A Preliminary Evaluation of the Ecotourism Potential in the of Northwestern

Prepared by: Brent Liddle St Elias Interpretive Planning & Consulting Yukon, Canada

For: The Kesho Trust (Canada)

In co-operation with: The West Lunga Trust (Zambia)

The Kesho Trust

11166 Willow Rd. Sidney, BC Canada V8L 5K6

Email: [email protected] Website: www.thekeshotrust.org

A Preliminary Evaluation of the Ecotourism Potential in the Mwinilunga District of North Western Zambia

Prepared by Brent Liddle St Elias Interpretive Planning & Consulting Yukon, Canada

For The Kesho Trust (Canada)

In Co-operation with The West Lunga Trust (Zambia)


This assignment is thanks to the efforts of Bruce Downie, Founding Direc- tor of the Kesho Trust, working with their partner organization, Charles Rea of the West Lunga Trust in Zambia. During my one month assignment in October ,2008 I had incredible opportunities to meet the local people and experience the area first hand. A sincere thanks to both individuals and the many others I have met in Zambia. Without their help and insight to West Lunga, this report would not be possible.

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia

Table of Contents


Understanding “ Ecotourism “ ...... 1. Key Characteristics of Ecotourism ...... 1. Goals and Objectives ...... 2.

General Interpretive Themes: Outline of Natural and Cultural Sites

Main Interpretive Theme : YAMBEZHI ...... 4. Sub-theme “A”: Lunga ...... 4. Sub-theme “B”: LUNDA ...... 4. Sub-theme “C”: ...... 5. Sub-theme ”D”: MIOMBO ...... 5. Sub-theme “E”: COLONIZATION ...... 6.

Preliminary Ecotourism Assessment and Evaluation

Ecotour #1: Mwinilunga / Zambezi Source National Monuement ...... 7. Ecotour #2: Lake Chibesha / Kawila [‘Safehouse’] ...... 9. Ecotour #3: Gorge / Nyambeweza Falls / Rock Carvings ...... 10. Ecotour #4: Nyawunda /Mujimbeji Mission Site /Caves & Caverns .....11. Ecotour #5: Chumba / Ikosayimbana Sacred Sites ...... 12. Ecotour #6: Mission / Zambezi Rapids ...... 13. Ecotour #7: West ...... 14. Ecotour #8: ...... 15.

Ecotourism Planning and Development

Ecotourism Development Plans ...... 16. Packaging the Product ...... 18. Identifying Markets ...... 18. Training and Development ...... 18. Facility Development ...... 19. Testing the Ecotourism Market ...... 20.

Next Steps Short Term Actions ...... 21.

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia



Understanding ‘Ecotourism’ Key Characteristics of Ecotourism

Many rivalling definitions and mis- • Involves first hand experience understandings surround the ge- with the natural and cultural en- neric term ‘ ecotourism’ . An ecotour vironment in the truest sense of the word is based upon the sub-components: • Involves experiencing nature on ‘ecoecoeco’ (from ecology, the study of in- its own terms, not the traveller’s terrelationships between all living terms and non- living things) and ‘tour’‘tour’, a • Recognizes that the natural and journey from place to place. It is cultural resources are essential essentially a nature based learning to the travel experience and, activity meant to be respectful of therefore there are limits to their the people and places visited, while usage contributing in a practical way to the local economy. The natural and • Promotes positive environmental cultural history of the region is the ethics key feature attracting ecotourists. • They want to experience ‘the genu- Provides benefit to visitors ine article’ without all the trappings through interpretation and edu- and glitz of tourist commercial fa- cation cilities. Knowing the proper mean- • Provides economic benefits to ing of the word, one can determine the local community what the appropriate level of ecot- ourism to maintain local lifestyles, • Includes local involvement from create employment and help protect planning through to delivery and natural and cultural sites. Exploita- directs a portion of the economic tion of resources is counter to any benefits towards the enhance- attempt to encourage ecotourism. ment of the resources fostering Planning and careful development protection and preservation which enhances the environment and the visitor experience are para- mount.

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia 2.

Goal and Objectives • Distribute materials to the com- munity and host a “train the Goal trainers“ workshop for local school teachers “To promote ecotourism of North Western Zambia • Advertise the program through through careful planning and education/outreach to rural development of natural and communities cultural sites which maximizes economic benefits to the re- 2.Training gion while helping conserve the environment” • Select potential candidates as

guides/interpreters Objectives • Prepare a program of guide The following are long term goals training to eventually certify indi- for a successful ecotourism industry viduals as Heritage Interpreters in North West Zambia. While many and Outdoor Adventure Guides of the ideal scenarios are beyond the current capability of the region • Train entrepreneurs in business they should nonetheless be identi- planning techniques & methods fied. The goals have been separated • On site visits to successful ecot- out into various requirements, as ourism lodges and heritage sites follows : 3. Protection and Preservation 1.Education • Protect riparian habitat for 1 km • Develop educational materials & on either side of rivers & streams lesson plans for primary and sec- • ondary school on the importance Support current efforts to estab- lish the necessary ecological of biodiversity and conservation corridors for wildlife to re- populate key areas such as Game Management Areas and West Lunga National Park • Pursue protected area status for key cultural sites in co-operation with Lunda Chiefs and Land Managers • Encourage stewardship of re- sources by local communities and leaders

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia 3.

4. Product Development 5. Marketing and Promotion

• Improve facilities and services to • Develop a resource compendium encourage ecotourism of heritage resources for travel agents and operators • Directional signage with a con- sistent style of design • Compile feasible ecotour itiner- aries for special interest groups, • Road and trail access improve- particularly targeting pre and ments, particularly concerning post conference meetings held liability issues in Lusaka and/or Livingstone • Adequate parking areas to mini- • Establish a website for the area mize disturbance promoting the tourism opportuni- • Picnic shelters or huts ties and linking to cooperating travel agencies • Sanitary toilets • Waste disposal & recycling • On-site signage • Code of ethics for responsible behaviour in villages & sacred sites

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General Interpretive Outline of Natural and Cultural Sites

The storylines of North West Zambia are categorized into specific subject areas that have a common thread or theme. In this way ecotourism products can be marketed as a learning experience teaching the visitor more about particular subject areas. It also creates a niche marketing approach for special interest groups who may visit based on their field of study, hobby or type of activity such as birding or river canoeing.

Main Interpretive Theme: Yambezhi degree of pride exhibiting by the lo- cal people and their sheer enjoy- All of the themes relate to one ma- ment of life is a wonderful spectacle jor feature that dominates the re- to experience. gion and is the ecotourism hook for the Mwinilunga area, namely the SubSub----themetheme B: Lunda Zambezi River. It is known both na- tionally and internationally as a sig- Visiting the people and places is as nificant feature of the African conti- noted in the definition of ecotourism nent. The name originates from the a prime motivation for travel to un- Lunda language of the area, appro- known areas. The Lunda people, priately called ‘Yambezhi’ , meaning with their unique system of Head- ‘The Heart of Everything’. This is the men, Chiefdoms and Kingdoms are very essence of the district, all life a new and unexpected attraction for forms and landforms can be traced most foreign visitors. Fostering a to a common bond with the river. It better understanding of how this is the main interpretive theme that hierarchy works is a fascinating in- captures the most important ele- sight to regional history. It also pro- ments of all the storylines that fol- low.

SubSub----themetheme A: Lunga

Lunga’ is translated by local people to mean ‘A Joyous Place’ . Therefore this celebration of place that is so central to the culture and traditions of the Lunda is paramount. Cultural events and ceremonies that mark special events in the yearly round, such as the Rain Festival, have sig- nificant potential to entice tourists interested in cultural activities. The

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vides an important framework for SubSub----themetheme D: Miombo visitors to understand the meaning and significance of sacred cultural The dryland evergreen forest called sites that are under the care of the ‘christosepalum’ is a unique feature Lunda people. Visits to traditional of this area of the country and hosts villages to experience their life- some unique flora and fauna includ- styles, food, arts and crafts repre- ing many bird species which at- sent a major drawing card to North tracts keen birdwatchers from West Zambia. around the globe.

SubSub----themetheme C: Zambezi The Miombo landscape is common in the country but is in its pristine As noted, no other feature is of such state over most of the district ex- prime importance to the district as cept around towns and villages and the source of the Zambezi River. In along the roads whee cultivation September, 2008, the new ‘Zambezi has been carried out by subsistence Source’ visitor centre was unveiled farmers. It surrounds the Zambezi giving focus to a site that is deserv- Source — a site specially protected ing of world heritage status. It is by the Zambian government as a not only the source of a river, but National Monument and registered also a source of pride to the Zam- under the International Biological bian people whom erected a Na- Programme due to its rare and en- tional Independence Monument demic plants. This serves as a good near the entry point of the interpre- model of an ecological reserve that tive trail leading to the river’s origin. preserves plant and animal habitat of the miombo woodland, riparian “This place is the source not forest and swamp vegetation. The only of our beautiful river but Miombo forest provides many other also of our inspiration and interpretive opportunities, e.g. to national identity.” [Hon. Pe- discuss the past present and future ter W. Matoka, M.P] importance of the woodland as a carbon sink to reduce the effect of greenhouse gases.

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SubSub----themetheme E: Colonization

The pre-colonial Arab slavery to the One of the more positive effects of east over many centuries and the colonization, the establishment of Portuguese slavery to the west in missions brought not only religion, the period 1500—1900 had a devas- but also education and health care tating effect on society. Very few to the remote corners of the region. sites offer an opportunity to inter- Several pioneer mission complexes pret this influential aspect and pe- throughout the region are recog- riod of history, however a reported ‘ nized as Historic Sites such as Free House ‘ to hide from slave trad- Kalene Hill. Their impact and effect ers was finally pinpointed near one on African society is still very promi- of the villages thanks to local tradi- nent and provide excellent opportu- tional knowledge and is very acces- nities to demonstrate on-going hu- sible. manitarian efforts.

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Description and Assessment of Natural and Cultural Sites

Ecotour #1 Mwinilunga / Zambezi Source National Monument

Mwinilunga product that would appeal to the nature traveller. Mwinilunga, meaning ‘Owners of a Joyous Place’ , is the administrative Excursions beyond the community centre of the district tucked away in to experience natural and cultural a very remote corner of Zambia, only sites must be fully self-contained 50 kilometres from both the Congo- with transportation, food and guide lese and Angolan borders, near the services as rural facilities are basi- source of the famous Zambezi River. cally non- existent in most areas. It is in all aspects a frontier town This is, as noted, is a plus to visitors with minimal community planning. who feel they are first time explor- While this may deter conventional ers experiencing something very few tourism it is an unspoilt part of the have ever seen before. world that has an appeal to those wanting to seek out the new and Zambezi Source National Monument undiscovered. In fact the lack of infrastructure and tourism develop- “It is almost as if the map has ment is more of a positive than a been drawn specifically to allow negative as planning can take a the country of Zambia to be the slow and deliberate approach pro- cradle of the mighty river that moting the Africa that people have gives the nation its name. come to experience. ..Within the forest a soft mat of damp, decaying leaves sur- A variety of day or overnight trips rounds sturdy moss-covered tree are possible from this location mak- stumps which support the lofty ing it an ideal operational base for canopy. For a few hundred me- ecotourism. While food and accom- tres below the clearing a small modations are limited, it does have stream gurgles just beneath the the basic amenities. New product small pools on the surface. Ulti- developments, such as ecolodges, mately, it emerges through the would be very well suited to the roots of one of the giant ever- town as it is strategically located on greens to continue its journey the West Lunga River providing a above ground. The Zambezi is staging area for downstream explo- born. ... rations. Transforming the services and facilities into an ecotourism When we drove north from product must be realized through a Mwinilunga Boma towards the series of small discreet steps that source of the great river ...we builds the mind set, appropriate felt as if we were experiencing a style of infrastructure and natural taste of Africa as it was in dec-

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ades gone by. A sandy pot holed The newly established Visitor Centre dirt track guided us between is the first key facility that visitors tall, proud Brachystegia trees should experience. It provides an which formed an almost continu- excellent starting point for an intro- ous canopy high above our duction to North West Zambia, with heads. We passed neat, colour- information/orientation, and basic fully plastered groups of African interpretation of the flora, fauna, huts and crossed numerous fast- hydrology and geology. flowing bouncing streams. This felt like a part of Africa where Existing temporary displays can be nature had not been subdued by augmented by personal interpreta- technology.” Mike Coppinger, tion giving people their first learning author of the book, The Zambezi. experience before further on–site exploration. Good potential exists to collaborate with Zambian authori- ties to develop permanent exhibits and displays that would serve as an introduction/ orientation to the dis- trict and promote appropriate ecot- ourism activities. In addition co- operative marketing efforts to cross reference Zambezi Source at the famous Victoria Falls should be in- stalled with a map and orientation exhibit to trace its origin.

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Ecotour #2 Lake Chibesha / Kawila ( “ Safehouse “ )

Lake Chibesha, a day trip from local sleeps there. The lake is only Mwinilunga, offers an excellent in- 7 meters deep in the middle. troduction to the area. Colourful villages with happily waving children It is surrounded by grasses and line the road. Should this be pur- reeds with the miombo forest on the sued as an ecotour a village visit is higher banks. The sandy light soil is a must where people could demon- criss-crossed with footpaths from strate making of local foods, brick villagers collecting the small fish in making in the kilns, handicrafts or the lake with large dip nets, while any number of other ways to get visi- others use gill nets strung from dug- tors involved first hand with the vil- out canoes. The birding opportuni- lagers. A mode of transport on at ties here are exceptional and one least a section of this road could be could easily circumnavigate the by bicycle with a support vehicle, or lake in a day’s trip. walking village to village on foot. A significant interpretive opportunity Many potential campsites are near is near the village of Kawila, about the lake, however currently no facili- 12 km from the main road. A re- ties are in place. Perhaps keeping it ported ‘safe house’ used to hide as a wilderness camp with minimal from slave traders in the 1800’s is amenities is the best way to experi- located five minutes from the com- ence the area. Low impact camping munity. It is a natural cavern carved and environmental ethics would from water erosion that drops 3 me- help preserve the area. The usual tres from the surface, and then slash and burn technique of control- braches in three directions. Appar- ling the forest undergrowth has ently the entire village would retreat badly damaged the riparian habitat into this shaft when attacked. and hence reduced feed and nesting places for birds. Lake Chibesha, a further 2 hours down the road from Kawila, is more of a pan than a lake, covering an area of perhaps a square kilometre. Tradition says that Lake Chibesha is a sunken lake with a village in the middle that got inundated when the sink occurred and that for many years the natives would not go any- where near it or swim in it for fear of getting pulled down by the spirits of the drowned people. That is why there are no villages nearby and no

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Ecotour # 3 Kabompo Gorge / Nyambeweza Falls / Rock Carvings

Kabompo Gorge during the rainy A branch trail over a small foot- season is no doubt impressive, how- bridge leads to Nyambeweza Falls ever at the end of the dry season the beside which is located the rock river is reduced to a few pools and a carvings. Same problems exist here jumble of fragmented boulders. It is with complete lack of any signs. accessed on a 4 X 4 dirt track about They are hidden beneath a small 3 hours from Mwinilunga. Upgrad- cliff overhang in a rocky niche over- ing of this road is now underway. grown with vegetation, completely Directional signs are in very bad obscure to anyone, except those condition with no directional or on with a guide. The falls are very pic- site signage. A small trail leads to turesque, and again in the rainy sea- the gorge where one then scrambles son must be much more impressive. down the bank and along the river- bed. While an interesting day outing, more opportunities would have to be built into the program such as an elder explaining the rock carvings, a village tour, handicrafts demo, bird watching or studying the miombo forest ecology with a naturalist guide.

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Ecotour # 4 Nyawunda /Mujimbeji Mission Site /Caves & Caverns

Another excellent day trip from protection and preservation or Mwinilunga takes one deep into the stored on–site in a safe place. The forest to a sacred cultural site labyrinth of hollows and caverns are known as Nyawunda, a high rock also inhabited by bats, owls and promontory above the Mujimbeji honeybees, a literal swarm of activ- River spared from the erosive forces ity. of nature. It is located across from a Cultural Camp where the Lunda Mr David Sakafumba Luapula, re- chiefs gather each year—an annual spected Headman of the Lunda, who celebration of Chief Sailunga, who was born nearby at Mujimbeji Mis- invites the other chiefs along ofr the sion [now abandoned], adds a spe- ceremony. Each Chief or Headman cial dimension to the visit as an constructs a temporary shelter for elder and knowledgeable guide. the duration of the celebration. Ny- The Mission site is on a high ridge awunda is best described as a natu- overlooking the valley and would ral rock outcrop, honeycombed with serve as an excellent base camp for caves and hiding places, which area exploration. served as a sanctuary or ‘Place of Peace’ during times of tribal war- Several underground river channels fare. Artefacts still in situ include a have carved a system of caves ex- stone maize grinder and almost in- plored only by a hardy few. One tact items of pottery. It is highly such cave, where the Mujimbeji recommended that before any at- River goes completely underground, tempt is made at tourism the site extends for two kilometres. Unfortu- must be recognized as a protected nately however the entrances to the area with a strict code of ethics by caves are spoiled by graffiti and bro- the Lunda community. Archaeologi- ken cave formations. cal items need to be removed for

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia 12.

Ecotour # 5 Chumba / Ikosayimbana Sacred Sites

Chief Chibwika, one of the nine Having Chief Chibwika, or other lo- Lunda chiefs, facilitates visits to an- cal figures of significance, as per- other sacred site known as Chumba. sonal guides is a privilege that adds As with other cave sites, this was a so much more value to the experi- hiding place for local tribes during ence. Their in depth understanding times of warfare with rival groups. and connection to the site makes Apparently the Lunda were the in- preparation for and understanding vading tribe forcing the local tribe to of the experience that much more seek shelter. Eroded earthen insightful. More specifics on the mounds surround a cave entrance history of the site will be gathered that were once defence walls. by Chief Chibwika. Nearby a small river flows where the Lunda washed off the blood of their Small groups visiting the site with a enemies, known as Ikosayimbana. qualified designate was approved in principle as an appropriate ecotour- ism activity.

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Ecotour # 6 Kalene Hill Mission / Zambezi Rapids

Kalene Hill is the furthest point of North West Zambia that rises above a plain extending into adjacent Congo and . It is a historic site established by pioneer mission- aries Dr & Mrs Fisher in the early 1900’s. As with other missionaries of the era who worked closely with the locals, health care and educa- tion were welcome contributions to society. Gravesites of these mis- sionaries, and others who followed, are located here on a high hill over- looking their adopted country where they dedicated their lives to the bet- terment of the local people.

Zambezi Rapids is almost at the bor- der point where a small hydro elec- tric dam and generating station are located. Below the dam is a rest area where one can appreciate the falls. Effort was taken to preserve the original rapids in their natural state. A small information kiosk could also house additional exhibits on the area’s natural and cultural history.

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia 14.

Ecotour # 7 West Lunga River

One of the upper tributaries of the no doubt of regional if not national Zambezi is the little known and sel- significance as a unique landscape dom travelled West Lunga River. It feature. may be accessed near the town of Mwinilunga and provides an excep- The river’s geology also creates tional opportunity to explore down- challenging rapids within stone river for several hours or several fences that often run across the wa- days. The riparian vegetation is ter flow requiring quick manoeu- mostly intact providing prime bird vring and in some cases portages to habitat for many species. On a 4 avoid dangerous rapids. Many ob- night 5 day journey on the river a stacles, including illegal fish weirs birder recorded over one hundred (since removed) can surprise the ca- species, including several that are noeist resulting in problems. It of- highly sought after by serious orni- fers considerable excitement for thologists such as half-collared even the expert canoeist with many kingfisher. The river traverses a fas- class 3 – 4 rapids, interspersed with cinating geologic area of parallel slow meandering sections of river. rock ridges of sedimentary rock Of particular concern to the novice looking like vertical pages of a are crocodiles menacingly waiting book, with oddly carved escarp- downstream for an accident to hap- ments, and cave formations as it pen. Therefore, even intermediate meanders its way along. Of particu- paddlers should have an experi- lar interest is a section of river enced guide. Several take out known as ‘Painted Rocks’ where a points are possible at Charlie Moses high cliff face rises above the river Camp and a 4X4 dirt track leading stained with ochre, rust, grey and through the Game Management yellow colourations as minerals Area. Some signs of antelope and leach out of the bedrock. Here cav- other game animals are making a erns formed from water erosion cre- comeback to the region thanks to ate weird crystal formations and sta- the conservation efforts and patrols lactites hanging from the ceiling of of the Game Management Area. the rock niches. Underground streams that come to the surface As an adventure trip well off the along the cliff edge provide nutri- beaten track offering ‘ rocks ‘n ents for fig trees clinging to the crocs’ or perhaps more appropri- rock. Both bats and barn owls oc- ately ‘rocks, rapids and riparian cupy the same habitat in these rock habitat’, the West Lunga is of prime niches, probably a predator and prey potential for those seeking a real relationship. The Painted Rocks are backcountry experience.

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia 15.

Ecotour # 8 West Lunga National Park

West Lunga National Park is an- the river was rewarded with several other potential attraction, though its bird sightings, not to mention croco- remote location with 4 X 4 access diles and evidence of hippos. As and complete lack of signage make wildlife cautiously becomes more it a minor player at present. The plentiful, the park it will grow in im- turnoff to the park through the portance. To date a few bird watch- game management area is un- ing and canoeing expeditions have marked. After a few kilometres one taken place on the Kabompo River arrives at a small village, and ferry but there is much more that could crossing into the park across the be offered in years to come. A pro- Kabompo River. A small tent camp tected zone along the river corridor has been established on the river allowing for wildlife to re-populate bank with cooking shelters, tents, the riparian habitat is a concept toilets and showers. Game animals which could realistically become the are slowly becoming re-established real future of these areas, not as in the region thanks to the efforts of hunting reserves for the well-to-do. anti- poaching patrols by volunteers Flying over the park area, it is truly and park staff. A short boat trip on an impressive land of river estuaries and miombo forest, however without obvious signs of large game ani- mals.

Currently management responsibil- ity for the area will have the man- date is to control illegal hunting and restore biodiversity to the area. To- wards these long term goals an edu- cation/outreach program is recom- mended for the local people demon- strating the values of conservation to the environment and economic well-being of residents as ecotour- ism grows.

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Ecotourism Planning and Development

Ecotourism Development Plans sites in any way will weaken the key attractions that are the very es- Prior to promoting an ecotourism sence of why people come to visit. product many factors must be taken The destructive slash and burn agri- into consideration. Some of the key cultural practise must be controlled, considerations are: particularly at heritage sites where visitors want to experience undis- 1. Focus on authenticity and quality: turbed environments.

The story of an area is built on its 3. Build partnerships unique natural environment, history and culture. By combining these No single organization can supply all elements through thematic interpre- the resources that tourism de- tation you can make a truly unique mands. The success of ecotourism destination that will attract visitors. will depend on the active participa- Learning vacations with personal- tion of villagers, businesses, and ized guided trips is the best option other public and private partners to at present as infrastructure, trans- get the most of local resources and portation and accommodation are opportunities. Two key players in not yet established in rural areas. Mwinilunga area who are commu- nity minded and proactive in devel- 2. Conserve and protect resources: oping tourism potential are Mr Roma Nyakombomba, owner / When natural, historic and cultural operator of Kwakuwahi Lodge, and assets are the heart of your ecotour- Mr Julius (Jules) Muyinda of Chib- ism plan, you must preserve them in wika. Both gentlemen have aspira- order to present them for genera- tions to establish ecotourism busi- tions to come. Degradation of the nesses with properties bordering the West Lunga River.

West Lunga Trust could facilitate a training program for these and other individuals on ecotourism planning and development, perhaps in part- nership with established ecolodges in Zambia that demonstrate suc- cessful business practises. Pursu- ing seed funding for training and eventual capital development would

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be an important first step to steer ciation and the Wildlife and Environ- Mwinilunga towards a new ecotour- mental Conservation Society of ism market segment. Zambia, along with residents and business operators to develop ecot- Government tourism offices in Lu- ourism products. saka do not highlight North Western Zambia as a proposed travel desti- 4. Make sites come alive through nation. Once services and facilities interpretation are established hopefully such newly established destinations can To effectively interpret an area it is be included in country wide market- important to make the experience ing. creative and exciting. Demonstra- tions, storytelling by elders, well in- The Zambezi Source National Monu- formed and knowledgeable tour ment and the birding opportunities guides and other methods of inter- along the West Lunga River are two pretation gets visitors involved and outstanding resources that require helps them appreciate the signifi- better promotion and awareness. cance of natural and cultural heri- Cultural sites and villages, as noted tage. Training and development of in the interpretive inventory, are selected individuals with the inter- also of great interest to foreign visi- est and ability to become interpre- tors. tive guides would be an excellent initiative for the Kesho Trust and the West Lunga Trust could provide an West Lunga Trust to pursue and important link between government which can be coordinated through and non government agencies such the development of a training plan. as the Zambian Ornithological Asso-

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Packaging the Product Basic market descriptions include: • geographic origin North West Zambia is remote, even • socio-economic characteristics by local standards. Therefore in or- such as age, occupation, income der to entice ecotourists from Lu- etc saka or Livingstone a number of • travel as groups, individuals or products or services need to be families packaged as a single package at a • mode of transportation single price. Travel packages make • purpose of the trip, motivation it easier for visitors and tour opera- and benefits tors. The package should take the guesswork out of visitor’s questions, Key market groups may include: such as: • special interest groups, such as • How do I get there? birders • Where will I stay? • independent travellers • Who will I meet? • school groups • What attractions will I ex- • meetings, conventions perience & how? • local regional and national visi- • What will I eat? tors

Answering these questions will help Presently experiencing the Zambezi identify possible partnerships be- Source and Independence Monu- tween businesses, individuals and ment seems to be a major motiva- the community. tion for fellow Zambian travellers, while birding is a drawing card for Identifying Markets international travellers.

One of the essential first steps in Training and Development planning your ecotourism product is to know your market. Who would be Once some thought has gone into interested in visiting North Western potential ecotourism products the Zambia and why? next step is to develop qualified in- dividuals who can plan, develop and deliver the program to visitors. Each entrepreneur should develop their own business plan that articu- lates their vision in a 5 to 10 year period, with a measure of market potential, projected revenues and expenditures. For front line staff such as tour guides, the occupa- tional guidelines for an Outdoor Ad- venture Guide and Heritage Inter-

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia 19.

preter available through the Cana- as an ecolodge. Most accommoda- dian Tourism Commission repre- tions are road based with restau- sents the collective expertise of op- rants that offer very basic menus. erators and sets standards for While several operators have good knowledge, experience and skill de- potential sites for such a new facil- velopment. This can be used as a ity, they require detailed site plans core training program to give prom- to preserve habitat with well de- ising entrepreneurs the background signed buildings that reflect the they need to be successful. character and personality of the re- gion. An ecolodge needn’t be a high Facility Development end costly endeavour. Often a cen- tral lodge is an open air rest area Until such time as market research with a thatch roof, tastefully deco- and planning is complete, large rated with viewing decks and lounge scale capital development is not areas. Accommodations can range recommended. A go slow approach from canvas shelters on an alumin- that tests the feasibility of ecotour- ium frame to portable safari style ism is probably the best option. De- tents and hammocks. Using creativ- ciding up front what level of tourism ity and imagination to maximize the is appropriate for the area will dic- benefits of their environment, tate the size of facilities needed and ecolodges seem to naturally fit the the capacity of local communities to contours of the land taking into con- deliver the product. At present sideration viewscapes, vegetation there are no facilities within and wildlife habitat. Mwinilunga that could be described

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia 20.

It is important to consider the char- Testing the Ecotourism Market acter of the experience. Typically local area service providers do not Considerable detailed planning and take sufficient advantage of the developing partnerships could be natural character of the area to pre- done which would greatly assist the sent a high quality experience in ap- development of the tourism poten- propriate facilities. Many facilities tial of the area. The Kesho Trust tend not to be rustic and natural and West Lunga Trust could be a perhaps through the misunderstand- great help in this. Training and de- ing of the needs and desires of visi- velopment for key individuals will tors to the area. Maintaining natu- build the capacity of the communi- ral vegetation and the quiet charac- ties to consider ecotourism. Be- ter of area without disturbances sides entrepreneurs with the prop- such as radio or television can be erty and financial resources, skilled preferable to guests. tour guides with a strong back- ground in natural and cultural his- It would be very worthwhile for peo- tory will be required. Beginning a ple considering ecotourism to visit training plan for these individuals is successful nature based lodges that an immediate requirement. respect the environment and use their experience and expertise to To test the market readiness of build similar types of operations in ecotourism, a package could be de- Mwinilunga area. veloped for a 2-3 day stay that in- cludes some of the ecotours de- Tent camps in more remote loca- scribed earlier. The best niche mar- tions that adhere to a strict code of ket for this is pre and post confer- low impact use may be a feasible ences that are looking for a differ- approach for small groups to experi- ent product to offer their clients. ence the backcountry. Such ven- Planning out a full itinerary would tures would have to be fully self con- give potential operators a good trial tained as beyond the municipality run on exactly what is entailed to no tourist facilities exist, with the establish an ecotourism business. exception of Zambezi Source. Another avenue worth exploring is Potential locations for such tent the niche market for bird watching. camps are Lake Chibesha, Mujim- North West Zambia is already beji Mission Site, Charlie Moses known as a birding hotspot for sev- Camp or near Nyawunda. eral rare species. Knowing where these birds can be found with a knowledgeable guide, coupled with an activity such as canoeing, may be an attractive lure for ornitholo- gists. Establishing a tent camp at or near the preferred habitat of these birds would be ideal.

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia 21.

Next Steps

Short Term Actions

What is fundamental to the process of developing the ecotourism potential of the Mwinilunga area in each of the tasks described above is the support and guidance provided to a cadre of local entrepreneurs who would be the main ac- tors in the tourism planning and development process. While the local people may not have the skills and knowledge presently to undertake the planning and development of tourism locally, they have the potential to achieve much with some intensive support and training.

The following allocation of time and resources is proposed to provide training in the fundamentals of planning and development for ecotourism in Mwinilunga:

Business planning • 2 week intensive course • leadership provided by technical expert through the Kesho Trust

Facility Development • 2 week intensive course • leadership provided by technical expert through the Kesho Trust

Service Delivery • 1 week intensive course • leadership provided by technical expert through the Kesho Trust

Budget [Phase 1] trainer [fees] $15,000. travel $4,000. per diem $3,000. participant expenses $1,000. workshop expenses $600. transportation $2,000. Local facilitation and support $5,000. Administration [10%] $2,560.

Total Phase 1 Expenditure: $33,160.

These activities should begin as soon as possible to take advantaged of the in- terest generated through the preliminary assessment carried out in the area in late 2008. Submitted by: Brent Liddle, Yukon, Canada

The Kesho Trust: Ecotourism Potential - Mwinilunga District, Zambia