ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXIV No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 $2.00 Verdict in Savchenko case Savchenko sentenced to 22 years’ imprisonment condemned by observers by Zenon Zawada KYIV – , the Ukrainian PARSIPPANY, N.J. – The verdict and military pilot who has become the nation’s sentence announced on March 22 by a globally recognized symbol of resistance to Russian court in the fabricated case Russian aggression, was found guilty on against Nadiya Savchenko elicited March 22 by a Russian court of participating strong reaction from European and in the murder of two Russian journalists U.S. officials, government spokesmen and illegally crossing the Russian border. and Ukrainian diaspora organizations. She was sentenced to 22 years imprison- The unjust conviction of the ment in a penal colony – a year short of the Ukrainian military pilot and member maximum sentence. Striking an especially of the was also the cynical tone, the court fined Ms. Savchenko topic of a March 22 telephone conver- 30,000 rubles ($443) for violating the bor- sation between U.S. Vice-President Joe der. Biden and ’s President Petro The United States and the European Poroshenko. Union condemned the verdict and called for Ms. Savchenko’s immediate release, reit- According to a readout of the call erating the widely accepted view that the issued by the White House: “Vice- criminal charges were fabricated by the President Biden spoke today with Vladimir Andreev/UNIAN Russian government as part of its informa- Ukrainian President . tion war against Ukraine. Nadiya Savchenko in a photo from 2008, when she was a student at the Ivan Kozhedub Air Force University of . The vice-president condemned the The conviction and sentencing “show a unjust conviction and sentencing of blatant disregard for the principles of justice Yet just as disconcerting as the sentenc- Feygin, as reported by the Ukrainian media. Ukrainian pilot and member of and contravene Russia’s commitments ing is what might come next. Ms. Savchenko The consequence of that is the case Parliament Nadiya Savchenko and under the Minsk agreements,” said U.S. State insisted that her lawyers not appeal the would not reach review by the European underlined Russia’s obligation under Department Spokesman John Kirby. “For verdict within the 10 days allowed by Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg, said the Minsk agreements to release her. nearly two years, Russia has unjustly Russian law because that would delay its Mr. Feygin, adding that he provided a back- The vice-president emphasized the detained Savchenko on charges that have no taking effect. up plan by filing numerous claims interna- importance of Ukraine quickly re- basis in fact and has denied her basic pro- Her reasoning is that the sooner the ver- tionally seeking her release, including with establishing a stable government and tections of the rule of law. She has reported- dict becomes official, the sooner diplomatic the United Nations. parliamentary coalition committed to ly endured interrogation, solitary confine- talks will begin regarding release to implementing needed reforms. The ment and forced ‘psychiatric evaluation.’ ” Ukraine, said Ms. Savchenko’s lawyer Mark (Continued on page 16) leaders agreed on the importance of fully implementing all aspects of the Minsk agreements in order to end the suffering of the people living in sepa- ratist-controlled areas in eastern Jaresko says she’s ready to lead a technocratic government Ukraine and restore Ukraine’s sover- KYIV – Ukraine’s Minister of Finance path. I believe that the Revolution of Dignity producing concrete results for Ukrainians’ eignty and territorial integrity. The on March 22 released a was a Rubicon for the Ukrainian people. European future is long and complex. two leaders also expressed deep sor- statement declaring her readiness to People believed in their strength to change Today a serious political crisis stands in row for the victims of today’s horrific assemble a team of technocrats for a gov- the system in favor of ordinary people and the way of the country’s progress. A few terrorist attack in Belgium.” ernment that “is able to work in the inter- decent human values of respect and free- weeks ago, the Petro Following is a compilation of state- est of the whole country, all its citizens, not dom. The path from revolution to actually Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy ments on the Savchenko verdict issued some political or business groups.” Yatsenyuk suggested I start a dialogue to on March 22 and 23 in Europe, the The statement came in the wake of formulate a plan to decisively overcome the United States and Canada. reports that Ms. Jaresko was among the top current crisis. In recent weeks, there have European Union candidates for prime minister to replace been many different rumors and specula- the embattled . tion, so I decided to share my thoughts on The European Union on March 23 On March 23, RFE/RL reported that the matter. released the following statement by President Petro Poroshenko said he was In Ukraine, it is time to “depoliticize” eco- High Representative/Vice-President ready “to support any candidate for prime nomic processes and concentrate the best Federica Mogherini. minister submitted by the [parliamentary] talents and resources to solve the unprece- “Despite many calls, Ukrainian pilot coalition” and that he had urged the dented challenges facing the country. For Nadiya Savchenko has been sentenced Verkhovna Rada to approve a new Cabinet this purpose, the Ukrainian government yesterday. of Ministers within a week. The next day should focus on two key issues: restoring “We continue to add our voices to Verkhovna Rada Chair Volodymyr Groysman public confidence and economic growth. the many others worldwide calling on said he was ready to become prime minis- Giant strides, not baby steps, are needed. the Russian authorities to immediately ter if asked. In my opinion, only a technocratic gov- and unconditionally release Nadiya Following is the text of Ms. Jaresko’s state- ernment can address these challenges. The Savchenko, on humanitarian grounds, ment, translated from the original Ukrainian new team must “belong” to nobody other and in keeping with the ‘Package of by the Ukraine Crisis Media Center. than the people of Ukraine. New leaders measures for the implementation of should have no political past or, indeed, the Minsk agreements’ and the com- * * * have no desire for any political future. The There comes a time when politics needs mitment therein to release all hostag- team must not be subject to the domination to be great, so that the whole country comes UCU of the oligarchs or any politicians’ “friends.” (Continued on page 9) together to address fundamental issues for Ukraine’s Finance Minister Natalie its future. Ukraine has chosen its strategic Jaresko. (Continued on page 14) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 No. 13


Russia’s conflict against Ukraine OSCE official on Savchenko verdict won’t appeal the ruling, and that she did not recognize the Russian court or its right WARSAW – Michael Georg Link, director to try her. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by of the Office for Democratic Institutions and the West: the religious dimension UNIAN and Interfax) and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the by Oleksandr Gavrylyuk opinion of Western publics to be more Organization for Security and Cooperation AI notes ‘deeply politicized’ verdict Eurasia Daily Monitor accepting of Russian narratives. “I am very in Europe (OSCE), expressed concerns on sorry that the Pope has fallen a victim to it. I March 22 over the conviction by a Russian LONDON – The international human am not aware of all details, but as far as I The conflict Russia is waging against court of Nadiya Savchenko, a Ukrainian mil- rights monitoring organization Amnesty Ukraine has, from the very beginning, had heard there were people, who had in some itary pilot, for complicity in the killing of International reacted on March 22 to the many different dimensions. Currently, it is way outplayed the pope,” Cardinal Husar two Russian journalists in June 2014. conviction of Nadiya Savchenko. “It is increasingly assuming the narrative and form claimed. “The pope has been eager to estab- abhorrent to send Nadiya Savchenko to of an existential conflict between two antago- lish peaceful contacts with Russia and the “Amidst serious disputes over the facts in Savchenko’s trial and the need to respect prison after such a flawed, deeply politi- nistic civilizations with competing ideologies, patriarch, but I guess he had been misin- cized trial,” said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty cultures and religions. The February 12 formed,” the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic lead- fair-trial rights in her high-profile case, I International’s director for Europe and meeting in Havana, between the Roman pon- er said (, March 7). echo the OSCE Chairmanship’s call for her Central Asia. “The litany of dubious proce- tiff, Pope Francis, and Russian Patriarch Kirill, Ukrainian commentators also ques- immediate release,” the ODIHR director is a case in point. The mutually exclusive tioned the ROC’s relative global importance said. “Savchenko’s release would send a dures and decisions by the presiding judge Ukrainian versus Russian interpretations of versus the Russian narrative claiming the strong humanitarian message given her over the course of this trial shows a clear that meeting certainly illustrate the way Russian Church to be a comparable peer of health problems and would build confi- contempt for due process and suggests religious rhetoric is being used by the the Roman Catholic Church. Thus, Father dence in the peace process aimed at resolv- Nadiya never had a hope of proving her Kremlin against the Ukrainian nation and Yakov Krotov, a Moscow-based priest of the ing the two-year-old crisis in and around innocence. The only way justice can be state – and the West as a whole. Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Ukraine.” Mr. Link added, “OSCE participat- delivered both for Nadiya, and the journal- Commentary in Russia and Ukraine on (UAOC), described the summit as a meeting ing states have committed themselves to ists who were killed, is for there to be a full the February meeting between the two reli- between an elephant and a mouse. “There uphold internationally recognized stan- and impartial investigation into her allega- gious leaders continued right through until are 1 billion [Catholic] believers on one dards for the administration of justice. It is tions and a retrial that remains free of March. Russian media were pointedly enthu- side and 100 million at most but, in reality, regrettable that ODIHR has not had the political interference and complies with siastic, declaring a “breakthrough” in the his- barely 10 million [Russian Orthodox] on opportunity to visit her in detention or to international fair trial standards.” (Amnesty tory of inter-confessional relations (, the other side,” he wrote ( officially monitor her trial – despite our International) TASS, February 14), while Russian Orthodox james.krotov, February 12). request. This verdict raises real concerns as Church (ROC) officials made no secret of their It is, indeed, extremely difficult to properly to whether these standards have been Kerry in Moscow for talks deep satisfaction with the results of the “his- quantify the Russian Orthodox Church’s met.” (OSCE) toric summit” (, February 24). believers, since the size and rank of the WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of State Furthermore, when speaking about the Russian Church in the Orthodox world is Ukraine considers sanctions has arrived in Russia for talks meeting, Archimandrite Melchisedech, the based mainly on the number of parishes expected to touch upon the fragile truces in press secretary of the Synodal Department under its jurisdiction. As the world’s largest KYIV – Ukrainian President Petro Syria and Ukraine. Mr. Kerry was to meet for Monasteries and Monasticism and a Orthodox Church, the Moscow Patriarchate Poroshenko said he has called on the with German Foreign Affairs Minister superior at two Moscow parish churches, boasts more than 30,000 parishes. However, National Security and Defense Council to Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Moscow on was apparently trying to convince his only about half of them are based in the consider sanctions against Russian officials March 23 and to hold talks with Russian parishioners that the pontiff had allegedly Russian Federation itself. For comparison, involved in the prosecution of Ukrainian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign repented the sins of the Catholic Church and there are a total of 18,204 Orthodox parishes pilot Nadiya Savchenko. A Russian court Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov on March 24. was eager to convert to Orthodoxy. “Rumor in Ukraine (as of January 1, 2015), including has sentenced Savchenko to 22 years in During the visit, Secretary Kerry is expect- has it that the pope is sorry that Catholics 12,241 of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – prison for her alleged involvement in the ed to gauge whether the Russian leader- failed to preserve the purity of Orthodoxy, Moscow Patriarchate (a self-governing Church death of two Russian journalists in eastern ship is ready to discuss ways to ease Syrian and he is about to return to the fold of the of the ROC in Ukraine), 4,738 of the Ukrainian Ukraine. After the sentence was pro- President Bashar al-Assad from power. On Holy Orthodox Church,” Archimandrite Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate and nounced on March 22, Mr. Poroshenko said Ukraine, he is expected to call on Moscow Melchisedech claimed (, February 1,225 of the Ukrainian Autocephalous he was ready to exchange the pilot for two to do more to press Russian-backed sepa- 24). According to him, the pope was penitent Orthodox Church (, May 30, 2015). Russians who were captured during fight- ratists in the country’s east to comply with for blessing euthanasia, gay parades and However, particularly since the start of the ing in eastern Ukraine and who Kyiv a ceasefire. He is also due to raise the case same-sex marriages. Russian war against Ukraine, increasingly believes are Russian servicemen. of Ukrainian military pilot Nadiya Meanwhile, both Ukrainian clergy and more Ukrainians have been affiliating them- Addressing journalists in the eastern city of Savchenko, who was sentenced to 22 years the general public expressed disappoint- selves with the Kyiv Patriarchate. According Kharkiv on March 23, Poroshenko said the ment or even shock over the wording of the to some polls, they now outnumber the local in prison in Russia for her alleged involve- exchange would be possible only after Ms. ment in the death of two Russian journal- joint declaration released following the Moscow Patriarchate’s faithful, reaching a Savchenko’s sentence comes fully into talks between Pope Francis and Patriarch quarter of the nation’s total population, or ists in eastern Ukraine. Washington has force, meaning when the 10-day appeal Kirill (, February 13) – specifi- more than 10 million people. As a result, period expires. Ms. Savchenko said she (Continued on page 12) cally Paragraphs 25, 26 and 27 concerning many parishes in Ukraine have changed their the situation in Ukraine. According to the jurisdiction from the Moscow to the Kyiv official statement of the Ukrainian Orthodox Patriarchate (, December 12, 2015). Church – Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP), The Russian Church has been doing Paragraph 25 of the joint declaration does everything in its power to prevent the possi- he krainian eekly FOUNDED 1933 not take into consideration the opinion of the ble unification of the Ukrainian Orthodox T U W Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church; Paragraph Churches of Moscow and Kyiv Patriarchates, An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., 26 totally ignores the Russian armed, politi- seeing it as the main threat to its hegemony a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. cal, economic and informational aggression over Eastern Orthodoxy. Likewise, the ROC Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. against Ukraine as the key reason of the war has actively tried to keep the two Orthodox Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. in the Donbas; and Paragraph 27 neglects the Churches in Ukraine not under its control (ISSN — 0273-9348) violation of religious canons by the Moscow from coming together. The merger of the Patriarchate in the 17th century as the back- UOC-KP with the UAOC, which has been The Weekly: UNA: ground for the split in the Orthodox Church. attempted at least five times since Ukraine’s Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 In the opinion of the UOC-KP, those para- independence in 1991, failed each time. Last graphs are written “in the worst traditions year, the two sides were closer than ever to Postmaster, send address changes to: of Soviet diplomacy, with numerous ambi- achieving integration. But through its back- The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas channel overtures to the UAOC’s leaders, the guities, biased views and unfounded asser- P.O. Box 280 tions.” Alluding to the 1938 Munich accords Moscow Patriarchate was again able to block Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] that splintered Czechoslovakia, the UOC-KP the process (, July 22, 2015). declared that it wholly rejects any decisions Nevertheless, Father Krotov argues that The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: regarding Ukraine or its religious and pub- the Moscow Patriarchate – like the Russian lic life made in the absence of Ukrainian state itself – is entirely dependent on representatives or while ignoring their Russian hydrocarbon sales. But as those The Ukrainian Weekly, March 27, 2016, No. 13, Vol. LXXXIV opinion (, February 15). revenues continue to dwindle due to chroni- Copyright © 2016 The Ukrainian Weekly Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, the major arch- cally low oil prices, the Russian Orthodox bishop emeritus of the Ukrainian Greek- Church and its reach in Ukraine are bound Catholic Church, believes that the wording to continue to weaken as well (Facebook. ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA of the joint declaration is a demonstration com/james.krotov, February 12). (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 of the dramatic psychological effect Moscow Walter Honcharyk, administrator and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 has had on the Vatican and the West in gen- The article above is reprinted from e-mail: [email protected] eral. According to him, Russia has built an Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 extremely effective propaganda machine its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, e-mail: [email protected] and, for decades, has used it to shape the No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 3

NEWS ANALYSIS Media speculate that Akhmetov, Boiko may head Donbas oblasts

by Oleg Varfolomeyev behind the idea of himself replacing Mr. Yanukovych in 2006-2007 and 2010-2014, Naturally, the warlords in and Eurasia Daily Monitor Zakharchenko, and that U.S. Assistant has for years had to fend off allegations that do not want to go. Commenting on Secretary of State Victoria Nuland backed it he bought drilling rigs for Ukraine to the rumor about Messrs. Akhmetov and Two years since Russia’s annexation of (Ukrayinska Pravda, March 12). extract gas from the Black Sea from a ficti- Boiko, Mr. Zakharchenko said he saw no Crimea and Moscow’s initiation of the war in Messrs. Akhmetov and Boiko have nei- tious firm based in Latvia at an inflated future for oligarchs, while Mr. Plotnitsky the Donbas, the peace process in Ukraine is ther confirmed nor denied these reports. price (see Eurasia Daily Monitor, January bragged that he would arrest Mr. Boiko if at a standstill. Moreover, there are fears that Mr. Akhmetov’s press service issued an 28, 2013). he crosses the division line (, after a pullout from Syria, Moscow may evasive statement, saying that it would not Despite these controversies, the two March 12; Regnum, March 15). However, mount a new offensive in Ukraine comment on rumors, while stressing that men have been popular in Donetsk and Moscow is unlikely to ask Mr. (, March 18). On the other hand, Mr. Akhmetov would do his utmost to stop Luhansk, where appointees from Kyiv have Zakharchenko and Mr. Plotnitsky’s opin- if Moscow decides to back away from all-out the war. The government should be decen- often been scorned and rejected. To start ions if their replacement is on the agenda. confrontation with the West, a détente in tralized, and the Donbas should remain with, both are natives of the region. Mr. After all, the two were installed in their eastern Ukraine could plausibly follow a part of Ukraine, said the statement Akhmetov has for years been the main local positions by Moscow in August 2014, and U-turn on Syria. If so, the replacement by (Interfax, March 12). Judging by official employer: his steel mills and coal mines are have been backed with money and weap- Moscow of its puppets in Donetsk and declarations, this vision is shared in Kyiv, the backbone of the regional economy. ons ever since. Luhansk with somebody more acceptable to Moscow, Washington and Brussels. Mr. While there has been widespread percep- It is a big question if President the West and Kyiv would be logical. It has Boiko has been no less evasive, dodging tion locally that Kyiv abandoned the region, Poroshenko would agree to the appoint- been speculated that steel tycoon Rinat questions about the purported talks with especially since Kyiv has mounted an eco- ments of his bitter rivals Messrs. Akhmetov Akhmetov and the leader of the Opposition President Poroshenko even from his close nomic blockade against the rebel-held and Boiko to top positions in the rebel Bloc in Ukraine’s Parliament, Yurii Boiko, allies, according to a national deputy from areas, many needy locals have been surviv- areas. First, the political establishment, might replace Moscow appointees the Opposition Bloc, Tetyana Bakhteyeva ing arguably thanks to humanitarian assis- nationalists and especially anti-corruption Aleksandr Zakharchenko and (, March 16). tance linked to Mr. Akhmetov. activists in the rest of Ukraine would be in Donetsk and Luhansk, respectively. Messrs. Akhmetov and Boiko used to be Meanwhile, Mr. Boiko would perform unlikely to accept that. Second, Mr. The weekly Zerkalo Nedeli has reported, among the leaders of the kleptocratic elite relatively well in a presidential election, Poroshenko has already had enough prob- citing an anonymous source, that Ukrainian that had ruled Ukraine until February mainly thanks to his popularity in his lems with a regional oligarch roughly on a President Petro Poroshenko approved an 2014, when the then-president and head of native region, according to recent opinion par with Mr. Akhmetov, Igor Kolomoisky, idea of Viktor Medvedchuk, a mediator in the Party of Regions, , polls. But his and Mr. Akhmetov’s who was entrusted his native the peace talks who is linked to Vladimir fled to Russia as the Euro-Maidan revolu- Opposition Bloc is even more popular. Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in March 2014 (see Putin, that Messrs. Akhmetov and Boiko tion was heating up. After that, their party According to the most recent poll by KMIS, EDM, March 6, 2014). Mr. Poroshenko had should become the new heads of Donetsk was transformed into the Opposition Bloc. it has leapfrogged even the Poroshenko to fire Mr. Kolomoisky last year for trying, as and Luhansk. Mr. Poroshenko discussed Both men have played rather controversial Bloc, becoming the most popular party had been widely expected, to convert his this with Messrs. Akhmetov and Boiko, roles throughout modern Ukrainian histo- after former prime minister Yulia political clout into economic dividends (see who gave their preliminary consent, ry. Mr. Akhmetov, Ukraine’s richest busi- Tymoshenko’s Batkivshchyna (Ukraine- EDM, April 1, 2015). A sudden about-face by according to the paper (Zerkalo Nedeli, nessman for many years, was rumored to, accessed on March 18). Mr. Poroshenko regarding Messrs. March 11). Ukrayinska Pravda later cited a have had links to the underworld in the Local elections last fall demonstrated that Akhmetov and Boiko, regardless of whether source from the Presidential 1990s. In 2014, when most Ukrainian oli- the Opposition Bloc has no rivals in the or not Moscow cooperated or acquiesced, Administration, who confirmed that talks garchs sided with Kyiv against Russian government-held areas in Donetsk and could thus create serious domestic backlash with Messrs. Akhmetov and Boiko took aggression, he took an ostensibly neutral Luhansk, and this political party and Mr. against the Ukrainian government. place. The source also said that Mr. position. Mr. Boiko, as energy minister and Akhmetov’s people won elections for both Akhmetov, not Mr. Medvedchuk, was deputy prime minister under President the mayor and local councils in , The article above is reprinted from the biggest city in the area not controlled Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from by Moscow-sponsored rebels (, its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, OSCE: Russia’s annexation of Crimea November 15; UNIAN, December 2). violated fundamental OSCE principles RFE/RL condemns pressure BERLIN – On the second anniversary of the OSCE area. “Our demands that the Russian Federation’s annexation of Ukraine’s full sovereignty and territorial tactics against Moscow bureau Crimean peninsula (March 18, 2014), which integrity be restored thus remain under international law is part of Ukraine, unchanged. Human rights and fundamental WASHINGTON – On March 18, RFE/ broadcasting would be forthcoming. Special Representative of the German freedoms, the protection of national minor- RL’s Moscow bureau administrator was RFE/RL’s Russian Service, known Government for the OSCE Chairmanship ities and the independence of the organiza- approached at her home by two locally as Radio Svoboda, operates out of Gernot Erler said: “Russia’s annexation of the tions representing their interests must con- unknown men identifying themselves as a Moscow bureau and RFE/RL’s head- Crimean peninsula two years ago today was tinue to be guaranteed throughout the journalists with Russia’s NTV channel quarters in Prague. contrary to international law and infringed entire territory of Ukraine,” he said. and seeking personal information. In 2015, Radio Svoboda was the sec- fundamental OSCE principles, in particular Mr. Erler emphasized that implementa- The men, one of whom had a video ond most-cited radio station in Russian the inviolability of international borders tion of the Minsk agreements is at present camera and sought to film the premises, social media, according to the Medialogia and respect for the sovereignty of all states.” still the most urgent step towards achiev- questioned her repeatedly about her agency, right behind Ekho Moskvy. The representative of the Organization ing a lasting solution to the conflict in and income and properties they said she Last year, 430 million people visited for Security and Cooperation in Europe around Ukraine. “Today I call on Russia in owned in and around Moscow. One of RFE/RL websites, where they viewed (OSCE) stressed that the annexation of particular to fulfill its corresponding obli- the men said he had received such infor- nearly 1 billion pages of original RFE/RL Crimea by Russia and the conflict in eastern gations and to respect international law,” mation from former employees of the content. Within that audience, RFE/RL’s Ukraine jeopardize security and stability in said Mr. Erler. Russian Service. The administrator Russian-language sites provided 266 mil- refused to answer the questions. lion pages of content to almost 170 mil- Nenad Pejic, RFE/RL editor in chief, lion visitors. RFE/RL Russian-language Quotable notes called the incident “a disgusting example Facebook pages registered almost 23 mil- of intimidation,” and said that “authorities lion engaged users last year. “...It is unacceptable that military force, deception and disinformation is used to in Russia appear to be preparing a case RFE/RL is a private, independent inter- change borders in Europe in the 21st century. … against us because of our journalism.” national news organization whose pro- “Ukraine, as any other sovereign nation, has the right to make her own foreign and NTV is a Kremlin-controlled channel grams – radio, Internet, television, and security policy choices, and to retain the integrity of her own territory. We cannot known for conducting defamation cam- mobile – reach influential audiences in 23 accept that another country interferes with that right. … paigns against independent journalists, countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Iran, “We cannot remain passive when Russia decides to undermine the security order, opposition journalists and civil-society Afghanistan, Pakistan, the republics of which has been established over the last 25 years, by seizing the territory of a neigh- activists in Russia. Central Asia and the Caucasus. It is funded boring state. Russia clearly seeks to establish another security order where great The incident comes one week after an by the U.S. Congress through the powers divide Europe in spheres of interest. This is disturbing as we believe in inter- edition of the popular television pro- Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). national law where all states have a right of self-determination. gram “News of the Week with Dmitry RFE/RL’s Russian Service, Radio “Even as other urgent security issues arise on our agenda we cannot accept what Kiselyev,” the Kremlin’s lead propagan- Svoboda is a multi-platform alternative Russia has done in Ukraine. Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea and its involvement dist, portrayed RFE/RL journalists as to state-run media, providing audiences in eastern Ukraine remain the greatest challenge to the European security order.” spies conspiring against Russia. During in and around the Russian Federation – Peter Hultqvist and Juozas Olekas, ministers of defense, respectively, of Sweden and the show, Mr. Kiselyev announced that a with timely and balanced news, analysis Lithuania, writing on March 18 on the Atlantic Council website ( documentary about U.S. international and opinion. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 No. 13 No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 5

THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FORUM Spring has sprung, and Soyuzivka is getting ready for the season

by Roma Lisovich The most visible and welcome to guests will be the renovation of the Main House (as seen in the photos KERHONKSON, N.Y. – As part of the Soyuzivka Heritage here). Gone will be the dropped ceiling tiles, pink tiles and Center’s revival, renovations continue this spring. Along brown 1960s paneling. The right wing of the second floor with the continuation of Phase II of the paving projects at has been stripped to the studs, leaving the bare bones the center, the road toward the Lviv and Kyiv buildings will structure. Plumbing is being fixed and new bathrooms, be completed. walls, ceilings and light fixtures, as well as carpeting, are Although invisible to our guests, there is a major renova- being installed. Each renovated room will have its own air tion of the reservoir, which holds our pure mountain water. conditioning/heating unit installed in the wall, allowing An essential component of Soyuzivka’s operation, the res- guests to control the settings. In addition, the balcony ervoir will get a new rubberized coating, the cost of which rooms have been beautified with the installation of new is $90,000. screened-in French doors.

Roma Lisovich To the delight of future brides and grooms, the already picturesque chapel on Soyuzivka’s grounds will see a face- lift with a new tetrapod and paved terrace in front of the chapel. Stay tuned for more updates as the spring progresses.

Roma Lisovich is treasurer of the Ukrainian National Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that owns the Soyuzivka Heritage Center. The UNF is an affiliated com- pany that performs charitable activities on behalf of the Ukrainian National Association.

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WINDOW ON EURASIA The Ukrainian Weekly Putin’s hostages Moscow wants to block those suspected This week’s major news development was the 22-year sentence handed down by a Russian court to Nadiya Savchenko, a former Ukrainian military pilot who had of extremism from leaving the country joined a volunteer battalion fighting in Ukraine’s eastern regions. The news was not by Paul Goble been cleared by Russian courts or have not so much that she had been found guilty and sentenced – that was expected in this yet served their sentences ( political show trial – but that the trial itself was finally over after countless court For five centuries, Russian leaders have misuse/news/lawmaking/2016/03/ delays and extensions of her detention by the Russian captors who have held her been obsessed about émigrés, defectors d34062/). since June 2014. and others who have gone abroad and bro- As the SOVA Analytic Center pointed out, International efforts to secure Ms. Savchenko’s release are continuing, and there ken with the Russian regime, fearful of the the Internal Affairs Ministry official did not has been an unconfirmed report, attributed to Russian Ambassador to Ukraine ability of such people to influence Russians say “at what stage of consideration this ini- Mykhailo Zurabov, that she could be released in two weeks’ time. U.S. Secretary of within Russia and even, as was the case tiative is now.” But Mr. Makarov’s words are State John Kerry, who is in Moscow as these words are being written, was expected with Lenin and the then-minuscule chilling: They clearly imply that the Russian to discuss the Savchenko case and the ongoing war in Ukraine’s east with Russian Bolshevik Party, to overthrow the existing authorities may block people merely on the leaders. system. basis of suspicion and not even as the The first news from Moscow was not promising, however. A March 23 Associated Thus, it is no surprise that the Moscow result of charges and judicial action from Press story headlined “Russia Accuses Ukraine of Ignoring Peace Deal” reported: media has devoted so much attention to a foreign travel. “Opening a day of intense international diplomacy Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Vilnius meeting of the Russian opposition Given the expansive and flexible defini- Lavrov on Wednesday accused Ukraine’s government of dragging its feet on imple- in emigration ( tions of “extremism” and the general failure menting last year’s ceasefire agreement.” (Aha, once again, Ukraine is at fault...) The cles/2016/03/17/forum-of-free-russia, of Russian courts to exonerate anyone next day, speaking before his meeting with Mr. Lavrov, Mr. Kerry spoke only of Syria, charged with extremism crimes, the adop- and “other challenges of the region,” as well as the heinous terrorist attacks in material.php?id=56EA35B857BD0 and tion of such a law would cast a dark shad- Brussels. There was no mention of Ukraine. But later that day Mr. Kerry tweeted: ow on almost anyone in Russia whose posi- “Spoke at length today with FM Lavrov about #Syria and #Ukraine. Productive dia- vstretilis-politemigranty-iz-karelii/). tions are at odds with whatever line the logue with important partner.” We could find no more details at press time. Sometimes this Russian coverage recalls Kremlin takes. While it is commendable that efforts are focused on the Savchenko case – perhaps the anecdote about the old Jew in the shtetl Some Russian activists have already con- most pressing in view of her repeated hunger strikes – we cannot forget about who read anti-Semitic Russian newspapers cluded that they have no future in that Russia’s other hostages, political prisoners and prisoners of war. Indeed, the pastor because he liked to see “how powerful we country as long as Mr. Putin and his system of our local Ukrainian Catholic church underscored at a Lenten service and prayer really are.” But even if the emigration sel- are in power and have moved to the West. vigil for Ms. Savchenko on March 23 that we pray for all the captives. dom has the influence the Kremlin fears it Others facing the prospect that they may be Among them are filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and Oleksander Kolchenko, who were has, Moscow’s fears about that often drive stripped of the opportunity to travel tried as “terrorists” and back in August of last year were sentenced to 20 and 10 Russian policies. abroad via this latest Moscow move seem years, respectively. The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group notes that Messrs. Not only has the Putin regime and its likely to reach a similar conclusion and Sentsov and Kolchenko, as well as Gennadii Afanasyev and Oleksy Chirniy are all Chechen executors killed some of those in leave sooner rather than later. Crimeans who opposed Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea. They were all emigration it fears, but it has taken actions On the one hand, that will reduce the arrested in May 2014, and held incommunicado for weeks before being illegally to reduce the ability of Russians to go ranks of the opposition in Russia itself, taken from Crimea to Russia, with Russia claiming that they have “automatically” abroad and possibly join the ranks of the something Mr. Putin and company almost become Russian nationals. The human rights monitoring organization has also emigration against Moscow by restricting certainly will welcome, although those reported on Crimean Tatars being held in Russian-occupied Crimea, who are falsely foreign travel by many in the security ser- ranks may continue to grow as more accused of being involved in a terrorist group. And then there are POWs captured by vices and debtors. Russians see just what the Kremlin leader Russia and its “separatist” collaborators. The Kharkiv monitors said in February that Now it is preparing to take another step and his entourage represent and how they it knew of at least 140 hostages held captive by Kremlin-backed militants in the which may spark another upsurge in the are taking away from Russians one of the Donbas. numbers of Russians who choose to live rights many of them see as a positive result All of them are being held despite the Minsk II agreement’s provisions on “the abroad but which certainly presages an from 1991. release and exchange of hostages and illegally detained persons based on the princi- even more repressive Russian regime at And on the other, such a trend will mean ple of ‘all for all,’ ” as well as earlier provisions in Minsk I. home than the one Russians have unfortu- that the numbers of Russian opposition fig- All these prisoners, like Ms. Savchenko, are Vladimir Putin’s hostages. They can- nately had to adapt themselves to under ures in places like Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, not be forgotten by the West, by Ukraine or by us. Vladimir Putin. London and New York will grow and pro- Last week, Vladimir Makarov, the head vide important new information and of the Russian Internal Affairs Ministry’s insights for the West about the nature of Chief Directorate for Combating the Putin system if the West is clever Extremism, said that his ministry wants to enough to pay attention to them. March Turning the pages back... block foreign travel by those suspected of committing extremist crimes, have not (Continued on page 13) Ten years ago, on March 30, 2006, Party of Regions member 30 held the second of his first two press conferenc- es in Ukraine – this time in Kyiv. The first press conference was in 2006 his hometown of Donetsk on February 19, 2006. These rare public appearances before the press were motivat- FOR THE RECORD: UCCA condemns ed by Mr. Akhmetov’s public activity with the Party of Regions as a national deputy in Ukraine’s Parliament. Mr. Akhmetov’s image makeover was made the ongoing occupation of Crimea possible by the Davis Manafort public relations firm. The statement below was released by the tion, one that persists for every day that During his exchange in Russian with the Ukrainian press, Mr. Akhmetov mentioned Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Russia continues to occupy the peninsula.” “economic growth” no less than 21 times, and called for a united Ukraine with equal treat- on March 18. After two years of the illegal occupation ment of all Ukrainian citizens. Prior to his press conferences, the Party of Regions – includ- of Crimea, Russia has once again escalated ing its party leader, Viktor Yanukovych – had officially switched to Ukrainian in its commu- It should come as no surprise to our fel- its crimes by seeking to deprive the indige- nications. However, both leaders supported the official status of the Russian language in low Americans, and those who value free- nous Crimean Tatars of their representa- Ukraine. dom and equality as basic human rights, tive body, the Mejlis. By exporting his inhu- As a national deputy, Mr. Akhmetov (an ethnic Tatar and self-proclaimed “practicing that the Ukrainian Congress Committee of mane anti-extremism legislation to Muslim”) enjoyed prosecutorial immunity. Experts believed that the motivating factor for America (UCCA), the representative organi- Crimea, Vladimir Putin has found yet Mr. Akhmetov was the arrest of Borys Kolesnykov on charges of extortion after Mr. zation for the over 1 million Americans of another devious method to target the lead- Kolesnykov threatened to kill a Donetsk department store owner, Borys Penchuk, in a bid Ukrainian descent does not, has not, nor ership of Ukraine’s indigenous population, to force Mr. Penchuk to sell his shares at a discount. will ever recognize Russia’s March 2014 who had already suffered through Stalin’s Crimean Tatars declined to offer support to the Party of Regions, despite appeals by Mr. staged plebiscite in Crimea. Russia’s mili- 1944 act of genocide and earlier periods of Akhmetov to the Ukrainian Muslim Party. Crimean Tatars complained that the Party of tary invasion and current illegal occupation ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Regions Crimean branch was led by Russian nationalists who had conducted anti-Tatar of Ukrainian territory has shed Ukrainian Russian tsars. and anti-Muslim campaigns in the past. blood from day one, while journalists, activ- The UCCA urges the United States of Mr. Akhmetov, believed at one time to be the wealthiest businessman in Ukraine, ists and community leaders who support America to enforce stricter sanctions reportedly graduated with a degree in economics from Donetsk State University, but his Ukraine’s territorial integrity continue to against those who choose to ignore Russia’s graduation could not be confirmed by Korrespondent magazine. “disappear” from their native land. heinous crimes, and encourage the interna- In 1995, Mr. Akhmetov became president of the Shakhtar Donetsk soccer club after its In the words of Ambassador Samantha tional community to intensify their con- owner, Akhat Bragin, a distant relative of Mr. Akhmetov’s, was killed at the stadium. Power, U.S. permanent representative to demnation of Russia’s aggression towards Previously, Mr. Akhmetov served as the club’s vice-president. The same year, he created the United Nations, “Russia’s attempted the illegal occupation of Ukraine. Ukraine System Capital Management – a holding company for his more than $5 billion in assets. In annexation of Crimea is not a one-time vio- must take its rightful place among the free 2016, Mr. Akhmetov’s wealth was estimated to be $6.9 billion. (At its height, his wealth lation of Ukraine’s sovereignty, but rather nations of Europe, as a sovereign and (Continued on page 18) represents an ongoing, continuous viola- whole nation. No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 7

PUBLIC STATEMENT The things we do ... Proposed closure of Mejlis marks culmination by Orysia Paszczak Tracz of repressive measures against Crimean Tatars The public statement that follows was tion has taken place, and not one of the released by Amnesty International on March cases has yet been resolved. The tryzub is the new meme 17. The de facto authorities have also clamped down on public gatherings in the Maidan and the war in eastern Ukraine waves of immigration). It has been popular have patriotic Ukrainians around the on car decals and jewelry, T-shirts and just On the eve of the second anniversary of peninsula. Requests to mark traditional world coming out of the woodwork. People about anything possible, from the ridicu- Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the de facto Tatar or Ukrainian dates, like the Crimean with barely one gram of Ukrainian heritage lous to the sublime. authorities are seeking to deprive Crimean Tatar Deportation Remembrance Day on are wearing blue-and-yellow everything, A man’s sorochka from the Borshchiv Tatars of their representative body, the May 18 or the birthday of Ukrainian poet Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, whose and boasting tryzub tattoos. region, end of the 19th-beginning of the Taras Shevchenko on March 9, have either 20th century, incorporates the tryzub in members are elected by the community. On The tryzub (trident) has always been a been entirely denied or restricted under gold thread in the ornate design on the March 17, the Supreme Court of Crimea special, meaningful symbol for Ukrainians, Russian legislation on assemblies which chest and on the cuffs. It is remarkable that began hearing a case brought by the de and anathema to the Russians. The insane requires prior approval from the authori- world of Russian PR cannot get any more this sorochka survived Soviet times. It is facto Prosecutor’s Office against the Mejlis ties for any public gathering. Other tradi- bizarre, and yet it continues to be so. Just shown in the book “Ukrainskyi Striy” by M. under Russian anti-extremism legislation. tional commemorative events have been one example is the notion that our nations S. Bilan and H. H. Stelmashchuk (Lviv: The unfounded allegation against the Mejlis allowed but moved from central squares to are “brothers,” or “are the same.” So, if we Apriori, 2011). of being an “extremist organization” must remote locations. Moreover, on March 7 are one family and our “common” history Photographs have appeared of be withdrawn, and the ongoing reprisals this year, the de facto mayor of Symferopol stems from Kyivan time, what happened in Ukrainian soldiers on the eastern front against Crimean Tatar activists and any signed a ruling banning all mass public, cul- Muscovy to the tryzub/trident, the state embroidering and incorporating the try- pro-Ukrainian and other dissenting voices tural, entertainment and other events emblem of Sviatoslav, Volodymyr and the zub in their in blue-and-yellow designs. in Crimea, must stop. The rights to freedom which are not organized by the authorities. other Kyiv monarchs? Shouldn’t it have Other contemporary tryzub sorochka of assembly, association and expression Similarly, heavy restrictions on the been transferred to Muscovy and become designs in the patriotic flag colors are a must be fully respected. media have also been imposed. During the emblem of that much later state? It popular trend. In North America, tryzub Two years ago, on March 18, 2014, a 2014 and 2015, critical media outlets, jour- sure didn’t, and over the centuries the try- jewelry (pendants, earrings, cufflinks, “treaty” was signed in the Kremlin in nalists and bloggers were harassed, includ- zub was anathema to the Russians, wheth- rings) is popular, even trendy. Moscow, marking the annexation of Crimea ing by office and house searches. Media er tsarist or Soviet. The traditional pysanka, a truly unique by the Russian Federation. Since then, the outlets were required to re-register under A friend who traveled to Kyiv in the 1970s Ukrainian symbol, has now become a fundamental rights to freedom of assembly, Russian law and then simply denied regis- remembered being in a museum of history directly patriotic one, with a profusion of association and expression have been tration arbitrarily, despite following stipu- and asking about the coins of Volodymyr tryzubs in untraditional (for pysanky) repeatedly violated in Crimea. The de facto lated procedures. Many media workers, (the ones with the original tryzub) not being blue-and-yellow colors. Pysanky with try- authorities in Crimea are responsible for particularly those representing Crimean on display. She received a negative, even zubs appeared in the mid-war years, and creating an increasingly oppressive envi- Tatar media outlets, have left the peninsula, threatening reaction to her question. they flourish now. ronment which is aimed at silencing all dis- while those who remain exercise consider- The tryzub is the coat of arms of Stephanie Hryckowian from the tri-state sent on the peninsula and targeting individ- able self-censorship for fear of closure or Ukraine – and was revived as such by southern New Jersey area writes tryzub uals opposed to the annexation or suspect- other legal sanctions. The forced closure of President Mykhailo Hrushevsky of the “pysanky” (these are not the traditional ed of harboring pro-Ukrainian sympathies. the Crimean Tatar-language TV channel Ukrainian National Republic of 1918, in ones, but done using the same technique), Most vocal critics of the annexation have ATR and the Crimean Tatar news agency Carpatho-Ukraine in 1939 and again in and her blue-and-yellow patriotic eggs are left the peninsula, including two Crimean QHA, amongst others, by the de facto 1991 by newly independent Ukraine. The now held in collections around the world. Tatar leaders who have been barred from authorities on April 1, 2015, has effectively Ukrainian tryzub’s origins are still nebu- This award-winning artist has been writ- returning, while for those who remain the left the community without local indepen- lous. Some ideas are that this is a stylized ing pysanky for over 45 years. Recently she picture looks bleak and they remain at per- dent media. diving falcon, or possibly an anchor. As a was commissioned to write 25 Tryzub sonal risk of intimidation and harassment, In early 2014, the de facto authorities symbol, it had existed among many cul- goose eggs that were presented by one of the ministers to the Ukrainian Cabinet and including criminal prosecution. banned the Crimean Tatar activist and tures from early times. There was also a President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine for The Crimean Tatars, recognized as the prominent Soviet-era human rights defend- “dvozub” – a duodent, with just two peaks, Easter. Her Facebook page is “Stepha’s indigenous people of the peninsula prior to er and dissident, Mustafa Dzhemilev, from used in the early Kyivan court. Pysanky Egg Art.” the deportation of their entire population entering his homeland for five years. Until Suffice it to say, over the years, the try- to remote parts of the then in zub has been a symbol of everything If you wish information about pysanky shortly before the peninsula’s annexation in general – the traditional folk kind – Dr. 1944, began the painstaking process of re- Ukrainian. by Russia, he had been the first, long-stand- Luba Petrusha’s page on Facebook, establishing themselves in Crimea in the During times of persecution (and there ing chairman of the Mejlis. The successive “Traditional Ukrainian Folk Pysanky,” will late 1980s. It is the Crimean Tatar commu- leader of the Mejlis, Refat Chubarov, was were so many), one way of expressing patriotism and resistance was to incorpo- provide that. nity which is bearing the brunt of the above also banned from Crimea in the same year. rate the tryzub into embroidery and folk Whichever Easter (Velykden) you cele- violations. Subsequently, the de facto Crimean author- art. This started way before the Maidan. brate, it is probable that there will be at Amnesty International has documented ities reportedly lifted the ban but issued The tryzub has appeared in Ukrainian least a few tryzub pysanky in the baskets at least seven cases of suspected enforced orders for their arrest. Both men are now in church, bringing new meaning to hope disappearances in Crimea. In at least six of embroidery from the first part of the 20th in Kyiv. century, in men’s “sorochky” (shirts), and and Resurrection. the cases, the victims, who are still missing, Meanwhile, reprisals against the Mejlis as embroidered and carved wall plaques are Crimean Tatars. In one further case, the and its members have continued. In (both in western Ukraine under Polish rule Orysia Tracz may be contacted at man who was abducted was subsequently September 2014, the Mejlis building was and in North America among various early [email protected]. killed. Ethnic Crimean Tatar Reshat Ametov, seized by law enforcement officers after a age 39, was abducted by three men in court in Symferopol declared it a “cultural unidentifiable uniforms on March 3, 2014, heritage site” and repossessed it as Russian while attending a small protest in front of state property. the Council of Ministers in Crimea. He was One of the two most senior member of active on social media, where he voiced his the Mejlis still in Crimea, Deputy Chairman concern for the fate of his community and Akhtem Chiygoz, was arrested on January the peninsula. His body was found on March 29, 2015, the first to be detained in a wave 15, 2014, with signs of torture. of arrests targeting Crimean Tatar activists; In some cases, the victims were seen he remains in detention. His arrest, and being approached on the street by masked those that followed, including of Ali Asanov, men, forced into a vehicle and driven in an Mustafa Degermendzhi and Arsen Yunusov, unknown direction. Their abductors are were in connection with the events of widely believed to have been pro-Russian February 26, 2014. On that day, pro-Ukrai- paramilitaries, known as the “Crimean self- nian (predominantly ethnic Crimean defense forces” who were particularly active Tatars) and pro-Russian supporters in the period immediately following occupa- clashed during a huge gathering in front of tion. In some cases, strong evidence exists, the Supreme Council of Crimea. Akhtem such as CCTV footage, pointing directly to Chiygoz has been charged with “the organi- the “Crimean self-defense forces’” involve- zation of mass disturbances” even though ment in these disappearances. The families all available evidence suggests that the of the missing persons received assurances level of violence on the day did not consti- by the de facto authorities that these events tute the crime of “mass disturbances” even would be effectively investigated, but there Stepha’s Pysanky Egg Art is no indication that any genuine investiga- (Continued on page 12) Stephanie Hryckowian’s pysanky featuring the Ukrainian tryzub. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 No. 13

CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY Ukrainian reforms two years after the Maidan and the Russian invasion Following is a slightly abridged version of international support goes undisbursed, and transparency; recruited a new corpo- tice; an end to zero-sum politics and back- testimony (as prepared for delivery) by U.S. and those inside and outside the country rate board for Naftohaz; broke its own room deals; and public institutions that Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who preferred the old Ukraine grow more record for greatest wheat exports; stood up serve Ukraine’s citizens rather than impov- Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, confident. More than three months ago, an independent Anti-Corruption Bureau erishing or exploiting them. before the Senate Foreign Relations Vice-President Biden spoke before and special prosecutor; and, begun to What Ukraine must do Committee on March 15. Ukraine’s Rada, its president and its prime decentralize power and budget authority to minister, and called on all of Ukraine’s lead- local communities to improve services and The 2016 U.S. assistance program is … Before I begin, let us take a moment to ers to set aside their parochial interests, policing for citizens. designed to support all these priorities. honor the sacrifice of Ukrainian pilot and reminding them: “Each of you has an obli- The very week in February that the cur- Specifically, we will support Ukraine as it Rada Deputy Nadiya Savchenko, who was gation to seize the opportunity of the sacri- rent government survived a no-confidence takes steps to: seized in Ukraine in 2014, dragged across fices made in the Maidan, the sacrifices of vote, Rada deputies also approved five criti- 1. Clean up its energy sector by passing the Russian border and unjustly held and the Heavenly Hundred. Each of you has an cal pieces of reform legislation to stay on legislation to establish an Independent tried in Russia. Today, her hunger strike obligation to answer the call of history and track with IMF conditions and advance Energy Regulator, reduce unsustainable continues as the court in Rostov again finally build a united, democratic Ukrainian Ukraine’s bid for visa-free travel with the energy subsidies, and accelerate de- delays announcement of its verdict. Nadiya’s nation that can stand the test of time.” EU, including laws on: privatization of state monopolization of the gas market, efficien- struggle is a stark reminder of the severe cy of procurement and revenue manage- pressures and violence Ukraine continues ment, and the unbundling of services; to face even as it works to build a stronger, With more unity and leadership, 2016 can and 2. Appoint and confirm a new, clean more resilient country for its citizens. I should be the year Ukraine breaks free from prosecutor general, who is committed to thank this committee for its continued focus rebuilding the integrity of the PGO on Nadiya Savchenko and all Ukraine’s hos- the unholy alliance of dirty money and dirty [Procurator General’s Office], and investi- tages, and for the passage of Senate politics which has ripped off the Ukrainian gate, indict and successfully prosecute cor- Resolution 52. We call on Russia to release people for too long. Without it, Ukraine will ruption and asset recovery cases – includ- her immediately, and return her to Ukraine ing locking up dirty personnel in the PGO and to her family before it’s too late. slide backwards once again into corruption, itself; Like Nadiya, all across Ukraine, citizens lawlessness and vassal statehood. 3. Improve the business climate by are standing up and sacrificing for the uni- streamlining the bureaucracy, moving versal values that bind us as a trans-Atlantic ahead with the privatization of the largest community: for sovereignty, territorial integ- The ability of the United States and the owned enterprises; improvements in cor- state-owned enterprises in a manner that rity, human rights, dignity, clean and account- international community to continue to porate governance of state-owned enter- meets international standards, and further able government and justice for all. The support Ukraine depends upon the com- prises; asset seizure and recovery; the recapitalizing and strengthening the bank- United States has a profound national inter- mitment of its leaders to put their people appointment process for anti-corruption ing system; est in Ukraine’s success, and with it, a more and country first. All those who call them- prosecutors; and mandatory asset disclo- 4. Strengthen judicial independence, democratic, prosperous, stable Europe. selves reformers must rebuild consensus sure for public officials, which the presi- including the certification, dismissal, and We have stood by Ukraine for more than behind a leadership team and an IMF- and dent just sent back to the Rada with several recruitment of judges; two years as Russia has sought to stymie its EU-compliant program of aggressive mea- fixes. 5. Improve services and eliminate graft democratic rebirth at every turn – with polit- sures to clean up corruption, restore justice U.S. assistance has been critical to these in key service areas that affect every ical pressure, economic pressure, and with and liberalize the economy. With more efforts. Since the start of the crisis, the Ukrainian: healthcare, education and trans- unprecedented military aggression and vio- unity and leadership, 2016 can and should United States has committed over $760 portation; and lation of international law. Any set of leaders be the year Ukraine breaks free from the million in assistance to Ukraine, in addition 6. Modernize the Ministry of Defense, would be challenged to lead their country in unholy alliance of dirty money and dirty to two $1 billion loan guarantees. U.S. advi- squeeze out corruption in logistics and this environment. Today, however, Ukraine’s politics which has ripped off the Ukrainian sors serve in almost a dozen Ukrainian supply chains, and move toward western European future is put at risk as much by people for too long. Without it, Ukraine will ministries and localities and help deliver standards of command and control and enemies within as by external forces. The oli- slide backwards once again into corrup- services, eliminate fraud and abuse, parliamentary oversight. garchs and kleptocrats who controlled tion, lawlessness and vassal statehood. improve tax collection, and modernize Minsk agreements Ukraine for decades know their business It is precisely because Ukrainians have Ukraine’s institutions. model will be broken if Maidan reformers worked so hard, and come so far already, Of course, Ukraine’s greatest challenge succeed in 2016. They are fighting back with that their leaders must stay united and stay trained police officers are patrolling the remains the ongoing occupation of its terri- a vengeance, using all the levers of the old the course now. And it is because the streets• With of 18 U.S. cities. help, newly vetted and tory in Crimea and Donbas, and its efforts system: their control of the media, state- reforms already taken are cutting into ill- to restore sovereignty in the east through owned enterprises, Rada deputies, the gotten fortunes and cutting off avenues for Legal Aid attorneys, funded by the U.S., have full implementation of the September 2014 courts and the political machinery, while corruption that the forces of revanche are regained• In court their rooms credibility across and Ukraine, won two-Free and February 2015 Minsk agreements. holding old loyalties and threats over the fighting back. Here’s the good news: since I thirds of all acquittals in Ukraine in 2015. These agreements remain the best hope for heads of decision-makers to block change. last testified before this committee five - peace, and we continue to work in close Against this backdrop, Ukraine’s leaders months ago, Ukraine has largely stabilized sors embedded in Ukraine’s National Bank coordination with the “Normandy powers” have been locked for months in a cycle of its currency and is rebuilding its reserves; and• Treasuryrelated institutions and State Department helped Ukraine advi – Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France – to political infighting and indecision about seen some modest growth in the economy; shutter over 60 failed banks out of 180 and see them fully implemented. how to restore unity, trust and effectiveness passed its first winter without relying on protect assets. The last time I came before this commit- in the reform coalition, and reboot the gov- gas from Gazprom; approved a 2016 bud- - tee, Ukraine was in a better place. The ernment and its program. Every week that get in line with IMF requirements; passed porting privatization, freeing up about $5 September 1 ceasefire had largely silenced Ukraine drifts, reform is stalled, IMF and civil service reform to create competition billion• The in U.S.Ukraine’s and our coffers EU partners and pushing are sup the the guns, and some Ukrainians were even largest state-owned enterprise, Naftohaz, returning home to Donbas. But today, to form an independent supervisory board things are heating up again. In recent ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL that operates without interference. weeks, we have seen a spike in ceasefire violations, taking the lives of 68 Ukrainian Ukraine without security, over $266 million military personnel and injuring 317. In of our• And, support since has there been can in bethe no security reform sec in- February alone, OSCE monitors reported Trump says Ukraine affects U.S. tor, training nearly 1,200 soldiers and 750 15,000 violations, the vast majority of Ukrainian National Guard personnel and which originated on the separatist-con- less than other NATO countries providing: 130 HMMWVs, 150 thermal gog- trolled side of the line of contact. And, there As reported by The Washington Post, that other countries that are in the vicinity gles and 585 night vision devices, over 300 were more recorded ceasefire violations in (“Trump questions need for NATO, outlines of Ukraine, why aren’t they dealing? Why secure radios, five Explosive Ordnance the first week of March than at any time noninterventionist foreign policy,” by Philip are we always the one that’s leading, poten- Disposal robots, 20 counter-mortar radars, since August 2015. And despite President Rucker and Robert Costa, March 21), tially the third world war with Russia.’ ” and over 100 up-armored civilian SUVs. In Putin’s commitments to the Normandy Donald Trump said on the subject of Furthermore, The Post noted, Mr. Trump FY16, we plan to train and equip more of powers last October, combined Russian- Russia’s aggression in Ukraine that said that U.S. involvement in NATO may Ukraine’s border guards, military and coast separatist forces continue to deny OSCE America’s allies are “not doing anything.” need to be significantly diminished in the guard to help Ukraine secure its border, monitors access to large portions of the The Washington Post story quoted him coming years, breaking with nearly seven defend against and deter future attacks, Donbas and to harass and intimidate those as saying: “Ukraine is a country that affects decades of consensus in Washington. “We and respond to illicit smuggling. who do have access. us far less than it affects other countries in certainly can’t afford to do this anymore,” But first, Ukraine, President Poroshenko, At the last meeting of Normandy foreign NATO, and yet we’re doing all of the lifting,” he said, adding later, “NATO is costing us a Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and the Rada ministers in early March, Ukraine support- Trump said. “They’re not doing anything. fortune, and yes, we’re protecting Europe must come together behind a government ed concrete steps to pull back forces on the And I say: ‘Why is it that Germany’s not with NATO, but we’re spending a lot of and reform program that delivers what the dealing with NATO on Ukraine? Why is it money.” Maidan demanded: clean leadership; jus- (Continued on page 13) No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 9

Spiritual heritage documentation project identifi es nearly 600 endangered churches

CIUS EDMONTON, Alberta – Sanctuary: the Spiritual Heritage Documentation Project has now documented nearly 600 endangered Ukrainian churches and their contents on the Canadian prairies. Dr. Natalie Kononenko, professor of modern languages and cultural studies and Kule Chair of Ukrainian Ethnography at the University of Alberta, and her team spent the month of June 2015 in eastern and southeastern Saskatchewan doing fieldwork. Their itinerary included over 40 churches, and they interviewed families of leading icon painters. Since returning to Edmonton, the team has been work- ing on the digital asset management system that will house the audio-visual materials at the University of Alberta Library’s Peel’s Prairie Provinces collection. Prof. Kononenko showcased a demo of the system’s visual media component as part of her Sanctuary presentation in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, earlier this year. A sound file system component is under development, Natalie Kononenko with all the audio records from 2015 already indexed. The The field research team of the Sanctuary Project at a Ukrainian Catholic church in Willowbrook, Saskatchewan. index employs the International Ethnographic Thesaurus for knowledge organization, which Prof. Kononenko hopes across the Canadian prairies; its aim is to photograph The Sanctuary Project is affiliated with the Research to amend by developing a set of Slavic categories that the churches and their contents before they disappear due to Program on Religion and Culture at the Canadian Institute thesaurus currently lacks. demographic changes. The team also conducts research of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) and has benefitted from its The Sanctuary Project has been working since 2009 about ritual practice. support.

ciples of justice and contravene Russia’s and basic morality. This farce of a trial – in the following statement issued on March Verdict... commitments under the Minsk agreements. and the continued illegal imprisonment by 22. “For nearly two years, Russia has unjust- Russia of several Ukrainian citizens – is an “The Ukrainian Congress Committee of (Continued from page 1) ly detained Savchenko on charges that have example of the Stalinist tradition that Putin America, the largest representation of es and detained persons related to the con- no basis in fact and has denied her the is bent on returning to Russia.” Americans of Ukrainian descent, strongly flict in eastern Ukraine. basic protections of the rule of law. She has The UCC also pointed out: “At least 20 condemns today’s sentencing by a Russian “This is also the case for all the other reportedly endured interrogation, solitary Ukrainian citizens are currently illegally kangaroo court of Nadiya Savchenko, for- Ukrainian citizens illegally detained in confinement, and forced “psychiatric evalu- imprisoned by Russia – including Lt. mer pilot, Iraq war vet- Russia, including Oleh Sentsov and ation.” Savchenko, Oleh Sentsov, Oleksandr eran, member of Ukraine’s Parliament and Oleksandr Kolchenko, that need to be guar- “Nadiya Savchenko deserves to go home Kolchenko, Stanislav Klikh, Mykola delegate to the Parliamentary Assembly of anteed a safe return to Ukraine.” to her family and friends and to join her Karpyuk and Akthem Chiygoz. The UCC the Council of Europe. colleagues in the Rada in building a better calls on Canada and her allies to increase “In what was a lengthy nine-month trial, Congressional Ukraine Caucus future for their country. We reiterate our international pressure on Russia to secure shockingly reminiscent to the show trails of Congressional Ukraine Caucus co-chairs call on Russia to immediately release their immediate release and safe return to the Stalinist period, and despite mounds of Sander Levin (D-Mich.), Marcy Kaptur Nadiya Savchenko and other unlawfully Ukraine. The UCC calls on Canada to swiftly evidence of her innocence, Nadiya Savchenko (D-Ohio), and Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), and detained persons.” adopt Magnitsky legislation to target was sentenced today to 22 years in prison. caucus members Rep. Brendan Boyle human rights abusers in Russia, including “The Ukrainian Congress Committee of Ukrainian Canadian Congress (D-Pa.), Rep. Ryan Costello (R-Pa.), Rep. Russian authorities who continue to illegal- America will never recognize the Russian Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), Rep. Robert Dold The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) ly imprison Ukrainian citizens.” court’s decision, and calls upon the United States and the international community to (R-Ill.), Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.), Rep. strongly condemned the “verdict” in Ukrainian Congress Committee demand that the Russian Federation imme- Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.), Rep. Bill Russia’s show trial of Ukrainian pilot, of America Pascrell (D-N.J.), Rep. Dave Reichert Member of Parliament and delegate to the diately and unconditionally release Nadiya (R-Wash.), Rep. Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.), and Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of The Ukrainian Congress Committee of Savchenko. Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) on March 22 Europe] Lt. Nadiya Savchenko. The UCC America condemned the Savchenko verdict “#FreeSavchenko Now!” released the following statement on the statement noted: verdict and sentencing of Ukrainian fighter “In June 2014, Lt. Savchenko was cap- pilot and Member of Parliament Nadiya tured by Russian-backed terrorists in Savchenko. , Ukraine. She was violently “We condemn the verdict and the and forcibly removed from the territory of 22-year sentence issued today against Ukraine to the Russian Federation. Nadiya Savchenko. Russia’s handling of “Today the Russian court found Lt. Savchenko’s capture and trial shows disre- Savchenko ‘guilty’ of complicity in the mur- gard for the rule of law and due process. der of two journalists in eastern Ukraine Since her capture and imprisonment in July and sentenced her to 22 years in prison. 2014 on trumped-up charges, her trial and These charges have no basis in fact, the hearing dates were repeatedly delayed, and defense was prevented from presenting the trial venue was moved to a remote irrefutable evidence proving Lt. region in Russia, difficult for independent Savchenko’s innocence, and the Russian observers to reach. Savchenko also court where she was being tried has no endured interrogations, solitary confine- jurisdiction to try her. The trial and verdict ment and forced psychiatric evaluations. in her case are clearly politically motivated. “Savchenko has come to represent the “Lt. Savchenko has shown remarkable spirit of an independent Ukraine, free from bravery and determination during the interference and eager to embrace the will almost two years of her illegal imprison- of its own people. We join the people of ment. Canada, the United States, the Ukraine in expressing deep concern for her European Union and many international wellbeing, and in protesting this unjust out- organizations have condemned her illegal come. Once again, we call on Russian imprisonment by Russia and called for Lt. authorities to release her immediately.” Savchenko’s immediate release.” Paul Grod, national president of the UCC, U.S. Department of State stated: “Today we did not hear a verdict in John Kirby, spokesperson for the State the trial of Nadiya Savchenko. We heard a Department, issued the following state- verdict of the authoritarian, imperialist ment on March 22. regime of Russian President Putin. The “The conviction and sentencing of Russian authorities continue to systemati- Nadiya Savchenko to 22 years imprison- cally violate tenets of international law, ment show a blatant disregard for the prin- principles of human rights and freedoms, 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 No. 13 No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 11

Andrew Moroch Andrew Moroch The youngest competitors (from left): Katya Pawluk and Sophia Temnycky, Oleksa Skiers in the girls age 12-14 group: champion Christina Silver (left) with Mia Kucher and Mykola Temnycky. Chuma, Natalia Kuzmiak and Maryna Chuma. 84 skiers compete in 62nd annual KLK races HUNTER, N.Y. – Eighty-four skiers of all ages – from preschoolers to seniors – com- peted in the 62nd annual ski races of the Carpathian Ski Club, known by its Ukrainian acronym as KLK, that were held here at Hunter Mountain on Saturday, February 27. The skiers, including entire families, took advantage of a beautiful sunny day to take a couple of runs down the official NASTAR (National Standard Race) course set up for the event. Afterwards, they enjoyed lunch on the ski resort’s deck, bringing all types of goodies to pass around and share with fel- low KLK event participants. The awards ceremony that evening was held at Hunter Mountain’s Copper Tree Restaurant, with the ski resort’s longtime, and now former, owner David Slutzky in attendance to once again greet the Andrew Moroch Andrew Moroch Ukrainian skiers at this long-running fami- Winners among boys age 15-16 (from left) Maximilian Chuma, Winners among girls age 17-19 (from left) Maya Lopatynsky, ly-oriented event. Alexander Iwaskiw and Michael Moroch. Diana Blyznak and Taisa Sorobay. The evening’s program was conducted winners are allowed). Peter Lenchur and by Eri Palydowycz, vice-president of the Marta Dubyk were recognized as the fastest Carpathian Ski Club, who was assisted by of the 2016 races. 2016 KLK race results Andrew Hadzewycz. Awards for most improved skiers among Trophies and medals were presented to males and females went to Julian Fedorciw Girls 5-6 Women 45+ Men 26-35 the top skiers in each age group, and spe- and Larissa Pawliczko. 1. Katya Pawluk 1. Tunya Sorobay 1. Markian Hadzewycz cial awards went to the fastest male and Excitement was visible on the faces of 2. Sophia Temnycky 2. Christa Kozak 2. Paul Jarymowycz female skiers, an honor that includes year- 3. Natalia Wojcickyj the youngest skiers, who began, or added Girls 7 Men 36-45 long possession of traveling trophies with to, their collections of skiing awards as 4. Lesya Lysyj 1. Luba Ferencevych 1. Taras Ferencevych their names inscribed on them (no repeat their parents snapped photos. 2. Mika Lysyj 5. Maria Rudensky Silver 6. Zinaida Petryk 2. Mark Bodnar Girls 8-9 7. Irene Blyznak 3. Volodymyr Mailakov 1. Melasia Bodnar 8. Irene Staniv 4. Adam Hapij Girls 10-11 Men 46-55 1. Olena Kucher Boys 6-7 1. Eri Palydowycz 2. Larissa Pawliczko 1. Oleksa Kucher 2. Stefan Cherhonian 3. Inka Bodnar 2. Marko Skoratko 4. Orysya Khmil 3. Mykola Temnycky 3. Roman Fedorciw 4. Andrew Tytla Girls 12-14 Boys 10-11 5. Jason Taylor 1. Christina Silver 1. Matthew Hapij 6. Andrew Chuma 2. Mia Chuma 7. Marc Pawliczko 3. Natalia Kuzmiak Boys 12-14 4. Maryna Chuma 1. Marko Blyznak 8. Marc Chuma Andrew Moroch 2. Dimitri Tytla 9. Roman Hrab Sr. Skiers of the women age 45 and over group, (from left) champion Tunya Sorobay, Christa Girls 15-19 3. Lucas Chuma 10. Stefan Wojcickyj 1. Oresta Hewryk Kozak, Natalia Wojcickyj, Lesya Lysyj, Zinaida Petryk, Maria Rudensky Silver and Irene 4. Benjamin Aidan 11. Adrian Hewryk Blyznak, are congratulated by Dr. Yuri Sergeyev (back row, left) and Orest Fedash. 2. Renata Hewryk 5. Thomas Silver 12. Alex Pachyn 3. Natalia Moroch 6. Roman Hrab Jr. 4. Julia Moroch 13. Roman Khmil 7. Marko Wojcickyj Girls 17-19 8. Lev Lysyj Men 56-65 1. Maya Lopatynsky 1. Andy Kozak 2. Diana Blyznak Boys 15-16 2. Yuriy Kucher 3. Taisa Sorobay 1. Maximilian Chuma 3. Peter Lenchur 2. Alexander Iwaskiw Bi-ski, girls 4. Vlodko Temnycky 3. Michael Moroch 1. Adriana Wojcickyj 5. Nestor Blyznak 6. Oleksandr Petryk Women 26-35 Boys 17-19 7. Roman Stelmach 1. Laryssa Temnycky 1.Julian Fedorciw 2. Greg Lopatynsky Men 70+ Women 36-45 3. Alex Rakowsky 1. Marta Dubyk 1. Alex Berest 2. Talia Pawluk Men 19-25 2. Eugene Stakhiv 3. Miroslawa Moroch 1. Erko Palydowycz 3. Ihor Chuma Roma Hadzewycz 4. Mika Chuma 2. Yevhen Dubyk 4. Orest Fedash Families enjoy a glorious sunny day on the deck at Hunter Mountain. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 No. 13

March 16 introduced legislation to help now we’re too slow to adapt to the disinfor- due to destruction during a conflict, or NEWSBRIEFS American allies counter foreign govern- mation campaigns of our adversaries and where there are no buildings, such as in ment propaganda from Russia, China and competitors. The Countering Foreign open fields or along roads.” Swiss (Continued from page 2) other countries. Specifically, the bill will Propaganda and Disinformation Act would Ambassador to Ukraine Guillaume repeatedly called for Ms. Savchenko to be improve the ability of the United States to ensure America’s national security infra- Scheurer said: “Switzerland is fully commit- released. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by counter foreign propaganda and disinfor- structure helps counter the false narratives ted to SMM’s efforts in contributing to secu- AP and AFP) mation by leveraging existing expertise and that harm our security – delivering truthful rity and peace-building in Ukraine. The empowering local communities to defend information and making the world a safer accommodation modules, financed by the Moscow: Kyiv ignores peace deal themselves from foreign manipulation. “In place for the United States and our allies.” Swiss Federal Department of Defense and MOSCOW – Russian Foreign Affairs order to improve our response to foreign (Office of Sen. Rob Portman) built by a local Ukrainian firm, are a supple- propaganda and disinformation, we need a mentary Swiss contribution to the SMM Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused Canada expands sanctions list Ukraine’s government of failing to imple- comprehensive strategy. We have to dele- that was created under the Swiss OSCE ment the Minsk ceasefire agreement. gitimize false narratives coming out of OTTAWA – Canada on March 18 amend- Chairmanship in 2014. I am glad to Lavrov, who was hosting German Foreign Russia, China and other nations and ed the Special Economic Measures (Russia) announce that Switzerland is ready to pro- Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in increase access to factual information,” said Regulations to list 10 additional entities vide more accommodation modules in the Moscow on March 23, told journalists that Sen. Portman. “By directly countering false and two additional individuals subject to near future.” (OSCE) narratives and empowering local media asset freezes and dealings prohibitions, and Kyiv’s inaction was the main stumbling Militants attempt advance near block to a peace settlement in Ukraine’s and civil societies to defend themselves added four additional entities and three east. The Minsk deal signed in February from foreign manipulation, this legislation individuals to the Special Economic KYIV – One Ukrainian serviceman was 2015 has helped reduce the fighting will help support our allies and interests in Measures (Ukraine) Regulations. Canada’s killed in action, while 10 servicemen were this increasingly unstable world. This bill between Ukrainian government forces and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stephane Dion wounded in action in the last 24 hours, Col. underscores the United States’ commit- combined Russian-separatist forces in east- stated, “Today’s steps support wider inter- Andriy Lysenko, spokesman for the anti- ment to protecting the freedom of the mar- ern Ukraine, but skirmishes have contin- national efforts to seek a diplomatic resolu- terrorist operation, said on March 23. The ketplace of ideas on the international stage. ued. Mr. Steinmeier urged both sides to tion to the crisis in Ukraine. By engaging most tense situation is in the Donetsk sec- I’m proud to join my colleague, Sen. comply with the terms of the agreement, with Russia on the one hand and demon- tor, where militants attacked ATO forces 37 Murphy, on this bipartisan effort.” Sen. warning of a possible escalation. He also strating our firm resolve on sanctions on times over the last day, he noted. “Intense Murphy noted: “A hallmark of democracy is expressed hope a humanitarian solution the other, we strengthen our collective abil- combat actions continue near Avdiivka. the free flow of accurate, uncensored infor- ity to hold them to account. I have instruct- Yesterday massive attacks upon Ukrainian could be found for Nadiya Savchenko. mation, but many nations today are bom- ed Global Affairs Canada to update engage- positions in this part of the frontline start- (RFE/RL, based on reporting by AP, Reuters barded by foreign propaganda and manipu- ment policies accordingly. As agreed by G-7 ed at about 7 p.m. The enemy was actively and TASS) lated information. This disinformation is leaders, Canada believes sanctions should using heavy weapons including mortars, often intended specifically to undermine Bill to counter foreign propaganda not be lifted until Russia fully implements tanks and 122-mm howitzers. Following the United States, our allies, and interests. its commitments under the Minsk agree- massive artillery fire the enemy started an WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Rob Portman Keeping America safe requires us to adapt ments.” (Ukrainian Canadian Congress) attack that lasted about three hours,” Col. (R-Ohio) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on alongside the threats we face, and right Lysenko said at a press briefing at Ukraine Swiss provide housing for monitors Crisis Media Center. He noted that KYIV – The Swiss ambassador to Ukrainian troops returned fire, stopping Ukraine on March 15 in Kyiv presented the the militants’ advance. “The adversary was chief monitor of the Special Monitoring firing from two sectors at the same time: Mission (SMM) of the Organization for from the south – Spartak and from the east TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) – ,” he added. Other hotspots in or e-mail [email protected] with two accommodation modules to the Donetsk sector were Zaitseve, where house monitors working in Ukraine’s east. militants were firing from small arms and SERVICES PROFESSIONALS These modules will enhance the ability of grenade launchers, and Donetsk airport, the SMM to operate in the Donetsk and where militant groups were using mortars. Luhansk regions by providing additional (Ukraine Crisis Media Center) СТЕФАН ВЕЛЬГАШ housing space for monitors. Each module Ліцензований Продавець sleeps two people and is furnished with Poroshenko vows swift end to crisis Страхування Життя beds, wardrobes and lighting, as well as KYIV – Ukrainian President Petro STEPHAN J. WELHASCH heating and air conditioning units. They Licensed Life Insurance Agent Poroshenko has tried to reassure the can be connected to the local power grid or European Union that Kyiv will soon over- Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. to generators, depending on what is avail- 548 Snyder Ave., Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 come its worst political crisis in two years. able. In the coming days, the accommoda- “I hope that by the end of the month, we Tel.: 908-508-1728 • Fax: (973) 292-0900 tion modules will be deployed to the team e-mail: [email protected] will find a solution,” Mr. Poroshenko told based at the SMM Forward Patrol Base in reporters in Brussels on March 17 along- . “We are grateful to the side European Council President Donald government of Switzerland for this gener- Tusk and European Commission President ous contribution that will enhance our Jean-Claude Juncker. “There will be no early operations,” said the OSCE’s chief monitor parliamentary elections and the political in Ukraine, Ertugrul Apakan. “The modules coalition will remain, will be responsible, are based on solutions commonly found in oriented on reforms,” he added. Ukraine’s deployed missions around the world. They ruling coalition has collapsed over efforts are extremely useful in areas where local accommodation or office space is limited (Continued on page 13)

2014, events and none of the alleged perpe- SERVICES Proposed closure... trators of the violence from amongst the pro-Russian demonstrators, adding to con- (Continued from page 7) cerns that the prosecutions have been as defined by Russian law (under Article politically motivated. 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian This current case against the Mejlis is Federation, it involves violence, arson, the latest example in a long line of reprisals property destruction and use of weapons against the Crimean Tatar community. On amongst other things). Furthermore, February 15, the de facto prosecutor of Russian law did not apply to Crimea at the Crimea filed a case against the Mejlis alleg- time, either de jure or de facto, as the event ing that it is an “extremist” organization. preceded Russia’s annexation. Additionally, Central to the de facto prosecutor’s argu- OPPORTUNITIES existing media footage and eyewitness ments for the ban are statements made by accounts from the day indicate that Akhtem the exiled Mejlis’ leader, Refat Chubarov, Chiygoz was trying to appease the crowds who has refused to recognize the legality of Earn extra income! rather than incite violence. His family told the Russian annexation of Crimea, called The Ukrainian Weekly is looking Amnesty International that prior to his for an economic and energy blockade of the for advertising sales agents. arrest, he had been under persistent pres- peninsula from the mainland Ukraine, and For additional information contact Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, sure to demonstrate his support for the de has repeatedly called for the peninsula to The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. facto authorities which he refused to do. If be returned to Ukraine. Its intended clo- convicted of the charge against him, he sure and the reprisals against its members faces a prison sentence of up to 15 years. constitute a violation of the rights to free- Run your advertisement here, The de facto authorities have only prose- dom of association and of expression and cuted members of the Crimean Tatar com- signal a new wave of repression against in The Ukrainian Weekly’s CLASSIFIEDS section. munity in connection with the February 26, those associated with it. No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 13

Lenin. A crane lifted the 40-ton statue off its cent. The only sector to grow was health March 18, the European Union’s foreign- NEWSBRIEFS pedestal in the southeastern city of services, which inched ahead by 2.3 per- policy chief, Federica Mogherini, reiterated Zaporizhia on March 17 and placed it cent. Ukrainian consumers have been that the 28-member bloc did not recognize (Continued from page 12) beside the plinth. The 60-year-old monu- depressed by the loss of one-third of the Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean to stamp out corruption, but Prime ment fell victim to so-called “decommuni- value of Ukraine’s currency, the hryvnia, Peninsula. Ms. Mogherini also reaffirmed Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk refuses to step zation” laws. Nearly 1,000 statues of Lenin against the U.S. dollar since 2014. Ukraine’s the EU’s “deep concern at the military down after he survived a no-confidence have been toppled in Ukraine and thou- economy has also been hurt by a trade war build-up and the deterioration of the vote last month, triggered by Mr. sands of streets, squares, towns, villages, with Russia, formerly its largest market for human rights situation in the Crimean Poroshenko’s party. Western donors, companies and other social entities and exports, and a drop in the global price of its Peninsula, including the denial of freedom including the European Union and the geographical locations must be renamed wheat and steel exports. Despite the eco- of expression, freedom of peaceful assem- United States, are urging Kyiv’s leaders to under controversial laws, passed last year, nomic tailspin, a political crisis has pre- bly, freedom of religion and belief, and the remain unified to pass reforms needed to that condemn the communist Soviet and vented the disbursement of critically need- persecution of persons belonging to minor- secure a further $1.7 billion in aid from the Nazi German regimes and ban any propa- ed aid from the International Monetary ities, in particular the Crimean Tatars.” The International Monetary Fund. (RFE/RL, ganda, symbols, or names associated with Fund. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by AFP EU statement called for the release of based on reporting by Reuters and them. Russia’s military-backed takeover of and TASS) Ukrainian film director Oleh Sentsov, who Interfax) Crimea in March 2014 and its support for was arrested in Crimea in May 2014 and separatists in eastern Ukraine since April Crimean Tatars march in Prague was jailed in August last year for 20 years Pianist’s wife accused in kids’ deaths 2014 has given much impetus to Ukraine’s PRAGUE – Members of the Crimean on terrorism charges that he and interna- DALLAS – The estranged wife of efforts to break with its Soviet past. (RFE/ tional rights groups call politically motivat- RL, based on reporting by AFP and Reuters) Tatar community marched in the Czech renowned Ukrainian pianist Vadym capital, Prague, on March 19 to mark the ed. The bloc also urged the release of Kholodenko, who won the 2013 Van Two hospitalized after explosion second anniversary of Russia’s annexation Oleksandr Kolchenko, an activist sentenced Cliburn International Piano Competition, of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine. to 10 years in prison by Russian-backed sought mental treatment the day before KYIV – Two people have been hospital- The Crimean Tatar minority has been authorities in Crimea. (RFE/RL) she allegedly killed their two daughters in ized following an explosion in the central strongly critical of the annexation, and their their Texas home, police said on March 22. Ukrainian city of Kirovohrad. The blast German Minister wants sanctions lifted self-governing body, the Mejlis, has refused Sofya Tsygankova is accused of capital mur- occurred on March 22 in the city’s central to recognize the change of government. BERLIN – German Economy Minister der in the deaths of 5-year-old Nika Bohdan Khmelnytsky Square. Two cars Sigmar Gabriel has called on the European Marchers including Mejlis head Refat Kholodenko and 1-year-old Michela were damaged by the explosion. Law Union to create conditions by this summer Chubarov walked up Prague’s Krymska Kholodenko. Vadym Kholodenko found the enforcement officials in the region of to lift sanctions imposed against Russia (Crimea) Street. They carried signs calling two girls dead on March 17, with Ms. Kirovohrad said that an unknown explosive over the conflict in Ukraine. “That must be for Russia to release high-profile Ukrainian Tsygankova wearing a blood-stained night- device has detonated in a metallic garbage our common goal,” said Mr. Gabriel, whose prisoners: pilot Nadiya Savchenko, film gown and kneeling on the floor “rocking bin. Investigations have been launched into Social Democrats (SDP) share power with director Oleh Sentsov and activist back and forth,” according to the arrest the incident. Last year, a series of bomb Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Oleksandr Kolchenko. (RFE/RL’s Current warrant. She had wounds on her wrist and blasts hit Ukraine’s eastern city of Kharkiv Christian Democratic Union. “[We should] Time TV) chest, and a butcher knife was found near- and southern port city of Odesa. aim for such a deal with the Russian by. An empty bottle labeled with the anti- Authorities blamed the explosions on HRW: Climate of fear in Crimea Federation with all our strength,” he said, psychotic drug Quetiapine was found on Russia and groups linked to pro-Russian during a meeting of the German-Russian the kitchen counter, police said. Authorities separatists in the country’s east. (RFE/RL, NEW YORK – Human Rights Watch forum in Berlin on March 17. The West has said Ms. Tsygankova, who is divorcing Mr. based on reporting by UNIAN and Interfax) (HRW) says Russian authorities have creat- imposed sanctions on Russia over its Kholodenko, visited a mental health facility ed a pervasive climate of fear and repres- Economy plummets by nearly 10% annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and the day before the murders. Ms. sion in Crimea in the two years since it support for separatists in eastern Ukraine. Tsygankova told police she remembered KYIV – Ukraine’s battered economy annexed the peninsula from Ukraine. In a Germany and France have said lifting sanc- putting her children to sleep and taking shrank by 9.9 percent in 2015 due to report released on March 18, the New York- tions depends on Russia complying with pills, and believed she hurt herself with a implosions in the financial sector and con- based rights group said that since Russia’s the terms of the Minsk peace process, knife. But she asked the officers if she had sumer demand, the state statistics service annexation in March 2014 the “space for which has stalled. The EU has extended done “anything bad” to the girls. Ms. reported on March 21. The stunning fall free speech, freedom of association, and asset freezes and travel bans on Russians Tsygankova was booked on March 22 into last year followed a drop of nearly 7 per- media in Crimea has shrunk dramatically.” and Russian companies, but there is less the Tarrant County jail. Mr. Kholodenko and cent in 2014, the year Russia annexed HRW also said Russian-backed authorities agreement on whether to extend more far- Ms. Tsygankova married in 2010, but filed Crimea and Ukraine’s war with Russia- have “harassed, intimidated and taken arbi- reaching sanctions on Russia’s banking, for divorce in November 2015. (RFE/RL, backed separatists broke out in the east. trary legal action against Crimean Tatars, defense and energy sectors from July. based on reporting by AP and Reuters) Last year’s downturn was led by a 27.7 per- an ethnic minority who openly opposed (RFE/RL, based on reporting by Reuters cent plunge in financial and insurance Giant Lenin statue comes down Russia’s occupation.” In a statement on and RT) activity and a 16.8 percent fall in retail KYIV – Ukraine has torn down its largest trade, the statistics agency said. The gener- remaining statue of Soviet leader Vladimir al services sector plummeted by 24.4 per- Ділимось сумною вісткою, що в п’ятницю, 11 березня 2016 року, відійшла у Божу вічність на 94-му році Paris and Berlin to facilitate implementa- життя наша найдорожча Ukrainian reforms... tion of both the security and political Мама, Бабця і Прабабця aspects of Minsk, and to help the parties (Continued from page 8) brainstorm solutions. св. п. line of contact, increase OSCE monitors and Here again, with will and effort on all equipment in key hotspots, and establish sides, 2016 can be a turning point for Ольга Курилас more OSCE bases deeper into the Donbas Ukraine. If security can improve in coming and on the border. Taking these steps now weeks, if hostages are returned, if the par- дочка св. п. Марії та Едварда Хруповичів, дружина св. п. Степана, and releasing hostages will greatly improve ties can finalize negotiations on election нар. 21 квітня 1921 року в Грималові, в Україні. the environment for compromise in Kyiv on modalities and other political issues, we election modalities and political rights for could see legitimate leaders elected in the Похоронні відправи відбулися в середу, 16 березня, в Українському the Donbas. In the meantime, neither Donbas by fall, the withdrawal of Russian Католицькому Крайовому Соборі Пресвятої Родини та на цвинтарі Moscow nor the self-appointed Donbas forces and equipment, and the return of Cedar Hill поблизу Вашінґтону. authorities should expect the Ukrainian Ukraine’s sovereignty over its border Rada to take up key outstanding political before the end of the year. We will keep У глибокому смутку залишилися: provisions of the Minsk agreement, includ- working with Ukraine to do its part to ing election modalities and constitutional implement Minsk, and working with our син Петро з дружиною Іреною amendments, before the Kremlin and its European partners to ensure Russia stays дочки Оленка з чоловіком Юрієм Добчанським Ляриса з чоловіком Стівом Ланн proxies meet their basic security obliga- under sanctions until it does its part – all of внуки Лідія з чоловіком Ричардом Балаж tions under Minsk. Although the U.S. is not it. And of course, Crimea sanctions must Маркіян Добчанський з дружиною Анною a party to the Normandy process, we main- remain in place so long as the Kremlin Павло Курилас tain a very active pace of diplomatic imposes its will on that piece of Ukrainian Роман Добчанський engagement at all levels with Kyiv, Moscow, land. … правнуки Олександер і Константин Балаж ближча і дальша родина в Америці, Канаді та в Україні. and the United States paid far more atten- Вічна Їй пам’ять! Moscow wants... tion to this important source. The question now is whether the West will exploit this (Continued from page 6) Замість квітів на могилу Покійної родина просить складати source of information in the future. пожертви на: In the 1920s and 1930s, the first Russian • Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family emigration attracted relatively little atten- The article above is reprinted from (Iconostas Fund) tion in most countries, with Poland being a Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from • Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation (Український major exception. During the Cold War, more its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, Католицький Університет) Western countries including Britain, France 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 No. 13

Championship in Finland, powerfully rein- scoring before leaving to join Sweden at Ukrainians abound in Waiting to be dra ed: forcing his high draft ranking by tying for the 2016 World Juniors. (He was traded to junior and minor leagues Ma hew Tkachuk team top scoring honors with four goals, the Shawinigan Cataractes on January 6). Researching rosters in the three major Keith Tkachuk was known for his lead- seven assists and 11 points in seven Timashov was born in Ukraine, but junior and three professional minor ership and competitiveness. He had no games, on the way to a bronze medal. moved to Sweden in his youth. He has 19 leagues reveals some 45 and 52 players of problem smacking an opponent, sticking The youngster takes the puck to the net, goals and 76 points in 46 games thus far Ukrainian descent, respectively. A further up for a teammate or just speaking his plays with an edge, skates well, is easy to with Quebec/Shawinigan and showed no breakdown shows 32 Ukrainian pucksters mind. He served as an alternate captain or play with and knows how to backcheck. signs of letting up with stiffer competition in the Western League, 15 in the Ontario captain in the NHL for 15 of his 18 seasons Word is he plays like his dad. He’s not the at the world juniors. He tallied two goals League and seven in the Quebec League. and a captain or alternate on four occa- fastest guy on the ice, but because of his and five assists for Sweden’s fourth-place Professionally speaking, we found 27 sions while representing the U.S. in inter- hockey sense, he puts himself in good posi- squad. Ukrainians in the American Hockey League, national competitions. tion. That’s probably engrained in his Smallish at five-foot-10, 190 pounds, he 16 in the East Coast League and four in the His son, Matthew, a 6-foot-1, 195-pound blood from his dad. has consistently delivered statistically, but Southern Pro League. It is safe to say there left winger, appears to be a chip off the old there are other attributes that have will be a fair Ukrainian representation in block. Tkachuk, a rookie with the OHL’s Waiting to go pro: Toronto’s brass hopeful he’s a player with the National Hockey League for many years London Knights this season, is projected to Dmytro Timashov the potential to one day be a Leaf. His to come. How many of these hopefuls suc- be a top-five first-round pick in the 2016 assets include strong skating, impressive cessfully achieve their ultimate goal will NHL Entry Draft. The St. Louis, Mo., native Maple Leafs prospect Dmytro Timashov stickhandling skills and great vision. He depend on the degree of their develop- should get selected higher than dad, cho- is showing last year’s breakout season in prides himself on his conditioning, has ment. In junior and minor league hockey it sen No. 19 by Winnipeg in the 1990 draft. North America wasn’t simply a product of shown leadership abilities and tries to do is all about development, though the two Matthew has proven he’ll do whatever it his 2014-2015 teammates, leaving everything the right way. He lives on his levels of play have two distinctly different takes. His spirited play and dominating Toronto’s management excited about his own in Quebec and has been described as developmental stages. effort in front of the opposing net left a future. Timashov was the Quebec Major mature, in many ways already a pro. All In juniors, the age group is 16-20, the lasting impression on the U.S. National Junior Hockey League’s rookie of the year that awaits him now is the formality of a after leading the highly-skilled Quebec first two years concentrating on skills managerial team last summer. An agitator pro contract. Remparts in scoring with 90 points in 66 development with the hope of being draft- with a strong stick and good hands as a games. Toronto selected him in the fifth ed by an NHL club after the second year. scorer and playmaker, he plays well in traf- Waiting for the call-up: round of the 2015 NHL draft. The final two years are about refining and fic and knows how to create offensive Many of Quebec’s top players moved on Hunter Shinkaruk preparing for the pros. While elite pros- opportunities. this year after a Memorial Cup push, leav- Hunter Shinkaruk likely wasn’t very high pects may find themselves in the profes- Tkachuk had 38 goals (five game win- ing Timashov to prove what he could do on any lists of candidates to make sional ranks at age 18, most draftees turn ners), 95 points and 119 penalty minutes with a lesser talented roster in support. In Vancouver’s 2015-2016 opening day roster. pro at 19, when they are projected into an for the U.S. Under-18 National 2015-2016 the 19-year-old has responded Gritty wingers like Jake Virtanen and Alex organizational role and given a training Development Program in 2014-2015. As a with an even higher point production rate regimen/long-term plan. From then on, the rookie with London this season, he has (1.65/game) and was top five in league (Continued on page 15) prospect develops into an NHL-er, a depth amassed 22G-64A-86PTS-74PIM in only guy/call-up or career minor leaguer. 45 games (through February 20), good for Whether it’s a player in junior hockey or fifth best in the league. through the hard but effective path of He savored the chance to represent his pro hockey’s minor leagues, all eventually Jaresko... reforming their economies. This path country at the 2016 World Junior find themselves playing the waiting game. helped create decent living standards for (Continued from page 1) their citizens. This is the path Ukraine I am ready to assemble such a team that needs to follow, instead of allowing ineffec- right now is able to work in the interest of tive discussions to replace real reforms. FC Connection wins second place the whole country, all its citizens, not some The more successful we will be, the more political or business groups. people’s confidence will be repaired and the In my understanding, a technocratic greater support we will receive from our in Chicago indoor soccer league government is a government formed on the international partners, without whom it is basis of five fundamental principles: impossible to conduct fundamental struc- 1. Members of the government should be tural reforms. Today the world is looking at devoted exclusively to serving the people of Ukraine with some disbelief, questioning Ukraine; not themselves or their party, or our ability to fight the disease of corruption vested interests. The main criterion for and to create a healthy foundation for a team members is an impeccable reputation. decent future for millions of Ukrainians. 2. Members of the government must be Each day of honest government is an oppor- completely intolerant of corruption and tunity to prove that the national interest is political interference in the work of execu- more important than political pressure or tive authorities. business connections. This is an opportuni- 3. Members of the government should be ty to begin the process of restoring people’s concerned neither about participation in confidence in government. the next elections, nor about their own We are working toward a common goal. political careers. Their sole purpose shall be Every citizen has the right to be served by to create prosperity in Ukraine. Populism is responsible government, be subject to fair the worst enemy in this regard. rule of law and conduct clean business 4. They all should believe that Ukraine can without undue pressure from state author- be successful only through democratic and ities. Each of us has a personal responsibili- economic freedoms, in particular, through ty for laying the foundation of a strong the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Ukrainian economy despite the war. Only in Association Agreement and IMF program. collaboration with civil society and respon- 5. Members of the government should sible independent media can we achieve be experienced crisis managers and have the changes that will enable us to build a FC Connection of Chicago celebrates its second-place win in the indoor season of the experience in successful reforms and orga- decent future for all our citizens. Metropolitan Soccer League. nizational management. Nothing should distract us from this For these people, their personal reputa- goal. The government should focus on PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Ukrainian American After nine matches played, Connection tion is a guarantee of their honesty with implementing the maximum number of soccer club F.C. Connection of Chicago fin- finished with a record of 7-1-1, with 63 the Ukrainian people, whom they are ready reforms to modernize the Ukrainian econo- ished in second place in the First Division goals for and 12 against, and 22 points. FC to serve. It is their personal reputation that my. Ukrainians have sacrificed too much for Indoor standings of the Metropolitan Kickers topped the standings with a record would be the best guarantee of their a better future. We have to save the country Soccer League (MSL) of Chicago. of 8-1-0, 46 goals for and 20 against and 25 responsibility to all Ukrainians. now. That is why right now, without delay, Connection won 7-0 against Ukrainian points. For the government of technocrats to we must restore citizens’ confidence and American soccer club Wings (Kryla) S.C. on The MSL begins its Major Division out- work, it must have the support of at least ensure economic growth. March 6 in the Metropolitan Soccer League door season with an opening match on 226 votes in Parliament with the aim to I have never sought a high position of 2015-2016 indoor season final match. Goal April 17 and Connection is set to play implement the EU Association Agreement political power and have no plans or desire scorers included Nazar Bodnar (1), Andriy against Minyor Chicago S.C. at Oak Brook and IMF program, or an additional coali- to make a political career in the future. My Vyksyuk (3), Dmytro Zbuzhovyy (2) and Park turf field in Oak Brook, Ill. tion agreement that would ensure conduct- only desire is to conduct reforms in Ukraine Rostyslav Rybak (1). FC Connection fin- For more information, readers may visit ing all reforms under these international that will ensure economic growth, the ished in second place in the first division of or obligations. Our Central and Eastern development of a democratic society and the Metropolitan Soccer League. European partners have already lived promote the welfare of every Ukrainian. No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 15

Patriarch Sviatoslav blesses icons of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky by Michael Winn who have lobbied against the beatification for reasons that are much more political OTTAWA – Patriarch Sviatoslav, father than theological. and head of the worldwide Ukrainian Sheptytsky Institute founder Father Greek-Catholic Church, recently blessed Andriy Chirovsky called on people of good icons of Venerable Metropolitan Andrey will to continue to pray for the cause of Sheptytsky. beatification: “Truth is on our side. Many of During its fall 2015 fund-raising direct us have seen the fruits of and personally mail campaign, the Metropolitan Andrey experienced the heavenly assistance of Sheptytsky Institute Foundation had offered Metropolitan Andrey. Perhaps the delay in a special gift to benefactors who donated his beatification and canonization is meant $500 or more: a mounted icon print of to challenge us to be more like the saintly Metropolitan Sheptytsky, blessed by the metropolitan and pray more consistently. metropolitan’s current successor, Patriarch Metropolitan Andrey especially asked for Sviatoslav. The patriarch blessed the icons us to pray daily for the gift of Divine at his residence in Kyiv on January 21. Wisdom.” In 2015, Pope Francis proclaimed “Now that we have icons of Metropolitan Metropolitan Andrey to be a man of heroic Andrey, that should facilitate our prayers virtue, who is now to be titled “venerable.” Patriarch Sviatoslav blesses the icons of Venerable Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, and serve as a reminder to us of his heaven- His beatification is expected in the not too with Father Andriy Nahirniak looking on. ly care for us,” Father Chirovsky added. distant future, since a healing miracle from The Sheptytsky Institute and its founda- the United States attributed to Metropolitan Vatican on whether there is any possible fering from cancer, many believe that beati- tion can be contacted at Sheptytsky@ust- Sheptytsky, and certified by an ecclesiastical medical reason for the healing. Since it is fication will soon follow., or by calling toll-free, 800-637- commission, has already been submitted to believed that there is indeed no medical Unfortunately, the process has on several 6859, ext. 2648. The institute’s website is at a panel of physicians who advise the explanation for the healing of the child suf- occasions fallen prey to outside interests

In 2013 under coach John Tortorella, it to make the Canucks, between a lot of other seem to be enthused by what he brings to Ukrainian Pro... appeared Shinkaruk, along with fellow options and the fact the now 20-year-old the table. It would not be a surprise to see first-round draftee Bo Horvat, had made profiled as a top-six scorer rather than a him traded in the immediate future. (Continued from page 14) the club in his first training camp, only to be third or fourth line grinder. He came to [Editor’s note: Shinkaruk was traded by Grenier, more hyped and more versatile returned to junior along with Horvat. Due camp and gave a super strong effort, play- Vancouver to the Calgary Flames on with their edgy style of play, had an advan- to injury he played in only 18 games, then ing a puck-hound style with a grittier edge February 23. For more on this transaction tage over Shinkaruk’s slick, skill-heavy play. showed up to 2014 camp with still another to his game. For the third straight year stay tuned to future Ukrainian Pro Hockey Sven Baertschi’s arrival didn’t help, as the strong pre-season showing, only to see Shinkaruk’s efforts were not enough to Updates.] There is no question he does pos- former Flames’ top pick’s game was very Horvat secure the roster spot while impress management and he was again sess the necessary drive to succeed at the similar to the Canucks’ 2013 No.1 selection. Shinkaruk was dispatched to AHL Utica for sent down to Utica of the AHL. The first half NHL level. Hopefully he is given the oppor- Nonetheless, for the third consecutive pre- his rookie year. His first pro season got off of 2015-2016 saw him named an All-Star tunity to show what he’s made of at the season, the small Ukrainian forward was a to a slow start, but the winger finished based on scoring totals of 18G-16A-34PTS highest level of competition. standout among his peers, only to once strong, posting a respectable 16G-15A- through 39 games. again be sent down to the AHL affiliate at 31PTS in 74 games. Despite his tantalizing upside, Ihor Stelmach may be reached the start of the new campaign. In 2015, Shinkaruk faced an uphill battle Vancouver team management does not at [email protected]. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 No. 13

which he had gained access. resorted to fighting their way in on the sec- a wider scheme – a ‘package’ with other Savchenko... Russian Prime Minister Dmitry ond day, news reports said. political agreements.” Medvedev rejected the claim, dismissing “When lawyers, consuls and Europeans A report even surfaced claiming the (Continued from page 1) Mr. Hrytsak as a “fool.” began to complain about the number of Russian government would exchange Ms. “Since Russia doesn’t recognize the rul- “These events once again stress the need provocateurs, a guard yelled, ‘Quiet! This Savchenko for the ability to create a land ings of international courts, there’s no for coordinating the efforts of the interna- isn’t the Maidan!’ ” said National Deputy corridor between the Rostov Oblast and assurance that a Strasbourg ruling would tional community in the fight against the Oleskii Ryabchin. Crimea, which was dismissed as “absurd” have led to her release anyhow,” said threat of terrorism,” Mr. Medvedev stated After a break on March 21, the Ukrainian by Oleksii Melnyk, a foreign policy expert at Volodymyr Horbach, a political analyst at on his Facebook page. delegation was removed, but five youths the Razumkov Center in Kyiv. the Institute of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation. The Russian penchant for name-calling with portraits of slain journalists were “We need a stable link to Crimea for Meanwhile, Ms. Savchenko announced extended to Ms. Savchenko’s very trial. On allowed to remain, reported the segodnya. transporting cargo and passengers there,” she plans to launch her latest hunger strike, March 22, the judge, Leonid Stepanenko, ua news site. Diplomats representing 13 said a Putin confidante in response to the refusing even water, once the 10-day referred to her, quoting the words of a wit- countries were denied entry altogether and Ukrainian demand for freeing hostages, as appeal period expires, potentially placing ness, as an “impudent Banderovka” in the were left standing outside the court build- claimed by SBU advisor Yurii Tandit in an her life in danger yet again. version cited by the news site. The ing, Mr. Ryabchin said. interview published on March 22. “I’m not going to sit here for even a day. site reported the judge’s It was during that break on March 21 A more realistic option was announced After the verdict takes effect, a hunger phrase as “typical Banderovka.” that Ms. Savchenko made a comment that’s by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko strike without water and that’s it. That’s my Numerous scandals erupted during the likely to become a Ukrainian adage at some that same day, when he expressed his read- final decision,” she said on March 21, before two days that the verdict was read. On the point: “While I’m in Russia, I don’t believe iness to exchange convicted Russian intelli- the first hearing at which the reading of the morning of March 21, Russian border guards anyone, fear anyone or forgive anyone.” gence officers Aleksandr Aleksandrov and verdict was begun. denied entry to Iryna Herashchenko, the Her other memorable words came the Yevgeny Yerofeyev once the window for Another Savchenko lawyer, Nikolai Ukrainian president’s ombudsman for the next day, when during the judge’s mono- appeals expires. Polozov, said she told him she’s ready to peaceful resolution of the conflict in the tone reading of the verdict she began loudly He said Mr. Putin told him during the return to Ukraine dead or alive. Donbas. She also received notice of her ban singing her own rendition of the Ukrainian Normandy format talks that Ms. Savchenko “We have the chance during these 10 from Russia until 2021. folk song, “Horila Sosna,” tailored to mock would be returned after the verdict. Such days to convince her not to take this step,” Not only is Ms. Herashchenko a the Russian court – the legitimacy of which an exchange would meet the sixth point of he said, as reported by Ukrainian media. Ukrainian delegate to the Parliamentary she has steadfastly refused to recognize – the Minsk accords, which calls for an “But experience has shown she listens to Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), and referring to events of the Maidan. exchange of “all for all.” few people, and I’m afraid our pleas won’t but she has participated in the Minsk peace “Oh judges, judges, you are mine; Two Yet the lawyer for Mr. Yerofeyev said be successful this time.” talks. Yet the Russian Border Service years you prosecuted me; The tire burned, such an exchange can only occur if Russia The Savchenko verdict would have been informed her that she was being denied “in blazed; Our unit stood there,” she sang, formally acknowledges the verdicts of the biggest news event that day in Europe if the interest of Russian defense capabilities prompting the judge to call a recess just five Messrs. Aleksandrov and Yerofeyev and not for the terrorist attacks in Brussels and public health,” she said. minutes before the verdict was going to be Ukraine recognizes the Savchenko verdict. committed by radical Islamists that killed Meanwhile, Presidential Press Secretary announced. The Ukrainian president has already said 34 and injured more than 230. Sviatoslav Tsegolko and eight national depu- As for Ms. Savchenko’s future prospects, that will never happen, though he’s demon- The timing of the attacks – on the same ties were allowed entry after a two-hour run- few clues are available. She could be strated a pattern for making inconsistent day as the verdict – led the Security Service around, she told reporters. Upon reaching the exchanged for Russian prisoners within the statements. of Ukraine (SBU) to suspect that the Russian courthouse, the tight security measures framework of the Minsk peace accords U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived government could have played a role in included the opening of cigarette boxes, as after the 10-day term for an appeal expires, in Moscow on March 23 for a three-day order to distract the public’s attention well as confiscating lighters and hair spray. Russian Human Rights Ombudsman visit during which he will attempt to nego- from the day’s events in Rostov-on-Don. Ms. Savchenko was brought to court on Mikhail Fedotov told reporters this week. tiate Ms. Savchenko’s release, State “I won’t be surprised if this is an element March 21 in a convoy of five vehicles, while “The guilty verdict opened the doors to Department officials confirmed. His efforts of Russia’s hybrid war,” SBU chief Vasyl the next day she was accompanied by 16 the latest exchange of pilots,” said come after German Foreign Affairs Minister Hrytsak said during a March 22 lecture at guards armed with automatic rifles. Volodymyr Fesenko, the head of the Penta Frank-Walter Steinmeier met with the the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Photographs were forbidden and Ukrainian Center for Applied Political Research in Russian leadership on March 22 to discuss Academy. The next day, he said he based politicians and journalists had a difficult Kyiv. “It could be as an exchange for the this “assumption” on secret information to time getting into the courtroom; they captured reconnaissance agents, as well as (Continued on page 17) No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 17

Aidar volunteer battalion at the time; she cies marred the Russian government’s were the court’s refusal to examine official Savchenko... declared her opposition to the military prosecution, as pointed out by Mr. Feygin, documents submitted by the defense, refus- approach taken by Ukraine’s armed forces who compared the prosecution’s work to al to allow the defense to call numerous (Continued from page 16) and submitted her resignation. By July 8, that of a sophomore university student. witnesses, and refusal to allow defense evi- her fate. He told reporters afterwards that the Russian government announced she Not only did Ms. Savchenko not hitchhike dence and testimony, including video evi- he hopes “all sides will be able to agree was incarcerated on its territory. to Russia, as the prosecution claims, but she dence that proves her innocence of the soon on a humane decision.” The verdict concluded that Ms. identified the voice of one of her Russian charges. Ms. Savchenko was captured by terror- Savchenko was part of a group of Ukrainian captors in the Luhansk region. Their involve- Ms. Savchenko will not serve the length ists representing the self-declared Luhansk fighters who planned and executed the ment in Ms. Savchenko’s kidnapping was of the sentence and will surely be freed, Mr. People’s Republic on June 17, 2014, near murder of journalists Igor Korneliuk and confirmed by an intercepted recording of a Feygin told reporters after the verdict was the embattled town of . Anton Voloshin, motivated by hate for the conversation between them, in which they announced. Evidence confirms she was illegally residents of the Luhansk region, particular- refer to a “snaiperka” (female sniper) and “If not for such a public campaign in transported to Russian territory five days ly Russian speakers. note that their “babushka” (their code word support of Savchenko that occurred not later, against her will, though she was con- The court concluded that the organizer for the FSB) was interested in the “helicop- only in Ukraine but in many other coun- victed for the offense of crossing the border. of the murders was Aidar founder and com- ter pilot who fought in Iraq.” tries, then Savchenko would have been sent Moreover, she was already captive at the mander Serhii Melnychuk, currently a Among the many legal violations cited in to the penal colony,” he said. “But thanks to moment of the journalists’ deaths. national deputy. official reports, including a January state- this support, Savchenko won’t serve this Ms. Savchenko was fighting with the An abundance of gaps and inconsisten- ment by Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry, punishment. That I guarantee you.” 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 No. 13 Zankovetska Th eater to present “Natalka Poltavka” in U.S.

by Andrew Fedynsky overture, wrote orchestral accompani- ments to the folk songs and dances in the CLEVELAND – The Maria Zankovetska original play, produced background music Theater based in Lviv is one of Ukraine’s and transformed songs into arias. most distinguished and respected cultural The collaboration of Kotliarevsky and institutions. Starting April 1 at the Lysenko over a two-generational divide is Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Stamford, an extraordinary story in and of itself. The Conn., and ending April 10 at the Ukrainian resulting operetta will bring the Educational and Cultural Center in Zankovetska Theater production of Jenkintown, Pa., near Philadelphia, the “Natalka Poltavka” to an American audi- group will be on tour presenting the classic ence for the first time. Ukrainian operetta, “Natalka Poltavka.” “Natalka Poltavka’s” theme evokes the In between, the Zankovetska Theater George Gershwin classic, “Porgy and Bess” will be in New York on April 2, Lindenhurst, and Leonard Bernstein’s “West Side Story,” N.Y., on April 3, Detroit on April 7, Chicago both of which depict a marginalized culture on April 8 and Cleveland on April 9. (See in America, mirroring the marginalized the ad in The Ukrainian Weekly for details Ukrainian culture in 19th century tsarist or visit the website www.zankovetskaUSA- Russia. Only in the case of “Natalka Poltavka” there’s a happy ending. Although The Zankovetska Theater’s production it helps, you don’t have to understand of “Natalka Poltavka,” directed by Taras Ukrainian to enjoy the operetta, any more Shevchenko Prize laureate Fedir Stryhun, is than you have to know German to appreci- based on the 1819 play by Ivan ate “The Merry Widow.” Kotliarevsky. A theatrical standard and one The Maria Zankovetska National Drama of the first literary works to use the modern Theater tour offers audiences a unique , it tells the story of star- experience. In 2002, the government of Taras Valko crossed lovers in the Ukrainian countryside Ukraine granted the group an official status Oksana Samolyuk, Stepan Hlova and Valentyna Matsialko in a scene from “Natalka during a time of serfdom and Russian tsar- as a National Academic Drama Theater. And Poltavka.” ist rule. indeed it is, presenting a repertoire of some nal contemporary plays. art scene. Americans of Ukrainian descent, “Natalka Poltavka” became a renowned 30 plays from the classic Ukrainian (includ- The Maria Zankovetsky National Drama as well as others interested in Ukraine, now operetta when Ukraine’s premier compos- ing “Natalka Poltavka) to Shakespeare’s Theater, in existence now for a century, rep- have the opportunity to experience this er Mykola Lysenko in 1889 composed an “Hamlet,” Chekov’s “Uncle Vanya” and origi- resents the very best of Ukraine’s vibrant unique cultural ensemble here in the U.S.

ber Yurii Boiko, among possible candi- untouched by the fighting, raising suspi- Turning... dates for leadership positions in the cions about his dealings with the Russia- LIKE Russian-controlled regions of the Donbas. backed fighters. (Continued from page 6) Since the Russian invasion of Crimea and was estimated to be nearly $11 billion.) the war in eastern Ukraine, Mr. Source: “Rynat Akhmetov meets the press The Ukrainian Weekly Mr. Akhmetov was named earlier this Akhmetov’s assets in the region, including and the public,” by Zenon Zawada, The on Facebook! month, with fellow Party of Regions mem- coal mines, have remained relatively Ukrainian Weekly, April 16, 2006. No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 19

March 31 Luncheon and video presentation of the 2014 Taras April 5 Ukrainian Night, Ottawa Senators vs Pittsburgh Penguins, Whippany, NJ Shevchenko exhibit by The Ukrainian Museum, Ottawa Canada Ukraine Foundation, Carpe Diem Club, Ukrainian American Cultural Center of or [email protected] New Jersey, [email protected] or 973-590-8026 April 7 Presentation by Valentyna Kharkhun, “Many-Faceted April 1 Performance, “Natalka Poltavka,” Maria Zankovetska New York Memory: How Communism is Exhibited in Ukrainian Stamford, CT Theater, St. Basil the Great Seminary, 203-252-7352 Museums,” Columbia University, 212-854-4697

April 1-May 29 Art exhibit, “Chornobyl: 30 Years Later,” Ukrainian April 7 Performance, “Natalka Poltavka,” Maria Zankovetska Chicago Institute of Modern Art, 773-227-5522 or Warren, MI Theater, Ukrainian Cultural Center, 773-220-9191 April 8 Reception marking the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian April 2 Performance, “Natalka Poltavka,” Maria Zankovetska Toronto Canadian Congress, The Old Mill, 416-323-4772 New York Theater, St. George Academy, 347-420-7678 or [email protected]

April 2 Concert featuring the University of Connecticut April 8 Petrykivka workshop with Nataliya Lyubytska, Ukrainian New York Chamber Orchestra, “Preludes, Serenades and More, “ Whippany, NJ National Association, to benefit the Arts, Culture and Ukrainian Institute of America, Education Committee, Ukrainian American Cultural Center or 212-288-8660 of New Jersey, 888-253-2833 (limited seating)

April 2 Taras Shevchenko concert, with performance by Roman April 8 Performance, “Natalka Poltavka,” Maria Zankovetska Pflugerville, TX Cherwonogrodzky, Austin Texas Ukrainians, Blackhawk Chicago Theater, Ss. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Amenity Center, Church, 773-489-9225 April 9 Performance, “Natalka Poltavka,” Maria Zankovetska Theater, April 2 Lenten retreat, Ukrainian Orthodox League, St. Francis Parma, OH Pokrova Ukrainian Catholic Church, 216-240-4997 Bethlehem, PA Center for Renewal, [email protected] or 610-892-7315 April 9, 12 Pysanka workshop, Ukrainian Historical and April 2, 16 Ukrainian beading workshop with Nastasiya Marusyk, Somerset NJ Educational Center of New Jersey, Chicago Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, 773-227-5522 April 10 Performance, “Natalka Poltavka,” Maria Zankovetska Theater, April 3 Fund-raiser and panel discussion, “Julia Blue” by Jenkintown, PA Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center, 267-423-6712 New York filmmaker Roxy Toporowych, St. George Academy, April 16 Vechirka dance, Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization, Whippany, NJ Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, or April 3 Performance, “Natalka Poltavka,” Maria Zankovetska Theater, Lindenhurst, NY Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Church, 631-225-1168 Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events April 4 Presentation by Rory Finnin, “A Bridge Between Us: advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Cambridge, MA Literature in the Ukrainian-Crimean Tatar Encounter,” from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Harvard University, and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 No. 13


Saturday, April 2 Friday, April 8 NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific WHIPPANY, N.J.: Pre-register now for the Society invites all to a lecture, “Maidan’s Petrykivka Workshop sponsored by the Literature: forms and typology,” by Dr. Ukrainian National Association at the Valentyna Kharkhun, head of the Ukrainian Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, 60 N. Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ Literature Department at Mykola Gogol 07981. The event is being held in support of State University in Nizhyn, Ukraine. Prof. the Arts, Culture and Education programs of Kharkhun is currently a Kennan Institute the UACCNJ; suggested donation is $30. The research fellow at the Woodrow Wilson workshop, which begins at 7 p.m., is by art- Center in Washington. The lecture will take ist Natalia Lyubytska. It will be accompanied place at the society’s building, 63 Fourth by five courses of small plate menu selec- Ave. (between Ninth and 10th streets) at 5 tions paired with wine. To sign up (pre-reg- p.m. For additional information call 212- istration is required, as seating is limited) 254-5130. call the UNA, 888-538-2833.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service pro- vided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian commu- nity. To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and a phone number and/or e-mail address to be published for readers who may require additional information. Items must be no more than 100 words long. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication (i.e., they must be received by 9 a.m. Monday). Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address. Information should be sent to [email protected]. When e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments – simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message. Preview items and payments may be mailed to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Save the Date! July 8 -10, 2016 10th Ukrainian Cultural Festival

Soyuzivka © BO Photography PO Box 529, 216 Foordmore Rd, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 845-626-5641