Ville du Manoir, Grande Route de St Pierre Independent Inspectors Submission

Submitted by; John Refault GIFE MCIM, St Peter. Jan 2018


On being successfully returned to office in 2014, I made a commitment to the Parishioners of St Peter to deliver affordable homes in perpetuity for the young families of St Peter.

My self imposed mission was to create a model of home ownership achievable for families that would otherwise never be able to afford a home of their own, facilitated through the provision of a 25% discount or second charge on the value of every home. This would ensure that the initial purchaser and each and every future owner would only pay 75% of the open market value of each and every home developed.


Many developments of ‘affordable’ homes have been pursued over the years from ‘own or self-build’, deferred payments to sponsored developments. These schemes, many of which have been run by the States of all offered the initial buyer with a discount or some other means to make the home affordable. These mechanisms vary of course but what they all have in common is that the benefit is limited to the initial purchaser only. There is generally no restriction on subsequent resales (other than in some cases these being to a first time buyer). This has allowed properties to transact at open market levels taking the purchase prices well beyond the reach of many families.

The outcome I wish to achieve for Ville du Manoir is to ensure that the homes remain affordable in perpetuity. Andium Homes is proposing to achieve this using its tried and tested ‘Andium Homebuy’ scheme; which is a simple deferred payment scheme which secures 25% of the property value as a second charge or ‘Bond’. This Bond is never repaid and is in effect recycled with each subsequent purchase and for the benefit of each new purchaser.


A small group of parishioners were appointed to develop a project plan that looked at every possible site for potential development, as well as encouraging aspiring purchasers to register an interest.

Initially it was our expectation that we might aim to deliver a small development of up to 40 homes. However, what became acutely apparent very early on is the strength of demand for homes with over 130 applications initially being registered (this later grew to over 240).

The group went through a process of publicising its work and held some formal Project Development Workshops with invited parishioners who had an interest, both positive and negative, in a possible development; crucially this included the Chairman of the Jersey Farmers Union.

The outcomes of those workshops were shared with all Parishioners in an open session where all interested parties were able to view and comment on the outcomes. All the workshop flip charts remained posted in the Parish Hall for several weeks to enable those unable to attend the workshops to view and comment on the work. Feedback cards were freely available for those wishing to make an anonymous comment.

This informed a process of site identification, assessment and evaluation which was undertaken following advice from planning.

This assessment process demonstrated that there was a site, Field 632 and part of Field 559, which stood out against all others in terms of suitability for development.

The owner of that land is content to consider making it available for Affordable First Time Buyer development.


Andium Homes has proposed an Allocations Policy that was developed with the Parish and with the Project Group put in place to assist. This allocations policy ensures that priority for the homes is given to those with strong links to St Peter.

The connection with the Parish will range from born in the parish, living in the parish, families in the parish to working in the parish. The St Peter connection is important as it ensures that the Parish and the Village at its heart continues to develop and flourish. Jersey’s Parish system is rather unique and as Connetable I am acutely aware of the extent to which Jersey’s system of honorary service supports the local community and makes all of our Parishes different, unique and special places to live. The success of the honorary system and the in particular relies heavily on having motivated members of the community who are prepared to give up their time on a voluntary basis. As we are all living longer the natural turnover of new families into the village and the Parish inevitably slows because existing homes are occupied. New homes such as those proposed by Andium Homes at Ville du Manoir will do much to help in bringing returning parish linked young families into the Parish, ensuring the vital honorary service and enhance the vibrancy of our parish.

The principle of the development of Ville du Manoir is closely aligned to the two developments of Ville Du Bocage and Ville de L’Eglise which took place in the 1970’s and were similarly supported by Parishioners and sold to the young families of the Parish. (Both of these developments were Parish led with the land, approved plans and utilities being provided with the hopeful young families engaging their own builders, or in some cases building their own home.) MEDIA ENGAGEMENT

All the local media, , BBC Jersey Radio, ITV Channel TV, and Bailiwick Express were engaged to both advertise the potential of such a project and at the same time stimulate enquiries from hopeful families and, offers of land to be considered for development. Media feedback has been very supportive and has helped raise awareness of the proposals for Ville du Manoir with an Island-wide audience. At the same time, this has informed all parishioners of the intent to develop the proposed Ville Du Manoir which has ensured that all points of view, positive and negative are captured as part of the planning processes.


Parishioners have been involved in the proposals for Ville du Manoir from inception.

A Project update has been regularly posted in our Quarterly Parish magazine ‘Les Clefs’ and is a standing item on the Agenda for all Parish Assemblies.

Two single item Parish Assemblies were arranged in the St Peter Youth and Community Centre (SPYCC), as it is able to accommodate over twice as many persons as can be accommodated in the Parish Hall, with only voters registered in the Parish of St Peter being issued with a voting slip.

The first SPYCC Assembly on 26 April 2016, attended by approximately 240 persons, presented the work of the Project Plan and set out a matrix of the land offered with a performance Red, Amber, Green ‘RAG’ rating against several criteria that gave the Assembly a choice of which land location should be progressed or even rejected in full. This Assembly identified fields 632 and part of 559 as the best performing and should be progressed to a draft Planning Application. There was overwhelming support from the for the proposed site and for the appointment of Andium Homes as developer with 117 voting for and 49 voting against.

Support was no less overwhelming on 13th September 2017, when Andium Homes presented its proposed scheme for Ville du Manoir, prior to submitting the Planning Application with 68 voting for the submission of a Planning Application and only 5 voting against.


As I have mentioned, the site selection process demonstrated that there was a site that stood out against all others that had been identified.

Andium Homes offered to undertake the development, funding the necessary design works, submitting a planning application and, if approved, development. Andium Homes has worked closely with the Parish Steering Group and has done extensive work with the list of potential buyers, the Housing Gateway and the Strategic Housing Unit to ensure that the deferred payment scheme proposed for use has the approval of the Housing Minister and is understood by the buyers.


Both the Parish and Andium Homes continues to communicate with the applicants updating them on progress and anticipated time lines.

Whilst it is logical that there have been some mild objections to both the site and the scheme, these have so far been minor in numbers. Many parishioners have called into the Parish Hall to make enquiries on the project and have been largely content with the explanations given.

I recognise that we are a small island with a finite land mass and that we should do our utmost to preserve our unique island character wherever possible. However, I do support developments that support and assist our home grown young families in a targeted manner.

It is my firm belief that local government, that is the Jersey Parishes, have a vital part to play in delivering affordable homes for our population as a means of both providing housing but also ensuring the future vitality of the Parishes, and our unique honorary system.


This development in St Peter has been led by the Parish and approved by Parishioners at every opportunity. It seeks to emulate previous developments at Ville Du Bocage and Ville De L’Eglise, with the added enhancement that homes remain affordable in perpetuity.



John Refault has been the Constable of St Peter since the election on 15 October 2008 and has delivered the development of 15 Life long social rental bungalows, the construction of a large Parish warehouse for the protection of Parish vehicles and plant, providing a construction place for the annual Battle of Flowers Island wide event, coupled with significant restoration on both the Parish Church and Rectory. He also acts on behalf of the Parish as Landlord of a further development of 4 flats and 10 bedsitting apartments for senior citizens in the Parish and also is the Chairman of a local Housing Charity ‘Abbeyfield Jersey’ that provides assisted living flats and bedsitting units to senior citizens in St Helier.

Prior to coming into the office of Constable, he served two terms as the Senior Procurer du Bien Public to the previous Constable.

His work experience is a thirty Year career at untill retirement in 2003 as its Chief Fire Officer. During that period he gained the award of top UK Fire Officer, became Graduate of the Institution of Fire Engineers and Member of the Chartered Management Institute.

The in-between years of 2004 to 2008 was a self-employed property valuer and negotiator working out of the office of one of the largest Estate Agencies in Jersey.

His current political roles in the are Assistant Health Minister, Assistant Treasury Minister, and member of the Bailiffs Consultative Panel. In previous terms of office has held Ministerial positions in the Housing Department, Health and Social Services and Public Accounts Committee.