Through the efforts of the Study (LISS), measurable results are being achieved in reducing nitrogen discharges to the Long Island Sound—a water body where sewage treatment plants discharge more than a billion gallons of nutrient-rich effluent. Large inputs of nutrients such as ni- trogen have over-fertilized significant areas of the Sound, fueling the excessive growth of marine plants that deplete the water’s oxygen. These low dis- solved oxygen levels—a condition called hypoxia—degrade the habitat for fish and shellfish.


To address the problem, LISS sis for establishing a nitrogen ing forward, with upgrades at provides progressive leadership reduction target of 58.5 percent wastewater treatment plants that has resulted in investments for sources that include sew- decreasing the amount of nitro- to upgrade wastewater treat- age treatment plants, storm- gen discharged into Long Island ment plants to treat nitrogen, water runoff, and atmospheric Sound by Connecticut and New implement watershed protec- deposition. Connecticut and York’s 106 sewage treatment tion measures aimed at reduc- New York incorporated the tar- plants. By 2008, daily discharg- ing polluted runoff, and protect get into a Total Maximum Daily es had decreased by 50,000 and restore wetlands and other Load (TMDL) for nitrogen to help pounds compared to year 1994 natural habitats. meet standards. baseline levels. These reduc- The states have also revised tions are partly due to innovative To gain a better understanding their water quality standards strategies. Connecticut’s Nitro- of the relationship between ni- for dissolved oxygen in marine gen Credit Exchange program, trogen discharges to the Sound waters to reflect EPA criteria for which won a 2007 EPA Blue and dissolved oxygen levels, protection of living resources in Ribbon Water Quality Trading LISS supported research, moni- marine waters and created new Award, sold $10.5 million worth toring, and the development of provisions for pollutant trading of credits in five years. In 2007, mathematical water circulation for cost-effective attainment of 34 percent of the 79 participat- and water quality models that water quality standards. Imple- ing sewage treatment plants had helped provided a scientific ba- mentation of the TMDL is mov- reduced nitrogen output below

EFFECTIVE • EFFICIENT • ADAPTIVE • COLLABORATIVE assigned permit limits, making mit limits. This concept allows Watershed management is an- quality and tracking of potential are participating in the process them eligible to sell a total of sewage treatment plants within other valuable approach to re- impacts of contaminants, and to revise the Long Island Sound $2.07 million in nitrogen credits. each management zone to meet ducing nitrogen discharge. For reducing the impacts of nitrogen TMDL by evaluating options for This innovative program is ex- their “bubble” limit by upgrading example, a stewardship action overloading on water quality. additional nitrogen reduction pected to save the state between some, but not all, of the plants. plan, developed for the Nisse- scenarios. $200 million and $400 million in This approach is expected to quogue River watershed in the Local watershed associations wastewater treatment construc- save New York City up to $660 Town of Smithtown on Long and municipalities throughout Visit www.longislandsound- tion costs over the next decade. million in sewage treatment plant Island, New York, contains ob- the Sound are developing pro- to learn more about In New York, “bubble permits” upgrade costs and is now being jectives such as reducing the grams to reduce polluted runoff, this and other LISS efforts. now provide flexibility to dis- applied in Westchester County. impacts of stormwater pollu- from educating homeowners chargers on how to attain per- tion, investigating groundwater about ways to reduce the leach- EPA’s National Estuary Program ing of nutrients into streams (NEP) is a unique and successful from lawn fertilizer applications coastal watershed-based program to installing filters in coastal established in 1987 under the storm drains to keep sediment, Amendments. debris, harmful bacteria, oil, and The NEP involves the public and toxic metals from entering the collaborates with partners to pro- Sound. tect, restore, and maintain the wa- ter quality and ecological integrity The states of Massachusetts, of 28 of national signifi- Vermont, and New Hampshire cance located in 18 coastal states are also working with the Con- and Puerto Rico. necticut River Nitrogen Work Group to discuss reducing ni- For more information about the trogen loading from the Con- NEP go to necticut River watershed to the estuaries. Long Island Sound. These states

The NEP: Implementing the Clean Water Act in ways that are Effective, Efficient, Adaptive, and Collaborative. EPA-842F09001