SUMMER 2014 Esprit de St Sauveur Edition 23

In this p 3 Out and about Important announcement issue p 6 Wedding of the century! on page 4 p 9 Miss St Saviour Competition p 15 School news Wazne ogloszenia p 18 Clubs and associations na stronie 4 C p 21 La Clioche C ratchie Attencao importante p 24 Big Gig in the Park noticia na pagina 4 C

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Search ‘JTsocial’ Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p3 Out and About in the Parish Post box reprieved In the recent re- The Governor’s Walk - appraisal of post Parish of St Saviour - Sunday, 7 September 2014 boxes within the Once in every five years the Lieutenant Governor is welcomed to each parish to Island the one participate in a historic walk. To generate maximum appeal, the route seeks out situated in the ancient buildings and sites of attraction and interest, minor byways, historic church wall near sites, private gardens, etc. As it is the 100 anniversary of the Great War this will to the lychgate be a feature: a VC and the Commanding Officer of the ‘Jersey Company’ who was designated are both buried in the graveyard of St Saviour's Church. Following the walk of to be made approximately three miles, a 'High Tea' awaits at the Parish Hall. redundant. These events have proved very popular and priority will be given to the However it was Parishioners of St Saviour. Tickets will be available at £12 for adults and £6 for reprieved and children 12 years and under; all proceeds go to Variety, the children's charity. having been Tickets will be available from the Parish Hall or Variety from mid-August. You given a fresh will be made very welcome. coat of paint this Victorian example, with a self-closing flap, looks set to continue in use for many years to come. Installation of a replacement lift at the Parish Hall Over the years money has been put aside in the annual budget to cover the cost of replacing the aged lift at the Parish Hall. The job is now nearing completion and the new equipment is much more suited to accommodate the larger mobility vehicles that are more commonplace today.

The Jersey Film Festival Kevin and Isabella Lewis will once again be presenting the Jersey Film Festival, a week-long festival of films shown outdoors in Howard Davis Park between 9 August and 15 August this year. The event takes place nightly at 8.30pm with a new film every night. Families start to arrive in the park around 6.30pm with a blanket and a picnic. The film starts at 8.30pm and Young Parish everyone enjoys their favourite films on the big screen supporter for Cancer under the stars. Admission is free with a retiring collection for Jersey Hospice. Research UK This is the festival’s 20th anniversary so the organisers Our picture shows seven- are planning something special. For more information visit year-old Lindsay O'Sullivan their website at proudly displaying her medal to her friend Oliver Pryke. Lindsay took part in Calendar curiosity a 5 km sponsored run For those readers who enjoy statistics take a look at the ‘Race for Life’ on Sunday 1 calendar for August this year. It has five Fridays, five June starting at Les Jardins Saturdays and five Sundays. This only happens once in de la Mer and the total every 823 years. The Chinese call it ‘silver pockets full’. raised by her group was a fantastic £700. p4 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine Out and About in the Paris h(continued)

Important notice This issue of La Cloche is the last one that will be delivered exclusively by our own delivery team. MediaMasters, our publishers, have made arrangements for future issues to be delivered by Jersey Post. There will still be delivered to each household a copy of La Cloche but there will only be one copy if there is only one letter box. This means that if you live in a multi-unit house, such as a bedsit, lodging house, or shared accommodation, you will not receive your own copy as you have in the past. To overcome this we shall still Above : Chef de Police, the Connétable be delivering by our own team to those type of properties to Reports of Parish, Electoral and and Colin Foley make sure you still get your copy. However there may be Ecclesiastical Assemblies Below : Kirsty Sue Phillips with her some that are missed. Can we please request that if you do proposer and seconder not receive issue number 24 which should be delivered to On 18 March an Electoral Assembly was called to elect two Centeniers to you by the end of September at the latest to contact the following number 767120 , or complete the terms of office of Centenier Iain Ford and Centenier Louise mobile 07700 343316 or send an e-mail to Noel both of whom had resigned. After the allotted time there were no [email protected] leaving your name and address nominations and the Connétable notified the assembly that she would so that we can add you to the delivery list. Thank you . have to report back to the Jurat, at the same time requesting that someone offers themselves for the position which could otherwise result in the Wazne ogloszenia Parish being penalised. Te wydanie la Cloche jest ostatnim które jest dostarczone The Electoral Assembly was followed by a Parish Assembly for the purpose of przez nas. MediaMasters, nasz wydawca, podj ł decyzj aby electing two Constable’s Officers. Nominations were called for and Octavio przyszłe wydania były dostarczane przez Jerseyą Post. Lęa Silva was proposed for the Vingtaine of Petite Longueville by G.J. Morris and Cloche b dzie nadal dostarczany do ka dego domu, ale seconded by J. Rennard. A further nomination was received for Kirsty Sue tylko jednęa kopia b dzie zostawiana na żka d skrzynk Phillips for the Vingtaine of Pigneaux and Grande Longueville by Michelle pocztow . Oznaczaę to, e je li mieszkasz żw bąudynku w ę McLaughlin which was seconded by Philip McDonald. którym wąynajete s pojeżdy cśze pokoje, czynszówkach lub There being no further nominations the Connétable thanked and innych budykach gądzie mieńszka wiele osób, nie otrzymasz congratulated the Electees and wished them well in their office of CO. własnej kopii gazety, tak jak to było w przeszło ci. By temu At an Electoral Assembly held on 28 April to elect a Centenier there were zapobiec, nadal sami bedziemy dostarcza gazśet do tych no nominations put forward and the Connétable explained to those present typów nieruchomo ci aby mie pewno ,ć e otręzymasz that the matter would be reported back to Jurat Le Cornu. swoj własn kopiśe naszej gaćzety. Nieśstć etyżm mo e si There then followed a Parish Assembly to elect a Roads Inspector for the zdarząy e nąie otrzymasz swojej kopii. Je li nie dożstanęiesz Vingtaine of Sous L’Eglise. wydanćżia numer 24, które powinno by dośstarczone do Nominations were called for and Colin Foley rose to propose Collette ko ca wrze nia, bardzo prosimy o koćntakt pod numerem Perchard. The nomination was seconded by Steve Wyatt. There being no 76ń7120 , kośm. 07700 343316 lub mailowo pod adresem further nominations the Connétable congratulated Mrs Perchard on her [email protected] . Prosimy o podanie swojego appointment and informed the assembly that Collette had 11 years of previous imienia i adresu aby my mogli Ci doda do naszej listy experience as Parish Traffic Officer. kontaktów. ś ę ć Dzi kujemy . ę Attencao importante Este será o último número do suplemento do ‘La Cloche’ que irá ser distribuida pelo nosso groupo distribuidor. Media Masters a nossa editora entrou em contacto com o Jersey Post para destribuir um suplemento por cada caixa de correio na freguesia de St Saviour. Por este motive os paroquianos que são moradores, em prèdios de varias familias, não vão receber a vossa cópia do jornal de freguesia. Para que todos os moradores possam receber a vossa cópia, o nosso groupo irá distribuir aos que não receberam o número 24 o mais tardar até o fim de Setembro, para isso basta contactar o número 767120 ou o telemóvel 07700 343316 ou pelo correio electrónico para [email protected] com o vosso nome e morada para a nossa lista de distribuição. Muito Obrigado Octavio Silva with his proposer and seconder

The final business of the evening was to elect a Constables Officer for the Vingtaine of Pigneaux and Grande Longueville. Former Centenier Michael W. Byrne was proposed by G.J. Morris who stated that they both went back a long way in the Parish as Centeniers in the ‘90s and that Mr Byrne was a proactive rather than a reactive officer. The nomination was seconded by Colin Foley and there being no further nominations CO elect Byrne was congratulated and thanked by the Connétable who reiterated his ten years previous experience as an Honorary Officer. The Connétable again stressed the importance of filling the honorary vacancies with particular reference to that of Centenier which could attract a fine to the Parish by the Royal Court if an incumbent was not found. ‘The Parish should be deeply grateful to Colin Foley for returning to offer his services as Centenier after previously serving for 12 years.’ So said the Connétable when at an Electoral Assembly he was proposed by Centenier Terry Gorvel and seconded by Vingtenier Daniel Avrill. He was duly elected to complete the term of office of Centenier Iain Ford. The Assembly showed their appreciation by giving hearty applause and Centenier elect Foley was warned to appear before the Royal Court on 11 May to take the oath of Office. Centenier Foley states his reasons for returning on page 9 of this issue. On 19 May an Electoral Assembly was held to elect a Centenier. Elvio Vieira was proposed by CO Kirsty Philips and seconded by Centenier Colin Foley. Centenier elect Vieira was thanked for offering his services to fill this important post. Following the morning service at St Saviours Parish Church on 25 May a meeting of the Parishioners was convened to accept the Churchwardens accounts for the year and put forward names to the forthcoming Ecclesiastical Assembly to be held on the following Thursday. At that Assembly held at the Parish Hall on the 29th after the reading of the Rector’s report , the Churchwarden’s report and the presentation of the accounts ably undertaken by the Parish Secretary the following were elected to office: Churchwardens Doreen Le Roy and Andrew Ilton and Almoners Priscilla Kent and Valerie Cunliffe. Photographs of other elected officials will follow in the next edition Funeral Care amendment In the last issue of La Cloche we printed an article word verbatim as forwarded to us by a funeral care company in which it was stated that a particular diploma in funeral arranging and administration had been awarded to a member of their staff and he was the first recipient of this in Jersey. It has been brought to our notice that this qualification has also been awarded to staff at Pitcher & Le Quesne Funeral Directors prior to this thus creating in the text we printed a misleading statement. Whilst we do not claim immunity from errors, as stated in our terms and conditions we do apologise, without prejudice for what could be taken as a misleading statement. p6 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine

The of the century!

St Saviour's Church was packed with happy people magnificent in his full Scottish ceremonial regalia. John even had his present to celebrate the marriage of Cara Billot and ceremonial sword, a claymore, on his back; thus he could stand and kneel but not sit down. John's two sons were also in full ceremonial John Millerw on Eastere Saturday 19 Adpril 201i4. ng dress, adding to the pageant. The bride arrived punctually, resplendent in a purple dress and jacket Cara and John had known each other for a mere 14 years before with toning hat. As she stood at the west door with her father and her John proposed (see La Cloche Edition 18) so this was a whirlwind bridesmaid so the Choir launched into the fanfare followed by the 'Arrival romance as far as John was concerned! However, the rest of us of the Queen of Sheba' played by Dee Edwards on the organ which were thrilled and delighted when the date for the nuptials was accompanied the bridal procession down the agreed. Cara's sister, Frances, and her family were scheduled to aisle. The procession was led by Andrew visit Jersey from their home in New Zealand for Easter; other Ilton, Churchwarden, who acted as crucifer. family members arrived from England and John's family came He was followed by the Rector, The Revd. down from Scotland. Friends from all parts of the Island and Dr Anthony Swindell, who conducted the representing all their many interests joined with family members to service and the bride, Cara, her father, celebrate the occasion. The Classic Car Club, Sea Cadets, La Mervyn Billot, and her bridesmaid, Rebecca Cloche Committee, Jersey Island Singers and congregation of St Gould. Once at the Chancel Steps the Rector Saviour's Church were all there to witness the occasion. welcomed the bride, groom and all their friends and supporters before Although the day dawned dull the sun did the honours and we all launched into the first hymn. The bride and groom were beaming came out on cue in the afternoon. In the morning the church was as they sang along too. After the knot had been tied the bridal party a hive of activity as decorating took place. Pedestals of flowers moved to sign the registers while the Choir sang My Luv is Like a Red were arranged, windows decorated, surfaces, the altar and the Red Rose, Ma Normandie and then the Halleluiah Chorus which really font were covered with spring flowers. The pew ends were hung summed up the occasion! with real (clean!) horseshoes which were themselves decorated After the final blessing and Amen from the Choir, Mr and Mrs Miller with thistles, reflecting the thistles incorporated into the pedestal processed down the aisle accompanied by the Piper and to the acclaim displays. of the congregation, and then out into the sunshine and across to the As 3.00pm approached so the church began to fill up. The Parish Hall for the Reception. Refreshments were served, the cake was choir stalls were occupied by the Jersey Island Singers as Cara is cut and the merriment continued until Mrs Miller was ready to throw her a member of the choir. We were dressed in our pink and black bouquet into the air, climb into the driving seat of her classic car and set outfits which added a splash of colour to the chancel. Nick Cabot, off with her husband for their new life together; accompanied by tin cans conductor, decided to have a last minute run through of the rattling in traditional fashion from underneath the car. fanfare to greet the bride; the piano was being tried out by This was a true St Saviour occasion. A fantastic wedding in the Malcolm Whittell for his accompaniment to the anthems, Dee Parish Church followed by a most fitting reception in the Parish Hall, Edwards was warming up the organ and the Scottish Piper was shared by so many friends and family. tuning up, all at once! A great cacophony of sound adding to the We wish them every happiness for their future together. happy atmosphere. Angela Swindell . The Best Man, Michael Dean, had succeeded in getting the groom to the church on time, well-scrubbed up and looking Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p7

Below down : The groom and the best man Bride enters church Registers are signed Left : Throwing the bouquet

Above : La Cloche Editorial Team presentation to Cara Left : Cutting the cake Below :Guests Main image : Bride arrives at church p8 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine

Miss St Saviour

This year's Miss St Saviour Competition was held in the Right : Miss St Saviour 2014 Parish Hall on Saturday 29 March. During the judging Below : both Miss St Saviour and Miss Junior St Saviour were Miss St Saviour - chosen and there was strong competit2ion for each0 title. 1Miss J4 unior 2014-2013 Charlotte Anderson won the Miss St Saviour title. attends After School Club where she takes part in Charlotte is the 18-year-old daughter of Andrew netball, football, kick-boxing and gardening. She and Karen Anderson and she has a brother, has won Gold at the Eisteddfod with her entry in Ashley. The Anderson Family are all heavily the Speech and Drama Section. involved in Parish and Island life. Charlotte herself Olivia said that she was 'excited and happy' to has supported the Battle of Flowers Association be chosen as Miss Junior St Saviour. She is for a number of years; she has danced in the looking forward to making new friends and trying parade and she has helped to decorate the float. out new activities. This time, though, she will be on the float! She Others who took part in the Competition were: says she is especially looking forward to the Amelia Wright, Madeleine Jule, Lucy-Anne Moonlight Parade. Apart from involvement with Richford, Ellesha O'Malley, Nell Langlois, Emma Battle activities, Charlotte is involved with Girl Gavey, Abigail Ellis, Charlotte Fernandes, Bethany Guiding, the Jersey Elite Synchronised Swimming Druce and Tallulah Price. Group and she is a leader of the 17th St La Cloche sends congratulations and best Saviour's Brownies. wishes to both Charlotte and Olivia. We hope that Charlotte took A Levels at Hautlieu in English they will have a very happy and memorable year. Language and the Performing Arts. She is now Angela Swindell . studying English Literature there on a part-time basis while working part-time at Cooper and Company in Halkett Place. Eventually Charlotte hopes to go to University to train to become a Primary School teacher specialising in the support of children with Special Needs within mainstream education. Others who took part in the Competition were: Kayleigh Larkin, Summer Boulter, Sophie Rolland and Katie Minchinton. The title of Miss Junior St Saviour was awarded to Olivia Barbosa Kawala who is nine-years-old and a pupil at Plat Douet School. She is the daughter of Sylwia Kawala and Edmundo Barbosa and she also has a brother, Nicholas. Olivia

I first joined the St. Saviours Honorary Police, as a CO, in 1995. I was elected as a Centenier in 1998. I served the Parish in this Colin capacity, including two brief periods as Chef de Police, until 2010. Working with a great team, in the police and in the Parish Hall, made Foley the whole time rewarding, interesting, and for most of the time, fun.

St Saviour, like most parishes at some time, I am looking forward to working with the old team have been finding it hard to fill the vacancies again and with the officers who have joined during the for Centenier, so I was asked, by the time I have been away. Constable, if I would be prepared to come We are still short of Centeniers and COs so if back and help out. The resignation of a anyone feels that they could help, come and have a Centenier made the situation even worse and word with someone at the Parish Hall, you won’t helped me to make up my mind. regret it.

Summer2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p9 Victor Hugo Wines

‘Big enough to cope yet small enough to care’ T 01534 M 07797 776508 E [email protected] 481894 W NEW SOLE AGENCY St Saviour’s home of St John quality wines, spirits A superb bungalow hidden away from the main & beers, with prices stream, where the light shines in every room, to suit all pockets. space in abundance. This spacious bungalow is hidden away on a quiet country lane yet still within walking Victor Hugo Wines, distance of the shops and amenities. It is inviting from the minute you enter the 31’ Longueville Road, spacious hallway and has been lovingly cared for over the years. There are 5 St Saviour, JE2 7SA bedrooms in total, or 4 doubles with a large study. The 31’ lounge has a central functional fireplace that generates heat throughout. The kitchen is finished in FREE DELIVERY buttermilk and granite worktops and is fully equipped with a hand built center Part of the island. Separate dining room, snug with fireplace. Bi folds doors open onto the patio and garden with an extra balcony to enjoy T: 764044 F: 764046 E: [email protected] the late sunshine and overlook the pool. W: : victorhugowines : @victorhugowines A mystical garden which is full of life, private and secure and ideal for young children and pets. Swimming pool and pool house. Outbuildings, 2 garages and plenty of parking. There is ample scope to create a £ 2 generational home. 1.3 million

x organising & NEW SOLE AGENT de-cluttering St Helier A spacious 3 bedroom bungalow x down-sizing situated on the outskirts of town, d new bathroom, large playroom, x home staging sizeable kitchen and secure garage This quaint property is within walking distance of x all major schools. Boasting a new roof and other interior design recent works, this property houses a homely 168sqft lounge, a functional fireplace for the Winter and bay window for the Summer. The Kitchen is a newly installed Stoneham Wild Cherry Kitchen/Diner accommodating Villeroy & Bosch double Belfast sink, Range Cooker, integrated washing machine and dishwasher, glass display cabinets and granite functional fireplace. The bathroom is a newly fitted 4 piece bathroom, with underfloor heating and large natural stone tiles. There is plenty of storage throughout the property including a very big 36’ x 14’3 playroom upstairs and lawned garden at the rear. 19’ x 15’2 Electric Garage with overhead storage provides enough parking. However, there is scope to develop more 07797 750647 and adequate free parking around the property. £ Close to all major schools. 535,000  [email protected] Register today on for all properties held on Confidential File p10 Summer2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine

Wher tthther ’hheeerrr ’ ’’  whwheeheeee A section for our ther ’errr ’ ’  wa younger



UserUssseeerrr shoulsshhhoulououlull bb WHE EL CHA s IRS s RentaReeentanntntataa GROW s s s YOUR OWN FrFreedorreeeeeeedddoo tt accacaccccc JeJerse’eerrrssse’ee’’ bbeautieeautiaauaututititi bbeacheeacaaccchhh

Avai lable to AVOCADO and reside visitors nts FREE OF CHA RGE! TREE Have you ever seen an avocado Professional Quality pear on the supermarket shelves usually near to the apples and Piano Tuition oranges? The avocado is a soft fruit TIMOTHY de QUETTEVILLE with a dark green skin and in the DIP. R.A.M., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. very middle of it is the Has a few vacancies for fruit stone. This children and adults stone is quite commencing September. large and is a If you have been considering arranging lessons for yourself or heart shape your child this coming autumn with a you have the opportunity to point. make an early booking to secure a place in a very prestigious piano teaching practice. Please visit my website to see the unique facilities I offer and read about the many successes my students have enjoyed. www. e. [email protected] Right: Avocado fruit I can also be phoned on 879082 to discuss your requirements and if you wish make an appointment for an from the shop, informal friendly meeting at my studio. cut in half to show the stone Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p11

Avocado stone Tree with cocktail Tree lifted out with cocktails sticks sticks placed in of jar to show in place jar of water root and shoot

When they grow naturally these fruits need to top up the water drop off the tree, the outer skin and about every three days. soft part rot away and the stone plants After about three to four itself by sending down a long white weeks you will notice the root into the ground. We can copy the stone is starting to split into way it grows in a way that we can two and a white root is watch the daily progress of the plant. growing down into the Ask someone to buy you an avocado water while a thin green from the shop. You may like to eat it shoot is appearing out of yourself, but if not let someone else the top of the stone. If the enjoy it and give you the stone from water turns a yellow green the centre. Another way of getting a colour as your avocado stone is if you know someone who grows do not worry. Tree works in a restaurant or hotel. One of Soon you will notice extra growing the favourite meals is avocado and roots growing and the shoot in a prawns and the hotels throw away will start to produce lovely coffee loads of avocado stones every day. waxy looking green leaves. jar The first thing to do is to wash the You can leave your tree to stone in some cold water to remove grow in this way for at least any sticky bits and then let it dry out a year, but you may have to by placing it on a kitchen window for transfer it to a larger jar. If about four days. You should then be you notice that the cocktail able to easily peel off the thin brown sticks are getting soft and skin using your fingernail. bent and the tree is leaning You will then need some wooden over a bit in the jar then just cocktail sticks and a glass jar. The ideal pull out the old stick and type is a jam jar or coffee jar about push a new one in its place. 500gms size. Fill the jar to the top with After a year you can then clean cold water. Take the avocado plant your tree in a plant pot Tree stone and push into it three of the in a very muddy soil mixture. planted cocktail sticks near the pointed end A few years later if you then out in pot and as you push them in put them at a plant it in the garden it will slight angle downwards. Then place the really start to grow tall. The stone into the jar of water with the tree in the bottom right point at the top and the base in photo is 15 years old and the water. It will be held in was grown in exactly the place by the sticks. way as we have described. Place the jar on Because Jersey is not hot a window ledge, enough all the year round the kitchen is your tree will never produce ideal for this avocado fruit but the tree and leave it will be a nice addition to a to start garden. to grow. If you have any problems You or questions about growing will your tree then you can phone and ask the editor of La Cloche on 767120 and he will try and help you. Good luck with your tree. Right: 15-year-old tree Quarter page JFTU MOWERS Quarter page JFTU SHED

Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p13 Lawn Mowers SAVE SHED LOADS! to suit every garden and ON JF(T)U’s RANGE OF SHEDS every budget CHALETS AND PLAY HOUSES JERSEYAt La Haie ROSE Fleurie St SHOW Martin Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July 10am to 5pm By Kind Permission of Ms Cynthia Binet Entertainment with D J Big Bad John, Saturday & Sunday also the lovely Hot Bananas on Saturday & Sunday at Jersey Horse Driving Society Obstacles Driving Sunday

11am to 3pm Display of Training Dogs Sunday 2.00pm Shetland Ponies Jersey Falcons try your hand at holding and flying Full after sales/service support & miniature Horses the Falcons in their own arena Expert advice Saturday 12 noon Jersey Tractor Club Massive choice of pedestrian and ride on In 20% hand classes UPON Floral PRESENTATION display from mowers from the worlds leading manufacturers & 3 young OFThe THIS Sogetsu ADVERT Group stockOFF classes Craft and charity Stalls, Tea with With AselectionofFoodand in s Refreshments from Kerry aid of Parade on Jersey SALES SERVICE Sunday2.45pm TEL Camfield and Chomping Charlie’sTEL Hospice 733277 865304 733277 Sponsors 865304 See us on Facebook. La Grande Route de St Jean JerseySouthfork, Tourism Rue du Trot La Grande Route de St Jean Southfork, Rue du Trot Jersey rose show Trinity St Saviour Trinity St Peter’sSt Garden Saviour Centre

Garden Centre Opening Times Monday - Saturday 8am - 5pm

Gifts Tea Room Home accessories Home baked fayre. Serving breakfast, and beautiful gifts for brunch, lunch and afternoon tea. all occasions Monday - Saturday 8.30am- 5.00pm Nursery From Semi mature Le Quesnes Garden Centre, Rue de Beauvoir, St. Saviour, JE2 7SN Italian stock to house Telephone: 01534 626878 Facsimile: 01534 874419 and bedding plants Email: [email protected] Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p13 St Saviour blooms again!

The St Saviour in Bloom Committee has been revived and is rising from the ashes. We are busy with preparations for the entry of the Parish of St Saviour into the Parish in Bloom Competition, 2014.

The Committee is under the Chairmanship of Nance Hicklin, horticulturalist and veteran of the past The route chosen is as follows : Committee, with Tom Donnelly, retired gardener, Starting from the Parish Hall, the judges will go up Patier Road, turn into Angela Swindell, enthusiast, co-opted to act as Hon Jardin à Pommiers, view the Hidrios' garden, cross to St Saviour's School to Sec, Tim Rowe, another experienced veteran (who view the garden, then the Millennium Cross and tubs, cross to Rue de la moved to France during the year) Richard Blandin, Retraite, then Rue de Beauvoir past Le Quesne's Nursery to Millemont- arch, Parish Foreman, and Mark Simon from Floralies who car park and entrance to Swiss Valley. They will return to Les Varines and drive is acting as a Consultant. Our Conne ́table, Sadie down admiring the view, turn left to Longueville Manor to visit the beautiful Rennard, is the Committee President. We have met garden, then along Bagot Road - looking at the Garages and Talana Hotel at regular intervals for the past year in order to before visiting Howard Davis Park. The judges will walk through this before celebrate floral achievements such as success in the being picked up to travel via the Merton Hotel and Mont Millais to Bagatelle Battle of Flowers, decide on the route, plan planting, Road. They will turn down Bon Air Lane - and admire the frontages - before visit locations and encourage initiatives in the Parish. being dropped in the Government House main drive. They will walk up the Judging takes place on the morning of 7 July drive and up steps to view the Rose Garden and recently replanted areas, then 2014. We are keen that St Saviour should be round the garden and down the drive to the valley viewing the pond created to presented in all its glory and in the best possible light. manage the flowing water. Exit up steps facing churchyard. They will An outline of the route follows. We do hope that walk/drive towards the Parish Hall viewing Jardin Des Buttes woodland on the Parishioners whose property fronts onto the route will way before driving past St Saviour's Church and on to Victoria Cottage make an extra special effort to ensure that it looks its Homes to view the colourful gardens, Five Oaks - small garden area now with very best in early July! Now is the time to remove seating and dog provision and on to La Grande Route de Ste Martin, passing those branches which came down in the winter decorated JEP offices, to our award winning 'Scenic Lane', Les Routeurs, storms, weed the beds, dig out the stray saplings, then to Château Vermont's beautiful garden, and back to Parish Hall via Mont remove litter and plant some colourful borders!! The Sohier. The judges will then view the Parish Hall, listen to a Presentation and Parish has played its part; public land has been tidied, partake of refreshments before moving on to another Parish. dog mess bins supplied, colourful planting is taking Do join with us in celebrating the beauty of St Saviour. place. We just need to keep it all looking good. Above : The judges will visit Howard Davis Schools, Government House, Longueville Manor, Park to view the magnificent displays there Château Vermont and individuals with interesting BON CHANCE! Below : HE Sir John McColl with Nance and gardens have all vowed to play their part. Angela Swindell , Hon Sec. Tom, and the Government House gardeners

STOP PRESS Judging of the Parish Gardens Competition which will take place on Monday, July 28. Entry forms available from the Parish Hall. p14 Summer2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p15 News from Grainville School Student business success In January 20 student teams, from Grainville and Jersey College for Girls, were given the chance to run their own business with an investment of £100 to take a business idea and make it commercially viable as part of the Jersey Business Challenge. They were supported by the four corporate sponsors: EY, Barclays, Ogier and JT. This challenge allowed our students to gain real life experience in running, managing and directing their own business. Above : The Three Pencils (Chantel Le Rossignol and Marianna Alves) On Wednesday 14 May the success of the teams was celebrated at the Radisson Blue Hotel where awards were presented. From the original Grainville School shortlisted for 20 student-led businesses that started the challenge, ten finalists were judged in a ‘dragons den’ of CEOs from the four corporate sponsors. Enterprise Awards The teams made a staggering £8,139 profit in just ten weeks of trading Grainville School has been short listed as a finalist for the and £3,793 of this was given to 12 local and international charities by prestigious 2014 Enterprise Awards for ‘Not for Profit the students. Organisation of the Year’ and for the ‘Development of Skills’. Eco-munch from JCG, were the overall winner but in second place Becoming a finalist is recognition of the hard work and dedication was the Grainville team of The Three Pencils, marketing and selling of staff and Grainville’s wider community to make a positive handmade cards. Other Grainville award winners included: Artistry difference to the lives of young people. The awards celebrate what (Profit winners) Jersey Treats (Profit runner up), Bitesize (Community is special within organisations that go that extra mile for its Winner) and Cookie Crumble (Community runner up). members. Above : John McGuinness receiving his Award

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To ensure that these were showcased Institute of properly, a parade took place at the end of St Saviour ’s the morning with all pupils taking part and Directors observing. This was great fun and the whole school, from Nursery to Year 6, were award for involved. Head School Many visitors came and read to the The pupils and staff took part in classes during the day; Nikki Holmes from Teacher Durrell, Sadie Rennard, Malcolm Lewis, World Book Day on Thursday 6 Sophie Bird with Oscar Puffin, Reverend Mr John McGuinness, March in spectacular style. The Jane Ilton, Lynne Omissi and Roy Le Head Teacher of Herissier. The pupils enjoyed hearing a Grainville School, was pupils (and staff) were dressed range of texts read to them and asked lots presented with the up as their favourite book of interesting questions. Carl Ashcroft, an prestigious award for character and we were delighted author, spent time in one class and inspired Director of the Year them to write and to be further interested in 2014, in the category to see lots of new characters books. of Public Sector at the annual awards evening of the this year. The costumes, which All in all, it was a fantastic day with Institute of Directors (IoD) in Jersey. The judges plenty of opportunities for pupils to immerse recognised the impact Mr McGuinness has had on the the parents had clearly spent a themselves in books – we hope they school saying, ‘John's story was really impressive, he lot of time getting organised, continue to do this and enjoy reading for has taken a school facing many difficulties and in just were magnificent. pleasure. five years has absolutely turned it around, both educationally and financially. An amazing story with tangible results.’ John McGuinness said, ‘This award is public recognition for the hard working teams of staff and school governors’ at Grainville School. Grainville continues to grow from strength to strength. This requires focused leadership throughout the school. I feel very honoured to have received this award, and do so on behalf of all at Grainville School and thank the IoD for their kind words and recognition.’ Above : John McGuinness receiving his Award

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p16 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine

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Page18 Edition112014 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p17 The passage through St Saviour of the Queen’s Baton On Sunday 11 May the Queen’s Baton continued on its journey to the final destination of Glasgow arriving in Jersey from Gibraltar.

On the following morning, Monday 12, it was brought from the overnight resting place at Hotel L’Horizon to our Parish Hall where it was planned to march with it to Government House at which point His Right: Excellency the Lieutenant Governor would The crowd officially hand it over to pupils of St waits Below: Saviour’s School for them in relay to Connétable retrace their steps to the Parish Hall heads off from where it’s onward journey through other the Parish Hall Parishes would be effected. The short, but well planned event went without a hitch. Members of our Honorary Police force halted traffic on St Saviour’s Hill to allow the participants led by the Connétable along with a large contingent of teachers, parents and pupils from St Saviour’s School to safely cross the road. The group then made their way along Rue du Sacrement to a position near to the offices of Government House where a group of selected pupils were duly briefed in their forthcoming roles by the ADC Lieutenant Colonel A.J.C. Woodrow. Pipe Major Gregor Allan of the Jersey Scottish Pipe Band, suitably kilted in the newly emblazoned colours of the Jersey Tartan, led them down the slope to the doors of Government House where they were greeted by His Excellency General Sir John McColl and Lady McColl. The strong media attendance ensured that all aspects of this important event for our Parish was captured in its entirety. Shortly after 9.00am the procession moved off to re-unite with the waiting parents and Above: Pipe Major leads off having formed a group by the church Right: His Excellency General Sir John McColl, lychgate the opportunity was taken by the baton and team of six handlers. many of the pupils to hold the baton. In reality quite an experience to recount in future years to their descendants. Having again safely traversed the main road the official party departed with the Baton to Springfield Sports Stadium and relative peace and calm again descended on the Parish Hall and its surroundings. The accompanying photographs taken by Geoffrey Morris show the events as they unfolded. Above: Team set off from Government House. Left: The baton is shared among the pupils p18 Summer 014 St Saviour Parish Magazine A whistle-sto p tour of clubs and associ ations

To ad d in formation to thi s list please contact Grainville Tennis Club (below cricket pitch & Grainville School) offers Cel ia Sco tt War ren , emai l: ce [email protected]. a comprehensive range of tennis activities for all age groups throughout the week and at weekends. Sponsored by Rawlinson & Hunter, the club has a junior coaching programme, after school & Nee d a n ew in tere st? The following clubs and associations would welcome new members or help with their projects holiday clubs and mini tennis. For more information, contact head coach Rychlund Aldridge, [email protected] Jerse y Scou t Band meets on a Thursday evening at the Kenneth or come along any Sunday morning from 10 am. Faucon Memoria l Ha ll, Rue des Pré s, from 6.45pm-9.15pm. No . musical knowledge is re qu ired and we provide teaching, instruments Grands Vaux Youth Centre opens every evening from Monday to & uniform f ree o f charg e. P lease c all Mick Marett on 874708 or Friday and Saturday afternoon offering a broad range of activities. If email mic maret@jerse ym ail.c . you have youngsters who are looking for new interests wh y not ring St Savi our ’s Bowls Club ( next to c ricket pavilion at Granville Sports Tino on 722935 and ask about events for their age group? C entre) o ffer an opp ortun ity t o p lay this very social game on a daily Maufant Youth Club Intermediates and Seniors : Mond ay evenings. bas is at a ll sta nda rds d uring th e sum mer months. Please contact Seniors (9+) 7.30–10 pm, Tuesday Juniors (5–7) 6.30–8.30 p.m.

Paul du Feu on 732441 or 07797733304. Wednesday Inters (7–9) 7–9 p.m. Friday Seniors (8+) 7.30– 10 p.m.

St Saviour’s Battle of Flowers Association T hey host bingo at 50p entrance and £5 membership. Juniors every Tuesday, 4 0p

Springfield every other Wednesday from 8 pm and sell books at Le entrance and £5 membership. Contact Nathan Le Mottée 851649 .

2nd Jersey (Grève d’Azette) Scout Group meet at Kenneth Faucon Que sne ’s N urseries for only £1 each. Look up their web page: and please contact Memorial Hall, Rue Des Prés (opposite Waitrose). Beavers (6 –8 yrs),

Ann Quénaul t on 87988 1 or email [email protected] if Monday and Friday 5.45 pm–6.45 pm; Cubs (8–11yrs), Monday 7.00 you can h elp in any way. pm–8.30 pm, Scouts (11–14yrs), Wednesday, 7.30 pm–9.00 pm. Coffee Mornings are held every Thursday at the Open Door , in More information, contact Mick Marett on 874708. the hall of Georgetown Chapel between 10 am and noon. A warm [email protected] .We are always on the lookout for adults welcome is extended to all. Proceeds go to local charities. who wish to help with a fun-packed programme. The Wednesday Group at Georgetown is looking to welcome 9th Jersey (St Luke's) Scout Group meet at St Luke's Scout Hall, new female members. If you are looking for a fortnightly programme Elizabeth Street. Beavers (6–8 years) Mondays 6.30 pm–7.30 pm; covering a variety of interests why not give either Joyce Noël on Cubs (8–10 ½ years) Wednesdays 6.30 pm–8 pm; Scouts (10½ years 878067 or Cathy Turver on 851606 a cal l. to 14 years) Tuesdays 7.30pm–9pm. The group is open to both boys

Georgetown Girls’ Brigade and girls, please contact Ruth Dolbel on 734813 . meets at Georgetown Me thodist Church Hall every Tuesday evening. Explorers (age 5–7 years) 6–7 3rd Jersey (St Saviour) Scout Group meet at the Berni Community pm Junior Section (8–11years) Company Section (1 1 &1 2 years +) Centre, St. Martin, on Monday evenings. Beavers, 6–8 years 5.45– 7.00–8.10 pm Contact Beverley on 731002 for m ore de tails. 6.45 pm; Cubs, 8–10½ years 7–8.30 pm; Scouts, 10½–14 years 7–8 Georgetown Parent, Toddler and Baby Group me ets at 30 pm; Young Leaders, 14–18 years, any section; Adults, 18 years Georgetown Methodist Church Hall every Monday and W ednesday plus, any section. Boys and girls, males and females welcome. Please morning from 9–11.30 am. All welcome. Contact B eve rley on contact Hayley Dewar on 07797 739294 or

731002 for more details. [email protected] .


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Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p19

17th St Saviour’s Guides meet at St. Saviour’s School on Monday Jersey Alzheimer's Association meet in the Parish Hall every evenings from 7–8.30 pm for girls aged between 10 and 14 years Friday afternoon from 2–4pm to sing and enjoy Musical Memories. for cookouts, camping, badge work and lots more. Please contact Everyone with Alzheimer’s, with partner or carer, is welcome to come Jackie Fromage on 865310 . along and join in. St Paul’s Football Club has progressed into one of the most Jersey Indoor Bowling Association offers coaching and has respected clubs in the islands, offering football to both junior and sessions at Grainville starting at 9.30 am. They offer' try 3 times for senior players at their headquarters in Clos des Pauvres, Rue du free' to encourage anyone aged 5-95 to have a go. This is an all Château Clairval. Contact Charlie Brown on 725825 , web site ability sport. Contact Helen Bowyer on 768772 or . email: [email protected]. St Saviour’s Social Club meet every Wednesday at 8 pm at the 7th Jersey (St Luke's) Brownies (7-10 years) meet at St Luke's Parish Hall for a whist drive. Entry fee is £1 and there is a raffle. Also Church Hall, La Route du Fort, Tuesday 6.30-8pm. Contact Kath every second Saturday in aid of Hospice. All enquiries to Mrs Joan Chatrian on 724139 . Barette on 851664 . St Luke's Tiny Tots meet at St Luke's Church Hall, La Route du Fort on Fridays during term time from 9.00- 11.00am. TOP (Triumph Over Phobia) offer structured self-help for people Contact Kath Chatrian on 724139 . with phobias and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Thursday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.30pm at the Headway Centre, Springfield Road. New members welcome. For more information please contact THURSDAY NIGHT IS MUSIC NIGHT AT Celia on 608008 or [email protected] . GEORGETOWN METHODIST CHURCH St Saviour’s Twinning Association promotes educational, social and cultural exchanges with our twin town of Villedieu-les-Poêles in Thursday 3 July 2014 contact the Parish Hall Gabriella Cassidy – Soprano - and Matthew Durkan – Baritone – Normandy. For more information please . provide a night of opera. Solo and duets from opera extracts we The Golden Age Club meet every second Thursday of the month at know and love...and some new ones to. Gabriella is a Jersey girl 2 pm in the Parish Hall for a social gathering that includes a talk, making a name for herself in the music world in the UK afternoon tea, bingo and a raffle. Parishioners over the age of 60 are Thursday 31 July and 7 August most welcome. International Master Class Concerts St Saviour’s Women’s Institute meets at the Parish Hall every Both these concerts have international and local music students second Tuesday of the month at 8 pm. Contact Sally-Anne Baker and the teachers of the various instrumental courses who come on 888485 . together for their closing session final performances. The The Highfield Bridge Club Duplicate Bridge with master points is residential courses have been held at the Jersey Music Academy played (normally in two sections) allowing for all standards of play. over the past two weeks. The club meets every Tuesday at Elim Oasis Community Centre, ALL Concerts begin at 8.00pm. Gordon Le Breton Close, Plat Douet Road. For further details No tickets but a charity retiring collection. contac t Pat and John Pantra, 855956 . Channel Islands Family Age Concern History Society Jersey The Channel Islands Family History Society (CIFHS) welcomes new members and Islanders with an interest in Advance notice of two events to be held by local and family history. Age Concern Jersey in celebration of their The CIFHS monthly meetings are generally held in the Members’ Room of the Société Jersiaise at 9 Pier Road, St 25th anniversary. Helier. They usually take place on the last Monday of the month starting at 8.00pm, with a talk arranged for each. On Saturday 5 Jul y at the Opera House at 2.30pm and 7.30pm, The following meetings are planned : a variety show called ‘ Harmony ’ with Monica Noel as the 30 June "Migration" producer and Mark Labey the compere. Well known local artistes 28 July Outside Meeting (Available to CIFHS are performing as well as up and coming talented youngsters. members only - due to insurance reasons) Tickets are priced at £10 or £5 for senior citizens and students. Walk in St Brelade's Bay with Ian Ronayne The booking office is open at the Opera House ( telephone August No meeting 511115 ). Book soon - tickets are sure to sell quickly. There will 29 September ‘350th Anniversary of New Jersey ’ be a Lucky Souvenir Programme with holiday vouchers to the with Marie-Louise Backhurst value of £600 for first prize, £250 for second prize and £100 for October Jersey Archives , Clarence Road, St Helier third prize. November Jersey Postcards with Graeme Harris As part of its anniversary celebrations, Age Concern Jersey is Single membership costs £15.00 per year for which also organising ‘Songs of Praise’ at the Town Church on Sunday members receive the quarterly journal . 20 July at 3.00pm. The Dean, the Very Rev. Bob Key will preside Anyone interested should visit the CIFHS website at and the People’s Choir led by their director Mr Kenneth Francis will or contact Mrs F.C. Clements of 10 Allandale Court, La Rue de Becquet Vincent, Trinity, lead the singing. Everyone is welcome-please join us on this very JE3 5FL for more information on membership. special occasion. p20 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine

We will guide and support Reforging you as much as you need us to, reassuring you that everything is in safe hands the Bible For 24 hour personal service The Rector of call 499444 St Saviour, The Dividend applies to all Revd. Dr Anthony funerals and pre paid plans Swindell, has written a new book about Biblical Stories. In it he looks at how Biblical narratives, such as Adam and Eve, Lot and his family and the Virgin Mary have been re used in literature during the last two hundred years. This shows the impact that the Bible has made upon our culture; for example, Europeans migrating to America thought that their journey was like that of the Israelites crossing to the Promised Land. Many modern novels (such as Richard Price's detective thriller, Samaritan) are based upon traditional themes. He has been NAFD Membership No. 2924 invited to give lectures on this in many parts of Europe and he is now also Literature Editor of the Encyclopaedia of the Bible which is Bagatelle Road, St Saviour, Jersey JE2 7TY. Tel: 499444 Fax: 499433 being published by De Gruyter in Berlin. Email: [email protected] Anyone who would like more information about 'Reforging the Bible', published by Sheffield Phoenix Press, is invited to contact the Rector. Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p21


Par Tony La Clioche Cratchie Scott Warren Recently l'porteux d'lettres [the postman] delivered a large envelope to me from l'anmîn Geoff containing a number of pages of Jèrriais taken from the 1934 almanac of Les Nouvelles Chroniques - the last of the French-language newspapers to publish in the Island. I used one piece with my evening-class adults, who enjoyed learning the new vocabulary, so I thought that you might like to read it too. L'ALPHABÈTE EN JÈRRIAIS O est un olympe – j'en connais un tas by Frank Le Maistre O is an indolent person - I know loads of them A pouor un achocre tchi n'peut êpeler san nom P un pièrcheux tchi n'fait pon san travas A for a bungler who can't spell his name P a lazybones who doesn't do his work B un bachouard tchi s'tchulbute dans l'vallon Q pour quétot* – nou-s-en trouve à St. Jean B a fool who tumbles head over heels in the valley Q for pig - you find them in St. John C pour chagorne, un dêrangi d'esprit R un ritonneux – j'les vèrrais tous d'bran C for dullard, of unsound mind R a mocker - I'd see them all as pigs D un dêcompteux tchi n'peut pon s'èrdgéthi S nos donne snotcheux, un salope finni D a faith-healer who cannot cure himself S gives us snuff-taker, a complete slut E nos donne êmânue – j'en connais toute eune foule T un tout-s'mêle tchi s'met souvent l'daigt dans l'yi E gives us apparition - I know a whole crowd of them T a busybody who often puts a finger in their eye F un flianneteux, vuldgaithement bailleux d'goule U pour usurpeux, comme les angliais dans notre Ile F a chatterbox, vulgarly a babbler U for usurper, like the English in our Island G un goumitre tchi fait dgiêx r'pas par jour V un vacâbond dans la prison en ville G a glutton who makes ten meals each day V a vagabond in the prison in town H un happe-la-leune tchi s'endort dans les chours X,Y et Z les trais dreines lettres du lot H a fool who falls asleep in the Jersey cabbages né sont nulles populaithes dans not' vièr lîngo I fait îngnot – y'en a hardi en Jèrri X, Y and Z the last three letters of the lot I makes ignoramus - there are many of them in Jersey are none of them popular in our old language J un jîngouais tréjous prêt à cratchi J a person with airs always ready to brag Another version of the alphabet explains that the word ‘quétot’ was used more in St John than elsewhere - it wasn't that l's K ch'est du grec (ou bein est-che dé l'allemand?) amontains [inhabitants of the upper parishes] were all pig-farmers! K it's all Greek (or is it German?) I hope that you don't have to use too many of the Jèrriais L un grand lobre, un bouistré d'fainiant words to describe people you know! However, please let me L a great lout, a darned oaf know how many of the Jèrriais insults you've found useful before M êpelle motcheux, janmais un moussieu the next issue of La Clioche Cratchie! M spells scoffer, never a gentleman N un nâdgeux tch'est mus à san tout seu N a cantankerous person who's better all alone À bétôt

EHaliirz Satybleist ths ’s 4 Bagatelle Parade, Five Oaks, St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7TP. For an appointment please telephone 726104 p22 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine St Saviour’s Battle of Flowers Association Work is progressing steadily on both the Junior and Senior Floats for 2014, and the Senior Float has now had the few major changes made to its chassis and engine to fix some faults which developed during and after the summer parade last year, so after a slow start it is now taking shape and looking more as it should do at this stage.

Now that the evenings are lighter and the weather is warming up, the senior helpers are now meeting, every Tuesday evening from 7 - 9pm in addition to Saturday mornings so that work can continue on things that can be prepared in advance like harestailing and beaning (something new we are trying this year). The tour bus with its stiletto shoe on top is now built and in place on the float (Pricilla Queen of the Desert) and the tank has been built and is in position on the junior float with several other vehicles also taking shape for their float too (Whacky Races). We are eagerly awaiting our order of harestails so that they can start being snipped ready to be applied to various items. If anyone can help with the snipping of harestails please feel free to come down to the shed on a Saturday morning or Tuesday evening where a warm welcome will await, along with a comfy chair and a pair of scissors which is all you need to get snipping. Costumes and dancers are being finalised and both floats promise to be very colourful and lively. If you do your recycling, at Rue Des Pres, during any of the times mentioned, do pop your head around the door and see what your Parish volunteers are up to, and you never know, you too may wish to become involved. We always welcome as many helpers as possible. We continue to fundraise, with our monthly car washes and so far we have been extremely lucky with the weather on those days, so fingers crossed this continues for the remaining ones before August, the last one before Battle is on the 5 July, with prices starting from £5 for a car. We also continue to sell books from Le Quesne Nurseries. STOP PRESS Our flowers will be arriving from Wednesday or Thursday the 6/7 of August , so we would be grateful for as many people as possible to help us unpack them and put into the buckets ready for stripping them the following week and our flowering will be starting in the week beginning the 11 August , so again we need lots of help de- heading and gluing the flowers ready for our ladies flowering the float. We also recently held a very pleasant social evening at Jersey Bowl where about 40 of us, young and old, enjoyed a game of bowling and a basket meal, just what we needed before the build up to battle. Summer r2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p23 Rosarians’ summer show Jersey Rosarians are putting on a show for all to take part in or just to enjoy at La Haie Fleurie, St Martin, on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 of July.

Taking part are DJ big bad John and the Jersey Falconry Club, who will be showing and flying their amazing and beautiful birds of prey. Something for the children and adults alike - Shetland ponies and miniature horses in hand classes and three young stock classes on Saturday 5 at 12noon with a parade on Sunday 6 at 2.00pm. The Jersey Horse Driving Society will be having an obstacles driving competition on Sunday 6 starting at 11.00am and going on until approximately 3.00pm. Also a display of training dogs, a static display from the Jersey Tractor Club, craft and charity stalls and a selection of food from Kerry Camfield and Chomping Charlie. flowers (that includes the plants that the cut flowers are taken from) or perhaps a Inside the marquee there is an entire flower, floral and flower arrangement created from purchased flowers. pot plant competition and a floral display from the People can enter as many classes as they like but only one entry per class per Sogetsu Group (Japanese flower arranging). person. There is a new photographic class this year, so all budding photographers Calling all gardeners and amateur photographers can come and have a go (the photo must be of a rose or a bunch of roses, in St Saviour rosebush, or a bowl of roses) only one photo per person, and the public will judge As long as they have had their plants for three months or the best photo. So pick up a Rose Show schedule - they will be at most garden more, anyone can exhibit their roses, pot plants and cut centres. Or follow the Rosarians on Facebook – look for Jersey Rose Show.

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The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited trading as NatWest (NatWest). Registered O ce: P.O. Box 64, Royal Bank House, 71 Bath Street , St . Helier, Jersey JE4 8PJ. Regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Customers of NatWest are advised that National Westminster Bank plc (“NatWest plc”) provide technology support to the online banking service and this will enable NatWest plc in the UK to access your account data. In subscribing for this service, you consent to and authorise this access. Network charges may apply for Mobile Banking. p24 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine From Lawson to Tom Jones Jersey’s Big Gig in the Park is a weekend not to be missed Jersey’s annual pop concert, the Sure Big Gig in Conor Maynard is a singer-songwriter the Park, which is held in the beautiful venue of from Brighton & Hove who launched his career on You-Tube. After uploading a St Saviour’s Howard Davis Park, is celebrating number of cover versions, he was its fifth Anniversary on Saturday 19 July. eventually signed to a record deal after American singer/songwriter Ne-Yo This year’s event features an exciting line-up that watched a cover version of his own track includes Lawson, Conor Maynard, Nicholas McDonald ‘Beautiful Monster’. His career is going and Rough Copy, Tich and new band Farra. In addition to from strength to strength. the main concert on Saturday 19 July, the legendary Tom There are also two X-Factor 2013 Jones will perform in Howard Davis Park on the evening finalists attending the Big Gig this year: of Friday 18 July. Nicholas McDonald was runner up in the Since their launch in 2012, Lawson have proven 10th series and has recently released his themselves as a force to be reckoned with, netting five debut , ‘In the Arms of an Angel’. Top 10 singles from their Top Five gold-selling debut The dynamic trio that is Rough Copy - album, Chapman Square. Named after the surgeon who Sterling, Joey J and founder member, performed a life-saving operation on frontman Andy Kazeem, whose strong bond comes Brown, Lawson spent two years paying their dues with across in their performance, will also perform on the day. pub gigs and a string of support slots and have received As well as the more established acts, Big Gig in the Park is proud to introduce rave reviews on their live performances. 2014 looks set female vocalist Tich and new band Farra, who are predicted to be huge. to be an even more successful year for Andy, Joel, Ryan and Adam as they begin work on their eagerly anticipated second album. A legend in the park As one of the most popular vocalists to emerge from the mid - 1960’s and having sold over 100 million records, Tom Jones needs no introduction. He has enjoyed 36 top 40 hits in the UK including ‘It’s Not Unusual’, ‘What’s New Pussycat’, ‘Delilah’, ‘Kiss’ and ‘Sex Bomb’ and is currently reaching and appealing to new audiences since joining BBC1’s ‘The Voice’. Tom will headline on the Friday night, performing in Jersey for the first time since the late ‘80s. The Big Gig in the Park is an important event in Jersey as it raises much needed funds for local charities. Since it started, it has raised over £70,000 for the chosen charities. This year they are Help a Jersey Child and CLIC Sargent. Tickets are available or the ticket hotline on 731013. Above : The legendary Above : Lawson Tom Jones takes Below : Rough Copy centre stage on the Friday night Top : Nicholas McDonald Summer2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p25   




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The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited trading as NatWest (NatWest). Registered O ce: P.O. Box 64, Royal Bank House, 71 Bath Street , St . Helier, Jersey JE4 8PJ. Regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Customers of NatWest are advised that National Westminster Bank plc (“NatWest plc”) provide technology support to the online banking service and this will enable NatWest plc in the UK to access your account data. In subscribing for this service, you consent to and authorise this access. Network charges may apply for Mobile Banking. p26 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine Grands Vaux Youth Club Introduction - Mission Statement In conjunction with the Jersey Youth Service, Grands Vaux Youth Centre operates as a working partnership with young people; participation being encouraged in all areas of the Grands Vaux Youth Centre structure. Our main key aim is to help all members develop their full potential, in all aspects of their lives, as individuals and as members of the wider community; this being focused by means of a wide range of activities, opportunities and support structured to be both enjoyable and educational. What do we offer young people at Grands Vaux Youth Centre? Easter 2014 There’s something for everyone! During Easter 30 young people from Junior Club celebrated Easter by having a Snacks Coffee Bar, Games Room, Free Sat TV and large party. We did various activities and all the money raised is going towards a new Screen, Computers, Sports Hall, Pool Tables, Table Tennis, Minibus. The young people were very involved and made up some games of Garden Area/Allotment, Workshop/Bike Mechanics, Fitness their own, during the session. We played an advanced Easter egg hunt, pin the Studio, Kitchen/Cooking, Indoor Climbing Wall, Education tail on the bunny, egg matching and a lucky dip. In addition we provided the Games, Music, Trips Away, Arts and Craft, Information and young people with various prizes and they were certainly pleased when they Advice, Meet new friends, Have Fun! won some chocolate surprises for their contribution and participation. Mobile bus In Partnership with Maufant Youth Centre, Housing Department, Parish of St. Saviour and Grands Vaux Youth Centre, The Mobile Bus will be based at Cinq Chenes Housing Estate, Five Oaks, during May, June and July 2014. We will operate the Mobile Bus every Saturday from 3:00pm until 4:30pm for young people in school Year 7 and above. The Mobile Bus is equipped with seating area, Stereo, TV and DVD and also some consul games, such as Play Station 3 and Wii. This will be an opportunity to raise awareness within Opening times the community about youth work and our additional Day Session Age Group Times Price facilities based at the Grands Vaux Youth Centre. Please feel free to pop in and ask the youth workers Mon Seniors Club or School Year 7:30 – 9:30pm Free about what we have on offer. Should you require any Project Work (By arrangement) 8,9,10,11, 12 & 13 more information, please contact the Senior Youth Worker on 722935. Tue Inters Club School Year 7:00 – 9:00pm £1.00 7, 8 & 9 Wed Junior Club School Year 6:30 – 8:30pm £1.00 5, 6 & 7 Thu Seniors Club School Year 7:30 – 10:00pm £1.00 10,11,12 & 13 Fri Inters/Seniors School Year 7:30 – 10:00pm £1.00 (Outreach Session 8, 9,10 & 11 – By Arrangement) Sat Under Review School Year 2:30 – 5:00pm Free 8,9,10,11 & 12 These fantastic phones deserve the best plan around! Sure’s £46/month SmartUltimate plan

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The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited trading as NatWest (NatWest). Registered O ce: P.O. Box 64, Royal Bank House, 71 Bath Street , St . Helier, Jersey JE4 8PJ. Regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Customers of NatWest are advised that National Westminster Bank plc (“NatWest plc”) provide technology support to the online banking service and this will enable NatWest plc in the UK to access your account data. In subscribing for this service, you consent to and authorise this access. Network charges may apply for Mobile Banking. p24 Summer2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine Cambrette Half Page Cambrette Care Spring into and Nursing Services Summer offers! Keep enjoying life 20% OFF NEW SEASON Mobility in your own home Scooters stock.

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T : 01534 888975 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine p29 Oak Tree Gardens Youth Club We have had a busy summer at the club. Housing have lent us a small plot of land which we have planted with sweetcorn, runner beans and other vegetables. The young people have really enjoyed tending to their plot and eating the rewards!

We have had a plenty of opportunities to get afloat this summer on the fantastic new fishing boat called Wet Wheels Jersey although the fish have been a bit shy! Many thanks to Wet Wheels for offering this fantastic opportunity. Our members have been busy planning their summer residentials and by the time you read this we will have been to Guernsey for an ‘extreme’ weekend, cycling and star gazing in Sark and an overnight stay at Wolf’s Lair on the north coast of Jersey. Membership is free to Oak Tree Gardens Club we are open to all young people age 11 – 18 years old. If you need any more details please contact Bill Moore on 07797 819958 . Day Session Ages Times Price Opening Mon Closed Closed Closed N/A times Tue Inters School Year 7:00 – 9:00pm £1.00 7, 8 & 9 Wed Closed Closed Closed N/A Thu Seniors School Year 7:30 – 9:30pm £1.00 10, 11, 12 & 13 Fri Closed Closed Closed N/A

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The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited trading as NatWest (NatWest). Registered O ce: P.O. Box 64, Royal Bank House, 71 Bath Street , St . Helier, Jersey JE4 8PJ. Regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Customers of NatWest are advised that National Westminster Bank plc (“NatWest plc”) provide technology support to the online banking service and this will enable NatWest plc in the UK to access your account data. In subscribing for this service, you consent to and authorise this access. Network charges may apply for Mobile Banking. p30 Summer 2014 St Saviour Parish Magazine …and from our Parish Hall St Saviour Deputies : Opening Hours : La Cloche is published quarterly at no Published by Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.00pm No 1 District cost to Parishioners. The editorial team Parish of St Saviour Rob Duhamel rely on the support of our advertisers to Contact details: Tel: 724776 Newsletter Committee cover the costs of production and in association with . Connétable Sadie Rennard [email protected] delivery is in the hands of our amazing MediaMasters Norcott Road, St Saviour Tel: 866956 Secretary : Bernard Buesnel Jeremy Maçon team of volunteers. Tel: 510172 Editorial Tel: 767120 Assistant Secretary Do, please, give your support to our Geoffrey Morris : Mob: 07797 756359 advertisers when you are shopping. Email: [email protected] Denise Ferri [email protected] If you have not received a copy of this Angela Swindell Tel: 736679 The Parish Hall, St Saviour’s Hill No 2 District magazine at your home, do first check Kevin Lewis Email: [email protected] St Saviour JE2 7LF with your family and see that someone Tel: 857223 hasn’t already spirited it away to read, Advertising & Accounts Tel: 735864 Fax: 732350 Email: [email protected] and then get in touch with La Cloche George Farley Tel:Tel: 887066 Email: [email protected] Tracey Vallois delivery manager Geoffrey Morris on Email: [email protected] Tel: 730107 767120 or 720077 . The Jersey Mobile Library [email protected] Copyright 2014 © We are always grateful for any items , The Jersey Mobile Library visits on No 3 District Parish of St Saviour Newsletter Committee Tuesdays, Waitrose, Rue des Pres articles or news that Parishioners send in. The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright. Roy Le Hérissier While we do our best to include everything 11.35am to 12.35am, Cinq Chenes All rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproduced, Tel: 873790 received, a lack of space sometimes prevents 5.00pm to 5.30pm, Grasett Park 5.50pm Fax: 619649 us doing so. Please be assured we will try to stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any to 6.15pm, Clos Gosset 6.20pm to Mob : 07797 742944 accommodate in a future edition if means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or 6.40pm. Wednesdays, Victoria Cottage Email: [email protected] appropriate. otherwise without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. Homes 9.00am to 9.25am, Maufant Reprint details Youth Club 9.35am to 10.10am. La Cloche Reprints of articles can be purchased by contacting the publishers. Parish meetings To advertise in La Cloche Disclaimer : , please contact George at Whilst the Parish of St Saviour Newsletter Committee and contributors QuarterNotices pageof Pari sJFTUh meetin MOWERSgs are Mediamasters on tel: 866956 or email: george@Quartermediama JFTU SPA to La Cloche have provided the information contained in it in good faith, published in the Jersey Gazette in the The deadline and publication dates for 2014 are: they accept no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for any action taken Jersey Evening Post. These notices The deadline and publication dates for 2014 are: by any other party as a result of the information so provided. Independent and appropriate advice should always be sought on such can also be viewed on Copy/Artwork Deadlines Distribution Dates , selecting matters. The views expressed within this newsletter are those of the Jersey Gazette, and in the box outside Autumn: 29 August 20 September authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The Editor accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions that may occur. the lychgate at St Saviour’s Church Winter: 31 October 22 November Lawn Mowers Ever thought of having a to suit every Hot-Tub in your garden? garden and every budget

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