Unit 8 Media Matters New vocabulary: 1- (n): A website that displays the postings of a person in order of time. ● She'd established an blog devoted to the subject, with the hits increasing daily. 2-Press:(n) media and agencies collectively, esp people who write reports for newspapers, , or television  The foreign press covered the incedint 3- Media: the means of communication that reach large numbers of people, such as television, newspapers, and radio  Newspapers were reported as being less favourable and also less reliable than the broadcast media. 4-Collectable (adj) :worth collecting ● These collectable Pokemon cards from the 90s might be valuable today. ➣ collect (v), collection, collector (n) 5-Trading card (n) :one of a set of picture cards that children collect and exchange with each other ● He collects original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh trading cards. 6--Pullout(adj.): A pullout is part of a magazine that is designed to be removed and read, seen or used separately. ● There’s a pullout poster of the Olympiacos team in this sports magazine. ●We will be sharing a small condo with only one bed and one pullout couch for five days. 7-Distant (adj.): far ●He's a distant relative of the mayor. 8-Inspire(v.): give ideas ●Tom certainly hasn't inspired me to want to become a teacher. 9-Stunning (adj.): causing emotional shock or loss of consciousness ●He was stunned and didn't know how to answer. 10- Issue (n) : a magazine or printed for a particular day, week or month ● I just got the April issue of National Geographic. ➣ issue (v)

11-Supplement(n): something that completes or makes an addition *a separate section about a special subject which comes with or inside a newspaper or magazine . ●You had better supplement your diet with vitamins. 11-Universally (adv) by everyone ● National Geographic is universally recognised as a leading publication. ➣ universe (n), universal (adj) 12- (n) :when news stories are presented with photos ● Photojournalism gives us a visual idea of the news which makes it more real for some people. 13-newsagent’s (n) :a shop that sells newspapers and magazines ● Can you get me the Sunday newspaper at the newsagent’s, please? 14-Booth(n) : A small enclosed compartment with a window for the display and sale ●I have left my umbrella in the phone booth. 15-(n): A of a column in a publication, such as a newspaper ●He is a columnist for Time Out and appears regularly on Radio 5. 16-Editor(n): the one who prepares an edition of for publication ●She's the editor of a popular women's magazine. 17- Reporter(n):a who investigates ,edits and reports news stories for newspapers, radio and television 18-Readership(n): The readers of a publication considered as a group ●Its readership has grown to over 15,000 subscribers. 19-packed (with) (adj.) : containing a lot of things ● National Geographic magazines are packed with articles on the environment 20-Subscription: the money you pay once every six months, once a year, etc to get a newspaper, magazine, satellite TV, etc ● She has a yearly subscription for satellite TV. ➣ subscribe (v), subscriber (n) ●Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month subscription to the journal? 21-Headline (n) :the title of a news story ● The headline yesterday was ‘Thousands Dead in Tsunami’. 22-Title: (n):The name of abook , film ,musical piece, painting ,or other work of art. I know the singer’s name, but not the title of the song. 23-Presenter (n) :sb who presents the news on TV ● The announced that a large earthquake had hit Chile. ➣ present (v) 24-Host (n): The host of a radio or is the person who introduces it and talks to the people who appear in it.  I am host of a live radio programme. [+ of] 25-Correspondent(n): One employed by the media to supply news stories or articles ●Our correspondent in South Africa sent this report. 26- Statistic (n) : a set of numbers which represent facts or measurements ● Statistics show that children read more nowadays than they did in the past. ➣ statistical (adj) 27-Measurement (n): the length, width, height etc of sth ● I have taken measurements of all the bedrooms so I can order new carpets. ➣ measure (v) 28- Figure (n):a number ● The figures for the number of people who watched the show are on the channel’s web sit. 29-Adaptation (n): film or TV programme based on a book or a play ● What do you think of the film adaptations of The Lord of the Rings trilogy? ➣ adapt (v) 30-piece (n):an article ● I read an interesting piece about Egyptian mummies in National Geographic 31-Commentary: the explanation & comments given by the presenter of a match ●His running commentary on the football match was excellent. 32-Footage: A shot or series of shots of a specific event ●The police replayed footage of the accident over and over again. 33-News flash (n): A brief media report of something that has recently taken place ●Television programmes were interrupted by a newsflash announcing that the prime Minister had resigned 34-Makeover: overall treatment to improve the appearance or change it ●We had a home makeover and completely redecorated our house 35-self-employed: working for yourself instead of for an employer question and won a trip to Paris. He is a self-employed sports photographer, so he chooses which games he wants to photograph. 36-press pass (n) :a document that allows sb who works in media to go somewhere ● The reporter went backstage with his press pass and managed to ask the band a few questions. 37-set (v) :If a film, play, novel, etc is set in a particular place or time, the action takes place there or then. ● The film is set in France.

38-intriguing (adj):very interesting because of being unusual or unexpected ● Hm, that’s an intriguing question! 39-promising (adj.):If sb or sth is promising, they show signs that they are going to be successful or good in the future. ● He’s a promising young actor. ➣ promise (v, n) Phrasal verbs: 1-ring in: phone a TV channel or radio station ●He rang in, answered the quiz 2- ring back: to return a phone call I rang the producer but he wasn’t there,so he is going to ring me back. 3-tune in: watch or listen to a particular programme on radio or television ●I tune in every evening to the weather forecast on TV. 4-tune out: stop watching or listening to a particular radio or TV programme ●Grandpa tuned out when he heard the hip hop music come on the radio. 5-bring out/ come out : to be published ●When is J. K. Rowling going to bring out a new book? 6-bring round: convince sb your opinion is correct ●Her arguments were convincing and she brought me round to her point of view. 7-pick out: choose ●She picked out a new dress for the party. 8-pick up: collect sb or sth and take them somewhere ● What time shall I pick you up at the station? 9-Turn to : start doing sth new or different or direct your attention to sth. new ● He was a teacher before he turned to acting. Important Expressions: 1-Drive sb mad: make sb annoyed, excited or crazy ●It drives Μum mad when I play music at full volume. 2-Out of business: no longer doing business, usually because of financial problems. ●Many companies have closed and are out of business. 3-Red-carpet event: a special occasion ●The Oscars ceremony is a very popular red-carpet event. 4-Half way through: in the middle ● They didn’t like the film, so they left the cinema half way through. 5 -Stop at nothing: be ready to do anything in order to get what you want. ● She’ll stop at nothing to find her missing son. 6-In the public eye: seen or heard a lot on television, in magazines, in the news, etc. ● Famous people like to be in the public eye so they remain popular.

A) Choose the correct answer-: 1 -Clara’s article was brilliant but the newspaper ____ refused to put it on the front page. a) author b) editor c) presenter d) columnist

2 -Tim wasn't ____ enough to be a correspondent so he became a newsreader instead. a) adventurous b) satisfying c) risky d) usual

3 -Websites and are two kinds of electronic.____ a) press b) print c) media d) supplement

4 -The publisher is going to bring ____ an adaptation of the book for children. a) out b) up c) through d) for

5- She is a well-known TV ____ who interviews a lot of personalities. a) host b) reporter c) cameraman d) correspondent

6 -I read an interesting ____ of Oliver’s new cookery book. It says it’s good. a) title b) co c) bestseller d) review

7 -The were on ____ yesterday so there was no news on TV all day. a) flash b) strike c) content d) report

8 -The author was delighted when a famous ____agreed to print his book. a) critic b) publisher c) newsagent d) journalist

9 -The photographs and articles have attracted a wide ____ who buy this magazine regularly. a) subscription b) readership c) article d) measurement

10 -I can’t watch any more episodes of this ____. It is so boring! a) advertisement b) documentary c) soap opera d) manuscript

11-Giving the news using mainly photos is called.………………… a) content b) photo c) issue d) reports

12-The ……………………………… of a book is all the topics and ideas that are included in it a) ideas b) photos c) content d) issues

13-The ……………………………….. of an article is what makes us understand its topic a) title b) headline c) advertisement d) commercial

14-I always pay my internet ………………………………. On time every month a) subscription b) prescription c) repot d) figures

15 -a writer who writes a column in a newspaper is called…………………………… a) journalist b) columnist c) reporter d) photographer

16 -Our sales ………………………………… are increasing everyday which is a great success a) loss b) quantities c) fortune d) statistics

17-The ………………………. Of this book is brilliant because his book contains authentic articles and photos a) publisher b) reporter c) journalist d) author

18-This TV ……………. Is so charismatic as his program becomes a great success a)publisher b)host c)columnist d)media

19-There are several types of …………………………. That included newspapers, magazines and reality shows a) media b) articles c) presentations d) critics

20--Rare ……………………..from Elvis’ early career was shown on TV last night a) News flash b)footwear c) footage d) press- pass

B) Circle the correct answers. 1- If you tune in to a programme, a) you start watching it. b) you stop watching it. 2 -If someone is a promising writer, a) they show signs of becoming a good writer. b) they have given you their word that they will write something. 3- If someone wants to be in the public eye, a) they like having some privacy. b) they want to be known, seen and heard. 4- People who like reading tabloid newspapers a) probably like reading short news articles accompanied by lots of photos. b)probably like reading long serious news articles c) Complete using these words: Blog – stunned – editor - press – news flash – supplement – readership – inspired – 1-Lisa likes to blog about cooking, so most of the content she adds to her website is recipes. 2--The officer inspired his men to be brave 3-They were stunned after finding out about his resignation. 4- A reporter for BBC says he saw a number of demonstrators being beaten. 5-The murder was not reported in the press that’s why it is still a mystery . 6- Some sensible observations by the editor were added to the original biography of Charles Dickens. 7-These books are obviously written for a young readership 8- His mom decided to enroll Trent in a summer robotics camp as a supplement to his programming skills. C)Use these words to complete the following sentences: Commentary – intriguing -distant – news flashes – subscription –promising – footage –host -pullout – columnist 1-Henry's teachers were confident that he would have a promising career in chemistry. 2-There’s a pullout poster of the Olympiacos team in this sports magazine. 3-We can see distant objects with a telescope. 4-One columnist suggested that the government capitalize on the vendors' street stalls by turning them into tourist attractions. 5- His phone was suddenly flooded with calls, as news flashes blared on the television. 6-You can become a member by paying the yearly cubscription. 7-She gave us a running footage on what was happening in the street. 8-They are planning to show exclusive commentary From this summer's festivals. 9-A game show host. was hired to handle the games and pass out prizes to the contestants. 10- The book is an itriguing contribution to a growing literature on globalisation, technology and cyberculture.

D)Complete the sentences with these words: Adaptation- - in the public eye - issue- drive sb. mad- makeover- out of business – newsagent’s- stop at nothing-media 1 -Yes, celebrities make a lot of money, but being in the public eye and getting recognized all the time has its drawbacks, I'm sure. 2- Have you read the latest issue of National Geographic? It’s brilliant! 3 -She enjoyed the film adaptation of the first Twilight book. 4 -He always buys his daily paper at the newsagent’s 5 -He would stop at nothing to make a success out of his business. 6 -Judy’s kitchen looks great after the makeover 7- he supermarkets are putting the small grocers out of business 8- It seems that people are becoming increasingly distrustful of the mainstream media 9- Trying to deal with the complaints and requests of so many different people and departments is enough to drive. a person mad! Rewrite the following sentences: 1- I stopped concentrating half way through the lessons. (tuned) I tuned out half way through the lessons. 2- They chose some nice clothes for me to wear. (picked) They picked out some nice clothes for me to wear. 3- Listeners are encouraged to phone the station and speak to the DJ. (ring) Listeners are encouraged to ring in and speak to the DJ 4- What time are you going to collect me to school tomorrow? (up) What time are you going to pick me up school tomorrow? 5- I can't talk just now – can I return you the phone call later? (back) I can't talk just now – can I ring you back ? 6-My new magazine has just published. When will your next book come out? (bring) My new magazine has just brought out. When will your next book come out? 7- Once the holidays are over, I plan to direct my attention to my spring coursework and get ahead on the reading. (turn) Once the holidays are over, I turn to my spring coursework and get ahead on the reading 8. Millions of viewers started receiving a particular broad cast station at 6:00 for the football game.(tune) Millions of viewers started tuning in at 6:00 for the football game. 9- After laying out the facts, I was able to persuade them with my opinion . (bring) After laying out the facts, I brought them round.

Close Up Book Unit 8 Page 97 Exercise E 1- = D 2- = A 3- = B 4- = C

Page 98 exercise A 1- advertisement 2- reporter 3- critic 4- correspondent 5- episode

Page 98 exercise B 1- newsagent’s 2- media 3- documentary 4- flashes 5- statistics 6- figures

Page 98 exercise 1- author 2- reporting 3- columnist 4- pieces 5- publisher 6- editor 7- print 8- adaptation

Page 103 exercise A 1- B 2- D 3- F 4- A 5- G 6- E 7- H 8- C

Page 103 exercise B 1- In 2- Out 3- Back 4- Out 5- Out 6- Up 7- Round 8- In

Page 103 exercise C 1- Journalist 2- Usually 3- political 4- Action 5- Photographs 6- Risky 7- Satisfying 8- Adventurous