WEATHER FORECAST 6 ajn. to midnight—Light southeasterly LIGHTING-UP TIME winds, veering to south; cloudy at first 6.45 pan. with occasional light rain, becoming fair YESTERDAY'S WEATHER TIDE TABLE FOR SEPT. Maximum temperature — 84.8 Date High Water Low Water Sun- Suro- Minimum temperature ...... 68.0 Rainfall ,, KI A.M. PJC. A.M. P.M. rise aet SATURDAY'S WEATHER 23 7.90 7.26 LOO 1.09 6.07 6.15 Maximum temperature • „ •- 81.2 Minimum temperature ...... 66.9 24 7.46 8.10 1.44 157 6.08 6.14 Rainfall ,,..,,, Nil

3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM VOL. 26—NO. 224 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1946 CEREMONIES MARK SHYER CANADA FREES LIST OF TEACHERS SAY WAGES Cost of Living up About Big Four Parleys Soon to JUBILEE OF RECTOR FOODS FOR BERMUDA ARE NOT SUFFICIENT 22 Points Since June 30; Clean Up Treaty-Making?; Presentation Yesterday to Other Items Are Available August Increases Don't Meet Rev. A. ?. Sullivan of Sandys Although Still Controlled Views of Union Meeting W-T.S.C. Policy Explained Wallace Incident Confuses BISHOP SPEAKSAT SPECIAL GREATER COMPETITION IS RESOLUTION PASSED PUTS SEEN HERE AS A RESULT ISSUE BEFORE EXECUTIVE It was roughly estimated by Mr. J. S. Maxwell, Acting Director of By SYLVAIN MANGEOT SERVICE OF COMMEMORATION SuppUes, at a press conference of the War-time Supplies Commission on Saturday, that the cost of Uving index had increased during the past PARES, Sept. 22 (Reuter).—The Big GREEKS CLAIM KNOWLEDGE His Lordship the Bishop, a num­ A comprehensive list of foodstuffs The Salaries Committee of the Ber­ couple of months by some 22 points to bring the present figure to about Four were expected to meet soon OF FOREIGN PLOTS ber of fellow clergymen, parishioners is no longer on allocation for ship­ muda Union of Teachers are to following last night's meeting be­ ment to Bermuda from Canada while invite the head of the B.WA.", Dr. 190, using 100 as the pre-1939 index. of St. James's Church, Sandys, and - ' -— Mr Maxwell and Lieut. Col. Gosl- tween the United States Secretary many of his friends throughout Ber­ export permits are being granted Gordon, to confer with them "far I ing, chairman of the Commission, in Oi State. Mr. James Byrnes, and the muda joined together yesterday freely on a number of other foods the purpose of acquainting him with Evidence of Aid to Rebels; explaining the boost from the index British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest afternoon in a service of commem­ which still remain under export con­ the facts pertinent to the situation Foresees Action Bevin, who returned to Paris yes- Yugoslavs Accused oration in honour of the Rev. Albert trol in the Dominion, it was of teachers in Bermuda" arising out of 168 at June 30, claimed that it was .Tterday alter two weeks' absence in Victor Sullivan on the occasion of announced at a press conference of of dissatisfaction with the new due entirely to the higher prices On Some Reforms now prevailing in the United States, "^London. By A. C. SEDGWICK his Silver Jubilee as Rector of St. the War-time Supplies Commission salary scales. Mr. Bevin's return coincides with (Special to The New York Times and James'. on Saturday. Canned fruits and A resolution to this effect was where OJPA. controls had been vegetables, wtth the exception of By Legislature greatly relaxed, and Canada, which •rtiie reinforcement of United States TSe Boyal Gazette) Twenty-five years ago, after Mr. adopted unanimously at a mass standard grade canned peas, are still had placed its dollar on a parity with policy under Mr. Byrnes' leadership ATHENS, Sept. 21— Evidence of Sullivan had served nearly six years meeting of Bermuda teachers, called on allocation, the Commission has Anticipating what he considered a American currency, immediately marked by the resignation of Mr. frontier provocations and subversive in Bermuda, the Vestry of St. by the B.U.T., cn Saturday at the been Informed by the Canadian probable reaction of the House of raising costs to the Bermudian con­ jHenry Wallace as VS. Secretary ol operations carried out in Greece by James's Church requested him to be Alexandrina Hall, Hamilton. The Assembly to the petition which he "anarchists" trained and equipped Trade Commissioner. sumer by ten per cent. Commerce, whose pro-Russian views their rector, and with each succeed­ resolution was proposed by Mr. G. F. will take to London seeking the ap­ in neighbouring countries was said Col. Gosling said that if the pre­ have been publicly disowned by Pre-1 ing year during that quarter-century On imports from the United S. Bean, chairman of the Executive pointment of a Royal Commission sident Truman, and also with the in­ today to be in the possession of the he has come closer to the hearts of States, only cotton goods and food­ Committee. sent percentage mark-up had not Greek Government. to investigate economic, poUtical been "frozen" at July 5 prices—he creasing need for fresh consultation | his parishioners and his many stuffs (excluding canned fruits and Another resolution, proposed by and social conditions in Bermuda The situation along all northern intimated that some merchants were among the Big Four Foreign Minis­ friends throughout Bermuda. Yes­ vegetables) remain on allocation, Mr. Mr. Walter Bobinson, which was also Dr. E. F. Gordon, M.CP., yesterday frontiers seems to have deteriorated. even now disgruntled about the ters. terday every pew of the church was J. S. Maxwell, the Acting Director of adopted unanimously, read: told over 400 people assembled in the With the end of the Paris confer­ Reports to the capital listed skir­ filled with people wishing to pay SuppUes, stated. "Be it resolved that at this meet­ regulation—the index here would mishes between Government forces Colonial Opera House that he have gone much higher. ence in sight—if only as a result of tribute to the Rector, and to wish The following items in Canada are ing of Bermuda teachers, the teach­ "would be surprised" if during the and groups helped by foreigners. CoL Gosling's answers to a long the deadline set for the United Na­ him many more years of service to no longer under export control: ers here present are not satisfied or forthcoming session of the local At Mount Belles, which is on list of questions put to him by re­ tions Assembly meeting in New York • the parish. wheat (grades one, two and three), in agreement with the scale of Legislature—which commences on Greek territory near the Yugoslav presentatives of the press could be nest month—details of day to day I Following the service, a presenta­ onions in their natural state, pota­ salaries recommended by the Board October 8—"we don't find that in­ work ID committee are lost in the border, Yugoslav forces were report­ tion was made to Mr. Sullivan, toes in their natural state (including of Education and passed in the summed up as foUows: ed encountered 1.000 yards inside come tax becomes law, that educa­ wider realisation that the confer­ through the Bishop, of a silver tea certified seed potatoes), apples, gar­ House of Assembly in August, 1946, Greece by Greek soldiers and gen­ lic, horseradish, vinegar, yeast, dehy­ and this resolution be sent to the tion becomes free from the lst of AGAINST SUBSIDISATION ence is unlikely to solve any of the service. January and that the franchise is darmes engaged in mopping-up Assisting the Bishop in the service drated soups, dehydrated vegetables, Board of Education, the Governor- The Commission fe against the main issues on which the Big Four | operations against rebel units. extended in some way." of commemoration were five Angli­ spices (cloves, ginger, allspice cori­ in-Council and the Civil Service subsidisation of any particular com­ were unable to agree. According to tbe Greek version, the "I can assure you that this be­ can clergymen. The Rev. Keith Har­ ander seed, cummin seed, mustard, Committee." modity, mainly because of the cost Yugoslav troops were accompanied lated gesture fe not going to pre­ OONFERENCE DEADLINE man acted as the Bishop's Chaplain; dry and prepared tumeric), malt STRIKE AS ALTERNATIVE involved (to lower the price of milk by "bandits" associated with the vent a proper investigation of the Canon G. White took the interces­ liquors (beer, ale or stout), whisky by 2d a quart would involve an Only if the conference succeeds in present militant Leftist movement and other distilled liquors, wines, matter," he said. sions and the prayer of thanksgiv­ It had been put to the meeting annual expenditure of £4,000) and an keeping to the deadline of October and started firing with machine ing; the Rev. Gilbert Ritter and the salt, baking powder and baking soda. that a decision had to be made At this seventh meeting of his 17—which appears daily more im­ guns and mortars. uncertainty where the Une would Rev. Frank Ross read the lessons; either to adopt strike action or to island-wide campaign to obtain ap­ eventually be drawn. probable—is there any likelihood of After several hours of severe fight­ and the Rev. R. O. Walker Intoned UNDER EXPORT CONTROL refer tbe teachers' claims for proval for the petition sponsored the four Foreign Ministers finding increased salaries to a higher body. The Commission intends to main­ ing, in which the invaders lost about the first part of the service. Remaining under export control by the Bermuda Workers' Associa­ time to finish their work on the five twenty in dead and wounded, the A member from the audience tain the present percentage mark­ PRAISED BY BISHOP are the following for which export tion. Dr. Gordon, the organization's up system, including the July 5 peace treaties before the United Na­ attackers retreated. Some Greeks recalled that tbe President of tbe President, received the support of The Bishop delivered an address permits are being granted freely "freezing" order, and is not making tions Assembly meets on October 23. were said to have been wounded. (possibly due to surpluses at pre­ B.WA. made a suggestion, at one of virtually all the 423 persons present. If they leave Paris with the final According to some reports the during the service, choosing the hfe meetings in connection with the any recommendations for a change text: "As my Father hath sent me, sent in Canada): flavouring essences Two white men sitting together in in policy. phase of the peace making for Italy, intruders numbered 800 and formed and food colouring which contain petition for a Royal Commission to the theatre did not vote. Yeser- Finland and the Balkan ex-satellites the vanguard of a force of about even so send I you" Speaking of visit the Colony, that the Bermuda Customs duties wiU continue to Mr. Sullivan, he said: "Today, dear no sugar (except vanilla); macaroni, day's approval brought to 1.305 the be included in the landed cost upon unfinished, it Is difficult to see 5,000, aU well armed. spaghetti and so forth, in bulk or teachers should invite him to attend number of people who have suppor­ where or when they will be able to The Volos area reported that a people of Sandys, you have come their meeting so that their griev­ which the mark-up is aUowed be­ together in this sacred place to packaged: prepared breakfast cere­ ted the petition. cause it fe a "practical impossibiUty" take up their discussions again, al­ "Communist band" of 200 had been als (except rice products); meat ances could be Included in those set though they are in principle due to Caaliamti aa taft 6 thank God for the ministry among out in the petition. MAKES TWO SPEECHES to withdraw thfe item. you of him to whom the cure of extracts; imitation spices; olives; discuss the German peace settle­ Stating that the Executive had The percentage mark-up, ranging souls in thfe parish was solemnly pickles (sour); coffee; hay; corn, Tbe. B.WA. President made two ment in November. corn meal and corn cereals, if the considered Dr. Gordon's suggestion from 25% to 50% with an average of 1NQUIRYINT0CRASH OF committed twenty-five years ago; and the majority turned it down, speeches at yesterday's meeting, de­ 33 1/3%, now appUes to foods, feeds, Tbe net result would be to hold and several of hfe brother clergy, to corn fe of United States origin; voting the first to an outline of up the whole routine of European BELGIAN AR LINER TODAT canned peas (standard grade only); Mr. Bean said that he thought *be furniture, clothing, electrical equip­ whom he fe a dear and honoured matter should be considered by the the petition and to a criticism of an settlements. The prospects of such and pickled pork products (except ment, household kitchen equipment, friend, have come hither to join in teachers themselves. "We have only editorial which appeared in Tbe an eventuality are so fraught with ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, Sept. mess cuts). drugs, bicycle tyres and tubes, shoes, the commemoration service. one course," he asserted, "and that Royal Gazette last Tuesday. This scotch whisky and beer (rum fe con­ political pitfalls in the present un­ 22. (Reuter) — An inquiry into the "This is no occasion for a fulsome With the freeing for export of cause of the crash of the Belgian is to get our case heard abroad." address occupied 60 minutes, after troUed by a fixed price). Anything settled state of Europe and of great eulogy, nor could it be other than these Canadian commodities, greater Caatiaaed on Paf* 2 power relationships that it is likely Sabena airliner near Gander on Continued on Page 6 else is considered to be in the luxury Continued on Pafe 3 competition in the food line here bracket and is not subject to price the four Foreign Ministers will do Wednesday is likely to begin tomor­ was envisioned by Lieut. Col. everything they can to work out a row. control of any kind (certain local Ambrose Gosling, the Commission's foods, such as avocado pears, an joint scheme to polish off the final An undertaker is to fly to the FULL ATTACK ON CHINESE chairman, who was also present. He J rafting of the five treaties before wreck to decide whether the bodies Alcoa to Launch Three New Ships considered as luxuries). Motor cars they leave Paris. of the people killed in the crash COMMUNISTS IS REPORTED Coined •• Pi«« 3 are not listed as essential. shall be flown out or buried on the FOOD PRICE MARK-UPS WALLACE INCIDENT spot. NANKING, Sept. 22 (ff).—Fearing AVERILL HARRIMAN WIU By October 2 for Caribbean Run Sxternal events, meanwhile, have The remaining ten survivors were possible Russian aid to the Chinese REPLACE HENRY WALLACE Of various food classifications, five ..jade themselves keenly felt in Paris brought out at 1130 a.m. today by Communists, the Government was are subject to a 50% mark-up, four thfe week. The Wallace incident, tha helicopters which resumed rescue reported today to have ordered two to 40%, 15 to 33 1 3',, seven to 30% WASHINGTON. Sept. 28. (ff) — With Calls Expected at Bermuda speech at Zurich by Mr. Winston operations at daybreak. All are suf­ of its best armies to launch a full- and two to 25%. fering from shock and severe mul­ scale assault on Antung. a Com­ President Truman announced today In addition to the 25%-50% mark­ Churchill and the Russian reaction Each carrying a maximum of 98 tiple injuries. munist-held Manehurian port on that he will appoint Mr. Averill Har­ up range for the retailer, the whole­ 1 o both, have led to speculation passengers in a i r-conditioned Four helicopters were assembled the border of Soviet occupied north-' riman to be Secretary of Commerce GOVERNOR MEETS HEADS among delegates and conference rooms and with space for 8.500 tons saler previously marks up goods by commentators as to their possible at Gander yesterday after a report era Korea. in place of Mr. Henry Wallace, who from five to 12*% (the hi eh test rate that some of the injured could not resigned on Friday at the request of deadweight of cargo, three new OF EXECUTIVE BOARDS; repercussions on great power re­ The Independent newspaper Hsing ships will be launched by the Alcoa appUes more particularly to perish­ lationships inside and outside the be moved by land. Fao published a dispatch from their the President as a result of hfe at­ able items). tack on America's foreign poliey. Steamship Company during the POLICIES DISCUSSED conference. A gang of 50 men made a forced Mukden correspondent saying that Taking bread as one of the staple Mr. Harriman is at present the eight-day oeriod from September 25 For the time being at least, official journey up the southwest Gander General Chen Cheng, the Govern­ to October 2 for the Carribean ser­ items of the local diet which has River to the wreck to help make a •United States Ambassador to Great Initiating a procedure new in Exe­ continuity has been assured for ment Chief of Staff, personally as­ vice which, it fe beUeved. wiU in­ cutive circles in Bermuda, His Ex­ been increased in price—incidentally clearing in the thick woods for the signed the 9th and 52nd armies to Britain, and was previously Ambas­ American policy as conducted by clude calls at Bermuda. ceUency the Governor. Admiral Sir nearly 100% of Bermuda's staple rescue operation. attack Antung. sador in Moscow. Mr. Byrnes in consultation with his In releasing thfe information, it Ralph Leatham. on Saturday held food and feed commodities are im­ two senatorial advisers—Senators was stated by Mr. Leon D. Fox. of a special meeting with the chairman ported from Canada, — there were Arthur Vandenberg and Tom Con­ SUMNER WELLES SATS UJ. BRITAIN'S COAL CRISIS SOUTH mOL^AGREEMENT Messrs. W. E. Meyer & Company. of thirteen of tbe local Executive involved the ten per cent extra pre­ nally. Limited, Alcoa's local agents, that Boards. The conference was held at mium on the Canadian dollar and an But the whole incident has left the MUST TACKLE PALESTINE GOES IN PEACE TREATY the steamer "George Washington" the Colonial Secretariat and lasted increase in the price of flour from average delegate to the Paris con­ LEADING TO BANKRUPTCY would continue her sailings until from 11 o'clock in the morning until $9.65 per 196 lb. bag to $12.05. When ference—and not least the Soviet re­ at least the end of thfe year. nearly 2 o'clock in the afternoon the new Canadian harvest comes in. presentatives—sorely puzzled as to Zionist Representation at Miners Are Warned by Union Britain Seeks Equality For The three new ships—Alcoa Cava- during which time the Board heads it fe hoped that the price of flour how and why the whole incident oc­ Uer, Alcoa CUpper and Alcoa Cor­ voiced their problems and plans, and will be reduced; if it fe. the Commis­ curred. London Talks Is Hinted And Coal Board Officials Oil Workers in Rumania sair (aD buUt by the Oregon Ship­ these were discussed with the mem­ sion will immediately reduce the Continued on Page 10 building Corporation) — each with bers of the Executive Branch of the price of bread. WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 (/¥).— Mr. (Special to The New York Times and PARIS, Sept. 81 (Reuter).— The a displacement tonnage of 14,870, Government. The present percentage mark-up, Sumner Welles today urged the The Royal Gazette) following is a summary of Peace wfll be leaders in a new type of pas­ along with the July S "freezing" senger ship. "Superliners in minia­ Thfe is believed to have been the order, was, according to CoL Gosl­ NO MORE PUBUC TESTS establishment of a United Nations LONDON, .Sept. a. — Mr. Arthur Conference proceedings on Satur­ first meeting of its kind held here, international trusteeship council to Horner Secretary of the National day: ture" is the term used by Alcoa to ing, the best method of price con­ OF ATOM BOMB LIKELY describe them. and marked the inauguration of a trol under present circumstances. handle the Palestine question. In Union of Mineworkers, in the most The ItaUan PoUtical and Terri­ new poUcy. Questioned yesterday his regular weekly recorded broad­ outspoken warning yet delivered on torial Committee adopted a joint "These Alcoa ships," Mr. Fox in­ "We are not thinking of doing away by The Royal Gazette, the Hon. WO- with the percentage mark-up." he WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 ifP).—A cast over the radio station WOL, the the grave economic crisis of under proposal from Belgium and the formed The Royal Gazette, "repre­ liam Addis, Colonial Secretary, new and controversial job which ls ex-Under Secretary of State repeated production facing Britain, told a Netherlands that the recent agree­ sent a new type in that, while stated that these conferences would Caatiaaed oa Page 2 shaping up for the United States the proposal he made In a similar coal miners' conference at Birming­ ment between Italy and Austria, much smaller than present liners be held regularly In the future, pro­ Atomic Energy Control Commission broadcast several weeks ago. ham today that "the nation is head­ guaranteeing equal rights with of the superUner class and offering bably every three months. They is deciding whether there will be Mr. Welles warned: 'If the present ed for bankruptcy." Italians to German-speaking people no competition in speed, they have were decided upon by His Excellency Application for Hotel further tests of the atom bomb, and crisis fat Palestine continues, unrest "Without a solution of the coal of the South Tyrol, be embodied in all of tbe amenities and comfort as a means for him to become better whether they should be public or in-tfae Near East may soon grow •problem, the whole structure of the ItaUan peace treaty. After a of the famous superliners and, in acquainted with local problems and Liquor licence Rejected secret. ll

Sljp logal (feett* TO ATTEND SALVATION 1 THE MARRIAGE ACT, 1944 Personal and Social ARMY CONFERENCE Gardening and Planting Notes an& (Unionist Batly Notice of Intended Marriage This is no time to be dreaming I Do you have a rose bush that you'd -"BUSHED DAILY EXCEPT ON SUNDAT British Overseas Air* Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Paul, of j yesterday by Major & fe Falle Wffl over seed packages and visualizing! Uke to move to a new location? Wait incorporating New York Olty, are spending a vaca-1 ^^^^^^ways' plane^. They are en route to those attractive flowers or giant vege­ a few weeks for this change, because The persons named and des­ Th* Royal Gazette (Estab. 1828) tion ol several weeks at "Mizzen- Toronto, Canada where they wiU be Tbe Colonist and Daily News (Estab. 1866; Represent Bermuda tables growing lushly to your gar­ October is the best month. cribed hereunder have given Proprietors top," Warwick. Mr. Paul Is asso­ married during the present week. dens early next spring. How is the notice to me of their intended Now is a good time to begin trim­ ciated witii the advertising depart­ Miss Marson is the daughter of Mr. Major and Mrs. Emest Falle, Divi­ time to get outdoors and prepare or marriage, namely:— THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. ment of "Life" magazine. and Mrs. WiUiam D. Marson, of sional Commanders of the Salvation ming those hedges which have supervise the preparation of your grown shaggy looking during the Reid Street, Hamilton Toronto. Mr. Marson was with the Army in Bermuda, have been invit­ Thomas Eodney Smeeton of garden beds for October and Nov­ summer. ~~ Becent departures by P.A.A. Health Department in Beimuda for ed to attend the Salvation Army con­ ember planting. Dig up and ferti- Somerset (Bachelor), and Editor: E. T. SATER planes were: Mrs. Maude Jackson, Manager: E. C. MCLAUGHLIN about 18 months, returning to To­ ference to commence to Toronto, Uze the ground now, and then the If you are planting vegetables, the Marie Louise Clewer of Mr Hastings Saltus, Mrs. Elizabeth ronto in August to resume his form­ Canada, on October 12, and wUl hardest part of the work will be foUowing seeds can be sown now Pembroke (Spinster). Frith and two children, and Mrs. Subscription Rates er position. Miss Marson Is em­ leave Bermuda early next month. done by the time seedlings are ready Bush or string beans, beets, carrots, Any person knowing any just Pet Tear Gladys Davis and her daughter. The conference wiU be conducted ployed by Messrs. W. S. Purvis & to transplant. radishes, some varieties of potatoes, cause or impediment why this Local—«. 0. 0 Foreign—CL *% t * * * by General Albert Osborn, SM. HZ. spinach, and white turnips. Company, limited. Mr. Vallis is Calendula seeds should be planted marriage should not be allowed MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1946 Arriving recently by Pan Ameri­ the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clive Vallis, Commander; wHI be held at the To­ this month. For the average gard­ These vegetables do not require trans­ can Airways were Mrs. Rosalie Jones, ronto "Varsity Arena, which seats planting. should enter caveat forthwith in of HamUton. He has been employed ener it ls safest to wait until early Mr. Ernest Caisey, Mr. Harry Dar­ 17,000 persons, and wiU occupy four the office of the Registrar Gen­ WHEEL NOW A at the HamUton Post Office but upon next month to put to other flower The following can be sown to seed eral. reU, and Father Joseph Theriault. fuU days, according to Major Falle.. seeds, which could then be trans­ • * • his return to the Islands, he will During the conference, Commis­ plots now and must later be trans­ Dated Eighteenth day of Sep­ FULL CIRCLE join the Atlantic Commission Ag­ planted to' early November. For planted to field or garden: BroccoU Mr. Clive Vallis, Jr., and Miss sioner Banjamin Orames wiU be tember, 1946. ency. ... larkspur, November is the best kale and Chinese cabbage, cauU^ In signifying their willingness Doreen M. Marson left the Islands given an official farewell. After month forpianting seeds. W. NORMAN PARKER, serving for seven years as Command­ flower, taw***!, lettuce, mustard, to treat Jews on an equality basis Have a look at your chrysanthe­ spinach, onion, tomato and Swedish Registrar General. in a Palestinian independent er of the Salvation Army to Canada, mums and stake up the tall plants. turnip. state, tie .Arabs have opened up BELMONT MANOR NOTES | WVERURIEHOTELNOTCS Newfoundland aad Bermuda, Com­ If you have any bulbs such as 4281tfn. an avenue of hope that the con­ missioner Orames was recently ap­ iris, narcissus, lily, or freezia, which Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Newburger, pointed to serve on the seven-mem­ ference now in progress in Miss Clare Falvey and Miss Kay of New 'Suae Oity, are paying the have not as yet been put to, plant London on the troubled Holy Poley are vacationing at the Belmont ber Board to the United Kingdom. them this month. Inverurie Hotel a visit. Mr. New- The Governing Board is under the Land's future wiH not end in the Manor from Brooklyn, M.Y. From burger is a member of the firm of complete deadlock that most New York City on Thursday came chairmanship of Commissioner Ca­ Classes for the Newburger and Loeb, of WaU St. therine BramweU-Booth, grand­ observers forecast. "Hie Arab Miss Lucille Markel, Miss Kathryn The son and daughter-in-law of the U.S. Firms Seek Expiring declaration bears every indica­ Meagher, Miss Margaret M. Daly and daughter of the founder of the Army. Newburgers have spent two holi­ Commissioner Orames has also been HORSE SHOW tion of being one of complete Mrs. Victor Gang. Other arrivals days at the hotel since its post-war appointed International Secretary Ayer Advertising Account good faith -and it is based on were Miss Eleanor M. Howe, of opening. Poughkeepsie, Miss Eleanor O. Sam- for the Dominion of Canada and the principles that are difficult to * * * United States of America. He was A party of four executives from mons, of Garden City, Miss AL Marie the Ellington Advertising Company on November llth assail — protection of religious Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. East are succeeded as Commander of the and civil rights against domina­ Logue, of New York, the Misses of Hew York are now to Bermuda from Rutherford, N.J. From South Canada - Newfoundland - Bermuda negotiating with the Trade Develop­ AT SEAVIEW, Smith's Parish tion by a possible Arab majority Edith and Lena Dick of Woodside, Bend, Indiana are Mr. and Mrs. UL, and Mr. John Marshall of area by Commissioner Charles ment Board with regard to the con­ after elections on a democratic Daniel Downey. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Baugh. Bronxville, N.Y. tract which the Board wiU shortly Will Be as Follows:— basis. Wade are from Washington, D.C, The conference wiU be the first of conclude to replace the expiring There are herein embodied at • • and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Keely are its kind to be held since the com­ agreement with H. W. Ayer & Son. JUMPING some of the Atlantic Charter's Commander and Mrs. J. D. Shea from Chicago, Dl. The N. W. Ayer advertising contract, are from Detroit, Michigan. Mr. mencement of the late war. Only cherished freedoms — the free­ « * * divisional discussions took place dur­ which the firm refused to renew PONIES under 11 hands doms that may legitimately be and Mrs. J. Gordon King are from this year, expires on Tuesday and PONIES under 14 hands Perrysburg, Ohio. From Baltimore, Miss Sally C. Whitely is from Es­ ing hostilities. guaranteed through statutes and After the conference Major and several American firms have been HORSES 15.2 hands and under orderly governmental processes. Maryland are Miss Marie Zee and mond, RX, and Miss Barbara A. visiting the Islands to connection Kershaw is from Cranston, RX Miss Mrs. Falle wUl discuss local organi­ HORSES over 15.2 hands Freedom from fear and from Miss Wanda Wismiewski. Miss Ju­ with the open account. Championship Class lia D. Parks is from Washington, Barbaia Jean Undeman is from zation problems with heads of the want most be won by individual Salvation Army departments to Ca­ Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ellington. Mr. D.C. New York Olty, as is Miss Dorothy P. SADDLE CLASS and collective endeavour of the Reynolds. nada. Their discussions will centre Hyland Hodgson and Miss Nancy * * * Hughes of the EUington Advertis­ kind with which the Palestine o to plans for increasing the activi­ HORSES, three gaited. Jews have long been familiar. Mrs. Roger Whiteman is from Me­ ties of the Salvation Army to Ber­ ing Company arrived on Friday and Whatever of fear there is in rion, Penn. Mrs. Malcolm .Ander­ GUESTS AT "CEDAR TOP" muda. This wiU be their first trip are staying at Waterloo House. Mr. GAITED HORSES Palestine today must spring son, Mrs. George Meckert and Mrs. EUington last night confirmed that abroad for three years and they are his party was here to contact the PAIR JUMPING, MUSICAL CHAIRS. largely from the terrorist acts of Joseph Schmidtz ft. are aU from IN ST. GEORGE'S looking forward to meeting their PhUadelphia, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Trade Development Board, which the extreme Jewish elements, two sons, Ralph and Ernest junior. they had done. Entries Close by October 15th Ralph ZoccUUlo are from Ridge- A party of five consisting of Mr. who stand discredited by the * * * Entries may be sent to Mr. E. C. Wilkinson, wood, NJ., and Mrs. O. D. McAlUs- and Mrs. James M. Erdman, of New Mr. N. H. P. Vesey. MCP, Chair­ majority of their compatriots. Ralph FaUe served for seven years, man of the Board, informed The Parliament Street, Hamilton. Events of latter years have not ter is from Atlantic City, NX York City, Miss Georgia Erdman of o and Emest for four years, to the Royal Gazette that the Board had Under the Auspices of the Bermuda Paper Chase Club. shown that fear of similar acts AUentown, Pennsylvania, and Mr. Canadian Army. The former now made no commitments so far. They E. C. WILKINSON E. W. GOSLING by Arabs is a dominant motivat­ Cost of living op About and Mrs. Roy Werley, Sr., of Fuller- resides to Toronto and the latter to were considering all tiie appUcations ing force on the Jewish side. It ton, Pennsylvania, are staying at HamUton, Ontario. Major and Mrs. received, he said, and would an­ President Secretary played a prominent part in the 22 Points Since June 30 "Cedar Top" in St. George's during FaUe expect to leave Bermuda by nounce a decision within the next Jewish case of not many years theh: vacation here. air on October 3. few weeks. ago. The Jewish record in the Cautioned tram Page 1 Mr. Erdman, who is the manager economic life of Palestine does stud. "We consider tbat the July S of the Union Club of New York City, not underpin any argument that 'freezing' was about as far as we spent some time in Bermuda dur­ protection is needed in this could go." ing the construction of the U.S. Under the distinguished patronage of Vice Admiral Sir Irvine Glennie, regard. Ihe up-surge of Jewish It was pointed out by Mr. Maxwell Army base. Mrs. Erdman is the K.C.B., Commando in-Chief America and West Indies Station industriousness, in fact, led to that the merchants, since July 5, sister of Mr. Richard Rutherford, and Lady Glennie Playing Today were unable to make increased pro­ who is the manager of Tom Moore's sharp restrictions on the sale of fits on a rising market and, If prices Inn. land to Jews and Arabs alike, are reduced, the profits will be less. a * xf so that friction should not be Col. Gosling said that tbe importer Mr. snd Mrs. Sidney Tatem, of PLAYHOUSE: caused by expansionism of the SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2.45—8.( was paying more today for most of Hamilton are spending a week's va­ -AIR-CONDITIONED- minority Jews. By and large, his goods than before July 5 but he cation at "Cedar Top."- the Jews have applied them­ was making the same profit as when selves assiduously to the pur­ they were lower ln price. He envi­ TONIGHT suits open to them in Palestine. sioned the possibUity that If prices 8 o'clock COLUMBIA PICTtrtES Their record in this matter abroad continued to go up and the Teachers Say Wages presents stands high by any fair compari­ merchant's mark-up eould be taken A re Not Sufficient son only at the July 5 level, certain com­ B.A.A. - EAGLE'S NEST POOL modities would not be imported. THEWAUS The kernel of the Arab pro­ In that case, commented a re­ Continued fra* Page 1 Featuring: posal, from the Jewish stand­ porter, the SuppUes Commission Mr. Bean further declared that he BERMUDA SWIMMERS point, wiB be the creation of an could take over the importation as thought Dr. Gordon "is the man to CAME independent Palestinian state. it had done again with feed (this do tt." and Such a state, presumably, would latter development was announced "Teachers should not think we are be freed of mandatory inhibi­ at the press conference as having losing face by asking him to do so,' ROBERT STONE TUMBLING tions and proscriptions. It would taken place owing to the difficulties Mr. Bean continued. "It Is true he be a state over whose immigra­ of procurement). Col Gosling indi­ is the president of an association of of Chicago, 111., U.SA. tion policy in regard to the Jews cated that that was a possibUity, workers, but we too are workers.*** DOWN but he pointed to the present re­ "I am sorry he is not hero this World's Best Diver Britain, for instance, the power duced number of persons employed afternoon to qualify his stand." LEE BOWMAN ' MARGUERITE CHAPMAN now holding the mandate, would by the Commission. Call 2437 for Reserved Seats have no control. Presumably, It will be noted that furniture has GET LISS THAN POSTMEN •in EDGAR BUCHANAN • CEORSE MACREADY too, it would-freeze the popula­ Lee PATRICK -Jonathan HUE-J. Edward BROMBERf, now been included In the list of es­ Emphasizing that the steps Elisabeth RISOON • Miles MANDER tion proportions at their present sential commodities subject to the already taken to raise teachers' Based upon the novel by Je Etsinger J| level, except insofar as Arab or percentage mark-up control. At a salaries to Bermuda had proved press conference late In the spring, Jew in Palestine proves more abortive, Mr. Bean declared that the TODAY COLONY THEATRES, Ltd. TODAY 4.15 - f .25- The Comedy Hit of the Year! fecund. One of the main con­ the Director of SuppUes, Mr. John teachers' pay was lower than that tentions of Jewry, however, con­ Plowman, had promised to bring the of postmen. matter before the Commission. THE WELL GROOMED BRIDE'' tinues to be that Palestine, as a "We feel we have exhausted the Open-Air - GARDEN THEATRE 8.00 national home, should be open Attention was called by reporters ordinary avenues," Mr. Bean said. p.m. OUvia de Havilland - Ray Milland - Sonny Tufts to Jews fiom abroad; that in to the prices in certain West Indian "We have been very conservative and colonies for Canadian foods as com­ done everything in the prescribed 3.00 AEOLIAN HALL 3.00 practice as well as in theory pared with those being charged in way. We have bowed and pleaded." there should be no barriers to Bermuda. Col. Gosling and Mr. Max­ Mr. Russel Dismont. who has been NEW OPERA HOUSE: — 2.45—7.45 their entry into their "home­ weU insisted that lower quaUty pro­ acting as chairman Of the Salaries land." ducts were sold in the West Indies. Committee of the B.U.T, outlined The RED-BLOODED Story •f • RED-HEADED Giri! The Balfour Declaration, the The trend of the Bermuda public's tbe steps the union had taken to guiding principle of British taste had been, and was now, for the present the teachers' case to the policy in Palestine, stated: "His better quaUty type of food. authorities. ^^TFCfflMML Majesty's Government view with Another speaker, Mr. Kenneth favour the establishment in Robinson, referred to the teachers' petition to the House of Assembly Palestine of a national home for ALCOA SHIP BRINGS CARGO recently, stating that the petition BriynKEYES- Willard PARKER the Jewish people, and will use was not beard. -Matinee Only— their best endeavours to facili­ The Alcoa freighter H. "It was side-tracked," he declared. lany PARKS- Edgar BUCHANAN tate the achievement of that Short tied up at Ho. 1 Shed on Sa­ "I think tt was because the person Chapter One Chapter Twelve 4.40 - 9.40- Smash Hit!... Taut Drama! object. Ii being clearly under­ turday. The cargo, which consist­ presenting the members' recommen­ stood that nothing shall be done ed mainly of goods for the United dations happened to bo the chair­ ft which may prejudice the civil States Army and Navy bases, includ­ man of the CivU Service Committee." ^JHE TIGER WOMAN "SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT' and religious rights of existing ed canned vgetables, fruits and other Mrs. G. Johnston presided over the v**i NANCY GUILD - JOHN HODIAK non-Jewish communities in foods, paints and Naval equipment. meeting, which was weU attended. Palestine, or the rights and poli­ A consignment of miscellaneous can­ •%LmWP* tical status enjoyed by Jews in ned foods was unloaded for Wm. E. BAILEYS BAY SANDY'S THEATRE 8.00 pjn. any other counter." This fence- Meyer Oo. GLOUCESTERS TO SUCCEED • Houmn Open-Air—8.15 Pearman Watlington Sc Oo. were "CORNERED" straddling between Jewish and SUFFOLKS IN TRANSFER "Mama Loves Papa" Arab interests was given official the consignees for i.ixed dairy and Tt Shouldn't Happen weight in 1917, when tiie Balfour poultry food. 8.15 Masonic Hall Glen Duror 8.15 to a Dog" 'Johnny ia the Clouds" Amending a report which appeared 9th Chapter Serial Declaration was published. Ihe in Saturday's Issue of Tbe Royal 10th Chapter Serial passage of time has only demon­ Gazette, MiUtary authorities at Pros­ strated the incompatibility of To Reform German Spelling pect yesterday announced that upon SOMERS OPERA HOUSE SOUTHAMPT01&-6.15 one major object with the other. disbandment of the 8th BattaUon St. George—8.15—Open-Air Open-Air of tiie Suffolk Regiment (of which a In offering to guarantee full reli­ HAMBURG, Sept. 22 (Reuter).— A 3Efl "She Wrote The Book" "SPELLBOUND" detachment is stationed here), the "Follow That Woman" gious and civil rights to the Jews committee of the central German "Man Alive" in an independent state, the administration for public education men serving in Out Battalion wiU Arabs now bring the wheel to In the Soviet zone of Germany has be transferred either to tbe first or second Battalions of tbat Regiment full circle. completed preparatory work on the or to the Second BattaUon of the PLAYING TOMORROW reformed German spelling, ft was Gloucestershire Regiment. TTEFPIN' IN 'THE CHEATERS" learned today. A committee of re­ THE PLAYHOUSE: NEW OPERA HOUSE: Be not conformed to this world: Consequently, tits Suffolk Detach­ SOCIETY' but be ye transformed by the re-, presentatives of universities, the cul­ ment now stationed here, and Joseph Schildkrout Tuesday— Tuesday— tural union, publishing firms and Ed. Everett Horton new ing of your mind, that ye may i shortly to be posted to the Bahamas, Chapter 11 SERIAL THE WALLS GAME "RENEGADES" prove what is good, and acceptable,]trad e unions will discuss the com­ wiU eventually become a detachment Chapter 2 SERIAL TUMBLING DOWN" "FRONTIER LAW" end perfect, will of God.—Romans, mittees findings in Berlin on Octo­ of the 2nd Battalion of the Glouces­ ttttf*. "MASQUERADE IN MEXICO" 9th Chapter Serial J2JC ber 29. ters. THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1946 Page 3

NATIONALISM IS LEADING SEA STRIKE OVER ON U.S. Canada Frees List of Generals Breretcn & George TO ANOTHER WORLD WAR WEST COAST BY FIREMEN Foods For Bermuda Get New Assignments Continued fram Page 1 Independent Group, Last to saw it as an optimistic sign tbat WASHINGTON (AP).—Secretary of Experts See Federation As surpluses were apparently develop­ War Patterson announced he is ap­ Only Hope for Europe Ballot, 17-Day Walkout ing in the Dominion which could be pointing Lieut. Gen. Lewis H. Bre- the forerunner of lower prices. reton to be a member of the miUtary It was stated by Mr. MaxweU that Uaison committee for the Atemic By SYDNEY GRUSON SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 21— Strik­ the release for export of some of the Commission and Lieut. Gen. Harold (Special to The Kew York Times and ing maritime unions of the West "Hie Royal Gazette) Coast voted today to join Atlantic Canadian foods foUowed action by L. George as Army Air Force repre­ and Gulf Coast strikers in return­ the United States in freeing canned sentative of the United Nations mi­ LONDON, Sept. 21.—The nations ing to their ships, with the result fruits and vegetables from aUoca­ Utary staff committee. of the world, tod by statesmen im­ tion controL that the seventeen-day walkout that Gen. Brereton is now on the staff prisoned within a political frame­ Mr. Maxwell added that the pre­ had tied up most of the nation's of the Secretary of War and recently work that has remained unchanged shipping was declared by union sent situation had developed gradu- was a member of the joint chiefs despite tbe war, "are now setting leaders to be officially ended at 6 afly during the past six months pm. (Pacific standard time). when more and more classifications of staffs' evaluation committee for out on the same roads which ted the Bikini atom bomb test. them to war," the International Dismantling of the picket lines in had been withdrawn from aUocation, a system which was initiated in 1944. Gen. Georga, chief of the Air Committee for tbe study of Euro­ Pacific ports, foUowing by nearly a "SUPER-LINER IN MINIATURE".— Styled "super-liners in miniature" by their builders/these new vessels' At one time, Mr. MaxweU recalled, Transport Command wiU succeed pean questions declared today. day the lead taken by strikers on the will be launched soon by the Alcoa Steamship Company for service in the Caribbean (including, it fe Bermuda was able to obtain only Gen. George C. Kenney as represen­ The committee is composed of a other coasts, was preceded by a curt "stop quibbling and go to work" expected, Bermuda). Picture shows artist's conception of what the new ships will be like. (See story on about 30% to 80% of her allocations tative on the United Nations com­ group of persons prominent in the order to West Coast shipowners from page one.) for nearly aU the Colony's imports. mittee. Gen. Kenney wiU resume fields of polities, diplomacy, science, the Maritime Commission, and by The aUocation system was operated direction of the Strategic Air Com­ education and economy in Britain, balloting in union halls. by a committee in Washington with mand of A.A.F. Belgium, France, Denmark, Norway representatives from Britain, The relatively few members of the GREECE INTENDS ATTACK Ceremonies Mark Silver Canada, the TTnited States and the Brig. Gen. Robert Webster, now and tbe Netherlands. National Maritime Union, CIO, oa EISENHOWER INVITED TO deputy commander of A.T.C., wiU In a document issued today, tbe Jubilee of Rector West Indies. AUocations for aU this coast already had been prepar­ ALBANIA RADIO CHARGES STAT WITH THE KING types of supplies were decided upon be the new chiaf of the Transport committee examines tbe possibility ing to go back to sea in compliance and there could be no deviation from Command. of establishing a "new world" on with the wishes of President Joseph Caatiaaed from Pago 1 LONDON, .Sept. 21 (Beuter).—Alle­ the poUcy established. , o— the lessons of World War n. Curran of New York. The National painful, since no man can be so LONDON, Sept. 21 (Reuter).— gations that tbe Greeks are attack­ The basis for any particular aUo­ The principal onclusion seems to Union of Marine Cooks and Stew­ conscious of failures and limita­ General Dwight Eisenhower, the ing frontiers with armed gangs and cation to Bermuda was the average YOUNG BOY KILLS FRIEND be that while the world remains di­ ards, also a CIO affiliate, voted to tions as the Minister of Christ, UJS. Chief of Staff, who is making end its strike and finally, at meet­ conducting at the same time a cam­ an inspection torn* of American of imports over the previous six vided into sovereign states, with the called to aim at the highest ideal, BY ACCIDENT, BURIES BODY ings late in the day, the independent paign of calumnies were made to­ the following of His Majesty's troops abroad, is expected to land at years. SimUarty, the Commission "nationalistic egoism to which this here divided the aUocation for any Union of Marine Firemen decided to day in a broadcast by radio Tirana example; but we do humbly and a British airfield early next week. system gives rise,** no "new world" fe commodity amongst the merchants BUFFALO (Reuter). — The go back to work. The vote at the (Albania). earnestly thank God for the grace But an hour or so later he will be in mysterious disappearance of a 12- possible. Tbe report supported Mr. in proportion to what they had pre­ San Francisco meeting of tbe fire­ The broadcast gave what tt term­ which has enabled your Hector so the air again, heading for Germany. year-old Pittsburgh boy on New Churchill's recommendation for a men was 16 to 1, following a recom­ viously imported. ed "official comment" on the accu­ lovingly and faithfully to watch for Early next month the General, Year's Eve has been solved with the federation of Europe, and Uke Mr. mendation of Vincent J. Malone, the It happened, therefore, that a accidental discovery of his skeleton sations spread by "certain quarters" your souls and to minister to your who wiU be accompanied by Mrs. number of new firms, or those which ChurchiU suggested that federation president, tbat the walkout be ended. spiritual needs through these many in the cellar of a house formerly against Albania. "They (the Greeks) Eisenhower, will return to Britain sought new lines, were unable to get be established without the Soviet The Committee for Maritime years of service among you. occupied by one of his playmates. represent Albania and Yugoslavia for some days. commodities on aUocation. Freeing Union if necessary. Unity, headed by Mr. Curran and The boy was kiUed by his 13-year- Harry Bridges, who heads tbe Inter­ as threatening Greek frontiers in "You know the reverence with The King and Queen have invited these from control wfll mean wider Discussing the position of Russia, which as a priest he has offered tbe old playmate When a gun they were national Longshoremen's and Ware- order to bave an excuse for the main­ them to stay the night at Balmoral sources to Bermuda for tbe importa­ the report declared that there waj commemoration sacrifice ef the tion of many items. playing with went off by accident. housemmen's Association, in declar­ tenance in Greece of foreign bayo­ Castle on Saturday October 5, and After the gun went off the playmate no reason to suppose tbat Bussia Eucharist and ministered to you the ing the strike over asserted that nets," the broadcast said. on October 3 the General is to re­ was scared to death and hid his would not contemplate tbe estab­ Bread of Life. You know also the maritime workers "had achieved one "These remain there to save Tsal­ ceive the fP3edom of Edinburgh. friend's body in his cellar. He Uved lishment of a new common political of the most significant victories in inspiring counsel, the solemn warn­ daris (t^ Greek Premier) and his for nine months in the house with­ structure which would add notably the history of the maritime indus­ ing and the blessed comfort given Governor Meets Heads accompUces from their own people, to you when as a prophet he has out ever betraying his terrible secret. to her security, unless she were try." and to prevent a popular revolution spoken from this pulpit Sunday Of Executive Board aiming at expansion or determined (In New York, HT. E. G. Bamsey, on the model of those which took after Sunday and year after year; KING GEORGE OF GREECE to follow a political line of action port agent for the West Coast fire­ Continued from Page 1 place in other Balkan countries. and the patient care with which he entirely her own. men, announced after a secret ballot "Supporting them, the Greeks has taught your children the doc­ RETURNING TO ATHENS bert, and the foUowing Executive This is the GIN To achieve the surrender of na­ that the membership in New York trines of tbe Faith and the way of Board chairman: had voted overwhelmingly" to go have in Athens a whole group of tional sovereignty necessary to es­ Christian living. LONDON, Sept. 22 (AP).—The The Hon. John W. Cox, M.CP.. You Have Waited for back to work and that picket lines foreign Pressmen of the reactionary tablish a federation, the commit­ (Education); Sir Howard Trott, MC. would be withdrawn immediately. He countries whieh am supporting "Nor can you forget his diligence Greek Ministry of Information to­ tee recommended that members of day said that King George of Greece, P. (Agriculture), the Hon. Sir Stan­ predicted the firemen would be back Tsaldaris, reporting on Greek af­ as a pastor, ready to answer every parliament supporting the necessity call and eager to seek such of the who was confirmed in his sovereignty ley Spurling (PubUc Transportation Dixie Belle on all West Coast ships in port by fairs in a way which is compromis­ for a change of the present poUtical flock as may have gone astray, that by a plebiscite, will leave on Thurs­ Board); Captain the Hon. N. B. Dill, tomorrow morning.) ing Albania." It Is Strong With structure should create in the parlia­ they may be saved through Christ day night for Athens, ending his exile MCP. (Bermuda Volunteer Force The back-to-work drive on this The broadcast ended by saying: ments of each country "a poUtical for ever. in . Board, Board of Public Works, and Real London Dry Flavour coast, however, was marked by a *1t fe clear to everybody that Greece Airport Board); CoL A. T. Gosling group for a federation of nations." break among leaders of the seven- "Thus do we look back: but we He wiU go to Malta, where he wUl intends to attack Albania. But we look forward also. Please God, your (War-Time Supplies Commission); Subsequently, these M.P.S could union Committee for Maritime board the Greek destroyer Themis- have an army which has liberated Hector may be allowed to spend Mr. A. D. Spurling, M.C.P., Immigra­ Imported request their respective parliaments Unity, six of which are CIO affili­ tocles. tion); Mr. J. E. Pearman, M.CP. ates. Mr. Malone, after a heated the country without foreign help, many more years among you — he is to pass common laws enforceable in (Health), Mr. S. S. Toddings, MCP. Sealed. session of the committee's West and which will be able to defend itself not old although his hair is white — tbeir respective countries. To begin years of ripened experience and ever- (Labour); Mr. N. H P. Vesey. MCP. Coast section, charged that it was against anybody's forces." him and Mrs. SulUvan many years of with, these laws should be concern­ Communist-dominated, severed his deepening devotion to his sacred (Trade Development); Mr. J. D. B. ed with measures to transform na­ task. Life's autumn, like the autumn happiness." Talbot (Trade - Deputy Chairman), 12/6 personal connection with tt and "I am completely overwhelmed by tional into international planned of the year, may bring the ingather­ and Mr. G. A. Mountain (Transport announced lie would campaign to the kindness shown me by people all First Two Ship­ economies, and to form a permanent prevent his independent firemen's ing of a rich harvest from the seed Control Board—Deputy Chairman). INDIAN RIOTS CONTINUE over Bermuda as well as by my own ments Ware Sold basis for this cooperation the M.P.s union of 15.000 members from voting sown in faith and hope." parishioners," Mr. Sullivan said in Out Without should establish at a later stage a formally this faU to affiliate. CALCUTTA, India. Sept. 2L PRESENTATION CEREMONY reply. T sincerely appreciate the Foreign Planes Over Greece Advertising. statute of a common legislative as­ (Beuter) — Eight persons were in­ attendance of His Lordship and my sembly. jured, three of them fatally, in Hin­ Presiding over the presentation brother clergy here today. I owe Nobody Will Bay Chicken at ceremony at the G.U.O. of OP. HaU so much to His Lordship for his ATHENS* Sept. 21 (Beuter).—An Imported Sealed Bottles in The laws of the assembly, tbe re­ du-Moslem incidents in the eastern official announcement in Athens Bengal city of Dacca today. was Mr. C. Tucker Fowle, Chairman kindness and guidance during my Sealed Cases. port stated, could be ratified, re­ 4/- a Pound in London of tbe Vestry of St. James's Church. years in Bermuda. To my own today said tbat foreign aircraft, jected or modified by different na­ The fire brigade was called out Seated with him on the platform parishioners, I say thank you for coming from the north, made sev­ NOT Bottled Here. tional parliaments. Thus a fed­ (Special through Beuter) ten times, since many of the inci­ besides the Bishop and Mr. Sullivan your loving kindness. You have made eral flights over Greek territory in C. E. YOUNG, Walker Arcade, dents were the result of arson. eration of nations would gradually LONDON, Sept. 21.—Butchers in were: Sir Stanley Spurling, Mr. A. C. my stay in Sandys Parish a very central and eastern Macedonia on Phone 3161. "Hie total death toll in Dacca since become a poUtical entity resting on a some parts of London are running Down, M.C.P.; Dr. E. A. Cann, M.C.P.; happy one and assisted me in the .September 18 and 19. .disturbances broke out exactly a 414f*t"t». constitutional basis. sixpenny raffles to dispose of the two Church Wardens, Mr. Leon Lord's serviee." month ago is now fifty. Butterfield and Mr JuUan Patter­ chickens which nobody will buy Three persons were stabbed today "But," he continued, "if tt had since the Food Minister, Mr. John son; two members of the Church not been for my beloved wife, I in Ahmedabad, second industrial Vestry, Mr. Warren Simmons and Rubber Cement Strachey doubled the official price would never have been half as suc­ city of Bombay Province, as tbe re­ Mr. James R Finlay; and Mr. J. H. cessful as I have been." to 4/- per pound. newed communal disturbances en­ P. Patterson, who recently resigned Mr. Fowle also took advantage of by Seiberling tered their seventh day. from tbe Vestry after 34 years of the occasion when parishioners were The Cement That Casualties in Ahmedabad since service. present to make a presentation to Sept. 15 were unofficially estimated Alcoa to Launch Three New In making tbe presentation, His Mr. J. H. P. Patterson to mark his Really Sticks Skips by October 2 today at twelve dead and about Lordship said he remembered Mr. j 34 years of service to the church as thirty injured. Sullivan as a boy seated below bim a member of the Vestry, all but two A 50 per cent increase in the "riot years of wbich he had served as a THE Ceatimi treat Fa«« 1 as he preached in a town in Devon. I and civil commotion risk" rates was "I feel something of a grandfather! Church Warden. The Bishop was Sunshine Supply Co. aluminium to take advantage of announced by the Bombay lire In­ relationship to him. His first Hec­ requested to present to Mr. Patter­ Front Street 'Phone 2103 the great saving in weight and also surance Companies Association to­ tor was my first Curate," the Bishop son a cedar tray on behalf of the 43«t». of the freedom from corrosion by day. stated. "We all unite in wishing' congregation. BRITISH sea-water. The situation today was quiet and The new vessels have a length the city was returning to normal. over-all of 455 feet, a beam of 62 feet and a draft of 28 feet. Then- normal sea speed wUl be approxi­ SQUARE mately 17 knots, witb power sup­ INDONESIAN REPUBLIC plied by a geared turbine using SAID TO GAIN SUMATRA water-tube boilers. The buU has been sub-divided into seven com­ partments to ensure the greatest BATAVIA, Java, Sept. 21. (JP) — The possible stability under emergency Netherlands was reported today to conditions. Non-combustible o r have told the Indonesian Govern­ fire-resistent materials are used ex­ ment of Premier Sutan Sjahrir of clusively throughout the ships to her willingness to recognise its afford protection against fire. authority in Java and Sumatra. Air-conditioning wiU play a big A responsible informant said the part in making these ships comfor­ offer was made during a preliminary table, regardless of the weather. AH meeting between the Netherlands passenger staterooms and all pubUc Commission General and Dr. Soedar- rooms wiU be air-conditioned. The sono, Indonesian Minister of For­ single exception to this will be the eign Affairs. The commission arriv­ mam haU. which wiU be open at ed here this week. \A/HETHER it be used as two sides to sea breezes. Crew quar­ The informant said that prelimin­ \\ ters, too. wiU be air conditioned. ary questions of a military truce * » turban or head-shawl Luncheons Each room wiU have its own pri­ and evacuation of Netherland in­ or for "dressing up" a suit vate bathroom. When upper berths ternees from the interior had been So are used, tbey wfll turn back into settled. Only technical miUtary de­ or coat, the square more Cocktails and Dinners tbe waU during the day, transform­ tails remain to be solved before the than deserves the success ing the stateroom into a spacious truce beginst and evacuation of in­ Pretty open from 1] o.m. to 11 p.m. living room. ternees wfll start on Monday, he it has achieved. New designs It is not definite when the three added are colourful and gay in for Reservations MMM 3199 ships wfll make their first caUs here. The informant said that the Netherland offer represented the response to general demand greatest concession to the Indones­ ians in their long struggle for inde­ Best of all morale builders, a for bright accessories. pendence. Previous Netherland of­ All-over designs with fers had included only recognition pretty face—framed in simple, of the Indonesian republic's control plain borders in a light DUBONNET over Java. unadorned straws of darker shades, weight Silk. Britain's Coal Crisis or dressed with butterfly bows! Made in France Leading to Bankruptcy

Continued ham tage 1 At another such meeting at Car­ On Sale At diff today, Lord Hyndley, Chairman of tiie Goal Board which is to run the nationalised coal industry, said that British coal exports had now ^£ HAMILTON Gosling Bros., Ltd. almost ended. ©• ST. GEORGE "It is no good talking about ex­ SINCE I 8 44 HAM ILTON ST. GEORGE Somerset Hamilton St. George's ports today, however," he added, "be­ cause we have hardly enough coal to keep the wheels going round at home." Page 4 THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1946

MANCHESTER UNITED ARE FOX WINS KELLY BOWL SERIES YESTERDAY'S SCORES Last Championship Carnival Today's Schedule BEATEN BY STOKE CITY For B.A.A. Pool This Evening NATIONAL LEAGUE NATIONAI. LEAGUE WHEN MOSQUITO COMMITS FOUL English Soccer Leaders Brooklyn Ml 001 000—2 7 0 Philadelphia at Brooklyn Boston 000 004 OOx—4 8 2 are present holders of the Bermuda St. Louis at Chicago Batteries: Higbe, Casey 6, Behrman 8, ' The water championships for 1946 Lose Their First Game Minner 7, Taylor 7 and Edwards; Sain and will be brought to a conclusion this title. The B.AA. would like, of course AMERICAN LEAGUE Masi. Homer—Walker for Brooklyn in the to wrest this title from the East Philadelphia at New York Flamingo Takes Last Race of Series sixth. evening at the BAA.-Eagle's Nest LONDON, Sept. 21. (Beuter) — An Brooklyn ...... 041 000 120—8 0 0 Pool with six finals listed. Among j Enders, but whatever the outcome, amazing change in the weather, Boston 000 000 100—1 4 2 the championship events to be run a good game can be expected. which replaced last night's gales and Batteries: Lombardl and Edwards; Wal­ But Finishes Third in Percentages lace, Wright 2, F. Barrett 8, Mulligan 9 off this evening are the 100 yards Playing for the B.A.A. team will thunderstorms, favoured British soc­ and Masl. freestyle for seniors, the 300 yards Appreciation cer fans and players alike today Bew Tork 000 000 000—0 6 0 be "Rusty" Belvin, Percy Belvin, Os­ Philadelphia 010 000 OOx—1 3 0 medley relay for seniors, the 100 car Martinez, "Doc" Belvin, Francis Fox, the International 14-foot dinghy owned by J. O. Cooper Jr., sail­ and paved the way for keenly fought (Second Game) yards freestyle for ladies, the 100 Gosling, Cyril Bardgett and Harry ed by Mac Paschal, and named after Uffa Pox, designer and builder of battles of the type that shuffle Batteries: Janes, Voiselle 4, Schumacher yards back stroke for juniors, the Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Frick 5, Thompson 8 and Gladd, Graham 8; T. King. Reserve is to be Ralph Fergu­ the Bermuda International 14 fleet, finished second to "Shorty" Triming­ league standings. Hughes and Hemsley. 100 yards breast stroke for juniors ham in Mike SeUey's Flamingo and wan the Kelly Bowl, in one of the Although defeated for the first Cincinnati 200 000 400—8 8 1 and the finals of the water polo son. would like to thank relatives Pittsburgh 010 000 400—5 10 1 Prizes will be distributed at the most surprising upsets of the series time hi seven games tbis year, (Second game) championships. Manchester United retained the lead close of the carnival by Vice-Admiral and friends for their lovely The beautiful Kelly Bowl, which Fox turned the DarreU's Wharf Batteries: Blackwe.l, Shoun 7, Malloy 8, In addition to these events, there in the first division of the English Lamanno; Walsh, Albosta 8, Lanning 9 Sir Irvine Glennie, Commander-in was left to the Royal Bermuda mark ten seconds ahead of Fla­ and Baker. will be other swimming races to fill gjfts, received on the occasion League with 11 points for a 1-point Chief America and West Indies Tacht Club as a sailing trophy by mingo Mac leading Vivacious by 13 out the programme, and a novel div­ advantage over Blackpool to second AMERICAN LEAGUE the late Eugene Kelly's estate, was seconds, B'y Oo by 40, LongtaU by ing exhibition. Squadron, and one of the best of their wedding. place. Stoke Oity administered the firmly in the hands of William Gos­ 48 and Vixen by one minute and six Philadelphia ,, , 000 011 001—3 10 0 In the diving exhibition, Robert sportsmen in Bermuda. He will pre­ defeat to Manchester, 3-2, while Hew Talk 200 200 OOx—i 10 0 ling who sailing Mosquito with his seconds. Batteries: mores, McCahn 6 and Bosar; Stone will be competing against both sent only the first prizes, the sec­ 4362*«. Blackpool downed Aston VUla 1-0. co-owner Arthur Pitman as crew, Vox opened out her lead to 25 sec­ Chandler and Berra. Homer — Berra for Francis Gosling, Bermuda senior ond and third prizes to be presented Sunderland vanquished Brentford, New Tork ln the fourth. by the swimming committee during yesterday needed only to place sixth onds over Flamingo when she reach­ Philadelphia 003 100—4 5 3 diving champion and Harry King, to wm the bowl and bave Mosquito's ed the Two Rock buoy, and to 52 3-0: Middlesbrough won from Pres­ New Tork ...... 020 14x—7 8 0 runner-up. The idea to this diving the remainder of the week. seconds over Vivacious. B'y Oo was ton North End 2-0, and the Bolton Batteries: Marchildon, Harris 5 and • COMPLETE* name engraved on the first Bermuda Desautels. Bcsar 5; Marshall, Gumpert 4, exhibition is a new one. Francis International 14 trophy. This was one minute and three seconds astern Wanderers were at the losing end of Getel 5 and Robinson. Homer—Coleman Gosling will do a dive and Harry a 4-0 score in their match with Leeds in the second with one on, Moses in the not to be, however, for shortly after of the leader, while Longtail fell fourth for New York. (Game called ln the King will do one. Bob Stone will then GAS SERVICE the start, Mosquito trying to pass behind one minute and eight sec­ United. sixth inning because of darkness). do a dive combining both Gosling's onds and Vixen one minute end Ton Receive Cooking — Water Hearing the fleet to windward, had a luff BARNSLEY WINS HANDILY Chicago 000 OOO 000—0 4 1 and King's. For instance, should twenty seconds. Barnsley, witb 13 points, retained St. Louis ...... 000 200 20x—2 5 0 Home Heating — Refrig­ thrown at her to which she did not Batteries: Papish, Hollingsworth 8 and Gosling do a full twisting one and top spot in the second division, win­ Hayes; Sanford and Moss. Homer—Wltte respond. The luff was delivered by FLEET SFIJET one-half and King a front jack- eration — Industrial Uses. Ilys Darrell in Vixen who was forced ning handily from West Bromwich for St. Louis in the fourth. knife dive, Stone wUl do a full twist­ Sole Representative ia Bermuda lor Chicago 120 113 100—8 15 0 to luff in response to a luff by On the reach to DarreU's Wharf, Albion, 5-2. Alone in the second spot 8k Louis ...... 000 300 200—5 9 1 ing one and one-half with a jack- Beggie Darrell in his brother Alfred is Manchester City with 10 points Batteries: Eigney. Maltzberger 8 and knife. With Gosling and King both Fox and Flamingo went over to Tresh; Kramer, Blscan 8, Ferrick 9 and DarreU's Vivacious. Spectacle Island whUe the rest of through a 7-2 victory over Bradford. Helf, Schultz 9. working against him, there is every GAS Mosquito withdrew from the race tbe fleet, with tbe exception of The third division south now has Boston 101 100 001—4 9 0 possibility that Stone will at last be fk three teams with ten points tied for Washington ______001 000 000—1 6 10 "stumped" by a combination impos­ after the fifth and last race of the Vixen, sailed over to Point Shares. Batteries: Hughson and Partee; Wynn and series was barely one minute and a WhUe the fleet were thus spUt, Vixen the lead — Swindon Town, Queens and Eady. Homers — Russel In the fourth sible to perform. and caught a favouring breeze and saU- Park Rangers and Bristol City. and Moses in the ninth for Boston. Great interest is centered about Magic Chef Gas Stoves half old. Tbe race then became one Detroit ______100 200 10—4 8 2 between "Shorty" Trimingham in ed down the middle, took a short Swindon Town conquered Exeter Cleveland ...... 000 100 20—3 6 l tbe finals of the 100 yards freestyle Mike Selley's Flamingo and Mac Pas­ starboard hitch by Hinson's Island Oity 2-0 while the Queens Park Bang­ (Second game. Called ln the eighth be­ for seniors, the heats of which were Bermuda Gas & Utility Co. cause of darkness). Batteries: Benton, chal in J. C. Cooper's Fox. The duel and would have fetched the leeward ers held Crystal Palace to a 0-0 draw. Overmire 7 and Swift; Gromer, Flanlgan 4. run off last Friday. In the finals will I COURTESY Gas Company Building was a good one with Fox holding the mark and might have headed tbe Bristol City blanked Port Vale 3-0. Lemon 8 and Weigel. be Francis Gosling. Willie Hart, ] at Pitt's Bay «Road — Dial 2012 lead for the first two legs when he fleet when she came back on a port Doncaster Rovers remained ahead (Sports Editor's note: Due to ad­ Harry King, John Young, Derek Oat­ was overhauled by "Shorty" who board. Vixen, instead, went back on to the third division north, their verse weather conditions between way and Cyril Bardgett. This is any­ Gas Is Our Business sailed with his wife as crew. a starboard tack to Join Fox and 3-2 victory over CarUsle United .giving Bermuda and England and Bermuda one's race for all the finalists swim Flamingo and instead of heading them twelve points. One point be­ and the United States, complete this event ta about the same time. LJR-4^ STARTED OFF YACHT CLUB the fleet, was herslf headed, both hind Is Rotherham United, which scores could not be obtained either A real battle is anticipated in the by the wind and by the fleet. lip* firuy "^tim The last race in the series was halted Gateshead) 4-0. Bradford City from Associated Press or Reuter). finals of the water polo. Playing for started by Commodore Oven DarreU Flamingo worked out a lead over won 1-0, from Oldham Athletic, the championship will be the B.A.A. ^^J^^'HSJAaaSHED 1847 i** A'H'- of the Royal Bermuda Yacht Olub, Fox during the Spectacle Island SATURDAY'S GAMES "Whites" and the St. George's fjfrWMb OUEEN STREETS'' whUe Chester beat HuU City, 6-1. Kg&'^mi&LaiXQM '-- • '•-'• off the Club steps at 2.40 pjn. The hook and rounded the DarreU's NATIONAL LEAGUE Dinghy and Sports Club. The St. Spend wind was north-northeast and blew Wharf mark five seconds ahead of THREE TEAMS TIED AT TOP Brooklyn ______000 401 001—6 8 1 George's team were the runner's-up Boston ______000 001 100—2 10 0 to the New York Athletic Club in puffy at about eight miles an hour. her rival. Thirty-three seconds be­ Top places in the Scottish A divi­ Batteries: Hatten, Branca 8 and Edwards: The seven 14's (Snafu II did not hind came Vivacious, then Vixen, sion remain unchanged. Three Spahn, Wright 4, Mulligan 6, Lee 8 and the Mid Ocean championships and 4345 fm. Wisely sail), left the Yacht Club steps on LongtaU, and B'y Go. teams, each with sixteen points, are Masi. a run to DarreU's Wharf, then reach­ tied for first place — Aberdeen. St. Louis 010 000 001—2 8 2 Fox cut down Flamingo's lead to Chicago 000 100 000—1 5 1 ed to Two Rock, reached back to three seconds on the return to Two Hibernians and Rangers. Aberdeen Batteries: Dickson and Bice; Schmitz BUY DarreU's Wharf, reached back to Two Rock with the rest of the fleet well won from Falkirk, 4-3; Hibernians and McCullough. Kock and beat to the finish line off behind. beat Celtic 4-2, while the Rangers Pittsburgh 2. Cincinnati 1 the Club steps. administered a 2-0 setback to St. Hew Tork at Philadelphia, postponed On rounding, Fox kept inside and AMERICAN LEAGUE iffiSi BROOKE Flamingo hit the starting line first Flamingo feU on her immediately Mirren. Chicago 001 000 353—11 13 2 with Fox just above her and run­ and sailed her over to the south of In Division B, tbe Albion Rovers, St. Louis ...... 100 032 013—10 12 2 CAMERA ning weU. The remainder of the fleet Spectacle Island, then came over on who defeated Ayr United, 54, retain Batteries: Grove, Maltzberger 7, Caldwell 8. Hammer 9 and Hayes, Tresh 8: Johnson. BOND were bunched together and as Mos­ a starboard tack and passing the the lead with twelve points, while Ferens 7, Muncrief 8. Shore 9 and Martin. quito tried to flow past to wind­ eastern tip of Spectacle, started to tied one point behind are Dundee SChulte 9. Chicago 400 003 020—9 13 0 ward of the fleet, Vivacious luffed. lay the mark. The remainder of the and East Fife. St. Louis ______000 000 100—1 9 2 ^MiiiuKHS Vixen in response to the luff had to fleet kept to the northern side of The sores: Batteries: Lopat and Tresh; Galehouse. TEA the harbour where the wind was Ferrick 6. Potter 8 and Moss. luff Mosquito and Mosquito, not re­ SECOND DIVISION flukier. Detroit ...... 011 010 000 02—5 9 0 »it-.«» sponding to the luff, touched Vixen Birmingham City 1, Newport County 1 Cleveland 000 002 010 00—3 12 3 and was forced to retire. FLAMINGO MATCHES TACKS Bury 3, Plymouth Argyle 3 Batteries: Trout and Tebbetts; Knnlava, Coventry City 2, Southampton 0 Berry 9. Lemon 11 and Weigel, Jordan 7. Fulham 4, Leicester 2 Boston 7, Washington 5 Flamingo matched Fox's tacks, al­ Manchester City 7, Bradford 2 Newcastle United 1, Burnley 2 Philadelphia at New York, postponed. though weU ahead of her, and sail­ Notts Forest 4, Luton Town 2 O ing a heady race, "Shorty" finished Sheffield Wednesday 0, Chesterfield 1 Swansea Town o. Tottenham Hotspurs 2 FOOTBALL PRACTICE FOR B.A.A. tbe victor with Fox 15 seconds West Bromwich ^1M^m 2, Barnsley 5 TEAM STARTS THIS AFTERNOON astern. West Ham United 3, Millwall 1 B'y Go picked up an easterly and THIRD DIVISION (Northern) The BAA., team will be having a Hamilton Watches Accrington Stanley 0, Wrexham 1 with a bone in her teeth came rid­ Barrow 1. Stockport County 0 football practice every evening from ing down the centre of the Harbour Bradford City 1. Oldham Athletic 0 5-6 o'clock, with the first practice (Men's Wrist Watches only) whUe Vivacious was being headed by Carlisle Dnited 2, Doncaster Bovers 3 Chester 5. Hull City 1 scheduled for tonight at the BA.A. the StaUs. Vivacious was able to Halifax Town 3, Bochdale 0 Field. All B.A.A. members who are cross the finish line in third posi­ Lincoln City 1. Crewe Alexandra 3 desirous of trying for a place on the New Brighten 2, Tranmere Bovers 1 Limited number available tion with B'y Go making a good Rotherham United 4. Gateshead 0 team are to report to the field with fourth, seven seconds behind. Southport 3. Hartlepools United 3 their playing gear. KODAK ANSCO LongtaU made fifth and Vixen York City 3. Darlington 0 SCOTTISH LEAGUF. CUP (A Division) The footballers from Malabar and FILMS FILMS sixth. It was only recently discover­ Aberdeen 4. Falkirk 3 Daniel's Head had a practice work­ Now ed that Vixen's jib was not eat Clyde 1. Hearts 3 Hibernians 4, Celtic 2 out yesterday and will be holding PAPER PAPER properly. The diagonals in the Kilmn rnock 3. Partick Thistle 2 regular sessions untU the start of In Stock OTTO WURZ Genoa are so sewn together that Morton 2, Queens Park 1 the season. CHEMICALS CHEMICALS Motherwpll 0. Queen of the South 1 they pull the sail out of shape along Bangers 4. St. Mirren 0 Sole Agent for Bermuda the luff. This accounts in some Third Lanark 3. Hamilton Academicals 5 OLDEST JOCKEY WINS RACE || measure for the poor showing Vixen FIRST DIVISION G. E EXPOSURE METERS Reid Street Next To Medical Hall has made in this series. Arsenal 0, Derby County 1 Blackburn Bovers 1, (Special through Beuter) ARGUS AND SPENCER KODACHROME One of the most remarkable sail­ Wanderers 2 LONDON, Sept. 21. Fred Herbert, ing feats in the entire series was Blackpool 1, Aston Villa 0 SLIDE PROJECTORS Brentford 0, Sunderland 3 59 years old, Britain's oldest jockey turned in by "Shorty" Trimingham. Charlton Athletic 1, Sheffield Dnited 2 won a race at Hurst Park this after­ He has skippered the Flamingo in Grimsby Town 2, Chelsea 1 noon on "Knights Love" a two-year- DEVELOPING - PRINTING - ENLARGING four of the five races of the series Leeds united 4. Bolton Wanderers 0 Liverpool 0. Everton 0 old which had never raced before. and with the exception of his sec­ Amongst the AC Electrical Equipment which Middlesbrough 2, Preston North Erd 0 Herbert rode the winner of the ond race, when he fouled a buoy Portsmouth 3. Huddersfield Town 1 THE CAMERA STORE whUe leading the fleet and was forc­ Stoke City 3, Manchester Dnited 2 Kentucky Derby nearly forts we have at your disposal are THIRD DIVISION (Southern) ago. Queen Street Phone 2901 ed to withdraw, he has finished in Bournemouth 1. Brighton and Hove 0 PEk first position. With one disqualifi­ Bristol Citv 3, Fort Vale 0 cation and one last place against Cardiff City 2. Aldershot 1 Fuel Pumps Spark Plugs Crystal Palace 0, Queen's Park Bangers 0 her, Flamingo did extremely weH to Mansfield Town 3. Bristol Bovers 1 finish in a third-place tie with B'y Iftuwich city 2. Northampton Town 3 Coils Circuit Breakers Beading 2. Leyton Orient 0 Go. Swindon Town 2, Exeter City 0 The results: Torquay Dnited 0. South End Dnited l Condensers Distributor Heads Start: 2.40 p.m. Walsall 4. Ipswich Town 2 irp Name, owner and skipper Finish Watford 2. Notts County 2 XTRA COFF Flamingo, Mike Selley; "Shorty" SCOTTISH LEAGDE COP (B Division) ii<>)'Mm Trimingham _ _ 3:45.00 Albion Hovers S. Ayr United 4 Vox. J. C. Cooper J*.; Mac Paschal- 3:45.15 Alloa Athletic 0, St. Johnston 0 Vivacious, Alfred Darrell; Beggie Arbroath 4, Dumbarton 1 Darrell . .,__., , .' 3:46.35 Dundee Dnited 2. Cowdenbeath 0 GODET & TOUNG B'y Qo, Warren Brown; Charles Dunfermline Athletic 0, East Fife 2 Harris 3:46.52 Raith Bovers 0, Dundee 2 Sole Distributors Longtail, Eldon Frith Sr.; Eldon Frith Jr. Yflgi 3:47.26 IRISH GOLD COP (Second Round) Belfast Celtic 4, Derry City 0 Vixen, Uys DarreU; owner ..____ M 3:49.06 Hamilton— 1294 St George's— 9199 Mosquito, Arthur Pitman and wil- Coieralne 2, Ballymea United 4 11am Gosling: W. Gosling ______Dlsq. Distillery 3. Glentoran 0 4246ftk.s. L i n f i e 1 d 3. Cliftonville 0 .wwmtra The final standings of the Kelly Bowl series; RDGBT LEAGDE RACES YORKSHIRE CUP (First Round) July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept Bradford Northern 3. Huddersfield 20 Name 14 25 aa Per. Castleford vs. Leeds, postponed Fox , 6 5 .730 8 Dewsbury 9. Br am ley 8 Mosquito •710 Halifax 7, Hull-Kingston Bovers 11 B'y Go 4 6 .649 Flamingo -___ 1 Hu!! 24. Featherstone Bovers 3 .649 Hunslet 10, Batley 4 Snafu II S .534 Vivacious 2 Wakefield Trinity 8, Keighley 2 MSI & .460 JOHNSONS Longtail ...... 3 RUGBY LEAGDE .324 Vixen ..._____ t .129 Oldham 16, Warrington 2 S.n If ord 23, Barrow 5 rt did not start * did not finish Widnes 17, St. Helens 10 t disqualified Wlgan 22, Swlnton 3 Workinton Town 16. Bellevue Rangers 14 BABY Leigh vs. Liverpool Stanley, postponed LESNEVICH THINKS WOODCOCK- RUBY UNION Guy's Hospital 24, Catford Bridge 3 LOUIS BOUT U REMOTE Harlequins 13. St. Mary's Hospital 9 SMHMRH Abertillery 16, Ebbevale 0 Bath 3, Swansea 11 OIL NEW YORK, Sept. 22 (Reuter).— Bedford 3, Metropolitan Police 3 Gus Lesnevich, world light-heavy­ Birkenhead Park 6, New Brighton 11 weight champion, does not visualise Coventry 5, Sale 5 Exeter 31, Devonport Services 9 • POUR YOURSELF a cup of rich, golden-brown Chase & *j At Last a world heavyweight championship Gloucester 25, Moseley 12 t fight between Joe Louis and the Bri­ Headlngley vs. Waterloo, postponed •Sanborn Coffee. Enjoy the fragrant bouquet, the full Leicester 12, Plymouth Albion 4 tish Champion Bruce Woodcock for Llanelly 23. Bridgend 8 bodied, mellow flavor. Here's coffee to add zest to everv at least two years, according to a Neath 14, Cardiff 8 meal-* s flavor/ull/ Cl^se & Sanborn Coffee is a blend Newport IS, Bristol 10 statement on his arrival at La Guar- Northampton 19, Richmond 3 of the world's choice coffees. It comes to you vacuum 3ia airport today from England. Notts 21, Nuneaton 11 THE PHOENIX Eerduth 9, Newbridge 8 packed to protect freshness and flavor. Buy Chased Lesnevich was wearing dark glasses Sheffield 6. Huddersfield 10 Sanborn Coffee today! y se tt but would not discuss his recent Torquay Athletic 3. Taunton 0 DRUG STORE | Dnited Services Portsmouth 18, London fight with Woodcock apart from Irish 0 saying "Woodcock has good style and Weston Super-Mare 19, Penarth 14 Phone 1199 and 1299 bis toft hand moved around nicely, Glasgow High School 16, Kelvinslde West IS but he stiU has lots to learn. He wfll Crosskeys 10, Aberavon 7 improve and has the making of a Maesteg 0, Pontypridd 14 AT YOUR GROCER'S NOW 4351+IB. Pontypool 14, Army 10 good heavyweight." Rugby 16, Cheltenham 9 THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1946 Pa* 5

GOVERNOR'S CUP IS WON BY HA1S MALABAR ON SATURDAY Shortages Delay Britain's Big Housing Program Suffolk's Batting Collapses in Second Innings oi Cup Contest By JOHN DAUPHINEE (Canadian Press Staff Writer) LONDON, England (OP) — New work on building, compared with His ExceUency the Governor, Admiral Star Kalph Leatham, presented homes are springing up like mush­ less than 900,000 at the start of the the "Governor's Cup," given by former Governor Sir John Charles Kirwin rooms all over Britain but the year. Bernard in 1941, to the team of EM.S. Malabar Saturday afternoon at the pace of construction is far too The problem now is a shortage of conclusion of the two-day match between the British Navy team and slow to satisfy the housing almost all building materials. Tbe "B" Company of the Suffolk Begiment. H.M.S. Malabar won the cup match demands brought by six years of number employed in making mater­ by nine wickets war. ials such as bricks, electrical equip­ ment and bathtubs is only about The cup was last won by the B.V. missed, Suffolks' second innings Whole new communities of metal score being 54. and concrete temporary houses two-thirds the pre-war level, while B.G., the original trophy being "mis­ the number using the material is laid.'' Needing 49 runs to win, H.M.S. Mal­ have been set on bombed sites. abar were able to cross the score Acres are covered by identical, nearly up to 1939. Hundreds of His Excellency met tbe players houses could be finished and ready when stumps were drawn, being in­ for the loss of one wicket, the second flat-roofed dwellings that have a wicket partnership of Signalman marked resemblance to oversize for occupancy if window frames, troduced hy Lt. CoL Carol Ardern, drainpipes and other components Gray and Sub lieutenant Bennet packing cases. BJL, Acting O.C. British Troops, Ber­ were avaailable. muda. producing the necessary runs. Elsewhere the traditional two- Completion of temporary houses, *T am not going to make a speech Once the score was crossed, the storey brick house is being built, made to prefabricated sections fast­ Navy team threw all caution to the to you," His Excellency told the principally by municipalities for ened together on top of concrete winds and batted untU the tea in­ ALL DRESSED UP—Dolled players in presenting the cup, "But rental to families of modest slabs, is taking about four months terval, when stumps were drawn. "ip ln a hand-me-down coat I do congratulate the winning team. income. while permanent dwellings take any­ The scores: several sizes too large for Needless to say I am very pleased lim, tills Japanese young­ Since it took office a year ago thing np to eight months. While the that a Navy team has won, not only END OF FIRST INNINGS ster looks not a bit too the Labour Government has faced pace of new building has been dis­ because they a» the same service H.M.S. MALABAR a constant clamouring for a speed­ couraging, much has been riendly from beneath his accomplished hi the repair of homes I am, but for the possibility that the Overnight total , 41 knitted cap. He is one of up in the pace of building. Works cup will remain in the Island and CPO Fox b Maurice , a Minister George Tomlinson has damaged by German bombs and SBA Mills c WinfWd b Maley T 1,266,477 repatriates who rockets. Up to July 31, 620,000 had not be lost again. said 100,000 temporary and 100.000 lust. Lt. Branwood run out , i >iave been transported to been repaired. "fbr the Suffolks, I can say that SA Coker not out _._____«______. 3 permanent homes wfH be com­ L/Wtr Woods b Maurice ' 3 the Nip homeland by the pleted by the year-end, but the "For a government within 15 your fielding was excellent. Ton STD Wright b Maley ______0 U. S. Navy. months of the end of a great war were on your toes and absolutely Extras 1 official housing figures suggest he will be disappointed. to be approaching the completion of Going Places? alert." Total 86 200.000 houses, in addition to having Three cheers were led for the Gov­ Fall of wickets—10/1, M/S, 38/2, 41/4, VITAMIN A POWER IS Only 2OJ027 permanent dwellings 159,000 building workers on war ernor byOaL Ardern. 48/6. 80/5, 81/8, 85/10, 86/11 were completed in England, Scot­ damage repairs, is a record this Bowling analysis: O. M. W. R. INCREASED BY WATER land and Wales between the end PLAY STARTS AT 11 Maley ,, 19:5 S 2 31 country has never before ap­ Maurice 39 9 5 M of the war and July 31 this year. proached," said Health Minister Many of us ore booked for a trip to the Price 3 0 0 7 CHICAGO (Reuter). — Vitamin "A" The figure for temporaries is 40,425. The second day's play started at Crane 6 2 1 13 Aneurin Bevan in defence of the II o'clock Saturday morning with increases its'power when mixed with In both categories actual con­ Labour administration's housing SECOND INNINGS water, according to the American States in the next month or two. Many CPO Fox and SBA Mills tbe over­ struction is well below pre-election progress. "V COT. SUFFOLKS Chemical Society. promises of the major parties. The Conservative opposition takes night batsmen. Fox scored 31 runs Physicians, who usually give of us need to replace broken suitcases. . . when he was bowled by Maurice CpL Shea b Lund -,-ic 12 At the start delays were due the stand that private enterprise L/Cpl. Maurice b Lund ..______? •* a vitamin "A" in oil solution, have r primarily to shortage of labour in has not been given a fair chance and while Mills went on to make seven Cpl. Maley b Bennet t y ••• • r 3 discovered that the watery "A" puts runs before being caught by Win­ L Cpl. Winfield lbw b Lund 1 Tij 1 the construction industry. Now that Labour's planning has been battered trunks .... or possibly need a L Cpl. Trader lbw b Bennet ______0 eight times more of this vitamin more than 1,000,000 men are at'poor field. L/Cpl. Crane ran out ______M into the blood than the oil-soluble Maj. Marsh b Lund light canvas bag for leftovers. We have The remainder of the first innings Lt. Covin (capt.) e Gray b Lund ...... vitamin. wickets fell cheaply, the innings Lt. Price c Gray b Lund ______closing at 86 to give the Navy team Pte. Terry not out everything you could possibly need for Pte. Belbin c wk Macer b Lund ...... Spooks Take Hand in Divorce a 6-run advantage over their Army Extras CUPID HELPS SOLVE American Writers opponents on first innings totals. your trip abroad . . . handbags . . . .suit­ Total HOUSING SHORTAGE CHICAGO (Reuter). — Mrs. AB Lund's bowling proved to be Fall of wickets — 15/2, 25/1, 25/3, 25/5 Johnson, a professional medium, Oppose Monopoly disastrous to tbe Suffolk's bats and 29/4. 29/7, 47/6. 47/9, 49/8, 54/11 obtained a divorce from her husband cases and trunks in all sizes and colours. set what is believed to be a Gover­ Bowling analysis: O. M. W. E. NEW YORK (Reuter). — Wedding owing to professional jealousy. Bennet i 14 5 2 33 invitations mailed to 425 New York Move by Clitics nor's. Cop record. In 24 overs, eight Lund 14 5 7 U "He caused trouble between the of which were maidens, he captured Oldfield 10 0 4 real estate men announced tnat the spirits and me," she testified. "Every marriage of Hiss Lorraine Astgen NEW YORK (Reuter).— Fifty pro­ 12 wickets for 24 runs, for a two in­ H.M.S. MALABAR time I conducted a seance he would and William O. Spiess would take minent American writers, amont Reasonably Priced! nings average of two runs per post two dogs outside the room and L/Wtr. Macer b Maurice ...... 2 place "as soon as you rent them an make them bark. Then he would them Louis Bromfield, Rupert wicket. Sig. Gray c Price b Maley ...... 22 apartment.' Suffolks opened their innings con­ S Lt. Bennet c Maurice b Maley _L_.. 33 pound on the wall. He was jealous Hughes and John Erskine, have SBPO Oldfield not out Mr. Spiess received several sym­ fidently, the first wicket falling for CPO Fox c Maurice b Maley ... of my skill as a medium." formed the American writers As­ AB Lund c and b Maurice . pathetic offers and his housing o sociation to fight a reported at­ 15 runs and the second for 25. Rot SBA Mills b Maurice problem was solved. set in with the third and fourth Inst. Lt. Branwood not out tempt by a Hollywood artists' groug wicket falling and no addition be­ Extras FRIDAY 13 to establish control over all the lit­ ing made to the score. Four runs SIGHTLESS HONEYMOONERS The Womans Shop Total for 6 69 erary output of the United States. were added when the fifth wicket Did not bat — SA Coker, L/Wtr Woods. , (Reuter) — Lupe fell but the sixth wicket went down STD Wright. REGINA, Canada (OF).—James The Hollywood Screen Writers Fall af wickets 11/1. 51 2. 61 3. 61 5. Duttierez (thirteen letters in her Reid Street for no further runs. L/Cpl. Crane's 63/7, 63 7 Fawcett, 74, and his 71-year-old name) divorced Ramon Duttierez Guild, under the leadership of Hamilton Bowling analysis O. M. W. R. innings of 15 runs, aided somewhat Maley 12 3 3 25 bride are on their honeymoon—but (born Friday 13,18881 in Department James F. Cain, author of sexy de­ but on his being run out, the re­ Maurice .—...... 8 3 3 M they have never seen each other 13 on the thirteenth flour of Los tective novels such as "The Post­ Crane _.._..._ fi 3 0 M 4356tm. mainder of the team were soon dis- Winfield .. 3 8 Both bride and groom are blind. Mr. Angeles City Hall on Friday 13, man Always Rings Twice," is charg­ Fawcett propos43d on a park bench .September 1946. ed with trying to establish a central when a passerby was heard to re­ Judge Ben J. Sch ein man (thirteen repository for all copyrights. Under mark: "Do you suppose tbey are letters) granted the divorce. the plan, literary material would married?" not be sold outright to publishers, ff —o FORD ABANDONS producers and editors but would SPORTS TODAY FREE PRAMS LIGHT CAB be leased to them for specific periods. "Wlulco DETROIT (Reuter). — The Ford The authority would represent SOFTBALL -A TOWNSVILLE, Australia (OP)— Company has abandoned its plans Perambulators with number plates only Guild members, but because of for the production of a lisht-weight, Kindley Field League—Squadron 0 attached are seen in the streets of its monopoly control, membership (Hospital) vs. Traffic, 2 p.m. at Kind- lower-price passenger automobile 'Watches this north Queensland town. They would be virtually obligatory. lev Field Diamond. designed to sell at substantially Always a good Buy are from Townsville council's fleet lower prices than current low-priced of 19 strollers kept for the use of units. shopping mothers and lent, free of No explanation for the change in WAR PRISONERS TO WATCH charge. plans has been given. U.S. Episcopalians Oppose Sole Agent GAMES Revising Remarriage Roles (Special through Beuter) LONDON, Sept. 21.—The Halstead, PHILADELPHIA (Reuter). — The Otto Wurz Essex, football club decided by a HEAD OF AMERICAN TOBACCO CO, Fiftieth Triennial Convention of the Next to Medical Hall j large majority to allow 200 German American Episcopal Churcb rejected a plan for the liberalisation of the Reid Street war prisoners, to watch their match- es on Saturdays. The prisoners will ADVERTISING GENIUS, DIES remarriage canon. t» restricted to one side of the field The plan proposed that Bishops NEW YORK (Reuter). Mr. stopwatch in hand, and was terribly would decide on tbe individual George Washington Hill, head of the angry if a single commercial an­ merits of each case whether a American Tobacco Co. and father of nouncement was a second short. divorced person could marry again. the 'irritation" technique in adver­ Born in Philadelphia, the son of A motion in favour of the Church tising, died at the age of 61. the head of the American Tobacco permitting the remarriage of the It was his theory that people Co.. Bill married three times. Els last innocent party to a divorce granted The Angel's Grotto would remember a slogan that ir­ two wives were formerly his private on grounds of adultery was defeated ritated them. The record sales of secretaries. by a vote of 65 to 44. Bermuda's most up to date Lucky Strike cigarettes proved him right. The Company's gross rose Grill and Restaurant during his tenure from $153,000,000 in 1926 to $500,000,000 in 1946. He Featuring WALTER P. REtDNER, Swiss Chef spent $20,000,000 in advertising yearly. Men's Poplin Street Shorts He devised catchy slogans and Offers a la Carte Daily 11 aan.—11 p.m. hired the best available talent to FLOOR COVERING Sundays Included hammer them home. His favourite slogans were: "LS./MJ.T.", "So Evenings by Reservations Only round, o firm, so fully packed,' "Its English <& American Cool, comfortable Shorts for these hot Toasted, 'etc. He turned women to cigarettes with the slogan: "Reach September days. DANCING For a Lucky Instead of a Sweet." Thanks to his advertising campaigns, In Very Attractive Patterns on the Terrace Saturday Evening which made people wince at his Patterned for Bermuda, these Seven by Reservations Only. slogans but buy his cigarettes. Seas Shorts are made of a sanforized Lucky Strikes' sales passed Chester­ The Angel's Grotto Will Be Operated on a High fields' in 1928 and Camels' in 1929 rayon poplin which is readily wash­ Standard at .All Times. Although the company sponsored able. In such mannish colours as a number of radio programmes, FRITHS HARDWARE LOUIS H. SELLEY, among them "Information Please," Bermuda tan, luggage, sea green, Mr. Hill's pride and joy was the Front Street Phone 1179—lift navy, and ispen. Owner sind Manager. Saturday night "Hit Parade" of the _Hk best tunes of the week. He listened 4266-ff. faithfully to every single programme, Sizes 29—44


London Church Scene Of PERSIAN GARRISON TOWNS NEW TYPHOID THERAPY "Don't Execute War Criminals Riotous Demonstration ATTACKED BY TRIBESMEN IS HELD BIG SUCCESS Where Our Comrades Died"

(Special to The New Ycrfc rimes and TEHERAN, Sept. SI (Reuter).— The CHICAGO (AP).—Five California BERLIN, Sept. 22 (Reuter).—Otta- Tbe Hoyal Gazette) Persian Premier, Ghavam Es Sul­ physicians reported they bad cnt mar Jesecka, a Berlin municipal LONDON, Sept. 22. Tbe Cburcb taneh, today summoned his Council the usual -death rate from typhoid councillor, at a big demonstration of St. Cuthbert in Kensington, Lon­ of Ministers on receiving reports fever in half by injecting patients of "Victims of Fascism" said: "We don, was tbe scene of an extraordi­ from south Persia that several hun­ with bacteriophage, a virus-like para­ beg the AlUes that the execution of nary uproar during the service this dred armed horsemen of the Romad, site of bacteria. Nuremberg war criminals who are a warlike Qaghuri tribe, had swooped morning when members of the Na­ In an article in the Journal of sentenced to death shall not be car­ tional Union of Protestants staged a from the mountains and occupied two localities. the American Medical Association, ried out in Berlin. Our dead com­ demonstration that required police Reports said that the tribesmen— the physicians termed the results rades ask this, as it would be a dis­ intervention. under Khosroh Qashqai, one of four "s(pectacular" and of "great import­ honour for tbem if these men be It was part of a general campaign brothers who led the tribe—had dis­ ance" in future treatment of the executed at the same spot as they." by the Union against high shurch armed the local gendarmerie and disease. A banner was carried in the de­ practices which, it is claimed, are the army garrison in Kazeroun and The theraphy was tried on 56 pa­ monstration which showed the bringing back the celebration of Kahrum, which lie between the port tients in the communicable diasese figures of the Jewish population of mass into th© Church of England. of Bushire on the Persian Gulf and unit of the Los Angeles Comity Berlin—in 1933, 286,000; in 1945, The old cry of "Popery" has become the town of Shiraz, further inland. General Hospital. The death rate, 5,500 tbe new battle cry of the objectors. The tribesmen were galloping which for many years nas remained —o This morning, at one of the most towards Shiraz, the report added. around ten per cent, was cut to Ave solemn moments of the service in St. A number of motorised units of per cent. Frankfort Synagogue Opens the Persian army and five army Cuthbert, a man stood up and planes have been sent to Shiraz to Within 24 hours after injection, shouted: "This is a parish church protect the town, the Teheran news­ the authors stated, the patients, LONDON, Sept. 22 (Reuter).—Th« of the Church of England—-Protest­ paper "Ittfla'at** reported tonight. blood cultures were negative, fever great synagogue in Frankfurt, the ant and reformed and established Rumours that the Qashqai had was absent and clinical improve­ home of a large Jewish community by law. Masses are unlawful" occupied Shiraz were unconfirmed, ment was noted. in pre-war Europe, has been restored There was an immediate rush for but the paper described the situa­ Within 24 to 48 hours, patients in with the help of the organisation him, followed by a struggle. Others tion in the town as "not calm." a comatose state became cheerful for American Jews, and wiU be open­ in the congelation joined in. and co-operative and experienced a ed for services for the flrst time at The objectors were literally thrown "NOTHWG^TCTOP JEWSl feeling of well being and later a the end of this week on the occasion out one by one, including a woman strong appetite for food developed. of the Jewish New Year, the British who shouted "This is appalling." GETTING TO PALESTINE" LUXURY TRAVEL ON FREIGHTERS.— Picture shows what staterooms on Alcoa's new "super-liners in In a discussion accompanying the News Service in Germany said to­ A police van drove up to disperse miniature" will to like. The rooms will all be air conditioned and will, it is stated, equal or excel tho article. Dr. Wilton L. Halverson of day. the crowds which formed outside best accommodation on any big ocean liner. (Story on page one.) Rabbi Joseph MiUer, the American PARIS. Sept. 21 (Reuter).- Mr. San Francisco, said: the church. Inside, the service con­ Chaplain, will conduct the services, Samuel Merlin, Chairman of the "The spectacular nature of the tinued. as no Gei man rabbi is at present offi­ Hebrew Committee of National Lib­ recovery of tbese patients is some­ ciating in Frankfurt. eration, said today that he was Foresees Action on Some Sumner Welles Says U.N. Greeks Cham Knowledge thing we don't forget when we see "very surprised" at General Joseph Reforms by Legislature Must Tackle Palestine Of Foreign Plots tbe patient go through tbe episode. MacNamey's announcement that I believe this is a contribution which Europe's underground trek of re­ will be of great importance to us in Caatiaaed ham Pafe 1 Contiaued frem Pnge I Caatiaaed ham fate 1 typhoid." NOTICE Slip Pyorrhea fugees towards Palestine had come which a resolution approving the that the Conference might be pro­ rounded up. A group of sixty was o • almost to a standstill as a result of petition was put to the meeting. tracted. A British spokesman said said to have surrendered witb equip­ the British "clamp down" on illegal Later the B.WA. head returned to on Friday that he expected it to ment in Chalkidiki. Ih 24 Naurs immigrants. the platform to deliver a ten minute continue two or three weeks longer. There is considerable indignation Illegal Jewish Immigrants There will be a Bleeding Gum, r«in— Teeth aad Sara He hoped that General MacNar- attack upon the editorial which ap­ Meanwhile, the decision on whe­ among Leftist and Republican Month tnamm tkat yon have Pyorrhea, Trash Month or a had disease which ney would withdraw the announce­ peared in Saturday's issue of The ther Zionist representatives will groups because the Government is To be Taken to Cyprus Grand Open Air Dance sooner or later will mako your tooth fall enter the Conference waits upon tbe deporting to other localities persons .ant aad may canae Rheumatism and Heart ment immediately. "I do not think Mid-Ocean News. AT THE EDNESS PATIO Trouble. Stop this disease now with the that anything can stop Jews from results of a meeting of ths Zionist adjudged dangerous to the security HAIFA, Sept. 22 (Reuter).— new discovery Amosan. Stops bleeding Dr. Gordon referred to the request Inner Council, which was to have of tbeir home communities. Accord­ getting through." he said. "Other Would-be Jewish immigrants, with­ .gums tm 24 hours, ends sore mouth and in the petition for an extension of been held in Jerusalem today, but ing to the Ministry of Public Order Sponsored by ushtens teeth. Irpn clad guarantee factors and forces have tried in the out visas, aboard the 200-ton, single- Amosan muat nuke yoar mouth well and the franchise. He stated that it was was postponed owing to the non- there have been STO deportations, MRS. REBECCA JANE SERGEANT save your teeth or money back aa return past and not succeeded." only this year that a member of the masted wooden schooner Palmach of empty package. Get Amosan from jouf arrival of Hr. Berl Locker, tbe poli­ mostly in tbe north, since Sept. L (nee Edness) A j»_^_ efcaaUst today. The Hebrew Committer-* of Na­ House of Assembly, who had earlier tical adviser to the Jewish Agency, There are 1,379 cases before security will be transhipped tomorrow morn­ *»**» am mmm m • protects yo«. tional Liberation in Paris has stated voted against extension of the from London. committees. ing to a British vessel for transfer to for Pyorrhea—Tremcb Mouth Ord Road, Warwick East that it is affiliated to the Irgun Zvai franchise, proposed the appointment The main Zionist condition for Tbe central committee of the internment camps tn Cyprus, it was Leumi, the Jewish terrorist organi­ of a Select Committee to enquire participation now is that the Zion­ National Liberation Front (Earn} learned in Haifa tonight. It is be­ sation in Palestine. into the possibility of extending lt ist leaders now interned in Latrun cabled Louis Saillant, president of Ueved that there are 619 on board. September 25th the French Council of National Dr. Gordon yesterday claimed that detention camp should be released Come one come all, and enjoy to Join the Jewish delegation. Resistance, denouncing the deporta­ the appointment of that committee tion of thirty-five Elas officers from yourself each night before the had been arranged so tbat the Secre­ Zionist leaders in London Clearance attached considerable importance to Athens. According to Government Anglo-Brazilian Pact Signed summer is ended. tary of State for the Colonies coiild circles tbe thirty-five fought against Foot Itch an editorial in the London Times to informed that the question of Music by Ernie Leader and the state in the civil war in 1944 but LONDON, Sept. 21 (Reuter).—A 30- SALE extending Bermuda's franchise was saying that the present stage of the remained on the active list. Their His Happy Swingsters under consideration. proceedings affords an opportunity removal is described as strictly a minute ceremony at the Foreign Healed in 3 Days of for Jewish participation which miUtary measure. Offlce today formally concluded the Price 3/- Do your feet itch, smart and burn ma* That method of procedure has should not be neglected, because it Anglo-Brazilian trade agreement, badly 'that they nearly drive you crazy ?1 served its purpose during these 326 would imply the resumption of rela- REFRESHMENTS ON SALE Does the skin crack, peel or bleed? Tbe (Special to Tbe Kew Tork Times and which, as several delegates declar­ real cause of these skin troubles is a germ years." Dr. Gordon asserted. "The tions between the Jewish Agency The Boyal Gazette) that has spread throughout tbe world, and Cotton ed, starts a new era for relations be­ is called various names such as Athlete's time has come when we must ques-1 for Palestine and tbe British Govern- LONDON, Sept. 21.— The radio war tween Brazil and Britain. 3MSt«.»,t.».w».23. Foot, Singapore Itch, Dhoby Itch. Tou can't I tion it. The time has come when we ment, and would help to relieve ten­ on Greece was carried a step farther set rid of the trouble until yon remove the sion hi Palestine. germ cause. A new discovery, caUed Nixo- Dresses must have an impartial commission today when the Tirana radio alleged dorm, stops the itching in 7 minutes, killsJ appointed to come to Bermuda." that "Greeks are attacking Albania's the germs ia 24 hours and starts healingff the skin soft, smooth and clear in 3 das-s. J I frontiers with armed gangs and con­ Nixoderm is so successful it is guaranteed1' */z Price ArSSAILS NEWSPAPERS South Tyrol Agreement ducting at the same time a cam­ to end the itch and heal the skin not only paign of calumnies." A Great Name in French Brandy on the feet hot the most stubborn cases of Whilst be assailed recent editor­ Eczema, Pimples, Acne, Boils, and Ring­ Goes in Peace Treaty The broadcast said that Greeks worm of face or body or money back on re­ ials in both The Royal Gazette and turn of empty carton. Ask your chemist for Tower Dress Shop were representing Albania and Yugo­ The Mid-Ocean News. Dr. Gordon C«nti_ue4 from Pag* I slavia as threatening Greek frontiers X devoted most of his time on tbis Cognac Salignac NlirOdfiPnmm m m t tod ay. Th? Hollywood Dress Shop compelling Rumania to repeal tbe "to have an excuse for maintaining V ^KTT^S, ^T guarantee subject to tbe leader wbich ap­ petroleum law of 1942 and to re- Tor Skin Troubles protects you. foreign bayonets in Greece." These 4260ttfca. peared in Saturday's issue of the enact tbe mining law of 1937, pend­ troops remain, the broadcast went and VSOP latter paper. He declared tbis latter ing the coming into force of a new on. "to save Tsaldaris (Greek Pre­ * * editorial to be "typical of the inti­ petroleum law. Rumania had mier) and his accomplices from midation that is used in this objected to this on the ground that tbeir own people and to prevent a 30/- bottle 35/- bottle country." He could not understand lt interfered with her sovereignty popular revolution on the model of why tbe newspaper which had and witb domestic affairs. those in other Balkan countries." Slipped by editorially clamoured for so many Britain's new proposal was that Tbe broadcast ended by saying Louis de Salignac & Co. i Do you have that reforms should oppose the appoint­ the Rumanian Government should that "It is clear to everybody that Cognac, France ment of a Royal Commission. "By undertake to modify the petroleum Greece intends to attack Albania and "MONDAY MORNING" FEELING pretending that he was the cham­ law of 1942 to remove discrimination that Albania "has an army which pion of the underdog, he (the editor against Dnited Nations nationals as liberated the country without for­ FRITHS LIQUORS LTD. of The Mid-Ocean News) has sold compared with tbe legislation in eign help and which will be able to Any Day of the Week? his papers to the masses—he has force in September 1939, and should defend itself against anybody's St. George's Hamilton Somerset || been riding on their backs. Now afford them fair and equitable treat­ forces." that he feels he has a few pennies ment hi the petroleum industry. he is aspiring to something I can assure he will never get. He just ROCKET MAY REACH cannot make it—that is the Yacht Then sleep on on Club!" MOON IN DECADE

Dr. Gordon's opening remarks yes­ WASHINGTON (Reuter). — Rock­ terday referred to the editorial ap­ ets from the earth may reach the pearing in last Tuesday's issue of moon within ten years, according Englander Tbe Royal Gazette. Said he: "I to Col. James G. Bain, chief of the should Uke to remind tbe editor guided missiles branch of the DB. Mattress that, as a doctor, I am only too well Army Ordnance Dept of Research aware that there is no such thing and Development. as a panacea for all ills in tbe medi­ The cost of a trip to the moon is, and notice the difference! cal field and I bave less reason to under present conditions, prohibi­ expect it in the poUtical field. tive, involving millions. of dollars. New P The DB. Army is, however, planning ' And, lest he be deceived, it might to send missiles to tbe moon in the MULTIPLE HEAD InnerSpring Mattresses be useful for me to point out that not too distant future. and Box Springs the petition is not all-inclusive by a long chalk. There are many mat­ Remington Electric Shaver available in single sizes ters in urgent need of reform that CARNIVOROUS HUSBAND have been excluded for the very good reason that it pays to keep one's NEW YORK (Reuter). — Mrs. For a perfect Shave powder dry. The Royal Commission Harold Ritter obtained a divorce WiU be in receipt of most details of from her husband, due for discharge all matters that come within the from the Army, because his appetite scope of their terms of reference." for meat made her worry too much Three Spring Loaded Cutters in these times of shortages. Mr. Gerald Brangman, Vice-Presi­ F I B S T — Mrs. Randolph New Cutters Shave 50% Closer Am \ (cooper & Sons Dyer of st Loots, Mo, flrst Sbe charged that before Harold dent of the BWA, presided at yes­ - entered the Army he ate aU the meat Ability to Cut Short and Long Hair terday's meeting, and a large number woman ever to be elected to they had under rationing. And, she UMITED of B.WA. officials occupied the plat­ the supreme legislative body told the court, he was awaiting No Blades, Soap Lotions or Hot Water form. The entire meeting was re­ of Che Protestant Episcopal discharge and she feared she would 4334>tn corded on an electrical recording '•burch. The election estab- have to return to a vegetaoble diet machine. ">* a historical precedent. upon his return. Shaves Quickly Anywhere BRONCHO COPS CANT COME TO CHVCPKSTO Anytime Bu ARP.EST OUR CmZEHS The Electric light Co. Captain's ST. GEORGE'S. SOMERSET. Surprise HAMILTON. «40fm.w.


BROTHEL CHARGE FURTHER *$f'jt$* MAIL NOTICES FOR PERIOD j! LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Backache ADJOURNED ON SATURDAY * 'M 'Mr**ra M Mw*rw W/tkfi ; .' ENDING 25TH SEPTEMBER; 1946 ! (Correspondents are reminded that letters must be accompanied by the names and Rheumatic TheDiary addresses of tte senders, not necessarily tor publication but as proof of the writers Twinges Defence Witnesses Say That ViafasNM.) OUTGOING Hamilton, Bermuda, at the present time» Urinary They Saw Nothing "Immoral" Destination and Conveyance Closing at G.P.O. Date [Samuel Pepys Teucer f Sept. 21st. 1946. has decided to admit the automo­ All Destinations Ordinary 1.00 pm. Daily Disorders * r bile to its commercial form—the Once again tbe bawdy house The Editor, taxicab. If such a decision has been (Airmail) Registered 1.00 p.m. Daily often occur charge against Caroline Simons was The Royal Gaaette. made by tbe static hierarchy then Registered mafl for despatch by aircraft leaving Sunday wfll close at when the kidneys adjourned in Hamilton Police Court Saturday, September 21st. its fulfillment should be carried out 5.00 p.m. Saturday. aae sluggish / on Saturday by the Wor. Oct. Rich­ Sir:— efficiently or not at all. AU Destinations Ordinary 6.00a.m. Sept.24 ard J. Tucker, Acting Magistrate. Plagued wtth an attack of vile dis­ temper these last several days, and Today's issue carries an inter­ The taxi service is not reliable at (Airmail) Registered 5.00 p.m. Sept. 23 1>AINS Di THE This indictable charge— T which the present time because of the shoi> Great Britain, Canada and UBA_-_ Ordinary lljOOam. Sept.24 1 BACK, rheuma­ names the "Violette Cafe" as the all, I dare swear, for that my dear view with the Bishop of Bermuda on tic twingen, stiff, wife being to the Land of Evange­ the question of Church union. One tages in the^pumber^of vehicles on (GeorgeWashington) Registered 10.00a.m. Sept.24 •wollcn muscles "Crarr scene of the offence—has had several line, I have not taken the panacea caU. A person cannot depend on Parcel Post 10.00am. Sept.24 tad joints, lum­ Picture hearings in the Central Police Court, wonders if His Lordship was correct­ tells m of all evile, Gelozone. But;I am ly reported. It is a Utile surpris­ the service. We understand that INCOMING bago, urinary and Starr" and Col. Tucker said that he In­ bladder disorders, resolved to get some by hook or by ing that he has not heard of the pro­ there are more cabs avaUable for Origin. Conveyance. Date. Time disturbed rest, gravel and a tired, tends to make next Friday's hearing crook, for I am indeed a miserable use immediately on the island but tbe last. posed union between the Chinch of Great Britain, Canada and UBA Airmail Daily am. nervy condition can ail arise when wretch when so plagued. England of G*ttada and The United that the archaic and ponderous tbe blood contains an excess ef Prosecuting is Inspector John M. " *' George WashtogtanE—Sept. 23 p.m. •tic add and other impurities. • • * Chureh of Canada. Negotiations minds of those to control cannot Brown, while Mr. David Tucker, looking toward a possible union of make the decisions necessary to the Subject to change without notice. Ton need Doan's Backache M.C.P., is conducting the defence. At the club the other evening and these great churches have been to granting of additional Ucenses. Kidney Pills. This special kidney Mr. Tucker said that he would be a great controversy arose on the cor­ medicine h:is been used success­ progress for some time and are If the powers that be are hesitant calling a further three witnesses at rect way of playing a particular hand. fully fbr over forty years, ll So when an appeal is made to me, I quite advanced. It is too early to to put more taxis on the streets stimulates sluggish kidneys and the next hearing. helps to flush out die millions of take refuge in quoting:— pronounce a decision on these nego­ during daylight hours because they tiny Altering tubes. 9 The first witness to be called by tiations. constitute a menace to cyclists,— the defence on Saturday—Louise When four play whist why not permit additional vehicles to TAXI TAXI Healthy kidney action wilt soon r.itor* In 1925, union was consummated amaa mad eamlen br rUetin*} th* system Peniston—told the court that she And one looks on; be Ucensed during the evening hours af Aa IrrHattna laainirltl** whi-ti hava between the Methodist Congrega­ keen cousin;, tha pain. ,. was employed by the accused as a, They make blunders, when cyclists are at a minimum and For Prompt and Courteous Service seamstress at the time of the police tionalism and Presbyterian Church­ f/». an. bl-. Ask your Dealer foi He makes none. es of Canada. True a remnant of when the demands of tourists at­ raid on Judy 8. On the occasion of tempting to visit the rather scat­ Our fleet of Austin Cars Are at Your Disposal \mx £3k. SSX^^JS the raid, the witness asserted, she the Presbyterians remained out of So the point never settled for all the union. The relations between tered entertainments are stopped by IM mB%__ was on duty on the premises, having were better as double-dummy play­ exorbitant carriage rates. been employed there for a week. ers than as ordinary players. The United Church and the "Oon- Betk&cisa Kisfcw PilU" ing Presbyterians" are now grow­ Trott Brothers Taxi Co. » • • TWO AMERICAN TOURISTS. WORKED LATE AT NIGHT Hearing by.chance the expression ing more cordial and it is hoped that 2271 1024 the time wiU come when these o 4347tm. ^ypu get Peniston informed the court that "died for want of lobster sauce" I did turn to my vade mecum Brew­ wiU also join the union. she worked until late at night upon In 1875, the several bodies of Pres­ er's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable |ri|tire shaves occasion, and then she occupied one byterians to Canada United. A Death of Mrs. J. E. Drennan of the beds set aside for the ac­ and found this explanation:— remnant remained out side of that Reported From England cused's employees. In describing union, but eventually these aU came the "furniture room" (where the "At a grand feast given by the into the union. It is hoped that this Her many friends in Bermuda will jl PAL BLAD1S are accused maintains she had second great Conde to Louis XIV, the experience wiH be repeated. chef Yatel was told that the lob­ be deeply grieved to learn of the FLOWERS I HOLLOW GROUND hand furniture for sale) the witness There is always the risk of dissen­ said there were was furniture set out sters for the turbot sauce had not death qf Mrs. J. E. Drennan, wife arrived. Whereupon the chef re­ tients remaining outside of church of Colonel Drennan, late of the Im­ on display. The display differed mergers. This, however, is not suf­ can be from otber better known local es­ tired to his private room, and, perial Censorship in Bermuda. leaning on his sword, ran it ficient reason for frowning upon Information from Colonel Dren­ tablishments, inasmuch as it was the Christian movement of church Produced so Easily in Bermuda ORDINARY not as neat. through his body, unable to sur­ nan has reached Mr. W. S. Purvis, vfeiADES ARE vive such a dire disgrace as serv­ union. M.O.P., that Mrs. Drennan passed J/lfEPGE-SHAPEO In the time that she was employ­ ing turbot without lobster sauce." CLAYTOM A. MUNRO. away on September 5, foUowing a "'JUKB.AKNIK ed there, the witness claimed, she major operation two weeks earUer. Let's Have Lots of Them! never saw any part of tbe premises You'll feel the difference Mayhap some of our clubmen who To the end Mis. Drennan was calm 40*2ff. used for immoral purposes. She make a habit of Journeying to Sin September 21, 1946 and of good cheer. She said to her with Your first Pal Shave! did not see the U.S. sailor (who was Island to partake of turtle steak and HamUton, Bermuda. doctor, "it seems ungrateful of Hollow-Grinding, on exclusive Pal pot­ found under a bed with Thelma soup will understand the cook's The Editor, mo to die after you have tried so ent, makes a razor blade for keener, Thomas by the police) or Thomas The Royal Gazette. hard to save my life." far mere flexible. So with Pol, you shave on the night of the raid. feelings. without bearing down —you get o cool » • • FoUowing the winding up of Im­ Featherfoucft shove —and the blade When counsel asked the witness Dear Sir, perial Censorship here, Colonel Dren­ why she ran away when the police A strange experience at my home It looks like new! lasts far, far longer. For the quickest, of the Golden Stairway. For my We have enjoyed our stay in your nan held a responsible position for coolest, cleanest shave you've aver had arrived, he received the reply, "Be­ islands for the last few weeks. How­ some time to Malta, but for over a wirh a safety razor — try Pal tomorrow. cause I was scared." Mr. Tucker energetic son had trimmed trees and cedar brush that it was neces­ ever, beUevtog that criticism from year he and Mrs. Drennan have been pursued this point further, and was residing to Worthing, Sussex. told, "If you were in a place and the sary to engage a truckster to carry it unfamiliar eyes is more analytical ... Yes, it takes RINSO to cops came, wouldn't you run out? away. than that from the overexposed eyes Do you like running into trouble "Bring a low truck," I advised, "so of residents, we offer this suggestion keep coloureds looking that the work of lifting it will be for your consideration. new and bright! >y Continued on Page 9 easier." ARRIVED After a week's delay, a very liigh Thank goodness ior Rinso, to keep coloureds clear anu bright DOUBLE EDGE That it can't come too soon. at motor truck and three men appear­ • * • as new! And it does it so safely, for 1/ SINGLE EDGE ed on the scene. with gentle care. Then there's One look at the brush and they all That the development of Z.B.M. the white wash; everyone knows liflMfeM BLADES rr PAYS TO surprised no one. The little Green Shop how dazzlingiy clean Rinso gets W M declared it was too hard a job. They whites in a simple soak with "H • /ll All U6ULAR RAIOtt rERfIC11V •! would go and return with a low water! lqrry drawn by a horse. That so far tha work has been large­ FIVE YEAR DIARIES ijj F. J. G. FOOTE, Hamilton ADVERTISE They gathered up the first heap ly experimental. • 1 Sole Agent in a few hours, then called it a day. 'it They would return to a few days for That a biggo and broader f.eld is 1947 CALENDARS Rins o in <= the second and third heap. Now assured. we are cleaning up the mess they SOAKS 1.1 made of the whole lawn. That something new in strikes is re­ and This is what foolish people des­ ported in France. clonus cribe as "Clearing up the place." * * * NOVELTIES FOR XMAS That the strike of customs officials CUM • Wildroot • was welcomed by traveUers. THEY SAY * * • 434§to X-R 216/2-925 A "Natural" for the Weil-Groomed Man That they got through customs with- By A. M. PURCELL ' out having to pay duty. HAIR TONICS*CSEAM OIL'SHAMPOOS That October will be the poUtical That such a strike here might H IP month. the objectors to ad valorem. Distributors for Bermuda That the bye-election should prove That a parUamentarian once said interesting. that if death duties were intro­ AMBARD & COMPANY • • • duced here everyone would refuse That it would be too much to hope it to die. Reid Street Phone 3173 may be decided on some import­ a a a ant issue. That the shipping strike is over. •jjP* Mc*/ a * * 4346|m. * * * That this has been threatened many That a trifle of $25,000,000 is said to times. accrue to the strikers. • • • * * * That to the end men and not mea­ That someone wUl have to pay it. P" sures decided the election. • • * • • • That Arabs are ready to give Jews That it is good to learn that the equality in Palestine. luxury liner will be here earlier • • * NUMBER ONE than at first anticipated. That is not what the Jews want. ANSWER IO Crossword Puzzle PREVIOUS PUZZLE ACROSS 32—Strange Then is only ONE 3S—Nancy 1—Grieve 34—Slow down V—Oats off wind 37 —Je wi sh faith It—Vigor 40—Chopper "Nugget" and it is 54—Old World plant 4i atomt 15—Horned animal 43—Virginia labbr.) IC—Rodent 44—Contend Number ONE 1 J—Bristle (comb. 46—Large cistern form) 47— Lion 19—Take a chair 40—Troubles Really in a class 30—Cleverness SO—Ves vote 31—Swedish district 51—Grow Indistinct OVfiA RlllS 33—Each (abbr.l 52—Lion killed by 23—Malices Hercules NplAJR 'Elgpi all ifs own. 31—That ls (abbr.) 54—Sounds EISISIE 38—Wandering 56—School theme? 21 30—Nothing (pl.l 57—Loathe DOWN 1—One who rents " b IO 3—Poisonous gum i I i H 5 8 9 n a 3—Flesh I 4—Unit ol energy 13 IH 5—No good (abbr.l 6—What Hitler wa; 7—Southern crop \i m n 16 8—Hour (abbr.l It shines brilliantly, more speedily. 9—Goddess of 19 agriculture io 10—Canal between % % % Baltic and North 32 » v\ 15 V. ii Sea NUGGET penetrates deeper to preserve the 1 11—Impose % 1« 30 J» 12—Pish nets % IT Quite leather — to give extra suppleness and to 23—"Eyes" used in I 33 nlanes ia 34—Notorious spy % VA 25—Wash lightly ward off the "crows feet" cracks. SM K V. W Ki 39 26—Sharp fragment w 29—Decay' HI ^4i IS 31—Girl's name

?45—The Man With The Story of. Barrington Academy. Father 7J0—Meet the Band Gene called regularly on Mrs Fitz­ 7.45—The Litthe Show gerald, that amazing old lady who S.OO—Eventide Echoes mi Discovery 8.15—Concert Miniature hung onto the thread of life long Radio Highlights Today 8.30—Music of the Masters DEVIL'S after the doctors had given her up. 8.45—,Let's Dance 9.00—Concert Hour Father Gene also provided the 10.00—R*s Dance Time iii best oi the musical background for Today's highlights over the NBC and Columbia networks, the BBC's short 10.15—Evening Serenade 10.30—All Star Dance Parade the piece, and afterwards I saw him wave stations, and ZBM, Bermuda. 10.45—Popular Orchestra LAUGHTER 11.00—Bequest oftenest in my mind seated at the MAC. 2.05—Home News from Britain grand piano, and heard once more ajn. 2.10—The European Scene—A talk 8.00—World Newa Boundup 2.25—Interlude Sufferers from.loss of vigour, nervous­ the glorious sound of his Ave Maria, 8.15—Do Tou Remember 2.30—My favourite part ness, weak body, impure blood, failing though in another mood he was •JB—News 2.45—Promenade Concert Season memory, and who are old and worn-out 3 JO—Radio Newsreei before their time win be delighted to learn By Alice M. Laverick equally entrancing with IH Take •8.45—Bevellle Boundup of a new gland discovery by an American 9.00—Honeymoon In New Talk 4.00—Return Journey Tou Home Again, Kathleen. 4.30—Interlude High Blood Pressure Doctor. THE STORY: They brought Miss like," Ellen told my mother. "It •9.00—Alex Dreler, Commentator This new discovery makes It possible to 9.30—Daytime Classics 4.40—Dally Service Then, again, he might be sitting •Ma-News quickly and easily i "tore vigour to your Charlotte into the hospital after the won't be hard. And we can't get a •8.45—Robert Bt. John glands and body, to t, aild rich, pure blood, across from Mark, staring in frown­ 10.00—Lone Janney To the Americas fin. Unconscious and suffering girl for love or money to go way pjn. Rib Men & Women to strengthen yonr mind and memory and ing concentration at the chessmen •10.00—Bevellle Boundup ma women men feel like a new man In only 8 days. In fact, from shock, she looked just as out there to live." 10.15—Lora Lawton 518 London Calling fr^n?^Di ??^ as suffer this discovery which is a home medicine in 5.30—Music ln the Mayerl Manner S3? ^^ Blood Pressure, which is a mys- on the board between them. I re­ 10 JO—Road of Ufe se s hat st&rts pleasant, easy-to-take tablet form, does beautiful as she had that eventful "Tm sure my mother was about 5 41 -News «? n£f- ^ ?.i about the time member, too, the affection in his 10.45—Joyce Jordan. MD. Be f away with gland operations and begins to summer ten years before. I, 17- to refuse, though in her own way 5.50—Composer of the Week: Grieg Sf,,SJ ? P "*? and is the real cause of build new vigour and energy ln 24 hours, 11.00—Fred Waring Show £t£J"*?* *»aWe and later on of para- year-old Cecelia Hart, was never to she was fond of Cousin Ellen. But eyes when he looked at Mark. And 11.30—Barry Cameron 6.00—Shipmates Ashore yet it is absolutely harmless and natural in ED Common symptoms of High action. forgot that summer nor the Fitz­ just as the refusal was trembling something that seemed amazingly 11.45—David Hamm 6 J0—Robinson Family n^„ Pressure araz Nervousness, head- 6.45—News »™«S'f£ top *"*? t*x* of head -°d above The success of this amazing discovery, like pity when his glance fell on pjn. l>res ure m aead geralds. There was old Honora, who on her Ups, my fatther startled us 6.55—News Analysis SffVi. ! i, ^ ' dizziness, short called Vi-Tabs has been so great in Amer­ Colin, though I thought then I 12.00—Words and Music 7.00—CaUlng Newfoundland sWn t^Sf*0? ta heart« Palpitation, poor ica that It is now being distributed by all pat up such a gallant fight against all by delivering an ultimatum. A 12.30—Art Van Damme Quartet 7J5—Elizabeth Schumann—Soprano SfrftiflT?S 0f mimory and energy, easily chemists here under a guarantee of com­ must be mistaken in this. For why S^** fear and wwry. If you suffer any death; Mark Fitzgerald, the digni­ man of few words, my father, but •12.30—Lone Journey 7J0—Radio Newsreei e plete satisfaction or money back. Jn other should anyone look with pity at 12.45—Maggl's Private Wire » „w? Symptoms, don't delay treatment words, Vi-Tabs must make you feel full of fied professor to whom Charlotte once in a while he spoke his mind. l.*» mmm danSS way' because your Hfe may be In 1.00—Sketches in Melody a new vigour and energy and from 10 to 20 years Colin Jitzgerald? 7.55—Interlude Uf^f-fl' §7?.°^!. medical discovery, Was engaged; and Odin, il filling, This was one of the times. He took 1 JO—Bob Houston Sings 8.00—A Talk: Books and People isrh lood younger, or yon merely leturn the empty £5» f I t? £ Pressure with the first package and get your money bade A spe­ debonair Colin who had just re­ bis pipe out of his mouth and said There were the shadowy figures 1-45—Bobert McCormick. News 8.15—Kay on tte Keys SSfvlJ8?68 a,h/\ J^I Sold in airtight tins by all Chemists and Store*. Bushmiller KBJi, i.Pxx. os.—u, gj/Ut njii •< 28 THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1946 Page 9

to invoke -any material change in less part than others, that some Brothel Charge Further TWO-HOUR WRANGLE OYER conditions as a justification for were principals and others mere ac­ their crimes at sea—crimes which cessories! Adjourned on Saturday CONFERENCE PROCEDURE Final Denunciation at Nuremburg cost the lives of 30.000 British sea­ Tbe State and the law are made men alone. So also in regard to the for man, that through them he may orders for the execution of com­ achieve a fuller life, a higher pur­ Continued from Page 7 PARIS, Sep^£l (Reuter).— The Under the heading "Fund Denunciation at Nuremburg," The Times of London recently and not away from it? "J? Peniston Balkans and Finland Economic Com­ mandos. New methods of warfare, pose, and greater dignity. And so, published the story of the closing speeches for Ae Mtish^d American prosecu^n at t^German new forms of attack, do not in after this ordeal to which mankind said that she escaped through a mittee of the Peace Conference was themselves repeal established rules has thus submitted, mankind itself, this afternoon engaged in a "mara­ war trials With the Court expected to render its verdict in the not.distant future, lie Royal back door. Gazette below reprints The Times article, one of the most telling press documents of the whole of law. The sanctity of tte life of struggling now to reestablish in all thon" wrangle on procedure—the the soldier in uniform who surrend­ the countries of the world the com­ NO IMMORAL PURPOSES longest in the conference so far. By proceedings at Nuremburg: ers after the accomplishment of his mon simple things—liberty, love, 3 pjn. the delegates had spent two The Nuremberg trial was brought [pies toto slavery, such annihilations the specific crimes set out in the mission and who committed no war understanding—comes to this court The husband of the accused, Ar­ hours discussing how to take a Anal to grips with reality as the Attorney- of minorities. The terror of Tor- subsequent counts have been con­ crime prior to his capture is and and cries "These are our laws—let nold Simons, said that he was the quemada pales before the Nazi in­ sidered. And first of these is the vote on Britain's modified proposals General, Sir Hartley Shawcross, and crime against peace, set out in must remain an absolute principle them prevail." owner of the Violette Cafe. People on the Rumanian petroleum laws. Mr. Justice Jackson, for the TTnited quisition." of international law. FRANCE AND RUSSIA SPEAK did sleep in the "furniture room," Mr. Justice Jackson described how Count 2. I say first, first in its place The trouble was caused by a tie States, reviewed the enormity of the in the indictment. Moralists may Continuing his speech on .Satur­ continued the witnesses, but never case against the arraigned leaders of the Nazi party seized control of the day, Sir Hartley Shawcross passed to After the eloquence of the Attor­ in the voting on the fourth para­ argue which is greatest in moral ney-General and Mr. Justice Jack­ for immoral purposes. Couples Nazi Germany in their closing German State in 1933, and the meas­ the general manner in which the were never aUowed to rent rooms, he graph of the proposals. ures it took to maintain its power guilt. Bat tet it be said plainly now son and their sensitive summing-up speeches for the prosecution. that these defendants are charged defendants conducted the belliger­ said. The British proposal as a whole— and prepare for war. He then de­ ent occupation of the territories of the prosecution's volume of evi­ For perhaps the first time in eight also as common murders. That dence, Uttle new was left for the all four paragraphs—resulted in an­ months the small familiar chamber scribed the role of each defendant. which they had overrun. In order to It was the contention of this wit­ other even vote of seven for and Goring was half militarist and half charge alone merits the imposition French and Soviet prosecutors to in which the flags of the four na­ of the supreme penalty and the join­ establish the "1,000-year Reich," the ness that Thomas was not aUowed on seven against. gangster. He stuck a pudgy finger Germans set out to accomplish the say on Monday. Tbey spoke, how­ tions stand behind the judges as der of this crime against peace in ever, to the name of countries that the premises. He had turned her away The chairman then announced symbols of authority and justice be­ in every pie. He used his SA. muscle- the indictment, can add nothing to extermination or permanent weaken­ two or three times himself. When that he proposed taking a vote on men to help bring the gang into ing of the racial and national groups have known the full horror and de­ came charged vith the drama of a the penalty which may be imposed gradation of the German heel. counsel asked Simons if it were pos­ the first three paragraphs. great criminal trial. Gone was the power. To entrench that power he on these individuals. It is the crime of Europe or of those sections, such sible for anyone to smuggle a girl in contrived to have the Reichstag as the intelligentsia, on which the "Strike hard," said M. Charles Du- Mr. Fedor Gusev, of Russia, who air of academic inquiry into which of war which is at once the object bost, who took over the French there without his knowing it, the had spoken 10 times by 3 p Jn. main­ the court has often been lulled by burned, established the Gestapo, and the parent of these crimes; the survival of those groups must larg­ witness stated that on one occasion and created the concentration ely depend. The converse to meth­ speech after a short introduction by tained that to vote on the first three the sweeping breadth of the prosecu­ crimes against humanity, the war M. Champetier de Ribes, who is un­ a poUceman had enetered without paragraphs alone would be a serious tion's horizons; gone the groping camps. He was equally adept at crimes, the common murders. These ods designed to decrease the birth­ massacring opponents and at fram­ rate in occupied territories was the well. "It is sufficient that yoar sen­ being seen. After the policeman violation of the rules of procedure. futility of weeks of philosophical things occur when men embark on tence is just. Certainly there are bad looked around, the witness argument and subtle evasion from ing scandals to get rid of stubborn total war as an instrument of policy artificial increase in the birth-rate "The Soviet delegation cannot generals. qf Germans. In February, 1941, the degrees of guilt, but can there be continued, he left again. possibly take part in such a vote," lie the defence counsel. for aggressive ends. degrees of punishment when, as we The zealot Hess, before succumb­ Moreover, taking this crime in defendant Seyss-Inquart organized said. a system of giving away Dutch girls think, the least guilty already de­ The handy-man on the premises, GREY STRAINED FACES ing to wanderlust, was the engineer isolation, it was responsible for the serves death?" "me historian of the Miles George Caines, said that he had tending the party machinery, main­ deaths in battle of 10000,000 men, to German soldiers. The details of We suddenly saw that the men in the martyrdom of Poland cannot future would know tbat the result rented rooms to base-workers at taining the organization as a ready and for bringing to the very edge of 30 centuries of civilisation had times. When endeavouring to find the dock were on trial for their lives, instrument of power. When appre­ be described. and in grey strained faces was the of ruin the whole moral and ma­ nearly collapsed before a renewed out when this part of the estabUsh­ hensions abroad threatened success terial structure of our civilization EXTERMINATION OF JEWS onslaught of barbarism, aU the knowledge of this truth. Only once Ribbentrop, the salesman of decep­ Although it may add nothing to the ment did most of its trade, counsel did the prisoners stir from their There is one group to which the more savage for being more scienti­ was told that beds were rented about tion, was detailed to pour wine on penalty which may be imposed upon method of annihilation was applied fic. sombre gravity as they listened to a the troubled waters of suspicion. these men, it is the fundamental three times during the week. Over recapitulation of crime unequalled on a scale so immense that it is my As an appendage to his arguments, Tying has always been a highly part of these proceedings to es­ duty to refer separately to the evi­ M. Dubost submitted a detailed sur­ tbe week-end, continued the wit­ in history, and that was towards tablish for all time that internation­ ness, the most business was tran­ the end of the day when Goring, approved Hitler technique," Mr. Jus­ dence. I mean the extermination vey of Schacht's activities as Presi­ tice Jackson concluded. "When for al law has the power, inherent in of the Jews. History holds no paral­ dent of the Reichbank and Minister sacted. This caused Mr. David whipping off his dark glasses worn its very nature, both to declare Tucker to remark, "You had lots of THROW as a protection against the glare of years these men have deceived the lel to these horrors. These actions of Economy, to which the conclu­ world and masked falsehood with that a war is criminal, and to deal of extermination were not only the sion is reached that by putting his lost week-ends over there, then?" the floodlights, was stung into a ges­ with those who aid and abet tbeir activities, talent, and art to interna­ IRRITATION ture of savage resentment at a sug­ plausibilities, can anyone be sur­ work of the SS. and Himmler. They prised that they continue the habits States in its commission. were carried out in cooperation with tional negotiation at the disposal of *T did not see men and women gestion by Sir Hartley Shawcross the army commanders with the full a Germany bent on miUtary and acting in any way that they should that he had lied about his compli­ of a lifetime in this dock? If you KELLOGG-BRIAND PACT were to say of these men that they knowledge of Keitel and Jodl, and, economic domination of the world, not. I had been asked to keep city in the murder of the 50 RAF. The speech for the defence was indeed because every soldier fight­ his responsibiUty for Nazi crimes Thelma Thomas off the premises," officers from Stalag Luft III. are not guilty it would be as true to say there has been no war, there are free of ambiguity. The effect was ing to the east must have known is beyond all question. stated the witness. Relieve Asthma On Saturday apart from his re­ no slain, there has been no crime." that though the Kellogg-Briand Pact about them, with the knowledge General Rudenko, to pursuing the and Hay Fever morseless summing-up of evidence and the other international declara­ also of every member of the Gov­ accusations, drew largely on the Under cross-examination by In­ Quickly With against each of the prisoners — ATTORNEY- GENERAL'S tions and treaties rendered aggres- ernment and of the commanders of mass slaughters perpetrated in spector BrownJ|the accused said Ribbentrop nearly collapsed when .SPEECH sive war illegal, they did not make its armed forces. The German gen- Soviet Russia, and scornfully dis­ that he had seen two or three women he heard himself called a "common BRITISH INDICTMENT it criminal. Finally, it was suggested | erals were "most cordial" as they missed attempts of the prisoners to KELLOGG'S murderer" like the rest — Sir Hartley that the State could not become weltered in the blood of hundreds r^r7^1he"i^i;er"as''bitt^lmd aTone time in thetupstairs room, Shawcross did a useful service in Sir Hartley Shawcross said:— the subject of criminal responsi­ of helpless, innocent men, women obedient executors of Hitler's wfll. but he would not give their names. answering point by point the argu­ That these defendants participat­ bility, and that, if that proposition and children. Meanwhile, tbe mass ments of defending counsel, which, ed in and are morally guilty of were not admitted, the crime was murder of tbe Jews at Auschwitz crimes so frightful that the imagin­ one of the German State and not and the other extermination centres by continually invoking the "in­ ation staggers and reels back at justices" of Versailles and generally of individual members of it, because was becoming a state industry with KC7I their very contemplation is not in to the German State which launched I many by-products. Twelve million REMEDY calling into question the competency doubt. Let the words of the defend­ both of the Tribunal and existing tbat war upon the world there were men, women and children have died ant Frank be well remembered: no individual wills but only one thus. What rights has any man to international law, had often seemed "Thousands of years will pass and SALE to be making Nuremberg a political sovereign, uncontrolled and final mercy who bas played a part—how- this guilt of Germany will not be will—tbat of the Dictator. ever indirectly—in such a crime? platform for the rest of Germany erased." Total and totalitarian war, of Second Hand Furniture waged in defiance of solemn under­ It appears that what tbe defen- Sir Hartley Shawcross went on to MR. JUSTICE JACKSON dants seek to say is not that their sum up tbe evidence against each takings and in breach of treaties; wars were wars in self-defence, but of the prisoners and concluded:— Mr. Justice Jackson said:— great cities, from Coventry to Stalin­ that since the Pact of Paris not only Some it may be are more guilty "These two score years will be re­ grad, reduced to rubble, the country­ side laid waste, and now the inevit­ left intact the right of States to than others: some played a more Now On corded as one of the most bloody of defend themselves, but also the active and direct part than others all annals. Two world wars have left able aftermath of war so fought — hunger and disease stalking through sovereign right of each State to de-1 to these frightful crimes. But when a legacy of dead which number more termine whether recourse to war in those crimes are such as you have than all the armies engaged in any the world: millions of people home­ AT less, maimed, bereaved. And in their self-defence was justified in the dr-1 to deal with here—slavery, mass war that made ancient and medieval cumstances it did not in fact con­ murder, and world war—when the history. No half-century ever wit­ graves, crying out, not for vengeance but that this shall not happen tain any legal obligation at an. That consequences of the crimes are the CHESLEY E. WHITE nessed slaughter on such a scale, is the whoUy fallacious argument. deaths of over 20,000,000 of our fel­ such cruelties and inhumanities, again, 10,000,000 who might be living Neither the Pact of Paris nor any Phone 1971 Reid Street in peace and happiness at this hour, low men, tbe devastation of a con- such wholesale deportations of peo- other treaty was intended to—or I ttoent, tbe spread of untold tragedy soldiers, sailors, airmen, and civi­ could lians killed in battles that ought not take away the right of self-1 and suffering throughout the world. 391«t* to have been. defence. Nor did it deprive its what mitigation is it that some took singatories of the right to deter-1 ____^_ Nor was that tbe only or the great­ mine, in the first instance, whether ** est crime. In all our countries, when there was any danger ta delay and perhaps in the heat of passion or whether immediate action to defend MENDETS for other motives which impair res­ themselves was imperative. That is Keep Your Pots in Working Order. traint, some individual is killed, the the meaning of the express proviso murder becomes a sensation, our that each State judges whether ac­ We Now Have Them compassion is aroused, nor do we tion in self-defence is necessary. But rest until the criminal is punished that does not mean that the State and the rule of law is vindicated. thus acting is the ultimate judge Shall we do less when not one but of tbe propriety and of the legality GAYLE SUPPLY HOUSE on the lowest computation of its conduct. It acts at its peril. men, women and children are done In a sense these proceedings are DIAL 1182 to death? Not in battle, not in pas­ 4361+n not concerned witb punishing the sion, but in cold, calculated, deli­ German State. They are concerned berate attempt to destroy nations with the punishment of individuals. and races, to disintegrate the tradi­ But it may seem strange if indivi­ tions, tbe institutions and the very duals were criminally responsible Lovely existence of free and ancient States. for the acts of the State if such Twelve million murders. Two-thirds acts were not themselves crimes. of the Jews in Europe exterminated, more than 6,000.000 of them on the Finally, it is said that these killers' own figures. Murder con­ wretched men were powerless in­ Eyelet ducted like some mass production struments in Hitlers hands, ordered industry in the gas chambers and to do that which reluctantly, or so the ovens of Auschwitz, Dachau, they say, tbey did. The dictator­ Treblinka, Buchenwald, Mauthau­ ship behind which these men seek sen, Maidanek, and Oranienburg. to shelter was of theh* own creation. Material These were the men in the toner Xs the world to overlook the revival councils, the men who planned as of slavery in Europe, slavery on a well as carried out; of all people scale which involved 7,000,000 men, the ones who might bave advised women and children taken from restrained, halted Hitter instead of their homes, treated as beasts, encouraging him in his satanic From 13/6 yd. starved, beaten, and murdered? courses. Exclusive Jewellery Gifts LEADERS AND DRIVERS WAR CRIMES These men were, with Hitler, Him­ About the law as to war crimes, mler, Goebbels, and a few otber con­ Uttle indeed need be said, for the federates, at once the leaders and law is clear enough. Murder does Here is the materiel for that In Sterling Silver the drivers of the German people. not cease to be murder merely be­ If these men are not responsible, cause the victims are multiplied ten u n u su a I dressy cfternoon Cake Mates Fruit Dishes who are? million fold. These crimes were frock or winsome evening The slogan Lebensraum—that en­ many and manifold. They vary most Bon Bon Dishes Butter Dishes tirely false idea that tbe very exis­ considerably in tbe numbers of vic­ gown, and you'll find if tence oi the German people de­ tims. There are the Sft murdered wonderful for bridesmaid's Teapot Stands 5pc. Tea Services pended upon territorial expansion prisoners of war; who escaped from Candlesticks^'. nnii» the Nazi flag—was from the Stalag Luft III! the hundreds of dresses, too. Crisp, fresh earliest days an openly avowed part commandos and airmen put to and cool, it comes in muted of the Nazi doctrine—yet any think­ death; there are the thousands of ing person must have known that civilian hostages put to death; the shades of pink, blue and In Stiver-Plate Ware It would lead to war. tens of thousands of sailors and yellow, or in dazzling white. The terrorization, murder, and passengers who perished to a pirati­ •ce Buckets Well and Tree Dishes persecution of poUtical opponents, cal campaign of terror; there are the dissolution of aU organizations the hundreds of thousands of Gravy Boats Entree Dishes affording opportunity for opposi­ prisoners of war, especially Russians, Vegetable Dishes tion, criticism, or even free speech, and of civUians who met their deatb Bread Trays the systematic perversion of youth because of the rigours and cruelties Cake Plates 3pc Coffee Sets and training for war would not. how­ to which they were exposed, if not ever, have sufficed without persecu­ by outright murder, and there are Candlesticks tion of the Jews. In Mein Kampf— the many mUlions murdered out­ the bible of these defendants—Hit­ right, or by the slower method of ler had regretted that poison gas deUberate starvation, 6,000,000 of had not been employed to exter­ them for no better reason than that minate German Jews during tbe last they were of Jewish race or faith. war, and as early as 1935 Streicher The deportation of tbe civilian said: "Let us make a new beginning population for forced labour is, of The Astwood-Dicktnson Co. today, so tbat we can annihilate the course, a crime both according to Hamilton St. George's Jew.' international custom and to con­ No conclusion upon the conspiracy ventional international law as ex­ 4352tii. charge in the first count of this pressed in the Hague Convention. *357t« indictment is really possible until Nor is there a shadow of a right Ptge 10 THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1946

Rims and spokes |Dominioii Experts Study BRITAIN SPURS DRIVE FOR 30,000 HOUSES CLASSIFIED Opening of Immigration Aneurin Bevan Sets Year-End ADVERTISEMENTS The Bermoda Hardware Co. BATES: Minimum IS words 4/- By GEORGE KITCHEN Goal to Complete Structures each additional word 3d. Only Front St. Phone 1207 bona fide advertisements under (Canadian Press Staff Writer) this heading will be accepted. LONDON, Sept. 21—Responding to OTTAWA Canada (OP>—One of tially lifted. In May tt was an­ All classified advertisements 43S4TB. the desperate need for new houses strictly payable ln advance the most important problems fac­ nounced relatives of Canadians will in Britain, Mr. Aneurin Bevan, the ing Canadians is the formulation be allowed to enter the Dominion Minister of Health, announced at a of an Immigration pobcy and the from foreign countries, providing press conference today that a drive LOST report of a Government committee their Canadian relatives can sup­ is being launched to finish before WANTED of experts studying the question is port and house them. the end of the year all houses now 1 LADY'S GOLD FOB WATCH — awaited eagerly. Another Immigration project has built up to the roof level. between Imperial Hotel and north The Government has been under been the Government's decision to There are 30.000 such houses be­ shore. Finder please return Imperial pressure since the war ended to open bring to Canada for farm work 4,000 ing constructed by local authorities Hotel. Reward, $5.00. immigration gates, people the broad unmarried veterans of tbe Polish as weU as an unknown proportion 1750tm. £450O at 4% and sparesely settled land and pro­ Army which fought beside the lst of 34,000 more houses that private Secured by First Mortgage vide markets for those already here. Canadian Corps in Italy. contractors are building. Many Canadians beUeve the Do- But neither of these measures has AU such houses would get "su­ WANTED per-priority from the Government on City Property miniojn must have greater popula­ the scope and appeal urged by the —VS. Navy Photo for materials and workers," he said. tion if she is to retain her hold on pro-immigrationists. "Jato"