PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS VOL- JUNE3, 1921 No. n MAKING MORBIDITY RECORDS AID THE EPIDEMIOLOGIST. By FE&NK L. KELLY, M. D., Epidemiologist, and IDA MAY STEvEsN, M. A. (P.-H.), Asistant Epidemi- ologist. Bureau of Communicable Diseases, California State Board of Health. The Bureau of Communicable Diseases of the California State Board of Health has developed a system of utilizing morbidity records to call to the -attention of the epidemiologists any undue prevalence of disease. In a unit as large as a State, not only the actual number and distribution of cases and the relation of the cur- rent incidence to that of the past should be shown, but there should be some means of continually keeping those localities that are run- ning a higher rate than normal before the attention of the epidemi- ologists. This is done in California by the use of endemic curves, "index maps," spot maps, and card records. 1. Endemic curves.-The chief function of a health department is to lower the morbidity and mortality from the different communi- cable diseases. It is therefore more important to know that the total number of cases reported for the year up to a given time is above or below the total normally reported up to the same time than it is to know that the number reported for any one week or month is above or below that normally reported for the same week or month. For the above reason, instead of establishing a monthly endemic index for the different diseases, as devised by Brown (1), a normal endemic cumulative curve of each disease was plotted for each county in the State. Assuming, as did Brown, that the average of the pre- ceding five years would give. a fairly accurate index of the normal, the endemic cumulative curves were plotted by taking the average of the monthly reports, exclusive of epidemics, for the preceding five years. In constructing these curves, averages proved much more practical than medians, as suggested by Hitchcock and Carey (2). In such small units as counties, the variation in the weekly reports is so great that averages give a much more accurate index than medians, which are only of use where a large series of numbers in which the variation is not great is available. The reports from the local health officers are sent in weekly. When all of the reports from a county have been received for the 48857-21-1 (1219) June 3, 1921. 12,0 week they are totaled, and the result is plotted in a cumulative curve, by weeks, on the same sheet with the endemic curve. Whenever the current curve rises above the endemic curve it shows that the dise,ase has become. more. prevalent than -normal, and this fact is immediately brought to the attention of the epidemiologists. In order that a community that has run consistently below the normal

FIG. 1. may not have an outbreak of a disease unnoticed, even though this outbreak may not carry the total cases above the normal, any sudden rise of the current cumulative curve is called to the attention of the chief of the division. On the same sheet with the endemic and current curves is the cumulative curve, by weeks, for the preceding year. In this way 1-221 Joje 3, 1921. the relation. of the current year to the preceding year as well as to the normal is apparent at all times. 2. Inder maps.-In order that it may be seen at a glance just which communities are above the normal, an "index map" of the State is kept for each disease. Whenever the current cumulative curve of a



FIG. 2. county rises above the endemic curve on the chart described above, a red thumb tack is placed in the corresponding county on the map, and whenever the current curve rises above that of the preceding year a colored round headed pim is used. If the county remailns above the normal for another week, the red tack is replaced by one of another color, a different color' being used for each disease. This zme ilon. 1222 JuaS4 12. 12 Sbrings out- in a ver striking -manner the counties which have just exceeded the normal. Should .the current curve later drop below the endemic curve or the curve for the preceding year, the thumb tacks or the pins are withdrawn. In this way it is possible to see at any time- which counties are running above -the normal and just where more intensive work is needed if the State rate is going to be lowered. Figure 1 shows the typhoid "index map" for 1919, and Figure 2 the smallpox map. Typhoid, it will be seen, went above the normal in 12 counties, and smallpox above in 38. 3. Spot maps.-Ordinary spot maps are kept in order to show the actual number and distribution of cases, a separate map and different- colored pins being used for each disease. In order to show the current distribution, quarterly, as well as annual, maps are kept. After a map is from 4 to 6 months old it is of no value in showing current distribution, for it is impossible to tell which are the current cases. By using a map for each quarter not only the current distribution is shown fairly accurately but also the seasonal distribution of a disease can be followed. Pins of three sizes are used; the smallest size is used for single cases, the next size for 5 cases, and the largest for 25 cases. The pins used on the spot maps correspond in color to the tacks used on the index maps, except as noted above. These two sets of maps show the actual distribution and incidence of cases throughout the State and, what is more important, whether or not each county has fewer cases than normally, and whether the number is above or below that for the preceding year. 4. Card records.-A set of cardo is kept for each localitv in the State and is filed by counties. On these cards can be entered the number of cases reported each week for a period of eight years. This gives a ready comparison by weeks for a long period of time. By going over the cards for each city and town in a county which has run above the normal, the exact place can be located where immediate measures are necessary to control the spread of the disease. While the system may seem somewhat complex, it is really very simple in operation, for the only added feature over the ordinary system of comparison by cumulative curves is the "index map," and it is this map that makes the whole system easy to follow without the necessity of constantly referring to curves and record cards. An illustration of the actual working of the system is as follows: The current cumulative typhoid curve for "X2" County rose above the endemic curve during the fourth week of June, 1919 (Fig. 3). At this time a red thUtmb tack was placed on the "index map" for this county, In order to find the distribution of cases in the county, the spot map was referred to and showed 1 case at A, 3 at B, 71 at C, 1 at D, l1at E, 1 at F, 1 at G, and I in the rural districts under the supervision of the county health officer. When the cards for the :1223 - J.une 3, 1921. different cities and towns were looked over, it was found that the disease was unduly prevalent at E, and an epidemiologist was im- mediately sent to investigate conditions and recommend control measures. 1111111 2.1 .....


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1.1 Brown, NV. H.-, The sc usetts Endemic Index: Public Health Reports, vol. 32, No. 50, pp. 2121-2124. Reprnat No. 442. 2.. i J. B., and Cary, B. W.: Am. lour. Public Healt*-.vol. 9, p. 355. ine a, 19%1. :-1224 THE PASSAIC VALLEY S T The Supreme Court of the United States Refuses ApLicatn for Inaction d Dimlsses Case Without Piejudice. On May 2, 1921, in an opinion delivered by Mr. Justice Clarke, the Supreme Court of the United States refused an application of the State of New York for an injunction against the State of and the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners to prevent the discharge of sewage into the upper bay of New York Harbor. It is estimated that the amount of sewage discharged would be in excess of 357 millions of gallons a day by 1940. In view of the interest attaching to this decision it is reprinted herewith in full.

OPINION DELIVERED BY MR. JUSTICE CLARKE. The People of the State of New York, in their bill filed in this suit, pray that the defendants, the State of New Jersey and the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners, be permanently enjoined from discharging, as it is averred they- intend to discharge, a large volume of sewage into that part of New York harbor known as the Upper Bay, for the reason, as it is alleged, that such-pollution of the waters of the harbor will be caused thereby as to amount to a public nuisance, which will result in grave injury to the health, to the property, and to the commercial welfare, of the people of the State and City of New York. The Passaic River rises in the northeasterly part of New Jersey and empties into . HIigh land separates its watershed from direct drainage into the Hludson River or , and on the lower 25 miles of it there are located the cities of Pater- son, Passaic, and Newark, and also a number of such large towns that the population upon and near to the river is treated throughout the record as approximately 700,000 in 1911, when it was thought the sewer would be completed, and as likely to be about 1,650,000 in 1940, to which year it was designed to fumish adequate sewerage capacity. These cities and towns, from their earliest settlement, had all drained their sewage into the river. The ebbing and flowing of the tide almost to Paterson delayed the escaping of this sewage from the river and resulted in the water becoming greatly polluted. This polluted water was emptied directly into Newark Bay, but, ultimately, 84 per cent of it, modified, no doubt, by nature's agencies, but still polluted, found its way through the natural channel of into . This drainage of sewage into the Passaic River resulted in the stream becoming such a menace to the health and property of the The People of the State of New York v. The State of New Jersey and Passaic Valley Sewerage Con. misioners. 1225 .June 3, 19291, adjacent comuniities that, m 1896, a commission was appointed by the Governor of New Jersey, under the provisions of an act of the Legislature, to study the problem presented, for the purpose of devising some system of sewage disposal which would afford relief. After this commission had reported, a second commission of investigation was provided for by act of the Legislature in 1897, and its report was followed by a third similar commission in 1898. The reports of these various commission led, in 1902, to an act of the New Jersey Legislature creating the Passaic Valley Sewer- age District, with boundaries embracing substantially the entire watershed of the Passaic River, and to another act, in 1907, pro- hibiting the discharge of sewage into the river after a date named and directing the defendant, the Passaic Valley Sewerage Com- missioners. to prepare plans and specifications for a trunk sewer to dispose of the sewage and authorizing municipalities to contract with them for the service which they might require. Under authority of this act, the defendant Sewerage Commis- sioners, in April, 1908, adopted a plan for sewage disposal, which provided for a main intercepting sewer, extending from the City of Paterson, along the right bank of the Passaic River, to a point in the City of Newark, and thence by a tunnel under the waters of Newark Bay and the cities of Bayonne and Jersey City to a point in Upper New York Bay about 500 feet north of Robbins Reef Light, where it was proposed to discharge the sewage at a depth of 40 feet of water below mean low tide. The estimated cost of the proposed sewer was $12,250,000. It was provided in the act authorizing the construction of the sewer that before any work should be undertaken or obligations incurred, a further investigation should be made by the commis- sioners as to whether the discharge of the sewage into New York Bay would be likely to pollute its waters to such an extent as to cause a nuisance to persons or, property within the State of New York, and that the result of such investigation, with the reasons for it, should be presented to the Governor of the State. Such an investigation was made, and upon report of the Com- missioners the Governor concluded that the discharge of the sew- age as proposed would not pollute the waters of New York Bay so as to cause a nuisance to either persons or property within the State of New York, and the Attorney General of the State also advised the Governor that in his opinion the State of New York could not have any valid legal objection to the use of the sewer as proposed. There can be no doubt that the various commissioners who in- vestigated this subject were men of the highest character and in- J= 8, 1921. 1226 telligence and that they studied it with the aid of the best obtainm able sanitary engineers, chemists, and bacteriologists, for the pur- pose of arriving at a solution which would protect and preserve the interests of all of the great communities involved. It is equally beyond doubt that the Governor and other officials of New Jersey, with full appreciation of the magnitude and seriousness of the undertaking, proceeded with great caution and with a settled pur.. pose to fully respect the rights of the people of the State of New York. Learning of the plans of the State of New Jersey,- thus detailed, the Legislature of New York passed an act providing for a com- mission to investigate the probable effect upon the waters of New York Bay of- the proposed Passaic Valley sewer, with power to cooperate with the authorities of New Jersey, with a view to ar- riving at some mutually satisfactory solution of the problem. The record shows that various conferences were held between the New York Commission thus created and the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners, but for some reason, which does not clearly appear, no mutually satisfactory course of action was arrived at, with the result that, in October, 1908, this suit for an injunction was com- menced. For the purpose of showing its right to maintain the suit, the bill thus filed sets out with much detail an agreement between the States of New York and New Jersey, approved by Congress in 1834, estab- lishing the boundary line between the two States and giving to New York, to the extent therein written, exclusive jurisdiction over the waters of the Bay of New York. But we need not inquire curiously as to the rights of the State of New York derived from this compact, for wholly aside from it and regardless of the precise location of the boundary line, the right of the State to maintain such a suit as is stated in the bill is very clear. The health, comfort, and prosperity of the people of the State and the value of their property being gravely menaced, as it is averred that they are by the proposed action of the defendants, the State is the proper party to represent and defend such rights by resort to the remedy of an original suit in this Court under the provisions of the Constitution of the United States. Mi8souri v. Illinois and the Sarnii tary District of Chicago, 180 U. S. 208, 241, 243. Georgia v. Tennessee Copper Company, 206 U. S. 230. Also, for the purpose of showing the responsibility of the State of New Jersey for the proposed action of the defendant, the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners, the bill sets out with much detail the acts of the. Legislature of that State authorizing and directing such action on their part.. 1-227- Juki 8,- 192L Of this it is sufficient to say that the averments of the bill, quite undenied, show that the defendant sewerage commisioners constitute such a statutory, corporate agency of the State that their action, actual or intended, must be treated as that of the State itself, and we shall so regard it. 180 U. S. 208, supra. The remainn essential allegations of the bill are that the defend- ants am about to construct the sewer we have described and to dis- charge the sewage thereby collected into the Upper New York Bay, through a single opening 12 feet in diameter, at a point about half a mile north of Robbins Reef Light; that there would be about 120 millions of gallons of such sewage discharged into -the Bay every 24 hours in 1911, and in excess of 357 millions of gallons by 1940; that such sewage would be carried by the currents and tides into the Hud- son and East Rivers and would be deposited on the bottom and shores of the bay and upon and adjacent to the wharves and docks of New York City, thereby so polluting the water as to render it a public nuisance, offensive and injurious to persons lving near it or using it for bathing or for purposes of commerce, damaging to vessels using the waters, and so poisonous to the fish and oysters subsisting within it as to render them unfit for food. To prevent the public nuisance, which it is averred would thus be created, a permanent injunction was prayed for. The essential denials and allegations of the answer are as follows: Admitting their intention to construct the sewer substantially as described, it is averred: that New Jersey has a shore line of 25 miles on New York Bay and on the Hudson River, and that large cities and towns of that State border upon the Bay, so that it has as important an interest as New York has in maintaining the waters free from pollution; that the sewer project objected to was au- thorized only after it had been recommended and approved by sani- tary engineers of highest professional standing and experience and upon their assurance, after careful study of the tidal flow and cur- rents of the Bay, that appreciable pollution would not be caused thereby; that the Passaic River empties into Newark Bay and its water, charged, under existing conditions, with the sewage collected from the same communities intended to be served by the projected sewer, in large part reaches New York Bay in the vicinity of Rob- bins Reef Light, by natural channels, without causing substantial injury to the water; and that the City of New York has long been discharging into the bay at or near to the shore lines thereof, daily, move than seven times as great a volume of sewage (entirely un- treated) as the daily discharge of the proposed seWer would be for many years to come. The answer concludes with further! denials June 3, 1821. 128 that the waters of the bay would be corrupted or their usefulness impaired by the use of the.proposed intercepting sewer. After the defendants had answered, the Govenment of the United States, by leave of court, filed a Petition of Intervention. The warrant assigned for this intervention was, the power and duty of the Government with respect to navigation and interstate commerce, and the inherent power which it has to act for the protection of the health of government officials and employees at the Brooklyn navy yard, and its duty to protect from damage the Government property bordering upon New York Bay. The projected sewer was described in this Petition of Interven- tion, substantially- as in the orWinal bill, but it was averred. that the plans for the removal of solids from the sewage were so indefinite and inadequate that the use of the sewer would result in the obstruc- tion of navigation by the filling up- and shoaling of the channels of the bay, and that the proposed purification of the sewage was so insufficient that the waters would be rendered unsightly and un- healthful to persons using them for commerce or dwelling upon the adjacent shores. It was averred that there were other better and more advanced methods of sewage disposal than those proposed, and that the threatened injury to commerce and navigation, to the public health and to the property of the United States was not neces- sary. For these reasons the Government joined in the prayer for relief. The coming of the Government into the case was followed by conferences between its officials and the sewerage commissioners, with the result that a method of treatment of the sewage was de- cided- upon much more thorough,- comprehensive, and -definite in character than had been adopted before, and the manner of dis- persion of it at the outlet was so changed as to secure a much greater diffusion, at a great depth, in the adjacent waters. These changes were ultimately embodied in a stipulation between the United States, acting through its Attorney- General, and the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners, acting under authority of a special act of the New Jersey Legislature. It was agreed that upon the filing of this stipulation, properly executed, with the Clerk of this Court, the Petition of Intervention of the Govern- ment should be dismissed without prejudice-which was done on May 16, 1910. The stipulation provides, with much detail, that at or near to a pumping station to be located - in the Newark Meadows, near Newark Bay, the material coming from the trunk sewer shall first pass through coarse screens to remove floating matter; then through a grit basin or basins, to remove heavy matter, as far as 122-9 Jane 3, 19-1. practicable; 'then through self-cleaning mechanical screens, with openings of not over four-tenths of an inch; and then through sedimentation basins, equipped with. "scum boards," at a pre- scribed velocity of flow. It is provided that the effluent thus screened and! settled shall flow into a pumping well, whence it is to be pumped -under pressure to a point near Robbins Reef ight, where it is to be discharged at a depth of not less than forty feet beneath the surface of the -water at mean low tide, through 150 outlets, distributed over an area of three and one-half acres, and so arranged as to drive the material horizontally. awross the tidal ,currents. The terms of this stipulation were adopted by the Government, under the advice of Army engineers of high rank, and by the sew- erage commissioners, on the advice of. distinguished sanitary engineers, and it must be accepted as established by the testi- mony taken in 1919 that at that time screening and sedimentation and thorough dispersion in water through deeply submerged mul- tiple outlets was regarded by the most competent authorities as the most approved method of disposing of sewage in large volume. But, not satisfied with providing what was thought sufficient treatment to render the sewage innocuous, there was incorporated into the stipulation an agreement on the part of the Sewerage Com- *missioners that in the actual operation of the sewer at all times the following results should be secured, either through compliance with the requirements of the stipulation for treatment of the sewerage, "or through requisite additional lawful arrangements," viz: (1) There will be absence in the New York Bay of visible suspended particles coming from the sewage; (2) there will be absence of deposits caused by it objectionable to the Secretary of War of the United States; (3) there will be absence of odors due to the putrefaction of organic matter contained in the sewage; (4) there will be absence on the surface of the bay of increase of color due to the sewage; (5) there will be no injury to the public health due to the discharge of the sewage, and no public or private nui- sance wIll be created thereby; (6) no injurious effects shall result to the property of the United States situated upon the Bay; (7) there shall not be a reduction in the dissolved oxygen content of the waters, due to this sewage, sufficient to interfere with major fish life. It is agreed that the Government shall have unrestricted opportunity to inspect the workings of the sewer system, by desig- nated officials, and that full compliance at all times with the pro- visions of the stipulation referred to shall be made an express condition of any permit isued by the Government Jor the con- struction, maintenance, or operation of the projected sewer system. -.utk6 8, 1921. 123 It is obvious that if the conditions of this stipuhtion are realized and maintained, there will be no occasion or ground for such an injunction as was prayed for., It is argued,- however, and expert witnesses have testified, that the provisions therein stipulated for screening and sedimentation -and final dispersion of the sewage in the water; are not sufficient to produce the results which the -Sewerage Commissioners agree with the Government to produce and maintain, and that if such results as are feared by the witnesses are produced it would be impossible to determine whether they were caused by this particular sewage or by that coming from other sources and that therefore the agree- ment would, in practice, be nugatory. But equally well informed -and credible witnesses testified that the-proposed treatment would -produce the stipulated results and that the source of such pollution, if any should be caused by the Passaic sewage, could readily be traced to its origin, and we think the probabilities greatly in favor *of this conclusion, having regard to the opportunity secured to the Government for inspection and observation of the treatment plant and .for determining the quality and content of effluent before it is discharged into the Bay and the effect which it may have on -the water in the immediate vicinity of the outlet. It is also argued that this stipulation is not binding upon the State of New Jersey because executed only by the Sewerage Commission- ers, and that it is invalid for want of power in the Attorney General to so stipulate on behalf of the United States. But since by act of its Legislature the State of New Jersey specifi- cally authorized the Sewerage Commissioners to execute the stipu- lation and by its special counsel entered of record its approval of, and consent to, it, we must and do regard it as the valid obligation of the State as certainly as of the Commissioners. As to the United States. The intervention of the Government was allowed upon allegations that the inadequate treatment of the sewage proposed would result in injury to navigation and commerce by causing deposits of solid matter, to the extent of thousands of tons annually, which would fill up and shallow the channels of the Bay; by rendering the Port of New York less serviceable and attrac- tive to commerce and offensive and unwholesome to persons using and living near it; and by causing injury to the hulls of vessels by the character of the effluent to be discharged. It was also averred -that practically irreparable damage would be caused to extensive properties owned by the Government adjacent to the Bay. Having regard to the large powers of the Government over naviga- tion and commerce, its right to protect adjacent public property and its officers and employees-from damage and disease, and to the duty 123 ,;u 3,192L -and authority of the Attorney General to control and conduct liti- -gation to which the Government may be a party (R. S. 359, 367), we can not doubt that the intervention of the Government was proper in* this case and that it was within the authority of the Attorney General to agree that the United States should retire from the case upon the terms stated in the stipulation, which were plainly approved by the Secretary of War, who afterwards embodied them in the con- struction permit issued to the;Sewerage Co sioners. Although this stipulation was filed and the Government withdrew from!the case on May 16, 1910, the remaining parties went forward and took a great volume of testimony, the taking of which was con- cluded in June, 1913. Five years passed before the case was brought on for argument at the October Term, 1918, and upon examination this Court, having regard to the long time which had elapsed since the taking of testimony was closed and to the rapid advance in sani- tary science then in progress, suggested in the record, directed that additional testimony should be taken in order that the Court might be advised: (1) As to any practicable modification of the proposed sewer system which might improve it and reduce any polluting effect upon the water which might be caused by the effluent to be discharged; (2) as to any practicable plan or arrangement for sewage disposal which would lessen the polluting effect derived from the New York City sewage; (3) and as to the present degree of pollution of the waters of New York Harbor and the change in this respect since the taking of the testimony was closed. In compliance with this order much additional testimony was taken. With the record in this State we come to consider the evidence introduced, but subject to the rule that the burden upon the State of New York of sustaining the allegations of its bill is much greater than that imposed upon a complainant in afn ordinary suit between private parties. Before this Court can be moved to exercise its extraordinary power under the Constitution to control the conduct of one State at the suit of another, the threatened in- vasion of rights must be of serious magnitude and it must be established by clear and convincing evidence. Missouri v. Illinois and the Sanitary District of Chicago, 200 U. S. 496. The water of New York Bay is such a brackish combination of salt sea and fresh water that it could not, under any circumstances, be used for drinking or other domestic purposes and, therefore, the reasons given in the bill to justify the injunction prayed for are restricted, as we have seen, to the clams that the addition of -the Passaic Valley sewage to the already polluted waters of the bay would result in odors offensive and unwholesome to persons' bath- .June8, 1921. 12^32 -ing in them or passing over them in- large vessels or in small boats or living and working upon the adjacent shores, in causing un- sightly deposits on the surface of the water and chemical action injurious to the wood and metal of vessels navigating tCe Bay, and 'in rendering fish and oysters taken from such waters unfit for consumption. The evidence introduced, as to increase of damaging chemical action upon the hulls of vessels by the proposed addition of sewage, and as to danger from air-borne diseases to persons using the water in boats and vessels or working or dwelling upon the shore of the Bay, is much too meager and indefinite to be seriously considered -as ground for an injunction, and when it is considered that-for many years all of the sewage from the great population of New York- City and its environs and from 'the large cities on the New Jersey shore (estimated, in 1912, at 900 millions of gallons daily) has been discharged for many years into the harbor, quite- un- treated, the evidence does not justify the conclusion that persons bathing in or that fish or oysters subsisting in such waters can sustain much- further damage from the addition to them of the sewage of' the Passaic Valley, after it has been treated in the manner proposed in the stipulation with the Government. There remains to be considered, therefore, only the offensive odors, and unsightly deposits on the surface which it is claimed will be caused by the addition of putrescible matter to the water and it is to this claim that a large part of the evidence introduced by the complainant is directed. Much evidence was introduced tending to prove that sewage collected from so great an area as that of the Passaic Valley Sewerage District- would be stale, if not septic, when it reached the treatment plant at Newark Bay and that it would, therefore, hold in solution much organic matter which 'would not be removed by the screening and sedi- mentation processes proposed, with the result that it would cause disagreeable deposits on'the surface of the water-" oily and sleek fields"-and offensive odors near the place of discharge and upon the wharves and shores adjacent to the bay. On the other hand, witnesses of seemingly equal candor and learn- ing, and with large practical experience, called by the defendants, testified that they were confidently of the opinion that the treat- ment of the sewage provided for in the stipulation with the United States would cause such purification of it that the results guar- anteed therein would be fully realized. It is much to be regretted that any forecast as to what the effect would be of the treatment and deeply submerged discharge through multiple ou4ets proposed for this large volume of sewage must de- 12R3 .Jzwe 3, 1"X. .pend almost entirely upon .the conflicting opinions of expert wit- nesses, for experience with such. treatment and dispersion under -even approximately like conditions seems entirely wanting. It is, however, of much significane that the authorities of the City of New York, after many years of -investigation of the -subject of sewage disposal, in their latest planss propose to adopt a treatment of screening. and sedimentation and dispersal in dee-p water very similax to, but not so. extensive and thorough as, that provided for in the stipulation between.the defendants and the United States. There is only one point upon which all the experts called for the opposing parties agree,. viz.:. that in the present state of learn- ing upon the.subject the amount of dissolved oxygen in water is the best index or measure of the degree to which it is polluted by organic substances, it. seemingly being accepted by them all that upon the oxygen content in water depends its capacity for digesting sewage-that is, for converting organic matter into inorganic and harmless substances by direct,oxidation and by sustaining bacteria which,assist in such conversion. The witnesses agree that so long as there is sufficient dissolved oxygen in the water, the process of digestion of the sewage will go forward without producing offensive odors and that when it sinks below a required percentage of saturation, such odors will appear, but, unfortunately, there is a wide divergence of opinion among them as to what the required lower percentage is. The opinions of seemingly well qualified experts vary in giving from 25 per cent to 50 per.cent of saturation as the amount of oxygen necessary to pre- vent the appearance of such offensive odors from decomposition of organic matter. Measured by this dissolved oxygen standard, the evidence of the complainant is that as early as 1906 the water adjacent to New York City, especially in the Bronx and lower East River, was much pol- luted by sewage, but that the water in other parts of the Bay, espe- cially near Robbins Reef Light, was somewhat, but not greatly, contaminated. This condition, the evidence shows, continued with no very pronounced decrease in the oxygen content of the water until 1911, when the inveatigations embodied in the first testimony taken were concluded. And the evidence taken under the order of the Court in 1919 shows an irreconcilable conflict in the testimony as to the then condition of the water, especially near Robbins Reef Light, and as to the probable condition of it to be anticipated in the future. In the interval from 1906 to 1919, the estimated growth of the population of New York City and its suburbs drain- ig sewage into adjacent waters was in excess of 100,$00 a year- an increase of population in the aggregate much greeter than the JTue 3, 1921. 123C total population of the Pasaic Valley Sewerage District at present and approximately equal to its estimated population in 1940-and it is undisputed that- this New York sewage, untreated, was dis- charged from over 450 sewers directly into the adjacent waters, for the most part at or above the line of -low -tide, and that oiily in a few instances was it carried even to the pier heads. It would seem, therefore, that if the anticipation of the experts for the complainants, as to the results likely to be produced by the effluent from -the. sewer of defendants,- were well founded, that by the year 1919 conditions in the harbor should have become so pronounced and plain that there could not have been such-conflict as the record shows in the testimony of trustworthy and competent scientists as to its then existing'c6ndition: Considering all of this evidence, and much more which we can not detail, we must conclude that the- complainants have failed to show by the convincing evidence which the law requires that the sewage which the defendants intend to discharge 'into-Upper New York Bay, even if treated only in the manner specifically described in the stipulation with the United States Gooverment, would so 'corrupt the water of the Bay as to create a public nuisance by causing offensive odors or unsightly deposits- on the surface or that it would seriously add to the pollution of it. The evidence taken in 1919 also discloses that other means than those 'specifically described in the Government stipulation may be resorted to, if needed, for the purpose of improving the character of the effluent from the sewer, viz: slower and more prolonged sedimentation processes; additional screening; the aeration of the sewage before it reaches the treatment plant and again after treatment and before discharge into the tunnel conveying it to the bay; and finally, if required, chemical treatment. Having regard to the treatment of the sewage prescribed in what we regard as a valid contract on the part of the defendants with the Government of the United States, to the specific agreement therei6u for protection of the waters of Upper New York Bay from pollution, and to the nfeans which the Government will -have to secure further purification, if desired, by refusing to permit the discharge of sewage into the Bay to continue, we conclude that the prayer for injunction against the operation of the sewer must be denied. We can not withhold the suggestion, inspired by the consideration of this case, that 'the grave problem of sewage disposal presenti by the large and growing populations living on the shores of New York Bay is one more likely to be wisely solved by cooperative study and by coxArence and mutual concession on -the part of repr6- 1235 June 3, 1921. sentatives of the States -so vitally interested in it than by pro- ceedings in-any court however constituted. The Court, recognizing the importance of the ruling which it is making to the great populations interested, as well in the State of New Jersey as in the State of New York, will direct that the decree denying the relief prayed for shall be without prejudice to the instituting of another suit for injunction if the proposed sewer in operation shall prove sufficiently injurious to the waters of -the Bay to lead the State of New York to conclude that the pro- tection of the health, welfare, or commerce of its people requires another application to this Court. It results that the bill of complainants will be dismissed, but without prejudice to a renewal of the application for injunction if the operation of the sewer of defendants shall result in conditions which the State of New York may be advised requires the inter- position of this Court. Bill dismimsed without prejudice.

DEATHS DURING WEEK ENDED MAY 21, 1921. Summary of information received by telegraph from industrial insurance companies for week ended May 21, 1921, and corresponding week, 1920. (From the "Weekly Health Index," May 24, 1921, issued by the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commrerce.) Week ended Corresponding May 21, 1921. week, 1920. Policies in force ...... 46,688,657 43,799,083

Number of death claims ...... 8,174 8,696 Death claims per 1,000 policies in force ...... 9.1 10.4 488570-21 2 JuzeSt 19214 1236 Dea*hsfrom all aum in cei* largeciLi the United States duriny the wek eded MIy 21, 1921 infant nortality, aMinus des rtet, ad comparion th Week of precding years. (Fom au " Wee* Helth d," May 24, 11, Uswd by ti Bwrau of the Cenau, Departmen of Conerc&) Week ended Deaths nudero1 May 11,LAeer. City. poatlon, death J*1O9 a Death ende p"'end deaths. rat' a '

Akron, Ohh io...... 220,195 25 57 49.8 5 '4 48 Albany, N.Y...... 115,071 37 1& 8 C 256 5 C 4 112Ip AtlantaG a...... 207,473 49 C 17.2 4 C 9 Baltimore, Md...... M d. 751,537 191 1&3 A 18.2 27 A 35 76 &b _ I ...... 1861133 45 1l6 A 18.8 7 A 7 B...... 75,34 1li 13.3 A 13.2 80 A 40 BHt ....i ...... 23 A 14.3 8 A 6 Bo NY...... Ill 519,60 119 11.98X.9 C 14.2 18 C 28 70 Chtleago Ma..... 28 13.2 A 1. a A 4 :I...... 119672 6.11 .7; IrdnS.J...... 14 2 .....ii.. Cb, ...... 656 586 11.0 84 a ,Ohio...... h i o . 403,418 C 20.0 8 C 19 Cleveland,Ohcinai,oOhio .... 831,138 160 *10.a3.0 C 13.5 23 C 35 62 Columbus, Ohi...... 245'358 58 12.3 C 14.8 4 C 7 40 Dallas,Tei.* 26 --..8..2 A 11.7 1 A 3 I Dayton, Oiho...... 158,119 34 11.2 C 15.2 4 C 7 68 263,152 73 14.5 A 12.8 1,070,45 20 11.8 C 12.5 58~ . Fai River,MassC...... 120668 33 14.3 C 13.4 8 C 7 Grand Ralids. 141,197 25 9.2 C 14.6 5 C 9 85 GranRaDdS, Mich...... Newl Biver, Mas...... ilEi...... 144,340 28 9.4 a ...... 325, 215 91 14.6 13 C 13 101 NewH avetn, Conn...... 302,788 67 11.5 C 16.9 15 CNiewk, Kd...... 103,908 24 120 4...... Oaha,City,J ...... ; 336,157 85 13.2 13 .S...... 611,636 0 13.6 A I&13.22 12 A 14 i' ...... 236,083 59 13.0 C 14.8 6 C 8 69 P l ...... : 113,757 30 13.8 A 16.6 6 A S S.Louis, T ...... Mo. 165,389 48 15.1 C 20.4 5 C 3 Loe...... 468,386 107 11.9 A 12.8 16 A 20 977 392,815 87 11.5 C 13.7 C 21 6 St. Paul,Menn...... SanWFanisc,...... 119,536 38 16.6 C 14.5 C 5 NSw Bedfird,Mas...... 1:,012 20 8.3 A 14.7 5 A 8 New Haven, Conn...... 167, 07 29 9.1 C 14.0 2 C 1I 24 NWw Orlean, lD C 394,657 118 15.6 A 206 :' A 23 5,751,867 1,215 11.0 C 12.3 155 C 196 424,865 94 11.5 C 14.0 18 C 20 Wim Vgon, Dl...... 121,260 25 10.8 ...... OarMn CaliL..: ...... 226,472 40 9.2 A 12.1 51 Omaba Nebr...... 197 066 67 17.7 ...... 6 Patersn N. J...... 137,463 33 12.5 5 ...... Sineattle,Youngstown,Wash Oho...... 1, 866, 212 566 14.1 4 15.6 82 Spokae,PttsburghWashn...... ia...... 596,413 166 14.5 C 16.3 27 C 33 96so 264,859 58 11.4 C 11.6 6 C 7 9160 Providec,RI...... 239, 645 60 13.1 C 14.7 6 C 9 51 Ricihmond, Va...... 175,6f86 53 15.7 C 15.1 5 C 3 Roeter, N. Y...... 305,229 60 10.3 C 12.9 3 C 11 23 St. Louis, Mo...... 786,164 177 11.7 C 13.0 20 C 23 St.WorcesteP>aul, Minn...... Mas.I 237,781 50 11.0 C 11.3 3 C 5 Salt Lake City, Utah...... 121,595 20 8.6 A 12.3 2 . . ..-- 31 anFrancisc6,'Calif...... 520,546 134 13.4 C 13.7 13 .d 75 Sette Wash...... 327,227 52 8.3 A 9.0 8 A 6 67 Spokranie, Wash ...... 104,442 30 15.0 4 C 3 87 Springfield, Mass...... 28 10.7 .....W...C 12.0 4 ...... 60 8yrcs N. Y...... 39 11.5 9 C.1 101 17Oledo, hio...... 253,696 52 107 A 16.3 2 A 8 Trenton, N. J...... 122, 760 40 17.0 A 17.2 6 A 7 Washlington, D. C...... 454'026 120 13.8 A 15.6 14 A 11 82 Wilmington, Del...... 113,408 32 14.7 C 9.4 7 ...... Voroester, Mass...... 184,972 44 12.4 C 12.4 8 C 3 69 WoZsN. Y...... 103,324 20 10.1 A 14.4 4 A 5 Youngstow, Ohio...... 139,432 32 12.0 ...... 4 ...... Annual rate per 1,000 population. s"A" indicates data for the corresponding week of the years 1913 to 1917, inclusive. "C" indicates data for the corresponding week ofthe yea. 190. . I-*. $ 3 Deaths under 1 yea per 1,000 birthsn annual rate based on deaths under 1 year for the week and estimated births for 1920. Cities left blank are not in the registration area for birthb 4 Data based on statistics of 1915, 191, and 1917. PREVALENCE OF DISEASE.

No health department, State or local, can effectiely prevent or control disase without knowledge ofwhen, where, and under what conditions cases are occuring.


' I CURRENT STATE SUMMARIES. Telegraphic Reports for Week Ended May 28, 1921. These reports are preliminary, and the figures are subject to change when later returns are received by the State health officers. ALABAMA. CALIOB^LNA. Cases. Cases. Chicken pox...... 27 Cerebrospinal meningitis-Alhambra ..1...... Diphtheria...... 4 Influenza ...... 6 Hookworm...... 18 Lethargic encephalitis-Los Angeles...... 1 malaria...... 4 Pellagra ...... 1 Measles...... 28 Poliomyelitis: Mumps...... 20 Los Angeles ...... 2 Ophthalmia neonatorum...... :. 1 San Fernando ...... 2 Pelagra...... 8 Rabies in man-Sacramento...... 1 Scarlet fever...... 7 Smallpox: Smallpox: Pomona ...... 8 Jefferson County...... 25 Scattering ...... 44 Scattering...... 29 Typhoid fever ...... 6 Tetanus...... : : 2 COLORADO. Tuberculosis ...... 31 Typhoid fever- ...... 32 (Exclusive of Denver.) Whooping cough...... 6 Chicken pox .-...... 16 ARKANSAS. Diphtheria...... 27 Measles...... 57 Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... 1 Mumps...... 4 Chicken pox2...... 20 PIneumornia...... 4 Diphtheria...... 2 Scarlet fever...... 23 Influenza...... 1 Smallpox...... 48 Malaria...... 39 Tuberculosis ...... 5 m tles...... 22 Typhoid fever...... 1 Pellagra...... 12 NVhooping cough...... 7 Scarlet fever...... 2 COINNCTICUT. Smalpox: Pocahontas...... 32 Cerebrospinal meningitis...... 2 Scattering...... 7 Chicken pox...... 56 Trchm...... 11 Conjunctivitis (infectious)...... 11 Tuberculosis...... 10 Diphtheria...... 31 Typhoid fever ...... 10 German measles...... 1 Whoping cough...... 3 Influenza ...... 4 (12317) ., June 3, 1921. 1238

CONNxCTICUT-oOinued. In0u3ois-catinuad. CaI eS. Cases. Lethargic encepha pthsi...... 2 Scarlet fever. Measles: Chicago ...... 107 Hartford...... 13 Decatur ...... 13 North Canaan...... 2a East St. Loui ...... 10

Scattering ...... 51 Galva ...... 13

Mumps ...... 67 tteing...... 103 Paratyphoid fever...... 14 Smanpox: Pneumonia (lobar)...... 17 Fllmore...... 17 Scarlet fever: Marion ...... 11 Bridgeport...... 14 Ottawa...... 16 cattering...... 39 Sattering ...... 83 Trachom a...... 1 Typhoid fever ...... 8 Tuberculosis (all forms)...... 34 Typhoid fever: INDINA. Hartford...... 9 Diphtheria ...... 46 Scattering...... 5 Rahiminimals-Lawrence County...... 1 Whoopili-, cough ...... 57 Scarlet fever ...... 8o Smallpox...... 161 DELAWARE. Typhoid fever ...... 5 Chicken pox...... 1 Diphtheria ...... 2 KANSAS. Measles...... 2 Chickenpox...... ; 143 Mumps...... 1 Diphtheria ...... 21 Ophthalmia noonatorum...... 1, German measles ...... 7 Scarlet fever-Wilmington...... 24 Influea...... 2 Tuberculosis ...... 12 Measles ...... 331 Typhoid fever...... 1 Mumps...... 18 Whooping cough...... 10 Pneumonia...... , 9 Scarlet fever ...... 62 FLORIDA. Smalpox...... 180 Diphtheria...... 3 Tuberculos ...... 26 Influenza...... 1 Typhoid fever ...... 9 Malaria...... 11 Whooping cough ...... 66 Pneumonia...... 2 Poliomyelitis...... 1 LOUIINA. Smalpox...... 56 Diphtheria ...... 6 Typhoid fever...... 21 Poliomyelitis...... 1 GEORGIA. Smallpox...... 64 Typhoid fever ...... 17 Cerebrospinal meningitis...... 1 Chicken pox...... 43 MAINE. Diphtheria ...... 7 Chicken pox...... 44 Dysentery (bacillary) ...... : 18 Diphtheria ...... 7 Hookworm ...... 8 Lethargic encephalitis ...... 1 Malaria...... 57 Measles ..... 115 Measles ...... 37 Mumps...... 5 Mumps...... 8 Pneumonia...... 20 Paratyphoid fever...... 1 Poliomyeitis...... 1 Pellagra...... 1 Scarlet fever...... 23 Pneumonia...... 4 Smalpox...... 2 Scarlet fever...... 11 Tuberuos...... 6 Smalpx...... 30 Typhoid fever...... 8 Tuberculosis (pulmonary)...... 8 Whooping oough...... 5 Typhoid fever...... 44 Whooping cough...... 6 MARYLAND.1 MLNOIS. Cerebrospinal meningitis...... 1 Diphtheria: Chicken pox...... 66 Chicago ...... 1s Diphtheria...... 51 Scattering ...... 45 Dytery...... 2 Influenza ...... 13 German measles...... I4 Lettargic encephaliti-icago...... 2 I...... 8 Pneumonia 164 ...... Lethargieencephalitis...... 8 St. Louis Pbllomyeltis-East ...... mama.;.- 8 I Week ended Friday. 1239 IJune 3, 1V21, xAsTLAND-continued. NERRAsKA-cont}lued. Cases. Influenza...... 8 u msm .... Lethargic encephatis-Omahal. h 1 Pela,gra 1 Pneumonia (all forms) ...... 57 Cody ..20 Scarlet fever ...... 45 Scttering . .25 Septic sore thrt...... 1 Mumps ..12 Smapox...... 20 Scarlet fever. Tuberculosis ...... 51 Omaha. 9 Typhoid fever ...... 12 Valley County . . 8 Whooping cough ...... 184 Scttering. 33 Smallpox: MACSAcH S. Adams County. . 8 Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... 4 Bellevue . .14 Chicken pox ...... 110 Conjunctivitis (suppurative) ...... 8 Sarpy County .. 8 Diphtheria ...... 160 Wausa ..20 German measles ...... 23 Scattering. 83 Influenza...... 8 Tetanus .. Letbargic encephalitis ...... 1 Tuberculosis ...... ;. 3 Measles ...... 473 Typhoid fever. 2 Mult1mps ...... 103 Whooping cough ..39

Ophthbaia neonatorum ...... 15 . NEW JERSEY. Pneumonia (lobar)...... 78 Poliomyelitis ...... 1 Cerebrospinal meningitis .1 Scarlet fever ...... 129 Chicken pox .131 Septic sore throat...... 2 Diphtheria .163 Trachoma . .1...... Influenza. 8 Tuberculosis (all forms) ...... 182 Malaria. 2 Typhoid fever ...... 30 Measles .240 Whooping cough ...... 104 Pneumonia. 95 MINNESOTA. Scarlet fever ...... 228 Smallpox. 8 3 Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... Typhoid fever. 6 Chicken pox...... 23 Whooping cough .221 Diphtheria ...... 43 Measle ...... 60 NEW MEXICO. Pneumonia...... -. 2 Chicken . Poliomyelitis ...... 2 pox. 7 Scarlet fever ...... 102 Diphtheria . .26 Meases.. 46 malpcs...... 213 Trachoma...... 7 Mumps...... 4 Tuberculois ...... 125 Pneumomia . .1...... fever . Typhoid fever ...... 4 Paratyphoid .1...... Wbooping cough ...... ,...... 6 Scarlet fever...... 4 Smallpox...... 7 Tuberculosis . . 12 Diphtheria...... 7 Typhoid fever . . 2 3carlet fever...... Whooping cough .. 20 Small pox ...... 21 Typhoid fever...... 28 NEW YORK. MONTANA. (Exclusive of New York City.) Diphtheria...... iollomyelitis-Cascade County...... 1 Cerebrospinal meningitis-Schenectady.. 1 yhcarlet fever...... 7 Diphtheria .. 178 . o ...... 21 Influenza .. 11 frpoiever...... 2 Lethargic encephalitis .. 2 Measles .. 1,294 NKBRASKA. Pneumonia .. 200 Chicke pox .43 Pollomyelitls-Belmont ...1 Diphtheris: Scarlet fever ...... 222 Columbus.8 Smallpox .14 18 - Scattering. Colbu...... 13 Typhoid fever ...... 19 German meale...... 11 Whooping cough.:...... ,.393 J~ lOZlq' 1240

n - cu am*a.^ Cas. calses. Chicken pox ...... , Chicken PO...... MS. Diphbeiaa ...... 12 Mumps...... 8 M ease s...... m .s...... S

Poliomyelis ...... 1 mulaps ...... Scarlet fe v r ...... 16 Rocky Mountainspotted or tlckfever-,S.t* 1 Septic swe th rt ...... a 22 S p a PO ...... Is Tmapox ...... 85 Typhoid fever...... 33 2 Whooping cough...... 29 Typu lever...... 11it Whooping cough...... eOUM DAKOTA. Diphtheria...... Chickenpo x ...... 2 Nawg...... Diphtheia...... 4 Diphtheria...... 7 measles ...... 39 Measle... -.- 19 Pneumonia...... ;6 17 Tyehad ...... e...... Scarlet fever ...... 11 T7mApoJdfvr...... S ...... 49 2 Tuberculis ...... 2 vLoOsN. Whoopngcough ...... 1 Milwauken TXS. Chicken pox ...... 4 Diphtheria ...... Chicken pox...... 33 German measles .. 2 Diphtheria ...... 6 Measles...... _.... 14 Measles ...... 140 Scarlet fever ..... - MumPS...... 17 smallpox .....8 Scarlet fever ...... a Tuberculosis ...... 12 Smalpox...... 26 Whoopingeoh...... VERMONT. Scttering: Chickenp ...... m3t Cicke pox...... 37 Diphthera Diphtria ...... 5 German measles ...1...... k...... 55, Influenza ... 3 Mmunpg...... I Measles ...... 14 Pneuzmnon ...... ,...... 8 Scarlet fever . . . 3, Sea ever...... 16 Smapx...... 2.. 3 4 Smallpox...... Tubereulkis ...... 7 Typhoid fever...... 7 Typhoid lever .. Whooping cough...... ao Whooineg ...... a

Disrc 'f mbia and Ietua Repert for Wek Endd May 219, M DISTICT OF COLUMBIA. KENTUCKY-cntinued. Meades: CaN. Chicken pox ...... 12 Blk Count ...... n...... 1 Diphtheria ...... 5 Campbell County ...... ,...... 10 Ltbargicencephalitis ...... 1 Hopkins County...... 15 Mss...... 52 leffro Cmty ...... ,a,s scarlet e...... 12 6mteaig...... Smalpox...... 3 Mump ...... Tuberculosis ...... 16 Paratyphofer..... Typhoid fever Pneumonia...... 4 ...... 18 ...... 1 Scarlet Whooping cough ...... 33 fever: Jeferson County ...... I SETUCKY.' Boi countj. 8...... S Scattering ...... Cerebrospinalmeningitis: SeCptsore thot. ....1 Carlile County...... 1 Bell Jefferson County...... I Conty. 35 Breckinridge County .. . 8 PieCounty...... 1 cl mt Chicken pox...... 24 ...... , n Diphtheria: Scattering...... TOnsillitis ...... Jefferson County...... 11 3 Trachom...... _ . .. 12 S6tterng ...... -. . 9 Dysentery...... 2 German Jefferson County . measles...... 2 Scatterig. 9 Inuenza...... 5 Typhoid fever .17 e cencephalitls.-Jefferson County. Whooping cough .36 121 June 3, 192.


The following summary of monthly State reports is published weekly and covers only those Statesfrom which reports are receved during the current week:

Alabam a...... 25 12 132 12 1 16 277 35 Colorado...... I.. 113 ..... 574 ...... 118 340 21 Idaho...... 5 ....1. 512 ...... 274 48 7 lois...... 11 1,205 296 ...... 5,293 ...... 4 2, 059 1, 122 84 2 140 ...... Iowa...... 440 ...... 1 400 694 ...... Maine...... 1 66 150 934 ...... 95 11 1 40 323 a, 49-1 964 ...ii. 27 293 113 New Jery...... 5 123 3 1,177 ...... 3 1, 025, 63 38 New York...... 26 504 %625 ...... 8 2, 76 101 127 North Carolina...... 13 91 ...... , ...... 2,556 1 '58 370 52 ...... Oregon ...... 1 64 ...... 543 5...... 48 168 3 South Carolina...... 7 43 8 35 386 ...... 10 251 27 Virghini.. 18 93 1,184 219 498 19 2 172 282 57 Washington...... 1 79 7 ...... 418 ...... 215 671 28


Place. Period covered.

Californl: 1921. San Benito County ...... Feb. 7 ....-.-.-

I A summary of the reports received of the occurrence of plague and the finding of plague-infected rodents in the United States during 1I9) was published in Public Health Reports, Jan. 7,1921, p. 15. PLAGUE-INFECTED RODENTS. ----'I Rodents Place. Period covered. flagued linfected. Florida: 1921. Pensacola.: ...... Jan.I toApr. 18...... 5 Apr. 19 to May 20 O New Orleans ...... Jan. 1 to May 25 ...... 37 May26 .1 Texas: Galveston .Jan. 1-May 27 .0 May 28 .1

ClTY REPORTS FOR W ENDED MAY 14, 1921. ANTHRAL Jue 3, 1921. 1242 cm REPOth- Fok w .'MAY Ii, 1ui C3BROSI'INAL M GFS The column headel "Melian for previous years" gives the median number ofcau reported duringthe coresponding weeks of the yeas 1915 to 12(, inliusive. In intances in whieh data for the ful six yemrs areincomplete, the median is that for the numter of years for which informaticn is available.

Week ended . Week ended MeinMay 14, 1221. OdSIMay 14, 1921. Place. forpre- May 14,1=.Place. for pre- 14,142l. years. Cases. Deaths. ^ years. Cases. Deaths.

California: New Jersey: Bakersfield . 0 1 2 Passakc .0 1 Long Beach . 0 1 .. New York: Riverside 0 1 NewYork. 11 7 6 Connecticut: Schenectady.0 1 1 Hartford ...... 1 ..... 1 North Carolina: Georgia: Rocky Mount .. ,,0 1 Atlnta!~...... 0 1.... Ohio: Illlnois: Marion 1 . Chicago. 5 2 .. Pennsylvania: East St. Louis 0 1 1 Philadelphia ...... 2 1. Oak Park ...... 1 Pittsburgh0 1. Kansas: South Carolina:

Wichita O . 0 1 Charleston0 1 Massachusetts: Tennesee: Boston .... 1 5 1 Chattanooga... . 0 1 1 Fall River . 0 1 Nashville .0 1 1 Michigan: Texas: Port Huron.0 1 Fort Worth.0 1 1 Minnesota: Galveston.303. Duluth .0 1 1 Wisconsin: Missouri: La Crosse.0 1. St. Louis .2 2 2

DIPHTHERIA. See p. 1248; also Telegraphic weekly reports from States, p. 1237, and Monthly summaries by States, p. 1241. INFUENZA.

Place. Cases. Deaths. rPla. Cases. Deaths.

Alabama: Minnesota: Birmingham . .1...... Minneapolis .. . 1 California: Missouri: Los Ange'es .1 KansasCity. 4 Oakland . I Nevada: San Francisco . 3...... Reno.3 Connecticut: New Jersey:, New Britain ...... 2 ...... Garfield.1 Georgia: Kearny. ....1...... Atlanta ...... 1 ...... Newark. 4 . Illinois: New York: Chicago ...... 14 4 New York..26 9 Maine: North Tonawanda. 1 . Lewiston ...... 5 ...... Ohio: Marvland: Toledo . . . 1 l3altimore ...... 1...... Pennsylvania: Massachusetts: Philadelpha.. 2 1 Boston ...... 5 1 Rhode Island: Brockton ...... 1 1 Providence...Pron ...... 1 Everett ...... 1 ...... Texas: Haverhill...... 3 1 Dallas..s 1 . Lynn...... 1 ...... Virginia: Saugus ..6. Doanville ...... 1 Worcester ...... 2 . Michigan: Detroit ...... 12 1243 JUe 3, 1921. T! DP S FOR WU MNDDMAY 14, 1921-Continued, WROsY.


Califoria: Ohio: SanFranc ...... isco 1 ...... Younptow1


Alabama: Louisiana: Montgomery...... 1 ...... Alexandria...... 8 California: Maryland: Berke'ey ...... New Ytijnorek:altimor...... ork: ConneAticut: New York: Greenwich ...... 2 ...... New York...... 3....3 Geaveaak...... 3.... Savannah ...... 3 .....

MEASLES. See p. 1248; also Telegraphic weekly reports from States, p. 1237, and Monthly summaries by States p. 1241. PELLAGRA.

PW,e. Cases. Deaths. Place. Cases. Deaths.

Alabama: Louisiana: Birmingham...... 1...... 1. New Orleans...... I Montgomery ...... I Texas: Dallas ......


Alabama: Connecticut: - Birmingham...... 4 Bridgeprt...... 7 3 Montgomery...... 2 Fairfeld ...... 1 ...... Arizona: Greenwich ...... 3 ...... Tueson...... 2 Hartford...... 3 ...... Arkansas: ilWford...... 1 Hot Sprg...... New Britain...... 1 Little ...... 1 New Haven...... 2 California: New London...... 2 Alameda...... Norwalk...... 2 ...... : Berkeley...... *-2 11 2 Waterbury ...... 4 ...... Eureka...... 1 District of Columbia: Long Beach...... 2 Washington...... 10 s es...... 5 Florida: Oakland...... -2 3 Miami...... Pasa.dea...... Georgia: 1 Riverside...... 2 Atlanta...... 9 Ba mento...... 3 Brunswick...... i San Deg.... 1 avanna...... 7 4 Illinois: S Barbara...... i1 Bloomington...... 1 Chu ...... 1 Cicago...... 35 Colorado. Cicero...... 1 Colorado Spin...... 1 East-St. Louis...... 1 Denver...... Evanston...... Pueblo...... Forest Park...... I ...... 0 June 3,1921. 1244 Y REPOTS FOR WEEK NDED MAY 14, 192Otinued; PNEUMONU (ALL FORKS)-Continued.

Place.Plac Cases. Dth. P aes Deaths. . - Pl-e Illinois-Continued. Montana: Jacksonville...... 1 Great Flls...... Oak Park...... 3 htamk...... Peoria...... 1. Nebraskhw Rockfrd...... 2 Omaha ...... 3 Rock Island...... Nevada: Sprineld...... Reno...... Indiana: New Hampsire: East Chi c g...... 3 Conord...... Elkhart...... 1 Manchester...... 2 Fort Wayne...... 1 New Jersey: Clary...... 2 Baymonne. 1 ...... JnI li...... 13 ClSttn...... 2 ...... I,a Faytte...... 1 Elizabeth...... i.. , 5 TerreHaute...... 2 Garfield ...... Kansas: el...... 2 1

Kans C ity...... 2 ...... Haison...... 2 ...... 1 Topeka...... Hoboken...... 2 Ientunky: Jersy City...... ('ovlgon...... 3 Kearny...... 1 Lex ngton...... 2 Montclair...... Louville...... 7 Newark...... 4 Louisiana: Or ...... 2 1 New Orleans...... 14 Passlc ...... Maine: Plainfleld ...... Aubu rn...... 1 Treton...... 6 Biddefeord...... 1 West New York...... 1 Lewlston--ton.... 1 New York: Por ...... tlad . 2 Albany ...... Marnland: Auburn ...... 2 I TaFtimore ...... 41 19 Buffalo...... 10 Massachusetts: Cohoes ...... 5 1 Belmont ...... Jamestown ...... 1 ...... Beverly ...... - ...... 1 Lackawanna..... 1 ...... 13oston ...... 19 Locknort .. .. 1 ......

Brockton ...... 3 ...... Middletown ...... Cambridge ...... 5 Mount Vernon...... 3 C helsa...... 3I Newburgh. 2 Ch kxopee...... I New York... . 2271 116 Easthampton...... 3 Niagara Falls...... 1 Everett ...... 1 Olean...... 1 Fall River...... Peekskill...... Haverhill...... Port Chester. 1 ...... flolyoke..... Poughkeepsie..... 2 Lawrence. Roebster.. .. 6 ILowell...... Syrascuso...... 7 4 Lynn...... Trov...... 3 M1ethuen...... 1 White Plains...... 1 New Bedford...... 5 Yonkers...... 1616 5 Newburyport ...... North Carolina: Newto...... 1.. Charlotte. -...... 2 Peabod ...... ' Winston-Salem... 2 ...... 1 Pittsfield...... 1 Ohio: Plymouth...... 1 Akron...... 3 Somerville...... 2 Barberton..... 1 Springfield...... 2 Bcru...... 3 Wakefield ...... Cincinnati...... WVatertown...... 1 Cleveland...... 18 Westfield...... Columbus...... Worohester..... Dayton ...... 2 Mfichigan: Findlay ...... Ann Arbor ...... 3 2 il ...... Battle Creek...... 2 ...... Kenmore ...... i...... 1 Detrdt..e...... 84 29 ...... LInaster ...... Pont ...... 1 Niles ...... Gnnd Rapids...... Toledo ...... 1 ...... lc...... Youngstown...... i ...... St. Pa .Park...... l Zanesville. .. n2 ...... I Oklahoma: 1 Mruette ...... Tulsa...... Panffac...... i. 2 Oregon: Port u .... . 1 Portland...... Minnesota: P Duluth...... 3 nnylvania Minneapolis ...... 7 Phladelphia...... 61 Rhode Idand: Rochester...... St. Paul...... 'i 3 Cran ...... -1 Missouri: Pawtucket...... 2 ...... Prvdence...... 5 Indepedence...... I ...... *1 Kansas City ...... 10 South Carolina: St. Joseph...... 2 Charlest...... 3 1245 June 3, 19211. CITY REPORT FOR WE ENDED MAY 14, 1921-Continued. PNEUMONU (ALL FORMS)-Contlnued.

P_ase Caes. Deaths. Plao Case. Deaths.

TennessO.Virginla-Continued. 1 Tomile...... Norfolk ...... 1 Texas: Pet.rsb.rg.1 Dal ...... 10 3 Portsmoutb ...... 1

El Paso ...... 7 Richmond...... 5 Galveston ...... I West Virginia: Utah: Charleston...... 2 Salt Lake City...... 5 Wisconsin: Virginia: Janesville ...... 2 Alexandria ...... 3 2 Superior ...... 1 ......

POLJMYEUTI (INFANTILE PARALYSIS). 'The column headed "Median for previos years" gives the median number of cases reported during the corresponding weeks of the years 1915 to 120, inclusive. In Instances in which data for the ful six years are incomplete, the median Is that for the number of years for which information is available. Median WeekendedMay14, Median i~921. Place. for pre- years. Cases. Deaths.

Ohio: Cleveland...... 0 .2 Steubenvlle...... 0 ...... O . 1


Place. Cases. Place. Cases.

California: Ohio: Los Angeles ...... 1 Middletown......

Broolkline ...... Massachu*setts:Wakefiel ...... |!

SCARLT FVER. See p. 1248; also Telegraphic weekly reports from States, p. 1237, and Monthly summaries by States, p. 1241. SMALLPOX. The column headed "M3fedian for previous years" gives the median number of cases reported during the corresponding weeks of the years 1915 to 1920, inclusive. In instances in which data for the full six yeirs are incomplete, the median is that for the number of years for which information is available.

Week ended Week ended Median May 14,1921. me May 14,1921. Place. Pae forviouspre- Plc.viousfor_Pa. _years.p _C_ years. Cas.Dets years. Cases. fDeaths.

Albama: Califnia-Continued. Birmngh ...... 1 7 Sacramento...... 0 1 o...... 2 5 San Diego...... 0 1 ...... 1 I. San Francisco...... 1 15 Tuswloosa...Montgpmery r * @ @ 0 Colorado: California: .2 Denver...... 12 23 Bakersfield..... 0 .k. Puebl...... 0 Berkeley...... 0 I4. District of Columbia: Los Angeles.... . 1 7 WasMgton...... 1 2 Oakland...... 0 Florida: Riverside ...... 0 8 ...... 6 June 3, 1921. -1246

CY REPORTS FOR WEIN _*MAY 14, 12-Qontinued. SKALLPOX-Continued. MedianO> Weekended | Week ended edin May 14, 1921. Media May 14, 1921. Plam. forpre- Place.fop Years. Came. Ieths.tI years. Cases. jDeaths. II Georgia: Kontan a: Atlanta ...... 5 9 ....-... Great Fals...... 5 8 3hoo ...... 0 2 ...... Missoula...... 0 3 Idaho: Nebrask: Boise ...... 2 1 ...... Linoln...... 8 4 llinois: Omaha...... 12 12 Alton...... 1 1 ...... Nevada: Blooinington...... 0 5 *...... Reno...... 0 5 Centrali ...... l 0 1 ...... Now Jesey: 2 Chicano ...... 2 2 ...... Trenton...... East St - Louis...... 3. 7 ...... New York: Forest Park...... 1 ...... North Tonawanda...... 5 Freeport...... 3 ...... North Carolina: Peki;...... 1 ...... Charlotte...... 18 Peoda...... 4 2 ...... Durham...... 0 1 Rockford... 0 3 ...... Winston-Saemm..... 21 Rock Island. 4 2 ...... North Dakota: Springfield...... 0 2 ...... OKand Forks...... 1 Indiana: Ohio: 1 Bloomi o...... 0 1 ...... Ak=on. 9 Crawfordsvilie...... 0. 3 ...... Canton. 1 Elkhart...... 8 ...... cidnnat...... 1 2 Evansvill.. 4 ...... Cleyelind ...... 4 5 Fort Wayne...... 3 31 ...... Coluipbus...... 0 11 ar...... 2 3 ...... Cuyahoga Falls..... 3 Indianapolis..... 13 2 - l Dayton...... 1 KRokomo...... 0 2 ...... Ham ...... 2 La Fayette...... 1 1 ...... Ironton...... 1 South Bond. 0 5 ...... Lancaster...... 0 3 Terre Haute...... 1 2 ...... Marion...... 4 1 Iowa: Newark...... 0 32 Cedar Rapids...... 5 5 ...... Toledo...... 5 40 Davenport...... 7 4 ...... Oklhm: Des Moines...... 6 1 ...... Okfahoma City...... 13 2 Dubuque...... 2 1 ...... Tula ...... 3 4 Mason City...... 0 1 ...... Muscatine...... 0 1 Pw*v* Portland...... 15 Ottumwa...... 7 *@9s**o South Carolina: 2 Sioux City...... 10 *v@@@@e Charleston ...... 5 Kansas: Columbia...... 14 1 Fort Scott...... 12 o*66@e South Dakota: Hutchinson...... 0 10 v**o@o Sioux Falls...... 1 Kansas City...... 2 is vews*vo Tennessee: 0 Parsons...... 2 2 @** Chattanooga 12 3 Topeka...... 3 9 ***eesv Knox'ile ...... 7 Wichita...... 8 6 w@@@sv Nashville...... 1 2 Kentucky: Texas: 5 Covington...... 0 4 **o*v@ Dallas...... 14 5 Louisville...... 2 ttvXw@s El Paso...... 0 1 Louisiana: Fort Worth...... 12 5 Alexandria...... 1 @-s@vvv Galveston...... 1 New Orleans...... 3 8 2 Waco...... 2 13 Maine: .. Utah: 0 Lewiston...... 1 ...... Salt Lake City...... 12 Maryland: Virginia: Cumberland...... 0 2 ...... Norfolk...... 3 Michigan: Washing1ton: Battle Creek ...... 0 4 ...... Bel ..gha...... 6 Benton Harbor..... 0 7 ...... attle...... 0 14 Detroit...... 13 19 ...... §pokae...... 10 19 Flint...... 1 3 ...... TWacoma...... 14120 3 Hamtramek...... 1 ...... Vaneouver...... 3 Holland...... 1 ...... West Virginia: 01 Kalamzoo...... 0 1 ...... Morgatowrn...... 3 3 Pontiac...... 3 2 ...... Wisconsin: Sault Ste. Marie...... 0 2 ...... Eau Claire ...... 04 1 Minnesota: Green Bay...... 0 2 Austin...... L Crosse...... 0 2 Duluth...... 31 ...... Madison...... 7 Mankato...... 0 2 ...... arinette...... 5 Minneapos...... 2D 28 ...... Mi e...... 0 13 Rochester . 5 ...... Ra ne...... 2 St. Cloud...... 1 ...... Sheboygn.. 3 St. Paul...... 6 19 ...... Buperior.... 2 Missouri: KansasCity...... 11 ...... 8t. Joseph...... 12 1 ...... St. Lous...... 6 14 ...... II - . 127 June 3, 1*21. ,IT- 3WO¶s WFrIVI MAY 14, 1=1-XContinued. TWANU& ' hloo. Cas. Deths. Pla. Ce. Det.

californIa. 1 1Mffl~and.. loni ,...... ,..... I 1 Cumber ...... I ...... Conneeticut: M usetts: ar o d.d ... . Boston ...... 1 ploida: Ohio: M ia i...... I Columbus .1...... Kases.' Texas: Tok p .. a...... 1

TKUF CULOSM See p. 1248; also Telegraphic weekly reports from States, p. 1237. TYPHOID FEVER. Thecokn headed "Median for previo ars" v edian number of cases repoted dtin the coresIonding weeks of the ye3s 1915 to 10 incluse. In Instances i which data for the f six years are impbte, the median I that for the number of yr (or which information is available Week ended WeekendeI Me a 1Medn May 14,1921. Place f'or se Place. for pre-______year. '. Dyths. years. Cas De3ths. (leso~. ] 1eaths.~. vious IDesthi. II missourt lbam ...... 1 S ...... opn...... 0 2 ...... i 0 .11 ...... Kasa City...... 1 1 California. St. Louis...... 3 2 1 ramento...... 0 ...... New Jersey: ga Fracnnis ...... 2 1 ...... Elisb eth...... 0 1 1 Santa Cruz...... 0 1 1 Haokensack...... 0 Conneticut: Newark...... 1 ...... 1 Har d...... 5 ...... New York: New Haven...... 1 1 I Albany...... 1 ...... i District ofCodumbia: Bufalo...... 2 Washingn...... 2 1 ...... New York...... 17 ...... 1 2 Geordia: Rchester...... 0 1 1 2 ...... North Carelina: Savannsh...... 0 2 ...... Wilmington...... 0 ...... Ohio: I Datur...... 0 2 Canton ...... 0 'owa ...... Cincinnati...... Ottumwa...... Cleveland...... 2 2. Lorain...... 0 Kanas ACity...... 1. ..X.... Piqua...... 0 1 0 1 Toledo...... 1 1 Lawrence...... VI Pars ...... 0 1 ...... Zanesville ...... - 3 ...... 1 Loui ana: Oklahoma. 1 ...... New Orle ...... 2 ...... O homa City...... 0 1 Ourbald: 3 Pennsylvania: ldtimore...... 2 1 Cheambersburg...... 0 Cuberlan...... 0 2 Eric...... Wassachiset North Braddock..... 1 Bostn...... 4 2 Tennessee: 1 0 I ...... ~ Gre3add...... 1 ...... Nashville...... I ...... ouwel...... 0 1 Texas: 0 I .._..... 0 ...... Galveston...... Lyn...... 1 ...... Virginia: Newton...... ''''i1 I 0 ...... Danvi...... 20 0 ...... Petersburg...... 0 2 WestOdd...... Rchmond...... 4 West Virginia: 0 lmichigan: 0 1 DetroiL...... 0 2 ...... Mtiburg...... FlUt...... 0 1 ...... Wi Sheboygan...... 1 2 ...... 0 'Dh...... 0 5 ...... 0 D.....t.. 2 ...... ; I I - Jmeg 121 124 .CTy WTl 7.FO 'WEm-ZDD MAY. 14, -lm w-.Atnued. DPHTEI, E SCA FEVR, AND TUERCtUL(S

deaths ~ ~ - Scarlet Tuber- Po~ua Total Dihhra ese. fever. culosis. C190, sub- from h --1 - - - jeetto alln .2 coreulenc

Alabama: 178,270 6 Biami...... 1 ...... 2 6 Mobile ...... 60, 151 .2 ...... i. 1 ...... 16 ...... 3 Montomery ...... 43,464 17' 3 ...... 1 Tus aoosa ...... 11,996 2 Arizona: Tu ...... 20,292 13 I...-...I.I.I.- 4 Arkansas: .1. Fort smith...... 28,811 2 10 .. ~~~~~...... Hot Spr ...... 11 695 10 ...... "''i'..... Little ock...... 64,997 ...... North Little Rock...... 14,048 1 ...... 2 ...... 1: California: Alameda...... 28,806 6 ...... 1 1 Bakerseld...... 18,63 10 ...... 6 2 ,*..... Berkeley ...... 55,886 10 1 ...... 2 3 Eureka...... 12,923 4 ...... 2 5 i , Beach...... 55,593 22 ...... 13 1 1 Ls le...... 576,673 153 . 1 57 17 *1 22 O ...... 216,361 26 ...... 2 2 1 Pasadena...... 45,354 5 5 ...... 22 ...... Richmond...... 16 843 2 ...... Rivrside...... 19,341 9 {..... 40 Sacamento...... 23 ...... 2 ...... 1 ...... San Be ardino...... 18,721 3 ...... San Diego...... 74,683 26 ...#.. 2 San Francisco...... 508,410 112 ...... 9 18 1 10 Santa Barbara ...... 19,441 6 ...... Santa Cruz...... 10,917 5 ...... Stockton...... 40 29 8 ...... 2 Colorado: 3 Colorado Springs...... 30,105 15 1 ...... 2 16 3 Denver...... 256,369 64 27 2 26 9 Pueblo...... 42,908 14 . 3 11 ...... 1 Trinidad...... 10,906 ..... 1 . .. .4...... Connecticut: 1 Bridgeport...... 143,538 27 4 4 20 1 2 Bristol...... 20,620 3 18 ...... ';'''...... Derby...... 11'238 1 20 ...... i...... Fairfield (town)..".... 11,475 ...... l21" ....1...... Greenwich (town).. 22,123 .... 1 ...... Hartford. -..--.. -... 138,036 21 2 ...... Manche3ter (town)...... 18,370 2 ...... i Meriden (city) . 29,842 ...... I 1 . . 13 Milford (town)...... 10, 19 ....j...... New Britain...... 59,316 15 4 ...... New laven...... 162,519 31 15 ...... New London...... 25,688 7 14 4 ''i ...... Norwalk...... 27,700 ...... Norwich (city)...... 22,304 4 ...... Stonlngton (town)...... 10,236 4 I...... Waterbury. . 91, 410 12 Delaware: Wilmington ...... 110,168 23 I...... 15 ...... - 3 District of Columbia: 1 Washington...... 437,571 106 ....4 ...... 215 it 718 13 Florida: Miami...... 29,549 9 ...... 15 Georgia: Atlanta...... 200,616 57 ...... 2 6 4 Brunswick...... 14,413 0 ...... LAgrange...... 17,038 ...... 7 Maon...... 52,995 ...... Savannah...... 83,252 38 ...... 7 Valdosta...... 10,783 0 ...... Idaho: Boise...... 21,393 7 1 15 ...... I.. I...... IllUnois: I...... Alton...... 24,682 5 6 1 Aurora...... 36,397 7 ...... 18 ..3 b.... 1 Bloomington...... 28,725 7 .#...... Blue Island...... 11,424 4 ...... 4 2 ...i.. 12,491 ...... 1 Cbhigo...... Centralla ...... 2,701 706 50 339 117 .....i 1249 June 3,192L ITY.SWOT FOR WEE ENDED -MAY 14, 121-4mftinued. a" iuSSCA,8CA T 3V3, AND TUEEICULBIS-Continued.

i-ToW.1,d Diphtheria. Measles. Scarlet Tu7ber. ct 1920!i,sub from 1* Jeet to currectIonIcausez.jafll ., lI

I Cioro...... 44,9905 7 3 .12 Danfe...... 33,750 6 2 Datr...... 43,818 11 17 East St. Lou...... 66,740 22 ..5 1------...... 27,454 8 , 1 I 2 Evanston...... * 7,215 5 3 ,..1 .....11 I Forest Park...... 0,768 *2 F...... * 9669 Galesburg ...... 23,834 9 1 . 22 5 acksm fle...... 15,713 12 .... 3 3 Kewanee...... 16,09 1 3 7 c IO...... 13,050 1 1 -i.. Oak Park...... 39,830 7 . 90 1''' ek ...... 12,086 4 1 Peria...... 76, 121 5 14 Rokftd...... 65,661 4 10 '''ii' 1 Rok island...... 35 177 7 ...... , ppringfield ...... 59;183 16 Indiana: Bloomington...... 11,595 2 2 2...... Crawor v e...... 10,139 1...... East Chicago...... 35,967. 15 Elkhart...... 24.277 8 ''''i' ...... 39 ...... 11'' Elwood...... 10,790 4 ,...... sl...... 1 Evansvllo...... 35,264 14 ...... Fort Wayne...... 36,549 21 .-.-...... i13 ,...... 1. .1 Franklort...... 11,5 5 4 4 if G...... 55,378 26 ...... untington...... 14,000 2 1.< ...... 13 26 Indianapols...... 314,194 79 1 . .--2 1..-...1--.....22 K omo...... 30,067 3 4...... Il.-...i-...... Ia Fayette...... 22,486 5 2- 1... -... 2 wanpot...... 21,626 5 ...... Marion ...... : 23,747 9 ...... i...... Mishwaka...... 15,195 4 2 21 Muncie ...... 36,' 10 ...... Richmond ...... 26,765 8 ...... - South Bend...... 70'983 12 ...... Terre Haute 66083 18 .*..-- Iowa. 2 Burlington...... 24, 57 1 ...... 1 CesdarRapids...... 45,566 ...... 1 Davenport ...... 56,727 2 ...... Des Moines...... 126,468 3 ...... Dubuquie...... 3 1411 1 ""I, ...... Iowa City ...... 11,267 wasoCty 206,065 4...... xaOMluscatine..e...... 16,068 . ....,...... Sioux City...... 71,227 .... Kansas: 2...... Atchism...... 12,630 ...... Coffeyville...... 13,452 5.. Fort Scott ...... 10,093 ...... 1 Hutchinson...... 23,298 4. Kansas City...... 101.177 3 19. 3 ; 1 Lawrence...... 12 456 3i 3,1 5, ...... Leavenwortb...... 16 912 6. 2...... 7.1 Parsons...... 16 023 1''i .- 72 Saina...... 15,08 1 TODekca...... 5022 16 2. I...... I Wfichita...... 72,128 21 109 Kentuk: 3 1 1 3 1...... Covington...... 57,121 10 Leington...... 41,534 12 Lousie...... 234, t1 15 53. 19 1 11 21 1 Paduca...... 24,735 ...... Louisiana: 1. 2 Nlexandria...... 17,510 6. 3 ... 1 I1 13,08. 7. 19 f 21 I1 Newr Orlanar ...... 38,21,9 12D 31-.-...1 151 ...... Maine: Auburn..... M gm 10 Bu4a or ...... 25, 7. Jose8, 1921. 1250 Cm RIEPORTS FOR WIE ENDED MAY 14, 1M-GOisued. DIPHTEJA, ASLPRCL? V -AT"UCULed.AND

Diphthwia. Maslsb. cslat Tuber. City. 1s fron ve. s Jtto anl . eorscio. causes. a a a

Xalne-Continued. 14,73 0 ...... i...... Bath...... :6. ::. ' ...... Biddeford...... 18,008 6 1 i " "i i Lewiston...... 31,791 9 '''-i' .i ...... Portland...... 69,272 20 3 9 ...... Sanford...... 1%691 2 .'i Wateryile ...... 1.3,351 '..'i' ...... Maryland: Baltimore...... 738,828 198 20 11.2 II. .35 17 Cumberland...... 29,857 12 I ...... 1 2 Massahusetts: Adams...... 967 2 1 Ashesbury...... 3 ...... 'i1 Arli gon...... 5 4 .....1. Att}e r...... 19 731 6 ...... 1... 1 Belmont...... 10 749 1 ...... Beverly...... 22 561 4 ...... , . 20 Boston...... 748,060 185 ...... Braintre...... 1 2 Brockton...... 66,138 ...... 2 Brookline...... 37,748 1 Cambildge...... 19i 30 2 ...... 2 Chelsea...... 3'184 17 2 1... Chicopee...... 36,214 5 ...... Clinton...... 12979 4 ...... 11,108 ...... 1 Danvers...... 1 .... Dedham...... 10,792 ...... E mpton...... 11,281 1 1 Everett ...... 40 120 9 Fall River...... 120,485 46 20 2 Gardner...... 16 971 0 22 ...... Haverhill...... 63.584 9 1 .1 Holyoke...... 0,203 9 lAw nce...... 9,270 23 Leominster...... 19,744 6 ...... 6 ...... Low ...... 112,479 25 ...... 1 Lynn... 99,148 25 .... 14 Miedford...... 20 Melrose...... 1 2" 5 ...... 2 15,160 5 ...... Methuen...... New Bedford...... 121,217 22 ....i.. 3 ,1 Newburyport...... 15,618 3 ...... 1 Newton...... 48,064 13 57 1 ...... North Adams...... 22,282 4 ...... 2 2 Northampton...... 21,951 9 3.1 ...... Peabody...... 19,662 5 ?...... Pittsfield...... 41,761 8 ...... 3 Plymouth...... 13,046 7 2...... 6.. Quin ...... 47,876 10 ...... ae ...... 42,59 17 ...... I 4 gu ...... 10 874 0 3 ''''i' Somerville...... 08,091 20 5 2 8othbridge...... 14,245 2 1 12 4 2 gpring,eld...... 129,6563 28 ...... 1 .... Tannton...... 37,137 17 ...... 1 Wakefield ...... 13,025 3 ...... 1 2 Waltham...... 30,915 14 ...... Watertown ...... 21,457 3 2 West SpyringSfeld...... 13,443 ...... wasestld..;...... 26 ...... Winthrop...... 15455 3 ...... Woburn...... 16,574 4 Worcester...... 179,754 40 54 Michigan: Ann Arbor...... 19,516 3 ...... I Battle Creek...... 36,184 ,...... 2 Benton Harbor...... 12,233 ...... Detroit ...... 992,739. 210 8 34 1 84 Flnt ...... 91,.59 14 Grand Rapids...... 137,634 26 .... Hamtramck...... 48,615 8 ...... Hitghland Parkl... 0 5499 9 5 .... 3 10,500 3 ...... ''2 ...... 48,858 14 ...... 2...... 2 1251 Jun.e 3, 1921.


Michigaf-ContinUed. Marouette ...... 12,718 ...... 31 Pontiac...... 34,273 2 ...... 4...

...... Port Hujron 25,944 ...... I 4 ...... -.-.-1..-

...... Min)Jesota:Sault Ste. Marie . 12,096 6 ...... 4 Autin...... 10, Ii ...... Duluth . . 98,917 20 31...... 5 .." '. 51...... 5 2 . Hf bbing ...... 15,O89 11 ..... I 1 2...... 2 ...... Mankato...... 12,449...... 84 Minneapolis ...... 380, .52 16, 1 3110 ...... jii'1 21 10 RecUo4ter ...... 13,722 7 ...... St. Clouid ...... 15, 73 ..... I."....i...... S4t. Pail] ...... 234.59S 26 .... . Virginia . . . 14,022 1.2..... Winiona . . 19,143 Missoiuri: . . ~~~~~...... Girardeau 10, 52 4 ...... ('ape ...... 2... . Independenec . . 1I1,6tl ...... ~2...... Jefferson City ...... 14.490 .2 6...... ...... 29.5.5 Kansas City ...... ' 24. 410 . I. St. .... Josenh ...... 77,934 27 6 ...... 4 ...... St. Louis...... 772,897 3 ...... ,,1...... 4 ...... 3 ...... 9 9 Montana: ,,4 , ,;,,.... 47lfi;'1l7J...... '.'.. Billings...... 1.',100 Butte...... 41.611 Great Falls...... 24,121 MiRoula...... 2,1216S 13 .' 6.8 1. Nehrask: 12,649 55 12 j ------e...... j ...... ----- Lincoln...... ,4 11 2...... 4...... I ...... Omaa...... 191,601 Nevada: Reno...... 12,016 3 ..... Ne-w Hampshire: j...... 1

Berlin...... i,104 2 ...... Concord ...... 22,167 12 ...... '1''' !'' Dover...... 14'029 ...... Keene . .11,210...... " Manchstter...... 7x.3 ... 4 ...... Nashua...... 28 37i) Prt.smopth...... 13,569 41L3s Ncwv Joery: 2 1- 2 .~~~....; .I...... Asbury Park...... 12,400 11 1 1 Atlantic City...... 50,682 13 I...... 6I.4 . arvonne...... 7...... 76,754. 6. .... 1 7 ... i * 4 2 ...- 1 ...... -...... 1 !7 ...... ~~~~~~...... Belleville 15,66 ...... 61- ,.-...I.. 1 ...... Cliton 26,470 2 3,. .. .11 . i . . 2 Ebeth 9.5. .. 7 ...... 161 1 Englewood 11,627 - - 14'--- ..j.''' 98 20 1 28. .3 1 -'2; 3 (arfleld...... 1...... 19.381 4 ...... Hackensack...... 17,667 ....!...... 4 3 ...... Harrisoi ...... 1.5,721 Hoboken...... 68,166 lrviugton ...... 25 480 245F 1::3 ..... 4 ...... 30 ...... -' - - --- Jo y City ...... 297,864 I .5 4 ...... 1--7 ----1---- ...... ----'--- Kearny ...... 26,724 i...... -- ir ...... 28, 10 MOrristowln...... 12,548 ...... 9 10 ..... 1 ,.,.....,..,,, ...... New Brunswick ...... 32,779 I .. .. 6 . . 1 ...... 1, -3l1124$-1 Newark...... 414 216 5...... 2 ...... 2 ...... 32 ...... Orange ...... 33,268 . 3 Pawaic ...... 63, 824 4,f:::.: 1'''::::' 4 ...... Paton.... I,3 866 20 1 28 ...... 24 15o Perth Amboy ...... 41,707 21-- f 1- 16,9M i...... 54...... Phllipsburg...... 4 2 ...... 0 ...... 3 14!2-.. PlailuKeld ...... 27,700 3316 -3jl-...... 2 2 7 l way...... 11,042 1------. 1 ...... 4 ...... 6 .. ... Summit...... 8 10,174 34 I.. m Trenton...... 119,280 UnDi;o.. . 20,65 West Hoboken. . 40,068 33 4 1 3 1 ...... 14 ...1... 4 West ,New-Yorkc .. 29,926 Wes Orange...... 15,573 4885! °-2.1- -J June 3,1921. 1252 CM REPOWRT FOR WE ENDED MAY 14, 192-Continued. DIPHTHERIA, MEASLES, SCARLET FEVER, AND TUBRCULOS,-fCmtinued.

DiphgmliL Usles. Scarlet Tuber. POLMa- Total lfever. culosis. t'ionjan. 1,deaths - jetto al A

co. .c New York: Albany...... 113,344 .5 ...... 24 2 5 Auburn...... 3, 192 10 ,...... 2 1 1 15 Buffalo...... s 775 117 ...... 70 ...... 28 Cohoes...... 22,987 4 ...... 2...... ,Geneva...... 14,64 2 ...... Glens Fals...... 16, 3 ...... 2E ...... Ithaca...... 17,04 8 ...... 1 ...... Jamestown...... 3917 16 ...... 96 ...... Lackawanna...... 17,918 1 ...i...... 2 !oclkport...... 7 1 .'-''i' ...... 2 ...... Mi town ...... 18,420 ...... 1 I

Mount Vernon...... 42,728 ...... 1 8 ... .. 1 ...... Newburgh...... 30,36 8 ...... 1 New York...... 5,21, t51 1 256 422 19 303 ...... I111@.... Niagara Falls...... 50,760 13 2 ..... 2 9 ...... 10.. I 2 ...... North Tonawanda...... 15, 482 2 ...... 3 ...... Oloan...... 20,508 8 ..... 4181 ...... Peeksil...... 15, m 3 3 ...... i...... Port Chester...... 16,57.3 6 ..... 15 ...... Polighkepsie...... 55,000 10 ...... 1 ...... Rochester...... 295,70 68 2!5 5 15 ...... 4 .. Rome...... 2B,:341 ...... , 2 ...... 3 1 ...... 2 Sratoa Springs...... 13,l14l 2 ...... 6 1... Schenewy...... 8 ,723 18 4 1 6 ...... 8 ...... 171,717 43 121 2 41 ...... 19 ...... 72, 13 22 1 2 ...... 3 ......

WJerviat...... 16,071 3 1 ...... 5......

White Plains ...... : 21,031 9 ...... Yonkers...... 100,226 3 10 7 5 ., North Carolina: 15 *@Z@iw Charlotte...... 46, 338 ' 5 ***-s 2 Durham ...... 21, 719 18 *@6vs Greensboro...... 19, Wi1 oev* ...... Rocky Mount...... 12, 42 8 2 *-ovs ...... Salisbury ...... 13,884 3 I voZZJ Wilmington...... 33,t72 18 *@Xee 1 '''i Winstoni-Salem ...... 4R,95 13 v*@@ 4 4 I North Dakota: Grand Forks...... 14,00 2 v**** 5 ...... Ohio: Akron...... 2C8,435 30 5 Ws@@v 4 4 .... 9 ...... i Alliance ...... 21,t03 5 so@se ...... 1 ...... 1... Barterton...... 18,11 0 *voow ...... 1 ...... Bucyrus...... 10,425 2 13 ...... Canton...... 87,021 13 9 1 Chillicothe ...... 15,831 3 422 s@vvo 1 I. Cincinnati ...... -.-.-.-.- 401,247 3 14 1 10 14 Cleveland...... 796,836 2 ...... 56 51 ...... Columbus ...... 237,031 1 1 3 Cayekoga Falls...... 10,200 ...... Dayrton ...... 152,559 ..... 2 ...... I East Cleeland...... 27,292 ...... 17,021 ...... 2 ...... TIndlay 2 . 2 Fremont...... 12,4(8 ...... Hamilton...... 39,675 102 ...... 2.* ...... i Ironton...... 14,007 I2 ...... 2 Kenmore ...... - ...... 1... 12,C83 54 ...... Lancaster...... 14,706 ...... 2...... 159 2...... Lora...... 37,295 ...... 20 ...... Mafield...... 27,824 28 ...... Marion...... 27,891 ...... Middletown ...... 23,594 ...... 2 ...... Newark...... 26,718 . ;. . . NiWe...... 13,080 20 2 Norwood ...... 24,966 ... .. 5...... Piqua...... 15,044 ......

19,305 4 ...... 2...... Se...... Sandusky...... 2,897 7 ...... Steubenville...... 28,508 ...... 1 ...... Toledo...... 243,109 71 ......

You town ...... 132 358 ...... 2. Zanesville ...... 29,569 IPulmonary tuberculosis only. 1253 June 3, 19)21. CITY REPORTB FOR WEEK ENDED MAY 14, 1921-Continued. DIPHTHEIA, MEASLES, SCARLET FEER, AND TUBERCULOSIS-Continued.

Diphteria Meales. Scarlet Tuber. s - Tots 1 Diphtheria.8 Ieases. fever. culosis. PopuJa- tion Jan. I, death City. _ 1920, sub. from Jet to all corretion. cause a CD ca

- Oklahoma: OklahoMa City...... 91,258 21 Tusa...... 72,075 1~~~~~...4 .. 10.41...... -- - - ...... -1. Oregon: Portland...... 258,288 41 11 39 ...... 6 ...... 4 2 l'enn vUni.: AfJenton...... 73, 502 ...... 4...... 4...... Altoona...... 60,331 ...... 14 ...... Ambridge...... 12,730 ...... Beaver Falls ...... 12,802 ...... Bethlehem...... 50,358 ...... ~~~~~~...... 1 ''' ...... Braddock...... 20,879 ...... 1 . 6 3 ...... Bradford ...... 3 ...... 15,525. .. ..31...... 1...... 1 2...... 4i1 Butler...... 23,778 ...... 4..1 ...... 26 ...... I...... 2...... 2...... Canonsburg...... 10,632 ...... i...... Carbondale...... 18,640 ...... 2...2 ...... (Carnegie ...... 11,516 ...... Chester ...... 58,030 .... 6 (bolumbia...... 10,836 ...... 3----- 1... Connelleville ...... 13,804 ...... 6....6 . 1. Dickson City ...... 11,049 ...... Donora...... 14,131 ...... , ...... Ea&ton 33,813 .. ,j...... Erie ...... 93,372 ...... 2 213 2.: .. .. Farrell ...... 15,586 ...... 2 ...... 2 ...... Greensburg...... 15,033 ...... Harrisburg ...... 75,917 ...... a,~~~3 ...... ---- 1,,,,...... Ha!.elton ...... 32,277 ...... 22 ...... J 10...... Jeannette...... 10,627 ...... Johnstown ...... 67,327 ...... 3 3 ...... 53,150 ...... I.... 10 ...... Laneater...... McKeesport ...... 45,975 I...... ,...... McKee's Rocks...... 16,713 ...... 101 j'...... Mahonoy City...... 15,5 ...... 11w..... Monessen . 18,179 ...... Mount Canmel ...... 17,469 ...... Nanticolke ...... 22,614 ...... New ...... 1 1------Castle ...... 44938 ...... 1. 1::::::1...... ------::: Norristown...... 32,319 ...... 1.-ii::::12.1...... 1.i :::::::.1.I... North Braddock...... 14,928 ...... Oil City ...... 21,274 ...... Oly an ...... 10,236 ...... Phi 1, 9 137 7G|63 alelphia...... h 83,158 472 |79 i.55,...... | i4 rittstu ...... 588,193 ...... l 35 .:...... 86, ...... 39!-----. 14 ...... Pittston ...... 18,497 ...... ------Plymouth...... 16,500. ..3 --- i------Potttown...... 17,431 1...... Pottsville...... 21,876i .IiLl Ileading...... 107,784 ...... -1-.-. -.-12,...... ,, 2 .--- ...... ------1it 8Scanton 137 73 ...... 1------''''''i ----i- . 1 Sharon...... 21 747 ...... 12.. 7 Sunbury...... 15,721 ...... Swi3svale ...... :. 10,908 ...... 7 ... 77 .... 2 Tamaqua ...... 12,363 ...... Uniontouwn...... 15,692 ...... 3I 1...... 6 ...... Waren...... 14,256 ...... WilkeBarre...... 73,833 ...... 6 . 3 3 1 ..... 24,403 ...... Wilkinsburg...... I. William sport...... 36,198 ...... 4 ...... 1.. .1 Woodlawn...... 12,495 ...... ~~~~~~~...... 1 .... . l1... 47,512 ...... RhodeYork...... Island: Cranston ...... 23,407 4 East Providence 21,793 ...... (town)..... - I ...... -..ll Newport ...... 30,25532 ..4 I 1 46, 1 ..... Pawtucket...... 64,248 16 Providence...... 237,.59 49 South Carolina: Charleston ...... 67,957 22 1 ...... 2 11 Columbia...... 37,524 ...... South Dalkota: Sioux Falls...... 25,176 1 21...... ! 4 ...... June 3, 192. 1254 CITY REPOIRTS FOR D MAY 14,- 1S21-COtiuued. - DIPHTIEULA MBLE, SCARLCT FEVER. AND TUDBEIULOSIS-COntlnued.

Tuber. dDiphtheMia.3feasles. Scarlet lioi1j1:l~a-.1Jan. I, deathsTotal Dhtei,fever. culosis. City. _ 3 1920, sub- fromall ject to . .:. causes. I co correction,- I Tennesee: Chattanooga...... 57,895 ...... 1 1 Knoxville ...... 77,818 ...... i 4 ...... Nashville. 118,342 40 28 9... 2 1 Texas: "5 Beaumont...... 40,422 I ...... Dallas...... 158,976 29 .....81 .... 4 ...... 13 El Paso...... --.-- 77,543 59 1 6 .... 3 ...... 13 Fort Worth...... 106,482 22 4 5 .... 2 1-- -- ...... i Galveston...... 44,255 14 Waco...... 38,500 4 ...... Utah: St Lake City...... 118, 110 41 6 2. 5 2 Vermont: I...... Barre...... 10,008 2 .i Burlington...... 22,779 . 1...... I------...... OM ...... Rutland...... 14, ......

AnL ndria...... 18 4 . . i ....i. Danville...... 21,539 8 !..., . 1 Norfolk...... 115,777 8 Petersburg...... 31,002 l----i 373 ... 3 ...... Portsmouth...... 54,38 9 2 Richmond...... 171,437 48 1'''''4, 34 ... 15 Roanoke...... 50,842 6 22 ... 1...... Washington: B gham...... 25,570 2 Eerett ...... 27,644 ......

...... 7 Beattle...... 315,052 1 3.. Spokae ...... 104,437 ...... 10. Tacoma...... 9t, 965 ...... 2. 1 L Yakima...... 18,539 ...... 3 . West Virgina: ...... Bluefed...... 15,282 ...... 2 4. Charlton ...... 39,008 14 21 4...... Fairmont...... 17,851 ...... Huntington...... 50,177 14 3. 1...... Morgantown...... 12 127 3 1.12.

Moudsville ...... 10,(0W 2 Parkersburg...... 20,0a0 6 Wheeling...... 54,322 14 3 1 3 ... 2 Wiscon.sln: ......

561 ...... Appleton...... 19 ...... M...... 1 -.. Beloit...... 21,284 3 ...... 1-- -. Eau Claire...... 20,889 ...... 1 - -. Fond du Lac...... 23,427 6 I8! 2 ...... 1----. Green Bay...... 31,017 8 4 ...... Janesville ...... 18,293 4 ...... 40,472 5 3 .. ... Kenosha...... 8. La Cro ...... 30,3G3 ...... M.adison...... 38,378 I...... Mrnette..... --- 13,610 6.1I:::::: 2 ilw u ee...... 457 147 12 34. 25 ...... Oshkosh...... 33 162 ...... , . ....i ...... ane...... 58,593 ...... 22 ..... Superior...... 39,624 ...... 5 Wauau...... 18,661 ...... I 11 ...... Wyomln Cheyenne...... 13,829 3 ...... I 1255 June 3, 1921. STATE REORs FoRt JANUARY., FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921. ~~~ANTHRAX.

------New cases reported. N4ewea-es reported. Place. Place. Jlan.J Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1..1.. Delaware: Maryland...... New Castle County- Massachusetts...... Wibmington...... 1 Ssmsex County- New York: 1I. Lewe ...... Lewis County-

21 New Bremen ...... Total ...... 1 Rockland County- Spring Valley...... Illinlois: New York City...... Boonie Counity- lj 1 BelvideroC Towniship.. Total.I...... Cook County- .i... Chicago...... 31.... Ohio: 1 II...... Licking Countyn- Total...... Hebron...... PennsvIvania...... Maine: Aro3stook Couinty- Ilganid Falls...... Ii


Alabama: Delaware:

hlale Counity ...... Sussex Countyt ...... 1.... lellerson County.2...... 2 2 Monteonmerv County ...... District of Columbia -2...1...1 Randolph County...... ----1 Florida: Total ...... 12~ 2 5 Brevard Couinty 1...... Dade Counity...... 1.... Arizana: Duival Counity ...... Ytima County ...... _1 Polk Counity...... 1 ...... Walton County...... 1.I...... Arkaumsas: Logan Counity.1...... Total...... 2' 2 2 Secvier Counity ...... I.... Sharp County..1...... Hawaii:2 Oahu ...... 1 1()

Total ...... _ Idaho: Bear Lake County ..... 1I......

Alameda Couinty...... Kern County ...... Illinois: Los Angeles COUnty.....3 3 9 Coles County ...... 1...... Oranige Counity...... 1.... Cook ('ounty- ide Chicago ...... 9 8 12 Rivcrs County ...... I Scattering...... 3 1 Saaramento County...... 1.... Crawford County...... 3.... S9an Diego Counity ...... 1.... De Witt County...... 2.... San Francisco Counity .... 8 5 5 Hamilton ..... San Joaquin County ...... County ... 1.... 1 Heniry County.....1I.... Santa Barbara County ..... rouoi County...... I i...... Tulare County ...... Jasper County...... I... 1.... Jersey County...... I.... Total...... 12 lii 19 KaneCounty ...... ' ClrdeneoCuty1 Lake,Couinty 1.....1.. ClrDo:vrCu ty...... La Salle County .1...... I FPI Pawo County .1...... MacouI?in County. 1...... 1 Weld County 1...... Moultrne Couity ...... 2...... Per onty ...... Total...... 2 1 PutnamCount...... I 1 2 Richland Cut...... I...

St. Clair County ...... 1I 1 Connec-ticut: Stephenso Cony.....1I......

Fairfield County...... 1 ... 1 Warren County .1...... Hartford County ...... 2 3 Wavne County.1...... New HavenCounty.....5 4 1 Will County...... 1I.... New London County ...... 1I Woodford County ...... Windham County ...... 2.... State instituitions .1...... Total ...... 6 81 6 Total...... 201I 26 2-3

IReport for March not received. Jue , 1921. i256


New cases reported. Newcases reported

__ _. Pe__. , Jan . Feb . MIar. .Jan. Feb . MWar. b~~~~~~- - _-_- Indana: Massachusetts-Continued. Blwkford County...... 1...... 1 Hampden County...... 1 1 County...... 1 Mi County...... 3 4 2 1 Norfolk 1 Dd1b Cotinty...... County...... 2 Dubois County...... Plymouth County...... 1 1 Henry County...... *1 1 Suffolk County...... 4 Howar County...... 2 Worceter County...... Kowiusko County...... Lake County...... - I ...... Total . 21 13 14 ...... Lawrence County...... 1 ..... i Marior County...... 8 ...... Minnesota: Clearwater County...... , 1 .... Total ..8 4 7 Fawibault County...... I...... Hennepin County...... 1*.... Iowa: Lyon County...... 1 ..... 2 Cass County...... 1-- 1 Pok County...... Des Moines County...... 1 Stearns County...... Henry County...... 1 Monona Cotnty..- 1 Total...... 1.... Poweshiek County...... 1- -...... 1..... Scott County...... 2 1...... Mississippi: .i Tama County...... 3 i. ..i ...... Alcorn County... 2 Wright County...... 1 ...... Jones County. 1 ..... Quitman County. Total ...... 7 4 Sunflowor County. 313 --l Xansas: .i Total...... Brown County...... 1 Butler County...... Montana: Lnn County...... '''''i' Fergu. County...... Montgomery County ...... i a'.aStin County...... Ottawa County ...... Yeowstone County...... 1 ......

Reno County...... 1 Sedgwick County...... 1 ...... 2 Total...... I 1 Shawnee County ...... 1 2... Wilson County...... Neb-aska: Wyandotte Counity..-.-- Douglas County...... Gage County...... I 2 1 172 7 Total...... 5 7 Lancastor County... 71 Pawnec County ...... Loulsians: 1sward County.-.--...... I Alien Parish ...... Sioux County...... Ascension 2 Parish ...... I1 I''i 1 1v* Avoyeles Parish...... 1.. i1 Total...... 4 Caddo Parish ...... 1..... 21 11

Calcasieu Parish ...... New Jersey: Catahoula Parish...... 1.... Atlantic County...... 14...11 ...... Claiborne Parish ...... Cumberland County...... De Soto Parish ...... 1-- 1 Essex County...... 7 East Feliciana Parish ...... Hudson County...... Lafayette Parish...-.- 1.t Meorer County. '62 Orleans Pariah ...... 2] Monmouth County...... 1 Points Morris County. 1 Coupee Parish ...... I... 2 Red River Parish...... PasaicCounty ..l ......

St. James Parish ...... Salem County...... St. Landry Parish..... Union County ...... Washington Parish...::::: West Parish 111 Total Feliciana ...... 7 1 !I1. Total ...... New Mexico: I 11 Colfax County ...... 1 ...i Maine: Santa Fe Conuty ...... 1-....-.. Androscoggin County ...... 2. Tota 1 Cuinbrland County ....-l ,...... 1 11 Total...... New York: 1f 3 Albany County ...... Marvland: Cheung County ...... i I1."i baltimore City ...... IClinton Couty1...... Place not stated ...... Dutchess County ...... vs1...... 2 Erie County. 20 4 7 Total...... | Franklin Conty.. 1 ....-...... (Oenesee County. 1 1 ...... Massachusetts: Herkimer County. - 1...... Jeffeon ...... Barnstable County...... 11-..-. County I1... Berkshire Monroe 1...... Couinty ...... i....1... County Bristol ...... County ...... 4 -.....i3 Montgomer'y County '...I... } 1 Essex County ...... 612-1 1 Onondaga County 11 I1 1257 June 3, 1921.



Ne, e report(.d Newcasesreported. Place. Place.

Jai 1. Feb. Mai Jan. Feb. Mar.

New York--Coutitnued. Orange County...... 1 ColumbiaCounty ...... 2 IIeseelae Coiunty ..... Saratogs County...... 1 CErbelnCounty...... 1.... Scheneetad,y Couanty. Faerie County .1..... 1...... Schobarie County...... najwuConty...... 1...... We3tehester County...... 2 Jefferson County...... 1.... New York City...... 2 J*ackawanna County...... Lancaster County...... 1I...... 1.... Total...... x 424 53 Lebanion Cotuity...... 1.... Lehigh County ...... 1.... North Carolina: Luzerne County...... 1 1 Buncombe County..... 1 McKean County ...... I.... Carteret County...... 1 Mercer 1.. County .1 2 bradCounty Mont ornery Coun-t-y . 1 ...... Phig5eIphia County.....4 2.j 1.. Schuylkill County...... 1.... Sm~hnaCounty .1...... Gaston County...... 1...... W-hngton County..... 1 I...... Graham Wcstmoreland County 1 County ...... Granvile Countiy...... Hertford County...... I Total...... 141 21 13 Johnston County...... 2 Lenioir County...... Rhode Rtocklngham Couinty .... I TIland: - Swain County .1...... Providencee Cunty..... 1. 1.... Wake Counity...... Yadkin Counity ...... Total...... 1 1 77

Total ...... 10 3 South Carolsina: Darlington County.....1 North Dakota: Greenville County.1...... Pembina County...... 2 Total.1...... 1... Ohio: Be!-mo-it Cointy...... 2 South Dakota: Carroll County...... (I Bea-lie County...... 1... Clinton Coint ..y .... I1 Brown County ...... aCounity ...... Clark Counity...... 1.... Geauga...County .i2 Hani;on County .1...... 1ton Countyy...... Marshlall Counity...... I...... Hen ry County...... 1 14iiier Counity...... Highland Co-unty.._ Yankton Co~unty ...... j..... Hocking County ...... Jeffersoni County..... 1 Total ...... 4 Licking County ...... Lorain County.------2 Mahoning Counity...... 2 Medina County. ._I 1 IIIIIIII Alleghaiiy County.-.....1.. ... Meigs County...... i Mont, omery County...... Di',:ceiion County...... 1.1.. Muskingumn County..... Fauiuier County.1..I...... Pauldinig County...... GilesCoiuity...... 1.II...... i. Halifax Counity.1 ...... PrryhanCountty. Hanover County. 1...... Ro3s County...... Henirico County...... 1 1 Shelby Couiity ...... 1 L,ec County ...... 1 2 1 Stark County .... Lunienburg County... 1...... Summit Counfty.. 2 Nani;emond I Trumbull County...... County..... Nelsoni Counity 2 ...... Norfolk County ...... 3 ...... Total...... 22 11 Orange County ...... 1. Pittsylvania County...1...... Oklahoma ...... 1;1 1 Rownoke Counity 1...... Ro-,kingham County...... 1 . .... Ore¶Con:_ _ 1 York Couinty ..1...... I...... l'cnnisylvania: Total...... 121 8 7 AlleghenyCounty...... 2 3 3 Barke County .1...... 1 KadingtCounty Bradford County..- 1 Washington: ... .i L...... 2 Bucks ...... 1 County Spo~aneGounty ...... Butler Cqunty...... 1 Walla Wala Count...... Cambria Counity...... 2 Carbon County...... 1 Total.1~~~~~~~41.... Clarioni County...... 1 'Report for March not received. June 3, 192. 1258



New cases reported. Neweasesreported. Place. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb.IMar. ll- West Virginia: Wisconsin-Continued. Cabela County...... 1 ...... IBayfld County. I ...... Doddridge County...... 1 ''''i' ICrawfod County...... Fayetto unoty...... 1 ''''i' Eau Claire Cuy...... Gim nty...... I rnt County.. ''''i' ...... Milwaukee County. 4 1... Hiarrion County...... 2 ...... Lincoln County...... 1 ...... Rock County. I 3... Marion County...... Shawano County. ''''i' ...... Vernon County...... Cou nty ...... Monongia County...... 2 Walworth County...... Tucker County...... 2 Waukesa County. ''''i' ...10 Upar County...... Wauhar County...... TotaL...... 5 8 5 Totalo. 9 10 4 Wisconsin: Wyoming: Barron County...... 1 I Sheridan County...... I......


if t I Alabama...... , 7 17 California-C3atinued. Arizona . .... Frosno County- Fresno...... 1 61 Arkansl: ...... Scattering...... 63 23 kansasCounty . I1 Glenn County...... 1 AsheyCounty...... 16 Humboldt County...... Benton County...... 1 1 Kern County...... 7 Brad}ley County . .. 10 5 King County Calh County...... 2 Lomoore ...... 27 5 Scattering...... 2 Craighd Cty...... 2 Lake County...... ,...... 3 DrewCounty. 20 Los Angeles County- FaulknerCounty...... 5 21 Alhambra...... 11 FranklinCty...... 1 Los Angeles...... 29 Garland Count...... 6 5 Scattering...... 11 ...... 11 17 GreeneCounty...... 4 8 Main County...... - 4 2 Hempstead County.... 3 1 Merced County...... 9 Hot SpringCounty...... 31 Modoc County.-...... zard County...... 3 Monterey County- JsonCounty...... 2 Salinas...... 3 67 JeffersonCounty...... 1 mattering...... 2 46 LawrenceCounty ...... 1 Nevada County...... LeeCounty...... 20 Orange County...... ii. Lon County...... 2 6 Placer County...... 3 MonroeCounty...... 15 9 Pluims County...... 9 ...... Perry County...... 6 4 Riverside County ...... 4 13 PikeCounty...... 4 Searamento County- PoneCounty ...... Sqramuento.------.... 2 16 25 6 13 kr iCounty...... Scattering...... 21 ...... 6 .... 2 St. FrancisCounty...... San BernardinoCounty...... i.. SalineCounty ..... 12 8 San Diego County...... 16 ScottCounty...... 44 11 San Franciwo County...... 24 70 99 Sebastian County...... 21 36 san Jaq County...... 2. 4 15 SevierCounty...... i.. San Luis Obs County... 1 Mateo County. 7 Sarp County...... 35 San ...... Van Buren County...... 6 Santa Barbaa County..... 4 Washing onCounty. . ...-.. Santa Clara C ty- ...... White County...... 5 4 Ga..y...... 143 11 Wood-County---.- 11 6 Mountain View...... 15 San Jose...... 42 Total ...... 234 341 Sattering...... 2 2 27 Santa Cruz County...... ----8 9 California:. Shasta County...... 123 13 County- SLdkyou County...... 4 AlamedaBerkeley ...... 4 2 38 Solano County ...... 1 Od...... 1 2 22 Sonomna County- Scattering...... 6 4 4 Healdsburg...... 32 AmadorCounty...... 2 5 9 Petaluma...... 19 Butte County...... 2 4 10 Scattering...... 3 09 VahmmIVU (Aihintiw 2 25 Stnilas outy- 14 ColusaC * .C...... 13 8 Turloc ...... I 2 Controao.Ma.hnotrunty 14 22 21 Scatteig.....---. 3 7 1Report for March not received. 125 7une 3, 1921.

''AT VNJANAY, EDRUARY , &D MARCH, 1921fo'nt INFLUENZA-Continued.

New cases reportexd. Newcasesrej orted. Plac. Jan. Feb. Mar Jan. Feb. Mar. ,- Califoomui-Continued. Iinois-Continued. Tehama County...... 2 12 De Witt County ...... 1 ...... Trinity County...... 16 Du Page County...... 1 .... Tulare County- Ed. ar Count...... 19 20 ii D&nuba...... 11 E11nnham County...... 5 ...... hScting ...... 7 6 Frankln Cotty ...... 7...... Yodo Coonty- Fulton Coumty ...... 13 9 19 2 Davis...... 20 Gatin County ...... 1 ...... Scattering...... 2 Greene County. i ...... Grundy County. - 1 2 ...... Total...... 152 Haneock County. 2 Henry County ...... 4 Colorado...... 7 12 Iroquois County 4.... 3 Connecticut...... 55 44 38 Jackson County- Delaware...... 39 27 19 Ava ...... 20 10 District ofColumbia ...... 11 5 18 Scattering 2 1 ...... Jefferson County . 10. Florida: Jersey Conty.. 2...... Bay County...... Johnson County ...... '.. 18 41 Citrus County...... I ...... KanaCeCounty...... 1 De Soto County...... ankakne County ..... ! . Duval County ...... 3 is Knox County- Gadsden County ... 2 .... 9 Oneida .... 18 22 Hhisaborough County...... Macuoni Township . . 7 4 .4 ManateeCouty...... i...... La Salle County2...... 2 Pinellas County ...... LaurenceCounty . 18 . Polk County .... 2 ...... LeeCounty ...... 1 .... St. Johns County ..... 3 Logan County- Seminole 2 County...... I...... 1,.....I ...... IE:k chrt. .... 21 .I...... Suwanee ...... County ...... Broadw-eli Township. 4 ...... Volusia County ...... 17 ...... McDonouph County...... 8 MeHeinry Contnt- Total...... 23 1. in4 Crvstal Lake.5 50 30 Union ...... 1..I ...... Hawaii: McLean Cotunty .... 6 2 Hawaii- Macon County ...... North Kohala...... 27 Macoupin County ...... 5...... I South Kohala...... 87. Mabison County. 2. Sattering...... 16 1.... Marion Countv.2 12...... Kauai- Marshall Couity-

Lihue.... .J1 18 ..-- Steuben Township...... Scattering.....-.-.. 12 12 ...... STarland ...... 3...... 1)0 Maui- MasonCotunt ...... 5 Hana .-. I 15 ...... Menard Cournty- Makwao ...... 22 ! 19 ...... GCeensiew...... 2r0

Molokai.. 77 12 Mercer County ...... 2 4 ...... 8 Punnene ...... and Kihes...... 2 Morean County...... 2...... 2 ...... 4 Walluk...... 71 50,...... PeoriaCounty...... 4 Oahu- rerrv County ...... l 4 Ewa ...... 17 2..... PikcCounty...... 1. Honolulu ...... l 91 20 Po-eCounty...... 1. Scattering ...... 7 !------Pula3ki Cotintv ...... 3 5 Rock Island Couinty...... 6 1 Total .-.... -... 482 1401 (1) St. Clair County ...... 1 3 2 Saline County ...... 5 10 T9Eh2e- 1. Sangamon County- ......

Bannock County...... I oilis ...... 20. Boise County...... Springfield ...... 1 ...... Owyhee County...... Stark Cointy- Lafayette ...... 17 3 6 Total...... Stephenson County ...... 10. Tazewell County-

Ilinois: East Peoria ...... 30 36. .... Adams County.... Vermilion County ...... 3 8R

Alexander County..... Washington County...... 4.

Bureau County...... 5 __16 2 Whiteside County.1. .. Carroll County...... Will County- Cass County...... Braidwoed...... 2 12 2 Champaign County. 3 2 Scattering...... -...... Clinton County...... 8 2.... Williamson County .. 4......

ColeS County...... 4 1.... Wmnebago County. 2. .. Cook County- 94 58 Woodford Counity ...... 3 2 Chiao...... :.75 State institutionis ...... 13 Oak Park...... 1 2..... Cumborland 4 County...... Total ...... 418 245 De Kalb County...... 6...... l I Report for March not receivod. - June 3, 1921. i2W STATE REPOET FOR JAUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH,1-Coitd. WNLURNZA-Coatinued

Newcasesreported. Place. Place. _ Jan. Feb. Mar.

Indiana: Mlarland-Cntilnued. Crawford County...... 2 4 9 12 Daviess County ...... 4 Woreater County- Decattir County...... 2 snowH...... i. 11 DekalbCotuty...... 3 Sattering...... 33 Delaware County...... 1 Elkhart County...... 1 Total...... 368. 795 1,120 Gibson Conunty...... Grant County...... Masahusetts...... 168 134 Harrison County...... 3 0 Hendricks County...... 6 * 12 .3 Minnesota: .. Henry County...... 2 Altkin County...... I...... Jennings County...... 3 Blue Earth County...... I ;..... Kosciusko County...... Crow Wing County...... l,ake County...... DodgeCounty...... l 3 1 Laporte County...... , County ...... l I.. Marion County...... Kittson 1 Marthi County...... 40 * 2 Olmsted County...... 1- Ptulaski Coanty...... Rock County...... Putnam County...... SibleyCounty...... l.1 SpencerCoanty...... St. Iouis County ...... 12 Steuben County...... 3 Sullivan County...... Total ...... 16 Switzerland County...... 75 ...Mississippi ...... 9 998 1,041 Total...... 79 Montana ...... 10 j3 Nebraska ...... 19 4 lo a...... 2 1 Kansas...... 70 New Jersey: 23 Louisiana...... 71 Atlantic County...... 1 Bergen County ...... l 5 1.5 15 Maine: 12 Burlington Co;nty..... - l .2 Androscoggin County...... 42 1 Camden County...... 21 5 Aroostook County...... Cape May County...... Cumberland County- ...... i CumbelandCounty...1. 4 Portland...... 233 13 Essex Cotnty ...... 57. 61 Scattering... Gloucester County...... 10 Lincoln County...... i Hudson County --. . 3 6 .57 Oxford Couinty...... Mercer County ...... 22 24 10 Pcnobscot Couinty...... 7 .1 MiddlCeex County ...... 2 Sazadahoc County...... 1 3. Monmoith County...... 3 Waldo County...... Morris County...... 1 YorkCounty...... 8 10 OcCaniCountv...... PaqsaleCoUiuty.....:..-I 131 Total...... 46 2 Salem Catuxty...... -- 10 Somerset County..... Maryland: Sussex County...... 5 Allegany County .. 12 Union County 9...... ; 7 3 Anine Arundel County- Annapols...... 4 7 Total ....-127 247 230 Scattering ...... 11 36 Baltimore City ...... 175 432 29 New Mexico: Baltimore County ...... 6 43 Colfax County...... i 2 1 2 . ('alvert County ...... 4 4 13 Dona Ana County.- ...... l31 Caroline County . . 4 14 Grant County...... l.l 21 Carroll County ...... 24 25 38 Luna County.-.. 1I I.4 Cecil . 4 County ...... 34 27 MlKinley County...... 1. Charles County ...... 15 16 29 Mora County...... 1-.I Dorchester County- San Miguel County...... Cambridge .. 6 5 29 Santa Fe County....2...... 2 . Scattering ...... 16 20 V.alencla County...... Frederick County . . 4 8 11 4 GarrettCounty...... 1 Total..-..-..... 6 9 Harford County .. 7 48 Howard County .. 1 24 New York: Kent County...... 2 101 Albany County- Montgomery Counity .. 21 .32 Albany...... 30 19 Prinice George3 County ... 16 52 58 Coe...... 2 13 Queen Anne County. . Scattering...... i St. Marys County ...... Allegany County...... 4 Somerset County . . 2 13 Broo-ne County- 14, lalbot County . . 2 4 8 Binghamton ...... 15 12 6 Washington County- Scattering ...... 2 Hagerstown ...... 16 2 2! Cattaraugus County. 2 Scattering...... l 14 6 Cayuga County ...... 126f June 3, 1921. RAUT RER 0 JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND) MARCH, 1921-Contd. INFLUENZA-Continued;

New IIases reportei Ncwcascsreported. Pme. Place. Jan. Feb. Mar Jan. Feb. Mar. .~ New York-Continued. Ohio-Continued. Chautauqua Coumty.... 17 B Butercounty ...... 3....3 ...... Chemung County I Carrol County ...... 1 6 3 Cheng CoCtpty- Clak County ...... 3 Gfr...... 41 Cl.ton Couinty...... 1 ttering ...... Crawfod County...... I Cliton County ...... I FaCuyetCounty ...... 21 Columbia County- ...... Anra...... 12 . Fsyette C a u n t y ...... I...... Scattering 1...... Frankln Couty...... 8 1.I... Cortmud County- . Pu171 C Fuslom~ County...... ~ ~~y .....I...11. 4 Cincinnatus ...... 16 GalHa 212 . County ...... Scatterng ...... 5 Geanga County..... 2...2...... Delaware County- Guernsey County ...... Hamden ...... 27 Hamiton County ...... 7 7 4 Scattering ...... 3 He County 1...... DutchessCounty ..2..... H; Caunty'...... 22 4 3 Erie 12 Hockg County ...... County...... rieeson ..... Essex County ...... -... 4 4 County...... 2...... 2 Franklin Knox County ..1..... County...... Fulton County. Lake County ...... 1 1. Genesee Count.. Greene County ...... 3 W..i.n.County.Y. 2..... Herkimer ...... 3 2 4 Lucas ount . County 11 y. 2 ...... Jefterson County ...... 1 Mahonin County ...... 1 3 4 Lewi County...... Meia ounty.1 7. Monroe County ...... 3 MeigCountyr2..2...... 2 19 - ...... Montgomery County ...... MiamiCountyaomse-Ctnly ...... Nassau County ...... Monroe Conty - 1I 4 1 Niagara County ...... Montgomery ...... O aida County- 2 Nobl County...... 8 Lee...... 12 OttawaCounty ...... 1I Scattering ...... 2 Pickaway County . 66...... Onondaga County...... Portage C~onnty ...... 1:. 1 Ontario County ...... 1 Richland County 2 2. 6 4 ...... Orange County...... Ross County ...... 3 Oswego County I S mndy.kyCounty 2 1. SCioto County ...... 1 Hartwick ...... 27 2 Stark County ...... 16 2 4

Sattering ..... l 6 3 Summit Coty ...... 2 9 15

Putnam Caounty ...... 2 2 Trumbull Cnty...... 3...... Rensselaer Vinton Coty ...... County- 2 2...... Ptttstown ...... 2 19 Wayne County...... 4...... 4 Scattering...... 3 4 Wood 1. -12 County...... 4 Rockland County ...... 21 St. Lawrence County...... 3 '''- 'IS Total ...... 133 68 Saratoga County-

Saratoga Spri ...... 17 10 Oklahoma..... 33 5 2 S tt 2 [1 4'28 Oregon ..x_::9 chenoctadycountY: ---1 1 1 .9eneca Cduhty ...... 632 Rhode Island: Steuben County ...... 9 Kent Count ...... SufFol County-I ...... 21 3 Washingto County...... 4.....4 ...... --...... 13 8 County ...... 1 Total ...... 9 |8 1 Tompkins County...... 2 Ulster County ...... 7 South Dakota: Wasigtn County.. I- .. 2 Clark County ...... 1 I.,, Wayne County. 1 Edmunds County...... 1 . Westchester County- GrantCounty...... 1 Mount Vernon...... 6 Mfinnehaha Caunty...... Scatteringg ...... 13 28 Moody County -- 4 New York City ...... 396 414 Total . 1 Total. ... 779 616 Vermont ...... 14 3

North Dakota ...... Virginia,: 0 1x Accoma County ...... 57 62 45 Allen County ...... Albemarle County 17 80 113 Ashland 1 County...... 2 Alexandria County 3 12 2 Ashtabula County ...... 6 I . Alleghany Countyt. 21 32 65 Belmont County...... 3 Amelia County.. 16 123 15 Brown County ...... 6 Amherst County ...... I....1 ...... IReport for March not reeived. June 3, 1921. 1262


New cases reported Newcasesreported. Place. Jan. Feb. |Mar.j Jan. Feb. Mar. t irginia-Continued. Virgdnia-ContInued. Appemattox County...... 5. 15 Soptt County ...... 9 6...... A siaCounty...... 115 106 6 Shenandoah County..7..... 83 66 Baf County...... 1 6 5 Smyth County .. 5 18 19 Bedford County...... 11 42 36 Southampto County.. 27 28- 40 Bland County...... 3 6 8pottsylvanla County.. ,,l ...... 50 Botetowrt County...... 7 19 StaffrdCoun. .l 6. Brunswic Couny...... 9 20 16 Surry County ...... 2 2 ,, Buchanan County...... 2 Sussex County...... 2 12 24 Bucngham County...... 4 Taewwell County...... 56 14 4 Campbell County...... 18. 8 *87 Warren County...... 48 5 159 Caroline Counlty...... 20 1 17 Washington County ...... 55 17 9 Chestefifeld County...... 1..-.. 25 Westmoreland County ...... 12 18 28 Clarke County...... 3131 Wise County. 58 48 34 Culpeper County...... 87 62" '3548 Wythe County. 28 13 York County . . 3...... Cumberland County.... 2 5 6 ......

Dickenson County.... 2 1 Dinwiddle County... . 13 32 Toaal .1,849 '2,488 2,352 Elizabeth City County..... 221 2 Fairhax County...... 16 2 12 Wa-hington...... Fauquier County...... 50 45 107 We3tVirginia.111. 16284 Floyd County...... 20 Fluvanna County...... 15 1 Wis:onsin : F i Count...... 2 Adams Couinty. 1 Frederick County...... 9 28 25 Ash andCounty ...... Giles County 31 29 BarronConnty ...... 2...... 2... Gloucester County...... 4 BayAc1d County...... Goochland County...... 22 10 IVI10-- Brown County ...... ' Grayson County...... 7 Buffa oCountyo.. Greene County...... 1 14 30 Chippewa County...... : 20 5 Greensvile County...... 3 .I. 97 ClarkCountyn...... 26. Hajifax County...... 26 67 Co umbiaCounty 1 ...... Hanover County...... 40 263 Crawford County.3 17 18 Henico County...... 31 53 126 DaneCounty. I.-. 2 Hen,y Cotmty...... 8 6 12 DoorCoty...... 1 .. Isle o Wigbt County...... 1. 31 8 DunnCoanty .... 3 2 James City County. 3 27 EauC:aireCounty ...... 3 King and Queen County... 12 .I. Fond durLao County.... 1IB 3. King Geor ge County...... 4 4 I14 Green County.... 2...... King William County...... 4 1 20 Iron County .... 2 2. Laater County...... 10 11 6 Keno-haCounty ....2 Lee County...... 30 97 13 La Crosse County ...... 2 3 9 Loudoun County ...... 78 124 131 Marathon County...... 4 7. LouisaCounty ...... 4 9 15 Marinette County. l,,,, ., 4 Lunenburg County ...... 21 5 MilwaukceCo-inty. 1 1 Mtadison County...... 74 42 4. MonroeCoanty. 1 Mecldenburg County.... 15 5 42 Outagunie County ...... 4...... Middlesex County...... 10 18 7 Ozaukee County. 3. Montgomery County...... 12 29 85 Pierce County ...... 12 9. Nansemond Coanty...... 3' 9 9 Polk County. . 5 4 15 Nelson County...... 17 19 24 RacineCounty...... 4 Norfolk County...... 4 R:chland County...... 2. Northampton County...... 28. 75 42 Rock County .... !. 8 . Nottoway County...... 41 34 Rusk County... 3....3 Orange County...... 23 132 31 Sauk Co3nty. . 50 1 1 Page County...... 26 15 ShawanoConty . 1...... Patrick County...... 50 Sheboygan County :.. 5. Pittsylvania County...... 36 40 .10 TaylorCounty. 2.,,. Powhatan County 16 15 Trempealeau County_...5..... Prince Edward County .... 6 15 10 Vernon County ..... 28 20 Prince George County...... 9 9 Vilas County.73 11. Prince Willim County .... 15 11301 62 Walworth County ...... I...... Princess Anne County.... 1623 7. 1 WashburmCounty. 4. Pulaski County. 3 WashlngtozlCounty...... 15 Rappahannock County.... 41 Waukesba County. .2 2 Roanoke County...... 12 31 89 WinnebagoCounty ...... 1.2 Ro:kbridge County...... 19 42 44 Rockingham County... 1j00 1 1 241 Total ...... 245 148 97 Russell County...... 191 171 8 !1I - 1263 Tune3, 191. STATE REPORTU-P SAUARY, FERUARY AND NACH 1921-Contd. LEPROSY. PIAMNs esWO N Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. Califor: Hawaii-Continued. Alameda County- Kauai- Alameda...... 1 .... Waimea ...... -...... I Fresno County- Maul- Tranquillity...... Lahaina...... 1 . Los Angl County- Cahu- Los Ane...... 2 Honolulu .3 1 . Los Ageles County Waiala ...... 1 . Hospt.1...... I San Franciso County- Total . 4 6 (1) Fan Franco ...... 1 1 Illinois: Fan DSo County- Rock Island County- Fan vig ...... E...... I. ast Moline...... I. Louisiana:

Total ...... 4 4 Crleans Parish- Florida: New Orleans...... 3 1 manatee Coty- Minnesota: Parsh ...... -.1Hennopin County- Hawali:Hawaii- -- -- Minneapolis...... Fouth Hilo . SotlEonau.t MALARIA. Allama: Califcrnda-ConEnued. Baldwin County...... I! eranwe County...... 7 1 Choetaw County...... 1----.I'''''' II; Placer Countv...... Ha'e County ...... 1 -.. Facramento County...... Jeffeson County...... 2III San Francisco Counity...... Mfarengo County...... 1-.. 2II, Fan Joanlin County.. Montgomery County. I''''''1- --. 1 Shasta County......

Sumter County...... 1-.... 1 Tulare Co tY...... I Tallde Count...... I2 . .i Ventura County...... Tuscaoosa County...... 2 ...... Wilcox County...... I.....I Total Connect.eut: ...... Total...... 4 1 f5 12 Fairfeld County 1 _~,= ,_ s Arkansas: ,I relaware: . Arkana Conty ...... ~~~~1 1 Now Castle County...... Ash'ey County ...... 1 Sussex County...... 32 ...... 4 13 Bradley County ...... 2 Calhoun County ...... 2 Total.

Clark County ...... 5

Cros County ...... 2 Florida: . I1...... rrew County ...... 2 Alazhua Cunt .. . Faulkner County.. ... BraIford Czunty. -1-11 ...... 3 2 Franklin County..-... Brevard County. ....2 ...... 2 Greene Count. 1 Calhoun County.

Hot Spring County...... Citrus Conty.. hard Couuty ...... 3 Columbia County .0 . I 491 Jeffersn County ..... De Soto County. lee County..,...... 133 Duval Cnty...... I Loran ...... 2 County I1 5 Escambia County...... Miller County .-. . 5 Franklin County. 2 . 2 Mis3isaippi County ...... Gadsden County. Monroe unty ...... 1 Hillsb.rough County I. Newton County ...... 121 Lafayette Conty. Ouachita County ...... 15 Lemn County...... i ...... 4 Levy Caunty. 3 2 5 I... 9.. Pike Cout.... Manatee Cunty...... 1...... Pulakl County ...... 1 Marion County. 7 St. Francis County ...l .. 11 3 Monrce Conty-. 1 10 SaUne County ...... 5 Palm Beach County...... 1 2 2 1 Ecott County PascoConty...... 11 Evir County ...... 19 PinellasCoty... Sharp County ...... 4 14 Polk County. .... 3 Unon County...... 5 Putnam County. 1.! Woodruff County ...... II ,-- St. John County. Seminole County. TotaL...... | 127 150 (1) Sumter County ...... Suwanee County...... --11 1 Calfiorna:I Wakulla County. .- County...... 1 Walton County. 2 Counw ...... Ia 2 23 Al t ...... -.- 1 Total. 23 57 ...... ' ....i I I Report fox March not recolved. June 3, 1921. 1264 STATE REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEDRUARY, AND MARtCHs, 19621-ont MALARI-Continued.

New eases reported.I Neweasesreported. Plaoe. ,Plac. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb.

I______I 1-______Illinois: Louisiana-Continued. I Bureau County...... 417 Tanglpahoa Parish. ....I ...... Clinton County...... 11a Tensas Parish. :13 i Cook County ... 2 -t Union Parish. I 2 1 Do Witt County...... Vermilion Parish. L ...... Franklin County...... 13 S . . . . . Vernon Parish. 2 Fulton County...... Ai Washington Parish...... 3 3 Johnson County...... ; Webster Parish. i, 4 Lawrence County ...... Ai West Baton Rouge Parish.. I ...... McLean Countv...... II West Carroll Parish...... 1 Marion County...... 5 IL West Feliciana Parish. 1 10 ...... 10 Menard County ...... Winn Parish. 1 71 Saline County ..*.-.-.*.- ii Union County- Totalo. 164I 103

Union Prerinct...... 15 10 . . . .

Scatterig...... 11 5 . . . . . Maryland: Vermilion County.. i Calvert County. 1 2 Washington Counjty...... ; Caroline County Whiteside County...... IL Carroll County. WiUiamsoni County. 3 5 II0 Charles County. 2 State institutions ...... 1 ...... Dorchester County 1 711 Prince Georges County..... 2 Total ...... - 76 37 7,',I St. Marys County...... Kansas: Total .... II7

Butler County ...... Cowley Count...... 1 Massachusetts: MontgoMngomeryeyCounty(ony...... I...1 Bristnl Cou-ntv .... Euffolk County .... 3

Total .. . 2|

Total . ... 1 4 Louisiana: Acadia Parish. 2...... Mississippi: Allen Parish ...... 1 Adams County ...... 43 27 28 Aseensioni Parish .1...... Alcorn County 6 41 36 Parish Assuimption ...... 4 2 Amite County .... 33 52 67 A voyelles Parish ...... 5 6 Attala County.40 12 29 Boauregard Parish. 3...... Benton County .... . 3 2 6 Bienville Parish ...... 4 1. Bolivar County ..... 350 374 428 caddo Parish .13 8 4 Calhoun County ...... 14 12 17 Calcasien Parish ...... 2 Carroll County ...... 40 69 Caldwell Parish 3 i 1 Chickasaw County ...... 2 10 12 Cameron Parish ...... Choctaw County ...... 24 10 15 Catahoula Parish ...... 52 3...... Claiborne County.36 40 59 Concordia Parish ...... Clarke County ..... 35 40 35 De Soto Parish .2 2 1 Clay County ...... 28 32 25 East Baton Rouge Parish.. 3 3 6 Coahoma County ...... 155 172 200 East Carroll Parish 1 5 Copiah County ...... 22 51 60 East Foliciana Parish 1 Covington County ...... 42 62 58

Evangeline Parish ...... Forest County 47 22 63 Franklin Parish ...... 1 4 1 Franklin County...... 31 49 48 Grant Parish ...... 4 1 2 George County ...... *6 7 6 Iberia Parish .1 1 2 Greene County...... 6... 41 28 Parish. 1 lberville ...... Grenada County ...... 25 25 20 Jackson Parish 1 2. Hancock County ...... 47 76 77 Jefferson Davis Parish 2 Harrison County ...... 5 4 7 Lafayette Parish .2 1. Hinds County ...... 114 110 Lafourche Parish ...... County ...... 205 73 156 La Salle Parish ...... 2 3. Hnmphreys Comty 68 74 82 Parish livingston ...... 2...... Issaquena County 11 17 49 Madison Parish ...... 2 1 Itawamba Couty. 6 Parish Morehouse ...... 1 6 1 Jackson County ...... 17 8 Natchitoches Parish 6 1. JasperCounty ...... 32 Orleans Parish ...... 1 2 3 Je.ferso County-.2------27 24 31 Parish Ouachita ...... 15 16 8 Jefferson Davis County.... 25 12 45 Plaquemines Parish 1 1 1 Jones County .43 40 63 Pointe Coupee Parish ...... I.....1...... Countty ...... 11 29 28 Parish. 17 5 Rapides County ...... 15 21 24 River 3 1. Red Parish ...... 18 33 Richland Parish.1 3. Lauderdale C ny.. . 33 25 43 Sabine Parish ...... 3...... 47 28 14 St.-Helena Parish ...... 1...... County ...... 25 29 25 St. John Parish 1 1...... Lee County ...... 69 74 65 St. Landry Parish 2 3 4 ...... Leflore County ...... 97 84 St. Martini 1 1 1 Parish...... , Jincoln County ...... 40 20 27 St. Mary Parish ...... *Lowndes County...... 13 22 29 St. Tammainy Parish ...... 1 Madison County ...... 9 15 11 1265 Iune 3, 1021. STATE REPORT FOR JANUARY, FBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. MALARIA-Continued. - Newemses reported. Newcasesreported. Place._ _ Jan. Feb. Mar. Ploe Janl. Feb. Mar.

Misp7CoSied. South Carolina-Continued. I 4 50 Dnrlington Countty...... 1 Mashl Counity .8...... 28 18 UOUnty...... '3 2 Monroe County ....46 ... 40 63 L^ ny...... 6 6 Montonery CounIty ...... 1218 29 Marion County...... 'ii 7 13 Neshoba County .68...... as 22 2 4 ork CoCtyy...... Newo County ...... 14 21 Yo Co¢y...... 2 Noxnb Couanty ...... 18 34' 37 Oktibbeha County ...... 30. 64 28 Total...... 19 19 23 Paoi Couny.. , 77 42 51 Pesr River County ...... 29 31 34 P&ry Couty.. ..30 16 26 Pike County ...... 33 31 29 Accomac County...... 6 4 Pontotoc County ...... 3018 42 1. AlbemarleCounty.. .. 1 Prentis County...... 27 18 Aiandria County..... Quitman Couty .i.....43 138 334 AlleghanyCounty..... Ranki County ...... 36 14 Amelia County...... 1 2oott Couty .24....,,29 39 Appomattox County...... lFharkcey Cuty .36...... X94 84 Brunswick County..... FiTimon County ....28 ... 22 58 Buckingham County.. F ..... Susith Conty ...... 20 38 32 Cambe County...... 12 15 CarolineCounty ...... 5 Etom County ...... 11 Charies City County...... 12 1 Suower County ...N1S9 296 . TlSlhbatchie County ...... 88 68 129 CulpeperCounty ...... Tate County .30...... X 51 75 Cuimberland County .. Tonrh County ...... 8 36 58 DinwiddieCounty...... Tsomisro County ...... 17 31 45' Elizabeth Cit County. 2 ubnica County ...... 56 117 Fairfax Count ...... 1 UnionCounty ...... 7 12 19 Goochland County...... 3 WaNthall County ...... 1 8 Greensville County..... 16 18 Warren County ..... 9..3 75 135 HalfaxCounty .... 2 WashingtounCounty...... 88 91 96 Hanover County ...... 2 Wayne County ...... 10 a9 4 HenricoCounty. 4 Webster County...... 9 21 Henry Counity...... WikinsonCounty...... as 30 43 Isle of Wight County. Winston County ...... 30 53 42 JamesCity County. 1 8 King and Queen County 12 2 YalobntTihmA CountyCoa1ty...... 2...... ,------1 24 22 1 12- YQimo Cotmty ...... 143 128 129 King William County.... Lee County ...... eWMexillCouny------183 Total ...... 3,99 3,77m 4,612 LoudonCounty...... Louisa County ...... 7 New Jegse: Lunenburg County .... 7 Bergen County ...... 21 MeCklenburgCounty.. ''4 5 Essex Coumty ...... 11 I 11 MidlesexCounty. ..-- MiSnleser County ...'.. . 1 M1ntgromy County ... 10 MorTis County . 1 ..... Nansemond County- .S2olk...,...... I 23 TotaL.y... 2 Scattering .. 3 3 New Kent County..- New Mxico: -4!1~ Northsmton County. 9 2 2 ...... 6 Dona Ana County ...... I ... i Northumberland County..- ...... PittsylvaniaCounty . 7 9 7 NAo CrribaJounyt ...... I Powhatan County .... { 62 Prince Edward County . ... 3 2 Total .. 1J 3 Prince George County. I- Prineess AnneCounty. . 14 51 Ohio: Richmond Conty ..... 3 Ashtabula ..ty...- 1 Suthampton County .... Cuyah Couty ...... StaffordCounty...... 2 Hamilton County 1...... 1 SurryCounty...... 614 ...... SusxCounty...... "ii I 1..... 4 Warwick County...... 2 ESamy...... 7 1 Washington County .... . Chestr County...... Westmoreland Couaty.... 4 S;outhCaro1 1 ounty 1 ...... ,*...... Total .. . 192 C trledm .. County...... I Jue3, 1921. 1266


NPw ca reported. fNweamrseerwe Pkfe. . wM. Jan. Feb. M{ar. 1 Jaa. Feb. r. Alaavma Maine: Calhoun County...... i...... 1 Cumberland County. I...... Etowah County...... 1 Marylnd:1 Grene County...... ''''i' Dorchester County...... 1 Jellerson County...... 3 ...... Marion County...... MAfssacusetts: Pike County...... 1 Esse County. Hampshre ounty. Total...... 2 5 ...... 4 ISufflk County...... 1.. 1|...1....

...... Arkansas: Total...... 1 Ashley County...... 2 2 ±1 Baxter Conty...... 1 Misssdppk Dalla County...... 1 ....i...... Adams Conty...... 1 Drew County...... 1 ...... Alcorn County...... Faulkner Cotnty.. 1 ...... Ame County...... Greene Cotnty...... 1 ...... Att Count Howard County...... Bdivwo ...... ------i...... Lee County...... Calhn C nt...... 1211 Logan County...... 2 ...... Carrdl County...... 1 1 114 MJarion County...... 5 ...... I Chiekaw County...... Ouachita Cunty...... 9 13 ...... Clay County...... 1 4 Phillis County...... 1I ...... CoahomaC(Xunty...... 8 19 21 Pulaski Counity...... Copiah County...... 2 1 9 ...... Sharp Ceuity...... 1 1 Covington County...... 1...... White Conty...... 1 Forest County...... 4 1 7 1 14 Ii Frankin County...... 1 2 24 1 Total ...... (1) Geore County...... 1 2 I- Gree Countv...... 2 2 California: Grenada County ...... 1 Hinds County...... 3 9 Sacramento County...... 9 ...... g71 Francisco Holsne.s CAunty...... 1 San County...... Humphreys Couty..... Total...... 1 1 Issaquena Countr ..... Jeff3rson Davis (ounty.... 2 Colorado: Jones County...... Weld County...... Layette CQmnty...... L=anr County...... 21 2 ...... Florida: Lauderdale County...... 7 4 2 Levy County...... 1 i...... lAwrence County...... 4 4 4 Palm Beach County..... Leake County...... St. John County...... Lee County...... 31 21 3 1 Santa Rosa County...... Letlore County...... 3 3 Place not stated...... 2 Lincoln County...... 2 6 3 Lowndes County...... Total...... 1- 6 Madison County...... 1 4 Marion County...... 2 2 Illilois: Marshall County...... 2 4 Johnson County...... 1 I...... Monroe Cotinty. 5 2 3 Kansas: Montgmery County.. 1 2 3 Butler County...... II Neshoba County...... - Noxube County...... Louisiana: Oktibbeha County...... 7...... 2. Avoyelles Parish ...... 1 Panola County...... 1 1 Beauregard Parish ...... Pearl River County...... Bienvlle Parish ...... 1.-..21...... Perry County...... Caddo Parish ...... 4 Pike County...... 2 Claiborne Parish ...... 1 Prentiss Codn ...... Parish 2 5 Concordia ...... Qut Count... 61 De Soto Parish ...... 1 ...... 3 6 15 21 1 Oxar ey iCounty .. Simpson East Baton Rouge Parish .... - - ...... County...... 6 East Carroll Parish ...... 1.. 1...... Stone County...... East Feliciana Parish ...... 11 Sunflower County...... 1 1 Franklini Parish 2 Tallahtchie County.... 3 911 8 1211 Gmrant Parish...... 11 2. Tate Count...... Parish I Livingston ...... Tippah Co ty...... 2 1 Madison Parish mingo 2 ...... 1 1.1 County...... 21 31 Morehouse Parish ...... Tbunica County...... 91 81 11 Parish Ouachita ...... Union County...... 1 Rapides Parish ...... Warren County...... 31 41... Ric-land Parish ...... Washington Conty. Sabine Parish ...... 4111 Webster 3 1-1 1 St. Parish County...... Iandry ...... Wilkisn County...... St. Tammany Parish...... Tensas Parish ...... Yulobusba Couty...... 4. 12 23 Yamc County...... 81 Total ...... | I-2 Tota...... I Report for March not received. 1267 June 3, 1921. STATE WPORTS FR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARC 1921-contd. PELLAGA-Coutinued.

New Case3 repnrted. Newcasesreportel. Place. Plaeo. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

New Mexico: Vi-inia-Continued. Roosevelt County1 uckingham...... CountyI Ohio: Grayson County 1...... Summit County ...... 1 1 Hanover County...... 2 - . Henrico.. County. 3 South Caro(n: Isle of Wight County . 1 Chester County ...... 1 Mecklenburg County...... Laurens County ...... 1..1... Montgomery County ...... LeO County .1 1 Rockbridge County...... Marion County ...... 1 Russell County . .. .. 1 Orangeburg County. .. SoCuy 1 2 SpartanburgCounty..~ ...... 1....! SmythCounty 1...... Totl...... 3 1 3 T Washington County.... l1 1. - _ ...... Total3 4 14 Vria: .j Augusta County ...... 1 ...... I ...... I Brunswick County...... 1...... 1..


Alabam: Illinois-Continued. Walker County...... McLean County. Arisaa:. Menard County. .I...... YavapaiCounty ...... 1- Piatt County ...... I RockIsland County. Arkawas: -1 St. ClairCounty. 1.11 MierCounty...... 1 Sangamon County...... 1.- PuliCounty...... 1 1J

Total ... 2 (1) ...1...... California: Totalo.. 1.- Henry County ...... Butte County . II 10 lake Couny n...... LOs Ageles County...... Montgomery County...... San Diego County...... ,,._ .~~~~1 Switzerland County. San FranciscoCounty

...... 1...... San Luis Obispo County Totalo.. ,i1l. 3j 21 5 Indiana: Toot...... 11Iowa: 111 Des Moines County. Colorado: Dickinson County. Freont County ...... Iow Countty ...... Huerfano County Poveshiel County...... Morgan County..... 1 Totalo...... 3 Total ...... 1 .. Kansas: ~~~~~1 Co, cut: Butler County. . I... .. County ...... Greenwood County...... Hartford County ,...... Reno County ...... Litchfield County..-.-.. Shawnee County...... 2 ......

Total...... 1 2.... Totalo. 21 4f.... 21 Delaware: .1 (1 Louisiana: Kent County...... ICddo Parish Dtrict ofColumbia ...... Florida: I efferson Davis Parish ...... Parish ...... County,...... IOrleans Hawaii...Ulisborough IRapides srih. ...i- 3 2 Hawaii --. St. John Parish ...... 1- Total...... -1 1 1...

Colas County ...

Cook County ...... Maryland: 1.. Douglas County Baltimore City...... Dupage County.....-.-... - Baltimore County...... 1!1 Edgar County .l Harford County ...... County ......

Total ... . KankakeeCounty...... 2J 1_ 2 Lake County...... 1 *Reprt for Mrch not razelvod. 488570-21 June 3, 1921. 1268


New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. - Place. Jan. Feb. Mar. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan. Feb. Mar. II I Massachusetts: North Carolina-Continued. I I I Barmstable County...... Wayne County. Ewmx County...... I . Wilson County...... L I Franklin County...... II. Y,ampden County...... i Total...... I1 2 Middlesex County...... , a 3 Norfolk County...... II 1 Ohio: Suffolk County...... 3 II 2 Ashland County...... 1 ..... Worcester County...... 3 I Auglaize County...... Enre County...... 1 ..... Total...... to 1( 7 Hamilton County...... I..... = Jefferson County...... 1 ...... Michi!an: Lorain County...... Alle",n County...... Mahoning County...... Jaason County...... 6 Kalkaska Count 7 ...... i. i Total...... 1a Kent County...... ---- Wayno 1 Oklahoma ...... ; Cotuty...... I1. i .Li Total...... 3 I Pennsvlvania: I feny County...... I . 1 .... Minnesota: Armstong County...... Berks County...... 3 Digstone County...... Ramsey Cambria County...... County...... Chester County...... Delaware County...... Total...... 2 .1l Franklin County...... 1. Lancaster Coty...... I Mississippi: Wayne County......

Adams County...... ''''i Westmoreland County..... Clay County ...... I ...... Grenada ...... County...... 1 . . 1 Total...... 3 3 Jasper County...... 2 1' ...... Oktibbeha County...... 1...... I.....-. Rhode Island: Quit tan County...... Providence County...... Stone County...... 1 ...... Sotuth Carolina: Fairfield County...... Total...... 5 2 2 Vermont: 12 1 Caledonia County...... - 1 Montana: Virginla: 1- Valley County...... 1 Amelia County...... i'' CanpbeIl County...... -51...... 1 New Jersey: Henry Cs,ounty...... Burlington County...... 1 1 ...... -- Louisa County...... Ess County...... I ...... Lunenburg County...... 1.1 Hudson County...... 1 Powhatan County...... 1 . 1 Middlesex County...... 1 Shenandoah County...... Passal- County...... Somerset County...... I ...... Total...... Warren County...... I1 .,...... 1...... 51 ..E.... Washington: .. .. .iS Total.r. r 3 Grays Harbor County.... Okcanogan County..... 1 t.... New York: I County...... 1... Erie 2 ...... County...... Total...... Essex County...... ,...... Herkimer County...... i1 ...... West Virginia: Monroe County...... Kansawha I 1--- NIara County...... I ...... County...... Monongalia County...... 1 Oneida County...... Rensselaer County...... i...... Putnam County .....

Saratoga County...... 2 ...... 1...... 1. 1 ... . I Ulst ty...... I ...... Total Washington County...... W I ...... Wisconsin: esthter County...... 1 ...... New York Mlarathon County...... City...... 2 6 ...... Milwaukee County...... I. PrcCounty.e ... i. Total...... 1 ...... I Vilas County...... Valworth County ...... I North Cuardina: .. .. Waupaca County 1 Pitt County...... Wake County...... I :::..:I...... Totl...... I 11 I I - 1269 lune 3, 1021,


New cases reported. NewcasTisreported. Plaoc. Pla__. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

CalifsnCiao Oregon: ...... e ...... 3 Idlssen County ...... 3 Orson Cotinty

Ada County ...... 1Wsikie. County ......

MulslCounty ...... 1 ......

SMALLPOX. I Alabama: Arkansas: Atau County...... Arkansas County. 5 ...... Balwi County...... Benton County:...... Barbour County...... 1. Clark County...... Bibb County...... Columbia County...... Blount County...... Conway County...... 3 ...... BullockCounty...... 4 Crawford County...... 3 ...... Butler County...... 2 1 2 Crittenden County...... 1 ...... Calhoun County...... 1 1 Dallas County...... 1 ...... Cbambers County...... Deha County.....-.---- ...... 4 ...... Chilton County...... -1 .. 16 Drew County...... 4 ...... Choctaw County...... 4 4 Faulkner County...... 1 ...... Clarke County ...... 3 Fulton County...... 9 ...... {alaConty...... CGarland County...... 4 ...... ClburnedCounty ...... Greene County...... 1 ...... Coffee County...... Howard County...... 1 ...... Coosa County...... Jackson County...... 3 ...... Dallas County...... Jefferson County...... 2 ...... Dekaib County...... 1 1 Lawrence County...... 4 ...... Rimore County...... 13 Lee County...... 2 ...... Etowah County ...... i 2 .. Logan County 1 ...... Fayette County...... 1 3 ...... Lonoke County...... 6 ...... Geneva County...... Monroe County ...... 1 Hab County...... 2 1 Newton County...... I 3 Jackson County. , 2 8 Ouacita County...... 3 Jefferson County...... 198 416 215 Perrv Copznty...... 6 Lawrence County...... 2 ... Phllips County...... 12 Pulaski County...... 6 Leo County...... 1 1 ...... LImestone County...... 3 7 St. Francis County...... 5 ...... Macon County...... Sebastian County...... 4 4 Madison County...... 11 4 Waibington County....._ 2 ...... Marengo County...... White County ...... 1...... Marion County...... 9 15 16 Woodruff County...... 1 Marshall County...... Mobile County...... ,..55' 58, Total...... 30 -ioo0 (l) Monroe 2 1 M£ontgomeryCounty...... County...... California: Morgan County...... 2 8 Alameda County- ...... Pickns County...... 20 416 21 Berkeley ...... 15 47 13 Rusell County...... Oalclana ...... 23 . 52 39 St. Clar County...... Scattering...... 37 4 3 Shelby County...... Amador County..... 1 Smt County ...... 3 1 1 Butte County...... 9 271 Talladep County...... Calaveras County. 3 3 l Cos ounty...... Colusa County ...... - 3 4 10 Cuioaounty...... 60 Contra Costa County- Walker County...... 9 9 12 Richmond ...... 17 23 15 Wilcox County...... 1 1 4 Scattering ...... 13 3 9 Winston County...... Fresno County- Selma ...... 11 f.....6. Total...... 2 ON 529 Scattering ...... 10 I37 22 Glenn County....-.-...... 1 ...... i 4rixona: Humboldt County ...... Gila County...... 1 2 Imperial County ...... 13 1 Graham County...... Kern County ...... 16 7 29 Maricopa County. .21 20 9 Kings County...... 4 mohave County...... 7...... Lessen CounDt...... 2 Pima County...... 8 5 6 LOs geles County- 1...... 38 PinalCot . Los Anges...... 201 35 30 ...... 8 ant C ty...... Pomona...... 6 12 Ya* County...... County ...... Scattering ...... 44 24 YavapiY na Coty...... Madera County ...... 1 Marn County- Toa. e 37 37 25 Sausalito.... 35 17 3 Scattering...... 2 3 otf Ibr not receiesd. Juoe 3, 1921. 1270 STATE REPORTS FOR IANUARY, PBRUARY, AND MARCH. 121-.Coiotd. LLPOXI-Contlnued.

New cases reported. Newcascsreportci. Place. Jan. Feb. Mar. l___ _ Jan. Feb. Mar. J California-Continued. . Colorado-Continued. Mariposa County. 7 ...... l La Plata County...... 1 1 Merced County..... 12 Larimer County...... 2 Modoc County ...... 7 .1Las Animas County....' 1 Monterey County- Lincoln County...... 1 4 Monterey .. 36 1 Logan County...... 11 27 &Sattering ...... 7 3 MesaCounty...... 10 Nevada County . ... 2 1 2 Moffat County...... 15 Montrose County...... 33 25 16 Orange County- 4 5 5 Fullerton . ..--3 11 Morgan County...... 1 Ana ...... 23 17 Otero County...... 2 Santa 4 Orange ...... i. 25 Ouray County...... 1 Scattenng...... | 23 2 9 Thilips County...... 49 8 3 Placer County.... 11 3 Prowrs County...... 3 12 Plunmas Count ...... 1 2 Pueblo County...... 10 19 27 Riverside County- 31 Rio Grande County...... 3 Hemet...... 4.. San Miguel County..... 1 28 Scattering . . 38 Washington tv...... 19 19 sacramento Coumty- Weld County...... 24 3 Sacramento .. 50 37 21 Scattering...... 1 2 Total...... 450 San Benito County.... 1 San Bernardino County..... 9 114 14 Connecticut: San Dieg1 County- Fairfield County...... 1 San Diego...... 12 3 District oCofumbia. 3 Scatterine ...... 39 4 San FrancixeC,onntv...... :43 304 185 Florida: 14 San Joaquin County ...... 8 10 II Alachua Cotmnty...... 1...... 10 San Luis Obispo County- Baker County...... i4 1731 ...... 12 8 2 Bradford County...... San Luis Obispo I-. i- 16 Scattering ...... I 2 Brevard County...... 1 San Mateo County...... -2 Citrus County...... 1- Santa Barbara Countyl 1 12 Clay Cunty...... 3 Santa Clara County- Columbia County...... 2 San lose ...... 16 23 aw Dade County...... 1 24 Scattering ...... 5 17 8 Duval Countv- 2 14 Santa C(ruz County...... 1 45 3 Ja ville ...... 768 21 16 Shasta County ...... S0 10 6 Scatterng...... 2 24 Slskiyou County ...... 5 4 Fscambia County...... 174 Solano County ...... flagler County...... Sonoma County...... Franklin County...... ,1 Stanislaus Coumty- 10 GadsdenCounti?. Turlock ...... 12 70 ...i...... 1 Scattering ...... 13 41 Hernando County...... 7 County- Butter Cotunty ...... 4 iii2 Hillsborough 1 Tehama County ...... ;.;. 4 Tampa...... Tulare County. 2 Scattering...... j...i.. 21 Tuolumne County. 5 6 8 Holmes County...... Ventura County- Levy County...... Liberty Ventura ...... 142 .9County...... 4, 16 Scattering ...... 1 MAadison County ...... '1 2122 Yolo County ...... 5 4 3 Manatee Count...... 34 Yuba County- Marion Co ty...... 5 Marysville ...... 4 10 22 Osceola Count.. Scattering...... 1 1 1 Palm Bach County . Pasco County. Total ...... 917 746 Pinellas County. 1---i Colorado: Polk County. Adams County .S...... 10 14 Putnam County...... Alamosa County ..1...... 2 St. Johns County. I 2 Arapahoe Countv...... 7 23 Seminole County. culeta County...... 2 Taylor County ...... : Bent County ...... 37 5 Volusia County. Boulder County ...... 12 1 Wakufla Coty...... 1..-....1312 Conejos County .1...... Crowley County...... I 3 Totalt. Delta C.ounty r. . 27 34 17 Denver County ...... 80 82 18 Hawaii: Dolores County . . 3 Oahu . 2 (1) El PasoCounty .. 8 Premont County . . 4 1 Idahw. Garfield Countv...... 29 Ada County . 2 16 9 Gunnison County ...... 1 3h Bannock Ccmnty . 5 3 Huerfano County . . 2 2 lear lake County.. I1 C'rJnty. 3 Jeferson County . . I Benewah ...... 2~. Kit Carson County .. 38 7 Bingham County.. 70 I Report for March not received. 1271 June 3, 1921. TAT9 REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEB1RUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. SMALLPOX-Continued. 7 New cases reported. Neweasesreported. Place Place. jasI. Feb. Kat Jan. Feb. Mar. - :daho-Continued. Illinois-Continued. B319ne County...... 4 1 Franklin County- Bonner County...... 5 7 BrowninTornship... 48 10 1 Bonneville County. 12 6 8 DunningTowrnship 4 5 20 Boundary County...... Frankort Township... 30 3. Butte Coty...... 17 Royalton ...... 6 12 ....i . . Canvo GOwnty...... 4 15 Thompsonville ...... 17 CanGi County...... Tyrone Township..... 9 15 6 Caounty...... i Scattering ..... 43 33 25 Clearwater County. 17 10 Fulton County- Frankin County...... 8 .9 Harris Township..... 1 1 16 Idaho County...... 2 4 Scattering ..... 16 29 30 2 Jeferso County...... Gallatin County...... 7 2 1 Jerome County...... 1 17 Greene County...... Kootenai County...... 4 2 Hamilton County- lAtsh County...... 6 2I 5 Beaver Creek Township 22 27 10 Lemhi County...... 1 Scattering ...... 1 2. l6wis County...... 8 Hancock County...... 11 10 14 Nndison County...... Henderson County...... Nes P County...... 3 Henry County ...... 14 4. Shoshone County...... 7 4 Iroqluois County ...... 1 19 14 Teton County. 1 Jackson County- Twin Fals County. 5 5 Carbondale ...... 5 20 2a Wasbington County...... 2 1 1 Murphysboro ...... 27 21 22 Scattering...... 18 8 23 Total ...... 112 160 178 Jasper County...... 5 8 6 Jefferson County- llinols: Bald Hill Township ...... 14 2 Adams County.3 9 8 Mount Vernon Town- . AlexanderCounty- ship . 12 ...... Cairo ...... 24 Scattering 13 15. 3 Tamms ...... 16 Jersey Countv- 3 Scattering ...... 20 Jerseyvilfe...... 2 11 2 Bond County ...... 12 6 Scattering ...... 1 1 BooneCount ...... 18 6 Jo Daviess County- Bureau County- Thompson Township.. 12 1...... 35 ...... Scattering ...... 17 19 18 5 Scattering ...... Johnson County ...... 5 CarroUCounty ...... if 9 6 Kane County.....-.----.-. 3 4 5 14 19 Cass County...... ,.,. 27 KankakeeCounty...... Champagn County...... I 7 8 Knox County- ChristanCounty...... 1 7 Galesburg ...... 16 4 5 Clark County ...... 4 3 Scattering ...... 13 9 8 16 Clay County ...... 7 Lake County.....' 7 2 3 ClintonCounty ...... 1 7 10 La Salle County- Coles ...... 5 4 4 Streator ...... 18 7 2 Cook County- Scattering ...... 1 5 2 Island 1 Blue ...... 12 Lawrence County._...... 9 10 1 71 67 19 Chiago ...... Lee County...... 7 ...... 8 Scattering ...... 25 8 Livingston County- @ Crawford County- Pontiac ...... 2 12 19 Pale3tine ...... 3 22 Scatterinrg...... 1 12 12 Scattering .... 14 Loan County...... 1...... I 2 Cwnberland County ...... McDonough County ...... 1 De Kalb County- MblcHenry County...... 5 6 6 Shabbona ...... McLean County- ...... Bloomington ...... 33 17 21 De Witt County- Blue Mound Township...... 45 5 Clinton ...... ,,.,,,.,. 16 Cooksvllle...... 30 4 Waynesvlle ..... Colfax ..... 24 10 10 Satering...... 9 3 Chenoa...... 25 3. County ...... 11 2 Cheney's Grove Town- Edgar ounty...... 2 9 ship ...... 14 . EdwasCounty- Downs ...... 1 Salem...... 7 17 Scattering ...... 6 31 21 Bone Gap ...... 4 Macon Couinty ...... 3 6 6 Effingham Coun...... Macoupin County- Fayette County--. 5 Binker Hill ...... 2D 1..20.1 Vandalin 49 1 ...... Gille.pie ...... 21 1 7 Wheatland Township ...... 2 24 Carlinville ...... 1 2 12 ...... 23 6 3 Scattering. ; ...... 20 27 18 Ford County- Madison County- .Drummer Township... .15 5 2 E3ast Alton . . 15 Gibson City 29 7 Malison ...... 19 13 7 Wal Towilsp ...... 12 12 Venice .. 16 14 8 Scattering ...... 14 8 scattering...... ? .... 11 9 8 June3S 1921. 1272


Ncwcasesreported. Newcasesreported. Place. Plwe. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

MIois-Continued. Ifkiois-Continned. Marion County...... 12 13 11 Whitesido County- ars nty...... 1 3 Genesee Townsbip.(.... 21 6 Mason nCount...... 2 ...... SIatering ...... 2 MassaeCouty- Will Cmunt4 Metr roo...... 6 22 30 Joliet Township...... 1 Brookok..- 10 i8 PIinfleid...... 14 8fatterng...... 2 12 Scatteng ...... 3 Menard Cou 1 WMiamson County- Montgmery C;ounty (3asbria ...... ; 17 ...i.. Panama..... 3 cortem e...... ,.3 4) ...... 4 Scattering ...... 7 Crainvile...... 2 I Morg Co ty ...... 1 1 Caa Springs...... 28 11 Moultrie County...... 1 13 ern...... 231 OgleC(unty- 29 Johnston City. :.. .6 39 11' 15 Palo.------...... Sthern Township.... 1 WoosungTownmhip...... Smtte...... 24 23 ' tt eg...... Peoriacounty- 12 Peoa...... 3 16 Rockford Township.. 12 2 Sttering...... 3 Scattering...... 7' 13 Perryout...... 3 6 8 Woodford County...... 1 .6 l?ta County- State institutions...... 1 ScngamonTownship..J 11 6 Saterig...... TotaL...... ,873 PiJkeCunty...... ODun ...... 3 'Pope 20 1 4 s...... 5 Adam Coumty...... County-._...... - 2 4 Scattering ...... 5 -' 3 Randlph Cotnty- 5 to tCy...... -...ty... Chester...... 40 53 18is Bwmoatoty Chester Predcnct.. 15 12 Blackford County...... 2 I 12 8 ...i.3. Scatterng...... 12 County ...... it oass 1 40 Richiand Comty- Clark County...... DeckerTow p...... I 3 1 adisoTm ....p 7 3 Ndle...... 21 ...... Clinlton County...... 23 28 16 ...... Crawford County...... 6 Davim COUt...... gPT p, ... 2 13 13 Decatur C t...... Scatternbg... ty ...... 6 14 Rock 1dand 11 Dekalb C 6 3 24 Delaware 2 12 1 Rock Island...... 13 14 13 DubiCountyi .i2 13 1 5 Elkhart County...... 69 19 County...... 16 6 Fountain Caitrevile nsip. . 1 2 County...... is 6 Rast St. Lus...... 101 Gibson County...... 14 bisti ...... 12 Grant Coty...... 45 BStmg...... 15 Greene County...... SlineCounty...... 10 5 Hancock County...... 19 ...... County...... Sanpmon County- a &3 Springid...... 11 15 enryC ...... 5 ard 11 atteg...... 6 County...... 2 3 11 ichtyler Conty...... 2 Hunngtonounty...... 2 Obelby County...... 3 Xackson ...... ''is ..3. 21 Stephenson C ty a...... 1 16 12 No C...... 211 10 .6 8 ...... sCounty CA...... y. 12 Scattering...... 7 Laeffmy...... 2 2 12 Taz o ty...... 3 3 1241 Iaert Coun ty...... 194 Union County...... 12 15 nee (asuty...... 3 210 8 VWhitCouty- adi Couty...... 10 25215 Marion County...... 16 4 717 m sall Couty...... 2 14 2 Martin o ...... Cuty...... ringon...... 4 mib...q...... 13 5 Xa:eCountmy. Wabaih tn ...nt...... MonmeOy...... 1.. 13 19 6 Monter ouy...... 21 I 4 YVrrsj ....t...... St 15 o County...... 19 pVXantm ...... Orange Couty..... 2 Owen County. 12 Pike Conty...... 1 I.. 2 1 P . . . . . 6 E...... 3 rosey ...t...... 00 . 1273 June 3, 1921. STATE REPORTS FOR -JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. SMALLPOX-Continued.

. New cas reported New casesreported Place. Place. Jan. Feb. Mar. JanL. Felb. Mar.

Indiana-Continued. Iowa-Continued. I Pulasi County ...... 6 3 Keokuk County...... 10 7 I Putnam County...... 1 1 1 Kossuth County.------., Randolph County...... 19 2. Lee County...... 1 2 5 Ripley County ...... 1....I 7 16 Linn County...... 6423 62 58 Rush County...... 2...... 2 6 Lucas County...... 16 20 St. Joseph County...... 144 74 47 Lyon County...... 51 3 ...... i Scott County------. .... - i.. 2 M-ahaskca County...... 23 36 Shelby County . .610 Marion County...... 3 35 Sr County...... 4 1. MrshallCounty...... 1 1 Steuben County...... 2 1 Mills County.------S1 7 7 Sullivan County ...... 1 1 13 MitchellCounty...... 1 1 1 Switzerland County...... 1 Monona County...... 2 7 5 TDppecanoe County ...... 29 17 Monroe County...... 52 65 48 Tipton Count ...... 6...... Montgomery County. 6 1 25 Vand*tburg dounty...... 6 17 9 Muscatine County...... 8 12 12 Vermirion County. 1. I 4 O'Brien County...... ,15 12 5 VPigoCounty ...... 42 44 58 OsceolaCounty...... 1 27.... 2 Wabash County ...... 1 2 1 Page County...... 9 Warren County ..1...... Palo Alto County...... 1 8 Warrick ...... 2 4 19 Plymouth County .... 27 21 Wayne County...... 5 4 14 Pocahontas County.... 184 1 White County ...... 4 6 9 Polk County...... 33 34 Pottawattamie County.... 16 13 Total ...... 136 723 731 Powe3hiek County .... 2 12 Ringgold County...... 2 Iowa: Sac County ...... 4 Adair County ...... 1 1 6 Scott County...... 3 33 24 I Adams County ...... 9 61 ... Shelby County...... 1 Allamakee County...... I 122 Sioux County ...... 2 Appanoose County . . 43 Story County...... 36 10 Benton County ...... 4 7 Tama County...... 18 1 Black Hawk County...... 17 21 10 Taylor County...... 13 2 4 Boone County...... 6 12 17 Van Buren County...... 3 1 Bremer Cocuty ...... 9 8 Wapello County...... 82 57 Buchanan County ...... 20....20 6 Washington County.. 4 1 Buena Vista County...... 1 2. Wayne County...... 12 Butler County...... 1...... I 1 Webster County...... 1 Calhoun County...... -.-.-. 7 4 33 Winnebago County ..... 24 Carroll County ...... 1 12 Winneshiek County..... 10 Cedar County ...... 2 1 10 Woodbury County...... 10 3 Cerro Gordo Cotnty...... 9 14 17 Wright County...... 9 7 2 Cherokee County...... 1 1. Chickasaw County ...... 4 Total...... 1.112 997 Clay County ...... 8 6 8 ClaytonCounty ...... 3 5 7 Kansas: Clinton County...... 1 3 6 Allen County. 6 urawford uounty...... 2. Anderson County...... i Dallas County...... 11 7 Atchison County...... Davis County...... 13 17 S 1. Bartonl County- 11 1 4 Decatur County...... 2 ...... Hoisington...... 11 Delaware County...... 5 Scattering...... 3 4 Des Moines Countty...... 4 3 2 Bourbon County- DickinsonCounty...... 19 20 .... Fulton ...... 15 15 Dubuque County ...... 167 75 2 Fort Scott...... 3 26 34 Emmet County ...... 1 1. Scattering..... 1 3 Coulty...... 45 34 101 Brown County...... 13 2 ...... 1 13 4 Butler County- 10 8 1 El Dorado...... 26 11 8 Fremont 7 County ...... I 18 10 3 Scattering...... 8..3 5 GreeneCounty ...... 7 ...... Chase County ...... 2 GrundyCounty...... Cherokee County...... I. 3 GuthrieCounty...... 10 21 Cheyenne County- Samilton County ...... 1 2 St. Francis...... 2 15 Hancock County...... 8 3 Scattering ...... 3 HardinCounty...... 4 9. Clark County...... Harrison County...... 6 1 21 Clay County...... HenryCounty-...... ; 14 12 10 Cloud County- 47 104 29 HowgardCounty.... 1...... Concorda...... IdaCounty...... l .... 12 Scattering...... 6 12 8 IowsCounty...... 1 Coffey County...... 4

Jackson County ...... 6 26 Cowler County...... 2 JasperCounty ...... 4 . Crawford County...... 3 9 Jeffero County.-...... I 7 13 I181 Decatur County- JohnsCounty...... 10- 2 20 Norcatur...... 57 11 10 1 2 Scattering...... 8 2 Jame %I-,rI. -1274

ST17ATE FOR IANUAUBY, F1 i3UA'm, AND~ IEA 1--contd.

New mases reported. Newc asesreportel.1 Ptace. lan. Feb. Mar. I San. Kansa-Continued. Kansas-Continued. Dickinson Caunty- Salin County- Chaspmann...... 13 23 Scattering...... 13 1 6- Sauna...... Doniphan County...... I 1 14 Scattering ...... ThmughCounym...... 2 scott County...... 2 Ellis Coiunt g... Fedgwic unComa1- 22 41 H 4 Scatteri'ng ...... lyrrod..o...... -27 3. 9 13 Seward County...... 2 6__ FlnneZ County. . 2 Shawnee County-- Fodounty ...... I Topeka ...... 2 6 23 Sheridan County.-.... 4 Franklin County6- 4 Ofttwa...... 14 1 15 Sherman: Cou:nty- Geary County...... I 5 6 ~~~~19 Graham County- 2i HillCity...... 0 19 Smit-hCount y.I 2 Seattering...... 6 9 4 StaffoldCou.uty-.. .7 GrantCounty...... I Sum Coun-ty...

Waubaunsee County... I (Irely County.- Wallace Couni.y- 29 S haron 52 5 HSevCotteym....6....i W hm n to 2 Fredonis...... 18 ewiont...... Scattering4 1 2 Woodnm Cogary. 7 4 Wyandotte Counity- Kingina Couuty-...... Kansas City...... 1 41 LabetteCounty- 1.3 scattering.------2 Parsons...... 12 Scatering...... 4 755 Leavenworth Coun-ty.... 5 13 Uricoin 2 Lotieakna: Linn Comnty.....County....::"'"Imr Acadia Ly7onCounty ...... Allen Parsh.1 MdnCuty ...... Ascentsion Parsh ...... Pawish..... I Marshall County- 11 Assur"ton mu,yrvi...... 53 AVYUSParish ...... 5 Beaiurv d Parish .----- Jo, Scatterig Bev Parish. -27 B;ossier Parish ...... 17 CaddoPariss...... 79 75 Se-atte img ...... I Calcasrers Parish. Meade County...... Claiborne Parish. MiasaiCounty . 7 Concodla P rianhk 76 De Soto Paish ...... Xontgamery County...3.. East 3aton Rouge Paxish.. 1 Morris County...... Ieast Carroll Parish...... 7 Morton-County....2....i Piranklin Parish ...... NeoshGCounty...... GrantPFarish...... I 2 1 Ness County ...... I Iberia- Pacish------7 Norton County ...... 5 1ber vill P arish ...... 17 JarksenPFrksh...... L.... 2 Osbore CoUnty------29 Jgeffrsom Davis Parish..... I Portis ...... 35 Lafayette 22 Scattering...... 2 Lafomrehe Parish...... 3 OttawaCounty- 9t 14 La SalleParish.. 6 2 Ada. .~~~~12 i[nonParish...... 2 Scattering_ .4 Madison Parish...... PawneeCounty-. .6 .si1Morehouse Parish ....1.. 23 Phillipsi County...... 4 Estchitoches Parish _. a PrattCont .4 Orleans P aris .... : 142- R-enoCony 2 Ouiachita Parish ...... 4 4

aParish ..... 2

Scatteiing..~14 PoitoCoupes Parish.. . 4- Republic Couinty ...... 14 5.... Rice County- RialPS Pish... 5

SaieParish ...... I Scattering. .-----. 16 St. Joii Parish.... Riley Couty ...... 6 Rook Cut_y...... 8 2 Rush County...... 17 Tangrpehoa Parish.. 4 Russell County..1_6.. Te asa aa, 1275 June 3, 1021. STATE RPOITS FOR JANARY, RUARY, AN) MARCH, 1921-Contd. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Nowcases reported. Newcasesreported. Place. Place. _ Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

Louisiana-Continued. Michigan-Continued. Terrebonne Parish...... 1 Kient County...... 18 21 6 Union Parish...... K.eweenaw Coutnty...... 16 3 5 Vermilion Parish...... 2 ...... i...... Lapeer County...... 1 2 1 Vernon Parish...... 13 ...... Leelanau County...... 2 1 Webster Parish...... 6 ...... 1 Lenawee County...... 3 13 West Catoli Parish...... 2 Livingston County...... 4 11 Mackinac County...... ii. 10 Total...... 410 225 251 Macomb County...... 13 Marquette County...... 24 4 16 Maine: Mason County...... 2 2 4 1 Androscoggin County...... 2 Mecosta Cotmty...... 15 13 23 Franklin County...... 2 Menominee County... 3 ...ii. 3 ...... Kemnebee County...... *-4- Midland County...... i Penobscot County...... 4 Missaukee County...... 1 Sagadahoc County...... Monroe County...... 7 8 ...... 3 Montcalm County...... 9 2 8 Somerset County...... 1 York County...... Montmorency County...... i...... Musegon County...... 8 Total...... 19 10 12 Oakland County...... 13 34 21 Oceana County...... I 1 9 Maryland: Ogemaw.County...... 2 Allegany County- Ontonagon County...... 1 Westemnport...... W 14 Ottawa County...... 2 Scattering...... 3 4 6 Presque Isle County...... 1 3 Baltimore City...... 1 10 Roscommoii County...... 2 7 Frederick County...... 1 Saginaw County...... 5 10 2 Garrett County- St. Clair County...... 10 3 1 Deer Park (R. D.)...... , 21 St. Joseph County...... 3 Scattering...... 18 Sanilac County...... 5 16 Prince Georges County...... 3 Schooleraft County...... 3 2 ...... 62 Washington County...... 1 Shiawassee County...... 36 61 Tuscola County...... 2 Total...... 17 44 74 Van Buren County...... 3 Washtenaw County...... 30 11 23 Masswchusetts: -7 Wayne County...... 183 212 268 Dukes County...... t 14 Essex County...... 71 ...... - Total...... 8041 798 870 1 Suffolk County...... I ...... Minnesota: 213 Tota...... 9 3 12 Aitkin Coumty...... 3 2 16 Anoka County- Michi : . St. Francis Township.. 2 14 . 4 AieCounty ....w...... 2 Scattering 1...-.. 8 ...... 6 5 Allean County...... 1 1 Becker County 12 Antr County ...... 2 I...... Beltrami County- Arenac County...... Bemidji...... 6 20 13 2 3 Baraga County...... 1..... Blackduck...... 3 21 Barry County...... 1 4 I 1 Nebish Township. 5 19 Bay County...... 3 6 7 1 ...ii. 2 Scattering...... Berrien Coty...... 29 16 Benton County- Branch County...... 3 11 1...... Sauk Rapids...... 3 16 Calhotm County...... 51 62 I46 Scattering...... 91 3 1 Cass County .....| 8 3 8 Bigstone County- 2 Charlevoix County 2 5 2 Ortonville...... 111 3 County 20 28 25 Scatterinig...... 51 2 Chippewa County..-.-.l 44 51 45 Blue Earth County- 9 11 Countyl. 6 I...... 1...... Mankato...... 6 ...... 5 21 6 1 Crawford County ...... 9 .4 1...... Brown County...... 5 Delta County ...... 1 24 17 12 Carlton County...... 7 Eaton County 18 115 116 Carver County...... 6 2 Emmet ..... 3 1 10 County 1 Ctss County 7 .- 27 12 Geneses County 23 27 Chippewa County...... 102 2 Gogebic County 7 2 12 Chisago County...... 2 4 1 Grand Traverse County...... ii. 2 Clay aounty- Gratiot County 22 29 Moorhead...... 25l 17 11 HillsdaleCounty 2 1 1 4 18 Hawley...... 15 Houghton County 17 14 30 Scattering...... 12 Huron County...... l 30 a 3 Clearwater County...... 2 1 ngbams County 8 14 23 Cottonwood County...... 4 Monla County 5 5 .9 Crow WingCounty...... 4 2 Iron County 2 ...... I8 Dakota County- Isabela County 10 1I76 2 Lakeville...... 20 2. JacksonCounty.. 6 8 South St. Paul...... 7 15 Kalamuoo County 23 9 Scattering...... 6 4 3 Kalkrska County 2 16 Dodge Couty...... 6 5 Zune 3, 1921. 1276


New case3 reported. Newcasesreported. Place. Pfa Jan. Feb. Ma.Jan. Feb. Mar. l I _ Minnesota-Continued. Minnesota-Continued. Do usCoun ...... ty 3 9 5 Redwood County., - 12 2 13 Fani ult Counlty...... 3 4 Renville County...... 6 18 4 Fillmore County- Rice County- Preston ...... 13 3 North0celd...... 6 11 5 Scattering ...... 11 6 5 Walcott Township.... 11 ...2. Freeborn County...... 14 8 12 Scatterig...... 6 Goodhue County- Rock County..-..-.--.-- 2 Red Wing ...... 40 15 Rou County...... 2 14 12 1 St. Louis County- Scattering ...... 2 Grant County...... 1 Duluth...... ,64 Hennepin County- Sattering...... 13 35 Minneas s. 88 613 403 Scott Count...... 13 4 Gqlden valley. 12 1 Sherburne County...... 52 ...... 11 19 Sibley County...... 15 14 Scattering ...... 11 11 Houston County ...... 10 3 1 Stearns County- Hubbard County...... 1 1 ...... St. Cloud...... 26 Isanti County ...... 5 Scattering...... 21 19 Itasca County ...... 3 ...... iSteele County...... 8 3 9 Jackson County- Stevens County...... 3 Jackson ...... 4 13 4 Swift County- Scattering ...... 5 9 4 Benson...... 12 17 10 Kanabec County- Scattering...... 7 11 9 Kroschel Township.... 16 ...... Todd County...... 11 5 8 ...... 3 Traverse County...... 6 3 KandlyoEhiScatteringCounty- Wabasha County...... 4 2 Raymond ...... 15 16 Wadena County...... 2 Scattering...... 4 3 i...... Waseca County...... 5 KlttsonCounty . ---1.... . 1 Washingtoh County- 14 Kocihn County...... 5 5 Stilliwater...... 25 10 LacqulParle County...... 2 6 7 Scattering...... 19 6 Lakre County- Watonwan County- Two Harbors ...... 13 ...... Butterfield Township.. 13 6 Le Sueu.r County ...... 4 3 Scattering...... 10 3 2 lincoln County ...... 8 3 5 Winona County- Lyon Countyr- Winona...... 19 10 21 Marshall ...... 11 3 11 Sattering. 9 6 5 eso ta ..... 13 **iti Wright County. 1514 11 7 catteOng ..... ,.1 6 ...... 6 Yellow Melicine County... 2 1 McLeod County ...... 7 14 4 MaLnomen County- .Toal...... 134 1,832 1,408 Mahxnomen ...... 7 17 ...... Pembina Townip...... * 1 Missiswippi: Marchall Counyty 1 13 AdamsASmsCounty.ounty...... 14 25 14 Martin County- ...... Aicorn County...... 19 10 7 Sherburne.12 ...i.. Amite County...... 10 9 attehng ...... 12 Attala County...... 15 4 Meekher Couty- Boliva Couniy...... 27 16 Wakinas 16 2 1 Calhoun County...... Scatter r. .7 8 6 Chickasaw County...... 11 MsLlecs County.1 4 3 Chortaw County...... 16 MIrrin County . 3 13 1 Claiborne County. 1,32 Moweer County- Clarke County... Austin ; 44 27 16 Clay>nlsCountyCo unty...... --- -- 2 Scattering.12 11 16 CostiomaCotm ...... 10 14 Murray County ...... 3.. 2 1 Coplab County...... 2 10 14 Nicolet County.1 1 3 Forrest County...... 2 Norman County.7 13 14 Franklin County...... 15 5 Olmsted County- Greone County...... 5 Rochster.32 20 24 Haneock County...... 10 Scatting...... 4 8 6 Harrison County...... 15 O ttertnty ...... C o 9 5 Hinds County...... 1 2 PennM gtonCounty...... 3 4 5 Holmes County...... 17 5 Pine Count . 6 4 Humphreys County ...... 40 PipestoneCounty- IBssquena Coumty...... 1... Pipestore ...... i.. Township...... 7 11 6 PineScattering...... 13 6 6 County...... PRetsCourntyi Jones 8 3 PoDk County-Township. County...... 21 CroPn ston .7 ...... 28 24 Kemper County...... 14 Ldafayette County...... Seattering ...... 3 14 8 Lamar County. Pope County.1 4 7 Lauderdale Cunty...... Lawrence C ty -.------. 3 7 3 Leake County...... 288 245 Lee County...... Scattering ...... 30 6 3 Lalore County...... 5 :77 Sume 3, 1921. .STATEOWS I JAMJAM;FEBRUARY, AD MAtC1,192t-Contd. -SaILPOZ-bentinted. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New cases reported. INewcasesreported. Place. PMace. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. :~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . .I MiislipiContiaed. Mohtana-Continued. ouncSaClty...... ; 2 Wheatland County... 4 3 Lowndes Countyy...... Yellowstone County- ...... Madison County-...... B ilns ...... 7 9 16 s Coa nt ...... Cou' 14 Le...... 23 2 1 Monroe Coxmty...... 1 -1 Scattering..------1 3_ 7 ontaomery County ...... 7 16 Nesba County...... ; Tot...... 9Li 151 NewtonCounly...... 7

Noxubee County. - 3 Nebrwska.: Oktibbehs County...... 3I i Adams County...... PanelsCounty ...... 1 Antelope County....1 Peail River CAunty...... - 12 Box Butte County .... Ferry County...... 1 Cnty .. .2 ...... 261 is 13. Ponto County...... 4 11 4 Cass County ...... 125 PentisCounty...... 19 4 Cedar County I 12 ..... 6 Quitn County...... 2 Chase County...... kv Coty~...... a 12 Simpson y...... CSayCounty i 11 12 2 .. tuigy...... 1 SithcOunty...... C.County 4j 2 21 CumingCony SunioaeCouty...... 27 Custer County.------1 1 Dakota County. ------19 .f-...-!1 ...... 1 Dawes County ----.-.-- 813 UnionCounyC...... 4. Dawsm County..------Warren Coun ...... 11 Deuel County - ....jit6411 2 40. Dixon County -- 15 6 Dodge County.------I 2 20 county ...... 70 65 3 1 211 178 Winston County...... l Conty...... 1325 Yalobusha County.. 21 Franklin County....,, 21 I1...... Ya County...... Furnas County I194..... Gage Coumty.------39 19

Total ...... 380 Greely County...... 10 Hall County ------Montanxr Hamilt-on Cuty ...... 4 17 adCounty...... -'1 Harlan County - Big Han County...... 3I 171 Hitchcock County -. - 47...... Coiter County- 2l Holt County ...... 3 .. Ekalaka ...... 12 Hooker Countv 2 Cascade County....; 7 Howard County..------41 5 (routean County- Jefferson County ...... 7 4 Oentou ...... I'''14 Johnson County...... Ftergusounty.Scattering..... CuslerCountyEklout ...... 28 .. ..l1 7 4 17 32 DairelaCounty...... 17 Lanar County ... 21 46 12 1 Dawsom County...... I14 2.3 2 Deer . Madison County...... 1 1 Lodge'SAig...... i.. Culaer Couty...... Mesrick County ...... 14 5 F{atbead County ...... 3W MorrlnCounty ...... 12 ------.- - - I 1 21 Galatik County. Nanee County * 32 County...... Nenaha County ..--.---.1 12 2 !..... I9 4 7 10 aDeebongComty...... 2 Nuckolls County...... !...i... Golden Valley County... Otoe County...... -1 3 1 2 GraniteCounty...... Pawnee County ...... I 11 U 128 _ HMonCount. Pheps County..- --- 74 3i 3 6 ...... Pierce County.--, ,I 1 4. PW& Platte Count...... 45 15...83 2 CouniL... 11 2 fineralCountyVona ...... 1...... 2 PolkCounty ...... CountY ....1 71 6 MiOUFlatCountyGol« VlXeCouty...... ithdson 11 11 Par kcunty. 14 5 Phillips Couinty. 11 1 12 County...... Saundes County. 41 3 15 ...... -; SeotteMikerdiBluffCounty..Couny.....------sheudg Cot ...... Scid atte l 1i...... Sewad Countyt .--.-. -14 1...... 9 I14 9 13 71 10 21 .... 18 a Sherman ...... 1i Pw ta y - --- SCtaStarmon County ...... Thayer mShetbNowunty ''81 1..- Cout..- Vay.e..ount.. I1 1 3'''3 Thos ...... 2. 21._._.. I1 7 3B 2I 2 21 1 31... 2. I Jue 3, 1921. 1278


New cases reported. Newcaesreported Place. Place. Jan. Fb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

Nebraska-Continued. North CarolIna-Continued. WayneCounty...... 7 9 Brunswick tyC 1...... Webster County...... 3 2 ...... Buncombe County ...... 1 1 . York County...... 4 6 4 CaidwrellCon ...... 1 1 Cartert ...... Total...... 524 568 42 Caswel County . .1 ...... Catawba County...... 42 2 4 New Jersey: Chatham County...... 12 14 2 BO County...... 1 3 Chowan County ...... Buringt_n Countyg...... 4 Cleveland Counaty. .... 4 ...... Camden County...... 5 Craven County...... 17 21 . t Hudson County_...... 39 Cumberland County...... 725 12 Mercer County...... I...... 1 CAitu Cou . I...... Davidson County.. 5 Total ...... 7 10 44. Davie C ...... i. Duplin County ...... 1 16 New Mexico: Durham C ty ...... 4 17 26 2- EdgeCoIIbO 21 Bernalillo County...... 2 County...... 9 21 CO1ÆK Couty...... ForsstCountY..62 86 135 . C olfaxCounty ...... _ ...... 2 Cony...... -. 1 De Baca County...... 1 Gaston County ...... 27 11 21 Edds Coamty ...... 1 Granvie County...... 1 Mid Coty...... 3 Greene County...... 2 Otero County...... 2 ...4 Guilford County...... 6 13 7 Qs on ...... -. 3 HalifaxCounty ...... 28 25 28 %ho rribaCounty...... 11 1 Harnett County...... 3 1 2 Roosevelt County...... 1 Henderson County...... 1.... Santa Fe County...... 1 Hertford County ...... 1 1 .. 13 Sierra County...... Hoke County .1I 4 Taos Conty...... Hyde Countty ... 23 4 ...... Iredel County ...... 5 1. Tot...... 14 Jackson County...... 4 ...... Johnston County .. 2 1 1 York: Lee ...... 1 New ...... County 5 Albany County...... 11 Lenoar County. .. 2 Broome County...... Macon county...... 2 Cayuf County...... 1 ...... Madison Counfty ...... 1. . Chautauqua County...... 1...... I Martin County...... 7 en o . County...... 11 McDowell County ...... Erie County...... 1 Mecidenburg County .. 6 8 10 Genze County...... 11 Nash .. 25 15 18 ...... County Jeeron County- Northampton County...... 1 20 4 2 Onslow County ...... 3. Scattering...... 2 6 Orange County ...... 6 11 8 Lewis County...... 3 2 Pamlico County ...... 1 2. Niagara County...... 6 8 Pasquotank.County ...... 1i

Oneida County...... PersonCounty ...... 7 7 Onondaga County...... Pitt County. .. 16 18 38 OntarioZCounty- Richmond County ..1....1 ..... Genea...... 36 Robeson Couty.. 1. 2 &a 7 Rlockingham Countyt ...... O ynCut...... 38 ..... Rutherford County ...... I1 Rlensse ont..w...... 1 1 Scotland County...... 1 2 Saint Iwrrence C;unty- Stanly County...... 3 Cliton...... 3 Stokes County ...... I Scattering...... 5 7 Su1County...... Saratoga County...... 1 1 8 8nCounty ...... 9 19 Shenectady County...... T_yrre1 County ...... 1 11 Seneca County- Union County ...... 2 2 neca F s...... 12 2 12 Vance County...... 1...... I Washington County- WakeCounty ...... 2 1 13 2 12 Warren County ...... 1 1. 1 4 Washington County .. 3 4 Wayne Cznty...... 10 Watuga County ...... 1. Yates County...... : 2 .Vy...... 2 5 1 New Yr City...... 10 ...... 6 20 4 YanceyCoun ...... 6 ...... 6 Total...... 0 152 Total . 335 442 584 North Carolna: _ Alamance County...... North Dakota: Anson County...... 1. Adams Coutity ...... 5 he County...... 8j BarnesCounty.4 4 Avery County...... 4...... --- Benson County .. 2 Be County...... 31 Cings .t Bartle 1- BilUlo ...... County... Bownan Cotinty...... ' 1279 June 3, 1921.


New cases reported. Ncwcasesreported* Place. Plam. _Ja. Feb. Mar. __ ._Jan._Feb._M[ h - I 16Z_ North Dakota-Continued. I I Ohio-Continued. I -I Burleigh County. 7 7 Hancock County. 1 I Cass County- Hardin County. . 5 is 8 Far... 72 33 Harrison County. 1 Scattering. I .2 Henry Ounty. 2 Calier County. 5 Highhnd ...... 11 2 2 I Dic}ey Cout.ty Hock.ingCout..t ...... i Eddy County 2 Huron County. 7 a tmmonsCout..t Jason County 2 20 Foster County. Jefferson Cout... s 9 Grand Forks County- Knox County 1 1 Grand Forkp. 23 ake County. 27 Bttering... 4 Lawrence County. 1 Grant County. Licking ounty..... 13 '. ... Griggs County. togan Cont... 29 59 lidder Cout.. Lorain County. Tarure County Lucas County. 21 63 MeHenry Coutty. 4 Madison County...... 51 McKenie County. 3 3 Mahloning County..... 2 McLean County. 3 Marion County...... 9 6 Mountrail 2 Medina County...... 23 22 County. 11 7 Morton County. 10 16 Meigs County ...... 113 13 Nelsoni Conty. 4 Mercer County ...... 27 22 Pemnbina County. i' Miami County ...... 14 ...... Pierce County. lMonroe County .....1 ,127 Ramsey County. 2 9 10 RaWsom County. 8 organCounty. I 17 Renville County. 3 Mus m County...... 145 1 Richland County. 2 Noble ...... 15 6 2 isrget County. 3 Ottawa . 8 Sheridan County. Pautlding County...... 9 17 2 Steele County. 3 County 1.... . 4 3 Pickaway Cotnty...... 4 3 Trail County. 2 Stutsman County- Pike County ...... 810 2 Jamestown. 25 Portage County ...l 1 2 Scattert... 24 Putniam County..... 12 5 Walsh County. 28 Richland County... . 22 3 4 Ward County- RI3ossCountv ... . 11 5 6 Minot.. 59 Sandusky (County. 1 10 2 Scioto ...... 25 Wells County. 8 230 Counnt'Y Seneca Count. 21 Total. 298 Shelbv Cott' ty...... 8 5 6 Stark Countv ...... 54 48 42 Ohio: Summit Coulnlty ...... 88 71 51 Adsams County...... 1 TrumbullCouty... 4 41 27 Allen County...... 353 109 Tuscarawas County ...... 7 2 5 Ashland County...... 29 22 2 Van Wert County ...... 1 37 12 3 Ashtabula County... 69 37 85 Vinton Coumty...... a 11 3 Athens County ..i.. Warren County ...... 1 5 Auglai'e County. 19 Washinton County...... 20 2 gelmont County...... 2 2 WaVne County.------13 25 Brown County ...... 1 Williams County. 22 2013 9 Butler County ...... 47- Wood County ...... 3 2 Carrol County...... 3 3 WWyandot County 2 1l County...... 101 Champaign 5 1 Clark County...... l 3 1 Tota 1,421 186 1,315 Clermont Coumty.... 2 Clinton County -i-l5 Oklahoma .. 193 223 Columbiana County. ... CnsS,Camty...... l- .7 Oregon: I ...... 29 Crawford County...... - it BakerCounty 14 3 14 BentonConty.. T.....1 1 2 7 9 ClackamasCounty. 2 1 6 DaE ...... 4 DeflaeC ty...... 13 12 22 ClatsopCounty...... 3 2 13 2 ColumbiaCounty ...... 3 DElaware 2 Coty...... 5 3. Coos County ...... 2 29 16 DesIhutesCounty ...... 1 3 ld ...... ty 29 41 31 IDougasCounty ...... ! 3 ...... 8 Pranklin ...... 13 12B 91 1 oRol RiverCounty Fut onty...... s Ja.ksonCounty...... 2 1 14 3Fulto County ...... ,...... 16 Gaslaa County 2. JalfersonCounty...... 5 4. Jo3ephiueCounty ...... Greene 19 12 County...... ** i 3 ...... Minmath County :6 Guerney County.- 21 23 LaneCounty ...... 12 lamlltonCounty ...... 27 19 38 LAnco.!nCounty ...... 3 1 Report for March not received. June 3, 1921. 12BO


New ca reported. Neweaereported. Phlace. Place. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan.f Feb. Mar. II OregonContinued. South CarolHa-Continued. IJAnn County...... 1 Sumter Countj...... 2 1 MalheurCounty...... ii. 10 York County...... 1 2 Marion County...... 11 Morrow County...... 4 Total...... 178 135 Multnomah County- 1 194 Portland City...... 118 79 40 South Dakota: Sattering...... 6 17 Aurora County.. 2 ...... Pk County...... 1 10 Beadle County...... 4 36 84ermanCounty...... 2 Brown County...... 22 43 County...... 5 131 Brule County...... ,...... 2 UImatilla County...... 19 13 Butte County ...... Union County...... 2 46 32 Charles Mix County.... 6 ...... WaUowa County...... 7 Clark County...... 2 WascoCounty...... ii. Codington County...... 30 40 47 Washington County ...... 5. Custer County...... 2 ...... YambillCounty...... Davison County...... 32 24 8 Day County...... i.. 21 ...... i Total...... '210 241 212 Deuel County..... 30 Dewey County...... Pennsvlvania: Douglas Couuty...... -Allegheny County 1... 4 Faulk County...... 7 48 Beaver County ...... Grant County...... 3 Bedford County ...... I Gregory County ...... 11 12 5 BlairCounty.------.... Haskon County ...... 3 13 Bradford County ...... Hamlin County ...... 1 2 Bucks County ...... Hand County ...... 1 CambriaCounty ...... Hanson County ...... CenterCounty ...... 3 Hughes County ...... 2 24 ChesterCounty ...... 4 Hutchinson County...... 1 Columbia County ...... 2 Jackson County ...... 5 County...... 3 Jerauld County ...... 5 ......

...... 1 10 County ...... 39 Jones County ..... County ...... 5 30 37 9 5 GreeneCounty...... I= ony...... l 12 Huntingdon 2 6 County...... 3 .... Lakence t 8 Lawrne County...... 6 1 Lawence County 12 2 it

...... Marshall Count& ...... 1 4 nycmlgCuty ...... 1 Melletto County...... 7 1 Miner ...... 3jierlCounty...... County 13- 1 Northampton County...... 2 Minnehaha County 10 24 Someset County ...... 2 Moody County 1...i.. 7 ...... 5 Union County. Pennington County ...... Washington County. 141 Roberts County 10 Westmoreland County ...... Sanbomn County 1- 2 ...... County 11 18 Spink 1...... Total ...... 211 16 ...... 4 13 .''i 2 3 South CaroUna: ...i.. Union County ...... ii 22 Abbeville County ...... 2 1 3 Yankton County.l 3 11

Aiken 2 Ziebach Coun.ty. 3 ......

Ailendale County ...... 16

Anderson County ...... Total 188 354 423

Barnweil County...... CalhounCounty...... 1 122 Vermont: 1i Charleston County ...... 47 6 Addison County 2

Cherokee ...... 3 .... County 21 Bennington County .....i County ...... 3 Rutland County ...~.. 19 Darlington County ...... 28 Washington County 2 ...... Dillon County ......

DorchesterCounty ...... 2 .4 Total ...... ,... 30 44

Edgefield County...... Edeffld Cointy...... 6 Faifield County ...... 31 12 Virginia:

FlorenceCounty ...... 6 ...... l.l.13 1 12 Auusta County Georgetown County ..1... 16 BaN-County ...... l.11 2 5 Greenville County ...... Bedford County...... -- ..... 2 County ...... Blnd County ...... l 6 I......

Kershaw Coumty ...... Botetourt County ...... -.... 7 LjancasterCounty ...... I Bucna Couty...... 11 15 15 LeeCoity 13 Cam¶bel County- LexingtonCounty.. 13 Alta VLst...... 17 MalboroCounty ...... Scattering ... 21

OrangeburgCounty 3 11......

. 8 9 nt . 2 Dk DkesnCounty.rldleOounIty ...... I ..... spartanburgRpand C4inty.nty...... Din idlVounty'.S::: 1281 June 3, 1IX1. STATE REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 121-Contd. SMALLPOX-Continued.

New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. Jan. Feb Mar. |Plc|J_ an.| Feb. Mar.

I Virginia Continued. Washington-Continued. EUiabeth City County..... 2 Kitsap County- I Filoyd Countyr...... Iinslow...... 17 Franklin County...... Scattering...... 4 7 17 Frederick County...... 10 29 KittitasCountv...... 2 .....i Gilos County...... Kitkitat County...... ,...... 4 2 Grayson County...... 18 Lewis County- HlhIaxCount~y...... Centralia...... 10 2 Henrico CounTi...... Scattering...... 9 26 Henry County...... 2 Lincoln County...... 2 2 Rlnand QueenCony. .. 2 Okanogan County...... 3 Lee(County- Pierce County- St. Charles...... 12 5 Tacoma...... 21 13 11 Wheeler...... 12 Scattering...... 16 1 34 S3catterig. .11 San Juan County...... 6 Loudoun County. Skagit County- -...... Mecklenburg County...... Burlington...... 21 14 Mantgmery County...... 17 Scattering...... 8 I21 14 Nansemnd Coty- Skamania County...... 3 2 Sufk...... 119 2 Snohomish Ccunty- Scattenng...... 25 13 Everett...... 14 8 14 NcrfokCounty...... 7 17 Scattering...... 14 6 7 Nerthampton County...... i. SpokaneCounty- Nottoway Count...... -V 12 Spokane City...... 167 141 190 Prince Edward County.. Scattering...... 6 3 9 Princess AjineCounty. 3 StevensCounty...... 2 Pulaski County...... is Thurston County...... 10 Roanoke County- Walla WallaCounty...... 4 12 20 Roanoke ...... 2 5 Wbatcom County ...... 22 10 2 32 Sattering...... 1 ...i..26 Whitman County...... 3 Russell County...... 8 31 Yakima County- Scott County...... 14 4 Yakia...... 3 7 12 Shenandoah County..... 2 Scattering...... 17 27 Smyth County...... 8 Soutbampton County ...... 7 Total...... 617 532 Tazewel County...... 8 Washington County- West Virginia:

...... Damasctis...... 14 BarbourCounty 2 2 Scattering...... 35 Berkeley County......

... . . Wie County- Boone County I .... 5 12 Braxton ...... 11 13 Banner...... 3 Counity 1t 14 Coebum...... BrookeCounty...... 4 2 10 13 Norton ...... 15 Cabell County.1ty .I..... 449 Wise...... 17 Clay County ...... 2 .... 5 44 . Scattering... 2 DoddridgeCounty ...... 2 ...... 49. FayetteCounty...... 5 2 Wythe County 1 6 4816 20 GilmerCounty...... 2 Total ...... 2151 3 GrantCounty...... ,. 1 2 13 I268 Hampshire County...... 121 Washington: Hardy County ...... 1 1 16 AdamsCounty...... 2 7 Harrison County . 79 43 16 AsotinCounty...... JacksonCounty...... 1 BentonCounty- 25 KawhaCounty. 25 60 13335 Prosser...... 31 11 Lewis County.------46 29 21 Scatterig...... 1 Logan County.3 25 ChelanCounty- 45 101 McDowell County 42 34 16 - Wetchee...... 178 17 Marion County.5 2 Scattering...... , 1 Marshall County.3 1 130 3 .4 3 Clallam County...... 6 Mason County ClarkeCounty...... 8 Mercer County ...... ,.21 25 28 ColumbiaCounty- MineralCounty.39 40 1 14 Dayton...... 2 MingoCounty.20 9 Scattering...... 4 10 Nicholas County.35 27 35 121 28 CowlitzCounty...... I73619 Ohio County .1 8 DolsCounty...... Preston County.1 37 FrnCounty...... 5 12 Raleigh County ...... 17 7 Garfield County...... 4 12 Randolph County...... 6 8 11 Grant County ...... 14 Ritchie County ...... 1...... GraysHarborCounty- RaneCounty ...... 1 35 Aberdeen...... 12 SummersCounty...... 10 22 Montesano...... 21 Taylo.rCounty . .1...... Seattering...... 3 TsuckerCounty ...... Kin50usnty- lTylerCounty..11. 79 UpsburCountY. 26 5 Sattle...... 17 . *- D tern...... Way1neCounty...... I Juhe 3, 1921. 1282 ATEs-REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEMBUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. SMALLOtX-Coutinued. New cases reported. Newcasereported. Plae. M. Place. _ Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

West Virginia-Continued. Wisconsin-Continued. WebsterCounty...... 2 8 3 Oneida County...... 4 3 WetzelCounty...... 72 18 6 Outagamle County...... 35 18 8 Wood County...... 5 12 ...... i Ozaee County...... 7 11 1 Wyoming County...... 12 ...... Pepin County...... 1 ...... Plerce County...... 3 3

Total ... . 512 472 Polk County...... 57 29 24 Price County..;.... 4 3 Wisconsin: Racine County...... ; 4 3 Adams County...... 2 5 1 Richland County...... ii. 1 9 23 Ashland County...... 11 ...... Rock County...... 1 Baron County...... 36 14 38 Rusk County...... 1 6 Bayfleld County...... 11 34 25 St. Croix County...... 60 27 31 Brown County ...... 61 33 22. iaik County. 1 ...... 2 Buffalo County ...... 7 10 4 awyer County-...... 6 I9 1 Burnett County...... 25 14 4 Shawano County...... 2 2 Calumet County...... 2 2 Shbo a County...... 150 99 Chippewa Co ty...... 2 2 Tafior tounty;...... 7 7 Ciark County...... 2 ..... Trempealeau Colty...... 9 8 Columbia County...... 5 17 Vernon County...... 1 2 Crawford County...... 2B 40 1 Walworth County...... 4 2 Dane County...... 66 63 74 Washburn County...... 4 8 Dodge County..-.-.--.-- 27 21 7 Wahington County...... 10 2 oor County...... 7 9 6 Wauksha County...... 25 10 9 Douglas County...... 19 25 11 Waupaca Count...... 3 7 S Dunn County...... 6 18 2 8 2 ...... Eau Claire County...... 2 4 8 S 28 Florence County...... 1 3 ..... Wood County...... 12 4 10 Fond du Lac County...... 2 4 ...... Forest County...... 7 2 Total...... 1,141 154 832 Grant County...... 8 -3 Green County...... 35 31 14 Wyoming: Iowa County...... 4 ...... Albany County...... 3 4 1 10 Iron County...... Carbon County...... f ...... Jackson County...... 2 Converse County...... 131 2 Jefferson County...... 2 4 Crook County...... 4 Juneau County...... 1 4 17 Fremont County -. - ...... 1 2 ...... Kenosha County ...... 3 1 .9 Hot Springs County...... 1 1...... Kewaunee County...... 54 23 8 Laramie County...... 1 ...... ; La Crosse County...... 14 31 33, LiAncoln County...... 7l33 26 Lafayette County...... 3 7 11 Natrona County...... 9 10 13 Langlade 3 Niobrara County...... 3 County...... i . Iincoln County...... 4 ...... Park County...... 2 5 Manitowoc County...... 22 9 Sheridan County...... 101 2 1 Marathon County...... 8 5 4 Sweetwater County...... 4 6 Marinette County...... 77 38 22 Uinta County...... 7 3 1 Marquette County...... 7... 1 Washakie County...... Milwaukee County...... 115 ...... Monroe County...... 11 27 69 Total...... 69 Oconto County...... 3B 17 3 A8 _7

SMALLPOX-VACCINATION HISTORIES. Vaccination history of cases.

Last VSCC- yj. I is New nated nated Never tg,ry State. Nases Deaths. within;! more suc- ot re- sevenA than cess- ob- .pLtd years |seven lny tr4ned .prcd- ears vap or ing preced- nated. uncer- attack. iag tain. * I I la~~~~~~~~~~~~ttackjkil

Califoria ...... 2,6 ...... 224 177 2,48629 Florida ...8 ; . 25 8 178 457 Kansas...... 2,160..... 43 75 98 1,154"' Masswhusetts .;., . 24 .32 8 9 5 Minnesota ...... 5,577 134314 2 ,, 2,4 Montana ...... 4095 3 6 New Mexico ...... 40 5....5.....39 1283 June 3, 1921. STATE REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-A2ontd. T"YPHOID FEVER.

Noweascsreported. __Newcasessreported. Place. Place. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

II_~~~~~~ Alabama: California-Continued. Asutaug County...... 23 Kings Coty...... 1 Baldin County...... - ..3 LonCoun ty...... *---i-. 1 ...... Barbour County...... Angeles Cotulty...... 14 4 11 Butler County...... 2 ...2 Monterey Cotuty...... Bibb ...... County .....i Napa County...... i1 Calhoun ...... County i'1 Orange County...... 5 Cherokee County...... 4 2 Placer County...... 1 Ca ...... ,1 Riverside County...... 2 Coee ny...... Sacramento County...... 2 1 3 Coslngton County...... ,.....i San Bernardino County.... 2 Etowh County...... San Diego County...... 1 Geneva County...... ,.....i .26 San Franesco County...... 24 HoLston County...... 2 San Joaquin Coumty...... 2 Jackson County...... 1 Santa Barbara County . . 2 Jefferson County...... 1....i.. .1 Santa Clara County ...... County ...... Siskiyou County ...... Laderdale County...... Solano County. Macon County...... Sonoma County. Madison County...... 12 3 Sutter County.. 1 Marengo County...... 2 2 Ventura County ...... Marion County...... Yola Mobile County...... I...... County ...... 3 8. Montgomery County...... Totalo. 31 29 ...... 79 Mn County...... i1 Perry County...... Colorado: 3 ..... Pikec County...... 1 Archuleta County. Sumter County...... 1 .1 Bent ...... 1 Talladega County...... 27 County 1...... i9 12 Denver County.------Tuscaloosa County...... ' ...... Fremont County 2...... Walker County...... Grand County...... Kiowa County ...... 3 Total...... 66 47 Montrose County. 1

Prowers County...... Arizona: Pueblo County.. I.....11 Maricopa County...... 1 Total 1 . it Arkansas: Arknsas County...... 2 I...... Connecticut: Ashley County...... 2 Fairfield County...... Baxter County...... 3 1...... Hartford County...... 2

Benton County...... 1 2 Litchfield County...... 2 Clark County...... 4 7 Middlesex County....,...... 14 Franklin County. 1 New Haven County.. 3 3 Greene County...... 1 New London 1...... County...... 1 ...... Hempsted 1- County...... Windham County. 1 ...... Hot Spring County...... 2 Howard County...... 3 Totalo. 8 17 L 14 Lawrence County...... _ l.. i 5 Lee County ------4 11 Delaware: .1 Logan .1 County...... 2 3 12 Kent County...... 1 I...... Mississippi County...... -...- 11 New Castle County..... 2 1 4 MWonroe County...... 2-7 Sussex County...... 1 .. .. . Newton County...... 1 l...... Ouachita County...... 1 Total...... j1 4 Pulasi County...... 1 2 St. Francis County...... 2 X 5 District of Columbia 1101 8 Saline County...... 2 Scott County...... Florida: Sebastian County...... Alachua County-. Sharp County...... 3 . 1...... Baker County . --i-l 1 Van Buren County...... Bay County...... 214 Bradford County...... 1 Total...... 37 31 Brevard County. 1...1- Broward County ...... i. 2 2 California: Dade Countg- Alameda County ...... Miami Cty...... 13 9 Butte County ...... Scattering ...... 1...1. 1 Contra Costa County ...... De Soto County...... 4 Fresno County ...... 1.1 Duval Countv...... 7 1 9 HumboldCounty...... I Escambia County ...... 1 3 2 .... Flagler County...... 1 ImperialKn County...... Franklin County...... ,1 1,,,,,,. 1 XReport for March not receired. June 3, 1921. 1284 STATE REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. TYPHOID FEVER--Couitinued.

Now cases reported. Neweasesreported. Place. n.P . Jan. Feb. MMar.eb bar

Florida-Continued. I I Illinois-Continued. I Gadsden County...... s I Madimn County...... 2 8 Hamilton County ...... I Marshall County...... 2 Hilisborough County. ;5 XMonroe County...... I ...... Jefferson County ...... Montgomery County..... Laayette County...... 1 Peoi Couty...... 1 1 Leon County...... i ,1 Randolph CountyK... 4 Jiberty County...... I ,4 Rock Island County. 2 Msaison County...... 1 St. Clair Co ty...... 3 ...... 5 ...... 5 Manatee County...... i L2 SaleC nt...... 1i Monroe County...... I...... ii 7 6 Palm Beach County...... i L4 SangamenSheby County...... Pasco County...... a County...... 1 PinellasCounty...... ''2 VermilionCounty...... 1 Polk County...... i Waynev...... County...... 2 Saint Johns County...... I...I] White Co ty...... 2 Saint Lucie County...... 2 Whtebode County...... 2i,.1 Santa Rosa .. . County.. 1 WillCoty...... ''''i' Seminole County...... '2 Willamsn County... . 3 2 2 Suwanee County...... 1 Winebago County..... , 2 Taylor County ...... 1 ...... I Volusia Cou-nty...... i2 5 Total...... go

.. . Total...... r 90 Indiana: .... Allen County...... Hawaii: Blackford Couty...... Hawaii...... I ,11 CarrolI County...... 1 16 6 Oahu...... I Cass County...... 1 t ...... Clay Count-...... 2 Total...... I 17 I!earborn County-...... 2. Pecatur County...... Idaho: 3- Pelaware County ...... 1 2 Ada County ...... 5 Elkhart County...... Biham ounty...... Fayette County...... 1 Bner ty ...... ''''i'I Floyd County...... 11 Bonnele County...... Fountain ...... County...... 4 Jerome Count ...... Jackson County...... KootenaCounty...... 3 3 Johnson County...... 3 Latah County...... 1 Knox County ...... Lemhi Conty...... 1 .. Lake County...... - 16 5 Twin Falls County...... 7 3 Lawrence County...... 4 3. I .i2 Madison County...... 1 2. Total...... 19 12*o Marion County...... 3 ...... 3 ...... 3 v* 15... Monroe County...... Illinois: 1vv Montgomery County...... 1 1 Adams County...... 4 1s* Parke County...... Bureau County...... 1v* St. Joseph County...... 11 .i...... 1...... 2 Christian County...... Switzerland County...... 1. Coles County...... 3 4@o Tipton County...... Cook County- Vanderburg County...... Chicago...... 18 Vigo County...... 1 3 Scattering...... 1 Watash County...... Cumbelanld County...... Warrick County...... WiCounty...... WellsCounty ...... I las County. 3 WhiteCounty...... i. Total...... 3928 Fard CoCmtyn...... f- Frano C uty..u...... 8 .5i Kansas: Barton County ...... ounty ...... i. 12 aeCy...... aln ...... Bourbon County ...... 1 County...... 2 Brown County ...... 2 1 2 Butler County 5 1 ...... County...... 2 Chautauqua County...... 1 JListonCounty.... 1 2 ...... 4 .1...... I 1. 1eaen C Count...... mt...... 1 IA n eat...... 2

Lawrnct Dnsoe Comty...... 8 Dickins County...1 1 1... 2 4 1..... Labgh m ...... ,.... Ford County ......

,.... Geary County ......

McLean ...... y Greenwood County...... 1 Macon County...... County ...... IReport for March not received. l 1285 June 3, 1921. STATE REPORS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. TYPHOID FEVER-Continued.

New cases reported. Newcasesreported. Place. J PFice. Jan.IFeb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. 11 .I...-...... - Kansas-Continued. Maine-Continued. Kiowa County...... Waldo County...... I,...... I Labette County...... 1 ...... York County...... 1I Leavenwot County.... 1 ...... 2 27 McPherson County...... 2 Total...... D. 14 MSontgomery County.... 1 15 Nho County...... 2 !...... Maryland: Sedgwick County...... 2 Allegany County...... 5 2 Shawnee County...... 3 1 I Anic Arundel County..... 1 Stafford County...... Baltimore City...... 8 Sumner County.... 2 Baltimore County...... 6 ...... I'''''' Wabaunsee County...... 1 ...... Calvert County ...... ! 1 1 Wilson County...... Cecil County...... 2 Wyandotte County...... 1 1'''i'1 ...... Dorchester County...... Frederick Couinty...... 1 ...... 6 Total...... 33 14 13 Garrett County...... 4 1 Harford County...... 40 Louisiana: Howard County...... 20 Acadia Parish...... 1 Kcnt County...... 1 Allen Parish...... Montgomery County...... Ascension Parish...... Prince Georges County ...... 3 ... Avoyelles Parish...... } 1 St. Marys County...... 11 S Beauregard Parish...... 4 2 Somerset County...... Bienville 2 Parish...... Talbot County...... 13 Caddo Parish ...... 2 Washington County.... 1 3 ...... 5 Caldwell Parish...... 2 ...... i Wicomico County...... 1 2 1 , 5 Catahoula Parish...... 3 1 Worcester County...... 3 1 Claiborne Parish...... 3 1 ...... 2 De Soto Parish...... 2 ...... Total...... 31 45 East Baton Rouge Parish.. 3 1 13 East Feliciana Parish...... Massachusetts: 10 Evangeline Parish...... 2 ...... i Barnstable County...... Iberia Parish...... 21 Berkshire County...... 3 ...... 5 Iberville Paish...... 1 2 Bristol County- Jackson Parish...... 1 ...... Fall River...... 3 11 3 Jeferson Davis Parish..... Scattering...... 5 2 afayette Parish...... 1 .....i Essex County...... 7 4 ...... Hampden Coumty...... 1 Lafourche Parish...... 2 ...... La Salle Parh...... 2 Middlesex County...... 77 7 ...... Norfolk *1 1 LAncoln Parish...... 1 .. County...... 172 Morehouse Parish...... Plymouth County...... 4 1 Notchitoches Parish...... Suffolk County- Orleans Parish...... 4 1 10 Boston...... 3 11 10 Ouachita Parish...... Scattering...... 2 1 1 Plaquemines Parish...... Worceskr County...... 7 3 2 Rapides Parish...... 40 3abine Parish...... Total...... 381 44 52 St. Bernard Parish...... St. Charles Parish...... 1.1 St. Helena Parish...... M1cna County...... 1 2 Bay 1 12 St. James Parish...... 1.. . 1 . } ...... BerrienCounty...... I St. John Parish...... County...... St. Landr Parish...... 1...... Branch County...... t M y ari...... Chippewa County...... I...... 1 Terrebonne Parish...... 1... 1 Eaton County...... 2 Vermilion Parish...... Genesee County...... 2 2 2 Vernon Parish...... 3 1 ...... Grand Traverse County.... 3 Wasington Parish..... Gratiot County...... Weblter Parish...... Hlleds County ...... 1 West Carroll Parish.::' ...... Houghton County...... I...... I Huron County ...... 1 ...... 4 Total ...... 49 31 1 41 Ingham County...... 2 ...... Iosco County...... 1

Maine: 32I 1 ...... Isabella County...... ''''i ...... Androscoggin County...... 1. Jackson County...... 1 Aroo=took County...... 1 5 Kalamazoo County...... Cumberland County...... --1 21- Kent County...... 1 2 4 Franklin County...... Lapeer County...... 1 3 Hancock County...... 1 Lenawee County.-...... Kennebec County...... 1-1. Macomb County...... 1 Knox County ...... Marquette County...... Oxford County...... Mason County...... 2 1 Penobsoot County...... 3111... Mlecosta County...... 8 P cataquis County.. 31 2!.... Menominee County., ... .. Sagadahoc County.. 1 1.,.,,.. Monroe County...... Somerset County ..... Muskegon County...... '''i tulne 3, 1921. 1286 3TATE REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCHP 1921-Contd. TYPHOID FEVER-Continued.

New casesreported. Neweasesreported. Place. Place. Plco |Jani. Feb. Msr.|||Jan. Feb. Mr I Michigan-Continued. Mississippi-Continued. I I' Oceana County...... 1 ...... Greada County ...... 1 Ottawa County...... 2 2 Hancock Conty...... 2 Presque Isle County...... 7 7'''i ...... Harrion County...... 3 5 Saginaw County...... 1 Holmes County...... 2 ...... St. Clair County...... 10 7 Humphreys County...... I...... 2 Shiawassee County...... 2 1 ..... i Itawamba County...... -.. Tiscola County...... i Jackson Coanty...... Van Buren County...... Jper County...... '''''i Washtenaw County...... 1 ...... 6 J rson County...... 1 Wayne County...... 7 4 Jfferson Dagvs County.... Lafayette County...... I Total...... 57 45 1 60 LamrCunty .---@* 14 ...... Lauderdale Cot...... 2 ...... Minnesota: 1 ...... 1 I Aitkin County...... 3 Leake Co ty...... Becker County...... 3 1...... L*Cotiny...... j.1 1 lBeltrami County...... 1 -1 LoeUfoeCot.County...... ty...... 7 2 Cass C ty...... 1 ...... 1 1 ...... Chisago County...... 1 ...... Liownd County...... 6 Clay County...... i.1, Madison County...... 6 1 11 Crow Wing County.. 1 ManhallMarshan CountyCounty...... 3 7 Dakota County...... 2 MonroeCounty...... , 2 II3 Dodge County ...... Noxoubee County...--- .1 Douglas County ...... Oktibbeha County...... 21 2 Faribault County...... ,1 Panola County...... 2 4 1 Fillmore County...... Pearl River County...... 1 ...... i Freeborn County...... 1 .i Pike County...... 4.. 5- Goodhue County...... Prentiss County...... 1 ...... -- Grant County...... 2 1 Scott County...... 4 Hennepin County- 2... Sharkey County...... 6 Minneapolis...... 70 Stone nty. 1 Independence Towvn- Sunflower Cotnty. 6 . ... ship...... Tallahatchie County. 51 ...... 5 5 Isanti County...... 7... Tate County...... 5 7 4 Kanabec County...... Tunica County...... 1 ...... Kittson County- 12 Union County...... Warren ...... Donaldson...... County. I Koochiching County...... Washington County...... 4 2 Lake County...... Wayne County...... Marshall County...... W o3ter 2 3 County...... Millelacs County ...... Winston County.-.-- 1 2 Olmsted County...... Yalobusha County...... 2 Ottertail County...... j.. 2 Yamoo Coun...... 1 Penmington County...... 2 1,0 Pine County...... 2...1 Total...... 113 --!!- County...... ''''i' 1 PCy...... 3 Montana: Ir I RarCuty...... 1 Beaverhead County...... Rk1Lh ty ...... 2 Cascade County...... 2.1 Rice County...... 1 Choteau C nty...... I...... St. Louis County...... 4 Dawson County...... 1...... Stearns County .. Fergus County...... Stevens County...... Flathead County ...... 1 Sibley County...... Lewis and Clark County...... 2 ...... 3 ...... Todd 1.2 .... County...... Muselshell County...... Washington County...... i. Roosevelt County.. Wabasha County...... Sanders County.. Wright County...... Silver Bow County. . Yellowstone County...... Total...... 61 13 Total...... Missippi: AdBams County...... Nebraska: ...... 2211.... AlcornCounty...... Dodge County ...... Attala County...... 3 4 2 Douglas County...... -1 ...... 1... Bolivar County...... 5 4 2 Hall County...... Calhoun County...... 3 2 2 Kno County...... 1 .1 Carroll County...... 1 ...1...... TABncaster Conty . Choctaw unty...... Madison County......

Clay 1. 2 2 County...... 1 2 Phelps County ...... 1 1... Coaboma County...... 1 Rock County.. Coplah County...... Scotts Bluff County...... CoFington County...... 3 4...... Thurston County...... Forrest County...-.-.- .. .. Franklin County...... Total .. . 181 .1 Greene County...... 21 1287 June 3, 1921. STATE REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. TYPHOID FEVER-Continued. New cases reportedl. New casesreported. Place. Place. Jan. Feb. I~~~~~~~~~~~~_Mar. Jan. .-Feb. Mar. II I New Jersey: New York-Continued. I I Atlantic County...... 1 2 1 Stetben County. I 4 2 Bergen County...... Suffolk County...... 3 1 Burlington County. 2 3 2 Sullivan County. 2 Camden County...... ' Tioga County.. .. . Essex County...... 7 4 4 Tompkins County. !..i....1 1 Gloucester County...... 2 1 Ulster Countt. .I...... 1 2 3 Hudson County...... 1 2 Washington County. 1 Hunterdoil County...... 2 ...... Warren County. ,.i1 Mercer County...... 1 3 3 Wayne County...... , .''''i County...... i. 3 3 Westchester ou ty . 3 2 Molmoyuth Cotnty...... New York City...... 21 38 Morris County...... Passac County...... 3 3 Total...... 166 148 Union County...... 2 2 Warren County...... 2 North Carolina: .... Ashe County...... Total...... 24J 29 Avery Cotinty...... i BertiC County...... 1 *..-... New Mexico: Buneombe County ...... 1 Bernalillo County...... 1 2 Caldwell CouIIty...... 1 Chaves County...... Chatham County...... Colfax County...... Chowan County...... Luna County...... 1... Craven Counity...... 3 Quay County. Currituck County...... 2 1 1 Rio Arriba County.... Davidson County... 9 ...... San Juan Cotnty... 2.... Duplin County...... 1 San Miguel County...... 2 Durham Couity .--- ] 2 ...... Santa Fe County...... Forsyth County...... i Socorro County...... Gaston County...... 1 1 Taos County...... 2 Graham County...... 3 I Granvillc Conlty.. 1 ...... Total...... 3 9 Guilford County...... 2 5...... 1 Halifax County ...... i.I New York: Henderson County...... I ...... Albany Countv...... 3 1 Jackson County...... Allegany County...... 1 1 1 Johnston CoUIty...... Broome County...... 1 ...... i Lincoln County...... ''''i' ...... Cattaraugus Coumty. 1 Martin CouIIty...... I ...... Cayuga County...... 2 ...... i McDowell County...... Chautauqua County. I 3 Mecklenburg County...... I Chemung County...... 2 5 3 Montgomery County ...... Chenango County...... 2 1 Moore County...... Clinton County...... 4 ...... i Nash County...... 2 ...... 1 Cortland County...... 1 Oinslow County...... 1 Dutchess County...... 3 ...... Perquimanls County...... i...... I Erie Couhty- Pitt County...... 2...... Lackawanna...... 9 11 2 Randolph County..------...... 1 Sctterig...... 9 13 10 Richmond CouInty...... Franklin Coumty...... 3 ...... 4 Robeson ... County ...... Fulton County...... 1 I ...... Rockingham Oounty...... Geenesee County...... 2 ...... Rowai1 County...... 2 Greene County...... 4 ...... Swain Cunty.n . 1 ...... 2...... Herklmer Counity...... 2 Un1ion County...... 2 .2 ..... Jefferson County...... I- - - - - Wake County ...... I- Lewis County...... I. -I I Washinmgton County.. 2. Lvingstoni County...... 1- Watauga County. Mfadison ...... Wayne . County ...... County 1 2..3...... Monroe County ...... Wilkes C-.unty.. 2...... Montgomery County | 2 ...... 1: Wilson Countyl. Nasau Counlty.-... 1 ...... Yadkill Cn1nty. 1.. Nirs Counlty...... 2 I 10j Yanicey County...... 1 ...2 Oneida County...... 1 1

Onondaga County- Total...... 3 2 ...... 3 Baldwinsville ...... 1 .... .9 ...... 1 Scattering ...... l 1 2 5l North Dakota: Ontario 1 County ...... Bu-leigh County...... 1 2 Orange Coutnty ...... 8 Ca s Cu1111ty ...... Orleans Ccunity ...... 4 Emm u1s County. ..3. 28 241 . Oswep County 2 1. Grand Forks County. 1 ...... Oteego County ...... ------...... 4 Morton C'3unty . 2l 2.( Rensselaer Couty 3 Pierce County . it . 1 Rockland County...... Richland County. St. LAwrenc County. WVard C3unty. Saratoga County...... 4 ! Schnectady County ...... ,3 Total .. Seneca County...... 2 I l9 I Report for March not received. TuneR, 192L 1288


New cas reported. Newcasesreported. Piacs Ph lar.Jall.Feb. Jan. Feb. Mar.~~~

Ohio: O hon-CgonCtnuen. Adams County...... WVanwa .4 Couli...... : Allen County...... Wasngton County ...... _ Ashland County...... Ashtablda County...... Total...... 3 3 Athens County...... 2 ... 1 II Belmont County... :1 .1 Pennsyvn.a: Brown Count.... AI m CoGwny...... Butler ounty...... Algeny County...... 14 24 Champaign County...... 1 4... Armstrong Coumty. 2 Clark County ...... 2 Beaver County 1 Clermont Coty...... IB1ksBedfb.d 1 Countyr...... Clinton Coty...... IBerk COunty 7 6, 20 :11 ClumlanaCounty...... Blair County.. 3 2 Coshocton Cxunty...... Bradford County 2 Crawford County...... Bucks County. y aConty...... Butler County. 1 Darlke Coanty------Cambria County. Defian County...... Center Couty ...... 2 Delaaro ...... 1 Chester County. 1 2 Erie County ...... Cearfield County. 4 2 Fairfield Cotmty..------Columbia County. 2 Franklin Cotmty...... ICrawfordCounty 1--- 11 Fulton Couty...... 1 Cumbemd County-...... 2 .. Galia County...... Dauphin ...... a Delaware Geauga County..------...... 1 Guernsey County ... I Ie County ...... 10 ...... l , 1-- 4 FayetteCuty...... Hemr County.------FIest C ty ......

Highland County...... Franklin Couty...... Huron County ...... 1 ntingdon Conty...... 1 Jeffeson .....------1 Conmty 1-- IIndianaCounty ...... 1 Lak County...._.... offerson County.. Lawrence 1-- Juniata County... 1-- County.. 2 1 ...... Lackawanna Coun. County...... 11 1 1 Couty...... t8 ...... Lawrence 20 3 6''i County ...... Lebanon t1 Lucas County...... County ...... 1... Mahoning County. County ...... I6 Marion County...... 2.1 Mzorn Coun 1 4 Medina County...... ILycoimnConty. 2 Meigs County...... 2''; McKean County. 1 IMeree 1 Mercer Couty...... 2. Miffin t ...... Miami County...... _... 3 Monroe Comt... 4 ...... 11 Montgomery County...... Montgomery County .. 131 1 Morrow County...... 1. Montour County ...... 11 M skngum County...... 151 Northampton County ...... Noble County...... Northumberland County...1 21 3 10 Ottawa County..------2 Per County. Perry Conty...... iI SnyderphCounty. 1 2 Pike County...... SebuyWlCtty...... PRotage County...... i3 kyffer Cunty...... 1 10 Rickland Cuty...... County..... County Tioga ...... 1 ROScitSandusky&MCty...... County...... VenangeCoty..... 1 21 Scioto County.*e.*e Warren County ...... Seneca County...... Shelby County...... WayneuCounty ...... Stark County...... I Summit Coty. York County...... Tbrumbull County ...... Tuscarawas County..... Total...... Vinton Cot ...... Warren County...... Rhode Island: Kent Count y...... Providence County Total...... 179 ..... Washington County....-. Oklaom...... Tota Oregm: l.2. Benton County ...... 1 South Carolina: C lamas County...... Abbevile Comty .. 1 Coos County...... BambergCounty.1. Multnomah County.....::: I ''I BeaufortCounty..1 1289 June 3, 1921.


New casem reported. Ncwcases reported. Plac.. Place. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

______- *. - ______I South Carolina-Continued. Virginia Continued. Cheter County...... Princess Anne County..... Chesterfied County...... Pulaski County ...... 1 Claredon County.-.- ...... Rappahanock County...... Greenville County..... 1.. 5 Roanoke County...... Greenwood County...... Rockbridge County...... Kershaw County...... 3 Rockingham County...... Mcomick County...... Russll County...... 4 Malboro Couty...... 1 Scott County ...... 2 2 Oranebu County...... 5 Smyth County...... 3 RihidCounty...... 2 3 Southampton County ...... 3 Sumter County...... 1 I Surry County...... 2 York Cty...... Susse Counly...... y ..i.. Tazewell County...... Total .. . is 20 WarrenCounty...... 4 1 WashingtonCounty...... South Dakota. Westmoreland County..... Brule County...... 2 Wise County...... 3 2 3 Clark County...... 13.. Wythe County...... 2 Gregory County...... 1 York County...... 1 H s County...... 3 ...... 1 Minnehbal County...... Total...... 86 60 63 Total...... 3 7 Washington: Vermont: 1 Benton County...... 1 6 Addison County...... 2 1 Chelan County...... 2 Caledonia County...... i1 Clarke County...... 2 Chittenden County...... 5 2 Franklin County...... Franklin County...... 2 1 3 Grays Harbor County...... 2 Lamoille County...... 1 ...... Island County...... Orange County...... 1 .... KingCounty...... Orleans Coty...... 3 2 LewisCounty...... Rutland County...... 1 2 Lincoln County...... Washington County...... I Okanogan County...... 2 Pend OreiBle County ..- 1 Total...... 21 -11 Pierce Cou-nty ...... 2 13 10 Skegit County...... 4 Virginia: SamaiaCounty...... Accumen County...... 2 3 SpokaneCounty...... Albermarle 2 2 .... 6 County...... Yakima County...... Aleandria County..... 2 AflegbanCounty...... Total...... 24

...... 2 a County...... I 1 13 8bdCut...... West Virginia: 2 Botetourt County...... 22 County...... 2 Barbour County...... Brunswick 1 Buchanan County...... 1 Berkeley County...... Campbeill County...... 2 BraxtonCounty...... Culpper County...... '2 Brooke County...... Dickinson County...... 2 Cabel County...... 1.. Fayette County...... 8 Dinwiddie County. Giler County...... 3 Elizabeth CitCounty...... County...... Grant County...... 3 Fu.erFairfa County...... 1 Greenbrier County...... ^ydConty...... Hancock County...... Bluna Count...... Harrison County...... 3 Frederi County...... 1...... - KanawhaCounty 1 Giles County. 2 15 Lewis County...... 1 19 Glocester County...... LoganCounty. .i Greenesville County...... 16 Marion County...... Halifax County...... 1-- Marshall County...... Hanover County...... Mercer County...... 3 2 4 Mineral County...... 2 Henrico County...... 5 ...... 2 He 1 1 Monongahla County...... County...... 1..-.-- C 2 Hhd County ...... 1 Monroe County...... 1 Nicholas County...... LeeCounty...... 21 LouiConty...... 1 Ohio County. 3 Lunburg Cunty.--- Pendlton County. County...... 2 MiddlesexCounty...... 2 ...... Pleasants Montgomery Couty... 1 Pocahontas County...... 1 1 Nane.nd County.... 1 - Preston County...... 1 County...... 2 Nebolncounty...... Putnam 3 Norfl County...... 1 Randolph County...... Powhatan County...... -i3 Ritchie County...... Prince Edward County..... Roane County...... Prince Wliam County.... Summers County...... June 3, 1921. 1290


New cases reported. Newcasesreported. Place. .IPlae. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

West VirginiContinued. Wisconsin-Continued. TaylorCounty ...... 3 2 ...... OneidaCmty...... 1 ...... Tucker County ...... -.I...... 1 3 OutagamieCounty ...... 1... I Up County ...... 1...... I W-ayneCounty...... 1 3 .....: Pri ..uty.- ... 2 Webster County .. . 1 Racine Couty...... 1 ...... Wetzel County ...... 1...Rock County.2 1 . Wood County ...... 9 .... Sheboygan Co ty. 12 18 10 WalDrth Countty- .....I...... 1 ...... Total ...... 6 2 56 WashburnCounty ...... 4 4 - Wanke3haCounty.1 1 Wisconsin: Wau1.ara C ty ...... I ...... Bayfield County...... BrownCounty ...... 1 Total...... 38 38 31 Clar County ...... 1... 1 - DoorCounty...... 1.... WYo : Douglas County ...... 3 9 Albany C ty ...... Grant County ...... 1 ...... ConveeCounty...... 3 Jefferson County ...... 2 1 ...... LincolnCounty...... I LaCrosseCounty ...... 3 ...... NatronaCounty...... 3 ManitowocCounty...... 2 ...... Park County...... 14 Marathom County ...... 2 3 SheridanCCounty ...... I Marinette County . . 1 MilwaukeeCounty ...... 6 4 2 Total ...... 1 5 17


New cases reported.11 NewcSeSreported. Place and disease. Plce and disease. I Feb.I Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1--I 1 1 - Alabama: Arkansas-Cntinued. Cancer ...... 5 2 Diphtheria. 123 67 meningitis 2 2 5 Hookworm ...... 1 3 1OB 187 175 Influenza...... 234 341 o...... 48 41 Lethargie encephalitis . . . 1 German mesles.,,42...... 2 Mahria...... 150 Hookworm ...... 248 566 Meaes ...... Inluenza ...... 7 17 24 Ophthalhintnemtrum... 6 2 Malaria ...... 4 5 12 . dw ...... 24 28 ...... 25 4D 99 Po myetis...... i.xiW 2 1 ...... 33 68 140 Scarlet fever...... 60 Ophthalmia neonatorum .. 2 2 i...... Smallpox ...... 30 100 ...... 2 5 Trahoma...... 17 10 ...... 28 57 Tuberculosis (all forms)... 44 as Poliomyelitis ...... ii 1 Typhoid fever...... 37 3S Scariet fever ...... 3 35 Wh oping ough..------71 179 Smallpox ...... 229 606 529 California: Septic sore throat ...... 2 1 2 Cerebrospinlmeningitis... 12 11 19 Tetanus ...... 3 Chn pox...... 794 SR 1.,176 Tuberculosis ...... 64, 99 Diphtheria...... 59M 518 675 Typhoid fever ...... 66 47 73 Dyentery...... it 3 9 Whooping cough ...... 46 44 Erypelas...... 8) 74 119 Arizona: German measles...... 31 30 56 Cerebrospinal meningitis...... 1 Hookworm ...... 15 9 ...... i45 Influenza...... 15 7 7 bw...... 4 4 ...... 1 Lefharic encephatis...... 11 20 ...... 72 61 ~257 Malaria...... 7 12 19 Mumps ...... 17 13 31 Meles...... 1,584 144 3,560 Pneumonia (all forms)..... 2 ...... 7 Mumps...... 1,1 1,274 1,385 Poliomyelitis ..,.,,. ,,.,.. . 1 Ophtlalia neonatorrm. .. 3 3 Scarlet fever ...... 19 36 Paratyphold fever...... 2 2 tuberculosis (all forms).... 5 2 11 P...... Sallpox ...... 37 37 25 Ph...... Tphoidfever...... Pneumonia (allforms)... 5 Whooping cough ...... 6 ...... Poli ets...... 3 2 Arkansas: Rabe an ...... m...... 1 Cerebropinal meningitis ...... 3 ...... Rocky Mountain spotted Chicken pox ...... 132 218 ...... or tick fever...... 8 ]Report for March not received. 129U June 3, 1921. STATE REP3ORT FOIR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. SumMARY OF DISEASEs-Continued.

New cases reported Neweasesreported. Plae and disease. Place and disease. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mfar.

Califonl-Continued. Delaware-Continued. Scaat fever...... 512 985 5B8 Scarlet fever...... 39 52 o8 Smiallpox ...... 17 1,33 746 Tetanus...... 1 Tetns...... 3 6 TuberCUlosis (all forms) 48 29 40 Traom..... 11 12 13 Typhoid fever .4 1 4 Tricinoss ...... 3 IWhooping cough ...... 47 ....52...8B TubeulOis (all forms).... 688 W7 3 District otColumbia. Typhoid fever.3179 29 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 2 1 1 has fev ...... 2 .. 1 Chicken pox .228 176 222 w cough...... 303 207 275 Diphteria .106 131 64 Colorado: Iuenza . .11 5 18 Cancr ...... I...... Lethargicencephalitis. 4 4 . Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... 2 1 Measles .112 550 1,208 Chic pox...... 172 38 77 PoliomyelitLe...... 1 Diphthera...... 2 138 141 Scarlet fever ...... 141 135 148 E:ryipelas.Gennmles...... 29 2 4 ...... 3 5 ... Smallpox 13 ....~...... 3 ... Tuberculosis (all forms) ...... 109 3 12 Typhoid fever ...... 20 10 8 In..... 7 12 0 Whooping cough...... 114 129 144 Lethargicencephalltis ...... I...... Florida: Measles...... M8 978 401 Cancer ...... 3 6 4 Mumps ...... 42 48 5 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 2 2 2 Pelagra ...... 1. Chicken pox ...... 102 73 162 Pneumonia ...... 10 6 Dengue...... 2 Polknyeltis ...... 1 2...2 Diphtheria ...... 77 73 50 Scabies ...... 1 ...... Dysentery ...... 2 2 17 Scaretv ...... 198 95 106 German measles ...... 1 3 3 Septiesorethroat ...... 1 Hookworm...... 35 41 54 SmaBlpox ...... 450 289 173 Influenza ...... 23 17 34 Trachoma...... 2... Leprosy 1...... Tuberculosis ...... 80 68 32 Lethargic encephalitis ...... 1...... 1I Typhoid Sever ...... ,. 15 5 11 Malaria ... 23 23 57 Whooping cough...... 48 188 20 Measles ... 18 75 140 Connecticut: Mumps.15 9 31 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 6 8 6 Ophthalnianeonatorum... 3 1. Chicken o ...... ZO 319 393 Pellsara. . 1 6 Conjunctivitis (infectious).. 8 35 18 Pneumonia (all forms). 14 9 17 430 387 294 Diphtheria...... Poliomyelitis ...... 1 Ery.pelas ... 3 Rabies ...... 1...... Favs ...... 1 Scarlet fever ...... 31 31. 17 German measles...... 4 21 Smallpoxc ...... 132 212 321 ...... 2 2 1 .petigocontaiosa Tetanus ...... 1 .... 2 uenza...... 55 44 38 Trachoma...... 3 1 3 Ltetrgic encephalitis.- - 3 16 16 Tuberculosis (all forms).... 48 61 95 Malaia ... 1 Typhoid fever .47 48 90 Measls . .. 544 74 7 Whooping cough.13 21 60 Mumps... 260 329 427 Ophthalmianeonatorum... 3 2 1 Hawaii: p Cerebrospinal meningitis... I I1...... 1 Pneumonia Chicken pox ...... 10 13 . (lobar) ...... 134 148 172 .. Poliomyelitas ...... 2 1 2 Diphtheria ...... 10 12 . Dysentery (amebic)...... Scabies...... 1 kcarlet fever ...... 2if 02172" 575 Influeza ...... 482 149 . Septicsorethroat...... 1. 10 1 Leprosy ...... 4 6. alpox .1 I1 Measles ...... 45 43 . Tetans...... 2 1 2 Poliomyelitis.1 2. Smallpox ...... 2. Trachoma ...... 2 4 1 Trichinos ...... 13 1 Tetanus...... 1 ...... 1 Tubrculosis(pulmonary). 189 185 171 Trachoma...... 44 23 . Tubeulosis (otherforms).. 11 13 6 Tuberculosis (all forms).... 85 91 . Typhoid Sever ...... 8 17 14 Tyhoid fever ...... 18 17 . .. ..I... Whooping cough...... 435 374 291 hoopingcough I...... Delawaro: Idaho: ..... Anthrax ... .. 1 2 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 1...... Cersbrospinalmeningitis ...... 1...... Chickenpox...... 2689|28 Chicen ...... 27 27 32 Dip~hthen1a ...... 17 9 4 Diphtheria ...... 22 11 17 ....1...... I 5 1 Eryip4elas ...... 5 2 1 ethargic enephalitis ...... 1 ...... hui a...... 39 27 19 Measles ...... 58 336 Malaria...... 2...... Mumps...... 21 63 72 M l ...... 11 5 2 Rocky Mountain spotted or

o...... 5 12 15 tick fever ...... 1.... neonatorum... 11 1..... Scarlet fever ...... 50 43 25 Pneumonia (all forms)... 30 28 25 S 112 160 178 1 pox...... Polomylts ...... I Typhoid fever ...... 19 3 6 Sabies . ...1..1 Whooping cough...... 99 29 79 'Report for Mach not received. lune 3, 1921. 1292 STATE REPORTS FOR JANUARY. FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 121-Contd. SUMMARY OF DISEASES-Continued.

New caes reported. Neweasesroportod. Place and diseas. Plae and disease. lan. Feb. Mar.I Jan. Feb. Mar. Illinois: Louisiana: Anthrax...... 3 ...... Cerebrospinal meningitis... 7 9 6 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 2D 26 23 Chcken pox. 8 6 15 Chicken pox...... 2,286 1,627 1,738 Diphtheria ...... 67 72 38 Continued fever...... 31 '15 15 Dyentery...... 31 6 4 Diphtheria...... 1,871 1,342 1332 ookwom...... 9 7 65 Dysentery...... 2D 17 '7 In enza...... 71 55 75 Erysipelas...... 114 12D Lepros...... 3 1 German measles...... 42 29 131 Lethargic encephalitis...... 3 3 1 Hookworm...... 1 ...-...... Malaria...... 164 108 71 Influenza...... 416 410 m 730 553 274 Lead poisoning...... 6 13 3 Mum ...... 2...... 2 L r ...... 1 ...... i Ophthaila neonatorum.. 1... 1 encephilitis...... 74 Pelagra ...... - 23 2) 11 Malaria...... 76 37 73 Pneumonia...... 150 127 114 Measles...... 3,72D ,165 5,752 Poliomyelitis ...... -.-.- 1 3 2 Mtumps ...... 1,76 1,5 2,096 Scarlet fever...... 45 32 42 Mum0 neonatorunim... 17 20 23 S lpox...... 410 225 251 Paratyphold fever...... 7 4 1 T hom ...... 1 . Pea ...... 1 ..... Tuberculosis...... 273 24 Pneumonia (all forms)..... 791 Tyhoid fever...... 49 31 41 Pi>liS...... 4 7 7 Whooping cough...... 36 211 Pu.rperal fer...... 15 17 2) Maine: 124 Scalet fever...... 3,074 2,520 2,080 Anthrax...... 1 Septic sore throat...... 175 137 140 Cerebrospinal meningitis... Smallpox...... 1,873 1,588 Chicken pox...... 165 82 74 Tetanus...... i.. ,S71 4 Diphtheria...... 107 56 69 Trachnma...... 98 62 German measles . 11 2 Tuberculosis (all forms).... 929 1 111 1,359 Influenza. 46 7 4 Typhid fever...... 99 73 75 Lethargic encealitis. 1 3 ...... Vincent's angina...... 11 ms ...... :.. 1,254 934 Whooping ouh...... 1,318 Mlm p ....-...... 30 26 31 Indiana: O pbni neonatorum... 1 1 1 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 8 4 7 Pebga...... -...--.. 1 Di htheria...... 276 247 Pnuoia(l fforms)...... 6256 I uenm...... 79 31 14 Melet ...... 147 95 111 Measl...... 339 761 843 Optic norethroat.....::::: 6 2 3 Pneumonia (all forms)... 75 68 72 SWpos...... 19 10 12 Poliomyelitis...... 1 1 2 TPehomar...... I. Scarlet fever...... 1,173 1,11091" 1 227 Pnubercumonia (all forms).... 63 55 Smallpox...... 1,136 723 '734 Typoidfever...... 27 14 15 Tuberculosis (all forms).... 74 131 256 Whooping cough...... 157 117 65 Typhoid fever...... 48 39 28 Maryland: Iowa: AT thrac ...... I Cerebrospinal meningitis ... 7 1 4 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 1 2 Dihhei...... 143 138 102 Chicken pox...... 573 511 Inlunz ...... 2 12 Diphtheria...... 322 197 174 Measles...... 55.. 547 Dysentery...... 2...... Poliomyelitis.. 1 3 Erysipelas...... 20 48 Scarlet fever...... 594 529 475 Ger as ...... 13 10 7 Smallpox...... 1,073 1,112 997 IpeUtgo contagio ...... 1 Kansa: 1;120 Actinomycosis...... 1. Lethargic encephalitis. 6 15 20 ...... Anthrax...... Maari...... 7 7 Cancer...... 15 17 18 Measles...... 326 607 596 Cerebrospinal meningitis ... 7 5 7 Mum ...... 77 149 Chicen pox...... 419 213 481 Oph mi neonatorum ... 7 5 Diphtea...... 514 303 246 Paratyphoid fever...... 2' Erysipelas...... 11 9 14 Pea.ra...... German mles. 11 5 15 Pneumonia (all forms)..... 554 748 677 Influenza ...... 70 42 50 Polimylitis...... 2 1 2

Lethargic encephalitis..... 1 3 4 .....- 2 Scables...... *348 Malaria...... 2 1 Scarlet fever...... 318 282 1,599 2,255 17 Measles...... 07" I Septic sore throat...... 61 25 J2i mumps,...... 56 85 81 S pox...... 17 44 74 2 .neonatorum... 2...... i Tetanus...... 1. Pelagra...... Tracom a ...... 4 2 Pneumonia (all forms)..... 238 163 123 Tub is (all forms).... 228 211 Poliomyelitis...... 2 4 Typhoid ffiever...... 31 45 40 Septic sore throat...... 3 2 3 Vincent'j3 angina ...... 6.. ... 1 Scariet fever...... 905 515 461 W ooping cough...... 719 Smallpox...... 757 667 756 Massac ts: 7191 Trachoma...... 7 ...... Actinomycosis...... Tuberculosis (all forms).... 380 133 185 Anthrax...... Typhoid fever...... 33 14 Cerebrospinal meningiti... 21 13 Whooping cough...... 345 218 18713 Chicken pox...... 1,454 ,349 1, 49014 1293 7usel, 1921, STATE RE:PORT FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. SUMMARY OF DSASES-Cotinued.

Neweases report Nowcasesreported, Plce and disease. _ Place and disease. Ian. F ab. Mar, Jan. Feb. Mar.

Massachsetts-Continued. Montana-Continued. Conjunctivitis (suppura- Chicken pox ...... 163 145 75 tive)...... 38 27 31 Diphtheria ...... 42 35 29 Diphthia ...... 15795 749 Erysipelas ...... 8 4 2 5 2 German measles ...... 7 3 6 D. ...~...... 107 German measles...... 5212 S1 Influenza ...... -.---.10 3 15 inflenza...... 58 1:34 123 Lethargc encephalitis ...... 12...... 1 L d p oning...... 7 2 6 Measles...... 847 684 632 encephalitis ...... 43 ,Mumps ...... 284 255 153 4 ...... 1....4 Polio.y.litis...... 1 Measles ...... T,25 32 2,836 Pneumonia .. 24 22 12 '331910 41 30 767 Rocky Mountain spotted Opbth.neonatorum... 11 3 1( 74 or tiek fever ...... 1 . ' d ...... 1 2 Scarlet fever ...... 72 6.3 Pneumonia 51 17 577 Septic sore throat...1..... 2 3 (lobar)...... i10 7 Pdoliom elitis...... 0 1 Smallpx... 159 99 151 8cari cver...... I 11 12 1,254 Ta m...... Septic sore throat...... 4) 10 Tuberos. 24 23 39 SmallpoX...... 3 12 Typhoidfeve 6 3 11 Trachomna...... 6 110 8 Whoopi.g cough 217 169 133 Tubercul (pulmonary).. 59 2 659 Nebrska: T be osis (other fom*s). 7 08 57is W7 Cerebrospinalmeningitis .. 1 3 4 4 52 Typh d fever...... 33:8 4 Chicken pox .221 221 150 Tshsfever...... Diphtheia. 85 56 49 cough ...... 3 864 German measles . 1..... 1 V{opm Influena .19 4 3 ~en pox...... 1,366 Lethargic encephalitis...... 3 1 Diphtheria...... 34, 479e 878 Meales .74 149 285 Let ae rlcpaiis...... 2 2 85 Mup.. . 3 38 77 m e...... V.. ... 451 Peumonia .22 10 3 'Pneumonia...... 723 Scarlet fever . . 274 296 241 Pc elitis...... 3 Smapox... 524 568 423 Scarltfeve...... 1 L571 131t 1,396 Tuberculosis .26 3 42 SmaBpox ...... J 139l8 870 Tphoid fever .18 6 4 Trphbidfever...... '795 60 Whpooping cough.21 27 15 Whpooping cough ...... 698 New3erseey: Minnesota: Cerebrospinal meningitis... 14 11 17 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 8736 4 Chickenpx. ,462 1,373 1,214 Chicken pox...... 471 2 524 Diphtheria ...... 815 700 Diph*thera...... 331 25;r .245 Epilepsy ...... 2 ... 3 16 Er£ ...... 31 05S German measles...... 118 174 547 Iaez...... B 6 Inflenza ...... 127 247 299 Leprosy...... 1..2.. .1 Lead poisoning ...... 22 4 3 . 219 Malaria...... 2 3eas ...... I..1 1 4 Poliopmyelitis.. Meas ...... 4 849 1, 47 Z ...... Scarletfever... 73 741 Mercury poisoning 1...... Smallpox ...... 337 r1,832 1,408 Ophthalmia neonatorum... 7 4 10 Trachoma...... 1 3 Paratphoid fev er ...... 1 2 Tuberculosb(all forms).... 278 361 Pneumonia (all forms) .....-- 784 80 937 Typhoid fever...... 33 iU16 Poliomyeitis...... 5 3 5 Whoopingcough...... 67 72 Scarlet fever...... 1,275 1,291 1,232 ippp Smalpox ...... 7 10 . Cerebrospinal meningitis... 2 4 Tra ...... 2 4 3 Chicken .1,I025 1,294 1,076 Triehinosis...... 1...... -Diphtheria...... 140 67 Tuberulosis (allforms).... 494 415 508 Dysentery (amoebic)...... 37 107 48 Typhoid fever ...... 25 24 29 Dysentery (baillary)..... 131 391 Ty feer ... 3 ookwcrm...... 194 21 277 W oping cough...... 1 1,0 1,244 Influenz...... ano098 101 709 'ew Mexico: ald...... 3,, l3,773 4,612 Cancer ..1I.... 2 1 mead ...... 141 960 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 1 1 Mnp,...... 182 72 Chickenpsox .. 44 - 71.n 56 Opht thianeonatorum... 28 148 12 Conjunctivitis (acute) ...... 1 ..2 Peelgra 143 331 Dip theria .. 103 149 177 ....X...... 579 1,081 3 1 Poliom ltis ...... 5 2 Cerman measles...2....1 1 ..... r...... 44 1g Purjd sptcmia 41 Influenza ...6 ... 9 4 125 2778 46 lethargic encephalitis..I. 2 1 2 172 38D talaria 3 haIION...... 1 4 5 1, Measles ..659 ...519 525 177 286 ...... 96 9 Tubetlols...... so 00 113 Paraphoid fever ...... 1. Whooygcgg. 1,019 Mfontana:. Pneumonlta(allforms) ...... 59 48.....39 ...... 10 1 Pueral septicemia...... 1 1 1 CerebrospinilCeero.. irenipXjtbis.. 2 Scaret fever ...... ,... 37 43 46 JUne 3, 1921. 1294 - STATE REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 1921-Contd. SUMMARY OF DI 18A5.-Contnued

I New casesreported. Neweasesrepwrd. Place and disease. Ploo and disease. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar.

New Mexico-Continued. Ohio-Continued. 8eptkesorethroat ...... 4 3 9 Lead poisonng.5 4 Smallpoxc ...... 11 15 14 Lethargic encephalitis ...... 19 Trchoma ... 13 Mlalaria ...... 7 1 Tuberculosis (all forms) . 148... .270 245 Measls.4... 1,063 1,436 Typhoid fever .8 3 9 Mup .468 (2) 568 cough...... 103 174 202 Myasthenia ('left arm)... 2 NewJhoopingYork: Occupatlonaldermatitis 13 14 Anthrax ...... 1 1 1 Ophthsalmla nc3natorum .. 218 (5) 188 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 35 42 53 Paratyphoid fever ...... 2 Chic n ...... 3,311 2,975 3, 1 Pellagra. 1...... Diphth ...... 3, 3 3,354 2,887 Pneumonia (a 408 Dys ntry.1 2 2 Poamyts...... forms)...... (M6 62) 1 German measles. 208 359 642 Scarlet fever ...... 17931,77 1 270 Influenza ...... 779 616 842 Smallpox ...... 1,421 1,186 1,315 Lethargic encephalitis...... 83 257 107 Tradma...... 24 (1) 17 Measles ...... 86,638 6,0 6,249 Tuberculosis (all form ....s) 485 498 MSumpB ...... ,215 1,547 2,183 Typhoid fever.106 79 59072 ... Ophthalmianeonatorum 8 1 2 2 Typhus fever ...... 1 Paratyplld fe.ver...... 1 6 4 Whooping cou.829 (2) 876 Pneumonia (all forms). 3270 3,752 3,710 Oklahoma: Poliomyelstls . 10 10 1 Cerebrospinal meningitis1...... 1 Puerperal septicemia...... 7 14 59 Chicken pox ...... 32 56 84 Scarlet fever ...... 3,914 3,803 3,645 Diphtheria ...... 126 61 56 Septc sore throat.81 99 70 Influea . .33 5 2 Smallpoxc...... 38 65 152 Measles . f163 136 171 Tetaus...... 3 3 3 Ophthalmia neonatorum... 1 Trachoma...... 2 2 6 Pneumonia ...... 52 51 57 .... . Tuberculosis (all forms) 2,099 :1,518 2,020 Poliomyalitis ...... I 2 Typhoid fever...... 166 12 148 Scar lever ...... 49 30 49 Typhu3 fever...... 5 9 Smallpox .193 208 Whooping cough...... 2,447 2,765 2,529 Trachoma..... 2. North Carolina: Tuberculosis ..... 17 15 Cerebrospinal meningitis... 10 3 6 Tvyphoid fever..... 9. 15 Chicken pox ...... 631 592 646 Whooping cough..... 12 . 6 Diphthena...... 202 122 127 German measles ...... 8 15 9 Oregon: Cerebrospinal meningitis . . 1 ...... 1 Lethargic encephalitis Chicken ...... Measle ...... 1,4372, 401 2,732 .54 214 Ophthalnia neonatorum... . 2 1 2 Diphtheria ...... 86 173 79 Poliomyelitis ...... 1 2 1 Eoa ...... 447 .7 4 Scarlet fever ...... 9 130 70 61 Lethargic encephalitis. 3 2 3 Septicsorethroat ...... 11 l7 10 Measles 6 mapo ...... 335 442 584 ..49.3 hod fever...... 43 28 2B Mumps . 6 38 26 o cough . 127 1,272 Pneumonia . ... 3 7 1 N Wrth 1, 1,168 Rocky Mountain spotted or tick fever ...... 3 Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... Chicken poxc ...... 14 84... Scarlet fever ..98 52 Diphtheria ...... 172 Smallpoxc ...... 210 241 212 94... Tuberculosis ...... 37 34 41 German measles ...... 3 ...... Imptigo . Typhoid fever ...... 3 4 3 contagiosa ...... 7 ...... Whooping cough...... 19 19 Influenza...... 50. 5 Measles ...... 162 286 . Pennsylvania: Mlumps ...... 3 Athrax...... 4 5 Pneumonia ...... 25 24 . CerebrospinalInfuesa...... 7meningitis... 14 ..521 13 Scabies ...... 2 24 . Chicken pox ...... 4,089 3,90 3,512 Scarlet fever ...... 123 10 . Diphtheria...... 1,982 1,803 1,729 Smallpox ...... 298 230 . Erysipedas...... 178 173 162 Tuberculosis ...... 8 19...... German measls...... 4 117 Typhold fever ...... 11 9. Ledpoisoning ...... 1 3 arioloid ...... Measl ...... 468 5 877 5 305 Whoopingcough...... 30 31 . Mumps ...... 2'419 3561 Ohio: Ophtbalmla neonatorum 11 13 9 Actinomycosis . .1...... 1 Pneum a...... 761 906 poisonig 1 AiiiUn ...... Poliomyelitis ...... 3 3 5 Anthrax ...... 1 ...... Pte-peral fever ...... 4 2 1 . . Arsenic poisoning ...... Scarlt fever. 4,106 3,618 3,227 . Benzol poisoning ...... 1. Smallpox ...... 21 3 65 Cerebrospinal meningitis.... 7 22 11 Tetanus ...... 2 2 1 Chicken POx...... 1,553 (2) 1,508 Trachoma . 4 2 Diphthrla...... ,., 1,057 981 663 Trichiniasis .2 2 2 German measles...... 17 (2) 73 Tuberculosis ...... 582 599 642 Hex dermatitis 1...... I Typhoid fever..13 111 119 Jnfluenza .... 1331 80 68 Whooping cou ...... 2,315 2,410 2,377 'Report for March not roccived. ' No report reecived. 1295 June 3, 1921. STATE REPORTS FOR JANUARY, ERUARY, ANI) MARCH, 1921-Contd. SUMMARY OF DISEASES-Continued. I Rhode Island: Virginia-Continued. Cerebrospanal meningitis... 1 Hookworm...... 17 19 30 Cilnpo ...... 2 37 Influenza...... 1,849 2,488 2,352 atfs...... I1, Malaria...... 160 143 192 Diphtheria...... ii4. lo: 114 Measles...... 2,516 4,202 3,853 Gormanmeaes...... 4 L ...... 2 Pellagra...... 3 4 14 Influenza...... 09 ....i 1 Poliomyelitis...... 1 4 3 Lethargic encephalitis...... 1 1 Scarlet fever...... 338 250 244 Mulmps...... 3 3 24 Smallpox ...... -- 215 352 333 Me ...... 304 514 625 Tuberculosis (all forms).... 255 257 274 Mehthasles neonatorum... I 2 Typhoid ferer...... 86 60 63 Po ...... Washington: Rabies in man...... Cerebro3pinal meningitis... 4 Scarlet fever...... I' .....i 117 Chicken pox...... 559 572 Septic sore throat...... DI Diphtheria...... 135 118 98 Tw.homa...... I.. German measles...... 5 8 6 Tuberculosis (all forms).... 11V1 I 60 Influenza...... 80 Typoid fever...... I.. a.. 10 Lethargic encephalitis...... Vincent's angina...... 11 Measles...... 471 Whooping co ...... i. ...1 Mumps...... i.o100 92 150 South Carolina: Paratyphoid fever...... 1 5 Cancer...... 2 Pneumonia...... 74 60 Cerebrospinal meningtis...... Poliomyelitis...... 1 2 Chicken pox...... 75 118 Scarlet fever...... 300 218 Diphthia...... 129 122 229 Smallpox...... 617 532 '608 Dysentery...... 2a 1 21 Tuberculo3is...... 76 85 70 Hookorm...... 20 39 Typhoid fever...... 24 13 19 MSalaria ...... 19 23 Whooping cough...... 134 98 83 Measles...... 171 231 -458 West Virginia: 39 42 49 Cerebrospinal meningitis ... 5 8 5 Mumps...... Pellagra.... 3 1 .3 Chicken pox...... 333 243 133 Pneumonia...... 16 22 9 Diphtheria...... 263 158 142 Poliomyelitis...... j.. ,..... German measles...... 63 7 10 Scarlet fever...... 8 Hookwom...... 2 -1 Septic sore throat...... 9 ...... 1 Influenza...... iii. 162 84 Smallpox.... 178 194 135 Measles...... 1,815 2, 184 1,420 Tuberu s...... 26 9 19 Ophthalmia neonatorum... 1 4 5 Typhoid fever ...... 8 13 20 Poliomyelitis...... 12 2 1 whooping coulgh...... 111 89 82 Scarlet fever...... 295 209 211 South Dakota: Smallpox...... 512 472 459 Cerebrospilal meningitis... 2 4 Trachoma...... 2 2 ...... i Chicen p ...... 53 64 136 Tuberculosis...... 29 22 Diphtheria...... 23 43 45 Typhoid fever...... 66 62 56 Ervsipelas...... 4 3 * 14 WUhooping cough...... 380 266 229 Influenza...... 10 ...... * 5 Wisconsin: Meal...... 176 67 Cerebroipinal meningitis... 9 10 4 Pneumonia (all forms)... 41 -46 42 Chicken pox ...... 762 625 850 Scarlet fever...... 133 ,31 169 Diphtheria...... 672 483 333 Smallpox ...... 188 354 423 Erysipelas 52r 66 43 Trachoma...... 2 1 Germanl mieasles ...... 5 20 26 Typhoid fever...... 1 7 Influenza...... 245 148 97 Whooping cough...... 4 12 10 Lethargic encepbalitis...... 6 10 Vermont: Measles...... 655 701 522 Chicken pox...... 294 209 215 Ophthalmia neonatorum ... 2 ...... i Diphtheria...... 19 21 25 Poliomvelitis...... 3 Erysipelas...... 1 .3 Scarlet lever ...... 1, 101 995 1,003 German asles...... 8 ...... S.MpOX ...... 1) 141 954 832 I uenza...... 14 3 Trachoma...... 7 1 Lethargic encephalitis...... ,i... 1 3 Tuberculosis...... 1.57 108 Measles...... 595 691 Typhoid fever...... as 36 34 Mumps...... 87 105 Wooping cough...... 561 510 593 Pneumonia...... 12 9 21 Wyomig: Poliomyelitis ...... 1..... 1 CeWrebrospinal meningitis.... .6. 1 Scabies ...... 1 Chicken pox...... 44 Scarlet fever...... 118 Diphtheria...... 13 10 Smanpox...... 11 30 Measles...... 1616 275 205 Tuberculosis...... 17 ..i.i. Pneuimonia (all forms)..... 5 15 16 Typhoid fever...... 21 10 Rocky Motmtain spotted hooping cough...... 244 172 146 or tick fever...... 1 Virinia: Scarlet fever...... 65 72 Cerebrospinal meningitis ... 12 8 7 Smallpox...... 48 6T 69 Chicken pox...... 985:1,020 937 Tuberculosis (all forms).... 1 1 1 Diarrhea (under 2 years)... 240 219 211 Tvphoid fever...... 1 5 17 Diphtheria...... 439 247 178 Whooping cough...... I 0 - I June 3,1921. 1296 PENNSYLVANIA REPOIRT OR DECEMBE, 1920 (DELAYED).' CEREBROSPNAL MENIGII TYROID irvzR-continued. New cases New cases Pennsylvania: reported. Pennsylvania-Continued. reported. Armstrong County . .1...... Greene County ...... 1 I County . .1...... Huntingdon County...... 3 Mercer County ...... 1...... Indiana County ...... 2 Philadelphia County...... 3 Juniata County ...... 2

Lackawanna County ...... 2 Total ...... 8:6 Laneaster County ...... 11 Lawrence County ...... 2 POUOMYELITIS (INFANTILE PARALYSIS). Lebanon County ...... 2 Pennsylvania: Lehigh County...... 4 Luzerne 4 Allegheny County...... 1 County...... Lycoming County ...... 8 Butler County ...... 1 Crawford County...... : 4 Mercer County ...... 4 Lawrence County...... 1 Mifflin County ...... 1 Northampton County ..1...... Monroe County.S Philadelphia County...... I Montgomery County ...... 7 Westmoreland County ..1...... Montour County ...... 2 Northampton County...... 7 Total ...... 10 Philadelphia County ...... 21 Schuylkili County...... 6 SMALLPOX. Somerset County ...... 8 Pennsylvania: Susquebanna County...... 3 Beaver County...... 2 Tioga County...... 1 Columbia County...... 4 Venango County...... 28 Fayette County ...... ; . 1 Washington Coumty...... 8 Huntmgdon County...... 5 Westmoreland County...... 4

Indiana County ...... 1 York County ...... 7

Lawrence County ...... 1 Total ...... 210 Total ...... 14 SUMMARY OF DISEASES. TYPHOID FEVER. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania: Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... 6 Adams County...... 1 Chicken pox...... 3,751 Allegheny County...... 9 Diphtheria ...... 2,536 Armstrong County...... 5 Erysipelas ...... 107

Beaver County...... 5 German measles ...... 50 Berks County...... 6 Impetigo contagiosa ...... 62 Blair County...... 2 Lead poisoning ...... 1 Bucks County...... 3 Measles ...... 4,064

Butler County...... 3 Mumps ...... 1,284

Cambria County...... 2 Ophthalmia neonatorum ...... 9 Carbon County...... 1 Pneumonia...... 683 Center County...... 1 Poliomyelitis ...... 10 Chester County...... 1 Puerperal fever...... 1 Clarion County...... 2 Scabes...... 63 Clearfield County...... 1 Scarlet fever ...... 3,559 Crawford County...... 3 Smallpox ...... 14 Cumberland County...... 1 Tetanus...... 2 Dauphin County...... 3 Trachoma...... 4 Delaware County...... 2 Tuberculosi...... 630 Fayette County...... 5 Typhoid fever ...... 210 Franldin County...... 1 Whooping cough...... 2,163 I This report was received too late to be included in the State reports for October, November, and December, 1920, published in the Public Health Reports Mar. 4,1921. FOREIGN AND INSULAR.

CHINA. Cattle Plague-Shantung Province. In Shantung Province, China, outbreaks of cattle plague were reported, April 27, 1921, at Tsinan and Kaomi, with prevalence at other points in that vicinity. Large shipments of hides are made from Shantung Province to the United States. CUBA. Communicable Diseases-Habana. Communicable diseases have been notified at Habana as follows:

May 1-10, 1921. Remain- May 1-10, 1921- Remain- cger urnfer Disease. treat- Disease. treat- Now Deaths ment New Deaths ment cases.May 10, ~~~~cases. May 10, '1921. 1921.

Cerebrospinul menin- Measles ...... 3 6...... gitis . . 1 Paratyphoid fever . . I Chicken -...... 8 ...... 13 Scarlet fever ....; ...... 14 D.iphtherIa ...... Smallpox...... 21...... I Ljeprosy...... 1 ..4 . 14 Typhoid fever...... 6 2...27 lMalaria...... 14 ...... 130

I From the interior, 22. tFrom the interior, 19; from abroad, 1. HAITI. Smallpox Epidemic Abating.' Information dated April 21, 1921, shows the smallpox epidemic in Haiti to be slowly abating, practically all the patients isolated in the various municipalities having come from the interior of the coun- try with intention of emigrating to Cuba. No newcases werereported in the cities proper. The smallpox situation was stated as follows: Total number of cases at Port au Prince from September, 1920, 3,166; total number of deaths, 315; daily average of admissions at Port au Prince during the week ended April 21, 1921, 1 case; total number of cases isolated in 13 other localities, 297. Approximately 800,000 to 900,000 persons were stated to have been vaccinated. Measures Against Importation of Plague. On account of the presence of plague in near-by countries, energetie antiplague measures have been instituted, including inspection and close supervision of incoming vessels and systematic destruction of rats. IPublic Health Reports, Mar. 18, 1921, p. 583. (1297) June 3, 1921. 1298 JAMAICA- Infecdou Diseas (Alasm or KaUr Pox). During the two weeks ended May 7, 1921, 851 cases of alastrim or Kaffir pox were reported in the island of Jamaica. Meales-instaa? During the two weeks ended May 7, 1921, a large number of cases of measles were reported in Kingston, Jamaica. The disease was stated not to be notifiable in Jamaica. Quarantine Against Plague-Arrivals from Poto Rio. Under order of the quarantine board of- the island of Jamaica, dated May 4, 1921, vessels arriving from Porto Rico were made sub- ject to the requirements against importation of plague. PORTUGAL Plague-Lisbon-October and November, 1920-Februay, 1921. On April 26, 1921, official announcement was made before the meeting of the International Office of Public Hygiene, Paris, of the occurrence of plague at Lisbon, Portugal, in October and November, 1920, with 93 cases, 27 deaths, and of 1 case reported February 4, 1921. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. Plague-Oange Free State. Plague has been reported in the Orange Free State, Union of South Africa, as follows: Week ended April 2, 1921, fatal termination of a case previously reported; week ended April 9, 1921, occurrence of five new cases, three being in Europeans, with two deaths, one Euro- pean, one native. The cases occurred- on farms in the Bothaville area, Kroonstad district. Typhus Fever-September, October, and November, 1920. The occurrence of typhus fever in the Union of South Africa, during the three-month period, September, October, and November, 1920, has been reported as follows:

Natives and cot- Wbites. ored, ineluding Month (1920). Asiatlcs. Case3. Deaths. Cas. Deaths.

2 1 245 SeptemberOctober ...... 15 ...... 2,259303 November.10| 1 1, 50 307 Total ...... 30| 3| 5,1441915

XPublic Health Reports, May 0, 1921, p. 1024. 1299 June 3, 1921. TypShus fever in the Union of South Africa was stated to be chiefly p"aealent among native people living on reserves and farms in the central aend eastern part of Cape Province, and to* a lesser extent in the Orange Free State and Natal. The larger coastal cities were stated to be almost entirely free from the disease. VIRGIN: ISLANDS. Cotagious DIs Apr, 1921. The occurrence of contagious diseases in the Virgin Islands during the month of April, 1921, has been reported as follows:

Disease. Cases. Remarks.

in St. Thomas and St. John: Chanoroid...... 6 3 imported. Dengue.....^2 ...... ,2Dyetery lnclgssi1Ied. Gonorrhea ...... 4imported. .Mumps ...... 2 Unc.ssi.ed79 Pea ...... 1 T .choma...... - 1 Tuberculosis ...... :...... 4 Acute, pulmonary, miliary. In St. Croix:

Dysents * .~.^ .....*1tntSl ...... 3 Banfr ti. FGlar ~~~~~~~~~~~.....9 Gonorrhea ...... Pear...... 12 Trachoms...... 11 Tuberlos ...... 1 Chronic pulmonary.


Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

India...... Jan. 30-Feb. 19, 1920: Deaths, Rangoon ...... Mar. 27-Apr. 2.... 8 6 3,980. PhilippineIslands: __anila ...... Apr. 3-16 ...... 3...... Sli: Bangkok ...... Mar. 6-Apr. 2..... 3......


Ceylon: Colombo ...... Mar.27-Apr.9 3 3 China: Amoy ...... Apr.3-9...... 1 1 Chihli Province...... Total to Apr. 5, 1921: Deaths, Bongkong ...... Feb. 20-28 ...... 2 2 243. Mnchuria Province- Harbin ...... Mar. 21-Apr. 9.... 1,319 ...... Ecuador: 1 Guayaqul...... Apr. 16-30.3 Efypt ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 28, 1921: Cases, 97; Aklexandria ...... Apr.21-27...... 10 6 deaths, 50. Suez ...... Apr. 21-23 ...... 3 2 ...... Mar. 27 .2,1921: Cam, 4,27; ,IndiaBombay ...... 2.,12:C7.....;...... 27-Apr. 2.... 64 47 deaths, 3,812. Karachi ...... Apr. 1. ... 14 12 Rangoon .M...... ar.27-Apr.2 26 23 1From medical officers ofthe Public Health Service, American consuls, and other sources 48857° 21-4 June 3, 192L 1300 CHOLERA, PLAGUE SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEVER-Continued. Report Received Durig Week Ended June 3, 1921-Cmtinued. PIAGUE-Continued.

Place. Date. Css. Deaths. Remarks.

Indo-China: gon ...... ,Mar. 21-Apr. 8, 1921: Rodent plague; two plague rats found. Portuga: sbon . l ...... Oct. 2-Nov. 17.... 93 27 Do ..... Feb.4...... 1 Siam: Bangkok...... Mar. 13-Apr. 2.... 11 11 Straits Settlements: Singapore ...... Mar.20-Apr. 9.... 2 3 Union of bouth Africa: Oran"e Free State- eroostad District.... Mar. 27-Apr. 9.... 5 3 On f , Bothavle -area. Of these, 3 es with 1 death in .... . ^ . . Europ


Argentina: oosaro...... Mar. 1-1. - 1 1...... Brazil: Pernambuco...... Jan. 31-MaT. 27.... 17 Sao Paulo...... j...... '''-' i' Canada: WDc. 26-Jan. 2..... Alberta- Calgary...... May 1-7...... 2 Manitoba- Winnipeg...... Apr. 24-30...... 1 New Brunswick- Charlotte qotmty..... May 1-7...... 2 Northumberland 1 County Ontario- Ottawa...... May 8-14...... 25 Toronto...... do. 2 Saskatchewan- Apr. 24-May 7.... 10 1 China:ReiaChn:Peginu...... 1 Amoy...... Mar. 27-Apr. 2 .... 4 ...... 16 ... Chunking...... Mlar. 13-Apr...... Present. Nanking...... Mar. 27-Apr. 23 ...... Do. Shanghai...... Apr. 1824...... Chosen (Korea): Fusan...... Mar. 1-31...... 3 1 Gensan...... do. 21 16 Seoul...... d ...... 1 ...... Colombia: Santa Marta...... May 1-7...... Do. Cuba: Antilla...... May 1-14...... 2 1 casefrom Baracoa. Ecuador: Guayaquil...... Apr. 16-30...... 3 ...... Haiti: ...... Cape Haitien...... May 1-7...... 58 ...... West Indian smallpox. Port au Prince...... Sptember, 1 -Apr. 21, 1921: Cases, 3,16 deats, 315. To...... tal cases isolated on Apr.21 in 13 other localities, 297. India...... Jan. 30-Feb. 19, 1921: Deths, 1,758. Bombay...... Mar. 27-Apr. 2.... 65 39 achi...... Apr. 1016. 1 Rangoon...... Mar. 27-Apr. 2.... 10 Italy: ...... Catania...... Apr. 18-24...... Vicinity, 6 cases. Japan: Kobe...... Apr. 18-30...... 1 Nagasaki...... Apr. 11-17...... 4 ...... Java: ...... West Java- Bandoeng...... Mar. 24-30...... 1 Batavia...... do. -2 Krawang...... do. 1 Pandeglang...... do. 2 2 1301 June 3, 1921. CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEVER-Continued. Reports Received During Week Ended June 3, 1921-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. 1 Remarks.

Mexico: Sauina Crus 1 30...... 2 Newfoundland:...... Apr. St. Johns...... May 7-13...... Panama: Colon ...... Apr. 27-May 10... 8. Portuguese East Africa: Lozrenco Marques...... Apr.3-9...... 1 . S;iam: Bangkok ...... M.. ar. 26-Apr. 2.... 1 . Tunis: Tunis ...... ,Apr. 18-29 ...... 3 6 Union of South Africa: Cape Province...... Mar.. 27-Apr. 9 ..Outbreaks. Orange Free State..... do...... Do.

Transvaal ...... do.. . , Do.

.~~ ~~~~~...... TPUS FEVER

Algva: Oran ...... Apr. 21-30...... 48 12 Apr. 10-16. 1 . a ...... Chile: Concepcion .... 2 Cbosen (Korea):...... Mar. 22-28 ...... Seoul ...... M ar. 1 1 ...... Indo.China: eaigon ...... Mar.27-Apr.8.... 1 1 Japan: Nagsaki ...... Apr. 11-172 ....., Mexico: San Luis Potoi ..... MMay 8-14 .. .1...... Portugal: Oporto ..... Apr. 12-18 .... 1 1 Syria: Beirtt ..... Apr. 10-20...... Tunis: Tunis ...... Apr. 17-29 ...... 2 1 Union of South Africa ...... Sep te m be r-November, 1920: Cases, 5,144; deaths, 915. Of these, 30 cases, 3 deaths, among whites; remainider among na- tives and colored. Cape Province...... Mar.27-Apr.9.... Outbreaks. TransvaaL...... do ....---....---...... Do.

Reports Received from Jan. 1 to May 27, 1921. CHOLERA.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

China: Canton...... Nov. 1-30...... 7 6 Changsha ...... Nov. 29...... Present. Chungking...... do...... Do. Chosen (Korea)...... Aug. 1-Dec. 2,1920: Case, 24,017; ...... deaths, 13,32. India...... S¢pt. 26-Oct. 9, 1921k Deaths, Bombay...... Dec. 5-11...... 2 2 672. Oct. 31-Dec. 11, 192. Do...... Jan. 18-Feb. 26.... 4 2 deaths, 7,184. Jan. 2-29, 1921: Calcutta...... Oct. 31-Dec. 25.... 321 283 Deaths, 4,485. Do...... Dec. 256-Mar. 26... 876 728 Madras...... Dec. 12-18...... 77 44 Do...... Dec. 26-Apr. 2.... 313 115 Rangoon...... Nov. 28-Doec. 25... 9 8 D ...... Dee. 26-Mar. 26. .. 24 22 June 3, 192L 1302 CHOLERA, PLAGUR, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS ?EVER, AND YELLOW FEVER-Continued. Reports Reieved fromInJa 1 to MaY 27, 1921-Continued. CHOLBEA-Continued.

PI&M. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

IndooChlna...... July 1-31,. 1920: Cases, 13; deaths, 98. Saigon...... Dec. 27-Feb. 27... 7 4 Including surrounding oountry. Japan: Taiwan Island (Formosa).. Nov: 11-Dec. 31... 219 93 Do...... Jan. 2 ...... Java: 1-20...... West Java- Bandoeng...... Oct; 29-Nov. 11... 2 Batavia...... Nov. 25-Dec. 1.... 1 Philippine Islands: manila...... Nov. 7-Dec. 25.... 9 Do...... Jan. 2...... 15 Provinces- 9-Apr. Cagayan ;.,^, Oct. 3-Nov. 20.... 11 9 Mindoro...... Jan. 9-15...... 4 Occidental Negfos...... do. Samar. Aug. 1-7...... 1 Poan ...... Sorsoion...... Jan. 2-8...... 1 Poland..'i.; ...... ,...... Oct. 1-31, 192: Cases, 26; deaths, 13. Mar. 15, 1921: Cases pres. ent SB among pr r - civA population; 2 Eastern frontier- military. Bialystok.. De. 16...... Present. Galicia.. Nov. 1-30...... 19 11 Grodno...... do...... Do. Olitza...... do...... Do. Posen...... do...... Present in Russian prison camp Stralkowo...... do...... " Mar. 1, 1921: Cases, 31. Strelno...Sten...... do. Warsaw...... ; Oct. 1-31...... 2 In district. Do...... Dec. 16...... 5 Nov. 1-30,1920: Cases, 7; deaths, Russia: 2. Lithuania...... Feb. 19, 1921: Cas reported, 35; Latvia- mortality, 30 per cent. Riga ...... Jan. 22...... Present. Siam: Bangkok:. Oct. 9-Nov. 7.... 7 1 Do...... Dec. 26-Feb. 26.. 5 2

. . . PLAGUE.

Algeria: Algiers...... Nov. 1-Dec. 31.... 3 1 Do...... Jan. 1-31...... 3 1 Oran...... Mar. 11-20...... 2 1 Dec. 20, 1920: 1 case. Argentina: Rosario...... Feb. 1-28...... 3 Jan. 1-31, 1921: 3 plague rodents Azores: found. St. MichaeLs...... Total, Oct. 1-Dec. 10,1920: Cases Ponta Delgada. Feb...... I...... 5-1i.....,.....I I ...... 149; deaths, 49. In vicinity oi Ponta Delgada. Bahia...... Oct. 31-Dec. 18.... 6 1 Do...... Dec. 26-Mar. 12.. 14 4 Ceara.... Oct. 17-Feb. 5...... 16 Pernam&buco.. Oct. 18-Dec. 5... 3 Porto Alegre...... Nov. 14-Dec. 11...... 2 Do...... Dec. 23-Feb. 19...... 7 Rio de Janeiro...... Feb. 15-21...... British East Africa...... Outbreak Nov. 8, 1920: Cases Kenya Colony- reported, 1,067. Kisumu...... Oct. 31-Dec. 25...... Present. Do...... Dec. 26-Mar. 2...... Do. M bassa...... Oct. 31-Dec. 25.... 2 2 Do...... Dec. 26-Jan. 15...... Do. Nairobi...... Oct. 31-Dec. 25.... .is Do...... Jan. 2-Feb. 5... 19 15 Pneumonic, present. Uganda...... Oct. 21-Dec. 21... 111 103 Entire protectorate. Do...... July 1-Nov. 5.... 259 63 Do. Ceyloni: Colombo..... Nov. 7-Dec. 18.... 18 60 Do...... Jan. 16-Mar. 2B.... 118 104 1303 June 3, 1921. CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND -YELLOfW FEVER-Continued. Reports Ri-ceived from Jan. 1 to May 27, 1921 -Continued. PLAGUE-Continued.

Plae. Date. Cas. Deaths. Remarks. _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chile: Antofagasta...... July 9-Dec. 29... 1.S A1I Year 1920: Ca scs, 24. Do ...... Dec 27-Feb. 5.. I China: Chihli Province...... Mar. 11, 1921: Present on Tient- sin & Pukow R. R., 70 miles east of Tientsin. Pneumonic. Reappearance of plaguereport- ed Apr. 12,1921. Mar. 14, 1921: Reported in 15 localities with 100 fatal cases. Peking...... Jan. 25...... I. I In Chinese quarter. Hongkong...... Nov. 7-Dec. 1.... Wo ...... JLn. 9-Feb. 12. Hwaugsemn...... Feb. 12...... A few cases reported. Kwantung Province...... Dec. 29...... *...... Reported present in Tapu dis- trict. Mar. 7,1921: Recurrence. Mawhuria Province- Chanchun...... Feb. 18...... Harbin Feb. 2-Mar 26..... 10t ...... I West of Harbin, Feb. 7, 1921, 400 fatal cases reported. Feb. 14, 1921, fatal cases, 1200. To Mar. 14, 1921: 4 000 fatal cases. Pneumonic. Fatal cases re- ported daily, about 40. Apr. l 13, improving; east of Harbin, more serious.

Mukden Feb...... 2o-26...... Prevalent. Taitsihar...... Feb. 2-Mar. 10...... Present.

Sang Yuan...... Mar. 3...... saci In northern Shantung Province. Shanghai...... I...... Two plague rats found, Dec. 20 and Dec. 31, 1920. Ecuador: *1 Guayaqul ...... Nov. 16-Dec. 31... 111 36 .cgo...... Jan. 1-Apr. 15..... 222 76 ... . .-...... Jan. 1-Dec. 30, 1920: Cases, 462; Egyp deaths, 269. Jan. I-Apr. 14, Alexandria...... Jan. 17-Apr. 12.... 12 5 1921: Cases, 69; deaths, 35. Port Said...... Oct. 22-28...... 1 Do...... Jan. 22...... 1 1 Suez...... Nov. 18-27...... 10 3 Do...... Jan. 5-Apr. 7...... 16 14 Pneumonic, 6 cases; septicemic, Provinces- 1 case. Assiout ...... Nov. 24...... 3 2

Gharbieh...... Apr.7-9...... 1 ......

Girgeh ...... War.7...... 3 ...... Mineh...... Feb. 14-Mar. 3.... 5 France: Marseille...... June-Aug. 31...... 58 20 Paris...... June-Oct. 15...... 50 11 In suburbs, June-Nov. 2, 1920: Cases, 38; deaths, 19. Do ...... I ...... Jan. 1-13, 1921: Cases, 3; deaths, 1. (Suspect.) Great Britain: Dublin...... 1 casereported Dec. 15, 1920: date -1- of occulrrence Oct. 18, 1920. liverpool ...... Plague-infected rat fotnd, period Nov. 28-Dec. 11,1920. Greece:

Kavala ...... Oct. 25-Nov. 7 2 ...... India ...... Oct. 24-Dec...... i 25, 1920: Cases, Bombay...... 28-Dec. 25 21,376; deaths, 14,874. Jan. 2- Do ...... Dec. 26-Mar. 26... 167 119 Mar. 26. 1921: Cases, 51,796; Calcutta ...... Nov. 14-20. 46 44 deaths, 40,726. Do .Jan. 30-Mar. 26.... 2 2

Karachi ...... Dec. 25-31. 2 2

Do ...... -.Mar. 27-Apr.-9 9 7

Madras ...... Dec. 5-25. 7 4

Do ...... Jan. 9-29. 3 1 Madras Presidency...... N ov. 14-Dec. 25... 4,349 2,991 Do ...... Dec.26-Apr.9.... 10,973 7, 976 Rangoon...... Oct. 31-Dec. 25.... 30 28

...... Dec. 26-Mar. 20... 285 273 Indo- ina ...... July 1-31, 1920: Cases, 98; deaths, 74...... Dec. 27-Mar. .a' Inicluding surrounding -country. June 3,192L. 1304. CHOLERA, PLAGUXE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER,- ANP YSILLOW, FEVBR-Conthuued. Reports Received from Jan. 1 to May 27, 1921-Continued. PIAGUE-Continued.

Place. Date. Oases. Deaths. Re k _ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Java: West Java- Batavia...... Nov. 21-Doc. 1.... 3 3 Do...... Jan. 13-26...... 1 3 Jugoslavia: Cattaro....- Feb. 23...... 3 ...... Among French troops. adagascar: Tamatave...... Mar.9...... esent. Mes tamia 7 Oct. 1-31...... 25 Do...... Feb. 1-23. 1 2 Mexico: Carbonera...... Dec. 5-20...... 3 1 State of San Luis Potosi. Dec., Do ...... -.- Doec. 26-Jan. 8.... 3 1920-Feb. 12, 1921: Cas, 24. Cerritos...... Dec. 5-20...... 7 State of San Luis Potosi. Do ...... Dec. 26-Feb. 5.... 5 Tampico...... Mar. 23-May 2..... 13 Total plague cases, Jan. 1-Apr. 19, 1921: 9. Vera Crus...... i...... Mar.M 21-Apr. 10, 1921: 4 plaue infected rodents fomd. Mar. 14,-1O2i Rodentplaguepresent. Morocco: Tangiers...... Apr. 25 i...... 1; Reported present. Paraguay: Asuncion...... Feb. 4...... Peru...... July-December, 1920: Cases, 292; deaths; 136. Jan.-Feb. 28, 1921: Departments- Cases, 141: deaths, 71. Callao-Lima...... July-December, 1920: Cases, 23; Callao ...... Feb. 1-15. 2 *deaths 10. Jan. 1-31, 1921: Libertad ...... do. 1 ...... Cases,§; deaths, 2. 1TrujilloSalaverry.. Dec. 27-Apr. 2..... 35 8 ...... Feb. 1-15...... 14 4 Plum ...... do. 21 10 Porto Rico: Carolina...... Apr. 17-30...... 2 1 San Juan ...... Feb. 18-25...... 7 2 Feb. 17-Mar. 3: Plaguie rats foumd, 19. Apr. 17-23, 1921: 2 cases clinically confirmed, 1 at Arecibo, 1 at Carolina; 5 plague rats found at three localities. In addition, 2 plague rats reported found, Apr. 14, 1921. Portuguese West Africa. Angola- Loanda...... Mar. 18-Apr. 8, 1921: Rat plague present. Russia: * Batum...... Nov. 24-Dec. 3.... 38 Epidemic outbreak. Siberia--

Vladivostok...... Apr. 22...... Prevalent. A few deaths among Chinese. Slam: Bangkok...... Dec. 5-11...... Straits Settlements: Singapore...... Oct. 31-Nov. 6.... 1 1 4 4 Tunis: Do...... Feb. 13-Mar. 19...

Ben Gardane...... June-July, 1920: Cases, 6. No. vember-December, 192D: Cases, 10, in surrounding territry.' Zarzis .I Jan. 25. Jan. 15, 1921: 10 cases notified in vicnity. (Corrected re t reeived Mar. 30, 1921.) Apr. 26, 1921: Outbrea in vicity 23: Cases, 23: reported.deaths,8 Apr. Turkey: Constantinople.... Nov. 21-27...... 1 2 Union of South Africa: Orange Free State- Hloopstad district...... Nov. 28-Dee. 18... 3 1 1 European, 2 natives. On Vry held Farm. (Publie Health Reports, June 25, 1920 p. 1560.) 26.... Do ...... Jan. 23-Mar. 3 Europeanandnatlves. bufars. Kroonstad ..... do. 9 On farms. Plague.infected wild district:: . rodentson. 105 June 3, 1921. CHOLERA, PLAGUE9, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEVER-Continued. Rep,rts Received from Jan. 1 to May 27, 1921-Continued. PLAGUE-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Uruguavy: Montevideo ...... Feb. 1-28.1 1 On vessel: S. S. Kronprincessan Vie. Jan. 15...... I...... At Stockholm, Sweden. Rat toria. plague -found. Vessel left Bue. nos Aires, Argentina, Nov 17 1929. Stopped at Goteborg and Malmo, Sweden. Left ifalmo Jan. 11 1921 Rats found dead Jan. I,* 1921, at Stockholm.


Algerih: Algiers...... Jan. 1-31...... 5 ...... Austria ...... Aug. 29-Dec. 25,1920: Cases, 75. Azores: Ponta Delgada ...... Dec. 18-24...... 7 ...... Bolivia: La Paz...... Oct. 1-Dec. 31..... 19 7 Brazil: Bahia...... Oct. 31-Ded. 25.... 6 ...... Do...... Jfan. 815. 4 ...... Pernambuco...... Oct. 18-Dec. l9.... 102 Do....D ...... Dec. 27-Jan. 30.... 36 ...... Rio do Janeiro...... Oct. 24-Dec. 25.... 112 Do ...... Dec. 26-Apr. 9.... 26 6 Sao Paulo...... Dec. 13-19....' ...... 1 British East Africa: Kenya Colony- Mlombasa...... Jan.23-29...... 1 Uganda.: ...... May 1-June 30, 1920 Cases, 272. Bulgaria: ...... I..... Sfa...... Nov. 7-13...... 2 Canada: Albert- Calgary..agr...... Dec. 12-18. 2 ...... Do...... Jan. 2-Apr. 9. 15 ...... British Columbia- Fernie...... Feb. 6-12...... 2 Vancouver...... Dec. 5-11...... 1 Do...... Dec. 26-Apr. 2 . .. 32 Victoria. Jan. 30-Mar. 5.... 5 lManitoba- Wbinnpeg...... Jan. 16-Apr. 12... 29. New Brunswick ...... -...... From lumber camp on Canadian - ...... Bonaventure and Feb. 16 ..... Government R. R., Feb. 5, Gaspe Counties. 1921, 5 cases. Campton...... Jan. 915...... f...... I...... Present. County...... Apr. 24-30...... 5 ...... Gloucester County..... Jan. 23-29...... 1 ...... Madawas]a County.... Jan. 30-Feb. 19.... 2 ...... N orthumberland Mar. 6-12...... 1 ...... County. RestigoucheCotnty.... Dec. 12-18...... 1 ...... Do...... Feb. 6-19...... 2 ...... St. Stephen...... Feb. 27-Mar. 5.... 1 ...... York County...... do. 6 ...... Nova Scotia- Sydney...... Feb. 13-Apr. 16... 18 ...... Yarm uth...... Jan. 9-Mar.26..... 9 ...... Ontario...... November-December,1920: Cases, Eamilton. Dec. 19-31 ...... 992; deaths, 5. Jan. 1-31, 1921: Do.... Jan. 2-May 14.... 76 ...... Cases, 902; deaths, 3. wiao ..._...... Dec. 26-Apr. 23 ... 15 ...... a...... Jan. 2-May 7...... 38 ...... Montreal ...... Jan. 2-Apr. 23... 15 ...... Niag Falls ...... Dec. 12-18...... 1 ...... North Bay...... Dec. 12-25...... 4 ...... Do...... Jan. 2-May 7...... 36. Ottawa...... Dec. 12-26...... 75 Do. Dec. 25-May 7..... 789 Petborough...... Dec. 26-Apr. 30. .. 7 June 3, 1921. 1306 CHOLERA, PIAGiUE,E SMALLPOX;. TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEYER-Oontinued. Port Reeeed- from Ja. -1 to May 27, 1921-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. - Date. Cases. Desths. Remark&

Canada-Continued. Ontario-Continued. Prescott ... Apr. 3-9...... 1 ...... Sa ia...... Feb. 20-Mar. 5.... 2 ...... Sault Ste. Marie...... Jan. 9-Feb. 12.... 48 ...... Mar. 27-Apr. 23, 1921: Present. Toronto...... Dec. 12-25...... 7 ...... Four reported cases. Do...... Dec. 201-May 7..... 75 ...... Quebec- Quebec...... Jan. 28-Feb. 19.... 2 ...... Saskatchewan- Moose Jaw...... Dec. 19-25...... 1 ...... Do...... Jan. 2-Apr. 30..... 16 ...... Regina...... Dec. 12-25...... 11 ...... Do. Jan. 2-A r.23..... 67 ...... Saskatoon. Doe. s1...... 200 ...... Do...... Jan. 9-Mar. 26..... 28 ...... Ceylon: Colombo...... Nov. 21-Dec. 25... 18 7 Do...... Dec. 26-Feb. 19... 6 2 Chile: Antofagasta...... Mar. 21-Apr. 11 ... 7 2 Iquque...... -...... Epidemic with high mortality. Coquimbo...... Feb. 13-19...... 2 ...... China: Amoyr...... Nov. 7-Dec. 25...... 7 Do...... Dec. 26-Mar. 26...... I.. 10 Antung...... Dec. 20-26. Do...... Jan. 10-Mar. 6-.... 3 ...... Canton...... Doec. 1-31...... Present.

Do...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28...... Do. Chungking...... Nov. 7-Dec. 25...... 11 -Do. Do..... Dec. 26-Mar. 12...... Do.

Foochow... Nov. 7-Dec. 25...... Do.

Do...... Dec. 26-Mar. 26...... Do. Hang ow ...... Jan. 2-22.... Hongong...... Jan. 16-Feb. 19.... 11 Manchuria Province- Dairen.. Nov. 16-Dec. 20... 12 3 Do...... Dec. 28-Mar. 6.... 375 55 Mukden...... Dee. 1-18...... Do...... Jan. 16-Mar. 26.... Presaent.Present. Nanking...... Nov. 14-De. 18... Do. Do...... Dec. 26-Mar. 19... 2...... Do. Shanghai ...... Feb. 7-Mar. 12.... Tientsin...... Nov. 14-Dec. 4.... 2 Doc. 12-25, 1920: Cams, 160; in camp for famine refugees. Do...... Dec. 20-Mar. 26 .. 2 In camp for famine refu 477. Tsinanfu...... Oet. 31-Nov. 12.. 120 Statistics of Shantung Christian Tsmngtau...... Jan. 3-Mar. 27.... 6 Hospital. Chosen (Koren): Chemulpo...... Due. 1-31. 1 ...... Fusan...... Nov. 1-30...... Do...... Jan. 1-31...... 4 1 Gensan...... Dee. 1-31...... 15 12 Do...... Jan. 1-31...... 24 8 Colombia: Barranquilla...... Jan. 16-Mar. 12.... -.-...... |-. ... Present. Santa Marta...... Dec. 5-25. I Do...... Dec, 26-Apr. 30...... Do. Cuba: -|* DoB Antilla...... Ded. 7-27 . 10 ..... For port of Preston. Do...... Jan. 2-Apr.30 ... 94 ...... Do. Camagucy Province...... ' Reported seriously prevalent '''''''''''''''''I'; during January, 1921. Mar. 17, 1921: 386 cases reported. Cienfuegos...... Mar. 13-Apr. 2..... 3 I from Jatibonico, Cuba; 1 from Habana...... Dec. 31-Feb. 16.... 11 Jamaica. Lugareno...... Mar. 7-13...... 2 Vicinity of Nuevitas. Dec. 6-12, Matanzas...... Jan. 2-29 ..... 6 1920; 1 case. Apr. 25-May 1, Nuevitas...... Dec. 6-19...... 2 1921: Pre3ent. Do...... Jan.3-May 8. And vinty.

Oriente Province...... IR ...... Mar. 17, 1921: 394 cases reported. Santiago...... Nov. 20De.10.... 26 Do...... Feb. 1-Apr. 30..... 364 "Alastrim" reported present. Estimated Mar. 1-20, 1921: cas, 1,0 1307; June8, 1921. CHOLERA, PLAGUE, Mk LLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER,- AND YELLOW. FEVER-Continued.. Reports Received from Jan. 1 to May 27, 1921- Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Pee. f Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks. I Czechoslovakia...... I...... July li-Aug. 14,192D: Cases, 141; deaths, 29. Danzig...... Dec. 5-18...... 2 ...... -Nov. 25Dec.25, 1920: Cas, 9; Dominican Republic: occurrilg in 4 localities Santo Domingo...... JUn.9-Feb.19..... 13 1 Ecuador: Guayaqlull...... Nov. 16-Dec 31.... 33 2 Do . ; Jan. 1-Apr. 15...... 85 ...... E=Candra...... Dec. 17-31...... 3 1 Do...... Jan. 1-Apr. 8.... 11 2 Cairo...... Oct. 1-Dec 9. 3 Do...... Jan. -Feb. 25..... 2 Port Said . Nov. 19-Dec. 31.... 1 1 Do...... Jan. 814...... 1 France: Paris...... Nov. 1-30...... 2 1 Do...... Jan. 1-31...... 7 1 Rouen...... Nov. 21-Dec. 31.... 7 2 Do...... Feb. 13-Mar. 19.... 4 1 St. Etienne...... Dee. 3-15...... 2 I Do .. . Jan. 23-Feb. 12.... 3 Germany...... Aug. 29-Nov. 6,1920: Cases, 40. Great Bntain: Glasgow...... Dec. 25.. 11 2 Do...... Jan.M . 19. 23 8 iv pod...... Jan. 30-Feb. 5..... 1 ...... London...... Dec. 2a-Jan. 1...... 1 ...... Greece Patras ...... Apr. 4-10...... Salonki...... Nov. 15-Dec. 26.... 14 In surrounding country: Cases Do...... Dec. 27-Apr. 3... 50 22 21; deaths, 2. Cas reported Mar. 14-Apr. 3, 1921, were among Russians. Feb. 11-20, I 1921: Cases, 1; deaths, 2.

Haiti ...... Sept. 22, 1920-Jan. 8, 1921: Cases, CapeHaitien.. Feb. 13-Apr.30 ...1 ...... 161 2,362; deaths, 04. Port au Prince ...... Sept. 22Dec. 2..... 8 ...... 40 In 8 interior towns, 20 cases. In one locality, 18 cases. In coun- try districts, Vicinity ofPort au Prince, cases numerous. From date of outbreakc to Feb. 1U 1921: Cases,2,874; deats,221. Honduras: Ceiba...... Feb. 13-Mar. 5.... 4 ...... India...... ii,.-...... Sept. 26-Oct. 9 1920- Deaths; Bombay...... Nov. 7-Dec.25. 250. Oct. 31-bec. il, 5g.' Do...... Dec. 26-Mar. 26.... 36 120 Deaths 3902 Dec. 19-25, Calecutta...... Dec. 5-11...... 2 2 1920: beats, 353 Dec. 26, Do...... Jan. 2-Mar.26..... 28 18 1920Jan. 29,1921: Deaths,2,333. Karachi ...... Jan. 16-Apr. 9.... 51 2 Madras...... Nov. 14-Dec. 18.... 7 5 Do...... Dec. 26-Apr. 9.... 114 23 Rangoon...... Nov. 21-Dec. 25.... 5 1 . Do -...... Jan. 2-Mar. 26..... 32 4 Indo-China...... 1...... July 1-21, 1920: Cas, 107; Saigon...... Mar. 13-20...... doaths, 24. Italy: Catania...... Nov. 29-Dec. 5.... 1 ...... In Province, Nov. 29-Dec. 26, 1920: Cases, 43. Jan. 3-10, Do...... Feb. 14-Mar. 12... 11 i...... 1921: Cases, 32. Jan. 17-Apr. Genoa...... Feb. 7-13...... 3 ...... 17, 1921: Cas, 100. Messina (city and Province) Jan. 3-Apr. 27.... Dec. 5, 1920-Jan. 2, 1921: Cases, Palermo...... Oct. 30-Dec. 27.... 410 124 15. Do...... Jan. 26-Apr. 19.... 282 38 Japan: Kobe...... Mar. 16-Apr. 10... 15 1 Nagasaki...... Mar.27-Apr. 10... 3 2 Apr. 28: Present. Java: West Java...... Nov. 12-Dec. 29, 1920: Cams 72; Bandoong...... Nov. 19-25..... deaths, 6. Jan. 6-12, 191: i Feb. 3-9...... 1 1 case, 1 death. Batavia...... Do...... Nov. 12-Dec. 25... 14 5 Do.. Jan. 27-Mar. 9..... 8 2 BuiteDoButnog...... Feb. 1023. 12 2 Juie 8, 192i. 1308

CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS- FVER, AND -YELLOW FEVER-Conftnued. Repo Received fromiJan. to May -27, 1921-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases ths. Remars.

Java-Continued. West Java-Continued. Garree...... Jan. 27-Mar. 2..... 2 ;...... Indrmayoe...... Nov. 12-Dee. 29... 1 ...... Krav g...... 1 I...... Do ...... Jan. 13-Mar. 16.... 68 Lebak b...... do 33 Pandeglang...... Jan. 27-Mar. 16.... -22 Jug viaa...... Jl&y2-Aug. 28... 128 422 Feb. 7-13, 1I20 Cases, 122; I 7. B gradel...... F2. 27-Mar; 5 -...... F deaths Z agreb...... Jan. 9-Mar. 2..... 7 Dec. 1-Jan. I... .t- I...... Luxemburg...... e.... . Ta aarV...... Jan. 17-28...... - 2 Madgaa 2 Funchal...:...'...... i...... Dec. 8-18...... Do ...... Dec. 28-Mar. 19... ..; ...... 9 Nov. 1-Dec. 31..,. 2 Do...... Jan. 1 Mexie. Chih uahua...... Dec. 6-28. it Do...... Dec. 27-Apr. 3...... 16 Ciudad Jua ...... Mar. 21-27.. Guadalajara Dec. 1-31...... Do...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31. 3 ...... Mexico City...... Nov. 14-Dec. 25.... 17 ...... IncIpudinmuniclPes In the Fdrldistrict. Do...... Jan. 2-Apr. 9...... 250 ...... Do. Monterey ..-.-- Mar. 29Apr. 4.. .. Salnna Cuz.: ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31...... 1 Saltlo...... Apr. 17-23...... 7 Ban Luis Potosi...... Feb. 6-Apr. 30...... 2 Tecate...... Jan. 17...... Torrem. I...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28..... 6 Newfoundland: Bonne Bay...... Mar. 20-Apr. 1.... Grand Fal ...... Mar. 12-18...... Lewsot...... Apr. 2-8...... Prsent. St. Johns...... Jan. 22-Apr. 24.... Norway...... Jan. 23-24...... 3 Panama: Colon...... Jan. 5-Apr. 26. 117 Poland...... Casos, 175; Sept.1-30... 8 1920: Warsaw...... wept. 1-3 ...... 33...... deaths,.t.-Oct., i. Portugal: Lisbon...... Nov. 28-Dee. 18.. 5

Do .. . Dec. 28-Apr. 16...... 2{ portuguese East- frica: CaChai...... Jan. 9-Feb. 12 ...... Present. One death reported. Chinde..- Jan. 2-8...... Present. Gaza district. Dec. 1S-23...... Do. Inhambane district...... Dec. 26-Mar. 26...... Do. Lourenco Marques...... Oct. 24-Dec. 11.... '10 Reported present in interior of Do...... Mar. 20-2 ...... 2 ''''' ''i' CIha-Chai district. Quelimane...... Oct. 24-Dec. 11.... 3 ...... Rumania: Bessarabia Province...... ' Jan. 1-27...... 202 ...... Bucrest...... Nov. 1-30...... 1 ...... Cernowitz...... Jan. 1-31...... 5 1 Galat...... Dec. 1-31...... 1 ...... Jas...... Nov. 1-Dec. 31.... 7 1 Kissneff...... Jan. 1-Mar. 18..... 18 ...... Distict. Russia: Esthonia Province...... Dec. 1-31 1920 Cases, 17. Jan. Reval Oct. 1-Nov. 30...... 1-Feb; 28,8 1921: Ca, 50 not Latvia- including cases in military Riga...... Nov. 1-Dec. 31.... 17 ...... hosita. Do .... Feb. 1-28...... 21 ...... Siberia- .. 1 Vladivostok.... Oct. 1-Dec. 31..... 3 Do...... Feb. 1-28...... I ...... lkar ...... Mar. 1-31...... I ...... BaBangkokkom: ...... ;...... Feb. 13-19...... 1309 June 3, 1921. CHIOLERAI, PLAGUE,. SMALLPOX,. TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELIOW FEVER-Continued. lRepert Received from Jan. 1 to May 27, 1921-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Sierra Leone: I Freetown...... May 2...... ,...... Present. Barcelona...... Nov. 18-Dec. 29... 13 Do...... Jan. 13-Apr. 6..... Corunna...... Dec. 12-18...... 321 Madrid...... Nov. 1-30...... 1 Year ended Dec. 31, 1920 Do...... Feb. 6-13...... 1 Deaths, 9.' MalaAa:...... Oct.. I-Dec. 31. ... 77 Do...... Jan..J-Mar. 31.... 48 Tarragona...... Jan. 30-Feb. 19.... 2 Valencia...... Dec. 5-25...... Do...... Dec. 26-Apr. 30... Switzerland: 3 ...... Basel ...... Mar. 30-Apr. 2.... Syria: ...... Aleppo...... Nov. 14-Dec. 4...... Dec. 12-25, 1920: Present. Do ...... Jan. 16-Feb. 5...... Present. Tunis: Tunis...... Nov. 3o-Dec. 28... 10 18 Do ...... Jan. 8-Apr. 15i.... 45 Turker Constantinople...... Nov. 21-Dec. 11... * 4 . -V.. Do...... Jan. 2-Apr. 23..... 1. . 2 Union of South Africa...... Feb. 27-Apr. 12... Fresh outbreaks, Cape Province 'Natal, Orange Free State. and Transvaal. Cape Province...... Jan. 23-Feb. 5..... Outbreaks. Natal...... 1. Feb. 13-19, 1921: Present in rural areas. Durban district. Jan. 23-Feb. 5..... Outbreak. Orange Free State...... do...... Outbreaks, Feb. 13-19, 1921: Present in mral areas. Transvaal...... Jan. 23-Feb. 5, 1921: Outbreak Johannesburg...... Oct. 14...... in 1 district. ! Do...... Feb. 13-19...... 2. From Portuguese East Africa. Uruguay: Montevideo...... Dec. 1-31...... 6 2 Do...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28..... 7 1 Venezuela: Puerto Cabello...... Apr. 3-9...... 1 On vessels: 8.8. Alfonso XIII...... Dec. 27...... At Habana, Cuba, from ports in northern Spain. 8. S. Cadiz...... Jan. 5...... At Habana, Cuba, from Mediter- rancan ports. U. 8.8. S ssp ...... Feb. 1s-20...... 22. In Canal Zone. S.8...... Jan. 4...... 1. At San Pedro, Calif., from New York, ia Balboa Canal Zone. 8. S. Ventura...... Jan.18...... At Sydney, Austrniia, from San Francisco, Calif., via Honolulu, and Pago Pago, Samoa. S.8...... Mar. 27-Apr. 2.... 2 I At quarantine St. John, New Bruns-wick. WFrorn Europe.

TYPHUS FEVEL Algria: Agiersr...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31..... 24 4 Oran...... Mar. 11-Apr. 20... 124 30 Bolivia: La Paz...... Dec. 1-31...... 13 Brzil: 9

Ceara...... Oct. 17-Dec. 26...... 3 Do...... Jan. 2-29...... 5 Bulgaria: Sonaa...... Jan. 2-Mar. 20..... 11 Chile: 1 Arica ...... Feb. 16-Mar. 25... 12 1 Among laborers amrving from C oncepcion...... Nov. 1-Dec. 27...... 23 the ard region by way of Iqui- que, Chile, Feb. 16, 1921. Do...... Dec. 28-Feb. 26...... 14 Present in vicinity. Year 1920, Ju ie, 192L. 1310 CHOLERA, PLAGUE,> SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEVER-Contihued. Reports Received from Jau. 1 to May 27, 1921-Continued.- TYPHUS FEVER-Continucd.

place. Date. . Deaths. Remarks.

Chile-Continued. Coqbo...... Dee. 1-7. 1 ln pulblic hospital, 89 cases, 13 Vap ...... Oct. 25-Nov.27..... 13- deaths. Do.. -. Jan. 30-Mar. 19 ...... 1I China: Manchuria Province- Har...... Nov. 22-28-...... 1 On Chinese Eastern Railway. Doo...... Jati. 3-9. 1- Manchuria tation . Nov. 22-28...... 2 Do. Do...... Jan. 10-16...... 1 Chose (Korea): 'a...... Feb. 1-28...... 1. So ni...... o ...... DiDc. 1-31. 1.II ...... Do...... Jan. 1-31..... 'I ...... Coksnbia: Berrn'qulila. Mar.1,-9. :1 Czechoslovaa...... %N . -.I . July.11-Aug. 28,.19. Cases, 138; Prae...... Feb. 1-21...... 2 ...... -deaths, 18. Reported present, Feb. bee. 199,. Dani...... D;sc. 20 . .,.. .. I ".-:... . 4.'. In emigra. f Bros-Litovsk, Jan. 16-Feb. 5. 3 1 with 2 weeks' stay at Warsw Egypt: Nov. 19-Doec. 31... 13 Do..... Jail lI-Apr. 15Z6. -. .32 Cao...... Oct. 1-Dec. 28.... .44 32 Do...... Jan. 1-Feb. 15. 34 24 Port Said...... Feb. 1926. 1 ...... Germany...... Sept. 12-Dec. 25, 1Mo Cas, 259, including 11 in a camp. Dec. 26, 1920-Jan. 8, 1921: Cas, 7. Great Britain: Belfast...... Dec..5-25...... 13 ...... Do. Jani. 9-Mar. 19.... 8 . . I Duiblin...... Nov. 28-Dec. 18... 4 3 Do...... Jan. 9-Apr. 9..... 13 2 Greece: Drama...... Nov. 22-28...... 1 ...... Do...... Feb. 28-Mar. 6.... 1 ...... Kavalla...... do...... 2 ...... Patras...... Nov. 29-Dec. 5...... Oct. 25-Doe. 26.... 9 &lonkiDo.... r ...... ''.'. Jai. 10-Apr. 3.... 984934- 58 Among refugees from Russia. Serres...... Nov. 8-14...... 1 ...... Present among Caucasian refu- gem in vicIity. Feb. 7-27 1921: Cases, 246; deaths, 11; iu popuilation: Cases, 8; deaths, 10; among Russian refugoos: Cases, 238; deaths, 1. At other Feb. 28-Mar. 13,1921: Cases,loealities,27; deaths, 2. Guateiala ...... Feb. 1-Mar. 12, 1921: Presnt In Guatemala City ...... -.: 1-3...... 1 highland departments. In vi- -IMar. cinity of Guatemala City, Mar. 1-31 1921: Several cases...... Aug. i-Dec. 5, 1920: Cases, 38. HIunjuar&Buaet...... Nov...... 8Dc.5 - aples ...... ; Feb. 23...... 2 Triesto. Feb. 14...... 30 ...... Amongemigrants intending to Japan: come to United States. Nagasaki. Nov. 15-Doe. 26... 10 1 Do...... Doec. 27-Apr. 16... 31 7 Jugoslavia...... July 25-Aug. 28... 27 - 5 Feb. 7-13,102: Cases, 84; deaths Begrade..Belrae...... Jan. 9-Mar. 26..... 5 ...... 2. Dec. 12-25, 1920: Cases, 112. Medjimur u Province. Jan. 2-8...... 73 ...... 114 remaining cases. DO.. .."' ...."...... Feb. 13-9...... 42 ...... 51 remaining cases. Zageb...... Dec. 12-25...... 27 ...... Do..... Dec. 26-Feb. 21... 41 City and county. Malta...... Dec. 1-31...... 1 ...... Mesopotamia: Bagdad ..; Nov. 1-30...... 1 1 Do...... Feb. 1-28...... 1 1 1311 June 3, 1921. CHOLERA, ?LAGUE, -SMALLPOX, TYPHUS- AND YFLLOW FEVER-Continued. FEVEZR. Reports Received from Jan. 1 to May 27, 1921-Continued.- TYPHUS FEVER-Continued.

Place.f Date. Ca . Deaths. J Remarks. -I- Mexico: Dec. 1-31. 1: i, Do...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31. .1 I Mexico City...... Nov. 14-Dec. 25... 71 Including municipaUties in the Federal district. Do...... Dec. 28-Apr. 9. 201 Do. San Luis Potosi...... Dec. 5-31...... I ..Ptesent. Do...... Jan. 16-Apr. 23. Ptesent. Four deaths reported. Netherlands: Rotterdam...... Jan. 23-29. 1 Poland...... i.-...... Sept.-Oct., 1920: Cases, 3,845; District- deaths, 371. Nov. 1-30, 1920: Galida...... Nov. 1-30...... 1 192 286 Cases, 3,059 deaths, 350. Dee. Kielce...... do.. r '279 15 1-31, 1920: Cases, 4,644; deaths, Lodz...... do. 83 6 650. Jan. 1-31, 192l; Cases, Lublin...... do. 403, 20 5,308; deaths, 597. Year 1920: Posen--%...... do . .... 17 ...... ases, 161,846. Silesia...... do. 6 ...... i.. Warsaw...... do. 191 15 Warsaw city... -. Nov. 1-Dec.16.... 96. 8 District- Biaaystok...... Jan. 1-31...... 32 33 Galidsc...... 3,427 457 Kielce...... do. 426 42 Lodz...... do...... do...- 200. -14 Lublin...... do . 383 is Posen...... do. 13 ...... Silesia ...... 1 ...... Wasaw. - ..... do. 340

Warsaw city...... do. 197 17 Portugal: Oporto...... Nov. 28-Dec. 4.... 1 ...... Do...... Dec. 26-Mar. 28... 5 Rumania: Cities- I Bucharest...... Nov. 1-Dec. 31.... 9 Do...... Jan. 1-31...... 7 Cahul district...... Feb. 1-28...... 13 Constann...... Dec. 1-31...... 9 Province- Bessarabia...... 1.. Nov. 30, 1920: Caiscs, 101. Do...... Jan. 1-Feb.27. 426. Bukowina ...... Jan. 029, 1921: Csses, 103. T nlvia ...... Dec. 1-31..... Inciuding Banat. Do...... Jan. 1-Feb.14... 41 In the old Kingdom of Rumania Russia: on Dec. 31, 19220, 119 cases re- Province- ported present. , Esthonia. Sept 1-Dec. 31, 1920: Cases, 455. atvia-t -I Jan. 1-Feb. 28,1921: Cases, 314. Riga...... Nov. 1-Dec. 31 ....I 185 Do...... Jan. 1-Feb2 391 . 1921: Lithuania ...... Feb. 19, Cases, 175; mor- I tality, 5 to 6 per cent. nuthenia ...... I...... I...... Feb 19 1921: Occurenceof about 5fatalicases daily. Mar. 5,192-1, 200 fatal cases previously unre- ported. Feb. 19.1921: Occurrence ofabout Ukraine ...... Siberia: 5 fatal cases daily. Vladivostok...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28...... 9 Dec.1-31,1920:Cascs,ll;deaths,6. Turkey: Constantinople ...... Nov. 21-Dec. 25... . 25 1 Do ...... Jan. 2-Apr. 23 . 56 2 Union of South Africa...... Feb. 27-lar. 12...... Outbreaks reported in Cape Province and Transvaal. Cape Province ...... I ...... Feb. 13-19 1921: Outbreaks re- Cape Town...... , Dec.- 20-26...... i.16 5 ported iiar. 12-26: Outbreak. East London...... Jan. 29-Feb. 12.... 5 3

Port Elizabeth ...... Jan. 30-Feb. 5. 1. Natal ...... Feb. 13-19. Outbreak. Orange Free State...... Jan. 23-Feb. 5. Outbreaks. Tranavaul- *: Johannesburg ...... do. 1 District June 3, 1921. 1312 CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEVER-Continued. Reports Received from Jai. 1 to May 27, 1921-Continued. TYPHUS FEVER-Continued.-

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

On vesseft S. S. Presidente Wilson.... Feb. 1- ...... 15 . At New York. From Trieste, ItalyAJan. 15; Naples. Jan. 18, uldAl, Jan. t t. 18 8.5. San Olusto...... Feb. 10-Mar. 3.... 22 . At New York. Fro Tuste Jan. 22, and Naples, Jan. 26 1921.


Brzuil: Pernambuco...... Nov. 14-21...... 1 1 Mexioo: Orizaba ...... Dec. 5-s18...... 2 Papanta...... do. 8 2 Do...... Jan. 9-15...... 1 Tampico...... Dce. 12-18...... 1 Tuxpam...... Dew.548...... 9 4 Do...... Dee. 26-Jani. 1..... 6 1 May 18, 1921: One cae, stated Vera Cruz...... Dec. 5-26...... 8 3 to have come from point 40 Do...... Doe. 26-Mar. 20... 6 1 miles distant. Zamora...... Dee. 12-18...... 1 1 Also called Gutlerres, State of Vera Crux. Peru Department- Lanbayeque...... Outbreak reported Jan. 22, 1921. Chiclay ...... 18 Eten...... 7 2 Ferrenafe...... Jan. 1-31...... 18 17 Do...... Feb.Fe.121-28...... 44 19 Lambayeque. Jan. 1-30.....I-1 ....-.-... 2 1 Do...... Feb. 1-28...... 4 ...... Monsefu...... Feb. 16-28..... 2 ...... Libertad- ujiuo...... Apr. 28...... -;...... Present. OnOnvesl:Tvessel: S. S. Savoia...... Jkn. 11-15...... At Habana, Cuba from Vera Cruz, Mexico. essel arrived Habana, Jan. 10, 1921, with three cases sickess on board. Two cases confirmed. Two cses developed later on board; confirmed Jan. 15. Savoja left Vera Cruz Jan. 6, 1921.
