Dr. Sarah FAINBERG Visiting Assistant Professor of Government The Harold Hartog School of Government and Policy Tel-Aviv University Naftali Building, Room 526 Email: [email protected]

CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Tel-Aviv University 2013-Present Visiting Assistant Professor in the Harold Hartog School of Government and Policy Tel-Aviv Courses taught in Hebrew for graduate students including full supervision of graduate theses.

The Institute for National Security Studies, INSS 2013-Present Research Fellow Tel-Aviv

PAST EMPLOYMENT 2009 - 2013 Visiting Assistant Professor in the School of Foreign Service Washington, D.C. Courses taught include: “Human Rights and Political Dissent in the former Soviet Union” “Jews and Muslims in France,” “Introduction to Jewish Civilization,” “Senior Thesis Colloquium” (included full supervision of undergraduate and graduate theses).

Columbia University 2005-2007 Teaching Fellow in History and Political Sociology New York Prof. Mark Von Hagen (History), “Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union.” Prof. Karen Barkey (Sociology), “Sociology’s Historical Imagination” and “Political Sociology.”

American Jewish Committee 2004-2005 Project Assistant to David Harris, Executive Director of the AJC New York

State University of St.-Petersburg, Russia 2002-2003 Lecturer in Political Sociology St.Petersburg Conducted weekly lectures and seminars for undergraduate and graduate students. Supervised Masters students’ fieldwork and writing.

Memorial, Non-Governmental Organization 2000-2001 Coordinator of activities for the International Federation for Human Rights Moscow Monitored the Federation’s human rights initiatives in the organization.

EDUCATION / Columbia University - Joint PhD Program 2002-2008 Ph.D. in Political Science (2008) Paris- New York Dissertation: “The Russian Jews from the Death of Stalin until the Fall of the Soviet Union: A Study of Identity Trajectories.” Thesis received Very High Honors (highest honor granted). Dissertation Adviser: Dominique Colas.

Sciences Po, Paris 2001-2002 M.A. in Comparative Politics (2002) Masters thesis: “The Muscovite Refuzniks from the Six-Day War until the End of Perestroika.” Thesis received Very High Honors (highest honor granted).

The Sorbonne, Paris 2000-2001 M.A. in Comparative Jewish Literature Masters thesis: “In Search of the Truth: History and Fiction in Garden, Ashes by Danilo Kiš and W or Childhood Memory by Georges Perec.” Thesis received Very High Honors (highest honor granted).

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1999-2000 Rothberg International School One-Year Program Jerusalem Courses included intensive Hebrew, Middle-Eastern Politics, and Jewish History.

1 The Sorbonne, Paris 1998-1999 B.A. in Philosophy and Slavic Studies

École Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm, Paris 1998- 2002 Competition and admission to the École Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm Areas of specialization: Philosophy and Slavic Studies.

PUBLICATIONS Books Les Discriminés. Histoire des Juifs soviétiques [Experiencing Discrimination. A History of Soviet Jewry], under contract with Fayard, Paris, forthcoming January 2014. Secularism on the Edge. Rethinking Church-State Relations in the United States, France, and (co-edited with Jacques Berlinerblau and Aurora Nou), under contract with Palgrave Macmillan, New York, forthcoming February 2014. Book Chapters “Memory at the Margins: The Shoah in Ukraine (1991-2011),” in History, Memory and Politics in Central, East and South East Europe. Eds. Georges Mink & Laure Neumayer (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) 103-119. “Friends Abroad: The Moral and Political Significance of the Soviet Jewry Movement in the West,” in The Jewish Movement in the Soviet Union. Ed. Yaakov Ro’i (Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2012) 392-418. “De la Déstalinisation à la ‘Grande Migration’: les Juifs, une communauté de destins depuis 1945” [Russian Jewry from de-Stalinization until the “Great Migration”: A Community of Fate since 1945], in Les Juifs dans l’histoire : de la naissance du judaïsme au monde contemporain. Eds. Antoine German, Benjamin Lellouch and Evelyne Patlagean (Paris: Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2011) 733-765. Articles and Reviews “Introduction,” in Road to Palestine: Zionist Movements in Lviv Region between the World Wars (Woodbridge, CT: Thomson Gale, Primary Source Microfilm, 2007) vi-xiii. “The Search for a New Jewish Identity in Response to Soviet Discrimination: A Brief Study of the Refuseniks from the Six-Day War until the End of the Perestroika (1967-1989), Cahiers Leroy-Beaulieu, n°8 (Paris: Presses de la Fondation Nationale de Science Politique, April 2005) 13-21. Review of Le combat pour les Juifs soviétiques, Washington-Moscou, Jérusalem, 1953-1989 by Pauline Peretz , Critique Internationale, n° 36 (April-June, 2008) 195-199. “Les Juifs en Ukraine: entre protestations d’amitié et proclamation antisémites” [Jews in Ukraine: Between Friendship Declarations and anti-Semitic Discourses], L’Arche, n°559 (Paris, October 2004) 92-96. “Identité et mémoire juive comme réponses aux autorités soviétiques: le cas des Refuzniks” [Jewish Identity and Memory in Response to Soviet Rule: A Case Study of the Refuseniks], Altalena, n°1 (Paris, May-June-July 2004) 60-62. Sarah Fainberg and Anna Loutsenko, “Memorial ou l’émergence d’une société civile en Russie” [Memorial Russian Human Rights Organization and the Rise of Civil Society in Russia], CERI-Sciences Po, http://www.ceri- sciences.po.org, May 2002.


The Israelization of Judaism. The Power of Political Sovereignty on Jewish Peoplehood. Book manuscript co- authored with Professor Yossi Shain. Strengthening Israel’s Presence in Azerbaijan and Central Asia. A Strategic Assessment Report. Journal article co- authored with Ambassador Zvi Magen.


Papers delivered at scholarly conferences “Pleading for Context-Sensitive Paradigms in Post-Soviet Memory Studies. Remarks Based on Holocaust’s Memorialization in Present-day Ukraine,” ICCESS VIII World Congress on Central and East European Studies, Stockholm, July 29, 2010.

2 “From Russia with Force: How Soviet-style Politics are Recasting the Israeli Right”, 16th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Charting the Nation between State and Society, Columbia University, New York, April 14, 2011. “A New Turn in Affirmative Discrimination: Anti-Jewish Exclusion and Ethnic Micro-Solidarities from Khrushchev to Gorbachev”, ASN 2010 World Convention, Columbia University, New York, April 16, 2010. “The Russian Jewish Boomerang Effect: A Study of Refusenik Influence in the West”, AAASS 9th National Convention, Boston, November 13, 2009. “Vilification of Dissent under the Brezhnev Era (1964-1982): A negative social contract?” 12th Convention of the Association for Study of Nationalities at Columbia University, New York, April 2007. “The Reshaping of the Holocaust Memory in Independent Ukraine (1991-2005): A Multifaceted and Contradictory Process,” 10th Convention of the Association for Study of Nationalities at Columbia University, New York, April 2005. “Redefining One’s Own Identity: The Russian Jews Facing New Freedoms and New Pressures in post-Soviet Russia,” 9th Convention of the Association for Study of Nationalities at Columbia University, New York, April 2004. “Life Stories and Identity Management” (in Russian), Russian Center of Social Sciences (INION), Moscow, June 21, 2003.

Conferences directed and organized “Secularism on the Edge: The Separation of Church and State in the US, France, and Israel,” Georgetown University / Embassy of France in the United States, Embassy of Israel in the United States, Washington D.C., Georgetown University, February 20-22, 2013. “Jews and Muslims in France: The Challenge of Multiculturalism in Contemporary Europe,” Georgetown University / Embassy of France in the United States, Washington D.C., Copley Formal Lounge, March 17 and 18, 2010.


“The Israelization of Jewish Diaspora. An Exploration of Today’s French Jewry,” Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, September 29, 2013. “The Status and Future of Israeli Secularism. An Interview of A.B. Yehoshua,” Tel-Aviv, November 11, 2013. “What is Israeli Secularism? A Conversation with Professor Anita Shapira,” Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., February 23, 2013. “French Laïcité. What Does it Stand for? A Public Interview with Jean Baubérot and Henri Pena-Ruiz,” School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, February 23, 2013. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=C3StmoVVoxk. “How European is Muslim Antisemitism in Europe? A Response to Günther Jikeli’s Discussion Paper ‘Negative Views of Jews among European Muslims’,” Research Group “Jews, Color, Race,” Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem, January 20, 2013. “Memory at the Margins. Perspectives on the Shoah in Contemporary Ukraine,” Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 25, 2012. URL: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=hz8fyIpYlEc. “L’expérience juive soviétique depuis 1953 : une parenthèse de l’histoire juive contemporaine?” Study day on the edited volume Les Juifs dans l’histoire (Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2011. Ed. Antoine Germa, Benjamin Lellouch & Évelyne Patlagean) organized by Alain Dieckhoff & Daniel Sabbagh, CERI-Sciences Po, Paris, June 28, 2012. “Book talk on My Russian Grandmother and Her American Vacuum Cleaner with acclaimed Israeli author Meir Shalev by Sarah Fainberg,” Georgetown University, Copley Formal Lounge, November 2, 2011. “Sarah Fainberg & Rabba Sara Hurwitz: Can Orthodox Women Be Rabbis?” Georgetown University, Riggs Library, Healy Hall, March 23, 2011. “Soviet Racial Ideology and Politics after Stalin: New Perspectives,” CERES / PJC, Georgetown University, Riggs Library, March 2, 2011. “Jewish Orthodoxy Confronts Feminism, a Public Interview with Tova Cohen (Bar Ilan University),” Georgetown University, CCAS, January 20, 2010. “Francophobia and Judeophobia: Two Sides of the same Coin? A Public Interview with French Philosopher Alain Finkielkraut”, Georgetown University, Copley Formal Lounge, March 18, 2010. 3 “Personal Identity Confronts the Modern State: Jewish Tales from Russia, France, and Israel”, Georgetown University, Mortara Center, September 16, 2009. “Holocaust Memory in Post-Soviet Ukraine: Politics of Reconciliation and Divergent Representations”, Department of Ukrainian Studies, University of Ottawa, Canada, February 3, 2009. “Jews in France: Between Anxiety and Hope,” American Jewish Committee, New York, November 20, 2004.


“John Kerry’s Visit to Israel. The Revolution in Ukraine. A Debate Between Emmanuel Navon & Sarah Fainberg,” I24 TV news, December 9, 2013, URL/ http://www.i24news.tv/fr/tv/revoir/debat-fr/2909333991001. Yossi Shain, “Haish Sheirez Lakikar Haaduma,” Yediot Aharonot, November 14, 2013. “An interview with acclaimed Israeli novelist Meir Shalev by Sarah Fainberg,” November 2, 2011, URL: http:// sfs.podbean.com/2011/11/02/an-interview-with-meir-shalev-by-sarah-fainberg-my-russian-grandmother-and-her- american-vacuum/ “Faith Complex”, interview withColombian President Álvaro Uribe, March 23, 2011 (on human rights and democracy in Colombia and the release of French-Colombian Hostage Ingrid Betancourt). “Faith Complex”, interview with Dr. Bruce Hoffman, Director of the Center for Peace and Security Studies, and Professor at Georgetown University, The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 30, 2011 (on the implications of the assassination of Osama Bin Laden on both the Islamic world and the United States), URL: http://chronicle.com/ blogs/brainstorm/osama-bin-laden-is-dead-perceptions-and-misperceptions/41781. “Faith Complex”, interview with David Friedman, Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League, The Jewish Week, March 23, 2011 (on Campus anti- Semitism and other issues), URL: http://www.thejewishweek.com/videos/ faith_complex_adls_david_friedman. “Faith Complex”, interview with Rabba Hurwirz, first woman ordained within Orthodox Judaism and Dean of Yeshivat Maharath, March 23, 2011 (on the role of women as spiritual leaders in Orthodox Judaism), URL: http:// www.thejewishweek.com/videos/sarah_fainberg_interviews_rabba_sara_hurwitz. “Faith Complex”, interview with Dr. Frédéric Encel, Professor of International Affairs at Sciences Po, The Jewish Week, May 24, 2010 (on Iran, the US and Israel), URL: http://www.thejewishweek.com/videos/ interview_french_political_scientist_frederic_encel. “Faith Complex”, interview with Dr. Melanie Adrian, Assistant Professor of Law at Carleton University, The Washington Post, May 5, 2010 (on France and the headscarf affair) available online: http:// newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/guestvoices. Richard Greenberg, “France’s Jewish Problem. Seminar Probes State of Country’s Two ‘Others’”, Washington Jewish Week, March 25, 2010.


French Shoah Foundation, Publication Grant 2013 Georgetown University, Faculty Grant 2011

Harriman Institute: Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies at Columbia University 2006-2007 Visiting Scholar Columbia University 2004-2005 Alliance Doctoral Mobility Fellow French Ministry of Research and Education 2004-2007 Doctoral Fellow – Allocataire Moniteur Normalien Center of the Americas- Sciences Po / Columbia University 2004-2006 Exchange Doctoral Candidate at Columbia University, SIPA Sciences Po 2002-2003 Visiting Student at the European University in St. Petersburg, Russia

4 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS International Political Science Association (IPSA). Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN). Association for Jewish Studies (AJS).

LANGUAGES Bilingual in French and Russian. Fluent in English and Hebrew. Reading knowledge of Ukrainian and Belarusian.

REFERENCES Professor Robert Lieber, Professor of Government, Georgetown University. Email: [email protected] Professor Yossi Shain, Professor of Political Science at . E-mail: [email protected] Kenneth R. Weinstein, President and Chief Executive Office of Hudson Institute. E-mail: [email protected]