000 1,498,830 Estepac FY2018-2019 100 Ongoing water project Company Ltd 79 Sunrise BH Equipping Kabarnet 2,000,000 1,972,096 Tarkok's FY2018-2019 90 Ongoing Investment Ltd 80 Chambai 50M3 Masonry Saimo Kip- 900,000 900,400 Loria and FY2018-2019 100 Complete Tank saraman Lori Limited 81 Kapkir-Kamisan water pro- kabarnet 600,000 599,500 Ark Angel FY2018-2019 100 Complete ject Enterprises Ltd 82 Kitibei water project Saimo Kip- 3,000,000 2,813,850 Royale FY2018-2019 100 Complete saraman water pro- ject 83 Kolowa plastic tanks Kolowa 1,000,000 999,000 Jantel FY2018-2019 100 Complete Works and Services Ltd 84 Krisoo water project kabartonjo 3,000,000 2,989,450 Tabiloo FY2018-2019 100 Complete Holdings Ltd 85 Tuigoin water project Lembus 1,200,000 1,196,760 Segecha FY2018-2019 100 Complete Kwen Construction and Engi- neering Co Ltd 86 Tinet water project Lembus 2,200,000 2,192,604 Avnet In- FY2018-2019 100 Complete vestment Ltd 87 Kipsokwo water project Marigat 1,900,000 1,840,055 Jaicom FY2018-2019 100 Complete Networks Ltd 88 Chepelow Borehole drilling Loyamorok 3,700,000 2,577,000 Hoswin FY2018-2019 100 Complete Ventures Company Ltd 89 kapkokwon Water Project Kabartonjo 600,000 598,900 M/S FY2018-2019 100 Complete Styvolink General Contractors 90 Kiberenge water project Kabarnet/ 1,000,000 1,000,530 Sako Build- FY2018-2019 100 Complete Kapropita ing Con- struction Ltd 91 Kimoso Water project Kabarnet 2,400,000 2,481,910 Recafric FY2019-2020 100 Complete General Supplies Ltd 92 Saal Borehole Bartabwa 2,000,000 1,998,100 Grane Con- FY2018-2019 100 Complete struction Ltd 93 Anon Water Project Tenges 2,500,000 2,489,600 Manham Co. FY2019-2020 100 Complete Ltd 94 Kapsoo Borowonin Water Kapropita 1,500,000 1,481,980 Northbridge FY2019-2020 100 Complete Project Technolo- gies Ltd 95 Lelian Water Project Exten- kabartonjo 2,200,000 2,195,000 M/S Emyok FY2019-2020 100 Complete sion Sawmills & Construction Ltd 96 Mintrilonchun Kapchekor Saimo Kip- 1,600,000 1,556,000 Mantarel FY2019-2020 100 Complete Water Project saraman Contractors Ltd 97 Somit Water Project Kabartonjo 900,000 892,390 Kortek FY2019-2020 100 Complete Enterprises Ltd 98 Torokwonin Water Project Saimo Kip- 3,000,000 2,914,810 Tejatech FY2019-2020 0 Change of scope of saraman Holdings work. Retendered Ltd


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion 99 Bartoronjo Water Project Ewalel Chap- 1,500,000 1,460,400 Bedri Com- FY2019-2020 100 Complete chap pany Ltd 100 Kapkiai/ Kipsabit/ Sore Wa- Ewalel Chap- 1,000,000 999,800 Ruby Build- FY2019-2020 100 Complete ter Project chap ing Compa- ny Ltd 101 Tekelte Water Project Sacho 1,500,000 1,491,570 Primecourse FY2019-2020 100 Complete Limited 102 Torotwo Water Project Sacho 1,300,000 1,283,700 Bartogo FY2019-2020 100 Complete Consultants 103 Kapcheresin Water Pan Kolowa 3,000,000 2,998,850 Grane Con- FY2018-2019 100 Complete struction Ltd 104 Kikorwe Water Pan Mogotio 3,000,000 3,037,850 Chesdalink FY2018-2019 100 Complete Company Ltd 105 Tabaretui Water Pan Mogotio 3,037,000 3,037,850 Tricom FY2018-2019 100 Complete Logistics Ltd 106 Kapkut Water Project Tenges 2,500,000 2,429,955 Kalkulas FY2019-2020 40 Ongoing Investment Ltd 107 Katikit & Adomeyon Bore- Loyamorok 479600 574,600 Tamaca FY2019-2020 100 Complete holes Troublshooting (Eng Est) Enterprises 108 Endao Borehole Metering Marigat 549612(Eng 872,210 Rotalink FY2019-2020 100 complete Est) Engineering Company Ltd 109 Kaptoi Water Project Saimo Kip- 2,500,000 2,498,550 Negtam FY2017-2018 70 ongoing saraman Contractors Ltd 110 Mogoi-Moigutwo Pipeline Bartabwa 490000 504,700 Belrota FY2017-2018 100 Complete Extension (Eng Est) Holdings Limited 111 Replacement of Plastic Pipes Loyamorok 1977000 1,975,100 Hoswin FY2017-2018 100 Complete Extension (Chepn'garua BG (Eng Esti- Ventures Drilling) mate) Company Ltd 112 Asian Water Project Sacho 4,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition stage 113 Cheraik 225M3 masonry tank Lembus 2,850,000 2,830,300 Baor Enter- FY2017-2018 80 Ongoing Perkerra prises Ltd 114 Kapkirwok water project Kabartonjo 2,400,000 2,395,440 Nambawan FY2019-2020 50 Ongoing contractors Ltd 115 Kipsaa water project Tenges 3,000,000 FY2018-2019 0 Tendering Process 116 Lomaiywe water project Mochongoi 4,169,000 3,653,800 Antam Lo- FY2019-2020 0 Ongoing gistics Ltd 117 Nambawan Borehole equip- Kisanana 2,000,000 FY2018-2019 0 There was a change in ping design due to changes in the location of storage tank. This led to a repeat of the pro- curement process thus the delay. Its at requi- sition stage 118 Bebosok Barendar water Bartabwa 500,000 456,188 Primecourse FY2018-2019 0 Awarded project (Kongbokabon pan) Limited 119 Emining water pans desilting Emining 1,850,000 1,793,300 Volkz Sup- FY2018-2019 0 Awarded. Site handed (Desilting of Lengnane, plies and over Turwetended & Chepnganian Construction Ltd 120 Kapterit water project Mogotio 5,500,000 4,946,320 Bravin Lo- FY2019-2020 0 Awarded. Site handed gistics over 121 Korio borehole equipping Ripkwo 4,300,000 FY2018-2019 0 Requisition stage 122 Lotwol water pan Silale 4,000,000 2,986,340 Sowis En- FY2019-2020 80 Complete terprises Ltd 123 Olkokwe water project Kisanana 3,000,000 3,140,622 Grane Con- FY2019-2020 0 Awarded struction Ltd


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion 124 Kamalanget borehole equip- Emining 2,000,000 1,998,813 Tensa In- FY2019-2020 100 Ongoing ping vestment Company Limited 125 Katele water pan Silale 3,000,000 3,202,300 Bedri Com- FY2019-2020 0 Ongoing. Negotiated pany Ltd down to 3,000,300 126 Krezia water project Churo Ama- 5,500,000 3,976,865 Notion FY2019-2020 20 Ongoing ya Enterprises 127 Marram water project Churo Ama- 5,500,000 3,795,607 Danaken FY2019-2020 100 ongoing ya Company Ltd 128 Parkarin water project Marigat 2,400,000 2,340,858 Antam Lo- FY2019-2020 0 Ongoing gistics Ltd 129 Chematai Borehole equip- Churo Ama- 2,000,000 1,998,890 Boit Con- FY2019-2020 0 Ongoing ping ya struction Ltd 130 Kerelon Borehole equipping Kolowa 2,300,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition stage 131 Kalas Borehole equipping Silale 1,500,000 FY2018-2019 0 Retendered. Also needs additional funds 132 Kamar Borehole equipping Mogotio 2,500,000 2,490,770 Sallemos FY2017-2018 100 Ongoing Holdings Ltd 133 Kimao-Kimalel-Kimorok Emining 2,400,000 2,413,720 kapsobit FY2019-2020 50 Ongoing water project Contrators Limited 134 Lendorok water project Mukutani 4,000,000 3,878,950 Raynard FY2019-2020 0 Awarded. Planning for Enterprise site handing over Ltd 135 Sosur water project Ewalel Chap- 2,000,000 1,998,430 Cair Con- FY2018-2019 0 Ongoing chap cepts Ltd 136 Kapkein borehole water Mogotio 1,000,000 981,700 Mag kenya FY2018-2019 100 Complete project Ltd 137 Kimolongboiyon water pro- Tenges 2,000,000 FY2018-2019 0 Requisition stage. ject Name changed from Chepligei to Kim- olongboiyon 138 Loitip Sirata water project Ilchamus 2,500,000 2,479,480 Muhia Capi- FY2019-2020 100 Complete tal Invest- ment Ltd 139 Nakisarich water pan Silale 3,000,000 2,993,270 Kongasis FY2019-2020 Ongoing Investment Ltd 140 Airstrip Borehole drilling Kabarnet 3,500,000 2,483,000 Target Drill- FY2018-2019 0 Awarded ers (E.A) Ltd 141 Aiyan Borehole drilling Tangulbei 2,500,000 2,313,500 Emcons Ltd FY2019-2020 0 Awarded 142 Chemususu water project Ravine 4,000,000 3,972,340. Kalkulas FY2018-2019 0 Awarded (Narosura, Munyore, Ko- 00 Investment kwomoi) Ltd 143 Chemutung borehole drilling Emining 2,000,000 2,087,750. Hosol Com- FY2019-2020 0 Awarded 00 pany Ltd 144 Cheporiot water pan Tirioko 3,337,000 3,287,500 Recafric FY2017-2018 0 Awarded General Supplies Ltd 145 Chepotintar borehole drilling Ripkwo 5,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition stage 146 Chesanayan borehole drilling Kolowa 2,500,000 2,377,600 Joytech FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Engineer- ing(k) Ltd 147 Donyazaz 2 water project Ripkwo 2,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition 148 Ghatia Asarich Water Pan Tirioko FY2019-2020 0 Requisition 149 Kapiyewo borehole drilling Saimo Kip- 2,000,000 2,163,948 Sanrop FY2019-2020 0 Awarded saraman Builders & contractor 150 Kamasilo water pan Tirioko 3,000,000 2,995250 Tamaca FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Enterprises 151 Kapcheptinya (Kisabuny) Saimo Kip- 900,000 899,000 Kennways FY2019-2020 0 Awarded water project saraman Construction


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion Company 152 Kipkaber and Ruiyobei water Koibatek 1,300,000 1,278,857 Bikwen FY2018-2019 0 Awarded projects Enterprises Ltd 153 Kapsiloi Borehole drilling Emining 2,000,000 1,987,300 Byatoo FY2019-2020 0 Retendered Enterprises Ltd 154 Kapyemit borehole drilling Kisanana 3,000,000 2,489,300 Hoswin FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Ventures Company Ltd 155 Katakon Borehole drilling Tangulbei 2,000,000 1,993,900 Takitech FY2018-2019 0 Awarded Holdings Ltd 156 Katikit, Kamusuk and Lo- Ripkwo 1,350,000 1,345,000 Diamond FY2018-2019 0 Awarded ruatum Borehole Repairs Point Hold- ings Ltd 157 katipkimye water project Ilchamus 3,000,000 2,983,315 Tamaca FY2019-2020 0 Ongoing Enterprises 158 Kipnyunguny borehole Kisanana 2,000,000 1,983590 Grane Con- FY2019-2020 0 Awarded equipping stuction company Ltd 159 Koitegan borehole drilling Kisanana 2,000,000 1,994,900 Raynard FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Enterprises Ltd 160 Mbechot borehole project Mochongoi 3,700,000 1,956,900 Frecols FY2019-2020 0 Terminated Enterprises 161 Mondoi borehole drilling Saimo Kip- 1,500,000 FY2019-2029 0 Requisition stage saraman 162 Ngentui borehole drilling Emining 2,000,000 2,059,400 Asekai FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Holdings Ltd 163 Pombo and Ponpon Borehole Tangulbei 1,000,000 998,700 Marikhan FY2018-2019 0 Awarded repairs Iqwom Enterprises 164 Tuyun water pan Tirioko 3,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition stage 165 Yemit Borehole drilling Churo Ama- 2,500,000 2,487,700 Bidicon FY2019-2020 0 Awarded ya Engineering Co. Ltd 166 Ngasotok irrigation project Mukutani 3,100,000 2,938,720 Rotalink FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Engineering Co. Ltd 167 Barameres Borehole drilling Saimo Soi 2,000,000 2,143,884 Kaptere FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Contractors Ltd 168 Chesaibei borehole drilling Bartabwa 1,800,000 1,799,400 Shamtech FY2019-2020 0 Ongoing Investment Co. Ltd 169 Kamweton borehole drilling Bartabwa 1,818,752 1,814,460 Mitchell FY2019-2020 0 Ongoing Investmennt Co. Ltd 170 Koitilion borehole drilling Marigat 1,600,000 FY2019-2020 0 Awarded 171 Lelgoita Borehole drilling Kapropita 1,778,453 1,740620 Continental FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Ideal Bore- hole services Ltd 172 Lorumotum Borehole drilling Kolowa 2,000,000 2,143,300 Proline FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Holdings Ltd 173 Ptikii Borehole drilling Tirioko 2,000,000 1,996,500 Rapten FY2019-2020 0 Awarded Con- strcuction Co. Ltd 174 Sokotei and Lorok irrigation Mukutani 2,000,000 1,945,600 Frecol En- FY2019-2020 0 Awarded projects (Gensets) terprises Ltd


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion 175 Napeikore (Mokongwo) Tangulbei 2,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Re-tender water project 176 Belatiat kapnornor water Kisanana 3,000,000 2,994,475 Segecha FY2019-2020 0 Awarded project Construction & Engineer- ing Co. Ltd 177 Kapngetot water project Lembus 500,000 498,240 Sako Build- FY2018-2019 0 Awarded Kwen ing Con- struction Co. Ltd 178 Chepkoiyo water project Kisanana 4,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Re-tender 179 Kokwototo Pipeline exten- Tangulbei 1,000,000 9999,990 Dasancy FY2019-2020 0 Awarded sion Limited 180 Kitunduny Borehole repair Ripkwo 3,000,000 890,200 Diamond FY2018-2019 0 Awarded Point Hold- ings 181 Kapkia (Chelelwa) intake kabartonjo 500,000 497,872 Soibei Engi- FY2017-2018 0 Awarded neering Ltd 182 Kabarbet water project Phase kabartonjo 2,800,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition 3 183 Chesirimion Borehole equip- Loyamorok 4,000,000 3,995,507 Rotalink FY2018-2019 0 Awarded ping Engineering Co. Ltd 184 Usonochun Borehole drilling Saimo Soi 2,000,000 1,995,200 Atco Logis- FY2019-2020 0 Awarded tics Ltd 185 Tuwit water project Kolowa 2,300,000 FY2019-2020 0 Excess fluoride levels 186 Chemoinoi Borehole equip- Emining 3,000,000 3,843,930 Grane Con- FY2019-2020 0 Awarded ping struction Co. Ltd 187 Kokorwonin water project Saimo Kip- 3,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 BOQ stage saraman 188 Pkaghit Borehole drilling Kolowa 2,500,000 FY2019-2020 0 At requisition stage 189 Kipkoror Temo pipeline Saimo Kip- 2,600,000 0 At requisition stage extension saraman 190 Adomeyon Borehole Reha- Loyamorok 3,700,000 FY2019-2020 0 At requisition stage bilitation 191 Katikit Borehole Rehabilita- Ripkwo 2,700,000 FY2019-2020 0 At requisition stage tion 192 Chepelow Borehole Equip- Churo Ama- 2,800,000 FY2018-2019 0 At requisition stage ping ya 193 Chepngarua Borehole Equip- Loyamorok 2,105,000 FY2018-2019 0 At requisition stage ping 194 Kaburai Equipping and ma- Saimo Soi 2,800,000 FY2019-2020 0 At requisition stage sonry tank 195 Kapluk Borehole Equipping Barwessa 1,500,000 FY2019-2020 0 At requisition stage 196 Chebarsesa Intake extension Barwessa 500,000 FY2017-2018 0 At requisition stage 197 Ketiborok Pipeline Extension Barwessa 892,000 FY2018-2019 0 Data collection. Pro- ject was introduced during supplementary stage 198 Atelotin Borehole drilling Churo Ama- 2,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage ya 199 Nyalilbuch Pipeline Exten- Churo Ama- 1,500,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage. sion ya The project was in- truduced during sup- plementary hence there was no time. Requisition stage 200 Kamatiew water project Sacho 1,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition 201 Tirimionin water project Saimo Kip- 1,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage saraman 202 Kipcherere water project Saimo Soi 3,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Matching fund for Smart Agriculture 203 Construction of GCI tanks Countywide 8,335,109 FY2018-2019 0 Funds had initially been removed fully. Later a little amount


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion was provided in sup- plementary. This will be procured soon. Requisition stage 204 Mwachon-Kipyatie Eldama Ra- 1,000,000 FY2019-2019 0 BOQ stage. This was vine initially a lost project 205 Floods control - Ngambo Ilchamus 2,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 BOQ stage. Funds reduced during sup- plementary 206 KFS Ilngarua Borehole drill- Ilchamus 3,750,000 1,839,960 Rokip Hold- FY2019-2020 0 Complete ing ings Ltd 207 Ilngarua pipeline extension Ilchamus 1,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition 208 Chemoson piping Lembus 1,700,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition 209 Kaplobot water project Lembus 500,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage Kwen 210 Lokinei Nyalilgiruk project Lembus 3,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Its at requisition stage Kwen 211 Kasoe intake extension Lembus 1,900,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage. Perkerra The project was intro- duced during supple- mentary hence there was no time 212 Marigat water treatment plant Marigat 3,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage (Red cross Matching fund) 213 Water trucking- Covid-19 Countywide 30,000,000 FY2019-2020 70 Ongoing 214 Chepoyoria irrigation(Water Tangulbei 3,000,000 FY2018-2019 0 Data collection stage piping to Keriwak centre and dispensary) 215 Cheratike irrigation project Mukutani 4,770,000 4,643,060 Tricom FY2019-2020 0 Awarded. Site handed Logistics over Ltd 216 Endao - Kampi Samaki pipe- Saimo Soi 6,000,000 2,911,400 Target Drill- FY2018-2019 0 Awarded. Planning for line (Borehole drilling) ers (EA) Ltd site handing over 217 Nyimbei borehole drilling Mochongoi 1,600,000 FY2018-2019 0 Awarded. Planning for site handing over 218 Nakoko, Napeikore, Silale 1,500,000 FY2018-2019 0 Data collection Akwichatis rehabilitation 219 Kosile water pan desilting Saimo Soi 1,000,000 FY2018-2019 0 The funds were initial- (Borehole repair) ly meant for water pan desilting and it was insufficient. Later it was changed to bore- hole repair. Its now in data collection stage 220 Kamulot borehole power Bartabwa 300,000 FY2018-2019 0 Quotation has been installation received from kenya Power. Payment pro- cess to begin soon 221 Karolwo water pan Tangulbei 3,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition 222 Lamalok borehole drilling Ilchamus 5,000,000 1,750,300 Capital 360 FY2019-2020 0 Awarded. Site handed Investment over Company Ltd 223 Kamonong water pan Mochongoi 2,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage. The project was in- truduced during sup- plementary hence there was no time 224 Lorwai spring Mochongoi 1,273,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage 225 Korostin water pan Ripkwo 2,782,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage. 226 Kaimugul tanks and pipeline Kabartonjo 5,300,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition stage 227 Sertonje borehole equipping Kisanana 500,000 FY2019-2020 0 BOQ stage (Matching fund to Smart agricul- ture) 228 Oro SDA borehole water Loyamorok 5,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage. treatment The project needs


No Project Name Ward Budget Contract Contractor Financial Year % Com- Remarks Amount Name (Fy) pletion through consultation on the best design thus the delay 229 Likwon water project Barwessa 6,600,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition stage 230 Chemosin water project Saimo Kip- 2,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage. saraman The project was in- truduced during sup- plementary hence there was no time 231 Kasesya water project Saimo Kip- 800,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition stage saraman 232 Mintrilonchun water project Saimo Kip- 2,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Requisition stage (1st Supplementary) saraman 233 Kapsebeiywa water project Saimo Soi 3,200,000 3,185,100 Turotech FY2019-2020 100 Complete Contractors Ltd 234 Enot pipeline laying Barwessa 1,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage. The project was intro- duced during supple- mentary hence there was no time 235 Keturwo borehole drilling Barwessa 1,000,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage. The project was intro- duced during supple- mentary hence there was no time 236 Chemokol Borehole drilling Ripkwo 2,500,000 2,024,00 FY2017-2018 0 Re-tender 237 Kapsingilar -Upper Mumol Kapropita 1,300,000 FY2019-2020 0 Data collection stage. booster pump and piping The project was in- truduced during sup- plementary hence there was no time 238 Tilomwo water pan Tangulbei 3,000,000 2,956,960 Nilkanth FY2019-2020 50 Ongoing Solutions Ltd 239 Remo water project Sacho 1,000,000 940,200 Keser In- FY2018-2019 60 Ongoing vestment Ltd 240 Kabarak and Molok Pipeline Emining 700,000 698,750 Hoswin FY2019-2020 Ongoing Extension Ventures Company Ltd 241 Chesawany borehole drilling Barwesa 3,500,000 1,954,000 Target drill- FY2018-2019 0 Awarded. Site handed ers over 242 Kaptorokwo water project Ewalel Chap- 1,500,000 1,495,569 Hosol Com- FY2019-2020 0 Awarded. Planning for chap pany Ltd site handing over 243 Chemaset water pan Tenges 1,400,000 599,000 Kimore FY2018-2019 100 Culver workls Com- Holdings plete Limited


3.12 Department of Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works Department Overview The Transport and Infrastructure Department consists of Roads; Public Works; Transport Sub departments.

Department Vision A world class provider of cost-effective physical infrastructure facilities and services Department Mission To provide efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure for sustainable economic growth and development through construction, modernization, rehabilitation and effective management of all infrastructure facilities Objectives of the Sector: • Accelerating on-going infrastructure development, focusing on quality, aesthetics and function- ality of the infrastructure services; • Infrastructure development to support identified flagship projects to ensure contribution to the economic growth and social equity goals; • Improving efficiency and effectiveness of the infrastructure development process at all levels of planning, contracting, and construction;

• Providing a utility Sector that is modern, customer- oriented and technologically-enabled to provide efficient, cost-effective, quality services to all citizens; • Enable universal access to IT enabled services to promote a knowledge based society; • Develop modern County ICT infrastructure for sustainable development; • To ensure affordable, reliable, quality, safe and sustainable access to energy for all while pro- tecting and conserving the environment; • To develop and enforce regulations and standards to ensure safe, secure and efficient transport and infrastructure systems; • To develop and maintain sustainable transport and infrastructure to facilitate efficient move- ment of goods and people; • To mobilize resources and build capacity for technical and professional staff.

County Response to Department Vision and Mission 1. Poor physical infrastructure has been identified as a major setback in development in the county and hence the overall strategy is to provide physical infrastructural facilities


through rehabilitation, improvement and effective management and expansion of the ex- isting facilities. The road network will be maintained and improved through gravelling, grading and upgrading to bitumen standard. Power and telephone services, will be ex- panded to cover all the Sub-Counties targeting market centres, institutions and main community projects.

Expenditure Trends and Analysis The department of Roads, Transport, and Energy and Public Works budget allocation was Kes 985,692,027to finance both Recurrent and Development expenditure. Of this allocation, Kes 63,733,963 and Kes 921,958,064 was for recurrent and development expenditure respectively. The recurrent expenditure during the secod quarter was Kes 13,542,069 while there was no de- velopment expenditure incurred during the period under review and overall absorption rate for the half year was 2%. Tables 3.40 provide detailed presentation.

Table 3.39: Expenditure Analysis Economic Approved Ap- Supple- 2019/2020 FY Absorp- 2020/2021 Absorp- Classifi- supple- proved mentary tion tion cation mentary Budget Budget Rate Rate Budget 2019/20 2020/21 2019/20 2020/20 2020/2021 Q1 Q 2 Total FY Q1 Q 2 Total FY 21 Recur- 62,894,893 63,374,4 63,733,963 5,858, 15,621, 21,479, 34% 8,600, 13,542, 22,142, 35% rent 51 461 118 578 420 069 489 Devel- 976,225,70 435,729, 921,958,06 - 32,671, 32,671, 3% - - - 0% opment 2 510 4 582 582 Total 1,039,120, 499,103, 985,692,02 5,858, 48,292, 54,151, 5% 8,600, 13,542, 22,142, 2% 595 961 7 461 700 161 420 069 489

Project Implementation in the Second Quarter The progress implementation status as at the end of the second quarter is as follows: Table 3.40: Financial Year 2017/2018 Projects

No. Project Name Location Status 1. Emsos - Tinosiek - Olkokwe Road Kisanana Ongoing 2. Christ the King – Ngasiani Footbridge Mogotio Insufficient funds 3. Kaseret - Orokwo -Kapyomat Road Tenges Ongoing 4. Awane Road Ewalel Chapchap Re-tender 5. Kapsoo - Turur Road Kapropita Re-tender 6. Kimungur - Kipsubei Road Kapropita Re-tender 7. Kamelilo - Sogonin Land Purchasing for Ravine Awaiting valuation Road Opening 8. Kamelilo - Sogonin Road Ravine To commence 9. Bartaragon Road Slab Kabartonjo Re-tender 10. Moinoinin Youth Field Levelling Saimo Soi Insufficient Funds 11. Sikhin - Natan - Topelen - Lomechan Cave Silale Suspended due to insecuri- Road ty


No. Project Name Location Status 12. Members Club-Cereals-Kapkut Road Kabarnet Re-tender 13. Kaptara - Naigoi Road Kabarnet Ongoing 14. Rotumoi - Roganin Road Ewalel Chapchap Re-tender

Table 3.41: Financial Year 2018/2019 Projects

WARD PROJECTS S/No Project Title Project location Budget Estimate Status

1. Kiptagich-Kapkelelwa Road Sacho 3,000,000.00 Complete 2. Fuel For County Machineries Sacho 1,500,000.00 Complete 3. Sacho - Koyorus - Kabirmoi Road Sacho 1,500,000.00 Complete 4. Marimbobel - Kokor - Kitunoi Road Sacho 1,400,000.00 Ongoing 5. Kormengich Footbridge Tenges 600,000.00 Insufficient funds 6. Pemwai - Orokwo Road Kabarnet 2,500,000.00 Ongoing 7. Kipngemui - Nyonyorwo Road Kapropita 1,600,000.00 Ongoing 8. Cereals Kapkut Road Kapropita 1,600,000.00 Retender 9. Kapkut-Kapcherebet-Kapsolian Kapropita 1,600,000.00 Ongoing Road 10. Katipsogon - Ngetmoi Road Ewalel Chap- 2,000,000.00 Complete chap 11. Kapkia-Kaboset-Kapsimotwo-Sore Ewalel Chap- 2,700,000.00 Complete Road chap 12. Kaptorokwo-Cherep Road Ewalel Chap- 2,200,000.00 Ongoing chap 13. Kabarbarmar-Sosur Ewalel Chap- 700,000.00 Ongoing chap 14. Kaptungungwa Kipsiong Road Ewalel Chap- 2,700,000.00 Complete chap 15. Kabiyet-Nashalim-Luita Road Ravine 4,000,000.00 Complete 16. Purchase of fuel for ward projects Lembus Perkera 2,000,000.00 Ongoing 17. Andama-Osiemo-Kwa Thuku Road Mumberes Maji 3,500,000.00 Complete Mazuri

18. Momomniet Road Mumberes Maji 2,500,000.00 Complete Mazuri

19. Kewangoi-Burbanyan Road Lembus Kwen 1,000,000.00 Ongoing 20. Iracha Road Lembus Kwen 1,800,000.00 Retendered 21. Kaplabot Road Lembus Kwen 1,000,000.00 Ongoing 22. Baghdad -Suchangwan Road Lembus Kwen 1,000,000.00 Retender 23. Ilngarua/Longewan Footbridge Ilchamus 2,500,000.00 Under procurement 24. Eldepe Osinya Road Ilchamus 3,125,000.00 Complete 25. Koriema-Sabor-Sirwet-Quarry Road Marigat 2,875,000.00 Ongoing


WARD PROJECTS S/No Project Title Project location Budget Estimate Status

26. Kaptich-Ngetmoi Road Marigat 3,125,000.00 Complete 27. HZ - Ketemwa - Ngolbelon Road Marigat 1,300,000.00 Ongoing 28. Sogon - Kebtogoi - Kibarmei Road Marigat 3,000,000.00 Ongoing 29. Arabal- Ngelecha Road Mukutani 8,330,000.00 Suspended due to insecurity 30. AIC Kabartonjo - Kaptere Road Saimo kipsara- 2,000,000.00 Under procurement man 31. Purchase of fuel for ward projects Bartabwa 500,000.00 Complete 32. Kaimugul-Sogom Road Kabartonjo 2,500,000.00 ongoing 33. Kabarmoi-Kaptorot Road Opening Kabartonjo 2,500,000.00 Complete And Murraming

34. Kosirwonin-Kapkwang Primary Kabartonjo 2,500,000.00 Complete Road 35. Yemit-Lolgos Road Churo Amaya 1,500,000.00 Under procurement 36. Ptari-Plesian Road Churo Amaya 2,750,000.00 Ongoing 37. Nachurur Footbridge Churo Amaya 5,200,000.00 Under procurement 38. PAG-Tuwot Road Silale 3,000,000.00 Ongoing 39. PAG - Orusion Road Silale 2,000,000.00 Under procurement 40. Precious - Koimugul Road Mochongoi 1,045,410.00 Ongoing FLAGSHIP PROJECTS S/No Projects Title Project location Budget Estimate Status

41. Construction of C660 - Seguton Kabarnet Town 14,098,737.40 Ongoing road 42. Mogotio drainage and Gabrro works Mogotio town 2,000,000.00 Mobilization 43. Marigat Drainage and Gabrro works Mariagat town 2,000,000.00 Mobilization 44. Extension of Office space Head quarters 8,554,681.00 Ongoing 45. Improvement of Kapdening estate Eldama Ravine 2,000,000.00 Ongoing road and Refferal hospital parking town

46. Installation of Eldume foot bridge Ilchamus 4,000,000.00 Mobilization 47. Maintenance of roads County wide 8,500,000.00 Ongoing

ROADS MAINTENANCE LEVY FUND FINANCIAL YEAR 2018-2019 S/No Road Name Location Budget Estimate Status 48. Torongo Center Road Lembus 14,000,000.00 Ongoing 49. Kibias- Tolmo Road Lembus |Perkera 3,000,000.00 Complete 50. Talai Junction – Tirimionin Road Saimo Soi 4,000,000.00 Complete 51. Kasisit – Biringweny – Kamotiong Saimo Soi 3,000,000.00 Ongoing – Emsok Road


WARD PROJECTS S/No Project Title Project location Budget Estimate Status

52. Nyakwala - Kamurio Road Tirioko 3,000,000.00 Mobilization 53. Esageri – Kiplombe Road Koibatek 2,000,000.00 Under procurement 54. Pombo - Kipnyunguny Road Kisanana 2,000,000.00 Under procurement 55. Ossen – Kilingot – Kisowis Road Kabartonjo 3,000,000.00 Complete 56. Kabartonjo – Moi High School Kabartonjo 3,000,000.00 Ongoing Road 57. Tangulbei – Churo Road Churo Amaya 2,000,000.00 Ongoing

Table 3.42: Financial Year 2019/2020 Project Implementation Status

S/No Projects Title Project Location Budget Estimate Status (ward level) Kshs 1. Kapluk-Kiptolelyo-chemura Road (RMLF) Barwessa 5,000,000 Under requisition 2. Koisaram-Oldebes-Kipkitur road (RMLF) Kisanana 5,000,000 Under requisition 3. Constraction of Kabilany-Moigutwo-Atiar- Bartabwa 5,000,000 Under requisition Koiserat Road -RMLF 4. Kipcherere-Koroto-Tibingar-Sibilo-Kasitit- Saimo Soi 5,000,000 Under requisition Yatya Road (RMLF) 5. Ayebo Secondary School Road Saimo Kipsaraman 5,000,000 Under requisition 6. Putero Junction - Nasaltuko - Cheptangarmut - Churo Amaya 5,000,000 Under requisition Plesian Road (RMLF) 7. Lodeng'o - Kerelion Road (RMLF) Kolowa 5,000,000 Under requisition 8. Chesirimion - Tuwo RMLF Road Loyamorok 5,000,000 Under requisition 9. Esageri - Sagasagik Road (RMLF) Mogotio 5,000,000 Under requisition 10. Molok - Kaptalan - Radat Road (RMLF) Emining 5,000,000 Under requisition 11. Kiboi - Kapkowei Road (RMLF) Kapropita 5,000,000 Under requisition 12. Katipkituro - Timboiywo Road (RMLF) Ewalel Chapchap 5,000,000 Under requisition 13. Orokwo Dispensary Road (RMLF) Kabarnet 2,000,000 Under requisition 14. Orokwo - Kamwen Road (RMLF) Kabarnet 3,000,000 Under requisition 15. Ndizi - Sosion Road (RMLF) Sacho 2,500,000 Under requisition 16. Kiptagich - Kakelela Road (RMLF) Sacho 2,500,000 Under requisition 17. Tiriondonin - Sogom Road (RMLF) Kabartonjo 4,800,000 Under requisition 18. Kositei - Chepochoom - Kopoluk Road (RMLF) Ripkwo 4,800,000 Under requisition 19. Kipnyan-Ngoron-Ptikii Road (RMLF) Tirioko 5,000,000 Under requisition 20. Tuiyobei-Kapbei road-RMLF Mochongoi 4,179,000 Under requisition 21. Embosos-Sogonin-Mukutani Road -RMLF Mukutani 5,000,000 Under requisition 22. Eldume-Longewan-Lupunyaki Road RMLF Ilchamus 5,000,000 Under requisition 23. Bekibon - Koriema - Sabor Junction Road Marigat 2,400,000 Under requisition 24. Tuluongoi -Kapatit-Lawina Road (RMLF) Marigat 2,000,000 Under requisition 25. Tangulbei- Mukutani Sosion Road-RMLF Tangulbei 5,000,000 Under requisition 26. Cheptunoyo to Natan Road (RMLF) Silale 5,000,000 Under requisition 27. Tenges Hospital-kipkutunyu-ochii road (RMLF) Tenges 5,000,000 Under requisition 28. Kipsaraman-Kasok road RMLF Saimo Kipsaraman 3,000,000 Under requisition 29. Mogotio-Bebogoi-Legetetwet-Kondapmasaek- Mogotio 12,000,000 Under requisition


sagasagik-chepkurgei/Tuiyobei-Kapchemirmir- cheraik-kap maritim Road RMLF 30. Keon - Nyimbei - Mbechut - Sandai Road Mochongoi 7,000,000 Under requisition RMLF 31. 47 Road to Lake Baringo RMLF Ilchamus 3,000,000 Under requisition 32. Eldebe - Osinya Road RMLF Ilchamus 2,000,000 Under requisition 33. Koitilion-Ngenyin Road RMLF Marigat 3,000,000 Under requisition 34. Access roads Baringo Central 10,000,000 Under documentation 35. Access roads(Replacement of RMLF) Baringo Central 12,000,000 Under documentation 36. Grading, Murraming and Gulverting of Mosuro- Baringo South 12,000,000 Under requisition Mukutani Road 37. Patkawanin-Kimao-Koriema Kimoigut Road Baringo South 2,000,000 Under requisition grading 38. Bartolimo centre Murrumuing and Grading Saimo Kipsaraman 2,000,000 Under requisition 39. Murruming, Grading and Gulverting of Chesi- Loyamorok 2,400,000 Under requisition rimion - Kashakon Road 40. Grading and Muramming of Molok - Sarakwa- Emining 3,000,000 Under requisition Chemoinoi Road 41. construction of Majimoto Foot bridge Emining 5,000,000 Under requisition 42. Fuel for Road Emining 1,000,000 Under requisition 43. Sagasak-Tilelon culverts Kapropita 1,500,000 Under requisition 44. Kipkoro-Metipmoso-Kerio River Dozer Kabarnet 2,400,000 Under requisition works,culverting& Murramming 45. Grading and Murraming of Poror Kamgoech Lembus kwen 3,000,000 Under requisition Road 46. Grading and Muramming of Lemuyek - Loyamorok 3,000,000 Under requisition Cheprumogh Road 47. Fuel for machinary Ewalel Chapchap 500,000 Under requisition 48. Grading and Muramming of Kasoyo - Kip- Kapropita 3,000,000 Under requisition ngemui Road 49. Garding and Muramming of Boito - Kapsoit Lembus 3,000,000 Under requisition Road 50. Kaptumo-Kobin Grad- Ewalel Chapchap 2,000,000 Under requisition ing,Dozing,Galvets,Murraumin 51. Koloson-Bekibon Grad- Marigat 1,000,000 Under requisition ing,Dozing,Galvets,Murraumin 52. Floodlight Lembus 3,000,000 Under requisition 53. Sinende/Sinonin footbridge Lemmbus Kwen 2,000,000 Under requisition 54. Mundoi-Kalawan Dozing, murraming and grad- Kabartonjo 6,800,000 Under requisition ing 55. Construction of Cheptopokwo footbridge Ripkwo 7,000,000 Under requisition 56. Murraming and culveting of Naudo- Silale 2,500,000 Under requisition Napeliamachamit Road 57. Grading and Muramming of Jerusalem - Kositei Ripkwo 3,000,000 Under requisition Centre Road 58. Torokole-Rugus Road Dozing,grading and mur- Mukutani 5,900,000 Under requisition raming 59. Grading and Murraming of Chemorongion- Mukutani 2,500,000 Under requisition Kapindisum Road 60. Grading and Muramming of Chemase- Koiserat Bartabwa 3,000,000 Under requisition


Road 61. Construction of Longewan-Ilngarwa Foot Bridge Ilchamus 3,000,000 Under requisition 62. construction of Tebei illiagat-Sereton sirwet Marigat 2,900,000 Under requisition Road 63. Kiptagich-Kosomit-Kiponjos-Sosion-Ngetmpoi Marigat 2,000,000 Under requisition Road 64. construction of Kapkinagat Foot bridge Marigat 2,500,000 Under requisition 65. Grading and Murraming of Sirata-Mosuro Road Mukutani 3,000,000 Under requisition 66. Grading and Murraming of Sogon-Ngolbelon Marigat 2,000,000 Under requisition Road 67. Purchase of Road machinary Tenges 8,000,000 Commissioned 68. Purchase of Road Fuel Tenges 2,000,000 ongoing 69. purchase of Dozer and Grader Sacho 8,000,000 Commissioned 70. Purchase of Machinery Bartabwa 20,000,000 Commissioned 71. Purchase of Road machinary Ewalel Chapchap 8,000,000 Commissioned 72. Purchase of Road fuel Ewalel Chapchap 2,000,000 ongoing 73. Purchase of machinary Kabarnet 8,000,000 Commissioned 74. Purchase of Tip- Eldama Ravine sub 150,000,000 Commissioned pers,Backhoe,Excavetor,Dozer,Roller and Grad- county wide er 75. Purchase of dozzer and Grader Kapropita 8,000,000 Commissioned 76. Supervision and Maintenance of Roads County 16,000,000 ongoing Table 3.42: Financial Year 2020/2021 Project Implementation Status

S/No Project Title Project Location Budget Estimates Status (Kshs.) 1. Manuari Road Mochongoi 500,000 Under requisition 2. Kapindasum footbridge Mukutani 2,000,000 Under requisition 3. Kibingor Drift Marigat 3,000,000 Under requisition 4. Karne - Kapkechir Road Mochongoi 1,000,000 Under requisition 5. Endao – Salabani Road Ilchamus 3,500,000 Under requisition 6. Kokwo Island floating Bridge (Raft) Mukutani 500,000 Under requisition 7. Chemase - Koiserat Road Bartabwa 3,000,000 Under requisition 8. Kaimugul -Sogom Road Kabartonjo 3,000,000 Under requisition 9. Kapchepkisa Pry- Ngata Road Saimo Kipsaraman 3,500,000 Under requisition 10. Installation of flood lights in Kapchepkor, Bartoli- Saimo Kipsaraman 1,000,000 Under requisition mo, Poi and Korokorwonin Centres 11. Kitibei access road Saimo Kipsaraman 2,000,000 Under requisition 12. Construction of Kabilany-Moigutwo-Atiar- Saimo Kipsaraman 5,000,000 Under requisition Koiserat Road -RLMF 13. Bartolimo Centre road networks Saimo Kipsaraman 1,000,000 Under requisition 14. Langas - Sinonin Road Lembus Kwen 2,000,000 Under requisition 15. Kipkaber – Kapyemit Road Koibatek 1,000,000 Under requisition 16. Ravine and Lembus Kwen Wards Murram for Lembus 4,000,000 Under requisition Road Maintenance Kwen/Ravine 17. Lembus and MajiMazuri Wards Murram for Road Lembus/ MajiMazuri 4,000,000 Under requisition Maintenance 18. Lembus Perkerra and Koibatek Wards Murram for Lembus Perker- 4,000,000 Under requisition Road Maintenance ra/Koibatek 19. Installation of flood lights in the Huruma Estate, Ravine 2,000,000 Under requisition Umoja, Kisarget, Milimani, Bondeni, Tilatil, ODM, KCC, Shabab, Lower Bondeni and Kokor-


S/No Project Title Project Location Budget Estimates Status (Kshs.) wonin Estate 20. Sinende Sinonin Road Lembus Kwen 3,000,000 Under requisition 21. Kiplombe AIC – Kapsalgong Road Opening Koibatek 1,000,000 Under requisition 22. Timboroa High school Road Lembus 3,697,279 Under requisition 23. Pombo - Kiptule Road Kisanana 500,000 Under requisition 24. Muguyuni -Mugurin road Kisanana 500,000 Under requisition 25. Orom Bridge-slab along Lelgoita road Kapropita 2,000,000 Under requisition 26. Kapcherebet -Kaptien Kasitet Road Kapropita 3,100,000 Under requisition 27. Kimagok – Riwo Day Dispensary Road Kapropita 1,000,000 Under requisition 28. Kapkut -Torokwonin Road Kapropita 1,500,000 Under requisition 29. Bondeni slab Kabarnet 1,000,000 Under requisition 30. Embositit -Ntirimon Road Tirioko 3,000,000 Under requisition 31. Nginyang Market Centre Road Loyamorok 1,000,000 Under requisition 32. Kagema - Kwamwangi Road Lembus 3,000,000 Under requisition 33. Sokoo - Kapcholoi Sales Yard Road Lembus Kwen 3,000,000 Under requisition 34. Kaptilol - kisorobi Road Lembus 2,000,000 Under requisition 35. Poror - Kisarget Road Lembus Kwen 2,000,000 Under requisition 36. Kapchelimo - Kipasiso Road Ravine 2,000,000 Under requisition 37. Highway - Emkwen Road Mumberes/ Maji Ma- 2,000,000 Under requisition zuri 38. Loyamoi -Sugut-Roti-Kaghat-Kulol Road Tirioko 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 39. Hospital - Cereals Road Kapropita 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 40. Tuluongoi - Kapsogei Road Marigat 3,130,000.00 Under requisition 41. Tanyilel Junction-Kaptumo road Ewalel Chapchap 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 42. Equator -Kaptembwo Road Maji Mazuri/ Mum- 3,000,000.00 Under requisition beres 43. Emining Centre road Emining 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 44. Boito - Seguton Road Lembus 3,130,000.00 Under requisition 45. Posta - Jakana - KCB - Main Road Ravine 4,000,000.00 Under requisition 46. Kamersia - Chepturu Road Kolowa 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 47. Mapsaid -Olduka road Mogotio 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 48. Alem -Nyakwala-Chepotintar Road Ribkwo 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 49. Seretunin - Kaptalam - Bokorin - Riwo - B16 Road Kapropita 3,500,000.00 Under requisition 50. Katipkituro - Timboiwo Road Ewalel Chapchap 3,500,000.00 Under requisition 51. Koibarak - Kapkeles Road Kisanana 3,130,000.00 Under requisition 52. Kadinding -Kinyach Road Loyamorok 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 53. Maoi - Molok Road Emining 3,130,000.00 Under requisition 54. Kabartonjo Loop Road Phase 1 Kabartonjo 2,000,000.00 Under requisition 55. B17 - Yellow - Transnational Road Marigat 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 56. Store - Toniok- Kaptana Road Lembus Perkerra 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 57. Akwichatis - Nasorot Road Silale 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 58. Orus -Lochokia-Aminitoyon Road Tangulbei 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 59. KCB - AIC Kabartonjo Road Kabartonjo 3,500,000.00 Under requisition 60. Marigut - Murterit - Koiserat Road Barwessa 3,130,000.00 Under requisition 61. Kiplombe -Naitili-Number (9 Kilometres) Koibatek 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 62. Ng'arie - Kapyemit - Keneroi Road Mochongoi 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 63. Chepelo - Nyalilpuch- Plesian Road Churo Amaya 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 64. Kipturgo - Kapitoi - Kabiyet Dip Road Eldama Ravine 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 65. Airstrip -kapkokwon road Kabarnet 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 66. Chemolingot Loop Roads Phase 1 Chemolingot 4,000,000.00 Under requisition 67. Barbachun - Chapin - Chemoe Road Bartabwa 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 68. Lorrok - Sokotei- Mosuro Mukutani 3,000,000.00 Under requisition


S/No Project Title Project Location Budget Estimates Status (Kshs.) 69. Cereal – Kapkut Centre Road Kapropita 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 70. Kokorwonin - Kaplet-Kabore road Sacho 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 71. Saak - Noregoi- Toriondonin Kabartonjo 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 72. B17 - Postal Houses Road Mogotio 4,000,000.00 Under requisition 73. Tanyilel - Kapchepkulei - Kaptere - Kapchepkor Saimo Kipsaraman 3,000,000.00 Under requisition Road 74. Kapidemor - Akarapet - Rotu Road Tirioko 3,130,000.00 Under requisition 75. Kapmong - Sinende road Lembus Kwen 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 76. Orontonin - Tibingar - Chepkewel - Kapsobeiywa Saimo Soi 3,000,000.00 Under requisition Road (10kms) 77. Konoo - Kapkaino - Sagat Road Barwessa 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 78. Sorok - Kapyomat Road Tenges 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 79. HZ - Ng'olbelon- Cheboruswo Marigat 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 80. Daraja mbili Lembus 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 81. Tarmac - Lamalok-Block 4 Road Ilchamus 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 82. Kabuswo -Keneroi Road Kisanana 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 83. Shimoni - Mercy Hospital - Market Road Ravine 3,000,000.00 Under requisition 84. Ketindui -Makonai - Salawa Road Kabarnet 2,000,000.00 Under requisition 85. Chemindany - Tilingwo - Ayatya - Koiser Road Barwessa 2,000,000.00 Under requisition 86. Kamuriot - Number Road Koibatek 2,038,903.00 Under requisition 87. County Fleet Mangement System: Cash transfer HQS: Flagship 2,000,000 Under requisition funds 88. Purc hase of Motor grader, Excavator, 2 Tippers All wards 52,000,000 Under requisition and a roller - Baringo North 89. Fuel for Karnee-Tuiyotich Road Mochongoi 1,000,000 Under requisition 90. Fuel for Kimoriot-Kapkures-Kaburwo Road Mochongoi 1,000,000 Under requisition 91. Fuel for Kaptombes-Kaplamai-Chemariach Road Mochongoi 1,000,000 Under requisition 92. Fuel for Tilatil-Kabisbis-Kipngemui (Tuluongoi) Marigat 1,250,000 Under requisition Road 93. Fuel for Kaberetun-Sogon-Senetwo-Kabirmet Marigat 1,250,000 Under requisition Road 94. Marigat Ward Fuel Marigat 2,000,000 Under requisition 95. Saimo Kipsaraman Fuel, Operations and mainte- Saimo Kipsaraman 3,000,000 Under requisition nance of Machine 96. Bartabwa Ward Fuel and dozer maintenance Bartabwa 4,000,000 Under requisition 97. Purchase of Bulk fuel, Installation of culverts and Koibatek 5,000,000 Under requisition maintenance of Machines - Koibatek 98. Purchase of Bulk fuel, Installation of culverts and Lembus Perkerra 5,000,000 Under requisition maintenance of Machines -Lembus Perkerra 99. Purchase of Bulk fuel, Installation of culverts and Maji Mazuri 5,000,000 Under requisition maintenance of Machines - Maji Mazuri 100.Purchase of Bulk fuel, Installation of culverts and Lembus 5,000,000 Under requisition maintenance of Machines - Lembus 101.Purchase of bulk Fuel and Maintenance of Ma- Lembus Kwen 5,000,000 Under requisition chines - Lembus Kwen 102.Purchase of bulk Fuel and Maintenance of Ma- Ravine 5,000,000 Under requisition chines - Ravine 103.Fuel for Dozer Mogotio Ward Mogotio 500,000 Under requisition 104.Fuel for Kapnaisi - Kinulwe - Lulo Muguyuni Kisanana 1,000,000 Under requisition Road : Cash transfer funds 105.Fuel: Emsos - Tinosiek - Olkokwe Road Kisanana 2,000,000 Under requisition 106.Ewalel Fuel for machinery Ewalel Chapchap 2,500,000 Under requisition


S/No Project Title Project Location Budget Estimates Status (Kshs.) 107.Sacho Ward Fuel and lubricants for the Sub County Sacho 2,500,000 Under requisition Machines 108.Fuel for maintenance of roads - Kolowa Kolowa 1,300,000 Under requisition 109.Kolowa Fuel for County Machinery Kolowa 1,000,000 Under requisition 110.Fuel for Maintenance of County Roads: Cash trans- HQS: Flagship 7,000,000 Under requisition fer funds Challenges  Budgetary allocations for road construction and maintenance are inadequate. Some of the projects had to be reviewed because the budgetary allocations were not sufficient for the scope of works required. This has caused a significant delay in implementation.  Lack of capacity of our contractors in terms of skills and resources. A significant number of contractors lack the machinery to implement projects and thus end up relying on hiring the same machines which slows down the pace of projects.  Insufficient supervision vehicles. This makes it difficult to supervise projects effectively throughout the project implementation.  Lack of adequate number of personnel to carry out supervision. The department requires more staff to carry out routine and timely supervision of projects as well as to respond to emergencies experienced especially during the rainy season.  Outbreak of the corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic worldwide. This has adversely affected the implementation of the projects since standard work methodologies have had to be adjusted significantly to put in place new restrictions.