INTRODUCTION (en français) 11

PRÉFACE (in English) 19




Chapitre Premier Science et technologie dans l'Histoire indienne Science and technology in Indian History

D.A. KOLFF. — Introduction 31 J. DELOCHE. — Techniques anciennes de constructions navales en Inde : le problème de la liaison des bordages (sources et méthodes) 33 ^Jï. LAPING. — Ancient technology of irrigation in . Some références in the Shastra literature 43 F. ZMMERMAN. — Introducing Western anatomy to the practitioners of classical Indian medicine: an ethno- historical analysis of the treatises by P.S. Varier in the 1920's 51 R. DIONNE and R. MACLEOD. — Science and policy in British India, 1858-1914: perspectives on a persisting belief 55 C. PRAY. — The productivity of agricultural research in Panjab 1905-1947 69

Chapitre 2 Littérature et tradition orale dans l'Asie du Sud post-coloniale Literature and oral tradition in post-colonial South Asia l •^L. LUTZE. — Introduction 77 C. CHAMPION. — Récits chantés bhojpuri 81 M. THIEL-HORSTMANN. — Indian Christian and traditional folksong patterns 87 N. BALBIR. — A popular Hindi fiction of oral tradition : tota maina 93 \| A. DASGUPTA. — The shadow of a kite. A note on functional and textural aspects of contemporary Bengali fiction and poetry 99

Chapitre 3 ; Rituel et société Ritual and society

}A. BIARDEAU. — Introduction 107 N/G.D. SONTHEIMER. — Some incidents in the history of the God Khandoba 111 8

A.W. VAN DEN HOEK. — The Goddess of the Northern gâte: Cellattamman as the "Divine Warrior" of Madurai 119 R. INDIEN. — The ceremony of the great gift (mahadana) : structure and historical context in Indian ritual and society 131 M.H. INGLE. — Internai structure of the Mahar before conversion to Buddhism in a city of India 137 S.M. ZANEN. — « Gardens of Adonis » in the Mediterranean area and in South India : a comparison of their structure 145 v I. ROTHERMUND. — Man and society. Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi 153

Chapitre 4 Points de vue anthropologiques sur la dimension politique Anthropological approaches to the political dimension

L. DUMONT. — Introduction 161 A. VERGATI-STAHL. — Taleju, sovereign deity of Bhaktapur 163 H. SANYAL. — Congress movements in the villages of Eastern Midnapore, 1921-1931 169 H. STERN. — Un fait de pouvoir au plan local : un conflit de factions dans un village du Rajasthan 179 A. CHOWDHURY. — Emerging leadership pattern in rural 185 M. GABORIEAU. — On traditional patterns of dominance among South Asian Muslims 189 F. PERLIN. — To identify change in an old régime polity : agrarian transaction and institutional mutation in 17th to early 19th century Maharashtra 197



Chapitre 5 Les communautés tribales dans l'Asie du Sud moderne Tribal communities in modem South Asia

G. TOFFIN. — Introduction 209 D.R. DAHAL. — Tnbalism as an incongruous concept in modem Népal 215 M. CARRIN-BOUEZ. — The case of the Santal Ojha : knowledge and dévotion 223 H. G. HRACH. — The dialectics of detribalization : the case of the Santals 229 M. K. MOHAPATRA. — The tribal politicians of Orissa : socialization, recruitment, ascent and rôle behavior 237 P. SAGANT. — Le chamane assoupi 243 M. K. GAUTAM. — Identity and ethnie maintenance among the Santals 249

Chapitre 6 Llslam face à l'activité économique et au développement en Asie du Sud Islam and économie activity and development in South Asia

P. HARDY. — Introduction 257 M. AHMAD. — Perceptions and attitudes of the Ulema to problems and policies of économie development in 259 T. P. WRIGHT. — Muslim mobility in India through peripheral occupations : music, sports, cinéma, smuggling 271 V K.G. SCHWERIN. — Functions and sources of income of Muslim Dorgahs in India 279 Chapitre 7 Les missions chrétiennes et la Société d'Asie du Sud Christian missions and South Asian Society

D. B. FORRESTER. — Introduction 285 R. J. BINGLE. — Outline of the discussion 287 G. DHARAMPAL. — A textual and contextual appraisal of a French missionary's 18th century manuscript account of the "religion des Malabars" 291 K. BALLHATCHET. — Missionaries, empire and society: the Jesuit mission in Calcutta, 1834-1846 301 R. E. FRYKENBERG. — Conversion and crises of conscience under Company Raj in South Asia 311 G. A. ODDIE. — Brahmins and Christian conversion in the Kaveri delta, South India, 1850-1900 323 D. B. FORRESTER. — Christianity and early Indian nationalism 331 M. A. LAIRD. — John Wilson: aspects of his educational work 339 K. M. DE SILVA. — From élite status to beleaguered minority : the Christians in 20th century . . 347 B. C. ROBERTSON. — Evangelicals and Rammohan Ray 353



Chapitre 8 La nature du pouvoir étatique en Asie du Sud The nature of state power in South Asia

W. H. MORRIS-JONES. — Introduction 363 M. ZINS. — Hégémonie et dominance : le système congressiste 367 D. C. POTTER. — The Indian Civil Service tradition within the bureaucratie structures of state power in South Asia (1919-1978) 375 T. K. BARUA. — The rôle of the military in South Asia with spécial référence to India and Pakistan 385 V. GRAFF. — Communal relations in Indian politics: a case study - Chandni Chowk (1967-1977) 397 K. WESTERGAARD. — local politics and its relation to state power in Bangladesh 411 B. J. S. HOETJES. — Fédéral Systems in the first and third world: South Asian and comparative federalism 419 D. KANTOWSKY. — Sarvodaya and state power: theory and practice in South Asia 429 B. DASGUPTA. — State power and the ruling class in India 439

Chapitre 9 Histoire de la main-d'œuvre avant l'indépendance en Asie du Sud Labour history of pre-independent South Asia

J. POUCHEPADASS. — Introduction 447 E. PERLIN. — Ragi, rice and four-yard dhoties: Indian mill workers as historical sources 451 E. MEYER. — Between village and plantation: Sinhalese estate labour in British Ceylon 459 D. WESUMPERUMA. — Unindentured Indian labour overseas: plantation labour in British Ceylon 469 C. P. SIMMONS. — Seasonal labour oscillation in the Indian coal mining industry before independence .... 477 J. D. MOORE. — Migration to Mysore plantations, 1871-1941 483 10

S. AMIN. — From the field to the factory: the instruments of cane procurement; a case study of Eastera U.P. sugar mills in the 1930s 491 A. HAFNER. — Some factors shaping the Indian Trade Union movement after I, shown trough the example of the Madras Labour Union, founded in 1918 503

Chapitre 10 Nutrition et services de santé en Asie du Sud Nutrition and Health services in South Asia

P. CHAUDHURI. — Introduction 509 P. CHAUDHURI. — Notes on a policy-frame for nutrition 511 R. P. SINHA. — Hunger in South Asia and its implications 517 R. JEFFERY. — Médical policy making in India in the 1970s: out of dependency? 525 M. J. SHEPPERDSON. — Health policies and planning in Pakistan 531 K. Van Der VEEN. — Western médical care in a non Western setting: some preliminary thoughts on the socio- cultural context of médical care 543 P. G. K. PANIKAR. — Resources not the constraint on health improvement : a case study of Kerala 549



Chapitre 11 Les Etats d'Asie du Sud dans la politique internationale South Asian states in international politics

D. BERNSTORFF. — Introduction 563 A. LAMBALLE. — India and Sri Lanka: relations between a subcontinent and an island 565 S. MALLA. — The Himalayan kingdoms, Népal, Bhutan and Sikkim: the politics of survival 573 D. BRAUN. — International aspects of a new constellation in South Asia: India's enlarged domain of action 579 D. WEIDEMANN. — Trends in the development of Pakistan's foreign policy in the 1970s, and their background 585 C. HURTIG. — Indo-American relations since 1971: myth and reality of the middle power versus great power theory 589

Chapitre 12 Les communautés originaires d'Asie du Sud Outre-Mer South Asian communities overseas

A. C. MAYER. — Introduction 603 J. D. SPECKMANN. — Dutch colonial policy and the East Indians in 605 SINGARAVELOU. — La politique coloniale française et les minorités indiennes de la Caraïbe 611 A. LAMBALLE. — The Indian in Sri Lanka 619 J. NEMO. — La communauté gujarati à la Réunion : identité ou identification ? 629 H. D. EVERS. — Chettiar moneylenders in South-East Asia 635 V. SAIFULLAH KHAN. — Ethnie identity among South Asians in U.K 647 M. K. GAUTAM. — In search for an ethnie identity among the Surinamese Hindustanis in the Netherlands .... 653 J. Y. KRAMER. — Ethnicity and community. Indian migrants in a Norwegian town 661 C. BARAT. — La spécificité du groupe ethno-culturel malabar réunionnais 669