zll SYLLBUS FOR M.A. ENTRANCE EXAM Criminology-211

INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGY Criminology: Definition and Scope of Criminology, Definition of : Legal &

Social, Growth of Criminology, Criminology as a Science, Elements of Crime as per IPC

Schools in Criminology: Pre-Classical, Classical, Neo-Classical, Socialist, Geographical, Italian type and Body type, Multiple Causation.

Special types of Crime: , White Collar crime, Economic crime. Political crime, Cyber Crime, Environmental Crime. Types of criminals: violent criminals, Property offender, offenders of public , Occupational Criminals

Etiology of crime: Biological factors, Psychological factors, The home and family factors

THEORIES OF CRIMINOLOGY theory -sutherland, theory - Merton , Differential opportunity theory- cloword &ohlin, Theory of rechniques of Neutralization - Matza & Sykes, -Howard Becker, containment theory -walter Reckless, conflict Theory -Thorsten Sellin, - walton, Taylor & Jock Young

VICTIMOLOGY : Definition and Scope of Victimology, Victim Typologies, Role of Victim in crime, Compensations to Victims

Ru.- 2\\ Truancy concept and Nature of Juvenile Delinquency, Pre- Delinquency Stages: and Vagrancy, Crime against Children, Juvenile Probation Treatment of Juvenile Delinquent -Observation Home, Juvenile Home, Special for Home, and Fit Institutions, Child abuse, Child labour, Preventive Progtammes Juvenile Delinquents

BIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY OF CRIME Men's rea in the in India, Application of lie detector/Polygraph, Eysenck's theory of personality and crime. XYY Syndrome and Crime, genes, Mendel's Law of Heredity, Feeble Mindedness, Study of twins and Family Genology' Endocrine glands of crime, Psychological theory -Henry Goddard, Psychiatric theory- William Healy, Physiological theory- William H. Sheldon, Psychoanalltical theory - Freud. Adler, Abraham's etc.

SOCIOLOGY OF CRIME AND Sociologieal concept: , Social Disorg anization, Broken Homes, illegal child, Orphanhood, Socio-economic factors and crime: Urbanization, Recreation, Poverty, unemployment, Industrialization Social Problems: Gambling, Alcoholism' Drug- addiction, Prostitution, Beggary, Pomography Naxalism: Nature, and Control, Terrorism: Meaning, Nature, types and Control'

POLICE ADMINSTRATION in Indian Constitution, and Police, Investigation of Crime: FIR' Case Diary, Cognizable and non cognizable offences Types of scene of crime, Search

methods at Scene of Crime Police Organizations Under Central Govt.-General information about their Structure and Function /._ A. 1. BSF 2. Assam Rifles 3. CRPF 4. CISF 5. ITBP 6- NSG { B. I.BPR&D 2.CBI3.IB 4. RAW5. NCRB 6.NICFS 7. NPA 8. UT Police,Force -/ .b /' , /: ,/"-i t\\

PENOLOGY AND CORRECTIONAL WORK : Concept and Meaning of Punishment, Theories of Punishment, Kinds of punishment, Capital Punishment in India -Past to Present, : Concept and Meaning of Prison, Prison Structure & Prison Management' Probation & Parole, Classification of , Recidivist, Correctional Program: After- care Services and Rehabilitation, Prison Reforms

CRIMINAL LAW Indian Penal code: Classif,rcation of crime as per IPC, General Exception of IPC (Sec.76- 106), 'Homicide, Crime against Person: Culpable Murder, Hurt, Grievous Hurt, Kidnapping, Abduction, Rape. Crime against Property: Theft, Extortion, Robbery, Dacoity, House- Breaking, Criminal Procedure Code: -Warrant and Summon cases, Indian Evidence act: Expert Evidence (Section-45) Section 59 ro 79 and 137 to 138

RESEARCH METHODS Research: Nature of Social research, Research in Criminology, Research Methods: Selection of Problem and research areas, Objectives and Hypothesis, Coverage and Sampling, Data collection, Data analysis, Report writing, Sampling- Meaning and Types -Probability sampling: Simple random samples, stratified random samples, Systematic samples, Cluster Samples, Non-Probability sampling: Purposive Samples' Quota Samples, Snowball Samples, Convenience samples, Techniques in Data Collection - Interview Schedule, Questionnaires

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