To Len Dalman,Official Agent for Jim Maloway,

We haveaudited f orm 922,Candidate's Financial Statements and SupportlngSchedules, prepared in accordancewith the accountingrequirements of lhe E/ectlbnsFinances Act of Manitobaand Accounting Guide- AccountingFor Purposesof The ElectionsFinances Acf issuedby the ChiefElectoral Officer, for thecandidacy of Jim Malowayfor thecandidacy period from May 4,2006 to July23, 2007relating to the electionheld on May22,2007 in the ElectoralDivision of Elmwood.The financialstatements are the responsibilityofthe OfficialAgent and the Candidate. Our resconsibility is to expressan opinionon the financialstatements based on our audit.

Weconducted our audit in accordancewith Canadian gonerally accepted auditing standards. Those standardsrequire that we planand perform an auditto obtainreasonable assurance whether the financial statementsare free of materialmisstatement. An auditincludes examining, on a testbasis, evidence supportingthe amounts and disclosures in thefinancial statements. An auditalso includes assessing the accountingprinciples used and significantestimates made by the OfficialAgent and Candidate,as well as evaluatingthe overallfinancial statement presentation. ln ouropinion, Form 922, Candidate's Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules for Jim Maloway arepresented fairly, in all materialrespects, in accordancewith the accountingrequirements of The ElectionsFinances Acf of fulanitobaand Accounting Guide - AccountingFor Purposesof The Elections FinancesAcl issuedby the ChiefElectoral Officer.

Winnipeg,MB /*/*r/Ll October11,2Q07 CHARTEREDACCOUNTANTS

400- 309McDermot Avenue, , R3A lT3 Tel:(204) 942-0300 Fax: (204) 95'1-5611 Website: rrww-lazergranl.ca Candidate'sFinancial Statements 922and SupportingSchedules

(To be filed within 4 months after Election Day. Completethe form in ink-))

For the CandidacyPeriod

Date May04, 2006 To DateJuly 23,2007

Candidate Name


Ele"t"t"l Dit,itb"


Endors,ngPolilcal Party(lf applicable)


OfficialAgent Name


Auditor Nameof Auditor

LazerGrant LLP

Nameof PublicAccountant to Whom InquiryMay be Directed(if differentthan above) MartyMinuk

Declaration l, the undersignedOfficial Agent, hereby file a completedForm 922 Candidate'sFinancial Statements and SupportingSchedu/es - alongwith an Auditor'sReport from a qualifiedauditor. I alsohereby declare that to the best of my knowledgeand belief,the informationcontained herein is complete,true and correctand in compliancewith the of TheElections Finances Act. Statementof Assets,Liabilities and Surplusas at the Endof the CandidacyPeriod


100 Cash $ 5.00

110 Accountsreceivable

120 Inventory- Jb. /5

Otherassets (provide details)



150 TotalAssets (total of line100 to 140) line150 $------g-zs-

Liabilitiesand Surplus

200 Accountspayable $_831 58 From line 840

210 OverdrafVLine of Credit** 3 19455 Lines150 and 290 220 Loans" _10,500.00 mustbe the same. Otherliabilities (provide details)



250 CandidacyPeriod Surplus/(Deficit) From line 440 --(14,484 38)

290 TotalLiabilities and Surplus(total of line200 to 250) $ a,l zs

Inventoryas of theend of thecandidacy period would include items purchased but not used (i.e. expensed). Inventoryshould also be takenas of 8 p.m.on ElectionDay in orderto excludethe value from the amount reported as electionexpenses. A writtencopy of eachloan agreemenl must be filedseparately if therewas a loan,line of credit,or bankoverdraft in existenceat anytime to thecandidate during the candidacy period. Statementof Income,Expenses and Transfersfor the CandidacyPeriod

lncome and Transfers

300 Contributions $ 705.00 + rom line 630.column C

310 Transfersfrom endorsinq politicalparty 3,903.03 <- rom line 720

320 Transfersfrom candidate's constituencyassociation 11,374.04 <- m line 760

330 Fundraising

Otherlncome (provide details)

340 Interest 2.94


390 Total lncome and Transfers (totalof line300 to 350) line390 $ 15,985.01

Expensesand Transfers <- 400 Electionexpenses $ 20,406.04 From line 595

410 Non- electionexpenses 563.35 <- From line 590,column C

420 Transfersto endorsing politicalparty 9,500.00

430 Total Expensesand Transfers (totalof line400 to 420) line430 $ 30,469.39

440 CandidacyPeriod Surplus/(Deficit) (line390 minusline 430) line440 $ (14,484.38) 91"dyr" Lgrg$grreriod Expensesfncruding Donations in Kind

Election Expenses used in Non-E16ction TotalExpenses Election period Expenses in (cotumnsA plusB Gandidacv Pcria'l A B Cash/Credit Oonationin Kind

500 Advertising- Media 3,46439 3,464.39 505 Posters,pamphlets, promotlonal ?,960.99 I OAn oo 510 Auditfee (amount in excessof subsidy)

515 Disability From schedule 7 line 850 520 ChildCare Fromschedule 8. line 860 525 FundRaising

530 Furnitureand equipment rental 695.00 695.00 535 Honoraria/Salaries 3,055 00 3,05500 540 Interestand basic charges 62.92 174.85I 23777 545 OfficeOccupancy (rent, utilities) 40413 404.13 550 Ofiicesuppiles and postage 1,213.69 10.00 1,223.69 555 Personal

560 Polling

565 Signs/structuralsupport 5,436.86 1,68610 7,122.96 570 Telephone 93453 107.02 1,041.55 575 Transportatjon,accommodatjon and food 1,183.1 I 169.28 1.352.46 Other(provide details)

bgo Internet 299 25 I tz.zu 411.45

590 Totat(total of line 500 to 585) '18,014 94 2,39110 qA? ?( 20,96939

595 Totalelection expenses iTotalof line 590 column Aand B) tl --tI | 20,40604 | r':111

Provjde.theamount of bank chargesand loan interr jncurredfrom the close polls required,rLJnoiaiiL-iiiiot quatiryfor reimbursemest of to 4 monthsafter Election Day. (Not Loaninterest lineS97 g 17537 BankCharges line599 $ 9.46 Schedule2 - Contributionsto a Gandidate(lncluding Donations in Kind)

A. ContributionsSummary G (A plusB)

Aggregate Donationsin Total of all contributionsof: Cash Kind Contibutions

600 $250or more 705.00 705.00 tl0 125or morebut lessthan $250 520 Lessthan $25 630 Iotal $ 705.00$ 705.00 nter line630. C total on ne300

B. Contributions of $250 or More

(Completepart B only if the aggregate value of the contributions(cash and donations in kind) from any individual normally resident in Manitoba was $250 or more during the candidacyperiod.)

Nameof Contributor Residential (alphabeticalorder) Address

Additionalpages attached? Yes No Schedule3 - Transfersfrom EndorsingPolitical Party

(Complete only if the candidate'scampaign received transfersfrom the candidate's endorsingpolitical parly)

A. Totafvalue of all cash transfers receivedduring the candidacyperiod line700 $ 3,201.10 from the candidate'sendorsing political party

B. Totafvalue of all transfersof goods or servicesduring the candidacy line710 $ 701.93 periodfrom the candidate'sendorsing political pafi:

C. Total transfersfrom candidate'sendorsing political party: line720 $ 3,903.03 (totalof line700 to 710)

D. lf you enteredan amounton line710, report the line730 $ 701.93 valueof goodsor servicesthat were used in the electionperiod: Schedule4 - Transfersfrom Candidate'sConstituency Association (Complete only if the candidate'scampaign received transfersfrom the candidate'sconstituency association.)

A. Totalvalue of all cash transfers receivedduring the candidacyperiod line740 $ 9,505.00 fromthe candidate'sconstituencv association:

B. Totalvalue of all transfersof qoods or servicesduring the candidacy line750 $ 1,869.04 oeriodfrom the candidate'sconstituency association:

C. Totaltransfers from the candidate'sconstitiuency association: line760 $ 11.374.04 (totalof line740 to 750)

D. lf you enteredan amounton line750, disclose the line770 $ 1.869.04 valueof goodsor servicesthat were used in the electionperiod: lf the aggregatevalue of transfers,as calculatedon line760 is $250or more,provide the followinginformation

E. Were therecontributions of $250or moreto the constituencyassociation endorsing the candidate duringthe candidacyperiod?

X No (no furtherinformation is required)

Yes (completethe schedulebelow)

$ Nameand addressof Contributorsof $250or moreto the ConstituencyAssociation AggregateValue of (attachlist if necessary) Contribution

Listattached? Yes NoX Schedule5 - Reconciliationof IncomeTax Receipts (Complete only if the candidate was registered to lssue income tax receipts- i.e. Form 911 was filed with Elections Manitoba)

Totalnumber of incometax receiptsreceived from Elections Manitoba line780

Totalnumber of incometax receiotsreturned to ElectionsManitoba:

r lssuedto Contributors line790

i Voidedor cancelled line800

r Unused line8'10

Totalnumber of incometax receiptsreturned to ElectionsManitoba line820 (totalof line790 to 810)

Totalunreturned income tax receipts(line 780 minusline 820) line830

Pleaseprovide receipt numbers and an explanationfor any unreturnedincome tax receipts. Schedule6 - AccountsPayable

(Complete only if there are amounts owing to supp/iersat the end of the candidacyperiod. Do not include loans payable)

Nameof Supplier Descriptionof Expense $ Amount

Jim Maloway )ersonalcell phoneusage 509.6'1

fotalaccounts payable line 840 509.61 Schedule7 - Candidate'sDisability Expenses (Complete only if reasonable expenses were incurred by a disabled candidate in relation to the candidate'sdisabitity to enable the candidate to campaign in an election period) * Per section 1.1 of the E/ectionsFianace Acf reasonableexpenses are those that are over and abovethe expensesnormally incurredby the candidate.

Listand describethe natureof the exoensesincurred and the amountsclaimed.

$ Value of expense Descriptionof Expense incurred

Iotal disabilityexpenses line 850 D Schedule8 - Candidate'sChild Care Expenses

(Complete only if reasonable expenses were incurred by a candidate in relation to child care expenses to enable the candidate to campaignin an election period) * Per section1 .1 of theE/e ctions Fianace Acl reasonableexpenses are thosethat are over and abovethe expensesnormally incurredby the candidate.

Listand describethe natureof the expensesincurred and the amountsclaimed.

$ Valueof expense Descriptionof Expense incurred

Totalchild care expenses line860 $