©Lie Ieast Hatiptt N^Tos Rev
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Iij.Gui:,.N i'JillOiMi.L LIBui.uY r. r.T ii-.'vivi', CT. THE BEANFOBD BEVISW - EAST HAVEN NEWS Thursday, November 17, 104B PAGE EIGHT BABY DAUGHTER WHAT EAST HAVEN BO0?iS Mr. and Mrs. David Q. Sudac of I SHOP EARLY l^eading Club 39 Elm Street, announce the birth BOOSTS EAST HAVEN! NORTH BRANFORD of a daughter. Sandra Jean, on CLASSIFIED STONY GREEK October-20 at the Grace Hospital. MAKE EAST HAVEN A BI(5GER, IN You'll HOME TOWN Hears Report Mrs Daniel G. Sudac is the former Lucky IiOgan CONOREGAnONAL CHURCH Representatives from the League Mls!) Eleanor Palumbo. BETTER, BUSIER COMMUNITY ©lie iEast HatiPtt N^tos Rev. B. C. Trent, Faster of Women Voters of North Brantord ADS On ''Reviews" Miss Ethel Maynard were Mrs. John Wlttmer ot North START YOUR OWN BUSINESS Classified ad rates: in,o«i,o„i«iv,i7 •jovvlrcn »)!]• be held i Massachusetts. She is learning to Organist and Choir Director Branford aond Mrs. Richard AT HOME Combined With The Branford Review on^hi;''s& at tTe Church of walk.again and. is expe^clcd home Branford Halt Hour Reading 11:00 Morning worship Hemenway of Northford at the Spare or full time, team fo male candy 60c per Insertion of twenty i 1 n a few weeks May the Blessings ol Club met at the home or Mrs. 0;4B Sunday School Regional Conference of the Voters Christ at the rcRular U:0O o^lock and earn while learning. Corretpondence East Haven, Connecticut, Thanksgiving Day, 1049 TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR Aod bo with her—Always! Robert M. Williams. Thursday. No The annual chicken pie supper Service held in the Hotel McAlpln five words or less. VOL. VI—NO. 11 sorvico. The topic of Rov. E. u. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Rick) Rlc- vember 10 at 3 P.M. Mrs. George course. Free equipment supplied. NA> Spinney's sermon will bo "The will be served by the Ladles Sewing in New York City on Wednesday and tlonal Inititute of Confectionery Reg'd.. For Bd over twenty-five words, einttl, with to express their grati J. Fouser, president, presided. Re Society In the North Branford Thursday. This conference was American Way and God" tude to all the fine people who so ports were given by Miss Harriet Delorimier P.O. Boi IS2, Montreal 34. lOo for each added five words, At 8;00 P. M on Sunday evening, whole-heartedly gave them the Cox, recording secretary; Mrs. Al- Town Hall on the evening of sponsored by the League of Women Canada. CHEST CHAIRMEN all of the Branford Churches will much-.^ctedcd assistance at a time den J. Hill, treasurer, and Mrs. November 17. .Two settings will be of the United States. It was one of Add twenty-five cents U ad Is meet as a group «* ">';„S'nW when it was most necessary. Helen Walter Hallior. chairman. Ways planned for s|x and seven o'clock. several being held throughout the to appear In bold face, upper and FOXON SCHOOL CHILDREN THANK CHILDREN EIGHTEEN LIGHTS BRIGHTEN Church on the Rrecn. Tlierc will be Tickets must be purchased in ad country in November for the pur relates thi't she never oven had the and Means. $71 cleared on recent lower case. special services and a guest spcak- chance to', ask for any fovors, be card party at the home of Mrs. vance, since reservations will be pose of finding ways to bring home Legal Notice cause there.' was always someone Wallace Foote. , ^ . , limited to two hundred. to the citizens the vital necessity of ADD FIFTY CENTS IF AD IS EOR DRIVE HELP " The Philonians will meet on next thSlr wllline-ly l«n'»'ni? 'hete help- Members are reminded to bring Individual participation in govern DISTRICT OF BRANBXDRD. ss. I'O APPEAR IN BOIJ) FACE AIRPORT SECTOR AS ORDER ZION EPISCOPAL CHURCH ment. VISIT TOWN DEPARTMENTS Charlmen Vincent Gugllardi and Tuesday evening at the homo oi Inir hands. 8110 also says that the Christmas gifts tor the Veteran's PROBATE COURT. November 8 Mrs. Edw. Reveaux. f"ood^ of cards that RIpky received Hospllols to the next meeting at Rev. francis J. Smith, Rector Mrs. Richard Hemenway. Educa 1949. CMS. Alfred B. Bowden this week ex At the regulor Orange meeting on from evcryonb; In town was what the homo of Mrs. Samuel A. Orls- Edmund L. Stoddard tional chairman of the League of Estate ot JEROME G. DONOVAN pressed many thanks to the sciiool last Thursday evening Mrs. Marion reauy gave Wm the fight he needed wold on December 8. The Juniors Lay Reader Women Voters, announces that on late of Branford, in said District, children ot East Haven for their Borgor was presented wUh a beauti fonSll "through; Knowing that he will be guests at that meeting. Mrs. Paul R. Hawkins [Thursday evening, November 17 at deceased. MMEDIATE DELrvEKX: Iron Ens- IN FIRST BUS TRIP HERE sincere effort in , behalf of the IS ISSUED FOR MAIN STREET old organist 8 o'clock, a meeting to discuss the mel Drainboard Sinks, and Lava- Conununlty Chest Drive which en ful gift from the orange as a token had^ BO many friends pulling for An industry meeting will be ho The Court ot Probate for the abled the youngsters to go over of appreciation tor her work'" t^o Win gave htm the courage he on Tuesday,'Novemb'er 15. spon Mrs. Edmund L. Stoddard report of the school building com District ot Brantord, hath limited toTles; Chrome Brass Toilet Ao- Approximately one hundred I Elghlen new type lunie lights' sored by the connentiout Federa Choir Director the top on their portlno of the recent Trolley Show which was ciSld'nt have Kottcn alonrwTthou mittee presented at the last special and allowed six months from the cessorles; Copper Gntter and pupils of Foxon and Highland campaign.'; ; A • have been installed in the airport presented In thp High School on Well Ricky We're all glad to head tion Woman's Club and the Illum 9:30 a.m. Morning Service and town meeting will be held at the date hereof, for the creditors ot Schools toured the departments of ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE PLANNING COMMISSION section of East Haven. Nov. B, undet her direction and also you aVe comlbK along: on ho up inating Plant will bo visited. Sermon , homo of Mrs. Samuel Sloan ot Bran said estate to exhibit their claims Leaders; RoofinK and InsnlaUon. the town Tuesday morning In a East Haven, nS a vfhole, however, Tlie lights were turned on for tho for which she was accompanist. ward trend, ond all we want to say Buses will leave the New Haven Holy Communion, 1st, 3rd, and ford Road. Mrs. Hemenway will be tor settlement. Those who neglect XHK CONN. PLUMBING AMD trip designed to stimulate the in only attained seventy two per llrst lime on Monday evening and now is; "Hurry home—we sincerely Lawn Club at 10:30 A.M. and lunch 6th Sundays to present their accounts properly cent ot Its $3561 quota. MEETS STATE FIGURES are welcomed by residents of the Bo sorry to hear that there are in charge ot the meeting, and all LUMBER COMPANY terest of the children In civic af GREETS PRESENTATION The bank executive said thi.s quite a' foW rbsidenls confined to will bo served after the tour. The Morning Prayer 2nd and 4th interested persons are invited. This attested, within,said time, will be fairs. area who have been plagued pre Mrs. George Fouser, Walter Hal- Sundays debarred a recovery. All persons (73( State St. New Haven, Conn. morning that the children and viously by the inconveniences ot hospitals at the present time You d '"The^°Juvenllo. orange will hold meeting and discussion Is being Indebted to said Estate are request Accompanying the youngsters teachers raised $146.08 or $91.08 bo surprised to know how mucli a Iler, Donald sawtelle and Morti Church School will be held at 10 planned so that residents may be Tel. 7-(2M AT HARTFORD HEARING complete darkness. installation of officers, on Monday mer Stanley will atterid. o'clock in the Rectory with in ed to make immediate payment to were Miss Barbara Sears ot Foxon OF FOXON PLAYHOUSE more than was reqnested ot them. cheer card really means to slclc at their regular "»cotlng.^ familiar with what is actually in Jerome F. Donovan, Jr. School. Mrs. Lillian Maher of High Of that amount the pupils con The next section to receive street folks. How about sending them one Mrs.; John H. Birch, Book chair structions given by Rev. Francis J. NEW FEROUSON TRACTORS !c One of the nui.sl Important moot- "Thought For, The Week" the report. i Administrator land School, Miss Mary Ryan, Miss tributed $490.58, twenty percent In light attention will bo on Main now? They are, Mrs. Frank Hopkins, man, suggested live books for Smith and Mrs Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph U. Breton are IMPLEMENTS. Few used tractors. An enthusiastic audience respond excess ot the puplic quota. lugs lo date of the newly organ Street where fifteen now lights have So you aren't' having Turlcey for reading material: "Pour Square" Address: Rogue's Ridge Road, Corlnne Peters and Mrs. Charlotte ed with applause over the presenta New Haven Hospitalr Mrs. Ruth celebrating their fiftieth wedding Russell Equip. Co. Tuttle Ave. & Brewer, supervisor, all of the Foxon The two co-chairmen ot the Booster Club ized plnniilng Commission ot East been ordered. First Selectman Prank Simons, N. H. H.; and Miss Evelyn Thanksgiving? That's Okay, so by Dorothy Canneld; "No Banners.