Just as in 1911-12-13-14 the Scheldeprijs in 1920 was limited to independent riders. The race started at the Oude-God and ended at the track at the Garden-City in Wilrijk. At the same place the Olympic cycling tests and world championship. Fifty seven independent riders started and Victor Lenaers was by far the best, he arrived 2 minute ahead of the 2nd.

ROADMAP Oude God, Lier, Herentals, Geel, Mol, Leopoldsburg, Hasselt, Tongeren, Ans, Hannut, Tienen, Leuven, Mechelen, (Wilrijk, Garden City), 251 km.

From 1920 to 1922 the Garden City cycling track was the arrival place of the Scheldeprijs. The Garden City cycling track was opened on June 28, 1914. It was located in the sports park in Wilrijk, near the Jules Moretuslei and the border with Mortsel. In 1920 she experienced her most glorious year. The UCI World Championships took place here on August 7 and August 8. On August 9, the Olypmpic Cycling trials started. The beautiful cement cycling track (400m), however, underwent the same fate as ten years earlier Zurenborg. In 1924 she was demolished. Now, only the Garden Citylaan still reminds on that beautiful cycling Photo-archive Etienne Bouqué track where once was sprinted and staged for the World and the Olympic titles. http://www.ethesis.net/wielerbaan/wielerbaan_bijlage_3.htm

RESULT 57 participants - Independants 1.Victor Lenaers; 2. Jean-Baptiste Mosselmans; 3. Jacques Barvoets; 4. André Casterman; 5. Armand Thewis; 6. Maurice De Pauw sr.; 7. Raymond Englebert; 8. Edward Thysmans; 9. Léon Destombes; 10. Albert Jordens; 11. Henri Pelgrims; 12. Denis Verschueren; 13. Jean Hanlet; 14. Frans Van Migro; 15. Gobeaux; 16. François-José Servais; 17. Jean Belvaux; 18. Bugni; 19. Ernest Huyghe. Victor Lenaers (°Tongeren 12.01.1893-+Tongeren 12.11.1968)

Was one of most successful professional riders in the period just after WW1. He acquired international fame as rider in the multi-day races. In 1921 he became sixth in the Tour de as winner of the “independent (isolés). In 1922 he even finished fifth in the Tour. In 1920 he won, as an idependant, next to the Scheldeprijs also the Tour of Limburg.

René Vermeiren