For Official Use Only – Pre-decisional of Honor Recommendation for the President of the United States

SGT First M. Last

For conspicuous acts of gallantry and intrepidity, at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty on ______(insert period of war) during the ______(insert applicable conflict/war) Secretary of Defense A Recommendation

Secretary of the Army B Recommendation

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of C Staff Endorsement

Commander, Central D Command Endorsement

Chief of Staff of the Army Endorsement E Award Recommendation for Rank and F Medal of Honor Criteria

Award Recommendation Form G and Narrative

Storyboard of Engagement, H Maps, and Photographs

I Sworn Witness Statements

Army Regulation 15-6 J Investigation

Biography and Enlisted Record K Brief

L Timeline and List Secretary of Defense A Recommendation

Secretary of the Army B Recommendation

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs C of Staff Coordination

Chief of Staff of the Army D Endorsement

Congressional Request for E Review Under 10 United Medal of Honor States Code § 1130 Award Recommendation for Rank First M. Last F Medal of Honor Criteria

Original Award G Recommendation

H Witness Statements

I Event Diagrams

J Miscelaneous Documents

K Timeline and Acronym List MOH Recommendation for Rank FIRST M. LAST Date of Valorous Actions: ______(Insert MMM DD, YYYY), during the _____ (insert conflict/War)

Synopsis of Event: Provide a brief synopsis of the individuals valorous actions

Issues: Identify any discrepancies with the MOH nomination 1. e.g., Witness statement provided by _____ indicates that he did not actually witness the event 2. The source of the after action report provided to help justify the MOH nomination could not be verified 3. The witness statement provided by _____ was not signed. Witnessed ______Witness Witnessed ______(insert Witnessed ______(insert (insert rank and name of rank and name of nominee) rank and name of nominee) render (list witnesses below and move among his troops nominee) silence an assistance to or retrieve identify which valorous under enemy fire without enemy position engaging wounded troops while actions they witnessed) regard for his own safety his men under enemy fire First M. Last, Rank Yes Yes Yes

Yes - a fortified enemy First M. Last, Rank Yes Yes position Yes - a fortified enemy First M. Last, Rank Yes No position Yes – Saw member wounded by an enemy Yes - a fortified enemy First M. Last, Rank Yes RPG while carrying a position wounded Soldier

Medal of Honor Timeline Rank First M. Last

Army and Decorations Branch MOH Processing Timeline

Month Day, Year Heroic actions performed in ______.

Month Day, Year Awards and Decorations Branch receives MOH nomination.

Month Day, Year Decorations Board (ADB) reviews action and unanimously recommends forwarding action to the Senior Decorations Board (SDB).

Month Day, Year SDB unanimously recommends MOH.

Month Day, Year Action reviewed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs.

Month Day, Year Action routed to Army Senior Leadership for endorsement: Director of Army Staff, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, and Chief of Staff of the Army.

Month Day, Year Historical review provided by the Center of Military History (CMH). MOH Processing Timeline (Continued)

Month Day, Year Action endorsed by the Chief of Staff of the Army.

Month Day, Year Secretary of the Army recommended award of the MOH to the Secretary of Defense.

Month Day, Year MOH nomination forwarded to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). List of Included in the MOH Recommendation for ______Abb. For 155mm artillery Tourniquet 155 shells Close Combat Attack (Attack Reference to FM 7‐8, United CCA Helicopter) States Infantry Rifle Platoon CCP Casualty Collection Point 7‐8 tactics Field Manual CDR A‐10 US Air Force Strike Aircraft CF Coalition Forces AAM Army Achievement Medal Combined Joint Special AAR After‐Action Review CJSOTF‐A Operations Task Force‐Alpha ABN Airborne Combined Joint Task Force‐ ACM Anti‐Coalition Militant CJTF‐82 82 ACU Army Combat Uniform Military supply classification AFB Air Force Base Class Five for ammunition AFG Afghanistan Co Company AH‐64 US Army Attack Helicopter Counter Insurgency Abb. For AK‐47 7.62x39mm COMM Commercial Number AK assault rifle COMs Communications Abb. For AK‐47 7.62x39mm CONOP Concept of Operation AK‐47 assault rifle CP Command Post ANA Afghan National Army Combat Reconnaissance Afghan National Security CRP Patrol ANSF Forces DA Department of the Army AOB Advanced Operations Base DOR Date of Rank AQSL Al Qaeda Senior Leadership Russian Made 12.7mm AQ/TB Al Qaeda/Taliban DShK Heavy Machine Gun Army Regulation 15‐6: DSN Defense Switched Network Procedures for Investigating ECAS Emergency Close Air Support Officers and Boards of ETA Estimated Time of Arrival AR 15‐6 Officers ETD Emergency Trauma Dressing ARCOM Army Commendation Medal ETT Embedded Training Team Air Support Group or Area EXFIL Exfiltration ASG Support Group F‐15 Strike An F‐15 Fighter converted ASO Air Surveillance Officer Eagle for Ground Attack BDA Battle Damage Assessment FLOT Forward Line of Own Troops Battle Utilities FMV Full‐Motion Video BDU (Uniform) FOB Forward Operating Base BLDG Building FRAGO Fragmentary BN Battalion Freaks [sic] Slang for radio frequency Basic Non‐commissioned FST Forward Support Team BNCOC Officer Course 500 Pound Guided Bomb BSM Star Medal GB38 Unit Tactical movement in GMV Ground Mobility Vehicle Bound conjunction with covering Expending all available (Forward/Back) fire Going Black ammunition C2 Command and Control GPS Global Positioning Satellite Carl Gustav 84mm Recoilless Rifle GRG Gridded Reference Graphic CAS Close Air Support GSW Gun Shot Wound CAT Combat Application HAW Heavy Anti‐Tank/Assault List of Acronyms Included in the MOH Recommendation for ______Weapon Alpha HG Hand Grenade (?) OGA Other Government Agency Headquarters and OSUT One Station Unit Training HHC Headquarters Company PAX Personnel HLZ Helicopter Landing Zone Laser pointer used in HQ Headquarters conjunction with night‐vision HVI High Value Individual PEQ2 optics IN Infantry PID Positive Identification INS Insurgent 12.7mm Russian‐Made I/O Investigating Officer PKM machinegun IR Infra‐Red PLT Platoon Intelligence, Surveillance and POC Point of Contact ISR Reconnaissance PTT Push‐to‐Talk IVO In View Of QRF Quick Reaction Force JAG Judge Advocate General RGR Ranger JDAM Joint Direct Attack Monition RGT Regiment JTAC Joint Tactical Air Controller Ranger Indoctrination Junior 38 Slang for GBU 38 RIP Program KIA Killed In Action ROE Rules of Engagement LNO Liaison Officer RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade Long Range Advanced Scout 7.62x39mm Russian‐made Surveillance System used for RPK Squad Automatic Weapon LRAS detection and designation RTO Radio Transceiver Operator LZ Landing Zone SAF Small Arms Fire M‐240B, a US 7.62x51mm SALT Size, Activity, Location, Time M‐240B Medium Machine Gun SATCOM Satellite Communications US 5.56x45mm Squad SAW Squad Automatic Weapon M‐249 Automatic Weapon Scrape Run Slang for strafing run M‐4 US 5.56x45mm Carbine SF MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation SFG Special Forces Group MFR Memorandum For Record SIGINT Signal Intelligence MH‐47 Special Operations Aircraft SITREP Situation Report US 40mm Automatic Special Operations Task Mk.19 Grenade Launcher SOTF Force US 40mm Automatic Tactical Casualty Combat Mk.47 Grenade Launcher TCCC Care MOH Medal of Honor TF Task Force MSR Main Supply Route Terminal Guidance MVMT Movement TGO Operation NCO Non‐commissioned Officer TIC Troops in Contact NODs Night‐vision Optical Devices TOC Tactical Operations Center Non‐Traditional Intelligence, Tactics, Techniques and Surveillance and TTP Procedures NTISR Reconnaissance USSF United States Special Forces NVG Night Vision Goggles Vehicle Borne Improvised OBJ Objective VBIED Explosive Device ODA Operational Detachment VDO Very Distant Object List of Acronyms Included in the MOH Recommendation for ______VS‐17 Reflective marking panel WIA Wounded In Action WLC Warrior Leader Course XO Executive Officer

Army Ranks PVT Private PV2 Private E‐2 PFC Private First Class SPC SGT Sergeant SSG Staff Sergeant SFC Sergeant First Class MSG Master Sergeant 1SG First Sergeant SGM Sergeant Major SMA Sergeant Major of the Army WO1 Warrant Officer 1 CWO2 2 CWO3 Chief Warrant Officer 3 CWO4 Chief Warrant Officer 4 CWO5 Chief Warrant Officer 5 2LT Second Lieutenant 1LT First Lieutenant CPT Captain MAJ Major LTC Lieutenant COL Colonel BG Brigadier General MG Major General LTG Lieutenant General GEN General