Important Points ImportantQuestion Points 1 / प्रश्न 1

इनमें से पाकिान में पहली बार उच्च न्यायालय िीमहहला मुख्य न्यायाधीश िौन बनी हैं? Who has been sworn-in as the first female high court Chief Justice in Pakistan?

1. ताहहरा सफदर / Tahira Safdar 2. माररया हसन / Maria Hassan 3. ररफ्फात िुरैशी / Riffat Quraishi 4. अससफा उलफाह / Asifa Ulfah 5. बेगम हजरत / Begum Hazrat ImportantQuestion Points 2 / प्रश्न 2

चौथे अंतराष्ट्र ीय आयुर्वेद िांग्रेस (आईएर्वीसी) 2018 िी मेजबानी िौन सा देश िर रहा है? Which country is host to the 4th International Ayurveda Congress (IAvC) 2018?

1. बेल्जियम / Belgium 2. 셂स / Russia 3. फ्रांस/ France 4. नीदरलैंड / Netherlands 5. मॉरीशस/ Mauritius ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 3 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न3 3

चचकित्सा जगत िे प्रततकित डॉ. बी.सी. रॉय राष्ट्र ीय पुरस्कार2018 िे सलए किसे नातमत किया गया है? Who has been named for Dr B.C. Roy National Award for 2018 as Eminent Medical Person of the Year?

1. बसंत िुमार तमश्रा / Basant Kumar Mishra 2. इंहदरा हहदं जु ा / Indira Hinduja 3. सशर्व रामिृष्ण / Siva Ramakrishna 4. िातमनी रार्व/ Kamini Rao 5. तबंदेश्वर पाठि / Bindeshwar Pathak ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 4 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न4 4

इनमें से किसने 18र्वें एसशयाई खेलⴂ 2018 में भारत िे सलए मुक्केबाजी में एिमात्र स्वर्ण पदि जीता है? Which of the following has won ’s only boxing Gold at the 18th 2018?

1. गौरर्व सोलंिी / Gaurav Solanki 2. सशर्व थापा / Shiva Thapa 3. तर्विास िृष्ण यादर्व / Vikas Krishan Yadav 4. अतमत पंघाल / Amit Panghal 5. तर्वजेंदर ससंह / ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 5 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न5 5

हाल ही में इस्पात मंत्रालय िा नया सचचर्व किसे तनयुक्त किया गया है? Who is the newly appointed Secretary of Ministry of Steel?

1. तबनॉय िुमार / Binoy Kumar 2. राघर्व जैन / Raghav Jain 3. अ셁र्ा शमा / Aruna Sharma 4. िे . एल. मनोज / K L Manoj 5. संतबत पात्रा / Sambit Patra ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 6 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न6 6

भारतीय बैंि संघ( IBA) िा नया अध्यक्ष किसे तनयुक्त किया गया है? Who has been elected as the new chairman of the Indian Banks Association (IBA)?

1. श्याम श्रीतनर्वासन / Shyam Srinivasan 2. सुनील मेहता / Sunil Mehta 3. िे . आर. िामथ / K R Kamath 4. ओ. पी. भट्ट / O P Bhatt 5. उषा अनंतसुब्रमण्यम / Usha Ananthasubramanian ImportantQuestionQuestion Points /7 प्रश्न / प्रश्न7 7

दतु नया भर में प्रबसलत गायब होने िे पीह़ितⴂ िा अंतराष्ट्र ीय हदर्वस िब मनाया गया था? International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances observed on which date?\

1. 30 अग / Aug 30 2. 31 अग / Aug 31 3. 1 ससतंबर / Sep 1st 4. 2 ससतंबर / Sep 2nd 5. 3 ससतंबर / Sep 3rd ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 8 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न8 8

भारत ने 18र्वें एसशयाई खेलⴂ में कितने जीते? India finishes the 18th Asian Games with how many medal?

1. 72 2. 69 3. 65 4. 50 5. 45 ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 9 प्रश्न / प्रश्न9 9

ऑनलाइन संपत्ति लेनदेन िी सुतर्वधा िे सलए पंजाब शहरी तनयोजन और तर्विास प्रात्तधिरर् (PUDA) द्वारा पंजाब में लॉन्च किये गए मॉड्यूल िा नाम ा ा है? The module which is launched in Punjab to facilitate online property transactions that has been provided by Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (PUDA)?

1. PUDA ई-साइट / PUDA e-site 2. PUDA 360 / PUDA 360 3. PUDA ई-टरांसफर / PUDA e-transfer 4. PUDA प्रापटीज / PUDA properties 5. PUDA ई-360 / PUDA e-360 QuestionImportantQuestion Points /10 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न10 10

किस संगठन ने "भारतीय ऊजा प्रर्ाली िे सलए मौसम सूचना पोटणल" पर पुि लॉन्च िी है? Which organization has developed the book on "Weather Information Portal for Indian Power System"?

1. इंकडयन ऑयल िॉपोरेशन सलतमटेड (IOCL) / Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)

2. पार्वर ससस्टम ऑपरेशन िॉपोरेशन सलतमटेड (POSOCO) / Power System Operation Corporation limited (POSOCO)

3. नेशनल थमणल पार्वर िॉरपोरेशन (NTPC) / National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)

4. हहदं ु ान पेटरोसलयम िॉपोरेशन सलतमटेड (HPCL) / Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL)

5. भारत हेर्वी इलेक्ट्ररिल सलतमटेड( BHEL) / Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited(BHEL) ImportantStaticQuestion Question Points / प्रश्न 9 1

What is the Capital of Netherlands?

1. Vienna 2. Brussels 3. Amsterdam 4. Hague 5. Bern ImportantImportantAnswersAnswers Points Questions

1. Tahira Safdar 2. Netherlands 3. Basant Kumar Mishra 4. Amit Panghal 5. Binoy Kumar 6. Sunil Mehta 7. Aug 30 8. 69 9. PUDA 360 10. Power System Operation Corporation limited (POSOCO) QuestionImportantQuestion Points /11 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न10 11

हार्वणडण यूतनर्वससणटी ने किस िंपनी िे साथ तमलिर भूिं प िे बाद आने र्वाले आफ्टरशॉ啍 स िी जगहⴂ िी भतर्वष्यर्वार्ी िरने िेकफसशयल सलएआकटण इंटेसलजेंस ससस्टम तर्विससत किया है? Harvard and this company joint hands and developed an Artificial Intelligence system to analyze and predict earthquake aftershocks.

1. तर्वप्रो / Wipro 2. आईबीएम / IBM 3. माइक्रोसॉफ्ट / Microsoft 4. गूगल / Google 5. इंफोससस / Infosys QuestionImportantQuestion Points 12/ प्रश्न / प्रश्न11 12

किस फुटबॉल खखला़िी िो यूईएफए प्लेयर ऑफ द ईयर 2018 नातमत किया गया था? Which football player was named UEFA Player of the Year 2018?

1. िेलोर नर्वस / Keylor Navas 2. सजीओ रामोस / Sergio Ramos 3. लुिा मोकडरि / Luka Modric 4. कक्रस्टस्टयानो रोनाल्डो / Cristiano Ronaldo 5. सलयोनेल मेसी / Lionel Messi QuestionImportantQuestion Points /13 प्रश्न / प्रश्न12 13

नर्वाचार िो बढार्वा देने िे सलए उच्च सशक्षा संानⴂ िे सलए िेंद्र सरिार द्वारा िौन सी नई रैंकिंग प्रर्ाली िी घोषर्ा िी गईहै? Which new ranking system has been announced by the Union Government for higher educational institutions to promote innovation?

1. ATLA 2. ATAL 3. ARGW 4. ARIIA 5. ATALI QuestionImportantQuestion Points /14 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न14 14

किस राज्य सरिार ने राज्य िे सरिारी स्कूलⴂ में एिइंटरैक्ट्रर्व प्रोग्राम "तमल- बांचे" िा आयोजन किया है? This state government has organised an interactive programme "Mil -Banche" in government schools of state?

1. मध्य प्रदेश / Madhya Pradesh 2. गुजरात / Gujarat 3. तेलंगाना / Telangana 4. आंध्र प्रदेश / Andhra Pradesh 5. उिर प्रदेश / Uttar Pradesh QuestionImportantQuestion Points /15 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न15 15

हाल ही में बलेश शमा िो किसिा सीईओ तनयुक्त किया गया था? Balesh Sharma was appointed as the CEO of this firm, recently.

1. र्वोडाफोन आइकडया/ Vodafone Idea 2. ऐक्सिस बैंि/ Axis Bank 3. महहंद्रा एंड महहंद्रा/ Mahindra & Mahindra 4. इंडसइंड बैंि/ IndusInd Bank 5. टाटा संस / Tata Sons QuestionImportantQuestion Points /16 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न16 16

महहला एर्वं बाल तर्विास मंत्री ने तनम्नसलखखत में सेकिस राज्य में 'िृष्ण िुटीर' िा उदघ् ाटन किया? The Minister for Women & Child Development inaugurated the ‘Krishna Kutir’ in which of the following state?

1. हररयार्ा / 2. हहमाचल प्रदेश / Himachal Pradesh 3. उिर प्रदेश/ Uttar Pradesh 4. मध्य प्रदेश/ Madhya Pradesh 5. राजान/ Rajasthan QuestionImportantQuestion Points /17 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न17 17

तनम्नसलखखत में से किसने यामाहा फास्कीनो तमस हदर्वा - तमस यूतनर्वसण इंकडया 2018 िा खखताब जीता है? Who among the following is crowned as the new Yamaha Fascino Miss Diva - Miss Universe India 2018?

1. अहदतत हुंकडया / Aditi Hundia 2. रोशनी श्योरर् / Roshni Sheoran 3. अनुक्रैथी र्वास/ Anukreethy Vas 4. तनहाल चुडासमा / Nehal Chudasama 5. युक्ता मुखी / Yukta Mookhey QuestionImportantQuestion Points /18 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न18 18

2018 में रमन मैग्सेसे पुरस्कार तनम्न में से किस जो़िी िो हदया गया था, सजसे एसशया िे नोबेल पुरस्कार िे नाम से जाना जाता है? Which pair among the were given the Ramon Magsaysay award in 2018, popularly known as Asia’s Nobel Prize? 1. त셁र् खन्ना और सोनम र्वांगचुि/ Tarun Khanna and Sonam Wangchuk 2. अनुप िुमार तमिल और त셁र् खन्ना / Anoop Kumar Mittal and Tarun Khanna

3. भारत र्वाटर्वानी और सोनम र्वांगचुि/ Bharat Vatwani and Sonam Wangchuk

4. सोनम र्वांग्याल और भारत र्वाटर्वानी / Sonam Wangyal and Bharat Vatwani 5. अयमान साहदि और त셁र् खन्ना/ Ayman Sadiq and Tarun Khanna QuestionImportantQuestion Points /19 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न19 19

र्वषा गौतम और श्वेता शेरर्वीगर ने एसशयाई खेलⴂ2018 में किस खेल में रजत पदि जीता है? Varsha Gautham and Sweta Shervegar won the silver medal in which game at the Asian Games 2018?

1. नौिायन / Sailing 2. टेबल टेतनस / Table Tennis 3. बैडतमंटन / Badminton 4. स्क्वाश / Squash 5. इनमें से िोई भी नहीं / None of the above QuestionImportantImportant Points 20Questions/ प्रश्न 20

ससंगफन र्वन्यजीर्व अभयारण्य सजसे हाल ही में हाथी ररजर्वण घोकषत किया गया है, किस राज्य में क्ट्त है? Singphan Wildlife Sanctuary that has been recently declared as elephant reserve is situated in which state? 1. ससक्ट्क्कम / Sikkim 2. असम / Assam 3. तमजोरम / Mizoram 4. छिीसगढ / Chattisgarh 5. नागालैंड / Nagaland ImportantStaticQuestion Question Points / प्रश्न 9 2

“PRABAL DOSTYK ” military exercise between India and which country? 1. Indonesia 2. Kyrgistan 3. 4. 5. Maldives ImportantImportantAnswersAnswers Points Questions

11. Google 12. Luka Modric 13. ARIIA 14. Madhya Pradesh 15. Vodafone Idea 16. Uttar Pradesh 17. Nehal Chudasama 18. Bharat Vatwani and Sonam Wangchuk 19. Sailing 20. Nagaland QuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points /21Questions प्रश्न/ प्रश्न20 21

आरबीआई ने हाल ही में पयाप्त पूंजी और िमाई िी संभार्वना नहीं होने िे िारर् किस बैंि िा लाइसेंस रद्द िर हदया है? RBI canceled the licence of which bank recently for not having adequate capital and earning prospect?

1. िल्यार् जनता सहिारी बैंि / Kalyan Janata Sahakari Bank 2. भीलर्वा़िा महहला शहरी सहिारी बैंि / Bhilwara Mahila Urban Co- operative Bank

3. पंजाब एर्वं महाराष्ट्र सहिारी बैंि / Punjab & Maharashtra Co- operative Bank

4. बॉम्बे मिेंटाइल सहिारी बैंि / Bombay Mercantile Co-operative Bank

5. नागररि क्रेकडट सहिारी बैंि / Citizencredit Co-operative Bank QuestionImportantQuestionImportantQuestion 22Points 22/Questions /प्रश्न प्रश्न/ प्रश्न192222

साक्षी चौधरी ने तर्वश्व युर्वा मुक्केबाजी स्पधामें______पदि जीता। Sakshi Choudhary won the ______medal at the World Youth Boxing in Budapest.

1. स्वर्ण / Gold 2. रजत / Silver 3. िां / Bronze 4. प्लैकटनम / Platinum 5. इनमें से िोई भी नहीं / None of the above QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 23/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2323

भारतीय महहला हॉिी टीम ने तनम्नसलखखत में से किस टीम से हारने िे बाद एसशयाई खेलⴂ 2018 में रजत पदि जीता है? Indian women's hockey team won silver medal at Asian Games 2018 by after losing to which of the following team?

1. जापान / Japan 2. चीन / 3. इंडोनेसशया / Indonesia 4. बांग्लादेश / Bangladesh 5. श्रीलंिा / Sri Lanka QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 24/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2324

1 ससतंबर, 2018 से तर्विीय र्वषण 2017-18 िे सलए सशक्षा ऋर् पर ब्याज सक्ट्िडी प्रदान िरने िे सलए किस बैंि ने पोटणल खोला है? Which bank has opened the portal for claiming interest subsidy on education loan for the financial year 2017-18 from September 1, 2018?

1. बैंि ऑफ़ इंकडया / Bank Of India 2. िनेरा बैंि / Canara Bank 3. पंजाब नेशनल बैंि / Punjab National Bank 4. एक्सिस बैंि / Axis Bank 5. ससंकडिेट बैंि / Syndicate Bank QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 25/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2325

र्वारार्सी में गंगा नदी िे किनारे योगी आहदत्यनाथ द्वारा उदघ् ाटन किए गए पहले हाई-टेि क्रूज िा नाम ा ा है? What is the name of the first hi-tech cruise inaugurated by Yogi Adityanath on the banks of river Ganga in Varanasi?

1. भागीरथी/ Bhagirathi 2. गंगोत्री / Gangotri 3. यमुनोत्री / Yamunotri 4. गंगा / Ganga 5. अलिनंदा / Alaknanda QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 26/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2326

किस राज्य में िेंद्रीय र्वस्त्र मंत्री ृततईरानीने 1 ससतंबर, 2018 िो 'कडसजटल गांर्व' िा उदघ् ाटन किया था? In which state has the Union textiles minister Smriti Irani inaugurated a 'digital village' on September 1, 2018?

1. तबहार / Bihar 2. उिर प्रदेश / Uttar Pradesh 3. झारखण्ड / Jharkhand 4. छिीसगढ/ Chhattisgarh 5. राजान / Rajasthan QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 27/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2327

भारतीय पु셁ष हॉिी टीम ने 2018 िे एसशयाई खेलⴂ िे 14र्वें हदन िां पदि जीतने िे सलए ______िो 2-1 से हराया। ​The Indian men's hockey team beat ______by 2-1 to clinch a bronze medal on the 14th day of Asian Games 2018.

1. इंडोनेसशया / Indonesia 2. ससंगापुर / Singapore 3. पाकिान / Pakistan 4. ईरान / 5. जापान / Japan QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 28/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2328

एसशयाई खेलⴂ िे 18 र्वें संस्करर् िे सबसे मूल्यर्वान खखला़िी िे 셂प में किसने नातमत किया गया है? Who has been named as the Most Valuable Player of the 18th edition of Asian Games?

1. हहमा दास / Hima Das 2. फौआद तमजा / Fouaad Mirza 3. इक्के ररििो / Ikee Rikako 4. सजन्सन जॉनसन/ Jinson Johnson 5. सजमी िोन्नोर / Jimmy Connors QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 29/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2329

1 ससतंबर 2018 िो हहदं ु ान एयरोनॉकटि सलतमटेड िे अध्यक्ष और प्रबंध तनदेशि िे 셂प में किसे तनयुक्त किया गया है? Who has been appointed as the Chairman and Managing Director of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited on 1st September 2018?

1. आर.िे . त्यागी / R K Tyagi 2. सी.बी. अनंतिृष्णन / C.B. Ananthakrishnan 3. आर. माधर्वन / R Madhavan 4. अ셁प चटजी / Arup Chatterjee 5. र्वी.एम. चमोला / V. M. Chamola QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 30/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2330

यू.एस. इंकडया तबजनेस िाउंससल 5 ससतंबर, 2018 िो अपनी र्वाकषणि सामान्य तनिाय बैठि िहां आयोसजत िरेगी? Where will the US India Business Council be holding its annual general body meeting on 5 September, 2018?

1. नई हदल्ली / 2. मुंबई / Mumbai 3. पुर्े / Pune 4. पटना / Patna 5. जयपुर / Jaipur ImportantStaticQuestion Question Points / प्रश्न 9 3

The Rauf dance is a folk dance form of the state ______

1. Gujarat 2. Odisha 3. Jammu & Kashmir 4. Himachal Pradesh 5. Arunachal Pradesh ImportantImportantAnswersAnswers Points Questions

21. Bhilwara Mahila Urban Co-operative Bank 22. Gold 23. Japan 24. Canara Bank 25. Alaknanda 26. ​ Uttar Pradesh 27. Pakistan 28. ​ Ikee Rikako 29. R Madhavan 30. Mumbai ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q1

• Justice Tahira Safdar has been sworn-in as the first woman Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court at a ceremony held at the Governor House in Balochistan. • She will remain in this post until 4 October 2019. With this, she became the first female chief justice of any court in the history of Pakistan. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q2

• The 4th International Ayurveda Congress (IAvC) 2018 has been inaugurated by Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Yesso Naik at Leiden, the Netherlands on September 1. • The congress would focus on promotion and propagation of Ayurveda in the Netherlands and its neighbouring countries of Europe. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q3

• Well-known neurosurgeon Dr. Basant Kumar Mishra from Odisha has been named for prestigious Dr B.C. Roy National Award for year 2018 as Eminent Medical Person of the Year. • It is the highest medical honour of India, which will be given away by President Ram Nath Kovind on July 1, 2019. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q4

• On September 1, Indian boxer Amit Panghal from Haryana won a historic gold after beating Rio Olympics gold medallist Hasanboy Dusmatov in the final of Men’s Light Flyweight 49kg category at the Jakarta Asian Games 2018. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q5

• Binoy Kumar, the 1983 batch IAS officer of the Telangana cadre, has assumed charged as the new Secretary of the Ministry of Steel on September 1, 2018. • He had been posted as Officer on Special Duty in the Steel Ministry since May 21, 2018. He succeeded Aruna Sharma. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q6

• Sunil Mehta, the MD & Chief executive of Punjab National Bank (PNB), has been elected as the new chairman of the Indian Banks Association (IBA) for 2018-19. • Apart from him, Dinabandhu Mohapatra, MD & CEO of Bank of India (BoI), has been elected as IBA’s Deputy Chairman. • The IBA is a representative body of management of banking in India and has its headquarters in Mumbai. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q7

• International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances was observed all over the world. • In 2010, the United Nations General Assembly declared 30th August as the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. • This day was first observed on 30th August 2011. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q8

• India ended their Asian Games 2018 campaign with the highest medal tally at the tournament ever, with a total of 69 medals which includes 15 gold, 24 silver and 30 bronze medals. • Boxer Amit Panghal stunned the Olympic Champion Hasanboy Dusmatov in the men's 49 Kilogram category to win India's only boxing gold. Indian men's bridge team won bridge gold for India. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q8

• The duo of Pranab Bardhan, Shobhnath Sarkar finished top of the table with 384 points. • More than 10,000 athletes gave their best at the Asian Games 2018, winning medals for their respective countries. • 465 gold medals were won by the athletes of 28 countries ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q9

• Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh launched PUDA 360 module to facilitate online property transactions. • The facility has been provided by Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (PUDA). ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 10

• R K Singh, Minister of State (IC) for Power and New & Renewable Energy released a book on "Weather Information Portal for Indian Power Systems, at Power System Operation Corporation limited (POSOCO), New Delhi. • This book is a reference document developed by POSOCO along with IMD (India Meteorological Department) to enable better usage of Weather Portal in all areas of Power Sector. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 11

• Google and Harvard have joined hands and developed an Artificial Intelligence system in which the researchers at the university used algorithms to analyze a database of earthquakes worldwide to predict where aftershocks might happen. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 12

• In the UEFA Awards, Croatia captain Luka Modric was voted the best player in Europe. • He also won the Midfielder of the Season. • Real Madrid was named the best player in last season's Champions League. • The best women's player award was won by Pernille Harder of Denmark and Wolfsburg. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 12

• Best goalkeeper of the season was: Keylor Navas. Best • Defender of the season was: Sergio Ramos. • Ronaldo won the Forward of the Season. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 13

• The Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) has announced new ranking system - named Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) - for higher educational institutions to promote culture of innovation and research in higher education at AICTE in New Delhi. • The new ranking system will be formally launched on October 15, the birth anniversary of former President APJ Abdul Kalam. • The first results will be declared on February 28, 2019, which is also Science Day. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 14

• The Madhya Pradesh government has organized an interactive programme "Mil -Banche" in government schools of state on August 31, 2018. • It is a first of its kind initiative i.e. being organized for multi-dimensional development of children through language skill up-gradation, reading other books in addition to textbooks, developing interest in understanding and other co-curricular activities. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 15

• Balesh Sharma takes over as Vodafone Idea's first CEO. He was the Chief Operating Officer of Vodafone India and a member of its executive committee. • Sharma holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering and MBA (Marketing and Finance) from the University of Rajasthan. • He has previously served as the CEO of Vodafone Czech Republic and the CEO of Vodafone Malta. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 16

• The Minister for Women & Child Development, Maneka Gandhi, inaugurated the ‘Krishna Kutir’ in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh. • Krishna Kutir is a special home for 1000 widows set up by the Ministry of Women & Child Development under Swadhar Greh scheme of the Ministry. • The construction of the home has been funded by Central Government. • It will be managed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 17

• Nehal Chudasama is crowned as the new Yamaha Fascino Miss Diva - Miss Universe India 2018. • She will compete at the Miss Universe 2018 pageant in Bangkok in December 2018. • Aditi Hundia from Jaipur won Yahama Fascino Miss Diva Universe Supranational 2018, and the Yahama Fascino Miss Diva 2018. • Second Runner-up title went to Lucknow's Roshni Sheoran. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 18

• Two Indian nationals, Bharat Vatwani and Sonam Wangchuk, were given the Ramon Magsaysay award, popularly known as Asia’s Nobel Prize. • Since 1988, Vatwani has helped around 7,000 mental patients, reuniting many of them with their families. • Wangchuk has been recognised for “his uniquely systematic, collaborative and community-driven reform of learning systems in Ladakh. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 19

• India clinched silver medal and bronze medal, in the sailing events of the ongoing 18th edition of the Asian Games. • In 49er sailing event, the Indian pair of Varsha Gautham and Sweta Shervegar bagged the silver medal in the women's category. • Varun Thakkar and Ganapathy Chengappa won the bronze medal in the men's category. • Harshita Tomar won bronze medal in sailing. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 20

• The Nagaland government has declared the Singphan Wildlife Sanctuary as an elephant reserve making it the 30th reserve for the elephant in the country. • The declaration of the Singphan Elephant Reserve in Nagaland will boost the elephant conservation in the country, especially in the northeastern region. • The Singphan Elephant Reserve is located in Mon district of Nagaland. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 21

• RBI has cancelled the licence of Rajasthan-based Bhilwara Mahila Urban Co-operative Bank. • RBI said that the bank does not have adequate capital and earning prospect and is not in a position to pay its present and future depositors. • The cancelled licence of the bank is in effect from the close of business on August 31, 2018. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 22

• In boxing, Sakshi Choudhary won the gold medal at the World Youth Boxing in Budapest on 31st August 2018. • Sakshi won the gold medal in the 57-kilogram category. She beat Croatia's Nikolina Cacic. • However, Asian champions Manisha (64kg) and Anamika (51kg) settled for silver medals. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 23

• In Asian Games, Women's hockey team settled for the silver medal after losing to Japan in the final. • Japan defeated India by 2-1. • It was India's second silver medal in women's hockey in Asian Games history. • The only time India won the gold medal was in the 1982 Games in New Delhi. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 24

• Canara Bank, the nodal bank, has opened the portal for claiming interest subsidy on education loan for the financial year 2017-18 from September 1, 2018. • It will be open till September 28. • The Central sector interest subsidy (CSIS) scheme was implemented by the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development. • Tamil Nadu is one of the top States in availing education loans. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 25

• Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated first hi-tech cruise 'Alaknanda' on the banks of river Ganga in Varanasi. • This double-decker cruise with around 2,000 square feet area can accommodate 60 passengers. • This is the first time a private company has started a cruise ferry for tourists, now tourists will have better options to see the beauty of Varanasi Ghats ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 26

• Union textiles minister Smriti Irani on September 1, 2018 inaugurated a 'digital village' in Amethi, Uttar Pradesh. • Under the digital village project, there would be 206 programmes available for the people. • This includes a Wi-Fi Chaupal, LED bulb manufacturing, a unit to make sanitary pads and PM digital literacy initiative. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 27

• The Indian men's hockey team beat Pakistan by 2-1 to clinch a bronze medal on the 14th day of Asian Games 2018. • Akashdeep Singh (3rd minute) and Harmanpreet Singh (50th minute) scored two goals for India in the match. • It was India's 69th medal at the Asian Games 2018. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 28

• Japanese swimmer Ikee Rikako has been named as the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the 18th edition of Asian Games. • She became the first female athlete to win the MVP title. • Rikako bagged six gold and two silver medals in the tournament. • She received $50,000 as prize money. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 29

• Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) appointed R Madhavan as its Chairman and Managing Director for five years. • Madhavan was heading the Accessories Division of HAL at Lucknow as an Executive Director. • Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is an Indian state- owned aerospace and defence company headquartered in Bangalore, India. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 30

• For the first time, US India Business Council (USIBC) is holding its annual general body meeting in India. • The two-day conference will begin on September 5, 2018 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. • The theme of the conference is 'US and India connecting our future'. • The summit is being held on the eve of the maiden 2+2 India-US dialogue in New Delhi on September 6, 2018.