The Tale of Once, there were four little rabbits named Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and Peter. They lived with their mother underneath a very big fir tree. One morning, Mother Rabbit said to her children, “I am going to the market. You may go to the fields or down the lane, but don’t go into Mr. McGregor’s garden. Now run along and play, but don’t get into trouble!” Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail were good little bunnies and went down the lane to gather berries. But Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight to Mr. McGregor’s garden! Peter hopped through the garden, thinking about what he wanted to eat. First, he ate some lettuce. Then, he ate some radishes. Finally, he went to look for some carrots, but he ran into Mr. McGregor! Mr. McGregor was planting seeds. He jumped up and ran after Peter, waving a rake and yelling, “Stop, thief!” Peter was scared! He ran all over the garden because he had forgotten the way back to the gate. He lost one of his shoes among the cabbages and the other show among the potatoes. One of the buttons on his jacket got caught on a tomato vine and he couldn’t get free! He began to cry, but some friendly sparrows came by and told him to keep trying. Peter squirmed out just in time, leaving his jacket behind him. “I’ll get you next time, you thief!” cried Mr. McGregor. Peter didn’t stop hopping until he got all the way home.

The Tale of Mr. Tod The tree roots grew among heaps of rocks and there, beneath a cliff, the sneaky fox known as Mr. Tod made his home. It was at the top of a steep bank with rocks and bushes slightly covering it. Mr. Tod was known for capturing little, helpless bunnies and making them his supper. On this particular evening, Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny were hoping to rescue some of their fellow rabbit friends. They crept up to his home, very carefully, listening closely and trying to get a closer look. This fox’s home was something between a cave, a prison, and an absolute pig sty. There was a heavy, wooden door, which was shut and locked. The setting sun made the window panes glow like red flames, but the kitchen fire was not lit. Benjamin sighed with relief. However, there were preparations upon the kitchen table, which made both rabbits shudder. There was a huge, empty pie dish and a large carving knife. At the other end of the table was a partly unfolded tablecloth, a plate, a knife and fork, salt, pepper, and a chair. In short, there were all the preparations for one person’s supper. As Peter and Benjamin peeked into the window, they didn’t see a soul. Mr. Tod didn’t appear to be around, and luckily, no little rabbits were to be seen either. The kitchen was empty and silent. Peter and Benjamin flattened their noses against the window and stared into the dusk.

Name: ______Teacher: Miranda Banta Rech

Unit 1 Assessment

Directions: Choose the best answer for the following multiple choice questions.

1. Take a look at the picture in story. Based on what you saw, how do you think Mr. McGregor felt when he saw Peter Rabbit in his garden? (RL3.7)

a. Mr. Mcgregor doesn’t seem to care that Peter is in his garden. b. Mr. McGregor seems to be scared of Peter Rabbit c. Mr. McGregor looks upset after seeing Peter in his garden. d. Mr. McGregor seems happy to see a creature in his garden.

2. Which character trait best describes Peter Rabbit in The Tale of Peter Rabbit? (RL3.3) a. Peter Rabbit is disobedient. b. Peter Rabbit is silly. c. Peter Rabbit is lazy. d. Peter Rabbit is considerate.

3. How would you describe Peter Rabbit at the end of The Tale of Peter Rabbit? (RL3.3) a. sly b. discouraged c. scared d. funny

4. What was Peter Rabbits and Benjamin Bunny’s motivation for going to Mr. Tod’s house? (RL3.3) a. Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny wanted to visit a family friend. b. Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny went to Mr. Tod’s house to play. c. Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny were told to take something to Mr. Tod d. Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny wanted to help free some of their bunny friends.

5. Which of these events happened at the beginning of The Tale of Peter Rabbit? (RL3.1) a. Peter goes to Mr. McGregor’s garden b. Mother Rabbit tells Peter Rabbit and his sisters not to go to Mr. McGregor’s garden. c. Peter eats vegetables from Mr. McGregor’s garden. d. Peter loses his shoes and jacket in the garden.

6. What is similar about the settings in The Tale of Peter Rabbit and The Tale of Mr. Tod? (RL3.9) a. Both stories take place in Peter Rabbit’s house. b. Both stories take place outdoors. c. Both stories take place in Mr, McGregor’s garden. d. Both stories take place at Mr. Tod’s house.

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Please use your best handwriting and remember that sentences start with a capital letter and end with a period. Each question is worth 2 points.

7. The author, says Peter Rabbit is very naughty. Explain how you can tell that Peter Rabbit is naughty. Use two details from the story to support your answer. (RL3.3) ______

8. Compare and Contrast plots of The Tale of Peter Rabbit and The Tale of Mr. Tod. Tell how the plots are alike and how they are different. Use details from the text to support your answer. (RL3.9) ______