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11-8-1967 Kabul Times (November 8, 1967, vol. 6, no. 184) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (November 8, 1967, vol. 6, no. 184)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1630.

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'Avtlil~~le, Per~~~\,'~: ·:.'.·.;~~~~.:~.r~,~~.:'.;.'., Dr.s~·.:,:;;~i'ti~~::·.',T~. ·.T:~~~~;;Ji#: , .;.' UK' Industries FoOti ," ':i. S'... Pe; ':') .. .';·E···'. ,.... ', ".,.', FOR SHEER .' '.. .'.(Cdn1d. from pag. 3) .piltitle,,; industriaI-. and manage­ SteddilY· Dropping; :In~~~ot~~::a~~).~:: .. Brain's' ·~/Detlth· 'Mfthalrism~~' ' , ",;' .. ,. ..' DELIGHT' Sen 1 Gbandhi'sent her best',WitlW!s.lor the .. . .,' •.J' .': '. ".' .. ' .,'.' It >l '1 ' ~.-!, .. ,rl '.': ;,. .~ •.• 'ment training, transport from . 'W", . "',.':.' . " low leveL fur\liei' pro8P!'r1.t.Y ,of the people of, " .~AN FRANG1l:lGO,", ~0:V..' };. . '.' ," •...,. , '. '• .' ". . ,. , " the factory to the port, research ROME, Nov. 7 (DPA}- Grealer '- : I '.: I In opening what be called Ibe: ~hlinl.tanlln ~. l,el!'iram ", actina ,,(Reu~r).-:-l;>~rs··~,oPe to'deve-..· ." " ... .. ,- ~';I'.~\ and development. and so on. awareness of the need to stabilise ~ood ~r~ a~dliiir whlc~.:woulct/l~ .~ ., :" .,'. I .. It is not a wholly new O! sud· population is the most hopefu'l sign "sreat debate On tho world ¥iWJ.lIet Abdullah". 'Yaffali J?P the M' ' F,';" h' :>,,' " .! " ' " . . '! .'. \ .~~Y!'lia,;hcir he~rt"attlick ,~~· '. '. .••••iiI;;iI'_ " _ " •••.••• 'ot : 'Rei'port,' .ed .' .Between.· .... Sy which could briag about a lir/' ' ,Yatlil1 lni. 'e:NJiSD~Y:, ~OYEMJ3ER~; 1967 (;A.QRAB ~6; 1346,S.H.) purpose in a new dedication to the BAOHI:iAN' Nov. 7 (Bakhtar'·. WoUIcI.. prev,rceilt the" ·.bral,n 0' 'fro/ll '. AD"·E';.' ,~;. .7 '(R' te")"" PrtceAf.,3 qmple. there has been only one nference o( the 114-nation organi­ , r-. . lling 1.C h .1.~' ", .~,?v. ,. e\1 r,~ cu~ abolition of po""rty." .. Bashlan Govern9r Mohammad Ba- "s'gIla" : $) ~ue eart:..,....t it'·was Fighting between riyal. natlonallat .' short sPell of about two years .salion, painted a picture of the ..I . "'n spile of this srowing aware- qj Yousufz"i yesterday inspected the ,.time·to.c!!e>·, . .' , .... ' ",. 'gro)Jps continued Moiiday despite when British industl'Y'a unit costs rrenl world food situation which, ~,ooIi .d~ors H~:sS.':e ,B:e,I·\i~~es." T;Jdi~Y of production were riaing faater while gloomy. "gives ground ness and concern about the world distriliulion of, 'Red Crescent SocII!- . :Woolt;.(told aliout· . Cl ceaaafire agreement. 'Simday .. in,,' O'"'ly , :, . Afghani$fari" Mar·kj "34 Years FRG· Accused Of JIlee~ then those of its main overseas both for hope and for fear." food "isis there is still hesilatioh, ty aid to prisoners. Clothing, and. atteu "':', " ,:, '. whi , Nov. 8, lhe ,developing countries "has det­ He admiUed that the very ,size A 0 buzkashi co'ntesLbetween lbC c/la- ' .is li~~ a coc~d, can ce fighting broke out on Fri- Britain's exports have been ris­ .sun .. cl1 ;' , ' , .' , (DPA).-The Soviet Unlbn, bac­ and complexity of the problems in· p~ndazes of Kh'wajll 'Zeye.. and Za- .be,aet off by reflex or instruCtiona d . ing year by year at an average eriaraled." At the same time I the ked by Poland and SYria, on Mon­ large stocks of food in North Ame­ volved could indeed be daun'iog, rghit, 'villages '. in Do.ushi ~ol"'wali f!'O/lI.:llbov,e."', ' .:'" •. ', .a§~nd8y niJIht's' ceasefire agree­ - rate of 6 to 7 per cent ever aince day accused South Africa and and stated 'bat "ll I. precloely' ,to endei:t;Jin ,a draw.. The. woleswal and',""" TIi~.: ~ra.lna operatIOn thia ment-the fourth aince the trou­ 1962. ' rtrrt which for years ·had cushion­ ot. ~)i:~,raln's fatal nationaliats were using mortars now United states Cali .b're':i.Ii 'the. UnIted, Natlol1ll Free Trade mllu~dent~, .~gan, .de:tdlock over solvlng the Middle East ,crisis Ibformed sourees C,N, kutakov claimed that a mis­ curb the British government's me limes Sen eald which lhr.. ,months ago in. signal. . grenades alld autoitJatic weapow. sile testing site near Pretocia was , (Con/d. frOm pag. 3) ~e a~cks Said hore yesterday, .' ) ", . has doubled sInce the mid-1950s. he explaIned: are not. attempt- cooperalion with' tbe- resideots of .In 30 per cent of heart against. each other. preparing for the launching of I t has grown partly because of Congress of the controversial bills. 109 dlrec' o~rallve plann'og but the village has been completed. the organs was not autflClently Police authorities aald the freah pen~V'e dea~l1. s~urces long-range missUes with active Increasing economic aid to the Trowbridge has been making a an IndIcative plan. or. Lanli and money \yere contribu- damaged to cause outbreaks were In the same area 13ut informed doubted the U.8. would agree to Arab ·West German participation. newly developing nations, but brief stol:l0ver here on his way plan. m'ohded '0 furnISh an mter- ted by ilie villagerS; The knowledge that the b!aln The other main troubl ts du~ demand~ that Israel should be. urged to Withdraw from cap~ ~eferen~e e art ~~Ia_med I The West German government nallonal frame of fe'. me·' .. contro!!ed" .. ring the past three"d SPO have the recent announcement of mi­ home from South Korea, at the .t!t l!'t tured territories as a prerequisite for direct peace negotiations' hag categoricallY denied all s.l­ litary withdrawals from Britain's strong request of the Japanese mber government In 'heir nat,ooal' many otherWise my8h!rious .aeaths been Mansour d L1~ Ad g ~s!'a~e.blte between Jew anc;l Arab.' . milar charges raised by east­ Asian bases reflects the search government. :lannln -a within wbich 'WORLD BRIEFS deaths. . Sunday the ,Ad:n com;;ande::i bloc countries in the past. for econom'ies. The U.S Secretal'Y however thgovernm~~ts ~ W bd~threcollllnsullses .onnr and reClIPlen , th t ./ll °t thte the NLF (National Liberation AP adds thst speaking before permanent peaCe in the Arab Poland's delegste Eugeniusz There is no doubt of the impro­ counter attacked Japan and West ~an scc more c early . e pnonlles CAIRO. Nov. 7. (DPA).-A Britlsb a It 18 un,: 0 Ie, e co .- Front)· cabled Its leaders In Cairo t the National Press Club King world, peace among' our­ Wyzener said the West Germany vement in the balance of pay­ European countries for boycotting ',n resPCC1hofdexlclrna.1 Old to agr'.cul.: negotiator I. expected In Khartoum t"?d neurologist and psychistrist asking them to stop their talks Hussein . promised to present a cooperated with South Africa in ure 10 I 0 eve "ping countnes. shor,l! Cor talks wilb· the sal. witb FLOSY (Front for the L1be- selves and peace with all our nei_ ments The most recent trade fi­ principal U.S. exports. which he su

• l

PAGE 2 THE Mountains Unde,.,~ / " \,1 Provincjejl 0':7.' ~'or the = Food 'fhDuflht Harold Beeley, Bnhsh Amb...... IOd hI 1961 Harold Beeley look Ocean dar 10 C."o from 1961;j\4, vlSl~ over as Ambassador when full dip­ I Ca,ro ,.. officIally on October 15 lomaue rel.tlOns Were resumed THe GrAr1d Meteor Bank an un By A SM'Wktter th~ Worry the JnffPr~fl paid by those DIngle Foot, the former Sohcltor I DJplomahc relatlol1s "{ere broken de/water land mass of unknown In an artlcle on JudiCial re Oeneral, was In CairO for a few off agam by UAR 10 December oT'lgm 10 the north east AtlanUc call trams enYJsaged in the C~nstilutlon (fays from October 7, 10 an unOffl 1965 followlOg • resplution of tbe ed alter the German research ship of AfghanIStan.. th~ result of clal capacIty to b."" talks witb Egy Orgam.aUon of Afl'lcan Uplty at Mctcor whIch discovered iI m 1936 "n ch th~ Supreme Court was es Its meehng on RhodtSla Since then fs now being explored more labllshetl, lbe Judge of.the plJm.ry whn horrow/rouble oltan officIals .nd with President Nasser There h.s been mucb t~ ccntacts between BrIhsh and the thoroughly by a new German re "ourt of Sheereen :ragal> wntlng In talk .bout UAR governments h.v~ conUou search vessel Meteor II " Farlab"of MAlmana in notlhw...lem ed but led to notblOg R19lOg Cram a seabed IS 000 teet G Iv. LVon JJ: Rtlal10ns between U,AR and Its AtghaOlstan s.ys that untll now former coiomal power have never Oeorge Brown bas always be<:n deep to • height only I 000 feel the JUdicIary was part of Ibe MIOI... been easy, and diplomaUc relatIOns tntere.ted 10 reest.bllshlng relattons below the surface the Grand Meteor try .of Jusllce ruo by the execullve Were last broken off In December WIth UARt He IS an 'old personal Bank is the largest ot I 200 !mown branch ..of the government THE KABUL. TiMES 1965 over th" RhodeSia questIOn frIend of PreSident Na.ser An' at seamounts (there are believed to be In addition Ihere were mihtary co as many as 20000 altogether} t'rabluhed veT) ROil exctpt Fndoll and A/ pUb­ But tbe MIddle East w.r has hap­ tempI to Improve m.Uers 10 1%5 urts run by {n~ MInistry of Natio­ pened Since then, and various old Calla comclded with Bnhsh .usp­ Meteor II s expedition led by two nal betenee and commerCial mb­ I'f hol,dayj by the Kabul Tunes Publish" gAge/ie) professors from Kiel University • IlIllllUllIlIllIlIlIIllIllIhlllllll 11111111111111 I II 11111111111111111111111 I II lutlllllU differen""'" be'->o,Bllitaiur. and enslOn of tho Aden constitUtion and unal.. run by the MlOistry of Co­ JUAR'bave tabn1or> a k"".loor. the dISmIssal of the AdeQl N.tion IS Gunter DIetrich and Eugen Siebold mmerce There were otbu courts to The.EgyptIans have long'l: marno alast government for alms at finding out whether or not try CIVil servents RU~E ne., .nd In the story of Aoglo-UAR Soon after the S,x-Day war of these seamounts are of volcanic The reforms wblch took place 34 YEARS OF ENLIGlmlKNED ortgln as geologISts suspect On board relations tl)cre IS much to re~m June 1967 Egyptian allegatIons of .s tbe result of ",hlcb tlu: Jw:tlclary are 86 scientlsts-gcologlsts geophy blir The abrogation on 1951 of tbe British Involvement In the' war on emerged as on mdependeDt branch 1m H slcists oceanographers meteorolo­ Today Afghanistan celebrates an por Ii,Ma:jestY.: aJso lnltlated socIal anll pool Anglo-UAR treaty of 1936 and the 'he Side dId nothlOg to ,m of tbe ...state were In conformity. With tlUlt oecaslon In her contemporary hIstorY. ODJ~litlCal refar-lo the country wbJcb are eqa81- seIZIng of power by Presldent Nas prov~ prospects of rapprochement Juts and bIOlogists They also hope to find out whe­ pnnclpl.. of democracy aod jusltce tlils day 34 years ago HIs MaJesty • the KJnct. Iy Jm)JOl'tant 'iii monarchists, consider the kIng\ to lDesS foUowed SlrUCIIVe. and moder.ate proposals The Wrl,er Judge Haflzullab Jab­ advancement of the country m the> eeonolllic, be a symbol of national unity. and a .resemolr On 'he Bntlsh SIde Egyp',an ste among thorn tb.1 Bntam and UAR arkhall refers to Islamic teachIng ,oclal and political spheres of our naticmal ute. of their hopes-and aspiratiOns JUs; Majesty has rhng accounts In Ihe U K were might start talkJOg for the: first time on the role of Judges In a society Hts Majesty has been followlDg In the foot a 'peclal pllJ9! In the hearts of his people 1Je. block'ed After 'wo years of pallenr In their history as equals He writes that Islam considen stcps of his father to promote eduClUon and cause he has taken a direct and personal In. negotlallons an Anglo-Egypt,.n One loW.. obstacle 10 Anglo-Egy Judges to be heIrs of Holy Prophet public health and to raISe the llvl~ staJidanls terest m their well-being. Royal visits to !inancl.1 agreemen' was Signed on pl.i3D friendship has been, the ques­ Mohammad to see that no IDJustice of hIS people Of speCIal Importanee In HIs even the remotest parts of the countrw' have now March 1 1959 sellllOg many of tion o~ South ArabIa Egyptlam felt IS donc 10 people or groups Mob l\1lljcsty s reJgn IS the last decade of enlightened /lecome a tradition During these visits HIs the quesllons ammg from the Suez lhat Bntaln was grantmg a false 1Il­ France ammad lHlght Justice and fau play rule. Dunng thIS penod the monareb decided Majesty obtalns flnt hand Informatwn ahout affair dependence by supportmg the Fede­ be a h) h Ii followers ral leaders JO Aden while refusmg last that the natton was ready to undertake sy8te- th II ndl" • th I d Ins...... ThIS was followed In Apnl 1959 Cooking the nut m hot sand from the illl nace In an cdltonal Fanab says that e vmg- co ..ODS 0 e peop e an .-- b the fr"'Dg of Bnllsh 011 campa 10 talk to the NauonaJls1.5 Now thaI has lhe Ministry o[ Agrtculture. and Ir mattc de\ elnpment of Its economy and the p"""--s of develo--nta} projects. Thns the y UAR D I t lat so In I Ip the Natlonahsts seem 10 be about Alth h -.,.,,_--....-- mes oms Ie rc IOns I galIOn 'ihould make stronger eff Fllst FIve Year Plan was launcheeL GUg nation feels -one with tire sovereIgn as Jt for- were slowly resumed over 'his per 10 lake power wllh British help (C­ funds to finance them both the first and se tions to head of states from frlend\y 001ID- 7&WJiJup- unll y whcre shottage of waler IS a cond Five Year Plans were successfully Imple- trles to visit Afghanistan have done mudl flo gre II prublcm great quantities of mented raJse our International prestige and to foster As~ \\ ~ cr a rc wasted because our far \s a re,ult notable changes have been fnendshJp and understanding between us and Broadcasting Iflstrument 0 f'DeVlel6pment The BMC assault on the IDter f'rst half erased a 2 I AustralIan from CeltIc sID VictOry 10 the II .... p; Ja ... k the proper knowledge of This IS the second of a senes of art Will be- dlfficuH Ihough not Impos- such regIonal cooperal1on lead and put the New Yorkers o n ne mal h In Glasgow last brought about In land and aJr transportation, the rest of the world Now that we start an natlona} motor rally of Corslca modern Irrlgatlonal methods AU B delegates .Iso had meetings month and was only ! posolblh The 24 hour event currently half of wHich were scored by 37th mlnute \ very effiCient method trngauon cess of 1Je.velopment IS belnl!' continued during our compatrtots in praying for the long life of More than Ihree years ago a case 10 educatIOnal and agTlcultural fro- ,"",- of maklOg low cost TV sets appraISed the toughest In Europe Bernard Tumulty The All Stars It came when Johnstone was "aler IS 10Sl because these JOwes the Third Five Vear Plan whIch was IalDler The general consensus was that make: ,t a more effective medIum low cosr teleVISion sets TranSlstor French alpme Renault doml slOn whIle holdmg the Auss!es squared off just mSlde the CeltIC the centre of northern prOVInce: of Jf was 100 early for us to brIng In of mass commUnicatIOn than radIO TV has already been develolX'd nators of the event most of the scoreless half while others mobbed the PROVE SUCCESSFUL JozJaD m one of Its recent edltonals teleVISIon Although The Kabul Tt In Afghanistan we have a short AI\ We need IS In9pClDSlYe sets recent years came thIrd and I he AustralJans had flown to New referee discusses how production of kara mes advocated teleVISion broadca&- age or teachers and we are In (0 Will reqUIr~ a number of years fourth, headed by the second York from Ireland late Saturday Steel helmeted pohce Immed­ When they carned Ruth Del man hours effort and money kul pelts-a major Item or export tlOg on ~ wTller conSidered acute need of educauonal hefom televtslon becomes t( true placed Porsche dnven by BrItons nlel I afrer defeatIDg county Ma Iately moved on the pItch as man mto the Amencan MedIcal nothmg m the hIStory of medl Illr Afghanlslan--can be JOcre:ased '-OME PRESS AT A: GLAN'CE the Idea a white elephant faCilIties We also need supplemen modlUm of mass communicatIOns Elford and Stone yo 15 8 earher m the day the game threatened to erupt In centre at Denver Colorado It ('me compares WIth the search for (he edltoTlal says that one of the The g~neral assembly of the tary education {aalInes aDd to pro- even- If we ~lnowl Bin we have The event was hIt by gale force BAD MATCH to a full scale rIot was only to make her more coro chemIcal agents effectIve agamst )IWI ys 1.0 mcrease thc produc as an example of fruitful cooperation ASian Broadcasting Union did not mote agflcultural extenslon prcr to make a start if we are to capIta Glasgow Celtic Saturday WIth Johnstone stIli Iymg on cancer The 16th of Aqrab IS an Import welcom ng the news about the ex WInds and dnvlng ram forcmg fortable and free from pam lion of thIS product IS to proYlde between Afghamstan and the' S0- even dISCUSS whecher developmg grammes For the: 15,000 vIllages In h.",cond round 71 He IS now eq one third cancer cases In the certam drugs appears to be ef thiS opportunIty and see that the ,e:lrs 10 populanse democracy 10 CE' to save end of the Marshal s VISIt were can The UAR government declared its laD: ambassador In ToktYo to Ial claIms these CIrcles do not ernment on the qu lead of 350 at the end of the fIrst lIal SIxth WIth fIve other players US are now bemg cured It fectlve In eracllcatmg all le1,Jkem n v. seeds are cultlv.atcd properly Ihe f QuntrY The promulgatIOn of That was all that racmg need celled Marshal Sallal spent the day neutrality in the Inner political a1 Phnom Penh over Japan s refU'!a I thmk that It heralds a freeZing' estJOD and try to thrash out the sessIOn but m the last 20 ,minutes mcludmg five times Bnbsh open 'ear HIS MaJest) 10 fulure plans It was understood he Arab Repubhc was followmg events of ambassador Prince SJSOwath January 1968 as the deadline for "ously and to have boped that century break 01 108 to snatch MARCHING ORDERS 1968 OlympICS said 10 MeXICO Cor only a few months CaPl'y On Sailor! augl raled the Supreme Court of had m!ormed Moscow he had can 10 Yemen with IDterest but the coup Matak threatened by Pnnce a fmal answer on the terntonal the ambassador will return to VictOry Bobby Lennox m the fll'St half CIty athletes would be offered Ruth Delman s Itfe was saved SIGNIFICANT ADVANCES AfghaOlslan III l('cordance wlth the celled \lIS VISIt de etat had beeg a purely mternal Norodom Slhanouk question, threatenmg 'free~' TokyO" folloWlng Iris Vl.,t to and F,ery Wmger Junmy John a two week cost free stay to ac­ because of new chemIcal treat The CounCIl report added that By AU Waleh p OVISlom of the Consbtuuon TENNIS News reportedly was conveyed to Yemeni affatr They pomt out that the Cambod of dJplomatlc relations If Japan­ Phnnm Penh BrItam the holders qualtfled stone and John Hughes m the r1JmatIse before the games be ments developed for cancer This studies carned out produced SI foda} Afghamstan IS takmg \"Igo Moscow by the Marshal s son Al The UAR mthtary presence In Ian embassy In Tokyo IS not bemg ese ,refuse ,ts recogmtloll of the second half were glven marchmg gm means InJectmg chemIcals whIch gntflcant advances In detectmg Rumours are setting m agam ruus steps in ralS ng Ihe hVIng stan for the second round of the Kmg s Sallal who IS Yerne", ambassador Yemen had been to support the closed but WIll contmue to func present boundanes Wlth VIet­ The stramed relations between cup tenniS tournament by com orders for the Scots Alfredo Ba He was conftnnmg a report pOISon the abnonnal fast multi and charactensIng VlrllS like par LI ke a thick log on a drowsy uard... 01 lis peuple under the wise Yemem republIc ag8lDst Imperialist In there and IS III Iraq tor hiS father 5 bon normally and that the Cam­ nam, Laos, and Thailand the two countries had resul~ In pletmg a 3 2 VlctOry over West lloi£1 ed al the general election three ml> Okker (Holland) and Jose EdIson pay four dollars a day was released from the hospItal savmg chIldren WIth a twnor much' ADVBRTlSING BATES nths later_ vi~tor.y ~~months Telephone 24047 " Any preslige gamed 10 falling general electIon I MandarlOQ (BraZIl) beat Ame­ In offenng MeXICO as the sIte after a SIX month 1reatrnent and called retmoblastoma whIch be Another posed as the future 101 DIsplay CoLumn men AI 1DO .go \by a sl" 5 7 VOle& Churchill's At, leIcester; self..lyled weallbl­ Ilcans Marty Rlessen and Clark of the OlympICS we conSIdered thE" cancer has not returned SIn gms m the eye UntIl recently Itt­ nlster Clasn!ted peT lme bold tupe At 20 bid te c.pture- Gorton, Mmcbes"',, COr1sefYative sol.... ce tie could be done m sueh cases ReplaCIng a layman or II spins 5HoU'IE RABEL EduOT SInce then Labou[ hay.. 10lt SIX GraeQ,\er 7-9 6'3 6-4 the question of cost to the com­ (l/llfl1mUm seven lmes peT ttueTfwtt) was overshadowed by disastrous 10 ICItor Tom Boarman produced a 16 Now the dISease dISappears 85 ter For other .numbers fint dial Iwitchboard ~eals m by~lectlOns 'THere ate a Bntam's Roger Taylor and petItors and feel m this way the sses-to a Scottllih nationalist at Ha­ per cent swing from the go\-.em redu~ed oer cent of the time 8UBSCR~ON RATE turther three by"Clections pending FranCOIse Purr of France won costs would be to the The Denver MedIcal Centre When the last photo IS .finally AC 1000 hlllton and to an opposItion conse ment to demolisbl rth&LS,OOO' maJor-!" where the government might again the mIxed doubles tttle beatIng lowest pOSSIble he added which treated her says that more Some forms of Cancer are more unveIled Ye.rly number 23043 24028 20026 Iy by form... Cornmonweillth th~ At 600 rvative a Leicester delead the laugh austerity measures Rlessen and Mlos Casals 6 4 4 6 Thus If an athlete felt he need than one In four of 'hopeless" resistant to new treatments They'll realise the boat has al­ Hal! Yearly ...retary Bowden \n lhe 1966 gene Bone cancer tS one of these un At 300 I.It HamlllOn~a safe labour seal whlch have, antagolllsed voters b-4 m the fmal ed two weeks to acchmatlse to patIents hke her now leave the ready saIled Quarterly Ex 24 58 ral el~lton EdItorial I~IOCO Wilson bas st.ked tbe govern FOOTBALL MeXICO CIty s 7350 foot (2240 me­ hospItal restored to better "ealth less It IS caught before It has spr­ Sall

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PAGE 2 THE Mountains Unde,.,~ / " \,1 Provincjejl 0':7.' ~'or the = Food 'fhDuflht Harold Beeley, Bnhsh Amb...... IOd hI 1961 Harold Beeley look Ocean dar 10 C."o from 1961;j\4, vlSl~ over as Ambassador when full dip­ I Ca,ro ,.. officIally on October 15 lomaue rel.tlOns Were resumed THe GrAr1d Meteor Bank an un By A SM'Wktter th~ Worry the JnffPr~fl paid by those DIngle Foot, the former Sohcltor I DJplomahc relatlol1s "{ere broken de/water land mass of unknown In an artlcle on JudiCial re Oeneral, was In CairO for a few off agam by UAR 10 December oT'lgm 10 the north east AtlanUc call trams enYJsaged in the C~nstilutlon (fays from October 7, 10 an unOffl 1965 followlOg • resplution of tbe ed alter the German research ship of AfghanIStan.. th~ result of clal capacIty to b."" talks witb Egy Orgam.aUon of Afl'lcan Uplty at Mctcor whIch discovered iI m 1936 "n ch th~ Supreme Court was es Its meehng on RhodtSla Since then fs now being explored more labllshetl, lbe Judge of.the plJm.ry whn horrow/rouble oltan officIals .nd with President Nasser There h.s been mucb t~ ccntacts between BrIhsh and the thoroughly by a new German re "ourt of Sheereen :ragal> wntlng In talk .bout UAR governments h.v~ conUou search vessel Meteor II " Farlab"of MAlmana in notlhw...lem ed but led to notblOg R19lOg Cram a seabed IS 000 teet G Iv. LVon JJ: Rtlal10ns between U,AR and Its AtghaOlstan s.ys that untll now former coiomal power have never Oeorge Brown bas always be<:n deep to • height only I 000 feel the JUdicIary was part of Ibe MIOI... been easy, and diplomaUc relatIOns tntere.ted 10 reest.bllshlng relattons below the surface the Grand Meteor try .of Jusllce ruo by the execullve Were last broken off In December WIth UARt He IS an 'old personal Bank is the largest ot I 200 !mown branch ..of the government THE KABUL. TiMES 1965 over th" RhodeSia questIOn frIend of PreSident Na.ser An' at seamounts (there are believed to be In addition Ihere were mihtary co as many as 20000 altogether} t'rabluhed veT) ROil exctpt Fndoll and A/ pUb­ But tbe MIddle East w.r has hap­ tempI to Improve m.Uers 10 1%5 urts run by {n~ MInistry of Natio­ pened Since then, and various old Calla comclded with Bnhsh .usp­ Meteor II s expedition led by two nal betenee and commerCial mb­ I'f hol,dayj by the Kabul Tunes Publish" gAge/ie) professors from Kiel University • IlIllllUllIlIllIlIlIIllIllIhlllllll 11111111111111 I II 11111111111111111111111 I II lutlllllU differen""'" be'->o,Bllitaiur. and enslOn of tho Aden constitUtion and unal.. run by the MlOistry of Co­ JUAR'bave tabn1or> a k"".loor. the dISmIssal of the AdeQl N.tion IS Gunter DIetrich and Eugen Siebold mmerce There were otbu courts to The.EgyptIans have long'l: marno alast government for alms at finding out whether or not try CIVil servents RU~E ne., .nd In the story of Aoglo-UAR Soon after the S,x-Day war of these seamounts are of volcanic The reforms wblch took place 34 YEARS OF ENLIGlmlKNED ortgln as geologISts suspect On board relations tl)cre IS much to re~m June 1967 Egyptian allegatIons of .s tbe result of ",hlcb tlu: Jw:tlclary are 86 scientlsts-gcologlsts geophy blir The abrogation on 1951 of tbe British Involvement In the' war on emerged as on mdependeDt branch 1m H slcists oceanographers meteorolo­ Today Afghanistan celebrates an por Ii,Ma:jestY.: aJso lnltlated socIal anll pool Anglo-UAR treaty of 1936 and the 'he Side dId nothlOg to ,m of tbe ...state were In conformity. With tlUlt oecaslon In her contemporary hIstorY. ODJ~litlCal refar-lo the country wbJcb are eqa81- seIZIng of power by Presldent Nas prov~ prospects of rapprochement Juts and bIOlogists They also hope to find out whe­ pnnclpl.. of democracy aod jusltce tlils day 34 years ago HIs MaJesty • the KJnct. Iy Jm)JOl'tant 'iii monarchists, consider the kIng\ to lDesS foUowed SlrUCIIVe. and moder.ate proposals The Wrl,er Judge Haflzullab Jab­ advancement of the country m the> eeonolllic, be a symbol of national unity. and a .resemolr On 'he Bntlsh SIde Egyp',an ste among thorn tb.1 Bntam and UAR arkhall refers to Islamic teachIng ,oclal and political spheres of our naticmal ute. of their hopes-and aspiratiOns JUs; Majesty has rhng accounts In Ihe U K were might start talkJOg for the: first time on the role of Judges In a society Hts Majesty has been followlDg In the foot a 'peclal pllJ9! In the hearts of his people 1Je. block'ed After 'wo years of pallenr In their history as equals He writes that Islam considen stcps of his father to promote eduClUon and cause he has taken a direct and personal In. negotlallons an Anglo-Egypt,.n One loW.. obstacle 10 Anglo-Egy Judges to be heIrs of Holy Prophet public health and to raISe the llvl~ staJidanls terest m their well-being. Royal visits to !inancl.1 agreemen' was Signed on pl.i3D friendship has been, the ques­ Mohammad to see that no IDJustice of hIS people Of speCIal Importanee In HIs even the remotest parts of the countrw' have now March 1 1959 sellllOg many of tion o~ South ArabIa Egyptlam felt IS donc 10 people or groups Mob l\1lljcsty s reJgn IS the last decade of enlightened /lecome a tradition During these visits HIs the quesllons ammg from the Suez lhat Bntaln was grantmg a false 1Il­ France ammad lHlght Justice and fau play rule. Dunng thIS penod the monareb decided Majesty obtalns flnt hand Informatwn ahout affair dependence by supportmg the Fede­ be a h) h Ii followers ral leaders JO Aden while refusmg last that the natton was ready to undertake sy8te- th II ndl" • th I d Ins...... ThIS was followed In Apnl 1959 Cooking the nut m hot sand from the illl nace In an cdltonal Fanab says that e vmg- co ..ODS 0 e peop e an .-- b the fr"'Dg of Bnllsh 011 campa 10 talk to the NauonaJls1.5 Now thaI has lhe Ministry o[ Agrtculture. and Ir mattc de\ elnpment of Its economy and the p"""--s of develo--nta} projects. Thns the y UAR D I t lat so In I Ip the Natlonahsts seem 10 be about Alth h -.,.,,_--....-- mes oms Ie rc IOns I galIOn 'ihould make stronger eff Fllst FIve Year Plan was launcheeL GUg nation feels -one with tire sovereIgn as Jt for- were slowly resumed over 'his per 10 lake power wllh British help (C­ funds to finance them both the first and se tions to head of states from frlend\y 001ID- 7&WJiJup- unll y whcre shottage of waler IS a cond Five Year Plans were successfully Imple- trles to visit Afghanistan have done mudl flo gre II prublcm great quantities of mented raJse our International prestige and to foster As~ \\ ~ cr a rc wasted because our far \s a re,ult notable changes have been fnendshJp and understanding between us and Broadcasting Iflstrument 0 f'DeVlel6pment The BMC assault on the IDter f'rst half erased a 2 I AustralIan from CeltIc sID VictOry 10 the II .... p; Ja ... k the proper knowledge of This IS the second of a senes of art Will be- dlfficuH Ihough not Impos- such regIonal cooperal1on lead and put the New Yorkers o n ne mal h In Glasgow last brought about In land and aJr transportation, the rest of the world Now that we start an natlona} motor rally of Corslca modern Irrlgatlonal methods AU B delegates .Iso had meetings month and was only ! posolblh The 24 hour event currently half of wHich were scored by 37th mlnute \ very effiCient method trngauon cess of 1Je.velopment IS belnl!' continued during our compatrtots in praying for the long life of More than Ihree years ago a case 10 educatIOnal and agTlcultural fro- ,"",- of maklOg low cost TV sets appraISed the toughest In Europe Bernard Tumulty The All Stars It came when Johnstone was "aler IS 10Sl because these JOwes the Third Five Vear Plan whIch was IalDler The general consensus was that make: ,t a more effective medIum low cosr teleVISion sets TranSlstor French alpme Renault doml slOn whIle holdmg the Auss!es squared off just mSlde the CeltIC the centre of northern prOVInce: of Jf was 100 early for us to brIng In of mass commUnicatIOn than radIO TV has already been develolX'd nators of the event most of the scoreless half while others mobbed the PROVE SUCCESSFUL JozJaD m one of Its recent edltonals teleVISIon Although The Kabul Tt In Afghanistan we have a short AI\ We need IS In9pClDSlYe sets recent years came thIrd and I he AustralJans had flown to New referee discusses how production of kara mes advocated teleVISion broadca&- age or teachers and we are In (0 Will reqUIr~ a number of years fourth, headed by the second York from Ireland late Saturday Steel helmeted pohce Immed­ When they carned Ruth Del man hours effort and money kul pelts-a major Item or export tlOg on ~ wTller conSidered acute need of educauonal hefom televtslon becomes t( true placed Porsche dnven by BrItons nlel I afrer defeatIDg county Ma Iately moved on the pItch as man mto the Amencan MedIcal nothmg m the hIStory of medl Illr Afghanlslan--can be JOcre:ased '-OME PRESS AT A: GLAN'CE the Idea a white elephant faCilIties We also need supplemen modlUm of mass communicatIOns Elford and Stone yo 15 8 earher m the day the game threatened to erupt In centre at Denver Colorado It ('me compares WIth the search for (he edltoTlal says that one of the The g~neral assembly of the tary education {aalInes aDd to pro- even- If we ~lnowl Bin we have The event was hIt by gale force BAD MATCH to a full scale rIot was only to make her more coro chemIcal agents effectIve agamst )IWI ys 1.0 mcrease thc produc as an example of fruitful cooperation ASian Broadcasting Union did not mote agflcultural extenslon prcr to make a start if we are to capIta Glasgow Celtic Saturday WIth Johnstone stIli Iymg on cancer The 16th of Aqrab IS an Import welcom ng the news about the ex WInds and dnvlng ram forcmg fortable and free from pam lion of thIS product IS to proYlde between Afghamstan and the' S0- even dISCUSS whecher developmg grammes For the: 15,000 vIllages In h.",cond round 71 He IS now eq one third cancer cases In the certam drugs appears to be ef thiS opportunIty and see that the ,e:lrs 10 populanse democracy 10 CE' to save end of the Marshal s VISIt were can The UAR government declared its laD: ambassador In ToktYo to Ial claIms these CIrcles do not ernment on the qu lead of 350 at the end of the fIrst lIal SIxth WIth fIve other players US are now bemg cured It fectlve In eracllcatmg all le1,Jkem n v. seeds are cultlv.atcd properly Ihe f QuntrY The promulgatIOn of That was all that racmg need celled Marshal Sallal spent the day neutrality in the Inner political a1 Phnom Penh over Japan s refU'!a I thmk that It heralds a freeZing' estJOD and try to thrash out the sessIOn but m the last 20 ,minutes mcludmg five times Bnbsh open 'ear HIS MaJest) 10 fulure plans It was understood he Arab Repubhc was followmg events of ambassador Prince SJSOwath January 1968 as the deadline for "ously and to have boped that century break 01 108 to snatch MARCHING ORDERS 1968 OlympICS said 10 MeXICO Cor only a few months CaPl'y On Sailor! augl raled the Supreme Court of had m!ormed Moscow he had can 10 Yemen with IDterest but the coup Matak threatened by Pnnce a fmal answer on the terntonal the ambassador will return to VictOry Bobby Lennox m the fll'St half CIty athletes would be offered Ruth Delman s Itfe was saved SIGNIFICANT ADVANCES AfghaOlslan III l('cordance wlth the celled \lIS VISIt de etat had beeg a purely mternal Norodom Slhanouk question, threatenmg 'free~' TokyO" folloWlng Iris Vl.,t to and F,ery Wmger Junmy John a two week cost free stay to ac­ because of new chemIcal treat The CounCIl report added that By AU Waleh p OVISlom of the Consbtuuon TENNIS News reportedly was conveyed to Yemeni affatr They pomt out that the Cambod of dJplomatlc relations If Japan­ Phnnm Penh BrItam the holders qualtfled stone and John Hughes m the r1JmatIse before the games be ments developed for cancer This studies carned out produced SI foda} Afghamstan IS takmg \"Igo Moscow by the Marshal s son Al The UAR mthtary presence In Ian embassy In Tokyo IS not bemg ese ,refuse ,ts recogmtloll of the second half were glven marchmg gm means InJectmg chemIcals whIch gntflcant advances In detectmg Rumours are setting m agam ruus steps in ralS ng Ihe hVIng stan for the second round of the Kmg s Sallal who IS Yerne", ambassador Yemen had been to support the closed but WIll contmue to func present boundanes Wlth VIet­ The stramed relations between cup tenniS tournament by com orders for the Scots Alfredo Ba He was conftnnmg a report pOISon the abnonnal fast multi and charactensIng VlrllS like par LI ke a thick log on a drowsy uard... 01 lis peuple under the wise Yemem republIc ag8lDst Imperialist In there and IS III Iraq tor hiS father 5 bon normally and that the Cam­ nam, Laos, and Thailand the two countries had resul~ In pletmg a 3 2 VlctOry over West lloi£1 ed al the general election three ml> Okker (Holland) and Jose EdIson pay four dollars a day was released from the hospItal savmg chIldren WIth a twnor much' ADVBRTlSING BATES nths later_ vi~tor.y ~~months Telephone 24047 " Any preslige gamed 10 falling general electIon I MandarlOQ (BraZIl) beat Ame­ In offenng MeXICO as the sIte after a SIX month 1reatrnent and called retmoblastoma whIch be Another posed as the future 101 DIsplay CoLumn men AI 1DO .go \by a sl" 5 7 VOle& Churchill's At, leIcester; self..lyled weallbl­ Ilcans Marty Rlessen and Clark of the OlympICS we conSIdered thE" cancer has not returned SIn gms m the eye UntIl recently Itt­ nlster Clasn!ted peT lme bold tupe At 20 bid te c.pture- Gorton, Mmcbes"',, COr1sefYative sol.... ce tie could be done m sueh cases ReplaCIng a layman or II spins 5HoU'IE RABEL EduOT SInce then Labou[ hay.. 10lt SIX GraeQ,\er 7-9 6'3 6-4 the question of cost to the com­ (l/llfl1mUm seven lmes peT ttueTfwtt) was overshadowed by disastrous 10 ICItor Tom Boarman produced a 16 Now the dISease dISappears 85 ter For other .numbers fint dial Iwitchboard ~eals m by~lectlOns 'THere ate a Bntam's Roger Taylor and petItors and feel m this way the sses-to a Scottllih nationalist at Ha­ per cent swing from the go\-.em redu~ed oer cent of the time 8UBSCR~ON RATE turther three by"Clections pending FranCOIse Purr of France won costs would be to the The Denver MedIcal Centre When the last photo IS .finally AC 1000 hlllton and to an opposItion conse ment to demolisbl rth&LS,OOO' maJor-!" where the government might again the mIxed doubles tttle beatIng lowest pOSSIble he added which treated her says that more Some forms of Cancer are more unveIled Ye.rly number 23043 24028 20026 Iy by form... Cornmonweillth th~ At 600 rvative a Leicester delead the laugh austerity measures Rlessen and Mlos Casals 6 4 4 6 Thus If an athlete felt he need than one In four of 'hopeless" resistant to new treatments They'll realise the boat has al­ Hal! Yearly ...retary Bowden \n lhe 1966 gene Bone cancer tS one of these un At 300 I.It HamlllOn~a safe labour seal whlch have, antagolllsed voters b-4 m the fmal ed two weeks to acchmatlse to patIents hke her now leave the ready saIled Quarterly Ex 24 58 ral el~lton EdItorial I~IOCO Wilson bas st.ked tbe govern FOOTBALL MeXICO CIty s 7350 foot (2240 me­ hospItal restored to better "ealth less It IS caught before It has spr­ Sall

o .. , , j ',(" j~" , ~ , '.: '.' ,~. ., \ . -.1 .', " ".' , '.' ~ I \' ,', ' '" ",' , I ' ,'" \ • I j .', J , , , '. " , ',1 .., :-:,... :':, , '.: • :' :., : .'. 'c"',~' '. ,:,.:.. :, ,:. ,~. ~ ,<" .. ( '. ':'.},-: "p. . • ... I• '. '<..".,~'" ~..:.~.I • .....J,: : ".i! ••• .P\I" j , ... I,",~'f'" ~ ~ r"'n,l';'~·. .·ui~·\

'\ " \ I, .' ~l( ~ . '.:'.' " ,:. . ,'" 't f "! ,.J ' -,.~ ~i"itl" ':.' ..', ,:' .:,,',' . . World:..'N¢ws In· "BI:ief"' • • ",.'" r '. ~ " JAKARTA Nov. 8, (lUlIteI'). ky Panhandle of the occupied .. ' ...:,.n,;e' ..w.a«er of'a" ,Jakarta West Barik TuesdaY, the anny , • t~ , . fashion sbow has wrItteD to 10' said here. . cal pollee apolOll'lsIDg fOr a reo . A helicopter was called iii to' ., .., cent modelUng dIsPlay In which aid troopers ill a chase thioughout ." : ,.) one girl was seen e~ her th~ rol1lng Hebron hills, sources ~.' navel, press reporte said here. saId. ' .. '. The reports said the letter . \ . also regretted the display' of PARIS. Nov. 8, (AP).-French 'Prlce'~ Foreign MinIster Maurice ColI­ . i '" .' ,\ ". a Skirt which . the· audience " c:onsldered lndeINE, · This criticism ranged 'ff?m' UAR'!ij relations with the Unttc:d U.S -USSR .Ties . All:4aY at yo(r,ll,en'Ice . ,', " .~ •• 1"-1" unSubstantiated allegations that' Turkish counterpart Ishan Sabrt Spaghetti Noodles mluIe ./ - CaglaYangil. who is accompany· Slates are also going through.8 bad Diploma PltiBti.argh, U.s. Splaldld CODiUUoD.· Britain and the U.S. gave' Blatta: \ ing President Cevedet SlUlay on phase following Egypt's breaking NEW YORK. Nov. 8 (AP}-Dip­ with eggs by NakaL' You 'G".~y:...•"inI...... 80,000 Jan. Students aDd facmty membe1'8 of the CoDere of Medicine lay, a wreath on the JDaU90leum of His Majesty the late King Mo.· active assistance, '" charges that ) \ his current state visit to Bri­ off of diplomatic relations at the: lornat-scholar George Kennan said can find them in the NIk­ FOR SALE ·Converilble dee!!'liof. otber bammad Nader Shah by using their Influence, they time of the summer war. ~.fD·be tain "if we could once remove from the 1966 Ford ADgUa s.J00a. Duty 1IokJ..' might have dissuaded Eastern The whole question of resumption zad Market and other Nigeria from seceding. Subjects discussed during the equation the unhappy factor of Vie­ groceries. .. I'3ld' RIDg 2l!512' ALAN· Holmes Tax ._1d'~~'2063Z , 75-minute talk included the cIOn· of the Anglo-Egyptian relations tnam" the UnIted States and the BrItish Embassy. Diplomats here revealed that tral treaty organisation (CENTOl, must be seen in the context of Soviet Union could launch a "vig­ Security Council Resumes the British and Am~\'II!llI t91d of which Turkey is a member al­ UAR"s relations WIth Israel and orous and bold attack" on the dif­ , .' Ojukwu before seceeslon that ong ,With . Iran. Brl­ the shU unsolved problems of the ferences between the two nations. • Middle East Debate' Tonight they did not expect his propo!red tain and the United States, the war The major problems shared by the Be winner eve'n when The Security douncU was to meet Nations named by the UN Security • Biafrs to gain any intematibi'-al' Middle East sItuation and NATO. The extreme dellcacy of the mo­ U.S, and the Soviet Union, Kennan yo'u lose.' today (Thursday) at 2030 GMT to Council \Iflthin the terms of' the support. Special emphasis was given to ves towards resumption of Anglo­ said Monday night. are "the ~i­ , di5cuss the Middle East crisis, it was Indian resolution on the MTddle Eas.t British High Commission~ Sir east·west relations in the light Egyphan hnks IS shown by reports Vlson of Germany, of Euro~ and officially announced Wednesday which was prejudicial to Israeli tn- David Hunt said in a statement of the visit in September to the from offiCial Circles in Jerusalem the proliferation of nude~r weaJr afternoon. ierests.' .. ~\~ that the British specifically war­ Soviet Union by Turkish Prem, Ihat Israel IS highly cntical of the ons", Meanwhile IsraeU Foreign MinJs~ Eban, speaking ot Ii UN press can- ned Ojukwu and his supporters_ ler Suleyman Demirel. ~oming VISJl of Harold Seeley to K~nnan. who once served as am­ ter Abba Eben said yesterday his terence declined to pass any flnal about this "but it did not detel' (alro bassador to Moscow and Yugosla­ country would not cooperate with judgment on the A:merlcan resolu- them." DENVER, Colorado. Nov. 8. H IS ViSit IS regarded by Israel as via IS now a professor at the Inst­ any represenJative of the United tlon submitted to the Security Coun- ,in 'irntant' (he was Mr. Ernest Be­ (AP).·-Defence Secretary Robert Ilule of Advanced Sfudles at Princ­ . J h cil Tue,daylsr~eli S McNamara declared TuesdaY vm's prinCipal adViser on Palestine) eton University. He and other spe­ HUSSeln, 0, nson The fo(eign mmbter re- the U S. can fight aggression ab­ and his new assignment arouses akers at the second annual Edward itersled that the Israeli po,ition Senators, House road and still combat poverty. ur­ Israeh suspicions .that Britain is R. Murrow world affairs Forum dm­ Meet For. Hour was: rtspeet for the ceasellre unltil ban decay and social injustice at about to renew its 'flirtation' wlth ner of the Overseas Press Club ex­ ~ a true peat!e' selUctnefit was direct­ .Committees Meet home Ihe Arabs. ammed the USSR In the 50 years ly negotiated with the Arab natioos. We can curb aggression abroad, (FWFl since the revolution WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, (AP).­ He said Israel dId not want to go "McNamara asserted, And we can President Johpson and King Hussein back to the armistice arrangements. Yesterday's meeting of the Meshrano meet our pressing social problems African Heads Urge of- Jordan conferred Wednesday ,He pointed !lut that territorial J 1£ga!;l, presided over by ~,~r here at home. And we can do LASHKARGAH, Nov. (Bakh­ evening -for an hour, discussing the seltlements traditionally followed Mir AbdUl Karim Maacinn. 1Ii\t>.lle- End To Smith Regime ---.. I '...,;I both at the same time if we will tar).-Helmand Governor Mo­ Middle East sltualion In the light of peace settlements. puty president of the House".dlscua- ADDIS ABABA. Nov. 8. (AFP) the UAR'i sudden 'l"QQuest tor a uTbe Arabs, who started and lost USe WIdely existing institutions hammad Hashim Safi yesterdaY sed article 52 to 62 of the draft law Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie the" war. carmot impose a pea.ce set­ and available resources,n and Keyna President lorna Ken­ laid the foundation stone of an . KA~UL, November 9, (Bakhtar).-In a telegram sent on parliamentary electionl. Fol'tiY-one Af. 7.5 million dormitory for stu· tlcment", he declared. yatta TuesdaY called on Britain We have been selLng lottery tickets, hundreds of thousands of· them for Majesty the KIng In reply to his congratulatory senators attended. dents of the agriculture school in Asked about rccent -remarks by y, HIlI TEL AVIV. Nov, 8. (AP).­ 10 use force. to overthrow \he years at At. 10 a I!iece because unlike ot her lottepes no one loses in Afghan .m~~ R~ Commandanl of !be security forces Garmser. The 300 student dormi· King Hussein qf Jordsn. Eban said on the coronation of Shah .Pahlevl and Seven Arabs were killed in an Ian Smith regime in Rhodesia. Queeu Farah, the Irantan mOnlll'Ch and Queen Farah have Mohammad Rahim Naseri, and dIrec· hour·long gun battle with Isra· tory is being built by the Helm­ Red Crescent SocIety raffles. You 'may be lucky and win one of our brand new the fact of recognising IsraeU's right They also called' on African ~9ns\ltute tor general of general se<:Urity de­ eli security troopers in the roc- and Valley Construction Unit. ears, 3;n expense paid trip to Beirut or Tehr:an, or cash prizes up to At. ~50,OOO. to exist did not a poUlical thanked ·Thelr Majesties the KIng and the Queen for their "freedom movements" to patch conc«:ssiQn. ' lbeill#c4t sentiments lind have expressed their hope for the partment Abdul Baalr Hakiml yelt­ up any differences between them Even if you aren't lucky you still win. --._------. plWPeiity and health of Their Majestle'l. the further prcg· l';rday appeared before the Intemal and step up their fight for inde· Your money adds up to the society's ability to do a better job wherever and AlIalrs Committee of the Woleai Hussein pendence. ~crtlts res ,",!nd:prpsperity of the Afghan .natlon, and the further NAUROZ CARPET whenever its help is needed. PLO : W,ar CciiiiOlfdlltlilii, or:tlie brotherlY' relations between Afgha­ Jirgah and answered. queatioDIJ on The appeals were contained passport levies and other related (Contd. tram page I) ·pJstaJI Iran m an eight-point final conunu­ :aJid 1rran. Above Shah and Queen of during matters. to present a "partisan Arab Hot Discussion, 'coronation ceremontes. nique. issued 'here shortly after EXPORT CO. Buy an Afghan Red Crescent Society Lottery , ., " , , , In the Wolew Jlriah's Committee view" of the situation. President Kenyatta left for home '~,u,blic This is necessary, he said. be­ Health Seminar E.ndsi on Cultural Main the culiural' after his eight day official visit , SQYs·.. Shukairy. , agreement concluded between . At.. cause on the Middle Eallt ques­ to Ethiopia. Ticket. They help. . ··Gene·ral· ~~groes ghanistan and Poland waI dJlCUued.· tion "few people, even journal­ Regarding Rhodesia, the two (Avallable In Red Crescent SocIety TI cket booths) Progress Confirmed' ALGIERS, Nov 9 (AFPl-The TwQ Elected Mayors ists, are .neutral: everyone seems KABUL. Nov: 9, (Bakhtll1').- The ministry hoped, she said, President of the Palastinc l.eberation The Committee on Intematlollal leaders deplored the fact that Of:,fitLS~ Relations debsted the air IliJ'/OIOfIlI!ft to be one side or the other," Britain h.d not yet taken any The month long semiliar of pro- the participants in connducting thelr Organisaiillil;. Ahmad ShUkairy, said .'. Industrial Cities '. ,~. ',:~ ~ . between AfghanIstan and Swedea. If Jews and Arabs' are to live effective measures to bring down vineial public health chiefs held duties would keep in mind the W,e!lnesday !be. Palestine probl~m " 1t AIr, \0 peace, "the allen quality of the Rhodesian "rebel regiJne. in the Pqblic Health Institute decisions reached at the semi- could hi solved only through war NEW' YORK. 'Nov. 9, (Aw.;.....:. the White House. Representatives of !be Miban I~rael must be dimiQished," Hus­ Noting that sanctions had failed, here ended yesterday. nar. not th.rpuSh the l)nitcd Nations. Two Negro candidates were elected By a slender msrgin. Carl B. Authority were present at the com· sein said, It must become llmore they called on Britain to use for­ Matters related to development Sbukairy-,made. lhe statement b... mayors of two important A,merican Stokes, the great grandson of a mittee meeting to answer. qu~tfons. "We are happy to note that the sla\"e, became the tirst Negro mayor eastern and less European." ce. A'W I of health services Md iJDproving fore leaving Algiers foUowins talks industrial citle. Tuesday in local The Committee 00 BudlleU;ry and Concluding, the king said: medical services were discussed sen'Jinar has cOllfinned i>rogre~s with President Houari Boumedlen­ elections vIewed as a national bar­ of a major AmerIcan city when he Financial AI!a1n dlscuSled tha eoc­ "'the Jews of Israel have a at the ,seminar. has been made ib health ~erVlces oe, He said Algeria' and the PLO ometer for next year's presidential WBS elected in Cleveland the CQun­ tion on finance of the law govern­ BAGHLAN. Nov. 8, (Bakhtar) during the past years even in the t;y's eIght largest city with a popu· choice: The choice of living with 'Views were exchanged by the \fere ii) ''total agreement" on J'~lc8'­ elections. . ing civil aviation In AfghaniJtan. -Qne 'person died and another We offer our customers remotest· parts of the country," The electloDs howevcr. failed to lation of over 800,000. us peacefully and eternally as provincial public health chiefs tine,' , Committees on National Defence, they have in the past, or of reo . \lfas critically injl,lred in a traffic new and antique carpe~ she 'sald: give a clear indication of whether Stokes B "moderate" Democrat. Social Improvement, Public Works aCCIdent yesterday in Baghian. and heads of departments in the the Republicans or the Democrats defeated republicao candidate mammg an Isolated outpost. at low prices and different Ministry of public Health on The. 'minlstet urged' depart­ The United Nations, he cliarged, and Communications, Mines and In­ "We believe strongly that the The dead man was Asadullah. an SONDERVERKAUF arc running ahead in the race for Taft, the grandson of President dustries 'also met yesterday. employee of Ghori Power Plant methods of combating diseases ments of the Public Health MI- was a sCJ:nc of "manoeuvres and future of the Jews lies not in sizes.' Opposite the Blue plots where right and justice count William Howard Taft. in Pule Khumn. The injured man and expanding medical faciU. ,nistry to step up their ooopera­ In Gary, Ipdiana, which Is smaller ZIOnist racism. We do hope that Mosque, Share Nau. tion with ml1nlcipal corporations, only if lhey are ~upported by com· the coming decades will lead to IS still in a coma. and has not w tielL NATO Committee than Cleveland Negro J)emocrat bat. No "just solution," can be fo­ been identifed Te: 24035 The closing session of the se­ the Afghan Red Crescent Society Richard G. Hatcher defeated Re­ • New Philippine's Enyoy the de·racism of Israel and to minar was addressed by Public and Rural Development Projects. und there, he continued, and tbat is thE' aSSimilation of Jews as free publican Joseph Radigan: Gary is an KABUL. Nov. go-The aitUment Health Minister Miss. Kubra On behalf of his colleagues who wby the PLO believes that the libe­ Foils To Work Out industrial city near Chicago, on the new ambassador of the PhIl· citizens mto a strong eastern 80­ participated in the seminar Dr. ralion of Palestine can be accomp­ (,Iety" NoUnal, The minister said the The defeated candidates in both lipines, Leon Guerrero, has''beeri month-long deliberations have Kabiri, chi~f:of public health lished only on Palestinian soil. Policy Refo,rms' contests were expected to ask for a issued on the behalf ot nil M:aj~~, contributed to a better understan­ department in Kandahar thanked "Only the' palestinian people can recount. the King, the information deP8:~t'. I ding of the problelDS inherent III the ministry and the Public dec~de their {atc", be said, adding BRUSSELS Nov, 9, (DPA).­ The Democrats also won by a slim of the Foreign MIniStry announCed. the field of public .health In Health Institute for holding the thaI the people had chosen no "so· The first se~ion of the "harmel He is also his country'. envoy in Weather' Forecast' various provinces by the' authori­ seminar and said it would be vereign or president" to accept a margm in Philadephla, where the Committee'" of NATO ended incumbent Mayor James Tate was New Delhi. PIA Winter Schedule ties In the Publfc. HeJilth Minis- instrumental in advancing better political solution to the Palestin. here Wednesday without reach­ Skies in the eentnl and ...... try. . medical ser'·ices. (Photo lJage C) iaTI probl~m. reelected by 350.000 votes to 340.000 ing 'agreement on projected po­ In Mississippi an arch-Conservative them regions will be overeast. licy reforms of "NATO. Effective No,vember 1, 1967 democrat John Bell Williams won B the wartllellt WlIII· vom 7. November bis 17. November Humphrey Accused Of yesterday area .The committee is named after two-to-one victory dyer his repub­ 'asbakargah with a high of Z'I ~, Belgian Foreign. Minister Pier­ "Sinister Manoeuvres" Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, hcan opponent Rus~1 Phillips in 80 F. The coldest WI'S North S... re Harmel and is to work out the contest for the governorship, , ·Nov. 9•. (Reu- lang with a low -5 d, 23 F. 1Ii~ or recommendations on NATO poli­ In the only other election for gOY· ter).-The New China new« Yesterday Mazare Sharlt had 2 Saturday .cy reforms regarding East-West emOf, Republican candidate Louis ency accused U.S. Vice Presi­ mm rain. Malman 9 7 JDDl, it'llD.· \ relations. secunty questions and B. Nunn led Democrat Henry Word dent Hubert HUDlphrey of im­ duz 7 MM. North SaIan&' 6 mm, relations with non-members. by 21,000 ,votes to become the fint plicating Indonesia in his "sinis­ South Salang 10 mm and BaP· Arrival: Kabul 1050 hours The recommendations are to Wlr geben Ihnen In der vor·genannten Zeit zum Wlnteranfang RepubHcan governor ot Kentucky ter manoeuvres" for the expan­ Ian 3 mm. bj! submitted to the NATO mini­ in 24 years. sion of the American war .eUorta . The temperature at 10 LDL was Departure: For Peshawar 1140 hours sterial council in December. • There are now 26 Republican gov­ in Vietnam. 10 C. 50 F, No details on the session of ernors and 24 Democrats. It was commenting yesterday Yesterday'S temperatures: the llHannel Commitee" have The republicans alto won the rna.. on his recent three·day visIt to .Kabul 17 C 3.C 10% NaehlasB. been disclosed. jority of seals in the New Jersey Indonesis for talks with actjng 63F 3'7F The committee hss decided to ,state legislature, where the demo­ preSident General Suharto end Kandahar 25 5C meet again November 22 in Brus­ cra~ had ruled for 50 years. other Indonesian leaders. '7'l F tl F sels for further consultations. This result prompted Ray C. BUss, The agency said he arrived In Gbaznl l!iC IC A W' I Benutzen Sie dlese Gelegenhelt elnes goenstlgen Observers in Brussels aid to­ chairman of the Republican Party Jakarta On November 4 after • 59 F 3Z F da:\' WednedaY Frances position to stIlte: "the upsurg,.ln RepubUcan series of sinister mQneouvres . in Baghlan 19 C 4 C appeared to be the main obstacle. strength which began in 1966 Is con­ South and othe~ pia.. 66 F 39 F· ;• in lDaklng headway on the items tinuing and the results -are very for the expansion of· .t,he. Jalalabad 26 C 4 C up for diacW!Slon. signiftcant." Vietnam war, AFGHANISCHE EInkauflJ! w , , . . Congp 'Demands Security Council Adio~ '1 'U1'll'l'l!ID l'l'A'1'lC!lR8, IRati.. tlon ot October 1966 whlcb '. sayl, '41 other' nations. introduced a draft WOLLINDUSTRIE ~ (DPA).-The Congo "(KInsha",,) I~ that the Congo's neighbouring states resplulio,\ Wednesday condetnnll\i I lo the UN Security Council Wednesday • mu,t hot be used as bases for Inter- the Portl,llllJese ioV1:mment lU!d y ~ demanded concrete measureS acainlt venUon in the Congo's internal affirmtna: the rtah~ to aeU-determ1na- LadCll I Banal llIa!daD (Share·Nan) • Portugal for lettiog mercenaries alIain. !lon ot th~ people In Portugal'l Af· p~otograpbs terrlior~ AWl I' 'operate against the Con'go from DII Lutete pro-duced rican '.' . LadeD D OJ.... Malftnd -Aiigola. allegedly taken in Angola which, AlUANA CINEMA Kabul JPamlr CInemr.) LTD., BIETET . ~, , , ,eongolese deputY .. foreign minister he said, showed foreign me~arieB Tan~anlan Ambasadnr John W.s. At 2, 4: 307 and 9 p.m. Russian film Ladenm 8I\ab~Ma!daD (Sbar-e·NaD~laue MOIIdlee) I "oan .Umba DI- Lutete allo called for and tormer Katanga lleodarmes. Malecela lold the General AiHmbly'a WARSHIPS BLOW UP IN THE 'Sciviet eniba~sy atteii4!ed;' 4l mora WIEDER •Lad/01l IV . Splnui' Botel , FI:om left to ri,ht (1st ~qw) Info~atlo~ and, l condemnation" of Portugal He claimed the photos were taken : trusteeship committee that the pe0­ PORT Mitarb~iter apd arltlclseq alleg~ western mUI- tor tlie younger brother of ple· of Africa condemn Portullal for PARK CINEMA Wir'suchen - kaufm. und techn, - aa-~ !Cu1t!lre. clep~ty 'J"lnlster; M.l\I. Arya, Ml'8, Laden V SarchDna-MaIcbn (Sw-e-NaufMaldan tary sssistance to LIsbon which en' Congolese Prime Mln1lter Moise Its "unjust war" B,ainat j hlrlcan­ At 2, 4: 30, 7 and 9 p.m, American 'BESONDERES -. . courgaed it to cOlllinue its'colonial Tshombe, now detained In Algeria. born subjects- and "'~ con­ ~ ~) film jJewerben Sie slch bltte an P.O. Box 312, Laden VI RabIa·BaD!Jj(Shar-e.Naui'gegenaeber L. Smlruova, Benawa. KIani L9u~ko, 'Sy policy in Africa. but did not lay how he' came to be demns" the acUvitles of· foretan THE LAST WAGON tin, Shlillzl and S. KhalIL ~I:!ut . !1'fm~ Kinshasa' claimed Ihat Portugal bas in !beir po"",~lon. Interesu.1n their continued dealinla ZAJN~ CINEMA Telefon: -23556 - 23521 Edltor,IQ-Chlllf, violated n' Security Council resolu' Tanzania, sPeaklnl for itself and with the Portu~ese '01~t. At I: 30, 5 and 8 p.m. Indian film , , OIL OIYA DARD LIYA

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