STRANG • TOPAL • GONZALEZ • KAUFFMAN • KALAMARAS WALDROP • GULIN • BEAUMONT • ARGÜELLES • LOTTI • SMITH HAUPTMAN • BORDESE • TRETIN • PASSER • HERRICK KOMOR • ZVER • CHIRODEA • LEVINSON • STEWARD ABBOTT • VANDER MOLEN • ANDERSON • LIPSITZ • BEINING BRADLEY • RAPHAEL • CARDINAUX • BENNETT • GRABILL SILVIA CURBELO Ruby Every storm is Jesus chasing spirits, twister blowing through the clothesline of the dead making waves. There’s a sure thing in the high wind, old as some stick in the ground. Time makes an hourglass out of anything. Forget thunder, forget the reckless past. Keep your hymns short and your fuse shorter. Tell your children there’s no free ride to the reckoning, no blaze-of-glory color to paint this wicked world. Blue is some skinny dog lapping brown water on the side of the road. Green is his cup of sorrow. Red is for knowing who’s blind. What Hope Is Think of the weight of tenderness or faith. What is willed, what is opened. The way someone whispers someone’s name into a glass, then empties it, swallowing that small word. Cover: ADAN Y EVA (ADAM AND EVE) by Marcelo Bordese, 2006 acrylic on canvas (47” x 40”) Cover and title page design by Gary R. Smith, 1986 Typeset in Baskerville by Daniel Estrada Del Cid, HS Marketing Solutions, Santa Ana, California Lawrence R. Smith, Editor Deanne C. Smith, Associate Editor Daniel Estrada Del Cid, Production and Design Editor Calibanonline is published quarterly. Viewing online and pdf downloads are free. Unsolicited poetry, fction, art, music, and short art videos welcome. Please direct attached WORD documents to
[email protected] Copyright ©, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS BRIAN STRANG the wasp CARINE TOPAL Sobriquet Passing Smaller Kingdoms St.