E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2020 No. 135 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was ing they are quickly coming to the Program to prevent more layoffs; sub- called to order by the President pro point of making a decision of whether sidize rehiring to get laid-off workers tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). they can even stay in business. their jobs back and create new incen- f Motorcoaches provide passenger trans- tives for workplace safety; give K–12 portation services to all Americans, schools, colleges, and universities fund- PRAYER providing over 600 million passenger ing to reopen safely—more money than The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- trips annually across the country. By the House Democrats have proposed; fered the following prayer: comparison, airlines provided service support healthcare providers in the lat- Let us pray. for 925 million passenger trips in 2019. est hotspots and keep supporting the O God, our refuge and strength, give While most other modes of transpor- race for vaccines; provide common- us reverence for Your greatness. Guide tation received specific funding to help sense legal protection so that schools, our Senators around the pitfalls of them through the pandemic, the mo- hospitals, and other employers can re- their work, enabling them to have torcoach industry has not. What they open without being buried in lawsuits. hearts sustained by Your peace. May are really referring to when they talk That is what we put forward—a tril- they surrender their will to You as to me, they seem to feel that they have lion dollars for kids, jobs, and they trust You to direct their steps. been left out when we have given sev- healthcare. It is a framework that is Lord, remind them that leadership eral tens of millions of dollars to help more generous in key areas than House can work miracles with cooperation the airline industry. Democrats’ totally unserious pro- but rarely accomplishes much with I spoke with Secretary Mnuchin posal—a framework that could have conflict. Inspire our lawmakers to be about this matter and have relayed the kept the additional Federal payments quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow concerns from these Iowa companies to to unemployed workers flowing instead to get angry. Help them to strive to relevant committees here in the Sen- of expiring this week. live with such integrity that they give ate. The government relies on motor- There is a fact of life here in the Sen- You the honor due Your Name. Amen. coach industries to help move troops ate. It takes 60 votes to legislate, so f and also evacuate people to safety dur- the American people cannot get any of PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ing our natural disasters. However, the additional relief that Republicans want to give them unless Democrats at The President pro tempore led the with passenger bookings being non- least come to the table. Either our Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: existent and few charters being sched- uled, this leaves little hope of rebound Democratic colleagues come to the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the table or the American people will not United States of America, and to the Repub- yet this year. The industry may not lic for which it stands, one nation under God, survive to provide this service in the get the help they need. That is why I indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. future if they don’t receive support. said this week we have come down to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. I yield the floor. one key question: Will the country get HYDE-SMITH). The Senator from Iowa. f the Democrats who showed up back in Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I March to pass the bipartisan CARES RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Act or will the country get the Demo- ask unanimous consent to speak 1 LEADER minute in morning business. crats who showed up in June to block The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- police reform and keep that issue alive objection, it is so ordered. jority leader is recognized. through November? f f Unfortunately, 3 days in, it hasn’t been a close call. The Speaker of the MOTORCOACH INDUSTRY CORONAVIRUS House and the Democratic leader Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, refuse to let anyone else speak on their the motorcoach industry has been par- on Monday, Senate Republicans re- side. I understand the Democratic lead- ticularly hard hit by the COVID–19 leased a starting proposal for another er has actually forbidden—forbidden pandemic and the economic turndown major pandemic rescue package. his own Democratic ranking members as a result of it. Iowa has many motor- This is what we want to do: Continue from talking and negotiating with coach operators, several of which are a Federal supplement to unemploy- their Republican counterparts who are really family owned and some of them ment benefits that is otherwise about spearheading the different components. for two or three generations. to expire; send thousands of dollars You see, bipartisan, Member-level dis- I have been in frequent communica- more in cash to American families; cussions might actually generate some tion with these Iowans, and I am learn- keep funding the Payroll Protection progress, and progress does not appear

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.000 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 to be something the leaders on the This is silly stuff. None of it should Republicans have put forward a other side want. be stopping negotiations and none of it framework that would do huge On Monday, the Speaker of the House would be if our Democratic colleagues amounts of good for huge numbers of claimed she could not wait to start ne- actually wanted to get an outcome. American families. If Democrats ever gotiations, but then on Tuesday, she Let’s talk about unemployment in- come to the table, we will be able to said her discussion with the adminis- surance. Both Republicans and Demo- bridge our differences and make a law. tration ‘‘isn’t a negotiation.’’ And then crats agree in these extraordinary f the Speaker said: ‘‘The appropriate times it makes sense for the Federal thing for the Senate to do is pass a bill Government to provide the stark addi- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME and then we can negotiate with them.’’ tional help on top of normal unemploy- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Meanwhile, the Democratic leader is ment. Republicans don’t want this aid the previous order, the leadership time over here making sure that cannot to expire. Our plan continues it, but is reserved. happen. This is quite the partnership: the Speaker and the Democratic leader f the House Speaker moves the goalposts say they will not agree to anything un- while the Democratic leader hides the less the program pays people more to CONCLUSION OF MORNING football. They will not engage when stay home than to work. BUSINESS the Trump administration tries to dis- Prominent Democrats have publicly The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning cuss our comprehensive plan. They will said they agree with our position. The business is closed. not engage when the Administration Democratic Governor of Connecticut floats a narrower proposal. They, basi- says he wants to continue the benefit f cally, will not engage, period. at a more targeted level. Multiple EXECUTIVE SESSION The Speaker and the Democratic Members of the Senate and Speaker leader are playing rope-a-dope with the PELOSI’s own House Democratic Major- health, welfare, and livelihoods of ity Leader have all said in the last few EXECUTIVE CALENDAR American families. With benefits expir- days that they are open to negotiating The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ing, with the Paycheck Protection Pro- this, but the Speaker and the Demo- the previous order, the Senate will pro- gram winding down, and millions un- cratic leader have cut all their col- ceed to executive session to resume employed, the Democrats are saying leagues out. They are standing alone, consideration of the following nomina- ‘‘my way or the highway’’ with a So- saying: ‘‘Our way or the highway.’’ And tion, which the clerk will report. cialist wish list that was laughed off by so people are going to suffer. The senior assistant legislative clerk everyone from journalists to econo- I understand the Democratic leader read the nomination of Derek Kan, of mists the instant they introduced it. said he felt offended when I noted that California, to be Deputy Director of the This is what reporters had to say some people are suggesting the Demo- Office of Management and Budget. about Speaker PELOSI’s proposal in crats’ strange behavior is explained by Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, May: politics; that some people think Demo- I suggest the absence of a quorum. ‘‘The more than 1,800-page bill makes crats are behaving like national suf- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The a long wish list for Democrats.’’ fering would only hurt President clerk will call the roll. ‘‘Neither this bill nor anything re- Trump. Now, the Democratic leader, The senior assistant legislative clerk assembling it will ever become law.’’ himself, pointed that exact accusation proceeded to call the roll. Even the Speaker’s own Democratic at various Republicans during the Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Members knew it was a joke. ‘‘Pri- Obama Presidency on multiple occa- ask unanimous consent that the order vately, several House Democrats con- sions. I know memories can be short for the quorum call be rescinded. cede the bill feels more like an effort around here when it is convenient. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to appease the most liberal members of More broadly, actions speak louder objection, it is so ordered. the caucus.’’ than words. Democrats spent weeks Yet this is what they are holding out shouting that the Senate should act on RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER for. Let’s recall some of the specific police reform, but when Senator TIM The Democratic leader is recognized. items. These are the things over which SCOTT gave them the chance, they MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE Democrats are blowing up negotiations blocked action. They blocked the Sen- NOVEL CORONAVIRUS and forcing a lapse in extra unemploy- ate from even taking up the subject. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, ment benefits: tax increase on small And now, so far, this is the sequel. the Senate will soon acknowledge a businesses; taxpayer-funded checks for Democrats talked a big game about moment of silence for the 150,000 Amer- illegal immigrants; taxpayer-funded di- wanting to provide more assistance, icans who have now died from COVID– versity studies of the legal pot indus- but now that it is ‘‘go time,’’ they show 19—more lives than our country lost in try; and their ongoing obsession with zero appetite for any bipartisan out- World War I. This national tragedy is something called the State and local come at all. more keenly felt because it has not and tax, or SALT, which would be a mas- This is personal for me. Kentucky cannot be properly mourned. One of the sive giveaway for high earners in blue has not finished fighting with the most devastating consequences of this States. In other words, a tax cut for coronavirus, and the Federal Govern- disease is that it keeps us apart even in high earners in blue States. Let me say ment must not be finished helping Ken- death. There is no final clutching of that again. Democrats are holding up tucky. Laid-off Kentuckians need more the hand of a loved one, no funeral to help for struggling people over special help. Kentucky schools need more help. remember one by. Grandchildren, tax breaks for rich people in blue Under our proposal, Kentucky alone wrapped in protective gear, wave good- States, an idea that has been criticized would receive $193 million for testing bye from across the hospital room. by economists from all sides. and contact tracing to fight the spread There are 150,000 Americans who have Republicans want to get more help to of the disease. This should be just as died, which is more than in any other families right now, but Speaker PELOSI personal for every single Senator. nation on God’s green Earth—more says: Let them eat SALT. None of our States deserve the Demo- than of our allies and more than of our They also want to spend another tril- crats’ rope-a-dope. No American family adversaries, more than in the most lion dollars bailing out State and local deserves it. Don’t my distinguished populous nations, more than in those governments that only spent—listen to ranking member colleagues wish they with mere fractions of our wealth and this—25 percent of the money we sent could be involved in robust bipartisan power, and more—so many more—than them back in March. Some State and discussions with our chairman, like in the nation from which this virus local governments have only spent 25 back in March, and not watching from originated. percent of the money we sent them the sidelines as their leader shuts down We will debate the reasons for this back in March, and the Speaker and talks on TV? Do they really think the ugly truth—we must—if we are to Democratic leader want to send them Democratic leader’s tactics are serving avoid compounding our errors and another trillion dollars. the common good of their States? heaping sorrow upon sorrow as the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.002 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4601 virus continues to rage throughout our ideology that the Federal Government tiations with our Senate colleagues, country. Yet now we spend a moment shouldn’t help people even in a time of but the reason negotiations are going to acknowledge how much our country national emergency. nowhere right now is that the Repub- has suffered already. As the country is about to careen licans are divided. Who is leading the We have lost friends and neighbors, over several cliffs as a result of Repub- effort on the Republican side—Chief of brothers and sisters, fathers and lican delay, dithering, and disunity, Staff Meadows and Secretary Mnuchin? daughters, mothers and sons, a beloved our friends on the other side are now Is Senator JOHNSON and Senator professor at Howard University, a civil scrambling. It is dawning on them BRAUN’s effort to pass reduced unem- rights pioneer, and a renowned psy- now—not a week ago, not 3 weeks ago, ployment benefits a real offer from the chiatrist. We have lost a Brooklyn doc- not 2 months ago—that we are facing a Republicans or just a stunt? tor, at 62, on the verge of retirement, cliff with unemployment—although we Leader MCCONNELL has said that the who in the early weeks of the crisis in face cliffs on other issues, as well, right Democrats will not engage. I would re- New York, worked day shifts at the now. mind him that he refuses to go into the ICU and night shifts at the Hospital I understand that, today, a few of my room when Speaker PELOSI, Secretary Center across the street before finally colleagues on the other side will ask Mnuchin, Chief of Staff Meadows, and I succumbing to the disease himself. We the Senate to pass a reduction of the sit in there. Once again, Senator have lost so many in so short a time. enhanced employment benefit from MCCONNELL engages in ‘‘Alice in Won- Unable to grieve them in the manner $600 a week to $200 a week or, even derland’’ tactics and speeches and they deserve, we respect this moment worse, a smaller percentage of a work- words. What he says is exactly the op- of silence, this moment of sorrow. er’s wages than the Republicans pro- posite of what is true. We are trying to I ask unanimous consent that there posed in their bill earlier this week. An negotiate, and the Senate Republicans be a moment of silence to recognize the already stingy Republican proposal has are not. more than 150,000 American deaths gotten even stingier as the week has Next, it is clear that the Senate Re- from the novel coronavirus. gone on. publicans don’t have a unified position The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I have made it very clear why the on anything. The main thing we hear proposal by the Senator of Wisconsin is objection, it is so ordered. from Leader MCCONNELL is that he There will now be a moment of si- terrible policy for four main reasons. would torpedo all of the relief that the First and most obviously, it would lence to recognize the American deaths Americans are counting on unless hurt the unemployed as 1.4 million from the novel coronavirus. there is a giant corporate immunity Americans filed new claims for unem- (Moment of silence.) provision attached, and he says he will ployment last week, and the number is CORONAVIRUS not even negotiate on it. Who is hold- going up again. Our economy is still Madam President, as COVID–19 con- ing things up? Who is standing in the shedding jobs, and Americans are los- tinues to spread through dozens of way? Leader MCCONNELL and his Re- States, our country is dealing with ing their paychecks through no fault of their own. Yet the Republicans want to publican caucus are, certainly, at the multiple crises at this time. take $1,600 out of their pockets every top of the list. We learned today that the most re- And President Trump is all over the single month. They want to give people cent quarter was the worst on record lot. He himself called the Republican for our economy. The problem is not who lost their jobs through no fault of their own a 34-percent pay cut. It is Senate proposal ‘‘semi-irrelevant.’’ new or surprising. Millions of newly When your own President says your unemployed Americans cannot go back shocking, inhumane, wrong. Second, it would exacerbate poverty. proposal is semi-irrelevant, as Trump to work, cannot afford the rent, cannot Our enhanced unemployment benefits has said to the Senate Republicans, put food on the table. Small businesses have prevented nearly 12 million Amer- you know that they are tied in a knot are waiting to see if the Federal loan icans from slipping into poverty. The and can’t get anything done. program that kept them alive will be Republicans want to slash and burn The President seems to endorse a dif- renewed. Parents are worried sick that poverty-preventing policy. Let’s ferent policy every time he finds a about their kids returning to school in have more people go into poverty. That microphone. The one thing we are sure the fall. The State and local govern- is what this amendment would do. he supports is spending taxpayer dol- ments that fought this disease on the Third, it would devastate our econ- lars on a new FBI building to boost the frontline when the Trump administra- omy. One of the few bright spots over value of his hotel. tion refused to give them help are deep the past few months has been consumer Yesterday, we learned the President in the red and are slashing public serv- spending, in no small part because asked for nearly $400 million in renova- ices, teachers, firefighters, and more. these unemployment benefits go to tions to the White House in the Repub- Throughout America, people wait those Americans who need to spend lican COVID proposal. Seriously? The days and days—even weeks—for the re- them as soon as they get them. No President proposes no help for Ameri- sults of their tests, which renders the wonder respected economic forecasters cans to stay in their houses but wants tests almost useless because we don’t project that the Republican policy on the taxpayers to fork over nearly $400 have an adequate testing program at unemployment insurance would cost us million to help him renovate the White the national level. This is the greatest over a million jobs this year and 3 mil- House? public health challenge and crisis and lion more next year. Simply put, negotiations with the the greatest economic challenge in at Finally, we know that this policy is White House and Senate Republicans least 75 years. We need to confront all impossible to implement. When our of- right now are like trying to nail Jell-O of these crises. fice called State unemployment offices to the wall. We are trying to work with Senate Republicans hardly want to to ask them about the Republican pro- our counterparts, but it is immensely address any of them. They dithered for posal, they said its implementation frustrating to deal with a negotiating months and then produced a half- would be a catastrophe. One office sim- partner who can’t say what they sup- baked, halfhearted proposal of half ply said: ‘‘This would cause chaos.’’ port on nearly any issue. measures—a proposal that their own This is not a serious proposal. We all Now, we are hearing the President caucus and their own President didn’t know it will never pass the House and and his representatives have floated fully support. Just last night, the Re- that it doesn’t have enough votes to the idea of a skinny bill to address one publican leader confirmed that 20 Re- come close to passing in the Senate. program, to extend unemployment in- publican Senators want to do nothing Large numbers of Republicans will vote surance at much lower rates, which in the face of the historic problems we against it. This effort appears to be an hurts the unemployed. But while the face, and because the Senate Repub- effort to provide the Republicans some Nation waits, desperate for comprehen- licans haven’t gotten their act to- political cover because they can’t get sive relief, they leave everything else gether, 2 weeks have now gone down their act together and force the coun- out. the drain and 3 months went down the try over these cliffs. What about improving testing, where drain before that because the Repub- We are trying to negotiate with the people have to wait in line—wait for licans have been wedded to a twisted White House and would welcome nego- hours, days, and weeks to get their

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.003 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 tests back? What about helping State The senior assistant legislative clerk I have cosponsored legislation that and local governments, who have to lay proceeded to call the roll. would place important limits and over- off firefighters and busdrivers? What Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, I ask sight on the use of Federal officers for about dealing with people who might unanimous consent that the order for enforcement operations and arrests re- be evicted? What about dealing with the quorum call be rescinded. lating to protests, including making people who can’t feed their kids? The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sure that law enforcement officers are list of issues goes on and on and on, objection, it is so ordered. clearly identified. and they are all immediate and urgent. REMEMBERING JOHN LEWIS I recently voted in the Senate to So to have this bill, which is inad- Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, place further limits on the transfer of equate on employment benefits alone— today our colleague John Lewis will be excess military equipment to State and cuts them to the bone—and not include laid to rest. What an incredible legacy local law enforcement agencies, and I any of the other issues, in a hope to es- he leaves behind. will continue to demand that America cape and then do nothing more? Forget I was blessed to serve with him in the reform its Federal, State, and local law it. It will not pass the Senate. It will House of Representatives. The two of enforcement agencies. not pass the House. It is a stunt. us were elected in the same class to After the shocking death of George Even if the White House would agree start serving in the House of Rep- Floyd in police custody in , to another extension of enhanced un- resentatives in 1987. We became friends, Congress must address systemic racism employment at its current level, which and he was certainly an inspiration to and police brutality through passage of many, if not most, Senate Republicans all of us. the Justice in Policing Act. While this will refuse to support, there are just I particularly mention his name legislation has passed the House, Sen- too many things left out—opening up today because of the challenges we are ator MCCONNELL has still refused to our schools safely, healthcare testing finding to our First Amendment right bring it up in the Senate, condemning and reducing the wait to get test re- to peacefully protest. John Lewis fre- it to his legislative graveyard. sults, State and local governments, so quently talked about ‘‘good trouble’’ Now more than ever, we urgently much more. and that all of us have a responsibility need to rebuild trust with our commu- And even if the White House finally to speak out when we see something nities and change the Trump adminis- comes around to the position that we that is wrong and to do it in a peaceful tration’s mentality from a warrior to a should extend the moratorium on evic- way. guardian approach for law enforce- tions, that wouldn’t be enough. It It is interesting that his last public ment. makes no sense to extend the morato- appearance was with the protesters of News reports indicate that Federal rium on evictions without helping Black Lives Matter here in DC, as he law enforcement officers have been Americans actually afford the rent. We wanted to be there and was proud to using unmarked vehicles to drive can prevent landlords or banks from see the diversity of the group who was around downtown Portland and detain kicking Americans out of their homes there to protest the brutalities that we protesters since at least mid-July. In for another few months, but then what? have seen in America and the systemic some cases, citizens could not tell the The same Americans would be 6 racism we see in our country. difference between law enforcement months behind on the rent and have no We not only have the right but the and far-right extremists in the region hope of making up the difference. responsibility to speak out when we see who wore similar military gear. So let’s look. Here is where we are. these injustices. The First Amendment This reminds us of the most radical Americans are worried as this awful to our Nation’s Constitution is key to images that we have seen in authori- pandemic rages on. The lifelines we the foundation of our country’s democ- tative, repressive regimes on how they passed here in Congress to protect fam- racy, including the right of people to violate the rights of their citizens. ilies, small businesses, renters, school peacefully assemble and petition for re- Federal officials have been reported kids, and so many more are expired, dress of grievances. as grabbing Americans in the dark, not and our Republican colleagues dither. The President of the United States providing any form of identification, We have a comprehensive, bold pro- ordering unidentified agents of the De- and arresting, searching, and detaining posal. They have virtually nothing. partment of Homeland Security to ar- individuals in cells before properly Let’s remember recent history. That rest and detain protesters is a flagrant reading their Miranda rights. There are may give us some hope that we can get breach of trust and potentially a viola- widespread reports of Federal agents something done. Back in March and tion of the law. Congress must speak not having any probable cause before April, Republicans were late to the up in a unified, bipartisan voice and making these arrests. game, just as they are now, and pro- tell the President that such an esca- Not only are these actions irrespon- posed stingy, insufficient legislation in lation and militarization of our city sible and dangerous, it is a violation of response to COVID–19, just like they streets without provocation or invita- our constitutional rights. America’s are doing now. Each time, Democrats tion from local officials must stop and strength is in the ideals that we believe were not bullied by Republicans into must stop now. in. We are the global leader in demo- passing something that wouldn’t work I am gravely concerned that when cratic values and the rule of law. These and be insufficient, but we demanded Federal law enforcement agents are de- actions weaken our Nation, and these that our colleagues sit down with us ployed in this manner, their presence actions weaken America’s credibility and negotiate a bill that meets the has increased tensions and caused more and global leadership on behalf of needs of the American people—and that confrontation between demonstrators democratic values. is what we did. and police. Indeed, local, State, and I am pleased that last week the in- In the second, third, and fourth even Federal officials—including the spectors general of the Department of phases of COVID relief, our negotia- U.S. Attorney—have criticized the Fed- Homeland Security and Justice agreed tions produced much better legisla- eral agents’ intervention and tactics in to investigate how their agents used tion—legislation that passed both Portland. force, detained people, and conducted Houses with near unanimity. It is I share the concerns of many of my themselves in confrontations with pro- never easy, and it is never painless, but colleagues regarding the misuse of re- testers both in Portland, OR, and it can be done. We just need our Repub- sources and personnel, particularly Washington, DC. lican colleagues to get their act to- when Federal law enforcement officers Recall in Washington, DC, that At- gether, roll up their sleeves, under- are used for political purposes by the torney General Barr used force to clear stand the gravity and breadth and President to violate the civil rights of a peaceful protest at Lafayette Park depth of this problem and negotiate our constituents. We all should be con- just outside the White House. Attorney with us in a serious way. cerned that both the Justice and General Barr took this action so that I yield the floor. Homeland Security Departments are the President could hold up a Bible for I suggest the absence of a quorum. misusing their emergency authorities a photo-op outside of a church. This The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and are actually aggravating the situa- was an unacceptable breach of faith in clerk will call the roll. tion in Portland and elsewhere. the Constitution. It breaks the trust

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.005 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4603 between our law enforcement and our fire. . . . Preserving the right to dissent is The bill clerk proceeded to call the citizens. something very important. roll. Defending democracy and the rule of Now, I know President Trump has Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask law—the very freedoms we as a nation threatened to send additional Federal unanimous consent that the order for hold so dear—is hard work. It is made officers to and other cities the quorum call be rescinded. harder when the very individuals sworn to quell any further dissent or protests. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to uphold the law work so hard to un- Let me remind President Trump that objection, it is so ordered. dermine it. the protests in Baltimore after the TROOP WITHDRAWAL The Justice Department is the only death of George Floyd in police cus- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I am Cabinet agency named after an ideal, tody have been peaceful, so we don’t vice chairman of the Defense Appro- and Mr. BARR has forfeited his ability need additional Federal agents de- priations Subcommittee. It is an awe- to effectively lead it. signed to crack down on free speech some responsibility and assignment. In particular, the Justice Depart- and peaceful protests, nor do we want We end up dealing with over 50 percent ment inspector general will investigate Federal agents to come to Baltimore of the discretionary domestic spending how U.S. marshals have used force in with the purpose of escalating tensions each year in the United States. I work Portland and how other parts of the with the community or trying to pro- with my chairman, Senator SHELBY, Justice Department—such as the FBI, voke or incite violence or to discourage and I have worked with others in the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the lawful right of citizens exercising past trying to keep up with a changing Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms their First Amendment. environment in the world and a chang- and Explosives—were used in the Na- Instead, in Baltimore, we want to ing agenda in Washington. Many of the tion’s Capital. continue working cooperatively with briefings I receive are open and public, The inspector general of the Depart- our Federal partners, like our U.S. at- and many are also classified. ment of Homeland Security has said he torney, to address the stubborn prob- Last week, I met with the top U.S. opened an investigation into allega- lems involving drug gangs and the high commander in Europe, General Tod tions that Customs and Border Protec- violent crime and murder rate. Ensur- Wolters. General Wolters provided for tion agents improperly detained and ing the safety of our communities re- me and Senator SHELBY a classified transported protesters in Portland and quires an all-hands-on-deck approach. briefing on the Trump administration’s that he would review the deployment In Baltimore, we are using a task force plans to remove almost 12,000 Amer- of DHS’s personnel in recent weeks. known as the Baltimore Organized ican troops from Germany. Yesterday, America is not under siege, as the Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force the Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, President would like citizens to be- Strike Force, which is made up of made a similar briefing but publicly to lieve—except by a President who freely local, State, and Federal partners. This the press. uses aggressive law enforcement as a task force only works due to continued I am extremely concerned by both prop to distract the country from his transparency, collaboration, and en- the classified and unclassified informa- flailing response to the pandemic that gagement with the community tion I have been given about this plan has crippled our Nation. Citizens are throughout this process. and by the differences in the briefing I rightly concerned that the administra- Together, the citizens of Baltimore received compared to the public an- tion has deployed a secret police force, will keep working with our law en- nouncements from the Secretary of De- not to investigate crimes but to intimi- forcement authorities to improve safe- fense yesterday. Let me start off by date individuals it views as political ty in our neighborhoods and on our saying that this plan makes no sense. adversaries. streets. The city of Baltimore and the While some are framing this as an im- Several former Secretaries of Home- U.S. Department of Justice are con- provement of our military posture in land Security have sounded the alarm tinuing to work closely together, along Europe, I don’t buy it. Nobody else as well. Michael Chertoff, a Secretary with our U.S. District Court for the should either. of Homeland Security under George W. District of Maryland, to fully imple- Germany now spends 1.3 percent of Bush, wrote recently: ment a consent decree to bring con- its gross domestic product on defense. The Trump administration’s deliberate de- stitutional policing to Baltimore resi- Along with a majority of NATO mem- cision to intervene in the Portland protests dents so that the police adopt a guard- bers, Germany has agreed to reach a with a heavy hand, unconventional means ian instead of a warrior approach. goal of 2 percent of GDP on defense. and inflammatory political rhetoric has con- Instead of spreading divisive rhetoric Germany ought to make good on its tributed to growing public distrust—particu- and taking escalatory actions against word; that is for sure. But to be clear, larly of the Department of Homeland Secu- our citizens—tactics recently employed many, including President Trump, fail rity. to appreciate that there is much more Critics of the department are now rightly by President Trump—we should focus worried that its law enforcement agents on working constructively at the Fed- to NATO’s importance than simply might be increasingly deployed by President eral, State, and local level to promote meeting a spending goal. In fact, there Trump to score political points, or even proven strategies and solutions—like are many important ways to evaluate interfere with the November election. the strike force—that effectively re- this historic NATO alliance and judge Secretary Chertoff concluded: duce crime and improve safety. the commitment of each member, in- These actions, now or into the future, en- I look forward to the findings and cluding the political will of its leaders, danger our democracy and undermine the na- recommendations of the inspectors its shared vision and values, and the tion’s safety—by hurting the department’s general of those two Departments to interoperability of our military ability to carry out its core mission of pro- make clear what went wrong and to through regular training. All of these tecting Americans from genuine threats to take steps to make sure this type of things add to NATO’s deterrence. But our security. Federal law enforcement authority is President Trump is clearly just using Tom Ridge, the first Secretary of never abused again in the future. this argument about the percentage Homeland Security after its creation, I would hope that all my colleagues contribution and insufficient spending said that the presence of Federal au- would recognize the threat of these ac- to drive a petty and personal grudge thorities in Portland, OR, as protests tions to the protections in the First against Germany. continue in the city, is not consistent Amendment of our Constitution, and How do we know this? Because—lis- with the Department of Homeland Se- we will work together as one body to ten to this—the countries that would curity’s mission. He noted that the protect the lawful rights of our citizens be receiving our troops transferred out first words of the Department’s vision to protest their disagreements with of Germany also do not meet the 2 per- statement that he helped establish are government in a peaceful way. cent goal. ‘‘preserving our freedoms.’’ With that, I yield the floor. President Trump was reportedly Secretary Ridge continued: I suggest the absence of a quorum. angry that German Chancellor Merkel When they appear to be quasi-military The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. declined an invitation for an in-person rather than law enforcement, I think it’s SCOTT of Florida). The clerk will call G7 summit in the United States in the like pouring a little bit of gasoline on the the roll. middle of this global pandemic. Think

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.007 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 of that: She was worried about the know what that frontline is, and most but I do want to stand up and say that health consequences of such a meeting. people do as well—the Baltics and Po- this is a good nomination. I wish we We are canceling gatherings right and land. Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and had more like him. I am pleased that left in America because of a genuine Poland—here are four countries that at least we have this one today to con- concern we have for the well-being of have the most to lose if Putin chooses sider. one another. Chancellor Merkel’s posi- a path to war. Each of them meets and Derek Kan served previously as tion is hardly unreasonable. It makes exceeds the spending goals for NATO. Under Secretary for Transportation sense. Many of the statements and con- But this plan for the reallocation and Policy at the Department of Transpor- duct from the President Trump do not. reassignment of U.S. troops does not tation, where he served as a principal Amidst this snub to our NATO allies, help these four countries. adviser to the Secretary and provided President Trump continues to try to I went through the briefing. Those leadership in the development of poli- bring President Putin and Russia into four countries weren’t raised in the cies at the Department. the G7, even after reports about Rus- briefing. I raised them in a question I have a couple of quotes here from sian bounties being put on American afterward: Why are these countries two of my Democratic colleagues that soldiers in Afghanistan and the Presi- being overlooked if we are moving referenced his time at the Department dent’s failure time and again since this troops to make Europe safer? Instead, of Transportation. One of our Demo- has been disclosed to raise the issue the Department of Defense yesterday cratic colleagues from here in the Sen- with Vladimir Putin. threw in as an aside a vague assur- ate said these words: ‘‘Mr. Kan, from During the briefing last week, I un- ance—maybe just a possibility—that your time at the Department of Trans- derstood there would be a distributive sometime, maybe in the future, more portation, I know you to be a talented process for planning how these troops American troops might rotate through and thoughtful leader who can work would be moved and when they would those countries for short periods of collaboratively with Congress and oth- be moved. We would discuss the infra- time. Major parts of the plan that I ers to find common ground.’’ structure that needs to be built in the saw and part of the plan that was re- Think about those words: ‘‘who can United States as well as in Europe, and leased yesterday actually move Amer- work collaboratively with Congress we would be in close consultation with ican troops and NATO allies further and others to find common ground.’’ our allies in the process. away from Russia. Another of our Democratic col- In contrast, the Vice Chairman of the Vladimir Putin is getting the last leagues said of Derek Kan: ‘‘Derek Kan Joints Chief of Staff, General Hyten, laugh again when it comes to this is a serious, smart person and a vast stated yesterday that there is a plan- President. Vladimir Putin fears a improvement over the previously men- ning process occurring. He also went on united NATO. Sadly, President Trump tioned names.’’ to say that ‘‘we’ll start moving right has done everything he can to divide That is a quote. I will say it again: away with forces moving right away.’’ and diminish that NATO alliance. ‘‘Derek Kan is a serious, smart person Really? Without the planning? It President Putin believes that as long and a vast improvement over the pre- sounds like this general is snapping to as that NATO alliance is divided, he is viously mentioned names.’’ the attention of the President, who is in a stronger bargaining position. Now, that is not damning with faint determined to poke the German Chan- Sadly, he is right. praise. That is, I think, praise. I think cellor in the eye. Shouldn’t our highest NATO is the most successful alliance it is well earned, and I just wanted to priority be the defense of America in American history. Instead of share that with you. rather than a spite match? strengthening it, the President of the He has been nominated to serve by If I am confused about how quickly United States is weakening it. Instead this administration in a number of po- this plan has unfolded, I will bet the of leading it, he is undermining it. The sitions, and he has gotten the support rest of our NATO allies are as well. best way to reassure our allies that we of Democrats and Republicans—not I might also say that I received a pre- are with them is to scrap this plan unanimous support. I wouldn’t get liminary cost estimate on how much now. unanimous support if I were nominated American taxpayers will have to pay If this administration is so confident for something that came through here for this political adventure by Presi- about how good an idea this is, tell the either—but he has gotten strong sup- dent Trump. This figure is still classi- American people how much it is going port, for the most part. fied. I am sorry that it is, but I can as- to cost and explain why we are not re- I was pleased to be able to vote in sure you the costs are substantial. Sec- allocating our forces in Europe to the favor of his confirmation to this par- retary Esper was dismissive yesterday real frontline in Poland and the Bal- ticular position. He was confirmed—at of its cost; he should not be. It is sub- tics. Instead of pulling back our troops, that time it was as the Department of stantial. we should be withdrawing this half- Transportation Under Secretary, and I Hiding the costs of this troop realign- baked plan and start over anew with a think he was confirmed in the Senate ment plan brings to mind the Presi- focus on stopping aggression from by a vote of 90 to 7. dent’s campaign promise that Mexico Vladimir Putin and standing behind Prior to this appointment, Mr. Kan was going to pay for our border wall. In our traditional allies. served on the Amtrak board of direc- reality, the Department of Defense I yield the floor. tors, and he was unanimously con- paid for a large part of it because the I suggest the absence of a quorum. firmed to that position by this same President diverted funds appropriated The PRESIDING OFFICER. The body. He doesn’t know this, but he and for our national defense to this Captain clerk will call the roll. I have something in common. We were Queeg venture of his on our southern The bill clerk proceeded to call the both confirmed—I was sitting Governor border. roll. of Delaware, but I was confirmed to The Defense Department should Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I ask serve as the lone Governor at the time make cost estimates of this plan public unanimous consent that the order for on Amtrak’s board of directors. And I today. Let the American people know the quorum call be rescinded. was confirmed unanimously. Somehow what the President expects us to spend The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that slipped through. But that is some- in order for him to get the last word objection, it is so ordered. thing that he and I share in common, with Angela Merkel. The American NOMINATION OF DEREK KAN and he understands well the impor- people ought to decide for themselves Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I rise tance of the capacity of rail service in whether this is a cost worth bearing. today to speak on the nomination of this country—in this century. Let me tell you what has been con- Derek Kan to serve as second in com- Mr. Kan is also experienced as a pol- spicuously absent from both public and mand at the Office of Management and icy adviser to our current majority private briefings, and that is whether Budget. leader and chief economist for the Sen- our commitment to our real allies in It is not every day that I stand here ate Republican Policy Committee. To Europe and NATO is really designed to and endorse a nomination—a nomi- put it bluntly, I think he possesses the address the frontline of potential Rus- nee—of a current President. So I don’t necessary qualifications and experience sian aggression and provocation. I want anybody to have a heart attack, for this position.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.009 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4605 I have the privilege of serving as the Democratic Senators. He also com- said that there were many highlights senior Democrat on the Homeland Se- mitted to ensure that OMB responds to of the day yesterday, but that was curity Committee with the Presiding all requests from GAO. probably No. 1. Officer, and this committee has the re- I know these commitments ought to With that, I yield the floor to my sponsibility for vetting individuals who be standard operating procedure in our friend from Iowa, Senator CHUCK have been nominated to serve at the democracy, which is built on a system GRASSLEY. Office of Management and Budget. of checks and balances, but they cer- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- During the confirmation process, I tainly have not always been the case in ator from Iowa. had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. this administration, especially for AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Kan and getting to know him a little folks nominated to positions like the Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I do better and understanding better his one he has been nominated for. thank the Senator from Delaware for goals for this important position. Mr. Mr. Kan’s willingness to work with bailing me out, as we sometimes say in Kan clearly showed that he is inti- Congress and his clear qualifications to Iowa. mately familiar with the issues that he serve in this role are a welcome change I have two reasons for speaking this would be tasked with managing at in a Trump administration nominee morning. No. 1, very shortly, this week OMB, and he showed that he is willing that deserves to be recognized. For is the 30th year of the Americans with to learn and work with others to en- those reasons, I intend to support Disabilities Act as the law of the land. sure that he is doing everything he can Derek Kan, who has been nominated There are plenty of reasons to recog- to work productively on behalf of the for this important position at OMB. I nize that law for the landmark that it American people. urge my colleagues—Democrat, Repub- is and how it has helped people advance In fact, Mr. Kan committed to work lican, and an Independent or two—to in our society and get more equality, collaboratively with Congress to help do the same. but also, I do it because a former col- us fulfill our oversight role. This is a I have the privilege of serving as the league of mine from Iowa, Senator Tom shared responsibility: oversight. We all senior Democrat on the Environment Harkin, working along with Senator need to be interested in oversight. You and Public Works Committee. In our Bob Dole, worked really hard to get don’t have to serve on a committee oversight role there over the Environ- this landmark civil rights legislation that is focused on oversight—the mental Protection Agency, we ask a signed into law. Since that day, Amer- Homeland Security and Governmental lot of questions. We ask a lot of ques- ica has continued to improve opportu- Affairs Committee. You don’t have to tions of that agency, the leaders of nities, inclusion, and access for indi- serve on a permanent Senate sub- that agency. viduals who live with disabilities. We don’t always get the responses committee as Senator ROB PORTMAN As my colleagues and I work to de- that we need. In some cases we get the and I do—the Permanent Sub- feat the virus, heal the racial divide, back of a hand—no response for days, committee on Investigations—in order lower prescription drug prices, and re- weeks, months. In previous administra- to be interested in oversight. You don’t store the U.S. economy, let’s take a tions, Democratic administrations have to be elected to the U.S. Senate or lesson from the passage of the ADA, where Republican Senators were maybe very much a cooperative relationship to the House to be interested in over- in the minority, they haven’t always sight. This is something that we all between Republicans and Democrats. gotten the kind of response that they Let’s work together in good faith and should be interested in and all of us deserved either, but I think they have work out our differences for the good of ought to be focused on, and we need to gotten better than we are getting in the American people—whether it was do it in a way that is collaborative so many cases right now when we try to the Americans with Disabilities Act or, that we sort of marry our fortunes to- get information out of EPA. gether and end up with the synergistic I think the sort of spirit that I sense now, efforts to beat the virus and get effect where the sum is greater than and have observed in Derek Kan, we the economy going. the parts thereof. could use that spirit from some other WHISTLEBLOWERS I was pleased with the words and the folks who are serving in this adminis- Mr. President, now I speak about an commitment he made to work collabo- tration and maybe keep him in mind issue that each day, each year, every ratively with all of us: Democrats and when someday we have a Democratic year for I don’t know how many years Republicans and our staffs. He also President and a Democratic majority I have spoken on this subject, but you committed to working with the Gov- in the U.S. Senate. will soon find out why this is an impor- ernment Accountability Office, GAO, So this is a vote I think we are going tant day to me, as an advocate for to help them fulfill their critical over- to take in a very short while, and I whistleblowing and the protection of sight responsibilities. hope, when people come here to vote, whistleblowers. I might add, GAO, which is our they will keep in mind some of the Earlier this month, the Senate watchdog, does great work, as the Pre- words I have said and some of the unanimously declared today National siding Officer knows. They have been words I quoted from other Democratic Whistleblower Appreciation Day. Every faced with an enormous undertaking, Senators and find a way to vote yes in year, we honor whistleblowers on July enormous challenges, with respect to this case. 30, and I want to tell you the history of the COVID–19 legislation we have We will hold him up to high stand- that. passed and the need for resources to be ards. I think if he gets confirmed—and It was on July 30, 1778—I hope you able to do a good job in being the I think he will—that it is important heard that right: July 30, 1778—at the watchdog that we need. that he continues to demonstrate the height of the American Revolutionary I would just call on all of my col- sort of values that I have found favor- war that the Continental Congress leagues to keep that in mind when we able in him today. passed the first whistleblower law. fashion the next COVID legislation and I just want to acknowledge that it is It did so in support of American sol- figure out how much money we need to not every day a Democrat gets to hold diers who had decided to blow the whis- provide for GAO to do the enormous the gavel at a committee hearing, and tle on their supervisor. That supervisor job that is in front of them. yesterday Senator GRASSLEY had some was an American naval commander. It It is not often we get a nominee in other business; he had to come over seems this commander had not been this administration who is open to and vote on the floor and take care of following the rules of war and had been working with both sides here in the some other business. There was no brutally torturing British soldiers. Congress and is understanding of the other Republican to take the gavel and Knowing his actions were against the needs for the executive branch to be re- conduct the hearing, and he called on a Navy’s code of ethics, the soldiers de- sponsive to congressional oversight Senator from Delaware to assume the cided to blow the whistle to Congress. from this administration. In fact, Mr. gavel—take the gavel and pound us all When they did blow that whistle, they Kan committed to responding to all the way to the finish line in yester- got the full whistleblower treatment, oversight requests from the Homeland day’s hearing. the kind that I hear too often, even Security and Governmental Affairs My wife said to me last night: What today. They were sued for libel and Committee, including requests from was the highlight of the day? And I were thrown into jail.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.010 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 Now, that doesn’t happen to maybe a been more important than it is right Mr. President, on another matter, lot of whistleblowers in 2020, but whis- now this very year—34 years after I got during the pandemic, there has also tleblowers are not treated correctly it passed. That is because the massive been a dramatic increase in whistle- yet today. increase on government funding to ad- blower complaints filed with the SEC. Well, Congress wasn’t hearing of how dress the COVID–19 crisis has created Whistleblowers have been calling at- they were being treated by being sued new opportunities for fraudsters trying tention to scam artists peddling coun- for libel and being thrown into jail. In to cheat the government and steal terfeit and substandard medical goods response to what had happened on July hard-earned taxpayers’ dollars. I heard and phony cures to the consumers. 30, 1778, the Continental Congress some of this on Tuesday in my com- The Whistleblower Programs Im- passed the first whistleblower law, mittee from people in Homeland Secu- provement Act, which I introduced last stating its unequivocal support for the rity who have been running down, ei- year, strengthens protections for SEC soldiers and affirming that it is the ther costing the taxpayers money or and the Commodity Futures Trading duty of every person in the country— just receiving bad quality products to Commission whistleblowers. It requires not just government employees but protect our healthcare people. the SEC and CFTC to make timely de- every single person—to report wrong- It is especially ironic, considering all cisions regarding whistleblower re- doing to the proper authorities. of this, that the Department of Justice wards. Congress even covered the legal fees has been continuing its recent practice We are now waiting for the Senate of the jailed sailors. of dismissing charges in many of the Banking Committee to sign off on the Now, 242 years later, we find our- false claims cases brought by whistle- SEC portions of the bill, which the SEC selves in the midst of another crisis, blowers without the Department of supports. I just had a conversation the COVID–19 pandemic, and today Justice even stating its reasons. This is with the chairman of the SEC on this Congress and the American people de- definitely not the right approach. very point within the last hour. pend on whistleblowers to tell us about If there are serious allegations of I am also working on legislation that wrongdoing just as much as our Found- fraud against the government, the At- will provide timely, critical protection ing Fathers did. In fact, we depend on torney General should have to state to whistleblowers working in our na- them more because, as the government the legitimate reasons for deciding not tion’s law enforcement agencies. Of course, I have been having a national gets bigger, the potential for fraud and to pursue them in court. That is just conversation—we all have been having abuse, at the same time, gets bigger. common sense. So does the potential for cruel retalia- My legislation clarifies the ambigu- a national conversation lately—about tion against our Nation’s brave ities created by the courts and reins in the role of law enforcement in our truthtellers. this practice that undermines the pur- country. I firmly believe that law en- forcement officers play a critical role But here is the good news: For every pose of my 1996 amendments to the in maintaining our system of justice. rogue commander or manager, this False Claims Act, which was to em- They are there to protect the constitu- country is filled with good, honest, power whistleblowers. And remember, tional rights of our citizens and never, hard-working people like those sail- you shouldn’t weaken a piece of legis- of course, to do harm or infringe upon ors—patriots—who are unafraid to step lation that has brought $62 billion of those constitutional rights. forward and blow the whistle just for a fraudulently taken money back into For decades, it has been unlawful for simple reason—to do the right thing, to the Federal Treasury. This legislation law enforcement officers to work on get the government to do what the requires the Justice Department to any level to infringe on the constitu- laws require, spend money according to state its reasons. tional rights of Americans. And when- how the law requires the money be What is wrong with telling people ever the Attorney General has cause to spent. why you are dropping the case and pro- believe law enforcement is overstep- I can think of no better way of re- vide whistleblowers who bring the ping its bounds and infringing on those membering and honoring the whistle- cases an opportunity to be heard when- rights, he has the legal authority to in- blowers than doing exactly as the Con- ever it decides to drop a false claims tervene and pursue action on behalf of tinental Congress did on that day in case? the United States to stop the practice 1778: by renewing our resolve and our These problems I am bringing up and hold those responsible accountable. commitment here and now to pass laws with the Department of Justice remind Of course, the Attorney General can’t that encourage, support, and protect me of the initial carrying out of the prosecute what he doesn’t know about. whistleblowers; by telling whistle- false claims amendments that I got It is law enforcement officers them- blowers through strong legislative ac- passed in 1986. The Department of Jus- selves who are out there on the tion that they are patriots and that tice resented some citizen coming in frontlines protecting all of us. Congress and the American people have and being able to go to court and get Congress and the American people their backs. justice for the taxpayers because it depend on them to be vigilant and to I myself have several critical whis- made it look like the Department of speak up if they see something hap- tleblower bills pending before this ses- Justice wasn’t doing its job. So what? pening that they know is wrong. Those sion of Congress that are especially We are helping the taxpayers. We are who do choose to step forward and re- crucial in light of the COVID–19 pan- enforcing the law. port violations in accordance with our demic. First and foremost, there is the I thought around 1992 or 1993 that Federal laws deserve Federal whistle- legislation I have been working on to they got over it and moved ahead with blower protections. That is why I am strengthen the False Claims Act. As we it. But even yet in 1992, Attorney Gen- working to ensure that law enforce- all know, the False Claims Act allows eral Barr, then—and I don’t know ment whistleblowers who report viola- whistleblowers to file lawsuits and sue whether he was Attorney General then tions of the constitutional rights of fraudsters on behalf of the Federal or just a citizen—even claimed that the American citizens to Congress and the Government. False Claims Act’s amendments I got Justice Department are guaranteed The Federal Government should be passed were unconstitutional. simple whistleblower protections, doing that, but the Federal Govern- By the time he got 30 years later, which we give to a lot of other people. ment may not know about it. Or if the coming back into government—and my Another whistleblower bill currently Federal Government does know about questioning him about it—he did say awaiting passage is my Criminal Anti- it, they may have so many cases they that he felt that the False Claims Act trust Anti-Retaliation Act. This legis- can’t deal with. So we allow the citi- was constitutional. That is big lation strengthens protections for pri- zens, through qui tam-type lawsuits, to progress from 1992, when you thought vate sector whistleblowers who report act in the place of the government. it was unconstitutional. violations of antitrust laws. The bill This is what my amendments in 1986 to We still seem to have some problems was passed by the Senate last October the False Claims Act did. with the Justice Department, but this and has been pending before the House Those cases, since 1996, have brought bill should not be necessary, but I have of Representatives ever since. $62 billion back into the Federal Treas- to pursue it anyway at the present The House tries to argue that the ury. The False Claims Act has never time. Senate is the legislative graveyard. We

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.012 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4607 hear that from people across the Ro- different financial relief packages to- wage he or she insists on getting before ac- tunda on almost anything and any day. taling $2.9 trillion. We just held an cepting a job. Unemployment insurance and But here is a case where its delayed ac- oversight hearing in my committee 2 other social assistance programs increase tion on this bill suggests that it isn’t days ago. There is even dispute on that the reservation wage, causing an unem- ployed person to remain unemployed longer. always the Senate that isn’t consid- number. Some witnesses said it is close ering this legislation. to $3.6 trillion. I am going to use $2.9 We want to avoid that situation. We Each of these bills fills a critical void trillion as a minimum. want to help workers, but we want to in our current whistleblower laws, and To relate that to what I just talked avoid the situation where we prolong each one ought to receive consider- about, that represents about 13.5 per- unemployment or create a sense for ation and an up-or-down vote before cent of our economy. Again, employ- people to stay on unemployment insur- the end of this Congress. Of course, if ment is down 10.5 percent. Economists ance. The fact is that, according to a that is going to happen, Congress needs are predicting our economy will shrink University of study, 68 percent to pick up its pace. It needs to take a somewhere between 4.6 percent and 8 of people collecting unemployment are cue from those strong actions taken by percent. But we acted swiftly and mas- making more on unemployment than the Congress—the Continental Con- sively. We knew what we were going to they made when they were working. gress, let me emphasize, during the enact was far from perfect. We all un- CBO estimates something between five American Revolution, a body that saw derstood that. It was far from perfect, out of six people currently collecting the need, took the time, and devoted but it worked, and we had to do it. unemployment are making more not necessary resources to stand up for We passed an amount equal to 13.5 working than working. The Bureau of whistleblowers in the midst of a war percent of last year’s GDP. Less than a Labor statistics at the end of May said for the very existence of our country. month later, Speaker PELOSI and her there were 5.4 million jobs open—not Today, let’s all take a moment to re- House Democrats passed a fifth pack- being filled. flect on the high standards that those age out of the House worth $3 trillion— We have a problem. We have two early Americans set for us back on $3 trillion. I am sorry. That is not a se- problems. We can’t do a deal because I July 30, 1778, and let’s remember never rious attempt at financial relief. If we don’t believe our friends on the other to let excuses or partisan differences add that to the $2.9 trillion, that would side of the aisle are serious about doing keep us from pursuing our common in- represent 27.5 percent of last year’s a deal. But we have unemployment ex- terests in passing strong, meaningful economy. piring, and the current provision was whistleblower laws. Again, employment is down 10.5 per- too generous to create a perverse in- I yield the floor. cent. Our economy will probably centive. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. shrink by no more than 8 percent. Yet I have introduced a piece of legisla- FISCHER). The Senator from Wisconsin. Speaker PELOSI and House Democrats tion that I have cosponsored with the UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST wanted to increase the amount of debt Senator from Indiana and the Senator Mr. JOHNSON. Madam President, burden on our children by passing a from Florida, who would also like to back in February 2020, before the package that would bring the total re- speak to this. It is called the COVID recession, there were 158.8 mil- lief package up to 27.5 percent of our Coronavirus Relief Fair Unemployment lion Americans employed. We have GDP. It is not serious. Compensation Act. There is no fancy gone through a lot. COVID is probably It should surprise no one when Lead- acronym. It describes what the bill the most significant event—certainly er MCCONNELL and Chief of Staff Mead- does. It extends Federal plus-up for un- in my lifetime—affecting people’s lives, ows and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, employment to the end of the year. the tragedies we have seen, affecting as they tried to forge a deal with The COVID recession is not ending our economy, affecting the Federal Speaker of the House PELOSI and Mi- any time soon. Rather than having to budget. nority Leader SCHUMER, that they come back and do this over and over At the end of June, there were 142 couldn’t reach a deal; that there was again and increase the anxiety on million Americans employed. That is a probably no goalpost that they will not Americans who are unemployed, let’s reduction of 16.6 million Americans or move to make sure that doesn’t hap- extend this to the end of December. 10.5 percent. I want people to remember pen. Our bill gives States the option of ei- that 10.5 percent. But the problem with that ap- ther a $200 flat plus-up or a plus-up Over the last month or so, there have proach—and I would call it a very cyn- equal to no more than two-thirds of an been a number of respected economists ical, political approach, really playing individual’s average wage, not to ex- who made forecasts of how much our with people’s lives and livelihood—is ceed $500. The States have the option. economy is going to shrink. These are that tomorrow the Federal unemploy- If they can’t handle the two-thirds folks from the IMF and CBO and the ment extension that we passed as part plus-up, they can accept the $200 flat Federal Reserve Board of Governors, of the CARES Act—because we realized plus-up. economists at Morgan Stanley and we wanted to try to help everybody In case our Democratic colleagues Goldman Sachs. The range of what who was unemployed because of the are going to complain about that as they are predicting our economy will COVID recession—expires. not being generous enough, two-thirds shrink to is somewhere between 4.6 per- As I said, the CARES Act was far of weekly wages is exactly what the cent and 8 percent. This is causing eco- from perfect. I certainly did not want House passed in phase 2 of the COVID nomic devastation—a real human toll one of the provisions. I voted against relief package. Two-thirds of average on real people. it. I actually supported the amendment wages is what they set as the amount As a result of that, Congress acted. of the Senator from Florida to reduce of money for paid sick and family We acted fast. We acted swiftly. We the $600 flat payment. That is a real leave. acted massively. We wanted to provide problem because it represents some- I also want to point out that $200 a financial help to individuals who were thing like 134 percent of average wages, week is eight times the amount the unemployed all of a sudden through no and we are creating a very perverse in- Democrats, back in 2008 and 2009—I fault of their own. We wanted to help centive for people to remain unem- think 2009—passed as part of the great provide financial need to businesses ployed when our economy is calling for recession relief package. They passed that were viable, that can hopefully more workers. $25 per week plus-up, so $200 per week survive and rehire and help us recover I want to quote an economic adviser plus-up is eight times that. from this COVID recession. We also to both Presidents Clinton and Presi- Again, we, as Republicans, are trying wanted to make sure we provided dent Obama, Larry Summers. He once to meet them already more than half- enough liquidity in the market so we stated: way to do a deal on unemployment. Again, those individuals who are with- wouldn’t see any kind of seizing up and The second way government assistance see real financial devastation. programs contribute to long-term unemploy- out a job through no fault of their own The result of all that was that within ment is by providing an incentive, and the have the comfort and relief that they a very short period of time, by the end means, not to work. Each unemployed per- will have assistance from the Federal of April, we had already passed four son has a ‘‘reservation wage’’—the minimum Government.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.014 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 I yield the floor. key thing that we need to do tran- safety nets like Social Security, Medi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- sitionally so that we may get back to care, and Medicaid. ator from Indiana. where Main Street and the real econ- Over my 8 years as the Governor of Mr. BRAUN. Just 5 months ago, we omy are running things and where Florida, we completely turned our had the hottest economy in 37 years. there is not an attempt by the other economy around by making hard budg- Running a business—starting it from side to replace what has been making etary decisions, by cutting taxes and Main Street as a little company—it the economy work. regulations, and by making sure we got was lucky enough to grow over those 37 I yield the floor. a return on every taxpayer dollar. Sen- years. Three of my four kids run it Mr. JOHNSON. Madam President, I ators JOHNSON and BRAUN and I all now. thank the Senator from Indiana for come from business backgrounds, and The reason I ran for the Senate was acting quickly in cosponsoring this we understand that you just can’t to make sure we had that kind of at- piece of legislation. spend without having accountability. mosphere in place for the productive I now yield to the Senator from Flor- You have to invest wisely. economy, the enterprising, the hard- ida. We have to start doing the exact working Americans who work at com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- same thing at the Federal level be- panies on Main Street. ator from Florida. cause, at some point, someone is going Since COVID arrived, of course, it Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Madam Presi- to have to pay for it. If we don’t start shocked us all. We know it is a tricky dent, I thank the senior Senator from acting in a more fiscally responsible foe. It has peculiarities. Yet the one Wisconsin and the junior Senator from manner, our children and our grand- thing that is certain is that we need to Indiana for their hard work in address- children are no longer going to have get back to the economy that was rais- ing the out-of-control spending of the the same opportunities we all have had ing wages for those most in need, was Federal Government and for finding to live the American dream, and that is doing it in a real way, and not through ways to assist Americans who need actually not fair. government. help in the midst of this pandemic. It is time we take this seriously. The Yes, government needs to get in- The coronavirus is a crisis that has best way to help people right now is to volved now and then, and this was the demanded action to protect Americans, get our economy reopened, to support case. Like the Senator from Wisconsin but if we are not careful, Congress is businesses by cutting taxes and regula- stated, we moved quickly, and we did going to create another devastating tions, and to ensure that we have something. crisis down the road, one of our own ample testing and PPE across the What I see on the other side of the doing. Our national debt and deficits— country. That is how we get back on aisle, with this monstrosity of $3.5 tril- already at unsustainable levels—have track. That needs to be our focus in lion, is an effort beyond just addressing skyrocketed as Congress has spent al- going forward. the displacement from COVID–19. I see most $3 trillion to address this crisis. I thank my colleagues for their hard it as an effort to try to replace Main Even if you remove the Paycheck Pro- work in trying to make sure we don’t Street and the productive economy. It tection Program that has kept workers waste people’s money and to make sure doesn’t work through here, and we on payrolls, the total amount spent by we take care of the people who actually should have never, back in late March, Congress to respond to the pandemic need help right now. had something that would have and help workers amounts to more I yield to Senator JOHNSON. incentivized not working. Of course, we than $50,000 per unemployed American. Mr. JOHNSON. I thank the Senator tried to fix it, but friends on the other Do you think any unemployed Amer- from Florida for his words of support. side of the aisle did not agree with us. ican has received anything close to Madam President, as if in legislative If we want to get back to some form of $50,000? Of course not. That is because session, I ask unanimous consent that a new normal—sooner or later, when every dollar spent by Congress seems the Senate proceed to the immediate we whip this foe, COVID–19—and back to be spent in the least efficient way consideration of my bill at the desk. I to what it was before, we can’t do it possible. further ask that the bill be considered through government. Now Congress is negotiating a new read a third time and passed and that When you look at not only this bill spending bill of at least $1 trillion the motion to reconsider be considered they have but at the other stuff that without even understanding if or how made and laid upon the table. we need to keep in mind in leading up the $3 trillion already allocated has The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there to the election, we cannot afford it, been spent. You would never operate a objection? and it doesn’t make sense. It is replac- business like that. You would never op- The Democratic leader. ing enterprisers, Main Street—every- erate your household like that. Gov- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, in thing that makes this country great— ernment should not be able to get away reserving the right to object, let’s talk with a bloated Federal Government. with it. about how we got here. When I heard that this bill was out In June, I and Senators JOHNSON and For over 3 months, our Republican there—coming from a quick-footed en- CRUZ asked all 50 States how they have colleagues have dithered, dallied, and trepreneur now here in the Senate—I allocated the trillions of dollars in tax- not taken seriously the most enormous didn’t hesitate at all to get on it. We payer funding they have received from health crisis we have had in 100 years need to do this because we need to cut the Federal Government for the and the most enormous economic crisis to the chase. We have hard-working coronavirus response. So far, the ma- we have had in 75 years. Now, all of a Americans who are still unemployed. jority of States has refused our re- sudden, in the last day or two, they see They have gotten displaced out of that quest. Instead of telling us how they the cliff. There are many cliffs, but great economy. This takes care of that are being responsible with American they see the cliff of unemployment in- without putting into place something taxpayer dollars, they want more surance running out. that is so broad, so expansive, and that money from the Federal Government. We have been asking them to nego- does not address the essence of what is Where is the oversight and account- tiate on this for a very long time. We at issue here. It makes sure there is a ability? It doesn’t exist in Washington have had nothing. Speaker PELOSI and pathway so that we can get back to right now. I asked Leader MCCONNELL to sit down that Trump economy—that economy I am thankful that my friends Sen- with us almost a month ago, and he which was working more for everyone ators JOHNSON and BRAUN are focused would not. So we got here because our than at any time ever before. Don’t ask on protecting our future and reining in Republican colleagues couldn’t get people who have been here in the busi- Washington’s excess. Instead of just their act together. They still don’t ness of government. Why don’t you ask throwing money at every problem, my have their act together, and now they people who have been running busi- colleagues are actually thinking about are worried. Yet, instead of being seri- nesses, who have been on Main Street, the impact this spending will have on ous about negotiating, they have cre- who have been doing it? the future of our children and grand- ated a stunt, which shows how That is why we need to get this children and how we are impacting our unserious the Republicans are at com- across the finish line. It addresses the ability to fund our military and our ing to an agreement.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.016 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4609 I dare say, if this bill were voted on Wisconsin has given States an option with saying we shouldn’t spend any by the floor, a large number of Repub- of cutting the thing to $200 or getting money. Well, believe me, if we don’t licans—perhaps a majority—would vote 67 percent. Many States say they will spend any money, things will get against it. It would fail in the Senate never be able to implement the 67-per- worse, and we will have to spend more by a large margin and would never pass cent part and that people will be stuck later. the House. with that big cut. This is the dilemma we are in be- Instead of engaging in this stunt of The main point on that is that many cause of COVID. It is no one’s fault, but trying to get the heat of America off States will not be able to implement that is the dilemma we are in, and it is their backs, they ought to do some- this new plan for weeks or even being made so much worse by this thing real, which is to sit down and se- months, and people will not have their President. We don’t hear a peep from riously negotiate with the Democrats money. the other side about how the President about this issue. So the No. 1 thing that is wrong with has messed this up. Instead, we get this This proposal, amazingly enough, is this proposal is that, just on the merits stunt to try to show they want to do even stingier than the one the Repub- itself, it fails by giving a big pay cut, something that they know won’t pass licans introduced a few days ago. In- by pushing more people into poverty, and know won’t solve the problem. stead of giving workers who lost their by taking money out of our economy So I am going to offer a unanimous jobs through no fault of their own a 30- that consumers can spend, and because consent request in a few minutes to percent pay cut, they give them a 33- it is fundamentally unworkable. pass the Heroes Act, which has already percent pay cut. It is just so wrong, There is another reason. We have a passed the House, so it would do some and if you look at all of the data, it has lot of problems. real good. It covers all the areas I men- been rejected by the American people. In a few minutes, I, the Senator from tioned and does a far better job at deal- My colleague from Indiana says—and Oregon, and the Senator from Michigan ing with the unemployment situation I know he is sincere—you can’t solve will ask unanimous consent to pass the than my good friend from Wisconsin’s this problem through the government. Heroes Act. bill. I have news for you. When you have the We have a lot of cliffs. As of Thurs- I object. greatest economic crisis in 75 years and day, hundreds of thousands—and soon The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- the greatest health crisis in 100 years, millions—could be evicted from their tion is heard. The Senator from Wisconsin. the private sector cannot solve this apartments. This bill does nothing Mr. JOHNSON. Madam President, a problem. That is one of the reasons you about that cliff. quick response. The Democratic leader As of this week—and next week’s guys are all tied in a knot—you must states this is not adequate. Again, I being a new month—State and local have the government get involved, and would remind the Senate that in 2009, you don’t want to do that. governments will be running out of when they passed a Federal plus-up for I hear my friend from Florida talk money. Already, 1.5 million State and unemployment benefits—total Demo- about the deficit. Well, that didn’t local workers have been laid off, and cratic control—they passed $25 a week. matter when we passed a $1.5 trillion more will be laid off. That is a cliff. So the $200 a week is eight times what tax break for the wealthiest people and What are we doing about that? they passed in 2009. Apparently, they the biggest corporations in America. Testing. If you go to any place in felt that was adequate back then. The deficit didn’t matter then, but America, including the three States we There was also a study out of the when it is helping working people who are talking about here, people have to University of Chicago that a $200 plus- have lost their jobs, when it is helping wait days and weeks for their test re- up on State unemployment benefits small businesses get on their feet, sults, and some don’t even ever get coming from the Federal Government when it is helping to feed children, their test results back. replaces more than 100 percent of when it is helping to keep people in We are not going to solve this prob- wages for 20 percent of the workers their homes and apartments, then we lem until we solve the coronavirus currently unemployed. The other 80 hear about the deficit. problem. We all know that President percent get replacement that ranges up Let me tell you what is wrong with Trump and this administration have to 100 percent. this proposal. There are two basic rea- failed on testing. Almost every other Again, this is a very generous pro- sons. Western country that has dealt with posal. And, of course, the option of One, it doesn’t work on its own. As I this issue—in Western Europe or East two-thirds is exactly what the House said, No. 1, it is even stingier than the Asia—is way ahead of us. We should be passed in phase 2 of the coronavirus re- original proposal. They are moving ashamed. We have a President who has lief packages—two-thirds of weekly backward—our Republican friends dithered and has not taken seriously wages for paid sick and paid family are—and they are giving workers an the testing regime. The Heroes Act leave. Now, all of a sudden, it is inad- even greater pay cut than they had be- fixes that problem, and we are not equate. And of course their solution— fore. going to fix our economy until we fix what they are going to offer—is an- Second, the pandemic unemployment the healthcare problem, my friends. other $3 trillion, further mortgaging insurance has kept millions out of pov- The Heroes Act does many, many our children’s future when we haven’t erty. We all work to keep people out of other things, like getting people back spent about $1.2 trillion of the $2.9 tril- poverty. This has worked. If we cut it to school, not like Donald Trump does lion we have already authorized. back, it is estimated that millions will in pushing people back to school even It is not a serious proposal, which is fall back into poverty and that mil- if it is not safe. Well, remember what why Leader MCCONNELL could not ne- lions will go in it. he did in Arizona? in ? in Florida? gotiate, because they weren’t negoti- The third is one of the few things we He pushed the State Governors to get ating in good faith. The Democrats are hear about to get the economy going. If people back. Now look at what has hap- being cynical. This is not a serious you talk to our economists—liberal pened. The same thing will happen in offer. and conservative—they will tell you the schools if we are not careful. We This is a very serious and, quite hon- the No. 1 thing preventing the economy have help there, which my good friend estly, more than generous offer to help from getting worse is consumer spend- from Wisconsin’s bill doesn’t even men- Americans and alleviate the anxiety ing. This bill puts money in people’s tion. That is another cliff. they are going to be feeling if the pockets, and they spend it. Even con- We have a month before school Democrats just simply decide to reject servative economists say it is very starts, and this bill—skinny or stingy— this. It is very unfortunate, but that is much needed to get the economy going. is not up to the moment. It is not even the state of play in the Senate. It is Fourth, it can’t work. We have called close to being up to the moment. very sad. a whole bunch of State governments It is amazing that we have such a cri- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and State unemployment offices. They sis in America and that our Republican Democratic leader. cannot implement this plan imme- friends in the Senate and the White Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, diately, and many say it would take House and the House cannot even face first, before I do my UC, I would re- months. I know that the Senator from up to the problem. They are obsessed mind my good friend—I remind myself

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.018 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4610 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 to take off my mask—I would remind Republican reaction was similar to the again about thousands and thousands my good friend that it took us 10 years reaction we have heard this morning: of more workers in every part of the to get out of the crisis of 2008. Unem- Can’t do it. We will dare the Democrats country getting hit again with layoffs. ployment stayed high. Job numbers to block us. When jobless Americans receive unem- stayed high. Looking at 2008 as a model It didn’t work. The public was on our ployment benefits, it becomes one of for recovery is not anything anyone side. But more importantly, once the the biggest booster shots for the Amer- would want to do. Republicans showed they couldn’t ican economy. When jobless Americans In a few minutes, I am going to offer bully anybody and couldn’t put a pro- receive unemployment benefits, and the Heroes Act as a unanimous consent posal on the floor, an inadequate bill, they spend it on food, they spend it on alternative, and I mentioned before the and pass it, they came to the table and car payments, they spend it on rent, many things it does. But let me just negotiated. and they spend it on medical bills. It is say in the larger sense, we have an We are still waiting for Leader part of the gross domestic product. It enormous crisis in America. We have MCCONNELL to go into that room with makes no sense—it makes no sense, higher unemployment than we have Mnuchin and Meadows and PELOSI and colleagues—to take that support away, ever had since the Depression. Today, me. We are waiting for our Republican as the Senator from Wisconsin seeks to the 150,000th death was recorded. Thus Senate colleagues to come up with a do. far, the Trump administration, fol- coherent plan that can get their sup- One point four million people have lowed by the Republican Senate, has port. We are still waiting for the Presi- filed for unemployment benefits this been an abject failure at dealing with dent to understand the gravity of this past week. Before the pandemic, unem- that crisis. situation and do something about it, ployment claims had never crossed It would have been much better if the for God’s sake. 700,000 in a single week, not even dur- President had done what chiefs of state I believe, if this is objected to, within ing the great recession. They have now in Europe and Asia did—stepped up to a little while, our Republican friends been at 1.3 million or higher for 19 the plate, implemented testing, and will feel the pressure from their con- straight weeks. put adequate money in people’s pock- stituents and from national media to So here the Senate is, a few hours ets. We might be more on the road to realize that they have to come and ne- after seeing the worst domestic prod- recovery, like those other countries gotiate in good faith on a bold, strong, uct report ever recorded, and what is are. comprehensive bill that will pass. the response of the Senate Repub- Aren’t my Republican friends Before I ask consent for the Heroes licans? To slash unemployment even ashamed that Europe and Asia did bet- Act, I will yield first to my colleague more than they originally proposed, ter than us, the greatest country in the from Oregon and then to my colleague yanking an economic lifeline from 30 world? And do you know why? Because from Michigan. million Americans and delivering an of the very philosophy my colleagues The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- economic wrecking ball directly into have mentioned—don’t spend any ator from Oregon. our fragile economy. money, and, in President Trump’s Mr. WYDEN. Madam President, this The last point I want to make—and view, ignore the crisis. It will go away morning showed why we need the we have Senator STABENOW, my when the weather gets warm. Everyone Democratic approach to dealing with seatmate on the Finance Committee, has testing, he said, back in March. unemployment insurance and why the here—is to highlight the fact that from We Democrats feel the pain in Amer- pain that was reported this morning the beginning, Senate Republicans ica. We feel the pain of people who would get even worse under the pro- were hostile to the idea of trying to have lost their jobs through no fault of posal offered by Senator JOHNSON. give a fair shake to these workers and their own. We feel the pain of small This morning, Americans learned these families who were hit so hard. business people who have struggled to that our economy cratered in the sec- Eugene Scalia—the first thing he build their businesses for decades—my ond quarter—essentially, GDP dropped said after we did that work in the Fi- dad was a small business man—and by 9.5 percent from April through June. nance Committee—the first thing he then they lose those businesses. We feel That translates to a 33-percent annual said was not ‘‘Oh, we have to do our job the pain of parents who can’t feed their contraction of the American economy. administering the benefits.’’ The first kids. We feel the pain of moms and So what you have with today’s analysis thing he said was that his big concern dads who are worried about whether is a gross domestic product in free fall. is that unemployed people are going to they can send their kids back to school If Republicans slash unemployment be dependent on government. How pre- safely. We feel the pain of people when benefits with this proposal, the gross posterous. they get tested and they have to wait domestic product is going to fall faster, I see my friend Senator BROWN here, days, weeks to get a result, when the and the economy will collapse. who spends a big chunk of his waking test means nothing. Folks, the economists, people who hours talking about the dignity of Our responsibility as Democrats and aren’t political figures, told us this work. So much for the dignity of work Republicans is to get something done, morning—this is a five-alarm fire. It is when you hear about what Eugene something real—not a stunt, not some- the biggest and fastest drop ever re- Scalia said. thing stingy, and not something that is corded, colleagues, wiping out years of I hosted a nationwide townhall meet- so narrow, it only deals with one as- economic gains in a matter of weeks. ing just a couple of nights ago, and pect of the problem, inadequately at The fact is, when you take the kind there were workers from the Midwest, that. That is why we are offering the of economic hammering that we and they said: People are saying we Heroes Act. It is not perfect. There are learned about this morning, and you don’t want to work. If I get a job offer a few things some people might add. have the Democratic approach with re- at night, I will be there the first thing But it is a heck of a lot better to meet spect to supercharged unemployment— in the morning, ready to go. this crisis than what we have seen from what we wrote in the Finance Com- This is not about workers being un- our Republican friends—a bill that, as I mittee, that Secretary Mnuchin signed able to work; it is about scarcity of said, moves backward, is stingy, and off on, the $600 per week, which finally jobs, just the way those figures this probably wouldn’t get the support of a included those people who nobody even morning pointed out. majority of Republicans if it were put talked about in the 1920s, gig workers So I think that we are going to have on the floor, let alone any of us. and part-timers and independent con- further discussion on other issues, but Of course we have to do something. tractors—they got a fair shake. I just want to mention one last point The Heroes Act is the right thing to do. The reason we thought it was so im- before yielding. But I want to make one prediction for portant to supercharge those benefits Today we heard some remarkable everyone who is worried about the fu- and why we feel so strongly about comments about how Donald Trump— ture here. If the past is prologue, some- doing it now, with an additional $600 and I guess this was his musing, but thing very close to the Heroes Act will per week, is so that people can make whenever he muses, it actually some- be enacted. Look at COVID 2, COVID 3, rent and pay groceries, while all these times is part of a strategy—he talked and COVID 3.5. In each case, the initial folks are out of work. And we learned about putting off the election and that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:29 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.020 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4611 the problem being that people would be market gets a safety net. The Sec- I will speak for just 2 or 3 minutes. I voting by mail. Now, there is not a retary of Treasury will say: Hey, what know that Senator SCHUMER will make shred of evidence—not a shred of evi- do you guys need? We are backing you another unanimous consent request. dence—that this is a problem. up. We got your back. But for the fami- Think about what Senator MCCON- The reason it is not a problem—and I lies of our country who, through no NELL wants to do. Senator MCCONNELL don’t say it just because I am the Na- fault of their own, have been put into a is going to cut $400 in unemployment tion’s first mail-in U.S. Senator; take situation where they have to worry insurance to tens of millions of unem- the word of far-right conservatives— about a roof over their head and food ployed workers, hundreds of thousands the late Dennis Richardson in our on the table and dollars to be able to in my State alone—in Oregon, Michi- State, about as conservative as you pay the bills through help with unem- gan, Illinois, New York, Minnesota, get. One of the last things he did before ployment, our colleagues say we have Texas, Florida, and Wisconsin. Thou- he passed was he pointed out that there the audacity to think that they ought sands of workers are going to lose $400 is no voter fraud in our vote-by-mail to have a safety net, too; that the ma- a week. elections. He said it doesn’t happen. A jority of Americans ought to know Think about what is going to happen. conservative. A rock-ribbed conserv- that somebody’s got their back. Around the country, the moratorium ative. We are here to say that we are the on evictions is expiring. Around the So we just heard that comment this ones who have their back, and we hope country, in community after commu- morning, Leader SCHUMER. Of course, that before this is done, the Senate and nity, a moratorium on electric and the law says that he can’t change the the House will come together to do water cutoffs is about to happen. So election, but it shows again why it is that. workers are going to lose $400 a week. so important to have the elections pro- Right now, there are senior citizens— They are going to face eviction. vision from the Heroes Act—which I a lot of them—who get a minimum What is going to happen? was honored to work with Speaker amount of monthly help for their food. We know what is going to happen. PELOSI on—be part of the way in which It is $16 a month, not a week—a month. What is going to happen is more people people vote this fall because they We have the audacity to stand here and will lose their homes, more people will shouldn’t have to choose between vot- want to pass a Heroes Act that would be in homeless shelters, more people ing or their health. Most of the poll raise that to $30 a month, and our col- will spend the night in their cousin’s workers in America are over the age of leagues will object to a $14-a-month basement in the middle of a pandemic. 60, they shouldn’t be put at risk, which raise for our poorest senior citizens. It is cruel, and it is really stupid pol- is obviously what Donald Trump would Now, for everyone else, I mean we are icy to cut their income for unemploy- be willing to do. looking at about $1.40 per meal—$1.40 ment for the millions of unemployed So the Heroes bill—we are now going per meal. I would challenge any of us workers and then provide no dollars for to talk about, I believe, the nutrition to try and get a meal for $1.40. What rental assistance, no dollars for paying part, which Senator STABENOW has the United States provides for someone their mortgage, and no help for those championed so eloquently. who is in need of help right now is $1.40 workers. How can we? We are the But I wanted to take a moment to per meal, and we have the audacity to United States of America. How can we focus on the economic numbers that be asking for that to be raised by a lit- do such a thing? came out this morning and how the Re- tle less than $1 a day. That is what a I yield to Senator SCHUMER. publican proposal would make our abil- 15-percent increase in SNAP is. It is a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ity to fight what was described a few little less than $1 a day for somebody. Democratic leader. hours ago worse and also talk about Our colleagues act like this is unbe- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, the fiasco of Donald Trump’s efforts lievable—unbelievable that we would just two quick things on what Presi- every single day to chip away at peo- think people should get 90 cents more a dent Trump said today. I know my col- ple’s opportunities to vote-by-mail and day to help with food. That is what we league from Oregon brought it up—the in other ways. are talking about in this package. It is idea that, once again, all he wants to I yield the floor. about getting people help. It is about do is divert from his abject failure on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- understanding the hardships that they the coronavirus crisis. He says: Oh, ator from Michigan. face and knowing it is not over and not well, maybe we will not have an elec- Ms. STABENOW. Madam President, I going to be over for too long. tion. am really proud to stand with a group Let me just stress, in closing, that That is up to the Senate and the of colleagues and leaders who under- one of the most efficient ways we can House, Mr. President. President stand what is happening to the Amer- address stimulating the economy right Trump, the election will be in Novem- ican people and the hardship they are now is by putting money in the pockets ber, on November 3, and you will not facing and the fact that they just want of people who have to spend it. One of change it. Stop diverting attention, some help and they want people to un- the best ways—in fact, economists tell President Trump. That is what you derstand that. We are in the middle of us the best way is giving somebody $1 have done for 3 months as more people a pandemic. It is not done yet. We that they have to go to the grocery get sick, as more people get unem- know we have to wrap our arms around store and spend it on food. If you give ployed, as we see the numbers we saw what is happening with the healthcare them $1, it translates into $1.70 in the today. pandemic before we can do anything economy to the grocery store, the proc- Instead of focusing on all these crazy, else, but in the meantime we have an essor, and the farmer. We need to get egotistical, and wrong-headed ideas, economic crisis, and we have a hunger this done. focus on COVID–19, focus on testing, crisis in this country. We are also deeply concerned about focus on unemployment, focus on get- It is very hard for me to listen to the proposals they put forward on edu- ting the kids back to school, focus on folks—all of us, none of us are worried cation that I will leave for another the many problems we face and under- about going hungry tonight, not one. day, but it is time—it is time to recog- stand the moment and largeness of this My guess is, we are not worried about nize what people are going through and crisis. I say that to President Trump, our grandkids or others whom we know let them know that somebody cares and I say that to my Republican col- going hungry tonight or our moms and and somebody is going to help them leagues. dads, but there are 14 million kids and somebody is going to have their We are waiting. We are waiting for right now who aren’t getting what they back. you to get your act together and under- need to eat and could very likely go I would yield to my friend and col- stand the depth of this crisis, the hungry tonight. They need a safety league from Ohio who has been such a breadth of this crisis, and do something net. leader. real—not a stunt. You know, when I look at what is the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Madam President, as if in legislative priority here with Senate Republicans, ator from Ohio. session, I ask unanimous consent that you know who gets a safety net? Wall Mr. BROWN. I want to thank Senator the Senate proceed to the immediate Street gets a safety net. The stock STABENOW and Senator WYDEN. consideration of Calendar No. 455, H.R.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.021 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 6800, the Heroes Act; that the bill be take yes for an answer. It is very un- in the other day at a round- considered read a third time and fortunate they are taking this position table that Sylvester Turner, the passed, and the motion to reconsider be that they want to indebt our children of Houston, convened so that they considered made and laid upon the for another $3 trillion, and they will could share with me their experiences. table with no intervening action or de- not say yes to a very reasonable pro- This pastor, who was head of the bate. posal structured on things they pro- local NAACP chapter, told me: I honor The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there posed and passed in the past. the police. I respect the police. I sup- objection? Madam President, It is very unfortu- port the police. But my son, he is The Senator from Wisconsin. nate, but I have to object to $3 trillion afraid of the police. Mr. JOHNSON. Madam President, re- of additional debt on our children. So, we clearly have a long way to go serving the right to object, I would like The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- in treating all people the same, regard- to first respond to the Senator from tion is heard. less of the color of their skin. And Oregon about the economic news: yes, The assistant Democratic leader. when the perception among some in on an annualized rate from the down- Mr. CORNYN. Madam President—— the minority community is that they turn in the second quarter, 9.5 percent. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- are being treated differently, that is a But again, I pointed out, respectfully, sistant Democratic leader has been rec- problem that we should all try to ad- that economists are predicting a ognized. dress together. shrinkage of GDP 4.6 and 8 percent be- Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I be- So one way we could attempt to cause we are in recovery. lieve there are pending requests by sev- make this small step toward that rec- The employment has dropped by 10.5 eral Members, and I don’t want to try onciliation and continue to remind percent. We have already passed $2.9 to preempt it. ourselves on an annual basis of how far trillion. We haven’t spent $1.2 trillion The PRESIDING OFFICER. Would we have come but how far we still have of that at least. So we haven’t spent the Senator yield the floor? to go would be to take up this bill, pass $1.2 trillion. Yet our Democratic col- Mr. DURBIN. I yield the floor. it, and get it to the President’s desk leagues want to pass a bill that costs $3 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- without further delay. trillion. ator from Texas. At this point, before I ask for unani- We are already $26.5 trillion in debt UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 4019 mous consent, I would yield to the Sen- by the end of this fiscal year. That Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I ator from Minnesota. would be approaching $28 trillion. They thank the assistant Democratic leader. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- want to pass a bill by unanimous con- We come back to the floor today, the ator from Minnesota. sent for $3 trillion when we haven’t Senator from Minnesota and I, to Ms. SMITH. Madam President, I spent $1.2 trillion of the $2.9 trillion we reoffer a unanimous consent request thank my colleague from Texas. I ap- have already passed. That massive that Senator MARKEY, the Senator preciate his leadership on this. amount would represent 27.5 percent of from Massachusetts, and I offered pre- Juneteenth is among the oldest cele- our economy, when economists are say- viously. brations of emancipation and is cer- ing it will shrink by probably no more After the death of George Floyd and, tainly worthy of a Federal holiday. I than 7 percent or 8 percent. unfortunately, similar incidents, it has want to read an op-ed from the Wash- We don’t need to authorize more become increasingly obvious that our ington Post, written by the musician money. What we need to do is help the country is in need of reconciliation— Usher, which I think eloquently sums American people who are unemployed. racial reconciliation and personal rec- up why it is not only important to I know the minority leader called that onciliation. honor this day as a Federal holiday, stingy. The offer we are making—the One of the things we could do to but it is also important to recognize it $200 flat payment—does not provide an honor the memory of George Floyd and as a part of American history. incentive to stay unemployed. It re- to attempt to take one small step to- I ask unanimous consent to intro- places more than 100 percent of peo- ward that reconciliation is to make duce the Washington Post op-ed in full ple’s wages for 20 percent of the people Juneteenth a Federal holiday. We pre- into the RECORD. currently unemployed—a 100-percent viously had offered this unanimous There being no objection, the mate- wage replacement for 20 percent. That consent request, and my friend from rial was ordered to be printed in the is according to a study by the Univer- Wisconsin has his reasons for object- RECORD, as follows: sity of Chicago. ing, but one of the major newspapers in [June 18, 2020] For the other 80 percent, it replaces my State said to me: Try again. So I USHER: WHY IT’S SO IMPORTANT THAT up to 100 percent. What is stingy about am coming here to the floor to reoffer. JUNETEENTH BECOME A NATIONAL HOLIDAY that? Why do our Democratic col- Juneteenth has been a holiday in (By Usher Raymond IV) leagues want to propose continuing the Texas for 40 years because of the dis- Usher Raymond IV is a musician, actor $600 per-week plus-up that is pre- tinct Texas connection. Just to remind and entrepreneur. venting people—incentivizing people my colleagues, Juneteenth was the day At the 2015 Essence Music Festival in New not to reengage in the economy so that when the Union Army Major General Orleans, I wore a T-shirt that caught a lot of our economy can recover. It makes no Gordon Ganger showed up in Galveston people’s attention. The design was simple. The words ‘‘July Fourth’’ were crossed out sense. and told people who had previously and under them, one word was written: Again, I will point out that the two- been slaves that they were no longer ‘‘Juneteenth.’’ I wore the shirt because, for thirds option is the exact same amount slaves 21⁄2 years after the Emancipation many years, I celebrated the Fourth of July that the House passed—the Demo- Proclamation. without a true understanding that the date cratic-controlled House passed in phase I believe, in all sincerity, we need to of independence for our people, black people, 2 of the COVID–19 relief packages for remember our history because, you is actually June 19, 1865: the day that the paid sick and family leave. So, again, know what, we learn from our mis- news of the Emancipation Proclamation fi- we tried to tailor this to protect those takes, and if we don’t remember our nally reached some of the last people in America still held in bondage. American workers. We tried to tailor history, we will not learn from our I have no issue with celebrating America’s this based on what Democrats them- mistakes, and we will commit those independence on July 4. For me, wearing the selves have proposed and passed. Yet mistakes over and over and over again. shirt was an opportunity to inform others they would rather play politics. They The tragic and brutal killing of who may not necessarily know the history of would rather be cynical and object to George Floyd earlier this year has black people in America, and who are not my unanimous consent request because shown a light on the injustices that aware that Juneteenth is our authentic day time is running out—I acknowledge still exist in our society. Now, for of self-determination. It is ours to honor the that. somebody who looks like me, my expe- legacy of our ancestors, ours to celebrate and ours to remember where we once were as So we are responding, but as in so riences have been much different from a people. And it should be a national holiday, many other debates—whether it is gun those of our friend TIM SCOTT, the Sen- observed by all Americans. control or immigration—it is their way ator from South Carolina, or the expe- Growing up in Chattanooga, Tenn., I was or the highway. They simply will not riences of a pastor whom I encountered taught in school one version of U.S. history

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.023 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4613 that frequently excluded the history of my make Juneteenth a federal holiday. Congress is 55 percent of what Federal workers family and my community. The black his- must pass this bill immediately. make. tory I learned came from the ‘‘Eyes On the As we celebrate today, let’s stay open to So if you strip out only the benefits, Prize’’ documentary that aired during Black possibility. Let’s support black-owned busi- which is what we are talking about History Month. That was where I learned nesses today and every day. Let’s uplift our about Emmett Till, Rosa Parks and the Rev. resilient history. Let’s honor our people. with holiday pay and paid family leave Martin Luther King Jr. When I moved to At- Happy Juneteenth, America. and other things, Federal workers, on average, get compensated about $41,000 lanta at age 13, I went deeper and discovered Ms. SMITH. Usher wrote: more about the movement, the horrors of annually, versus the private sector’s slavery and the resilience of our people. I The liberation Juneteenth commemorates $12,000, which is only 29 percent of what is cause for celebration, but it also reminds came to understand Juneteenth’s history a Federal workers make. decade ago during a period of reflection and us of how equality can be delayed. On June 19, 1865, on the shores of Galveston, Tex., What we are talking about is a paid in pursuit of any ancestral history that day off. Now, take a look at what Fed- would tell me who I am. Union Gen. Gordon Granger arrived by boat The liberation Juneteenth commemorates to announce to enslaved African Americans eral workers get in terms of the num- is cause for celebration, but it also reminds that the Civil War had ended and they were ber of days off with pay. It is quite gen- us how equality can be delayed. On June 19, now free. While President Lincoln’s Emanci- erous, particularly after last year’s Na- 1865, on the shores of Galveston, Tex., Union pation Proclamation was issued two and a tional Defense Authorization Act, in Gen. Gordon Granger arrived by boat to an- half years prior, and the Civil War had ended which we added paid parental leave. nounce to enslaved African Americans that in April of that year, it wasn’t until June 19, I have two charts here. Here is one: If 1865, that almost all of our ancestors were the Civil War had ended and they were now a Federal worker gets paid parental free. While President Lincoln’s Emanci- free. We should honor their lives and cele- brate that day of freedom forever. leave—and I realize that only happens pation Proclamation was issued two and a a few times during somebody’s life- half years prior, and the Civil War had ended Usher continues: in April of that year, it wasn’t until June 19, time—but Federal workers get 10 paid Recognizing Juneteenth as a national holi- holidays. That is probably the max 1865, that almost all of our ancestors were day would be a small gesture compared to free. We should honor their lives and cele- the greater social needs of black people in anybody gets in the private sector. In brate that day of freedom forever. America. But it can remind us of our journey terms of paid leave, minimum, they get I cherish the words of Nina Simone. I re- toward freedom, and the work America still 13 days off; maximum, they get 26; and spect the legacy of Harry Belafonte and the has to do. by the way, 26 is more than 5 weeks off unapologetic blackness of James Brown. I We could observe it, as many black Ameri- with pay—basically paid vacation. admire the entrepreneurship of Madam C.J. cans already do, by celebrating both our first They get 4 weeks after only 3 years. Walker. I have learned from my elders. Their step toward freedom as black people in wisdom has taught me to use my voice to That is virtually unheard of in the pri- America and also the many contributions to vate sector—very generous paid vaca- support my people, so many of whom are this land. hurting right now. Making sure that our his- tion in the Federal workforce. Then, tory is told is critical to supporting and sus- So thank you to my colleague from with paid parental leave, they get 60 taining our growth as a people. The least we Texas. I am glad to stand with him in days off maximum. deserve is to have this essential moment in- making Juneteenth a Federal holiday. So, a Federal worker taking advan- cluded in the broader American story. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. tage of paid parental leave will get 96 I am humbled by the platform that has YOUNG). The Senator from Texas. to 109 days off or, put a different way, been given to me because of my musical tal- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, as in ents, but I know I must do more with it. As for every 1.4 days a Federal worker an artist, it is my duty to reflect the trying legislative session, I ask unanimous works, they get a day off. times in which we live. My heart is shattered consent that the Judiciary Committee Now, let’s strip out paid parental by the ongoing injustices in this country, in- be discharged from further consider- leave. Let’s look at people who aren’t cited by its long history of racism that has ation and the Senate now proceed to S. having a child or adopting a child— led to deadly outcomes for too many of our 4019; further, that the bill be consid- again, same basic numbers: 10 paid people. This country must change. ered read a third time and passed; and holidays, 13 to 26 paid leave days, 13 And it must change quickly. Recognizing Juneteenth as a national holi- that the motion to reconsider be con- sick days, for a total of anywhere from day would be a small gesture compared with sidered made and laid upon the table. 36 to 49 days of leave that is paid. For the greater social needs of black people in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a more senior worker, for every 4.3 America. But it can remind us of our journey objection? days they work, they get a day off, toward freedom, and the work America still The Senator from Wisconsin. which is basically a 4-day workweek. has to do. Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, reserv- By the way, if they don’t take the paid We could observe it, as many black Ameri- ing the right to object, let me first leave days, they can carry them over. cans already do, by celebrating both our first state and make perfectly clear that I step toward freedom as black people in So, again, the private sector benefits America and also the many contributions to think the emancipation of slaves is a aren’t even close to this generous. I am this land: the construction of Black Wall day worth celebrating. I have no argu- not objecting to celebrating Street; the invention of jazz, rock n’ roll, ment whatsoever with the fact that we Juneteenth. What I am objecting to is hip-hop and R&B; and all the entrepreneur- should probably celebrate it better the rest of America paying for another ship and business brilliance, extraordinary than we have in the past. But there are paid day off for Federal workers. By cuisine, sports excellence, political power other ways of celebrating it—a resolu- the way, it costs about $600 million per and global cultural influence black Ameri- tion in the Senate creating a national year. The CBO score is over 10 years; cans have given the world. And rather than observing Juneteenth as day of celebration without declaring it that is $6 billion. The sponsors of this we do other holidays, by taking it off, we can a national holiday. bill want to just go ahead and incur make it a day when black culture, black en- The effect of declaring it a national that additional cost on the American trepreneurship and black business get our holiday is primarily one thing: It gives economy and American taxpayers support. A national Juneteenth observance Federal workers a paid day off. Now, without a vote. They can’t do it just by can affirm that Black Lives Matter! Federal workers are compensated quite unanimous consent, which is really What changes do you hope will come out of well, and I want to quickly go through protests and debates about police and race? what I am objecting to in this process Write to us. this again, as we did last week. I have here. I proudly join the incredible people and or- some charts up here. So, again, I have a different proposal. ganizations who have been working on this If you take a look at just their wage, We could either declare it a national for years, among them the inspiring Opal Federal workers, on average, make day of celebration. That would be fine. Lee, a 93–year-old from Fort Worth, Tex., about a little over $94,000 per year. In Or we can go ahead and declare it and who has campaigned for the recognition of the private sector, the average wage is make it a national holiday, but if we Juneteenth at the state and local level. $63,000, which is 67 percent of what Fed- are going to do that, let’s just take one There has never been a more urgent time eral workers make. If you also include than now to get this done. On Thursday, of their paid days away. They come out Sens. Tina Smith (D–Minn.), Edward J. Mar- benefits—total compensation—Federal whole. key (D–Mass.), Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D– workers make, on average, about Last week, I was accused of taking Calif.) and Cory Booker (D–N.J.) announced $135,000, almost $136,000 per year. In the something away from Federal workers. that they are introducing legislation to private sector, it is about $75,000, which Not really—I am still leaving them

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.001 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 with the same 36 to 49 or 96 to 109 days leaving in doubt whether 30 million un- leading into this, and your credit off. I am just saying that it strikes me employed Americans will continue to cards. All of a sudden, $600 a week as kind of strange that the only way we receive support from the Federal Gov- tends to evaporate. can properly celebrate Juneteenth is ernment. How have we reached this What if you had health insurance by giving Federal workers a paid day point? where you worked, and they laid you off, paid by every other American tax- Well, in anticipation of this moment, off or fired you and said it was over, payer, to the tune of $600 million a 10 weeks ago, the House of Representa- that they are closing down? If you year. tives passed a rescue package that not tried to pick up the employer’s share of So, again, what I would recommend only addressed unemployment benefits your health insurance, the average cost is that modification: Declare but a score of other major concerns we is $1,700 a month. So $600 a week, $2,400 Juneteenth a national paid holiday but have at this moment in our history and a month, and $1,700 of it is just going to remove one of their paid sick leaves. at this moment in our economy—10 keep the health insurance you had on So I ask the Senator to modify his re- weeks ago. the job? quest to include my amendment at the Since then, the burden has been on Then there is this abiding notion desk; that the amendment be consid- the Republican leader in the U.S. Sen- that people who are unemployed just ered and agreed to; that the bill, as ate, Senator MCCONNELL, of Kentucky, aren’t trying hard enough to get a job. amended, be considered and read a to pick up the challenge and to produce They say: You know, the jobs are out third time and passed; and that the his own approach, whatever it may be, there, and these folks are just saying: I motions to reconsider be considered representing his caucus—the Repub- would rather not. made and laid upon the table. lican caucus—on what to do with the Let’s take a look at the facts, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the economy and what to do with the pan- here are the facts. For every job that is Senator so modify his proposal? demic. We stand today, preparing to available in America today, there are The Senator from Minnesota. leave for 3 or 4 days, with nothing— four unemployed people. So it isn’t as Ms. SMITH. Mr. President, reserving nothing. if it is the other way around, one job the right to object, it is notable to me The situation is so bad that an indi- for every four unemployed people. It is that we are gathered here today, while vidual Republican Senator decided to four unemployed people for each job in we are celebrating the life come to the floor and see if he could fix that is available. of JOHN LEWIS. In this moment, I think it. I disagree with his approach com- And to the argument by some em- it is worth remembering that when pletely, but I respect the fact that he is ployers that, well, I just can’t get them Congress was debating whether to as frustrated as we all are waiting on to come back to work, it turns out that make a Federal holiday honoring Mar- Senator MCCONNELL to come forward. employers are filling jobs faster now tin Luther King, Jr.—Dr. King, in the Here is the reality of what we face than at any time. There are people pre- 1980s—people made this same kind of and the reality that Senator MCCON- pared to go back to work. I happen to argument about its potential cost. NELL should face. Any solution coming believe that many of these people see Ronald Reagan made this argument. out of the Senate needs to be bipar- returning to work as the right thing to But President Reagan came around, tisan. Democrats and Republicans need do for them economically. Unemploy- and he signed into law this bill, and to agree, and we did on March 26. The ment cannot last forever; they know now that holiday is celebrated nation- vote was 96 to nothing for the CARES that. Secondly, it may not be meeting wide as a day of reflection and rededi- Act—96 to nothing. I went home to Illi- their needs, as their family requires of cation to progress toward racial jus- nois and people would come up to me them. Third, the job itself may be tice. Just as the civil rights movement and say: I can’t believe you did that. I something they had invested part of is honored as an important milestone didn’t think you agreed on anything in their life into and want to continue. in the history of this country, so Washington, but you all agreed on one Fourth, there may be benefits in that should be emancipation. thing, the most significant economic workplace that aren’t available, even Just as the argument that it is too rescue package in the history of the through the unemployment system expensive to give Federal employees a United States. available today. So I reject the no- day off was wrong regarding Martin Well, we were challenged to do it tion—this urban legend—that $600 a Luther King Day, it is wrong for again, and we have failed miserably in week is so much that people are turn- Juneteenth. And just as Ronald Reagan the Senate. Under the current leader- ing down the opportunity to go back to got on the right side of history, I think ship with a Republican majority, they work. It is not an urban legend; it is an that we will get on the right side of cannot produce a bill to bring to con- urban lie. history, and we will finally have a full ference or at least to a conference Yale University just came out with a holiday to commemorate Juneteenth, table between the House and the Sen- report from their economics depart- not as a holiday with an asterisk, not ate. ment this week. I put it into the as a half holiday, but as a full holiday; I would like to address directly some RECORD yesterday. You can find it, if therefore, I object to this modification. of the arguments being made. Here is you wish. It proves the point I just The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- one that you have heard over and over. made. They looked at the statistics. tion is heard. I think it is an urban legend, and I This is just not a viable complaint Is there objection to the original re- want to say a word about it. Here is against the unemployment system. quest? how it goes: $600 a week? At $600 a What Senator MCCONNELL has led us The Senator from Wisconsin. week, at that level, individuals will not to is this moment, where, when we re- Mr. JOHNSON. I object. even take a job. They will sit home on turn next week, there will be no Fed- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- the couch and watch another round of eral unemployment benefit—none. It tion is heard. Netflix, binging, and they will not even will have expired. What do we say to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- want to go back to work. How many these millions of family members who ator from Illinois. times have you heard that $600 is just are struggling at this moment? Try HEALS ACT too much money? I can tell you that harder. Go take anything. That is what Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, if you $600 is the equivalent of $15 an hour, the future is for you. want to know what is wrong with which many of us believe is at least a I don’t believe that. I think we are a Washington, take a snapshot of this minimum living wage. It is certainly better nation than that. day. Take a snapshot of where we stand not a luxury salary for anyone. If you Facing the worst public health crisis at this moment. have lost your job, that $600 Federal that we have seen in a century, real- In the midst of the worst health cri- check, together with whatever the izing what it has done to each and sis in American history in 100 years State sends your way, has to pay for a every one of our lives and families, un- and in the midst of the worst economic lot of things: rent, mortgage, car pay- derstanding how devastating it must be setback in 75 years, we have reached ments, utilities—did I mention health to lose a job in the midst of this, that the point in the U.S. Senate where we insurance?—food, clothing for the kids, sometimes people for the first time are going to adjourn until next week, the debts you have already incurred aren’t working, realizing how desperate

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.026 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4615 these families are to keep things to- so people understand that even Trump Right now, we are actually giving an gether, are we really going to walk Republicans need to take into consider- unfair and unnecessary advantage to away from them? I think it is time for ation what they are doing to the people the large, sometimes foreign-owned, Senator MCCONNELL to sit down with around them. That, to me, is the only meat processing facilities. the Democratic leaders. There is no al- way to get out of this mess and do it These large facilities typically pur- ternative to this. quickly. Otherwise, we are going to sue licensing through the USDA Fed- Steve Mnuchin, the wandering mes- face this more. eral meat inspection process, which senger on Capitol Hill, can do his job— We should have done better. By this gives them a certification allowing and I wish him well—but it is no re- time, we should have had an alter- them to sell across all State lines. placement for grown-ups to sit at the native to what the House did 10 weeks However, smaller processors that are same table, to sit down and work out a ago. We do not. By next week, we have trying to inject competition into a compromise. We did on March 26. We to do it. market which is dominated by pri- can do it again. We need to do it for I will just say flat out that there is marily big players, typically pursue these families. no point in considering going home at State-inspected certifications, which, I will tell you something else. When the end of next week unless we have unfortunately, today, do not allow we get reports about the state of the solved this problem. There is no ex- them to sell meat across State lines. economy—and I have heard numbers cuse. The irony is that the State processors I yield the floor. back and forth—that on an annualized that are out there also need to be fed- basis it is contracting from 29 percent The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator for South Dakota. erally approved to meet or exceed to 33 percent, that is a big amount. It these Federal inspection standards. So NEW MARKETS FOR STATE-INSPECTED MEAT AND is one out of three businesses. A third our smaller meat processors are of the goods and services in this coun- POULTRY ACT Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I rise achieving a certification of equal or try—think about that—going away and today to urge the Senate to include the higher standards but are given a li- disappearing. We have already seen evi- New Markets for State-Inspected Meat cense with less ability to market their dence of that. and Poultry Act in a COVID–19 re- product. They have to stay within the What do you do to put life back into boundaries of the State in which they an economy? Don’t take my word for sponse legislation that we are consid- ering during this work period. are produced. it. Listen to the Chairman of the Fed- This is legislation I have worked on In my hometown of Fort Pierre, SD, eral Reserve, Jerome Powell. He said it with my colleague Senator ANGUS KING a beef processing company was an- again yesterday: We have to deal with of Maine for several years, long before nounced to be opening in May of this this pandemic; that means more test- COVID–19 disrupted the safety and se- year, 2020. This is the kind of American ing. curity of the American food supply. It production we want to see more of. But The Republican proposal that is has bipartisan support. if this processor chooses to pursue a floating here and has not been offered, COVID–19 revealed the cracks in mul- State-inspected meat license instead of is $26 billion more in testing. We are at tiple industries—our food supply, phar- a USDA license, they will not be able $100 billion. I think we need at least maceuticals, defense, and manufac- to sell across State lines, even though $100 billion. Why do we need it? So it is turing in general. Every American pays South Dakota’s meat poultry inspec- generally available, easily available to the price for foreign reliance—every tion program has standards that meet every person and family in America; so American. This is a moment in history or exceed Federal inspection standards. that it is affordable—and I hope that when we can rebuild what ‘‘American This is unacceptable and is harming means free—and, most importantly, so made’’ and what ‘‘made America our small American processors’ ability that it is timely. great’’ really means in the first place. to compete fairly. To people who say, well, I took a That, of course, is American produc- test, I ask: How long did it take to get This is why we should include the tion and innovation across all indus- New Markets for State-Inspected Meat the results on your COVID–19 test? tries. They say: Oh, 6 days, 7 days. That is and Poultry Act in our next COVID–19 As consumers of food—and that is ev- relief legislation. not a timely test that you can use to erybody, Republican and Democrat In recent months, partially due to make a plan. It is a piece of medical alike, Independents included—we the toll the COVID–19 pandemic has data. It is a piece of history. If we are should demand that we have this pro- had on our meat processing facilities, going to hope to open this economy in duction capacity in the United States. we have seen renewed support for this a responsible way, to get to contact Heavy reliance on foreign production particular effort. In the Senate, we now tracing that really works, if we hope to and manufacturing is a mistake, and have 12 cosponsors from both sides of open our schools so they are safe for America needs to see a renaissance of the kids and the teachers and the ad- American production and ingenuity. the aisle. Additionally, there was com- ministrators and everyone else, we Just as an example, on July 29 of this panion legislation which was intro- need testing available, and we need a year, it was announced that JBS, a duced in the House of Representatives system of testing that is timely. Brazilian-owned company, intends to by Representative LIZ CHENEY of Wyo- We have failed in addressing this pan- acquire the Mountain States Rosen ming. demic. Why do I say that? It sounds lamb plant in Greeley, CO. It has been I would like to explain what our leg- like an outrageous political statement. reported that JBS will grind ham- islation does and why it is so impor- Because the United States has 5 per- burger and cut steaks, which, unfortu- tant to include it as part of the Federal cent of the population in the world and nately, will eliminate the ability of Government’s response to COVID–19. 25 percent of the COVID infections. this plant to process nearly 350,000 The New Markets for State-Inspected Twenty-five percent of the COVID in- lambs within the United States. This is Meat and Poultry Act would allow fections in the world are in this coun- yet another example of a foreign com- meat that has been inspected by a fed- try and 5 percent of the population. pany working to consolidate and to in- erally approved State meat and poultry Other countries have handled this bet- tegrate the American food supply sys- inspection program to be sold across ter. We know it. We should learn from tem to the detriment of U.S. ag pro- State lines. them. ducers. We just simply can’t sit here Currently, cattle, sheep, and swine This President has to get away from and watch this occur on our watch. We that are raised in South Dakota by the medical quackery which he spreads are already paying the price of foreign some of the best producers in the world around on his Twitter account and in ownership in our food supply system and inspected at a South Dakota proc- his speeches. He has to stop looking at today. essing facility are limited to markets these medical gurus, which he dis- The time is now to aggressively pur- within the State. Yet they meet or ex- covers in the weird corners of the sue American options for production ceed Federal inspection standards. It internet, and peddling their goods for and processing in order to protect just doesn’t make sense, especially the rest of America. He has to show American consumers and our entire when there is high demand for locally some guts and wear a mask more often economy. sourced and processed proteins in a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.028 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 State-approved facility, which, by Fed- These products are safe for consump- Klobuchar Portman Shaheen eral law has standards that meet or ex- tion and should be allowed to be sold Lankford Reed Shelby Leahy Risch Sinema ceed Federal inspection standards. nationwide. This will help offset the Lee Roberts Smith Our legislation would allow these pressure on federally inspected facili- Loeffler Romney Sullivan products, which pass State inspection ties during the ongoing pandemic and Manchin Rosen Thune McConnell Rounds standards, to be sold across State lines, in the future as well. Tillis McSally Rubio Toomey opening up new markets for producers Murkowski Sasse This is a commonsense solution that Warner Murphy Schatz and giving consumers greater choice at has bipartisan, bicameral support. It is Wicker Paul Scott (FL) the grocery store. At a time when our Young time to end this arbitrary regulation Peters Scott (SC) food supply is in danger, this is a very restricting the sale of these products to easy first step. within State lines and allow facilities NAYS—21 Like so many sectors of our econ- inspected by State meat inspection Baldwin Durbin Sanders omy, the food production industry was Bennet Gillibrand Schumer programs to increase production and Blumenthal Heinrich Stabenow ill-prepared for the unprecedented sell their product nationwide. Brown Hirono Udall changes that needed to be made when Including the New Markets for State- Cantwell Menendez Van Hollen the COVID–19 pandemic hit. Labor Cardin Merkley Warren Inspected Meat and Poultry Act in fu- Duckworth Murray Wyden shortages and worker protection meas- ture COVID–19 relief legislation is good ures slowed down plants around the for producers and very good for con- NOT VOTING—8 country, and outbreaks even caused sumers. Booker Markey Tester some of the facilities to shut down en- Burr Moran Whitehouse I yield the floor. Harris Perdue tirely. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The nomination was confirmed. We saw this happen in my home ator from Tennessee. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under State of South Dakota, where our Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I the previous order, the motion to re- Sioux Falls Smithfield plant processes ask unanimous consent to speak for 10 consider is considered made and laid 20,000 hogs a day and employs approxi- minutes when the afternoon votes are upon the table, and the President will mately 35 hard-working individuals. At concluded. be immediately notified of the Senate’s the peak of the crisis, hog processing The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without action. dropped approximately 40 percent in objection, it is so ordered. May, and beef production dropped ap- The majority leader. VOTE ON KAN NOMINATION proximately 35 percent in May, when HEALS ACT compared to 2019 production levels The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on across the United States. At one point, the previous order, all postcloture time Monday, the Republicans introduced a there was a backlog of nearly 1 million has expired. trillion-dollar proposal to give Amer- cattle ready to be processed. The question is, Will the Senate ad- ican families more coronavirus relief. Meanwhile, grocery stores across the vise and consent to the Kan nomina- Most urgently, the Republicans want country began to see meat shortages tion? to continue a Federal supplement to on their shelves because of the Mr. ALEXANDER. I ask for the yeas State unemployment insurance, which chokepoint found in the concentration and nays. is set to expire, as we all know, tomor- of beef processing at the big four pack- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a row. ers, where processing capacity had sufficient second? If our Democratic colleagues had been curtailed. Livestock producers There appears to be a sufficient sec- acted with the urgency that struggling were faced with one of the worst sce- ond. people deserve, we could right now be narios they could face—having to The clerk will call the roll. finishing up a major bipartisan pack- euthanize their animals because they The legislative clerk called the roll. age for kids, jobs, and healthcare. If weren’t able to get them into a proc- Mr. THUNE. The following Senators our Democratic colleagues had acted essing facility. While we have been able are necessarily absent: the Senator with urgency, unemployed Americans to recover some of the production ca- from North Carolina (Mr. BURR), the wouldn’t be facing a total elimination pacity since that time, it is far from Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN), and of this extra help. being back to normal, and we are still the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Instead, jobless Americans are star- unprepared to deal with the continuing PERDUE). ing down this cliff because Speaker pandemic. Further, if present and voting, the PELOSI and the Democratic leader have While we work to get meat and pork Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) refused to negotiate. They have refused processing facilities back up and run- would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ to move 1 inch from the Speaker’s far- ning at capacity, we should also be uti- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the left proposal that is so absurd and so lizing State-based solutions to help off- Senator from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER), unserious that their own moderate set the backlog and help provide addi- the Senator from California (Ms. HAR- Democratic Members began trashing it tional capacity. Specifically, we should RIS), the Senator from Massachusetts the instant it came out. This is the include the New Markets for State-In- (Mr. MARKEY), the Senator from Mon- multitrillion-dollar boondoggle that spected Meat and Poultry Act in the tana (Mr. TESTER), and the Senator would tax and borrow in order to pro- next relief package. from Rhode Island (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) vide a massive tax cut to the rich peo- Currently, 27 States operate State are necessarily absent. ple in blue States—the SALT give- meat inspection programs. Meat and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there away; that would fund diversity studies poultry inspected at these facilities are any other Senators in the Chamber de- of the legal pot industry; and that already sold for public consumption in siring to vote? would do 1,000 other things with no re- the States where they are licensed. The result was announced—yeas 71, lationship whatsoever to the crisis. Today, if you have meat or poultry nays 21, as follows: Just a few minutes ago, our colleague processed at a South Dakota inspection [Rollcall Vote No. 152 Ex.] from Wisconsin tried to get consent to facility in Hudson, SD, you wouldn’t be YEAS—71 continue the unemployment assistance able to sell it across the border just a to prevent it from expiring tomorrow, Alexander Cornyn Graham few miles away in Iowa, but you could Barrasso Cortez Masto Grassley and the Democratic leader objected un- sell it a couple hundred miles away in Blackburn Cotton Hassan less he got to pass the entirety of the Lemmon, SD. Blunt Cramer Hawley massive wish list. The Republicans Boozman Crapo Hoeven It really doesn’t make much sense, Braun Cruz Hyde-Smith want to continue this aid before it ex- especially since State meat and poul- Capito Daines Inhofe pires, but the Democratic leader says: try inspection facilities are required by Carper Enzi Johnson Let them eat SALT. law to be at least equal to federally in- Casey Ernst Jones This is what was written about their Cassidy Feinstein Kaine spected processing facilities with re- Collins Fischer Kennedy proposal: ‘‘Privately, several House gard to their food safety standards. Coons Gardner King Democrats concede [the bill] feels like

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.029 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4617 little more than an effort to appease The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Our proposal—the one to which the the most liberal members of the cau- Democratic leader is recognized. Republicans objected—deals with these cus.’’ Mr. SCHUMER. Well, we have had a problems in a serious, significant, and, Yet, now, Speaker PELOSI and the lot of words from the leader—none of yes, expensive way. But we know what Democratic leader have declared that them talk about reality. One picture is going on on the other side of the unemployed Americans will not get an- equals all his words: SCHUMER, PELOSI, aisle. It was said by my friend from In- other cent—not another cent—unless Mnuchin, Meadows in a room negoti- diana: Let the private sector do it. the Senate agrees to pass the entire ating, where the Republican leader Well, my friends, this is a moment bill that even the Democrats say is ri- can’t even show up because his caucus where the private sector can’t solve the diculous. This is their position: Unem- is so divided. In his own words, 20 of his problem. This is a moment when we do ployed people, schools, hospitals, and Members don’t want to vote for any- need strong, active, and bold relief— American families will not see another thing. something that this caucus has been dime unless they get to cut taxes for Now, faced with a crisis they cre- running away from, ignoring, for far millionaires in Brooklyn and San Fran- ated—for 10 weeks we have asked the too long. cisco. That is what this is about. leader to negotiate, and now, finally, My fellow Americans, we are in an Sure, they will call the Republicans they have woken up to the fact that we enormous crisis. We are stepping up to names for wanting to make sure the are at a cliff. But it is too late—too the plate on this side of the aisle. system doesn’t pay people more not to late because even if we were to pass Please let your Senators know on the work, but the Democratic leader gave this measure, all the States—almost away the game this morning. He said Republican side of the aisle how deep every State says people would not get on the floor that he now opposes even this crisis is, how painful it is for peo- their unemployment for weeks and continuing the aid at the $600 level. ple, and to step up to the plate, get in months, all because of the disunity, They want jobless aid to expire tomor- the room, and negotiate a real deal and dysfunction of this Republican caucus row—period. Lest we forget, just a few stop doing stunts that simply are polit- days ago, multiple Democratic Sen- and of the leader, afraid to negotiate ical—get it off my back—that you ators and the Democratic House major- because he doesn’t have his people be- know cannot pass. ity leader were all saying they were hind him. I yield the floor. prepared to negotiate and land some- The bottom line is very simple: This The PRESIDING OFFICER. The where south of $600. Multiple Demo- new proposal moves things even back- question is on agreeing to the motion. crats said they were open to continuing ward. Instead of a 30-percent cut from The motion was agreed to. what people are getting, it is a 33-per- the aid at a level that didn’t pay people f more to stay home. cent cut. And we all know that the pro- Now the Democratic leader hasn’t posal that is in existence now has kept UIGHUR INTERVENTION AND just contradicted his colleagues and re- millions out of poverty. GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN UNI- fused to talk, he has gone even further Now we hear talk from the other side FIED RESPONSE ACT OF 2019— and declared he will not even let the that this creates the deficit—this in- MOTION TO PROCEED creases the deficit. We can’t spend aid continue at $600. The Democratic Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I leader has tried to rule out every op- money. Well, I would remind them of ask that the Chair lay before the Sen- tion except that of leaving the Capitol the $1.5 trillion tax cut for the rich— ate the message to accompany S. 178, today and beginning his weekend with tax cut for the rich. No one even and I ask for the yeas and nays. this unemployment benefit set to ex- thought about the deficit then. But The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a pire. when it comes to average folks, work- sufficient second? These aren’t the actions, my friends, ing people, we don’t hear a thing. There is a sufficient second. that would lead to any agreement. Unemployment is a crisis. There are The clerk will call the roll. They aren’t the actions that will actu- many crises. All your constituents, the The senior assistant legislative clerk ally make a law. parents, are saying: Why can’t we open called the roll. I am not sure whether my Demo- our schools safely? They need dollars. cratic colleagues really agree that We can’t negotiate that proposal. Mr. THUNE. The following Senators hurting unemployed people is their People are being thrown out of their are necessarily absent: the Senator side’s best political strategy, but if homes. That is a cliff that happened from North Carolina (Mr. BURR), the that is their position, they will have to Thursday. Nothing for that. Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN), the vote on it with the entire country to The bottom line is very simple: This Senator from Georgia (Mr. PERDUE), see. is the worst health crisis in 100 years. and the Senator from Alabama (Mr. In just a moment, I am going to This is the worst economic crisis in 75 SHELBY). make the Senate vote on a privileged years. Unfortunately, at this great mo- Further, if present and voting, the motion that will be a motion to pro- ment of terrible trouble in our country, Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) ceed to legislation which would be used our Republican friends are paralyzed, would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ to prevent the unemployment aid from and when they want to do something, Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the expiring. it is a stunt, not a real negotiation, Senator from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER), We have a number of views on both that they know won’t pass, because the Senator from California (Ms. HAR- sides of the best way to accomplish their backs are against the wall and RIS), the Senator from Massachusetts that. The bill would be amendable. No- the American people—just look at the (Mr. MARKEY), the Senator from New body who actually wants to negotiate, data—know who is to blame and know Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ), the Senator nobody who actually wants a bipar- who doesn’t want to help people. from Arizona (Ms. SINEMA), the Sen- tisan outcome would be disadvantaged So the bottom line is very simple: We ator from Montana (Mr. TESTER), and by merely proceeding to the debate. Democrats know what the problem is, the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. We have had enough rope-a-dope. We WHITEHOUSE) are necessarily absent. have had enough empty talk. It is time and we are unified. We have a very strong proposal. And to look at the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. to go on the record. We will see who SCOTT of Florida). Are there any other really wants a bipartisan outcome for things in that proposal with the cal- lousness that my friend the Republican Senators in the Chamber desiring to the country and who is trying their vote? hardest to block one. leader has done; to say that this is all politics when people are being thrown The result was announced—yeas 47, f out of their homes and we want to give nays 42, as follows: LEGISLATIVE SESSION them shelter; when people are not able [Rollcall Vote No. 153 Leg.] Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I to feed their children and we want to YEAS—47 move to proceed to legislative session. give them food; when small busi- Alexander Boozman Collins Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask nesses—men and women who have Barrasso Braun Cornyn Blackburn Capito Cotton to be recognized to respond to the lead- struggled—can’t keep their businesses Blunt Cassidy Cramer er. going, we hear nothing.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.031 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020

Crapo Johnson Rounds ‘‘(3) AMOUNT OF FEDERAL PANDEMIC UNEM- (i) in subsection (a)(4)(A)(ii), by inserting Cruz Kennedy Rubio PLOYMENT COMPENSATION.— ‘‘with respect to the individual’’ after ‘‘sec- Daines Lankford Sasse ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The amount specified in tion 2104’’; and Enzi Lee Scott (FL) this paragraph is the following amount with (ii) in subsection (b)(2), by inserting ‘‘with Ernst Loeffler Scott (SC) respect to an individual: respect to the individual’’ after ‘‘section Fischer McConnell Sullivan 2104’’. Graham McSally Thune ‘‘(i) For weeks of unemployment beginning (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments Grassley Murkowski Tillis after the date on which an agreement is en- Hawley Portman Toomey tered into under this section and ending on made by this section shall take effect as if Hoeven Risch Wicker or before July 31, 2020, $600. included in the enactment of the Relief for Hyde-Smith Roberts Young Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act (con- Inhofe Romney ‘‘(ii) For weeks of unemployment begin- ning after the last week under clause (i) and tained in subtitle A of title II of division A NAYS—42 ending before December 31, 2020, an amount of the CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)). (d) EMERGENCY DESIGNATION.— Baldwin Gillibrand Peters equal to one of the following, as determined (1) IN GENERAL.—The amounts provided by Bennet Hassan Reed by the State for all individuals: this section and the amendments made by Blumenthal Heinrich Rosen ‘‘(I) $200. Brown Hirono Sanders this section are designated as an emergency Cantwell Jones Schatz ‘‘(II) An amount (not to exceed $500) equal requirement pursuant to section 4(g) of the Cardin Kaine Schumer to— Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (2 Carper King Shaheen ‘‘(aa) two-thirds of the individual’s average U.S.C. 933(g)). Casey Klobuchar Smith weekly wages; minus ESIGNATION IN SENATE Coons Leahy Stabenow (2) D .—In the Senate, ‘‘(bb) the individual’s base amount (deter- this section and the amendments made by Cortez Masto Manchin Udall mined prior to any reductions or offsets). Duckworth Merkley Van Hollen this section are designated as an emergency Durbin Murphy Warner ‘‘(B) BASE AMOUNT.—For purposes of this requirement pursuant to section 4112(a) of H. Feinstein Murray Warren paragraph, the term ‘base amount’ means, Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), the concurrent Gardner Paul Wyden with respect to an individual, an amount resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018. equal to— NOT VOTING—11 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ‘‘(i) for weeks of unemployment under the ator from Arizona. Booker Menendez Sinema pandemic unemployment assistance program Burr Moran Tester under section 2102, the amount determined UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST Harris Perdue Whitehouse Ms. MCSALLY. Mr. President, I de- Markey Shelby under subsection (d)(1)(A)(i) or (d)(2) of such section 2102, as applicable; or ployed to Washington to be a prag- The motion was agreed to. ‘‘(ii) for all other weeks of unemployment, matic problem-solver, and for the past The senior assistant legislative clerk the amount determined under paragraph 51⁄2 years I have made it my mission in read as follows: (1)(A) of this subsection. Congress to better the lives of hard- Resolved, That the bill from the Senate (S. ‘‘(C) AVERAGE WEEKLY WAGES.— working Arizonans. In a time of toxic 178) entitled ‘‘An Act to condemn gross ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Subject to clause (ii), for partisanship, this is no easy feat. It re- human rights violations of ethnic Turkic purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘aver- quires me to go across the aisle to find Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end age weekly wages’ means, with respect to an to arbitrary detention, torture, and harass- individual, the following: where the Venn diagram overlaps. ment of these communities inside and out- ‘‘(I) If the State computes the individual Well, today I am calling on my Sen- side China.’’, do pass, with an amendment. weekly unemployment compensation benefit ate colleagues to be pragmatic, to meet The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- amount based on an individual’s average in the middle on what we should agree jority leader. weekly wages in a base period, an amount on. I am asking Senators to simply ex- equal to the individual’s average weekly tend expanded unemployment benefits MOTION TO CONCUR WITH AMENDMENT NO. 2499 wages used in such computation. for 7 days while Congress comes up Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ‘‘(II) If the State computes the individual with a solution. Who could be against move to concur in the House amend- weekly unemployment compensation benefit that? ment with a further amendment, No. amount based on high quarter wages or a for- With the 1st of August approaching, 2499. mula using wages across some but not all quarters in a base period, an amount equal Americans out of work are counting on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The us for cash so they can pay their rent to 1⁄13 of such high quarter wages or average clerk will report. and put food on the table for their fam- The senior assistant legislative clerk wages of the applicable quarters used in the ilies. While some States will get the read as follows: computation for the individual. ‘‘(III) If the State uses computations other expanded checks, we understand, for The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- than the computations under subclause (I) or the next week or two, Arizonans have NELL] moves to concur in the House amend- (II) for the individual weekly unemployment gotten their last expanded check. ment to the bill, with an amendment num- compensation benefit amount, or for com- bered 2499. These Arizonans are in my neighbor- putations of the weekly benefit amount hood, live on my street, and worked The amendment is as follows: under the pandemic unemployment assist- paycheck to paycheck before this once- (Purpose: In the nature of a substitute) ance program under section 2102, as de- scribed in subsection (d)(1)(A)(i) or (d)(2) of in-a-century pandemic hit. In lieu of the matter proposed to be in- Well, I am here to tell them that serted, insert the following: such section 2102, for which subclause (I) or (II) do not apply, an amount equal to 1⁄52 of Washington, DC’s dysfunction and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. the sum of all base period wages. bickering is alive and well. Congress, This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Coronavirus Relief Fair Unemployment Compensation ‘‘(ii) SPECIAL RULE.—If more than one of once again, is using hard-working Act of 2020’’. the methods of computation under sub- Americans as pawns in their political clauses (I), (II), and (III) of clause (i) are ap- SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF THE FEDERAL PANDEMIC games. UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION plicable to a State, then such term shall For the many Arizonans out of work PROGRAM. mean the amount determined under the ap- right now, this is not a game. Ameri- (a) EXTENSION.—Section 2104(e)(2) of the plicable subclause of clause (i) that results cans, Arizonans are calling out for in the highest amount of average weekly Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus help, and it is time we deliver it. Act (contained in subtitle A of title II of di- wages.’’. (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— What I am offering today is a simple vision A of the CARES Act (Public Law 116– 7-day extension of the extra $600 a 136)) is amended by striking ‘‘July 31, 2020’’ (A) PANDEMIC UNEMPLOYMENT ASSIST- and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2020’’. ANCE.—Section 2102(d) of the Relief for Work- week for unemployed Americans while (b) IMPROVEMENTS TO ACCURACY OF PAY- ers Affected by Coronavirus Act (contained we work through our differences on MENTS.— in subtitle A of title II of division A of the how to move forward and see Ameri- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 2104(b) of the Re- CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)) is amended cans through this first-in-a-century lief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act by inserting ‘‘with respect to the individual’’ crisis. This is a reasonable proposal. (contained in subtitle A of title II of division after ‘‘section 2104’’ in each of paragraphs Who could possibly be against this? A of the CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)) is (1)(A)(ii) and (2). I understand, as we work to defeat (B) PANDEMIC EMERGENCY UNEMPLOYMENT amended— this virus—which we will—and support (A) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ‘‘of COMPENSATION.—Section 2107 of the Relief for $600’’ and inserting ‘‘equal to the amount Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act (con- the economic recovery for our country, specified in paragraph (3)’’; and tained in subtitle A of title II of division A we need to incentivize people to return (B) by adding at the end the following new of the CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)) is to work safely, when they are able. paragraph: amended— And there are disagreements in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.007 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4619 Chamber on what that looks like, what extension so they can get another for 68 percent of the people on unem- the ultimate dollar figure or percent- check and pay their rent. ployment insurance, based on the Uni- age will be, where we land and for how I asked the question: Who could pos- versity of Chicago study—they are long. sibly be against this? making more on unemployment insur- I know today Congress needs to do Well, we found out. It is the Senator ance than they can make at work. their job and to prevent this des- from New York. So you can clip the I think all of us here in this Chamber perately needed, extra lifeline from tape or put his picture on your refrig- want to be sure that folks are taken fully expiring. In this uncertain time, erator when you open it up because it care of. In fact, we just voted on legis- everyone is doing the best they can to is the minority leader who is against lation to provide the ability to be able make ends meet, to help each other, to this, on his path to try and become the to debate this very issue and other help our neighbors, to stay safe—every- majority leader. And that is unfortu- issues. But to say that people should be one, that is, except Congress. nate. Arizonans deserve better. making substantially more for not Americans who have lost their liveli- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The working rather than working is some- hoods through no fault of their own due Democratic leader. thing I think even a lot of my Demo- to this cruel virus should not be the UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.R. 6800 cratic colleagues do not find accept- collateral damage of political maneu- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I am able. vering. I am calling on the Senate: going to ask once again that our Re- Instead, the minority leader, once Let’s do what we were sent here to do. publican colleagues support the Heroes again, is offering the Heroes Act, as he Let’s do our job. Act. has done before. You will recall this is In the face of the virus, we have This is a dramatic crisis affecting all the House-passed legislation that was asked millions of Americans to go back of America in many different ways. We passed, actually, a while ago during to work when they can safely, to make Democrats have come up with a bold, different times. But it is $3.5 trillion. hard decisions, to do what they were strong plan supported by the vast ma- That is what the CBO says—$3.5 tril- hired to do. It is time for the Senate to jority of people—average, middle-class lion. do the same. people. Our proposal deals with the That makes it, of course, the most This is a reasonable request. It is issue of unemployment all the way expensive piece of legislation ever simply a 7-day extension of the ex- through January 31—not a 1-week passed by either body anytime in our panded unemployment benefits while stunt which can’t even be adapted in history, by far. By the way, it has a we continue to work out our dif- time. number of provisions that have nothing ferences. Who could possibly be against Our proposal deals with schools and to do with COVID–19. this? their ability to open. Our proposal So here we are in the middle of this Therefore, I ask unanimous consent deals with small businesses. Our pro- crisis. In many places it is getting that the Senate proceed to the imme- posal deals with so many of the issues worse, not better. We do need to act, diate consideration of my bill at the facing America. but we need to be sure we are acting in desk. I further ask that the bill be con- Our colleagues on the other side, we an effective, targeted way and not put- sidered read a third time and passed know, are tied in a knot. Our col- ting things out there—a $3.5 trillion and that the motion to reconsider be leagues on the other side can’t come to bill including many things that have considered made and laid upon the an agreement on anything. They did an nothing to do with COVID–19. table. empty shell bill because the only thing It has immigration policy changes The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there they could support was an empty shell there. We can debate those separately. objection? bill with nothing inside of it. Immigration policy issues are very Mr. SCHUMER. Reserving the right Well, that is not what the American contentious and are tough things for us to object. people want. They want action. I would to resolve in any context, but certainly The PRESIDING OFFICER. The urge the Republican leader to start ne- we shouldn’t put it in a COVID–19 bill. Democratic leader. gotiating in good faith and in serious- It has unprecedented mandates on Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, this ness. I would urge the President to do the States that say to the States: You UC request is clearly a stunt. A 1-week things about testing and tracing, also have to do the elections the way Con- fix can’t be implemented in time, and in the Heroes bill. gress wants to do them. You have to do the Senator knows that. Plus, there are I would urge that we rise to the occa- mail-in ballots the way we are saying many other problems Arizonans have sion of this enormous crisis. We Demo- you have to do them. You have to use in addition to this one. crats are doing that in a bold and the kinds of ideas that we say you have Arizonan parents are worried that strong way. We haven’t heard anything to use. schools will not open safely. Arizona from our Republican colleagues. This has always been in the province renters are worried they will be evicted I ask unanimous consent that the of the States. Again, a lot of my Demo- from their apartments. Arizona parents Senate proceed to the immediate con- cratic colleagues agree it should con- are worried that they can’t feed their sideration of calendar No. 455, H.R. tinue to be in the province of the kids. Arizona small businesses are wor- 6800, the Heroes Act; that the bill be States to make those kinds of detailed ried that they will not have the nec- considered read a third time and passed decisions on elections. essary help. and the motion to reconsider be consid- It doubles the amount of money in All of those things are in the Heroes ered made and laid upon the table with the Heroes Act that goes to States as Act, plus not even a 1-week extension— no intervening action or debate. compared to even what the National which can’t even be implemented—but The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Governors Association is asking for. an extension until January 31. objection? Three and a half trillion dollars begins So I would ask my colleague to tell The Senator from Ohio. to add up when you do things like that. Arizonans whether she supports the He- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, we You give twice as much to the States roes Act or not, which goes much fur- have already had this debate once as the States are even asking for. ther and is much stronger on unem- today when the Democratic leader Of course, one of my favorites—and I ployment and many other issues. chose to offer this motion knowing know, again, the Senator from New I object. that, of course, it is not serious. What York feels strongly about this from a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- he is talking about here, just after hav- tax policy point of view—included in tion is heard. ing rejected a very commonsense pro- the COVID–19 bill is a very expensive The Senator from Arizona. posal, which is a 1-week extension for change in tax policy that actually is a Ms. MCSALLY. Mr. President, this is the unemployment insurance—by the huge tax break for wealthy individuals; disappointing and a political stunt and way, at $600, which is exactly what the that is, repealing the SALT changes a game. For all the normal people Democrats say they want. They want that were made. Over 50 percent of the watching out there who don’t under- to keep it at $600 even though, as we benefit of this goes to the top 1 per- stand why Washington is so dysfunc- know from numerous studies, that cent. That is based on the Tax Policy tional, we are just looking for a 7-day means that, for many people—in fact, Center.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.035 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 Based on our own Joint Committee ideas and a great deal of sincerity— That means there are 70 million stu- on Taxation, which is a nonpartisan made my point. The vast majority of dents who would like to go back to group here in Congress, what they are Republicans oppose $600 for any time. school or college—100,000 public trying to get through in their legisla- That is why they are not calling it up schools, 35,000 private schools, and 6,000 tion, the Heroes Act—40 percent of that for a vote—it shows what a stunt the colleges. benefit or more, according to the Joint Senator from Arizona has done. What help do they need? They need Committee on Taxation, goes to those Second, I think all the points my col- help reopening safely so that they can with income over $1 million. What is league made about things that are ex- go back with students physically that doing in the COVID–19 bill? traneous—they are not; they are re- present as consistent with safety as is The Democratic leader talked about lated to COVID. But one thing not in possible. the need for more money for testing. I our bill—$1.7 billion so the President’s I talked with the Governor of Ten- couldn’t agree with him more. By the hotel doesn’t get competition. That is nessee, Bill Lee, yesterday. He said 93 way, the proposal that was presented an extraneous thing. It is not in our of the 95 counties in Tennessee had by Senator MCCONNELL earlier this bill. schools that were going to reopen in week has a lot more money for testing. I yield the floor. person. Maybe not every student, It also has more money for antiviral The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- maybe not every class, but in 93 of the medications, for vaccines, and for en- ator from Tennessee. 95 counties, the Governor said they suring that workplaces can be safe. It Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I know that children need to be in school has the same amount of money—maybe ask through the Chair, does the Sen- and their parents need for them to be even a little bit more; the Senator ator from Ohio wish to speak further? in school. Two-thirds of married par- from Tennessee can tell us—for our Mr. PORTMAN. No. ents work outside the home. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I schools, to be able to reopen our This is a bill for the children, though. thought the Senator from Arizona schools safely. I mean, every teacher, every pediatri- made a very commonsense proposal. There is a lot of common ground cian, and almost every parent knows We are in a position here in the Con- here. I think we can find it. I really do. that, especially with young children, if gress that we often find ourselves in: I know that today has not been an ex- they are left out of school for such a We have different opinions—dramati- ample of that. We are even rejecting lengthy period of time, it damages cally different opinions in some cases. here—a moment ago—a 7-day simple them; it hurts them. There is a health What she said was, while we are work- extension of 600 bucks per week. risk in going back, yes—not very much ing those things out, let’s extend the But when I look at it, I see the school for young children—but there is a big- $600 unemployment benefit for 7 days money as being identical, and I see the ger emotional, intellectual, and phys- so people aren’t hurt. That is a com- tax provisions that we have to help en- ical risk if they stay out of school. monsense proposal. I regret that wasn’t courage people to go back to work and What have we proposed to do? We encourage companies and nonprofits to adopted. I like what the Senator from Ohio proposed to help pay for the schools to put measures in place to make the open safely and to help pay for the col- workplace safe, like plexiglass shields said. Instead of starting—when you have a disagreement over several leges to open safely, which most are or more hand sanitizers or PPE. These doing. are all things we can agree on. items, my experience is that you don’t Even on the issue of unemployment start with the things that you disagree The Chronicle of Higher Education insurance—and I have talked to many on the most; you start with the things said yesterday that 50 percent of our of my colleagues on both sides of the you agree on the most. colleges plan to open this fall with stu- aisle about this—I think there is a way There are a number of things in the dents physically present. Thirty-five we can get there. I think Democrats re- House-passed bill and in the Senate Re- percent have a mix, with students alize that $600 per week does create publican bill that was introduced on physically present and online instruc- this disincentive because it is, on aver- Monday, which the President sup- tion. That means only 13 percent will age, 134 percent of what people were ports—let me repeat that. The House of be all virtual—at least that is their making in the private sector. We can Representatives passed a bill. They plan. come up with a way to deal with that. have a Democratic majority. The Sen- If we could agree on that, why One is a return-to-work bonus, which is ate has a Republican majority, and we shouldn’t we help them? Well, we can an idea that has a lot of bipartisan ap- have a Republican President. We have agree on it because the House of Rep- peal. a Republican President and a Repub- resentatives bill and the Senate Repub- Let’s put aside these games. Let’s lican bill, and we have a House-passed lican bill have almost exactly the same put aside these extreme positions. bill, and it is time to see if we can put amount of money in them—about $1,250 Let’s figure out how we can come to- the two together. That is why we have for K–12 schools—that is a lot of money gether. This evening was not a good ex- two bodies. But that requires Senators per student; $1,250 per student—and ample of that, having rejected the 7- and Members of the House who are about $1,500 per student for colleges to day extension of $600 per week of unem- willing to sit down and come to some help them open safely. We could agree ployment insurance, but I think now compromise or some resolution of the on that. we have this opportunity, with the leg- issues. I think we can agree on childcare. We islation that was passed earlier today, There are some things about which ought to be talking about back to to begin to have that debate. We can we have big differences. One is the dol- school, back to childcare, back to have the debate on unemployment in- lar figure. As the Senator from Ohio work. It is hard to go back to work if surance. We can have it on a whole said, we have already spent $3.5 tril- you don’t have childcare. There are range of issues—how we deal with lion. That is a number so big, most of provisions in the House bill and the Re- schools, how we deal with the us couldn’t even speak it before we got publican bill that aren’t so different. healthcare crisis we have, the under- to this era of the sneaky, dangerous Testing. We all believe, I think, that lying crisis. We can deal with all these COVID virus. we need maximum advance on testing, issues in a way that enables us to find Let’s look at the other side. On what especially point-of-care testing—quick, common ground, to create real solu- might we agree or many of us agree? reliable tests. There is money in the tions for the people we represent as we We don’t have 100 percent on either Republican bill and in the Democratic face this unprecedented pandemic. side who are going to agree on most bill to advance that effort. With that, I object. anything. Then there are the small business The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- We might start with schools. Schools loans, called PPP. That probably was tion is heard. are starting up in the southern part of the most successful part of the early The Democratic leader. the United States, where the Presiding CARES bill, but a bipartisan group of Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, two Officer is from—Florida—and I am Senators has worked on getting rid of quick points. One, my friend from from Tennessee. Schools are getting some of the problems with it and come Ohio—and I know he has lots of good ready to go back, and so are colleges. up with a proposal to extend that.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:29 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.037 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4621 Those are several major points of all on the promise to reverse this trav- Because if you believe that Roe was which we agree. And I think the Sen- esty of a decision, this moral and social rightly decided, then there just is no ator from Arizona’s suggestion that we injustice that in 47 years has taken the two ways about it, you are a judicial pass the unemployment benefit for an- lives of 61 million unborn—61 million. imperialist. If you believe Roe was other week while we work together to Republicans have said: Vote for us. rightly decided, you believe that get an agreement was a commonsense Vote for us, and we will undo this unelected judges should have the power one. wrong. We will return this issue to the to enact their social views, to promote (The remarks of Mr. ALEXANDER per- people. Yet all these years later—11 Re- their own social agenda, regardless of taining to the introduction of S. 4375 publican-appointed Justices later— what the Constitution says or what we are printed in today’s RECORD under here we are. The Nation is apparently the people have expressed preference ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and no closer to the day when the Supreme for, voted for, and enacted into law. Joint Resolutions.’’) Court will renounce this outrage, re- I would just add that it seems to be Mr. ALEXANDER. I yield the floor. nounce its imperial pretensions, and the case, inevitably, that when Jus- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- allow the good and decent people of tices enact their views, they enact the ator from Missouri. this Nation to debate and decide this views of a certain social class. Oh, yes. SUPREME COURT matter for ourselves. The highly educated, managerial front Mr. HAWLEY. Mr. President, I came So I say to my Republican col- row of American society, the class of to this floor 3 weeks ago to talk about leagues: How long must this go on? the faculty lounge and the C-suite, the U.S. Supreme Court. I come today How many more elections must there that is what you get when judges gov- to revise and extend my remarks. be? How many more promises must be ern America. That is not what the Con- There are now five Republican-ap- made? How many more Justices must stitution calls for. That is not what the pointed Justices on the Court. Actu- be appointed before we will expect of Constitution specifies. The Constitu- ally, Republicans have appointed 11 out our nominees what the voters already tion says that sovereignty rests with of the last 15 Justices to the bench, but expect of us? How long before we ask ‘‘We the People’’; that it should be the is this the conservative Court we have our nominees to the Supreme Court of people who are in charge. It is what the worked for? More to the point, is this a the United States to recognize Roe as American people want and have writ- constitutionalist Court? the outrage that it is? ten in their fundamental law and in The only thing I can say for certain Let’s just be frank. Roe is an illegit- their statutes that should carry the when looking at the results of this last imate decision. It has no basis in the day. term, that in the words of the late Jus- Constitution—none. It has no basis in The people have a right to run their tice Scalia: ‘‘The Imperial Judiciary the law. None of the Constitution’s spe- own government. They have a right to lives.’’ cific and enumerated guarantees of pri- expect their views to prevail, to have This is a Court that freely rewrites vacy even begin to legitimize the tak- their Constitution be obeyed, and to congressional statutes, that has pro- ing of innocent human life; none are re- expect that the Justices appointed to tected the worst leftwing Presidents of motely on point. their Supreme Court will abide by the earlier years, that in the final week of Even liberal scholars recognize this. Constitution’s terms as we the people its term, gave away half of the State of Whole books are written about what wrote them. Oklahoma. Roe v. Wade should have said. Roe That is why I say today: I will vote For those who consider themselves marks the point at which the modern only for those Supreme Court nominees constitutional conservatives, these de- Supreme Court decided that they who have explicitly acknowledged that cisions are a clarion call to wake up would just impose their own views— Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided the and to acknowledge what is staring us their own social and moral and legal day it was decided. I say again: I will in the face: Judicial imperialism is views—on the Nation, despite what the vote for those nominees only and for alive and well. It is marching on un- people want, despite what the Con- those nominees alone. When I say ‘‘ex- daunted. stitution says, no matter how the laws plicitly acknowledge,’’ I mean on the For religious conservatives, these de- are written. record before they are nominated. I do cisions are a call to action. Now is the In the words of the late constitu- not want private assurances; I do not time for us to be heard, and we can tional scholar, John Hart Ely—who seek them. I do not want forecasts begin with what we expect of our nomi- was, I would point out, a political lib- about future votes or future behavior nees to the High Court, what we expect eral—‘‘Roe is not constitutional law because, frankly, I wouldn’t believe them to understand, what we expect and it gives almost no sense of an obli- them. I don’t want promises of any them to affirm. gation to try to be.’’ sort. I want evidence that Supreme That brings me to the case that pro- Roe is the very essence of judicial Court nominees will obey the Constitu- pelled religious conservatives into ac- imperialism. It is a brazen power grab tion and the law. I want to see in the tivism and politics in a new way over by unelected Justices imposing their record clear acknowledgement that four decades ago—the case that, for re- moral and social views on the Nation, any nominee understands Roe to be the ligious conservatives, made the Su- just like another group of Justices did travesty that it is. If that record is not preme Court the great issue of the day: in a case called Plessy v. Ferguson, there, then I will not support the nomi- Roe v. Wade. I know that when it just like another group of Justices did nation. I don’t care who does the nomi- comes to the Supreme Court, we are before that in a case called Dred Scott. nating. not supposed to talk about Roe. That is Yes, I do mean to compare Roe to Some will say that this is yesterday’s the open secret on the right. It is cer- those earlier cases because Dred Scott battle; that we should just accept Roe tainly what religious conservatives and Plessy and Roe belong together. and move on; that today’s Supreme have been told for years: Don’t mess up They are the worst miscarriages of jus- Court is the best we could possibly the Supreme Court nomination process tice in our history—the worst judicial hope for, to which I say that every sin- by raising Roe. It is imprudent. It is in opinions of all time. Dred Scott and gle life is worth fighting for. I will not poor taste. It will divide our coalition. Plessy and Roe are abusive, morally re- accept failure, and I will not accept de- No, we are supposed to stick to talk- pugnant decisions that wounded the feat. I take this stand because I believe ing about process, about methods, soul of this Nation. They dishonored it is what justice and fidelity to the maybe throw in some talk about um- this Nation’s fundamental face in the law requires in our time of me and of pires, but do not talk about Roe. dignity and worth of every person. those who would exercise the awesome Well, the truth is, Roe is the reason For these reasons, Roe is no sec- power of judicial review entrusted to we have a legal conservative movement ondary issue, something to be pushed Justices in article III of our Constitu- to begin with. Roe is what propelled to the side in the nomination process. tion. generations of religious conservatives Roe is central. Roe is a window into I also believe it is what the Repub- to vote for Republican Presidents and the constitutional world view of a lican Party owes the millions of Ameri- Republican Senators and Republican would-be Justice. It is a measure of cans who have made this cause the rea- politicians of every rank and station— their sense of what a Justice should be. son for their vote for many years—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.038 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 these men and women of good will and change for security guarantees, eco- making up only about 1 percent of the faith who labor still day in and day nomic and financial assistance, and the city’s population. out, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribu- right of their citizens to travel, work, A number of factors drives these dis- lation, working for that time when jus- and live in the United States without parities, but reduced access to tice will be done. having visas. healthcare certainly isn’t helping. In I yield the floor. It is difficult to overstate the impor- fact, it is hurting a lot. The Govern- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tance of the compacts to our strategic ment Accountability Office estimates ator from Hawaii. interests in the Indo-Pacific region. In that 14 percent of COFA citizens in Ha- Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, I would a Senate Armed Services Committee waii lack health insurance—nearly say that the views expressed by the hearing last year, U.S. INDOPACOM three times the State’s average. Na- good Senator from Missouri are not Commander ADM Philip Davidson suc- tionwide, 22 percent of COFA citizens views widely shared by people in this cinctly noted how the compact nations are uninsured. country. And to compare the decisions ‘‘contribute way out of proportion to In the absence of restored Medicaid in Plessy v. Ferguson and the Dred their population in our defense.’’ This eligibility, which would certainly Scott decisions with the Roe decision is particularly true with respect to lower the number of uninsured COFA dishonors the memory of Congressman China, wherein our compacts with citizens, our community health centers John Lewis, who only today was bur- these island nations enable us to lit- are, once again, stepping up. My con- ied, put to rest in Georgia. erally hold the line against aggressive versations earlier this month with rep- resentatives from Kokua Kalihi Valley CORONAVIRUS Chinese economic and military expan- Comprehensive Family Services and Mr. President, the COVID–19 pan- sion throughout Oceania. West Hawaii Community Health Center demic has laid bare the systemic racial If we are to ensure a free and open reinforced the crucial role these com- inequities, inequalities in our Indo-Pacific, we must treat the com- munity health centers play in building healthcare system. pact nations with the respect they de- reciprocal trust with the communities While the virus has touched Ameri- serve. First and foremost, this means they serve. Both community health cans of every race and nationality, it keeping the promises we have made to centers have been working closely with disproportionately impacts people of these partners, especially on COFA citizens to combat stigma and color. We all know that. People of color healthcare. Our initial compact agree- fear by reaching out directly to the make up just 40 percent of our coun- ments stipulated that COFA citizens community to encourage them to seek try’s population but account for over 60 were eligible for a range of Federal pro- care. This includes providing testing percent of all coronavirus cases and 50 grams as ‘‘permanently residing under and outreach services in multiple lan- percent of deaths from coronavirus. color of law,’’ including Medicaid cov- guages. They have also been coordi- These inequities manifest themselves erage. The so-called welfare reform law nating food deliveries to families, in- differently in each of our States. In Ha- of 1996, however, resulted in COFA citi- cluding to COFA citizens who are quar- waii, for example, we are seeing pro- zens’ suddenly becoming ineligible for antining at home, and assisting some nounced disparities among our Pacific Medicaid and other Federal programs families with alternate housing ar- Islander community and particularly even as they may live in the United rangements so they can isolate away among citizens of the Freely Associ- States legally and indefinitely. from healthy family members. ated States of Micronesia, the Marshall I have done some research as to what Our health centers are doing excep- Islands, and Palau. I am focusing my happened in the welfare reform law, tional work with COFA citizens, and I remarks on this vibrant community and there is absolutely nothing in the strongly support providing them robust today because our country has rarely legislative history of that law to indi- funding in the next COVID–19 relief done right by them. Let me give you cate why, suddenly, COFA citizens bill. some background. were not eligible for Medicaid cov- Most importantly, we need to uphold After liberating their territory in erage. According to a report from the our commitment to the compact na- World War II, the United States admin- University of Hawaii Economic Re- tions and restore Medicaid eligibility istered the Trust Territory of the Pa- search Organization, the exclusion of for COFA citizens who are legally in cific—which includes what are now the COFA citizens from Medicaid increased our country. We can do that by includ- Freely Associated States—for nearly 40 the mortality rate of COFA citizens by ing my Covering our FAS Allies Act to years. Even in the most generous char- 20 percent and contributed to signifi- restore Medicaid eligibility for COFA acterization, the United States failed cant public health issues in my home citizens in the next COVID relief bill. to live up to its trust obligations to State of Hawaii. In the Heroes Act, the House has al- promote the political, social, and eco- I have led the fight to pass bipartisan ready restored eligibility to this popu- nomic development of the region. legislation to restore Medicaid eligi- lation, and it is time for the Senate to In addition to chronically under- bility for COFA citizens throughout join them in righting an historic funding social programs like my time in the Senate, and we have wrong. healthcare and education, the United come close to righting this wrong on I yield the floor. States used the Marshall Islands as a several occasions, including in the bi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- base for dozens of nuclear tests over a partisan comprehensive immigration jority leader. 12-year period, from 1946 to 1958, in- bill that the Senate passed in 2013. f cluding the 15-megaton Castle Bravo— The COVID–19 pandemic injects a EXECUTIVE SESSION the largest thermonuclear device ever new urgency into this effort. All across detonated by the United States. Dec- the country, COFA citizens work in es- ades later, the citizens of Micronesia sential industries like meat processing, EXECUTIVE CALENDAR and the Marshall Islands continued to food service, and custodial services. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I suffer generational health con- These jobs put COFA citizens at an in- move to proceed to executive session to sequences with substantially increased creased risk, and they are suffering dis- consider Calendar No. 711. rates of cancer, birth defects, and mis- proportionately from COVID–19 as a re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The carriages. sult. question is on agreeing to the motion. In 1986, the Federated States of Mi- In Hawaii, Pacific Islanders make up The motion was agreed to. cronesia and the Republic of the Mar- about 4 percent of our population but The PRESIDING OFFICER. The shall Islands achieved independence account for nearly a quarter of our clerk will report the nomination. and formally entered into Compacts of COVID–19 cases. In northwest Arkan- The senior assistant legislative clerk Free Association, COFA, with the sas, the Marshallese make up no more read the nomination of Mark Wesley United States. Palau followed in 1994. than 3 percent of the population but Menezes, of Virginia, to be Deputy Sec- Under the terms of these compacts, have suffered half the deaths. In Du- retary of Energy. these three countries provide the U.S. buque, IA, the Marshallese community CLOTURE MOTION military with exclusive access to their accounts for more than a third of the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I strategically situated lands in ex- city’s COVID–19 deaths despite their send a cloture motion to the desk.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.040 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4623 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- soon as this weekend when the rent doors open. We must come together ture motion having been presented comes due. This is unacceptable. and develop timely, targeted, and under rule XXII, the Chair directs the In Nevada, our travel and tourism in- thoughtful legislation to protect both clerk to read the motion. dustry has been hit hard by the pan- the lives and livelihoods of the Amer- The senior assistant legislative clerk demic, which has hurt our entire econ- ican people during this crisis. They de- read as follows: omy. In April, unemployment reached serve no less. CLOTURE MOTION over 30 percent—30 percent. It is the Across the country right now, sci- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- highest in our Nation. Even now, entists and healthcare professionals ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the months later, unemployment is still in are working around the clock, maxi- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby the double digits—15 percent by the mizing resources, developing innova- move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- last count—which is more than four tive ways to protect the health of our nation of Mark Wesley Menezes, of Virginia, times our prepandemic level. Nation and save lives. As they work to be Deputy Secretary of Energy. Now, just as Nevadans feel that we Mitch McConnell, Cindy Hyde-Smith, day in and day out, Congress needs to Todd Young, Pat Roberts, Lamar Alex- can’t take any more pain, this bill do the same. ander, John Hoeven, Roy Blunt, Mike plans to slash unemployment relief? The House passed the Heroes Act Crapo, Martha McSally, Tom Cotton, Amidst our unemployment crisis, over 2 months ago. It is long past time Roger F. Wicker, Mike Rounds, Joni State and local governments are also for the Senate to get to work. It is im- Ernst, Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis, struggling. In Nevada and across our perative that the Senate remain in ses- Shelley Moore Capito, James E. Risch. country, our public employees have sion and that Senators remain in Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I been on the frontlines of the pandemic, Washington, working tomorrow ask unanimous consent that the man- fighting against the disease and work- through the weekend until the Senate datory quorum call be waived. ing to ensure the safety and well-being passes a true coronavirus relief bill. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of all Americans. Working Americans don’t get Fridays objection, it is so ordered. With little revenue coming in and off, and neither should Congress. The Senator from Nevada. significant costs going out, our States, Although we may not agree on every HEALS ACT our cities, our towns, and our Tribes aspect of how to address this crisis, my Ms. ROSEN. Mr. President, this Na- are now facing massive budget short- Democratic colleagues and I stand tion faces a moment of crisis. The falls that will require cuts to critical ready to work across the aisle to de- coronavirus pandemic has taken a seri- programs and which threaten the pay liver relief to the American people. ous and devastating toll on our coun- of our teachers, our firefighters, and So I ask the majority leader, who try. Right now, in every corner of our first responders. The HEALS Act— controls our schedule—I ask him this: America, families are struggling to get Senator MCCONNELL’s proposal—has Don’t we owe it to our constituents, to by, and they are worried about what zero funds for any of them. the American people, all Americans, to the future holds in store for them. While the majority leader’s party work through the weekend until we Americans are worried about where prides itself on helping business, our have an agreement? The essential their next paychecks will come from. Nation’s small businesses, too, are left workers on the frontlines of this battle They are worried about whether or not behind in his legislation. aren’t taking the weekend off to rest, they will be able to keep their small Small businesses, the economic en- and neither should we. businesses open. They are worried gines that keep our communities I yield the floor. about how they will be able to pay going, have been hammered by this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- their mortgages, their rent, or their pandemic. But the HEALS Act has ator from Washington. utility bills, and they are worried zero—zero additional funding for the ELECTIONS about how they are going to feed their Economic Injury Disaster Loan Pro- Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, children. gram, which has benefited millions of while I come to the floor this after- As I said before, this is a time of cri- small businesses nationwide, including noon, I am kind of questioning whether sis, but it is a moment that we can tens of thousands of small businesses the heat of Washington, DC, has gotten overcome together. We are a nation in Nevada. to people. Clearly, it has been a record that in the face of great challenges has Senator CORNYN and I introduced bi- July here, with 90-plus degree tempera- responded with caring and compas- partisan legislation last week that tures every day. But the notion that we sionate leadership. COVID–19 is a would not only provide $180 billion in should somehow cancel the election in major challenge—make no mistake funds to the EIDL and EIDL Advance the fall, I think, is either the heat of about that—but we as a Congress can Programs but will also lift the Small the moment or just clear bring real and meaningful results to Business Administration’s arbitrary wrongheadedness. the American people. I am sad to say caps on the loans and grants that all I have been waiting for some time to that the legislation introduced by small businesses can receive. come to floor to talk about our voting Leader MCCONNELL, the HEALS Act, Real bipartisan solutions are pos- system and why it is so important to does not do this. In fact, it does not sible, but our bipartisan proposal to protect it and why now we should rec- even come close. help small businesses is not in Senator ognize that Americans, in having to This is a bill that slashes Federal un- MCCONNELL’s bill either. deal with the coronavirus, have had the employment assistance for people who Let’s be clear. The HEALS Act is not ability to vote and the ability to get are out of work not due to any fault of a bipartisan solution, and it does not there and the ability to be protected their own and because of a deadly pan- address all the needs of the American while they are voting. It has occurred demic and an unprecedented economic people. Just as a house cannot stand in several elections that we need to be catastrophe. This is a bill that has no without support from a sturdy founda- doing more. money for programs like SNAP to en- tion, we cannot expect the American That is why I continue to support the sure that American children don’t go people to stand upon a bill that is the efforts of our colleagues to make sure hungry. This is a bill that provides no legislative equivalent of cheap drywall that we are doing everything we can to support to State and local governments and a coat of paint. protect elections. so that they can continue to provide Our constituents, my constituents, I know that Leader MCCONNELL has critical services during the pandemic. need real support, a lifeline, not just proposed the HEALS Act, but it doesn’t This is a bill that provides no support window dressing. So I ask my col- contain any money for helping safe and for the EIDL Program or EIDL Ad- leagues in this body to rise to the chal- secure elections in November. I know vance, which provide direct support to lenge we face and provide that lifeline that the House bill, the Heroes Act, small businesses to pay their operating to the people of Nevada and to all of does help put money in place to keep expenses. This is also a bill that the American people. polling workers safe during the pan- doesn’t even continue the eviction Let’s help people keep their homes. demic. I know that we have other legis- moratorium, putting countless Ameri- Let’s help families feed their children. lation, whether it is Senator WYDEN’s cans at risk of losing their homes as Let’s help small businesses keep their bill, which I am on, the Vote By Mail

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:30 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.041 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4624 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 Act, which would help eligible U.S. vot- websites. If you want to go to the can- this system that he owned up in ad- ers vote by mail, or whether it is other didate’s website and look up more in- vance and said: I am sorry. I might be legislation, like that of my colleague formation about a candidate or see one of the seven final votes in this de- Senator KLOBUCHAR, to help back up where they stand on an issue, it is a cision, and I want to tell people I made paper ballots and create election secu- guide that helps you understand what a mistake. I know that she was so en- rity grants to help States improve your ballot is and who is on it. thusiastic, but she passed away, and it their cybersecurity. Who doesn’t think that is a great was just a few days ago. So I went I have talked many times at many way to inform the American people ahead and voted for her. hearings about our challenges with cy- about voting? We have one of the high- So, no, that is not allowed under this bersecurity, and I know that all this est voting rates in the Nation. As I say system. This system works because we legislation—my colleagues have been that, I know that there are States that know who people are, and we have a out here on the floor, and they have are not mail-in ballot States that also validation of this system. This system tried to bring them up, but to no avail. have high numbers in Presidential allows us to participate and understand Well, I think instead of suggesting election years, but the great thing the election process. that the election be canceled, the about our vote-by-mail system is we So I don’t know why the President President should be advocating that have a pretty good participation by our will not let America vote, only if they Congress pass aid and assistance to public in off-year elections. The school vote in a way that he thinks is—well, I States to make sure that, during the board election or local county election am not sure, because now he is saying COVID pandemic, things are in place so or even a regional election gets the at- we should delay the election. He is say- that poll workers can get to their jobs tention that I believe is important for ing it should be delayed. I am saying on time, that they can work effectively democracy and for voter participation. what the President should be doing to in doing that and protect their health I actually happened to start filling help the constitutional rights of Amer- and security and protect the health out my ballot this morning. I am not ican citizens is protecting their right and security of the public. What I don’t going to show everybody whom I voted to vote by helping to secure our elec- think he should do is to diminish the for, but I will just show you what the tion sites with enough workers, people very important role that mail-in ballot front of the ballot looks like. working at the polls if they choose to voting has had in the United States of I did vote already in the Governor’s go and do that, and also protecting our America. race. No doubt I voted for a Democrat. mail-in ballot system by allowing I say that coming from a State where I am a Democrat. those States that want to pursue a we have mail-in ballots. The mail-in At the top of this ballot, once I am mail-in ballot to make sure that those ballot system has grown over time to done, I get to tear off this device right ballots work and are delivered on time be the primary way in which we vote in here. It says: I voted. So there I go. I so that they can be counted. the State of Washington. I say it is the got a little boost to my democracy I don’t expect every State in the primary way because I am sure there gene. I am so glad I participated. Union to adopt the same philosophy as are ways that people can show up and Here is the actual number of this bal- the State of Washington, but clearly vote at particular election offices, and lot and an ID, and I tear that off. I tear our State allows enough time for those there are probably other things. But, that off and keep it. I keep this, and ballots to get there. They allow so no, we don’t have an election site. For this is proof that I mailed this ballot. many days after the election. Why? Be- those who love going to the polling That is the great part of our system. cause we have a lot of military. We places as a way to exercise their de- Just for those who are really curious have 10 military bases, and we have a mocracy and their rights, I appreciate about this, I now have a privacy enve- lot of people from Washington who are that too. There is nothing better than lope. Now that I am done filling out my stationed overseas, and their ballots participating in the democracy of an ballot, I stick it in this privacy enve- should not be made invalid just be- election by going there and casting a lope. Why do I do that? If somebody cause they mailed them before the vote. But you also can increase the thinks that my privacy is violated be- election but somehow, because of the participation of the American public to cause on the outside of this envelope I travel time, they didn’t get there in a vote by mail if you give them that op- sign this signature, they separate these timely fashion. So our State considers portunity. two things. This privacy envelope sepa- So it just happened to occur that on rates this and throws the ballots that 7 days, the postmark after 7 days if it my way in today, I was actually trying are legitimate to be counted, and now is delivered. to cast my own ballot; that is, I have no one knows exactly how I voted. I know that for some people this is my mail-in ballot for the August 4 elec- I take this privacy envelope, and I all new. They don’t want to move to tion that is going to happen next week, stick it in the official document enve- this. I guarantee you, in 25 years we and I want to make sure I fulfill my lope that I am going to mail back. So will all be voting by mail. This system constitutional duty to vote in the next I stick it in there, and guess what I will be in place, and we will be asking election. So I think it is a great oppor- have to do? I have to sign and date it. ourselves: Why did we drag our feet? tunity to come to the Senate floor and That signature is the validation of this I am at least heartened to hear that put stock really to the myth that I system. It is the validation by my sig- my Republican colleagues in the Sen- think the President is continuing to nature, the same as when I went into a ate have squashed the President’s idea create that you cannot vote by mail. voting booth, as we used to do, and of canceling the election. Now what I Here is my mail-in ballot. Here is the signed my name. It is a validation want to hear is, Are they going to help ballot that is sent to my home address against someone who is trying to cre- us get the dollars and the systems in in Edmonds, WA. It basically has the ate mischief with this system. It is place to allow America to vote, to date of the election on it and requires what makes the vote-by-mail system allow them to vote with confidence, me to fill it out and return it. What is work effectively in our State. I say not to constantly hear an undermining great about this ballot is this. First of that because our State has had many of that process but a support of that all, I love mail-in voting. close elections, and yet no one has ever process, and not to undermine vote-by- Even if I liked going to the polling contested the outcome of the final mail, because it has worked in Wash- place, what you now get enclosed, in election because we go through this ington? It has worked. addition to your ballot, is a voters’ system. I was elected in the year 2000 and guide, which is sent by the secretary of Yes, we have had some very inter- only won by 2,229 votes—not a lot—cast State. It is pretty thick because can- esting incidents. We had a very close out of the huge number of voters in our didates also give a statement about Governor’s race once, where as they State. Yet people had confidence in why they are running. Literally, the were recounting the ballots and count- that system. It is not as if the numbers citizens of Washington, weeks in ad- ing through the official system, a gen- didn’t change in a recount here or vance before getting this ballot, can sit tleman owned up that he had voted for there or somebody found a mistake and leaf through the various positions his wife who had died. He was so wor- here or there. It was that we had a sys- of candidates, and they also include ried that he was going to get caught in tem where you can find a mistake.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:30 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.044 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4625 So stop trying to cancel the election ers stand on the bridge and salute his them, trying to set a building on fire— based on the success of what has em- body as it went by because John Lewis when I watch that and those individ- powered more Americans to vote and brought change to America. uals trying to say they are protesting be involved and be educated in our de- John Lewis was elected to Congress for justice—they are not protesting for mocracy. Let America vote, and let’s in 1986 in Georgia’s Fifth Congressional what is just. John Lewis was protesting get on with putting the securities in District, where he served faithfully. He for what is just. place that will help America get to the was affectionately known as being the John Lewis made the change in polling places in a secure fashion and conscience of the Congress. America, led a Nation and led a genera- get their ballots to the election offi- He was trained in religious teachings. tion, even as a young 23-year-old man, cials in a timely manner. He had a theological degree. He was to do the right thing in the right way. I yield the floor. often called ‘‘the reverend.’’ He never The change that he brought is a gift to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- lost track of his faith. He treated peo- the generations for millennia in our ator from Oklahoma. ple with respect. Even people he dis- Nation. REMEMBERING JOHN LEWIS agreed with and voted differently from, With that, I yield the floor. Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, on he would treat them with respect in a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- February 21, 1940, John Lewis was born way that would honor God and honor ator from Alaska. in Troy, AL—a son of sharecroppers, them and honor his own family. HEALS ACT born to be a person to bring good trou- What is interesting, some of the Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, it is ble to the Nation. He grew up on his statements John Lewis has made over Thursday afternoon, and normally I family’s farm and attended segregated the years always struck me. His quiet come down to the Senate floor to talk public schools in Pike County, AL. demeanor and his stern way of address- about the Alaskan of the Week—what I As a young boy, he was inspired by ing justice always came back to his call that person. It is one of my favor- the activism that surrounded him—the faith. A statement he made in 2004 ite things to do in the Senate. But I Montgomery bus boycott and the really sticks with me. He said: just witnessed something so remark- works of a leader name Rev. Dr. Martin I’m deeply concerned that many people able and disturbing that I actually Luther King, Jr. He attended Fisk Uni- today fail to realize that the movement was want to come down to the Senate floor versity, and he organized sit-in dem- built on deep-seated religious convictions, and explain what just happened on the onstrations in segregated lunch and the movement grew out of a sense of floor because I think a lot of people faith—faith in God and faith in one’s fellow probably missed it, if they are watch- counters in Nashville, TN. human beings. In 1961, he started participating in Many of us who were participants in this ing at home, and maybe didn’t under- the Freedom Rides. He was just a movement saw our involvement as an exten- stand it. There was a lot of discussion young man. He would get on board a sion of our faith. going on here. Let me just say that the segregated bus, and he would dare to He said: Senate minority leader from New York sit in the ‘‘Whites Only’’ area just to We saw ourselves doing the work of the Al- just objected to extending the current make a simple statement—that any mighty. Segregation and racial discrimina- level of unemployment insurance in person of any race should be able to sit tion were not in keeping with our faith, and the CARES Act—$600 a week to help anywhere they choose to sit in Amer- so we had to do something. American workers who had been laid ica, and it would be OK. He literally And he did. off due to the pandemic. He just ob- risked his life just riding on a bus in Representative Lewis left a long leg- jected to that and stopped legislation the wrong seat. acy as a civil rights leader. He will not that was moving on the floor to extend He became best known in 1963 when be forgotten in our Nation. The Big Six unemployment insurance for another he helped to organize the March on leaders made significant changes. I week. Let me repeat that: The Senate Washington. He was part of what they think about those changes he saw just minority leader of the U.S. Senate, called the Big Six in the civil rights in his lifetime and the changes that he, when we are moving in good faith, as movement. He was nationally recog- personally, was engaged in making in we are discussing and negotiating bills nized. We lose track of the fact that in our Nation. Representative Lewis once here, one element of CARES that is 1963 he was one of the keynote speakers made the statement: ‘‘When people tell going to expire at the end of this in the March on Washington. He stood me nothing has changed, I tell them, month, unemployment insurance in the in front of the Lincoln Memorial at 23 come walk in my shoes and I will show CARES Act, the Senate minority lead- years old. you change’’ because Representative er just blocked that from happening. His focus on nonviolent protests, his Lewis, just in his lifetime, in the bat- Who knows why, but there will be mil- focus on training people on how to tles he fought, led, and changed, lions of Americans, in 2 days, who will speak out for what is just and for what changed segregated schools in Amer- lose that benefit, and the Senate mi- is right, his focus on challenging people ica; took away segregated water foun- nority leader just blocked it. to rethink justice and to be able to see tains in America; took away seg- I sure hope our friends in the media all people as being created in the image regated movie theaters in America; write this story because that is ex- of God, all people equal, was a message took away segregated public transport actly, exactly, exactly what happened. that our Nation needed to hear and was in America; changed how people ap- Let me describe in a little bit more a message he delivered over and over plied for jobs, got jobs, enjoyed their detail. As you would expect in a democ- again. From his youngest days, he jobs; changed the opportunities for a racy, in the U.S. Senate, we have been brought good trouble, as he said, to our person being able to live wherever they debating, working on, and negotiating Nation to awaken us. wanted to live in America; changed a new relief package due to the pan- He led 600 peaceful, orderly pro- even how we vote in giving equal ac- demic. In March, we passed unani- testers across the Edmund Pettus cess for every American to be able to mously in this body the CARES Act to Bridge in Selma, AL, on March 7, 1965. get to the ballot and vote. That is just try to bring relief to our fellow Ameri- They were going to march from Selma in John Lewis’s lifetime. He left a leg- cans whom we knew were going to be to Montgomery to demonstrate the acy of change. hurting from this pandemic. We didn’t need for voting rights changes in the His nonviolent protests, his training have a crystal ball on how long relief State of Alabama, but Alabama State in leading people, stands in stark con- could last or should last for unemploy- Troopers met them there in what is trast to what I see some people who ment, for businesses, for small busi- known as Bloody Sunday. He and other call it protests are doing right now. nesses, for families, for hospitals, for peaceful protesters, simply marching, When I see what is happening right schools, or for fishermen. So we are were attacked and beaten for doing now in Portland every night and now working on, as you expect in a de- what is just. watching individuals gear up and lit- mocracy, what we view as the appro- It was a telling thing to see John erally attacking Federal law enforce- priate next level because this has ex- Lewis’s body this past week cross that ment, throwing Molotov cocktails at tended longer than any of us thought, historic bridge one last time, and as he them, pointing laser pointers at their and the impacts are very significant. crossed, to have Alabama State Troop- eyes, shooting large-scale fireworks at That is what we are doing here.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:30 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.046 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 The Republicans put forward the me, that will never pass on the Senate pens all the time here. People do it in Health, Economic Assistance, Liability floor because I will not allow it. But good faith. Protection, and Schools Act—HEALS. I that is in there. It is a highly inappro- What we just saw was bad faith. What think it is a good bill. It is not a per- priate attack on 20 percent of the popu- we just saw, in my view, was the Sen- fect bill, but it has very significant— lation in my State. ate minority leader taking hostage this very significant resources for schools, But here is the point: These are issue, hoping that his friends in the na- for hospitals, and for families. starting points. This is what happens tional media will somehow blame us. I When I was home in Alaska and tak- in the Senate—or at least I thought think, if you are telling the truth and ing calls with my fellow Alaskans and these were starting points. you just watched what happened on the heard what their priorities are and But I guess I was wrong because, Senate floor, that is going to be hard heard what they said was really impor- when my good friend from Arizona to do. My view is we have to come to- tant for them to have in any kind of came down and said we are having ne- gether in good faith to help our fellow the next relief package, part of my job gotiations on these bills, we are having Americans, my fellow Alaskans, many is to listen and try to work hard to get negotiations on how and to what de- of whom are still really, really hurting. that done. gree to extend unemployment insur- We have a Senator from Arizona who There is a lot in the HEALS Act that ance from the Federal Government— tried to do that just an hour ago on the is exactly what my constituents have she put forward a bill that we all floor, and it was rejected. been pressing for, what they need, and agreed to that said, because we are ne- There are going to be a lot of people what I believe they need. gotiating right now and the one thing next week who are going to be hurting Let me give you a couple of exam- in the CARES Act that expires at the because of this, and I hope they accu- ples: more flexibility for States and end of this month is unemployment in- rately report why they are hurting, local governments on how to use the surance, let’s extend it—at the current what just happened, and that is not the CARES Act funding that they already level. spirit of compromise that we are going have, a very high priority; additional It is right now. Let’s extend it so the to need to get through this pandemic. funds for our fishermen. The Presiding people who are relying on it can have I yield the floor. Officer knows how important that is, something for the next week while we The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- being from Florida. The original continue to negotiate and debate. That ator from Alaska. CARES Act had $300 million. That was is very reasonable. That happens all f a provision I got into the CARES Act the time here. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR for fishermen. It is not enough but The Senate minority leader came something important to this really down, and he blocked it. He blocked it. Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask critical part of the Alaskan, American, If you are not going to be receiving a unanimous consent that the Senate and Florida economies. The HEALS check next week, there is one person proceed to the consideration of Execu- Act has $500 million in it because they you can blame. What did he say when tive Calendar Nos. 776 through 791 and have been hit so hard. There is eco- he blocked it? Remarkably, he said, in all nominations on the Secretary’s nomic assistance in terms of another essence, if the other side doesn’t accept desk in the Air Force, Army, Navy, and round of paycheck protection for small the entire Heroes Act—that bill that I Space Force; that the nominations be businesses whose revenues have been just talked about that attacks Alaska confirmed; that the motions to recon- crushed, like in the tourism industry. Natives—then I am going to block ev- sider be considered made and laid upon Again, that is something my constitu- erything. That is what happened on the the table with no intervening action or ents have been asking about. Allowing Senate floor like an hour ago. debate; that the President be imme- 501(c)6s to access the PPP, that is in No, that is not working in good faith. diately notified of the Senate’s action; there. Allowing certain PPP borrowers, I am sure that the minority leader be- and the Senate then resume legislative like fishermen and seasonal businesses lieves that the national media will not session. to request an increase in loan amounts blame him. He is probably right, but it The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without due to the changes that were in the in- should. But it should. objection, it is so ordered. terim final rules that came out of the If you are one of the millions of The nominations considered and con- Treasury Department, that is in there. Americans who are worried about this firmed are as follows: Dramatic expansion of testing, more issue because you are out of work, we IN THE ARMY funding for vaccine development, ev- just put forward a very simple com- The following named officers for appoint- eryone wants that. Securing supply promise: As we continue to negotiate, ment in the United States Army to the grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: chains for crucial medical equipment we will continue the unemployment To be brigadier general and critical minerals, many of which levels paid to Americans that were in we have in Alaska, that is all in there. the CARES Act for another week, at Col. Douglas S. Lowrey It is a pretty good bill. It is not per- Col. Curtis D. Taylor the levels that currently exist. Col. James P. Work fect, but it is a pretty good bill. It was blocked by the Senate minor- IN THE AIR FORCE The competing bill, you may have ity leader, without a real explanation, seen, you may have read in the paper a The following named officer for appoint- essentially saying take our NANCY ment in the United States Air Force to the couple of months ago, came from the PELOSI $3.5—actually, $4 trillion bill or grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section House—the so-called Heroes Act. It is a nothing. I sure hope the media reports 624: behemoth in terms of the pricetag, and on what just happened. I don’t have To be brigadier general it has some things that, actually, are faith that they will, but that is exactly Col. Rebecca R. Vernon similar to the HEALS Act: school fund- what happened. The following named officer for appoint- ing, hospitals. It has other things that We are facing a national crisis. We ment in the United States Air Force to the aren’t in the HEALS Act, some things don’t always come together in imme- grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section that I think would be completely un- diate agreement on everything, but 624: necessary: a huge tax break for some of what we have seen in the last several To be brigadier general the richest Americans in the HEROES months is that we have come together Col. Randall E. Kitchens Act. Yes, that is in there. Economic in the Congress. These bills haven’t IN THE ARMY impact payments for illegal immi- been perfect. The bills I just de- The following named officer for appoint- grants—I don’t think that is a priority scribed—the HEALS or Heroes—aren’t ment in the United States Army to the grade right now, at least not for my constitu- perfect, but what they require is com- indicated while assigned to a position of im- ents. An overt attack on Alaska Native promise and working together. portance and responsibility under title 10, organizations, dozens and dozens of When you can’t get to a spot in a cer- U.S.C., section 601: them, Alaska Native corporations, tain amount of time, you look at areas To be lieutenant general stripping them of any Federal funds where, OK, this is going to expire right Maj. Gen. John B. Morrison, Jr. they receive in the CARES Act, that is now—that is pretty important—so let’s The following named officer for appoint- in the House-passed Heroes Act. Trust extend it for a week or two. That hap- ment in the United States Army to the grade

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:30 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30JY6.049 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4627 indicated while assigned to a position of im- Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Jones Col. David K. Pritchett portance and responsibility under title 10, Brig. Gen. John T. Kelly Col. Daniel L. Pulvermacher U.S.C., section 601: Brig. Gen. Eric K. Little Col. Joseph D. Reale To be lieutenant general Brig. Gen. Jerry H. Martin Col. Ryan J. Robinson Brig. Gen. Joane K. Mathews Col. Bren D. Rogers Maj. Gen. Laura A. Potter Brig. Gen. Mark D. McCormack Col. Ricardo R. Roig The following named Army National Guard Brig. Gen. Reginald G. A. Neal Col. Dana P. Sanders-Udo of the United States officers for appointment Brig. Gen. Shawn M. O’Brien Col. Shawn R. Satterfield in the Reserve of the Army to the grade indi- Brig. Gen. David F. O’Donahue Col. William P. Scott, Jr. cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 Brig. Gen. Stephen B. Owens Col. Isabel R. Smith and 12211: Brig. Gen. Stephen M. Radulski Col. Monie R. Ulis To be brigadier general Brig. Gen. John M. Rhodes Col. John M. Wallace Col. Levon E. Cumpton Brig. Gen. Frank M. Rice Col. Mark B. Young Col. Gregory C. Knight Brig. Gen. James W. Ring NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY’S Col. Kodjo S. Knox-Limbacker Brig. Gen. Michelle M. Rose DESK Brig. Gen. John W. Rueger Col. Edwards S. Little Jr. IN THE AIR FORCE Brig. Gen. Randall V. Simmons, Jr. The following named Army National Guard PN1779 AIR FORCE nomination of Leigh G. of the United States officers for appointment Brig. Gen. Carlton G. Smith Brig. Gen. Steven E. Stivers Johnson, which was received by the Senate in the Reserve of the Army to the grade indi- and appeared in the Congressional Record of cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 Brig. Gen. Timothy N. Thombleson Brig. Gen. Jeffrey P. Van May 4, 2020. and 12211: PNl786 AIR FORCE nominations (21) begin- Brig. Gen. Clint E. Walker To be brigadier general ning CHELSEA L. BARTOE, and ending Brig. Gen. Michael D. Wickman DANIEL J. WATSON, which nominations Col. Martin M. Clay, Jr. Brig. Gen. William L. Zana Col. David S. Gayle were received by the Senate and appeared in IN THE NAVY Col. Eric J. Riley the Congressional Record of May 4, 2020. The following named officer for appoint- Col. James P. Schreffler PN2041 AIR FORCE nomination of Kelly C. ment in the United States Navy to the grade Col. Michael J. Turley Martin, which received by the Senate and ap- indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: peared in the Congressional Record of June The following named Army National Guard To be rear admiral (lower half) 24, 2020. of the United States officer for appointment PN2042 AIR FORCE nomination of Lance in the Reserve of the Army to the grade indi- Capt. Trent R. Demoss M. Gower, which was received by the Senate cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 IN THE AIR FORCE and appeared in the Congressional Record of and 12211: The following named officer for appoint- June 24, 2020. To be major general ment in the United States Air Force to the PN2084 AIR FORCE nomination of Jennifer Brig. Gen. Farin D. Schwartz grade indicated while assigned to a position M. Kollmar, which was received by the Sen- of importance and responsibility under title ate and appeared in the Congressional The following named Army National Guard 10, U.S.C., section 601: of the United States officer for appointment Record of July 1, 2020. in the Reserve of the Army to the grade indi- To be lieutenant general PN2109 AIR FORCE nomination of Pamela cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 Maj. Gen. Tony D. Bauernfeind L. Blueford, which was received by the Sen- and 12211: IN THE ARMY ate and appeared in the Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. The following named Army National Guard To be major general PN2110 AIR FORCE nomination of Suzanne of the United States officers for appointment Brig. Gen. Gregory P. Chaney K. Romeo, which was received by the Senate in the Reserve of the Army to the grade indi- Brig. Gen. Jill K. Faris and appeared in the Congressional Record of cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 Brig. Gen. Jeffrey P. Marlette July 21, 2020. Brig. Gen. Jose J. Reyes and 12211: IN THE ARMY To be brigadier general The following named officer for appoint- PN1983 ARMY nomination of Nathaniel S. Col. Andrew W. Batten ment in the United States Army to the grade Sanders, which was received by the Senate Col. John W. Bozicevic indicated while assigned to a position of im- and appeared in the Congressional Record of Col. Lonnie J. Branum, Jr. portance and responsibility under title 10, June 17, 2020. U.S.C., section 601: Col. Robert H. Bumgardner PN1984 ARMY nominations (40) beginning To be lieutenant general Col. Tobin R. Clifton IVAN ARREGUIN, and ending CHEUN S. Col. Timothy A. Coakley Maj. Gen. Paul T. Calvert YOO, which nominations were received by Col. Brett P. Conaway IN THE AIR FORCE the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Col. Christopher R. Cronin sional Record of June 17, 2020. The following named officer for appoint- Col. Charlene C. Dalto PN1985 ARMY nomination of James C. ment in the United States Air Force to the Col. Daniel A. Degelow Birk, which was received by the Senate and grade indicated while assigned to a position Col. Wayne W. Don appeared in the Congressional Record of of importance and responsibility under title Col. Rodrigo R. Gonzalez, III June 17, 2020. 10, U.S.C., section 601: Col. David L. Hall PN1986 ARMY nomination of D013487, To be lieutenant general Col. Jeffrey S. Heasley which was received by the Senate and ap- Maj. Gen. Jeffrey A. Kruse Col. Murray E. Holt, II peared in the Congressional Record of June Col. Lisa J. Hou IN THE ARMY 17, 2020. Col. Todd H. Hubbard PN1987 ARMY nomination of Jeremy J. The following named officer for appoint- Col. Michael J. Hunt Mandia, which was received by the Senate ment in the United States Army to the grade Col. David L. Kauffman and appeared in the Congressional Record of indicated while assigned to a position of im- Col. Kevin R. Kick June 17, 2020. portance and responsibility under title 10, Col. Sean A. Klahn PN1988 ARMY nominations (321) beginning U.S.C., section 601: Col. Elmon R. Krupnik YOUSEF H. ABUHAKMEH, and ending To be lieutenant general Col. Nathan F. Lord DAVID B. ZUSIN, which nominations were Lt. Gen. Scott D. Berrier Col. John P. Maier received by the Senate and appeared in the Col. Eric D. Maxon The following named Army National Guard Congressional Record of June 17, 2020. Col. Laura A. McHugh of the United States officers for appointment PN1989 ARMY nominations (69) beginning Col. Erin K. McMahon in the Reserve of the Army to the grade indi- DANTE L. AMELOTTI, and ending LARRY Col. Paul L. Minor cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 L. ZHANG, which nominations were received Col. Peter V. Mondelli and 12211: by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Col. Thomas E. Moore, II sional Record of June 17, 2020. To be major general Col. Charles W. Morrison PN1990 ARMY nomination of Mark E. Pat- Brig. Gen. John C. Andonie Col. Michaelle M. Munger ton, which was received by the Senate and Brig. Gen. Charles K. Aris Col. Ronald M. Neely appeared in the Congressional Record of Brig. Gen. Marti J. Bissell Col. John C. Nipp June 17, 2020. Brig. Gen. Robert D. Burke Col. Lance A. Okamura PN1991 ARMY nomination of Chris B. Win- Brig. Gen. Edward J. Chrystal, Jr. Col. Justin W. Osberg ter, which was received by the Senate and Brig. Gen. Damian T. Donahoe Col. James M. Pabis appeared in the Congressional Record of Brig. Gen. Ralph F. Hedenberg Col. Robert F. Paoletti June 17, 2020. Brig. Gen. John E. Hoefert Col. Patrick T. Pardy PN1992 ARMY nomination of Gregorio Brig. Gen. Russell D. Johnson Col. Kent M. Porter Ayala, which was received by the Senate and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:36 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.025 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4628 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020

appeared in the Congressional Record of ending ROBERT S. VAIDYA, which nomina- IN THE NAVY June 17, 2020. tions were received by the Senate and ap- PN2002 NAVY nomination of Justin W. PN1993 ARMY nominations (3) beginning peared in the Congressional Record of July Jennings, which was received by the Senate VICTOR E. BEITELMAN, and ending 21, 2020. and appeared in the Congressional Record of CHARLES F. GWYNN, which nominations PN2112 ARMY nominations (22) beginning June 17, 2020. were received by the Senate and appeared in RUFFIN BROWN, III, and ending JOHN R. PN2003 NAVY nominations (230) beginning the Congressional Record of June 17, 2020. ZILLHARDT, which nominations were re- MEHDI A. AKACEM, and ending JAMES G. PN1994 ARMY nomination of Brennan A. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the ZOULIAS, which nominations were received Bylsma, which was received by the Senate Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN2113 ARMY nominations (7) beginning sional Record of June 17, 2020. June 17, 2020. TIMOTHY N. AAMLAND, and ending DON- PN2004 NAVY nominations (18) beginning PN1995 ARMY nomination of Derrick A. ALD F. MCARTHUR, which nominations GREGORY K. ALBAUGH, and ending ED- Dejon, which was received by the Senate and were received by the Senate and appeared in WARD A. WALTON, which nominations were appeared in the Congressional Record of the Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. received by the Senate and appeared in the June 17, 2020. PN2114 ARMY nomination of Julie H. PN1996 ARMY nomination of Bradley C. Congressional Record of June 17, 2020. Formby, which was received by the Senate PN2005 NAVY nominations (5) beginning Hannon, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of and appeared in the Congressional Record of MELANIE EVANGELISTA, and ending July 21, 2020. SCOTT T. OZAKI, which nominations were June 17, 2020. PN2115 ARMY nominations (6) beginning received by the Senate and appeared in the PN1997 ARMY nomination of Christen L. EVAN HART, and ending EDWARD M. Congressional Record of June 17, 2020. Holcombe, which was received by the Senate WISE, JR., which nominations were received PN2006 NAVY nominations (7) beginning and appeared in the Congressional Record of by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- CHARLOTTE. CLUVERIUS, and ending June 17, 2020. sional Record of July 21, 2020. CHRISTOPHER R. VINEY, which nomina- PN1998 ARMY nomination of Irwin John- PN2116 ARMY nominations (5) beginning tions were received by the Senate and ap- son, which was received by the Senate and JASON J. CARPENTER, and ending SHANE peared in the Congressional Record of June appeared in the Congressional Record of D. VANIA, which nominations were received 17, 2020. June 17, 2020. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- PN2007 NAVY nominations (8) beginning PN1999 ARMY nomination of Brian J. sional Record of July 21, 2020. JOE K. BLAIR, II, and ending BRENDA K. Mawyer, which was received by the Senate PN2117 ARMY nominations (5) beginning SHEPHERD, which nominations were re- and appeared in the Congressional Record of JENNIFER M. DOUTHWAITE, and ending ceived by the Senate and appeared in the June 17, 2020. JEFFREY L. YONKE, which nominations Congressional Record of June 17, 2020. PN2000 ARMY nomination of Shawn M. were received by the Senate and appeared in PN2008 NAVY nomination of Gustavo Pierce, which was received by the Senate and the Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. appeared in the Congressional Record of PN2118 ARMY nomination of Danielle M. Aguilar, which was received by the Senate June 17, 2020. Tack, which was received by the Senate and and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN2043 ARMY nomination of Ericka M. appeared in the Congressional Record of July June 17, 2020. Rostran, which was received by the Senate 21, 2020. PN2009 NAVY nomination of Richard L. and appeared in the Congressional Record PN2119 ARMY nominations (2) beginning Eggers, which was received by the Senate June 24, 2020. TERRY L. CLARK, JR., and ending BRYAN and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN2044 ARMY nomination of Nicholas D. V. STEVENS, which nominations were re- June 17, 2020. Hebblethwaite, which was received by the ceived by the Senate and appeared in the PN2010 NAVY nomination of Richard H. Senate and appeared in the Congressional Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. Shreckengaust, which was received by the Record of June 24, 2020. PN2120 ARMY nominations (7) beginning Senate and appeared in the Congressional PN2045 ARMY nomination of Steve L. LAURA C. FAHRENBROOK, and ending Record of June 17, 2020. Martinelli, which was received by the Senate ISMAEL RODRIGUEZ, JR., which nomina- PN2011 NAVY nomination of Michael V. and appeared in the Congressional Record of tions were received by the Senate and ap- Gomes, which was received by the Senate June 24, 2020. and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN2061 ARMY nomination of Peter H. peared in the Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. June 17, 2020. Chapman, which was received by the Senate PN2012 NAVY nomination of David A. and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN2121 ARMY nominations (21) beginning CHARLES C. BOGGS, and ending KARL G. Schwind, which was received by the Senate June 25, 2020. and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN2062 ARMY nomination of Heidi B. WAGNER, III, which nominations were re- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the June 17, 2020. Demarest, which was received by the Senate PN2013 NAVY nominations (10) beginning and appeared in the Congressional Record of Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. PN2122 ARMY nominations (7) beginning JOHN FRANCO, and ending MARK A. WIL- June 25, 2020. LIAMS, which nominations were received by PN2085 ARMY nomination of Soraya God- TIMOTHY J. BELUSCAK, II, and ending the Senate and appeared in the Congres- dard, which was received by the Senate and JASON J. POTTS, which nominations were sional Record of June 17, 2020. appeared in the Congressional Record of July received by the Senate and appeared in the PN2014 NAVY nominations (2) beginning 1, 2020. Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. JOHN A. EVANS, and ending CHRIS- PN2086 ARMY nomination of David A. A. PN2123 ARMY nominations (2) beginning TOPHER S. KOPRIVEC, which nominations Awanda, which was received by the Senate WILLIAM C. COMSTOCK, and ending were received by the Senate and appeared in and appeared in the Congressional Record of KELLY L. JOHNSON, which nominations the Congressional Record of June 17, 2020. July 1, 2020. were received by the Senate and appeared in PN2087 ARMY nomination of Andrew S. the Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. PN2015 NAVY nominations (5) beginning Lohrenz, which was received by the Senate PN2124 ARMY nominations (118) beginning PATRICK A. BELLAR, and ending PRATIK and appeared in the Congressional Record of ALEXANDER L. AILER, and ending RAY, which nominations were received by July 1, 2020. KARLENE M. WRIGHT, which nominations the Senate and appeared in the Congres- PN2088 ARMY nominations (533) beginning were received by the Senate and appeared in sional Record of June 17, 2020. STEVEN J. ACKERSON, and ending D015260, the Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. PN2016 NAVY nominations (4) beginning which nominations were received by the Sen- PN2125 ARMY nominations (176) beginning PERRY R. BARKER, and ending DAVID C. ate and appeared in the Congressional LIDILIA M. ADORGARCIA, and ending JES- ROBINSON, which nominations were re- Record of July 1, 2020. SICA E. W. YOUNG, which nominations were ceived by the Senate and appeared in the PN2089 ARMY nominations (426) beginning received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of June 17, 2020. JI E. AHN, and ending G010539, which nomi- Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. PN2018 NAVY nominations (3) beginning nations were received by the Senate and ap- PN2126 ARMY nominations (32) beginning AMADA Y. AVALOS, and ending BILLY F. peared in the Congressional Record of July 1, ALEXANDRIA A.E. ARGUE, and ending HALL, JR., which nominations were received 2020. AIDAN K. WOLFE, which nominations were by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- PN2090 ARMY nominations (295) beginning received by the Senate and appeared in the sional Record of June 17, 2020. MELINDA J. ACUNA, and ending D011138, Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. PN2046 NAVY nominations (16) beginning which nominations were received by the Sen- PN2127 ARMY nominations (55) beginning URIES S. ANDERSON, JR., and ending ate and appeared in the Congressional JASON C. S. ADAMS, and ending D015630, RILEY E. SWINNEY, JR., which nomina- Record of July 1, 2020. which nominations were received by the Sen- tions were received by the Senate and ap- PN2091 ARMY nominations (38) beginning ate and appeared in the Congressional peared in the Congressional Record of June TALON G. ANDERSON, and ending D014845, Record of July 21, 2020. 24, 2020. which nominations were received by the Sen- PN2128 ARMY nominations (2) beginning PN2047 NAVY nominations (9) beginning ate and appeared in the Congressional GARY W. BROWN, and ending KATHLEEN JOHN R. BELCHER, and ending SHAYNE J. Record of July 1, 2020. E. GENEST, which nominations were re- SCHUMACHER, which nominations were re- PN2111 ARMY nominations (7) beginning ceived by the Senate and appeared in the ceived by the Senate and appeared in the MARIECLAUDE C. BETTENCOURT, and Congressional Record of July 21, 2020. Congressional Record of June 24, 2020.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:30 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.028 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4629 PN2048 NAVY nominations (21) beginning in a period of morning business, with combating organized crime, gambling, JERRY N. BELMONTE, and ending RICH- Senators permitted to speak therein and narcotics trafficking. His integrity ARD P. ZABAWA, which nominations were for up to 10 minutes each. and skill led him to become the first received by the Senate and appeared in the sworn police officer outside of the Congressional Record of June 24, 2020. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without PN2049 NAVY nominations (45) beginning objection, it is so ordered. Rhode Island State Police to be grant- ed authorization to conduct court-or- MICHAEL K. ALLEN, and ending JERRY W. f WYRCK, II, which nominations were re- dered wiretapping in Rhode Island. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the TRIBUTE TO JACOB WALTH In 1995, Chief Tamburini assumed his Congressional Record June 24, 2020. Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, today I current role in Johnston, where he has PN2050 NAVY nominations (30) beginning become both the town and the State’s recognize Jacob Walth, an intern in my CHRISTIAN G. ACORD, and ending JEF- longest serving chief of police. In his 25 Aberdeen, SD, office, for all of the hard FREY W. WHITSETT, which nominations years leading the Johnston Police De- were received by the Senate and appeared in work he has done for me, my staff, and partment, he has continued to serve as the Congressional Record of June 24, 2020. the State of South Dakota over the PN2051 NAVY nominations (40) beginning a role model for his fellow officers and past several weeks. has worked to strengthen the commu- AARON N. AARON, and ending JASON M. Jacob is a graduate of Aberdeen Cen- WITTROCK, which nominations were re- nity’s relationship with his depart- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the tral High School in Aberdeen, SD. Cur- ment. His many accomplishments in- Congressional Record of June 24, 2020. rently, he is attending St. Cloud State clude instituting several popular pro- PN2052 NAVY nominations (12) beginning University in St. Cloud, MN, where he grams, such as Walk with Cops to keep BRIAN F. BRESHEARS, and ending ROB- is majoring in finance and real estate. ERT D.T. WENDT, which nominations were the department connected with John- He is a hard worker who has been dedi- ston’s senior citizens, the Johnston Po- received by the Senate and appeared in the cated to getting the most out of his in- Congressional Record of June 24, 2020. lice Explorers program to help train PN2053 NAVY nominations (24) beginning ternship experience. the next generation of police officers, DANIEL M. BRYAN, and ending MICHAEL I extend my sincere thanks and ap- and the Johnston Citizens’ Police A. WHITE, which nominations were received preciation to Jacob for all of the fine Academy to give local residents a bet- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- work he has done and wish him contin- ter understanding of the day-to-day op- sional Record of June 24, 2020. ued success in the years to come. PN2054 NAVY nominations (8) beginning erations of the police force. (At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the ARLO K. ABRAHAMSON, and ending Chief Tamburini, who is a member of TIFFANI B. WALKER, which nominations following statement was ordered to be the Rhode Island Criminal Justice Hall were received by the Senate and appeared in printed in the RECORD.) of Fame, has called his time in law en- the Congressional Record of June 24, 2020. f forcement his ‘‘life’s work.’’ Time and PN2055 NAVY nominations (14) beginning time again, he has been recognized for JAMES C. BAILEY, and ending JASON R. VOTE EXPLANATION his innovative and outstanding police STALEY, which nominations were received ∑ work, earning recognition from the by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, I was sional Record of June 24, 2020. absent when the Senate voted on vote Rhode Island Governor’s Office, the PN2056 NAVY nominations (16) beginning No. 152 to confirm Executive Calendar Rhode Island General Assembly, and DANIEL J. BELLINGHAUSEN, and ending No. 770, Derek Kan, of California, to be the throated U.S. Attorney General’s ERIC R. ZILBERMAN, which nominations Deputy Director of the Office of Man- Office—to name a few. I think we can were received by the Senate and appeared in agement and Budget. On vote number all agree it has been work well done. I the Congressional Record of June 24, 2020. join my colleague, Senator WHITE- PN2057 NAVY nominations (36) beginning 152, had I been present, I would have HOUSE, in expressing my heartfelt grat- REBECCA K. ADAMS and ending MARCELA voted no on the motion to confirm Mr. C. ZELAYA, which nominations were re- Kan. itude for Chief Tamburini’s years of ex- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Mr. President, I was absent when the emplary dedication and service to Congressional Record of June 24, 2020. Senate voted on vote No. 153 on the Johnston, Providence, and our entire PN2058 NAVY nominations (27) beginning motion to proceed to the House Mes- country. I wish Chief Tamburini, his GINA M. D. BECKER, and ending ANNE L. sage to accompany S 178. On vote No. wife Marie, his children and his grand- ZACK, which nominations were received by children, the very best in the years to the Senate and appeared in the Congres- 153, had I been present, I would have voted no.∑ come. sional Record of June 24, 2020. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I PN2059 NAVY nominations (473) beginning f JOSEPH F. ABRUTZ, III, and ending KEITH join my senior colleague to rise today S. ZEUNER, which nominations were re- TRIBUTE TO RICHARD S. in acknowledgement of the ending of ceived by the Senate and appeared in the TAMBURINI an era in Rhode Island with the retire- Congressional Record of June 24, 2020. ment of Johnston Police Chief Richard PN2060 NAVY nominations (15) beginning Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I Tamburini next month. I want to SHELLEY E. BRANCH, and ending TROY L. recognize Chief Richard S. Tamburini thank Chief Tamburini for his five dec- WRIGHT, which nominations were received for his longstanding service and dedica- ades of service and community leader- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- tion to Rhode Island and our Nation. ship. Prior to beginning a career in law sional Record of June 24, 2020. Chief Tamburini has serviced as chief enforcement, Chief Tamburini served PN2129 NAVY nomination of Ruth E. Cook, of police for the town of Johnston for which was received by the Senate and ap- honorably in the U.S. Army’s 72nd Sig- peared in the Congressional Record of July the past 25 years and will retire at the nal Battalion. The chief worked his 21, 2020. end of next month. way up the ranks of the Providence Po- PN2130 NAVY nomination of Brent J. Chief Tamburini’s public service lice Department over nearly three dec- Tilseth, which was received by the Senate began almost 60 years ago when he ades, including a stint as part of a leg- and appeared in the Congressional Record of served with the U.S. Army’s 72nd Sig- endary organized crime investigative July 21, 2020. nal Battalion. While with the Army, he team along with then-detective and fu- IN THE SPACE FORCE advanced to the rank of specialist 4th ture fellow chief, Vincent Vespia. PN2019 SPACE FORCE nomination if Mi- class. After leaving the military, Chief Tamburini would eventually become chael S. Hopkins, which was received by the Tamburini returned home to Provi- deputy chief of police in Providence Senate and appeared in the Congressional dence’s Federal Hill neighborhood and Record of June 17, 2020. prior to his retirement from the De- joined the Providence Police Depart- partment. f ment—again committing himself to Chief Tamburini has led the John- LEGISLATIVE SESSION serving and protecting others. He spent ston Police Department for 25 years. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- his first 29 years in law enforcement His tenure as chief has been marked by ate will now resume legislative session. there, rising to deputy chief of police an increase in community engagement f and earning degrees from then-Bryant through bicycle patrols, and through College and then-Roger Williams Col- the Walk With Cops and Johnston Po- MORNING BUSINESS lege while with the department. After lice Explorers programs. The chief’s Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask he ascended to the rank of lieutenant, leadership and community-minded ef- unanimous consent that the Senate be Chief Tamburini gained distinction in forts have earned him a place in the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.030 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 prestigious Rhode Island Criminal Jus- For the past 3 years as the Assistant Judge Susano began his legal career tice Hall of Fame. Secretary of Defense for Legislative clerking for Chief Justice Hamilton As Chief Tamburini told the John- Affairs, Mr. Hood deftly managed and Burnett in the inaugural class of clerks ston Sunrise last year, trust between a guided the Department’s congressional to the Tennessee Supreme Court. He police department and the community relations, ensuring the preparation of practiced law in Knoxville for 30 years, it serves is the key to effective law en- key senior leaders for Senate confirma- while also giving back to the commu- forcement. He said at the time: tions, congressional hearings, and nity as a member of the advisory com- I really want to focus on that [trust], be- briefings, while simultaneously devel- mission to the Tennessee Supreme cause as chief of police it’s important to me oping and leading a skilled and focused Court on Civil Rules, as well as board that no matter what we do with the commu- legislative affairs team. His leadership, member of several local nonprofits. nity, [we need] a strong relationship and a knowledge, and personal efforts greatly In 1994, Governor Ned Ray level of trust. I think that carries through to contributed to one of the most success- McWherter appointed Judge Susano to the rest the department, so they can be as- ful legislative years in Department his- serve as a judge for the Tennessee sured of that. tory, culminating with the establish- Court of Appeals, and he won the seat Today, we pay tribute to a great ment of the U.S. Space Force, which later that same year. Judge Susano Rhode Islander, my friend, Chief Rich- was signed into law on December 20, would go on to win statewide reelec- ard Tamburini. I am grateful for his 2019 as part of the fiscal year 2020 tion in 1998, 2006, and 2014, and he contributions to Rhode Island and wish NDAA. served as the presiding judge of the him many years of well-deserved rest Mr. Hood provided significant con- Court of Appeals from 2012–2014. During and relaxation with his family and tributions and leadership during the his time on the court, he has authored friends. Godspeed. development and execution of the Sec- over 1,000 legal opinions and received f retary of Defense’s Congressional En- numerous awards including: the Jus- TRIBUTE TO ROBERT R. HOOD gagement Strategy, ensuring an inte- tice Frank F. Drowota III Outstanding grated legislative program directly Judicial Service Award in 2017; Appel- Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, on be- aligned with the National Defense late Judge of the Year from the Amer- half of myself and Senator REED, as the Strategy. This comprehensive plan sup- ican Board of Trial Advocates, Ten- chair and ranking member of the Sen- ported the Department’s priorities, nessee Chapter in 2003; and the Courage ate Armed Services Committee, it is aligned legislative objectives to the in the Face of Adversity Award from our honor to pay tribute to a great congressional calendar, and guided the the Knoxville Bar Association in 2004. leader and senior executive of the De- execution of over 4,000 congressional I want to thank Judge Susano for his partment of Defense, Mr. Robert R. engagements within the Office of the many years of service to Tennessee. Hood. Secretary of Defense and oversight and The end of his long tenure in the Ten- Mr. Hood has served as the Assistant alignment of over 10,000 congressional nessee judiciary will certainly be felt Secretary of Defense for Legislative engagements across the Department by many in the State. I wish him, his Affairs from August 2017 to July 2020. during his 3-year tenure. The strategic wife, and their children all the best as As he prepares to leave this position to execution of these engagements di- they begin this new chapter in their enter into the private sector, we com- rectly led to the attainment of Depart- lives.∑ mend him for his sound leadership, ad- ment of Defense legislative priorities vice, and professional judgement on nu- and resourcing at historic levels in the f merous critical issues of enduring im- fiscal years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 Na- portance to the Department of Defense, tional Defense Authorization Acts, Congress, and this Nation. TRIBUTE TO KEITH SALTHE NDAAs, appropriations bills. ∑ Mr. Hood has served our Nation for On behalf of the Senate, we thank Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, this more than 18 years in various capac- Robert, his wife Jennifer, and his chil- week I have the honor of recognizing ities within the Federal Government. dren: Evan, Caroline, Megan, and Roundup Fire Chief Keith Salthe of His service to our Nation includes roles Emma, for their continued commit- Musselshell County for his bravery and as a professional staff member for the ment, sacrifice and contribution to this decisive action that stopped the spread House Committee on Science, as well great Nation. We join our colleagues in of a fire in downtown Roundup. as senior legislative assistant, senior wishing him future success as he tran- On the morning of May 20, 2020, Fire policy advisor, and assistant to the sitions into the private sector. Chief Salthe and his team of 20 volun- Speaker of the House of Representa- teer firefighters, as well as firefighters tives for policy. Mr. Hood also served 5 f from Hawk Creek, Dean Creek, and the years as the Director of Congressional ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Montana Department of Natural Re- Affairs for the National Nuclear Secu- sources and Conservation, responded to rity Administration, a semi-autono- a fire that broke out at the Vintage mous agency within the Department of TRIBUTE TO JUDGE CHARLES D. Cafe´ in Roundup. Energy. SUSANO, JR Five hours after the fire ignited, Mr. Hood previously served in the ∑ Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, Salthe and his team were forced to White House as special assistant to today I honor one of my constituents, knock down the building to ensure that President George W. Bush in the Office Judge Charles D. Susano Jr., who re- the fire didn’t spread to the remaining of Legislative Affairs, overseeing co- tired in April after 25 years of dedi- businesses on the block. ordination with the Senate, including cated service to the State of Tennessee. For his decisive action, Musselshell the Armed Services, Homeland Secu- Judge Susano is the state’s longest County sheriff called Chief Salthe the rity, Foreign Relations and Intel- serving state appellate judge and has real hero of the day and said that if it ligence Committees. Before working on led a remarkable life of public service weren’t for Chief Salthe and his team, the White House staff, Mr. Hood served and thoughtful jurisprudence. the entire block would have been lost. at the Pentagon as the Principal Dep- Judge Susano is a native and lifelong It is my distinct honor to recognize uty Assistant Secretary of Defense for Knoxvillian. Born in 1936, he attended Fire Chief Salthe today. His leadership Legislative Affairs, where he was re- Knoxville Catholic High School before during this fire emergency stopped the sponsible for promoting the policies, going to the University of Notre Dame spread of the fire towards other busi- strategies, and budget of the Depart- where he graduated magna cum laude. nesses, saving lives and preventing ment of Defense to the U.S. Congress. Following an honorable discharge from what could have been a tragedy for the Mr. Hood also served as the Deputy the U.S. Army, Judge Susano returned community of Roundup. Roundup is Under Secretary of Defense, Comp- to his Tennessee roots to attend the fortunate to have brave men like Keith troller, for Budget and Appropriations University of Tennessee Law School, Salthe and his team of volunteer fire- Affairs, working closely with the Ap- where he was a member of the Ten- fighters who were ready to jump into propriations Committees of the Con- nessee Law Review and the Order of harm’s way at a moment’s notice for gress. the Coif. the safety of their fellow Montanans.∑

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.014 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4631 TRIBUTE TO TERRY TOBINESS Unfazed, wanting to impress her the Readiness and Environment Pro- ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, it is my friend, Dave researched and memorized tection Initiative, REPI, a program honor to recognize Terry Tobiness for the entire legislative agenda for the which both ensures the Guard’s ability her 50 years of dedication to her coun- U.S. Chamber of Commerce. to carry out critical training and also try, her patients, and her fellow vet- Dave may have overdone it, and works to conserve the natural habitat erans. Winifred came away from the lunch surrounding military bases. General A graduate of the Helena College of convinced that he was interested in her Jensen has been a strong advocate for Technology, Terry’s first job out of col- friend and not her. Somehow, Dave this program and worked with my of- lege was at St. John’s Hospital in Hel- salvaged it. Winifred and Dave have fice to ensure National Guard installa- ena. been happily married for 38 years. tions across the Nation have continued From then on, Terry went on to work Those same skills Dave honed when access to the REPI Program. This is at Crest Nursing Home in Butte, hold- he dated Winifred served him very well just one example that demonstrates ing various roles over 18 years as a on the bench. General Jensen’s dedication to service medical nurse, physical therapy aide, I have so many fond memories of which makes him an outstanding and assistant director of nursing and Dave, who impressed not just me but choice to be the next Director of the social services representative. my family as well. Army National Guard. On the day Paul Wellstone an- In 1980, Terry continued her service In addition to the outstanding job nounced he was recommending Dave and joined the Army Reserves, deploy- General Jensen has done running the for U.S. attorney, my mom sent the ar- ing to the United Arab Emirates during Minnesota National Guard, he is also ticle to me on my honeymoon with the the first gulf war as part of Operation inspiring, intelligent, and optimistic— words ‘‘how exciting is this!’’ In addi- Desert Storm in the 1990s. all important qualities in a strong tion to the usual newlywed photos, As a fellow veteran herself and a leader and qualities that have helped that article made it into my official dedicated health care hero, Terry spent General Jensen make outstanding con- honeymoon scrapbook. the last 10 years of her nursing career tributions throughout his more than 30 Dave played a very important role in in Great Falls, providing care at the years of service. Given his strong quali- another seminal moment in my life as Great Falls VA clinic in the Neurology fications, leadership qualities, and ex- well. The night I was elected Hennepin and Pain Department as a nurse. tensive experience, I cannot think of a County attorney, it was Dave counting Terry’s commitment to helping oth- better candidate to become our Na- the votes late into the night. It was ers is exemplary of the rich legacy of tion’s next Director of the Army Na- close. Everyone went home—except service we have in Montana. I know tional Guard. Dave. And at 5:00 a.m. the next morn- that all of Terry’s patients over the On behalf of myself and all Minneso- ing, Dave called to tell me I had offi- years are thankful for her lifetime of tans, thank you for your dedicated cially won. service to the community, the State of service to Minnesota and our Nation. I I am very grateful for Dave’s friend- Montana, and our country.∑ know you will excel in your new role, ship, his wisdom, and his sound advice and I look forward to continuing to f and will be forever in awe of his bril- work with you for many years to ∑ TRIBUTE TO DAVE LILLEHAUG liant career—as I know Paul Wellstone come. would have been. f ∑ Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, Congratulations to Dave on his re- today I rise to honor my dear friend, tirement.∑ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Dave f At 2:32 p.m., a message from the Lillehaug, on a distinguished career House of Representatives, delivered by and well-deserved retirement. TRIBUTE TO MAJOR GENERAL JON Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, I have been lucky to call Dave a JENSEN announced that the House has passed friend for 35 years and have seen him ∑ Ms. SMITH. Mr. President, I rise the following bills, in which it requests not just as a brilliant lawyer but a today to recognize the career of Min- the concurrence of the Senate: fearsome litigator, a tireless advocate nesota Adjutant General Jon Jensen H.R. 4686. An act to require ride-hailing in the pursuit of justice, and an excel- and to congratulate him on the next companies to implement an enhanced digital lent judge. step in his career. On Friday, Major system to verify passengers with their au- In fact, the same skills that led him General Jensen will be promoted to thorized ride-hailing vehicles and drivers. to endlessly prepare for his date with lieutenant general and become our Na- H.R. 7027. An act making additional sup- his future wife Winifred somehow also tion’s next Director of the Army Na- plemental appropriations for disaster relief landed him on the Minnesota Supreme requirements for the fiscal year ending Sep- tional Guard. In this position he will tember 30, 2020, and for other purposes. Court. oversee the national activities of the H.R. 7327. An act making additional sup- Here is the story. Army National Guard and work to en- plemental appropriations for disaster relief Winifred told me that she was more sure the Army Guard remains one of requirements for the fiscal year ending Sep- than a little bit unnerved during her our finest public institutions. tember 30, 2020, and for other purposes. first date with Dave—a lunch in Wash- General Jensen joined the Iowa Na- H.R. 7575. An act to provide for improve- ington after they met when she was tional Guard’s 168th Infantry Regiment ments to the rivers and harbors of the United selling condos and he was buying one. in 1989 before later transferring to the States, to provide for the conservation and development of water and related resources, At lunch, Winifred realized just how Minnesota National Guard in 2002. and for other purposes. much Dave already knew about her. Through hard work and dedication, he H.R. 7608. An act making appropriations She was from Pittsburgh, and he had rose to become the Minnesota National for the Department of State, foreign oper- read up on every detail about the town, Guard’s 31st Adjutant General in No- ations, and related programs for the fiscal including the latest steel plant closing. vember, 2017. In this role, General Jen- year ending September 30, 2021, and for other In those pre-Google days, 24 hours after sen has served as the head of Min- purposes. meeting her, he had somehow re- nesota’s Army and Air National Guard, f searched every detail about her life so where he has demonstrated the highest MEASURES REFERRED he could be informed and impressive on levels of duty, honor, and service. the first date. I have had the pleasure of working The following bills were read the first She had already been thoroughly with General Jensen during my time in and the second times by unanimous ‘‘vetted,’’ as if she herself was being office at the State and Federal levels. consent, and referred as indicated: considered for a national office. He is a proven leader who has seen the H.R. 7027. An act making additional sup- She was a little concerned, so on the Minnesota Guard through deploy- plemental appropriations for disaster relief requirements for the fiscal year ending Sep- next date, she brought a friend who ments, natural disasters, and preparing tember 30, 2020, and for other purposes; to happened to work for the Chamber of the Minnesota Guard to meet future the Committee on Appropriations. Commerce—just so she could get a sec- challenges. We worked closely to pre- H.R. 7327. An act making additional sup- ond opinion. serve the National Guard’s access to plemental appropriations for disaster relief

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.023 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 requirements for the fiscal year ending Sep- 1791 established the Bill of Rights; now, March 22, 1972, and ratified by 37 state legis- tember 30, 2020, and for other purposes; to therefore, be it latures. The complete text of House Joint the Committee on Appropriations. Resolved by the Senate, the House of Dele- Resolution 208 proposing the Equal Rights H.R. 7608. An act making appropriations gates concurring, That the General Assembly Amendment follows: for the Department of State, foreign oper- of the Commonwealth of Virginia hereby rat- HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 208 ations, and related programs for the fiscal ify and affirm the Equal Rights Amendment Proposing an amendment to the Constitu- year ending September 30, 2021, and for other to the Constitution of the United States pro- tion of the United States relative to equal purposes; to the Committee on Appropria- posed by the United States Congress on rights for men and women. tions. March 22, 1972, and ratified by 37 states legis- Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- latures. The complete text of House Joint f resentatives of the United States of America in Resolution 208 proposing the Equal Rights Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Amendment follows: concurring therein), That the following article COMMUNICATIONS HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 208 is proposed as an amendment to the Con- stitution of the United States, which shall be Proposing an amendment to the Constitu- The following communications were valid to all intents and purposes as part of tion of the United States relative to equal laid before the Senate, together with the Constitution when ratified by the legis- rights for men and women. latures of three-fourths of the several States accompanying papers, reports, and doc- Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- uments, and were referred as indicated: within seven years from the date of its sub- resentatives of the United States of America in mission by the Congress: EC–5215. A communication from the Chief Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House ‘‘Article— of the Publications and Regulations Branch, concurring therein), That the following article ‘‘Section 1. Equality of rights under the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the is proposed as an amendment to the Con- law shall not be denied or abridged by the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the stitution of the United States, which shall be United States or by any State on account of report of a rule entitled ‘‘Guidance under valid to all intents and purposes as part of sex. Sections 951A and 954 Regarding Income Sub- the Constitution when ratified by the legis- ‘‘Section 2. The Congress shall have the ject to a High Rate of Foreign Tax’’ latures of three-fourths of the several States power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, ((RIN1545–BP15) (TD 9902)) received in the Of- within seven years from the date of its sub- the provisions of this article. fice of the President of the Senate on July mission by the Congress: ‘‘Section 3. This amendment shall take ef- 29, 2020; to the Committee on Finance. ‘‘Article— fect two years after the date of ratifica- EC–5216. A communication from the Chief ‘‘Section 1. Equality of rights under the tion.’’; and, be it of the Publications and Regulations Branch, law shall not be denied or abridged by the Resolved further, That the Clerk of the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the United States or by any State on account of House of Delegates transmit certified copies Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the sex. of this joint resolution to the President of report of a rule entitled ‘‘Treasury Decision ‘‘Section 2. The Congress shall have the the United States, the Speaker of the United (TD): Preparer Tax Identification Number power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, States House of Representatives, the Presi- (PTIN) User Fee Update’’ ((RIN1545–BP43) the provisions of this article. dent of the United States Senate, the mem- (TD 9903)) received in the Office of the Presi- ‘‘Section 3. This amendment shall take ef- bers of the Virginia Congressional Delega- dent of the Senate on July 29, 2020; to the fect two years after the date of ratifica- tion, and the Archivist of the United States Committee on Finance. tion.’’; and, be it at the National Archives and Records Ad- EC–5217. A communication from the Chief Resolved further, That the Clerk of the Sen- ministration of the United States. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, ate transmit certified copies of this joint f Internal Revenue Service, Department of the resolution to the President of the United REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the States, the Speaker of the United States report of a rule entitled ‘‘Additional Relief House of Representatives, the President of The following reports of committees with Respect to Deadlines under Section the United States Senate, the members of were submitted: 501(r)(3) Applicable to Hospital Organizations the Virginia Congressional Delegation, and By Mr. GRAHAM, from the Committee on Affected by the Ongoing Coronavirus Disease the Archivist of the United States at the Na- the Judiciary, without amendment: 2019 Pandemic’’ (Notice 2020–56) received in tional Archives and Records Administration S. 4212. A bill to amend title 28, United the Office of the President of the Senate on of the United States. States Code, to strip foreign sovereign im- July 29, 2020; to the Committee on Finance. munity of certain foreign states to secure justice for victims of novel coronavirus in f POM–230. A joint resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of the United States. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Virginia ratifying and affirming the Equal f The following petitions and memo- Rights amendment to the Constitution of EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF rials were laid before the Senate and the United States proposed by the United States Congress on March 22, 1972; to the COMMITTEE were referred or ordered to lie on the Committee on the Judiciary. The following executive reports of table as indicated: HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1 nominations were submitted: POM–229. A joint resolution adopted by the Whereas, a concurrent or joint resolution By Mr. GRAHAM for the Committee on the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of is a resolution adopted by both houses of a Judiciary. Virginia ratifying and affirming the Equal bicameral legislature, which does not require Hala Y. Jarbou, of Michigan, to be United Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the signature of the chief executive, and a States District Judge for the Western Dis- the United States proposed by the United concurrent or joint resolution is sufficient trict of Michigan. States Congress on March 22, 1972; to the David W. Dugan, of Illinois, to be United for a state’s ratification of an amendment to Committee on the Judiciary. States District Judge for the Southern Dis- the Constitution of the United States; and SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1 trict of Illinois. Whereas, Article V of the Constitution of Stephen P. McGlynn, of Illinois, to be Whereas, a concurrent or joint resolution the United States provides that amendments United States District Judge for the South- is a resolution adopted by both houses of a ‘‘shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as ern District of Illinois. bicameral legislature, which does not require part of this Constitution, when ratified by Iain D. Johnston, of Illinois, to be United the signature of the chief executive, and a the legislatures of three fourths of the sev- States District Judge for the Northern Dis- concurrent or joint resolution is sufficient eral states’’; and trict of Illinois. for a state’s ratification of an amendment to Whereas, over 80 percent of Virginians ap- Roderick C. Young, of Virginia, to be the Constitution of the United States; and prove the ratification of the Equal Rights United States District Judge for the Eastern Whereas, Article V of the Constitution of Amendment by the Virginia General Assem- District of Virginia. the United States provides that amendments bly; and Franklin Ulyses Valderrama, of Illinois, to ‘‘shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as Whereas, Virginia has been pivotal to in- be United States District Judge for the part of this Constitution, when ratified by corporating fundamental rights into the Northern District of Illinois. the legislatures of three fourths of the sev- Constitution of the United States, as when (Nominations without an asterisk eral states’’; and Virginia’s ratification of 10 amendments in were reported with the recommenda- Whereas, over 80 percent of Virginians ap- 1791 established the Bill of Rights; Now, tion that they be confirmed.) prove the ratification of the Equal Rights therefore, be it Amendment by the Virginia General Assem- Resolved by the House of Delegates, the Sen- f bly; and ate concurring, That the General Assembly of INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Whereas, Virginia has been pivotal to in- the Commonwealth of Virginia hereby ratify JOINT RESOLUTIONS corporating fundamental rights into the and affirm the Equal Rights Amendment to Constitution of the United States, as when the Constitution of the United States pro- The following bills and joint resolu- Virginia’s ratification of 10 amendments in posed by the United States Congress on tions were introduced, read the first

VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:29 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.032 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4633 and second times by unanimous con- S. 4381. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- cloth face coverings to any individual in the sent, and referred as indicated: enue Code of 1986 to provide supplementary United States who requests one free of 2020 recovery rebates to eligible individuals; charge, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself and to the Committee on Finance. mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Mr. WHITEHOUSE): S. 4370. A bill to designate any alien who is By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. VAN Pensions. or has been engaged in economic espionage HOLLEN, and Mr. BOOKER): By Mr. RISCH (for himself, Mr. MENEN- S. 4382. A bill to direct the Joint Com- or the misappropriation of trade secrets in- DEZ, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. admissible and deportable; to the Committee mittee on the Library to replace the bust of BARRASSO, and Mrs. SHAHEEN): on the Judiciary. Roger Brooke Taney in the Old Supreme S. 4392. A bill to provide security assist- By Ms. SMITH (for herself and Ms. Court Chamber of the Capitol with a bust of ance and strategic support to Ukraine, and Thurgood Marshall to be obtained by the SINEMA): for other purposes; to the Committee on For- S. 4371. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Joint Committee on the Library and to re- eign Relations. enue Code of 1986 to require employers to move certain statues from areas of the Cap- By Mr. TILLIS: cash out the flexible spending accounts of itol which are accessible to the public, to re- S. 4393. A bill to improve the provision of employees who separate from employment, move all statues of individuals who volun- health care and other benefits from the De- and for other purposes; to the Committee on tarily served the Confederate States of partment of Veterans Affairs for veterans Finance. America from display in the Capitol, and for who were exposed to toxic substances, and By Ms. SMITH: other purposes; to the Committee on Rules for other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- S. 4372. A bill to provide for unused bene- and Administration. erans’ Affairs. fits in a dependent care FSA to be carried By Ms. ERNST: By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. over from 2020 to 2021, to provide for benefits S. 4383. A bill to amend the Public Works TILLIS, and Mr. COONS): to be accessed after termination of employ- and Economic Development Act of 1965 to S. 4394. A bill to amend chapter 11 of title ment, and for other purposes; to the Com- make projects that directly or indirectly in- 35, United States Code, to require the vol- mittee on Finance. crease the accessibility of affordable, quality untary collection of demographic informa- By Mr. PETERS (for himself and Ms. child care eligible for certain grants, and for tion for patent inventors, and for other pur- MURKOWSKI): other purposes; to the Committee on Envi- poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary. S. 4373. A bill to amend title 38, United ronment and Public Works. By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself and Mr. States Code, to make modifications to the By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself and Mr. SULLIVAN): educational assistance programs of the De- BLUMENTHAL): S. 4395. A bill to amend title 46, United partment of Veterans Affairs relating to ap- S. 4384. A bill to require the Secretary of States Code, to authorize maritime transpor- prenticeship and on-job training for partici- Veterans Affairs to address exposure by tation emergency relief, and for other pur- pants who become unemployed, and for other members of the Armed Forces to toxic sub- poses; to the Committee on Commerce, purposes; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- stances at Karshi-Khanabad Air Base, Uzbek- Science, and Transportation. istan, and for other purposes; to the Com- fairs. f By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mrs. mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. FEINSTEIN, and Mr. SANDERS): By Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND S. 4374. A bill to establish a Government- TESTER, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Ms. KLO- SENATE RESOLUTIONS wide initiative to promote diversity and in- BUCHAR, Mr. CASEY, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, clusion in the Federal workforce, and for Mr. BROWN, and Mr. MENENDEZ): The following concurrent resolutions other purposes; to the Committee on Home- S. 4385. A bill to prohibit unfair or decep- and Senate resolutions were read, and land Security and Governmental Affairs. tive acts or practices in connection with the referred (or acted upon), as indicated: By Mr. ALEXANDER: public health emergency resulting from By Mrs. HYDE-SMITH (for herself, Mr. S. 4375. A bill to amend title XVIII of the COVID–19, and for other purposes; to the JONES, Mr. BRAUN, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. Social Security Act to make permanent cer- Committee on Commerce, Science, and HOEVEN, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WAR- tain telehealth flexibilities under the Medi- Transportation. REN, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. YOUNG, and Ms. care program related to the COVID–19 public By Ms. SMITH: ERNST): health emergency; to the Committee on Fi- S. 4386. A bill to decriminalize and resched- S. Res. 664. A resolution designating the nance. ule cannabis, to provide for the regulation of week of September 20 through September 26, By Mr. CRUZ (for himself and Ms. cannabis and cannabis products to protect 2020, as ‘‘Gold Star Families Remembrance MCSALLY): public health and safety, and for other pur- Week’’; considered and agreed to. S. 4376. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself and Mr. By Mr. PETERS (for himself and Mr. enue Code of 1986 to permanently allow a tax CARDIN): deduction at the time an investment in PORTMAN): S. Res. 665. A resolution reaffirming the S. 4387. A bill to amend the Workforce In- qualified property is made, and for other pur- strategic partnership between the United novation and Opportunity Act to authorize poses; to the Committee on Finance. States and Mongolia and recognizing the the Reentry Employment Opportunities Pro- By Mr. BRAUN (for himself, Mr. CASEY, 30th anniversary of democracy in Mongolia; gram, and for other purposes; to the Com- Mr. RUBIO, and Mr. BROWN): to the Committee on Foreign Relations. S. 4377. A bill to facilitate the safe re-open- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself, Mr. ing of schools by conducting or supporting Pensions. JONES, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. research on children’s infection with, and By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. PERDUE, Mr. WARNER, Mr. KAINE, Mr. role in transmitting, SARS–CoV–2, and for BOOKER, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. STA- ROBERTS, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. PORTMAN, other purposes; to the Committee on Health, BENOW, Mr. BENNET, Ms. SMITH, Ms. Mr. CARDIN, Mrs. LOEFFLER, Mr. VAN Education, Labor, and Pensions. ROSEN, Ms. WARREN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. HOLLEN, and Mr. WICKER): By Mr. ROMNEY (for himself, Ms. COL- BLUMENTHAL, Ms. BALDWIN, and Ms. S. Con. Res. 42. A concurrent resolution ex- LINS, and Ms. MCSALLY): HARRIS): pressing the sense of Congress that August S. 4378. A bill to provide for a short-term S. 4388. A bill to address mental health 30, 2020, be observed as the 130th anniversary extension of the Federal Pandemic Unem- issues for youth, particularly youth of color, of the 1890 Land-Grant Educational Institu- ployment Compensation program, and for and for other purposes; to the Committee on tions; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. trition, and Forestry. nance. By Mr. CRAMER (for himself and Mr. By Ms. ERNST: HOEVEN): f S. 4379. A bill to extend the period of the S. 4389. A bill to make certain irrigation ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS temporary authority to extend contracts and districts eligible for Pick-Sloan Missouri leases under the ARMS Initiative; to the Basin Program pumping power, and for other S. 800 Committee on Armed Services. purposes; to the Committee on Energy and At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. WAR- Natural Resources. name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. NER, Mr. JONES, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. By Mr. KAINE: ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. CASSIDY, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. S. 4390. A bill to establish a grant program CARDIN, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. CORTEZ to support schools of medicine and schools of 800, a bill to establish a postsecondary MASTO, Mr. CORNYN, Ms. BALDWIN, osteopathic medicine in underserved areas; student data system. Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. COTTON, and Mr. to the Committee on Health, Education, S. 815 SCHUMER): Labor, and Pensions. At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the S. 4380. A bill to provide redress to the em- By Mr. SCHATZ (for himself, Mr. VAN name of the Senator from Mississippi ployees of Air America; to the Committee on HOLLEN, and Mrs. FEINSTEIN): Homeland Security and Governmental Af- S. 4391. A bill to authorize a public service (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor fairs. announcement campaign on the efficacy of of S. 815, a bill to amend the Internal By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself, Mr. cloth face coverings in reducing the spread of Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a refund- DAINES, Mr. ROMNEY, and Mr. RUBIO): COVID–19, to authorize a program to provide able tax credit against income tax for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.041 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 the purchase of qualified access tech- S. 2180 (Mr. CARDIN) and the Senator from nology for the blind. At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the Ohio (Mr. BROWN) were added as co- S. 1126 name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. sponsors of S. 3652, a bill to allow 2020 DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mrs. CAPITO, the recovery rebates with respect to quali- names of the Senator from New York of S. 2180, a bill to provide oversight of fying children over the age of 16 and the border zone in which Federal other dependents. (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the Senator from agents may conduct vehicle check- Michigan (Mr. PETERS), the Senator S. 3658 points and stops and enter private land from Delaware (Mr. CARPER), the Sen- At the request of Mr. PETERS, the without a warrant, and to make tech- ator from Montana (Mr. TESTER) and name of the Senator from Maryland nical corrections. (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- the Senator from Arizona (Ms. SINEMA) were added as cosponsors of S. 1126, a S. 2711 sponsor of S. 3658, a bill to establish an bill to provide better care for Ameri- At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the Office of Equal Rights and Community Inclusion at the Federal Emergency cans living with Alzheimer’s disease name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. Management Agency, and for other and related dementias and their care- ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. purposes. givers, while accelerating progress to- 2711, a bill to require institutions of higher education to disclose hazing-re- S. 3722 ward prevention strategies, disease lated misconduct, and for other pur- RUZ modifying treatments, and, ultimately, At the request of Mr. C , the name poses. of the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. a cure. S. 2741 HOEVEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 1190 At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the 3722, a bill to authorize funding for a At the request of Mrs. CAPITO, the name of the Senator from Connecticut bilateral cooperative program with names of the Senator from Vermont (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- Israel for the development of health (Mr. LEAHY), the Senator from Mary- sponsor of S. 2741, a bill to amend title technologies with a focus on combating land (Mr. VAN HOLLEN), the Senator XVIII of the Social Security Act to ex- COVID–19. from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) and the pand access to telehealth services, and S. 3806 Senator from Maryland (Mr. CARDIN) for other purposes. At the request of Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, were added as cosponsors of S. 1190, a S. 2842 the name of the Senator from Mary- bill to amend title XVIII of the Social At the request of Mrs. CAPITO, the land (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a Security Act to provide for payments name of the Senator from New York cosponsor of S. 3806, a bill to waive cost for certain rural health clinic and Fed- (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- share requirements for certain Federal erally qualified health center services sponsor of S. 2842, a bill to amend title assistance provided under the Robert furnished to hospice patients under the XVIII of the Social Security Act and T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- Medicare program. the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 to ex- gency Assistance Act. S. 1267 pand and expedite access to cardiac re- S. 3814 At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the habilitation programs and pulmonary At the request of Mr. BENNET, the names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. rehabilitation programs under the name of the Senator from Oklahoma DURBIN), the Senator from Massachu- Medicare program, and for other pur- (Mr. INHOFE) was added as a cosponsor setts (Mr. MARKEY), the Senator from poses. of S. 3814, a bill to establish a loan pro- New York (Mr. SCHUMER), the Senator S. 3250 gram for businesses affected by COVID– from Rhode Island (Mr. WHITEHOUSE), At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the 19 and to extend the loan forgiveness the Senator from Wisconsin (Ms. BALD- name of the Senator from Louisiana period for paycheck protection pro- WIN) and the Senator from Pennsyl- (Mr. CASSIDY) was added as a cosponsor gram loans made to the hardest hit vania (Mr. CASEY) were added as co- of S. 3250, a bill to ensure U.S. Customs businesses, and for other purposes. sponsors of S. 1267, a bill to establish and Border Protection officers, agents, S. 3850 within the Smithsonian Institution the and other personnel have adequate syn- At the request of Ms. WARREN, the National Museum of the American thetic opioid detection equipment, that name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. Latino, and for other purposes. the Department of Homeland Security ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 1334 has a process to update synthetic 3850, a bill to require the Centers for opioid detection capability, and for Disease Control and Prevention to col- At the request of Mrs. CAPITO, the names of the Senator from Montana other purposes. lect and report certain data concerning S. 3353 COVID–19. (Mr. TESTER), the Senator from New At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the S. 3900 Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) and the names of the Senator from Arkansas OSEN Senator from Nevada (Ms. ROSEN) were At the request of Ms. R , the added as cosponsors of S. 1334, a bill au- (Mr. BOOZMAN), the Senator from Flor- name of the Senator from Mississippi thorizing a program to promote inno- ida (Mr. SCOTT) and the Senator from (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor vative approaches to securing prompt Florida (Mr. RUBIO) were added as co- of S. 3900, a bill to direct the Secretary access to appropriate care for individ- sponsors of S. 3353, a bill to amend title of Defense to carry out a grant pro- XVIII of the Social Security Act to uals presenting at emergency depart- gram to support science, technology, provide for extended months of Medi- ments with acute mental health ill- engineering, and mathematics edu- care coverage of immunosuppressive cation in the Junior Reserve Officers’ ness. drugs for kidney transplant patients, Training Corps and for other purposes. S. 1418 and for other purposes. S. 3998 At the request of Mr. MURPHY, the At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the At the request of Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. name of the Senator from Maryland the name of the Senator from Lou- BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- isiana (Mr. KENNEDY) was added as a 1418, a bill to establish the Strength in sponsor of S. 3353, supra. cosponsor of S. 3998, a bill to amend Diversity Program, and for other pur- S. 3612 title XVIII of the Social Security Act poses. At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the to simplify payments for telehealth S. 1437 name of the Senator from Louisiana services furnished by Federally quali- At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the (Mr. KENNEDY) was added as a cospon- fied health centers or rural health clin- name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. sor of S. 3612, a bill to clarify for pur- ics under the Medicare program, and BRAUN) was added as a cosponsor of S. poses of the Internal Revenue Code of for other purposes. 1437, a bill to amend title XI of the So- 1986 that receipt of coronavirus assist- S. 4075 cial Security Act to require that di- ance does not affect the tax treatment At the request of Mrs. CAPITO, the rect-to-consumer advertisements for of ordinary business expenses. names of the Senator from Mississippi prescription drugs and biological prod- S. 3652 (Mr. WICKER) and the Senator from Vir- ucts include truthful and non-mis- At the request of Ms. SMITH, the ginia (Mr. KAINE) were added as co- leading pricing information. names of the Senator from Maryland sponsors of S. 4075, a bill to amend the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.044 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4635 Public Works and Economic Develop- Iowa (Mr. GRASSLEY) and the Senator Council to adopt a resolution on Iran ment Act of 1965 to provide for the re- from Maryland (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) were that extends the dates by which Annex lease of certain Federal interests in added as cosponsors of S. 4186, a bill to B restrictions under Resolution 2231 connection with certain grants under provide grants to States that do not are currently set to expire. that Act, and for other purposes. suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a S. RES. 656 S. 4085 driver’s license of a person or refuse to At the request of Mrs. LOEFFLER, her At the request of Ms. ERNST, the renew a registration of a motor vehicle name was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from North Da- for failure to pay a civil or criminal Res. 656, a resolution recognizing the kota (Mr. CRAMER) was added as a co- fine or fee, and for other purposes. importance of the blueberry industry sponsor of S. 4085, a bill to make cer- S. 4258 to the United States and designating tain States and political subdivisions At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the July 2020 as ‘‘National Blueberry of States ineligible to receive Federal names of the Senator from North Da- Month’’. finance assistance, and for other pur- kota (Mr. CRAMER), the Senator from f poses. Illinois (Mr. DURBIN), the Senator from STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED S. 4100 Montana (Mr. DAINES), the Senator BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION At the request of Mr. MURPHY, the from New Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) names of the Senator from Wisconsin and the Senator from Alabama (Mr. By Mr. ALEXANDER: S. 4375. A bill to amend title XVIII of (Ms. BALDWIN), the Senator from Con- JONES) were added as cosponsors of S. the Social Security Act to make per- necticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL), the Sen- 4258, a bill to establish a grant program manent certain telehealth flexibilities ator from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER), for small live venue operators and tal- under the Medicare program related to the Senator from Ohio (Mr. BROWN), ent representatives. the COVID–19 public health emergency; the Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. S. 4295 to the Committee on Finance. CASEY), the Senator from Illinois (Ms. At the request of Mr. PAUL, the name Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I DUCKWORTH), the Senator from Illinois of the Senator from Alabama (Mr. want to speak for a few minutes about (Mr. DURBIN), the Senator from New JONES) was added as a cosponsor of S. the changes to telehealth during the York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the Senator 4295, a bill to amend title XVIII of the last five months—one of the most dra- from California (Ms. HARRIS), the Sen- Social Security Act to ensure access to matic developments in the delivery of ator from Virginia (Mr. KAINE), the certain drugs and devices under the medical services ever—and why we in Senator from Maine (Mr. KING), the Medicare program. Congress should make many of those Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- S. 4308 changes permanent. BUCHAR), the Senator from Massachu- At the request of Ms. SINEMA, the I recently heard from a psychiatric setts (Mr. MARKEY), the Senator from names of the Senator from California nurse practitioner in Nashville who has Oregon (Mr. MERKLEY), the Senator (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) and the Senator from been seeing patients during the from Rhode Island (Mr. REED), the Sen- Arizona (Ms. MCSALLY) were added as COVID–19 pandemic using telehealth— ator from New Hampshire (Mrs. SHA- cosponsors of S. 4308, a bill to amend which means she uses the Internet to HEEN), the Senator from Minnesota the Social Security Act to include spe- see her patients over video or she calls (Ms. SMITH) and the Senator from Mas- cial districts in the coronavirus relief them on the telephone. sachusetts (Ms. WARREN) were added as fund, to direct the Secretary to include She told me about one of her elderly cosponsors of S. 4100, a bill to support special districts as an eligible issuer patients who, before the COVID–19 pan- children with disabilities during the under the Municipal Liquidity Facil- demic, got to her appointments by COVID–19 pandemic. walking from her high-rise apartment ity, and for other purposes. S. 4150 to Gallatin Road, catching a bus, and S. 4310 At the request of Mr. REED, the name then walking from the bus stop to the At the request of Mr. WARNER, the of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. DUR- clinic. name of the Senator from New Jersey BIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. 4150, When the patient got to the clinic, a bill to require the Secretary of the (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor she had to wait for her appointment. Treasury to provide assistance to cer- of S. 4310, a bill to prohibit in-person Then, when the appointment was over, tain providers of transportation serv- instructional requirements during the she had to do all of these steps in re- ices affected by the novel coronavirus. COVID–19 emergency. verse to get back home. S. 4152 S. 4317 Because of telehealth, this nurse said that her patient was in tears out of ap- At the request of Mr. HOEVEN, the At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the names of the Senator from Michigan names of the Senator from Mississippi preciation that she could now have ap- pointments from her own home. She (Mr. PETERS) and the Senator from (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH) and the Senator had access to health care without the Montana (Mr. TESTER) were added as from Indiana (Mr. YOUNG) were added long journey, and she could still re- cosponsors of S. 4152, a bill to provide as cosponsors of S. 4317, a bill to lessen ceive her medications. for the adjustment or modification by the burdens on interstate commerce by discouraging insubstantial lawsuits re- The nurse said that several of her the Secretary of Agriculture of loans other elderly patients have had similar for critical rural utility service pro- lating to COVID–19 while preserving the ability of individuals and busi- experiences and have asked if they viders, and for other purposes. could continue to have access to tele- S. 4174 nesses that have suffered real injury to obtain complete relief. health in the future, even after the At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the pandemic. names of the Senator from Colorado S. 4328 Because of COVID–19, the health care (Mr. GARDNER) and the Senator from At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the sector and federal and state govern- Arizona (Ms. SINEMA) were added as co- names of the Senator from Delaware ments have been forced to cram 10 sponsors of S. 4174, a bill to provide (Mr. COONS) and the Senator from years’ worth of telehealth experience emergency appropriations to the Michigan (Mr. PETERS) were added as into almost 5 months. In 2016, there United States Postal Service to cover cosponsors of S. 4328, a bill to require were almost 884 million visits nation- losses related to the COVID–19 crisis the Comptroller General of the United wide between patients and physicians, and to direct the Board of Governors of States to conduct a study and report according to the Center for Disease the United States Postal Service to de- on data quality, sharing, transparency, Control and Prevention. Almost all of velop a plan for ensuring the long term access, and analysis. them were in person—online or remote solvency of the Postal Service. S. RES. 509 visits were rare. S. 4186 At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the During the last four months, the At the request of Mr. COONS, the name of the Senator from Nebraska number of online or remote visits vir- names of the Senator from Arkansas (Mrs. FISCHER) was added as a cospon- tually exploded. According to Vander- (Mr. BOOZMAN), the Senator from Cali- sor of S. Res. 509, a resolution calling bilt University Medical Center, Van- fornia (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator from upon the United Nations Security derbilt went from 10 telehealth visits a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.046 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4636 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 day before the pandemic to more than ways to expand telehealth services and certain other practitioners could de- 2,000 telehealth visits a day across spe- begins to permanently remove some of liver telehealth services. cialties, including primary care, pedi- the restrictions on where a patient Today a much wider range of health atrics, and behavioral health. In less needs to be for telehealth access. The practitioners are providing telehealth than 3 months, Vanderbilt has provided bill is already supported by a broad co- services. more than 100,000 telehealth visits. alition in the Senate and the House. Help give Medicare recipients many Before COVID–19, approximately Here in the Senate, the CONNECT for more telehealth services. 13,000 Americans enrolled in the tradi- Health Act has been led by Senators The bill gives authority to the HHS tional Medicare program received tele- ROGER WICKER (R–MS), BRIAN SCHATZ Secretary to give Medicare the flexi- health services in an average week. In (D–HI), CINDY HYDE-SMITH (R–MS), BEN bility to reimburse for more telehealth the last week of April, nearly 1.7 mil- CARDIN (D–MD), JOHN THUNE (R–SD), services. lion Americans enrolled in traditional and MARK WARNER (D–VA)—and today Medicare received telehealth services. the bill has 38 cosponsors in the Sen- During the pandemic, Medicare has In total, over 9 million Americans in ate. been reimbursing for 135 telehealth traditional Medicare received a tele- This bill was first introduced in 2016 services, more than doubling the num- health service between mid-March and and these senators deserve great credit ber of telehealth services covered be- mid-June. for seeing the need to expand perma- fore COVID–19. Examples include emer- The Nashville Journal reports that nently telehealth services even before gency department visits, home visits, Tennessee’s Centerstone, which pro- the pandemic forced a massive change and physical, occupational and speech vides treatment for mental health and in how Americans receive health care therapy services. Help Medicare hos- substance use disorders, says it is pro- from their doctors. pice and home dialysis patients begin viding nearly 2,500 telehealth visits per Step Three would be to pass the bill receiving care through a telehealth ap- day and 30 percent more of patients are I’m introducing today which would go pointment. keeping their appointments, which is further than either of those first two Medicare requires a face-to-face visit key to treating these disorders. Ac- steps and would make permanent in- when a patient begins hospice and cording to Bob Vero, Centerstone’s home visits and rural telehealth ac- home dialysis care, and this change CEO, ‘‘We’ve taken away a lot of the cess. The bill would also give the Sec- would provide authority to the HHS reasons people don’t follow through retary authority to make permanent Secretary to allow a telehealth visit to with their care.’’ other changes that the Administration fulfill the requirement for an in-person Tim Adams, the CEO of Ascension has made over the last few months. visit. This will provide flexibility to Saint Thomas Health, which has 9 hos- Here’s what the bill being introduced improve access for these patients and pitals in Middle Tennessee and employs today does: account for individual circumstances. over 800 physicians, told me that he Ensures that patients can access This legislation is the result of the predicts that 15–20 percent of the sys- telehealth anywhere by permanently Senate Health, Education, Labor and tem’s visits between patients and phy- removing Medicare’s so-called ‘‘geo- Pensions Committee hearing on June sicians will be conducted through tele- graphic and originating site’’ restric- 17, during which senators asked health health in the future. tions, which required both that the pa- care experts about the 31 temporary In that 15 to 20 percent holds true tient live in a rural area and use tele- Federal policy changes made in re- across the Nation because of telehealth health at a doctor’s office or clinic. sponse to the COVID–19 pandemic. expansion during COVID–19—it would Congress temporarily ended these re- The legislation I am introducing produce a massive change in our health strictions in the Coronavirus Prepared- today incorporates the recommenda- care system. ness and Response Supplemental Ap- tions of those experts to make perma- Congress and the administration re- propriations Act that was signed into nent 5 of the most important changes— acted to the pandemic by creating a law on March 6, allowing millions of and helps to ensure that patients do regulatory environment that made the Americans to talk with their doctor not lose the benefits that they have current telehealth boom possible by al- virtually during the pandemic. gained from using telehealth during lowing: in-home virtual visits; tele- Making this change permanent will the COVID–19 pandemic. health for patients in rural areas at ensure Medicare beneficiaries do not This bill would make permanent the rural health clinics; telehealth from lose that ability when the pandemic telehealth changes in the legislation physical therapists, speech language ends. introduced Monday as well as the CON- pathologists and other providers; tele- Protects access to telehealth for pa- NECT for Health Act. The best result health for many more services includ- tients in rural areas. The bill makes for the American people would be for ing emergency department visits; and permanent a change allowing Medicare Congress to approve all three steps— allowing Medicare hospice and home beneficiaries to continue receiving the changes in the HEALS Act, the dialysis patients to start their care telehealth services from Rural Health CONNECT for Health Act, and my leg- with a virtual visit. Clinics or Federally Qualified Health islation—in the next COVID–19 package Now Congress is beginning to build Centers. so we don’t miss the opportunity to on what we’ve learned and make those Telehealth access is especially im- support and encourage one of the most changes permanent. Here are three portant for patients in rural and other important changes in the delivery of steps Congress should take now, as a medically underserved areas because medical services ever. part of the COVID–19 legislation that they no longer have to travel to see we are working on: their primary care doctor. By Mr. KAINE: Step One is to pass the COVID–19 Those are two changes that this bill HEALS Act legislation that was intro- would make permanent. S. 4390. A bill to establish a grant duced Monday, which: Then it would give the Secretary of program to support schools of medicine Provides telehealth access to part- Health and Human Services new au- and schools of osteopathic medicine in time and hourly employees; extends thorities to do these three things: underserved areas; to the Committee the administration’s telehealth flexi- Help patients continue to access tele- on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- bilities and waivers through the end of health from physical therapists, speech sions. the Public Health Emergency, or language pathologists, and other Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, commu- through 2021; and allows Rural Health health care providers. nities of color and those living in rural Clinics and Federally Qualified Health The bill gives authority to the Sec- and underserved area face significant Centers to continue to provide tele- retary of Health and Human Services barriers to healthcare, including physi- health to Medicare beneficiaries for 5 to allow Medicare to permanently ex- cian shortages. Unfortunately, in many years beyond the public health emer- pand the types of health care providers communities of color and rural areas, gency. that can offer telehealth services. there are few pathways to enter the Step Two is to pass the CONNECT for Before COVID–19, only doctors, nurse medical profession. Recent data shows Health Act. That legislation explores practitioners, physician assistants, and that while medical school enrollment

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.049 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4637 is up by 30 percent, the number of stu- (2) was first designated as ‘‘Gold Star the United States by sending troops to sup- dents from rural areas entering med- Mother’s Day’’ under the Joint Resolution port United States operations in Iraq from ical school declined by 28 percent be- entitled ‘‘Joint Resolution designating the 2003 through 2008 and Afghanistan since 2009, last Sunday in September as ‘Gold Star tween 2002 and 2017, with only 4.3 per- and Mongolia has a strong record of troop Mother’s Day’, and for other purposes’’, ap- contributions to international peacekeeping cent of all incoming medical students proved June 23, 1936 (49 Stat. 1895); missions; coming from rural areas in 2017. Simi- Whereas there is no date dedicated to fami- Whereas successive Mongolian govern- larly, Black, Hispanic/Latino, and Na- lies affected by the loss of a loved one who ments have taken notable steps to strength- tive American students face several died in service to the United States; en civil society, battle corruption, and spur barriers to matriculate and graduate Whereas a gold star symbolizes a family economic development; from medical school. This exacerbates member who died in the line of duty while Whereas the Parliament of Mongolia, the serving in the Armed Forces; the barriers to care and the disparities State Great Khural, has engaged with Con- Whereas the members and veterans of the gress, including through the House Democ- in health outcomes that these commu- Armed Forces, through their service, bear nities experience. It is critical that we racy Partnership, thereby promoting respon- the burden of protecting the freedom of the sive and effective governance through peer- people of the United States; expand the diversity of our physician to-peer cooperation; Whereas the selfless example of the service workforce to tackle the rampant dis- Whereas Mongolia began as a partner to of the members and veterans of the Armed parities and systemic biases within our the Organization for Security and Co-oper- Forces, as well as the sacrifices made by the healthcare system. ation in Europe (OSCE) in 2004, graduated to families of those individuals, inspires all in- become a participating state in 2012, and par- This is why I am introducing the Ex- dividuals in the United States to sacrifice panding Medical Education Act, which and work diligently for the good of the ticipates actively in the work of the OSCE aims to tackle the lack of representa- United States; and for stability, peace, and democracy; tion of rural students, underserved stu- Whereas the sacrifices of the families of Whereas Mongolia has regularly invited dents, and students of color in the phy- the fallen members of the Armed Forces and the OSCE and other organizations to send the families of veterans of the Armed Forces monitoring teams for its presidential and sician pipeline by encouraging the re- parliamentary elections; cruitment, enrollment, and retention should never be forgotten: Now, therefore, be it Whereas Mongolia has also been an active of students from disadvantaged back- Resolved, That the Senate— member of the Community of Democracies grounds. The bill would provide grants (1) designates the week of September 20 (CoD), a global coalition of states that sup- through the Health Resources and through September 26, 2020, as ‘‘Gold Star port adherence to common democratic val- Services Administration, HRSA to col- Families Remembrance Week’’; ues and standards, and Mongolia has not leges and universities to establish or (2) honors and recognizes the sacrifices only remained active since the founding of expand allopathic or osteopathic med- made by— the CoD in 2000, but successfully chaired the (A) the families of members of the Armed CoD from 2011 through 2013; ical schools in underserved areas or at Whereas, in addition to supporting the minority-serving institutions, includ- Forces who made the ultimate sacrifice in order to defend freedom and protect the OSCE and CoD, Mongolia supports demo- ing historically Black colleges and uni- United States; and cratic initiatives while participating in a versities, HBCU. These grants can be (B) the families of veterans of the Armed wide range of other global institutions; used for planning and construction of a Forces; and Whereas, most recently, on June 24, 2020, medical school in an area in which no (3) encourages the people of the United Mongolia successfully organized parliamen- other school is based; hiring diverse States to observe Gold Star Families Re- tary elections, strengthening its commit- faculty and staff; recruitment, enroll- membrance Week by— ment to democracy and the rule of law; (A) performing acts of service and good Whereas the success of Mongolia as a de- ment, and retention of students; and mocracy and its strategic location, sov- other purposes to ensure increased rep- will in their communities; and (B) celebrating families in which loved ereignty, territorial integrity, and ability to resentation of rural students, under- ones made the ultimate sacrifice so that oth- pursue an independent foreign policy are served students, and students of color ers could continue to enjoy life, liberty, and highly relevant to the national security of in our physician workforce. the pursuit of happiness. the United States; Whereas the United States has provided Our rural communities and commu- f nities of color face significant chal- support to Mongolia through the Millennium lenges in access to healthcare. It is SENATE RESOLUTION 665—RE- Challenge Corporation through an initial AFFIRMING THE STRATEGIC compact signed in 2007 designed to increase time our physician workforce reflected economic growth and reduce poverty and a these communities. We need to diver- PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND MONGOLIA second compact signed in 2018 involving in- sify our physician pipeline and change vestments in water infrastructure, including the disparity in representation, and AND RECOGNIZING THE 30TH AN- supply and wastewater recycling, as well as this bill will help get us there. I hope NIVERSARY OF DEMOCRACY IN water sector sustainability; the Senate passes this legislation MONGOLIA Whereas, on September 20, 2018, the United quickly to expand the diversity of the Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself and Mr. States and Mongolia signed a joint state- ment and the Roadmap for Expanded Eco- medical profession and to take a step CARDIN) submitted the following reso- lution; which was referred to the Com- nomic Partnership, outlining the intent to towards improved access to care for deepen the bilateral commercial relationship our marginalized communities. mittee on Foreign Relations: through full implementation of the obliga- f S. RES. 665 tions under the Agreement on Transparency Whereas the United States and Mongolia in Matters Related to International Trade SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS established diplomatic relations in January and Investment between the United States of 1987, and since that time the relationship has America and Mongolia, signed at New York grown stronger based on shared strategic in- September 24, 2013 (in this preamble referred SENATE RESOLUTION 664—DESIG- terests, security cooperation, democratic to as the ‘‘United States-Mongolia Trans- NATING THE WEEK OF SEP- values, good governance, and respect for parency Agreement’’), and to collaborate in TEMBER 20 THROUGH SEP- human rights; supporting Mongolian small- and medium- TEMBER 26, 2020, AS ‘‘GOLD STAR Whereas, since its peaceful democratic rev- sized enterprises through various programs FAMILIES REMEMBRANCE olution in 1989, through a series of initia- and projects; WEEK’’ tives, Mongolia has charted a successful path Whereas, according to the Bureau of the to multiparty democracy and a free market Census, trade between the United States and Mrs. HYDE-SMITH (for herself, Mr. economy; Mongolia is modest but growing, with total JONES, Mr. BRAUN, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. Whereas, in 1990, the Government of Mon- trade in 2019 between the two countries of HOEVEN, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WARREN, golia declared an end to a one-party, author- approximately $217,500,000, including Mr. CRUZ, Mr. YOUNG, and Ms. ERNST) itarian, political system and adopted demo- $192,700,000 in United States exports to Mon- submitted the following resolution; cratic and free market reforms; golia and $24,800,000 in United States imports which was considered and agreed to: Whereas, in 1992, Mongolia adopted a con- from Mongolia; stitution establishing a parliamentary de- Whereas Mongolia is a beneficiary country S. RES. 664 mocracy, becoming the first country in Asia under the Generalized System of Preferences Whereas the last Sunday in September— to transition from communism to democ- program, but its use of the program remains (1) is designated as ‘‘Gold Star Mother’s racy; low, as, in 2018, only $3,300,000 of exports Day’’ under section 111 of title 36, United Whereas Mongolia has shown its commit- from Mongolia to the United States were States Code; and ment to a ‘‘third neighbor’’ relationship with under the program; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.051 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4638 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 Whereas, on July 31, 2019, the United (6) urges private and public support to help stitutions under section 1673(d) of the Food, States and Mongolia declared the bilateral diversify the economy of Mongolia through Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of relationship a Strategic Partnership and increased cooperation and investments, as 1990 (7 U.S.C. 5926(d)); and noted the shared desire— well as infrastructure and other vital Whereas appropriate recognition should be (1) to intensify cooperation as strong de- projects; given to the significant contributions made mocracies based on the rule of law through (7) urges the Department of State, the by the 19 historically Black 1890 land-grant safeguarding and promoting democratic val- United States Agency for International De- educational institutions to the heritage, edu- ues and human rights, including the free- velopment, and other relevant agencies to cational development, advancement, and ag- doms of religion or belief, expression, includ- continue to support Mongolia’s democratic ricultural strength of the United States: ing internet and media freedom, assembly, and economic development and efforts on Now, therefore, be it and association, anticorruption and fiscal anticorruption; Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- transparency, and youth and emerging lead- (8) reaffirms the importance of civil soci- resentatives concurring), That it is the sense er development; ety to the continued democratic develop- of Congress that— (2) to cooperate in promoting national se- ment of Mongolia; (1) the 130th anniversary of the 1890 Land- curity and stability across the Indo-Pacific (9) encourages the Government of Mongolia Grant Educational Institutions should be ob- region so that all countries, secure in their to build a regulatory system that supports served; sovereignty, are able to pursue economic and encourages the growth and operation of (2) such a day should be observed with ap- growth consistent with international law independent nongovernmental organizations propriate ceremonies and activities to recog- and principles of fair competition; and continues to pursue policies of trans- nize the collective contributions that these (3) to deepen national security and law-en- parency that uphold democratic values; and 19 historically Black Federal land-grant edu- forcement ties through collaboration on bi- (10) encourages the Government of Mon- cational institutions have made to the lateral and multilateral security, judicial, golia to continue legal reform, institutional United States; and law-enforcement efforts in the region; capacity building, and to improve the inde- (3) the Second Morrill Act and the Smith- (4) to strengthen cooperation in multilat- pendence of other democratic institutions. Lever Act have helped the United States de- eral engagements such as peacekeeping, hu- f velop agricultural leaders; and manitarian assistance, and disaster pre- (4) the Department of Agriculture and the paredness and relief operations; SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- National Institute of Food and Agriculture (5) to expand trade and investment rela- TION 42—EXPRESSING THE should remain committed to supporting the tions on a fair and reciprocal basis, support SENSE OF CONGRESS THAT AU- goals of the Second Morrill Act and the private sector-led growth, fully implement Smith-Lever Act. the United States-Mongolia Transparency GUST 30, 2020, BE OBSERVED AS Agreement, promote women’s entrepreneur- THE 130TH ANNIVERSARY OF f ship, and continue to explore support for in- THE 1890 LAND-GRANT EDU- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND frastructure under the new United States CATIONAL INSTITUTIONS PROPOSED International Development Finance Corpora- Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself, Mr. tion with the new tools provided under the SA 2499. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed an JONES, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. BUILD Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.); amendment to the bill S. 178, to condemn (6) to strengthen border security, prevent PERDUE, Mr. WARNER, Mr. KAINE, Mr. gross human rights violations of ethnic illegal transshipment and trafficking, ex- ROBERTS, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for pand cooperation on civil aviation safety and CARDIN, Mrs. LOEFFLER, Mr. VAN HOL- an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and oversight, and efficiently facilitate legiti- LEN, and Mr. WICKER) submitted the harassment of these communities inside and mate travel between Mongolia and the following concurrent resolution; which outside China. SA 2500. Mr. SULLIVAN (for Ms. CANT- United States; was referred to the Committee on Agri- WELL) proposed an amendment to the bill S. (7) to increase cooperation in addressing culture, Nutrition, and Forestry: transnational threats such as terrorism, 529, to establish a national program to iden- human trafficking, drug trafficking, the pro- S. CON. RES. 42 tify and reduce losses from landslide hazards, liferation of weapons of mass destruction, Whereas the Act of August 30, 1890 (7 U.S.C. to establish a national 3D Elevation Pro- cyberattacks, transnational organized crime, 321 et seq.), popularly known as the ‘‘Second gram, and for other purposes. pandemics, and other emerging nontradi- Morrill Act’’, led to the creation of 19 his- SA 2501. Mr. SULLIVAN (for Mr. WICKER) tional security threats; torically Black Federal land-grant edu- proposed an amendment to the bill S. 914, to (8) to continue to develop an environment cational institutions; reauthorize the Integrated Coastal and in which civil society, social media, and a Whereas the 19 historically Black 1890 Ocean Observation System Act of 2009, to free and independent media can flourish; and land-grant educational institutions are iden- clarify the authority of the Administrator of (9) to maintain high-level official dia- tified as Lincoln University, Alcorn State the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- logues, encourage bilateral exchanges at all University, the University of Arkansas at ministration with respect to post-storm as- levels of government, and further develop Pine Bluff, Alabama A&M University, Prai- sessments, and to require the establishment people-to-people exchanges to deepen en- rie View A&M University, Southern Univer- of a National Water Center, and for other gagement on issues of mutual interest and sity, Virginia State University, Kentucky purposes. concern: Now, therefore, be it State University, the University of Maryland SA 2502. Mr. SULLIVAN proposed an Resolved, That the Senate— Eastern Shore, Florida A&M University, amendment to the bill S. 850, to extend the (1) recognizes the importance of the rela- Delaware State University, North Carolina authorization of appropriations to the De- tionship between the United States and Mon- A&T State University, Fort Valley State partment of Veterans Affairs for purposes of golia and remains committed to advancing University, South Carolina State University, awarding grants to veterans service organi- this Strategic Partnership in the future; Langston University, Tennessee State Uni- zations for the transportation of highly rural (2) emphasizes the importance of free and versity, Tuskegee University, Central State veterans. fair elections in Mongolia; University, and West Virginia State Univer- f (3) applauds the continued engagement of sity; Mongolia in the Organization for Security Whereas the Act of May 8, 1914 (7 U.S.C. TEXT OF AMENDMENTS and Cooperation in Europe, the Community 341), popularly known as the ‘‘Smith-Lever SA 2499. Mr. MCCONNELL proposed of Democracies, congressional-parliamentary Act’’, provided for the establishment of the an amendment to the bill S. 178, to partnerships, including continued high-level Cooperative Extension Service within the condemn gross human rights violations parliamentary exchange, and other institu- Department of Agriculture for the dissemi- of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, tions that promote democratic values, which nation, through Federal land-grant edu- and calling for an end to arbitrary de- reinforces the commitment of the people and cational institutions, of information per- the Government of Mongolia to those values taining to agriculture and home economics; tention, torture, and harassment of and standards; Whereas, since the 125th Anniversary of these communities inside and outside (4) encourages the United States Govern- the 19 historically Black 1890 land-grant edu- China; as follows: ment to help Mongolia use its benefits under cational institutions in 2015, Congress passed In lieu of the matter proposed to be in- the Generalized System of Preferences pro- the 2018 Farm Bill which included new Fed- serted, insert the following: gram and other relevant programs to in- eral investments, such as— SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. crease trade between the United States and (1) the program providing scholarships for This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Coronavirus Mongolia; students at 1890 land-grant educational insti- Relief Fair Unemployment Compensation (5) urges the United States International tutions under section 1446 of the National Act of 2020’’. Development Finance Corporation to expand Agricultural Research, Extension, and SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF THE FEDERAL PANDEMIC activities in Mongolia to support economic Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 322a); UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION development, diversification of the economy and PROGRAM. of Mongolia, and women-owned small- and (2) the recognition of at least 3 Centers of (a) EXTENSION.—Section 2104(e)(2) of the medium-sized enterprises; Excellence at 1890 land-grant educational in- Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.058 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4639

Act (contained in subtitle A of title II of di- (A) PANDEMIC UNEMPLOYMENT ASSIST- (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- vision A of the CARES Act (Public Law 116– ANCE.—Section 2102(d) of the Relief for Work- tents for this Act is as follows: 136)) is amended by striking ‘‘July 31, 2020’’ ers Affected by Coronavirus Act (contained Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2020’’. in subtitle A of title II of division A of the TITLE I—REAUTHORIZATION OF INTE- (b) IMPROVEMENTS TO ACCURACY OF PAY- CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)) is amended GRATED COASTAL AND OCEAN OBSER- MENTS.— by inserting ‘‘with respect to the individual’’ VATION SYSTEM ACT OF 2009 (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 2104(b) of the Re- after ‘‘section 2104’’ in each of paragraphs lief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act (1)(A)(ii) and (2). Sec. 101. Purposes. (contained in subtitle A of title II of division (B) PANDEMIC EMERGENCY UNEMPLOYMENT Sec. 102. Definitions. Sec. 103. Integrated Coastal and Ocean Ob- A of the CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)) is COMPENSATION.—Section 2107 of the Relief for amended— Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act (con- servation System. (A) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ‘‘of tained in subtitle A of title II of division A Sec. 104. Financing and agreements. $600’’ and inserting ‘‘equal to the amount of the CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)) is Sec. 105. Reports to Congress. specified in paragraph (3)’’; and amended— Sec. 106. Public-private use policy. Sec. 107. Repeal of independent cost esti- (B) by adding at the end the following new (i) in subsection (a)(4)(A)(ii), by inserting mate. paragraph: ‘‘with respect to the individual’’ after ‘‘sec- Sec. 108. Authorization of appropriations. ‘‘(3) AMOUNT OF FEDERAL PANDEMIC UNEM- tion 2104’’; and Sec. 109. Reports and research plans. PLOYMENT COMPENSATION.— (ii) in subsection (b)(2), by inserting ‘‘with Sec. 110. Strategic research plan. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The amount specified in respect to the individual’’ after ‘‘section Sec. 111. Stakeholder input on monitoring. this paragraph is the following amount with 2104’’. Sec. 112. Research activities. respect to an individual: (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments ‘‘(i) For weeks of unemployment beginning made by this section shall take effect as if TITLE II—NAMED STORM EVENT MODEL after the date on which an agreement is en- included in the enactment of the Relief for AND POST-STORM ASSESSMENTS tered into under this section and ending on Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act (con- Sec. 201. Named Storm Event Model and or before July 31, 2020, $600. tained in subtitle A of title II of division A post-storm assessments. ‘‘(ii) For weeks of unemployment begin- of the CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)). TITLE III—WATER PREDICTION AND ning after the last week under clause (i) and (d) EMERGENCY DESIGNATION.— FORECASTING ending before December 31, 2020, an amount (1) IN GENERAL.—The amounts provided by equal to one of the following, as determined this section and the amendments made by Sec. 301. Water prediction and forecasting. by the State for all individuals: this section are designated as an emergency TITLE I—REAUTHORIZATION OF INTE- ‘‘(I) $200. requirement pursuant to section 4(g) of the GRATED COASTAL AND OCEAN OBSER- ‘‘(II) An amount (not to exceed $500) equal Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (2 VATION SYSTEM ACT OF 2009 to— U.S.C. 933(g)). SEC. 101. PURPOSES. ‘‘(aa) two-thirds of the individual’s average (2) DESIGNATION IN SENATE.—In the Senate, Section 12302 of the Integrated Coastal and weekly wages; minus this section and the amendments made by ‘‘(bb) the individual’s base amount (deter- Ocean Observation System Act of 2009 (33 this section are designated as an emergency U.S.C. 3601) is amended to read as follows: mined prior to any reductions or offsets). requirement pursuant to section 4112(a) of H. ‘‘SEC. 12302. PURPOSES. ‘‘(B) BASE AMOUNT.—For purposes of this Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), the concurrent ‘‘The purposes of this subtitle are— paragraph, the term ‘base amount’ means, resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018. with respect to an individual, an amount ‘‘(1) to establish and sustain a national in- equal to— SA 2500. Mr. SULLIVAN (for Ms. tegrated System of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observing systems, comprised of Fed- ‘‘(i) for weeks of unemployment under the CANTWELL) proposed an amendment to eral and non-Federal components coordi- pandemic unemployment assistance program the bill S. 529, to establish a national under section 2102, the amount determined nated at the national level by the Council under subsection (d)(1)(A)(i) or (d)(2) of such program to identify and reduce losses and at the regional level by a network of re- section 2102, as applicable; or from landslide hazards, to establish a gional coastal observing systems, and that ‘‘(ii) for all other weeks of unemployment, national 3D Elevation Program, and for includes in situ, remote, and other coastal the amount determined under paragraph other purposes; as follows: and ocean observation and modeling capa- (1)(A) of this subsection. Beginning on page 42, strike line 21 and all bilities, technologies, data management sys- ‘‘(C) AVERAGE WEEKLY WAGES.— that follows through page 43, line 5, and in- tems, communication systems, and product ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Subject to clause (ii), for sert the following: development systems, and is designed to ad- purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘aver- (h) FUNDING.—For each of fiscal years 2021 dress regional and national needs for ocean age weekly wages’ means, with respect to an and 2024— and coastal information, to gather specific individual, the following: (1) there is authorized out of funds appro- data on key ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ‘‘(I) If the State computes the individual priated to the United States Geological Sur- variables, and to ensure timely and sus- weekly unemployment compensation benefit vey, $25,000,000 to carry out this section; tained dissemination and availability of amount based on an individual’s average (2) there is authorized out of funds appro- these data— weekly wages in a base period, an amount priated to the National Science Foundation, ‘‘(A) to the public; equal to the individual’s average weekly $11,000,000 to carry out this section; and ‘‘(B) to support national defense, search wages used in such computation. (3) there is authorized out of funds appro- and rescue operations, marine commerce, ‘‘(II) If the State computes the individual priated to the National Oceanic and Atmos- navigation safety, weather, climate, and ma- weekly unemployment compensation benefit pheric Administration, $1,000,000 to carry out rine forecasting, energy siting and produc- amount based on high quarter wages or a for- this section. tion, economic development, ecosystem- mula using wages across some but not all On page 51, strike lines 7 through 9 and in- based marine, coastal, and Great Lakes re- quarters in a base period, an amount equal sert the following: source management, public safety, and pub- to 1⁄13 of such high quarter wages or average (e) FUNDING.—For each of the fiscal years lic outreach and education; wages of the applicable quarters used in the 2021 through 2024, there is authorized out of ‘‘(C) to promote greater public awareness computation for the individual. funds appropriated to the Secretary and stewardship of the Nation’s ocean, coast- ‘‘(III) If the State uses computations other $20,000,000 to carry out this section. al, and Great Lakes resources and the gen- than the computations under subclause (I) or eral public welfare; (II) for the individual weekly unemployment SA 2501. Mr. SULLIVAN (for Mr. ‘‘(D) to provide easy access to ocean, coast- compensation benefit amount, or for com- WICKER) proposed an amendment to the al, and Great Lakes data and promote data putations of the weekly benefit amount bill S. 914, to reauthorize the Inte- sharing between Federal and non-Federal under the pandemic unemployment assist- grated Coastal and Ocean Observation sources and promote public data sharing; ance program under section 2102, as de- System Act of 2009, to clarify the au- ‘‘(E) to enable advances in scientific under- scribed in subsection (d)(1)(A)(i) or (d)(2) of thority of the Administrator of the Na- standing to support the sustainable use, con- such section 2102, for which subclause (I) or tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- servation, management, and understanding 1 (II) do not apply, an amount equal to ⁄52 of ministration with respect to post- of healthy ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes the sum of all base period wages. resources to ensure the Nation can respond storm assessments, and to require the ‘‘(ii) SPECIAL RULE.—If more than one of to opportunities to enhance food, economic, the methods of computation under sub- establishment of a National Water Cen- and national security; and clauses (I), (II), and (III) of clause (i) are ap- ter, and for other purposes; as follows: ‘‘(F) to monitor and model changes in the plicable to a State, then such term shall Strike all after the enacting clause and in- oceans and Great Lakes, including with re- mean the amount determined under the ap- sert the following: spect to chemistry, harmful algal blooms, plicable subclause of clause (i) that results SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. hypoxia, water levels, and other phenomena; in the highest amount of average weekly (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as ‘‘(2) to improve the Nation’s capability to wages.’’. the ‘‘Coordinated Ocean Observations and measure, track, observe, understand, and (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— Research Act of 2020’’. predict events related directly and indirectly

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.059 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 to weather and climate, natural climate var- dures across regions and programs to make ‘‘(v) develop contract requirements for iability, and interactions between the oce- recommendations for data collection stand- each regional coastal observing system— anic and atmospheric environments, includ- ards across the System to meet national ‘‘(I) to establish eligibility for integration ing the Great Lakes; ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observation, into the System; ‘‘(3) to sustain, upgrade, and modernize the applied research, and weather forecasting ‘‘(II) to ensure compliance with all applica- Nation’s ocean and Great Lakes observing needs; ble standards and protocols established by infrastructure to detect changes and ensure ‘‘(D) a product development system to the Council; and delivery of reliable and timely information; transform observations into products in a ‘‘(III) to ensure that regional observations and format that may be readily used and under- are integrated into the System on a sus- ‘‘(4) to authorize activities— stood; and tained basis; ‘‘(A) to promote basic and applied research ‘‘(E) a research and development program ‘‘(vi) identify gaps in observation coverage to develop, test, and deploy innovations and conducted under the guidance of the Council, or needs for capital improvements of both improvements in coastal and ocean observa- consisting of— Federal assets and non-Federal assets; tion technologies, including advanced ob- ‘‘(i) basic and applied research and tech- ‘‘(vii) subject to the availability of appro- serving technologies such as unmanned mar- nology development— priations, establish through 1 or more Fed- itime systems needed to address critical data ‘‘(I) to improve understanding of coastal eral agencies participating in the Inter- gaps, modeling systems, other scientific and and ocean systems and their relationships to agency Ocean Observation Committee, in technological capabilities to improve the un- human activities; and consultation with the System advisory com- derstanding of weather and climate, ocean- ‘‘(II) to ensure improvement of operational mittee established under subsection (d), a atmosphere dynamics, global climate assets and products, including related infra- competitive matching grant or other pro- change, and the physical, chemical, and bio- structure, observing technologies such as un- grams— logical dynamics of the ocean, coastal, and manned maritime systems, and information ‘‘(I) to promote intramural and extramural Great Lakes environments; and and data processing and management tech- research and development of new, innova- ‘‘(B) to conserve healthy and restore de- nologies; tive, and emerging observation technologies graded coastal ecosystems.’’. ‘‘(ii) an advanced observing technology de- including testing and field trials; and ‘‘(II) to facilitate the migration of new, in- SEC. 102. DEFINITIONS. velopment program to fill gaps in tech- novative, and emerging scientific and tech- Section 12303 of the Integrated Coastal and nology; nological advances from research and devel- Ocean Observation System Act of 2009 (33 ‘‘(iii) large scale computing resources and opment to operational deployment; U.S.C. 3602) is amended— research to advance modeling of ocean, ‘‘(viii) periodically— (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘section coastal, and Great Lakes processes; ‘‘(I) review the System Plan; and 7902’’ and inserting ‘‘section 8932’’; ‘‘(iv) models to improve regional weather forecasting capabilities and regional weather ‘‘(II) submit to the Council such rec- (2) in paragraph (5), by striking ‘‘inte- ommendations as the Interagency Ocean Ob- grated into the System and are managed forecasting products; and ‘‘(v) reviews of data collection procedures servation Committee may have for improve- through States, regional organizations, uni- ments to the System Plan; versities, nongovernmental organizations, or across regions and programs to make rec- ommendations for data collection standards ‘‘(ix) ensure collaboration among Federal the private sector’’ and inserting ‘‘managed agencies participating in the Interagency across the System to meet national ocean, through States, regional organizations, uni- Ocean Observation Committee; and coastal, and Great Lakes observation, ap- versities, nongovernmental organizations, or ‘‘(x) perform such additional duties as the plied research, and weather forecasting the private sector and integrated into the Council may delegate. needs.’’. System by a regional coastal observing sys- ‘‘(3) LEAD FEDERAL AGENCY.— (2) AVAILABILITY OF DATA.—Section tem, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The National Oceanic 12304(b)(3) of such Act (33 U.S.C. 3603(b)(3)) is Administration, or the agencies partici- and Atmospheric Administration shall func- amended by inserting ‘‘for research and for pating in the Interagency Ocean Observation tion as the lead Federal agency for the im- use in the development of products to ad- Committee’’; plementation and administration of the Sys- (3) by amending paragraph (6) to read as dress societal needs’’ before the period at the tem. end. follows: ‘‘(B) CONSULTATION REQUIRED.—In carrying ‘‘(6) REGIONAL COASTAL OBSERVING SYS- (b) POLICY OVERSIGHT, ADMINISTRATION, out this paragraph, the Administrator shall TEM.—The term ‘regional coastal observing AND REGIONAL COORDINATION.—Section consult with the Council, the Interagency system’ means an organizational body that 12304(c) of the Integrated Coastal and Ocean Ocean Observation Committee, other Federal is certified or established by contract or Observation System Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. agencies that maintain portions of the Sys- memorandum by the lead Federal agency 3603(c)) is amended by striking paragraphs tem, and the regional coastal observing sys- designated in section 12304(c)(3) and coordi- (2), (3), and (4), and inserting the following: tems. nates State, Federal, local, tribal, and pri- ‘‘(2) INTERAGENCY OCEAN OBSERVATION COM- ‘‘(C) REQUIREMENTS.—In carrying out this vate interests at a regional level with the re- MITTEE.— paragraph, the Administrator shall— sponsibility of engaging the private and pub- ‘‘(A) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Council shall ‘‘(i) establish and operate an Integrated lic sectors in designing, operating, and im- establish or designate a committee, which Ocean Observing System Program Office proving regional coastal observing systems shall be known as the ‘Interagency Ocean within the National Oceanic and Atmos- in order to ensure the provision of data and Observation Committee’. pheric Administration that— information that meet the needs of user ‘‘(B) DUTIES.—The Interagency Ocean Ob- ‘‘(I) utilizes, to the extent necessary, per- groups from the respective regions.’’; and servation Committee shall— sonnel from Federal agencies participating (4) in paragraph (7), by striking ‘‘National ‘‘(i) prepare annual and long-term plans for in the Interagency Ocean Observation Com- Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’’ consideration and approval by the Council mittee; and and inserting ‘‘Administrator’’. for the integrated design, operation, mainte- ‘‘(II) oversees daily operations and coordi- SEC. 103. INTEGRATED COASTAL AND OCEAN OB- nance, enhancement, and expansion of the nation of the System; SERVATION SYSTEM. System to meet the objectives of this sub- ‘‘(ii) implement policies, protocols, and (a) SYSTEM ELEMENTS.— title and the System Plan; standards approved by the Council and dele- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 12304(b) of the In- ‘‘(ii) develop and transmit to Congress, gated by the Interagency Ocean Observation tegrated Coastal and Ocean Observation Sys- along with the budget submitted by the Committee; tem Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3603(b)) is amended President to Congress pursuant to section ‘‘(iii) promulgate program guidelines— by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, an an- ‘‘(I) to certify and integrate regional asso- following: nual coordinated, comprehensive budget— ciations into the System; and ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In order to fulfill the ‘‘(I) to operate all elements of the System ‘‘(II) to provide regional coastal and ocean purposes of this subtitle, the System shall be identified in subsection (b); and observation data that meet the needs of user national in scope and consist of— ‘‘(II) to ensure continuity of data streams groups from the respective regions; ‘‘(A) Federal assets to fulfill national and from Federal and non-Federal assets; ‘‘(iv) have the authority to enter into and international observation missions and pri- ‘‘(iii) establish requirements for observa- oversee contracts, leases, grants, or coopera- orities; tion data variables to be gathered by both tive agreements with non-Federal assets, in- ‘‘(B) non-Federal assets, including a net- Federal and non-Federal assets and identify, cluding regional coastal observing systems, work of regional coastal observing systems in consultation with regional coastal observ- to support the purposes of this subtitle on identified under subsection (c)(4), to fulfill ing systems, priorities for System observa- such terms as the Administrator deems ap- regional and national observation missions tions; propriate; and priorities; ‘‘(iv) establish and define protocols and ‘‘(v) implement and maintain a merit- ‘‘(C) observing, modeling, data manage- standards for System data processing, man- based, competitive funding process to sup- ment, and communication systems for the agement, collection, configuration stand- port non-Federal assets, including the devel- timely integration and dissemination of data ards, formats, and communication for new opment and maintenance of a national net- and information products from the System, and existing assets throughout the System work of regional coastal observing systems, including reviews of data collection proce- network; and develop and implement a process for the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.060 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4641 periodic review and evaluation of the re- ‘‘(I) gaps in observation coverage needs for ‘‘(v) integrated, multi-State monitoring to gional associations; capital improvements of Federal assets and assess sources, movement, and fate of sedi- ‘‘(vi) provide opportunities for competitive non-Federal assets of the System; and ments in coastal regions; contracts and grants for demonstration ‘‘(II) other recommendations to assist in ‘‘(vi) a multi-region marine sound moni- projects to design, develop, integrate, de- the development of the annual and long-term toring system to be— ploy, maintain, and support components of plans prepared pursuant to paragraph ‘‘(I) planned in consultation with the Inter- the System; (2)(B)(i) and transmits such information to agency Ocean Observation Committee, the ‘‘(vii) establish and maintain efficient and the Interagency Ocean Observation Com- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- effective administrative procedures for the mittee through the Program Office estab- tration, the Department of the Navy, and timely allocation of funds among contrac- lished under paragraph (3)(C)(i); academic research institutions; and tors, grantees, and non-Federal assets, in- ‘‘(v) develops and operates under a stra- ‘‘(II) developed, installed, and operated in cluding regional coastal observing systems; tegic plan that will ensure the efficient and coordination with the National Oceanic and ‘‘(viii) develop and implement a process for effective administration of programs and as- Atmospheric Administration, the Depart- the periodic review and evaluation of the re- sets to support daily data observations for ment of the Navy, and academic research in- gional coastal observing systems; integration into the System, pursuant to the stitutions; and ‘‘(ix) formulate an annual process by which standards approved by the Council; ‘‘(E) any other purpose identified by the gaps in observation coverage or needs for ‘‘(vi) works cooperatively with govern- Administrator or the Council.’’; capital improvements of Federal assets and mental and nongovernmental entities at all (D) in paragraph (3)(B), by inserting ‘‘The levels to identify and provide information non-Federal assets of the System are— Administrator may stagger the terms of the products of the System for multiple users ‘‘(I) identified by the regional associations System advisory committee members.’’ be- within the service area of the regional coast- described in the System Plan, the Adminis- fore ‘‘Members’’; and al observing system; and trator, or other members of the System; and (E) in paragraph (4)— ‘‘(vii) complies with all financial oversight ‘‘(II) submitted to the Interagency Ocean (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘and requirements established by the Adminis- Observation Committee; the Interagency Ocean Observing Com- trator, including requirements relating to ‘‘(x) develop and be responsible for a data mittee’’; and audits. management and communication system, in (ii) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘Ob- ‘‘(B) PARTICIPATION.—For the purposes of serving’’ and inserting ‘‘Observation’’. accordance with standards and protocols es- this subtitle, employees of Federal agencies tablished by the Interagency Ocean Observa- (d) CIVIL LIABILITY.—Section 12304(e) of the are permitted to be members of the gov- Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation tion Committee, by which all data collected erning body for the regional coastal observ- by the System regarding ocean and coastal System Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3603(e)) is ing systems and may participate in the func- amended— waters of the United States including the tions of the regional coastal observing sys- Great Lakes, are processed, stored, inte- (1) by striking ‘‘information coordination tems.’’. entity’’ each place it appears and inserting grated, and made available to all end-user (c) SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE.—Section ‘‘coastal observing system’’; and communities; 12304(d) of the Integrated Coastal and Ocean (2) by striking ‘‘contract, lease, grant, or ‘‘(xi) not less frequently than once each Observation System Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. cooperative agreement under subsection year, submit to the Interagency Ocean Ob- 3603(d)) is amended— (c)(3)(D)’’ and inserting ‘‘a memorandum of servation Committee a report on the accom- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘or the agreement of certification under subsection plishments, operational needs, and perform- Interagency Ocean Observing Committee.’’ ance of the System to contribute to the an- and inserting ‘‘or the Council under this sub- (c)(3)(C)(iii)’’. (e) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—The Inte- nual and long-term plans prepared pursuant title’’; and grated Coastal and Ocean Observation Sys- to paragraph (2)(B)(i); (2) in paragraph (2)— tem Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) is ‘‘(xii) develop and periodically update a (A) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ‘‘, amended by striking ‘‘regional information plan to efficiently integrate into the System data sharing,’’ after ‘‘data management’’; new, innovative, or emerging technologies (B) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘and’’ coordination entities’’ each place it appears that have been demonstrated to be useful to at the end; and inserting ‘‘regional coastal observing the System and which will fulfill the pur- (C) by striking subparagraph (D) and in- systems’’. poses of this subtitle and the System Plan; serting the following: SEC. 104. FINANCING AND AGREEMENTS. and ‘‘(D) additional priorities, including— Section 12305(a) of the Integrated Coastal ‘‘(xiii) work with users and regional asso- ‘‘(i) a national surface current mapping and Ocean Observation System Act of 2009 ciations to develop products to enable real- network designed to improve fine scale sea (33 U.S.C. 3604(a)) is amended to read as fol- time data sharing for decision makers, in- surface mapping using high frequency radar lows: cluding with respect to weather forecasting technology and other emerging technologies ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Com- and modeling, search and rescue operations, to address national priorities, including merce may execute an agreement, on a reim- corrosive seawater forecasts, water quality Coast Guard search and rescue operation bursable or nonreimbursable basis, with any monitoring and communication, and harmful planning and harmful algal bloom fore- State or subdivision thereof, any Federal algal bloom forecasting. casting and detection that— agency, any public or private organization, ‘‘(4) REGIONAL COASTAL OBSERVING SYS- ‘‘(I) is comprised of existing high frequency or any individual to carry out activities TEMS.— radar and other sea surface current mapping under this subtitle.’’. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A regional coastal ob- infrastructure operated by national pro- SEC. 105. REPORTS TO CONGRESS. serving system described in the System Plan grams and regional coastal observing sys- Section 12307 of the Integrated Coastal and as a regional association may not be cer- tems; Ocean Observation System Act of 2009 (33 tified or established under this subtitle un- ‘‘(II) incorporates new high frequency U.S.C. 3606) is amended to read as follows: less it— radar assets or other fine scale sea surface ‘‘SEC. 12307. REPORT TO CONGRESS. ‘‘(i) has been or shall be certified or estab- mapping technology assets, and other assets ‘‘(a) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than March lished by contract or agreement by the Ad- needed to fill gaps in coverage on United 30, 2022, and every 5 years thereafter, the Ad- ministrator; States coastlines; and ministrator shall prepare, and the President ‘‘(ii) meets— ‘‘(III) follows a deployment plan that acting through the Council shall approve and ‘‘(I) the certification standards and compli- prioritizes closing gaps in high frequency transmit to Congress, a report on progress ance procedure guidelines issued by the Ad- radar infrastructure in the United States, made in implementing this subtitle. ministrator; and starting with areas demonstrating signifi- ‘‘(b) CONTENTS.—Each report required ‘‘(II) the information needs of user groups cant sea surface current data needs, espe- under subsection (a) shall include— in the region while adhering to national cially in areas where additional data will im- ‘‘(1) a description of activities carried out standards; prove Coast Guard search and rescue models; under this subtitle and the System Plan; ‘‘(iii) demonstrates an organizational ‘‘(ii) fleet acquisition for unmanned mari- ‘‘(2) an evaluation of the effectiveness of structure, that under funding limitations is time systems for deployment and data inte- the System, including an evaluation of capable of— gration to fulfill the purposes of this sub- progress made by the Council to achieve the ‘‘(I) gathering required System observation title; goals identified under the System Plan; data; ‘‘(iii) an integrative survey program for ap- ‘‘(3) the identification of Federal and non- ‘‘(II) supporting and integrating all aspects plication of unmanned maritime systems to Federal assets as determined by the Council of coastal and ocean observing and informa- the real-time or near real-time collection that have been integrated into the System, tion programs within a region; and and transmission of sea floor, water column, including assets essential to the gathering of ‘‘(III) reflecting the needs of State, local, and sea surface data on biology, chemistry, required observation data variables nec- and tribal governments, commercial inter- geology, physics, and hydrography; essary to meet the respective missions of ests, and other users and beneficiaries of the ‘‘(iv) remote sensing and data assimilation Council agencies; System and other requirements specified to develop new analytical methodologies to ‘‘(4) a review of procurements, planned or under this subtitle and the System Plan; assimilate data from the System into hydro- initiated, by each department or agency rep- ‘‘(iv) identifies— dynamic models; resented on the Council to enhance, expand,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.060 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4642 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 or modernize the observation capabilities of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3703(c)) is amended by add- gion of the National Oceanic and Atmos- and data products provided by the System, ing at the end the following: pheric Administration not less frequently including data management and communica- ‘‘(4) ECONOMIC VULNERABILITY REPORT.— than once during each 6-year reporting pe- tion subsystems; ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 2 years riod. ‘‘(5) a summary of the existing gaps in ob- after the date of the enactment of the Co- ‘‘(C) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS servation infrastructure and monitoring ordinated Ocean Observations and Research DEFINED.—In this paragraph and in para- data collection, including— Act of 2020, and every 6 years thereafter, the graph (5), the term ‘appropriate committees ‘‘(A) priorities considered by the System Subcommittee shall transmit to the appro- of Congress’ means the Committee on Com- advisory committee; priate committees of Congress a report merce, Science, and Transportation of the ‘‘(B) the national sea surface current map- that— Senate, the Committee on Science, Space, ping network; ‘‘(i) is named the ‘Ocean Chemistry Coastal and Technology of the House of Representa- ‘‘(C) coastal buoys; Community Vulnerability Assessment’; tives, and the Committee on Natural Re- ‘‘(D) ocean chemistry monitoring; ‘‘(ii) identifies gaps in ocean acidification sources of the House of Representatives. ‘‘(E) marine sound monitoring; and monitoring by public, academic, and private ‘‘(5) MONITORING PRIORITIZATION PLAN.—Not ‘‘(F) unmanned maritime systems tech- assets in the network of regional coastal ob- later than 180 days after the date of the sub- nology gaps; serving systems; mission of the initial report under paragraph ‘‘(6) an assessment regarding activities to ‘‘(iii) identifies geographic areas which (4)(A), the Subcommittee shall transmit to integrate Federal and non-Federal assets, have gaps in ocean acidification research; the appropriate committees of Congress a re- nationally and on the regional level, and dis- ‘‘(iv) identifies United States coastal com- port that develops a plan to deploy new sen- cussion of the performance and effectiveness munities, including island communities, sors or other applicable observing tech- of regional coastal observing systems to co- fishing communities, low-population rural nologies such as unmanned maritime sys- ordinate regional observation operations; communities, tribal and subsistence commu- tems— ‘‘(7) a description of benefits of the pro- nities, and island communities, that may be ‘‘(A) based on such initial report; gram to users of data products resulting impacted by ocean acidification; ‘‘(B) prioritized by— from the System (including the general pub- ‘‘(v) identifies impacts of changing ocean ‘‘(i) the threat to coastal economies and lic, industries, scientists, resource managers, carbonate chemistry on the communities de- ecosystems; emergency responders, policy makers, and scribed in clause (iv), including impacts from ‘‘(ii) gaps in data; and educators); changes in ocean and coastal marine re- ‘‘(iii) research needs; and ‘‘(8) recommendations, if any, concerning— sources that are not managed by the Federal ‘‘(C) that leverage existing platforms, ‘‘(A) modifications to the System; and Government; where possible.’’. ‘‘(vi) identifies gaps in understanding of ‘‘(B) funding levels for the System in sub- SEC. 110. STRATEGIC RESEARCH PLAN. the impacts of ocean acidification on eco- sequent fiscal years; and (a) CONTENTS.—Section 12405(b) of the Fed- ‘‘(9) the results of a periodic external inde- nomically or commercially important spe- eral Ocean Acidification Research And Moni- pendent programmatic audit of the Sys- cies, particularly those which support United toring Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3704(b)) is tem.’’. States commercial, recreational, and tribal amended— fisheries and aquaculture; (1) in paragraph (8), by striking ‘‘and’’ at SEC. 106. PUBLIC-PRIVATE USE POLICY. ‘‘(vii) identifies habitats that may be par- Section 12308 of the Integrated Coastal and the end; ticularly vulnerable to corrosive sea water, Ocean Observation System Act of 2009 (33 (2) in paragraph (9), by striking the period including areas experiencing multiple U.S.C. 3607) is amended to read as follows: at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and stressors such as hypoxia, sedimentation, (3) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘SEC. 12308. PUBLIC-PRIVATE USE POLICY. and harmful algal blooms; ‘‘(10) make recommendations for research ‘‘The Council shall maintain a policy that ‘‘(viii) identifies areas in which existing defines processes for making decisions about to be conducted, including in the social National Integrated Coastal and Ocean Ob- the roles of the Federal Government, the sciences and economics, to address the key servation System assets, including un- States, regional coastal observing systems, knowledge gaps identified in the Ocean manned maritime systems, may be leveraged the academic community, and the private Chemistry Coastal Community Vulnerability as platforms for the deployment of new sen- sector in providing to end-user communities Assessment conducted under section sors or other applicable observing tech- environmental information, products, tech- nologies; 12404(c)(4).’’. nologies, and services related to the System. (b) PROGRAM ELEMENTS.—Section 12405(c) ‘‘(ix) is written in collaboration with Fed- The Administrator shall ensure that the Na- of the Federal Ocean Acidification Research eral agencies responsible for carrying out tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- And Monitoring Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3704(c)) tion adheres to the decision making process this subtitle, including representatives of — is amended by adding at the end the fol- developed by the Council regarding the roles ‘‘(I) the National Marine Fisheries Service lowing: of the Federal Government, the States, the and the Office for Coastal Management of ‘‘(6) Research to understand the combined the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- regional coastal observing systems, the aca- impact of changes in ocean chemistry and ministration; demic community, and the private sector in other stressors, including sediment delivery, ‘‘(II) regional coastal observing systems es- providing end-user communities environ- hypoxia, and harmful algal blooms, on each tablished under section 12304(c)(4); mental information, data products, tech- other and on living marine resources, includ- ‘‘(III) regional ocean acidification net- nologies, and services related to the Sys- ing aquaculture and coastal ecosystems. works; and tem.’’. ‘‘(7) Applied research to identify adapta- ‘‘(IV) sea grant programs (as defined in sec- SEC. 107. REPEAL OF INDEPENDENT COST ESTI- tion strategies for species impacted by tion 203 of the National Sea Grant College MATE. changes in ocean chemistry including vege- Program Act (33 U.S.C. 1122)); and (a) IN GENERAL.—The Integrated Coastal tation-based systems, shell recycling, species ‘‘(x) is written in consultation with ex- and Ocean Observation System Act of 2009 and genetic diversity, applied technologies, perts, including subsistence users, academia, (33 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) is amended by striking aquaculture methodologies, and manage- and stakeholders familiar with the eco- section 12309 (33 U.S.C. 3608). ment recommendations.’’. nomic, social, ecological, geographic, and re- (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENT.—The (c) PARTICIPATION.—Section 12405(e) of the table of contents in section 1(b) of the Omni- source concerns of coastal communities in Federal Ocean Acidification Research And bus Public Land Management Act of 2009 the United States. Monitoring Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3704(e)) is (Public Law 111–11; 123 Stat. 991) is amended ‘‘(B) FORM OF REPORT.— amended in the first sentence by inserting ‘‘, by striking the item related to section 12309. ‘‘(i) INITIAL REPORT.—The initial report re- tribal governments, and subsistence users’’ SEC. 108. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. quired under subparagraph (A) shall include after ‘‘groups’’. Section 12311 of the Integrated Coastal and the information described in clauses (i) (d) REVISED STRATEGIC RESEARCH PLAN.— Ocean Observation System Act of 2009 (33 through (viii) of that subparagraph on a na- Not later than one year after the date of the U.S.C. 3610) is amended to read as follows: tional level. enactment of this Act, the Joint Sub- ‘‘SEC. 12311. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIA- ‘‘(ii) SUBSEQUENT REPORTS.—Each report committee on Ocean Science and Technology TIONS. required under subparagraph (A) after the of the National Science and Technology ‘‘There are authorized to be appropriated initial report— Council shall submit to Congress a revised to the Secretary of Commerce to support the ‘‘(I) may describe the information de- strategic research plan under section 12405 of integrated oceans observations under this scribed in clauses (i) through (viii) of that the Federal Ocean Acidification Research subtitle— subparagraph on a national level; or And Monitoring Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3704) ‘‘(1) $48,000,000 for fiscal year 2021; ‘‘(II) may consist of separate reports for that includes the matters required by the ‘‘(2) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2022; each region of the National Oceanic and At- amendments made by this section. ‘‘(3) $52,000,000 for fiscal year 2023; mospheric Administration. SEC. 111. STAKEHOLDER INPUT ON MONITORING. ‘‘(4) $54,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; and ‘‘(iii) REGIONAL REPORTS.—If the Sub- Section 12406(a) of the Federal Ocean ‘‘(5) $56,000,000 for fiscal year 2025.’’. committee opts to prepare a report required Acidification Research And Monitoring Act SEC. 109. REPORTS AND RESEARCH PLANS. under subparagraph (A) as separate regional of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3705(a)) is amended— Section 12404(c) of the Federal Ocean reports under clause (ii)(II), the Sub- (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘and’’ at Acidification Research And Monitoring Act committee shall submit a report for each re- the end;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.060 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4643 (2) in paragraph (3), by striking the period subsection (c), the Administrator may de- (B) in paragraph (2)(B), by inserting after at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and ploy sensors to enhance the collection of ‘‘Elevation Certificate’’ the following: ‘‘, or (3) by adding at the end the following: covered data in the areas in coastal States other data or information used to determine ‘‘(4) includes an ongoing mechanism that that the Administrator determines are at a property’s current risk of flood, as deter- allows industry members, coastal stake- the highest risk of experiencing geophysical mined by the Administrator,’’; holders, fishery management councils and events that would cause indeterminate (3) in subsection (c)(3)(A)(i), by striking commissions, non-Federal resource man- losses. ‘‘the issuance of the rule establishing the agers, community acidification networks, in- ‘‘(ii) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—If the Admin- COASTAL Formula’’ and inserting ‘‘publica- digenous knowledge groups, and scientific istrator takes action under clause (i), that tion of the COASTAL Formula in the Fed- experts to provide input on monitoring needs action may not be construed as indicating eral Register as required by subsection that are necessary to support on the ground that a post-storm assessment will be devel- (b)(1)’’; management, decision making, and adapta- oped for any coastal State in which that ac- (4) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘section tion related to ocean acidification and its tion is taken. 12312(b)(2)(C)’’ and inserting ‘‘section impacts.’’. ‘‘(C) IDENTIFICATION OF INDETERMINATE 12312(b)(2)(E)’’; SEC. 112. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES. LOSSES IN COASTAL STATES.—Not later than 30 (5) in subsection (h)— Section 12407(a) of the Federal Ocean days after the first date on which sustained (A) by inserting ‘‘that issues a standard Acidification Research And Monitoring Act winds of not less than 39 miles per hour are flood insurance policy under the national of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3706(a)) is amended to read measured in a coastal State during a named flood insurance program’’ after ‘‘company’’; as follows: storm identified under subparagraph (A), the and ‘‘(a) RESEARCH ACTIVITIES.—The Director Secretary of Homeland Security shall notify (B) by striking ‘‘or the COASTAL For- of the National Science Foundation shall the Administrator with respect to the exist- mula’’ and inserting ‘‘, the COASTAL For- continue to carry out research activities on ence of any indeterminate losses in that mula, or any other loss allocation or post- ocean acidification which shall support com- coastal State resulting from that named storm assessment arising under the laws or petitive, merit-based, peer-reviewed pro- storm.’’; ordinances of any State’’; posals for research, observation, and moni- (iii) in subparagraph (D), as so redesig- (6) in subsection (i), by striking ‘‘after the toring of ocean acidification and its impacts, nated— date on which the Administrator issues the including— (I) by striking ‘‘identification of a named rule establishing the COASTAL Formula ‘‘(1) impacts on marine organisms, includ- storm under subparagraph (A)’’ and inserting under subsection (b)’’ and inserting ‘‘60 days ing species cultured for aquaculture, and ma- ‘‘confirmation of indeterminate losses iden- after publication of the COASTAL Formula rine ecosystems; tified under subparagraph (C) with respect to in the Federal Register as required by sub- ‘‘(2) impacts on ocean, coastal, and estua- a named storm’’; and section (b)(1)’’; and rine biogeochemistry; (II) by striking ‘‘assessment for such (7) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(k) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in ‘‘(3) the development of methodologies and named storm’’ and inserting ‘‘assessment for this section shall be construed to create a technologies to evaluate ocean acidification each coastal State that suffered such inde- cause of action under this Act.’’. and its impacts; and terminate losses as a result of the named ‘‘(4) impacts of multiple stressors on eco- storm’’; TITLE III—WATER PREDICTION AND systems exhibiting hypoxia, harmful algal (iv) in subparagraph (E), as so redesig- FORECASTING nated— blooms, or sediment delivery, combined with SEC. 301. WATER PREDICTION AND FORE- (I) by striking ‘‘an identification of a changes in ocean chemistry.’’. CASTING. named storm is made under subparagraph (a) NATIONAL WATER CENTER.— TITLE II—NAMED STORM EVENT MODEL (A)’’ and inserting ‘‘any indeterminate losses (1) ESTABLISHMENT.— AND POST-STORM ASSESSMENTS are identified under subparagraph (C)’’; and (A) IN GENERAL.—The Under Secretary of SEC. 201. NAMED STORM EVENT MODEL AND (II) by striking ‘‘for such storm under sub- Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere shall POST-STORM ASSESSMENTS. paragraph (B)’’ and inserting ‘‘under sub- establish a center— (a) AMENDMENTS TO THE OMNIBUS PUBLIC paragraph (D) for any coastal State that suf- (i) to serve as the research and operational LAND MANAGEMENT ACT OF 2009.—Section fered such indeterminate losses’’; and center of excellence for hydrologic analyses, 12312 of the Omnibus Public Land Manage- (v) by adding at the end the following: forecasting, and related decision support ment Act of 2009 (33 U.S.C. 3611) is amended— ‘‘(F) SEPARATE POST-STORM ASSESSMENTS services within the National Oceanic and At- (1) in subsection (a)— FOR A SINGLE NAMED STORM.— mospheric Administration and the National (A) in paragraph (2), by striking the period ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator may Weather Service; and at the end and inserting the following: ‘‘, ex- conduct a separate post-storm assessment (ii) to facilitate collaboration across Fed- cept that the term shall not apply with re- for each coastal State in which indetermi- eral and State departments and agencies, spect to a State or territory that has an nate losses are identified under subparagraph academia, and the private sector on matters operational wind and flood loss allocation (C). relating to water resources. system.’’; ‘‘(ii) TIMELINE.—If the Administrator con- (B) DESIGNATION.—The center established (B) in paragraph (6), by inserting ‘‘sus- ducts a separate post-storm assessment under subparagraph (A) shall be known as tained’’ before ‘‘winds’’; and under clause (i), the Administrator shall the ‘‘National Water Center’’. (C) in paragraph (7), by striking ‘‘that complete the assessment based on the dates (2) FUNCTIONS.—The functions of the Na- threaten any portion of a coastal State’’ and of actions that the Administrator takes tional Water Center shall include the fol- inserting ‘‘for which post-storm assessments under subparagraph (D).’’; and lowing: are conducted’’; (3) in subsection (c)— (A) Improving understanding of water re- (2) in subsection (b)— (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘540 days sources, stakeholder needs regarding water (A) in paragraph (1)— after the date of the enactment of the Con- resources, and identifying science and serv- (i) in subparagraph (A)— sumer Option for an Alternative System to ices gaps relating to water resources. (I) by striking ‘‘540 days after the date of Allocate Losses Act of 2012’’ and inserting (B) Developing and implementing advanced the enactment of the Consumer Option for ‘‘December 31, 2020’’; water resources modeling capabilities. an Alternative System to Allocate Losses (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting ‘‘, in the (C) Facilitating the transition of hydro- Act of 2012’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, discretion of the Administrator,’’ after ‘‘of logic research into operations. 2020’’; and sensors as may’’; and (D) Delivering analyses, forecasts, and in- (II) by striking ‘‘by regulation’’; (C) in paragraph (4)(B), by inserting ‘‘and undation information and guidance for all (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking expend’’ after ‘‘receive’’. hydrologic events in the United States, in- ‘‘every’’ and inserting ‘‘an’’; and (b) AMENDMENTS TO THE NATIONAL FLOOD cluding flash flooding, riverine flooding, and (iii) by adding at the end the following: INSURANCE ACT OF 1968.—Section 1337 of the water resources outlooks. ‘‘(C) PUBLIC REVIEW.—The Administrator National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 (E) In coordination with warning coordina- shall seek input and suggestions from the U.S.C. 4057) is amended— tion meteorologists, providing decision-sup- public before the Named Storm Event Model, (1) in subsection (a)— port services to inform emergency manage- or any modification to the Named Storm (A) in paragraph (3), by striking the period ment and water resources decisions. Event Model, takes effect.’’; and at the end and inserting the following: ‘‘, ex- (b) NATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS.— (B) in paragraph (2)— cept that the term shall not apply with re- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than one year (i) by redesignating subparagraphs (B) and spect to a State or territory that has an after the date of the enactment of this Act, (C) as subparagraphs (D) and (E), respec- operational wind and flood loss allocation the Under Secretary, acting through the Di- tively; system.’’; and rector of the National Weather Service, shall (ii) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the (B) in paragraph (5), by inserting ‘‘sus- make public an operations and services pol- following: tained’’ after ‘‘maximum’’; icy directive for the National Water Center. ‘‘(B) DATA COLLECTION.— (2) in subsection (b)— (2) CONTENTS.—The directive required by ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Upon identification of a (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘establish paragraph (1) shall include national instruc- named storm under subparagraph (A), and by rule’’ and inserting ‘‘publish for comment tions to perform the functions of the Na- pursuant to the protocol established under in the Federal Register’’; and tional Water Center, including the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.060 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 (A) Operational staff responsibilities. (A) the transport of individuals described NATIONAL LANDSLIDE (B) Guidelines for content, format, and in paragraph (1)(A); PREPAREDNESS ACT provision of hydrologic and inundation prod- (B) the satisfaction of such individuals ucts developed by the National Water Cen- with services described in section 111A(a) of Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask ter. title 38, United States Code; and unanimous consent that the Senate (C) Procedures for cooperation and coordi- (C) the program described in paragraph proceed to the immediate consider- nation between the National Water Center, (1)(B). ation of Calendar No. 315, S. 529. the National Weather Service National Cen- (3) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ters for Environmental Prediction, National (A) TELEHEALTH.— clerk will report the bill by title. Weather Service River Forecast Centers, and (i) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘telehealth’’ The legislative clerk read as follows: National Weather Service Weather Forecast means the use of electronic information and A bill (S. 529) to establish a national pro- Offices. telecommunications technologies to support gram to identify and reduce losses from land- (c) TOTAL WATER PREDICTION.—The Under and promote long-distance clinical health slide hazards, to establish a national 3D Ele- Secretary, acting through the Director of care, patient and professional health-related vation Program, and for other purposes. the Office of Water Prediction of the Na- education, public health, and health admin- tional Weather Service, shall— istration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there (1) initiate and lead research and develop- (ii) TECHNOLOGIES.—For purposes of clause objection to proceeding to the meas- ment activities to develop operational water (i), telecommunications technologies include ure? resource prediction and related decision sup- videoconferencing, the internet, streaming There being no objection, the Senate port products; media, and terrestrial and wireless commu- proceeded to consider the bill, which (2) collaborate with, and provide decision nications. had been reported from the Committee support regarding total water prediction to— (B) VA VIDEO CONNECT.—The term ‘‘VA (A) the relevant Federal agencies rep- Video Connect’’ means the program of the on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- resented on the National Science and Tech- Department of Veterans Affairs to connect tation, with an amendment to strike nology Council, Committee on Environment, veterans with their health care team from all after the enacting clause and insert Natural Resources, and Sustainability and anywhere, using encryption to ensure a se- in lieu thereof the following: the Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction; cure and private session. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (B) State water resource agencies; and (c) TECHNICAL CORRECTION.—Section This Act may be cited as the ‘‘National Land- (C) State and local emergency manage- 111A(b) of title 38, United States Code, is slide Preparedness Act’’. ment agencies; and amended by striking ‘‘veterans’ service orga- SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. (3) in carrying out the responsibilities de- nizations’’ and inserting ‘‘veterans service In this Act: scribed in paragraphs (1) and (2), collabo- organizations’’. (1) 3D.—The term ‘‘3D’’ means 3-dimensional. ratively develop capabilities necessary for (2) 3D ELEVATION DATA.— total water predictive capacity, including f (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘3D elevation observations, modeling, data management, data’’ means 3D, high-resolution data obtained supercomputing, social science, and commu- using LiDAR, IfSAR, or other methods over the nications. AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO United States (including territories). (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— MEET (B) INCLUSIONS.—The term ‘‘3D elevation There are authorized to be appropriated to data’’ includes terrestrial and bathymetric ele- carry out the activities under this section Mr. XXX. Mr. President, I have 5 re- vation data. amounts as follows: quests for committees to meet during (3) 3D ELEVATION PROGRAM.—The term ‘‘3D (1) $44,500,000 for fiscal year 2021. today’s session of the Senate. They Elevation Program’’ means the 3D Elevation (2) $45,000,000 for fiscal year 2022. have the approval of the Majority and Program established under section 5(a). (3) $45,500,000 for fiscal year 2023. Minority leaders. (4) IFSAR.—The term ‘‘IfSAR’’ means (4) $46,000,000 for fiscal year 2024. Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph interferometric synthetic aperture radar. (e) DERIVATION OF FUNDS.—Amounts made (5) INDIAN TRIBE.—The term ‘‘Indian tribe’’ available to carry out this section shall be 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- has the meaning given the term in section 4 of derived from amounts appropriated or other- ate, the following committees are au- the Indian Self-Determination and Education wise made available to the National Weather thorized to meet during today’s session Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304). Service and the National Ocean Service. of the Senate: (6) LAHAR.—The term ‘‘lahar’’ means a large debris flow of mostly volcanic material that is— COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN SA 2502. Mr. SULLIVAN proposed an (A) often fast-moving; and AFFAIRS amendment to the bill S. 850, to extend (B) a hazard in watersheds downstream of the authorization of appropriations to The Committee on Banking, Housing, volcanic peaks. the Department of Veterans Affairs for and Urban Affairs is authorized to (7) LIDAR.—The term ‘‘LiDAR’’ means light purposes of awarding grants to vet- meet during the session of the Senate detection and ranging. erans service organizations for the on Thursday, July 30, 2020, at 2 p.m., to (8) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means conduct a hearing on nominations. the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the transportation of highly rural vet- Director of the United States Geological Survey. erans; as follows: COMMITTEE ON FINANCE (9) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ means— Strike section 3 and insert the following: The Committee on Finance is author- (A) a State; and SEC. 3. MAKING PERMANENT AUTHORITY FOR ized to meet during the session of the (B) the District of Columbia. SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (10) STATE OFFICE.—The term ‘‘State office’’ TO TRANSPORT INDIVIDUALS TO Senate on Thursday, July 30, 2020, at means any unit of State government that han- AND FROM FACILITIES OF DEPART- 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. dles the identification, mapping, assessment, MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS and research of landslide hazards or responding (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 111A(a) of title 38, The Committee on Foreign Relations to landslide events, including— United States Code, is amended— (A) a State geological survey office; (1) by striking paragraph (2); and is authorized to meet during the ses- (B) a State department of emergency response; (2) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘(1)’’. sion of the Senate on Thursday, July and (b) REPORT REQUIRED.— 30, 2020, at 8:30 a.m., to conduct a hear- (C) a State department of transportation. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than five years ing. (11) TERRITORY.—The term ‘‘territory’’ after the date of the enactment of this Act, means— COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- (A) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; mit to Congress a report on cost savings, The Committee on the Judiciary is (B) Guam; performance, and satisfaction of individuals, authorized to meet during the session (C) American Samoa; with respect to— of the Senate on Thursday, July 30, (D) the Commonwealth of the Northern Mar- (A) the transport by the Secretary of indi- 2020, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing on iana Islands; viduals under subsection (a) of section 111A (E) the Federated States of Micronesia; of title 38, United States Code; and nominations. (F) the Republic of the Marshall Islands; (B) the program the establishment of SUBCOMMITTEE ON SECURITY (G) the Republic of Palau; and which was facilitated under subsection (b) of The Subcommittee on Security of the (H) the United States Virgin Islands. such section. Committee on Commerce, Science, and SEC. 3. NATIONAL LANDSLIDE HAZARDS REDUC- (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required by TION PROGRAM. paragraph (1) shall include an assessment of Transportation is authorized to meet (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall es- the effect of emerging health care modali- during the session of the Senate on tablish a program, to be known as the ‘‘National ties, including telehealth and VA Video Con- Thursday, July 30, 2020, at 10 a.m., to Landslide Hazards Reduction Program’’ (re- nect, on— conduct a hearing. ferred to in this section as the ‘‘program’’)—

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(1) to identify and understand landslide haz- (iii) reducing losses from landslides; and (2) MEMBERSHIP.—The Advisory Committee ards and risks; (iv) resources available for communities work- shall be composed of not fewer than 11 mem- (2) to reduce losses from landslides; ing to improve landslide hazard preparedness; bers— (3) to protect communities at risk of landslide and (A) of whom none may be an individual de- hazards; and (B) landslide preparedness curricula and scribed in any of subparagraphs (A) through (F) (4) to help improve communication and emer- training modules for— of section 7342(a)(1) of title 5, United States gency preparedness, including by coordinating (i) State, territorial, local, and Tribal officials; Code; and with communities and entities responsible for in- (ii) Federal, State, territorial, local, and Trib- (B) who shall be representatives of— frastructure that are at risk of landslide haz- al emergency managers; and (i) States, including State geological organiza- ards. (iii) the National Guard. tions; (b) DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM.— (5) DEBRIS FLOW EARLY WARNING SYSTEM.—In (ii) territories, including territorial geological (1) PROGRAM ACTIVITIES.—The Secretary, in carrying out the program, the Secretary, in co- organizations; coordination with the Interagency Coordinating ordination with the Secretary of Commerce and (iii) Indian tribes, including Tribal geological Committee on Landslide Hazards established by the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall ex- organizations; subsection (c)(1) (referred to in this section as pand the early warning system for debris flow (iv) research institutions and institutions of the ‘‘Committee’’) and in coordination with ex- by— higher education that are qualified— isting activities of the United States Geological (A) expanding the early warning system for (I) to provide advice regarding landslide haz- Survey and other Federal agencies, shall— post-wildfire debris flow to include recently ard and risk reduction; and (A) identify, map, assess, and research land- burned areas across the western United States; (II) to represent related scientific, architec- slide hazards; (B) developing procedures with State, terri- tural, engineering, and planning disciplines; (B) respond to landslide events; and torial, local, and Tribal governments to monitor (v) industry standards development organiza- (C) in coordination with State offices, units of stormwater drainage in areas with high debris tions; and local government, territories, and Indian flow risk; and (vi) State, territorial, local, and Tribal emer- tribes— (C) identifying high-risk debris flow areas, gency management agencies. (i) establish working groups with State offices, such as recently burned land and potential (3) RECOMMENDATIONS.— units of local government, territories, and In- lahar hazard areas. (A) IN GENERAL.—The Advisory Committee shall submit to the Committee recommendations dian tribes to identify regional and local prior- (6) EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACTIVITIES.—In car- ities for researching, identifying, mapping, and rying out the program, the Secretary, in coordi- for the implementation of the program, includ- assessing landslide hazards; and nation with the Secretary of Commerce, the Sec- ing recommendations regarding— (i) landslide hazard and risk reduction and (ii) develop and implement landslide hazard retary of Homeland Security, the heads of other planning; guidelines for— relevant Federal agencies, States offices, units (I) geologists; (ii) tools for communities; of local government, territories, and Indian (II) geological and geotechnical engineers; (iii) research; and (III) emergency management personnel; and tribes, shall establish and support emergency re- (iv) such other topics as the Advisory Com- (IV) land use and other decisionmakers. sponse procedures for the rapid deployment of mittee determines appropriate. (2) NATIONAL STRATEGY.—Not later than 1 Federal scientists, equipment, and services to (B) CONSIDERATION.—The Secretary and the year after the date of enactment of this Act, and areas impacted by a significant landslide agency heads described in subparagraphs (B) every 5 years thereafter, the Secretary, in co- event— through (I) of subsection (c)(2) shall take into ordination with the Committee, shall develop (A) to support emergency response efforts and consideration any recommendation of the Advi- and publish a national strategy for landslide improve the safety of emergency responders; sory Committee submitted under subparagraph hazards, risk reduction, and response in the (B) to improve data collection; and (A). (C) to conduct research to advance the under- United States (including territories), which shall (e) GRANT PROGRAMS.— include— standing of the causes, impacts, and reduction (1) COOPERATIVE LANDSLIDE HAZARD MAPPING (A) goals and priorities for the program; of landslide hazards and risks. AND ASSESSMENT PROGRAM.— (B) priorities for data acquisition, research, (c) INTERAGENCY COORDINATING COMMITTEE (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to appropriations, communications, and risk management on land- ON LANDSLIDE HAZARDS.— the Secretary may— slides and landslide hazards across relevant (1) IN GENERAL.—There is established a com- (i) provide grants, on a competitive basis, to Federal agencies; and mittee, to be known as the ‘‘Interagency Coordi- State, territorial, local, and Tribal governments (C) a detailed interagency plan, which shall nating Committee on Landslide Hazards’’. to research, map, assess, and collect data on take into consideration national disaster pre- (2) MEMBERSHIP.—The Committee shall be landslide hazards within the jurisdictions of paredness, response, and recovery frameworks, composed of the following members (or their des- those governments; and to carry out the national strategy, including de- ignees): (ii) accept and use funds received from other tails about the programs, projects, and budgets (A) The Secretary, who shall serve as Chair- Federal and non-Federal partners to advance that will be used to implement the national person of the Committee. the purposes of the program. strategy. (B) The Secretary of Agriculture. (B) PRIORITY.— (3) NATIONAL LANDSLIDE HAZARDS DATA- (C) The Secretary of the Army. (i) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall consult BASE.—In carrying out the program, the Sec- (D) The Secretary of Commerce. annually with the Committee, States, units of retary, in coordination with State offices, units (E) The Secretary of Homeland Security. local government, territories, and Indian tribes of local government, territories, and Indian (F) The Secretary of Transportation. to establish priorities for the grant program tribes, shall develop and maintain a publicly ac- (G) The Director of the National Science under this paragraph. cessible national landslide hazard and risk in- Foundation. (ii) FUNDING PRIORITIZATION.—In providing ventory database to compile, maintain, stand- (H) The Director of the Office of Science and grants under this paragraph, the Secretary shall ardize, and evaluate data regarding— Technology Policy. give priority to projects— (A) landslide hazards and risks; (I) The Director of the Office of Management (I) that will achieve the greatest landslide (B) the impact of landslides on— and Budget. hazard and risk reduction; (i) health and safety; (3) MEETINGS.—The Committee shall meet at (II) that reflect the goals and priorities of the (ii) the economy and infrastructure; and the call of the Chairperson. national strategy established under subsection (iii) the environment; (4) PURPOSE AND DUTIES.—The Committee (b)(2)(A); (C) landslide hazard stabilization; and shall— (III) not less than 50 percent of the total cost (D) reduction of losses from landslides. (A) advise and oversee the program; of which is matched by non-Federal sources; (4) LANDSLIDE HAZARD AND RISK PREPARED- (B) facilitate communication and coordination and NESS FOR COMMUNITIES.—In carrying out the across Federal agencies in the planning, man- (IV) that include acquisition of enhanced ele- program, the Secretary, in coordination with the agement, budgeting, and execution of landslide vation data consistent with the 3D Elevation Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of Com- activities; and Program. merce, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the (C) support the development and execution of (C) REQUIREMENT.—If the Secretary elects to Secretary of Transportation, and the heads of the national strategy under subsection (b)(2), provide grants under subparagraph (A)(i), the other relevant Federal agencies, and in con- including by— Secretary shall publish on a publicly available sultation with State offices, units of local gov- (i) supporting the development of national website a description of— ernment, territories, and Indian tribes, shall de- goals and priorities for the national strategy; (i) the grants; and velop and disseminate— (ii) articulating Federal agency roles, respon- (ii) the findings made from those grants. (A) landslide planning and risk reduction sibilities, and resources for carrying out the na- (2) NATIONAL LANDSLIDE RESEARCH GRANTS.— guidance, guidelines, maps, tools, and training tional strategy; and (A) IN GENERAL.—To advance the goals and materials to help inform State, territorial, local, (iii) overseeing the implementation of the na- priorities of the national strategy established and Tribal governments and decisionmakers tional strategy. under subsection (b)(2)(A), subject to appropria- with respect to— (d) ADVISORY COMMITTEE.— tions, the Director of the National Science (i) the use and implementation of landslide (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall establish Foundation (referred to in this paragraph as the hazard assessments; an advisory committee, to be known as the ‘‘Ad- ‘‘Director’’) may provide grants to eligible enti- (ii) the applied use of the database developed visory Committee on Landslides’’ (referred to in ties for landslide research, including research under paragraph (3); this subsection as the ‘‘Advisory Committee’’). on—

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(ii) ways to reduce landslide hazards and risks (B) to coordinate and facilitate the collection, (G) The Director of the Office of Management to minimize loss of life and property, including dissemination, and use of 3D elevation data and Budget. landslide hazard and risk communication, per- among Federal departments and agencies and (H) The head of any other Federal department ception, decisionmaking, tools, and tech- non-Federal entities; or agency, at the request of the Secretary. nologies; and (C) to produce standard, publicly accessible (3) COORDINATION.—The Committee shall co- (iii) other goals and priorities of the national 3D elevation data products for the United ordinate, as appropriate, with the existing ac- strategy established under subsection (b)(2)(A). States; and tivities of— (B) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES.—The Director shall de- (D) to promote the collection, dissemination, (A) the 3D Elevation Program Executive termine whether an entity is eligible to receive a and use of 3D elevation data among Federal, Forum; grant under this paragraph. State, local, and Tribal governments, commu- (B) the Alaska Mapping Executive Committee; (C) REQUIREMENTS.—In providing grants nities, institutions of higher education, and the (C) the 3D Elevation Working Group; under this paragraph, the Director shall— private sector through— (D) the 3D National Elevation Subcommittee; (i) ensure that the grants are provided on a (i) cooperative agreements; and competitive basis; (ii) the development and maintenance of spa- (E) State offices. (ii) consider grant applications submitted by tial data infrastructure to provide quality con- (4) MEETINGS.—The Committee shall meet at eligible entities that have developed the applica- trol and deliver to the public 3D elevation data the call of the Chairperson. tion in partnership with 1 or more State geologi- products; (5) DUTIES.—The Committee shall— cal surveys; and (iii) in coordination with the 3D Elevation (A) oversee the planning, management, and (iii) publish on a publicly available website a Federal Interagency Coordinating Committee es- coordination of the 3D Elevation Program; and description of— tablished under subsection (b), States, and in- (B) develop, by not later than 1 year after the (I) the grants; and dustry and standards bodies, the development of date of enactment of this Act, and update peri- (II) the findings made from those grants. standards and guidelines for 3D elevation data odically thereafter— (f) BIENNIAL REPORT.—Through calendar year acquisition to increase accessibility to 3D ele- (i) a strategic plan that establishes goals and 2030, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a vation data in a standard, easy-to-use format; priorities for activities carried out under the 3D biennial report, including a description of, with and Elevation Program; and respect to the 2-calendar-year period preceding (iv) the identification, assessment, and adop- (ii) a detailed management plan to implement the date of the report— tion of emerging technologies to improve the ac- the strategic plan. (1) the goals and accomplishments of the Com- curacy and efficiency of the 3D Elevation Pro- (c) SUBCOMMITTEE OF NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL mittee in carrying out the national strategy de- gram. ADVISORY COMMITTEE.— veloped under subsection (b)(2); (2) MANAGEMENT.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT.— (2) the results of the activities of the Com- (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall manage (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall estab- mittee under this section; and the 3D Elevation Program— lish, within the National Geospatial Advisory (3) the extent to which any recommendations (i) to ensure efficiency with respect to related Committee, a subcommittee (referred to in this of the Advisory Committee under subsection activities of the Department of the Interior and subsection as the ‘‘Subcommittee’’). (d)(3)(A) have been implemented. other participating Federal departments and (B) MEMBERSHIP.—The Subcommittee shall— (g) SIGNIFICANT EVENTS.—Not later than 1 agencies; and (i) consist of not fewer than 11 members, of year after a significant landslide event in the (ii) to meet the needs of Department of the In- whom none may be a Federal officer or em- United States (including territories) occurs, the terior programs, stakeholders, and the public. ployee; and Secretary shall publish on a publicly available (B) OTHER FEDERAL DEPARTMENTS AND AGEN- (ii) include representatives of— website— CIES.—The head of each Federal department (I) research and academic institutions; (1) a description of the landslide event and and agency involved in the acquisition, produc- (II) industry standards development organiza- the implications of the event on communities, tion, distribution, or application of 3D elevation tions; including life and property; data shall— (III) units of State and local government; and (2) recommendations on how the identification (i) coordinate with the 3D Elevation Federal (IV) the private sector. of the landslide risk could have been improved Interagency Coordinating Committee established (2) DUTIES.— prior to the event; under subsection (b) to acquire additional, en- (A) ASSESSMENT.—The Subcommittee shall (3) a description of the effectiveness of any hanced 3D elevation data; conduct an assessment of— warning and risk communication, including the (ii) submit to the Secretary a description of (i) trends and developments in— dissemination of warnings by State, territorial, priority areas of interest for 3D elevation data (I) the collection, dissemination, and use of local, and Tribal partners in the affected area; collection for use in providing grants and coop- 3D elevation data; and (4) recommendations to improve risk identi- erative agreements under subsection (d); (II) science and technology relating to 3D ele- fication, reduction, and communication to land- (iii) implement policies and procedures for vation data; owners and units of local government; data acquisition and sharing that are consistent (ii) the effectiveness of the 3D Elevation Pro- (5) recommendations to improve landslide haz- with standards and guidelines developed under gram in carrying out the activities described in ard preparedness and emergency response ac- the 3D Elevation Program; subsection (a)(1); tivities under this section; and (iv) participate in, and share the results and (iii) the need to revise or reorganize the 3D (6) such other findings as the Secretary deter- benefits of, the 3D Elevation Program, in ac- Elevation Program; and mines appropriate. cordance with standards and guidelines devel- (iv) the management, coordination, implemen- tation, and activities of the 3D Elevation Pro- (h) FUNDING.—There is authorized to be ap- oped under the 3D Elevation Program; and propriated to carry out this section $37,000,000 (v) ensure that any 3D elevation data ac- gram. EPORT.—Not later than 1 year after the for each of fiscal years 2020 through 2023, of quired with Federal grant funding— (B) R date of enactment of this Act, and every 2 years which— (I) meets 3D Elevation Program standards; thereafter, the Subcommittee shall submit to the (1) $25,000,000 each fiscal year shall be made and Secretary and the 3D Elevation Federal Inter- available to the United States Geological Sur- (II) is included in the national holdings of agency Coordinating Committee established vey; those data. under subsection (b) a report that includes— (2) $11,000,000 each fiscal year shall be made (b) 3D ELEVATION FEDERAL INTERAGENCY CO- (i) the findings of the assessment under sub- available to the National Science Foundation; ORDINATING COMMITTEE.— paragraph (A); and and (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary, in coordi- (ii) recommendations of the Subcommittee (3) $1,000,000 each fiscal year shall be made nation with the Secretary of Commerce and the based on those findings, if any. available to the National Oceanic and Atmos- Secretary of Homeland Security, shall establish (d) GRANTS AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.— pheric Administration. an interagency coordinating committee, to be known as the ‘‘3D Elevation Federal Inter- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may make SEC. 4. GROUND SUBSIDENCE. agency Coordinating Committee’’ (referred to in grants and enter into cooperative agreements As the Secretary determines to be appropriate this subsection as the ‘‘Committee’’), to better with other Federal departments and agencies, and subject to appropriations, the Secretary, coordinate 3D elevation data management units of State, local, or Tribal government, insti- through existing programs, shall advance the across the Federal Government. tutions of higher education, nonprofit research identification, mapping, research, and moni- (2) MEMBERSHIP.—The Committee shall be institutions, or other organizations to facilitate toring of subsidence and groundwater resource composed of the following members (or their des- the improvement of nationwide coverage of 3D accounting, particularly in areas affected by ignees): elevation data. drought. (A) The Secretary, who shall serve as Chair- (2) APPLICATIONS.—To be eligible to receive a SEC. 5. 3D ELEVATION PROGRAM. person of the Committee. grant or enter into a cooperative agreement (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF 3D ELEVATION PRO- (B) The Secretary of Agriculture. under this subsection, an entity described in GRAM.— (C) The Secretary of Commerce. paragraph (1) shall submit to the Secretary an (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall establish (D) The Secretary of Homeland Security. application at such time, in such manner, and a program, to be known as the ‘‘3D Elevation (E) The Director of the National Science containing such information as the Secretary Program’’— Foundation. may require.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.011 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4647 (3) TERMS AND CONDITIONS.—A grant or coop- on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Transportation Program Extension Act, the Sec- erative agreement under this subsection shall be tation. retary shall develop and establish a national subject to such terms and conditions as the Sec- Mr. SULLIVAN. I ask unanimous protocol for the administration of medical ex- retary determines to be appropriate, including consent that the Wicker substitute aminations for volunteer drivers to participate making data publically available and interoper- in the program described in paragraph (1). able with other Federal datasets. amendment at the desk be agreed to; ‘‘(B) In developing the protocol required by (e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— that the bill, as amended, be considered subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall consult There is authorized to be appropriated to carry read a third time and passed; and that with such persons as the Secretary determines out this section $20,000,000 for each of fiscal the motion to reconsider be considered have an interest in the program described in years 2020 through 2023. made and laid upon the table. paragraph (1). Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘(C)(i) The Secretary shall implement the pro- objection, it is so ordered. tocol by first conducting a one-year pilot pro- unanimous consent that the Cantwell gram using the protocol. amendment at the desk be agreed to; The amendment (No. 2501), in the na- ‘‘(ii) After conducting the pilot program re- that the committee-reported substitute ture of a substitute, was agreed to as quired by clause (i), the Secretary shall assess amendment, as amended, be agreed to; follows: the pilot program and make such changes to the that the bill, as amended, be considered (Purpose: In the nature of a sub- protocol as the Secretary considers appropriate. read a third time and passed; and that stitute.) ‘‘(iii) After making changes to the protocol the motion to reconsider be considered (The amendment is printed in today’s under clause (ii), the Secretary shall implement RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) the protocol in phases during the course of one made and laid upon the table. year.’’. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The bill (S. 914), as amended, was or- dered to be engrossed for a third read- SEC. 5. COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED objection, it is so ordered. STATES REPORT ON TRANSPOR- The amendment (No. 2500) was agreed ing, was read the third time, and TATION SERVICES FOR VETERANS. to, as follows passed. (a) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, (Purpose: To improve the authorizations of f the Comptroller General of the United States appropriations) HIGHLY RURAL VETERAN TRANS- shall submit to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- Beginning on page 42, strike line 21 and all PORTATION PROGRAM EXTEN- fairs of the Senate and the Committee on Vet- that follows through page 43, line 5, and in- SION ACT erans’ Affairs of the House of Representatives a sert the following: Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask report on the program the establishment of (h) FUNDING.—For each of fiscal years 2021 which was facilitated under section 111A(b) of and 2024— unanimous consent that the Senate title 38, United States Code. (1) there is authorized out of funds appro- proceed to the immediate consider- (b) CONTENTS.—The report submitted under priated to the United States Geological Sur- ation of Calendar No. 413, S. 850. subsection (a) shall include the following: vey, $25,000,000 to carry out this section; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (1) A description of the program described in (2) there is authorized out of funds appro- clerk will report the bill by title. subsection (a), including descriptions of the fol- priated to the National Science Foundation, The legislative clerk read as follows: lowing: $11,000,000 to carry out this section; and (A) The purpose of the program. A bill (S. 850) to extend the authorization (3) there is authorized out of funds appro- (B) The activities carried out under the pro- of appropriations to the Department of Vet- priated to the National Oceanic and Atmos- gram. erans Affairs for purposes of awarding grants pheric Administration, $1,000,000 to carry out (2) An assessment of the sufficiency of the to veterans service organizations for the this section. program with respect to the purpose of the pro- On page 51, strike lines 7 through 9 and in- transportation of highly rural veterans. gram. sert the following: There being no objection, the Senate (3) An assessment of the cost effectiveness of (e) FUNDING.—For each of the fiscal years proceeded to consider the bill, which the program in relation to alternatives. 2021 through 2024, there is authorized out of had been reported from the Committee (4) An assessment of the health benefits for funds appropriated to the Secretary on Veterans’ Affairs, with an amend- veterans who have participated in the program. $20,000,000 to carry out this section. (5) An assessment of the sufficiency of staffing ment as follows: of employees of the Department of Veterans Af- The committee-reported amendment S. 850 fairs who are responsible for facilitating the in the nature of a substitute, as amend- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- maintenance of the program. ed, was agreed to. resentatives of the United States of America in (6) An assessment, with respect to the purpose The bill (S. 529), as amended, was or- Congress assembled, of the program, of the number of vehicles owned dered to be engrossed for a third read- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. by and operating in conjunction with the pro- ing, was read the third time, and This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Highly gram. passed, as follows Rural Veteran Transportation Program Ex- (7) An assessment of the awareness and usage tension Act’’. of the program by veterans and their families. (The bill will be printed in a future (8) An assessment of other options for trans- edition of the RECORD.) SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF AUTHORITY TO MAKE portation under the program, such as local taxi GRANTS TO VETERANS SERVICE OR- f GANIZATIONS FOR TRANSPOR- companies and ridesharing programs such as Uber and Lyft. COORDINATED OCEAN OBSERVA- TATION OF HIGHLY RURAL VET- ERANS. Mr. SULLIVAN. I ask unanimous TIONS AND RESEARCH ACT OF Section 307(d) of the Caregivers and Vet- consent that the Sullivan amendment 2019 erans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010 at the desk be considered and agreed Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask (Public Law 111–163; 38 U.S.C. 1710 note) is to; the committee-reported amend- unanimous consent that the Senate amended by striking ‘‘2020’’ and inserting ment, as amended, be agreed to; the proceed to the immediate consider- ‘‘2021’’. bill, as amended, be considered read a SEC. 3. MAKING PERMANENT AUTHORITY FOR ation of Calendar No. 318, S. 914. SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS third time and passed; and that motion The PRESIDING OFFICER. The TO TRANSPORT INDIVIDUALS TO to reconsider be considered made and clerk will report the bill by title. AND FROM FACILITIES OF DEPART- laid upon the table. The legislative clerk read as follows: MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Section 111A(a) of title 38, United States Code, A bill (S. 914) to reauthorize the Integrated objection, it is so ordered. is amended— The amendment (No. 2502) was agreed Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act (1) by striking paragraph (2); and of 2009, to clarify the authority of the Ad- (2) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘(1)’’. to as follows ministrator of the National Oceanic and At- SEC. 4. MEDICAL EXAMINATION PROTOCOL FOR (Purpose: To require a report by the Sec- mospheric Administration with respect to VOLUNTEER DRIVERS PARTICI- retary of Veterans Affairs on the transpor- post-storm assessments, and to require the PATING IN PROGRAM OF TRANSPOR- tation of individuals to and from facilities establishment of a National Water Center, TATION SERVICES FOR VETERANS. of the Department of Veterans Affairs) and for other purposes. Section 111A(b) of title 38, United States Code, Strike section 3 and insert the following: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there is amended— SEC. 3. MAKING PERMANENT AUTHORITY FOR objection to proceeding to the meas- (1) by inserting ‘‘(1)’’ before ‘‘The Secretary’’; SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS and ure? TO TRANSPORT INDIVIDUALS TO (2) by adding at the end the following new AND FROM FACILITIES OF DEPART- There being no objection, the Senate paragraph: MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. proceeded to consider the bill, which ‘‘(2)(A) Not later than 90 days after the date (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 111A(a) of title 38, had been reported from the Committee of the enactment of the Highly Rural Veteran United States Code, is amended—

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(1) by striking paragraph (2); and (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than five years Act, the Comptroller General of the United (2) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘(1)’’. after the date of the enactment of this Act, States shall submit to the Committee on (b) REPORT REQUIRED.— the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- Veterans’ Affairs of the Senate and the Com- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than five years mit to Congress a report on cost savings, mittee on Veterans’ Affairs of the House of after the date of the enactment of this Act, performance, and satisfaction of individuals, Representatives a report on the program the the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- with respect to— establishment of which was facilitated under mit to Congress a report on cost savings, (A) the transport by the Secretary of indi- section 111A(b) of title 38, United States performance, and satisfaction of individuals, viduals under subsection (a) of section 111A Code. with respect to— of title 38, United States Code; and (b) CONTENTS.—The report submitted under (A) the transport by the Secretary of indi- (B) the program the establishment of subsection (a) shall include the following: viduals under subsection (a) of section 111A which was facilitated under subsection (b) of (1) A description of the program described of title 38, United States Code; and such section. in subsection (a), including descriptions of (B) the program the establishment of (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required by the following: which was facilitated under subsection (b) of paragraph (1) shall include an assessment of (A) The purpose of the program. such section. the effect of emerging health care modali- (B) The activities carried out under the (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required by ties, including telehealth and VA Video Con- program. paragraph (1) shall include an assessment of nect, on— (2) An assessment of the sufficiency of the the effect of emerging health care modali- (A) the transport of individuals described program with respect to the purpose of the ties, including telehealth and VA Video Con- in paragraph (1)(A); program. nect, on— (B) the satisfaction of such individuals (3) An assessment of the cost effectiveness (A) the transport of individuals described with services described in section 111A(a) of of the program in relation to alternatives. in paragraph (1)(A); title 38, United States Code; and (4) An assessment of the health benefits for (B) the satisfaction of such individuals (C) the program described in paragraph veterans who have participated in the pro- with services described in section 111A(a) of (1)(B). gram. title 38, United States Code; and (3) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: (5) An assessment of the sufficiency of (C) the program described in paragraph (A) TELEHEALTH.— staffing of employees of the Department of (1)(B). (i) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘telehealth’’ Veterans Affairs who are responsible for fa- (3) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: means the use of electronic information and cilitating the maintenance of the program. (A) TELEHEALTH.— telecommunications technologies to support (6) An assessment, with respect to the pur- (i) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘telehealth’’ and promote long-distance clinical health pose of the program, of the number of vehi- means the use of electronic information and care, patient and professional health-related cles owned by and operating in conjunction telecommunications technologies to support education, public health, and health admin- with the program. and promote long-distance clinical health istration. (7) An assessment of the awareness and care, patient and professional health-related (ii) TECHNOLOGIES.—For purposes of clause usage of the program by veterans and their education, public health, and health admin- (i), telecommunications technologies include families. istration. videoconferencing, the internet, streaming (8) An assessment of other options for (ii) TECHNOLOGIES.—For purposes of clause media, and terrestrial and wireless commu- transportation under the program, such as (i), telecommunications technologies include nications. local taxi companies and ridesharing pro- videoconferencing, the internet, streaming (B) VA VIDEO CONNECT.—The term ‘‘VA grams such as Uber and Lyft. media, and terrestrial and wireless commu- Video Connect’’ means the program of the f nications. Department of Veterans Affairs to connect (B) VA VIDEO CONNECT.—The term ‘‘VA veterans with their health care team from DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- Video Connect’’ means the program of the anywhere, using encryption to ensure a se- FAIRS INFORMATION TECH- Department of Veterans Affairs to connect cure and private session. NOLOGY REFORM ACT OF 2019 veterans with their health care team from (c) TECHNICAL CORRECTION.—Section anywhere, using encryption to ensure a se- 111A(b) of title 38, United States Code, is Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask cure and private session. amended by striking ‘‘veterans’ service orga- unanimous consent that the Senate (c) TECHNICAL CORRECTION.—Section nizations’’ and inserting ‘‘veterans service proceed to the immediate consider- 111A(b) of title 38, United States Code, is organizations’’. ation of Calendar No. 423, S. 2336. amended by striking ‘‘veterans’ service orga- SEC. 4. MEDICAL EXAMINATION PROTOCOL FOR The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nizations’’ and inserting ‘‘veterans service VOLUNTEER DRIVERS PARTICI- clerk will report the bill by title. organizations’’. PATING IN PROGRAM OF TRANSPOR- TATION SERVICES FOR VETERANS. The legislative clerk read as follows: The committee-reported amendment, Section 111A(b) of title 38, United States A bill (S. 2336) to improve the management as amended, was agreed to. Code, is amended— of information technology projects and in- The bill (S. 850), as amended, was or- (1) by inserting ‘‘(1)’’ before ‘‘The Sec- vestments of the Department of Veterans Af- dered to be engrossed for a third read- retary’’; and fairs, and for other purposes. ing, was read the third time, and (2) by adding at the end the following new There being no objection, the Senate paragraph: passed, as follows: ‘‘(2)(A) Not later than 90 days after the proceeded to consider the bill, which S. 850 date of the enactment of the Highly Rural had been reported from the Committee Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Veteran Transportation Program Extension on Veterans’ Affairs. resentatives of the United States of America in Act, the Secretary shall develop and estab- Mr. SULLIVAN. I ask unanimous Congress assembled, lish a national protocol for the administra- consent that the bill be considered read tion of medical examinations for volunteer SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. a third time and passed and that the drivers to participate in the program de- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Highly scribed in paragraph (1). motion to reconsider be considered Rural Veteran Transportation Program Ex- ‘‘(B) In developing the protocol required by made and laid upon the table. tension Act’’. subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF AUTHORITY TO MAKE sult with such persons as the Secretary de- objection, it is so ordered. GRANTS TO VETERANS SERVICE OR- termines have an interest in the program de- The bill (S. 2336) was ordered to be GANIZATIONS FOR TRANSPOR- scribed in paragraph (1). engrossed for a third reading, was read TATION OF HIGHLY RURAL VET- ‘‘(C)(i) The Secretary shall implement the ERANS. protocol by first conducting a one-year pilot the third time, and passed, as follows: Section 307(d) of the Caregivers and Vet- program using the protocol. S. 2336 erans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010 ‘‘(ii) After conducting the pilot program Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (Public Law 111–163; 38 U.S.C. 1710 note) is required by clause (i), the Secretary shall as- resentatives of the United States of America in amended by striking ‘‘2020’’ and inserting sess the pilot program and make such Congress assembled, ‘‘2021’’. changes to the protocol as the Secretary SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. SEC. 3. MAKING PERMANENT AUTHORITY FOR considers appropriate. SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS ‘‘(iii) After making changes to the protocol This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Department TO TRANSPORT INDIVIDUALS TO under clause (ii), the Secretary shall imple- of Veterans Affairs Information Technology AND FROM FACILITIES OF DEPART- ment the protocol in phases during the Reform Act of 2019’’. MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. course of one year.’’. SEC. 2. MANAGEMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF VET- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 111A(a) of title 38, SEC. 5. COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED ERANS AFFAIRS INFORMATION United States Code, is amended— STATES REPORT ON TRANSPOR- TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS. (1) by striking paragraph (2); and TATION SERVICES FOR VETERANS. (a) UPDATE OF REVIEW PROCESS AND INFOR- (2) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘(1)’’. (a) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than one MATION TECHNOLOGY DASHBOARD CHIEF IN- (b) REPORT REQUIRED.— year after the date of the enactment of this FORMATION OFFICER RATINGS.—

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(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days (b) DEFINITION OF APPROPRIATE COMMIT- SEC. 7. ASSESSMENT OF SUITABILITY OF DE- after the date of the enactment of this Act, TEES OF CONGRESS.—In this section, the term PARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall up- ‘‘appropriate committees of Congress’’ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN- date the review process for information tech- means— VESTMENTS FOR MIGRATION TO CLOUD COMPUTING SERVICE. nology projects of the Department of Vet- (1) the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and (a) ASSESSMENT REQUIRED.—Not later than erans Affairs to ensure that active risks are the Committee on Appropriations of the Sen- one year after the date of the enactment of factored into the Information Technology ate; and this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Dashboard Chief Information Officer ratings. (2) the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and acting through the Chief Information Officer (2) REVIEW BY COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF the Committee on Appropriations of the of the Department of Veterans Affairs, shall THE UNITED STATES.—Not later than one year House of Representatives. complete an assessment, in accordance with after the date on which the Secretary com- SEC. 4. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION FOR DEPART- guidance from the Office of Management and pletes updating the review process under MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS IN- Budget, of all information technology in- paragraph (1), the Comptroller General of the FORMATION TECHNOLOGY PRO- vestments of the Department of Veterans Af- United States shall complete a review such GRAMS. fairs to determine the suitability of the in- process. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall en- vestments for migration to a cloud com- (b) ANNUAL REPORT ON PROJECT BUDGET sure that whenever the budget justification puting service. DISCREPANCIES.— materials are submitted to Congress in sup- (b) MECHANISM TO TRACK SAVINGS.—The (1) IN GENERAL.—Each fiscal year, not later port of the Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary shall create a consistent and re- than 120 days after the end of the previous budget for a fiscal year (as submitted with peatable mechanism to track savings and fiscal year, the Secretary shall submit to the the budget of the President for such fiscal cost avoidances from— Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the Sen- year under section 1105(a) of title 31, United (1) migration of information technology in- ate and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs States Code), such budget justification mate- vestments to cloud computing services; and of the House of Representatives a report on rials include a specific accounting, including (2) deployment of cloud computing serv- covered information technology projects of life cycle costs, of all funds requested for the ices. the Department with respect to which the information technology programs of the De- (c) REPORT ON SPENDING.—Not later than amounts that were obligated and the partment. 180 days after the date of the enactment of amounts expended by the Department in this Act, the Secretary, acting through the that fiscal year were, in aggregate, 10 per- SEC. 5. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Chief, shall submit to the appropriate com- cent or more greater or less than the amount COMPLIANCE WITH OFFICE OF MAN- AGEMENT AND BUDGET DATA CEN- mittees of Congress a report on spending by budgeted for the project in that fiscal year. TER OPTIMIZATION INITIATIVE. the Department on information technology (2) COVERED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY investments, disaggregated by information PROJECTS.—For purposes of this subsection, a (a) REQUIREMENT.—The Secretary of Vet- technology investment. covered information technology project of erans Affairs shall ensure that the Depart- (d) DEFINITION OF APPROPRIATE COMMIT- the Department is an information tech- ment of Veterans Affairs complies with all TEES OF CONGRESS.—In this section, the term nology project of the Department for which applicable requirements of the Data Center ‘‘appropriate committees of Congress’’ the Secretary estimates the Department will Optimization Initiative (DCOI) of the Office means— expend or obligate $25,000,000 or more for de- of Management and Budget, including by— (1) the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and velopment and sustainment over a three- (1) fully identifying the data center inven- the Committee on Appropriations of the Sen- year lifecycle. tory of the Department; and ate; and (3) MITIGATION PLANS.—Each report sub- (2) meeting any targets assigned by the Di- (2) the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and mitted under paragraph (1) shall include, for rector of the Office of Management and the Committee on Appropriations of the each project described in the report, a plan Budget pursuant to such initiative regarding House of Representatives. to rectify the budget discrepancy and im- data center closures, optimization savings, prove the accuracy of the budget formula- and optimization metrics. SEC. 8. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS IN- FORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGE- tion process of the Department. (b) PLAN FOR COMPLIANCE.—Not later than MENT POLICIES WITH RESPECT TO SEC. 3. PLAN FOR EXPENDITURES RELATING TO 90 days after the date of the enactment of ROLE OF CHIEF INFORMATION OFFI- DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the CER. FAIRS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the Sen- The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall en- PROJECTS AND INVESTMENTS. ate and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs sure that the information technology man- (a) PLAN REQUIRED.— of the House of Representatives a plan to agement policies of the Department of Vet- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Veterans fully comply with the requirements de- erans Affairs address the role of the Chief In- Affairs shall submit to the appropriate com- scribed in subsection (a). formation Officer of the Department with re- mittees of Congress a plan for expenditures (c) ANNUAL REPORT.—Not later than March spect to the following key responsibilities: of the Department of Veterans Affairs relat- 31, 2020, and in March of each year thereafter (1) Information technology strategic plan- ing to large information technology projects until the date on which the Director of the ning. and investments. Office of Management and Budget deter- (2) Information technology workforce. (2) CONTENTS.—The report submitted under mines that the Department is in full compli- (3) Information technology planning, pro- paragraph (1) shall include the following: ance with the requirements of the initiative gramming, and budgeting. (A) Identification of each information referred to in subsection (a), the Secretary (4) Information technology investment technology project and investment planned shall submit to the Committee on Veterans’ management. by the Secretary for which the Secretary es- Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on (5) Innovations and emerging technologies. timates the Department will expend or obli- Veterans’ Affairs of the House of Representa- SEC. 9. CONTINUOUS MONITORING STRATEGY TO gate $25,000,000 or more for development and tives a report on the progress of the Sec- IMPROVE INFORMATION SECURITY sustainment over a three-year lifecycle. retary in carrying out the plan submitted PROGRAMS OF DEPARTMENT OF (B) For each such project and investment, under subsection (b). VETERANS AFFAIRS. a description of— In order to improve information security (i) the functional and performance capa- SEC. 6. ANNUAL LIST OF DEPARTMENT OF VET- ERANS AFFAIRS INFORMATION programs of the Department of Veterans Af- bilities to be delivered and the mission bene- TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS. fairs, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall fits to be realized; develop a continuous monitoring strategy (a) ANNUAL LIST.—Not less frequently than (ii) the estimated lifecycle cost, including that addresses the following: once each year, the Secretary of Veterans estimates for development as well as mainte- (1) Organization-defined metrics. Affairs shall submit to the appropriate com- nance and operations; and (2) Frequency of monitoring metrics. mittees of Congress a comprehensive, (iii) key milestones to be met. (3) Ongoing status monitoring of metrics. prioritized list of all information technology (C) Demonstration that each project and (4) Reporting of security status. projects being funded by the Department of investment is— SEC. 10. REVISION OF PROCESSES OF DEPART- (i) consistent with the Information Tech- Veterans Affairs, disaggregated by business line or portfolio division. MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OF- nology Modernization Plan of the Depart- FICE OF INFORMATION AND TECH- ment, or successor plan; (b) DEFINITION OF APPROPRIATE COMMIT- NOLOGY RELATING TO RISK MAN- (ii) being managed in accordance with ap- TEES OF CONGRESS.—In this section, the term AGEMENT. plicable lifecycle management policies and ‘‘appropriate committees of Congress’’ (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days guidance; and means— after the date of the enactment of this Act, (iii) subject to applicable planning and in- (1) the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, acting vestment control requirements of the De- the Committee on Appropriations of the Sen- through the Chief Information Officer of the partment. ate; and Department of Veterans Affairs, shall revise (D) A statement as to whether the plan has (2) the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and the processes of the Office of Information been reviewed by the Comptroller General of the Committee on Appropriations of the and Technology of the Department relating the United States. House of Representatives. to risk management to include the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:39 Jul 31, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY6.018 S30JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4650 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 2020 (1) Determining costs and benefits of im- THE RESERVE OF THE ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED ORDERS FOR MONDAY, AUGUST 3, UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12211: plementing the risk mitigation plan for each 2020 risk. To be brigadier general (2) Collecting performance measures on Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask COL. MARTIN M. CLAY, JR. unanimous consent that when the Sen- COL. DAVID S. GAYLE risk handling activities. COL. ERIC J. RILEY (b) REVIEW BY COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF ate completes its business today, it ad- COL. JAMES P. SCHREFFLER THE UNITED STATES.—Not later than 180 days journ until 3 p.m., Monday, August 3; COL. MICHAEL J. TURLEY after the date of the enactment of this Act, further that following the prayer and THE FOLLOWING NAMED ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF the Comptroller General of the United States THE UNITED STATES OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT IN pledge, the morning hour be deemed THE RESERVE OF THE ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED shall complete a review of the processes re- expired, the Journal of proceedings be UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12211: vised pursuant to subsection (a). approved to date, the time for the two To be major general f leaders be reserved for their use later BRIG. GEN. FARIN D. SCHWARTZ THE FOLLOWING NAMED ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF in the day; further, that following lead- THE UNITED STATES OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT IN NATIONAL BLUEBERRY MONTH er remarks, the Senate proceed to ex- THE RESERVE OF THE ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED ecutive session to resume consider- UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12211: Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask To be major general unanimous consent that the Com- ation of the Menezes nomination; fi- nally, that notwithstanding rule XXII, BRIG. GEN. GREGORY P. CHANEY mittee on the Judiciary be discharged BRIG. GEN. JILL K. FARIS from further consideration and the the cloture vote on the Menezes nomi- BRIG. GEN. JEFFREY P. MARLETTE nation occur at 5:30 p.m. BRIG. GEN. JOSE J. REYES Senate now proceed to S. Res. 656. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED objection, it is so ordered. WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND objection, it is so ordered. RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: The clerk will report the resolution f To be lieutenant general by title. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, MAJ. GEN. PAUL T. CALVERT The legislative clerk read as follows: AUGUST 3, 2020, AT 3 P.M. IN THE AIR FORCE A resolution (S. Res. 656) recognizing the Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, if THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT importance of the blueberry industry to the IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- United States and designating July 2020 as there is no further business to come be- CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE ‘‘National Blueberry Month’’. fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION sent that it stand adjourned under the 601: There being no objection, the com- To be lieutenant general mittee was discharged, and the Senate previous order. There being no objection, the Senate, MAJ. GEN. JEFFREY A. KRUSE proceeded to consider the resolution. IN THE ARMY Mr. SULLIVAN. I ask unanimous at 5:42 p.m., adjourned until Monday, August 3, 2020, at 3 p.m. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT consent that the resolution be agreed IN UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED f WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND to, the preamble be agreed to, and that RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: the motions to reconsider be consid- CONFIRMATIONS To be lieutenant general ered made and laid upon the table. Executive nominations confirmed by LT. GEN. SCOTT D. BERRIER The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Senate July 30, 2020: THE FOLLOWING NAMED ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF objection, it is so ordered. THE UNITED STATES OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT IN EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT THE RESERVE OF THE ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED The resolution (S. Res. 656) was UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12211: agreed to. DEREK KAN, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. To be major general The preamble was agreed to. IN THE ARMY BRIG. GEN. JOHN C. ANDONIE (The resolution, with its preamble, is BRIG. GEN. CHARLES K. ARIS THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT BRIG. GEN. MARTI J. BISSELL printed in the RECORD of July 22, 2020, IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED BRIG. GEN. ROBERT D. BURKE under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: BRIG. GEN. EDWARD J. CHRYSTAL, JR. To be brigadier general BRIG. GEN. DAMIAN T. DONAHOE f BRIG. GEN. RALPH F. HEDENBERG COL. DOUGLAS S. LOWREY BRIG. GEN. JOHN E. HOEFERT COL. CURTIS D. TAYLOR BRIG. GEN. RUSSELL D. JOHNSON GOLD STAR FAMILIES COL. JAMES P. WORK BRIG. GEN. JEFFREY A. JONES BRIG. GEN. JOHN T. KELLY REMEMBRANCE WEEK IN THE AIR FORCE BRIG. GEN. ERIC K. LITTLE BRIG. GEN. JERRY H. MARTIN Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT BRIG. GEN. JOANE K. MATHEWS unanimous consent that the Senate IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- BRIG. GEN. MARK D. MCCORMACK CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: BRIG. GEN. REGINALD G. A. NEAL proceed to the consideration of S. Res. To be brigadier general BRIG. GEN. SHAWN M. O’BRIEN 664, submitted earlier today. BRIG. GEN. DAVID F. O’DONAHUE COL. REBECCA R. VERNON BRIG. GEN. STEPHEN B. OWENS The PRESIDING OFFICER. The THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT BRIG. GEN. STEPHEN M. RADULSKI clerk will report the resolution by IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- BRIG. GEN. JOHN M. RHODES CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: BRIG. GEN. FRANK M. RICE title. BRIG. GEN. JAMES W. RING The legislative clerk read as follows: To be brigadier general BRIG. GEN. MICHELLE M. ROSE BRIG. GEN. JOHN W. RUEGER A resolution (S. Res. 664) designating the COL. RANDALL E. KITCHENS BRIG. GEN. RANDALL V. SIMMONS, JR. week of September 20 through September 26, IN THE ARMY BRIG. GEN. CARLTON G. SMITH BRIG. GEN. STEVEN E. STIVERS 2020, as ‘‘Gold Star Families Remembrance THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT BRIG. GEN. TIMOTHY N. THOMBLESON Week.’’ IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED BRIG. GEN. JEFFREY P. VAN WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND BRIG. GEN. CLINT E. WALKER There being no objection, the Senate RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: BRIG. GEN. MICHAEL D. WICKMAN proceeded to consider the resolution. To be lieutenant general BRIG. GEN. WILLIAM L. ZANA IN THE NAVY Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask MAJ. GEN. JOHN B. MORRISON, JR. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT unanimous consent that the resolution THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED be agreed to, the preamble be agreed UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND to, and the motions to reconsider be RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: To be rear admiral (lower half) considered made and laid upon the To be lieutenant general CAPT. TRENT R. DEMOSS table with no intervening action or de- MAJ. GEN. LAURA A. POTTER IN THE AIR FORCE bate. THE FOLLOWING NAMED ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without THE UNITED STATES OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT IN IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- objection, it is so ordered. THE RESERVE OF THE ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12211: AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION The resolution (S. Res. 664) was To be brigadier general 601: agreed to. To be lieutenant general COL. LEVON E. CUMPTON The preamble was agreed to. COL. GREGORY C. KNIGHT MAJ. GEN. TONY D. BAUERNFEIND (The resolution, with its preamble, is COL. KODJO S. KNOX–LIMBACKER COL. EDWARDS S. LITTLE, JR. IN THE ARMY printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- THE FOLLOWING NAMED ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF THE FOLLOWING NAMED ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF mitted Resolutions.’’) THE UNITED STATES OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT IN

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