Joe Perry,David Ritz | 432 pages | 23 Oct 2014 | Simon & Schuster Ltd | 9781471138614 | English | London, United Kingdom Rocks: My Life in and out of Aerosmith by – Aerosmith Official Store

It is one of the better musician written books out there. I found it easy to read, poignant and quite human. If you are an Aeromith fan you do not want to miss this one. Jan 25, Martine rated it it was amazing. Joe Perry seems to be a genuine down to earth good guy. The love he has for his music, his wife and kids really comes through - all through the book. Feb 01, Judy Ferrell rated it it was amazing. For many years people have wanted the true story of Joe Perry and Aerosmith. You will get it in this no-holds barred book. From the beginning, Joe has laid his soul bare. You get the truth behind the rumors. This book is well written and an easy read. I'm very glad I bought it. As a long term fan of both Joe Perry and Aerosmith, I found this book to be very informative. Aug 01, Matt rated it really liked it. The best thing about rock memoirs are the moments when you get to look back in time to see how everybody met, and how unlikely it was that they would ever become legends. The first chunk of Joe's memoir is devoted to such stories, and it's a joy to read. When Joe Perry first meets "Steven Tallarico" you realize immediately how the encounter will become a metaphor for the entire history of Aerosmith. The story of the band's formation and ascent is a ton of fun. What I remember about Aerosmith in t The best thing about rock memoirs are the moments when you get to look back in time to see how everybody met, and how unlikely it was that they would ever become legends. That kind of thing is never lost on young dudes. The back story to those 20 years of ongoing and apparently easy success is so tumultuous that it's a miracle any of it ever happened The final section of the book drags a little. Interestingly, it's only because the guys get older and the stories become more tame. Nonetheless, it puts the fitting punctuation on the end of an epic rock and roll career span. That's two full "traditional" career terms in a business everybody knows chews people up and spits them out Joe's public persona is quiet, so his memoir reveals a ton of things you didn't know about a really fascinating guy. For the guitar geeks, there's a fantastic appendix, in which all of Joe's guitar techs share photos and info about the axes and back line rigs he played from the first tour on. They detail many of the custom "rat rods" that they built for him over the years, including all the technical specs and the parts they used. The only thing I craved more was color photos of his collection, but that would be a coffee table book in itself. View all 4 comments. Dec 06, Brad McKenna rated it really liked it Shelves: auto-biography. Perry is as messed up as you'd expect from a grizzled old rocker. However, he comes across as a saint compared to his toxic twin. I read this as a follow up to 's autobiography and like it so much better. Perry is the brooding quiet rockstar to Tyler's bombastic star. One thing I was surprised to learn is that Perry has been married to his wife for 30 years. That's a feat when you're in a band a big as Aerosmith. Some of the drama that Joe comes off as innocent is, of course, Mr. Some of the drama that Joe comes off as innocent is, of course, to be taken with a grain of salt. That said, he seems to be a surprisingly down-to-earth rockstar. He cares more about the music than he does about the drugs and sex. It was great reading his side of the story, he came across as honest, not sugar coating his own flaws, which is in sharp contrast to Tyler's trying to blame others. One last note: the book has an appendix where Perry lets his guitar techs speak. His current one interviewed the past ones and they lay out how they set up all of Perry's guitars and which models he uses. For those of you that are guitar players this might be a great bonus. Nov 30, Mika rated it really liked it Shelves: music. Before I even had finished the first chapter I was prepared to High-Five this book. The art of writing is a class above itself when it comes to rock-autobiographies. The language and the way he portrays the emotional journey is an art in itself. Perhaps poetical I just wrote the last sentence to sound smart. The way Joe Perry describes his childhood is just amazing, the pursuit of identity to the first encounters with music and acceptance from his father. Throughout the book there is a great ex Before I even had finished the first chapter I was prepared to High-Five this book. When it comes to the following content my big High Five drops a level unfortunately. Everything that have happened from the start to present day seem to reflect on Steven Tyler. It gets a bit one-sided. Feb 18, patrick Lorelli rated it liked it Shelves: music-biographies. I really liked the first part of this book his younger years and how he got into playing the guitar. I thought he was very honest about his problems in school which was a learning disorder and how he overcame that. Also impressed with his homemade driving gear and his sense of adventure in exploring the depths of the lake during his childhood. The rest of the book was okay not great but good. How he started different bands and then how he meet Tyler and started writing and then the crazy Aerosmi I really liked the first part of this book his younger years and how he got into playing the guitar. How he started different bands and then how he meet Tyler and started writing and then the crazy Aerosmith stuff. Overall not a bad book. I got this book from net galley. Follow us at www. The lead guitarist of Aerosmith gives his take on his life with and without the band. Perhaps a bit long but overall pretty good. My favorite part was the look at his younger years, his family life and how he came to love music. Aug 31, Sarah Karen rated it really liked it. You also notice the love this guy has for his family. Feb 23, Reading rated it really liked it. Interesting insight into the man and the band. Coherent and engaging. Kudos to the ghostwriter. Dec 07, Larry rated it it was amazing Shelves: , best , rock-bio-s , i-own , audio-book. I thought that this was a great Rock Bio. I'm not even that big of an Aerosmith fan. Feb 28, Steve rated it did not like it. Like many who have come to this book via a long-standing appreciation of Aerosmith, I was curious to see what Perry had to say. So much of the Aerosmith story is old news, and having been a gigantic teenage fan during the glory years of the 70s, I used to devour every piece of information I could uncover on them. Unfortunately, time often erodes our teenage beliefs. Sadder still Like many who have come to this book via a long-standing appreciation of Aerosmith, I was curious to see what Perry had to say. He thanks her twice in the acknowledgements alone, as well as dedicating the book to her, too. Add the cheesy guitar with her portrait on it, and you've got what I consider borderline creepy devotion. As one reviewer noted and Perry notes in the book that his former manager did, as well , Perry seems co-dependent on others, from Tyler and Billie to his blind devotion to that same one-time manager Tim Collins, a man who turned out to be a psycho. Perry rarely comes across as an introspective or forward thinking guy. Where she has gone through similar ups and downs as Perry, she personalizes her tale with a humility and self-effacing style that is as inspiring as it is humanizing. Time after time, seemingly fascinating anecdotes are covered with a sentence or two, rarely developed into the tales they could've been. Either Joe's memory isn't too strong or he lacks the capacity to infuse his story with a sense of depth. It adds up to me questioning why he wrote this book at all because it's a total flat line of a tale. Given the renowned debauchery of Aerosmith, that's almost unfathomable. It's not that I came to this book to read yet another rocker's chronicling of their sordid halcyon period of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, but I was expecting some insight into the man. What I came away with is that he must be a fairly dull fellow. That's what this book and his line of hot sauce products, etc. My advice is to skip the book and listen to instead. Shelves: memoir-autobiography , non-fiction. Or, Joe Rocks!! I love both the book and the title: In and out of Aerosmith. That refers to both how he once left the band, and also to his personal life, hence "out" of Aerosmith. He has a sense of humor as well. And "Rocks" is the name of one of their earlier albums, which I also love. Though I enjoyed both Keith and Pete's books, Joe's felt more personal and candid. I feel like I know him. He sounds like a intuitive, practical, and good guy. And as an artist, he's in the same class as Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, etc. One of my favorite all-time bands, and boy have they stuck around way longer than some of their peers. Johnny Depp uses a lot of "big words" in his foreword which was a pain. I only wish he wrote more about his sister Anne, and how close they were or were not. I know they played together as kids, but did they get along well, even as adults? And how many years younger is she? Just wondered! Perry does not hold back his feelings but you can tell he has controlled very carefully how he wanted to say what he wants to say, especially when it concerns his Toxic Twin. But in the end his talking wears your ass out. He is a master of feel. But Perry has more to say than rehashing song origins. And then there were the drugs. Having your head in the sand can only work for so long before you have to come up for air in the real world. Perry got clean, as did his bandmates, and Aerosmith continues performing to this day. But what it gives to his fans is a rare look into the psyche of a man who always heard the music and let the music do the talking. Discovering the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin by age five, Leslie continues to pursue her love of music and the musicians behind it, joining Glide in doing interviews and covering concerts. You can follow Leslie on Twitter LeslieDerrough. July 23, am. Obviously, Joe Perry and Aerosmith are inextricable. I now view Perry in a completely different light — and not just as one of my idols who denied me a photo-op. Skip to content. I came all the way from DC. Can I get a picture? Meghna Balakumar. Rocks: My Life in and out of Aerosmith - Joe Perry - Google книги

This is my lasting impression of Joe Perry. Grumpy, laconic, broody, and, in the public eye, stuck in the shadow of his toxic twin, Steven Tyler. Joe Perry was my first guitar hero. It was thrilling and satiating to finally see who the mysterious man behind the Les Paul really is, his true sentiments towards the band, his relationship with his family, and the drugs — all entangled in his brotherhood with Tyler. Perry shares all these details, starting with his initial dream of becoming a marine biologist. His un-diagnosed ADD and academic struggles, however, led to his subsequent exit from school — not for his failing grades, but his refusal to chop off his long locks of hair. Rocks is an unusually searching memoir of a life that spans from the top of the world to the bottom of the barrel—several times. It is a study of endurance and brotherhood, with Perry providing remarkable candor about Tyler, as well as new insights into their powerful but troubled relationship. Full of humor, insight, and brutal honesty about life in and out of one of the biggest bands in the world, Rocks is the ultimate rock-and-roll epic. In , they were inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. He lives in Los Angeles with Roberta, his wife of 47 years. He fell in love with the guitar. He grew his hair long and quit school instead of cutting it. He worked, played in a band, moved to Boston. But we know this. So why should we fork over the money to read this? Because we want to know what we did not see. Like the Stones and Zeppelin before them, Aerosmith has all the scandalous rumors and urban legends floating around their history: the fights, the drugs, the women, the music. Perry does not hold back his feelings but you can tell he has controlled very carefully how he wanted to say what he wants to say, especially when it concerns his Toxic Twin. But in the end his talking wears your ass out. He is a master of feel. But Perry has more to say than rehashing song origins. Rocks: My Life In & Out Of Aerosmith by Joe Perry (BOOK REVIEW) - Glide Magazine

Joe Perry. He idolized Jacques Cousteau and built his own diving rig that he used to explore a local lake. He dreamed of becoming a marine biologist. The guitar became his passion, an object of lust, an outlet for his restlessness and his rebellious soul. That passion quickly blossomed into an obsession, and he got a band together. One night after a performance he met a brash young musician named Steven Tyler; before long, Aerosmith was born. Perry takes you through every developmental stage of his journey in becoming the guitar legend he is today. Spanning from the moment he laid his fingers across his first acoustic guitar delivered in a box from Sears — facepalm for ever complaining about my Mexican Strat , to his collaborations with the greats spanning the rock alphabet, from Alice Cooper to ZZ Top. Obviously, Joe Perry and Aerosmith are inextricable. I now view Perry in a completely different light — and not just as one of my idols who denied me a photo-op. Skip to content. I came all the way from DC. Full of humor, insight, and brutal honesty about life in and out of one of the biggest bands in the world, Rocks is the ultimate rock-and-roll epic. In , they were inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. He lives in Los Angeles with Roberta, his wife of 47 years. Skip to main content. Rocks: My Life in and out of Aerosmith.

Rocks: My Life in and out of Aerosmith | brookline booksmith

The guitar became his passion, an object of lust, an outlet for his restlessness and his rebellious soul. That passion quickly blossomed into an obsession, and he got a band together. One night after a performance he met a brash young musician named Steven Tyler; before long, Aerosmith was born. What happened over the next forty-five years has become the stuff of legend: the knockdown, drag-out, band-splintering fights; the drugs, the booze, the rehab; the packed arenas and timeless hits; the reconciliations and the comebacks. Rocks is an unusually searching memoir of a life that spans from the top of the world to the bottom of the barrel—several times. After reading "Rocks," I have a much clearer understanding of not only the band, but of who Joe Perry is as a musician and a man. And I must say, I'm impressed, delighted, and proud to call myself a fan. Not only have I learned so much from this wonderful book, but smiled, laughed, and shed a few tears from the memories invoked while reading it. Last week I was excited to meet Joe Perry at one of his book signings in San Francisco, and have my copy personally signed. He also took the time to take pictures with each and every fan in attendance. A terrific book, and a terrific man. I wish the book didn't end. But then, I guess it really hasn't Nov 19, Bren rated it really liked it Shelves: music , non-fiction , biographical-and- autobiographical , addictions-and-addictive-behavior , read-and-reviewed. I happened to be a huge fan o f Aerosmith in the day and have seen them live probably half a dozen or so times. This is Joe Perry's account of his life, both in the band and with his family, his struggles with sobriety and other issues and his life in general. It is one of the better musician written books out there. I found it easy to read, poignant and quite human. If you are an Aeromith fan you do not want to miss this one. Jan 25, Martine rated it it was amazing. Joe Perry seems to be a genuine down to earth good guy. The love he has for his music, his wife and kids really comes through - all through the book. Feb 01, Judy Ferrell rated it it was amazing. For many years people have wanted the true story of Joe Perry and Aerosmith. You will get it in this no-holds barred book. From the beginning, Joe has laid his soul bare. You get the truth behind the rumors. This book is well written and an easy read. I'm very glad I bought it. As a long term fan of both Joe Perry and Aerosmith, I found this book to be very informative. Aug 01, Matt rated it really liked it. The best thing about rock memoirs are the moments when you get to look back in time to see how everybody met, and how unlikely it was that they would ever become legends. The first chunk of Joe's memoir is devoted to such stories, and it's a joy to read. When Joe Perry first meets "Steven Tallarico" you realize immediately how the encounter will become a metaphor for the entire history of Aerosmith. The story of the band's formation and ascent is a ton of fun. What I remember about Aerosmith in t The best thing about rock memoirs are the moments when you get to look back in time to see how everybody met, and how unlikely it was that they would ever become legends. That kind of thing is never lost on young dudes. The back story to those 20 years of ongoing and apparently easy success is so tumultuous that it's a miracle any of it ever happened The final section of the book drags a little. Interestingly, it's only because the guys get older and the stories become more tame. Nonetheless, it puts the fitting punctuation on the end of an epic rock and roll career span. That's two full "traditional" career terms in a business everybody knows chews people up and spits them out Joe's public persona is quiet, so his memoir reveals a ton of things you didn't know about a really fascinating guy. For the guitar geeks, there's a fantastic appendix, in which all of Joe's guitar techs share photos and info about the axes and back line rigs he played from the first tour on. They detail many of the custom "rat rods" that they built for him over the years, including all the technical specs and the parts they used. The only thing I craved more was color photos of his collection, but that would be a coffee table book in itself. View all 4 comments. Dec 06, Brad McKenna rated it really liked it Shelves: auto-biography. Perry is as messed up as you'd expect from a grizzled old rocker. However, he comes across as a saint compared to his toxic twin. I read this as a follow up to Steven Tyler's autobiography and like it so much better. Perry is the brooding quiet rockstar to Tyler's bombastic star. One thing I was surprised to learn is that Perry has been married to his wife for 30 years. That's a feat when you're in a band a big as Aerosmith. Some of the drama that Joe comes off as innocent is, of course, Mr. Some of the drama that Joe comes off as innocent is, of course, to be taken with a grain of salt. That said, he seems to be a surprisingly down-to- earth rockstar. He cares more about the music than he does about the drugs and sex. It was great reading his side of the story, he came across as honest, not sugar coating his own flaws, which is in sharp contrast to Tyler's trying to blame others. One last note: the book has an appendix where Perry lets his guitar techs speak. His current one interviewed the past ones and they lay out how they set up all of Perry's guitars and which models he uses. For those of you that are guitar players this might be a great bonus. Nov 30, Mika rated it really liked it Shelves: music. Before I even had finished the first chapter I was prepared to High-Five this book. The art of writing is a class above itself when it comes to rock-autobiographies. The language and the way he portrays the emotional journey is an art in itself. Perhaps poetical I just wrote the last sentence to sound smart. The way Joe Perry describes his childhood is just amazing, the pursuit of identity to the first encounters with music and acceptance from his father. Throughout the book there is a great ex Before I even had finished the first chapter I was prepared to High-Five this book. When it comes to the following content my big High Five drops a level unfortunately. Everything that have happened from the start to present day seem to reflect on Steven Tyler. It gets a bit one-sided. Feb 18, patrick Lorelli rated it liked it Shelves: music-biographies. I really liked the first part of this book his younger years and how he got into playing the guitar. I thought he was very honest about his problems in school which was a learning disorder and how he overcame that. Also impressed with his homemade driving gear and his sense of adventure in exploring the depths of the lake during his childhood. The rest of the book was okay not great but good. How he started different bands and then how he meet Tyler and started writing and then the crazy Aerosmi I really liked the first part of this book his younger years and how he got into playing the guitar. How he started different bands and then how he meet Tyler and started writing and then the crazy Aerosmith stuff. Overall not a bad book. I got this book from net galley. Follow us at www. The lead guitarist of Aerosmith gives his take on his life with and without the band. Perhaps a bit long but overall pretty good. My favorite part was the look at his younger years, his family life and how he came to love music. Aug 31, Sarah Karen rated it really liked it. You also notice the love this guy has for his family. Feb 23, Reading rated it really liked it. Interesting insight into the man and the band. Coherent and engaging. Kudos to the ghostwriter. Dec 07, Larry rated it it was amazing Shelves: , best , rock-bio-s , i-own , audio- book. I thought that this was a great Rock Bio. I'm not even that big of an Aerosmith fan. Feb 28, Steve rated it did not like it. Like many who have come to this book via a long-standing appreciation of Aerosmith, I was curious to see what Perry had to say. So much of the Aerosmith story is old news, and having been a gigantic teenage fan during the glory years of the 70s, I used to devour every piece of information I could uncover on them. Unfortunately, time often erodes our teenage beliefs. Sadder still Like many who have come to this book via a long- standing appreciation of Aerosmith, I was curious to see what Perry had to say. He thanks her twice in the acknowledgements alone, as well as dedicating the book to her, too. Add the cheesy guitar with her portrait on it, and you've got what I consider borderline creepy devotion. As one reviewer noted and Perry notes in the book that his former manager did, as well , Perry seems co-dependent on others, from Tyler and Billie to his blind devotion to that same one-time manager Tim Collins, a man who turned out to be a psycho. Perry rarely comes across as an introspective or forward thinking guy. Where she has gone through similar ups and downs as Perry, she personalizes her tale with a humility and self-effacing style that is as inspiring as it is humanizing. Time after time, seemingly fascinating anecdotes are covered with a sentence or two, rarely developed into the tales they could've been. Either Joe's memory isn't too strong or he lacks the capacity to infuse his story with a sense of depth. It adds up to me questioning why he wrote this book at all because it's a total flat line of a tale. Given the renowned debauchery of Aerosmith, that's almost unfathomable. It's not that I came to this book to read yet another rocker's chronicling of their sordid halcyon period of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, but I was expecting some insight into the man. What I came away with is that he must be a fairly dull fellow. That's what this book and his line of hot sauce products, etc. My advice is to skip the book and listen to Get Your Wings instead. Shelves: memoir-autobiography , non-fiction. Or, Joe Rocks!! I love both the book and the title: In and out of Aerosmith. That refers to both how he once left the band, and also to his personal life, hence "out" of Aerosmith. He has a sense of humor as well. I now view Perry in a completely different light — and not just as one of my idols who denied me a photo-op. Skip to content. I came all the way from DC. Can I get a picture? Meghna Balakumar. She enjoys playing electric guitar, jazz piano and is currently trying to forge her way to become a tour manager. gestalt-des-jakob-818.pdf