Sego Lily March 2008 31 (2)

March 2008 Volume 31 Number 2

Volunteers Across the Nation to Track Climate Clues in Spring Flowers

Starting February 15, 2008, citizen-scientist volunteers will be able to help track climate change by observing and recording the timing of flowers and foliage. Project BudBurst, operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and a team of partners includ- ing the US Geological Survey‘s USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN), allows U.S. stu- dents, gardeners, and other citizens to enter their observations into an online database that, over time, will give researchers a more detailed picture of global climate change. The project will operate year-round so that early and late bloom- ing in different parts of the country can be monitored throughout their life cycles. Pro- ject BudBurst ( builds on a pilot program carried out last spring, when a thousand participants recorded the timing of the leafing and flowering of hundreds of species in 26 states. ―Climate change may be affecting our back- yards and communities in ways that we don‘t even notice,‖ says project [continued on page 11]

In this issue:

Bristlecone “flowers” are, of course, Volunteers Across the Nation to Track Climate really just staminate (reddish-yellow) and immature pistil- Clues in Spring Flowers ...... 1 late (purple) cones. Although flower-like in appearance, Chapter News ...... 2 the cones of do not have true petals or sepals Bulletin Board ...... 3 and the ovules (unfertilized immature seeds) within the pis- ‘s Oldest Inhabitants ...... 4 tillate cone occur on the surface of woody cone scales, Medicinal Qualities of Utah Prickly Pears . . . 6 rather than embedded within a protective ovary. Even at a Botanic Verses: Roses are Red? ...... 8 young age, the “bristles” of the cone are evident. Photo by Noteworthy Discoveries: New Species of Douglas N. Reynolds. For more on Utah’s oldest inhabi- Camissonia and Erigeron in Utah ...... 9 tants, see the story on page 4. UT Plant Families: the Caper Family ...... 10

Copyright 2008 Utah Native Plant Society. All Rights Reserved. Utah Native Plant Society

Education: Ty Harrison Sego Lily Editor: Walter Fertig Horticulture: Maggie Wolf ([email protected]). News items, arti- Invasive Weeds: Susan Garvin cles, photos, and illustrations from Rare : Walter Fertig members are always welcome. The deadline for the May 2008 Sego Lily is Chapters and Chapter Presidents 15 April 2008 (tax day!). Cache: Steve Ripple Escalante (Garfield Co): Allysia Angus Copyright 2007 Utah Native Plant Officers Fremont (Richfield area): Rebecca Society. All Rights Reserved Co-Presidents: Bill Gray (Salt Lake Co) Harms and Bill King (Salt Lake Co) Manzanita (Kane Co): Walter Fertig The Sego Lily is a publication of the Treasurer: Celeste Kennard (Utah Co) Mountain (Summit Co): Mindy Utah Native Plant Society, a 501(c)(3) Secretary: Mindy Wheeler (Summit Wheeler not-for-profit organization dedicated Co) Price (Carbon Co): Mike Hubbard to conserving and promoting steward- Board Chair: Larry Meyer (Salt Lake Salt Lake: Kipp Lee ship of our native plants. Use of con- Co) Southern (Washington Co): Margaret tent material is encouraged but re- Malm quires permission (except where ex- UNPS Board: Walter Fertig (Kane Co), Utah Valley (Utah Co): Celeste Ken- empted by statute) and must be cor- Robert Fitts (Utah Co), Susan Garvin nard rectly credited and cited. Articles, (Utah Co), Marie Griffiths (Salt Lake photographs and illustrations submit- Co), Ty Harrison (Salt Lake Co), Char- Website: For late-breaking news, the ted to us remain the property of the lene Homan (Salt Lake Co), Kipp Lee UNPS store, the Sego Lily archives, submitting individuals or organiza- (Salt Lake Co), Margaret Malm Chapter events, links to other websites tions. Submit permission requests to (Washington Co), Therese Meyer (Salt (including sources of native plants and [email protected]. We encourage read- Lake Co), Jeff Mitchell (Utah Co), Leila the digital Utah Rare Plant Field ers to submit articles for potential Shultz (Cache Co), Maria Ulloa (Sevier Guide), and more, go to publication. By submitting an article, Co), Dave Wallace (Cache Co), Maggie Many thanks to Xmission for an implicit license is granted to print Wolf (Salt Lake Co), Loreen Woolsten- sponsoring our website. the article in the newsletter or other hulme (Utah Co). UNPS publications for reprint without For more information on UNPS: permission (in print and electronic Committees Contact Bill King (582-0432) or Susan media). When submitting an article, Communications: Larry Meyer Garvin (356-5108), or write to UNPS, please indicate whether it has been Conservation: Bill King and Tony PO Box 520041, Salt Lake City, UT, previously published or submitted for Frates 84152-0041 or email [email protected] consideration to other publications. ______

and Forestry company. Roger will On Wednesday February 5th, Dr Chapter News discuss landscaping practices Bill Gray gave a very informative homeowners can use to reduce the presentation on his mapping ef- Manzanita (Kane County): On risk of wild fire. forts this past summer of Angelica Saturday, March 8th, the Kanab Bala Chaudhary of Northern wheeleri and Wasatch Fitweed. chapter will host its second annual University will speak on New populations of both species Plant Propagation workshop. Thursday, April 3 on plant-soil were discovered in the surround- Becca Leiberg of Zion National relationships in a talk entitled ―Is ing canyons along the Salt Lake Park will provide training on the fate of native plants deter- Valley. Bill discussed how difficult planting techniques and offer gar- mined belowground‖.—W. Fertig it was to reach some of these dening tips. Seed from a variety of populations and how he mapped native wildflowers, shrubs, and Salt Lake: Dr Fred Montague the plants with the use of GPS, a grasses will be provided. The who is the student advisor and a watch, and databases that he cre- workshop will take place at the professor in the Biology Depart- ated. Best Friends greenhouse from ment at the University of Utah Wednesday March 5th, 7:00pm 10 AM-noon. Pre-registration is gave a talk in January on the af- -9:00pm (REI): Dr Leila Shultz required as space is limited. There fects of the human population will do a presentation on "Tracking will be a fee of $10 for UNPS mem- growth on world climate and ecol- Utah‘s Rare Plants". Dr Shultz is a bers and $15 for non-members. ogy. This is a time in our planet‘s professor at Utah State University Contact [email protected] for more history when it is crucial to raise where she works in the Depart- information. questions such as ―Are we already ment of Natural Resources. She Our March meeting will be held too late?‖ and ―Do our individual has held many important positions on Wednesday, March 12th and efforts make a real difference to in plant research, including head- feature Roger Hoverman, retired the global picture, or just make us ing the Geographical Information US Forest Service fire ecologist feel good?‖ Fred discussed the Systems Center for the Flora of and fuels specialist with the flaws in ―sustainable growth‖ and North America project. Kanab-based Wild Mountain Fire the need for alternative energy and Thursday March 6th, 7:30pm: the importance of ―buying local‖. Maggie Wolf, Horticulture agent 2 Sego Lily March 2008 31 (2) for the Utah State University SL. rescheduled for May 5th. Our The Desert Studies Center of Co. Extension will be at the Weber March 3rd meeting will feature Dr. the University of -San County Library (2464 Jefferson Doug Reynolds, retired professor Bernardino is offering a second Avenue in Ogden). Learn meth- of botany and ecology. He will pre- botanical illustration course with ods to responsibly landscape your sent ―Going Native: Utah Plants Donald Davidson on the weekend own home and become knowl- for Utah Landscapes‖. In addition of Friday April 4-Sunday, April 6. edgeable of what thrives in Utah‘s to showing beautiful slides of rec- For information, contact Carol climatic extremes. With this ommended native plants adapted Galvin at 909-537-3910. knowledge, become a better stew- to our environment, Doug will pre- Donald Davidson has spent ard of our natural environment. sent a case study of how he land- many years traveling through the Sunday March 23rd: Stans- scaped his Cedar City area cabin west‘s national parks creating wa- bury Island Trip (dependent with native plants. tercolor portraits of native plants. upon the weather). We will meet We are having a native plant See samples of his work at: at the trailhead on Stansbury Is- sale Saturday, April 12, from 9 AM water- land and hike along the hills in to 1 PM at the Bit & Spur Restau- color/index.htm). search of several early blooming rant meadow in Springdale, featur- species including Anderson‘s But- ing Natives and Wild- tercup (Ranunculus andersonii) land Nursery. April will also fea- and Yellowbells (Fritillaria pu- ture the annual Earth Day celebra- dica). Carpools will be arranged tion. —Margaret Malm & Barbara and more specific information will Farnsworth follow. Wednesday April 2nd, Bulletin Board 7:00pm: Jack Brown of the Utah Wet winter in southern Utah Bureau of Land Management will Mojave Botanical Illustration = Spring Wildflowers: It has discuss the Great Basin Restora- Workshops: Plein-air artists, been an atypically cool, snowy and tion Initiative, an ambitious pro- educators, and students alike will rainy winter in southern Utah, ject being carried out by the BLM benefit from this unique opportu- which bodes well for spring annu- in several Western States. The nity to make a visual journal of the als. Keep watching the weather goal of this project is to rehabili- diverse desert plant life of Joshua (hopefully it won‘t heat up too tate the land after many years of National Park. Desert blooms fast) and make your spring wild- abuse, fires, overgrazing, etc. vary from year to year, but there is flower-watching plans accord- Friday April 25-Sunday always something fascinating to ingly! (Above, Rafinesquia April 27-Beaver Dam Moun- discover and record. Donald neomexicana by W. Fertig) tains: We will be camping in the Davidson—illustrator, educator, Cedar Pocket Campground in the and artist– will teach drawing and Request for UNPS Survey Virgin River Gorge. A road from compositional skills geared to as- Volunteers: Mary O'Brien of the our campground will take us into sist participants in enhancing their Grand Canyon Trust has asked the Utah portion of the Beaver rendering of botanical forms. The whether UNPS could provide Dam Wilderness Area where three class will start indoors focusing on some volunteers for help with floristic provinces meet. The plant hand-eye coordination, compre- plant surveys in central/southern species are unique and very lim- hensive line drawing, contours, Utah. Volunteers would need to ited in our state. We especially volume, perspective, and interpre- have good plant identification invite members from other chap- tation of form and function. The skills, particularly on the first of ters to join us in this event. Please class is open to all skill levels— the events. contact Kipp Lee (kipp_lee@ com- come with your enthusiasm and July 10-12 Tushar Mountains or Bill Gray (cyberflora desire to learn! near Beaver, in collaboration with if you would the US Forest Service and others. like to participate.—Kipp Lee Botanical Drawing: A Visual Jour- Volunteers will help to resurvey nal. Class # 329. transects that are being monitored Southern (Washington Co.) Date/Time: Sunday, March 16, 10 for the effects of grazing. The Southern Utah Chapter had AM-4 PM July 25-27 Two surveys. First, another very successful propaga- Cost: $50 ($40 for Joshua Tree of an exclosure near Teasdale, to tion workshop on February 2. All National Park Association mem- compare grazed and ungrazed ar- 18 of the 11 who were enrolled bers) eas. Second, a high elevation wet- showed up. (No, that‘s not a typo!) Meet at: Oasis Visitor Center, land area near Fish Lake, that may Less successful was our scheduled Joshua Tree National Park, CA never have been thoroughly sur- Feb. 4 meeting, which had to be Instructor: Donald Davidson veyed before. canceled because of the high Hike level: easy. If you are interested in learning snowfall. Carolyn Shelton‘s talk on Information/registration: call 760- more, please contact Bill Gray ―Sex in the Garden‖ is being 367-5535 (801-532-3486; cyberflora 3 Utah Native Plant Society

Utah‘s Oldest Inhabitants

By Douglas N. Reynolds

One of the most fascinating na- tive tree species in Utah is the Great Basin (Pinus lon- gaeva). This species was recognized as distinct and split out from by D. K. Bailey in 1970 based on morphological characteris- tics and geographical distribution. It differs from Pinus aristata, the Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine, in having two resin ducts along the entire length of its needles. There are also differences in growth form and chemical composition of the foliage. The specific epithet lon- gaeva signifies that individuals of Great Basin bristlecone pine can live much longer (by several thousand years) than individuals of the Rocky Mountain bristlecone or the related Foxtail pine (). The two bristlecone pine species have separate ranges with no over- Above: Utah’s big tree bristlecone pine, from the rim of Cedar Breaks Na- lap. Rocky Mountain bristlecone tional Monument. Photo by Douglas N. Reynolds. pine occurs east of the Green – River drainage in New were only recently counted, may Mexico and Colorado and gets no Why do individuals of this species be as old as 4806 years. The old- closer than 160 miles to populations live so long? It seems counterintui- est tree ever found was 4862 years of the Great Basin bristlecone pine. tive that the earth‘s oldest organ- old when it was unfortunately cut The Great Basin bristlecone is found isms live in some of its harshest down in 1964 at Great Basin Na- only in California, , and Utah habitats in poor soils on cold, dry, tional Park. Dead have also where it occurs from the Confusion high-elevation ridges. The answer been found that were over 5000 Range of Millard County, north to appears to be a combination of both years old at the time of their death. the Uinta Mountains of Summit, the species‘ biological characteristics Interestingly, these extreme Wasatch, and Duchesne counties, and its environment. As Ronald ages for bristlecones have engen- south to the Pine Valley Mountains Lanner points out, the simple an- dered much concern amongst of Washington County and east to swer may be that its enemies do less creationists who want to believe the Aquarius and Wasatch Plateaus. well in its extreme habitat than it that the earth is only a few thou- An excellent resource on bristle- does. Where light is available in sand years old. They have claimed cone , especially the Great Ba- more favorable environments, such that bristlecones put on more than sin bristlecone, is the recently pub- as along flood plains, Great Basin one growth ring a year and, there- lished The Bristlecone Book by bristlecone pines have an upright, fore, are not nearly so old as they Ronald Lanner, emeritus professor straight trunk reaching as high as 60 appear. Legitimate scientific inves- of Utah State University. This is the feet. But in these situations, the tigation, however, has shown that source of much of the information in trees don‘t come close to achieving producing more than one ring a this article. the great ages that they do on high, year is rare; rather, it is much The fame of the Great Basin bris- arid ridges. While not optimal for more common for no ring to be tlecone comes from the extreme age growth, harsh environments allow formed at all in a poor year making and picturesque appearance of some bristlecones to escape competition, bristlecones (and therefore, the individuals seen on high mountain fire (rare in cold sites with little earth) probably even older than ridges. Until recently, the oldest other vegetation to burn), attacks by indicated by the number of rings. living tree was thought to be Methu- insect pests and fungi, and disease This has left Creationists to claim selah, of California‘s White Moun- that normally kill other trees species that the earth must have been cre- tains, who will turn 4500 years old at younger ages. ated with mature bristlecones with in 2009. Another still living tree, many rings already in place on was cored years ago but whose rings mountain ridges. 4 Sego Lily March 2008 31 (2)

Great Basin bristlecone pines have five needles per bundle like other members of the white pine group but they are very long-lived and continue to photosynthesize, some for more than 35 – 40 years, giving the tree great metabolic effi- ciency without having to spend lim- ited resources replacing needles. Trees also have a sectored construc- tion with roots supplying only the portion of the stem and branches immediately above themselves. If roots on one side of the tree die then so do the branches above them. This explains the appearance of some of the oldest specimens where most of the trunk is dead, twisted and eroded with only a thin strip of live bark feeding a few upper branches. Unlike any other pines only the two bristlecones and the Foxtail pine Above: Great Basin bristlecone pines at the Twisted Forest, north of Cedar produce new branches from buds Breaks National Monument in Dixie National Forest. Photo by Douglas N. within their needle fascicles Reynolds. throughout their lives. This allows trees to produce new branches and ever, suggesting that multi- the biggest of its species in the foliage over many centuries to re- stemmed clumps may also origi- state (see photo). It is 252 inches place those that die. nate from a single, damaged origi- in circumference at breast height Studies by Kristina Connor and nal stem. and 32 feet tall with a crown Ronald Lanner found no significant Great Basin bristlecone pine‘s spread of 32 feet. Despite its size, differences in pollen or seed viability is the source of impor- this tree is nowhere near the re- or vascular cambial activity between tant information for other scien- cord for age, being ―only‖ about bristlecones a few hundred years old tific fields. The widths of its rings 1600 years old. At the nearby and those that were several thou- are correlated with temperature ―Twisted Forest‖ in the Ashdown sand. They concluded that bristle- and moisture and give us a cli- Gorge Wilderness of the Dixie Na- cones do not intrinsically senesce as matic record going back almost tional Forest there is a spectacular the years go by but that something 10,000 years since ring patterns of forest of bristlecones, some over has to kill them. Very often it is the still-living trees can be overlapped 2400 years in age. Great Basin erosion of soil away from their roots with those of long dead trees. This bristlecones can also be seen along that kills them or allows winds to long chronology has also been the Fairyland and Bristlecone topple and uproot them. used to calibrate carbon-14 dating Loop trails at Bryce Canyon Na- Unlike many other high elevation procedures that can be used to tional Park where the oldest, near pines (such as Whitebark and Lim- date artifacts of ancient human Yovimpa Point, is an estimated ber), which have large, wingless cultures. A study at the Twisted 1600 years in age. seeds primarily dispersed by birds, Forest north of Cedar Breaks Na- In the last few years there has bristlecone seeds are small and tional Monument also used bristle- been a heated competition winged, adaptations for wind dis- cone pines to estimate erosion amongst botanists to find the old- persal. But based on the high per- rates of the red soils that make up est living organism. Clonal indi- centage of multi-stemmed clumps the Breaks. By coring a tree, count- viduals like Creosote bush or As- observed at Cedar Breaks and sur- ing its rings, and then measuring pen that spread vegetatively, con- rounding areas, Lanner has pro- how deep its root system had been tinually putting up new stems, posed that birds like Clark‘s Nut- exposed by erosion, A. J. Eardley have ages estimated over 10,000 cracker may collect and cache the and William Viavant estimated years. But none of the stems we seeds on high, open ridges. Seeds in that about two feet of soil erodes see today are more than decades caches forgotten by the birds may every 1000 years on some slopes. old. The large trunk of a Great Ba- later germinate and, as the seedlings Some of the best places to see sin bristlecone pine, however, con- get bigger, their stems may grow the Great Basin bristlecone in tains cells that, although now together to form a multi-stemmed southern Utah are along the Spec- dead, were born more than 4000 clump. More recent studies have tra Point Trail at Cedar Breaks Na- years ago, making this bristlecone found no genetic differences be- tional Monument. Here resides the the oldest non-clonal organism on tween stems within a clump, how- recently certified ―Utah Big Tree‖, earth.

5 Utah Native Plant Society Medicinal Qualities of Utah Prickly Pears (Opuntia Species)

By Dorde Woodruff green glop, but much used in Mex- Raw or roasted pads were used ico, where nopales are tender, as poultices for mitigating pain and Many of our Utah native plants cheap, and plentiful, both by dia- have medicinal qualities. They may curing inflammation. This would betics and for weight management. still suffice for wilderness medicine. have been used (or still are) by Na- Lesser amounts are always benefi- tive Americans, or may be in current Just cut the pad in half and apply it cial as part of a healthy diet. to the wound. You probably would use by herbalists. The Prickly pears Here‘s one way to ingest cactus (Opuntia species) are among these. want to trim or singe off spines and that is tasty, a favorite in Mexico: glochids first, but being away with- The same species used as food are the easiest to use for medicine, out medicines is good motivation to basically the fleshy-fruited species GREEN DRINK use what is at hand. Juiced pads can O. macrorhiza (Tuberous-rooted be used to make healing salves. prickly pear) and O. phaeacantha 1 thin slice raw pineapple, chunked In North America Opuntia was (Brownspined prickly pear). 1 whole orange, pared, seeded, cut not as important a horticultural In Washington County gardens up plant as in Mexico, though archeolo- there‘s also the vigorous and prolific 1/3 large nopal, about 2½ x 3½‖, gists think Native Americans en- cultivar O. linguiformis, Cow‘s prepared, sliced couraged it, at least, and took pro- tongue prickly pear. The shrub O. ½ stalk celery, strings removed ductive taxa with them when they chlorotica (Clockface or Pancake 1 xoconostle*, prepared, optional moved. As compiled in Daniel Mo- prickly pear) does occur in limited and tips of four sprigs pars- erman‘s Native American Ethno- areas there, but the fruits I‘ve seen ley botany database (at http://herb. are smaller than in other local spe- juice or water to thin, if needed, they used Opun- cies, and may dry early (―often tias mostly as a wound herb, for mummify‖ is how Flora of North Blend and drink. Use daily. Alter- cuts, burns, boils, sores, and also for America puts it). The fleshy-fruited natives are grapefruit, papaya earaches. A few tribes reported use prickly pear picture in that area is chunks, or other fruit. If you don‘t as a diuretic, anti-arthritic, laxative, quite complicated. Different au- include too much nopal it won‘t be or for diarrhea. Both North Ameri- thorities split up O. phaeacantha gloppy. Adjust to suit. Pureed, can and Mexican natives used cactus into other taxa. Comparative study they can be frozen in ice cube trays spines as implements, sometimes in is needed. for a later time. medicine, e.g., to lance boils. Even if you‘re not looking for These ancient uses are validated fruits, as a class the pads of fleshy- Cactus mucilages also reduce by science. For example, a Tunisian fruited taxa are usually less spiny total cholesterol and bad choles- study found that extract of Indian than most of the dry-fruited taxa, so terol, and consequently are cardio- Fig pads protected against liver they‘re easier to handle. Not only do protective. Dehydrated nopal is damage in mice. Italian and Mexi- they have fewer spines, but also available commercially for these can teams studied the protective their areoles (the spine-bearing or- uses and others, as is tincture of effects of the mucilages against ul- gans) are farther apart. the pads. cers in rats. Another Italian study However, some O. polyacantha Medicinal uses of Opuntia validated the antiinflammatory ef- (Plains pricklypear), for instance, were important to the prehispanic fect of Indian Fig extract against are almost spineless (though still peoples of Mexico, and recorded arthritis. An Italian group used ex- having glochids). Whatever is acces- by the Spanish. Seeds of Opuntia tracts from Indian Fig to benefit sible and easiest to handle can be were thought to combat flu. The wounds on rats. A Korean group used. root was used as liver medicine, found that extracts of O. humifusa As a vegetable, the pads of for ulcers, and for skin diseases. A (Eastern prickly pear, the Eastern Opuntia species are a great example bit of nopal was chewed and held and Central U.S. equivalent to our of food as medicine. Their ample at the site for toothache. Nopal O. macrorhiza) showed potent anti- mucilages make them problematic was used for diarrhea and intesti- oxidative and anti-inflammatory in palatability to some people, but nal infections; soluble fiber nor- activity. Another Korean study de- that can be mitigated by culinary malizes digestion, so will work ei- termined that an extract of Indian practices. Mucilages being soluble ther for excess or deficiency, diar- Fig had neuro-protective action in fiber (a kind of complex carbohy- rhea or constipation. Other uses mouse cells. drate) slow down metabolism of were for kidney medicine, to stop Many studies show anti-oxidant food so that the glucose excesses of fevers, or for cuts. and anti-inflammatory effects of the our civilized diet, which are the root fruits; they were found to be anti- of so much bad health, don‘t occur. ulcer, neuro-protective, cardio- A suggested dose for type 2 dia- *Xoconostles, green-colored Opuntia fruits protective, and hepato-protective. that are sour not sweet, are often sold at They are also high in taurine, a non- betics is 4 ounces of the juiced pad Latino markets. Other prickly pear fruit (nopal) per day. This is quite a lot of can be used. essential amino acid that is never- 6 Sego Lily March 2008 31 (2) theless beneficial to older animals including humans, and scarce from plant sources. Human trials are expensive; some of these actions are validated in humans, but many studies are on animals or in vitro. Much scientific study of medicinal uses of cacti is recent. Much of the research on Opuntia was done in Mexico, and also around the Mediterranean, both areas where the large O. ficus- indica (Indian Fig) is a common crop. Although most studies are done with Indian Fig, there is no reason to think that similar results wouldn‘t be attained commonly with our spe- cies. All Opuntias have mucilages, all have betalains—the distinctive pigments of the order Caryophyl- lales—all the flowers have flavon- oids, and so forth. It is accepted in herbal medicine that Opuntia plants are diuretic in their various parts, although Native American records aren‘t strong on this use of Opuntia. However, new research shows that flowers are es- pecially effective because their fla- vonoids are especially anti- inflammatory, and are also analge- sic. Dried flowers in capsules are also effective for BPH (Benign Pros- tate Hypertrophy). Flowers of chollas (sometimes segregated as the genus Cylindro- puntia), are thought to be equally effective. O. whipplei (Whipple‘s cholla) is usually tall but there are Above: After anthesis, Opuntia flowers, valuable for their anti- some dwarf forms. It‘s native only inflammatory activity, wither, dry, then fall off of developing fruit. O. to the far southerly parts of our East polyacantha, Water Hollow, Central Utah. Photo by Dorde Woodruff. and West deserts, but will grow en- thusiastically in Salt Lake gardens. decoction as a urinary system herb growing season. While not on the Two southwestern species, O. acan- is strong, simmering the herb in scale of a diabetic who needs 4 thocarpa (Buckhorn cholla) with water rather than infusing it after ounces of juice a day, it will produce skinny joints, and O. echinocarpa the water is taken off the heat. pads for juicing, salves, poultices, or (Silver or Golden cholla according to Opuntia flowers begin to wilt for drying for powder, and will fruit the color phase of its spines) with after blooming, then fall off the top well. A small garden plot may be a shorter, fatter joints, get into the of the fruit. Dried fallen flowers little skimpy for the purpose of col- Virgin Valley, but are not hardy in are collected from cactus fruit lecting spent flowers for herbal use, Salt Lake. plantations for the commercial but a nice, non-consumptive way to Capsules of dried, powdered medicine. They could also be col- obtain a pleasant herbal medicine Opuntia flowers are sold by the lected before totally dry and dried while traveling around the state is Springville, Utah, company Nature‘s further. find a huge field of overgrazed de- Way. They obtain O. ficus-indica It‘s surprising how much a sert thick with flowering cactus flowers from India. An Israeli com- small plot of Opuntia can produce, plants. The ―marked antioxidant pany gets them from fruit planta- even the low-growing O. macro- activity‖ of the Israeli study suggests tions in that country. In Sicily with rhiza, given good drainage, plenty a broad range of health benefits of its large Indian Fig plantations, the of sun, weeded, fertilized, and wa- Opuntia flowers. tradition of Opuntia flowers in a tered every week or so in the warm

7 Utah Native Plant Society Botanic Verses

By Bill Gray

Roses are red??

White is the Rose, Yellow the Violet. Blue is the Pimpernel, Rather than sciolet.

I can't imagine anything sillier!

How about a pink Scarlet Gilia? (With apologies to our black-and-white subscribers.)

Color is such an immediate presence for most of us that we have a hard time keeping it in perspective. In botany as in human affairs it is a quick and obvious tag, often useful but easily abused. It can mislead as well as it can guide. Naming is one of our ways of trying to find order in a complex world. But not all names function the same way. Just because a plant was named after a color (or vice-versa with rose and violet) doesn't mean that we captured the essence of where it fits in the evolution- ary tree. And that is a high priority for botanists trying to assign plants to family, genus, species, etc. Above: Dog Rose, Rosa canina; Goosefoot Violet, Viola pur- Flower colors are produced when enzymes convert purea; Scarlet Pimpernel, Anagallis arvensis; Scarlet Gilia, simple chemicals into more complex ones (pigments) Ipomopsis aggregata. Photos by Bill Gray that absorb visible light unevenly. Within our eyes other pigments, obtained from carotene in our diet, capture the remaining light and our brain interprets affects more rounded definitions of species based on the resulting signals as color. The ability to make those breeding (biological species concept). Some wide- enzymes, hence those pigments, hence those colors is spread plants and animals vary geographically and encoded in the plant's genes. It was one of the attrib- local subgroups can be recognized: closely adjacent utes that Mendel used to discover the laws of heredity. groups usually interbreed. In extreme cases two ends of an array meet and the newly adjacent parts of the Variation is of the essence in the natural world. It is continuum cannot interbreed. Illustrations of such continually produced by mutation and rearrangement 'ring species' can be found at of genes, and continually winnowed by the harsh reali- wiki/Ring_species. ties of surviving in a competitive environment. How much variation does it take to convince a taxonomist Another confounding factor for plants is that their that some group needs to be split? It depends very breeding systems are much more flexible than those much on the taxonomist and on the group of organ- of animals. It is relatively common for plants to have isms, and there is no one measure that fits all. multiple copies (not just two) of each chromosome. Those with multiple copies, produced in a single step, But what about DNA – isn't that an objective guide? can have very different physical appearances and im- It is for some jobs, not others. It's without peer for de- mediate loss of the ability to breed with other mem- ducing history, but simple logic shows that a single bers of the original species – they become isolated number such as percent difference in DNA won't work genetically. for assigning names. Suppose we set a value of 1% as the criterion for deciding if we have separate species. Likewise, plants such as dandelions often dispense Start with a pair of plants that differ by 1.1% - clearly with the necessity of having two parents. Self- two species. Now add a third that differs from each of breeding drastically limits the amount of genetic the others by say 0.6%. By our definition it must be variation in the descendants, and can give rise to the same species as both of the two different original many very distinct subpopulations. These usually re- ones! So the definition doesn't work. Similar logic main fertile with other such groups, however.

8 Sego Lily March 2008 31 (2)

What sense does it make to have such odd sys- proper taxonomic decision is a complex matter of tems? A single dandelion seed may alight far from its analyzing genetic variation, pollination biology, soils nearest neighbour and be inaccessible to cross- and other factors. pollination by insects. By using its own pollen to fer- Expect to look for more than a single criterion being tilize itself it still produces a wide variety of combina- used whenever species and varieties are separated. tions, a few of which are likely to be well suited to lo- One very good, though somewhat loaded, definition of cal conditions. The single seed has thus established a a species is "whatever a competent taxonomist says it microcosm of the broader variation within the spe- is". Expect equally diverse opinions on what consti- cies. tutes a competent taxonomist! Scientists have only scratched the surface of the extraordinary range of variation within a species, much of it significant in adapting plants to their local- Noteworthy Discoveries ized niches. Where on the spectrum do our examples fit? New Species of Camissonia and Erigeron in Utah: Roses have been selected over thousands of years by Indefatigable field botanists Duane Atwood and Stan humans for form, color and fragrance (I write on Val- Welsh of Brigham Young University added two more entine's day). White is by far the commonest color new species to the state‘s flora in the latest issue of variation in nature because it is the default – inactive the botanical journal Rhodora, published in Decem- enzymes, no pigment. ber, 2007. The first is a new species in the evening- primrose family (Onagraceae) named Camissonia Violets are clearly separated into many species, dis- bolanderi in honor of long-time Utah state BLM tinguished by many different sets of criteria. Yellows, botanist Ron Bolander. Camissonia bolanderi is reds, blues, violets, almost blacks are some of the apparently a narrow endemic of the San Rafael De- commonest colors (think pansies). sert in Emery County, Utah, where it occurs in salt- Pimpernels Sometimes two striking color forms bush/Mormon tea communities on outcrops of the clearly coexist within a single species, as shown by the Moenkopi Formation. The new species is character- fact that the variants interbreed but the offspring still ized by small, 4-petaled, yellow flowers (each less show the one-or-the-other character. An example is than 2 mm long), and mostly simple leaves borne gray and white forms or morphs of several bird spe- along the lower portions of the stem, but not in a cies. It's not that simple with the pimpernels. Rather basal rosette. It might be confused with C. walkeri than all being lumped together as Anagallis arvensis in flower size and general appearance, but that spe- the blue ones are variously considered as a separate cies has a well-developed basal rosette and leaves subspecies (A. arvensis ssp. foemina) or even a differ- that are almost always divided into numerous pin- ent species (A. foemina). nately compound segments. Bolander‘s camissonia Scarlet Gilias are even more complex. They are not resembles another new Camissonia (C. dominguez- all-or-none, but scarlet to almost white. Color differ- escalantorum) described by Atwood in the same arti- ences are correlated with geography, with elevation, cle. The latter species is known from the Harrisburg with pollination, and with other differences in flower limestone on the Arizona Strip and might be sought structure. Pink forms occurring in Utah and else- on the Utah-Arizona border south of St. George where were sometimes considered separate species, (several other narrow endemics have recently been then opinion favored calling them all Ipomopsis ag- discovered on this formation). gregata var. macrosiphon. More recently the pink The second new taxon is Erigeron katiae, known plants in Arizona- have been elevated to only from Rich County in northern Utah. The species I. macrosiphon while those in Utah and other western name commemorates Katie Moon, a BYU graduate states have been elevated to I. tenuituba. student studying the flora of Rich County and adja- There is not necessarily one right answer as to cent Wyoming and co-collector of the type specimen. how they should be named, but how plants are classi- Katie‘s fleabane resembles E. nematophyllus but has fied may carry very important implications. larger and more ample stem leaves and a less promi- nent basal rosette. The new species also resembles Last Chance Townsendia is a yellow-flowered E. wilkenii, a narrow endemic of Dinosaur National member of the genus Townsendia, a quite uncommon Monument in NW Colorado which has taller, less color for the genus. That much is agreed. It occurs tufted (but also leafy) stems. Erigeron katiae is just only in a narrow segment of Utah, and arguments can the latest addition to a group of 18 locally endemic be made for its being classified as a separate very rare fleabanes described from Utah, making the state a species (T. aprica), included within a rare variety of a center of speciation for this group.—Walter Fertig second species (T. jonesii var. lutea) or as resulting from hybridisation between the latter and a third very Reference: Atwood, N.D. and S.L. Welsh. 2007. New common species (T. incana). In either of the first two taxa of Camissonia (Onagraceae); Erigeron, Hymenoxys, scenarios the plant could merit Federal protection and Tetradymia (Compositae); Lepidium and Physaria (Cruciferae) from Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. (provided other criteria are also met), while the third Rhodora 109:395-414. would be unlikely to warrant protection. Making the 9 Utah Native Plant Society Utah Plant Families: The Caper Family By Walter Fertig

The Caper family () suffers from something of an iden- tity crisis in the west. Worldwide, the family numbers about 700 spe- cies and is especially abundant in dry, tropical areas of Africa. Only six to seven species (depending on one‘s taxonomic view) in four gen- era manage to make it to Utah. These species are often mistaken for mustards (Brassicaceae) when in flower or legumes (Fabaceae) when in fruit. Worst of all, the very name of the family is somewhat demean- ing. The word Capparis (the genus for which the name of the family is based) is derived from the Latin term for goat (Capra), in reference Above: Palmer’s cleomella (or for those unafraid of latin, Cleomella to the foul odors often associated palmeriana), is a low-growing member of the Caper family that superfi- with both organisms. cially resembles the common Yellow beeplant. In addition to its smaller Despite the bad rap, the Caper stature, Cleomella differs in its boxy rather than bean-like fruits and its family can claim its share of suc- preference for barren clay soils, as here on the Tropic Shale near Lake cesses. The capers of commerce are Powell on Glen Canyon NRA. Photo by W. Fertig. derived from the flower buds of Capparis spinosa and related spe- Recent molecular genetic stud- bee-keepers. The flowers and foli- cies. Capers are typically picked by ies suggest that the caper family age are strongly scented (some hand in the morning, just before really consists of two distinct evo- would say malodorous), perhaps to they would open to unfurl their lutionary lines that ought to be attract pollinators or repel grazers. flowers. Once picked, capers are split into separate families. Under The Hopi used boiled Rocky sun-dried and then pickled in vine- this system, the true capers and Mountain beeplant leaves to make gar brine. Noted Colorado botanist their relatives (about 450 species) a black paint for decorating pot- (and amateur gourmet?) William would remain in the Capparaceae, tery and baskets. Both species are Weber considers capers ―essential to while the western North American common in Utah, especially along the preparation of the German species and their allies would form sandy roadsides or on disturbed meatball dish ‗Konigsberger klops‘‖. a new family, the . soils. Many capers are also grown as orna- This would necessitate changing Palmer‘s cleomella (Cleomella mentals, including Spider-flower the common name of the family to palmeriana) and other members (Capparis spinosa), and species in the , or Spider-flower fam- of the genus Cleomella resemble the genera Gynandropsis and Po- ily. stunted forms of Cleome lutea (the lanisia. The most common members of latin name Cleomella translates Members of the caper family can the caper family (in the broad loosely as ‗tiny cleome‘). It can be be recognized by their four-petaled, sense) in Utah belong to the genus recognized by its somewhat box- slightly irregular (zygomorphic) Cleome, better known as the bee- like or triangular shaped fruits, flowers, stalked ovaries, and capsu- plants, stinking clovers, or spider- low stature, and preference for lar fruits. The family is closely re- flowers. All of these common barren clay and shale soils. During lated to the mustards but differs in names aptly describe our two rep- wet springs, Palmer‘s cleomella is technical features of the fruit. All of resentatives: the pink or purple one of four or five annual forbs the Utah species of Capparaceae flowered Rocky Mountain beeplant that can convert the barren gray have palmately compound leaves (Cleome serrulata) and Yellow moonscapes of the Tropic Shale and pod-like fruits that superficially beeplant (Cleome lutea). Cleome into fields of bright yellow and resemble those typical of the pea flowers have 6 that extend gold. family. Unlike legumes, Cap- far beyond the petals, much like Clammy weed (Polanisia dode- paraceae fruits are composed of two the legs emanating from a spider‘s candra) earns its name from its fused carpels divided by a partition body. Each flower produces a sticky-hairy leaves and stems and are borne on a jointed stalk large quantity of nectar, making which feel cool (or clammy) to the called a gynophore. the blooms popular with bees and touch. These sticky glands also

10 Sego Lily March 2008 31 (2) give the plant its characteristic foul zona, California, and Mexico). This adventures and for being captured smell. Clammy weed is moderately species resembles Cleome lutea in as a purported spy in Mexico common in salt desert shrub com- flower color and growth form, but (during the Mexican-American war) munities or on coarse sandy soils has an unusual fruit, consisting of during his self-financed botanical near reservoirs. The flowers are two spreading, pouch-like pods expedition of the southwest. At white or cream-colored with pink or and an elongate style. The ar- war‘s end, Wislizenus returned to purple stamens of various lengths. rangement resembles a pair of his home in St. Louis with a trove of Its fruit is an erect, glandular-hairy spectacles. important botanical collections. capsule on a slender stalk. The tongue-twisting name Wis- Perhaps the strangest twist in the Jackass-clover (Wislizenia re- lizenia commemorates Frederick Wislizenus saga, however, is that his fracta) is the rarest member of the Adolph Wislizenus, a German phy- name is also given to the mustard caper family in Utah. It is known sician and amateur botanist active Dithyrea wislizenii, which is also from a single collection in San Juan in the mid-1800s. Although not characterized by spectacle-shaped County at the northern tip of its well-known today, Wislizenus at- fruits. Coincidence? The truth be- range (it is more widespread tained some notoriety for his 1839 hind this botanical mystery may through Texas, New Mexico, Ari- book ―A journey to the Rocky never be known. Mountains‖ about his western

Volunteers Across the Nation to Track Climate Clues in Spring Flowers

[Continued from page 1] coordinator Sandra Henderson of UCAR‘s Office of Education and Outreach. ―Project BudBurst is designed to help both adults and children understand the changing relationship among cli- mate, seasons, and plants, while giv- ing the participants the tools to communicate their observations to others. Based on the success of last year‘s pilot program, this project is capturing the public‘s imagination in a way we never expected.‖ Phenology is the study of periodic plant and animal life cycle events and how these are influenced by sea- sonal and inter-annual variations in climate, says Dr. Jake Weltzin, ex- ecutive director of USA-NPN, a citi- zen-science partnership between the As described on the Project Above: Phlox austromontana var. aus- US Geological Survey, National Sci- BudBurst webpage, each partici- tromontana was in full flower (well, one plant was) on January 1 2007 on a ence Foundation, University of Ari- pant selects one or more plants to observe. Participants begin check- south-facing slope in the Vermilion zona, and the US Fish and Wildlife Cliffs outside of Kanab. Photo (of a dif- ing their plants at least a week be- Service. Examples of phenological ferent plant in April 2007) by W. Fertig. events include the timing of leafing fore the average date of budburst— and flowering, agricultural crop the point when the buds have stages, insect emergence, and ani- opened and leaves are visible. Af- Garden, Plant Conservation Alli- mal migration. ter budburst, participants continue ance, and universities of Arizona, ―By observing these cycles to observe the tree or flower for California-Santa Barbara, Wisconsin through time, researchers can better later events, such as the first , -Milwaukee, and Wisconsin- understand and predict global cli- first flower, and eventually, seed Madison. Funding comes from the mate change, risk, invasive dispersal. When participants sub- Bureau of Land Management, Na- species, and the spread of infectious mit their records online, they can tional Fish and Wildlife Foundation, diseases,‖ said Weltzin. ―In the long- view maps of these phenological National Science Foundation, and term— and with enough data—such events across the entire United Windows to the Universe.— Jake information can help us better un- States. Weltzin, David Hosansky, Cath- derstand, mitigate, and adapt to on- Partners in Project BudBurst erine Puckett, and Rachel Drum- going and future climate change.‖ include the Chicago Botanic mond

11 Utah Native Plant Society

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