June 18-20 DEMOCRACY & RESISTANCE Monday June 18: Aula, University Main Building, Ludwigstraße 23, Giessen Tuesday 19 & Wednesday 20: Konzertsaal Neues Rathaus, Berliner Platz 1, Giessen

Information and Contact: [email protected] www.democracy-resistance.de

Organizers: Regina Kreide (University of Giessen), Petra Gümplová (University of Giessen) In cooperation with the Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences (GGWRS)

Sponsors: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Justus Liebig University Giessen Gestaltung: Tibor Wiese | www.tiborwiese.de Gestaltung: Tibor Program Tuesday June 19 Forms of Resistance 17:30 Economic Crisis and Democratic Resistance 11:30 Rethinking the Political Monday June 18 09:00 Resistance, Revolution, Democracy A Round Table Citizen Participation – A Response to the Global Crisis? Democracy in Crisis? Revolutionary Constituent Power and the Transnational Constitutional Order Rahel Jaeggi (Humboldt University ) Yves Sintomer (Centre Marc Bloch Berlin/Paris) Christopher Thornhill (University of Glasgow) Timothy Sinclair (University of Warwick) 14:00 Welcome and Introduction Thilo Marauhn (University of Giessen) Democratic Protest and Its Discontents Sovereignty, Resistance, Citizenship and Subjectivation in a New Context Oliver Marchart (University of Luzern) Regina Kreide (University of Giessen) Rada Ivekoviü (Collège International de Philosophie, Paris) Yuval Eylon (Open University Israel, Raanana) Moderator: Oliver Flügel-Martinsen (University of Bielefeld) 14:30 Democratic Alienation Moderator: Jeanette Ehrmann (Goethe University Frankfurt) Ina Kerner (Humboldt University Berlin) Moderator: Stefan Gosepath (Goethe University Frankfurt) 13:30 lunch Austerity Politics and Sacrificial Citizenship 11:00 coffee Wendy Brown (University of California Berkeley) 15:00 Deliberative Democracy and Radical Politics 11:30 Resistance and Violence The Politics of Speed and the Loss of Resonance: How Social Accelerati- Wednesday June 20 Resisting Resistance Civil Disobedience and the Question of Violence Jane Mansbridge (Harvard Kennedy School of Government) on Causes Democratic Alienation Robin Celikates (University of Amsterdam) Democracy Revisited Hartmut Rosa () Power, Deliberation, and Contestation Moderator: Petra Gümplova (University of Giessen) Biopolitics and Human Shields 09:00 Radical Democracy Today (Goethe University Frankfurt) Banu Bargu (The New School for Social Research New York) Moderator: Claudia Landwehr (Gutenberg University Mainz) 16:30 coffee Moderator: Gilbert Leung (Birkbeck University of London) Participation Reconsidered: Constellational Citizenship and the Plurality of 17:00 Resistance and the Crisis Means and Forms of Democratic Participation 17:00 End of Conference 13:30 lunch Andreas Niederberger (Goethe University Frankfurt) Athens Revolting: Disobedience and Resistance in the Crisis Costas Douzinas (Birkbeck University of London) 15:00 Mass, Culture, Politics Radical Democracy and Constituent Power Mass and/as Medium Andreas Kalyvas (The New School for Social Research New York) Crisis of Democracy in Europe Gertrud Koch (Free University Berlin) Moderator: Felmon Davis (Union College Schenectady) Hauke Brunkhorst (University of Flensburg) Theatrocracy: The Scene of Democratic Sovereignty 11:00 coffee Occupy Wall Street: Claiming Division Juliane Rebentisch (Offenbach Academy of Art and Design) Jodi Dean (Hobart and William Smith Colleges) Moderator: Rosa Sierra (Universidad del Norte Barranquilla) Moderator: Ayelet Banai (Goethe University Frankfurt) 17:00 coffee