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Arts & Style God Påske! ’s love Happy Easter from of Easter crime Påske betyr seier gjennom nederlag og ikke the Norwegian fiction gjennom makt. American Weekly! Read more on page 12 – Finn Wagle Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 14 April 6, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Troubles for “Wild Viking” News On March 25, two small Norwegian earthquakes shook western expedition Norway. Though small on an international scale with mag- held by Chile nitudes of 3.2 and 3.3, the quakes lasted for as long as 18 after Antarctic seconds for some witnesses. expedition One quake had its epicenter southwest of Fedje and hit around 7 a.m., and the other Ke l s e y La r s o n happened near Voss in Horda- Copy Editor land at 12:05 p.m. The earth- quakes did not cause damage, Jarle Andhøy, who the Eng- but were said to be the stron- lish language media has dubbed gest in 12 years. “The Wild Viking,” was detained (blog.norway.com/category/ in Chilean waters on the evening news) of March 30 with his crew in his vessel Nilaya. Business Andhøy has been a regular fix- Only three percent of Norwe- ture in the Norwegian news media gian employers wish to hire after he and his crew departed New job applicants from Southern Zealand for Antarctica, apparently Europe. Norwegian employ- failing to follow through with ap- ers prefer foreign job seekers Photo: TVNorge / Eirik Helland Urke from the or See > Andhøy, page 6 Jarle Andhøy, the captain of two highly controversial and publicized expeditions to the Antarctic. Eastern Europe to unemployed workers from countries such as Greece and Spain, accord- ing to a new study by the En- Nordic family fun On a winning streak terprise Federation of Norway (Virke). “Norwegian employ- Cal Lutheran’s Scandinavian Festival slated Norwegian takes ers simply don’t have much April 14 – 15 in Thousand Oaks, Calif. first in 2012 Bocuse need for the expertise that Southern Europe now has to d’Or Europe offer,” explains Vibeke Mad- sen in Virke. (blog.norway.com/category/ No r w a y Po s t business) Ørjan Johannessen won the What’s inside? Bocuse d’Or Europe 2012, a presti- gious European culinary award that News 2-3 was awarded in Brussels. Business 4 Chefs from 20 European coun- Research & Education 5 tries competed in the selection Opinion 6-7 Photo courtesy of Bocuse d’Or See > winning, page 7 Winning chef Ørjan Johannessen. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 Arts & Style 12 Photo courtesy of California Lutheran University Happy Easter The opening parade of the Scandinavian Festival in Thousand Oaks, Calif. In Your Neighborhood 13 fromGod the Norwegian Påske! American Weekly Norwegian Heritage 14 Sports 15 Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e

The Scandinavian Festival tures will run from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. $1 = NOK 5.6754 will provide affordable family Saturday, April 14, and 10 a.m. – 4 updated 4/2/2012 fun when it returns to California p.m. Sunday, April 15, with music, In comparison Lutheran University in Thousand dancing, food, lectures, demonstra- 3/2/2012 5.6093 Oaks on April 14 and 15. tions, vendors and activities for 10/2/2011 5.8785 The annual Scandinavian Fes- young and old. An old-time Scan- tival highlighting the Nordic cul- 4/2/2011 5.4894 See > Festival, page 13 2 • April 6, 2012 norwegiAn AmericAn weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Minnekort fra Hercules-flyet funnet Krf sier ja til erna og Siv Flere minnekort fra Hercules-flyet som styr- altfor lav tet ved Kebnekaise, er funnet. Ett av kortene KrF-leder Knut Arild Politiets ressurssituasjon kan stamme fra en enhet som forsyner de såkalte svarte boksene med informasjon. Hareide kan bli tvunget var en årsakene til at De svarte boksene, som kan gi svar på hva til å støtte en regjering politiet ikke rykket ut til som skjedde da flyet styrtet i Nord-Sverige 16. mars, er fortsatt ikke funnet. – Vi har med Frp og Høyre trafikkulykken i Elverum før funnet noen minnekort, altså elektroniske etter seks timer enheter. Våre eksperter tror at ett av dem kan være fra en av elektronikkenhetene som VG sender data til den såkalte svarte boksen, sier Agne Widholm, leder for den svenske AfteNposteN I den ferske medlemsundersøkelsen sva- havarikommisjonen. For å få hjelp til å finne rer 46 prosent at KrF ikke bør stå i veien for ut hva kortet er, har kommisjonen sendt det Foto: Krister Sørbø Søndag morgen fikk Hedemark polit- en regjering bestående av Høyre og Frem- til fabrikanten. Så langt er mellom 10 og 20 idistrikt inn melding om en trafikkulykke skrittspartiet. 31 prosent er mot, mens de prosent av søkeområdet gjennomgått. – Alt Det mest foretrukne alternativet er ale- på fylkesvei 536 i Elverum. Til tross for at øvrige 23 prosentene er usikre. er nedsnødd. Vi graver oss fram i de nedre negang. På spørsmål om KrF bør gå til valg meldingen til politiet informerte om at bilen – Vi kommer ikke til å konkludere i sa- delene, og i de bratte områdene henger folk i som opposisjonsparti og kjempe for sine sa- hadde omfattende skader, valgte politiet å marbeidsspørsmålet nå, men det er klart at tau og søker etter gjenstander, sier kommis- ker, svarer 63 prosent av medlemmene at de ikke ryke da ikke var observert noen person- dette er noe vi må ta med i den totale vur- jonslederen. ser på dette som et aktuelt alternativ. Kun 20 er i nærheten av bilen. deringen, sier partileder Knut Arild Hareide. (NTB) prosent sier det er uaktuelt. Da politiet omsider kom til stedet – seks I hjertet av det norske bibelbeltet, Vest- I valget mellom en regjering bestående timer senere – fant de sjåføren død i bilen. Agder, gleder de seg derimot over resultatet. Få tror på et liv etter døden av Høyre og Frp eller Ap og sentrumspar- Politiadvokat Richard Røed sier at poli- – Dette samsvarer veldig godt med mitt Halve befolkningen i Norge tror ikke at det tiene er konklusjonen derimot til fordel for tiets ressurssituasjon der og da, kombinert bilde. Våre velgere er veldig skeptisk til ven- finnes noe liv etter døden. En av ti tror på det borgerlige alternativet. Kun 32 prosent med meldingen om at det ikke så ut til å be- helvete. Altså er en av ti hellig overbevist om stresiden, sier Tore Westermoen (KrF), fyl- peker på samarbeid med Ap som et aktuelt finne seg skadde personer i bilen førte til at at livet har to utganger – enten kommer du kesvaraordfører i Vest-Agder. alternativ, mens 44 prosent mener det er uak- politiet ikke rykket ut før seks timer senere. til himmelen eller så kommer du til helvete. Skulle dagens meningsmålinger slå til, tuelt. 24 prosent vet ikke. Arne Johannessen, leder i Politiets Tallene fremgår av en spørreundersøkelse vil en mindretallsregjering bestående av de Fylkesvaraordfører Tore Westermoen fellesforbund, mener ressursmangel er en Vårt Land har fått Norstat til å gjennomføre. to blå partiene fort fremstå som et høyaktuelt (KrF) i Vest-Agder advarer partitoppene mot kjent forklaring i landets politiditrikt. I undersøkelsen ble et representativt utvalg alternativ. å trosse medlemmenes vilje. – Sånn er det i mange saker. Men dette på tusen nordmenn stilt spørsmålet: «Hva Ingenting tyder nemlig på at Frp vil gå er en situasjon som politiet står i hver dag, tror du skjer etter døden?». I alt 48 prosent – Det ville vært veldig negativt for bort fra sin strategi om kun å støtte en regjer- sier han. Han mener politibemanningen i svarte at de ikke trodde på noe liv etter oppslutningen vår i Vest-Agder om KrF ing hvor de selv er med. flere av landets distrikter er alt for lav slik døden. Bare 5 prosent svarte at vi kommer hadde samarbeidet med Ap. Er det noe en Samtidig viser medlemsundersøkelsen til himmelen, mens andre slutter å eksistere, er opptatt av her nede så er det å få til en den er i dag. at KrF-erne ikke føler seg modne for å sitte i og 20 prosent svarte at alle mennesker kom- borgerlig regjering som er tydelig i verdis- – Det er jo dårlig bemanning og en van- regjering med Siv Jensen. Kun én av fire ser mer til et godt sted når de dør. Oppslutnin- pørsmål, sier Westermoen. skelig økonomisk situasjon, sier han. på Fremskrittspartiet som en aktuell samar- gen om den tradisjonelle, kirkelige læren om English Synopsis: KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide English Synopsis: After police in Elverum were un- at livet har to utganger står sterkest i Agder beidspartner. may have support a government made up of Frp and able to reach the scene of a car crash until six hours og Telemark bispedømme (18 prosent) og på Bare SV er mer upopulært. Ap scorer Høyre party members. Surveys show that most party later, it has been suggested that the Norwegian police Vestlandet (15 prosent). er det færrest heller ikke høyt. members support the idea of working together. force needs more resources. som tror på frelse og fortapelse (7 prosent). (NTB) Tre fikk pusteproblemer etter Uten strøm hva galt har han gjort? gasslekkasje på turisthytte Tre personer ble hentet av luftambulanse et- Helgelandskraft frykter at ter en gasslekkasje i dusjanlegget på en tur- øyene Vega og Ylvingen kan – Det er det mye i jakten isthytte på Hardangervidda mandag. Besso være uten strøm i flere uker på Jarle Andhøy som turisthytte, som ligger i Eidfjord kommune, er i full drift i påsken. – Vi har fått meld- ikke stemmer, sier Stig ing fra AMK om at tre personer som har NRK Hatlo fra Larvik som er pusteproblemer etter å ha dusjet i en gass- drevet dusj på Hardangervidda. Det er sendt Totalt er 1600 mennesker berørt av en nær venn av den opp lufambulanse fra og Haugesund, problemene i strømnettet på Helgeland, dette unge eventyreren forteller operasjonsleder Jan Steimler ved har de vært helt siden søndag ettermiddag. Hordaland politidistrikt til VG Nett. Det Blant dem er Tron Svea og samboeren NRK var om lag 30 personer på hytten mandag. – på Vega. Helsevesenet har tre egne helikopter. De er – Vi sitter her og fyrer i ovnen og tenner Stig Hatlo er kjent fra sine bragder på de sendt til hytten, sier Ola Våge, redningsleder stearinlys. Det er litt påskekos og vi får mer Foto: NRK / Yngve Tørrestad sju hav, og var blant mannskapet på seilbåten ved Hovedredningssentralen i Sør-Norge tid til å prate nå som TVen og Facebook er Berge Viking som krysset startlinjen i Whit- til VG Nett. – Denne operasjonen styrer de borte, sier Svea som ikke tar situasjonen alt- selv, Hovedredningssentralen deltar ikke i bread Round the World Race for 30 år siden. depotene, men ved selvsyn så Jarle at de al- for tungt. arbeidet, sier han. Det var da første gang en norsk båt deltok i likevel hadde gjort det, og så nektet de å ut- Men han merker at innbyggerne i (VG) verdens tøffeste seilas jorda rundt. levere det. Myndighetene der vil heller ikke øysamfunnet har tatt høyde for at de kan – Jeg har vært en nær venn av Jarle frigi kommunikasjonsloggen fra krigsski- være uten strøm lenge. Flest filippinere kom til Norge i fjor siden han var ganske ung, sier Hatlo. Jeg pet Wellington, som man vet hadde kontakt – Det største problemet er kanskje at vi Drøyt 30.300 personer fikk opphold i Norge snakket med han for bare noen dager siden. med Berserk like før de forsvant. Her er det ikke får fylt drivstoff. Når jeg var på butik- i fjor, og filippinere utgjorde den største Vi snakker sammen ganske ofte. Jeg fatter atskillig som ikke stemmer, sier Stig Hatlo. ken i stad for å handle var det veldig lite va- gruppen. 3381 filippinere fikk opphold for den dag i dag ikke hva galt denne unge man- Hatlo sier at Jarle seiler til Sydishavet rer igjen. Folk har tydeligvis begynt å ham- å studere, arbeide eller gjenforenes med nen har gjort. Det får han heller ikke greie på og han kan ikke se noen problemer med det. stre, sier Svea. familiemedlemmer i fjor, viser tall fra Ut- selv, sier Hatlo til NRK.no. – Han er jo ikke den eneste som seiler Han er også oppgitt over NRK som han lendingsdirektoratet (UDI). Au pairer utg- Han mener at myndighetene i New Zea- dit. Kan det virkelig være at han ikke har mener ikke har gitt tilstrekkelig med infor- jorde en betydelig del, skriver Dagsavisen. land har behandlet Jarle meget dårlig. søkt om å få lov, – at han må betraktes som masjon. UDI ga 1829 au pair-tillatelser til første- – Han har jo kort og godt bare seilt til- en ulovlig innvandrer i Antarktis? gangssøkere i 2011, og av disse var over 80 – Det virker som de nede i Oslo ikke bake der hvor han mistet sine venner og seil- – Jarle Andhøy var i Sørishavet på prosent fra Filippinene. Bak Filippinene på forstår at dette er alvorlig for mange men- båten Berserk, for å lete etter årsaken og å samme betingelser i 1998 som nå og med listen fulgte Somalia (2537), Eritrea (2013), nesker. Det er mange som ikke har mobil og hedre sine venner. Berserk for ett år siden, men i 1998 ble India (1754), Russland (1625), Romania internett og som er avhengig av radioen for å På dette stedet etterlot de seg depoter det verken satt noe spørsmålstegn rundt (1493), USA (1455), Kina (1410), Thailand holde seg oppdatert, sier han. (1373), Ukraina (1149) og Vietnam (1063). med aggregat, verktøy, ATV’er, proviant og lovligheten eller inngitt noen anmeldelse, (NTB) diesel. Der er det jo et naturlig sted å lete et- fortsetter han. English Synopsis: Helgeland fears that people living ter spor, forklarer Hatlo. on the islands of Vega and Ylvingen may be without English Synopsis: A longtime friend of Jarle Andhøy power for several weeks due to problems with the – Newzealandske myndigheter på Scott- thinks the Norwegian and New Zealand media have power grid. basen bedyret først at de ikke hadde fjernet been too critical of him and his voyage to Antarctica.

Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news April 6, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Rainy days Sister city connections Mullah Krekar apprehended Celebrating Norwegian-American ties in Texas Mullah Krekar was apprehended in his home Heaviest rainfall in 50 by armed members of the Secret Police years for Nord-Trøndelag (PST) and the Oslo Police Precinct on March 27. The move came just one day after Krekar was sentenced to five years in prison by an Oslo court for making death threats against No r w a y Po s t five named persons. According to a report by Aftenposten, Krekar is said to have made In March, the county of Nord-Trøndelag new threats, this time against Norwegian in the mid-region of Norway experienced police and Norwegian interests abroad, just three days without rain in several places published on a internet site that he has also in the county, resulting in the highest level of used earlier. According to media reports, precipitation in 50 years. Krekar has been apprehended on the basis of the Osly City Court’s sentence, and after “It’s pretty striking that there haven’t having made new threats. The police have been more than three days without rain,” declined to comment, but according to NRK, says meteorologist Erling Rygg to NRK. Photo: Royal Norwegian Consulate General Krekar will appear before an Oslo court, Rygg has studied and observed the The Norwegian delegation from the Houston-Galveston Sister City Society visited the Nor- where the police will request that he will be wegian Seamen’s Church in Pasadena, Texas. weather since he moved to Verdal in Nord- remanded in custody, NRK reports. Trøndelag in 1966. Although he has never (Norway Post) seen this much rain before, he does remem- Kr i s t o f f e r Sk j e l b r e d ber talk of similar levels from back in 1961. Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Houston Truck rescue ends in cliff plunge in “We’ve passed 167 millimeters [approx- Norway imately 6.5 inches] of precipitation at this From March 21 to March 28, a group of Mayor of Stavanger, Christine Sagen Helgø, Police say a Lithuanian truck driver suffered point, compared to the normal average of 60 close to 100 Norwegians visited Texas as part 63 youths selected on basis of their involve- broken bones but survived after his vehicle millimeters [2.4 inches],” Rygg informs. “I of the longstanding Sister City collaboration ment in various sports and cultural activi- tumbled 60 meters (200 feet) down a snow- estimate that we’ll reach 180 millimeters be- between the Cities of Houston, Galveston ties, and their chaperones. During the week covered cliff in central Norway, bringing a tow truck with it. Police spokesman Geir See > rain, page 11 and Stavanger. The visitors included the new See > sister city, page 15 Riise said April 2 the truck didn’t have the right tires and was being towed up a Norwegian aid serpentine mountain road in Leirfjord, some Called to witness stand 700 kilometers (435 miles) north of Oslo, when it slid to the side and tipped over the support in Brazil guard rail. to call extremists to testify (Associated Press) Brazil receives most Death metal star’s family says no to St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Norwegian American Weekly Norwegian aid money Norwegian tailfin honor In line with the wishes of his family, murdered black metal musician Øystein Aarseth will not have his picture painted The lawyer for Norwegian confessed several death threats, and prominent anti- No r w a y Po s t on the tailfin of a Norwegian airline plane killer Anders Behring Breivik of the July Islamic blogger known as , who despite topping an online poll. The airline 22 bombing and shootings says he will call Brevik cites as one of his mentors. For the second year in a row Brazil tops was faced with a potential selection right-wing extremists and Islamists, includ- “Our job is to protect [Breivik’s] rights,” the list of countries that receive the most aid headache after legions of international ing a radical jailed mullah, as witnesses in Lippestad told members of the Foreign Press money from Norway. fans propelled the controversial Mayhem support of his client. Breivik’s trial is set to Association. He said he has a “purely pro- In 2011, Brazil received NOK 1.4 bil- guitarist to the summit of a list of candidates begin April 16. fessional” relationship with his client, and lion from Norwegian authorities, which con- for the Oslo region. Seeking a tailfin hero Defense lawyer Geir Lippestad said no matter what heinous acts he carried out, stitutes five percent of the entire aid budget of whom Norwegians could be proud, the the idea of calling extremists such as Mul- “he is a person.” He deserves a solid defense, of NOK 27.7 billion (USD 4.8 billion). airline had allowed voters to nominate their lah Krekar, who founded the radical Iraqi Lippestad said, calling that “important in a People have questioned why Brazil re- own favourite personalities. Norwegian Kurdish Islamist group Ansar al-Islam and democracy.” ceives such a large sum whereas Afghani- launched the campaign to celebrate its first has been sentenced to five years in prison for The defense will place a special empha- stan, the second country on the list, “only” ten years in the air. Aarseth wasn’t the only making death threats, was important to show sis on calling medical and psychiatric wit- received NOK 777 million. nominee to pose a problem for Norwegian. The airline announced on Monday that it that his client was not criminally insane. nesses who are likely to testify that Behring “Brazil definitely receives the most fi- had taken the deceased military commander “We wish to call witness from both right- Breivik is of sound mind, Lippestad said. nancial support from Norway, but it’s mostly Trond Bolle out of contention for security wing extremist and Islamist environments,” The psychiatric experts’ conclusion last due to former Minister of International De- said Lippestad to NRK on April 2. year, which if confirmed would entail that reasons. Rewarded posthumously with the velopment Erik Solheim’s long-term climate prestigious War Cross, Bolle was killed by a The list of approximately 30 – 40 names the confessed killer is locked up in a psy- – and forestry plan, explains Hanne Thon- would include Mullah Krekar, a radical Iraqi roadside bomb in Afghanistan in 2010. (The Local) cleric who is jailed in Norway for making See > testify, page 11 See > brazil, page 15

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • April 6, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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Photo: Hans Olav Nyborg / Norwegian Air Shuttle Norwegian Air Shuttle offers low-cost flights to a wide variety of destinations around Europe, and they plan to launch routes to New York and Asia this year. GodHappy EasterPåske! from the

Norwegian American Weekly Ra s m u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway

MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE “In our 10th anniversary year, we are had banned frequent-flyer programs on do- preparing to launch our long-haul services mestic flights. This allowed Norwegian to a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w to New York and the Far East by offering compete on equal terms with SAS, which flights of high quality for a low fare,” said at the time had a near monopoly and soar- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Bjørn Kjos, the founder and CEO of Norwe- ing prices. The Competition Authority has gian. The airline launched its first low-cost pointed this decision as one of the most im- commercial transactions and estate planning. routes in 2002, from Oslo to Bergen, Trond- portant factors in promoting competition in heim, Stavanger and Tromsø. The following the market. Right from the start Norwegian 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 year saw the introduction of Norwegian’s made major investments in technology and first international flights, from Oslo to Faro, was a pioneer in teaching the public to book Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Malaga and Murcia. flights online. The entrepreneur behind Norwegian In 2003 the company was listed on the was born and grew up in Sokna in Ringer- Oslo Stock Exchange. In 2007 it purchased LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: ike. His father Ola started a small airline FlyNordic from Finnair. This gave a foot- Certified Public Accountant Small businesses with one Piper Cub. Bjørn became a trained hold in , both on domestic and in- (206)789-5433 Individuals pilot in the Royal Norwegian Air Force dur- ternational routes. The year after Norwegian 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance ing two years of training in Mississippi and entered the Danish market after the bank- Seattle, WA 98119 Arizona and flew Lockheed F-104 -Star ruptcy of Sterling. In a market with high fighter jets from 1969 to 1975. He couldn’t airfares, ticket prices now fell dramatically. get a civilian pilot job and started to study Norwegian is now the second-largest airline LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. law. For twenty years he worked as a law- at Copenhagen Kastrup Airport. Last year yer. Since 1993 he has access to work with history repeated itself as Norwegian opened Sales and Service Supreme Court cases. a hub in Helsinki in . In 1986 he and his brother started a Early this year Bjørn Kjos announced company that worked with seismology in the that Norwegian have purchased 222 planes North Sea. Following the bankruptcy of the for the coming years from Boeing and Air- airline Busy Bee, he and several employees bus. This is the largest orders ever from a started Norwegian Air Shuttle. For a long European company. According to the news- Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK period of time the main business consisted papers he said that you want to buy when phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 of regional flights in . When things don’t look so bright. When times are fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 that contract expired in 2002 he transformed booming everybody wants to buy. the company into a low-cost airline and Norwegian currently has 2,500 em- leased eight Boeing 737-300s. The philoso- ployees. According to Bjørn Kjos, that will phy was that everyone should afford to fly. increase to 7 – 8,000 within 10 years. You [email protected] When Norwegian went into operation in have to think big! 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 2002, the Norwegian Competition Authority Business News & Notes Advertise in the Weekly! Norway house-price growth won’t bubble within the housing market.” undermine economy, DNB CEO says (Business Week) Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: Norwegian house prices, which haven’t de- clined on an annual basis since 2008, aren’t Norway exploration seen in line with 2011 Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for EVERY week! a threat to economic growth in the Nordic Norwegian oil firm Statoil expects its 2012 B&W, $15/col inch for color country, according to the head of its largest exploration activity on the Norwegian conti- • Free ad design lender. The economy of the world’s second- nental shelf to be broadly in line with 2011, • Support the only Norwegian- richest nation per capita is “very robust,” with Gro Gunleiksrud Haatvedt, Senior Vice Presi- American newspaper! a growing population, low unemployment, in- dent for Exploration Norway said on March creased disposable income and interest rates 28. “For Norway... we expect almost the same that will “stay low for a long time,” DNB exploration activity as in 2011,” she told an For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] ASA Chief Executive Officer Rune Bjerke energy conference. said. “It’s really hard for me to see signs of a (Reuters) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research April 6, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Improving the plight of polar bears New study shows lower levels of PCBs in polar bears between 1998 and 2008

No r w e g i a n Un i v e r s i t y o f Sc i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y

It's never been easy to be a polar bear. They may have to go months without eating. Their preferred food, seal, requires enor- mous luck and patience to catch. Add to that the melting of Arctic sea ice due to climate change, and the poisoning of the Arctic by toxic chemicals, and it's easy to see why po- lar bears worldwide are in trouble. Among all the bad news, however, comes one possible bright spot. In a study of PCBs in polar bear cubs in Svalbard, re- searchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have found that blood levels of PCBs and relat- ed contaminants in polar bear cubs appear to have dropped by as much as 59 percent between 1998 and 2008. At the same time, Photo: Jens Henrik Nybo / www.visitnorway.com levels of these contaminants in their mothers In a study of PCBs in polar bear cubs in Svalbard, researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have found that blood were as much as 55 percent lower over the levels of PCBs and related contaminants in polar bear cubs appear to have dropped by as much as 59 percent between 1998 and 2008. same period. “The levels of PCB compounds in blood In polar bears, “PCBs affect the bears’ Bytingsvik notes that the overall levels of number of other environmental pollutants samples from females are on the decline,” thyroid hormones, and in the worst case can OH-PCBs and PCBs in the cubs are still too that are carried northward on the wind or by says Jenny Bytingsvik, a biologist at NTNU reduce the animals’ ability to survive in the high. As a comparison, the 2008 concentra- ocean currents. On top of that, there’s cli- who is completing her doctoral dissertation tough Arctic environment,” Bytingsvik adds. tions of OH-PCB in cubs was roughly 90- mate change. This creates big challenges for on the findings. “For newborn, vulnerable “There can be negative effects on the bears’ 170 times higher than levels that are known many species.” cubs, this is a very positive trend. Reduced ability to grow and thrive. The contaminants to affect thyroid hormones in human babies. levels of PCBs in the mother bears’ blood can also affect the ability of the animals to “Polar bear cubs can be much more sus- mean that there is also less contamination in learn and may reduce their fertility.” ceptible to the effects of these kinds of envi- their milk. Even though the PCB levels we NEW! Birkebeiner print ronmental contaminants than adults because 9.75x12” + generous border found are still too high, this shows that inter- From mother to cub they are in a vulnerable phase of growth and Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” rescue national agreements to ban PCBs have had Polar bear milk is high in fat, which also development,” she says. an effect.” • full-color, fade-proof unfortunately makes it perfect for transmit- Bytingsvik’s research is part of a larger • quality paper ting PCBs from mothers to their cubs. Byt- international project to assess the condi- • FREE shipping in Banned internationally since 2004 sturdy mailing tube to ingsvik also looked at levels of OH-PCBs, tion of polar bears in the Arctic called Bear US 48 states PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) which are toxic substances created by the Health. The Norwegian leader of the project, • $15 each, USD only; were once widely used as a cooling fluids VISA/MasterCard body when PCBs are metabolized. While Bjørn Munro Jenssen, is Bytingsvik’s su- and insulators in transformers and electric OH-PCBs are still harmful, they are more pervisor. He says her findings are definitely Order from motors, but were banned by many indus- likely to bind to proteins rather than dissolve good news. NORWAY ART trialized countries 30 years ago because of in fat, which means that they are more likely “PCBs are considered to be among the 1455 West Lake St, B-20 their harmful effects on humans and ani- to be transferred by umbilical cord blood worst environment contaminants, so it’s , MN 55408 mals. More recently, the global production than by milk. Another source of exposure is good to see that the levels have gone down,” call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or of PCBs has been banned as of May 2004 email: [email protected] the cubs’ own metabolic conversion of PCBs he said. “At the same time, we can’t forget by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent into OH-PCBs. that animals in the Arctic are exposed to a Why not order now for shipment to your home or business Organic Pollutants, an environmental treaty and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! In her study, Bytingsvik was able to designed to eliminate or restrict the produc- look at polar bear blood samples from moth- tion and use of persistent organic pollutants, ers and cubs that were collected in 1997 and including PCBs. 1998 (which she considered as 1998 for sta- Polar bears are particularly at risk from tistical purposes) and 2008. All told, she had God Påske! these persistent pollutants because the chem- samples from 26 mother bears and 38 cubs (prounounced good poe-ska!) icals are fat-soluble and increase in concen- from the different time periods. tration the higher you go in the food chain. The bears were all sampled in the Nor- That’s a double problem for polar bears, wegian island archipelago of Svalbard, Happy Easter from the because they are at the very top of the food roughly 800 km south of the North Pole. chain, and their preferred foods, like seals, Norwegian American Overall, Bytingsvik found that the levels of tend to be very rich in fat. OH-PCBs in polar bear mothers dropped by Weekly! 65 percent over the 10-year span, while the Fertility problems and more levels of PCBs dropped by 55 percent. In In humans, PCBs are considered a neu- cubs, the levels of OH-PCBs dropped by 50 rotoxin and an endocrine disrupter, and ex- percent, while levels of PCBs dropped by 59 posure to high levels of the substances has The Scandinavian Hour percent over the same period. Although the been linked to low birth weights, delayed bears were not sampled in exactly the same Celebrating over 50 years on the air! developmental milestones, and lower IQs in location in 2008 as in 1998 (which might it- comparison with unexposed children. Over- self affect PCB levels), Bytingsvik believes KKNW – 1150 AM all, a number of studies have found that ex- that the findings mainly reflect changes in posure to persistent pollutants such as PCBs Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST exposure levels over time. during critical developmental periods is as- Streaming live on the internet at: sociated with a range of negative health ef- Predicting the future? fects in wildlife, experimental animals and www.1150kknw.com While these figures are encouraging, humans. 6 • April 6, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway 17th of May Join the conversation! Information Center On the EDGE Arrows up in Norway Our favorite holiday is just around By Steinar Opstad, Ph.D. the corner: Norwegian Constitution Day! The National Central Bank of Norway ed people from Somalia. And even worse, age have is very reasonable: Never spend We have some exciting plans for (Norges Bank) issued anupdated prognosis many of the Africans and some Asians do money you don’t have, be very, very care- this year, and we invite you to join in for the Norwegian economy in March with not want to be educated or to work. They ful with loans and pay them back as soon the fun. Here are some ways to partici- optimism, especially for off-shore related think the social benefits they receive from as you can if you need to take a loan. This pate this year: industries linked to oil and gas, but the out- the Norwegian government are enough for basic rule on the private level is in a modi- look is not bad for the traditional industries them. So they are a burden for us regular fied way also implemented in our public • Give a gift of the Norwegian inclusive fish processing and export. The taxpayers instead of helping us out with the economy. This is one reason for Norway’s American Weekly! We are of- bank’s forecast for us regular Norwegian need we have for employees. healthy economy. So thank you to Norges fering the Norwegian Ameri- citizens is much more optimistic now than Let me quote the Tribune again. “Why Bank for bringing back some optimism. can Weekly for $40 for all new three months ago. Forecasts for the U.S. has Europe become the sick man of the And thank you for the warnings about not U.S. subscriptions (save $19!). are also better – not at the level of optimism world economy? Everyone knows the an- using borrowed funds to buy consumer Introduce your friends and we have in Norway – but still. I read in the swer: Unfortunately, most of what people goods. family to the Weekly, and cel- International Herald Tribune that “things know isn’t true – and false stories about But maybe you can help us? We need ebrate Norway all year long. are terrible here (in the U.S.) as unemploy- European woes are warping our economic thousands of professionals in several indus- • Send us your 17th of May ment soars past 13 percent. Things are even discourse.” There are two basic opinions tries and in the public sectors in the years to calendar listings! This year, worse in Greece, Ireland and Spain and on the situation. One is the “Republican come. We have now the highest birthrate in we will publish a national cal- arguably Europe as a whole appears to be version” (according to the Tribune); that Europe, but we are still not enough Norwe- endar of 17th of May events sliding back into recession.” Europe has done too much to help the poor gians. If you think we are the “land of milk across North America. Does Unemployment is not an issue in and that we now see the end of our welfare and honey,” you are not very far from the your lodge or organization cel- Norway, rather the opposite. Although we states. The opposite explanation is that the truth, in my opinion. ebrate? Send the event infor- have now passed 5 million Norwegian citi- economic problems in Europe have devel- I will buy some dollar bills tomorrow; mation to our intern Jess Lar- zens and demographers predict a “citizen- oped because of fiscal irresponsibility. In they will probably not be cheaper against sen by email at jess@norway. boom” in the largest cities in the coming this European ocean of economic problems the Norwegian krone and I plan to travel to com or send it to Norwegian 20 years. We lack a few hundred engineers is the small “island” Norway with healthy U.S. (my grandfather’s “land of milk and American Weekly, 7301 5th today, and it will be worse in the years to economy a well-developed welfare state honey”) in a few weeks. Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA come. But the highest demand will be in and a prosperous future. 98115. Event listings must be health care: Nurses and all sorts of medical The next time you hear people talk Steinar Opstad, born 1941 submitted by May 1 to be in- staff – including physicians – are in short about Europe with all the false arguments in , Norway, is cluded in the special Syttende supply to effectively serve the aging, more about the negativity of our welfare state the retired Vice President Mai issue. demanding Norwegian population. and that Norway and Sweden are socialistic of the Confederation of • Share your photos! We look Yes, it is true that we “import” em- countries with less freedom for the individ- Norwegian Business and forward to sharing the images ployees of all kinds of workers from the ual and a huge public bureaucracy doomed Industry. During his ca- of this year’s Syttende Mai cel- EU-countries (and some from the U.S. too, to collapse sooner or later, you are pretty reer, he was an educator ebrations from coast to coast in thank you) and the pressure on Norway to safe if you tell them that they have no idea and communicator with positions as a jour- nalist, editor, teacher, and professor. He has our annual photo essay. Submit give shelter to refugees from Asia and Af- what they are talking about. a Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. D. from the University your photo by May 23 with a rica is demanding. We happily give jobs to I agree that the Norwegian or Europe- of North Dakota. He is the author of several caption to [email protected] Polish or German craftsmen or nurses, but an system might not work for the U.S., but professional books. He is also the founder of or mail it to us. Call (800) 305- we have no need for illiterate and uneducat- the basic understanding Norwegians of my the American College of Norway in Moss. 0217 or email naw@norway.

com with questions. The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< Andhøy From page 1 Norway saw as a dangerous and impossible ald. their position and status and where they are mission. Andhøy thought it likely that he and his going,” says Ricardo Velazquez, of the Chil- propriate government protocol. Andhøy was After leaving New Zealand and disre- crew would face prosecution if they returned ean Coast Guard. heading back to Antarctica after a vicious garding customs legalities, Andhøy has be- to New Zealand, and have instead ended up The situation was further complicated storm in February of last year resulted in his come a popular figure in New Zealand news in Chile. His lawyer, Nils Jorgen Vordahl, by the fact that the boat was sailing under previous sailing vessel, Berserk, disappear- sources, as well, and has not been portrayed confirmed that Nilaya was stopped bya a different name, as Andhøy and his crew ing without a trace along with three mem- in a positive light. The situation was com- Chilean military vessel at 9 p.m. on Satur- apparently re-christened it Berserk in Ant- bers of his crew. Andhøy was on land at the pounded by the fact that a New Zealand na- day night, and is currently guarded by armed arctica. Chilean authorities also confirmed time with several other crew members. Ber- tive was on board Nilaya when Andhøy de- military personnel. that the New Zealand “stowaway” lacked a serk had been the subject of a popular TV parted, and nobody is sure if he went with But according to Chilean news sources, passport, but will obtain one in Argentina. documentary. Andhøy willingly or not. His wife does not the boat was stopped for ordinary reasons. At the time of press, NRK reports Nila- Search and rescue operations in the area seem to think so. “You’ve kidnapped him, “We did not arrest the boat, but we have un- ya will be allowed to sail again within the turned up nothing, and what happened to you clown. Get him off your ugly boat and dertaken a traffic control. This is due to the week. Berserk is still a mystery; a mystery Andhøy send him home,” was her recent message to ordinary laws, when a stranger comes in a was keen on solving, but which the rest of Andhøy, printed in the New Zealand Her- boat into Chilean waters, they must give up

Short-term job available ible schedule. Hourly com- The second has no embrodi- The fine print HP has an immediate need for pensation: $25/h. Job location ery done for $1250. Bunads Classified ads are prepaid Ole’s List native Norwegian speakers to is in Redmond, WA. Contact can be made to fit any size. advertisements, and are not contact Mikko Lahti at mikko. All yarn and instructions for Norwegian American Weekly review and test a feature in a guaranteed to sell. The Nor- new software application in [email protected] for details. embrodiery are included. Call wegian American Weekly staff classified ads Redmond, WA. The task is Eva at (360) 653-7300 for reserves the right to turn down to review text already trans- Bunads for sale more information. any ads that are deemed inap- lated into Norwegian and then Two Nordland bunad kits for propriate or not connected to speak this text to a device, and sale. The fabric is blue and it our audience. For more infor- validate the result. Short-term will fit most sizes as you make mation and to place an ad, call PRICING: $25 per ad, includes up to seven lines. engagement and the job dura- it to fit your own body. One is Place a classified with us! toll-free at (800) 305-0217 or Add-ons: $10 for photo and $5 to be included in tion is approximately 8 – 10 partially embrodiered on the email [email protected]. hours per review cycle. Flex- Call (800) 305-0217 or email online enewsletter. Call (800) 305-0217 or email bodice and purse for $1350. [email protected] for details. [email protected] for details. UPDATE norwegian american weekly A april 6, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, ish Spotlight. This special evening will be the film festival office at (949) 253-2880 ext. Managing Editor In reading Eric Dregni’s On the Edge an immersive celebration of Swedish culture 224 or email Gregg.Schwenk@newport- Christy Olsen Field [email protected] opinion article in the March 16 issue, I was and film hosted at Fashion Island on Tues- beachfilmfest.com. Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager not sure whether Mr. Dregni was complain- day, May 1, 2012. ing about the Norwegian system as he recit- “We are very excited to celebrate Swed- Sincerely, Kelsey Larson [email protected] ed his experiences with his wife in having a ish and Scandinavian cinema at the 2012 Martine Sanne Assistant Layout Editor baby in Norway while on a Fulbright schol- film festival,” says Newport Beach Film Newport Beach Film Festival Harry Svenkerud [email protected] arship or comparing their system to ours and Festival Executive Director and CEO Gregg Intern hoping we would be more like them. Schwenk. Guests will view an exclusive Jess Larsen [email protected] I was reminded of an article I read in the showing of the Swedish film “Ice Dragon” Contributing Editors Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten last sum- and interact with the creative talent behind Dear Martine, Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. mer in which a convicted Romanian welfare the film before indulging in a celebration of Thank you for the invitiation! It’s impor- Carla Danziger McLean, Va. cheat said that Norway was “the dumbest Swedish culture at the 21+ post party, featur- tant to support our Scandinavian neighbors, Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. country in the world.” She had managed to ing an open bar sponsored by Absolut. Ma- and we are glad to share this opportunity Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland obtain millions of kroner in state welfare ria Montazami, star of the hit Swedish show with our readers. Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. payments over many years by claiming she “Swedish Hollywood Wives,” will serve as Lykke til! Good luck! Shelby Gilje seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke seattle, Wash. was the grandmother to several children that Honorary Chair. Tickets are priced at $35. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway did not exist. For more information and updates, visit All the best, Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. I will give Mr. Dregni the benefit of the www.NewportBeachFilmFest.com. For VIP Editor Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. doubt. He could not be advocating such a and partnership opportunities, please contact Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. system. On the other hand there are too many Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. in this country who think they are entitled to Solveig M. Lee seattle, Wash. benefits that are unearned. Surely he is not CORRECTION Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. one of them, I hope. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Sincerely, Erica Olsen delores, Colo. Joe Kiernan Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, Bonita Springs, Fla. Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. John Erik Stacy seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Dear Editor, We invite readers of the Norwegian CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you American Weekly to attend the 13th an- have a question or comment about news coverage nual Newport Beach Film Festival, April 26 call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly through May 3, in Newport Beach, Calif. reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right This highly-acclaimed festival brings togeth- not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor er the best of food, film and fashion to Or- Photo: Jan Severinsen / Norwegian Armed Forces Media Center taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. ange County. One of the highly-anticipated It was brought to our attention that we showed a different plane in the March 23 cover story “Plane • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and crash kills 5 soldiers.” The plane that crashed March 15 was the C-130J Hercules named Siv (shown letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian cinema celebrations will be the 2012 Swed- above). We apologize for the inconvenience. American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the < Winning publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published “I am very satisfied. There will be a big Eyvind Hellstrøm, who has been a judge From page 1 weekly except the first week of the calendar year, celebration tonight,” said Johannessen. Nor- since 1993. “Ørjan was magnificent tonight,” the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks mally the 26-year-old chef works at Bek- he said after the contest. of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • event, which took place in Brussels March kjarvik Gjestgiveri in Hordaland county on Minister of Food and Agriculture, Las Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. 18 – 21. The contest also serves to select the NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription the west coast of Norway. His victory comes Peder Brekk, also congratulated Johannes- Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, representatives who will participate in the fi- with a prize of EUR 12,000 (approximately sen, who in spite of his young age has al- US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. nal Bocuse d’Or Lyon in 2013. USD 16,000). ready worked at the Gastronomical Institute SINCE MAY 17, 1889: With 20 chefs from across Europe, more It was a Nordic sweep of the podium: and been a chef at the National Culinary Formerly Norway Times than 1,500 passionate supporters came to Adam Dahlberg of Stefan Eriksson Matsu- Team. Western Viking & Washington Posten watch the competition. Over 250 Norwe- dio in Sweden took second place, and Jeppe Johannessen’s winning menu featured gians showed up to show their support dur- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- Foldager of Sollerodko in was sole, and chicken with truffle cream apple Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, ing the ceremony in Brussels earlier in the awarded third place. and foie gras. Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven week, carrying Norwegians flags and fan- Several well-known European chefs To see photos of Johannessen’s work, NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. themed t-shirts. were in the jury, including Norwegian chef visit bekkjarvikgjestgiveri.no. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • April 6, 2012 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Sweetness of spring NoRdIC deLICACIes Chocolate and orange come together in a “A TAsTe oF NoRWAY IN THe HeART oF BRookLYN!” delicious cake for an Easter dinner finale

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Photo: Daytona Strong / Outside Oslo Chocolate and oranges are favorite Easter treats in Norway, and this cake is a fun take on the tradi- tional flavors. PÅSKEN Norwegian Orange Cake på Sjømannskirken i New York from Daytona Strong at the blog Outside Oslo, outsideoslo.wordpress.com Lørdag 31. mars: Adapted from the Los Angeles Times kl. 13:00 Risgrøt Søndag 1. april - Palmesøndag: kl. 11:00 Palmesøndagsgudstjeneste 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened 3 ounces dark chocolate (70 percent), finely med kirkekaffe etter gudstjenesten 1 cup granulated sugar chopped (or, if you have a 3.25 ounce kl. 19:00 Konsert med Trond-Viggo Torgersen 3 eggs bar, just go ahead and use the whole Grated zest of one orange thing) Torsdag 5. april - Skjærtorsdag: 1/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp orange juice, divided 3/4 cup powdered sugar kl. 19:00 Skjærtorsdagsgudstjeneste 1 1/3 cups flour Candied orange peel (optional), or fresh or- med måltid etter gudstjenesten 1 1/2 tsp baking powder ange wedges

Fredag 6. april - Langfredag: kl. 19:00 Langfredagsgudstjeneste Preheat oven to 350°F and grease and flour a 9-inch bundt or angel food cake pan. Us- ing a stand mixer, beat the butter and granulated sugar until light and fluffy. Add one egg at a time, beating until incorporated before adding the next. Add the orange zest and 1/3 cup of Lørdag 7. april - Påskeaften: orange juice and combine. kl. 13:00 Risgrøt Sift together the flour and baking powder in a separate bowl. Slowly add it to the cake batter with the mixer running, beating just until incorporated, then add the chocolate and fold Søndag 8. april - Påskedag: to combine. kl. 11:00 Påskedagsgudstjeneste Pour the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top with a spatula. It will only fill Kirkekaffe etter gudstjenesten. about a third or half of the pan – that’s okay. Bake for 45 to 55 minutes, until a toothpick kl. 15:00 Påskedagsgudstjeneste i Washington DC comes out clean. Allow the cake to cool in the pan on a cooling rack before removing from the mold. Meanwhile, sift the powdered sugar in a bowl and whisk in the remaining 2 tablespoons Besøk oss på internett: of orange juice to make the icing. When the cake has cooled, drizzle the icing over it. Garnish www.sjomannskirken.no/newyork with candied orange if desired, or serve with orange wedges. Serves 10 – 16. 317 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022 Tel.: (+1) 212 319-0370 e-post: [email protected] For more recipes and stories about discovering Norwegian-American heritage, visit http://outsideoslo.wordpress.com. norwegian american weekly April 6, 2012 • 9 travel Hit the slopes for Easter Norwegians savor the sun and the last skiing days of the season during Easter holidays

Photo: Fredrik Schenholm / www.visitnorway.com Easter is the time to enjoy spring skiing in Sunnmørsalpene in Fjord Norway.

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

When the Easter holidays come, it sig- connecting three sides of the mountain into a Snowboarding Championships (WSC) were ters of prepared cross-country trails. www. nals a time of rest and relaxation in Norway. varied alpine facility, Trysil is popular with held here in February. www.tryvann.no geilo.no/en/winter The sun has returned from its winter hiber- families and has a good ski school. www. nation, and spring is in the air. Norway ob- skistar.com/en/trysil Geilo Where is your favorite place for Easter serves Skjærtorsdag (Maundy Thursday), As one of Norway’s oldest ski resorts, skiing in Norway? Write to us at: Langfredag (Good Friday) and 2. påskedag Hemsedal Geilo has something for everyone, including Norwegian American Weekly (Easter Monday) as public holidays, but One of Norway’s largest ski areas and downhill, Telemark and cross-country ski- 7301 5th Ave. NE Ste. A many Norwegians take off for a 10-day considered by many the best, Hemsedal is ing, plus three terrain parks for snowboard- Seattle, WA 98115 holiday, lasting from the Friday before Palm nestled in the the “Scandinavian Alps” of ers. The area boasts 20 lifts and 220 kilome- Sunday to the Tuesday after Easter. , Norway. Hemsedal skisenter is Increasingly, Norwegians have a “city” versatile with 24 lifts, 51 slopes and activi- vacation, either staying home or traveling ties for all ages. www.hemsedal.com abroad. Popular travel destinations include Paris, London and Amsterdam. Others head Kvitfjell for the beaches in Spain, Greece, Thailand A relatively small ski resort just north and even South America. of is located in Oppdal county, Many Norwegians hold true to tradition Kvitfjell features the magnificent Olympic of heading to the mountains to enjoy the last Downhill Run used for the 1994 Lilleham- God Påske! skiing days of the season. It’s a cozy time to mer Olympics. The last pitch of the run is Happy Easter spend with family and friends in Norwegian much steeper than what appears on TV. nature. Here are some of favorite destina- www.kvitfjell.no from the tions for Norwegian ski enthusiasts. Norwegian Tryvann Trysil With 18 slopes and 7 lifts, Oslo Winter American Weekly Located in Hedmark county in eastern Park Tryvann is smaller than other Norwe- Norway, Trysil is Norway’s largest ski re- gian ski resorts, but offers good skiing only sort. With 39 lifts and 71 kilometers of runs 20 minutes from Oslo’s city center. The World 10 • April 6, 2012 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week Easter quiz Påskequiz A favorite Easter tradition in Norway is for friends and family to do a påskequiz (Easter quiz) together. Kos deg (get cozy) and test your Norwegian knowledge! Answers below.

1. How many municipalities are there in 6. What is the favorite Easter candy in Norway? Norway? A. 430 A. Seigmann B. 180 B. Kvikk lunsj C. 44 C. Skittles

2. Why do we celebrate Easter? 7. How many keys does a full size grand A. Jesus was raised from the dead piano have? B. Spring officially begins A. 88 C. The Easter bunny was born B. 64 C. 100 3. Norwegian author Jo Nesbø has au- thored many popular crime books. Nesbø 8. Easter always comes on a different also authors books in a slightly different date each year. How is it decided which genre than we are used to; what genre is date Easter falls on? this? A. It depends on the calendar of the A. Romance Catholic Church B. Children’s B. It depends on moon cycles C. Science fiction C. This is a joke question; Easter always falls on the same day! 4. Oranges are a Norwegian’s favorite Easter fruit. Today oranges are found in 9. Who is the current president of the many places around the world, but where Storting in Norway? do they come from originally? A. Heikki Holmås A. South Africa B. Jens Stoltenberg Photo: Kelsey Larson B. Yemen C. Siv Jensen Copy Editor Kelsey Larson took this photo of påskeliljer (literally “Easter lillies,” the C. China name for daffodil in Norwegian) in Bø, Telemark, during in the spring of 2010. 10. Is there any connection between the 5. The rabbit has been a symbol for this Easter holiday and the island in the Pacific since antiquity. called Easter Island? Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? A. Good luck A. Yes, the island was discovered on Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. B. Abundance Easter Sunday! C. Fertility B. Yes, the many-colored birds’ eggs discovered on the island inspired the name! C. No, it is just a coincidence.

Roger Wangen Burnsville MN God Påske! Happy Easter! Mildred Wilder Sidney MT Donald Winter Port Orchard WA Stanley Kjekstad Mt Arlington NJ 10. april Inga McCarthy Alhambra CA Ole J. Hellie Pipestone MN Ingvar Drage Tacoma WA 6. april Magnhild Olson Stangeland Larimore ND Oliver Peterson Iola WI Carla S. Buchanan Tacoma WA For I remember it is Sophina Karland Hanford ND Dave Braaten Cyrus MN Hjalmar Johansen Lacey WA 11. april Easter morn, Henry Heistad Wetaskiwin AB Can Astrid Virding Thousand Oaks CA Gerd Andreassen Carlsbad CA Eric Nelson Santa Monica CA And life and love Palma McGavin Portland OR Gretchen Lieving Minneapolis MN 7. april Howard Hansen Moraga CA and peace are all Sandy Johnson Seattle WA 12. april Gerda E. Gordham Olympia WA O. Hilmar Rud Birchdale MN newborn. Hilda Kristiansen Trondheim Norway Selma Erickson Bellevue WA Bertin Hansen Minneapolis MN Kristine Dorris Parkland WA Egil Forbregd Osakis MN Mrs. O.K. Blomlie Tacoma WA Ove Harstad Benson MN Arnt Lyngen Vernon BC Canada – Alice Freeman Palmer 8. april G.R. Vidness Midwest WY Jeanette C. Braafladt Sacramento CA Hans Everett Idso St Peter MN Elias Nersund Seattle WA Viggo Christensen Seattle WA Julius Fjeld Douglas ND Judy Morken Anchorage AK Esther Kildahl Seattle WA Ragna Selle Seattle WA Gordon Winsor Jefferson NH Want to see your birthday in the

Elias Leversen Seattle WA Norwegian American Weekly?

10.) A 10.)

Magnhild Thoresen Lynnwood WA C 4.)

9.) B 9.)

9. april B 3.)

Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ 8.) B 8.)

Olav K. Pettersen Mountain Home AR A 2.)

norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at

7.) A 7.) Alvin G. Olson Ashby MN A 1.)

least one month in advance.

Cecile Herheim Long Beach CA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed B 6.)

5.) C 5.) Egill Olsen Duluth MN away? Please notify us. Answers Quiz norwegian american weekly A april 6, 2012 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Leif Lie August 11, 1920 – March 8, 2012 He lives! Leif Lie of Juneau, Leif enjoyed making people smile. When I was growing up, my parents will probably be both the first and the last Alaska, died March 8. Somehow he always succeeded – even with had a friend from church who always an- time we use this phrase that day or any He was 91 years old. people who were grumpy or sad. swered the phone by saying “He lives.” If day thereafter. What would happen if we Leif was born Aug. Leif received many awards. Most re- he called the house and you answered with reminded each other from time to time 11, 1920, to Sjur and cently in November 2011 he shook hands hello, the first thing he would say is, “He of Christ’s great resurrection victory by Marta Lie in Tysse, with the King of Norway in Kristiansand. Lives.” If you called his house he would greeting one another with the words, “He Norway. He lived on He and other Norwegian Merchant Marines answer with the same phrase. My parents lives?” It might shock a few people but the ocean and loved it. After finishing high were honored for their service during World were very good about it and would always it might also serve as a clear reminder of school, he worked on private fishing boats War II. The Malaspina (from the Alaska Fer- respond, “He lives indeed.” I remember where our hope lies in this life. and coastal boats along the Norwegian coast. ry System) carries a plaque thanking Leif for being struck by this practice and thought it I am currently filling in for our pas- He loved to be on the water, boating and fish- his dedication in marine forecasting. was a little on the eccentric side even back tor for a few weeks during this Easter sea- ing. That love continued his entire life. Former Juneau mayor Jamie Parsons in the 50s. Today, if a person did this, his son, and I plan to not only greet the people In 1939, he joined the Norwegian Mer- declared March 10, 1993 to be “Leif Lie Ap- friends might ask him to seek help from a on Easter Sunday with the phrase, “He chant Marine and served until the end of preciation Day” in recognition of Leif’s skill mental health professional. is risen” but I plan to do so for the first World War II. While at sea, he received a in avalance forecasting. Leif believed much As we enter the season of Easter, per- few Sundays following Easter as well. I letter from Kiatcha Dahle, a college student of his knowledge of avalance behavior was haps it would be well for us to be a little am hopeful that it will remind them in a who was studying Norwegian. The letter had learned while he hunted fox as a young boy. more out there about our belief that Je- simple but perhaps very effective way that been saved for a year by its original recipient He said, “I watched the foxes. They never sus lives. On Easter Sunday morning the Jesus is alive in the world, and that Jesus but was given to Leif who decided to answer got caught in an avalanche and neither did I. pastor will say, “He is risen.” We will re- lives in everyone of us. it. Kiatcha and Leif began to write and even- But I caught the foxes.” spond “He is risen indeed.” However, that tually Leif decided he was going to marry Leif was an active member of Shepherd Kiatcha. With his “I think I can” determina- of the Valley Lutheran Church in Juneau. He tion, he succeeded in that endeavor. also was a member of the . Leif married Kiatcha on Oct. 23, 1948, Leif always used his “I think I can” at- The Easter story in English and Norwegian in the chapel at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, titude to learn new things. He bought a car 1 1 Minn. He put himself through the University and then learned how to drive. He bought an On the first day of the week, very ear- Meget tidlig søndag morgen tok kvin- ly in the morning, the women took the spices nene de velluktende salvene med seg til of New York by taking photographs which airplane and then learned how to fly. they had prepared and went to the tomb. graven. 2Da så de at den veldige steinen som Kiatcha tinted with oil paints. After gradu- Leif died March 8, 2012, following a 2They found the stone rolled away from the dekket inngangen, var rullet til side. 3De gikk ating from the New York University with a battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife, tomb, 3but when they entered, they did not inn men Jesu legeme var borte. 4Forundret degree in meteorology, Leif began a long ca- Kiatcha; daughter Linda Kathrine Lie Ancell find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4While they forsøkte de å tenke etter hva som kunne ha reer with the U.S. Weather Service (NOAA). and husband Paul; daughter Martha Ingeborg were wondering about this, suddenly two skjedd. Plutselig kom to menn kledd i skin- He worked in , Ill.; Albany, N.Y.; Lie Coning and husband Robert; sisters Ag- men in clothes that gleamed like lightning nende drakter, til syne for dem. 5Kvinnene and finally in Anchorage and Juneau, Alaska. nes Stenersen and Randi Kulild of Norway; stood beside them. 5In their fright the women ble skrekkslagne og bøyde seg dypt. Så In 1973 Leif became the Meteorologist in ten grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren bowed down with their faces to the ground, spurte mennene: Hvorfor ser dere i en grav Charge of the Juneau Weather Service where and numerous nieces and nephews. He was but the men said to them, “Why do you look etter en som er i live? for the living among the dead? 6He is not 6Han er ikke her. Han lever! Husker dere he worked until he retired in 1999 after 44 preceded in death by his parents and his here; he has risen! Remember how he told ikke hva han sa til dere der i Galilea 7at Mes- years of service. brother, Nils Lie, and his sisters Ceselie Her- you, while he was still with you in Galilee: sias måtte overgis i onde menneskers makt Leif and Kiatcha had two daughters, findal and Margit Dagestad. 7‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to og bli korsfestet, men at han skulle stå opp Linda Kathrine and Martha Ingeborg. A memorial service was held March 29. the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the igjen den tredje dagen. third day be raised again.’ ” Lukas 24:1 –7 Luke 24:1 – 7 < testify From page 3 five Oslo court judges to determine whether Behring Breivik should be considered sane chiatric institution instead of prison, caused when they present his verdict, probably Are your fi nancial strategies ready for 2012? outcry in Norway and an Oslo court ordered around the middle of July. Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to work for you with a second evaluation by two new experts, who Breivik denies criminal guilt for the July an annual review—it takes less than an hour. will present their findings on April 10. 22 attacks. Schedule a review to: In the end, however, it will be up to the Maximize retirement contributions Consolidate IRAs and 401(k)s. and review goals. Review protection coverage. Review estate strategy needs and Establish an emergency savings fund. < rain update beneficiaries. Unfortunately, in addition to breaking From page 3 Contact your financial representative and get started today! records the heavy amount of rain has also re- fore the month is over.” sulted in significant damage the past weeks. Similar levels can also be found at other The rain caused avalanches and floods, and measuring stations in the area, including Voll several roads and the railway were forced to in Trondheim in Sør-Trøndelag. The county, close down. just south of Nord-Trøndelag, has also only had three dry days in all of March. God Påske! (prounounced good poe-ska!)

Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are Happy Easter from the available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Norwegian American Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. Weekly 27248NAW N1-12 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201200239 12 • April 6, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Cozy up with påskekrim Calendar of Events Norway’s love of crime fiction hits its peak What’s going on in your neighborhood? during the relaxing days of Easter vacation

California nior Center. Join us at 5 p.m. for a family Norway Day Festival fun evening of music, dance, raffles and May 5 – 6 a smørgåsbord of delicious Norwegian San Francisco, Calif. dishes, all for just $20. Children under 12 Thousands of Norwegians, Norwegian- $6. Please call Heidi at (775) 233-0174 for Americans and non-Norwegian visitors tickets. from and around the Bay Area visit the Norway Day Festival at Fort Mason Cen- New York ter every May, and we invite you to join Per Brevig conducts Schubert us! Interested in volunteering? Email vol- April 17 [email protected]. For details about New York City, N.Y. the event, visit www.norwayday.org. Norwegian-American conductor Per Brevig conducts an all-Schubert program Maine on April 17 at 7:30 p.m. at New York Uni- Fjord lecture by Dyk Eusden versity, Church of St. Joseph, 371 Sixth April 12 Avenue at 4th Street in Greenwich Village. Falmouth, Maine Brevig will conduct the Strathmere Festi- On Thursday, April 12 from 6:30 – 9 p.m., val Orchestra in a program consisting of Dyk Eusden, Bates College professor of Schubert’s symphonies: No. 8 “The Unfin- geology, will speak to Maine Nordmenn ished” and Symphony No. 9 “The Great” Photo: Tine.no about origins of fjords, tectonic formations as well as the Wanterer Fantasie with so- Crime fiction is so popular during the Easter holidays in Norway that Tine, Norway’s largest dairy of mountains, and other aspects of geol- loist Susan Waters at the piano in an ar- cooperative, has a milk carton påskekrim series written by Gunnar Staalesen (left) and illustrated by ogy during his experiences guiding Gar- rangement by Franz Lisz. Maestro Brevig Arild Midthun. Tine’s milk carton påskekrim can be found at www.tine.no (in Norwegian only). rison Keillor’s Cruise to Norway and the is the Music Director of the the Strathmere St. Lawrence Seaway. All are welcome to Festival Orchestra, an orchestra which per- attend at Emmaus Lutheran Churchin Fal- forms out of New York City, and he is the Ke l s e y La r s o n mouth. Contact Mary Johnson, 207-428- founder and president of Edvard Grieg So- Copy Editor 3640 or [email protected]. ciety, Inc. New York. Admission is free, but a suggested donation $30 at the door. For Minnesota information, call (212) 741-1274. The Easter holiday in Norway ushers in lish translation is also available, and some 15th Annual Ibsen Festival a period of relative quiet. Businesses close students purchased both,” says Schweppe. April 13 – 15 Virginia down, grocery stores are emptied of candy “This book was originally published in 1909, Lanesboro, Minn. Hampton Roads’ 40th anniversary gala bars and oranges, and activity moves from and both the author and this particular title Committed to annually producing the March 31 the city to the mountains and the ski slopes. are significant to Scandinavian crime fiction works of Henrik Ibsen, we celebrate the Virginia Beach, Va. But what to do after a long day of skiing, because they have been considered to be the Father of Modern Drama with a weekend Sons of Norway Hampton Roads Lodge with no TV to be found in the hytte (cabin)? first. The book was an immediate hit with of Scandinavian theater, art, and music. All #3-522 is celebrating their 40th anniver- Why, curl up with an exciting crime novel, students, and this in many ways opened up details are available at www.ibsenfest.org, sary! Join us March 31 at 6 p.m. at the of course! this new genre to our curriculum.” Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center, or by calling (800) 657-7025. The rather unusual Norwegian tradition Since then, other crime fiction novels 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach, of celebrating Easter with påskekrim (Easter have been introduced to the program, among 39th Annual Nordic Brunch VA 23562. In addition to this event we will be celebrating the 50th celebration of crime stories) originated in the 1920s, when them Vidar Sundstøl’s Minnesota-trilogy. April 21 publishing house Gyldendal broke with tra- Sundstøl, a Norwegian author, has sold this Edina, Minn. the Norwegian Lady. The ceremony will dition by launching a new crime novel on the series to a number of countries including The Twin Cities Friends of Vesterheim take place on the boardwalk at 1 p.m. For Saturday before Palm Sunday (usually books Germany, Iceland, France, and the Nether- Nordic Brunch is the largest celebration of details, call (757) 490-3030 or email nor- were only published in the fall). It was such a lands, and has also sold the movie rights. Norwegian heritage in the Twin Cities. Join [email protected]. us April 21 at the Interlachen Country Club success that other publishing houses quickly The books are set largely on the shores of (6200 Interlack Blvd. in Edina) at 9:30 Washington followed suite, and suddenly there was a new Lake Superior. “When I read “Drømmene’s a.m. This year’s event features the works Norway Day 2012 form of entertainment available in a country Land” (The Dreamers’ Land), the first book of some of the premiere Norwegian Ameri- April 21 where cafes, restaurants, cinemas, and even in Sundstøl’s trilogy, I knew immediately can artisans, some of whom will be there to Olympia, Wash. radio were shut down over the holiday. that this would make an excellent addition demonstrate their crafts such as weaving, There’s more to Norway than lutefisk and Some might find it odd that crime fic- to our curriculum,” says Schweppe. “I knew jewelry making, woodcarving and rosema- ! Join us for the 6th Annual Norway tion is so popular in a peaceful country like that students would read with enhanced ling. Call (563) 382-9681 for details. Day at the Thurston Co. Fairgrounds Expo Norway. background knowledge of the setting, con- Center. Enjoy our Nordic Cafe features ek- “[Crime fiction authors] address the text, and characters in the book.” Adult weekend at Skogfjorden tenorsk food, Scandinavian entertainment, social-political topics through their writ- If you are interested in getting into the April 26 –29 first class vendors, delictable bake sale ing. Norway is, for the most part a harmo- Norwegian flavor of things this Easter, try Bemidji, Minn. goodies, Vikings and Fjord horses. Admis- nious and peaceful place; a culture that reading some Norwegian crime fiction! Au- program tailored sion is a mere $3! Call (360) 923-1242 or shares a fairly homogenous set of values,” thors such as Jo Nesbø’s works are available to the needs and preferences of adults at email [email protected]. says Krista Schweppe, program administra- in English at your local Barnes and Noble. Skogfjorden! Authentic menus with lan- Wisconsin tor for Mindekirken’s Norwegian Language “Once a reader decides that Scandinavian guage instruction catered specifically to and Culture Program in Minneapolis, Minn. crime fiction appeals to them the opportuni- participants’ abilities. Great opportunity to Beginning Genealogy Seminar “Crime fiction deviates from this and illu- ties are endless and growing, as more and meet new people, laugh and have fun! Call April 21 minates a more pathological side of society. more male and female authors are being (800) 450-2214, email [email protected] and Hudson, Wis. For some reason this is appealing. There has translated into English,” says Schweppe. www.concordialanguagevillages.org. The Tronderlag of America is sponsor- been a lot of discussion of how crime fiction Here are some popular Norwegian crime ing a “Beginning Genealogy” seminar on Nevada April 21, 1 – 4 p.m. at the Hudson Hourse writers will respond to the tragic events that fiction authors whose books are widely avail- happened on Utøya this past summer.” able in English: Daughters of Norway Smørgåsbord Grand Hotel, 1616 Crest View Drive, Hud- The Scandinavian crime-fiction craze • K.O. Dahl: “The Man in the Win- April 21 son, WI. The seminar will be conducted Reno, Nev. by the Tronderlag genealogist. The cost of is just beginning to sweep through the U.S., dow,” “The Fourth Man, “The Last Come all you Norskies, Swedes, Danes and the seminar is $15 and includes a one-year as has been evidenced recently through the Fix” Finns! The Daughters of Norway Sonja He- membership in the Tronderlag. Advanced popularity of Swedish author Steig Lars- • Karin Fossum: “The Indian Bride,” nie Lodge is having their annual smørgås- registration can be completed by sending son’s Millennium trilogy and the blockbuster “Black Seconds,” “Broken” bord fundraiser at the Washoe County Se- an email to [email protected]. movie “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” • Anne Holt: “What Is Mine” Schweppe introduced Norwegian crime • Jo Nesbø: “Redbreast,” “The Snow- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 fiction to the cultural program at Mind- man” to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! ekirken in 2006 with Stein Riverton’s novel Jernvognen. “Although we used a Norwegian For more authors, visit http://scandina- Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. version of the book in our program, an Eng- vianbooks.com/crime-book-1.html. norwegian american weekly A Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us april 6, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood < Festival From page 1 booths serving popular Scandinavian delica- cies. Forty vendors of Scandinavian handi- Cod lovers unite! crafts will sell their wares on the festive Nor- dinavian dance will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. dic Shopping Avenue. Norske Torske Klubben brings together the April 14. The festival will offer music ranging The festival begins Saturday with an good fisk and fellowship in St. Paul, Minn. from rock to Saami yoik. The ABBA Girlz opening ceremony and a colorful parade will stage their flashy tribute to the famous of Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish group. Also performing will be Swedish and Saami participants in their tra- the duo Jensen and Bugge, accordionist and ditional costumes carrying flags of their Nor- master fiddler, and singers Deborah and dic countries. A highlight of the ceremony Garth Phillipsen. Västkustens Spelmanslag will be the dedication of a stave church door will perform for open dancing and veteran portal commissioned by the Scandinavian fiddler Tim Rued will lecture and play a va- American Cultural and Historical Founda- riety of instruments. tion (SACHF) and created by master wood- CLU students will help kids make head carver Phillip Odden. The portal, a scaled wreaths, trollpuppets, Norwegian fish bags, copy of the panels on the Borgund Stave wooden butter knives and Saami wooden Church in Norway, will be set up at the SA- reindeer heads. Adults can try their hands at CHF booth during the festival and on display crafts such as Hardanger and bobbin lace. in the Scandinavian Center after the festival. Returning to the festival will be the Also on display at the festival will be Ravens of Odin Viking Encampment, and two Norwegian longboats built more than Nathan Muus and his Saami Siiddastallan 100 years ago. Mr. Thomas, a traditional (community gathering). faering (four-oar) sports boat built in 1875, Admission is free for children 11 and and Rein, a six-oar fishing boat built in 1905, under and $7 for everyone else. Parking is were built in Norway from the 1,200-year- free. CLU is located at the corner of Olsen Photo: Gary G. Erickson old Viking boat design used since the begin- Road and Mountclef Boulevard in Thousand Since 1966, Scandinavian men have gathered to meet and eat torsk (cod) in St. Paul, Minn. From left: ning of the Viking Age. Leif Simpson, Nels Simpson and Matt Adams are all smiles at this spring’s gathering. Oaks. For information, visit www.calluther- The focal point for the festival will be an.edu/scanfest or email Sandra Grunewald a newly combined entertainment and dining at [email protected]. Ga r y G. Er i c k s o n area in Kingsmen Park featuring a stage and Sunburg, Minn.

Norwegians like to eat torsk (cod). Nor- and Norwegian militaries, the Minnesota wegian men like to use this occasion to get National Guard and Norway’s Home Guard. together socially while eating torsk. Once The governments of the U.S. and Norway upon a time, a group of such inclined, Scan- exchange troops for training purposes each dinavian males formed a cod-eating luncheon year in what is recognized as the longest ex- club in St. Paul, Minn., for the specific pur- isting military troop exchange agreement in pose of eating torsk together, with a thimble the history of the U.S. or two of aquavit, and enjoying each other’s As the pre-torsk socializations took company in a good and recreational manner. place, several members were approached to This St. Paul group of Scandinavians has see what inspired their desire to participate in continued to meet and eat cod since its incep- “codified” cod-eating, for there is, in fact, a tion in 1966. Their group has grown from the code, a procedure by which the cod is called approximate 100 men who came together upon for consumption. After very loud, bas- for that first dinner, to the present member- so profundi renderings of the American and ship of something more than 375 individu- Norwegian national anthems, the club presi- als, and a three-year waiting list of new ap- dent raises his glass of aquavit, and leads the plicants. They formalized their torsk-eating membership in a highly boisterous, repeti- assemblage under a document that states the tively chanted command to the wait staff: Photos courtesy of California Lutheran University activities are to be “recreation, social, edu- “Bring on the torsk!” Left: Phillip Odden of Norsk Woodworks carving the stave church door portal that will be dedicated at cation and other nonprofit activities; to pro- Lin Lindbeck of White Bear Lake, the festival. Right: Weaving flower wreathsFull Serviceis a fun Agencyactivity forWith kids. Experienced Norwegian Speaking Consultants! mote the spirit of fellowship of its members Minn., former president and a past holder Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! of Norse extraction; to promote and spon- of a number of other positions in the klubb, information will help you make wise travel sor Norse cultural heritage, educational and explained the attraction the group holds for Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! scholarship projects, and for its members to him: “The fellowship. They’re the nicest Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n enjoy delicacies handed down from the land bunch of guys you’ll ever be around. They Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 of their Norse forefathers such as torsk and come here to have fun.” Lindbeck has been Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] aquavit.” attending since 1989, and became a member At a recent dinner earlier this spring, in 1994. He said the organization has two Verrazano TraVel & leisure 310 individuals came together at St. Paul’s fund raising events during the year, and the 1 (718) 979-6641 Prom Expo Center. They walked from park- monies derived from these events go to fund [email protected] [email protected] ing lots in a converging myriad of Norwe- scholarships for youth at summer Norwegian gian sweater patterns. This Saturday was language camps. GodHappy EasterPåske! from the their annual celebration of Sweater Month. Member Bob Hanson responded to a Norwegian American Weekly Enhancing the sense of recreation and cama- similar question: “I like torsk. I like lute- raderie was the presence of Norway’s Hon- fisk. I used to have a group of six friends for orary Counsel General Gary Gandrud, who brought with him several officers of the U.S. See > Cod, page 15

Photos: Gary G. Erickson From left: Consul General Gary Gandrud, Bob Hanson, Lin Lindbeck and Steve Oanes. 14 • April 6, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Storm of war Rønningen Ramblings Memories of living in Norway during World War II with Heidi Håvan Grosch Many readers of the Norwegian American Weekly lived in Norway during World War II. Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married In remembering the anniversaries of the Nazi invasion and occupation (April 9, 1940) and the her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his liberation (May 8, 1945), we will publish memories from our readers in April and May. home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us I sure remember that day, April 9, 1940. We were not allowed to be out after dark. in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! I was 11 years old, living in Sandefjord, wait- There was a time when we were all coming ing for my dad to return from the Antarctic back from a party and a whole bunch of us whaling season. That of course, never hap- were caught and brought to the hospital to be Feathers, colors and pened. Nazi Germany occupied us and Quis- “interrogated,” with full-body checks (naked ling took over. We evacuated the town that and all). We were only about 15 years old! other unusual Easter traditions day and went to a friend’s house on the fjord. My mom and I lived in the city and were That was the worst place to go because the not allowed to have any farm animals. How- Nazi ships were shooting at the Norwegian ever, my mom hid a pig and rabbits in the ships in the Oslo fjord. My father was still at basement. The rabbits were eventually eaten sea, and couldn’t return because all the ships (and the pelts became a jacket) and the pig would have been taken over by the Nazis. So was slaughtered so that we could have pork my father went to England. He eventually for my confirmation in 1944. We found out ended up in the American Merchant Marine later that one of my parents’ friends was a and died in New York City of “galloping tu- double agent. The father was working for the berculosis.” My brother was in the Norwe- underground and also working for the Nazis. gian Navy and did not return until the royal His daughter was the “go-between” to bring family returned in June 1945. It was just me messages back to the underground from her and my mother for all those years. father. The Nazi troops took over my school All of our radios had been taken by the and we all had to walk the half hour to get Nazis when we were occupied, but on May to the nearest school. That was for about a 8, 1945, Germany capitulated and all the hid- year and a half. English became illegal to be den radios came out and were put in the win- taught, but a wonderful teacher found an at- dows so that all could hear the good news! tic where we could meet and learn English in Also in May 1945, the prisoners of war came secret. Many teachers did not want to follow back, we had big celebrations in town. On the Nazi rules of teaching and they were ar- the 17th of May 1945, we finally could cel- rested! ebrate our Constitution Day for the first time Some of my friends had larger houses in five years. In June, the royal family re- and their homes were taken over by the Nazi turned, friends and I took the train into Oslo officers and they moved into the back of the and when we returned to Sandefjord, I saw stores and shops that they owned for at least lots of Norwegian sailors in uniforms and two to three years. Rationing started for ev- my mom talking with one of them. It was Photos: Kvadrat.no and Heidi Håvan Grosch erything. For instance, we could only have my brother! That was a double celebration, Påskekrim (Easter crime fiction) andfastelavnsris (birch branches with colorful feathers tied to them) one pair of boots and one pair of shoes each the royal family was back and so was my are signs of the Easter holiday in Norway. year, so my mom bought shoes and boots brother. that were way too big so that I could grow I asked some of my Norwegian co-work- (vår) is just around the corner… into them. I remember trying to walk in those Synnøve Fremstad Quaglietta ers what came to mind when they thought Crime novels (påskekrim) are also all the 1.NAW.UlvestadVol1&2.22Dec2011_Layoutvery large shoes! I also remember 1one 12/22/11 time 9:49 PMVirginia Page Beach,1 Va. waiting in line for meat rations, and I passed about påske (Easter), and the first thing they rage during påske. Libraries sell used ones, out, from either hunger or stress. said was…yellow. Yes, the color yellow, and bookstores put them in window displays, I think I understand why. Stores are filled and there are versions in magazines, on the with yellow candles, yellow chicks and radio and on TV. People read paperback ver- Norwegians in America, their History and Record: yellow table runners. People hang up their sions as fast as one might go through a box A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 spring curtains (if they don’t have yellow of Christmas chocolates and no hytte (cabin) Nordmændene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord Written by Martin Ulvestad Easter ones) and løvetan (dandelions) and tour is complete without at least one book hestehov Volume 1 — 480 pages, 7”x10”, hardcover book (2010): yellow are popping up along side to read. • 5,700 pioneers indexed & maps of Norway purplish blåveis and all kinds of spring bulbs A few years ago the Aftenposten news- • Pioneer sagas, genealogy & immigration (1825-1907) • USA (41 states, 500 counties) & Canada (including yellow daffodils / påskeliljer). I paper gave a bit of background about where • = $29.95 with FREE shipping in the USA wonder why yellow is so important this time the fad to read crime novels during Easter Volume 2 — 640 pages, 7”x10”, hardcover book (2011): of year… Is it because the sun is returning may have come from. It was 1923, they write, • 25,000 pioneers listed by 1,700 locations in Norway (for which we are glad) or the anticipation and two young authors (Nordahl Greig from • Connecting Norwegian-Americans to ancestral roots • Norwegians in American Wars including Civil War of all the new life that appears in the spring Bergen and Nils Lie) were told they should • = $34.95 with FREE shipping in the USA (including young yellow chicks)? write a crime novel to make some money. Volume 3 — 7”x10”, hardcover book (available in 2012): It is also traditional for Norwegians to Papers advertised their Palm Sunday release • Biographical directory of thousands of immigrant families • Sorted by last name, when immigrated & where lived buy birch branches with colorful feathers with the headine “Bergen train plundered in tied to them (fastelavnsris) at the begin- the night,” and people actually thought the Made in America! Call — send a check or order from website ning of Lent; these stay up the entire sea- train was robbed. Since then, the sales of Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com son. I have heard that things tied to branches crime novels during påske have skyrocketed. Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] brought into the home has long been a com- If it has a good plot, characters people can mon custom in many parts of Europe, and in identify with and a riddle that can be solved, Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates pagan times Norwegians brought branches it will find its way into the hands of eager in North America into the house to invite in the smell of spring readers. (www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/ Organization of the Week – a season of renewal and fertility. In more article3586645.ece#.T3HlTBzu61Y) California – San Diego recent history (1896) the Norsk sanitets- Påske quizzes in the newspaper or in Norwegian Seamen forening (Norwegian women’s humanitar- magazines are also a Norwegian Easter tradi- War Veteran’s Club Honorary Consul ian organization / www.sanitetskvinnene. tion, and it is not uncommon to see families no) started selling branches with feathers sitting around the dinner table (something For more information, contact Gordon Kovtun Royal Norwegian Consulate as a fund-raising venture for humanitarian that is rare on normal occasions as Norwe- President Karl Aksel Andresen, 1940 Garnet Avenue, Suite 300 causes, going door to door. Everyone knows gians are apt to rise from the table when the 4401 4th Avenue #2A San Diego, CA 92109 this is coming, and there are few Norwegian meal is done to retire to the living room for Brooklyn, NY 11220 Tel: (858) 274-3422 households without a bouquet sitting on a coffee and dessert), asking each other ques- Phone: (718) 633-0721 Fax: (619) 273-5455 table somewhere in their home. Set them in tions. There are some online if you want to or contact Liv Aune: (718) 727-3899 [email protected] a vase of water and when they bud, spring try; just Google “påskequiz.” For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations God påske! Happy Easter! norwegian american weekly A Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports april 6, 2012 • 15 sports Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Bad day on the course results Standings

Suzann Pettersen: “This 3/25 Rosenborg 3 – 1 Brann Tippeligaen PLD PTS 1. Sogndal IL Fotball 2 4 game can kill you from 3/26 Sandes Ulf 2 – 2 Viking 2. Rosenborg BK 2 4 the inside” 3/30 Brann 3 – 1 Sandnes Ulf 3. Viking FK 2 4 3/31 Strømsgodset 3 – 2 Vålerenga 4. FK 2 3 5. FK Haugesund 2 3 NRK 4/1 Haugesund 2 – 0 Molde 6. Tromsø IL 1 3 4/1 Viking 1 – 0 Odd Grenland 7. Strømsgodset IF 2 3 Suzann Pettersen was unable to follow 8. SK Brann 2 3 up her massive 66-strong round from March 4/1 Fredrikstad 5 – 1 Stabæk 9. Vålerenga Fotball 2 3 31, and closed the year’s first major tourna- 4/1 Sogndal 0 – 0 Hønefoss ment at par. 10. Molde FK 2 3 With birdies on holes 2 and 14, but also 4/1 Lillestrøm 2 – 2 Rosenborg 11. Lillestrøm SK 2 2 with a double bogey on hole 3, “Tutta” ended 12. Hønefoss BK 2 2 4/2 Ålesund 0 – 0 Tromsø April 1’s tournament on par, and four under 13. Ålesunds FK 1 1 par total over the four days. It gave her 15th To read more about football in 14. Sandnes Ulf 2 1 place on the result list. 15. Stabæk Fotball 2 1 Besides her excellent round on March Norway, visit www.uefa.com 31, it was a weekend of results below what 16. Odd Grenland 2 0 Suzann Pettersen expected. She believes that the game was not bad, but that she simply < texas had bad luck on many of the holes. From page 3 tainment. Opening the sermon was a guitar “This day goes down in history as one of trio with youths from Norway. The sermon was held in both Norwegian and American, the most unfortunate I have had,” said Tutta the delegation has spent in Texas, they ex- to NRK after the last round in Rancho Mi- and songs were sung by a choir from Lamar perienced traditional Texas ranch culture at High School in Houston, which visited Nor- rage, Calif. Photo courtesy of Suzanngolf.com George Ranch, visited NASA Johnson Space She believes she hit a low blow, but oth- Suzann Pettersen came in 15th in the year’s first way two years ago. The postlude was played Center and Moody Gardens, and watched the by a string quartet from the Norwegian del- erwise it was very much a rod out. major tournament, calling it “one of the most un- Houston Rockets playing the Dallas Maver- fortunate I have had.” egation. “In one of the battles out in the rough, icks at the Toyota Center. They also visited it appeared that there was an old ball under Afterwards, President of HGSSCS, the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in Pasa- Anne-Brith Berge and visiting Mayor of me, and I did not see it before I was to hit. It When asked what she thinks she can dena, Texas. Stavanger, Christina Sagen Helgø, conveyed was just that kind of day,” said a somewhat take out of what has happened so far this Sunday, March 25 became a busy day for greetings, whereupon the visitors were dumbfounded Tutta. year, she told NRK: “A lot of patience. Once the staff at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church. served a traditional Texan barbecue outside. “But it is just that way. There is not you have the flow, you feel that everything Approximately 170 people from Norway and The rest of the Sunday afternoon was spent much I can do about it.” goes well. When you play half-well and ev- the U.S. attended the service. On the occa- at the Church’s outdoor area, which has a “This game here can kill you from the erything goes out of whack, you feel that it is sion of the cultural exchange between the pool, a basketball court, a soccer field and inside, and it is not so far away from that your life, almost,” said Suzann Pettersen. cities of Houston, Galveston and Stavanger, more. Instruments were also set up for the right now,” she said. Now she will relax in Orlando where she youths from the visiting Norwegian delega- Norwegian delegation’s rock band to give a Norway’s best golfer, however, is opti- lives, before she travels to the next tourna- tion and youths from the previous U.S. del- short concert. mistic for the tournaments to come. ment in Hawaii. Then the tournaments come egation contributed with the musical enter- “In general, I feel that the intent is very close together. much better than it has been in previous “Then I must try to get the bad shots to God påske! Happy Easter! years. So if I can set the standard where I be- be good enough. One is never better than gan on Saturday, I’ll be very happy. There one’s worst shot, and I still have some ‘loose’ has been a lot of hard work, so maybe I can stroke in between, although there are fewer get good results later in the season.” of them than before,” she said to NRK.

< Brazil in Brazil. From page 3 Africa received the most money of all the continents, a total of NOK 6.1 billion, stad, senior advisor at Norad. mostly due to an increase in humanitarian The majority of the money was awarded aid and emergencies such as the famine cri- to Brazil through the Norwegian Investment sis in the Horn of Africa. Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), The total financial aid in 2011 comprised according to Thonstad. Norfund has invested around one percent of Norway’s total GDP, in the development of hydropower projects in line with the government’s goals. < Cod From page 13 a member, too, and we first started coming with Dad about seventh grade, and then be- came members eventually. There’s a lot of whom I would reserve a table and we would fellowship!” all sit together. I like the fellowship, and I In a closing interview with Norske Tor- like torsk!” ske Klubben’s president Steve Oanes, he ad- Norske Torske Klubben showed an in- dressed the elements he takes away from this teresting diversity in the ages of its members organization by his membership. “There’s and guests. Young boys, with grandfathers, such a cross section of life, of experiences fathers and uncles as members, manifested and of people. Everyday, every meeting, I a multi-generational interest given to fam- meet somebody new and I learn something ily tradition and family bond building. Matt new about other people.” Adams, Lakeville, Minn., attending with Men’s Norwegian cod luncheon clubs his friends Leif and Nels Simpson, also of have existed for years across America, from Lakeville, Minn., was asked about his pur- Seattle, San Francisco, Minneapolis and St. pose for participation. He stated, “We’ve Paul, and Chicago to cities to the east. Presi- been coming for years with Leif’s dad, and dent Steve Oanes said it best when he stated, he’s been a member for quite a while. It’s “Our role is not to change things, but to pre- just a good chance to hang out with some serve what we have.” friends and meet some other people.” Leif Fellowship, Norwegian family traditions Simpson added, “All of my brothers [are and family bonding are certainly things these members], too. My brother, Nels, here, he’s groups all feel are worth preserving. TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

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