Bishop’s Cannings, All Cannings and Church Newsletter Elizabeth Lort-Phillips 840071 Judith Gay 860701

Licensed Lay Readers Elizabeth Lang 840672 Mothers’ Union Elizabeth Currie 860309 Bishop’s Cannings Village Hall Children’s Society Susan Holt 07941 435080 Crystal Naughton 860459 Etchilhampton Village Hall Junior Chorister & RSCM Co-ordinator Rory Fackrell 860029 Alan Stonell 728089 All Cannings Village Hall St. Mary’s & St. Andrew’s (BC and E) Isobel Lane 860231 Churchwardens Lewis Cobb MBE 726043(BC) All Saints (AC) Robert Smith 729939(BC) Churchwardens Vacant (E) Sheila Griffin 862925 Treasurer David Hobden 860629 John Williams 01249 816541 Treasurer PCC Secretary Francine Coles 862962 Rachael Williams 01249 816541 PCC Secretary Electoral Roll Officer Francine Coles 862962 Rob Smith 729939 Electoral Roll Officer Deanery Synod Representatives Angela Vaughan 860069 Vacant Deanery Synod Representatives Peter Griffin 862925 Gift Aid Officer Ann Jarvis 860640 Gift Aid Officer Organist Francine Coles 862962 Peter Madeley 723509 Organist Flowers Simon Chadwick 860345 Pat Brown 860249(BC) Flowers Sue Cowdry 860336€ Sheila Moss 860922 Captain of the Tower Captain of the Tower Ken Chivers 860325 John Mead 860348 Tower Correspondent Tower Correspondent Lewis Cobb MBE 726043 Rosie Lock 860302 Friends of St. Mary’s Friends of All Saints’ Caroline Cutting 723338 Peter Griffin 862925

Newsletter Editor: Sue Cowdry 860336 Newsletter Treasurer Tony Cowdry 860336

To sponsor ST MARY’S CHURCH FLOODLIGHTING to celebrate a special occasion at £10 per week please contact:Jenny Combe on 01380 860356 or e-mail [email protected] Please note entries should reach Jenny by the 12th of the previous month. If you wish, a written message may also be printed in this Newsletter at no extra charge! ************************************** 3 Wednesday 10 am Communion – Modern

5th Friday 9 am Marden Communion – Traditional

7th Advent 2 8 am Bishop’s Cannings Communion – Traditional 8 am Urchfont Communion – Modern 10 am All Cannings Communion – Modern 10 am Bishop’s Cannings Informal Worship 10 am Urchfont 1st Sunday at Ten 6 pm Evensong – Traditional

12th Friday 9 am Marden Communion – Traditional

14th Advent 3 8 am Bishop’s Cannings Communion – Traditional 8 am Urchfont Communion – Traditional 8.45 am All Cannings School Breakfast Service 10 am Marden Communion – Modern 10 am Urchfont Sunday Half Hour 10 am Wilsford Patronal Festival – St. Nicholas 6 pm All Cannings Evensong – Traditional 6 pm Chirton Evensong – Traditional 6 pm Bishop’s Cannings Confirmation

16th Tuesday 6.30 pm Bishop’s Cannings Carol Service

17th Wednesday 11 am All Cannings School Service

18th Thursday 10.30 am Urchfont School Service 2 pm Chirton School Service

19th Friday 9 am Marden Communion – Traditional

21st Advent 4 8 am Bishop’s Cannings Communion – Traditional 8 am Chirton Communion – Traditional 9.30 am Stert Communion – Traditional 10 am Bishop’s Cannings Communion – Modern 5 pm All Cannings Carol Service 6 pm Urchfont Carol Service 6 pm Chirton Carol Service 6.30 pm Etchilhampton Carol Service

22nd Monday 7 pm Stert Carol Service

24th Christmas Eve 3 pm All Cannings Crib Service 4 pm Chirton Crib Service 11 am Chirton Christmas Family Communion 11 am Etchilhampton Christmas Family Communion 11 am Urchfont Christmas Family Communion 11 am Wilsford Christmas Family Communion

28th Christmas 1 10 am All Cannings Communion & Baptism 10 am Chirton Communion - Modern


A very informative illustrated talk on “Historic Buildings on the Kennet & Avon Canal” was given by surveyor Simon Eveleigh at the November meeting. This pleasantly concluded our 2014 series of speakers, which covered a wide range of topics on a garden and countryside theme. The committee are always happy to receive suggestions for future talks, workshops and outings, so please let your thoughts be known!

At this meeting Adrian distributed Suttons seed catalogues, from which members and friends are able to order seeds at a 50% reduction.

We are delighted to welcome new members. Our subscription is £10 per year. Entry to meetings is a mere £1 for members or £2 for visitors which includes a raffle ticket, entertainment and refreshments.

GARDEN CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY!! Wednesday December 10th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

This is a hugely popular and enjoyable event with scrumptious food, liberally flowing drink and, just when you start to feel drowsily mellow, a truly brain-scratching quiz. Open to members and their guests, this evening of hilarious fun costs £5 per person. The first glass of wine is free, after which you are asked to make a donation to cover costs. Dress code posh frocks & smart ties. If you aren’t a member yet, make friends with one quickly and start dropping hints! comet 67P. It has been an amazing culmination of a ten year venture into space, and the scientists should be congratulated on their achievement. Recently there has been an excellent series by Professor Brian Cox on the origins of the universe in which he pointed out the fact that we, earth, and our planetary system around our sun, are but the tiniest of specks on the very fringe of our Galaxy, and given that there are some 350 billion galaxies in our universe, although he suspects that there could well be another civilisation elsewhere, they are so far away that we could never make contact. He sees therefore, that the development of the human race is quite remarkable and it was during the shooting of the recent BBC series that he realised this even more … ‘that we are rare and therefore valuable and quite remarkable and worth celebrating’

Christmas time is, of course, a time for celebration. But what are we celebrating? To me such a scientific series as that of Prof Brian Cox, with the information about the intricacies of the galaxy and human race, only add to my faith as I am left to contemplate the wonder of it all … the mystery of it all! And just as something of that mystery is revealed to us, made known, made manifest, by our scientists, so the mystery and wonder of Almighty God, whom we believe created all that is, is made known to us in a baby born to a young girl, in a small, occupied nation far from the centre of any empire, such as Rome. And for me there is even greater wonder that He did this not only in an insignificant desert area of the earth, but that He did this in an insignificant desert area of the earth which is an insignificant planet on the edge of a galaxy of billions of stars! This is what we celebrate at Christmas ... of course there will be camels and sheep and kings and shepherds, all accompanying Mary and Joseph and the odd inn keeper or two … but that this is God, who is spirit, made man … incarnate … here … for us!!!

Over the next few months it is hoped that there will be vast amounts of scientific material streaming back to earth from Philea and its ‘mother’ ship Rosetta. Data will be analysed and interpreted by the greatest of our world scientists who, as we saw in November, were so excited about their achievement … landing the tiniest of space craft, on the tiniest of rocks hurtling through space some 300 million miles away This and every Christmas there should be, for the Christian, the same excitement, as we celebrate that through the ‘Yes’ of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the very being of God ‘landed’ on this planet … and our ‘Saviour was born’, and ‘dwelt amongst us’ ... and the ‘wise men of the east’ were told how to find that child … by following a very special star that had appeared in the sky ... a comet (?)!

As we celebrate that birth of Jesus, this Christmas, it is for each of us to continue to ‘search for that child’, not in the stars and astrological tables, but in the Scriptures, in our prayers, in our Fellowship, in our sharing in our Christmas Communion, and to write to BT Openreach to try and get us up the priority list; they are saying that a survey will be done in early 2015 and admitted that the exchange has not been upgraded since 2006. An on-line petition has been organised to apply more pressure. (see poster to left)

The damp-proofing of the village hall has started and the flat roof extension will be repaired. The large puddle in the car park entrance will be repaired for a week starting November 17. The new bench for the cemetery is really to be installed by Doug Tilley and Kevin Gay. The cost is £ 462 some of which has been covered by an insurance claim. A topple test was carried out in the cemetery and several headstones will need firming. The play equipment on the green has had some repairs done by Kevin, who was thanked for his time. The money raised from the King's Arms concert has now been awarded as follows: primary school £1,000; cricket club £500; a defibrillator for the village hall wall £375, and £4,000 for the village hall. The parish council will pay £375 towards the full cost of the defibrillator. The matter of a marshall for the railway crossing during the Wildlife Sarsen May walk will be taken up with the charity.

The Parish Council recently asked the school if they could help with a poster campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of dog-fouling which has been a particular problem around the village. The School Council organised a competition to design a poster and the winning entries were presented with their prizes by chairman of the parish council, Liz Sharpe. The winner was Trixie and the runners-up were Katie, Molly and Jorja (pictured). The winning entries will be copied and displayed around the village to help dog owners understand the importance of being responsible and picking up after their dogs. A set will also be going to the pre-school.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday, January 28th 2015 starting at 7.30pm.

Annual Subscription £15 Prizes of £100 & £50 drawn every three months New members welcomed.

Please contact Jill White on 01380-860401

From the registers

Baptisms – we welcome into the Church: Florianna Plunkett 19th October All Cannings Sebastien Plunkett 19th October All Cannings

Marriages – we congratulate: Neil Burry & Elaine Hamilton 18th October All Cannings Tom Bridewell & Stacey Marshall 25th October Etchilhampton

Funerals – we pray for the families of: Tony Sims 6th November Stert

Prizes.....All Saints’ Church 100 Club.....Prizes

The All Saints’ Church 100 Club draw was held on 3rd September 2014 The prize-winners were:

1st: Eric Gay 2nd: Shirley Ball 3rd: Melinda Tilley 4th: Belinda Mead

Congratulations to our winners

Prizes of £100, £25, £10 and £5 are drawn every 3 months

New members are welcome

If you would like to join, please contact the 100 Club Promoter, Linda Hobden, Church Hatch, The Street, All Cannings. Tel. 01380 860629 Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers met at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin and in a time of 3 Hours and 21 Minutes rang A FULL PEAL OF STEDMAN TRIPLES Consisting of 5040 Changes (Composed by James W. Washbrook)

The ringers were:- Sheila C. Matthews …………… [High Littleton, Somerset]……….. 1. Thomas R. Garrett ……………...[Preston, Dorset] 2. ………………… Jennifer C. M. Hancock ……….. [Melksham] 3. ………………………. R. Nicholas Lawrence …………. [Dorset] 4. …………………………... Robert J. Purnell ……………….. [Melksham] ……………………… 5. David W. Hacker ………………... [Melksham] ……………………. 6. Timothy F. Collins ……………… [Bradford Peverell, Dorset] 7. …….. Julian J. Hemper ………………...[S. John’s, ] ……………. 8. Conducted by Timothy F. Collins

Rung, with the bells half-muffled, on Remembrance Sunday to honour all those who lost their lives, both military and civilian, as a result of armed conflict.

Cannings Market Place Buy, sell, wanted, lost or found? Artificial Christmas Tree – Approx 6 foot Double Sofa-bed – Excellent condition. high. Free. Just donation to church. T: Covered in closely woven terracotta fire- 01380 860634 resistant, soft material. Height 90cm, depth 94cm, width 190cm. £250. Cash on Filing Cabinet – Black metal 2 drawer. collection. T: 01380 860685 40cm x 40cm x 60cm high. Free. Just donation to church. T: 01380 860634 Rowing Machine – York Fitness 501 rowing machine: free. Just donation to church. T: 01380 860634 Spotted this? – So will others!

Small ads: Mail to Cannings Small Ads, Wayside Stuff you don’t need? Freegle it! Farm, Etchilhampton, Devizes SN10 3JT or email: Freegle Devizes. [email protected] 01380 862913

SHOP HOURS: Mon-Fri: 7.30am-1pm & 3pm-7pm - Sat: 9am-5pm - Sunday: 9am-1pm SPECIAL EVENTS FOR DECEMBER

20th December - Mulled Wine, Coffee and Mince Pies in the shop

TURKEYS AND FREE RANGE GEESE AVAILABLE TO ORDER Turkeys £3.80 per lb, Turkey Crowns £8.50 per lb (max 12lbs) Free Range Geese £5.60 per lb (Geese available from 10 - 14lbs) £10 deposit required - Collection on 23rd December between 10am to 5pm.

ALL CANNINGS CALENDAR The 2015 Calendar (with local pictures taken by residents) now in the shop.

CHRISTMAS CARDS All Cannings Christmas Cards, with all profits being donated to Wiltshire Air Ambulance, plus a good selection of other Christmas Cards, in stock.

CHRISTMAS OPENING TIMES - Open every day apart from Christmas Day (restricted times on some days) - see our website - for full details


We are always in need of extra volunteers, without them we would not be able to survive and the shop would fade. We need help in all areas to run the shop, so it is not restricted to just serving behind the counter. You don’t have to make a regular commitment; just helping for as little as 2 hours a month would make all the difference. You could become a vital part of village life, meet new people and have fun! Why not pop in and have a chat?

New Years Lunch. Sunday 11th Jan 2015!

The Friends of All Saints' Church are holding a New years lunch for mature residents on Sunday 11th January in the village hall. The cost will be £5 each. LOOK for More details in next months magazine.

Branch Leader, Mrs Elizabeth Currie, welcomed everyone and led a time of prayer.

In dealing with the business, Mrs Currie reported that the holiday schemes provided in Sidmouth had been very successful. Twenty-three families and fifteen volunteers had taken part and had been blessed with good weather for the activities arranged.

From 25th November to 10th December, Mothers’ Union would again be participating in “ Activism Against Gender Violence “ a global campaign raising international awareness of violence against women and girls. This would begin with a special service to be held in Salisbury Cathedral at 12 noon on November 25th 2014.

The Deanery Advent Service is to be held in Bromhan on 3rd December at 2pm. Members looked forward to hearing the Rev. Jennifer Haines speak in November, her theme being “Christmas from Mary’s point of view.”

A happy time was then spent in filling Scholar Packs with pens, pencils, writing pads etc. to be sent to the Tools With a Mission project, which provides educational equipment for schools in Africa. Twenty packs were filled – very satisfying all round.

The meeting rounded off with refreshments kindly provided by Mrs Crystal Naughton.

There is no Branch Meeting in December – members reconvene in January 2015

The November Coffee morning was held at the charming home of Sally Hues and as usual Sally made everyone very welcome. Her large dining table was full of all sorts of things for sale including Pheasants and Partridges (prepared for the table) and frozen trout. We also had homemade cakes, biscuits, preserves, scones and much more, something for everyone. The raffle was very popular, so all in all a very enjoyable morning.

On December the 3rd we shall be having our Christmas Tea Afternoon in the Village Hall with something for everyone including delicious homemade Mince Pies to go with a nice cup of tea. There will be many bargains just right for Christmas, so do come along and start your Christmas shopping in the warmth of our Village Hall.

Fireworks and Fun in 7th November 2014

WOW! What a spectacular evening. An enormous bonfire expertly run by the Linsley family, the summary despatch of Mr Guy Fawkes, fantastic fireworks by Distant Thunder, delicious snacks from Julie at The Crown and the team of barbecue sizzlers led by Sue Linsley and fun with flashing necklaces and “Halloween Hoola Hoops”. All this was enjoyed by hundreds of family groups – there were so many visitors we lost count. Special thanks to Cameron Naughton for very kindly lending us his field and donating delicious sausages. Enormous thanks to the crew of valiant volunteers who set up the event, built the bonfire, cooked, served, took down (in the rain), picked up litter - and especially those who did their very best to park cars as expediently as possible and kept pedestrians or purchase a pair of warm slippers and a blanket.

If you think you may be eligible for a grant and want to find out more, please get in touch and I will be happy to help you in the right direction. Similarly, if you know a friend or neighbour that might be interested then encourage them to get in contact and I can assist them in making an application.

For those of you that may not be eligible for the grant but want to support this, it is possible to make a donation to the Surviving Winter pot to help ensure everyone that needs the help can access it. Donations can be made online via the Wiltshire Community Foundation website at or by contacting the Community Foundation directly on 01380 729284.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing people in 2015.

The Kings Arms Pub Lunch Club, Tuesday 9th December at 12.30. You can be assured of a warm welcome and excellent food. Please book in advance by ringing Isabel on 01380 860231. Alex North, Good Neighbour Co-ordinator for Devizes villages. M: 07557 922027 E: [email protected]


Reverend Liz led the FBS and took as her Remembrance theme the role we can all have in being peace makers. When we hear about wars across the world and see horrific images in the media we can feel helpless to make a difference.

We were asked to consider that even the smallest acts of kindness and consideration can make a difference to one another.

Thank you to Judith for providing the breakfast and to Gill, Andrew, Oliver and Hannah for providing the music. The next FBS is on Sunday, December 14th from 8.45 a.m. Friends of All Saints' Church

At the Friends AGM it was agreed that the old committee couldn't escape and was voted back in with the addition of Ian Williams. The committee now look forward to the new year reinvigorated. It was further agreed to transfer £2400 to the PCC fabric fund.

On Saturday 15th November the Friends held there first and probably not their last candlelit Pudding club evening. All the desserts had been made locally and were testament to the talented cooks we have living here. There was a feast of 20 desserts to try helped down with a glass of wine and coffee to finish with. The Prize for the most desserts eaten was narrowly won by John Mead who managed to try each one, the tie-break being that John had extra cream! A great evening thanks to the organisers. ALL CANNINGS VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE

GREAT NEWS! At a recent Village Hall Meeting Isabel Lane, our Chairman, was able to announce a donation of £4,000 to the Hall from the Concert at the Kings, 2014 fund. This was very gratefully received because it means that we can carry on with repairs, including the storeroom roof. By the time you read this, we anticipate that the pull 3rd 2pm Christmas Tea Afternoon All Cannings Village Hall 10th 7.30pm Garden Club Christmas Party All Cannings Village Hall 16th 2.30pm Tuesday Club Christmas party Bishop’s Cannings Parish Hall 20th All Day Mulled Wine, Coffee and Mince Pies All Cannings Community Shop

To contact the Cannings & Redhorn Team Admin Office please use details below: , Diana Hitchcock - Old School House - Chirton Tel: 840998

Open : Mon / Wed / Thurs 10 am to 2 pm

e-mail: [email protected] To contact Rev William Lang 01380 840672 Email:[email protected]

Entries for the Magazine should be sent directly to [email protected]


Mrs. Passing for her Children

In Memory of Victor Chinnery

Myra for Ken Annabel

Coombe and Jackson Birthdays

(25th) The Birth of a Baby to Mary and Joseph

In memory of Elizabeth and Alison Stokes and James Darbyshire from Kathy and Chris Darbyshire

In Loving Remembrance of the Yates Family

My email address is [email protected]

Mobility Aids

We have a wheelchair and a three wheeled walker for use within the Benefice.