Celebrating 30 years of Achievements

Carers NSW Inc Annual Report 2005-2006 Carers NSW Inc Level 18 Roden Cutler House 24 Campbell Street NSW 2000

Phone: 02 9280 4744 Fax: 02 9280 4755 Email: [email protected] Website: www.carersnsw.asn.au

Commonwealth Carer Resource Centre 1800 242 636* *Free call except from mobile phones. Mobile calls at mobile rates. An Australian Government Initiative

Carers NSW Inc Annual Report 2005-2006 © November 2006 All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission. ISBN: 1876637 269

Compiled + Edited : Fran Appleton Design + Print : No Time To Lose

Contents Our vision Our values Governments and communities recognise, value and Respect Valuing our people support carers Our Vision, Purpose, Roles and Values 01 We respect the right of carers and the people they Our effectiveness is dependent on our Board, staff support to make choices and determine their own lives. and volunteers and we are committed to their ongoing 30 Years of Achievements by Carers NSW 02 development and wellbeing. Diversity Future orientation President’s Report 06 Our purpose We value the diversity of people and communities and To lead change and be the voice of carers are respectful of, and responsive to, these differences. We are committed to action that results in an improved and more sustainable future – in the health and Board of Management 08 Privacy community care systems and for carers and those We respect the privacy of individuals in line with they support. Friends of Carers NSW 10 Our role good practice. Organisation Chart 11 • Education and training for carers, service providers Involving carers and communities We actively involve and listen to carers. Their views Acting Chief Executive Officer’s Report 12 guide our policies, advocacy and services. • Emotional support, counselling and individual advocacy for carers Volunteers 14 Indigenous culture and heritage • Information, publications, resource development We respect and value Indigenous cultural heritage Young Carers: 10 years and still counting 16 and delivery and are committed to self-determination for, • Policy development, research and advocacy and reconciliation with, Indigenous people. We Progress Report from the Business Plan 2005-2006 18 acknowledge that Indigenous people are the traditional • Sector development and systemic change owners and custodians of our land. • Service innovation, development and evaluation Acknowledgments 24 Innovation and learning We pride ourselves on being innovators and have a Partnerships & Committees 28 commitment to ongoing learning that helps us find better ways to achieve our goals. Financial Statements 29 Quality and professionalism As an organisation, we aim for quality, productivity and professionalism in all we do.

 30 Years of Achievements by Carers NSW 2004 Improving support for ageing parent 2000 carers. After many years of lobbying Carers NSW the Taxation Department, tax increasingly deductibility on donations being asked to 1992-93 was attained. provide carer Federal budget funds 1994 1996 1998 HACC receives a fair representation the Carers Information Development of Funding received to Telegroupcounselling increase in the State Budget. to assist with Kit which is distributed the ATSI Carer implement the Young commenced with Work with hidden carers 2002 policy and service throughout NSW by the Support Kit. Carers Project. Young Carers. continues with projects Carers Mental Health development. Association and later Facilitation of the Carers Directories Carers NSW awarded such as Koori Carer Yarning, Project commenced. Inaugural Carers published in 11 community NSW Carers Coalition of Services covering for work with rural Connections (for carers of Carers NSW wins the NSW Conference 1976 1987 languages. an alliance of state 16 regional areas carers of persons with children with disabilities International Best for Health Clare Stevenson Funding received through Commonwealth Respite for and regional service launched. a mental illness. in remote locations), After Practice Award at the professionals forms a Carers 1981 the HACC Program and 1990 Carers Program is funded. providers who Telegroupcounselling Participated in Hours Carers’ Line. Third International funded by NSW Committee within Carers Association part-time staff appointed. First annual Carers Inaugural National Carers have influenced (TGCs) piloted under first International Carers NSW moves again Carers Conference in Health. the Council on of NSW becomes a Volunteers continue to form NSW Conference Week celebrations and government policy the Action Research Conference for Carers to larger premises in Washington DC for three Inaugural Young the Ageing. registered charity. the core of the Association. held in Sydney. activities are held. and practice. Counselling Project. held in London. Castlereagh Street, Sydney. of its innovative projects. Carers Summit.

1980 1985 1989 1991 1993 1995 1999 2001 2003 2005-2006 Carers Association Carers Pension Carers Association Arrangement made with Plans for a national The Association sponsors Carer Profile (to explore A joint venture with Carers Peak Body Status granted to Carer Life Course of NSW becomes an becomes available of NSW becomes an IDEAS to use their 088 body, the Carers Ngara (to hear and to the concept of carer NSW and the Salvation Carers NSW. Framework (a model independent body. and the Home and incorporated body. line to enable carers in Association of listen) Aboriginal Carer assessment across Army’s Salvo Care Line Carers NSW invited to sit on which illustrates Community Care Inaugural Clare Stevenson country areas to make , take Support Service in NSW) developed. provided a free after hours panel on Intergenerational carers information Program (HACC) is Memorial Lecture held contact with shape. Western Sydney. Successful lobbying Telephone Counselling Caregiving in Washington DC. and support needs) is established. - now an annual event. the Carers Association Resource Manual NESB Research Project during State Election and Support Service Friends of Carers NSW, a launched as part of the without cost to the caller. for Carer Support funded to look into 1997 resulted in the first NSW for carers. group of people with special Carers Mental Health Carer Support Groups Groups produced. the issues faced by NSW Carer Care for Carers Plan. Multicultural Carers expertise who assist Carers Project. increase in number NESB carers in the Resource Centre Carer Checklist funding Alliance formed. NSW with professional advice Carers NSW expands across NSW. Western Sydney Area established. received to educate from time to time in an its regional presence The Association moves regarding current Inaugural Carer general practitioners honorary capacity, initiated. to set up offices and from Surry Hills to larger services, information and Support Worker about carers. National Carers Counselling staff in the Area Health premises in Fitzroy availability of language Conference Program begins. Service Regions of Gardens, Kings Cross. specific resources. held in Sydney. Planning begins to train staff Greater West, North NESB Carer Support Kit The Carers of residential aged care Coast and South East Program commences. Association of facilities in carers’ issues Sydney/Illawarra. The Association moves NSW renamed and to support and inform from Kings Cross to Carers NSW. carers with palliative care larger premises in York responsibilities.

Carers NSW Inc Street, Sydney.  Annual Report 2005-2006  30 Years of Achievements by Carers NSW

Over the past 30 years Carers NSW has grown from a research grant to the Council on the Ageing through to the peak organisation it is today, representing all carers across NSW.

2006 Budget: $4,431,231 Staff: 41 Volunteers: 55 (including Board members) 1996 Location: Moved from Castlereagh Street to Roden Cutler House, Budget: $726,499 Campbell Street, Sydney Staff: 14 Key Activities: Volunteers: 23 n Research n Regional Mental (including Board members) n Policy development Health Program 1986 and analysis n National Carer Location: York Street, Sydney, moved to Budget: $4,800 n Carers News and Young Counselling Program Castlereagh Street, Sydney in 2000 Carers Newsletter n Website – Carers NSW Staff: 0 paid staff Key Activities: n Research n Individual support and Young Carers 1976 Volunteers: 17 n Lobbying and advocacy n Education and Training Budget: $34,000 (equivalent to (including Board members) n Carers News n Information and referral – Palliative Care Project, approximately $300,000 today) n Individual support and advocacy (Commonwealth Carer Residential Aged Care, Location: Argyle Place, Sydney n Information and referral Resource Centre) Disability Services, Mental Staff: 3 Moved to Albion Street, n Library n Library Health, Health professionals (part of the Council on the Ageing) Surry Hills in 1989 n Carer Support Kit n Carer Support Kit n Marketing and corporate Then to the Fitzroy Gardens, Volunteers: 1 n Carers Week n Carers Week partnership development Kings Cross in 1991 n Community development n Community development n National collaboration as Location: Argyle Place, Sydney Key Activities: n Lobbying n Aboriginal Carer Support n Aboriginal Carer Support part of the Network of Key Activities: n Research n Carers News (newsletter) n Young Carer Project n Multicultural Carer Support Carers Associations n Lobbying n Support and advocacy for individuals n State Conference n Young Carer project n State Conference

Carers NSW Inc  Annual Report 2005-2006  President’s Report

Change has been the defining feature One of the directions of the Board’s work this year has To assist CEO Joan Hughes, Kathy Wood was appointed Last year Joan and I attended a round table meeting Board members Laraine Toms, Sara Graham and Pam I feel very fortunate to have had these years with Carers of this year. There has been change at been the significant emphasis on membership of the Deputy CEO in October, with the enthusiastic and with Premier and following this, he Webster contributed a huge amount of work under NSW. We have made great gains for carers, but many national, state and organisational level. internal Board committees – Marketing, Governance, unanimous support of the Board. Later Kathy took announced a review of the NSW Carers Statement. considerable time pressure to our application for still lead very difficult lives and we know that there is In this climate, I am very grateful for the Finance and Research and Policy. Major work has been on the role of Acting CEO when Joan was seconded Carers NSW has been working since then with the the Family and Carer Support Services Component much to be done. Thanks to all our members for your energetic, enthusiastic and supportive done by all of these committees to update and further as CEO of Carers Australia for an initial term of three Government and other stakeholders to develop a much of the NSW Mental Health Program. As a result, the ongoing support. participation of all Board members professionalise their work as well as to advance all of months from February 2006. This secondment was broader NSW Carers Policy. Government has committed funding to enable us to and their clear commitment to the the matters in each of their domains. subsequently extended and in June, Joan notified extend our work and expertise related to carer support The Board also invited members of the State Opposition fact that Board membership extends beyond simply the Board that she had been offered the position in the area of mental health into three vast regional We were sorry to lose the passion and enthusiasm of to address us, detailing their commitment to carer attending monthly meetings. Everyone has been active permanently from July 2006. While we were very sad areas. This will mean more staff located in the regions Board member Francesca Seychell, who stood down issues. We were pleased that NSW Leader of the representing carers and Carers NSW on a range of other to lose Joan, the Board is delighted that her knowledge and more changes for Carers NSW. in July and the connection with our history when Joan Opposition, Peter Debnam, Shadow Minister for Health, internal and external committees and working parties. and expertise will still be used in the service of carers Louise Gilmore Bullock resigned in February. Joan had been with Carers , and Shadow Minister for Mental Health Work by the Marketing Committee, chaired by The life of a Carers NSW Board member is nationally. President NSW since its formation and will be greatly missed. and Community Services, , were also Vice President Laraine Toms with consultant Carol very busy! Fortunately we have had the fresh input of Dulcie Flower The Board has also recognised how fortunate we have able to join us for a special lunch to thank all staff for McCormack and Acting CEO Kathy Wood, led to a and Christine Rowell who were co-opted to the Board been to have Kathy Wood, who has brought her own their hard work and especially their contribution towards most wonderful donation of $200,000 as well as other after the AGM. personal style and vast experience with carers and our move to new premises. smaller donations. Media exposure of carer concerns with our organisation to the top job. We are especially and needs, supervised by consultant Leigh White, has Nationally, we contributed to the National Review of Our move was flagged last year, as our needs had grateful for the fact that she has managed to merge the been the best ever. Several of our increasing number Community Care, I completed my term as President of outstripped our office space. Long-standing staff roles of Acting CEO and Deputy CEO and to support the of enthusiastic Friends of Carers NSW helped us in a Carers Australia and Pam Webster was appointed our member, Jan Treharne, led a committee of Board and Board, staff and volunteers through this unsettled time. range of areas with their professional expertise and new national representative. She moved directly into the staff members to supervise the whole process. This knowledge. role of Vice President. We have made very good connections with political involved a great deal of work until the move took place leaders in NSW. During Carers Week, John Della Bosca, at the end of March. “Last year Joan and I attended a “Change has been the defining feature Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services, of this year. There has been change at launched our Male Carers Report and he also attended round table meeting with Premier national, state and organisational level.” our AGM, hosted at the Town Hall by Counsellor Shayne Morris Iemma and following this, Mallard. This was a wonderful occasion. Joan Hughes he announced a review of the NSW delivered the Clare Stevenson Lecture and Averil Fink gave the preamble. Life memberships went to former Carers Statement.” Board member Muriel Foster and young carer volunteer, Niall Quinlan.

Carers NSW Inc  Annual Report 2005-2006  Board of Management

The Board of Management is responsible for strategic and policy directions of Carers NSW to ensure it achieves its aims for carers. It reviews standards, policies and procedures in accordance with the constitution, and is financially and legally accountable for use of funds. There are 12 board members, including four office bearers, with provision for up to three co-opted members. Sub-committees and working parties meet regularly to work on relevant issues. The Board Working Parties for 2005-2006 are Finance, Marketing, Policy and Research and Governance. Members of the Board of Management for 2005-2006 are:

Louise Gilmore Laraine Toms John King Felicity Purdy Michelle Dellagiacoma is Averil Fink has a long Dulcie Flower joined the Sara Graham, a former Sarah Lawrance joined Christine Rowell joined Jennifer Webb is a former Pam Webster has been a President Vice President Honorary Treasurer Honorary Secretary a carer. She is a strategic association with many Board as a Co-opted carer, has been a member the Board as a Co-opted the Board as a Co-opted carer with a nursing Carers NSW Board Member Louise Gilmore is a family Laraine Toms is a carer. John King worked as a Felicity Purdy has worked planner with State community organisations, Member in November of the Board of Carers Member in November member in November background. She has been since 2000. She is the carer, a journalist and She currently coordinates Chartered Accountant with with children and adults Government. Michelle including Council on the 2005. Dulcie is a Torres NSW for seven years and 2005. Her career has 2005. Christine trained a volunteer with community chair of the Governance author of The Carers and lectures in the Carer Price Waterhouse, now with disabilities, their is a Board Member of Ageing, Beehive Industries Strait Islander. She is a is co-chair of its Policy and spanned 20 years of as a school teacher and organisations for some Committee, co-chair of Handbook. She is Advocacy Course at the PricewaterhouseCoopers, families and their services the Cabinet appointed and Meals on Wheels, registered nurse and Research Committee. She commercial experience taught in WA and NSW. She years, especially in a the Policy and Research employed as a lecturer NSW Institute of Psychiatry. for his entire professional for more than 30 years and Disability Advisory Council; and is on the Board of educator who has worked has served on the NSW in large and small worked in the travel industry Dementia specific daycare Committee and a member at a college of natural Laraine chairs the career. Since his is a former carer herself. a member and advocate on the Retirement Villages in Aboriginal health for Home and Community Care businesses in the public from the mid 70s until the centre and a general carer of the Finance Committee. therapies. She has been a Marketing Committee and retirement he has worked She holds a number of a number of parent groups; Association. She has many years. She has State Advisory Committee and private sectors. She mid 80s then worked for support group. Her interest In November 2005 she member of Carers NSW for is a member of the Policy & in a voluntary capacity to voluntary and advisory a coordinator of the NSW been involved with carer represented Aborigines and currently serves on currently works in the AFS Intercultural Programs, is in support for long-term was elected as the Carers 12 years and President of Research and Governance provide financial expertise positions concerned with branch of the Association associations for more than and Torres Strait Islanders the Aged Care Working financial sector managing principally working with carers. She has been a NSW representative on the the Board of Management Committees. She is co- to the Brain Foundation severe disability and has of Children with a Disability; 28 years. Averil cared for on many committees and Group of the Council on alliance relationships. Her volunteers in the selection Board Member of Carers Board of Carers Australia. for seven years. She is a chair of the NSW Mental and Sydney Day Nurseries been a member of Carers and the founding member/ her husband who died of a advisory groups, including the Ageing (NSW). She is skills include: people and placement of young NSW for 11 years. Pam worked in health and member of the Carers NSW Health Priority Taskforce. Association and has been NSW Board for seven facilitator of a family support brain tumour in 1997. She the Ministerial Advisory a founder member of the management, effective Australians participating welfare areas for over 22 Finance, Marketing and Laraine represents Carers the Hon. Treasurer at Carers years. She is a member group. received life membership Committee, National Advance Care Directive communication, financial in AFS. In 1993 Christine years in management, Governance committees NSW on various state and NSW since early 2002. of the Policy & Research, of Carers NSW in 2000. Diabetes Strategies Group. Association (Inc). She is management and business graduated with an MBA research, evaluation and and an ex-officio member federal government He has been chair of the Governance and Finance In 2004 she was elected an Honorary Research development. from Macquarie Graduate policy development. She of the Research and Policy working parties. Finance Committee since Committees and the Young to the Board of Directors Associate at the University School of Management. represents Carers Australia Committee. Louise was February 2005. Carers Advisory Committee. of the Aboriginal Medical of NSW. Her research She joined CanTeen in 1994 on the National Arthritis and the Service Co-op Ltd Redfern. interests include the and was Chief Executive Musculoskeletal Conditions representative on the Board evaluation of community Officer for nine years. Advisory Group. of Carers Australia for seven support services. Christine is a Fellow of years and served three the Australian Institute of years as national President. Company Directors and has a keen interest in corporate

Carers NSW Inc governance in community  Annual Report 2005-2006 businesses.  Friends of Carers NSW Organisation Chart - Carers NSW - as at 30 June 2006

Friends of Carers NSW help by giving time and skill, Friends of Carers NSW are drawn from a wide range of • Mrs Patricia Harrison, client advisor/stockbroker not money. They assist in strategy development and sectors, including the Arts, Financial Services, Health, decision making by supplementing the knowledge of Legal and Media. Carers NSW is extremely grateful to • Professor Ian Hickie, executive director of the Brain the staff and Board. This might be through the provision the following Friends of Carers NSW: & Mind Research Institute, Sydney University and of legal advice, or ideas on how to raise our profile consultant to the National Depression Initiative • Dr Tom Acheson, Director of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai and increase our networks. Friends do not play an beyond blue active role in day-to-day operations but act as honorary Care Association consultants to the Board. • Ms Robin Hughes AO, producer, writer, director and • Emeritus Professor Peter Baume, Chancellor, interviewer The Australian National University • Mr Paul Livingston, entertainer and writer • Ms Jennifer Bott, CEO of the Australia Council for the Arts • Ms Julie McCrossin, radio broadcaster and television presenter • Professor Tony Broe, Professor of Geriatric Medicine, University of NSW/Prince of Wales Hospital • Mr Ross McLuckie, solicitor

• Ms Anne Deveson AO, writer, broadcaster and • Mr Charles G. Mendel, solicitor documentary film-maker • Mr Richard Ottley, solicitor

• Dr Ian Fitzpatrick, retired medical practitioner • Ms Vivienne Pusey, manager, aged care services

• Mr Michael Ftzpatrick, solicitor and barrister • Ms Robin Stonecash, senior lecturer and consultant

• Mr Chris Taylor, accountant and financial planner

• Emeritus Professor Ian W. Webster AO, physician, Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of NSW

Carers NSW Inc 10 Annual Report 2005-2006 11 Acting Chief Executive Officer’s Report

Carers NSW has undergone significant We also initiated a consultation process to decide There have been important shifts in program delivery at Staff movements Acknowledgments changes in the past year following rapid on the future management and staffing structure of the national level. Carers NSW has worked closely with This year we have said goodbye to some longstanding Managing the changes over these past 12 months growth and change. Carers NSW in order to position ourselves for ongoing Carers Australia and other State/Territory Associations staff – Joanne Mulligan, Kerry Jack and Jan Treharne. could not have been done without the extraordinary effectiveness in our work with, and for, carers. The result over many years – but this year has seen the Most importantly has been the We have also farewelled Tim Marchant, Leigh Etherden, dedication of the Board, staff and volunteers. This was the development of a report outlining what we consolidation of that relationship and the development secondment in February, and ultimate Gill McCardle, Carol Barker, Sue Wildman, Adam dedication I sincerely believe, is built on a commitment want to change and how we will do it. Whilst there have of a strategic vision for national program delivery appointment, of Joan Hughes to the McLean, Kerrie Saunders. We subsequently welcomed to our main purpose – which is to lead change and be been some delays, we have begun implementing these following a review of the role and functions (part of the position of CEO of Carers Australia. Jainnari Smith (our first Aboriginal Traineeship), Viola the voice of carers. changes across the latter part of this year. wider Community Care Review) of the Commonwealth Joan led Carers NSW for 13 years and saw it grow from Zhang, Jane McCarthy, Anne Louie, Sherry Carol, Wendy Carer Resource Centres and the National Carer However as we celebrate 30 years as an incorporated a staff of 3 to a staff of nearly 50. She built important We also moved premises at the end of March as we had Melia, and Tricia Dearden. Counselling Program. association and re-position ourselves for the future, relationships not only with carers, but with government, outgrown our office in Castlereagh Street. We are now We continue to be fortunate with the social work we need to be careful that, as an organisation, we politicians and service providers across the aged, located nearby in Roden Cutler House, and, following Our policy and lobbying activities have increased in students who have worked with us on placement and retain what is of value from the past whilst embracing disability, mental health and health sectors - culminating the inevitable ‘settling in’ difficulties, are now enjoying line with our Strategic Directions 2005 - 2010. Whilst we thank Rebecca Elias , Mike Gibbs, Bei Wang and the opportunities and excitement of the challenges in securing our funding status as the peak body for all the additional space. there is always more work to do to improve the lives Anna Kevrekian. that lie ahead. The organisation is about to undertake carers in NSW in 2003. Whilst we are sad to farewell her of carers, the person they support and their families, Our submission to the Centre for Mental Health significant growth along with the appointment of a new as CEO of Carers NSW, Joan’s leadership, reputation, Carers NSW has been pleased to see the development in December 2005 to provide support, advocacy, “Carers NSW has been pleased to CEO. Achieving the balance of integrating the best of understanding and passion for the carer movement of a NSW Family and Carer Mental Health Program and education and training to carers and their families was the past with the hard decisions that will build a strong makes her a popular choice and she is well placed to a 10 year Disability Plan. Both acknowledge the key role see the development of a NSW Family successful. We will be setting up offices in 3 of the 8 future will not always be easy, but will be assisted if we take the network of State/Territory Carers Associations of carers and their families, but we must remain vigilant and Carer Mental Health Program Area Health Service regions in NSW – North Coast, remain accountable to carers across NSW and to into a strong and successful future in her new role with in ensuring that in implementing these plans - resources Greater West and South Eastern Sydney/ Illawarra. and a 10 year Disability Plan. Both our members. Carers Australia. and supports are targeted to the specific needs of This will result in a greater regional presence for acknowledge the key role of carers carers and their families throughout their caring journey. I would like to thank the Board, staff and volunteers Carers NSW and we look forward to working in close and their families”. who have supported me during my time as Acting CEO. partnership with the Area Health Services, carer The State Government committed to a review of the I understand now what I perhaps never fully realised networks, families and carers, other NGOs and the 1999 NSW Carers Statement. A discussion paper has – that it is possible to achieve at the top, primarily Centre for Mental Health. subsequently been written but we continue to await its because of the support and commitment from those release for consultation. This delay places NSW behind around you. “Joan led Carers NSW for 13 years and most of the other States and Territories who have saw it grow from a staff of 3 to a staff variously developed whole of government carer policies, charters and/or legislation. We look forward to the of nearly 50.” progression of this most important milestone for carers Joan Hughes in our State. Kathy Wood CEO, Carers NSW Acting Chief Executive Officer 1993-2006 We also celebrate 30 years as an incorporated association and 10 years since the inception of the Young Carer program. (See pages 2 and 3 for some of the highlights across the years.)

Carers NSW Inc 12 Annual Report 2005-2006 13 Volunteers

Without our volunteers, Carers NSW could not exist as it does. This year’s dedication and commitment has been outstanding and we sincerely thank each and every one of our volunteers.

Jessica Barnard Young Carer Camp leader Wendy Hine Carers News mailout Stephen Parker Young Carer Camp leader Clem Barrack Carers News mailout George Johnpulle Carers News mailout Mary Pilkington Young Carer Camp leader Mary Bobokis Young Carer Camp leader Caroline Jones Carers News mailout Katherine Pitkethly Young Carer Camp leader Cindy Bond Young Carer Camp leader Bronwyn Kelly General support Niall Quinlan Young Carer Camp leader Gaylia Brcin Carers News mailout Ian Kirkham Preparation of kits, Ben Rowe Young Carer Camp leader photocopying, brochure Kylie Brown Young Carer Camp leader David Shin Young Carer Camp leader management/maintenance, Anthea Brumerskyj Young Carer Camp leader Fact Sheets management/ Marie Shipway Preparation and distribution maintenance, Carers News of kits and other items Delia Collier Preparation of kits and other mailout Photocopying Fact Sheets information, filing Michael Koutzoumis Young Carer Camp leader Elaine Stansfeld Carers News mailout, Nina Crown Membership updates general assistance, Financial – accounts, Irene Lam Carers News mailout preparation and distribution donations, Carers News Barbara Lee Carers News mailout of kits mailout, Data entry Narelle Mackander Young Carer Camp leader Mary Stathis Preparation and distribution Andrew Ellis Young Carer Camp leader of kits and other items Bart Madden Young Carer Camp leader Lucia Erbeni Young Carer Camp leader Betty Stojic Carers News mailout Hamish Mitchell Young Carer Camp leader Amber Figura Young Carer Camp leader Matt Wade Young Carer Camp leader Aimee Moscatelli Young Carer Camp leader Carmen Foley Carers News mailout Jodie Sykes Young Carer Camp leader Sonya Nader Young Carer Camp leader Jean Foxover Carers News mailout Heidi Newbery Young Carer Camp leader Colin Goddard Young Carer Camp leader Helen O’Doherty General assistance, Alex Good Young Carer Camp leader kit preparation, Carers News mailout

Carers NSW Inc 14 Annual Report 2005-2006 15 In 2005 the Australian Government Department of We continue to support young carers by providing: Young Carers: 10 years and still counting Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs • Camps (FaCSIA) provided funding to further develop services for young carers across Australia. The Young • Quarterly newsletters & monthly e-news bulletins Carer ‘At Risk’ Program was launched throughout • Talk-link (Telephone group counselling) Commonwealth Carer Respite Centres to assist and prevent young carers prematurely exiting formal • Face-to-face counselling education due to caring responsibilities. Carers • Telephone support/information/referrals In 2006, the term ‘young carer’ is met with Australia developed the first national young carer “I care for my mum who is deaf, has a hip acknowledgment and recognition from government information resources for young carers, their families • An interactive young carer website replacement and a spinal condition. I help funders, service providers, educators, parents and and teachers, together with the first national young • Support to regional young carer networks mum most of the time with cooking her dinner, young carers themselves. The journey of the Young carer website. Carers NSW utilised the FaCSIA making cuppers for her and cleaning the house. Carer Project at Carers NSW demonstrates how the funding to employ a third project worker to oversee • Community awareness, training and education I also help with mum’s hearing dog Annie by desire to support young carers shifted from a long- development of the Carers NSW Interactive Young keeping it in training, washing her and feeding term vision in 1995 to a reality in 2006. Carer Website. This medium created the opportunity her, as my mum is unable to bend down or lift In the words of a young carer.. for young carers to communicate with other young Annie. I have also learnt to sign, which is a form In 1995, committed volunteers began the process of identifying young carers and their needs. Young carers online, and assists hidden young carers to of communication for mum. We share a love of “I recently went on a Young Carer’s camp. I just carers were offered the opportunity for peer support reach out for support on a regular basis. music, by feeling the vibration and signing the wanted to say thank you for such an awesome and respite from their caring role in the form of words we create a close bond.” Perhaps the most significant progress in the last 10 camp. I had the best time. The camp was great, recreational camps. There were loose estimates that Young Carer 11 years years has been young carer recognition by both state I loved all the activities and I enjoyed the Chat there may have been 10,000 young carers under the In 2003, the project secured ongoing and increased (Young Carer Website, 2006) and federal governments, coupled with continuous Groups. Thank you for considering and accepting age of 15 years in NSW. The number of young carers funding from the NSW Carers Program (administered funding for Carer Associations to support young me to go on this camp. It helped a lot to get away aged between 16 and 18 was unknown. by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home carers. FaCSIA define a young carer as a child or for a few days and to be with kids in the same Care). These funds led to the employment of an young person under the age of 26 caring for someone situation as myself. The research and service provision for young carers additional project worker and launched the first of with a long-term physical illness, mental illness, (Young Carer Website, 2006) undertaken between 1995 and 1998 under the three subsequent yearly statewide camps for young guidance of Patricia Dunn set the groundwork for the disability, drug or alcohol problem. It is estimated that adult carers in 2004. This was the first known there are around 347,700 Australians, under the age Carers NSW Young Carer Project to secure funding endeavour to support carers aged 18-25 years of 25, providing care to a family member who has a ** For more information about the Carers NSW Young Carer from the NSW Department of Ageing and Disability within a peer support model in Australia. The first in the year 2000. This crucial milestone allowed the long-term illness or disability. Approximately 90,000 Project, visit HYPERLINK http://www.youngcarersnsw.asn.au National Young Carer Summit was held in Sydney the of these young carers live in NSW (ABS, 2003). project to expand its work, not only in the provision same year, with representatives from government References: of young carer activities and services, but also in At present, the project employs four project workers departments, Carer Associations and young carers Data from the 2003 ABS Disability, Ageing and Carers: its capacity to network, guide and educate other and has 1,540 young carers registered with the from around Australia in attendance. This signalled Summary of Findings (SDAC) service providers about the needs of young carers. the beginning of a national approach to achieve program. Volunteers continue to play an integral The project was able to employ one full-time project positive outcomes for young carers across the part in the project, with up to 20 volunteer leaders Young Carers Project 1995-1998, Carers NSW (1998) officer and identify approximately 500 young carers. contributing their time and energy at any one time to country. Each state and territory was allocated federal CNSW Young Carer Project Final Report, Carers NSW (2001) Financial assistance was also provided by local Rotary funding for a Young Carer Program and the Australian ensure the continued success of our young Clubs and this valuable support continues today. National Young Carer Action Team (ANYCAT), carer activities. Young Carer Newsletter, Carers NSW (2003-2006) comprising young carers and young carer workers, CNSW Young Carer Website www.youngcarersnsw.asn.au was established.

Carers NSW Inc 16 Annual Report 2005-2006 17 Progress Report from the Business Plan 2005-2006

KRA 1 Policy Development, Research and Advocacy Policy and Research Goals Submissions Research • The contribution of carers is better recognised and their needs and issues are high on the policy agenda • A NSW Carers Policy has been adopted by government Home and Community Care Inquiry Primary Care Health Policy paper Male Carer Research • Government is allocating more resources to meet carer needs through coordinated carer support Carers NSW made a submission to the HACC Program Carers NSW developed a comprehensive submission In July 2005 Carers NSW published a report entitled • More appropriate supports and interventions are available to different carer populations throughout their caring and Home Care Service Inquiry being conducted by on the consultation draft of the NSW Integrated Primary “The Social and Emotional Circumstances of Male experiences and life stages the Public Accounts Committee of the NSW Parliament and Community Health Policy. Recommendations Carers”, the first research of its kind ever undertaken • Carers are better represented in health and community care systems and policy processes Legislative Assembly. They include recommendations included a focus on the value of taking carers’ interests by the organisation. It was an indicative study exploring for improving access to the HACC program for carers and needs into consideration within the values and an area in which almost no work has been done in Priority Work Achieved Not Ongoing and targeting specific groups of carers that are in need operating statements of the policy. Australia. The report was launched by the Minister for • Implement the Carers NSW Marketing/ Media Plan • of support. Community Services, the Hon. John Della Bosca, during Represent carers’ needs and issues on key committees: Pre-Budget Submission Carers Week in October 2005. Fit for the Future Discussion Paper Carers NSW constantly monitors and analyses the • NSW Health Carers Advisory Group (developing NSW Carer Policy) • Carers NSW was invited to comment on the NSW Health issues raised by carers in all its service, project and Carers Mental Health Project – Final Evaluation • Aged & Community Care Liaison Group (Federal) • publication “Fit for the Future”. Our submission included training work. It also surveys its membership on a Report (2001-2004) • Ombudsman’s Roundtable (Home Care and other issues) • recommendations and an emphasis on a preventative regular basis to ensure that the main issues for carers Published in March 2006, this report evaluates the health focus, strengthening of primary and continuing are appropriately represented. This submission, with its impact on carers’ health and wellbeing of the education • NSW Health Palliative Care Advisory Group • care in the community and better support and inclusion emphasis on greater investment in general community and support programs offered to carers through • NSW Cancer Institute Oncology Group (Palliative Care) • of carers as part of the health team. services, emotional support and recognition, reflects the the Carers Mental Health Project and highlights the • Disability Council • needs identified by carers. successes and challenges of setting up a complex PADP Policy Discussion paper project in two regional areas of NSW. The report was • DADHC Planning for Later Life Forum • Carers NSW was invited to comment on the NSW Health Carer Card Proposal written by Dr Deanna Pagnini, independent consultant to Action recommendations of Carers Coalition Ageing Carers Project through work with discussion paper on the Program for Appliances of Improving financial outcomes for carers is one of the top Carers NSW funded by NSW Health through the Centre government and other key stakeholders: • Disabled People (PADP) about the critical nature of the priorities for Carers NSW. We recognise that the state for Mental Health. Develop 3 year Carers Week Plan for NSW with DADHC and other key stakeholders • program for family carers. Our submission included government is limited in what it can do in this regard. Work with the NSW Govt and other key stakeholders to review the 1999 NSW Carers recommendations around ease of access for carers and However the Carer Card Proposal is one step that Statement and develop a NSW Carers Policy • in relation to the need for increased funding and better NSW can take towards improving financial outcomes Implement Carers NSW Carer Participation and Representation Policy • administration of the program. for carers and increasing their ability to participate in community life. Actively contribute to the National Policy Action Plan through work with Carers Australia and other State and Territory Carer Associations. • Work with key research organisations to further develop the research agenda for carer issues in NSW: • Progress key submissions and papers: • Review of the Mental Health Act, Carer Card proposal, lobbying plan state election, budget • submission

Carers NSW Inc 18 Annual Report 2005-2006 19 Progress Report from the Business Plan 2005-2006

KRA 2 Direct Services and Programs for Carers KRA 3 Sector Development and Systemic Change Priority Work Achieved Not Ongoing Goals Goals Start planning for biennial Statewide conference for health and community care • • The number of new carers and ‘hidden’ carers contacting Carers NSW is increased • Carers NSW has an improved relationship with the professionals in 2007 • Responses to carer contacts are timely, culturally appropriate and sensitive to the whole of the care situation disability sector Complete project for carers of people with acquired brain injury and spinal cord injury • • The number of carers accessing services is increased • The health, community care and residential care (CLIC) • Service quality is continuously improving based on good practice models and carer feedback sectors are more inclusive and responsive to the Finalise Male Carer Action Plan for organisation • • Carers are accessing more education and training programs needs of carers Deliver education to health and community care professionals across NSW and to carers • • New and improved resources are available to carers and their use and impact is monitored • Carer support is enhanced and better integrated as part of mental health service delivery Complete palliative care education project to health and community care providers in the • Illawarra and Central Coast regions and commence Stage 2 Priority Work Achieved Not Ongoing • Young Carers have improved access to services and Implement Family Carer Awareness Education (Uniting Care Residential Aged Care) • Contribute to development of a national carer services model to be determined by the • support is appropriate to their needs national review of Commonwealth Respite Centres, Commonwealth Carer Resource • Indigenous Carers have improved access to services Represent Carers NSW in key committees and forums • Centres, Carelink in the context of the Community Care Review and support that is appropriate to their needs and Determine options and priorities for integrating Carers NSW various education programs Develop better links & communication processes between units and key functions in Carers • their communities and priorities in preparation for restructure NSW to improve carer support & service provision • Carers from culturally and linguistically diverse • Develop Discussion Paper • • Service 1800 number – information, support, counselling and referral • backgrounds have improved access to services and Contribute to the development of the National Carer Competencies to be incorporated in to • Update and maintain current information to carers and service providers – website, fact • support is culturally appropriate the Community and Health Services Industry Training Package sheets, brochures Determine future direction for Carers NSW RTO status (in conjunction with 3.8) • Write and publish Carers News • Implement and expand the range of programs for young carers: • Contribute to national education work • • Target CALD and ATSI Young Carers Services • Review existing support provided to carer support groups • • Develop strategies to address gaps in services delivery (Drug & Alcohol, Young Adult • Research, write and distribute e-bulletin to health and community care professionals • Carers) Implement and evaluate continuation of Stage 2 of Mental Health Project • • Review/update current education/training resources • Implement Stage 3 Family & Carer Mental Health Program • • Develop marketing strategy for Young Carer Services • • Assist in the implementation of a National Young Carers Summit 2006 in conjunction with • Carers Australia Work in partnership with Greater West Area Health Service to implement the Koori Yarning • Indigenous Carer project Build key relationships that assist Carers NSW to influence support for indigenous carers • Build key relationships to promote better outcomes for multicultural carers •

Carers NSW Inc 20 Annual Report 2005-2006 21 Progress Report from the Business Plan 2005-2006

Education and Training KRA 4 Organisational Development – our people, processes and systems Education and Training Provided to Carers Education and Training Provided to Service and Health Goals Providers • Quality improvement processes are in place and contributing to the development of practice, management, The education and training provided to carers included: governance and people The education and training provided for service and • Carers in Action: learning how to be heard • Staff, volunteers and board members are skilled to fulfil their roles and remain committed and fulfilled in their work health providers included: • Services and Support for Multicultural Carers • Funding of Carers NSW is secure and growing and diversification of the funding base provides for stability and • Carers in the Health System sustainability of the organisation for the longer term • Loss and Grief (Multicultural Carers) • Services Supporting Carers • Carers NSW is structured in a way that reflects strengthening its policy and systemic work • Supporting Aboriginal Carers • Carers NSW has strengthened its organisational support functions – IT, communication and data collection • Services and Support (Multicultural Carers) • 14 Principles of Coping (carers of a person with a • Supporting Aboriginal Carers mental illness/ disorder) Priority Work Achieved Not Ongoing • Supporting Young Carers Further strengthen the effectiveness of the governing board • • 8 Stages of Healing (carers of a person with a mental illness/ disorder) • Enhancing Relationships with Carers Realign allocation of resources to reflect the priorities, goals and functions of the • (Area Mental Health staff) organisation • SMILES Program (young carers of a person with a Move premises • mental illness/ disorder) • Community and Health Industry Professionals (CHIPS): Enhancing Relationships with Carers of Ensure that Occupational Health and Safety Procedures are up to date • • Supporting and educating carers in palliative care People with a Mental Illness Ensure all staff receive high quality orientation, support and adequate supervision and • development • SMILES facilitator training Maintain and update Policies and Procedures Manual • Supporting and Educating Carers in Palliative Care • Contract consultant to update Policies and Procedures • • Carer Sensitive Counselling • New Federal and State privacy laws incorporated • – continue implementation plan • Develop and operationalise across the organisation an intranet based Policies and • Procedures Manual

Carers NSW Inc 22 Annual Report 2005-2006 23 Acknowledgments

Carers NSW appreciates the great amount of time and Australian Government Department of Health Consultants Carers NSW would like Mrs M Juske Mr D G Rolfe Marguerite Garland Pamela Potts Mrs B Whiteman to sincerely thank the effort given by carers and others to support and assist and Ageing Bernadette Eichner Janice Ho Cathie Smith McDermott Family Mrs S Hudspith The Forsight Foundation our association. We also acknowledge the following members listed below, Anne Hirst Caroline Yuile Mr & Mrs Smith Miss K Hanssen for Deaf & Blind Australian Governent Department of Families, government departments, organisations and people for Sue Greig and those who chose not Mr N Kringas Mrs E Rickard Mrs C Ruting Cheryl Davies Mr C Piper Community Services & Indigenous Affairs to be acknowledged, their financial or in kind support during 2005-2006: Mr P Van Schaik David Lynch Mr E Comyns Mr P Grullemans Judy Devai Massive Interactive Pty Ltd for their generosity NSW Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care Beryl Dignum Mrs P Ha Mrs P Rosenman Miss S Cheung Mrs J Walker during 2005-2006. Carol McCormack Mrs D Matlak Anet Minia Jeanette Lewis Mrs Catherine Davies Mrs M Halloway NSW Department of Community Services Mr R Barrett Deanna Pagnini, PhD Mrs D Owens Pam McGillivray Miss Lynne Dunn Mrs Indira Thakorlal Mrs B Ancilleri Ronda Goodwin Motor Accidents Authority Mr C Morgan Mrs V Feltham Mrs B Capanna Mr R. Leavold Michael Brotherton Edwina Pickering Mrs P Hookham Ms J Liang NSW Department of Health Mr K Underwood Margaret Devenney Judith Douglas Mr M. Laybutt Mr Firdes Richard Ottley Ms E Perkins Arthur Blofeld Mr P Louis Ms Rhonda Speer Miss J Sadleir NSW Department of Health through the Centre for Mrs F Calabria Matt O’Shea Mrs F Hanna Marianne Bush Mrs Dawn Pogson Mrs P Liddell Mental Health Tony Ovadia Miss D Reynolds Ann McCarthy Joanne Hickey Mr E Isles Ms M. Rawlinson Ms D Solomon Stephanie Wright Lyla Rogan Mrs P Cleggett Mr A Yeates Mrs J O’Farrell Mr C.R. Arndt Mrs G Gordon Norma Bond Carl Erle Graham Wheeler Mr B Stewart Laura Knight Loris Peek Mrs I Nicholson Greg and Jo-anne Bierne Mr Chisesi Mrs L Searles Suzanne Parkes Dr A Gill Ms C. Rowell Mrs I Nicholson Frank Coghlan Commonwealth Bank Leigh White Mrs V Lovell Mr K. McKenzie Mr M Cott Mr R Stringer Ruth Clancy William Hamnett Dino Zanella Mrs E M Casson Robyn Smith Miss R Delfino Elwyn Pattenden Caroline Yuile Macquarie Bank Foundation Mr E Dunkley Mrs P Anderson Susan Denning Mrs H Phillips Carol Trimingham Helen Daly Harries-Evans Rotary Club of Hawkesbury Miss Ollie Gumb Glenda Dean Dr S Bard John Ebrill Mrs M. Batcheldor Patricia Hawking Mrs R.A Dawson Thyne Reid Charitable Trusts Mrs J Smith-Cameron Mr A Margules Mrs G Churcher Patricia Bull Joyce Goddard Mrs A L Stace Mary Ashton Henry Taylor Verna Scalley Mr J.T. Cameron Uniting Care Ageing – Sydney Region Diana Carman Mr D Rothwell Mary Lemmens Mrs Yelland Miss E Baxter Jeanne Doyle Margaret Walls Women’s Golf New South Wales Miss C Costello Ann Parry Mrs Parsons Caroline French Alan King Desmond Ayres Robyn Gardiner Mrs Umaram Juliet Ooshana Peter Scott Colleen Bisson Dale Chapple The Brown Sisters – Coogee Newcastle-Hunter District Wagga Wagga Men’s Support Connie Crampton Mr R. Podmore Mrs S Foufas Steve Abbott Ms G Hatch Ladies Golf Association Group Miss R Harrison Caroline Yuile John Mitchell Vilma Kenny Mrs G Winton Mr K Burrows Ken Wrench Michel Wagner Hoyts Theatres Leonie Swan Ms C Croker Women’s Golf NSW Mrs P McAleer Ms H McDonald Evelyn Gardiner Mrs V Kenny Paul Livingston Mrs J Calandra Nick Kringas Miss R Mashford Mrs B Hadfield Roslyn Godlee Irmingard Keck Fay Ryan Mr A A Grant Ms M. Crawley Opera Australia Judith Hedington Ms I Vains June Dalglish Barbara Clegg Fiona Place Mr C Stanborough Mr W Hamnett Val Shears Vicki Mayhew Maureen Mara Peter Davidson Thanh Tuong Ho Miss J Rowland Carolyn Todd Geoff Penney Cristina Bahamid Caltex (Best Allrounder Thi Minh Ly Tran Mrs J O’Farrell Anne Hirst Joan Geldard Award – Kriestienne Thomas) Suzanne Logue Betty Coorey Thelma James Mrs A. Triggs Stephen Salmon

Carers NSW Inc 24 Annual Report 2005-2006 25 Partnerships and Committees

During this year Carers NSW’s partnerships with HACC Forum and HACC Issues NSW Ombudsman With all of Carers NSW projects, an advisory, steering Jewish Care Carers Mental Health Project other organisations have continued and new HACC State Advisory Committee - Disability Roundtable or reference group is set up to guide the project Association of Genetic Support of Australasia (AGSA) Statewide Reference Group partnerships have been formed. Health Care Complaints Commission work. Carers are always significant members of these The Accommodation Rights Service NSW Department of Health & Ageing NSW Health Staff, board members and volunteers represent Carers - Consultative Group committees. The following committees have been in - Aboriginal Dementia Awareness Project Training NCOSS Australian Government Department of Families, NSW on various committees, forums and conferences. place for the 2005-2006 year: Motor Neurone Disease Association Community Services & Indigenous Affairs Labour Council Alliance (ADAPT) These provide important opportunities to raise public NSW Cancer Council Alliance of NSW Divisions (General Practice) Mental Health Council of Australia - Chronic Aged Community Health Care Health awareness of carers and ensure their issues are placed Carers Coalition Stroke Recovery Association Nepean College of TAFE Motor Accidents Authority Priority Taskforce on the policy agenda. We also meet regularly with our Community Options (COPS) Northern Sydney Home Nursing Service Mental Health Association NSW major funders to alert them to emerging carer issues. - ‘Carers Linked in Caring’ Project - NSW Carers Program Advisory Group COTA NSW Forsight Foundation NSW Health - Community Participation Project Reference Group Australian Council on Health Care Standards Care Connect Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council NSW - Palliative Care Advisory Group Carers Mental Health Project - Mental Health Community Based Working Party - Review of Attendant Care Guidelines Schizophrenia Fellowship Relationships Australia (NSW) Indicators of Care - Sustainable Access Health Priority Taskforce Northcott Society Mid West Regional Reference Group ARAFMI NSW St George Migrant Resource Centre Brain Injury Association Margaret Balsom, Carer Centacare Carers Australia and the Network of NSW Health – Centre for Mental Health - Multicultural Carers Project NSW Consumer Advocacy Group Parkes Mental Health Service Lifeline Australia Carer Associations - Family and Carers Strategic Working Group Centrelink, Orange - Executive Directors’ Forum NCOSS Parkinsons NSW NSW Consumer Advocacy Group - Mental Health Priority Taskforce - Chronic Illness Alliance Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association Centrelink, Parkes Mental Health Coordinating Council - Services Sub Committee People with Disabilities Centacare Forbes Schizophrenia Fellowship - Forum of Non-Government Associations NSW Mental Health Implementation Group Carers Coalition Office of the Protective Commissioner Ethnic Communities Council Curran Centre NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and Carers Consortium - HACC Issues Forum - Community Reference Group Aged and Community Services Bathurst Mental Health Service Home Care Carers Support Project, Ethnic Child Care, Family Advocacy Anna Della Bosca, Carer Mental Illness Education Australia - Health Policy Advisory Group Social Policy and Research Centre Family & Community Down Syndrome Association Lifeline Central West Centre for Mental Health - NSW Aged Care Alliance - Negotiating Caring and Employment Research Community Care Coalition - NSW Multiple Sclerosis Society Grenfell Carer Support Group Representative Ethnic Communities Council of NSW Inc Commonwealth Carer Respite Centres - Statewide Gathering Committee St James Ethics Centre Spastic Centre NSW Central West Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre Commission for Children and Young People & Commonwealth Carelink Consultative Group Sydney University Epilepsy Association NSW Institute of Psychiatry NSW Alliance of Divisions of GP Allied Health Department of Health and Ageing - Rehabilitation Studies Unit ARAFMI Laraine Toms, Pam Webster, Carers NSW - Emergency Mental Health Access to Care - Population Health Network Bloomfield Hospital Board members University of Western Sydney ACROD Working Group NSW Cancer Institute Erica Pitman, Carers NSW NSW Transcultural Mental Health Centre - Carers of People with Cancer Project Alzheimers Australia NSW Greater Western Area Health Service - Aged & Community Care Liaison Group - Cancer Research Strategy Working Group Benevolent Society - Male Carer Research Project NSW Central West Division of General Practice Ltd - Palliative Care Oncology Group Meals on Wheels Department of Veteran Affairs Geraldine Sealey, Carer University of Wollongong (CHSD) Uniting Care - State Planning Group NSW Carers of People with a Mental Illness Home and Community Care - Long Term Care Study Advisory Group Interchange Advisory Committee Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Disability Council of NSW Aids Council of NSW (ACON) NSW Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care Uniting Care Ageing – Sydney Region Parkes Police Autism Association of NSW - Planning for Later Life Forum Rosanne Ward, Carer Spinal Cord Injuries Australia - Primary Care Consumer Group Carers NSW Inc 26 Annual Report 2005-2006 27 Partnerships and Committees Financial Statements

Comonwealth Carer Resource Centre Newtown Neighbourhood Centre NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and The financial accounts include the balance sheet, a Advisory Committee Autism Spectrum Australia Home Care concise statement of income and expenditure general Australian Government Department of Families, Ethnic Communities’ Council Mary Myers, Carer Support Officer funds and the notes to and forming part of the accounts prepared from the full set of 2005/2006 audited accounts Community Services & Indigenous Affairs Headway Adult Development Program Inc Heidi Newbery, Young Carer Camp Leader that are available on request or for inspection at the AGM Sutherland Shire Carer Support Project Transcultural Mental Health Trevor Parkes, Young Adult Carer NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and Felicity Purdy, Carers NSW Board Member Polish Welfare and Information Bureau NSW Home Care Niall Quinlan, Young Carer Camp Leader The following Government Departments have funded Australian Government Department of Health National Carer Counselling Program State Helen Reese, School Counsellor and Trainer Carers NSW for a variety of different programs during and Ageing 2005/2006: Reference Group Allison Robb, Young Carer Camp Leader NSW Health Australian Department of Families, Community Services Centacare Kathryn Wakeling, Young Carer Camp Leader Pam McGillivray, Rural carer and Indigenous Affairs Commonwealth Carelink Centre – Central Coast Rotary Club of Hawkesbury Northern Beaches Neighbourhood Centre Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre Centrelink – Far North Coast Young Carers Government Officers Group NSW Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care Benevolent Society Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre Community Relations Commission NSW Department of Health Pam Webster, Louise Gilmore, Carers NSW – South East Sydney NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and Centre for Mental Health Board Members Australian Government Department of Families, Home Care Community Services & Indigenous Affairs NSW Department of Community Services Multicultural Carers Alliance NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and NSW Department of Education Greek Welfare Centre Home Care Australian Government Department of Families, St George Shire Carer Support Project Australian Government Department of Health Community Services & Indigenous Affairs & Ageing Italian Social Welfare Organisation of Wollongong Australian Government Department of Health Can Revive Lifeline Sydney and Ageing St George Migrant Resource Centre NSW Health NSW Health Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association Relationships Australia Muscular Dystrophy Association of NSW Young Carers Advisory Committee Ethnic Child Care, Family & Community Service Katherine Armstrong, Young Carer Camp Leader Co-op Ltd Sean Challenger, Young Adult Carer Eastern Suburbs Multicultural Access Project Nicole Cree, Young Carer Worker Chinese Australian Service Society University of Western Sydney Multicultural Access & Referral Service Carreen Dew, Young Adult Carer DAISI Patricia Dunn, Past Camp Coordinator Australian Huntington’s Disease Association John Friedsam, Canteen Sydney West Area Health Service Judith Krause, Young Carer Worker Sydney Multicultural Community Service Centre Angei Malak, Young Carer Down Syndrome Association of NSW

Carers NSW Inc 28 Annual Report 2005-2006 29 Independent Audit Report Statement by the Board of Management

TO THE MEMBERS CARERS NEW SOUTH WALES INCORPORATED In the opinion of the members of the Board of Management:

We have audited the accompanying Financial Statements comprising of the Statement of Income and Expenditure a) the accompanying income and Expenditure Statement is not misleading and is drawn up so as to present fairly and Balance Sheet of the Association in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards. the results of the Association for the financial year ended 30 June 2006. b) the accompanying Balance Sheet is not misleading and is drawn up so as to present fairly the state of affairs In our opinion, the Financial Statements are not misleading and present fairly the financial position of the Association of the Association as at the end of the financial year. as at 30 June 2006 and the results of the operations for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting c) At the date of this Statement there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Association will be able to pay policies and with the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act of New South Wales 1984. its debts as and when they fall due.

The accounts of the Association have been made out in accordance with accounting policies as set out in Note 1. ACCRU FELSERS Chartered Accountants On behalf of the Board of Management:

Michael Kersch President

Sydney, 19 October 2006

Hon. Treasurer

Carers NSW Inc 30 Annual Report 2005-2006 31 Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2006 Statement of Income & Expenditure General Funds For the Year Ended 30 June 2006 2006 2005 2006 2005 Notes $ $ $ $ INCOME ACCUMULATED FUND Consultancy fees & room hire 44,017 4,764 Balance 1 July 2005 588,108 533,618 Donations 214,843 26,297 Surplus/(deficit) for the period 266,964 54,490 Copyright distributions - 13,575 Balance 30 June 2006 855,072 588,108 Interest received 61,932 65,912 REPRESENTED BY: Membership subscriptions 29,105 28,421 CURRENT ASSETS Newsletter advertising 400 298 Cash at bank 123,120 51,737 NSW Women’s Golf 6,885 6,000 Sundry debtors 5 73,805 33,570 Sale of publications/merchandise 24,411 11,483 Cash on hand 500 500 Transfer surplus from training activities 4,197 5,219 Membership renewals 1,064 - 385,790 161,969 198,489 85,807 LESS: EXPENDITURE NON CURRENT ASSETS AGM/Clare Stevenson Lecture/Board meetings 9,368 7,495 Office Equipment 13,279 13,279 Audit fees 500 - Less: Provision for Depreciation (12,882) (12,635) Board expenses, governance 173 532 397 644 Consultancies 20,220 - INVESTMENTS Election campaign 1,000 11,251 Cash at call and fixed term deposits 1,757,896 1,215,594 Marketing consultancy & expenses 12,073 1,766 Insurance 250 500 TOTAL ASSETS 1,956,782 1,302,045 Legal fees - 41 CURRENT LIABILITIES Office rent 70 - GST payable 71,104 5,789 Printing/photocopying/postage 233 401 Membership in advance 7,150 9,167 Promotional materials & P R services 5,266 3,081 Sundry creditors 3 263,761 398,428 Provision for leave accrual on-costs - 15,750 Grants in advance 4 602,605 105,977 Purchase of resources & library resources 13,982 4,809 Provision for leave pay 157,090 194,576 Salaries & salary on-costs 6,794 19,407 1,101,710 713,937 Subscriptions/Membership 1,000 1,000 NET ASSETS 855,072 588,108 Transfer of Operation Deficit from Grants 44,482 41,447 Young Carer activities 3,415 - 118,826 107,480

Carers NSW Inc Surplus/(deficit) for the Year 266,964 54,490 32 Annual Report 2005-2006 33 Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts For the Year Ended 30 June 2006 Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts For the Year Ended 30 June 2006

1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT (c) Employee entitlements 2006 2005 ACCOUNTING POLICIES Provision is made for the Association’s liability for Annual $ $ These accounts are special purpose accounts prepared Leave and Long Service Leave arising from the services in order to satisfy the requirements of the Associations rendered by employees to year end. 3. SUNDRY CREDITORS Incorporation Act of New South Wales 1984. American Express 1,152 862 (d) Income Tax The accounts are prepared on an accruals basis and in Auditors Fees 12,100 10,000 accordance with the historical cost convention. The Association is exempt from paying income tax due to its classification as a charitable institution under Conference expenses 18,556 - The following specific accounting policies which are S50-5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act (1997). Consultants & contractors 32,510 74,670 consistent with the previous period, unless otherwise Counselling brokerage 124,859 170,108 stated, have been adopted in the preparation of (e) Depreciation of Fixed Assets the Association’s financial statements. The Board of Depreciation has been charged on previously capitalised Equipment - 629 Management has determined that the accounting fixed assets at rates assessed to match the costs of the Meeting costs 75 - policies adopted in Note 1 are appropriate to meet the assets over their economic life. Office rent & maintenance, electricity 4,104 11,550 needs of the members. 2. AUTHORITY TO FUNDRAISE Payroll deductions/recruitment 699 114 (a) Grants for the acquisition of fixed assets ‘Carers NSW Inc.’ did not participate in any fundraising Postage, Stationery and Printing 13,854 24,429 Grants for the acquisition of fixed assets and equipment activities under the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 PR Promotion & Media Monitoring 3,137 6,125 are recognised in the period when the related during the financial year ended 2006. Regional offices rent 4,064 2,514 expenditure occurred. Fixed assets and equipment acquired from Grants received are expensed in the Publications & resources 8,195 - period of acquisition. Respite Centre consultative meetings 12,627 8,847 Staff costs, training, entertainment 5,130 1,288 (b) Other Grants in advance Telephone/Internet 2,810 7,803 It is the policy of the Association to bring Grants Received to account during the period they relate, rather Temporary staff 605 - than the period in which they were received. However, Training 5,895 1,880 certain Grants received during the year and in prior Travel - 289 years, did not have an expiration date, or were not fully Workers Compensation - balance payable 13,389 55,000 expended at 30 June 2006. The balance of grants outstanding/grants in advance at 30 June 2006 are Young Carer activities - 22,320 listed in Note 4. 263,761 398,428

Carers NSW Inc 34 Annual Report 2005-2006 35 Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts For the Year Ended 30 June 2006

2006 2005 2006 2005 $ $ $ $

4. GRANTS IN ADVANCE 5. SUNDRY DEBTORS Unexpended grants at 30 June 2006 Grant Funds and other outstanding debts not received Department of Ageing, Disability & Homecare - 12,701 prior to the end of the financial year for: - HACC Grant Bloomfield Hospital - Training - 435 Department of Ageing, Disability & Homecare - 3,052 Books and Publications 16,489 - - Young Carer grant Carers Aust - reimbursements 820 78 Department of Health & Ageing - Palliative Care Project 12,758 24,751 Centre for Mental Health 4,368 - stage 2 Commonwealth Carer Respite Centres 2,883 - Connections & Koori Camps evaluation funds - 17,000 Copyright Association - 13,575 Department of Ageing Disability & Home Care - 219 FACS Young Carers Project 6,176 275 Greater Western AHS - 2,665 Macquarie Bank - Ethics of Caring 100,000 - Hunter & New England AHS - 550 MAA - final grant payment 16,500 - Motor Accidents Authority - 941 Membership owing 493 - North Sydney, Central Coast AHS - 1,144 NSW Department of Health - Peak Funding - 5,059 NSW Department of Health - 2,682 Salvo Care Line - 1,893 Reimbursements re Telstra Talk link programs 3,573 - Thyne Reid Foundation 38,792 20,530 Spastic Centre of NSW - 409 Uniting Care Project 25,079 10,936 The College of Nursing - 77 182,805 97,138 United Care - quarterly grants outstanding 25,549 - 70,675 21,834 In addition, certain Grants were received prior to their commencement date. Interest on Investments 3,130 11,736 These receipts have also been included in Grants in Advance as follows: 73,805 33,570 Department of Ageing, Disability & Homecare 109,800 - - one-off CALD printing & database Department of Ageing, Disability & Homecare 70,000 1,840 - Carers Week & Hidden Carers NSW Department of Health - Family & Carers Mental 240,000 6,999 Health Program

602,605 105,977

Carers NSW Inc 36 Annual Report 2005-2006