PRESENT: Councillors Andrew Foyle(in the Chair), Bill Fawcett, Nick Craddock, Graham Duffield, Glyn Jenkins and Peter Castle. Rhodri Traherne, Martin Jones (Next Generation Broadband), PC Steven Thomas and Christine Evans

Before the meeting a brief presentation was given by Martin Jones outlining plans for improving broadband provision in the area over the next year.


ITEM 2 (552) RECEIVE APOLOGIES Ann Thomas and Louise O’Shea

ITEM 3 (553) DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Nick Craddock declared an interest and left the meeting for all discussions relating to Hendrewenol and completed a proforma as required.

ITEM 4 (554) The minutes of the ordinary meeting on 5th May 2015 were approved and signed. The AGM minutes would be amended and signed at the next meeting. It was agreed that Public Forum Item on the AGM agenda would be moved to the ordinary meeting in future.

ITEM 5 (555) POLICE REPORT There were no crimes in the area however PC Thomas requested members report registration numbers of vehicles parking at Hensol Forest as complaints had been received of cannabis use. Quad bikes had been noted in the village and these should also be reported.

ITEM 6 (556) MATTERS ARISING a) Publication Scheme – it was agreed that the model would be circulated and discussed at the July meeting b) Choose internal auditor 2015-16 – this was postponed till the next meeting to allow for more information to be provided c) Register of interests website – it was agreed that further clarification of new regulations should be requested. Rhodri Traherne confirmed that fly tipping would only be removed by the Vale Council where it was on Council land, all other tipping was the responsibility of the land owners. In the case of Hensol Forest, Natural Resources should be informed when fly tipping was noted. Glyn Jenkins noted heavy vehicles were using Sandy Lane to gain access to new developments in (cc Rhodri Traherne)

ITEM 7 (557) REPORT FROM RHODRI TRAHERNE Rhodri updated Members on the progress of the LDP and Reshaping Services. Regarding concerns over Hendrewennol, he explained the planning procedures for CRC at its instigation but expressed some concern that these had not been followed. He suggested appropriate recipients for letters from the Community Council concerning this problem. Glyn Jenkins queried whether work on potholes was ever inspected on completion. Councillors noted that when overgrown hedges are reported it is helpful to add the name of the landowner.

ITEM 8 (558) HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS Clerk to report:- - overgrown hedge at A48 bus stop at WSD turning - prickly hedge at Ystradowen (previously reported) - possibly polluted water flowing, following recent heavy rain, from the car park at Cherry Orchard Farm on to the highway and into fields



ITEM 11 (561) CORRESPONDENCE * received by mail Vale of (Council Meeting minutes are available on website): Transforming Secondary Schools in Barry – consultation - no comments Carers’ Week events poster – displayed Charter Action Plan – update on progress Enforcement Unit – Brynheulog – further planning consent required Request for CLC representatives for 15/16 and Chair – year book - supplied CLC Agenda and reports Co-creating Healthy Change Forum - noted Flail mowing verges – change in policy – Natalie Bosworth informed. Reshaping Local Services – this was discussed and the Chair would submit the questionnaire One Voice Wales: National Resource Management Bulletin April 15 Climate Change Commission, Communities Sectoral Adaption Plan Workshop – no one available Abolition of Paper Counterpart to Photocard Driving Licence from 8.6.15 Paul Egan – internal audit charges £375 per day with expenses quotation Online register of members interests Protecting Community Assets – consultation to 11.09.2015 – Graham Duffield to give detailed report at next meeting Larger Council Conference 8th July n/a Training: Integrated Catchment Management Training Shared Learning Seminar – continued independence of older people Welsh Government: Jane Hutt – Statement on Community Asset Transfer Wales Audit Office Shared Learning Seminar – continued Independence of Older People Carole Jones – copy of her piece for Parish Magazine requesting interest in tennis Courts – Chair edited mention of CC – posters displayed Planning Aid Wales – free planning session – Chair to attend Christine Evans – Hendrewennol – licence concerns Tristan Morgan – Hendrewennol – highway concerns Scott Lewis – acknowledgement of letters PC Steven Thomas – Speed Watch Scheme – information and application forms – forwarded to Cliff Wilkins, Nicky Bowen and Emma Hall The Pension Regulator - automatic enrolment by 30.6.15 * NextGenerationBroadband – presentation before meeting 7pm Revised Bus Service G1 , Bridgend CPRW annual magazine* Tony Williams – estimate for internal audit £250 pa - it was agreed the Clerk should prepare an analysis of the services required and the estimates given for the next meeting Rhodri Traherne: road closures at Junction 34, confirmation that no traveller site would be located in Hensol and advice as to where to direct correspondence regarding Hendrewennol complaints Emma Hall – request for speedwatch information and whether ‘slow children playing signs’ in Tair Onen are from Vale Council – Peter Castle confirmed they are on NRW land and not provided by the Vale Council Advertising: Raynet – events communications Helping Hands Planning Aid Wales workshop – asked Andrew Conservatives x 5 Business Wales – Innovation zone Home Solar Power Systems Public Sector newsletter

ITEM 12 (562) FINANCES Payment approved: a) Green Venture – cutting grass in May £280. Supply and fit new bench £475.00.The cheque for April cutting is to be stopped and another issued as it has gone missing in the post David Barnard for internal audit 14-15 £48 b) Annual Return –comments from the internal audit were considered and adjustments to the accounts and summary of payments were approved and the accounts signed. Section 2 of the annual return was completed and the return signed for submission to Wales Audit c) Accounts and Audit Wales guidance 2014 – the internal auditor was happy the Council complied with all requirements of the Accouts and Audit guidance of 2014. It was agreed the Clerk should thank David Barnard for his work and guidance of recent years and wish him well in retirement.


ITEM 14 (564) CURRENT AND FUTURE PROJECTS Logbook for the pond signed for June.


ITEM 16 (566) DOCUMENTS FOR DISCUSSION a) Charter Action Plan – The Chair to complete questionaire b) Protecting Community Assets – Graham Duffield to prepare detailed report.

ITEM 17 (567) PLANNING 15/00427 Catreglas Farm, Ystradowen – this had been discussed at the previous meeting

There being no other business the Chairman thanked those present for attending and closed the meeting.