The Ambassador April 2010 St. Stephen’s Episcopal A vital, eclectic Episcopal congregation committed to the ministry of all the baptized

and will continue throughout the year. We From Our Priest will also continue to go out for supper at a In 1955, Easter Sunday fell on April 10. A local restaurant following the Mass. Please few days previous to that a French Jesuit join us on Wednesday nights. priest and paleontologist by the name of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., said, “If in Fr. Jamie and Gin Templeton Poetry my life I haven’t been wrong, I beg God to Reading/Conversation at True Colors allow me to die on Easter Sunday.” At six Bookstore o’clock that Easter Sunday afternoon, Fr. Jamie and Gin Templeton will be giving Teilhard died suddenly of a stroke in New a joint poetry reading/art conversation at York City. True Colors Book store in Minneapolis at Some might see a prayer such as Teilhard’s 6:30 PM on Thursday, April 15. True Colors as being a bit morbid. But for those of who Bookstore is located at 4755 Chicago see in Easter all the joys of Resurrection and Avenue South in Minneapolis. ultimate victory over eternal death, a prayer such as Teilhard’s makes absolute sense. To Southeast Regional Meeting at St. die on Easter, secure in such a hope and Stephen’s belief is really not such a bad way to go. The South East Regional meeting of the As you have heard me say on many Diocese of North Dakota will be meeting at occasions, Easter is, by far, my favorite day St. Stephen’s on Sunday, April 18 at 3:00 of the whole year. I truly do relish the PM. All Diocesan Convention Delegates are beauty of the day and season and all that its asked to be present, as well as anyone else means to me and to all of us as Christians. It who would like to be present. Fr. Jamie is is a time of renewal, of rebirth, of faith in the president of the SE Region. the Resurrection of and, in turn, a time to be joyful in the fact that we too, with Votive Candle Stand Jesus, will be resurrected into a new and You may have noticed that we have a votive unending life with him. candle stand, which is in the Narthex During this Easter season, may that Easter against the stone wall. The stand itself was joy of the Resurrected Lord be alive and donated to St. Stephen’s by the family of vibrant in all of us and may our hope in that Mary Borkhuis, who died in January. glorious future with Jesus sustain us in our On the stand, we will have candles lives. available for use to be burned. I have also -peace, your friend and Priest, placed an there (which I will change occasionally from my own personal icon ~peace, Jamie+ collection) until a more permanent icon is found and placed there. Wednesday Night The use of candles and has a very long Our Wednesday night Eucharists will tradition in the church. At St Stephen’s, we resume on Wednesday, April 7 at 6:00 P.M. will use this votive candle stand as a place

1 of special prayer, in which candles can be lit the Word of God. (This practice probably for particular needs and people being influenced our own tradition of having a lit prayed for. candle near the Tabernacle to indicate the presence of and to show reverence for the Below is some information I adapted for St. Blessed Sacrament.) Stephen’s from information at All Episcopal Church in Lakewood, NJ, which Christians adapted the use of lit candles (or will help explain both icons and the use of even oil lamps in the Eastern Roman votive candles. Empire) for Mass, liturgical processions, evening prayer ceremonies, funeral About Icons processions, and, again, to show reverence Icons (the Greek word for image) are the to the reserved Blessed Sacrament. primary devotional art of eastern Moreover, St. Jerome (d. 420) attested to the Christianity. They are not just beautiful practice that lit candles or oil lamps were pictures, but literally considered ‘windows burned at the tombs of saints, particularly into heaven’ in which the believer can feel martyrs, by the 200s, and before sacred in touch with the celestial hosts: our Lord, images and relics by the 300s. the angels and saints represented upon the In our tradition, Christ as the light of the icon. The bright and varied colors of this world has a special significance. Jesus said, icon blend well with those of the stained “I am the light of the world. No follower of mine glass windows in the church. shall ever walk in darkness; no, he shall possess the light of life” (Jn 8:12) and “I have come to the world as its light, to keep anyone who believes in me from remaining in the dark” (Jn 12:46). At baptisms, the priest presents a candle lit from the (which symbolizes the mystery of Christ’s resurrection), and says to the newly baptized, “Receive the light of Christ. Shine as Christ’s light in the world to the glory of God the Father.” So we can appreciate the use of votive candles. Here, as in early Christian times, we light a candle before a sacred image of our Lord and his mother, surrounded by angels. We do not honor the image itself, About Votive Candles but those whom the image represents. The In Judaism, a perpetual light was kept light signifies our prayer offered in faith burning in the Temple and the synagogues coming into the light of God. With the light not only to insure the ability to light other of faith, we petition our Lord in prayer, or candles or oil lamps in the evening but also petition the to pray with us to the to show the presence of God (cf. Ex 27:20-21 Lord. The light also shows a special and Lev. 24:2-4). Later, the Talmud reverence and our desire to remain present prescribed a lit lamp at the Ark, where the to the Lord in prayer even though we may Torah and other writings of Sacred depart and go about our daily business. Scripture were kept, to show reverence to


Thus the use of votive candles at St. Stephen’s is following an historic practice Meet the Vestry that continues today in many Churches. The At the last meeting of the vestry, it was symbolism reminds us that prayer is a decided to run a series of articles in the “coming into” the light of Christ, allowing Ambassador to introduce the members of our souls to be filled with His light, and the vestry to the congregation. At the risk letting that light burn on in our souls even of appearing vain, the first of the series will though we may return to other activities. be about me, Laura Nylander, your senior warden. I decided to write about me first so A Celebration – that I can further define what kind of information I want to include when I do Sunday, April 11 articles about the other members. Wanting it to be more than “just the facts,” I am On the Second Sunday of Easter, April 11, hoping to include some insights about faith please bring your Hope Chests (those little and stewardship as demonstrated through Episcopal Relief and Development boxes service on the vestry. you received on the first Sunday in Lent) for a special ingathering. Following the service, The 3rd of six children, I was born to Jim we will have a special coffee hour where and Joy Coffey who happened to be brunch will be served. Please plan to be stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base in the part of this celebration. United States Territory of Alaska. (Yes, that makes me over 50!) After that, we lived for The contributions from our Hope Chests several years in Blair, Nebraska, before will be added to our diocesan MDG* effort moving to Fargo in 1962. I am a product of to gather enough money to build a well in a the Fargo Public Schools, having graduated community in Africa – a continent where from Fargo North in 1974. I then went back many people have limited access to clean to Blair to attend Dana College, a small water. The cost of the well, including Lutheran liberal arts college that has been appropriate education about its somewhat of a family tradition. My original maintenance, is $5000. intention was to be a French teacher, but On April 11, you may bring your Hope marriage to a great guy, Russ, kept me from Chest boxes or write a check to St. Stephen’s roaming around the country to find that or give cash in an envelope – either should position. Then came babies (3 of them), be marked “ERD – well project.” which rooted me to this community even more. I began work as a paraprofessional in Meanwhile, as we move through Eastertide a self-contained classroom for emotionally and then into the Season of Pentecost, don’t and behaviorally disordered students and I forget to drop a few coins (bills are also was hooked. I attended Moorhead State welcome!) into the milk jug by the kitchen University (that was the actual name then) window when you pick up coffee or juice and became licensed as a special education after the Sunday service. Those teacher. I held positions in Dilworth and in contributions will also go to the diocesan Fargo before joining the Moorhead Public well project. And continue to be thankful Schools in 1990. I have been teaching in a for the blessing of clean and accessible day treatment center for mentally ill water! adolescents for the last 13 years. * Millennium Development Goals When I look back at my faith journey thus far (I still have a long way to go!), I

3 remember my childhood, growing up in the If you cannot serve as scheduled, please St. Stephen’s family. I remember seeing my find a substitute. mom and dad and how dedicated they were Leaders can find ideas for their Sunday at to the church and all of the giving of time and talent and how that giving seemed to return to them so much more faith and The schedule for April and May is included happiness than what they put in, if that’s with the main schedule of ministries at the possible. As I became older and more end of this newsletter. “independent,” I distanced myself from the church somewhat, but when I had my children I knew I wanted them brought up in the church the same way that I had been. Decorating for Easter However, once they were all confirmed, I again let my church attendance slip away We will be polishing brass and decorating and used all of my “busyness” as an excuse for Easter immediately following the Holy to not be involved. But eventually I felt that Saturday service on April 3. The service longing, that need, to again be connected to begins at 10am, so by 11:00 we should be St. Stephen’s and began semi-regular ready to work. The coffee will be on, and attendance again. About that time I was there may even be some food available! asked to serve on the vestry. I thought long Altar guild members should try to attend. and hard and prayed about it. I wasn’t sure Anyone else who is interested is more than I wanted to make that commitment – what welcome – “many hands make light work”! if I wanted an “out,”but I would have all of this responsibility!! Obviously something clicked and I truly felt like it was a way for Brats at Hornbacher’s me to renew my faith in God by serving the church in this manner. Now, after several St. Stephen’s has the unusual good fortune terms as vestry member and one previous to have been offered an opportunity to sell term as senior warden, I believe that I get brats at the Northport Hornbacher’s for a far, far more back from this service than second consecutive year. The dates offered what I put in. Yes, it’s a lot of work, and are Friday and Saturday, May 21st and May yes, there are times when I don’t feel like 22nd. This will involve a minimum of four going to a meeting or planning an event or people working between the hours of 10:30 something, but then I’m reminded that I feel a.m. and 7:00 p.m. each day. After Easter I good about God when I am involved in will make available a sign-up sheet with a these things. It is God who gives me the choice of three working periods each day. will to serve and who rewards me with His Last year we found that early sign-up was a Grace. big help, even though there were, naturally, some adjustments made the week of the ~Laura Nylander, Senior Warden event. ~Joanne Droppers, for the Evangelism Children’s Chapel Committee Starting in April the leaders for Children's Chapel will be placed on the schedule which comes out in the Ambassador.


bring the spirit of North Dakota into the Bring a Friend to Church works and requested pictures of our state April 11, one week after the return of the and the local flora and fauna. The late , the Second Sunday of Easter, is former Masuda and the late Father the day the vestry has selected for a special James Hauan and various members of the emphasis on inviting others to visit our congregation made suggestions for a church. Also on that day the Lenten "mite general scene in each circle. Looking closely boxes" will be gathered in (see separate you will note scenes depicting our prairie article). I have even heard plans to expand wheat fields with a western meadowlark, a the coffee hour to a noontime brunch. monarch butterfly atop a milkweed, and five loaves and fishes, which are northern WHAT is "Bring-a-Friend-to-Church pike. Of course, St. Stephen being stoned is Sunday, and WHY? For many people their also a fitting scene. Each circle has wording initial significant contact with a religion around the edges befitting that scene. and/or church comes at the invitation of a friend or acquaintance. Quoting from The Their beauty continues to enhance our Ambassador, September 2009: "Naming a worship space and for some of us oldtimers particular Sunday adds a reminder, an they give us an opportunity to remember incentive, and even perhaps a the Marks for their generosity and love for conversational opening" for parishioners to this congregation in the time they spent make invitations. HOW may you help with us. welcome a guest? Offer a ride or a map. Dress may be informal or formal. Web page is Communion is open but optional. Assistance may be offered with the printed material. ~Joanne Droppers, for the Evangelism Committee

A Bit of History With wonderful new faces in our St. Stephen's membership it is most appropriate to recall some of the more visible works of art in our sanctuary. The circles of stained glass hanging at the windows were a gift from the late Ellen and Bike Rack Edwin Marks at Easter time in 1977. Ellen, Donations are still being taken toward the herself a talented artist, was always purchase of a Bike Rack as a Memorial for thinking of ways to beautify our small Ron Richard. The Bike Rack will be church. We have several fabric banners purchased in May and a Dedication which she designed for various occasions. celebration will be held in June, around the Specifically regarding the circles, she sought anniversary of Ron’s death. For more out Mr. Lyndsay Hovey an artist in stained information contact Gin Templeton. and leaded glass from Cambridge, Mass., to design works for our windows. He tried to


Book Signing To celebrate the completion of their book, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Prayer HAWAII, POEMS, and PICTURES, Jim and Chain - 2010 Joy Coffey will have a book signing for those who might wish to have one. It will If you would like to request prayers for any be at St. Stephen’s on Thursday, April 29, reason, you may call any of those listed beginning at 6:30 p.m. below and will contact others on the Prayer Chain. Please indicate how much or how little information you want shared with Stewardship News those who will be offering prayers based on Because there are a few housekeeping and your request. maintenance chores that need to be addressed, we are asking for some Sandy Holbrook 232-1667 volunteers on Saturday mornings. To make Lavonne Marubbio 280-0436 this more appealing, you are invited to Laura Nylander h: 233-6016 "Breakfast with Gin & Lynn." That's right, w: 284-2276 breakfast served at the church at 9:00am Jamie Parsley+ (cell) 701-793-1953 with plenty of coffee, prepared and served Betty Spur 235-3917 by us, followed by a work project and Carol Spurbeck 235-0843 finishing up by noon. Our hope is that we Gin Templeton 701-371-5544 can do this about twice a month beginning on Saturday, April 10th. Initially we would like to work on the children's area cleaning out old materials and repainting the chipped paint. Also, the shades in the YWCA Needs Undercroft need to be straightened and repaired or replaced. As the weather APRIL-Good Start Formula, Orange Can warms we will clean up outside and tend MAY-Personal Hygiene, deodorant, the flower beds. shampoo, etc.

We would appreciate suggestions for JUNE-Household Cleaning supplies and anything that needs attention. disinfecting sprays and wipes

Please sign up at church or let Gin know if you can help, so that we can prepare enough food. We hope that this format will help us be productive and have some fun too.


Gin Templeton [email protected] or 701-371-5544 and Lynn Wegscheid


Schedule of Ministries at St. Stephen’s for April and May *

April 4 April 11 April 18 April 25 Schedule EASTER DAY Weightman Craychee Marubbio Holbrook Altar Guild Spurbeck Holbrook Holbrook Coffey Worship Ldr/ EM Marubbio Meister Holbrook Stewart

Lector Nylander Stewart Baird Coffey Usher Wilson Stewart Coffey Marubbio Craychee Holbrook Coffey Nylander Euch. Visitor Holbrook Marubbio Baird Holbrook Holbrook/ Coffee Coffey Nylander Craychee Droppers Cleaning Ranney Ranney Stewart Stewart Children’s Templeton Stewart Nylander Marubbio Chapel May 23 May 2 May 9 May 16 May 30 Schedule PENTECOST Acolyte Meister Weightman Craychee Holbrook Marubbio Altar Guild Coffey Hauan Hauan Nylander Nylander Worship Ldr/EM Baird Hauan Meister Stewart Holbrook Blow Droppers Hauan Johnson Meister Usher Craychee Coffey Stewart Nylander Baird Hauan Coffey Wilson Baird Craychee Euch. Visitor Hauan Baird Holbrook Hauan Baird

Coffee Mackay Ranney Stewart Wilson Templeton Cleaning Wilson Wilson Coffey Coffey Holbrook Children’s Stewart Dolence Templeton Marubbio Nylander Chapel

*Communion is available for those who are unable to attend Sunday worship. Please call the church to request communion after the Sunday service.

**If you are unavailable to serve on a date when you are assigned, please find a substitute and let James ([email protected]) know who the substitute will be as early as possible so he can include the correct names in the bulletins. THANKS.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 120 21 Avenue North Fargo, North Dakota

No matter who you are or where you are on your faith journey, come join us in celebrating the season of Resurrection & Renewal.

Holy Week 2010

Sunday March 28 - Palm Sunday 11:00 am – Liturgy of the Palms/Holy -- with Children’s Chapel

Thursday April 1 – Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm - Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist/stripping of the altar

Friday April 2 – 12:00 pm – Good Friday liturgy/ Holy Eucharist from the Reserve Sacrament

Saturday April 3 – Holy Saturday 10:00 am – Holy Saturday service

7:00 pm – Easter Vigil at Gethsemane (with Bishop Michael Smith)

Sunday April 4 - Easter 11:00 am – Holy Eucharist -- with Children’s Chapel ST. STEPHEN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 120 20 Avenue North Fargo, ND 58102 April 2010


Fr. Jamie’s office hours 1 Maundy 2 Good Friday 3 Holy Saturday Fr. Jamie keeps office hours at Thursday 10 am– service the Diocesan Office (3600 25 St. S.) 12 pm Service Mon-Th. 9am – 5pm 7 pm Easter Vigil (at HOLY WEEK 7 pm H.E. Cathedral)

4 EASTER 5 in Easter week 6 in Easter Week 7 in Easter week 8 in Easter Week 9 in Easter week 10 in Easter week 11am Mass Children’s Chapel Fr. Jamie’s day off 9 am Breakfast with 6pm Mass Gin & Lynn

11 2 EASTER 12 Bl.Adonirma Judson 13 14 Bl. Edward Denby 15 Bls. Damien & 16 Bl. Molly Brant 17 (Bring a friend to church) & Henry Delany Marianne of Molokai Fr. Jamie in Minneapolis Fr. Jamie in Minneapolis 11am Mass Fr. Jamie in Minneapolis Children’s Chapel 6pm Mass 18 3 EASTER 19 St. Alphege 20 21 St. Anselm 22 Bls. John Muir & 23 St. George 24 Genocide Remem- Hudson Stuck brance 11am Mass Fr. Jamie’s day off Children’s Chapel 6pm Mass

25 4 EASTER 26 St. Mark 27 Bl. Christina Rosetti 28 29 St. Catherine of 30 Siena 11am Mass Fr. Jamie’s day off Children’s Chapel 6:30pm Coffey’s book 6pm Mass signing/open house