The American Journal of Surgical Pathology 27(1): 48–57, 2003 © 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia

Epithelioid -Like

Steven D. Billings, M.D., Andrew L. Folpe, M.D., and Sharon W. Weiss, M.D.

We are reporting seven histologically identical cases of a dis- the family of “hemangioendothelioma” or vascular lesions of tinctive, low-grade that closely mimics an epi- intermediate malignancy. thelioid sarcoma because of growth in solid sheets and nests, Key Words: Hemangioendothelioma—Epithelioid sarcoma— the eosinophilia of the rounded to slightly spindled neoplastic Vascular . cells, and the diffuse, strong cytokeratin expression. Termed epithelioid sarcoma-like hemangioendothelioma, all were diag- Am J Surg Pathol 27(1): 48–57, 2003. nosed by the submitting pathologist or another expert consul- tant as epithelioid sarcoma. Although none displayed architec- tural evidence of vascular differentiation in the form of multi- cellular vascular channels, some displayed subtle cytologic features of vascular differentiation and all displayed immuno- Over the past 15 years we have recognized an unusual histochemical evidence of endothelial differentiation. The pa- tumor, which was virtually always submitted in consul- tients (four male; three female) ranged in age from 17 to 54 tation with a diagnosis of epithelioid sarcoma but be- years (median 23 years). Ranging in size from 1 to 3.5 cm, they cause of certain subtle differences was regarded by us as ס ס occurred in the extremities (n 5), scalp (n 1), and chest an unusual keratin-positive sarcoma of uncertain type. In soft (3 ס and superficial (n (3 ס both in deep (n ,(1 ס wall (n The tumors were characterized by very recent years the increase in immunohistochemical .(1 ס tissue or both (n sheets, ill-defined nodules, or fascicles of deeply eosinophilic markers and enhanced antigen retrieval techniques have cells set within a desmoplastic stroma. Multicellular vascular allowed us to characterize these distinctive lesions as channel formation and/or hemorrhage were absent in all cases. endothelial tumors. Despite their epithelioid appearance, In four cases intracytoplasmic vacuolization suggestive of in- they appear sufficiently different from previously de- tracytoplasmic vascular lumen formation was noted. The typi- cal neoplastic cell was large and rounded in shape but modu- scribed epithelioid vascular tumors to warrant a separate lated in areas to a spindled or multipolar shape. Mitotic activity designation. Given the mimicry of epithelioid sarcoma in was low (<5 mitotic figures/50 high power fields), nuclear the face of their more indolent behavior, we propose the pleomorphism was mild to moderate, and necrosis was absent. name epithelioid sarcoma-like hemangioendothelioma The tumors were positive for cytokeratin (6 of 6), vimentin (6 (ES-H). of 6), CD31 (5 of 6), FLI-1 (6 of 6), but negative for CD34 (0 of 6). Within a follow-up period of 3–72 months (median 39 months), two patients experienced a local recurrence and one patient regional soft tissue metastases, but no distant ones. Two MATERIALS AND METHODS patients presented with multifocal lesions suggestive of re- gional metastases. Currently, two patients are alive with disease Seven histologically identical cases were retrieved and five are disease free. Epithelioid sarcoma-like hemangio- from our consultation files during the period 1991–2001. endothelioma appears to be a largely unrecognized epithelioid The earliest cases were coded as “low grade sarcoma” vascular tumor with an indolent course. Despite its similar with a notation that they expressed cytokeratin. The tu- clinical and histologic features, it differs from epithelioid sar- coma by the presence of endothelial markers and the absence to mors were analyzed with respect to growth pattern, cel- date of distant metastases. Its distinction from other epithelioid lularity, nuclear atypia, mitotic figures/50 high power vascular lesions is discussed. We think this tumor fits best into fields, necrosis, vasoformation, inflammation, and the characteristics of the accompanying stromal matrix. De- mographic parameters were also analyzed, including re- From the Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, ferring diagnosis from the contributing pathologist and Indiana University School of Medicine (S.D.B.), Indianapolis, Indiana, and Emory University School of Medicine (A.L.F., S.W.W.), Atlanta, any previous consultative diagnosis. In no case did the Georgia, U.S.A. tumor appear to arise from the overlying , and no Address correspondence and reprint requests to Sharon W. Weiss, patient had a history of a carcinoma. Six tumors had MD, Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University Hospital, 1364 Clifton Rd., Atlanta, GA 30322, U.S.A.; either blocks or slides available for immunohistochemi- e-mail: [email protected] cal studies.


TABLE 1. Summary of clinical information

Case Age (y), Size no. sex Referring diagnosis Location (cm) Treatment Follow-up

1 54/M Epith sarc Thigh 2.2 WLE NED 61 mo 2 23/M Not provided Knee 2 XRT AWD 66 mo, developed multiple thigh masses 3 45/F Epith sarc vs. low Scalp <2 WLE (2) Rec 36 mo, NED after 2nd grade vascular tumor WLE 36 mo 4 18/F Epith sarc vs. Thigh (2 separate NA WLE, Chemo, NED 39 mo epithelioid masses) XRT 5 20/M Epith sarc Calf 3.5 WLE NED 9 mo 6 17/F Epith sarc Chest wall Small Simple exc Probable rec 6 mo 7 36/M Epith sarc Wrist and forearm 1–3 WLE, XRT NED 3 mo

Epith sarc, epithelioid sarcoma; WLE, wide local excision; Chemo, ; EXC, excision; XRT, ; NED, no evidence of disease; AWD, alive with disease; Rec, recurrence.

For immunohistochemistry, deparaffinized, formalin- although in two cases alternative diagnoses of epithelioid fixed sections were immunostained with antibodies to vascular tumor (i.e., epithelioid hemangioendothelioma pancytokeratin (AE1/AE3, 1:40, Dako Corporation, or angiosarcoma) were suggested. In the seventh case no Carpinteria, CA, USA), vimentin (V9, 1:80, Dako diagnosis was rendered. Corp.), CD31 (JC70, 1:80, Dako Corporation), The tumors ranged in size from 1 to 3.5 cm. They CD34 (QBEND 10, 1:320, Dako Corporation), and Fli-1 presented as deep soft tissue masses (three cases), super- protein (Sc 356 polyclonal, 1:120, Santa Cruz Biotech- ficial masses (three cases), or involving both superficial nology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA). Negative controls and deep soft tissue (one case). One case was notable for consisted of substitution of normal serum for the pri- ulceration of the overlying epidermis (Fig. 1). mary antibody. Sections were subjected to heat-induced Histologically, all were characterized by neoplastic epitope retrieval, in citrate buffer using a vegetable cells arranged as multiple ill-defined nodules, sheets, or steamer, for 15 minutes. Antigens were localized using short fascicles (Fig. 2), which typically infiltrated soft an avidin-biotin method with 3,3Ј-diaminobenzidine as a tissue and evoked a desmoplastic response. No tumor chromogen. The slides were counterstained with hema- appeared to arise from a vessel. The neoplastic cells for toxylin. the most part had a rounded epithelioid shape with prominent eosinophilic cytoplasm (Figs. 3, 4) and usu- ally indistinct cytoplasmic borders. Within nearly all tu- RESULTS mors transitional zones were noted in which the cells acquired a spindled or a multipolar shape and lost their The patients (four men and three women) ranged in cellular cohesion (Figs. 5, 6). In the spindled areas the age from 17 to 54 years (median 23 years). The tumors cells were usually arranged in short intersecting fascicles -Figs. 7, 8) and rarely in long fascicles similar to a well) (4 ס occurred most commonly in the lower extremity (n followed by one each in the upper extremity, scalp, and differentiated fibrosarcoma (Fig. 9). Even in these areas, chest wall (Table 1). The contributing pathologist’s it was usually possible to appreciate the relative plump- and/or other consultant’s diagnosis was “epithelioid sar- ness and eosinophilia of the spindled cells. In all areas coma” or “probable epithelioid sarcoma” in six cases, (epithelioid, transitional, and spindled) the overall atypia

TABLE 2. Differential diagnosis of epithelioid sarcoma-like hemangioendothelioma

Histologic Epithelioid sarcoma-like Epithelioid Epithelioid Epithelioid feature hemangioendothelioma sarcoma hemangioendothelioma angiosarcoma

Growth pattern Ill-defined nodules and Nodules often with central Cords, often Sheets fascicles necrosis vasculocentric Vasoformation Not evident by light Focal intracytoplasmic Frequent intracytoplasmic Multicellular vascular microscopy except for vacuoles, no true lumen lumens (“blister” cells) channels, rare cytoplasmic formation intracytoplasmic lumens vacuoles Nuclear atypia Mild to moderate Mild to moderate Mild to moderate Moderate to marked Immunostains CK+, CD31+, Fli-1+, CK+, CD31−, Fli-1−, CK+ (25%), CD31+, CK+, CD31+, Fli-1+, Vim+, CD34− Vim+, CD34+ (50–60%) Fli-1+, Vim+, CD34+ Vim+, CD34+

CK, cytokeratin; Vim, vimentin.

Am J Surg Pathol, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2003 50 S. D. BILLINGS ET AL.

FIG. 1. Clinical photograph of an ulcerating ES-H of the fore- head.

of the cells was minimal or modest and mitotic activity evidence of intracytoplasmic lumen formation and are was <5 mitotic figures/50 high power fields (Figs. 10, commonly seen in epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, 11). The diagnosis of vascular tumor was seldom sus- were identified in only four cases and then only in rare pected in these cases because the usual features we at- cells (Fig. 12). Intralesional hemorrhage, a signature of tribute to various vascular tumors were either absent or many , was also totally lacking. inconspicuous at best. For example, in no case were mul- Six cases with available material for immunohisto- ticellular vascular channels, the hallmark of hemangio- chemical studies were strongly positive for cytokeratin mas and many angiosarcomas, present. Likewise, intra- (Fig. 13) and vimentin. Five of the six cases were posi- cytoplasmic vacuoles, which are usually interpreted as tive for CD31 with linear staining of the cytoplasmic

FIG. 2. Low power view of an ES-H involving showing sheets of cells displaying a vague nodu- larity. The center of one coarse nodule is hyalinized in a fashion reminiscent of the hyalinizing nodules of epitheli- oid sarcoma.

Am J Surg Pathol, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2003 FIG. 3. Epithelioid areas of an ES-H. FIG. 4. Epithelioid areas of an ES-H. Cells have more abundant cytoplasm than those depicted in Figure 3.

FIG. 5. ES-H showing transition between epithelioid and FIG. 6. ES-H showing transition between epithelioid and spindled areas. spindled areas. Striking desmoplasia is evident similar to an epithelioid sarcoma. 52 S. D. BILLINGS ET AL.

patients are alive with disease (case nos. 2 and 6) and five are free of disease.


In 1988 while at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology one of us (S.W.W.) first encountered a multifocal, epithelioid tumor from the arm of a young patient. The tumor strongly expressed cytokeratin and the referring diagnosis was “epithelioid sarcoma.” All who reviewed the case, including Dr. Franz Enzinger who first described the epithelioid sarcoma,5 doubted this diagnosis but had no firm alternative diag- nosis at that time. Since then, we have seen additional examples of this tumor, but only in recent years with an expanded armamentarium of commercial anti- bodies have we been able to classify these tumors as endothelial. As illustrated by our series, these lesions usually occur in young adults and most involve the distal extremities. Some may present with multifocal disease or develop

FIG. 7. Spindled area in ES-H. Spindled cells are plump with abundant cytoplasm.

membrane characteristic of endothelial differentiation (Fig. 14). All six were also at least focally positive for Fli-1 protein, with most cases showing moderate nuclear staining (Fig. 15). None of the six was immunoreactive for CD34. Other immunohistochemical stains, including S-100 protein (two cases), desmin (four cases), muscle specific actin (two cases), and epithelial membrane an- tigen (one case), were negative. Follow-up was available on all seven cases (range 3–72 months; median 39 months). Two patients had evi- dence of local recurrences (case nos. 1 and 6). Case no. 1 with a scalp tumor experienced a local recurrence at 36 months. Following wide reexcision, she has remained disease free for 36 months. In case no. 6 the patient had radiologic evidence of local recurrence at 6 months but no additional biopsies or reexcision had been performed. One patient had documented regional soft tissue metas- tasis (case no. 2). Two cases presented with multiple masses, suggesting regional soft tissue at the FIG. 8. Spindled area in ES-H in which cells are more time of presentation (case nos. 4 and 7). No patient has attenuated compared with Figure 7 and are arranged in developed evidence of distant metastasis. Currently, two short intersecting fascicles.


epithelioid ),15,18 were present in about half of these tumors but were typically difficult to find. In this context the finding of strong, intense cytokeratin expression usually led to a consideration of other possibilities, such as an authentic epithelial tumor or an epithelioid sarcoma.2,3,9,10 Thus, the most compelling evidence of vascular differentiation is provided by immunohistochemistry. All but one case expressed CD31 in a strong, linear, membranous pattern, which is highly specific for endo- thelial cells.4,14 Although a single case of epithelioid sarcoma has been reported to be CD31 positive, this case showed only cytoplasmic staining, which is consid- ered nonspecific.13 Membranous CD31 expression may be seen in very rare carcinomas and in macrophages/histiocytic tumors, where it has a dis- tinctive granular pattern.11 We are not aware of any re- ported cases of CD31-positive adnexal carcinomas. Furthermore, Fli-1, a DNA-binding transcription factor expressed by developing and adult endothelial cells, was expressed within the nucleus of the six cases studied. Fli-1 is expressed by >90% of vascular tumors of

FIG. 9. Spindled area in ES-H in which the cells are mark- edly attenuated and resemble those in a well- differentiated (low-grade) fibrosarcoma. Such areas were distinctly unusual compared with areas depicted in Fig- ures 7 and 8.

proximal lesions in the course of the disease. Thus, in many ways the clinical presentation resembles epitheli- oid sarcoma.2,5,9,10 In our experience both submitting and expert pathologists rendered the diagnosis of epithe- lioid sarcoma or probable epithelioid sarcoma in the ma- jority of our cases. We also suspect that most examples of this tumor have been misdiagnosed as, and included in series of, epithelioid sarcoma. This is entirely under- standable because obvious features of endothelial differ- entiation as judged at the architectural level are virtually nonexistent. Specifically, they do not form multicellular vascular channels as are seen in both benign and malig- nant vascular tumors, and they do not display prominent intralesional hemorrhage as is seen in most angiosarco- mas.6,12 Cytologic evidence of endothelial differentia- tion, although present in some cases, is elusive. For ex- ample, intracytoplasmic vacuoles, which may signify cy- tologic evidence of endothelial differentiation (and are FIG. 10. High power view of epithelioid area in ES-H. especially prominent in some vascular tumors such as Note the overall lack of atypia.

Am J Surg Pathol, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2003 54 S. D. BILLINGS ET AL.

all types, but not by epithelioid or carci- nomas.7 Interestingly, none of these cases expressed CD34, the human progenitor cell antigen, which is ex- pressed by >90% of vascular tumors14,17 and also 50– 60% of epithelioid sarcomas.1,13,16 Whether this absence represents a bias introduced by small sample size or sig- nifies a distinct CD34-negative endothelial phenotype typical of this tumor is unclear. It should be emphasized, however, that many different malignant vascular tumors may on occasion be CD34 negative and that demonstra- tion of CD34 expression is not obligatory for the diag- nosis of a vascular tumor. We did not study these cases for expression of von Willebrand factor (factor VIII- related antigen) because its low sensitivity and the fre- quent presence of significant “background” resulting from staining of circulating antigen greatly limit the util- ity of this marker. Given the myriad of vascular tumors described in recent years, one might question whether this lesion represents a variant of epithelioid hemangioendothelio- ma or epithelioid angiosarcoma. However, we think that there are significant and sufficient reasons for consider- ing these lesions distinct (Table 2). Epithelioid heman- gioendothelioma is typically an angiocentric lesion con- sisting of epithelioid endothelial cells that display fre- quent intracytoplasmic vacuoles/lumina occasionally containing erythrocytes.16,18 These vacuolated endothe- lial cells coupled with their arrangement in short cords or strands recapitulating the primitive angiogenic cords of FIG. 11. High power view of spindled areas in ES-H. Note the yolk sac have become pathognomonic features of this the overall lack of atypia and mitotic activity. lesion. The matrix is also quite distinctive and consists of a dense chondroid or hyaline material containing sulfated

FIG. 12. Intracytoplasmic vacuole (a feature often asso- ciated with endothelial differ- entiation) within ES-H.


FIG. 13. Cytokeratin expres- sion in ES-H.

acid mucin. All of these rather distinctive features are Epithelioid angiosarcomas tend to segregate in deep lacking in the ES-H. Although epithelioid hemangioen- soft tissue and present as large masses composed of dothelioma may acquire a spindled appearance similar to sheets of epithelioid endothelial cells of uniformly high the ES-H, this usually occurs in more malignant forms in nuclear grade that form distinct multicellular vascular which there is a shift to an extremely high nuclear grade channels within a hemorrhagic backdrop.6,12 Some ex- and mitotic activity. A subset of epithelioid hemangio- press cytokeratin, but like the epithelioid hemangio- endotheliomas expresses keratin, but expression is usu- endothelioma it is usually focal. In contrast to epitheli- ally focal and rarely intense and diffuse as is seen in oid angiosarcoma, ES-H lacks vascular channel for- ES-H.8 mation and hemorrhage and consists of endothelial cells of lower nuclear grade. The vast majority of angio- sarcomas behave as high-grade sarcomas with death from tumor in over one half,12 quite at variance with our lesions. As implied in our choice of names, the lesion with which this tumor shares the greatest histologic and clini- cal overlap is the epithelioid sarcoma.2,3,5,9,10 Clearly, the age, manner of presentation, epithelioid appearance, the curious modulation between epithelioid and spindled areas, and the strong cytokeratin expression bring this possibility to mind. We think there are some features at the light microscopic level, which allow tentative sepa- ration of the two. Epithelioid sarcoma tends to grow in distinct, cohesive nodules having central areas of hyalin- ization and necrosis, whereas ES-H grows in sheets and fascicles. If nodules are present, they are usually ill de- fined and lack cohesion. Although epithelioid sarcomas overall display more atypia than ES-H, there is consid- erable overlap. Epithelioid sarcomas at their initial pre- sentation may appear surprisingly bland, and some ES-H may have significant atypia focally. Thus, it is clear that FIG. 14. Membranous, “linear” CD31 immunostaining in immunohistochemistry plays an important and critical ES-H. role in the distinction of the two lesions. CD31 and Fli-1

Am J Surg Pathol, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2003 56 S. D. BILLINGS ET AL.

FIG. 15. Fli-1 expression in ES-H. A positively staining tu- mor cell nucleus is indicated by arrow.

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Am J Surg Pathol, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2003