Departm Ent of Health Services

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Departm Ent of Health Services Annual Report Depart ent of Health Serv ice 2075 76 2018 19 K ath andu Gov ern ent of Nepal Ministry of Health and Population Depart ent of Health Serv ice CONTENTS CONTENTS agmiitataa agmtatiitataa amtaataa F orew ord ro D re tor eneral, DoHS, oH A k now le g e ent ro D re tor o ana e ent D v i s i on, DoHS gmtmitgatatmaaagmt iaam i T ren o Healt Serv i c e ov era e a t- s h eet i i i mma v mmaaaati x x mmaaatttatg x x x v i i i at Bag atmtati imaaataaai ttamtt at at atmtgmiita atmtaataii at iatammia tgataagmtataii ti ataat amiaigaat taaat imaatataii at tBagtiaia aaia aaaa maiaiai g a ia i a mmiaiataat imigaiataaagmt iaaa aaigagtm A ataitia at igaaitmt iatiaBai iaatit Biaaagiaia mammitatt at ati magaaat matii at ataiig tBiaaaiig atamaammia atiaagmt atmaaagmt attmt imtatataataagmt giaagmt iataati miitaaagmt iaiaaagmt igai itigaaa at aigi aaiai aatai aiai aatiai aamai at at atagaia Biatagaia tamtgaia mtgaia A N E X E S iaitigam agtgam B C D E F G H ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS tigimmia DP T D p t er a, ertu s i s , etanu taim ataaitamt taiaai gm tii E D E x ternal ev elop ent partners tgatti aatai iimmim aiatiagi miiaita m mgttia A C Antenatal are attia A I Annual para i te n i d en e agammmmia tiati taaitaa tiata aaigagtm aiaiaatia mammitatt B aiitaat F SW F e ale ex or er taaat aiaiit amm gaiimatm B C B i rt i n entre maatiga B Baiagmmia G G B V G er atr c an en er a e i olen e B M E AT B i o e i c al e u p ent a s i s tant tra n n ataiitaamaagmt B M E T B i o e i c al e u p ent tra n n mmi Biataiai H B Healt n uran e oard B T SC B loo tran f u i on erv i c e entre aaagmtmatm I M C I I nte rate ana e ent o h i l h oo llne s tgatatmaaagmt pro ra m e tm I M N C I I nte rate ana e ent o eonatal an maimmii C h i l h oo llne s taaaiaia tgataagmta I C T i m m uno h ro ato rap i c te t P ro ra m e iaamia B mmitagaia iii ttiamii maaammia C C E C o pre en i v e entre o ex c ellen e mtaiiai C DD C ontrol o i arr eal i s ea e tgataagmttati mimgttia aatiai neonatal are iaaig C H C h lor ex i d i ne iatiamagamaig miaa tatitai aaat aaai miamiaig agaitmiaai taaat gagamatmt gitaam gagita iiaaaaa gagiiat T ra n n giaagmtmatm DA A D s c h arg e a a n t e i c al a v i c e LTF L o t to ollow - up DH Den ue ae orr a i c ev er iaa ititatmatm aagmttati itatmtt B aia DoHS, Annual Report 2075/76 (2018/19) i M C H M aternal an h i l ealt maiiaiag m taaat P C V P neu o o c al on u ate a c i ne M C V M ea le - c onta n n a c i ne P DR P renatal eat rev i ew M D M ana e ent D v i s i on tigmati agamiita aagammia M D M i llenn u Dev elop ent oal D s ea e tiiiaa P f P la m o i u f al i paru aaiaiamatm imaatataii gitat P L H V P eople l v i n i t H V gta mttitamii aiia P N C P o tnatal are ataatagiti igaa pro ra m e P P H P o tpartu ae orr a e ataaiat B iatiai ataaat P v P la m o i u i v ax M N P M i c ro N utr ent ow d er P W I D P eople h o n e t ru s iitataa aitimmt M P DSR M aternal an per natal eat urv e llan e an aiiagtt re pon e tati aa tagita M S M en h o av e ex i t en atiati ttia B iitaataa aaamaia iaatitmtmmi aatatamt aaat tatg mai aaamiai atamii mmiaia aigti atat B aagaBgtt amgaiaat tm aataaitam T d T etanu an i p t er a aaatmmiai aiigmaaagmttm N HS - I P N epal Healt Se tor ro ra m e iaaigat mmtaa TT T etanu tox o d aatttatg aitamiii aammiagamm aataiaait aiatt itamii aaigamm aitaia tiiaagmtt tagiata tat ataitaagi aiai WPV W i l pol ov i ru aa mag atattiamaagmt iaatmaagmt B aiaia B maatigiam i i DoHS, Annual Report 2075/76 (2018/19) Departm ent of Health Serv ice Trend of Health Serv ice Cov erage Fact Sheet Fis cal ear 2073/ 74 to 2075/ 76 2016/ 17 to 2018 19) National National FY 2075 76 ( 2018/ 19) by Prov ince Target Program m e Indicator 2073 74 2074/ 75 2075/ 76 Bag Sudur 1 2 Gandaki 5 K arnali 2020 2030 ( 2016/ 17) ( 2017 18) ( 2018 19) m ati Pas chim NUMBER OF HEAL TH FACIL ITIES P u li c os p tals 123 125 125 19 1 3 5 16 17 12 1 P H C s 200 198 196 4 0 3 2 4 1 2 3 0 1 16 H s 3 808 3 808 3 806 6 7 7 5 6 1 4 91 570 3 3 5 3 77 N on- pub l c ac i l ti es 1715 1822 2168 150 203 1 17 119 156 7 4 9 HEAL TH FACIL ITIES FCHVs REPORTING STATUS ( % ) Public facilities : P u li c os p tals 9 96 88 100 97 6 91 9 99 100 100 P H C s 98 98 99 100 100 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 H s 100 98 99 100 100 99 99 100 100 100 100 100 Non- public facilities : F C H s 72 72 95 91 9 9 9 99 9 97 100 100 IMMUNIZ ATION STATUS ( % ) B C G ov erag e 91 92 91 87 107 81 72 98 102 8 D T - Hep - Hi b 3 ov erag e 86 82 86 8 105 71 72 90 99 82 90 > 95 M R2 ov erag e 57 66 7 75 71 60 77 8 78 75 (12- 23 onth s ) F ully m m un z ed h i ld ren 7 70 68 71 71 5 61 7 79 71 90 95 Dropout rate DP T - Hep - < 10 4 . 7 7 4 4 . 3 2 9 7 9 3 . 2 2 4 2 4 2 7 < 5 % Hi b 1 s 3 ov erag e % P reg nant o en w h o 6 7 6 59 8 4 8 52 7 69 6 rec ei v ed D2 an T D2+ NUTRITION STATUS % ) C h i ld ren ag ed 0- 11 onth s reg i s tered or row t 85 8 8 78 78 69 92 100 117 86 100 100 m oni tori ng U n erw ei g h t h i ld ren am ong new G M i s i ts (0- 3 . 5 3 . 6 3 . 0 1 7 4 . 2 2 1 0 9 3 . 0 5 0 4 . 0 11m ) C h i ld ren ag ed 12- 23 m onth s reg i s tered or 5 56 58 4 9 59 4 4 69 6 80 58 100 100 g ro th oni tori ng U n erw ei g h t h i ld ren am ong new G M i s i ts (12- 5 7 5 7 4 . 5 2 9 5 6 1 8 1 5 5 4 8 5 7 2 2 m ) P reg nant o en w h o rec ei v ed 180 tab lets o 4 4 4 5 81 3 9 5 7 3 0 62 61 61 68 I ron P o tpartum oth ers h o rec ei v ed i tam i n A 72 66 65 57 91 4 1 4 6 65 98 68 s upplem ents IMNCI STATUS I n i d en e of pneum on a am ong h i ld ren U 5 ears 66 5 8 116 65 55 58 76 159 110 (per 1000) ( HF and P H /O RC only ) % o h i ld ren U 5 ears i th P neu on a treated i th 156 165 1 6 128 203 111 1 5 127 120 113 anti b i oti c s % o h i ld ren U 5 ears i th P neu on a treated i th na 102 1 6 128 203 1 5 127 116 114 111 100 100 anti b i oti c s (Am ox i c i ll n) I nc i d enc e o i arrh ea per 1,000 und er i v e ear 4 00 3 85 3 75 3 51 3 4 7 2 0 268 4 04 683 624 c h i ld ren % of h i ld ren un er 5 w i th d iarrh ea treated w ith RS 92 95 95 90 102 9 97 9 99 9 100 100 an i n SAFE MOTHERHOOD % ) P reg nant o en w h o attend ed i rs t AN C i s i t 102 103 110 114 118 106 108 110 127 90 (any ti m e) P reg nant o en w h o attend ed our AN C i s i ts as 5 50 56 61 4 1 51 70 65 62 58 70 90 per proto ol DoHS, Annual Report 2075/76 (2018/19) i i i National National FY 2075 76 ( 2018/ 19) by Prov ince Target Program m e Indicator 2073 74 2074/ 75 2075/ 76 Bag Sudur 1 2 Gandaki 5 K arnali 2020 2030 ( 2016/ 17) ( 2017 18) ( 2018 19) m ati Pas chim I ns ti tuti onal el v eri es * 55 5 6 62 5 62 4 8 79 7 71 70 90 Deli v eri es ond uc ted b y 52 52 60 61 51 61 4 7 7 59 61 70 90 s k i lled i rth atten ant* M oth ers h o ad th ree P N C h ec k - up as per 19 16 16 9 15 1 1 9 2 3 1 50 90 proto ol* FAMIL Y PL ANNING % ) C ontrac epti v e prev alenc e 4 3 .
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